The site would like to give a prize for the most biased comment by a BBC employee during the outcome of an election which should never have involved the UK – if it was a democracy .
Start the Week Biased BBC Election Thread 27 May 2019
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The ramblings of these idiots on the panel just confirms to me that there is no point in a second, third, twenty fifth etc referendum. They will try to argue that night is day ad infinitum.
The conservative guy is correct. They need to smell the coffee.
Tommy Robinson got 38908 votes. Only 9000 behind CHUK and 28000 more than English Democrats. So why did they all laugh out loud when his result was announced?
thought exactly the same
Ann Widdecombe on great form batting away Huw’s silly questions.
She just wiped the floor with him. He did a great job of making himself look stupid.
Go on Anne sock it to them
Tobias -call me Toby – Elwood – listens to Anne widdecombe and then lies about what she said . Just another lightweight traitor .
I was thinking how different coverage would have been if brillo had been in the chair as opposed to a Huw – where’s my bbc pension – Edwards , the Welsh Dimbleby .
Ellwood is a poisonous windbag.
Oh dear Spain is lost. Socialists win.
no one really knows what labour or tories stand for
I would be surprised if most green voters can tell you what the greens stand for in reality and the cognitive dissonance of their policies
and some people dont care about brexit either way
so the only real qualitative measure is the brexiter parties BP UKIP vs limp-dems cuk totals
Great fun -the Lib Dem’s want a referendum on the basis of this vote . They almost tried ‘ who knew what the brexit Party stood for ?’ Joke
Well if anyone was in any doubt whatsoever of the BBC’s pro EU bias, they have certainly shown it tonight.
A penny for your thoughts Mrs May.
Brexit means Brexit.
Three years and here we are . three wasted years.
It will be interesting to hear what Mr Trump has to say to you.
I think you’ll find tess is on her walking holiday in the Brecons doing b and bs …
The co head of the Green Party just said this is not a victory for Nigel Farage . No one laughed and no one challenged with that WTF thing some people use . Think she was coked up .
Seats – brexit 28 / libs 15
so some idiot now adds the green lib-dems and cuks to make them level with the BP and nicely forgets UKIP
nice try dumb ass , we are not that stupid
Green Party spokeswoman claiming that a vote for the Greens is THE most anti Brexit vote there could be.
Not necessarily. Could be anti plastic straws, anti fracking, anti cows farting….
im betting 90% of green voters no nothing of their policies beyond “global warming” plastic bags and straws
and there is the knob adler bigging up the greens +19 when right below them on the screen is nationalist party’s +60 perhaps she didnt know what was being shown at the same time as her stupid face
do not forget purple hair dye and free piercings for all
According to the BBC it’s a draw……Herman Gorring in 1945 when interviewed by his RAF captures said he thought that the Battle of Britain was a draw.
OH my word. Give me a wall to bang my head on. Why are we still talking about a “compromise” or putting it back to the people? Green person claiming leave is now 44% to 56% remain! You just did put it back to the people and the people voted Brexit-AGAIN!
Daniel Hannon – re elected Tory – lamenting that issues are more polarised – he really has no idea how disgusted people are with people like him in his bubble and so many others not being brave enough to bite the bullet and leave with no deal ,
At 0100 the BBC still has a panel of remainers on who seem to translate this nights’ vote into a desire for another referendum – without a clue that this us what just happened – .
Indeed, it is after 1am and I’ve endured far too much of this BBC propaganda for one night. So with that I bid you all good night and God bless.
Sleep easy dyst , at 0115 the BBC still has not had a brexit Party member in their studio – who would suggest bias in that. The bbc is concentrating on the Far nationalist English hating SNP for nice remain votes in Scotland as they are all scared of losing their English tax subsidies for better benefits .
In the Northwest:
Tory party, the party for hiding child rape,131,000 (7.6%)
Islamo-Labour the pro Islamic child rape party: 380,000 (22%)
Tommy Robinson 39,000 (around 2.2%)
Thais pretty good for Tommy, given the vilification in the media, being scrubbed and censored of the internet, and that he only spent 4 weeks campaigning.
Lets hope he uses that vote to see where his support is the strongest, and runs for MP in the next general election.
It would appear we may have to let scotland go
40yrs cost £39bn
312 yrs lets call it £300bn for good behaviour
oh and dont forget to build yourselves a f***in wall jimmy
Personally I’d be happy to help pay for the wall and move the BBC further North from Salford to Glasgow – as long as they don’t broadcast south of the border… and the Scots can have the Euro ..
im an anglo scot one of many of a large family scots grandmother english grandfather 8 kids over 30 grandchildren god knows how many great grand children and they all think the scots can do one !
Huw: there we have it, The Brexit Party on just 31%, and the splendid resurgent Lib Dem’s on 21%…….a clear win for ‘Remain’ ………if we include those who didn’t bother to vote. So Alistair, a good night for the party you voted for, and a bad night for Labour?
