Having looked at the average turn out for EU elections the UK average is about 35% against an EU average of 42%. All indications are that the turn out will be far higher for the UK this time . But notice something – no public leader debates on the TV – and possible breaches of election law by the BBC in their coverage .
We wont find out the results of the EU Elections until Sunday the 26th May . The bigger the vote for The Brexit Party – the bigger the distraction exercise by the BBC …
Oh Yes – and if you vote – please use a pen .
from guido
Kaiser, interesting article thanks… shocking but not surprising
Hello ! I`ve been lurking here for a couple of years but this is my first post.
I hope i`ve not missed it but i can`t see that anyone has commented on this :
on the bbc website
I was so incensed I thought I would break cover !
” European elections 2019: Where the parties stand on Brexit”
A list of all the parties in the election one might want to vote for. Top of the list, ” change uk”, then all the other parties, even snp, plaid cymru .. down and down the page..and guess which two parties are right at the very bottom.
Alphabetical order? order of places in the polls?? Hmmm
welcome brexiteerkent
thats nearly as good as some website I saw the other days where they spread them across 4 pages and guess who was on page 4
Yes welcome brex
As you will be aware the site is primarily about BBC bias – but since it is so anti brexit we seem at the moment to be expending a lot of energy witnessing their bias – along with our sister sites .
I hope you enjoy the occasional troll when they pop up and then run away ….
No doubt the BBC and her nasty little reporters would hope that all the oldies – who are still alive – and who voted joyfully to leave the EU would have fallen asleep by the time they reached halfway down the page.
Nasty little minds simply cannot restrain themselves when our loyal, elderly citizens are involved.
Welcome Brexiterkent – I’m relatively new – started posting about a month ago – all here are very welcoming – enjoy my friend.
May 14th ‘The next #Nazanin’ – British Council employee is arrested in Iran and sentenced to 10 years for spying.
You remember that speech by Philip Hammond?
Who? You know – the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Yesterday. His speech to the CBI.
The BBC led with it in their BBC R4 News from 6am, at the very least, if not onwards on the hour up until lunchtime.
Yes, that speech.
By Philip Hammond, the Chancellor.
To the CBI.
Important speech – so the BBC told me – on the Withdrawal Agreement and the need to reach Parliamentary agreement so we can leave the EU with a deal.
That speech, by Hammond, you know what?
It has completely disappeared down the BBC memory hole. A search on the web-site reveals “Sorry, there are no results for Philip Hammond CBI speech.”
I wonder what it said?
Was it important?
Probably not.
Is Philip Hammond important?
Probably not is again the answer.
Certainly not important as far as the BBC are concerned.
Enrichment news
\\ Gangs from China and Vietnam have increased their presence in the UK as the number of human trafficking and modern slavery victims rises sharply.//
“A very slippery slope for the BBC as it praises those who attack those it doesn’t like.”
It’s a bit late to expect impartiality. That ship sailed already.
As ever; subscription media can say what they like. I’m bothered by the tax funding of a political party in all but name. Just because it fields no candidates doesn’t mean it doesn’t do politics.
A long time ago I attended several management courses at the Singapore Management University. I was looking at their website for old time’s sake when I saw this little snippet. It is a shame Treezer Quisling Chamberlain didn’t invest in the advice instead of using Olly. (BTW where was Hardy ?). The EU might also lean something as well.
” Preparation is everything
“It’s important for negotiators when they go to the table to be mindful of the ‘no deal’ option,” says Benoliel, who teaches negotiation at SMU. “Negotiators don’t always think about: What if there is no deal? What are my options? They have to condition themselves to walk away from the table if there is no deal.”
Such situations arise when the must-have objectives cannot be met. Negotiators hammer away and sometimes settle for a less than optimal deal because “nobody wants to lose the sunk costs that have already gone into the negotiations”. “When there is no deal,” Benoliel says of negotiators striking a deal when they should not, “there is a sense of failure.”
“Negotiators have to condition themselves to walk away from the table if there is no deal.”
Benoliel emphasises the importance for negotiators to know their must-haves (critical) and like-to-haves (desired). That way, not only can negotiators identify when there is no deal, it also makes negotiations much more fruitful when both sides know what they are talking about.
“The ideal negotiation will be when both negotiators are highly skilled and highly prepared,” Benoliel explains. “However, it’s naïve to think that both sides in a negotiation are equally prepared. There is always some information asymmetry and preparation asymmetry. The question is: how much? If the discrepancy is too high, it’s not constructive for negotiations.”
