The site would like to give a prize for the most biased comment by a BBC employee during the outcome of an election which should never have involved the UK – if it was a democracy .
Start the Week Biased BBC Election Thread 27 May 2019
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Hi all,
I know everyone on this forum is fully aware of the BBC bias as well as the media at large. However I do feel there has to be some ongoing education of a lot of people and whilst generalising, I would include Snowflakes. I do recall in my younger days being a Greenpeace supporter. I still have sympathies towards such groups, but as we all know, there is often not a simple answer to lots of complicated questions in the World. As I have grown older (and hopefully a bit wiser), I have realised that almost everything we are hit with by the media is now propaganda in one way or another. I now wary of everything I see or read in the press. I do have some sympathy for the younger generation who are bombarded with “stuff” from all angles. Unfortunately they are not blessed with the same experience in life as those of us who have been around for a bit. For example, the UK can lead the World in innovation and the use of technology to assist in saving the planet. We can do this in conjunction with others, but we have the skills to be leaders and show the way. Hence Brexit actually provides great opportunities. Unfortunately our younger generation are not made aware of this when their leftie universities “educate” them otherwise. (I would also note here the key issue to saving the planet is to curtail exponential population growth, but you don’t see that mentioned on the BBC!)
An independent Country with choices we can make for our youngsters has got to be a better way. Leaving the EU is not leaving Europe. We are not going to suddenly stop moving around Europe and the World just because we have left the EU. There’s big opportunities; an unbiased media would consider this!
Anyway that’s my short term rant over.
The reason for actually posting was to find out that since the referendum, has anyone evidence of any news based programme in the mainstream media having more Brexit representatives than Remain. I cant think of any situation where this has occurred.
Putting to one side the ridiculous assertion that more people voted to remain than to leave in these EU elections (the Brexit Party stood for the one issue alone) and also I understand the Brexit Party are now the largest single party represented in the EU, I would hope that we would see a redress in this statistic.
I am probably way off beam – considering all the reports since the election is about the resurgence of the Lib Dems, because so many people want to remain! Its all been taken to a higher level now by the BBC et al.
“the ridiculous assertion that more people voted to remain than to leave in these EU elections”
Ridiculous or not I suspect we won’t be allowed to forget this ‘analysis’ of the UK European Parliament Election result.
Excellent post, Burgsey, and not considered a rant but the setting out of a (personal) position.
In answer to your final question, I can only speak for treatment of spokespeople and MPs on BBC R4 N&CA programmes and the balance of the Panel (and audience!) on Any Questions: the bias is pretty obvious but I recognise that the ‘Mandy Rice-Davies charge’ could be rightly leveled at me.
Javid Savid enters the competition for Tory Leader.
Make no mistake he will win. First Moslem PM, worshipped by the BBC. Can’t lose, to criticise a Moslem will be a racist hate crime.
And…to not vote for him would be a racist hate crime.
If he gets to be PM just watch the floodgates open. We will be well and truly finished as a Christian country then.
Hyde Park London, go figure as they say
Hand weeding the Royal Parks to save using weed killer. All part of Prince Charles’s green agenda.
Is that what they are doing in the photographs ? I obviously jumped to the wrong conclusion.
Sajid Javid? He is an avowed Thatcherite with, I think, all the faults (including some of the policies) of his heroine but few, if any, of her virtues.
I believe Javid is quoted as saying, “…the reason I am entering the Conservative leadership contest is that I intent to bring unity to this divided country, Inshallah.”
Cassie, yes – that special unity was visible when SJ was Secretary to the Treasury: Income Tax cuts for the high earners, tax rises for everyone else.
Doreen on Breggsit and Lartte’s
Doreen is superb.
A real comedian.
I aint seen her on Al Beeb, but then Al Beeb don’t do comedy do they.
It was up, then it was taken down. Now it’s up again.
Lauren Southern’s film- Borderless. If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a watch while it’s still available on Youtube. About 1.5 hrs.
She is not unsympathetic to asylum seekers, quite the opposite. And there is not a hint of racism or “far right” rhetoric.
A very brave young woman or ‘terrorist’ as Amber Rudd would have us believe.
Watch it in full …. Here`s the `Back-Up` link to it…
Burgsey – on the issue of a bbc programme with more brexiters than Remainers – there was one Question Time with a 50 – 50 split but this was soon put right with the usual 1 Brexiter to 3 or 4 remainers .