Alistair Campbull: ROUBLES!!!…….it’s the way I tell’em!
Huw: Nice one Ally!
Funny how much air the SNP are given – in the referendum a million voted leave and 1.6 million voted remain . Hardly overwhelming as the BBC portrays Scotland .
At 0125 the brexit Party has 28 seats and the Lib Dem’s half that . Yet the BBC interview another drugged up Lib Dem MP called Layla Moran who makes it sound as though they one with Huw Edwards failing to challenge because he is – I think – a Lib Dem who fails to leave his bias ‘at the door of the studio ‘
I think the BBC had pivoted from the Labour Party to the Lib Dem’s traitors …
.. meanwhile some Tory clone called Tobias is playing the same old game of cowardice about being unwilling to walk away from the ReichEU – just another traitor the BBC can rely on to make the right EU noises . Drain his swamp.
spin spin lots of spin Greens lib dems snp
lets ignore labour 3rd piaid 2nd in wales yet we can all see the map behind them , scotland snp, england and wales virtually all BP blue
three remainers telling us how they need to work together to block no deal brexit and telling us how we just need to tell the EU to make minor changes to what they do and be more flexible , as if that is remotely possible
The Greens love the EU because they did such a great job with diesel …
Some news coming in from Hackney Council, that Diane Abbot has ordered the local council to make savings of £124,000 on road crossing officers (lollipop men and women), by moving the schools to the other side of the road.
she is a special kind of stupid we generally only find in our vibrant friends, exercising overt racism whilst hiding behind the same laws, we should value them as we do village idiots and clowns, and allow them to display their opinions alongside the punch and judy stall once a year
Well it’s good to know the Abbot sends her kid to a private school outside her own borough .
The BBC got one of Corbyn s boys in to tell us that the vote has no bearing on parliament – in other words it’s meaningless and won’t affect how MPs behave in Westminster . Huw Edwards seems to have the listening skills of a brick wall as there was no question , no challenge , or anything about such a disgusting anti democratic views ,
157 days to the Article 50 extension expires .
who is this labour non-entity who is still sitting on the fence hoping a second referendum will getting them off the hook and off the fence
Adonis ?
Adonis ?
The ‘rise of the Greens’ in the EU will ensure that it will be pushed further down the road of economic suicide in a futile effort to stop Global Warming as predicted by the IPCC reports that the biasedBBC has been brainwashing us with.
This is good news provided that the UK actually manages to implement the democratic will of the people who voted in the 2016 referendum for Brexit and to leave the now sinking ship.
The rise of the young ‘greenshirts’ in Germany still in thrall to the sainted Greta and to the IPCC’s politically re-written report summaries.
It was noted in reports that the Greenie vote is mainly in the under 30 age group. Those are the ones not paying the colossal ‘Energiewende’ energy bills that fall to their parents then ?
The game is up.
Now will the Tory Party and its supporters turn on Al Beeb having seen it for what it is – a treacherous pro Europe cabal?
Looking at A Beeb’s front page Lovely photo , terrible headline, will they change it by dawn?
Rather surprised they have not changed the front page like they do with jailed muslim paedophile rape gangs within 2 hours and find a photo of a muzzie with a hijab to parade again as if they are our only minority,
Will Donald meet up with the leader of the Brexit Party? Will Mrs Chamberlain allow it ?
Change UK must feel gutted
Change UK – Andrea Cooper, Dan Price, Arun Banerji, Michael Taylor, Philippa Olive, Victoria Desmond, Andrew Graystone, Elisabeth Knight 47 237 2.72% +2.72
Independent – Tommy Robinson 38 908 2.24% +2.24
Close to that of the eight Change UK candidates put together.
Let the hate flow, Gav. It’s a winning strategy.
Sounds like a séance. ‘Esler anyone there….?’
He hasn’t updated his website with the result number yet …. but I suppose it gives him a bit more oomph for his after dinner Speaker career …?
Anna Soubry has just been on LBC doing a good impression of Comical Ali, insisting 3% of the vote was a good result for a new party. Oh dear.
I’m sure that Chooka , Anna and Heidi will proudly stand with all the ChangeUK MEPs outside Parliament – oh – sorry – I forgot … they didn’t get one .
Message – new Party – Soubry claimed that getting 600 thousand votes across the country was ‘ good’ .
The BBC spin seems to be unable to say that those favouring Full Brexit actually won – instead it’s just a matter of
‘ more polarised ‘
Yet the Brexit Party got double the seats of the Libs .
“…… the vote was a good result for a new party.” That’s the Brexit Party she’s referring to I do believe……………
BBC Online News:
“”In the UK, the newly-formed Brexit Party CLAIMED a big victory, and a STRONG performance by the Liberal Democrats came amid massive losses for the Conservatives and Labour.””
Feel the hurt BBC, feel the hurt.
