The site would like to give a prize for the most biased comment by a BBC employee during the outcome of an election which should never have involved the UK – if it was a democracy .
Start the Week Biased BBC Election Thread 27 May 2019
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Bad night for Germany. If only Mutti had talked May into standing firm for a No Deal Brexit on 29 March ……
Germany are now in hock to the Greens and they may find it hard, in future, to wriggle off that hook. The prospect for that future must be saying goodbye to a chunk of German industry and the jobs that go with it.
Quite right Up2, how the German’s plan to reconcile opening up more coal-fired power stations as the only viable option to keep their economy going with the bright Green lobby should be interesting.
John Redwood sums it up for me:
“If The Lib Dems had won most seats in the Euro election would the BBC have spent the evening saying how well the Brexit party had done by coming second?”
The Lib Dems have been around a while, has a clear message on Brexit (I’ll give them credit for that), were never given a hard time in the MSM, and got 15 seats (+1 in Scotland).
The Brexit Party, 6 weeks old, also has a clear message, has been confronted with cynicism and, at times, downright hostility, and got 28 (+1 in Scotland).
Change UK has been around longer and got nowhere.
You could argue all day about people’s reasons for voting Labour or Conservative, but the “red/blue rosette on a donkey” factor should be taken into account.
So far as UKIP is concerned, I don’t think it can survive. Own fault IMO.
Then there’s the rest of the EU – interesting.
And away from politics, this is, according to the bBC webshite homepage, one of “the 3 things we love today”.
The English Premier League close season represented by footballers from, in order, Belgium, France, Belgium, France, England, Ivory Coast, Brazil and Italy.
Five of the eight are black, the token Englishman is white but alone in not being pictured alone, instead pictured smiling alongside a black teammate with a jokey reference to his “white bits”. The Brazilian is also white, as is the Italian who is retired and has never played for an English club.
Sorry, did I say “away fom politics”?
Just incredible that we have this labour traitor Thornbury woman, spouting on that Labour must fight tooth and nail for another Referendum-does she not understand what a referendum is? Does this over opinionated woman not understand the word Democracy-the vote was given to LEAVE end of.
As for the Liberal Democrats who fouled up the collision government led by an out an out EU man, Nick Clegg, and the present sawny leader Cable, one stands amazed at the performance in these European Elections. However I doubt such a repeat performance will manifest itself in a General Election, at least I hope not. Nevertheless it clearly shows the publics voice in its support for the Brexit party and how it feels about leaving even with a No Deal-Where now we might aske does that leave the present Conservative Government? Personally I don’t see a real leader that could join this harried party together left in that party, maybe just one man given the opportunity could re-ignite some fire into this smouldering mess.
It is hilarious, tarien, that the people calling loudest for another EU Referendum in the UK or a Peoples Vote to settle the deadlock or to agree to a deal or no deal exit are the ones who refuse to accept the democratic decision in the 2016 EU Referendum to Leave the EU.
To be fair to the BBC, they have actually asked three or more times on R4 airtime what these people would do if the UK again voted to Leave. They did so again this morning.
Problem is that they never really pin Adonis or Cable or Campbell or Lammy or McDonnell or Soubry or Swinson to the studio wall and force them to answer those key questions: What will you do if you lose again? Will you then accept the result?
To be fair Thornbury last night on State TV was asked and said Labour would accept the will of the people – next time.
(Thornbury inferred that previous vote didn’t count because the electorate didn’t know what they were voting for).
[Edit] It don’t see the rift between ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ being healed any time soon, much like Scottish independence.
NG, thanks – didn’t see that for obvious reasons, no telly.
Thornberry has an honest side? Well, good for her. Unfortunately, her ‘honesty’ does not appear to extend to reading and understanding the Government’s booklet that was sent to all households prior to the EU Referendum.
Indeed Up2snuff. Labour had their golden opportunity to promote their vision of Brexit in 2017. Instead they chose to fight the election on social issues. Another chance arguably came in January 2019 when parliament voted 432-202 iirc against the government. Somehow Labour missed an open goal.
[Edit] Thornberry not Thornbury – my mistake.
I also think those calling for another referendum should also be asked if the Remainiacs win, will they support democracy and agree to a third referendum?
Quite so, D, quite so.
I forgot to add that as a 3rd question for Adonis & Co.
I think you need to read about Fascism a little more. As a comitted Fascist Thornbury does not believe in the will of the people or democracy.
Does this sound familiar?
he Reichstag passed a new law on March 21, 1933, that made it a crime to speak out against the new government or criticize its leaders. Known as the Malicious Practices Act, the law made even the smallest expression of dissent a crime. Those who were accused of “gossiping” or “making fun” of government officials could be arrested and sent to prison or a concentration camp
Now we call it political correctness and ‘hate speech’
Then, on March 24, 1933, the Reichstag passed what became known as the Enabling Act by a vote of 141 to 94. It “enabled” the chancellor of Germany to punish anyone he considered an “enemy of the state.”
This is what will happen when the corrupt Tories hand over government to Corbyn. Even our political commentators appear not to know the first thing about Fascism.
If there’s one thing that stands out from last nights results, it is the total corruption at the heart of the Tory party.
Ever since the in fighting which ended John Major’s premiership, with a landslide victory for Labour and saw them lose power for over a decade, and even then only manage to produce a coalition with the Fib Dems, they have learned absolutely nothing from that time to now.
This is the party which failed to select Tony BLiar, allowing Labour to have its most successful PM ever, and Nigel Farage who has just wiped them out, but allowed Anna Sourberry to join ! Its candidate selection is woefully bad and shows no sign of getting any better.