You know the BBC is running scared when HYS suddenly becomes extinct. The Brexit Party should include plans for a binding referendum on BBC funding when it contests the next GE. A certain vote winner.
Quite unbelievable the insanity of the bubble these Tory MPs are living in.
and then he will call a second referendum having legalised 3-4 million remain voters
nice to see he has three billion nine hundred million to give away
And to think of the rigmarole my father went through to get British Citizenship after living here for 38 years. (Long story why he waited that long but partly it was a round tuit that he couldn’t get.)
He had to put his name in the paper twice to inform people he was applying for UK citizenship (firstly because the officials told him to put his birth name in. After that he was told to put another message with the name that people knew him by.) And then he had to pay money, and also get a solicitor to witness him swearing his oath.
Amazing really, because by the time he’d got a round tuit we were in the EEC and the first vote was history.
I wouldn’t trust Gove not to stab Boris in the back. Co-incidentally, at that time my cat was called Boris – he was a winner, loved by humans, other cats and even my sister’s rabbit. Borises appeal to all manner of people.
Sabotage the government to please their higher masters. Sweet.
One of the reasons that The Brexit Party will do well in the future is that its leaders are of very high calibre.
To stand up for Brexit against the relentless anti-Brexit bias of the BBC, you need to have a sharp wit, integrity, intellect and an excellent understanding of politics and economics. You also need to realise that you will never be allowed to answer a question fully.
These qualities are not a requirement for the selection of politicians from other main parties.
Nor are they a requirement for BBC journalists. In fact, they would be a distinct impediment for their career prospects.
Al beeb ‘update’ us on the recent bomb attack in Lyon – sort of.
But they forget to mention one small detail, easily findable in the French press, namely that the main suspect is called Mohamed Ichem.
So, not Pierre Dupont then.
wondered why the pictures were so fuzzy
The Remainers have re invented mathematics.
You could not make it up.
“Michael Gove will allow EU nationals living in the UK at the time of the referendum to apply free of charge for citizenship if he becomes PM.”
Another own goal and nail in the coffin for the Tory party.
They have lost the plot . Any patriotic Torys left should move to The Brexit Party.
Michael Gove has already demonstrated that he is a dry strand of grass blowing in the wind. More dangerous than Bojo?
Maybe not.
Neither would be acceptable as CP leader to me.
When Gove was at Education I was very impressed with him. I thought he was someone who really cared about raising standards and fighting the ‘Blob’ ie the Left wing civil servants who inhabit the Department.
Then he went to Environment and went totally native. His worry about cotton wool buds and besotted with Climate Change (Oh aren’t we supposed to call it Climate Crisis now?). The final straw for me was him looking adoringly at a 16 year old Swedish girl (with plaits and issues).
I am one of the 120,000 who has a vote – and Mr Gove will not be getting mine.
I am not sure about BoJo. The people who seem most against him are the Remainers like Hammond and Grieve and the BBC. If he was going to be such a terrible Prime Minister who couldn’t get us out of a paper bag, wouldn’t these dyed in the wool Remainers support him at all costs. I am not sure whether I want BoJo or not. He didn’t seem to do such a bad job in London (unlike the present incumbent) but I think he is known to be lazy. Perhaps a lazy PM who appoints the right people to actually do the work wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I won’t list to the BBC’s advice on the candidates – but Boris – if you want my vote – you will have to convince me.
Considering that immigration was one of the reasons that people voted to leave the EU, this really does show what a prat Gove is.
Gove is being very shrewd and clever. By proposing that EU citizens can remain here without proof of entitlement, he sets an important precedent i.e. anybody who is here can remain without proof, as otherwise it would be waay-cism and discwimination against non-EU citizens. Remember: as with all of these ‘bald men fighting over a comb’, his pitch for the leadership is not aimed at the general population at all.
Coalition of the losers.
Suppose the election of last Thursday was for the UK parliament then yes I could imagine a weird coalition would govern (with Labour presumably)?
Second and/or lower can win under PR. It would be like the current hung parliament state of play in implementing the 2016 referendum result where no one has got what they voted for after three years.
I see that the animals that killed there own kids where in court yesterday asked only to confirm there names, addresses and nationality….buried already by the FBBC…..I wonder why ??