Friday and Sunday 8pm R4 More or Less debunked the whole premise her book was written on ..(the idea that lots of people were executed for sodomy)
then 9am Monday R4 has her plugging said pulp book
“Naomi Wolf looks back to the 1857 Obscene Publications Act to pinpoint the moment that law enforced the sexuality morality of the time.
She sees reverberations lasting to this day.”
That error should have been picked up well before
.. She claims it is based on her Oxford PhD thesis
but seems her supervisor was Literature not history expert and the thesis was maybe not actually submitted ( not clear)
so was upto her publisher to check it was sound, but they didn’t.
Furthermore a bunch of historians let themselves be credited on the book cover.
\\ Wolf encountered Symonds for the first time at Oxford, during research for her PhD: in fact, the new book, Outrages, is a rewriting of her 2015 doctoral thesis //
She concudes “Part of why we have gay rights movements is because there is *a truth* to be told.
And telling *the truth* is the way to have the right to claim your sexual identity.”
Today’s prog did push her again
cos she not only people had been executed when they hadn’t
but also didn’t differentiate between the two different types of cases
ie those where it was malicious prosecution cos it was between consenting adults
.and those where sexual abuse had taken place.
Her retort was that ‘In the second half of the 19th century there was a lot of the former’
Meanwhile LBC spins it best they can.
James O’Brien will be going ment… even more mental.
A HYS comment:
“”Crystal Palace, Brighton and Huddersfield got 101 points in the Premier League to Man City’s 97, so Man City finished second yes? That’s how it works?””
Well done LBC I say , it makes a change from Al Beeb’s treasonable image they have shown over the last three years .
Where is that demented man waving that blue rag shouting “Stop Brrrrrrexit”
They played a trolling trick there
as if the choice is “Parties backing a People’s Vote” (a proxy for extreme remain)
Parties backing a no-deal Brexit ( a proxy for fundamental remain)
There are other Brexit positions as well
eg people who want a full deal, but might settle for No Deal
They don’t want to get it, do they?
The Brexit Party’s agenda was to Leave.
The other parties had mixed agendas.
Katya is making the best of it in true BBC style.
Here we have an unbiased graphic from the BBC.
The more observant will notice how they had to include SNP and PC as anti-Brexit to achieve this. Despite the fact that polls have shown between 25% and 33% of SNP voters want to leave the EU, and I assume much the same applies to PC.
More of a big picture man, me.
One of the “Liberal” “Democrats” before the vote claimed that if you wanted Remain then you had to vote for them only, as “Labour and Conservatives are clearly Brexit parties”.
Taking him at his word, the LDems, Chukkas, Greens and National Socialists have 40.4% of the vote, and Brexit has 58.1%.
We won clearly.
Roland beat me to it and good point about SNP/Plaid Cymru leavers.
Of cours there is an irony in these Nationalists being keen as mustard to give up their nations to an internationalist lock in.
For me the most telling State Broadcaster chart that showed Remain parties 5% ahead of Leave. A slight of hand acheived by counting the two “will of the people” parties as neutral.
They do have a point, as whilst the two prizefighters dominated the 2017 election, all that has been achieved is a deal with the EU that our parliament refuses to sign up to and a couple of Art 50 extensions. Wow.
By the way I don’t agree that State Broadcaster’s approach predicts a second EU referendum outcome.
Let’s see how many from the Brexit party are allowed on to
the liberal bigot Jo Coburn and her editors Politics Today
programme on the BBC.
@ Foscari
“Liberal Bigot” says it all, quite precisely nice turn of phase, so many liberal bigots around strangling free speech
281 Comments on this thread, entitled “28 May”?
Is this a far far far extreme left BBC plot? Have the EU election results departed down the memory hole?
Has 2019-05-27 been removed for calendrical reasons, as in 1752?
Will there be new EU elections? Until we “get it right”.
Meanwhile, on Breitbart London, described by the (far left) Wikipedia as far right (also known as telling the truth).
We have the Islamic candidate for next PM, declaring his support for the ROP.
Hopefully this will sink the hopes of yet another traitor.
Ha Ha last chance – you win the prize for spotting it the date ‘ issue ‘ . You will get your prize on the 32nd of May ..
Some might say you are misreading what ‘28 ‘ means – or are too thick to understand it or should go back and ask for the 28th to be changed ….
Which will happen thanks
I did enjoy reading one sentence in the Brietbart article. Hillarious:
““Britain’s Muslim communities make an invaluable contribution to our national life.”
May to date islam Worldwide: making, “….an invaluable contribution….” –
2019.05.26 Burkina Faso Toulfe 4 0 Gunmen fire into a church during service, killing four worshippers.
2019.05.26 Iraq Uwaynat 5 7 Five innocents are slain when Jihadist set off a bomb at a popular market.
2019.05.26 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 2 A woman is killed when religious extremists throw a bomb at a police car.
