The site would like to give a prize for the most biased comment by a BBC employee during the outcome of an election which should never have involved the UK – if it was a democracy .
Start the Week Biased BBC Election Thread 27 May 2019
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Katty is astonished. Frankly, I’m astonished at her inability to read between the lines. Though I shouldn’t be by now.
Has it yet been established why she has no longer got ‘BBC’ appended?
Is it so she can be even more stupid in her comments before Fran writes and anguished all-staff email again?
Guest – with a bit of luck she’s off to RT or CNN . Or change UK press department
Fed, that last one – LOL 🙂
I especially like the way her twitter bio shows her BBC credentials, then says she is not commenting as a BBC employee. So why quote her credentials then if they are not relevant to her tweets?
We don’t normally start the week on a Sunday here do we?
A Bible verse fitting for the current state of our state…
Ezekiel 45:9 (NIV) “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: You have gone far enough, princes of Israel! Give up your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Stop dispossessing my people, declares the Sovereign Lord”
I normally look at the volume of posts and when it goes over 500 I look towards a new thread because people seem to prefer the bite size version .
It also depends on other factors such as the time zone I am in , the time I go to noo noo on the night before and the time I wake up .
Also -it is a bit of a special occasion since there is a bank holiday on Monday as well as an election result to night which with a bit of luck will really start the delayed process of getting the UK free of the Reich EU . I will be staying up through tonight to witness the anti brexit and British snow flake spin the traitors put on what I hope is a real victory – which hasn’t been fiddled with a corrupted State .
Also – if you don’t like the new thread there is always the previous one …..

You don’t owe me or anyone else an explanation. I have no problem with the new thread being a bit earlier than usual.
Regarding the election results…….please pass the….
Lucy – I got told off on Friday by Mrs Oak for constant replaying of Mrs Quislings, self pitying blubbing drama. It was very pleasant, no pop corn but a nice glass of Talisker helped with the ambiance. She thought I was weird. Just as well we dont have to record stuff on video tape anymore, because recording of her speech would have gone or grainy like some 1980s skin flick video.
As a Christian it is…
“Sunday is the day of the week after Saturday but before Monday. … According to the Hebrew calendars and traditional Christian calendars, Sunday is the first day of the week. However, according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week”
So has anyone got any experience following the EU results live?
Starts at 10pm, apparently, will they just read the results out then, or string it out making speeches etc
As long as tuneless Maddona does not sing again
Or threaten to assassinate Nigel
The difference between Maddona and a row of milk bottles: you can get a decent tune out of the bottles
I always liked Ezekial 23, – quite a good yarn there…
So long as they don’t have that bent bloke singing Candle in the Wind for Teresa
Think from reading between the lines of BBC R4 News at 7am & 8am today, we can announce our results as soon as the polling stations are all closed elsewhere in the EU.
Think there may be an hour’s time difference, so after 9pm GMT should do it, hence in the 10pm News, the Westminster Hour on R4.
Unfortunately I cannot remember enough from five years ago, except it was a very good night for UKIP.
Just checked the BBC R4 schedule and at 23.00hrs it becomes R5 Dead for this:
Chris Mason and Adam Fleming, from the award-winning Brexitcast podcast, present coverage and reaction to the results of the 2019 election for the European Parliament.
Could be worse: might have been with Jonny Dymond.
The RC Gospel today is from ‘apocalypse’ which some might say ( who?) is appropriate for the times .
Always enjoy a good media spat, especially when it is a Ch4 type mounting a truly high horse.
Krish, mate… welcome to the shark tank.
denial of reality
I get a feeling that if anti ReichEU parties do well in the vote the Far Left BBC will use the ‘greens’ as a distraction and annoying the Greta thing the new ‘ Joan of Arc ‘ fighting carbon burners like me ( or if it’s pedants’ Corner – carbon oxidisers ).
In UK of course the interest will be how many remainers have gone from the Tories and labour to The Libdems …
I rember rock against racism, also remember an NME report about the Sunsplash (ie black reggae) festival about the same time, where the correspondent was quite happy to report he was mugged and robbed “BUT YOU HAVE TO EXPECT THAT” oh yes? plus ca change, hundreds of thousands going to Knebworth etc no problems but a few thousand “reggae” persons get together and….
While we twiddle our thumbs waiting for the EUeeeuuuuuuuu results, Thoughtful put up a link to a Peter Hitchens Daily Mail article when he got a bit repeat prophetic about Theresa May.
What interests me is twofold:
1. That he had insight into ‘her team’ and I think that is why TM survived & to an extent thrived at Home Office when that Ministry had been the graveyard of several ‘heavy hitting’ politicians, notably John Reid (Lab). It was her team that ran the Home Office and ran Theresa May. Without them she would not have coped so well and it is this that we have seen during the Brexit negotiations. Not Hill & Timothy & Perrier running the PM but some new people, including Olly Robbins. Hence, the PM has been completely unable to grasp the fault lines in her negotiated Withdrawal Agreement perhaps because it was ‘hers’.