When one side is clearly much better prepared than the other, it might be tempting to take full advantage, but Benoliel believes that might be not the wisest thing to do.
“A well prepared negotiator, negotiator A, can take full advantage of the poorly prepared negotiator B, and claim plenty of value. That would work if negotiator A is thinking of the negotiation as a tactical one, and not a strategic one. As a negotiator, you don’t want to claim too much value because in the long run, it may not be the best strategy.”
He adds: “One of the things a highly skilled negotiator can do is not take advantage of the less well prepared negotiator and give the other side time to prepare, or slow down the negotiation process instead of overwhelming him.””
Ha I used to pass SMU everyday, I was doing art modelling at Nanyang nearby.
I know that place as well. I was in Singapore for 15 years living in Tanah Merah. Wish I had never left. I came back to look after my mother who has dementia. I should have brought her over to there. In some ways it is freer there than here now.
gb123- when one starts thinking about the negotiations that have gone on around Brexit, a truly bewildering, largely opaque, picture emerges.
There are huge question marks over May as Numero Uno, ‘on our side’ in every respect.
Q: Assuming there were two opposing sides in this negotiation, (who may nevertheless have had some limited common objectives), WHOSE side was May really on?
Q: Are we to believe that she changed from being a Remainer, to becoming a ‘leaver’? If yes, to what extent? If no, how could she possibly have negotiated on our behalf? Did we think the magic formula ‘Brexit means Brexit’ had suddenly changed her? If yes, how naïve and gullible a nation are we?
Q: Were the ‘negotiations’ merely theatre, designed to give May years in power, always ready with the next delaying tactic at hand, designed to hide the reality that she is completely incompetent, but badly wants to be PM for as long as possible? If yes, was huge self-deception not a prerequisite for living daily with such cognitive dissonance? If yes, do we want someone who has to deceive self every day as PM?
Q: How much negotiating (and decision-making) did Ollie do? Should this not have been the preserve of Brexit ministers? Why did so many Brexit ministers quit without serious consequences for May?
The questions could go on for pages. Many, many pages.
Negotiating TACTICS? PREPARATION? Don’t make me laugh…
And the negotiations were in secret. Now we know why!
So true. I also blame the gutless wonders in her party that are so blind with their own self interest that they cant see what is in their interest.
Over a year ago – on here – I suggested that May only went over to the EU so many times was just to update her next move in the long game of chess she was playing between her and whatshisface. And, of course, maybe to run her eye over her new pad in Brussels from where she would have her base for traveling back and forth throughout the EU.
Well, what else could she have been doing?
Dutuerte allies win in election
It’s called ‘democracy’ something the British media neither likes nor understands, especially when the winners are doing something they don’t approve of.
Holborn : Jan to April How many knives with blades longer than 3 inches were confiscated at the entrance to the family court ?
… 473
And I bet they were returned when they left the building.
I think you’ll find it’s a diverse cultural thing so it’s ok . No need to prosecute ….
Wednesday evening and the Tory traitors are going to try and get rid of their traitor PM again . On the eve of a European Election . All this does is demonstrate that if you reject the vote of the people and purposely allow the EU to run the ‘leaving agreement ‘ political blood will be split .
I actually think they’ll kill her off this time as they now have 2 weeks before going back to school/house of commons again .
One the many ex brexit ministers will get the PM job until the Tory party is finally put down as a kindness .
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow in the European elections. It could actually change things, for once.
I don’t mind Nigel, but only UKIP is the real thing.
OK, I know about tactical voting. Still only UKIP.
My writing hand will do nowt else but put a cross by UKIP.
And I’m one-handed.
And have no problems, in principle, with the Brexit party.
Xept, my writing hand won’t go there.
And I’m…
OK, a PEN. For UKIP.
New BBC Putin parody show
… I’m guessing they originally used a Trump doll
Shame if the BBC suddenly gets hit with a cyber attack …
Back to Back reports on the anti British anti white anti male anti Christian BBC News page about the Westminster and Manchester “attacks” no mention of the religion of the “attackers” or the word terrorist as used in buckets full about that tosser in New Zealand.
BBC thinks we deserve it as one of thier staff quoted durring the NYD attack at Victoria Station Manchester….this is what you get when you bomb other people’s country’s……unverified of course but nonetheless the BBC view of Muslim terrorism.