Interesting way to frame it.
Costa and Kuenssberg, good British names! Obviously got no dogs in the race.
When elections do not work out to the BBC’s satisfaction, they respond in a variety of ways, here is but one:
“Political analyst Pratap Bhanu Mehta says Narendra Modi’s massive mandate is “a significant danger to Indian democracy””
TOADY Watch #1
Excellent analysis from Prof John Curtice (R4 @ 7.12am approx) concerning the position between the Parties on Brexit.
I hope Jeremy Hunt was listening.
I hope Jeremy Hunt was listening very, very carefully and taking it all very seriously and is not only prepared to but is already changing his mind.
Tricky times for Sir. Boaty.
Can he pull off blackface?
Oh come on. That’s a parody.
Isn’t it?
Roger Harrabin has just been made BBC BungaBungaland Editor. Apparently. So, possibly not.
Everytime I watch TV I see BAME people stuffing themselves with methane-producing meat, driving polluting cars and buying forest-destroying furniture. It’s clear who is to blame for ‘climate change’.
Please BAMEs think of the planet and, like whitey St. Greta, stop consuming now!
Fran and Tony need to head off on another ‘tour’.
TOADY Watch #2
Not sure I should post this, in case the BBC read it and stop.
Probably without intending to, the BBC are currently doing a great promo job for a Conservative Party (CP) leadership candidate who might just be a pure Brexiteer, Esther McVey. I’m starting to wonder whether she might just win?
More on this – and her – another time.
Esther McVey voted FOR the WA (Meaningful Vote 3) on 29 March.
ti, thanks for the reminder. But she now appears to be repentant. Can I trust her? I’ve been bitten before – twice! New saying: ‘Twice bitten, thrice shy!’
Just remember people that Toxic Tess was the best leader the Tories had. She was considered so outstanding by her party that they didn’t even bother with a leadership contest, it was a coronation/
All that’s left now is the dregs, and there isn’t a single one of them who can hold a candle to Marxist May. It was the Tory party themselves who told us that, so when Brexit goes horribly wrong again, which it will, just recall these words.
Thoughtful, I had hopes that TM was a reformed, repentant Remainer who would deliver Brexit and be as good as her word. Instead, she snatched defeat, real big DEFEAT, from the jaws of a great victory. She wasn’t the first female CP leader who deceived me with fine words. She wasn’t the first female CP leader who finished in disgrace.
It was very strange that May v. Leadsom non-contest. I wonder about that. What happened? There have been no leaks in two years!
TOADY Watch #3
I’m not sure how bright Jeremy Hunt is. He’s talking about the concern of the EU over the rise of ‘populism’ possibly breaking apart the EU on mainland Europe and that the UK’s Brexit may be or is the vanguard for that.
If the EU negotiators and powers behind the throne really thought that, Jeremy, they would have patted the UK on the head and given us a cushy deal and moved the UK out the door as fast and as quietly as possible.
It is clearly not logical, if the EU is truly scared of rebellion, to crack down on a democratic Leaver State because you only end up having made your own residual situation worse. That’s ignoring or not taking into account the economics of the situation. There are the obvious benefits of boosting a potentially strong future trading partner rather than harming them.
That assumes that the EU cracked down on the UK, and I don’t believe for one instant, that is the case.
Barnier is an ace negotiator trained, skilled and experienced. May on the other hand did not trust anyone enough to do this and tried to conduct negotiations herself.
May has a second class geography degree, no business qualifications, no negotiation training, and no experience either, it was like leading a lamb to the slaughter.
Trying to blame the EU for being on top of their game is ludicrous.
Thoughtful, either that or she had Olly Robbins continually nudging her elbow while the PM thought she could ‘play nice’ to the EU, perhaps also appearing as a slightly helpless female, while off to one side she was then continually undermining the MPs in her team when they had a part to play in the negotiations. David Davis and, IIRC, Steve Baker have complained of that.
You are right in that TM should have realised what she was facing. As I mentioned before, the only language the EU recognises is the sound of chair legs scraping on the floor as they move back and away from the table.
Here’s another:
Devastating .
I distinctly heard the MP, Rory Stewart (Leadership chancer) say, on the BBC R4 News at 2200 Hrs yesterday evening, “I firmly believe that 80% of the population don’t want to leave the EU”.