2019.05.25 Iraq Hawijah 5 10 Islamic State members set a field on fire and then murder five Iraqis attempting to put it out.
2019.05.25 Chad N’Gounboua 5 11 A journalist is among five people laid out by a Boko Haram blast.
2019.05.25 Nigeria Borno 25 0 Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a convoy trying to evacuate civilians, massacring over two dozen.
2019.05.24 Nigeria Sabon Garin Kimba 5 2 At least five guards are murdered by Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.05.24 Pakistan Quetta 3 28 A bomb planted at a rival mosque leaves three dead.
2019.05.24 Philippines Malambuhangin 1 0 Islamic radicals are suspected in the assassination of a religious scholar in front of his family.
2019.05.24 Iraq Baiji 1 4 A woman is killed, and her family injured, when Jihadis send shrapnel through their car.
2019.05.24 Pakistan Sachal 1 0 A prayer leader is assassinated by rivals while exiting a mosque.
2019.05.24 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 Five farmers are intercepted and eliminated by the Islamic State.
2019.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 2 16 Two worshippers at a mosque are blown to bits by Religion of Peace rivals.
2019.05.23 Afghanistan Charsada 1 0 A woman is killed during an attack by the Taliban.
2019.05.23 Iraq Qaim 2 0 A Sunni bomb blast rips through a parking lot at a car wash, taking two lives.
2019.05.22 Iraq Shura 1 0 A terrorist bomb blast claims the life of a woman.
2019.05.22 CAR Ouham Pende 16 0 A second village is attacked by Muslim militia, with sixteen more killed.
2019.05.22 Iraq Allas 1 3 A guard at an oilfield is murdered by ISIS.
2019.05.22 India Mendhar 1 7 A bombing by Islamic ‘separatists’ leaves one dead.
2019.05.22 Burkina Faso Koury 2 0 Two truck drivers transporting floor tiles are attacked and killed by Jihadists.
2019.05.22 Somalia Mogadishu 9 13 Nine people are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2019.05.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 9 0 Nine hostages are executed on video by ISIS West Africa.
2019.05.21 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 20 A child is among three Afghans disintegrated by Taliban bombers.
2019.05.21 Iraq Mosul 37 0 Thirty-seven victims of caliphate execution, mostly women, are discovered in a mass grave.
2019.05.21 CAR Pahoua 34 0 Muslim militia slaughter thirty-four villagers to avenge the death of one Muslim.
2019.05.21 Afghanistan Kapisa 4 0 Two women and a child are among a family of four sent to Allah by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.05.21 Syria Harasta 1 1 A 60-year-old man is reduced to parts by a terrorist landmine.
2019.05.21 Nigeria Gubio 3 6 Boko Haram gunmen attack a local army base, killing three occupants.
2019.05.20 Somalia Bakol 4 0 al-Shabaab stages a Shahid suicide attack on a local army base, killing four.
2019.05.20 Tajikistan Vahdat 8 0 Incarcerated ISIS inmates stab three guards and five prisoners to death.
2019.05.20 Iraq Tal Afar 4 3 Four farmers are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2019.05.19 Mali Koury 7 0 Four civilians are among seven mowed down by Jihadi gunmen.
2019.05.19 Syria Sahl 1 1 An IED claims a civilian near the former caliphate capital.
2019.05.19 Mali Timbuktu 1 3 One person is killed in a terror attack targeting UN peacekeepers.
2019.05.19 Nigeria Madu Musaha 2 12 Boko Haram open fire on refugees at a displaced persons camp, killing two.
2019.05.19 Afghanistan Washer 2 2 A roadside bomb claims two souls.
2019.05.19 Iraq Balad Ruz 7 26 Sunnis hit a bus carrying Shiites with a roadside bomb, claiming seven passengers.
2019.05.19 Egypt Giza 0 17 Religion of Peace activists hit a tourist bus with a bomb.
2019.05.19 Afghanistan Kabul 3 3 The Taliban murder three local cops at their post.
2019.05.19 Pakistan Islampura 1 0 A conservative family honor-kills their daughter on suspicion of sexual behavior.
2019.05.19 France Villejuif 0 2 A man stabs two passersby while shouting praises to Allah.
2019.05.19 Mozambique Beira 1 0 A priest who ran an institute for the blind is stabbed to death by Islamic radicals.
2019.05.18 Afghanistan Oba 4 14 Extremists plant a bomb on a motorcycle that claims four civilians, including a child.
2019.05.18 CAR Nola 1 0 A 77-year-old Catholic nun is beheaded by suspected Muslim militants.
2019.05.18 Libya Zella 3 4 Islamic State militants kill three people at an oilfield and kidnap four more.
2019.05.17 Iraq Mekhas 1 0 A teacher is blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2019.05.17 Iraq Yousif Bag 1 0 An elderly resident makes easy pickings for ISIS members.