This is the party which when Dominic Grieve was deselected by his local party because of appalling behaviour, the central office threatened to suspend the local party unless they reselected him again!
The Tories have no one to blame except the people in central office driving policy by privilege, and I suspect there are people from the rotten school in charge there.
We now have a party so divided that threats to call a no confidence motion if Boris is voted leader are being openly made. The only way I can see this party surviving into the medium term is if they ruthlessly threaten any and all dissenters with deselection, and actually carry that out. That new selections are made on the basis of a set of conservative values not which school someone went to. And of course that Brexit is achieved.
The only way to prevent the Brexit party being a real threat at the next GE is if a no deal Brexit is delivered. If Tory MPs are prepared to anihilate their own party then why on Earth should the Tory party support them in doing that?
The fact that it will is the most alarming thing.
Thoughtful, interesting post. Was Blair ever a Conservative Party member? I thought he’d been Labour (despite his privileged background) since University days, if not before.
Perhaps that was Theresa’s Cunning Plan? Not self-sacrifice on 28 March 2019 to secure a No Deal Brexit for the next day but Conservative Party sacrifice to ‘drain that particular swamp’ that you outline.
There is no doubt, looking at some Conservative leadership candidates, that liberal Socialism has infected the Party badly. It will take a very firm, very conservative hand, to deal with XR and Greta – just one future problem, for example – and the likes of Gove and his ilk are not going to offer that.
“Although young Tony stood as a victorious Tory candidate at 11 in a 1964 mock-election at Durham Choristers school, he was slow to develop an interest in politics.”
His father leo was a Tory activist, they failed to attract Blair to their cause
Viewers are not happy with the BBC’s coverage of the EU elections…
Someone put up a post on Twitter using The Premier League as an example of how the BBC covered the EU elections last night with Manchester City (winners of the Premier League) playing the role The Brexit Party and the other teams as the Remainer parties…
Cassie, ‘ey up, lass.
Manchester’s (City AND United) and Liverpool’s points are added up and Lancashire are the official Premier League winners!
snuff, Liverpool is now in Marezyside, the others are Greater Manchester. Although you are properly right, the BBC would only choose which teams represent where to ensure their bias is declared the “winner”.
” Liverpool is now in Marezyside”
And Stockport which has always been in “Cheshire” and has nothing to do with its neighbour “Lancashire” yet suddenly Stockport is now in Greater Manchester which has always been in Lancashire and still is?
Can’t understand why? Me too.
Well, I have never accepted politicians messing about with our counties or all this metropolitan and mayoral lark. It wastes money doing it and then costs and wastes even more money running it ever after.
If The Brexit Party need some manifesto items, then scrapping City & metropolitan Mayors and going back to good old city limits and counties are two to consider.
None of them are in Lancashire…..
anymore by some artificial modern boundaries created by big government to centralise power to the citys, which by means Lancashire cricket club are not in Lancashire anymore laughably
Indeed a true National Broadcaster would reflect and serve the nation instead of continuously trying to lead it in the style of a Guardian of the airwaves.
Fine if it wants to though please do it through subscription.
Saw Tony Benn’s five questions of those in power on a post in Guido recently, of which I naturally include the BBC:
1. What power have you got?
2. Where did you get it from?
3. In whose interests do you exercise it?
4. To whom are you accountable?
5. How can we get rid of you?
That is just what the EU did, adding up European gold medals.
Banania, i remember them do that – quite ridiculous really. That means if a final has 3 Germans, 2 French and 1 Finn then they are breaking the rules as single countries are only allowed 3 athletes. Less in other sports. The EU would have a lot fewer medals if they had been counted as one country.
It would appear from how the voting has been interpreted by the bbbc that everyone voting green did so to remain in the eu and not for the main green policies of climate change and other genuine green policies.
My guess is that fewer than 10% voted green to stay in the eu.
The rest would be the usual anti fracking/nuclear power etc lot.
If you wanted a true comparison for leave v Remain you should add the BP and UKIP together v CHUK and the libs.
Clearly, leave won.
Labour are remain in the south and leave in the north (and 60% of their constituencies voted leave)
Tories are supposed to be leave with 70% of their voters leavers.
You could use these figures as 130% leave v 70% remain or, using 100% its 65% leave v 35% remain.
Unless you say everyone who didn’t vote BP counts as a remainer (the other 67% that didn’t vote BP) then no way has remain won anything.
I would strongly recommend you look closely at the Green manifesto, all immigrants welcome despite their economic circumstances so our country will become a haven for the dregs of society whilst the indigenous population work 50 hours a week and pay 25% tax to pay for them, and their lawyers defending the rape cases
ssshhh dont tell everyone the greens want to re-wild the coutryside whilst building wind turbines all over it, and not build houses on any green areas whilst building millions of house hospitals and schools for millions of economic migrants, who wont want a car, or use electricity, or eat .
“Clearly, leave won.”
And eventually leave voters/MPs will win in the south when those in the south who are remain MPs will literally leave politics for good.
Was there some kind of meteor storm last night? I woke up this morning after an early night and many people seem gladdened. Their faces are filled with joy. Others, a few less, have gone blind and are spouting forth strange utterances such as, “If you add up all the votes for the second referendum parties, remain have won!” What can it mean?!
LOL X 3, chancy. Good one! 🙂
Well on the BBC Breakfast this morning their European reporter said Macron had beaten Le Pen. I’ve not seen this reported anywhere else. The Times and The Mail have Le Pen winning. Is this just another case of our Biased Far left state broadcaster spreading fake news?
It is being reported by some that The Brexit Party will be the largest single party in the EU parliament, closely followed by Germany’s CDU.