2. YasserD replied to Thoughtful’s post and commented “The trouble with Peter Hitchens is that he doesn’t seem to get behind anything but is cynical about just about everything and everybody.” which I think is true to an extent. In a way, that’s the job of a critic and if nothing else on here, we are all critics. However, Peter was the Christian brother, Christopher at least until close to his death was, IIRC, the atheist. In Peter’s look back to his previous article, there was no room in Peter’s thinking for a change to occur in Theresa May. No room for a change to occur in Boris Johnson.
In Christianity, there is always the possibility of change; redemption, renewal, rebuilding, restoration – until, of course, death intervenes. As it did for Christopher Hitchens. Who knows what ‘he said in his heart’ before it stopped beating?
The warning about Bojo, however, should be noted. I issued a reminder myself on one of the previous repeating Threads: Bojo’s conversion to Brexit was a last minute one. I like the way that in the BBC’s eyes he is now responsible for ‘The Lie’ (in reality The Truth) about the UK’s funding of the EU on the Leave Campaign bus poster. They have completely forgotten that Bojo was a Remainer until 7-10 days before the vote.
That old age related dementia has kicked in again for Aunty Beebie.
Hopefully, it will result in her being shuffled off to a home somewhere soon to sit in an armchair and endure …. er, ….. I mean .. enjoy ….. her own endless daytime TV repeats.
As for Bojo: handle with care! (That’s if he can be ‘handled’.)
“dementia has kicked in again for Aunty Beebie”
As said above – again? Last week they forgot how Gordon Brown became PM.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
NG, quite so, quite so.
Was it – amazingly – John McDonnell (Labour Shadow Chancellor) who said on air on R4 about Gordon Brown (Labour Chancellor!) not being a legitimate PM because he was never elected to the post?
IIRC, there was no comment at the time to this statement from the presenter Beeboid!
Up2, It’s good to remember that Boris was a remainer until the last week or so, but it’s also important to note he came over to the light at a time when it looked like a losing proposition. That to me is a sign of a true believer. Major props.
PS I really appreciate your posts.
So the rise in measles and other diseases that where rare up to a couple of years ago are NOTHING to do with immigrant family’s not having children immunized I know that’s the case because the BBC don’t mention it as a possible causal factor. There is no way that a national mandatory subscription broadcaster would fail to contemplate this scenario, impossible to think that our national broadcaster would put political correctness ahead of innocent children’s health……surely they can’t sink that low…
Also seems to be a massive rise in STDs
Whilst the rise in TB can be laid at the door of immigrants, measles is more problematic. I know many white indigenous kids of teenage years up to mid 20s whose parents did not give them the MMR vaccine because of the report (now withdrawn) produced by Dr Andrew Wakefield on the negative effects of MMR.
The BBC R4 Appeal, today, was for the Young Women’s Trust.
In this age of equality, is it a) legal b) reasonable, and, c) fair to have such a gender specific Trust?
I don’t know if this has been flagged before, the bbc has hired a intimacy coordinator.
Some might say its 40 years too late.
But jesting aside do these people live in same reality as me?
In bbc land a threesome is two people having sex and the third doing the paperwork that the first two have agreed to have sex in the first place.
Who are these people? Do they know that that Great Britain exists beyond their narrow minded views?
I wonder if it only applies to heterosexual acts ?
I’d love to have ‘intimacy coordinator ‘ on my CV . Imagine being at a job interview and explaining that one….
A 37-year-old “man” and a 34-year-old “woman” were arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the two dead teenagers in Shiregreen, Sheffield.
Its that man again he gets everywhere
Recent reports seem to suggest that it is the woman who was the leading instigator into this multiple murder attempt.
Actually, the names can’t be disclosed to protect the kids – the number of which could be significant though
Well I read what Hitchens said . I differ from him in that I see s big difference between Alex `Johnson and Nigel Farage . The latter has been fighting his cause for a long time and not taken the bribes which governments no doubt tried to buy him off with .
I remember that Johnson wrote support for either position . Johnson is a careerist – believing in whatever gets him the top Job . I don’t know about you but if he could hold off the traitors in parliament until 31 October and we leave without a sell out by default then he will have been worth something .
If he sells himself in order to get power and withdraw A50 then he can burn with the other 500 traitors .
Perhaps the traitor Tory party and its toilet paper manifesto will rejoice at retaining one MEP seat – we ll see – it might be Daniel Hannon but perhaps he should have defected to The Brexit Party too ….
I’m surprised that Hitchens didn’t say that the Tory party might be replaced by a party with right wing policies as opposed to some soppy snowflake joke with the likes of Rudd in it .
Fed, I wasn’t considering any context that was versus Farage. Remember he is not and, as far as I know, has never has been a Conservative Party member. It was just Hitchen’s read of Theresa May and Bojo that was under consideration by me.
Bojo terrifies the Labour Party. He also terrifies the BBC, judging by the way they are now trying to smear him on Radio 4. He may have, for now, a popularity in the country that goes beyond politics – as, perhaps, the lovable, scruffy, terrier dog or lovable, scruffy, buffoon. But he can be dangerous in whatever job and as Foreign Secretary he was particularly hopeless despite being perfectly qualified and experienced for the task.
