Although Thursday is the Peterborough Bi Election – wouldn’t it be decent if for just one day current politics was put on hold in order to remember and thank those who took part in D Day in order to send the Germans back from where they came . But I know the Far Left Biased BBC will exploit the commemoration for their own purposes . Let’s hope for decency on the day .
Midweek Open Thread 5 June 2019
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NHS worker apologises for shouting ‘Nazi scum’ at a Donald Trump supporter who was doused in milkshake at London protest
Siobhan Prigent apologised on Twitter for her behaviour at the demonstration
Comes as semi-retired grandfather spoke to MailOnline about the incident
He said protest turned violent when ‘hardcore lot’ couldn’t answer his questions
Added that ‘we have to put forward how aggressive the left can be – it’s not us’
I guessed yesterday that we were the hand that fed this charming young lady.
RE Not Gwent
1) you must have big hands
2) after laughing as her victim was physically assualted by a mob, a journo asked her to expalin her behaviour and the fat thug shouted at him “!’m not talking to any white man”
3) If she is employed there still, or has any contractual arrangement via a private company, after my email to them I strongly suspect she will have no choice but to talk to some white men today
Imagine if the poor guy needed counselling for this incident and then she turns up to treat him!
Looks like she is the one in need of a mental health worker rather than being one.
Yesterday’s posts were on : page 5 from 9:30pm to 4am
– more on the milkshake-lynching etc.
– page4 from 4 pm covered Emma Barnett & police saying she knew about her father’s brothel keeping
– about another milkshake-lynching
– & BasedAmy deflating the Trump balloon with her pen and being carted off for 5 hours with police
– and 20 ProTrumpers being hounded into a pub
– From Monday midnight page 3 discussed why calling someone a “FASCIST” is OK
– but calling some one a “LOSER” is the worst thing ever.
– BBC promoting a new statue of the President sitting on a toilet tweeting.
– Change UK breaking up etc.
Now we have her name and where she works the man attacked should sue her .That will wipe her smile off her face.
Which is more important Mr Plod arresting someone who bursts a balloon,or a person who attacks another person. No wonder the police have lost respect of so many of us.
Having seen yesterday’s incident and the charming Miss Prigent and thinking of the other milk shake incidents and police leading men to a Tommy Robinson meeting. Who is issuing what orders? I know a secret shared is no secret. But the behaviour of the police seems they are following orders on where to take action (and shall I say perhaps not the same as we might in the same circumstances), but there is no leak as to what their orders are.
I am led to believe that this woman (Siobhan Prigent) is a consultant with the National Health Service. If this is the case I am wondering how many patients had their hospital appointments cancelled in order that she could behave like a brainwashed retarded red-guard on the streets of London?
This thug is only sorry she has been caught on camera you can see the hate in herhas an email address at Imeriral.nhs
Ms Siobhan Charlotte Prigent holds 1 appointment at 1 active company, has resigned from 0 companies and held 0 appointments at 0 dissolved companies. Their longest current appointment spans 0 years, 8 months and 14 days at VLEK LTD
Ms Siobhan Charlotte Prigent
Date Of Birth
Sep 1984
Company Type
Private limited with Share Capital
Company Status
Active – Newly Incorporated
Incorporated On
21 September 2018
Nature of business (SIC)
70229 Management consultancy activities other than financial management
Noticed this also online at the moment attahed to that video
Hi @DavidLammy and @EmilyThornberry – this is what all the hate-filled rubbish you post leads to. This is what happens when you use ‘far right’ & ‘fascist’ as casual terms of abuse for anyone you disagree with. This is on you
Apparently this bundle of feminine loveliness is called Siobhan Charlotte Prigent and she works for @uclh
Waiting for @NHSuk to announce what action taken against Siobhan Prigent. She has brought our treasured national health service into disrepute. #nhs #SiobhanPrigent
“our treasured national health service”
There are two National Health Services?