Nigerian asylum seekers ?
If you come to Britain 13 years ago , study, get jobs start a family
.. and then 3 years ago apply for asylum are you a refugee ?.
Landlords can’t take illegal money so are specifically forbidden from renting to asylum seekers
So this church is complying.
Probably OT, but as it is Cathy might be good value.
1740 London time – guido is running a live PM resignation watch
Apparently the 1922 committee is to reconvene at 1800 to see if they can dump her again ….. vote brexit Party …
Some reports say she’s going to resign tonight, but others say she’s going to battle it out for as long as possible. I have no idea which is correct.
It seems she’s hiding from the cabinet….
From what I hear, she’s hiding behind the cabinet and also the sofa. Both of which are propped against her door.
Sorry not Al Beeb, but Sky is equally as bad. This morning Adam (I can barely breathe because I’m so fat) Bolton chaired the debate between reps from Ukip and Brexit parties.
At the end of the discussion the Brexit lady said the usual, that 17.4 million voted to leave etc etc, then Bolton smartly replied, “well you wont be getting 17.4 million voting for you tomorrow”, and the programme ended. I thought, ” Er, really Bolton, and how do you know that ?” clearly its unlikely that will happen, but oh how I wish it would, just to knock that fat arse off his chair.
Can’t stand the smug mumbling old hack.
He asks his interviewee a question then immediately steps in and tries to deliver a lecture.
IDS handled him quite well today, I thought.
It’s a real shame she didn’t accuse the slug of arrogant bias like the rest of the MSM . If I recall sky news loses £600 million a year because people don’t advertise on it . Please can it lose more and close ?
Thank god I don’t pay for Sky .
I often wonder why people appearing on interview shows don’t take on the interviewers smug bias . I suppose it’s a game for many .
Simples: Fascist is the word lefties throw at anyone they disagree with.
projection is a libmob characteristic
BTW ..something strange, the play button normally immediately makes the video open up within this page
but on this embedded Tweet it opens up a fresh Twitter tab instead
Whenever I see Adam I keep getting and image of Mr Creosote from Monty Python. Adam is a post diet Mr Creosote with the same charm and manners.
I may have to leave, I’m having a rather heavy period, and my husband may be an arms dealer…
Fat wobblies like Bolt-On don’t really do very much for their enormous ego/wages. I’d rather just read the blogs, and get the minute by minute stuff!
Bye bye dead tree press, bbbc, sky and the rest!
Adam Bolton is the person who had a go at someone on Twitter for reading a lot of books. It turned out the person was a book reviewer for a national magazine.
I’m still in moaning mode.
Am I the only one who cant abide the Caribbean patois of one of the announcers on Channel 4 ?
Nor me, nor the mong with the speech defects. “Diversity”, doncha know…
Ah, the one with the speech defects is deaf. I heard him make mention of it one time. I don’t have any problems with that, and good on him for getting a job.
Oh yes, and the gasping gulps of breath the R5Dead blokes (and girls), do when they change paragraphs on the ‘news’.
Awful presentation and very bad for children to hear, especially when they need to learn what it’s like in the real world.
Radio 3’s Late Junction had a presenter that breathed through the microphone, Verity Sharp probably.
Clare Runacres on Radio 2 is impossible to listen to as everything she says is so up-beat, even the latest ‘because of Brexit’ doom-laden story. News reporting needs some gravitas.
Is BBC Radio 3 still worth listening to?
Since I stopped paying the BBC propaganda tax I only listen to it rarely, in my car.
Radio 3 used to be quintessentially British, intelligent, well spoken, well educated, informed, announcers, with women in numbers before other stations.
Economical too. At the O’clocks the presenter would simply read the news given to them, in an impeccable accent. Then seamlessly return to “Manuscripts show that in 1791 Mozart revised the second movement of the concerto you are about to hear. In bars 18 to 35 Mozart inverted the …”
One intelligent person, with a microphone, how many does it take today?
Clearly Persons of Restricted Growth were grossly over-represented. I look forward to the BBC’s denunciation of this discrimination.
And more beards than Friday prayers.
Can I say that?
Is Mrs Chamberlain about to go?
Not if she can help it…
Yes, according to the Express.
Mind you, it’s also predicting abduction by aliens, details of what the Queen told the editor in her latest daily phone call, and probably WW3 around Wednesday, next week.
The wrong one has gone.
Biased bbc 6pm news.