Maybe I’ll get to dig out my post about what the job of PM involves and check to see if it’s worth putting up again. How good is the search facility on this web-site?
Is there a search facility on this website … as I watch the EU results roll in between glasses of Jamiesons … I ll have a look
In case any readers would like to sign the petition against the Inquisition being carried out against the GP who asked a muslima to remove her bandit mask so he could hear what the hell she was saying, click here:
Strangely, I couldn’t find anything about it on al beebeestan.
PS. 84,000 + have signed and you can see the counter go up every second. The good people of this country are clearly fed up to the back teeth of Islamic special pleading and the pc brigade. Take note al-beeb.
A prize you say?
“Ok, to discuss the results we have assembled a panel comprising Andrew Adonis, Gavin Esler’s mum, Alistair Campbell, Owen Jones and Rob Burley to tell us he doesn’t work on this programme”.
And on Sky news this minute is that political giant Gina Miller,you really could not make it up.
Guest – I think I said “I’d like to give a prize …” which means there isn’t one – I modelled it on the failed PM lie about “ Brexit means brexit “ when in fact it meant “ Brexit means sellout and olly robbins getting a Belgian passport “.
Alistair Mr depression Campbell could be good value if he is doing rounds of tv studios having a rant – same with the other remainer ‘ characters ‘ they continue to use – as though there is no one else with a valid view…
A sub prize might be to spot the first traitor who says “ the result wasn’t as bad as we feared …”
Don’t be concerned, Fed!
They’ll all be ‘learning lessons’, ‘and understanding that ‘democracy is our watchword’, and all the other bollocks they dream up to escape their utter failure.
Funnily enough, I find the bbbc (especially at night 0n R5Dead), somewhat bemused, and suspect that some ‘managers’ have more to discuss than they realise, hence the hesitation, uncertainty and fear of a shift in the way they do their jobs!
Wishful thinking?
I think possibly not!
(But then Scrobs prophecised that Nicholas Lyndhurst would join ‘New Tricks’ once and was proved right)!
I saw Nic Lyndhurst in M&S in oxford street once – during his full in ‘only fools period ‘ … he couldn’t find anything to buy in there either ….
BBC Bias? What BBC Bias?
Newspaper headlines: ‘The race is on’ but is it ‘turning toxic’?
Stocking up on popcorn for this evening and see what pathetic excuses they trundle out this time for the second massive mandate for getting out of the EU
Older people are worthless and younger people should be given priority is one that amazes me, as, was it not Nazis who promoted eugenics and euthanasia ? tell that to the pierced and purple haired tw@ts and their islamic thugs, reminicent of the brown shirts of the Nazis going round assaulting and verbally abusing anyone with a different political opinion and any Jews around also, freely avialable to see on youtube etc, thank goodness as the MSM and our national brodcaster turns a blind eye, it is becoming more like Nazi Germany by the day, we should refer to them for what they are, the new Nazis
In the lull before the results of the Euro elections, I thought I would share an interesting programme from Pick TV about Irish Customs & Excise which I have been watching.
You might think that the Republic has no borders with its EU partners (including the UK at present), but you would be wrong.
Lorries coming off the ferry at Dublin Port are checked, including by X-rays. Large consignments of cigarettes are often found. I seem to remember that if lorry traffic is held up by more than 15 seconds the entire just-in-time production system would collapse, but obviously no-one told the Irish.
More pertinently, the story we are often told that there are no customs checks between the Republic and Northern Ireland are quite false. There may not be fixed customs posts, but Irish customs work in the borderlands to detect smuggling and tax evasion. In the programme I have seen them stopping any cars with UK number plates, to make sure they are being driven by British citizens. It seems our car tax is cheaper than Ireland’s, so some Irish people buy cars in the North and run them in the South. Anyone found doing this gets a big fine.
I have also seen them stop British registered HGVs at mobile check points, to make sure their paperwork and manifests were in order. What’s that? You had been told that there were no border checks? Well there are, just not at a fixed border. The checks take place at locations inside the Republic, the exact way Remainers tell us is impossible and will lead to a return of the Troubles. Yet it is already happening, and does not seem to have caused any such thing. And if the HGVs do not have the correct paperwork, again a large fine is levied.
These programmes were made in 2015, and have been an eye opener for me. I have heard in debate that the border between North and South is already a tax border, and it is absolutely true. The people who live in the border country must be used to mobile patrols from Irish Customs checking that they are not smuggling goods across the border without paying duty. The idea that there is no border is a lie. There is no physical border infrastructure, but there is a border and the Irish enforce it.
I have no doubt at all that a system of mobile checks along these lines would serve very well once the UK is no longer in the Single Market and the Customs Union. The fact that Ireland is already enforcing its own tax laws proves the point. The entire “Irish Backstop” was a fake, a trap which Mrs May walked right into and cost her her premiership. I can only hope that the next prime minister will call their bluff. The EU will fold if they see we are led by someone with a spine who believes in Brexit. At the moment, I like Esther McVey, she says it like she means it, and we need that sort of attitude.