I know about the crap, inefficient, over managed, overstaffed, patient neglecting, patient abusing, patient starving, patient killing (deliberately), patient harming (incompetently), diversity addicted, over paid and over pensioned (in some cases) NHS. The NHS that New Labour improved by committing it to decades and many billions of PFI. The NHS that New Labour improved by bribing doctors with large pay rises.
But I have never heard of the treasured NHS, how much does this cost?
Treasured as in : my wifes uncle in China is trying to find £20,000 for anti cancer drugs to treat his stomach cancer, twice the market price apparently, one would treasure not having to do that I would imagine
The lady tried a fullish apology on the twitter Wednesday night and took her Facebook thing down . There are echoes in that footage ( I don’t know why ) of the Gordon Brown interaction with the lady he misheard and called a bigot .
It is kind of a picture of our times really . Nice touch having a lady police person wearing a ‘liaison?’ Tabard and all the authority of a used condom ( is that too much ?)
“The lady tried a fullish apology”
Not one of those apologies is genuine.
Not one of those “apologising” is sorry.
The events are reported, if at all, on p877 of BBC St Kilda News, in a microscopic font, for ten minutes.
To enable the BBC to claim later that “they got it about right”.
After the insincere non apology the left, including the overpaid ****s at the BBC, treat the matter as closed.
The “apology” has redeemed the sinner.
Pol Pot said today that he was “really, really, sorry that he had killed 20% of Cambodian people in four years”.
Pol pot was sorry, so it’s OK now.
If she screamed at me like that I’m afraid I would not have had the self control shown by this gentleman.
The silly girl copper would have been all over the old boy , getting the cuffs on and smiling as the haters gave that approving round of applause .
The cops have become an extension of the Left – and lost the neutrality upon which it once depended for consent .
Once lost it just becomes a macron type occupying force .
Policing is by consent. If that consent is withdrawn, the Police are in big, big trouble. The Common Purpose, Ultra Vires approach needs to be ripped out of the organisation. The Met Police can begin this by giving Ms Cressida her P45.
Imperial healthcare London:
Contact PALS
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How to contact us
If you have a media enquiry please contact the press office directly on 020 3313 3005. We are open from 9.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday.
Julia Smith, head of media
Charlie King, media manager
I’m first!
Well fourth but if you add up the numbers of those who didn’t win…
Btw Fedup2, unfortunately, the bbc don’t do decency.
Quote Laura Kuenssberg…
“For any prime minister, handling a president like Donald Trump is like trying to hold on to a Ming vase walking across a recently polished, slippery parquet floor.”
Just report news, not this crap!
Horrible woman. Permanent snarl on her face.
Try saying that with a straight face ????
(Please tell me you have a motorbike.)
The basics for cub reporters in days of yore.
Fortunately journalists today have degrees and do not need to bother with all that truth, reliability, context, fact based reporting, nonsense.
Looking at State Broadcaster’s ‘humour’ laden front page I am drawn to conclude that they have raised their not caring about criticism to another level.
I can’t expect an operation like theirs to be impartial; I would like that they weren’t tax funded.
No matter how foolish they make themselves look.
I’d guess the marker pen was provided – same as Gordon Brown’s.
Childline reporting a big increase in children worried about gender issues. 16 children a day. Thank you BBC for constantly filling kids heads full of this nonsense.
And probably referred to lefty fascist idiots working in the NHS with an agenda…
Milkshake lynching is what we get when the libmob gather on the street.
.. that and hounding purple-skins into a building
…. in just the same way as the Democrat Party KKK used to hound black-skins.
That said just like a Tommy rally, I wouldn’t like the media to pick out a couple of isolated events and say that represented the whole day . thing is in the anti Trump rallies, there is no indication of infiltrators causing trouble.
“…. in just the same way as the Democrat Party KKK used to hound black-skins.”
This is how the KKK used to hound “black-skins”, Stew.
“just the same way…”
So Maxi is this what sad little beeboids like you do with their evenings? – look for pictures of exotic lynchings to “shock” us with.
Do these sort of pictures give you some sort of thrill ?
Maybe you want us to join you in a game of “depravity top trumps” who can find the sickest pictures – wow! wouldn’t that be fun?