A noddy piece about the EU elections.
The UK gets 73 seats out of a total of 751.
That’s 9.7%
Which made me check the population numbers.
The UK population is 65 million ( and going up).
The population of the EU is 508 million.
That’s 12.8%.
The UK is significantly under-represented, despite being the second biggest contributor.
And what do we get about this on the pro-remain BBC?
Total silence!
It seems the 1922 committee have failed again and she hanging on. Rather like one of those unpleasant things you find in a loo that won’t flush whatever you do. She has not only caused split in her party with whispering conspiracies, she has broken every single promise she has made and tried to persuade the country she is working for them. The EU, the BBC and are now terrified that if she departs they won’t be able to stop Brexit. Disaster, where are the EU going to get the funds to prop up their failing economy. The BBC won’t get its millions next year from the EU. Worst of all Verhofstadt’s wine supply may have to be cut let alone Junker’s bar bill. Tragedy all round.
Nice one Lass!
The 1922 people used to be a feared bunch but now they’re all the same as the troughers we have to put up with, i.e. a crowd of toothless flunkies, intent on saving their un-sainted arsses.
Pathetic isn’t it!
English Lass,
One step closer to a banana republic. Hang on! Perhaps we are there already? Treason May: symptomatic of a dictator who refuses to step down with dignity.
Venezuela anybody? ‘A pound a ride on the Big Dipper’.
Well. According to the BBC’s agenda. The issue of Sea level rise was settled.
Seems all is not as it should be, and they have actually reported this last week. This was obviously quickly buried and nobody told Jeremy Whine.
Jakobshavn Isbrae: Mighty Greenland glacier slams on brakes.
“It’s a complete reversal in behaviour and it wasn’t predicted,” said Dr Anna Hogg from Leeds University and the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM)..
“All this is a reminder of how unpredictable glaciers can be,” she told BBC News. “We didn’t predict this change in behaviour, and if Jakobshavn does start thinning and retreating again – we can’t predict when that will happen“
“The rate of sea-level contribution from Greenland has slowed in recent years and it’s because some of the biggest ice evacuators like Jakobshavn aren’t contributing as much as they used to.”
Has anyone told Greta yet?
Davylars. I think Greta, along with all the other alarmists, have their fingers in their ears going ‘la la la’ very loudly. Don’t confuse the poor girl, she has hear mind made up.
Greta thinks she can see CO2. The autistic child is deluded and is being cruelly abused by the Green Blob. Seeing the likes of Gove fawning all over her makes me understand why people in the past believed in witchcraft. We believe what we want to believe, regardless of the facts.
Mind you, Gove is an absolute tosser, and that is a fact.
Meanwhile, in the land of green Carbon Taxes, the event is seen as a mere, ‘bump in the road’ to destroying industry (BSC, Scunthorpe)
The Merkel rule book is quite clear on the topic of leaving with dignity: you don’t. (Disregard whatever is happening around and about you.) It’s worked for her.
Even Ms T left with dignity, and she worked FOR Britain. And was a lady of substance and principle…
I was interested to hear Evan Davis explicitly equate ‘Remain’ and ‘the centre’ on the R4 news at 17h00. The ‘others’ outside this wonderful circle were the ‘populists’.
I call on R4 to state whether this is now their official position, or whether they are prepared to repudiate this propagandist posing as newsreader. No prizes…
Do you remember when the MSM were all over the traitors who formed the ‘change party ‘ when it formed like a rash ?
Now the ‘leader ‘ the Heidi Allen is saying she is ready to resign after falling out with Soubry and choooka and other traitors in that group .
The MSM is looking away from this in the run up to the European elections because they are all part of the ghastly remain bubble . And we know that .
I would imagine it’s surprisingly easy to fall out with Anna Soubry.
Leadsom resigns from the Cabinet . I have to wonder why she was ever in it in the first place . ?
Small bit of the swamp draining
Meanwhile – Heidi Allen – who promised her constituents that she’d campaign for Brexit – claims to have ‘integrity’ . And in a Channel 4 interview she compared Nigel Farage to Hitler because Ms Allen as a kraut background and ‘ sees the signs ‘ ( my interpretation of what she said ). Another bubble dweller a few bricks short of a load .
Do we have a self draining swamp ?
And let’s not forget Farage has A GERMAN WIFE, just like ADOLF HITLER DID. What more proof do you need? Heidi Alien has clearly got it right.