Rob in Cheshire
\\ The entire “Irish Backstop” was a fake, a trap which Mrs May walked right into and cost her her premiership. //
Where on earth was her cabinet and her top negotiator Oily Robbins ? Was a member of Oxford’s Reform Club?
Was the Irish Backstop all about collusion with the Euro Dictatorship?
A job for our MI5 to look into .
Yes. It’s never mentioned that goods imported from other EU member States attract VAT. It is referred to as “acquisition tax” and is accounted for on the importer’s VAT return.
Then there are onerous “Intrastat” statistical declarations if your annual acquisitions exceed a certain level.
All this requires paperwork. No borders? Oh yes there are.
Rob would you please post the title of this programme so I can watch out for it and record it?
Many thanks if you could.
If you can still see this.
It is called Stop, Search, Seize
You may need subtitles to begin with.
The border seems a pretty normal semi hard one and the airports are mores restrictive than the UK for entry.
Thanks, gb.
The show is called “Stop, Search & Seize”, and you can see it on Pick TV at 1.00pm on Sundays.
The blurb says it is a documentary following the work of Ireland’s border force officers as they fight to stop gangs of organised smugglers from bringing in drugs, money, guns and cars. Sounds like a very soft border doesn’t it?
In one programme I watched, the Customs were checking for cars running on red diesel in the border country, and they found plenty, all fined 2000 euros. The Customs guys must be pretty popular out there, as they had armed police back up! I think that tells you how seriously the Irish take policing their “soft” border with the north.
Thanks Rob, I’ll look it up.
“Beware of false Gods”
As the Tory boys are jumping for the job as PM, how many are closet Remainers?
With Al Beeb , The House of Comedians and the MSM infested with Europhiles bloated with propaganda, be careful and watchful of the next PM. He or she could be another remainer?
The last one kicked the can down the road to buy time for Al Beeb to ‘educate’ us and allow more brainwashed kids to reach the voting age, ripe for the so called peoples vote, which in my opinion is lurking menacingly in the background.
Its up to the only statesman left in this great country to see our independence through to freedom .
That man ? Nigel Farage.
Can it really be true that Jews in Germany are being advised not to wear head ware for fear of being attacked ? Is there something in the German character which allows this to still happen ?
They imported an enemy illegally for no reason and now it is like this ? Sometimes it really is beyond me .
I suppose the next step will advise the wearing of a yellow star for ‘health and safety ‘ reasons . A disgrace if these attacks by Muslims are as widespread and frequent as feared ….
yes as I said earlier imagine saying that to our lovely muzzies……and worth checking out the BBC video where they blanked out the face of the attacker but made a little mistake in the report by mentioning he was arabic, what a surprise, so not rise of right wing then ? mhh just those who perpetually present themselves as victims whilst oppressing all around them physically and through all media, the new Nazi invasion
The most vicious nasty intolerant bunch this country wll ever know, but, also endemically cowardly as they have run away from fighting for their country, who only attack when they outnumber or have a gun or knife and their target is unarmed, and spend their time attacking teenage girls, so the real Britich have a damned good chance when they finally try to take control
I can’t link on this gadget I’m using now but at the bottom of the ‘questionable’ thread I wrote a comment with a link to a comment on the Long Weekend thread where I put a link to a New York Times magazine article about anti-Semitism in Germany. It’s long but well-written and there’s interesting info in there – like if they can’t identify the perpetrators of an anti-Semitic attack they count it as coming from right wingers.
Of course there are also known attacks on Jews by Muslims.
RE which politicians are remainers:
Let us just say that the EU is an absolute money swallowing gravy train organisation with massive salaries and billion pound budgets for those involved, a little like local government (RE salaries not necessarily budgets EU has both) but 10 times magnified, with inertia being their aim, ie doing not much, who will never ever know “austerity” and there are many in our political system syphoning off of that so go figure….
Annu, any (extra) layer of government or governance (think QUANGOs and Commissioners and Regulators also) costs money – tax payer money.
All settled on the sofa ready to laugh my tits off as Vince Cable tries to spin the European Election results as a win for the Lib dems and confirm the swing to remain parties he so proudly announced only a few weeks ago !!!!! Utterly clueless , out of touch old fool .
Hope the Brexit party fully live up to high expectations and don’t give the bias bbc any wiggle room for downplaying it. Fingers crossed.
It will be a low turnout and the BBC will spin it…like the rest of the media…its a LOSE/LOSE for us Brexiteers I guarantee it….unless Farage wins 70 seats (which he wont)…….sorry to be a partypooper but they aint going to let this be a victory for LEAVERS……..I think up to 40 seats perhaps?…but as you say Cable/The liberal remain alliance will be the focus…….