I could post pictures of piles naked bodies of those murdered in the holocaust by real “nazi scum” – but I shan’t, I suspect you might enjoy them just a little bit too much.
Instead I would suggest you are a very sad and sick individual and maybe it is time to change your medication – NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet, the white farmers murdered THIS WEEK by black Africans in their sick racist violent country have no pictures, or the latest Christians murdered by muzzies in all of their sick racist violent countries WHEREVER they have control,, but lefties can find 100 year old pics for whatever purpose in their twisted little minds
A lot of the women apparently are raped before being finally butchered – something that Aunty doesnt like to talk about much and if it does it seeks to downplay it. In the sick world of Aunty “real” victims only have brown skins.
Remember the two guileless Swedish girls raped and beheaded in Morocco by a gang of Jihaddis, on the BBC website they apparently died of “neck wounds”
Goebbels and Maxi would be proud.
Missed the point again, or ignoring it.
KKK founded by the Democratic Party.
Not that I am condoning it, but many of those blacks lynched actually did rape and murder white females.
Just like they do today.
I know you are not condoning it – but I think the point was, was that they were hung without any sort of justice and in all likelihood most were innocent.
Exactly the same as today in Rotherham – they were denied justice.
A traditional Democrat Party event.
Very pertinent point. It is not necessary to pretend to be a fascist in a fascist mob of leftys.
BBC trying to laugh it all off now…
Website Home Page….
Trump UK visit: Protesters mix humour and expletives to make their point
“The public were kept a long way from his motorcade but the boos were loud, the placards stark and the general message expletive-laden.
And beyond that, in Parliament Square, under the gaze of a statue of a hunched Winston Churchill, British satire was on display.
A Donald Trump baby blimp rocked back and forth in a light wind.
A man was dressed as a caged gorilla with a Donald Trump face mask while his companion pulled off an impression of Boris Johnson – the MP who wants to be the next UK prime minister – dressed in a striped prison uniform.
There were toilet rolls for sale bearing the president’s face, sold for two for £5 from a couple of supermarket trolleys.
A police officer went above and beyond to hand out Haribo sweets to his colleagues standing in a neat line along Whitehall. (Police are on side!)
Above them, builders in hard hats watched events unfold from the scaffolding encasing Big Ben.
It was all very British.”
Hell No it wasn’t! it was all very odious, embarrassing and childish.
One definition of satire is:
Satire is a technique employed by using humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule.
In this case
For Humour read Insult
For Irony read Misinterpretation
For Exaggeration spot on! (Standard BBC Tactic)
For Ridicule read Hate and Immaturity
They were just kidding about won’t wash BBC!
As it’s the 75th anniversary of D day it was important to see todays brave warriors in London yesterday. Flying ballons and throwing milkshakes at old chaps screaming NAZI in faces etc. Stand up Owen Jones, Thornberry and St Jeremy. They expected 250 000 demonstraters but only got 6000 but it rained which just shows the bravery of these snowflake types. As for Owen himself, yes we realise that everyone to the right of St Jeremy is a fascist/phobic of some sort. Brave warriors all.
D-Day vid from Ch5
Well there is certainly no resistance to invasion on the beaches nowadays.
Portsmouth, alternative to BBC coverage
the bbc coverage starts at 9:15am BBC 1
I see no special coverage on Radio4 or Radio5 today
just a normal day’s schedule.
Though at 8pm Moral Maze asks do we still have the same British values that made D-Day possible ?
I double checked : 5 Live hadn’t got around to writing it on their schedule, but on Twitter say this
\\ After 9am it’s #5liveYourCall : #DDay stories
We are sharing the extraordinary stories of those involved in the Allied invasion by land sea and air //
I cannot find the longer version of this video which was about 30 mins long and covered the full Press Conference so I don’t know if the statement I refer to is there close to the end :
Treason May: “I am a woman of her word”. Not only treasonous but deluded. I hope she doesn’t decide that the Russians (because they’re behind every plot) are firing nuclear missiles at the UK during her last remaining weeks. Dangerous woman indeed.