Can’t vouch for this but amazing if true.
The bbc is trying its best to ‘balance’ this…
I like the last chart lots.
Wonder how often the bbc will still get them on to ‘comment’?
Can anyone remember a time when the BBC criticised anything about the ReichEU ?
Can anyone remember in 45 years the BBC saying anything about the EEC/EU, except when the UK was on ‘the naughty step’?
Of course that is the whole point of the EU. Policy is made by lobby/special interest groups behind closed doors and then enacted by patsy national governments under direction. The EU doesn’t want to be in the spotlight.
One of the most delightful aspects of this Brexit vote has been the utter humiliation of the CUK Party. Christ, what a shambles!
I’ve heard every cringing excuse in the book. “We’re a young party…people don’t know us yet…we didn’t get enough coverage…” What? Blimey the BBC gave Anna Soubry a season ticket, she’s been on everything!
Change UK, or whatever they’re calling themselves this week, has existed about as long as the Brexit Party. One of ’em got massive and sympathetic coverage from a remain media, the other was met with sneering disregard. The result didn’t go the way the BBC wanted because Brexit stormed it the other party barely registered.
Almost certainly the Cukkers will be absorbed into the Lib-Dems and disappear from serious political debate.
A point to remember is that EU citizens resident in the UK were allowed to vote . As soon as the elections were confirmed in April My wife , who is French , received for the first time ever a government reminder that she could vote and how to register to do so.Obviously the zremainer establishment trying to recruit likely voters. In all there are 3 million EU citizens resident in the UK. I have no idea what proportion of them voted but it was probably at least a similar % to the native Brits and for obvious reasons they would be strongly biased towards a Remain.. So that would represent a balance of well over a million pro Remain votes.Without that boost For the Remain side TBP would have won several more seats and when combined with UKIP would have had a majority just as Leave did in the 2016 referendum.
Now let’s see if the establishment try for a second referendum and if they do they will certainly try to get the EU citizens resident in the UK on the ballot this time. Just another attempt to stack the deck against the people by the Globalist elite.
It’s pure and simple, ‘dilution’.
Radio 3 had Celia Imrie on this morning telling us how much she liked being in Nice with its May day traditions and the politeness of the French, even saying Bonjour! in supermarkets.
Of course in the UK we didn’t have any traditions until Ramadan and Diwali reached these dismal, rain-soaked isles.
Do these ‘anywheres’ not realise that they are parasites on the cultures created by their despised ‘somewheres’? If they get their globalist, mass-migration way we will all be eating standardised ‘big Macs’, washed down with a ‘Coke’, on our way from our standardised apartment, stopping off at the mosque before taking our place at tractor factory 598 or call-cente 1029.
Think I’ll start to invest in the production of plastic sandels (with the name – Allah Akbra – embossed onto the soles of every sandel)
I believe that the disgusting way that our anti-Christian government (take your pick) treats the Religious Jew and the Christian – our population will soon be overcome by intruders to our shores who no longer need to intrude. Red carpet treatment these days.
Social and Moral collapse.
Accidentally caught Radio4 Pick of the Week
..they continued their inverted-racism theme about feeling super guilty that we have white people in this country
Presenter Sheffield mixed race guy Johny Pitts
” father’s mother was from Caolina an African American share-cropper”
“The African American music I was brought up with”
His Pick of The Week
#1 Algerian poet and nomad
#2 Billy Bragg celebrating a folklorist working in US prison/gospel choirs etc.
#3 Arts activists in Puerto Rico
PJ “TS Elliot was effused with colonial PATRIOMONY”
#4 Estate Themes
“Journalist Kieran Yates grew up in a South Asian family on a council estate in London. Living side by side with her neighbours, and separated only by thin walls, she heard a diverse array of sounds from immigrant communities – from jungle and R&B to bashment and bhangra.”
Interview with “Ray BLK” : My Mum only played Nigerian and Gospel music”
‘OMG I live on Deptford High Street and it’s terrible..the changes, the aunties are all selling Nigerian food, but the adjacent shops are being changed by OUTSIDERS coming in and gentrifying, prices are gonna rise and aunties not gonna be able to afford”
.. Can you imagine Radio4 allowing a white person to say they are getting priced out of their home area, cos the culture is being changed by outsiders ?
#5 His own housing estate in Sheffield , he waxes lyrical about the “under the counter commerce” done in the barbers, the “meeting spot for Sheffield’s black community”
In the item the reporter bumps into Idris the Kosovan refugee
#6 Portuguese Radio item about woman keeping lock of hair in a box.
22:13 “I was on assignment in Calais, met a man from Sudan”
#7 BBC Refugee reporter who fled Iran
#8 “My friend Karen McCarthy Woolf”, the award winning poet of Jamaican-British heritage
.. Her poem “Outside : Make shift shelter”
Johny says “I met her on tour with a group of black British writers”
#9 6Music Jamaican Linton Kwesi Johnson talking about Jamaican folk songs
JP “I wrote about Linton in my book Black Europe”
#10 British Asia director Gurinder Chadha complaining about her white man film crew in India
and her giving them lectures on Imperialism
“Her new 6 part series starts next month : Beecham House set in Jaipur in India”
#11 Phil Wang the British Malaysian comedian , making jokes by saying British are racists
“colonised Malasia” ..actually I would say it was NOT colonised as there were no colonies. Rather the British worked with the local sultans.
@PJ “One of the problematic elements I find with western imperialism..”
#12 The Ghanain self employed journo who worked undercover in West Africa to film migrant smugglers
#13 Radio4extra repeat of Lee Halls 1997 Spoonface is seven years old, autistic and terminally ill with cancer
13 segments and the only one not-specifically non-white is a 1997 drama repeat.