‘If it looks like an idiot, it is an idiot’. But an academic idiot. Another one not having experienced a, ‘Real Job’.
Time to start making use of Section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983.
“You can be sectioned if your own health or safety are at risk, or to protect other people.” Emphasis on protecting other people. Problem is, same applies to most of the MP’s
Rory Stewart has used the ‘mad made up stat ‘ before. He was being interviewed on 5 live about 6 months ago and said 65% don’t believe in brexit . The beeboid actually challenged ( Emma Barnett – I recall ) and he admitted there and then that he made it up but it was his ‘feeling ‘.
She asked him if he often made things up and he desperately attempted to divert his lie – he sounded like a kid who had just been caught stealing from his mums purse .
I nearly fell off my perch and got interested in this lunatics political advance .
Some one here said he is needed in the Tory party because of his ‘ military experience ‘. He has never served in uniform. He is just a jumped up son of the empire who has been riding the gravy train for his entire life .
He will perform a useful function in continuing to bring down the red Tory party .
G – you should be careful about mentioning mental illness on this site as some here are really touchy about it . I called Alistair Campbell .’ mental ‘yesterday and his fan club had a go at me ????
The bbc love him – I can see why …
Fed, AC has a fan club on here?
None so deaf as those that will not listen / hear / …. or read correctly
Nice bite
G / Fedup, I was listening to the Rory / Emma Barnett interview at the time and I almost had some admiration for the ballsiness of his “statistic” which he seemed to pluck from thin air.
Rory does have something of the Willy Wonka about him, a bit off-kilter all round and an imagination that surely goes way beyond what other people see.
Perhaps we’ll get an everlasting gobstopper for PM
Rory made a very good Netflix programme recently re Afghanistan’s ability to defeat foreign invaders.
Oops! sorry James. Just scrolled down and noticed your post that it was Iraq not Afghanistan.
Rory ‘the thunderbird’ MP was on ITV and he admitted again when challenged he made it up the 80% – but said he apologised 15 secs later…he was like a squirming school boy
The man is a fool who thinks his 6000 mile walk across Iraq etc makes us feel warm towards him…Jesus if he is PM we are doomed again
I think he may have used the wrong words. When he said “80% of the population” I think he meant to say “80% of his friends”
“I firmly believe that 80% of the population don’t want to leave the EU”
I believe you.
Stewart looks like a Spitting Image puppet placed in a drawer and forgotten for twenty years.
Re-discovered serendipitously recently, and had life breathed into him, like Pinocchio.
Unfortunately Stewart did not inherit the Pinocchio nose.
Just the lying tendency.
Good question.
‘A certain kind of voter ‘
I heard the beeboid say that and instantly wondered if it would be missed . But plenty of fair minded perceptive people cottoned on to this evidence of the anti democratic BBC mindset .
Can that be extended to say ‘ a certain kind of person chooses to work for the bbc’? And Ch4 for that matter? And Sky too?
[Not BBC. I believe Brexit has priority. Comments by me are in square brackets.]
“Published: May 27, 2019
Steve Brine: Why I am voting for Hunt”
“The week after the 2015 General Election, I was feeling rather pleased with the way things had turned out.
First elected to the Winchester constituency in 2010 with a majority of just 3,048, I had seen that rise to 17,000 with a 52 per cent share of the vote.”
[A 52% share of the vote. Is Brine that unaware or is he delberately insulting us?]
“Being a PPS can be a thankless task …”
[17,410,742 people, 95% of whome earn less, mostly much less, than an MP, might like a thankless task.]
“Jeremy never backs down in negotiations, having personally forced the Government to deliver on the
£350 million a week referendum promise …”
[“referendum promise”]
“The options we face are a General Election or a second referendum which risk annihilating our party,
or one last heave to get a deal through this hung Parliament.”
[Please note that Brine lists “a deal” last of his options, does not explain what his deal is, does not refer to Brexit. Is some other deal under consideration?]
“As someone who voted Remain but has worked tirelessly to honour the referendum result, Jeremy is one of the few who can unify.”
“Jeremy was also responsible for the successful delivery of the London Olympics, the largest peacetime logistical exercise in the country’s history.”
[See my note below from Wikipedia.]
“He is the only candidate who is also a successful entrepreneur”
[See my note below from Wikipedia.]