2019.05.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 8 11 A fundamentalist group ambushes a group of local police, killing eight.
2019.05.17 Syria Huwair al-Eis 1 2 A civilian is aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.05.16 Syria al-Bab 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a civilian bystander.
2019.05.16 Afghanistan Shamulzayi 6 6 Taliban fundamentalists murder a half-dozen Afghan security personnel.
2019.05.16 Chad Ceilia 13 0 Thirteen villagers are slaughtered by Islamic militants.
2019.05.16 Nigeria Adamawa 14 0 Fourteen fishermen and farmers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2019.05.16 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 Radicals pour machine-gun fire into a security post, killing four.
2019.05.15 Iraq Abbra 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a civilian, killing him on the spot.
2019.05.15 Syria Raqqa 1 4 Sunni shrapnel claims a civilian.
2019.05.15 Iraq Hawijah 4 0 Islamic State members stop a police vehicle with a bomb and then shoot the survivors.
2019.05.15 Iraq Rashad 2 0 Two traffic cops are picked off by ISIS gunmen.
2019.05.15 Niger Dolbel 0 1 A priest is shot three times in his church by Muslim militants.
2019.05.14 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 A suicide car bomber goes off, taking down four bystanders.
2019.05.14 Afghanistan Duleena 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a shopkeeper to death.
2019.05.14 Niger Tonga Tonga 28 0 Twenty-eight border guards are picked off by Ansar al-Islam gunmen.
2019.05.14 Afghanistan Shamulzay 5 0 A Taliban attack leaves five dead.
2019.05.14 Syria Shirkak 1 1 A civilian is leveled by an ISIS IED.
2019.05.14 Syria Nayrab 10 0 Four children are among ten killed when terrorists lob missiles into a refugee camp.
2019.05.13 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 4 0 Four innocents are killed during an attack on a Catholic religious procession.
2019.05.13 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 5 A civilian is dismantled by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.05.13 Pakistan Quetta 4 6 Tehrik-e Taliban rig a motorcycle with a bomb that claims four passersby.
2019.05.13 Iraq Khanaqin 2 0 ISIS militants murder a father and son.
2019.05.13 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 20 Religious extremists set off three bombs that kill three people.
2019.05.13 Nigeria Damboa 3 4 A Boko Haram blast ends three lives.
2019.05.13 Afghanistan Korpeto 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by suspected radicals.
2019.05.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Turkish engineer is murdered by al-Shabaab bombers.
2019.05.12 Afghanistan Dushi 1 1 An Afghan security official is murdered by the Taliban.
2019.05.12 Burkina Faso Dablo 6 0 A large group of extremists attack a church during a service, killing six, including the pastor.
2019.05.12 Syria Suqaylabiyah 6 8 A Sunni group sends a barrage of shells into a Christian neighborhood, killing five children and a woman.
2019.05.11 Afghanistan Muqer 8 2 Eight children are pulled into pieces by shrapnel from a Taliban landmine.
2019.05.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 A child is disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast.
2019.05.11 Pakistan Gwadar 5 6 Three Majeed Brigade gunmen stage a suicide attack on a luxury hotel, killing four civilians and a guard.
2019.05.11 Nigeria Moranti 4 1 Four people are left dead following a Boko Haram raid in the middle of the night.
2019.05.11 Afghanistan Kama 1 0 A fundamentalist group murders a local official.
2019.05.11 Pakistan Khaipur Tamiwali 4 3 The brother of a young woman who married against the family’s wishes fires into their home, killing four.
2019.05.11 Syria Sakka 1 2 Terrorist explosives claim the life of a child.
2019.05.10 Mali Bandiagara 4 2 Four civilians are shot to death by suspected Jihadists.
2019.05.10 Nigeria Gajiganna 11 4 An al-Qaeda linked group fires into a village, killing eleven.
2019.05.10 Iraq Iraq 2 0 Suspected ISIS on motorbikes gun down two civilians.
2019.05.10 Syria Bahdaliya 1 2 A civilian expires from injuries following a Jihadi roadside blast.
2019.05.10 Afghanistan Murghab 15 5 The Taliban overrun two guardposts and massacre fifteen Afghans.
2019.05.10 Afghanistan Nawa Maish 5 4 Five civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban landmine.
2019.05.10 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 4 5 Four children exterminated by a Taliban IED.
2019.05.09 Iraq Kawar 8 0 Islamic militants slaughter a husband, wife and their six children in their home.
2019.05.09 Iraq Shirqat 1 1 Suspected ISIS shoot a man outside a grain silo.
2019.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 8 15 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a packed market, taking eight ‘infidels’ with him.
