The site would like to give a prize for the most biased comment by a BBC employee during the outcome of an election which should never have involved the UK – if it was a democracy .
Start the Week Biased BBC Election Thread 27 May 2019
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BBC; “Netherlands – far right collapse as Labour tops poll”
Thornberry now dribbling the verbal diarrhoea she is renowned for but being put back in her place by Suzanne Evans.
Al Beeb reporting that the Libdems are holding Gibralter.
Will they be able to hold it when the Spaniards want it back ?
Lets take a look at Scotland says the BBC
Yes look , I can see a furry haggis running through the glen.
Haha “if you add up the votes of the greens et al the remain message is a strong one”.
So desperate BBC.
lib dems say we want to reamian ther fore they are Nazis as determined to stop the democratic vote
Ooh look Scotland have voted remain (SNP).
Not again!!?…..(lol)
Fascinating bias – Richard tice – deputy for the brexit Party – elected as MEP – goes to make the acceptance speech – didn’t hear a word – instead Laura talks do do .
An hour into BBC coverage – not a word from any one from the Brexit Party – it reflects the anti democratic view of the State Broadcaster .
I feel like using industrial language but refraining and would entreat others to do the same as I don’t want to spend Monday ‘ editing ‘ entries …,
The end of Al Beeb is nigh.
Nige and Boris will sort them out.
They did talk to Rees Mogg for 5 minutes
If the successful candidtae would like to say a few words….bbc moves on…
Exactly annu – glad its not me spotting the underlying bias …
BBC now ignoring the Brexit Party victory speech in Chelmsford. You have been rumbled BBC so just keep confirming your bias.
Is this on any other channels because the bias of the BBC is really annoying me?
How blatant. Brexit Party wiping the floor but “look at the increase in votes for the Lib Dems”.
It’s on Sky News. They allow men on there.
I refuse to pay for Sky. With them, I have a choice.
Dystopian .. if you have a TV licence you can get Sky news on Freeview .. 132. RT on 135
In London the animal welfare party got 2000 votes more than the Wimmin s Party .,,
Prefer animals to wimmin any day.
Lock your wife and your dog in the garage for a few hours. When you let them out, which is more pleased to see you?
Come on dyst – count the amount of time no one from the Brexit Party has had a comment – so far its an hour and 5 minutes .
Didn’t Rees Moggs daughter have a brief word? Or did I dream that?
It was his sister who is now a Brexit MEP.
AL Beeb …………..
I predict the maxim for the week from the losers will be “lessons to be learned”.
Lady Nugee , aka Emily Thornberry, goes to town celebrating defeat of ‘horrible man’ Yaxley Lennon.
Lady nugee looking very ‘butch ‘ tonight … meanwhile .., anyone heard from the Brexit Party .? The BBC gave air to some far nationalist SNP bloke but not a word from brexit .
And the BBC had turned it into the Nugee Show .,,,
Yes Nugee let’s deflect from the crap Labour result. Personally TR standing as a single person Independent has done very well with 38K votes. No social media presence (banned) no allowable donation platform (banned) … wonder what proportion of the SW vote did Adonis get ????
Suzanne Evans was also very immoderate in her language when talking about TR.
Lib Dems, SNP, Lib Dems, SNP…etc, etc.
Think you got that about right 2315 – Heidi Traitor Allen interviewed from Chelmsford . Huw obviously has a thing for her because a decent interviewer would have ripped her a new one
Prediction – when anyone from the Brexit Party is finally interviewed – there will be ‘technical issues ‘ or ‘ time for the weather ‘ …
I think you have that about right too fedup2. Thought they were about to let the Welsh Brexit bloke speak and we were whipped off to Birmingham. Even better news for the Brexit party there though. Hurrah!
As expected, Londonistan votes for the LibDems.
The London bubble that runs the media , says it all .
The brexit Party has done really well in Londonistan – but you won’t be hearing that .
Gerard has lost his seat.