Stew – I heard the end of the Mr Pitts review of the week – he included ‘spoonface steinberg’ From 1997 ? When the bbc did thing worth listening to . If you ve never heard it – it was repeated on r4x at about 0300 last Thursday or Friday .
Recommended – it is very … different .
This from early this morning should be titled – Ann Widdecombe ‘destroys’ BBC presenter
She makes the point that the ONLY reason to vote for the Brexit Party was to leave EU to counter the BBC dishonesty about Lib Dem vote
The BBC are allowing remainer politicians to claim that there was ‘6 percent more votes for remain’.
They are also wheeling in ‘Experts’ and prodding them with questions to obtain the response they want.
(Appeal to Authority – Logically Fallacious which is Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered.)
The biased propaganda from the BBC is at fever pitch today and that is the only reason I am following their ‘News’ Feeds
The BBC have plenty of authorities to provide support for their own biases. And those doesn’t suit you, they have plenty more.
And most of all they have muslim authorities who will say (after every muslim terrorist attack) that islam is a religion of peace.
Ann Widdicombe is absolutely correct.
The LibDem’s Manifesto for the EU elections:
” Lib Dem Manifesto Introduction
European values are Liberal Democrat values
Confronting populism and authoritarianism
Freedom of movement
Education, health and opportunities for all
Working together to tackle the climate emergency
Innovation that benefits and unites us
Equal treatment for all in Europe
UK leading through the EU
Fighting crime and upholding liberties across borders
Investing for the future: innovation, agriculture and regional development
The UK as part of a more liberal Europe
Download Liberal Democrats European Elections 2019 Manifesto PDF”
Click to access liberal-democrats-european-elections-2019-manifesto.pdf
Anne Widdecombe is a gem. And she’s tough as a diamond.
“Ann Widdecombe”
This lady has more intellect, more integrity, more energy than Sky’s Adam Boulton could ever have.
I can’t find the actual numbers of votes anywhere. We need to know these to properly judge the pro or ani brexit feeling in the country.
The analysts on BBC and SKY last night seemed to be assuming that all those who voted Conservative and Labour were Remainers.
Anybody know where to find the number of votes actually cast?
I wonder how many Brexit Party votes were deemed to be ‘spoiled’.
Same for me field Marshall
Remainer night…
I notice that State Broadcaster is still allowing the (Brexit + UKIP) – (Lib Dem + Green + SNP + Plaid Cymru) = Remain argument to be aired just now. (Explicitly Leave) – (Explicitly Remain) = a number less than zero.
‘Remainers’ won’t lie down – in a way I admire their determination to persue their course. This is a game that can only be played when there is a hung parliament sprinkled on all sides with remainers (regardless of their “will of the people” promises in 2017).
The votes are regional, and so is turnout figures you will have to go to each region and collect the numbers and do it yourself.
The reason it isn’t available is because it doesn’t make much sense as one lump sum. It’s far more useful as regional data.
The nationwide figures are far more useful than the results from dodgy – nothing to do with the government – YouGov opinion polls.
Brexit won 29 EUP seats out of 69 declared.
As a retired FCAbanker and with the aid of a calculator I make that 42% for pure Brexit, let alone the dodgy Tory leave vote.
Unless Mad Bad Al, Grandad Vince and the Corbynutta want to, and can, change the electoral system away from fptp, Brexit won by a mile.
The General,
When I was watching last night, officials were reading out the exact number of votes that each party or independent received in the various regions. So there has to be a way to get that info on the Internet.
I guess in this instance Google is your friend.
Thanks TT
This is my complaint.
I have no idea if my postal vote arrived at its intended destination; or was dumped in some canal?
The postal vote thing is open to fraud.
The wiki entry on the UK MEP figures has detailed numbers . Up to you on credibility . I’m waiting for Remain to claim the vote was fiddled ….
Hammond has got to be sacked tomorrow. No Government Minister can remain in office after advocating a vote of no confidence in the Government.
Will May do this ????? No bets.
and a link to where this was said, because I can’t find any evidence of it.
“Philip Hammond has told Tory leadership candidates including Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab any plans they may have for a no deal Brexit would be blocked by Parliament.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, a strong opponent of a no deal exit, he told the BBC this morning that that No Deal would have ‘serious implication for our country’, adding: ‘Parliament has voted very clearly to oppose a no deal exit.
He even refused to rule out voting against the government in a confidence motion on the issue.
‘This is a Parliamentary democracy. A Prime Minister who ignores Parliament cannot expect to survive very long.”
General, Sir!
Hammond appears to be having a bit of a wobble. Over his time in post he has been either a Brexit saboteur or hinting he’d prefer to remain. I thought a few days ago he might be preparing to stand, probably on a clear anti-No Deal platform. Then on Friday or Saturday he was giving his support to a Brexiteer candidate for leader. Now this.
I agree he should be sacked but he’s TM’s buddy and I guess she’s kinda short of friends right now.
Mind you, the prospects for his keeping the keys to No.11 are probably none too good anyway which might explain the wobbling.
~ ~ ~
Thoughtful, seen here:
fps of Mail, Times & Guardian – also mentioned, IIRC, on TOADY this a.m..
That was my first thought about this Hammond traitor.
The sly suggestions that he and many of his fellow tory MPs will bring the government down before they would permit us to leave without a deal.
This is clear proof that these remain MPs are deluded obviously not taking one bit of notice of the intentions of the northern/midland voters who demand that their wishes be carried out.
He and his friends are clearly locked into their very own time-warp with ear plugs on.