(Hi-di-hi, Heidi. How’s grandfather and the goats?)
And Hitler wasn’t German anyway.
Fed, “Leadsom resigns from the Cabinet . I have to wonder why she was ever in it in the first place?”
Theresa was desperate for some friendly* faces in her Cabinet. Resigners had left a lot of empty chairs.
*Andrea did move graciously aside in 2016 to let TM become PM, remember.
Treezer’s staying. I am beginning to think she will stay in no 10 even if the Tories are obliterated in a General election by either Corbyn or Farage.
She would still be there even if someone nuked Downing Street.
Just like one of those cockroaches (also useless to humanity) as soon as the air had cleared, she would be straight out of the bunker, down to the BBC to cheer us all up with a quick broadcast. “Now I understand how you are all feeling…………..”
Once she HAS gone, no one from the present cabinet is needed. They have all been complicit.
“Once she HAS gone, no one from the present cabinet is needed.”
Especially the laughing girl herself -Ms Rudd.
Did you see her expression the other day when they were coming out of No 10 after they had come to a good conclusion re discussions with Corbyn. She simply couldn’t stop laughing. This on its own was very telling indeed. If Her and Hammond are happy then we should be very angry.
I watched May giving her treacherous speech in parliament yesterday and all the front bench were nodding like those dogs people have on their dashboards in their cars.
Vote tomorrow. Start the pumps. Drain the swamp.
They never learn! Do as I demand not as I do.
not resigned on principal then?
If Change UK, or CUK for short, hadn’t turned out to be such an utter and unmitigated disaster, you can bet your bottom dollar the BBC would have been all over it, swooning in ecstasy.
As it is, of course, the whole bunch of egocentric traitors seem to be squabbling and pulling their newfound party apart.
Who’d have thought that the delightful Anna Soubry would be so difficult to get on with?
And who could imagine that the shy and unassuming Chuckles Umunna would turn out to be such an arrogant, humourless and self centered pain in the arse?
I’m guessing most of us…
Cathy – so what your saying is – Newman had a chat with the delightful Heidi Allen – head of the No change party on C4 last night .
Unfortunately I was sticking by the Fedup Diet of popcorn and nearly choked when ms Allen mentioned the word “integrity “ . If ms Newman had handled the interview professionally I’m sure ms Heidi Allen would have blubbed – but it looks like we have to wait until Sunday results for that . And they are all off on their holidays next week…
Hideous c-rap. And I bet all the French libtards – who are at least as stupid as our own – are falling over themselves praising it, so cool mon cher.
They won’t be laughing soon. But it’ll be too late: that’s France he’s murdering.
Adieu Douce France.
The Left Liberals might be rethinking immigration –
“egg / milkshake based protest?”
The answer is that this is ‘political theatre’. I’m unsure as to whether this definition applies only to people or politics we personally don’t like.
Look! It’s clear you are some ‘far right’ tm NUJ ‘bigot !
All the Muslims were doing was following one of Nadia’s bake off recipes and became a little over enthusiatic with the whisking. I’m sure the cake they would have produced would have been quite capable of winning any BBC baking competition had they not run into such difficulties !
It’ll probably become the egg and bacon riots of 2019 when the homosexual threw back back bacon ( smoked ) in response to Islamic caged eggs … ( sizes may vary )
If those were eggs of no color, a whole new complication arises for bbc reporting.
“If those were eggs of no color”
Has anyone else noticed the rather odd practice in America were they will only ever use White Eggs?
I have never seen an American housewife breaking a brown of varied colours egg?
Rant over.
Saw a few TV adds recently were the couples were “knitted dolls”
One doll was black male the other white female.
I simply couldn’t believe my eyes. What on earth is happening to this nation?
We have entered the realm of anti-reality again.
“Oh, I know, we mustn’t offend the population of dolls – as Greta the Great should still be sleeping with her own doll”.
Actually it is quite amusing as the ‘knitted dolls’ pre-date the ‘all-black’ craze.
Fast-forward and they just make the dolls black too – like a golly! Oh dear!
Perhaps that is why the black doll is brown? Browns far outnumber the Blacks in the real world but the race manual that the ‘progressives’ use doesn’t recognise the distinction. Hence the BAME, black and minority ethnic, race bait and current advertising craze.