Can’t watch any more of this utter shite being served up by the BBC. Goodnight everybody.
Goodnight – I’m with it to the end ( I always do that with elections )…
Some of us have work to do.
Has anyone seen maxincony ?
Me too even though the analysis and the predominance of comment by Labour and other Leavers is very annoying. Brexiteers are not being forceful enough and should challenge the analysis by the rest. Get Ann Widdecombe in there.
Looks like a 2am for me.
Watch them squirm…….it’s good fun
Heidi Allen ; “Change Uk down but not out”
Who? Hahahahaha.
Alistair Campbell on the BBC from 2320 – nugee gone – no Tory – no Liberal – it’s actually a shambles .
He also described Tommy Robinson as the leader of the EDL.
The BBC/Media predictability for the evening has panned out as I thought….basically its leave against remain and its 50/50!!?….and the LibDems/Greens have done amazingly well…well what a surprise!!….
Has anyone noticed how the BBC’s bar charts have the Lib Dems first on the left of the graph despite the Brexit party (5th on the graph) being in pole position?
Thats Al Beeb whistling in the dark.
*”Tommy Robinson speaks with the biased bbc
Stephen : Time To Fight Back UK News ”
Tommy just before the results were announced
Brexit Party – “they’re just another politically correct party unfortunately”
I agree 100%. That is why I voted UKIP. There has to be life after Brexit. Another party peddling white guilt repression just hasn’t appealed to me. ( A woman with a full head of hair & not a single tattoo )
the east midlands is my area
so far
The Brexit Party
Share %
37.82 ± (+37.82)
the limp dems managed 17.15%
ukip even managed to beat the CUKS just for extra fun
UKIP beat CHUK in Wales. Thanks @taffman
If you are watching the BBC coverage – the stats almost seem reluctant to show the numbers . In the West Midlands more people voted brexit Party than labour and libs combined .,,,
Strangely, the BBC don’t highlight this.
Alastair Campbell trying desperately to say that the country doesn’t want Brexit!
Brexit Party wins in West Midlands.
3 seats.
We are now an hour and a half into coverage and not heard a word from anyone from the Brexit Party ,
Al Campbell is gonna need plenty of anti depressants tonight . Just hope Blair is watching ..,,
Wales – 200,000 votes for Brexit party!
Come on England and Scotland back us up.
Taffman – west mids was 507 000 for brexit and 46k for UKIP ..
We now have 2 Brexit seats which is good because we are only allowed 4 seats .
Omg have you seen the young Brexit Party candidate in Leeds……….Lucy Harris for pm
Cool down man , cool down . Lets keep this professional.
Yorkshire (& Humberside) Brexit Party 470351 votes, taffman.
Labour & LibDems combined is less than Brexit Party.
Vote Lucy
Just for you Halifax;
Thank you …..
So if she was standing for the LibDums you’d vote for her?? FFS !
Al Campbell is going for the ‘ protest vote ‘ line again – but like the local council results ? . Huw Edwards didn’t challenge .
The first Brexit Party two was Richard Tice 100 minutes into this biased sewer of a programme .
Wow. They are actually interviewing a Brexit party spokesman.
Only 1 hour 40 mins in.
Fascinating that the BBC put an unrepresentative character with mental issues on the TV . Let’s hope he hits the mirtazapine anti depressant tonight as he sounds like he needs it .
On the wider point – notice that the BBC does show the actual number of people as separate votes – to me the most important thing of all … as a cumulative ..
No, no no, Fed. Al will be all right. One good drink and he’ll be back fighting. Well, alright, two then. Three and he’ll wipe the floor…’ll see.
I’m surprised they didn’t have Vicky Price or some other criminal on, just for balance, like…
Alastair Campbell “You’ve had all the Rubles coming in”
It’s embarrassing……they will be blaming cotton bubs next
Darling Anne widdecome elected . God help Brussels
Fed, a few years ago, I used to commute to London from Staplehurst, in Kent, Ann Widdecombe’s constituency.