I watched some of the BBC live updates of the elections till midnight UK time. Tried to revisit the live thingy this morning but I’m told, “This content is not available in your location.” So I’m commenting from memory:
*First thing I saw was Heidi Allen going on about how she was still encouraged and would still carry on after the poor performance by Change UK.
*Alastair Campbell was, naturally, sitting on a panel when The Brexit Party Chairman Richard Tice, now an MEP, was interviewed by video. Campbell said something about “roubles” flowing into The Brexit Party. Mr. Tice took exception to that. I think he called it a smear. I can understand his anger as the BBC and others have been trying so hard to find anything to discredit the party.
*Then there was a woman pointing at some bar graphs on a screen showing a few results. Instead of talking about The Brexit Party, which towered above the rest, she chose to compare the results of other parties. It was so very BBC, it was almost funny.
*In a similar vein, another page showed a clip of a smiling LibDem woman saying something about fighting against Brexit. Weird how someone can be so happy while demonstrating contempt for the democratic 2016 vote. I scrolled down to another clip, possibly the awful Caroline Lucas, then there was another LibDem, this time a man, and only then did The Brexit Party make an appearance.
I tried to find that page again but it’s probably gone down the Memory Hole.
The BBC is so juvenile.
But when pressed Campbell said it was just a joke.
A bit like saying “Jeremy Corbyn is Hitler” is just a joke. And you have my word on that.
“…. the awful Caroline Lucas ….”?
So is there another Caroline Lucas?
“Caroline Lucas”
Remembering what she and her green friends seek to introduce into UK law is absolutely frightening with not one bit of BBC objection – not to mention, reminding the voter what this quaint looking, prim-and proper spinster type lefty won’t tell the voter what she wants to introduce if her party gets just one sniff of power sharing:
The following was on their manifesto this year – if its been changed – I doubt it.
1) religious instruction in schools will banned.
2)church schools will be stripped of taxpayers money.
3)trade & cultivation of cannabis will be de-crimalised.
4) assidted dying will be legalised.
5)monarchy abolished.
6) the military eventually abolished.
At the last GE I seem to remember them promising a 4 day working week…this quickly ‘progressed’ to promising a 3 day working week!
Perhaps they realised that the wind only blew 3 days a week on average? 🙁
Just to draw your minds back to a similar issue back in 2001 with the then Tory leader William hague and his ‘Keep the pound’ slogan.
Despite Hague claiming that Labour were going to adopt the Euro, BLiar was dead set against it, and it was never going to happen.
It’s the same with Labour now and the so called second referendum, unless the crazed Tories vote to destroy their party utterly through a no confidence vote the 31st October deadline is going to pass with the UK leaving the EU either with a deal or without, and the Labour position is thus completely irrelevant save for attracting voters back to the party.
Remember this, Labour can promise anything it likes on Brexit because it knows it is highly unlikely it is ever going to be called upon to deliver it !
Wasn’t Blair in favour of the euro and Brown, as chancellor of the exchequer, against it?
Now we have Starmer in favour of the EU and Corbyn, (on his record), against it.
One reason that I detest the LibDems, (apart from the fact that they are neither liberal or democratic), is that on local issues their policies vary. Cross a regional boundary and LibDem policies can flip direction – a party of political power prostitutes.
JimS, think you are right there. Mandy, of course, was super-keen to get into the Euro and he was always lurking at Tony’s shoulder. Gordon set up his ‘tests’ – was it five of them? – that had to be passed for UK to join the Euro.
“Remember this, Labour can promise anything it likes”
likewise, its very easy to complain and criticise tory policies – anyone can complain.
But you ask any of the front bench to explain how they will do this or that, then silence. Their highly educated minds – no doubt molded over many a year by watching such tripe as Strictly or East ender’s – reveals the fruits of their intelligence by avoiding to answer logical questions by saying: Oh, is that the time?
So, let me get this straight, if you add all the votes cast for anyone other than the Brexit Party, multiply by three, and add another 20% for the ‘under 18’ vote (it’s only fair), then stand on your head and read the number upside down – Remain won the (unofficial, but really definitive and all conquering) People’s Vote?!
Good news indeed, cancel Brexit immediately!
Ah, there’s another figure that you’ve missed out, and that is voter turnout which wasn’t as high as people thought it might be.
As an average for the whole country it was 50%, but for regions such as the SE it was around 40% in the W Midlands it was only 31%
Try making some sense out of that if you can !
Shame that it was not higher, Thoughtful.
And I wish that TBP had got closer to 17m votes rather than the very successful 5m+ that they did garner.
Remain seem to be wed to promoting an argument of ‘truth generation through electoral analysis’ after the 2019 European Parliament Election; along the way 2016 is written off as “the electorate didn’t understand what they were voting for”.
How many seats do The Brexit Party need to get to impress upon Al Beeb, The House of Comedians, and the Libtard Londinistan media bubble that the democratic voice of the people of these islands for the second time was – ‘Leave the EU’ ?
The fight for independence goes on , there are many dark forces lurking in the political background poised to overturn the the will of the people .
Do not lower your guard as the fight is not over…………
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”. Winston Churchill.
The losers are saying that farage only got a third of the vote in which only a third of the country voted. Does that mean he wouldn’t get any more votes if the other two thirds bothered to vote. Asking for a friend
You’re forgetting one of the fundamental laws of political comment:
A low turnout is only an issue when the ‘wrong’ side wins.
The ‘wrong’ side won the 2016 referendum but the turnout was high. Big problem, so other excuses had to be found. If a second referendum produced the same result as before but on a lower turnout (which wouldn’t surprise me because people believe they have already spoken), no doubt the lower turnout would be used as an excuse for trying to invalidate it. Remainers are an unscrupulous lot.