Why our advertisers should wish to target a minority, minority beats me. Perhaps they want poor sales, ‘because of Brexit’? If our ‘progressives’ think the Whites are racist they should ask the Browns what they think of the Blacks. As the Islamic schools in Birmingham have show the Browns don’t ‘do’ PC.
White eggs used to be very common here too. Children would dye them at Easter to make pace eggs.
Then along came BBC cook Delia Smith and she said that she thought brown eggs tasted better and overnight supermarkets couldn’t shift the white eggs and so the British ‘love’ of brown eggs was born.
Going back a bit I really first began to notice how the Americans and their eggs was I think the very first episode of Columbo. He loved to use nothing else but luminous-white eggs.
Since then I have always been on the alert to the influence of the American “white egg syndrome” (the syndrome bit refers to me – I think)
Not BBC I know but bearing in mind the number of DIY/buy your own house TV series there are I’m very surprised that none of their current BBC TV DIY experts have never commented on how the UK DIY expert installs the locks on their front doors.
1) In the UK we put our keys into the lock by the straight-side UP – at the top of the lock.
2) While the Americans put their keys into the lock the other way round – straight-side facing down – at the bottom of the lock.
Check it out next time you watch a US TV programme.
Second rant over.
American light switches work the wrong way, their tie stripes go the wrong way and they drive on the wrong side.
Really Donald Trump is the first thing they’ve got right for years!
Polling Stations are now open.
Get out and Vote! 🙂
The Brexit Party X
Used a pen. Sent the message. Never before seen so many people in the booth at 07.10.
As an aside, I also asked the clerks why they recorded a series of numbers against my name, address, polling card and ballot paper as I perceived this to be allowing someone a traceable method of identification of my vote in what should be a secret ballot. None could really answer, though one offered that I could apply on-line for an anonymous voting card. Mmmm is’nt that what the ballot is supposed to be??
I got back from voting 10 minutes ago. I was also surprised at how many were in the polling station at that time, considering it was just before people start work.
UKIP for me, south-west region. I hope Carl Benjamin does well, but both UKIP and Brexit Party would probably struggle in a militantly remainer city like Bristol.
I don’t like this waiting three days until we know the result?
Very suspicious.
The EU MPs have quite a few professional type printers ya know!
Bbc not campaigning at all.
She hopes, in vain.
The “chaos” was caused by anti democrats who think they know best, **** all of them.
Bollocks to the BBC, it must die.
After the election today we will see how the anti EU parties have fared.
Brexit must not only take place, it must be a success.
All and any Remainers in the public sector attempting to thwart Brexit must be sacked.
We must all work harder together to restore the prosperity and harmony amongst the British in the UK, that
existed before the multicultural anti white promotion treason movement began.
Désolé, cette page est introuvable.
Thanks for the report on turnout . I’m displacing my hatred for the State Broadcaster by betting on the election outcome and next PM.
I believe the reason there is a number on the ballot paper is so that your voting record can go straight into your National Security file .
I stuck some numbers on the intro to this thread and I think across Europe turn out will be far higher and for UK it could be general election levels . I’m betting that the libdems will do really well ( unfortunately ) as they are clearly the ‘remain’ party . In a way – support for the lindens will be a test of just how strongly the remainers feel about remaining .
I’ve put a wager on Jeremy Hunt (mainly because he is not a former bullingdon club boy ) to take over from the current PM who is currently sitting in number 10 planning her next walking holiday and which job to take from the ReichEU as a reward for her loyalty .
“Jeremy Hunt”
Too much like the bunny rabbit caught in the headlights.
He even had that look of fright when he saw his bride to be at his own wedding.
Leave me alone . I’m only saying Hunt will get the job because paddy power has him as 9/1 so that’s where my pound went .
I favour the extinction of the whole Tory party – no courage – any of them . And as I say here . I want a Right Wing Party and that ain’t the Tories .
I get ya.
I wouldn’t mind betting that your favour – expressed in 2nd line from bottom – may just about come true.
“…support for the lindens will be a test of just how strongly the remainers feel about remaining .”
Yes, and a good indicatiion what the result will/may be in any future, “Confirmatory second Referendum” vote forced on us.
When the disgusting May collection of cells is removed from Downing Street her successor must immediately :-
Announce that the UK has now left the EU.
Have her party membership withdrawn.
Publicy state that an enquiry will consider whether she, and others in her “Government”, can be punished
for crimes committed in office.
Drain the swamp that is the current Conservative Party.
Turn the area, currently occupied by leading Eurocrats into highly radioactive dust.