“That phone call from Gavin Barwell in 2015, that took me into Team Hunt in the first place”
[I would not want Barwell on my CV, or mention him in my article.]
[From the current Hunt Wikipedia article.]
[Wikipedia article relates that Hunt was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.]
“On his return to Britain he tried his hand at a number of different entrepreneurial business ventures, with three failed start-ups[14] including an attempt to export marmalade to Japan”
[Because of the silver spoon Hunt could fail in business repeatedly and still go back to the well for more! Do we want a failed marmalade salesman in charge of Brexit? I assume that the BBBC answer will be, no.]
“Hunt also oversaw the 2012 London Olympics, which received widespread acclaim”
[No acclaim from British people. In the opening ceremony British history and values were parodied, distorted and ridiculed. In which multiculturalism and internationalism were emphasised. Admittedly there was one white woman in the ceremony.]
“After the result which supported Brexit was announced, Hunt suggested a second referendum on the terms of any exit deal with him personally backing one in which the UK would stay in the Single Market.[28][29]”
[Demonstrating that Hunt had a different view of what constitutes Brexit to 17,410,742 voters.]
“In 2017 he stated that he had changed his mind, and now supported Brexit, citing the “arrogance of the EU Commission” in responding to the UK government in the Brexit negotiations.[30]”
[“changed his mind” Strange how many Tory MPs, who want to be PM, have had a convenient, recent, Pauline conversion.]
“In March 2019 he stated that a “lot more work” was needed to get MPs to back May’s deal but there were “encouraging signs” that progress was being made.[33]”
[So, in 2017 he supported Brexit, but as recently as March 2019 he was still supporting May’s deal! May’s deal which 17,410,472 people (plus all remain voters who are now disgusted by the Brexit negotiations.) have known since 2016 is, deliberately NOT BREXIT.
Hunt is therefore a liar or a simpleton (I exclude, without investigation, the possibilty that Hunt might be both).]
[End of Wikipedia section.]
[A search reveals that Brine does not use the term Brexit once in his article, which, some might say, is revealing.]
[There is more about Hunt in the Brine article than I have reported. I submit that what I have reported, and commented on, is more than sufficient to demonstrate that the British people do not want Hunt as PM. The EU, however, might be pleased by his election, which tells you all you need to know.]
I really don’t know whether it’s worth discussing the pro s and cons of prospective Tory leaders / PMs …. ( that is not a comment aimed as criticism of you ) –
I see this leadership thing as just a diversion from the Democratic wish to become a free country again . The tories are irrelevant unless they deliver a full brexit .
As for labour – Im Amazed that they want a general election . Do they really have any idea about how hated the remainer labour MPs in leave constituencies are ?
But at least a labour socialist government would have a working majority with the SNP with the promise of another tedious once in a generation independence vote….( assuming of course comrade Corbyn money tree trick worked again …. today I’m going to nationalise ….. fill in the gap.)
Labour are playing a strange game where they want a second referendum on a Conservative plan and none if they ever agree their own way out with the EU.
Whatever works for them I suppose.
To be honest (did I miss something) I don’t know whether Labour is Remain or Leave these days?
Di Laughing on Today was very clear on this.
Or not.
One of the three.
Starmer states his current best ‘option’ for his EU prospects:
The only way to break the Brexit impasse is to go back to the public with a choice between a credible leave option and remain.
i.e. ‘remain’ and remain.
“I see this leadership thing as just a diversion from the Democratic wish to become a free country again .
The tories are irrelevant unless they deliver a full brexit.”
What I am trying do is, eliminate a candidate who is totally not fit for purpose.
There is lot in the Brine article about Hunt’s skill and determination in negotiations.
Which, to me is irrelevant.
Worse than irrelevant, and shows Brine’s poor judgement in his selection of material to promote his favoured candidate
(and the person who will later promote Brine).
We do not need a negotiator.
We need somebody to walk into EU headquarters taking the door off its hinges, place a piece of paper on the table
with such force the table collapses. Then walk out.
On the paper is written “The UK just left the EU, and you are not having any money.”
Is it worth discussing the pros and cons of prospective Tory leaders?
It seems to me that Steve Baker is the only candidate so far who appears to have some merit. But they’ll never let him win.