Arriving as normal while it was still dark, a young chap asked me pleasantly if I would take a Conservative Party leaflet. Of course, back then, we always voted for them, but as I was in a happy frame of mind, I just said ‘Yes of course, God bless her’, and a recognisable voice boomed ‘Thank you very much’, and there was the real lady all ready to work, at around 6:00am!
Made my day!
……..and plastic straws
Brexit kills turtles
Hungary : Orban’s party 52%
Italy Salvini’s party expected 29%
France Marine Le Pen beats Macron
Germany “Far Right” AfD four seats.
But they still aren’t listening.
Alastair Campbell: “Roubles have poured in…” (to TBP)
And then tries to pass off the smear as a joke.
Desperate people desperate measures.
so the massively leftist pro eu electoral commission cant find f all and cambell the lying war criminal is allowed to make unfounded accusations on the bbc lovely just lovely
The BBC dumped Alistair Campbell at 2350 –
It’s as though the BBC don’t want to say what the results are . the brexit Party is treated like a bad smell and that is where democracy is .
There is no erosion of the desire to get away from the ReichEU – in fact I’d posit that the desire is stronger….
“Alastair Campbell: “Roubles have poured in…” (to TBP)
And then tries to pass off the smear as a joke.”
I think Bad Al panicked a bit when Richard Tice pulled him up on this. It was a casual smear, as you would expect from this piece of filth, but it was also a slander, and provably so The Brexit Party are the only party actually to have been audited by the Electoral Commission before the election, thanks to Gordon Brown gobbing off with no proof whatsoever.
I do hope that Nigel finds time in his busy schedule to send Evil Al a writ for slander. He will have no defence at all, and the thought of him having to shell out thousands to the Brexit Party is just too funny. Do it Nigel!
Why don’t the BBC give it up and admit that in several areas the Brexit vote is more than the labour vote PLUS the Lib Dem vote combined instead of trying to pass it off as a Lib Dem success!
The massive vote for TBP proves conclusively what the beeb have known all along, namely that the British people are a) stupid and b) racist.
The BBC got kinnock junior in for a laugh . He really tried to spin the usual Project Fear thing but even his heart wasn’t in it .
It had hit midnight . One person from the Brexit Party has been interviewed for about 4 minutes and he was abused by a journalist with mental issues who ranted about roubles without being challenged by the biased host …
Thing is this could be the demise of Corbyn…..and the Labour have to elect a BME women as the next leader…..
Im convinced Lammy is being lined up…seriously….
Stick a wig on Lammy and you have Diane.
“Labour have to elect a BME women as the next leader…” I can think of just the person, living quite near him.
Listen at them trying to say it’s all to do with Brexit frustrations rather than the fact we just want to leave!
Dyst –
It’s amazing – the stats on the screen have no link to the narrative the biased BBC are running .
The term “ Remain surge “ seems to be the obscene lie being thrown about – despite brexit …
FedUp2, lets just hope and pray that Nigel takes the BBC down ASAP.
I bet his victory speech won’t be heard because of ‘ technical problems ‘.
I’m waiting for Soubry to do a turn at achieving victory with 3% of the vote .
You may jest!!!!
BBC “Ah but if you add up all the votes from the other parties it’s a different story”.
Rather like “Ah but if you add up all the scores of all the countries who didn’t win the World Cup…….”
I was enjoying Chernobyl on Sky but watching the BBC coverage of the results tonight is far more entertaining……they like the Russians are running out of excuses….my brexometer is off the scale
Are the BBC going to do the honourable thing and accept defeat? I doubt it.
Come on Nigel, speech!
I feel I must apologise for Scotland.
Keeps voting socialist then surprised when they get Socialism.
I think they like their Barnett Formulae a bit too much – wedded to benefits like NI
Eventually reality will win out. Already middle earners pay a fair amount more in tax than down south, which will begin to have an effect. I can see independence winning before that happens, though. At which time I shall, of course, campaign for a People’s Vote on independence.