Toady earlier this morning:
Carney on HMS Queen Elizabeth in Portsmouth asking normal questions to a middle-ranking officer. But then, out of the blue: “You’ve just lost your commanding officer”. Navy PR person steps in to answer that pointed question that the BBC would love to have been answered by the middle ranker in case he dropped the Navy into the sh*t giving our, “World’s Most Trusted” an angle to exploit. Cultural Marxism at work with a classic example of, Critical Theory. Just after the above segment:
Thought for the Day. Commenced with a woman highlighting “Diversity” in the Normandy Landings. Then swiftly on to refer to Ramadan. Clearly a muslim. Off button.
I’ll bet there were few to no muslims directly involved with the Normandy Landings.
G: I’ll bet there were few to no muslims directly involved with the Normandy Landings.
Though there were battalions if not divisions of Muslims in the Nazi occupation and mass murder of Serbs in Serbia.
Laura Kuensberg claiming there were “thousands of protesters” but only “pockets of support”.
I’d say it was most likely the other way around.
Notice the low camera angles when filming the crowd to make it look bigger. Had it been a massive crowd then surely a higher angle would have been used to show the masses in the distance. I bet that crowd was only five deep if that.
But it’s not like the bbbc are going to admit to that.
The biassed and lying BBC are still running the Big Lie that Pres Trump denied that he called Meghan Markle “nasty”. No apology yet.
This from the original SUN recording itself
What Pres Trump said was that he didn’t know that Markle was nasty (about him).
The BBC has it on tape, the BBC tell us, hoping no one will question their veracity.
The revolving anti Brexit placards we saw on John Piennar’s
report from Westminster last night on the late BBC news, were
placed brilliantly. Well done John Pienaar, the cameraman,
and the editor for following BIG BROTHERS’S agenda.
Foscari -These annoying and distracting little intruders have been a feature of bbc tv news reporting for weeks. Yesterday I wondered whether -because they are so regular- they are invited to attend by the bbc?
Initially I had thought they would be irritatitng the beeb, but, no – there is something else going on there.
Especially since only one message is allowed to intrude. Of course, Pienaar, et al, pretend they haven’t noticed.
Grounds for another little complaint to the biased broadcaster.
I expect they are stored in the BBC Outside Broadcast vehicles and provided when the protestors have not brought their own.
Trump royal speech honouring the war heroes
The delightful Anna Soubry continues to waffle on about the “success” of Change UK. Bollocks of course!
“We had 600,000 votes” she tells us. “That’s pretty impressive for a new party. These people can’t be ignored.”
Why not? She’s perfectly willing to ignore the 17.4 million voters that won the original Brexit vote.
It could also be pointed out that the Brexit vote of three years ago won by double the number she’s now so impressed by.
Perhaps someone would also like to remind her that her own constituency voted for Brexit, both originally and recently.
And when she blathers on about “a people’s vote” surely she must be thinking of all those folk who mistakenly put her into Parliament. They thought she was a Conservative…now she’s not.
If you’re such a democrat, Anna, call an election.
I’d hate to call her a hypocrite.
Jeff, Anna can go on believing that but the reality now is that Change UK only received 273,000 votes in round numbers.
If you assume the 600,000 total votes were ‘shared’ equally between eleven MPs, now with only five, that bit of the past does not look particularly rosy for Mr & Mrs Soubry in their leadership role.
“I’d hate to call her a hypocrite.
But… ”
Go on!
Aah, go on.
Go on would you!
Really now, go on, go on.
It’s a great pity that the likes of Soubry cannot be prosecuted by the electorate for fraud. They conned their voters to gain a seat in parliament, gained all the benefits of being a M.P., salaries, expenses, etc., then backed, or proposed policies directly opposed to the interests of their voters. Completely satisfies the definition of fraud under the criminal law to my mind.
Something to be in the Brexit Party manifesto for the next General Election.
Which manifesto needs a large swamp draining section promising a savage cull of local and central government, QANGOs, charities, politicians and other treasonous dead wood.