The others all hail from a wretched hive of scum and villainy as far as I’m concerned, whoever gets the top job I wouldn’t expect much improvement over Theresa May.
Edit to my comment earlier :
I thought that Steve Baker had actually chucked his hat in the ring to be the tory top dog. Turns out he’s only talked about doing it.
Meh. Oh well never mind. Still, it might be mildly entertaining seeing the rest of them fighting like rats in a sack while their core support dwindles to zero.
You can no longer edit this comment
[Yet again.]
LCS, he is obviously a pragmatist. But not a pragmatist that I could warm to at present.
Jeremy Hunt is also related to Peter and Virginia Bottomley and Peter Bottomley was a co-founder of that fascist movement Unite Against Fascism. Virginia Bottomley was a Minister in a previous Conservative government.
No, I don’t trust him, any more that I trust Mr Gove and Mr Johnson.
Who does that leave to ensure we Leave?
Also as the current Foreign Sec. Hunt is failing miserably (like Boris before him) to stop Alan Duncan helping the EU with, and including us within, its expanding defence integration structures.
Of greater importance to me are these wikipedia entries:
he has been associated with both economically liberal and socially liberal policies. He has been characterised as a “metropolitan liberal” by the Financial Times.
Hunt was educated at Charterhouse
studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Magdalen College, Oxford
In 2009, Hunt was investigated by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. The commissioner found: “Mr Hunt was in breach of the rules
So just another leftist Tory posh boy and career politician who would be better place in the Fib Dems with his politics, but just wants to see his name in history.
Listening to all the political commentators – on all channels, I have never heard so many ‘BUT’ s or ‘HOWEVER’ s when through gritted teeth had to concede that the Brexit party had won so many votes.
The mainstream media continually show their contempt for anything to do with leaving Europe, almost sneering in their reporting.
“almost sneering”
You’re right, they ARE sneering.
Time for champagne. I am very proud of our British spirit.
Bottom right:
Y A-B, “Why can’t the government listen to experts?”
Words fail me.
Great, isn’t it?
The Farage-Fox is stalking the hen-house.
He’s going to need a Sludge Gulper if he manages to get into the HoP.
Uh oh, the Burleybot has been activated.
On the one side, 17.4 million voters, on the other side, Lord Adonis.
It’s almost as if you are “getting the balance about right”.
So Jeremy Hunt is now saying “A No deal Brexit would be political suicide.”. The Tories have learnt not a thing from the EU elections.
The irony is that statements like this are part of the ongoing political suicide of the Tory party.
Hunt is a silly buffer, if the Conservatives do a hard Brexit they will lose 25% of their support and be out of office for some time.
If they do anything else they will lose 67% of their support and will face immediate oblivion! And he will never be PM.
As an aside
BBC et al are always saying we must respect the views of youth so I’m going to now .
Tony Blair in his youthful days was against the EU project and stated so . Therefore we must respect the views of young Tony Blair and ignore the views of old Tony Blair . The BBC. Should ask him about this .
The LibDims are a party that has been around since the eighteenth century with a long tradition , so we should ignore them and take notice of the youthful new Brexit party .
This is the Biased BBC Website. The simple giveaway that
the BBC is biased is so very easy to spot. The BBC give it away
and although they may not realize they are giving it away, I
don’t think they care.
It’s the way how on the the TV. the Radio and the Internet they
refer to the “far right” ” The extreme right” I am conservative
I would play on the right wing if playing at Wembley stadium. However the
BBC left wing editors, sub editors, researchers , presenters, reporters consider that I am playing my football at Wembley Park
Station. And that is the giveaway of the BIASED BBC !!!
I think we should all just adopt the epithet “Far Right” and have done with it. All things considered, it is probably what we truly are, and the media will never, ever back pedal. Wear it with pride.
As ever: better to be ‘Far Right’ than ‘Far Wrong’
lets make every thing far right own everything and destroy far left companies to boot
I would like to ‘own’ the label far right in the same way that only blacks can legitimately use the n word.
Far right in my mind means ‘not a lunatic’. When I start frog-marching Guardian readers into internment camps I might reconsider myself as extreme far far right.
In the meantime the only response to ‘oh my gosh, you’re far right!’ should be ‘so what?’.
Next time you hear some one on the media, or come across someone who says “a no deal Brexit would be disastrous for Britain” ask them what they understand by a no deal Brexit, or what they are implying by that term.