We will see if he is the King of the Swingers I doubt it as anyone who wants another vote is anti democracy
I know many Conservative politicians who are privately ashamed of what has happened and are privately asking all who feel the same to send an unequivacal vote we shall see it will be worse than imagined for all mainsream parties who have let down the country as they fail to understand their role as public serveants
BBC Online News:
“”Islamic State: Iraq sentences French citizens to death””
“Three Frenchmen have been sentenced to death by an Iraqi court after being found guilty of joining the Islamic State (IS) militant group.”
“The men – named as Kévin Gonot, Léonard Lopez and Salim Machou by AFP news agency – have 30 days to appeal.”
“They were among 12 French citizens captured in Syria by US-backed fighters. In February they were transferred to Iraq for trial.”
“The three are the first IS suspects from France to be sentenced to death”
“Human rights groups have heavily criticised the trials of suspected IS fighters in Iraq. Activists they say the courts often rely on circumstantial evidence or confessions made under duress.”
The BBC at once go into defence lawyer mode in order to minimise the crimes.
By the BBC’s own admission in an accompanying graph, almost 2,000 ‘Frenchmen’ joined IS. Almost 1,000 were from the UK.
I suspect that the figures are far higher.
“France has yet to react to Sunday’s court ruling in Baghdad. But when pressed on the issue in February, French President Emmanuel Macron declined to comment, saying it was a sovereign matter for Iraq.”
Rough translation: “Do what the f you like with them.”
I’m starting to warm to the man.
If you need (further) evidence that the BBC are completely losing the plot, then here is a good place to start:
On the Home Page the link is titled ‘Should the world of sport do more on maternity?’
The mind boggles!
Maybe there is scope here for a little Bank Holiday fun. Suggestions for what the above might involve and be called. We will need to ‘keep it clean’, therefore as a variation on the work of Suzanne Collins, how is this as a starter: The Procreation Games? (Maybe ProProcreation Games and AmProcreation Games a.k.a. Love Island?)
No prizes but can anyone come up with some more suggestions?
Off topic I know but my non PC son is referring to this summers womens world cup as the”Rug Munchers Cup”!
Upsnuff please do not do this it is no good for my blood pressure, now I’ve lost my euroelection popcorn its all over the place
Annu, LOL X 5. No, make that 6, 7 even! A perfect 10! 🙂
Harold Shand (Bob Hoskin’s character in the Long Good Friday): “Now, there’s been an eruption!”
I suppose the BBC have something of an entry for this B-BBC BH contest with this:
‘What do footballers get up to when the season is over?’
No worries I have some cold things in the fridge as I suspect it will be a long night, despite the crunchy carpet
Good job, I wasn’t eating – popcorn, anything – when I read your post because it would be all over the keyboard and down behind the computer desk and there’d be another task for a BH Monday!
I hve just got my frustrations out through a good session with a gibson les paul through a Hugh and Kettner amp the neighburs may not shre my enthusiasm but then again they have all been unemployed since they moved in and all their kids taken to school by taxi every day with a separatley employed escort, yet they mave managed to purchase a brand new car, so who cares and they are not British the first ethnic family to move into this area and the only ones to spend all day doing nothing and ambulances, doctors and supermarket deliveries all day
racist no sick of immigrants taking advantage of the benefit system yes
Something you will never see or hear on the bBBC:
Thankfully other media will actually report stories like this that are in the public interest and not just bury it in the “Racist and never to be reported” pile:
FBI tapes reveal Martin Luther King’s affairs ‘with 40 women’
Newly unearthed files claim the civil rights leader ‘looked on and laughed’ as a pastor friend raped a parishioner in a hotel
He will always be remembered as one of the greatest orators in history, a winner of the Nobel peace prize whose “I have a dream” speech proved a defining moment of the American civil rights movement.
Yet the reputation and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr may be facing what one of his biographers has described as a “painful historical reckoning” after shocking new revelations about the Baptist clergyman’s relationships with women.
A huge archive of documents recently released from Federal Bureau of Investigation files exposes in detail King’s extramarital sexual activities with dozens of women as he travelled the country campaigning against racial inequality.
In one memo written after the FBI bugged King’s room at a Washington hotel, there is a startling foreshadowing of the videotape that came to haunt Donald Trump at the lowest moment of his presidential campaign in 2016. That tape caught Trump boasting about meeting beautiful women and being able to “grab ’em by the pussy”.
William Sullivan, assistant director of the FBI, wrote in the 1964 memo that King joked to his friends “he had started the ‘International Association for the Advancement of Pussy-Eaters’.”
In another incident said to have been recorded by FBI agents, King is alleged to have “looked on, laughed and offered advice” while a friend who was also a Baptist minister raped a woman described as one of his “parishioners”.
Details of the assault are believed to have been captured on tapes that are currently being held in a vault under court seal at the US National Archives. The incident is described in FBI summaries unearthed by David Garrow, an American historian who won a Pulitzer prize in 1987 for Bearing the Cross, his biography of King published the previous year.