Have another referendum, voting restricted to actually British people, to remove Muslims from the UK
because their behaviour and attitude is permanently unacceptable and incompatible with UK values.
Morning all –
Cast my vote this morning, I was shocked to find out that any form of ID is not required – myself and another man walked in, the man said to the 2 individuals running the ballot box, address and name, I gave my name & address and asked do you not want to validate my ID since i don’t have a polling card? there answer was NO we dont need it.
I know close to 30 people on my estate whereby I could of use there name and address as voted as them. or gone back out changed into new clothes wore a bit of get up and posed as someone else and voted again and again. is it me or not checking your ID the worst idea ever along with giving voters PENCILS!
I couldn’t believe that photographic id wasn’t required when voting in England, I only realised this at the time of the Referendum.
Here in NI we are usually required to produce either a passport or a driving licence, which have photos on them, as proof of id before we can vote. On our polling cards it states clearly,
“Remember that you will not be able to vote unless you show one of the following forms of photographic identification”
and then lists seven options including four different types of travel “SmartPass”. Noticeably absent, a Students Union card is not considered valid.
I have no idea why that should be so difficult to implement nationwide. Oh, well, actually I do, I suppose there are at least 4 million reasons why aren’t there?
make you wonder right – does the establishment care about the power of a person’s VOTE anymore?
You were ahead of us in NI in corruption. Now we have caught up with the help of Tower Hamlets sort of people, and will have to bring our security up to date.
Having been a presiding officer it is correct, all you have to do is present yourself and state who you are on the register of electors. It only becomes a problem if your name has already been marked off as having voted. If so you get a “tendered” paper and after the vote it is supposed to be investigated. It I’ll runs on honesty. I think honesty fell over a long time ago. We have to get this sorted as curroption is likely to become a big issue.
TOADY Watch #1
Wonderful moment on prog today. JustRemainIn Webb was interviewing a High Court Judge about the Kenneth Noye parole.
He asked leading questions. Three times he asked leading questions of the High Court Judge.
Three times Rumpole had to get onto his feet to object.
“Leading M’Lud, M’Lud!”
Just because Mr Noye stabbed to death a surveillance copper and a bloke in a road rage attack doesn’t make him a bad person .and he can improve the economy by spending some of his ill gotten gains . …. wonder if the parole board got ‘bought ‘…?
Our rulers have done an outstanding job’ re wilding’ Londonistan so far……
That is awful, proberly made for 7 year olds. Talk about trying to get into the minds of the children. Goebbels is still alive and living in a small room at the BBC writing scripts.
How much longer can the liars within the BBC get away with this trashy, anti-democratic, Deadpool brainwashing of our children without any kind of objection by the heads of every school in the UK?
Oh, I forgot, they are themselves the liars who instruct the usual suspects within the British Education Dept.
They never sleep nor listen to contrary opinions.
In Britain, primary school children are taught bogus history, brainwashed with LGBTQWERTY propaganda and have stories read to them by drag queens.
In Russia they learn their national anthem…
Classic BBC propaganda to warp young minds.
It’s got nearly everything: mixed race power couple (black male, white female, of course), feminist daughter fighting male oppression, anti-semitic, anti-white British, disabled thief with a conscience, brutal, militaristic Imperialism (just like the evil British Empire), enslaved children working under the floor… but, it’s lacking something… ah yes, where’s the LGBT angle?
Also, it’s just struck me, why is one of their children black and the other white?
“why is one of their children black and the other white?”
To reflect that these days children often stem from numerous relationships? Perhaps this also happened in Roman times?
TOADY Watch #2
On the news @ 6.30am and every hour after until 9am, the FIFA decision to expand the World Cup for Football (men’s football, btw) by 50% in future tournaments.
Global Warming & Climate Change has been all over BBC R4 and the BBC web-site for the last two or three months. Strangely, no questions are asked about the extra aircraft flights for teams and fans that will cause lots of extra, huge, colossal, disastrous, catastrophic Global Warming & Climate Change emissions.
I wonder why?
My vote for UKIP has been cast in black ink.
A ‘significant group’ of UK writers have signed a letter to the Guardian – John Le Carre the only one I recognised but maybe I’m not bright enough – in which they bemoan the potential impact of Brexit on book sales to the continent and the resulting loss of revenue.
If they are that concerned, why choose the least significant newspaper in terms of sales, readership and popularity to make their point? Preaching to the converted was never a wise commercial move.