The Brexit Party also needs to change its name pdq, the “job done after the referendum result” attitude hampered subsequent UKIP efforts. TBP must not make the same mistake.
The New Conservative and Unionist Party?
The Real Conservative and Unionist Party?
The Freedom Party?
The Labour and Conservative Replacement Party?
All suggestions welcome.
I added this link to the wrong thread, but at 4:50 it is hilarious.
Why does Anna Subry have an Adam’s Apple ?
Every possible attempt to undermine Trump on Toady this a.m.
Was it Mishal or Martha who kept asking various people what it would be like doing D Day with so…(fill in a derogatory/subversive adjective) a President.
No opportunity lost.
Really weird interview with Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein this morning on Toady.
She was interviewing a rather mild mannered Tory (didnt catch the name ) who is involved in setting the rules for the Tory leadership contest. He was just trying to explain the rules.
It was more like an interrogation. Totally over the top and absolutely ridiculous. It was like she was trying to get noticed.
Absolutely crass.
Good spot Sluff. I, too, noticed that interview with, if I recall correctly, Charles Walker. He is Vice-Chair of the 1922 Committee.
Mishal obviously had an agenda – her own or that of the BBC – set in advance for the interview but not the intelligence to handle the neutral & highly impartial replies from Walker. I also wonder if an Editor was jabbering in Mishal’s ear – urging her on but distracting her in the process – as the interview progressed.
Mishal missed the most important question to ask: is it right and proper to change the rules for this Leadership contest while it is underway? Most of the listeners will, I guess, have been wondering about that.
Mr Walker’s answer would, I hope, have been a mild “Well, the contest proper does not really start until Monday. More candidates may yet declare so they know, as do the existing declared candidates, that the rules are now set.”
Mishal did ask one good question, and Charles Walker missed another opportunity (having taken one other) to promote his Party: ‘Is it good to have so many candidates?’
He could have told Mishal: “It shows there is a great strength and depth in the Parliamentary Party.”
In that event, the listener could not help but wonder ‘How long will that last?’
Peterborough’s By-Election may provide a clue.
He could have told Mishal: “It shows there is a great strength and depth in the Parliamentary Party.”
Really? All the public has seen, since June 2016, is a bunch of self-serving, EU serving, liars; with the few real Conservatives being ignored.
But this has only highlighted the infiltration of Socialists which began at least thirty years ago.
Which transfer of Socialists has permitted the, once genuinely Labour Party, to be taken over by people Lenin would have rejected as extremists.
Let us hope the good voters of Peterborough will vote overwhelmingly for The Brexit Party.
So much so, that the current “Government” and “Opposition” will join Soubry in the permanent past tense.
LCS, yes – the good voters of Peterborough can do a lot for their fellow countrymen and countrywomen tomorrow.
‘Posh-ites’, please give us a 75th Anniversary Brexit!
Three cheers for Good Morning Britain on ITV.
Piers Morgan gets the prime interview with his pal Donald Trump and the whole tone of the programme is quite impartial and balanced and even respectful.
How the BBC must be seething to be excluded.
Ha ha ha.
Couldn’t agree more…even the Kevin McGuire struggled to turn it into negatives..he had a good go and throws in the usual lefty phrases without evidence.
Notice BBC haven’t made any mention of Piers Morgan interview
Toady’s ‘Thought for the Day’ kindly brought us a feature on Ramadan and the Koran.
No surprise.
As we celebrate and commemorate the D Day landings my mind wanders to the equivalent event which would take place today.
The original DDay has had to be postponed following a court injunction brought by Greenpeace citing the impact on pollution in the channel and harm to species on the landing beaches.
The planning for the landings has been released to the Germans following several FOI requests upheld by a court.
A further delay has been ordered as another court has ruled that proper health and safety assessments for the landing beaches have not been carried out. Although the Germans have refused to assist, the court has ruled that more should be done.
Meanwhile the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has ruled that the army must immediately address the under-representation of BAME and LGBT people. Transgender toilets are being engineered on the landing craft.
Several law firms are advertising to represent any servicemen who come to harm during the landings. (‘Where there’s blame, there’s a claim’).