In an article to be published in the une edition of Standpoint, a British monthly magazine, Garrow writes that the FBI planted miniature transmitters in each of two lamps in rooms booked by King in January 1964 at the Willard hotel, close to the White House in Washington. Eavesdropping agents with “radio receivers and tape recorders” were installed in nearby rooms.King was accompanied by a friend, Logan Kearse, the pastor of Baltimore’s Cornerstone Baptist church, who had arrived in Washington with what an FBI summary describes as “several women ‘parishioners’ of his church”. Kearse invited King to meet the women in his room, where they “discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts”.
The FBI document adds: “When one of the women protested that she did not approve, the Baptist minister immediately and forcibly raped her” as King watched. At the same hotel the following evening, King and a dozen other individuals “participated in a sex orgy” including what one FBI official described as “acts of degeneracy and depravity.
When one of the women shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and several of the men discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect. King told her that to perform such an act would ‘help your soul’.”
At one point senior FBI officials sent an incriminating tape and an anonymous letter to King, calling him “an evil abnormal beast” and warning him that “your adulterous acts, your sexual orgies” were “on the record for all time”.
The letter ended with a barely veiled suggestion that King should commit suicide “before your filthy, abnormal, fraudulent self is bared to the nation”. When King learnt of the tape’s contents, he is said to have told one aide over a wiretapped phone line that the FBI was “out to get me, harass me, break my spirit”.
Garrow said last week he had spent several months digging through a King-related “document dump” on the National Archives website. He found 54,000 web links “on a spreadsheet the size of the Atlantic”, some of them leading to electronic copies of documents that were 500 pages long.
In his earlier biography, Garrow discussed what he then knew of King’s reckless sexual adventuring, but he treated his subject as a broadly inspirational figure. King was aged 39 when he was assassinated in Memphis in April 1968. Hundreds of American streets are named in his honour and a national memorial in his name was dedicated in Washington in 2011. “I’ve always been very positive about his selflessness, humility and spiritual gravity,” Garrow said.
Yet the author admitted last week he had no idea of the scale or the ugliness of King’s philandering until he saw the FBI files. “I always thought there were 10-12 other women,” he said. “Not 40-45.” He now believes that in the #MeToo age of revulsion for sexual harassment and assault, evidence of King’s indifference to rape “poses so fundamental a challenge to his historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible”.
The FBI’s persistent and intrusive surveillance of King initially arose from concern that one of his most influential advisers, Stanley Levison, was a “secret member” of the Communist Party. It was Robert Kennedy, then US attorney general, who reluctantly approved a wiretapping operation that turned into a personal obsession for the FBI’s director, J Edgar Hoover, and several of his senior aides. Hoover became convinced that King’s sexual excesses had made him vulnerable to communist blackmail.
While the broader outlines of King’s sexual behaviour have been known for some time — including allegations that he had an affair with Joan Baez, the folk singer and political activist — Garrow has uncovered startling new details about King’s voyeuristic tendencies, his arguments with his wife, Coretta, and the previously reported existence of an illegitimate daughter.
One white prostitute told the FBI she had been drawn into a threesome with King and a black woman. Visiting Las Vegas in April 1964, King allegedly took the two women to his room at the Sands hotel, then phoned one of his associates and told him to “get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful white broad here”. The trio had sex before the friend showed up and took his turn while King “watched the action from a close-by position”, according to the FBI account. Then the prostitute said she was “getting scared as they were pretty drunk and using filthy language”. She told an FBI interviewer it was “the worst orgy I’ve ever gone through”.
If it barely seems credible that a man of King’s eloquence could resort to such lewd language, Garrow writes of his alleged “pussy-eating” remarks that “anyone familiar with King’s often bawdy sense of humour would not doubt that quotation”.
Coretta King is said to have complained that her husband was “not fulfilling his marital responsibilities” and that “if he spent 10 hours a month at home, it would be an exaggeration”. King retorted that “she should go out and have some sexual affairs of her own”, according to an FBI report.
Another FBI summary identifies a long-term Los Angeles-based girlfriend of King who was said to have given birth to a baby girl. “The child resembles King to a great degree and King contributes to the support of this child,” the summary says. Both mother and child are still alive but declined to speak to Garrow.
King’s most loyal supporters have often dismissed criticism of his private behaviour as racially motivated attempts to denigrate his reputation and damage his legacy. Yet the evidence appears inescapable. Garrow notes that the FBI material on King includes hours of surveillance recordings that were sealed by court order for 50 years in January 1977. Significant volumes of documents have already been made available under subsequent court rulings affecting the disclosure of government files; the most damning tapes may finally appear in 2027.
The sealed material may or may not confirm the rape that King is said to have witnessed without attempting to stop it. Garrow further notes that the FBI agents in the room next door made no attempt to intervene even though they were listening to what appeared to be a criminal assault. “A lot of women will see this as one more historical instance of maltreatment of black women, not only by black ministers,” he said. “The FBI agents didn’t give a hoot either.”
It is also clear that King’s behaviour was far from uncommon among America’s leaders in the 1960s. There is a startling parallel with President John F Kennedy, now known to have had a long affair with a White House intern named Mimi Beardsley.