They don’t say why Brexit would harm the sale of books. Why would it?
old middle-class labour supporters are out in force at the train stations this morning they have a brilliant persuasive script
to quote
Its neck and neck between the Labour Party and FARAGE, nice little graph supplied show BP and Labour even , everyone else nowhere insight.
I need to vote labour because FARAGE is going to sell the NHS to TRUMP
and im going to be forced to buy health insurance off AARON BANKS
expected to see a picture of BANKS stroking a long haired white cat on the leaflet but was sadly disappointed.
The Liberal Democrats hereabouts use the ‘only we can stop the [insert name of party] so vote for us’ line of argument.
For informed activists they appear remarkably uneducated about how propotional representation works.
If I were the suspicious sort I’d think they were trying to deceive?
Do any of you see any similarities.
May, stuck in number 10, not wanting to see anybody except those who agree with her, probably still coming up with madcap schemes and plans and avoiding all sense of reality with the outside world.
Compare with Adolf, stuck in his Berlin bunker with his mates, still coming out with madcap plans to turn round the war, with the Russians only hours away from him and getting closer by the minute.
Does she not see what’s going on?
Do you think May has a pistol and a cyanide capsule just in case?
Maybe a pair of leopard skin Rosa Klebb shoes Lucy.
I wonder what gave her the idea that stealing Corbyn’s shoes was a vote winner?
On top of that I wouldn’t mind betting that its Mr MAY who is practicing his dance movements. Wife is still hiding under rather posh stairs.
Boy, he will need to know how to dance if him and her inside are to make it for the car outside No 10 afore Boulton jumps up out the bushes with his Mic.
That dance also will be screened live on TV.
EG – ah yes, THOSE shoes. I’d almost forgotten about them.
They stem from a time when it was still about image-creating: see what a highly fashionable, tough, jungle cat I am….
Then came the serious business of governing.
Those shoes put me off her when she was still Home Secretary, FAILING at her job, but wanting the image to contradict anyone thinking ‘oh dear’…
Overpromoted as PM, but she’s been trying hard, I’ll give her that. To do what, though? That is the question.
as PMNice bit of overt bbc bias today . 11am From our snowflake correspond.
A beeboid ‘ grandee’ Kate adee – “ depressed” because Alabama banned abortion . Democracy ? No forget that . BBC don’t do it .
Whatever side of the Roe/Wade argument one might be on she should leave her personal views ‘ at the door ‘
Isn’t that meant to be policy ?
Oh yes any one seen Esler ? I think Chooka locked him a box …
Let’s hope she doesn’t give cyanide to the Number 10 cat, like Hitler did to his dog.
Larry’s no fool, he has already opened talks with Boris. His red line is a can of tuna every day, with salmon on Sundays.
Larry should gather a few of his larger species colleagues and block any of the treasonous gutless wonders from ever getting into number 10. Cats have far more nous than any politician and would be better leaders!
No offence – but I simply can’t stand the taste.
Besides, why should we who the BBC elites regard as deplorables eat tuna and those in the BBC/ EU have imported from Scotland salmon. I suppose they do that to keep grandma SNP leader happy.
It shouldn’t matter whether she is delusional through mental illness, or is just obtusely stubborn and incompetent.
In any sensible country the security services would have long realised she is colluding with a foreign power to the detriment of the nation – and would have physically removed her from office at gunpoint if necessary.
Vote Labour against fascism, TR, Brexit and anyone the party decides is a racist. This outfit is part of the UAF of which David Cameron, former Tory MP is a founder member. The decline of the Tory Party has been underway for some time.
Stand up to Flabbott. Vote TR.
The politics of fear? Isnt that the core of the ‘remain’ argument, (has anyone made a positive case for the EU yet?).
Lest any one have any doubts about the wisdom of voting for Tommy today, that picture of Diane alone should quickly dispel them.
If she’s opposed to it, then it can only be worth supporting!
We need to e-mail Fiona Bruce.
I understand from the Express that QT, yet again, will not have anyone from the Brexit Party or UKIP on tonight’s panel. Election? What election?
She is paid a huge salary to enable the bbc to show us maximum contempt. She needs to know we won’t take it.
Impartial my…
“Fiona Bruce.”
From one BBC employee who dealt in crime to the same BBC employee in sole charge of another BBC channel that is itself criminal in its bias towards those who seek to undermine our great nation.