2019.05.09 Libya Ghadduwah 2 1 ISIS gunmen kill two people and kidnap a third.
2019.05.08 Afghanistan Laywanay Bazaar 3 2 Hardline fundamentalists ambush and kill three local cops.
2019.05.08 Pakistan Lahore 13 24 A suicide bomber detonates amid a crowd of pilgrims at a Sufi shrine, killing thirteen.
2019.05.08 Afghanistan Kabul 9 24 Fedayeen stage a suicide attack on an American charity office, killing nine.
2019.05.08 Syria Farat 2 4 A suicide car bomber takes out two civilian bystanders.
2019.05.08 Syria Manbij 3 0 Sunni shrapnel cuts down three civilians.
2019.05.08 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 5 0 Five family members are brutally shot to death in their home by the Islamic State.
2019.05.08 Kenya Wajir 1 0 An Islamist group ambushes and kills a border guard.
2019.05.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A shepherd is put down by an ISIS bomb blast.
2019.05.07 Burkina Faso Sahel Reserve 2 0 Jihadists open fire on French troops during an attempt to free hostages, killing two.
2019.05.07 Iraq Mazarei 3 5 Three people are killed when Islamic State gunmen attack a family home.
2019.05.07 Nigeria Molai 11 12 Boko Haram tear into a village and slaughter eleven people.
2019.05.07 Afghanistan Alingar 4 4 Fundamentalists plant a bomb on a police vehicle that kills four passengers.
2019.05.07 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 1 0 Terrorists fire into a toll booth, killing the operator.
2019.05.06 Iraq Debis 3 2 An ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2019.05.06 Afghanistan Gulistan 20 2 The Taliban storm a checkpoint and massacre twenty local soldiers.
2019.05.06 Afghanistan Khwaja Bahaudin 8 0 Eight Afghans are murdered by the Taliban.
2019.05.06 Pakistan North Waziristan 4 10 Two separate shooting attacks by Islamists on local security leave four dead.
2019.05.05 Afghanistan Chah-e-Kohsani 3 2 Three children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban landmine.
2019.05.05 Mozambique Meluco 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2019.05.05 Israel Ashkelon 1 2 Hamas sends a rocket into an Israeli factory, killing a 49-year-old man.
2019.05.05 Israel Gaza 2 0 A pregnant woman and her infant are taken apart by an Hamas rocket.
2019.05.05 Israel Ashkelon 1 0 A 58-year-old man is killed outside his home by an Hamas rocket.
2019.05.05 Israel Yad Mordechai 1 0 A vehicle is hit with an Hamas rocket, killing the 68-year-old driver.
2019.05.05 Afghanistan Puli Khumri 20 55 A suicide bomber plows into a police station, sending twenty strangers to Allah.
2019.05.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A bomb left on a minibus kills one person when it goes off.
2019.05.05 Pakistan Mamond 1 0 A polio worker is shot to death by suspected radicals.
2019.05.05 Israel Ashdod 1 0 A young father and rabbi is brought down by Hamas shrapnel.
2019.05.04 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a man outside an orange grove.
2019.05.04 India Anantnag 1 0 The 65-year-old local leader of a Hindu party is assassinated outside his home.
2019.05.04 Iraq Mukhisa 1 2 A family is split apart by Mujahid bombers.
2019.05.04 Syria Yadoudah 2 0 Two civilians succumb to Sunni bullet wounds.
2019.05.04 Libya Sebha 9 0 ISIS attack a training camp, slitting the throats or shooting nine members.
2019.05.03 Afghanistan Qadis 7 3 A fundamentalist group fires automatic weapons into a police checkpoint, killing seven.
2019.05.03 Nigeria Magumeri 15 9 A surprise Boko Haram attack leaves fifteen others dead.
2019.05.03 Mozambique Macomia 4 0 Islamic radicals murder a teacher and burn three others.
2019.05.03 Benin Pendjari 1 2 Muslim extremists are suspected of kidnapping two French tourists after killing their guide.
2019.05.03 Yemen al-Qatn 6 6 Children are among six civilians put down by al-Qaeda bombers.
2019.05.02 Nigeria Baga 3 8 Boko Haram attack a local security patrol and kill three members.
2019.05.02 DRC Tshabi 6 0 Six people are killed during an attack by ADF Islamists.
2019.05.02 Afghanistan Qaisar 6 9 Elders and children are among family members massacred in their own home by the Taliban.
2019.05.02 Nigeria Dong 1 0 A 26-year-old Catholic youth leader is murdered by militant Muslims.
2019.05.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist police officer is shredded by Muslim shrapnel.
2019.05.01 DRC Ituri 1 2 ADF Islamists kill a guard and abduct two doctors.
2019.05.01 Afghanistan Lash Wa Juwayn 4 2 Islamic extremists storm a police checkpoint and murder four officers.
2019.05.01 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 7 Three border guards are murdered by armed fundamentalists.
And Hunt is likely to be the next PM?
Contd. If my arithmetic is correct, 650 dead.