After keeping the affair secret for 40 years, Beardsley (now using her married name, Alford) wrote a 2011 memoir, Once Upon A Secret, in which she described being told by the president to perform oral sex on one of his aides while he watched. He also asked her to “take care” of his younger brother Ted, which she refused to do.
Shortly before King’s death, Garrow writes in Standpoint, he told the congregation of his Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta that “there is a schizophrenia . . . going on within all of us. There are times that all of us know somehow that there is a Mr Hyde and a Dr Jekyll in us”.
Garrow said future biographers would have to address evidence that King was a manic depressive, known today as bipolar, and subject to wild mood swings and occasional collapses.
King told his congregation that “God does not judge us by the separate incidents or the separate mistakes that we make, but by the total bent of our lives.” Perhaps he realised that the dark side of his remarkable life would one day, ruinously, come to light.
Yes, sadly ML King may have been a flawed character.
There were many rumours at the time, along with allegations, but the political circumstances probably made it a little easier to dismiss or at least minimise them.
Not surprised, if true of course, it seems to be a racist thing to observe the number of black individuals involved in crime and certain people will say this is due to lack of opprtunity, which is complete and utter shite, the truth is that those that want to aspire can but prefer the violent gang life although the lack of a male role model due to the behaviour of their fathers also contributes
We had better tear down the statues.
What the ++++ is this ??!
I had to check it wasn`t the First Of April
” Is the BBC Broken ? ” asks the Guardian. ( No, I don`t read the Guardian but the link was all over msn)
Well yes, of course the BBC is broken but ..
” institutionally biased against Jeremy Corbyn ”
“Looking at the BBC’s reporting of Nigel Farage’s speech last month that wasn`t cut. The BBC has a responsibility to call out things like that”
” The black and brown faces I see when I go into the BBC are mainly the ladies at the reception desk or the security guards, and that’s not a good look. From researchers to producers to executives, there’s much more to be done to promote real diversity and plurality of thought across the corporation. ”
” Also in March, Newsnight ran a piece on Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon). This played into his narrative that he’s a freedom‑of‑speech warrior.”
Well there you go folks, the BBC is Pro Brexit, Pro Tommy Robinson, Anti Corbyn and pro white British and anti diversity !!!
It must be some other Channel from Mars that we have been (not ) watching !
Gaby Hinsliff, the Cambridge educated author of this fanciful fiction, apparently “contributes to BBC and Sky programmes” and is married to Des Browne, the ex-Secretary of State for Defence under both Blair and Brown.
Explains a lot doesn’t it?
Ezra Levant is doing a live report on YouTube on the election results from 9 pm. Can’t link now, but I guess Googling Rebel Media with YouTube should access it.
Dunno if the BBC will be doing anything that can be accessed from another country, but I recall being able to watch the referendum results live from Israel on the Internet nearly three years ago.
Anyway, roll on The Brexit Party!! Wouldn’t it be something if Tommy Robinson also gets in and UKIP do better than expected?!
I think the EU is doing its own channel – or similar being streamed . I’d really be overdosing on the pop corn watch that as well as jolly Hugh Edwards …
Sky is apparently starting at 2100 London – presumably they’ve got a clairvoyant.
Lucy Lucy where I get one of those machines ? ( for the record Sky has done 30 minutes with out a less spotted brexiter in sight )…
A frequently aired criticism of TBP is that they have no manifesto, no history, no structure, no party in fact, as we understand the term.
And of course they are right. I mean, where on earth would a fledgling new political party find people to challenge and confront the patriotism and probity of Corbyn and McDonnell? The statesmanlike and honourable character of Dominic Grieve – the man for whom the term condescension might have been coined? The measured depth of intellect and calm debating skills of Anna Soubry? The financial wizardry and acumen of Phillip Hammond? The incisive drive of Liam Fox? The charisma and cutting edge wit of Amber Rudd? The adroit mathematical ability of Diane Abbott? The honesty and integrity of Michael Gove?
The list is both endless and daunting. Give up Nigel, admit defeat. The ability of your opponents is just too great.
First Bias Jobby – Sky 2114 – stat bloke says turn out will be so low as to not reflect the national vote – nice one – Adam ‘ the slug’ Bolton obviously delighted with that one and the Stat bloke will get another gig £ with Sky …
Bumped into a tweet about Radio4 show in August
looks like the same one libmob bubbleword ..Femi etc.
Jeremy Hunt another appeaser
I am watching The Antiques Roadshow on BBC 1 now, filmed in The Isle of Wight. A woman bought in a ‘statuette’ to be valued. Behind the woman and the expert in direct line of the cameras is a middle age blackman in glasses. While the statuette’s history is explained, the blackman shows no interest, he keeps looking directly at the camera to the left of the woman while everyone’s attention is focused downwards on the table with the statuette.
My sister, who is quite innocent in the national broadcaster’s lying, deceit and fake news tactics announced, “He’s a plant!”
The middle aged blackman continued looking mainly at the second camera, showing no interest in the object and it’s valuation.
The BBC is so corrupt and so manipulative that it does not care how low it stoops to deceive the licence payer.