I haven’t checked this
Someone might want to look into this
I emailed Mr Fabricant, a few times, and informed him that I, a long-time Conservative voter (and for some years an activist) will never vote Conservative ever again at any level unless we have Brexit. I also said that I am sure that I am not alone in that. He’s echoing me – although there were probably many others said the same to him.
A bit of a change of subject. I’m trying to find out if this is real or a joke. I thought the military was quite sensible but if this IS real, it’s shocking.
You beat me to it Lucy.
Appalling if true.
No wonder they are leaving in droves, and recruitment is such a failure.
“No wonder they are leaving in droves, and recruitment is such a failure.”
Before I begin. I want to assure my Jewish friends that this is no criticism of your great nation, faith, military generals. Its simply about how your Generals/Government have your extremely professional female soldiers dress on the streets of Jerusalem: White ankle-socks and mini skirts.
I’m seriously thinking that our beloved Ministry of Defence will soon be following said style. Preferring to have our male soldiers to wear white ankle-length socks, just like the female soldiers do in The IDF.
Who knows if it is real or fake
There is a Zerohedge article
..which gives no evidence, but big discussion in comments.
Lucy, think it’s a spoof. Couple of clues in the web name + ‘Jews are not a race’.
The consensus on:
seems to be that it is a fake.
The sad, and worrying, thing is that these days this is actually believable.
OMG, if you’re not a patriot, what the hell are you doing in the army!!!
Radio4 drama now : romanticism about Lesbians & the Communist Party
\\ 1936, Dorset coast. Best-selling writer Sylvia Townsend Warner and her lover, the poet Valentine Ackland, have just returned from an illicit aid-trip to civil war Spain.//
Andrew Neil seems to be spending all his twitter time trying to debunk the victory for Remain on Thursday last. Much of this hinges on how to classify Conservative, Labour and SNP votes in whole or part.
“Theresa May hopes ‘disappointing’ EU elections ‘focus minds’ in parliament”
Unbelievable, she really is delusion Could she possibly consider yesterday’s results in which her Party has been decimated and humiliated offer another chance for her to present her Treaty ?
Get her out now before she does anymore damage.
The General
Famous last words ………………………………….” We are leaving the EU on March 29″.
If May is suggesting that parliament might want to vote for something rather than against everything then that would be progress of a sort compared with the foot dragging since the EU negotiated ‘deal’ was published.
A long standing complaint is that parliament wasn’t involved early enough so as to influence the EU negotiation. May going should be regarded as a clean slate. Surely a majority can be found given the “will of the people” manifestos the main parties were elected on?
When I first saw the Daily Mail’s headline about voters furious with the BBC’s blatant anti-Brexit (Party) bias, it read: “‘I’d like a referendum on my licence fee’”. Sadly, it has now been changed to something rather more mundane:
However, the original comment by one Andy Fitch is still there: “‘I’d like a referendum on my licence fee after the disgracefully biased coverage tonight.’”
Judging from the news report, he is speaking for the very, very many!
You might be right
A couple of newsscraper sites
have the headline as
\\ ‘I’d like a referendum on my licence fee’: Furious viewers slam the BBC’s for its ‘biased’ election coverage focusing on Lib Dems and Greens rather than Farage’s big Brexit Party win
Viewers felt the corporation’s election broadcast had emphasised the strong performance of the Greens and Liberal Democrats rather than focusing on Mr ..//
when they scraped the story at 5:45am
However DM must have changed it quickly cos it only shows up on 2 early Tweets directly ..posted before 6:30am
More of May’s failures :-
She squandered a massive lead in the polls and her majority in the House by alienating her core vote, the elderly and tried to pander to those who would never vote for her.
She failed to get rid of the pip squeak Speaker who has gone on to thwart her Party whenever possible.
She failed to implement the boundary changes which were due in November 2018.
General: You were asking for the numbers of votes. Found these totals on the BBC site (… but can they be trusted?? ;o)
Thanks Frustrated. Shame it is so close and it is impossible to predict how the Conservative and Labour vote would be accurately identified as Leave or Remain.
It does look possible that in a General Election with the ‘first past the post’ process applied there really could be a major upset. But of course that is pure speculation……………and an aspiration !!!
There is a Brexit Party press conference at 4pm.
This is a vote talley from DM article. Hope I’ve got the image to show up.

Bugger!!! I’ll try again.
Can’t get it to work so here’s the link to the article. It’s about half way down.
More good news, not on al beeb: the petition to halt the ‘investigation’ (witch-hunt) into Dr Wolverson for having the temerity to ask a muslima to remove her face cloth so he could hear her mumblings has gone over the 100,000 mark.
It’s a messge of support for the good doctor, but it’s also a message to the craven Medical Council and to the cowardly establishment at large that we’ve had enough of muslim bullying and liberal grovelling.
Tumbleweed on al beeb, natch.
You can make your mark here below (or just enjoy watching the counter head for the 150,000 target):
Didn’t Jack Straw do the same?
I see that Nigel Farage is asking for a seat at the Brexit negotiating table, and I know that because the Tories think that a mistake repeated is a mistake halved, they will again exclude him regardless of who the new leader turns out to be.
It’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.
Lyndon Johnson, as quoted in The New York Times (31 October 1971).
This is called pragmatism, and it’s something which isn’t taught at the rotten school, expediency and the old school tie are the only two things.
It’s also called getting their hands dirty. If they’ve been involved in the negotiations and decision-making, no matter how peripheral and insignificant, then it’s nigh on impossible for them to whine about it later.