It seems the BBC have put all the other opposition together to show a majority for anti brexit ? hmm does not quite make sense, but when did logic ever bother them, one can smell the desperation from Salford, maybe next they will be demanding why Corbyn’s dog was not allowed to vote
Richard Burgon – a Labour Shadow mouthpiece – the one who notably hates Jews and made a speech saying so then lying and saying it never happened – until brillo showed him the video -/-
Well he was on Toady with the same old tune about denying this vote and the original referendum .
157 days to brexit again .,.
“why Corbyn’s dog was not allowed to vote”
Abbott voted 615 times, once for every pound she weighs.
Is that fattist or racist god only knows ask a fat black they should know
“Brexit party tops European poll in Wales”
Best headline on Al Beeb.
That would be the Jonesit vote ?
A Wexit vote !
Thats good enough, would have maybe posited Daisit as an alternative, we can stick with Joxit for our tartan friends and still considering if the one man and his dog in Northern Ireland are even worth giving nomenclature as they are all sucking off the Euro tit
Surreal may be over-used but there’s no better word to describe the BBC this morning. Disregard all the hype that the tumultuous Brexit Party results are merely protest votes while LibDem votes are sincere and more meaningful, enjoy this gem from across the channel:
‘And it’s over to Paris where Marine Le Pen has had a narrow victory over Macron….’
‘Yes, but it’s important to remember that governments in power so often suffer such results mid-term……’
Toady watch
The work experience girl interviews some Tory minister ( zaharwi?) who used his posh public school accent to say that
‘The vote was a wake up call” – I just love those wake up calls.- how many do they need ? I’m just sorry that there are 4? Tory MEPs and that their Party wasn’t destroyed … may be that would have been a ‘wake up call ‘ too.
Naturally the beeboid got bogged down in meaningless rubbish about the red Tory leadership nonsense as if any right thinking person gives a damn about which traitor gets the job .
In the upside i won a couple of quid when I bet that Change`UK would get zip.
Anyone heard from Andy Adonis ? Or the chooka ? Or that nice Sarah the GP? And a moments’ silence please for the unbiased Gavin Esler -non MEP – who strangely thankfully has gone quiet …
After a night of watching the people of Britain tell everyone in charge who are still not listening, again, what they want, I cannot resist :
What does Mohammeds wife say as she gets dressed ? :
“Does my bomb look big in this? “
What the hell is wrong with the BBC?
I’ve been watching their Breakfast programme and they’ve sent a “roving reporter” to a car-boot sale in Solihull (or somewhere in the vicinity) to ask for their views on the Brexit vote.
“Let’s ask Jane, who’s selling a load of second hand tat that nobody in their right mind would buy…” Poor Jane looks confused and tells us “I’ve no idea. I didn’t vote. I’ve hardly heard of Brexit to be honest.”
The dogged journo’ bravely trawled on, stumbling around mounds of old books, flea bitten clothes and David Essex LPs, thrusting his microphone under the noses of equally disinterested people.
This pillock asked about half a dozen people pretty much the same question with the same response.
The worst was some massive West Indian bloke who struggled to string a sentence together. “Duh, yeh, well…” It was painful.
What’s the bleedin’ point?
David Essex LPs for sale? Solihull here I come “Gonna make you a star ” oh wait I haven’t got a turntable, whats the massive west indian got for sale ?
I think maybe the BBC has found its forte now and fit for purpose once again
Dear BBC, anyone got a spare charger for a Panasonic FZ 28 camera ? cash waiting
Toady watch2
Honest question – how much time did the BBC spend interviewing victorious Brexit Party MEPs ? I was a bit a sleep so I didn’t hear any between 0600 and now – 0838….
… is the brexit party boycotting the BBC ? I wouldn’t blame it
Tim Donovan the political editor for the Londonistan Programme
on the BBC ,just said. ” A moderate 18% for the flash in the pan
Brexit Party in London.” Give me the prize now!!
Fos – ‘so what he is saying is … new partys always get good numbers at start up – just like ‘No change UK’
The Brexit Party won 10 of the 11 Regions.
Spin that, BBC.
Woo hoo! Katya is going to ‘analyse’ for us thickos.
Shove your interpretation Adler you EU shill.
QT panel this week – Andy Adonis – Gavin Esler – Soubry ( as always) Al ‘mental’ Campbell and a green …. reflects the country perfectly …
“Previously on Biased BBC”
Guest Who May 26, 2019 at 5:59 pm
“Ok, to discuss the results we have assembled a panel comprising Andrew Adonis, Gavin Esler’s mum, Alistair Campbell, Owen Jones and Rob Burley to tell us he doesn’t work on this programme”.
With luck Katya to ‘fact check’.
I don’t understand why you people are watching today’s MSM coverage.
I have a policy of only abstaining for 24 hours until after everything is settled, cos there is no point in enduring the hours and hours of spin and speculation they subject you to.
It’s always a frenzy.