I really am incensed. Please, please Maxi say that I am a racist but only do so if you can prove the middle aged blackman is not a BBC staffer or contractor.
I really hope the MSM reads this forum because there is gold waiting to be mined if it is brave enough or cares enough to investigate this blatant propaganda.
BTW, I wonder what the size of the Afro-Caribbean population of The Isle of Wight is?
Rebel media live link here with Tommy ., results from 10pm
Apparently Marine Le Pen has beaten Macron in France.
BBC reporting her as the “Far Right”
Of course you are racist you will not accept a black man as your patner as for antiques roadshow et al anyone who travels around the country will know that the 85 % white indigenous populatin is still intact yet our biased bbc continues to prattle on and on about muzzies and their homophbic anti women policies
This happens every week on Antiques Roadshow .. there is always a rather striking black plant just behind the presenter and Fiona “whatever” always asks them a question first. It’s just pathetic and insulting to the general viewing public.
As the BBC has spent ages telling you all about the problems for UK Voters in France, and EU voters in the UK, here are our experiences today of voting in France, as EU CItizens. Firstly, having read the procedure, we realized that you can only vote once. As we had a postal vote from the UK for a UK MEP, and had also registered for a vote personally for a French MEP, we knew that we had to do something that may confuse the BBC, called making an informed choice. So, we tore up the UK postal vote, and went to the French polling station. There, greeted by the Marie personally, in a commune of less than 1000 registered voters, we presented our electoral cards. They were stamped. Further ID was not required as due to the small population, he knows everyone by name and sight. Laid out in front of us, and sent to us both in the last week or so, were 18 identically sized election papers with photographs, and a prospectus for each party. Take some of them into the polling booth, explained the mayor, so I cannot tell who you are voting for, and fold up your favoured paper, and then place that into this small envelope. Take the other papers home with you, and dispose of them as you see fit. Put the envelope into this transparent box, which also has a counter on it every time I open the slot. Then sign the voters register. So we did that. Apart from the amount of paper wasted, a simple system, even for the BBC.
Dominic Raab warns MP’s they won’t stop him forcing through a no deal Brexit.
I’d rather keep my money on Nigel Farage to deliver a no deal Brexit thanks very much. The Tories can’t be trusted.
The first result was from Leeds where The Brexit Party came first wasting all the others . The BBC is ‘ bigging up ‘ the liberals – which effectively is the Remain Party with another name .
What a pity Jon never stopped to wonder if it was too good to be true.
He’s deleted his earlier Tweet where he quoted Ian Bremner’s fake news, with a characteristically snarky comment.
The Al beeb news people are dressed in black ? Perhaps there will be a minutes silence for the Red Tory Party at midnight ….
Decent start, but early days yet.
BBC panel is five women one man…..agenda agenda agenda….
TBP 29% in Yorkshire and Humberside.
BBC Highlights Lib Dem’s as “2nd place” with 12%.
Over to your Alister Alastair Campbell………………….
(Who voted for you, Mr Blair?)
I noted that. In fairness, Laura K subsequently referred to it but I was astounded that the reporter was interested only in the LibDems.
Wow the biased bbc are really banging on about Lib Dem’s doing well in 2nd place despite less than half the refit Party vote!
Gotta hand it to the Beeb – Tory – labour and ex UKIP panel . Don’t bother having the party which may well win this .
The Labour Party appears to be using violent language to set the scene
“ we are going to get a kicking “ used by both lady nugee and the prince of darkness McDonnell
No one talking to the winner
Even some silly labour bitch wants to ignore democracy and have another vote
Labour to finish behind Lib Dems?
BBC political correspondent Nick Eardley tweets
Laura Kuenssberg
Tories and Labour both braced for pretty awful results in next few hours – could be historic lows for both – results might start coming in v soon
22:08 – 26 May 2019
Message to Al Beeb and maxincony.
D- Day it is approaching Europe as it did in 1944. Mr Trump and the Yanks are on the way.
…_ / …_/…_
Message to Al Beeb
The Taffs are going to hammer Labour in Wales .
In Wales the new pejorative word replacing ‘racist’ is ‘Populist’ .
Looks like you are spot on. Come on Wales!
Steve Jones
We are only small in population, so Its over to England , Scotland and N Ireland now to hold the line for Freedom and Independence.
Rule Britannia .
Labour loses Corbyn’s borough – on his birthday
How the F*** does Labour lose Islington ?
Happy Birthday !
Loving the BBC coverage. Of course they have to pretend not to be able to see the obvious message being delivered by the electorate.
CHUK not doing very well…hahahahaha. The best bit is it almost says CHUKA, even funnier.
I’m determined to stay awake until the BBC interview someone from the Chooka Party . I recon that will be about 0200 …
BBC reports “Rise in turnout more pronounced in Remain areas”!!!!
Seems the msm message will be the lib dems have improved
The BBC have done pretty well on the bias front 45 minutes into the result and they haven’t spoken to anyone from the Brexit Party – even the editorial. Staff of al beeb must recognise that this is more than a bit “ awkward “.
I just text them saying that…they had Ed Davey on for ages boring git……..