I think it’s what Dancing Terry was trying to do at the infamous gathering in Chequers last year. But she’s so stupid she forgot to get any of the attendees to dirty their hands on the Withdrawal Agreement.
It occurs to me that leaving on Oct 31 st , with or without a deal is now the legal default position. It doesn’t matter what MPs think or do , an extension can only be granted by the EU and they will certainly not want another one. Brussels is grappling with a revolt against its rule from Visegrad , Italy et al and some key EU power brokers such as Macron have enough to trouble at home or deal with without the UK and 29 TBP MEPs being a thorn in their flesh. The EU will want us out of the door with no further extensions.
The next PM is certain to be a Leaver , the Tories are too frightened of TBP and it’s legion of ex Tory voters to dare to elect another Remainer. If they did they would cease to exist. All the new PM has to do to ensure we leave on 31 st Oct, and he she will never dare not to leave this time, is to do precisely nothing.
Remainers are impotent to stop this. They can rant and rave , they can vote indicatively till the cows come home , they can mount Project Fear on steroids, the BBC can foam at the mouth, but unless the New PM signs off on a soft deal which is acceptable to Brussels, which the new PM simply dare not do thanks to the sword of TBP hanging over the Tory party, we will be leaving on 31st with either a Leaver friendly new deal or no deal. In my view the Remainers have run out of road because the Tories will be too scared to stay on the Remain side of the fence. The only ways this scenario can be stopped is if the Tories commit suicide and give the premiership to another Remainer. I think that we might have won and I don’t think that the EU will want us back even if the Remain coalition wins the next election.
well some traitorous tories could fall on their eu swords end their careers and bring the government down
My opinion is that that’s the risk most if not all remain MPs would accept as long as it will silence us leave voters up north/midlands and keep jus chained to the EU pleasure seekers.
By all means don’t let the UK leave their beloved EU.
Think at the cost of fine wine if we left.
Even in defeat, the BBC clearly think still pulling the Stephen YL card may ease the pain.
I doubt the ever chipper, and pervasive, Mr. Campbell was, is and will be referred to by them as ‘…former Riviera Gigolo’.
Anyone looking for the overall voting results so far – see wiki
It – it has brexit Party at 5.2 million and lib traitors at 3.3 million .
I also heard a BBC expert say that the Green Party success would have been the big news if it wasn’t for Nigel Farage. I also expect anti-Semitic Labour Party supporters will blame the Brexit Party victory on a Jewish conspiracy paid for by Israeli friends of Melanie Phillips, with the help of Russians and other foreigners hated by Pro-Europeans, such as Black and Asian supporters of the multiracial Commonwealth in the Tory Party, voting for the Brexit Party, because they don’t like those hideously white Europeans in Brussels. This must prove that when Pro-Europeans get emotional, the racism seeps out, revealing that most fanatical Remain supporters are racists who love Europe for the same reasons as white supremacists.
Also I thought I heard Jeremy Corbyn say that we need to bring the people back together by holding a second referendum. I presume this means that voting to Leave was divisive because those who voted to Remain are elitists who do not respect democracy. That’s why they voted to Remain. Therefore only by voting to Remain can the country come back together. Because only those who voted to Leave are democrats who tolerate defeat in a democracy. So if Remain wins a second referendum, all will return to normal as the people come back together in harmony. Otherwise Remain supporters will use something more lethal than milkshakes, in future.
Just in case no one has seen this report, this is what Dancing Terry’s mates in South Africa are doing to white people. I suppose she’s as relaxed about it as she was about them killing white farmers:
Nowt on al beeb. Wrong sort of racism.
Sturgeon in 2016 “52% isn’t a majority”
Sturgeon in 2019 “Remain got 50%, we won”
One thing is clear: a large majority of voters still don’t understand what they’re doing when they vote for Brexit, despite the beeb’s tireless attempts over the past 3 years to explain that it means, basically, Armageddon.
I’m still avoiding TV, cos of the frenzy
but my Dad’s TV said than in the Calendar region the average turnout was 35%
So isn’t that the real story?
In a proportional representation election every vote counts.
Is apathy really 65% ?
or could it be that piles of votes were disappeared ?
Hi StewGreen, I did feel that the current Brexit debate would take turnout to over 50%, so I too feel a degree of suspicion, especially when you hear that ballot boxes were opened and “counted” prior to the formal vote count yesterday.
Oddly not many comments given it is several hours old.
But those that are…. could be….
Not the latest from Ali Campbell, though it could so easily be.
BBC News
“My penis was mutilated.”
Ashley was circumcised as a child and he says it’s left him scarred both physically and psychologically.
(via BBC East Midlands)
It’s a lovely sunny bank holiday Monday in the east Midlands, so Ashley gets on the bell to the local BBC desk.
“Hold the front page,” he cries, painfully, “I have breaking news…”
” Man with mutilated penis declares we must Remain .”
Don’t you get a transitional period in any case if you go to WTO conditions. I thought tariffs etc were frozen for two (?) years to make time to adjust.
Spectator discussions
Article that says ABC Australia tells people it is “most trusted”
Yet it’s average news audience is not even 1% of the Australian population
The article argues that British Steel problem is due to Europe
It implements massive CO2 tax, but gives the corps a rebate.
So the owners are forced into a game: pay the money now and borrow cos they get a rebate
The EU has been nasty and stopped paying rebates
The government loaned for this payment
but British steel can’t get a freemarket loan for the next one.
There have been ‘complaints’ today – reported in the print media – that the BBC election coverage was ‘biased ‘ by excluding the brexit party .
If anyone who didn’t watch it looks back to the start of this thread – I reported it as it happened .. the exclusion of Brexit Party members by the BBC is true .