Like on the Trump result I didn’t find out until late cos I’d been busily avoiding the BBC
Even if you wait a week the actual vote result would be the same
but if you subject yourself to hours of their coverage today you risk either being brainwashed or having a heart attack.
It is a particular form of masochism for those who lost and a fascination with denial in the MSM for those who won and a true fascination in how they desperately attempt to justify the results without acknowledging the TRUTH ! truly interesting
Yes Stew – I’m done with it now until I do the next site admin ….
Stew, quite right. Good policy. Apparently, the UK did not start counting its votes until 21.00hrs or even 22.00hrs on Sunday. Scared of the possible result, perhaps? Was it like that five years ago?
I switched on The Westminster Hour a little late (c.10.15pm) and got a load of gabbling ‘talking heads’ mostly trying to promote Remainian views. In between, Carolyn Quinn (who is an excuse to hit the Off switch in her own right) was struggling to get an edge in wordways. I switched off.
I switched on again in the last few minutes of TWH to catch the 11pm News Bulletin and a hint of the results, but then it became apparent that the R5 coverage was going to be no better that R4’s TWH so it was ‘Off switch’ time again.
The BBC is starting to become irrelevant.
Once upon a time – and not that long ago – it was pretty much essential.
Another side-effect that’s been overlooked – Labour seem to have lost their Momentum. Not so dynamic after all then.
@ Fedup
Whilst I have little sympathy for Campbell as he is a bully there is no need to belittle anyone for depression or any other illness be it mental or physical, his use of alcohol is likely to be a contributing factor as is his exposure to Blair, but it is a low shot
Yes there is . That character trades on his mental condition yet expects to be listened to as though he does not have the mood swings which come with depression – as shown on the BBC election programme last night .
It’s not belittling – it’s calling the thug out .i was waiting for someone to notice what I called him .
No there isn’t
I do not really care if he does or he does not “trade”, he may be a bully and nasty with it but should not be called mental for suffering from depression, you can call him mental for his behaviour IN PUBLIC but you are referring quite explicitley to the fact that he has admitted to having an illness and that is not fair in my opinion
There’s no point in sympathy for such self-induced depression. All it signifies is that Campbell has a conscience, despite constant efforts to conceal the fact – the very typical reaction of a bully.
There is a point and a very relevant point, it is not a question of sympathy it is a question of whether one has a valid argument to present to someone with whom you disagree or reduce yourself to ad hominem
or milkshakes
Nice to know al Campbell has a fan on this website . To me – he’s just another bubble dweller with no regard for the ordinary punter – who with his boss did terrible harm to Britain . If you like to defend him – and his mental condition – which he spent a tedious hour of tv last week being sorry for himself – good luck
Jeeeezus, and I thought it was the far left bbc who were hard of hearing or unable to read…… must be a contagious disease, lots of rest for you and whatever then start with Janet and John and work upwards if, or when you feel able 🙂
@ FedUp2 wrote \\ Al ‘mental’ Campbell //
The idea is that, there are people who have genuine mental illnesses and that many/most are no danger at all, so we shouldn’t pre-judge them by pushing the idea that : mentally-ill= violent
But historically we have always said that characters like Rab C Nesbitt are “a headcase”, “psycho” or even “mental”
Everyone knows what you are talking about
.. that they are prone to trouble and violence, rather than it meaning they have clinical depression.
To me it doesn’t mean the same as “mentally ill”, which is the term reserved for the broad group.
So I don’t think the principle was breached.
Now was it fair to Alistair Campbell ?
He’s no violent like Rab C Nesbitt as far as we know
so it is a pejorative ad hom against AC.
But then AC himself is quick with such pejoratives, he instantly called a milkshaked veteran “liar”,
so what goes around comes around
Let’s just agree that he’s pure poison.
I can’t see where Rab C Nesbit – who I vaguely recollect has any relevance to the mental state of a journalist who the bbc regularly depend on to express rabid anti democratic views as though his opinion has more validity than yours or mine . The guy isn’t right in the head and this is ignored – anyone who saw his rant on the bbc vote programme last night would know what I’m on about .
Precisely Fed. If the BBC had any sincere regard for Campbell’s mental frailty due to self-confessed – and detailed – depression they would stop giving him such frequent opportunities to vent his manifest, self-indulgent and petulant spleen.
The fact that they don’t, and continue to provide him with ample airspace, indicates either a rather sadistic side to their commentator selection or a juvenile lack of ability to face a sizeable chunk of reality. That said, the frequency of Owen Jones’ and Polly Toynbee’s opinions being sought suggests that the sadistic streak is very well entrenched.
Re Alastair Campbell, do I not recall that there was a hostile atmosphere from the SPADs in No.10 when Blair was PM and No.11. I seem to recall that Campbell used to bully and threaten journalists as well as Labour MPs, as did the crew in No.11. Cannot remember all their names now.
Did one of them end up doing jail time for phone hacking after leaving No.11?