No one in real politique is advocating a true no deal where the UK leaves the EU and refuses to negotiate any kind of trade deal save WTO rules. No one! Not Farage, not Boris no one!
The leaving with a no deal is a strategy which would force the EUs hand into giving us a better deal than what is currently on offer. Tarriffs on EU cars food & drink etc would soon force the German car manufaturers who control Merkel, to tell her to order the EU to reach a trade deal before they go bust. Seeing as Merkel rules the EU this would be swiftly complied with.
Because most MPs cannot see further than the end of their noses, have no business negotiation, or seeming any other experience in the real world, they seem to earnestly believe that no deal would be a permanent position without the possibility of change.
Anyone seriously believing that should not be in any position of responsility regarding Brexit.
non of them believe this to be true all of them know no-deal is the stick and a fta the carrot
Unfortunately they are so determined to stay in , They have thrown away the stick given the eu donkey 39bn carrots and are pretending they dont know why the eu donkey wont move.
They want the deal on offer to be worse than remaining and are helping/have helped the EU to achieve that position.
The fact they think the public are so stupid they will swallow this nonsense, is the unbelievable part.
Agree, the BBC seem to just like using this phrase without clarifying – it isn’t a no deal but WTO…and how is it that Remainers know staying in will be so much better …they never explain just throw out unsubstantiated ‘facts’
There should be another referendum !
After we’ve left the EU , there should be another referendum about (re)joining the EU . The EU could lay out the terms and conditions, together with their future plans and aspirations.
Then we vote .
We have to leave first , because that’s what we voted for . The same as after a general election. A new government is formed, then after a time another general election is called . We don’t have a general election the result of which is we want to turf out the incumbent government but it doesn’t happen for three years then another election is called and they’ve never been out of power .
There should be a decent amount of time allowed to elapse between leaving, and any referendum to re-join, so that the good folks of Blighty have the opportunity to experience the “you’ve never had it so good” syndrome, again.
So we pay £39 Billion to leave and then pay again to join.
We have to join on the same terms as everyone else, join the Euro join the European army, and no rebate, joining the Schengen no borders area as well.
That should be sufficient to put most people off!
N – “after a time”
45 years minimum, since 1975.
So, assuming we do really leave in October, next referendum on Brexit in 2065 would be reasonable.
If there is still a EU, which I doubt.
I think you’re being harsh. It’s only 41 years between 1975 and 2016. The next 4th Reich vote won’t be due until 2057. I was just too young in 1975 to vote and I’ll be 99 the next time we are due to have one. This should have been my only vote for this monstosity.
credit where credit is due,the BBC got it right when they called jeremy Hunt,Jeremy Hunt ( edited by Fedup to get rid of the C word ). Twice i think but its stuck with me ever since.
“Brexit: Labour still split over further referendum”
The HYS is back ! ‘Get yours in now’ .
It has not started well for Labour .
BBC Online News:
“”Alastair Campbell ‘expelled’ from Labour Party””
Brexit. The gift that keeps on giving.
Listening to R4 phone in re Climate Change…. a stream of very wobbly callers. Including a lady from Extinction Rebellion who got way without challenge saying that China and India are doing “quite well” in this area whereas the Western World is obviously shockingly poor… Despite figures showing both to be by far the worst atmospheric polluters on the planet. I just wondered to myself what could possibly go wrong if the ER folks started gluing themselves to Company doors in China or India…
Radio2 now Amol is doing Vines
How do you make the BBC off its head ?
Dose it with Amol NotBright
Amol tells us 30% of people in Britain can’t swim and he is one of them
… is it an ethnicity thing ?
Next question on BBC – is water racist?
Oh item #4 is a black female actor
So they are talking about her playing Henry V
.. and other traditionally white male parts.
I’m waiting for the first female black actress to play Neil Armstrong when he lands on the moons and lists who the ‘one small step “ is for – which obviously excludes wheelchair users ( and yes – I am an accomplished pusher of a wheelchair in my time before someone with a chip has a go at me )
“traditionally white male parts”
I’d go further than that and say: “factually white male parts”.