But I have to ask – is this a bad thing ? Mr Farage knows what the BBC repeatedly tries to do to him , his party and the cause of exiting the ReichEU . So why bother to give them the opportunity to stick him with a pointed stick . What good would come of it . ?
Tonight – on C4 News – their leading political bod Gary gibbons had a sit down with Mr Farage – it didn’t achieve much except that Mr Farage considers any Tory leadership contender who signed up to the May sell out as unworthy – but possible for redemption .
The background to the interview was significant because the Brexit Party ‘banned ‘ C4 News last week for a couple of days .
Earlier in the day the chairMan of The Brexit Party – Richard Tice MEP – made the telling point that he has been elected to a post he never wants to take up because He – We – just want rid of the ReichEU and all its works – simpletons aren’t we ?
Just for the sake of brutality
The result for Anna Soubrys Home constituency was – brexit Party 11668 – no change UK 1542 – surely that will shut the traitor up for a while ? This was sourced from Martin Daubndy MEP elect on is twitter feed of the 28 …
Following up on the Alistair ‘I’m depressed ‘ Campbell issue – Nigel Farage did his hour LBC show tonight and said that the Brexit Party is seeking legal advice on what was said and alleged . I’m sure Mr Campbell will get a good nights ‘ sleep…
Also – reflecting on the run up to the EU elections – all that slime and Project Fear poured on The Brexit Party failed for the second time . Got to feel for George Soros , Facebook and the other s attempting to censor people’s views …
Campbell was caught in a lie and refused point blank to apologise and instead tried to pass it off as a joke. It was great live TV for connoisseurs of slow motion car crashes.
Fed, we’ve had various versions (attempts) at Project Fear and a growing number of versions of Project Smear. What’s next?
I must have a go at another header article for TT.
1 The validity of the Brexit Party vote will be systematically challenged again .
2 More claims about funding . More claims about internet targeting.
3 The personal backgrounds of newly elected MEPs will be used as a weapon .
4 Any off the cuff comment by a brexit MEP will be weaponised
5 The MEP vote will be undermined on the basis that other partys being so bad delivered a false vote outcome
6. The new remainer PM and staff will be attacked by both Soros and MSM in order to prevent Brexit . There will be s drive for a General Election to ‘prove legitimacy ‘ on the assumption
That a general election will deliver withdrawal of A50
7 there are 157 days until the A50 extension runs out .
These 7 factors are written on the basis – naturally – of the current climate remaining ‘the same ‘ and assumes that the EU position won’t move .
However as the A50 extension date gets closer the EU might be pressurised to tweak their ‘ sellout agreement ‘ just enough to sweeten the public view . This one is unlikely
Since The EU is essentially a Franco German empire under a blue badge if there are internal changes in either country the EU position might change completely and become more ‘sympathetic ‘to the needs of the UK.
I’m worried about yet another referendum ( best of 3 ) . I worry because I think the question will be ‘fixed’ so that s ‘no deal brexit ‘ isn’t included , also – voting law will be changed to allow ex pats ( 650000?) voting rights as well as more remainer EU guest workers to vote – thereby undermining the Brexiter majority .
The outcome will be fixed by physical attacks on brexit supporting politicians . If they could kill Mr Farage they would .
Discuss – challenge .
More reflections on the MEP vote
It showed
That the MSM has far less influence on election intentions than it thinks
Project fear does not work in the form used in the Referendum or the MEP campaign
Attacks on the brexit party by political has beens ( long list ) like Blair , Brown , Heseltine , depressed Campbell and the rest are worth nothing
The voting process appears not to have been fixed this time -the cynical fedup got that wrong – thankfully .
As I wrote this I was listening to Tourette’s Robinson on toady cheerfully interviewing one Douglas Alexander who – you might remember used to be a Scottish Labour MP -who managed To lose his seat in 2010. He was interviewed as though his view matters – a quick wiki on this character shows that he has never had a job in his life – apart from being a politician . He sounds like he thinks a great deal of himself .
One more, Fed, for your list. Do you remember ‘compassion fatigue’? A phenomenon that the media became aware of after the 1980s famine in, was it, Ethiopia?
I think that although I respect Prof. Curtice’s view that the UK Leave:Remain Hard Vote is now fairly balanced at 40% each, I think that the 40% Remain is more vulnerable to ‘Brexit Fatigue’ whereas the Leave 40% remains dogged and tough as ever. If not with resolve even further strengthened.
Douglas Alexander? So that’s who it was. I was concentrating on posting here and didn’t pay close enough attention. Agree on proper job thing but he used to talk some sense on R4 back in the 1997-2010 years. Mind you, back then, there was often not much of that coming from his side of the fence so it was pretty inevitable he would stand out.
Here’s something else you won’t be seeing on the beeb anytime soon: “Unsealed FBI files accuse Martin Luther King of 40 affairs and ‘laughing at rape’ “.
Yep, Saint Martin Luther was involved in numerous affairs, consorted with prostitutes, and apparently participated in rape.
Elements of this have been known for years but the establishment managed to keep a lid on it… till now.
Have the left started defacing statues of him yet? No? Thought so.
My six year old niece is with me at the moment. She likes CBBC and wants to get the app that is being advertised. The problem is that as most of the adults and children in the tv commercials are black or mixed race, she is worried that she is ineligible as she is white.
Any advice?
Ban her watching the beeb, or move to Hungary.
Cassandra. By the context of your query, the implication is that you are white? Therefore, by default, your siblings must surely be black as per most of the present tv adverts? So your niece must be mixed race? Or maybe a hijab wearing Muslim anyway. So she will no doubt be eligible.