Thanks Thatcherrev, but no need. Still thankful to the Scots for giving The Sensational Alex Harvey Band to the world :0)
Indeed. Saw Zal Clemenson at the tail end of 2018.
Such a unique guitarist. Some of his solos are up there with the greats.
Here’s a headline for the BBC:
Disappointing Brexit Party showing in Scotland, to be honest. I was hoping they might do somewhat better, but it seems the SNP could order the slaughter of the first born and still win hands down. I’m at a loss as to what can be done to counter that.
What I will say is that it’s well documented that a sizeable minority of SNP supporters want out of the EU, so I suspect a good few percentage points landed up there. It can only strengthen wee Nicola’s hand for an independence referendum. With any luck she will over reach herself and lose it, but there’s no doubt there’s a risk of Scotland voting for independence. I suspect many south of the border will say good riddance, but from where I sit I’d prefer that didn’t happen.
Quite possible Roland, the traiterous unhappy woman may well win a vote for an independent Referendum, however I pretty certain that the EU will entertain Scotalnd as a seperate country joining the EU. Scotland on thier own have little to offer the EU, and a population of only 5.2 million, will not bring large amounts of wonga to the EU thieves. My wife is a Scot who is absoultely furious with the present traiterous attitude of the Scottish Parliament. Her father and her uncles all fought in WW2, but as they would say if alive, that they fought for the United Kingdom.
BBC FAR RIGHT parties make gains
(ssshh the FAR FAR LEFT dont mention that) GREEN Parties make gains elsewhere
The BBC consistently refuse to tell us where the cuddly greens are on the political spectrum
Despite the results the losers will call for a second vote.
Already they are trotting out the line that Remain votes are more than Leave. What these results do show is the chaos the Brexit Party could unleash under first-past-the-post, if well enough organised. But they have to somehow square the circle of representing opinion from Nigel Farage to Claire Fox. Which will not be easy.
so off some limp dem knobs go
there are many versions of what brexiteers want
hmm and all remainers want exactly the same do they
second ref
remain reform
remain full federal europe
the remain factions never seem keen to tell us which version of remain they propose
And they’re the ones who always bleat on about Brexiteers ‘not knowing what they voted for’!
Pathetic isn’t it!
Did you hear the Conservative on the panel talking about Heidi Allen’s claim that CHUK is “down but not out”?
Here is what he was referring to;
Nigel approaches the stage. Are the “technical problems” imminent?
BBC Headines wth SNP tops poll….
How many Scottish EMP are there ????
Scotland is little more than a county really. Trust the BBC to try and turn something small into something big!
So Mr Farage and 4 others out of 10 in the SE have been elected . And Daniel Hannon for the Tories – who is a brexit Party type in all but name .
The BBC bought in a rarity – a real Tory brexiter to state the truth of the issue .
Laura Keunsberg is horrible.
Apparently Nigel Farage appeals to ” a certain kind of voter”
Condescending bitch!
I heard that too – I think Laura reckons I’m too thick to understand these complex issues . I think the bubble is most comfortable assuming those outside don’t have a clue .
Actually, D, she is ‘technically’ correct, we ARE certain that we want to get out of the EU!
That’ll be lost on the W1A corridors of ‘managers’ with their earphone hints though!
They do that whispering Mandelson joke from way back ‘breathe in, breathe out’ , and of course the girl never has a clue what to say next!
‘A certain sort of voter’ who’s mopping the floor with her sort of voter.
A certain kind of voter paying her overblown salary.
How typical that on this of all election nights, the talking heads on the BBC coverage come from Labour, Tory and LibDem parties.
2 hours and 35 minutes in- the BBC interview the second person from the Brexit Party – Anne widdecombe -who as the say – tore our Huw a new one .
I think as this night continues the bias of the BBC becomes stronger as the panic over the results grows .