Could you imagine a white woman playing Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela? How about a white, Jewish woman playing Yasser Arafat?
as soon as its announced there is an ECHR investigation into labour anti-semitism
guess who comes out shouting for an investigation
not sure if this is deflection on behalf of labour, or the perpetually offended feeling left out of the news
Working at home and dropping into R4
so far – females are under represented in law, BAME and under represented – patriarchy is the problem. Then how young people invented challenges to climate change and old people are the problem..
When will the BBC realise that they are causing division by putting these stupid questions forward and only having a one sided discussions.
As an aside…has anyone heard the BBC mention the Turkish re run of the Istanbul vote – because Erdogan didn’t like it? Is because they would be hypocrites if they said he was a naughty naughty boy in not accepting the result?
bBBC TV News at One has a ‘news’ item that a Muslim woman is providing food for NHS workers when they break their Ramadan fast at dusk.
No mention of the real story, the danger inflicted on us by thousands of NHS staff who are dehydrated and hungry.
RE below:
Dear Bedfordshire Police,
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Yours faithfully,
E. Sewell
Independent Police Support Group
Funny the police could not find any record of the camera crew in their car or the documentary which was very quickly deleted from youtube
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
Laura seems smitten.
Rory not a Remainer by slim chance?
Or at risk from errant milk products.
be more impressed if he did a sargon and advertised where he was going before hand
Our Rory is quite a boy – he’s making a nuisance of himself to get the Foreign Sec job in some no ones tory cabinet . Meaningless distraction but fuel for anoraks .
Guest..on what planet in which universe does this man think he looks and acts like a Prime Minister – let alone sounds like one..?
I am beginning to think Andrea Leadsom is our best Brexit bet..but then again I thought May was okay in the first week..
JA, I thought May was OK in the last week.
Until she ‘bottled it’ so badly and went off to Brussels in a frit.
If only she had berated Barnier from the Despatch Box in the House instead and then resigned on the evening of 28th or 29th March “Oh, they are impossible in Brussels and you’ve all had the courage to reject a bad deal, so I quit!”, we’d now be out of the EU on a No-Deal-Brexit and making it work OK somehow.
Stupid woman!
ANTI-Brexit civil servants [Foreign Office] are conniving with their European Union counterparts to lock Britain into a new EU defence union in defiance of the referendum vote, it was claimed yesterday.
Professor Gwythian Prins, of the London School of Economics and a former adviser to the Chief of the Defence Staff, said officials defended talks about Britain joining at least a dozen forms of military engagement as simply being about cooperation.
However, he said Britain was being lured into a new EU defence framework “like a fly to a spider’s web” and could get trapped as the EU seeks to keep control of the region’s security powers after Brexit.
Prof Prins said “no deal is better than any deal” as he accused civil servants of talking Britain into a “mind-numbing, acronymic cat’s cradle of entangling structures”.
I’ve put a new thread up as the previous one was getting clunky .
I really hope Jeremy Hunt doesn’t figure in discussion too much as I’ll get fed up editing the C word
When I typed his name correctly, the spell-checker kept trying to change it to C. What does the spell-checker know that we don’t?
The BBC attempted to deny that people who want a full brexit won the EU election. Nigel Farage rubbished this and threw in the issue around UKIP – that many people ‘who have better things to do than follow politics ( to quote him ) still think he leads UKIP and voted for UKIP on that basis .
I will go with that . He suggested UKIP just fold up, go into the Brexit Party and then fight / formulate policy after we actually get out . That to seems sensible .
Anecdote – I overhear two middle aged people talking about the current situation – one said he thought that blond bloke was a bit of an idiot and the other said at least that Farage bloke has a bit of ‘go’ about him . I wish a few bubble dwellers had heard it .
4:30pm Radio 4 Which Great Life do they celebrate ?
\\ Kamila Shamsie, author of the award-winning novel ‘Home Fire’ champions the life of the Pakistani human rights lawyer Asma Jahangir.
Kamila says she was only ten years old, growing up in Karachi, when Asma became her hero even before she really knew her name. She remembers her mother and her aunts all talking about this amazing woman lawyer and social activist who was standing up against many of the laws that Pakistan’s President General Zia ul Haq had introduced in the 1980s. //
On order order currently, comments on the first Raab video.
CCGB is an understatement, being slaughtered. 100% of those I read.
More Conservative votes moving to the Brexit Party.
Yet Raab is supposed to be a hard Brexit type.
We will soon find out how bad the Remain candidates are.