Some German counter-attack boats have been found in the channel. They have all claimed asylum when approached and have been picked up by Border Force ships. While this process continues no active service is permitted in case the asylum seekers come to collateral harm.
As a result of the above D Day has been postponed indefinitely.
Very funny Sluff and highlights so well the contrast between the stoicism and bravery of those who participated, compared to the wet lettuce leaves who walk amongst us today.
Or several law firms have canvassed German soldiers asking if the Allies have comitted war crimes against them.
Health and safety has banned the use of live ammunition due to the risk to life and serious injury
“The planning for the landings has been released” by the Germans who kindly translated it into english and gave the PM a copy
Sluff-We would of heard the German’s point of view from
the BBC’S reporter in Berlin.
sluff ( not BBC )
I’m an enthusiast for the useless ‘what if..’ counterfactual stuff which comes along every so often and sometimes ponder about the consequences of failure of Overlord in 1944.
The Russians would have carried on and taken even more of Europe before the Western Allies either came up through Italy or had another go in France .
Naturally the war would have been longer and costlier . I’ve always been of the school which thought WW2 was really a race to The Bomb . Germany might have got it before US/UK if research was fully resourced and coupled with delivery by V4 or submarine might have got a ‘deal’ after its use in America or Britain . Likewise if it had been used on Moscow .
A peace deal wouldn’t have lasted very long so WW2 might have morphed into WW3 in the late 1940s with both sides possessing the bomb.
It’s even harder to guess the duration of that war but one way or another Germany would have ‘lost’ and probably ceased to exist ….
As for the BBC coverage of the DDay commemorations – I’m thinking of passing on TV coverage of it as the State Broadcaster isn’t British any more . I also don’t want to watch some snowflake like snow minor exercising his ego at the expense of the ordinary blokes who had their lives destroyed for the sake of an unthankful Europe .
Fed, I’ve just tried to nudge TT via a message to Editorial. If you can set up Threads and Headers, I’ve done another Header article and put it on TT’s Tommy Robinson Thread. Feel free to set it up, if TT is away or busy elsewhere and if you think it’s good enough.
It has a Use by Date, really, of Monday next. 😉
I’ll try and sort something out but at the moment I’m flattened by manflu which might be gone at the weekend . I’ll have a decco by the use by thanks.✌️
“Naturally the war would have been longer and costlier.”
It may have also given Hitler a chance to correct tactical errors, one of which was the use of his jet fighter, the Messerschmitt 262.
As to the use by both sides of nuclear devices, I’ve always understood that the concentration of Germany’s attention on V1 (not totally successful) and V2 (much more of a terror weapon) and the M.262 in defence fighter mode was another tactical error and a dilution of effort from a by then struggling, German industry.
Don’t forget, also, the successful Commando raid and bomber attacks on the German heavy water plant which set back their race for an atomic bomb.
Julia Bradbury just got a right kicking by JHB
as she made a load of wacky claims
like that “50% of the Great Barrier Reef has already gone”
Then i see the quality of Bradbury’s recent tweets
Link to audio last seg of show 4 minutes in
Why was Bradbury plugging smart meters ?
\\@SmartEnergyGB tweeted 44m44 minutes ago
Half of 8-16-year-olds feel that older generations simply aren’t doing enough to tackle what has now been classified as a climate emergency.
We’re in the studio today with @JuliaBradbury discussing this new research on #WorldEnvironmentDay //
Bradbury herself tweeted an anti plastic pollution message accompanied by a photo of her arse in a bikini
SmartEnergyGB knows it is banned from political advertising, but they are trying to use a loophole
‘ Oh we commissioned a survey and so we are just reporting the result ‘
The Green Party will be pleased about Eco-pushing 20 hours before the Peterborough by-election
“Half of 8-16-year-olds feel that older generations …”
Only 50%, the NUT will be having a Stalinist purge of teachers.
@LCS “Half of 8-16-year-olds feel that older generations simply aren’t doing enough to tackle what has now been classified as a climate emergency.”
.. ah well then I am respecting the half that say we are doing enough.
I wonder how quickly that ‘half’ would change their minds if they were made to walk everywhere instead of their parents giving them lifts.
Quentin Letts going to be on Mike Graham on TalkRadio
Nice touch at the end of the first BBC D-Day prog, around 8.30, when the camera focused on the large steel Cross of Lorraine at Juno beach. That’s where a group (177) of Free French commandos landed along with rather more Canadians – although the cross itself marks where General De Gaulle made his triumphal return to French soil.
Oh yes, by the way, elsewhere another 156,000 American and UK forces also landed, many of them compromising the environment by bleeding all over the sand. BBC priorities eh? What would we do without them.
The BBC must be desperate for an action by President Trump which they can put down as a ‘gaffe’ to feed back to their friends at C4 , CNN and the rest of the snowflakes .
The nearest they ve got is the comment about the NHS which in my view , in its context was fair comment . They’ll be desperate for something else by now …
Always ‘our beloved NHS’ when threatened with potentially better management, but ‘chronically underfunded’ at all other times.
They’re now portraying it as a U-turn. As it wasn’t a plan, merely a comment there is no U-turn by Trump. The alt-left “journalists” are round the U-bend.
Whoever the next Tory leader is should accept that no deal (wto deal) is the only possible outcome.
With the contest due to take 6-8 weeks, with the eu mainly being on holiday and having other business, with the eu saying the WA is not going to be reopened then there is no time to do anything other than leave on wto on October 31.
Imagine, if Boris or whoever it is, becomes leader/pm by end of August or beginning of September, they will have 8 weeks and what can they do in this short time.
Re negotiate the WA.
Extend article 50.
Revoke article 50.
Call a GE.
Have another referendum.
None of these things can happen.
Either there’s no time or it will be the end of the Tory party.
The only hope the Tories have to cling on for a few more years is a no deal Brexit on or before 31 October.
Nothing else works.
Boris saying that he’d ‘put Farage back in his box’ doesn’t sound much of a vote winner. He’s not knocking off Soubry on the side is he?
I would like to see Brexit party win at Peterborough with a good majority. Then, and only then, will the Tories on the Con ship start thinking of jumping.
Nigel Farage should offer them a life line, which they would accept, and Nigel Farage is PM.
“Nigel Farage should offer them a life line, which they would accept, and Nigel Farage is PM.”
Individual Conservatives, yes.
MPs Cash, Baker, Mogg and other real Conservatives. Who could bring a wealth of experience, and numerous votes, with them.
Unfortunately I feel the people who I have named, and who would be valuable assets, are unlikely to move party because they have principles. Unless and until the Conservative party turns full left.
But no merger, no coalition.
Most importantly, no unprincipled Remainers, at all, ever.
Anyone know where Jeremy Corbyn will be today ? Clearly not mentioned in appearing with dignitaries and the President at Portsmouth. So WHERE will he be bowing his head ?
Bris – he is at the Normandy commemoration. – having a rant . Becky Wrong Daily is doing PMQs which will be comedy popcorn for the day ….
Brissles: So WHERE will he be bowing his head ?
Towards Mecca, along with his anti-semitic followers.
He’ll be railing against fascists. No, not the Nazis, the really bad ones –
Trump and Farage.
I think the support for Pres Trump in England, is much greater then the anti-Trump agitators incited and organised by the BBC.
And still no apology from the BBC for the blatant lie that Pres Trump said that M Markle was nasty.
A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
NCBBC – Indeed, and the BBC will shortly be reporting on a boot shortage crisis.
I was just watching a speech by Dr Alice Weidel (AfD) in the Bundestag. She praised Britain and Brexit, and lambasted Merkel, pointing out that, with the departure of the UK, the ‘blocking mechanism’ the northen EU members have been able to operate against financial demands from the ‘Mediterranean Club’ will now come to an end.
She implied that Merkel was to blame for Brexit, and highlighted the anti-British role played by France at every stage of the process. We know that the Germans have been far more constructive than the French, but there has been relatively little on this in the bbc. Interesting to think what would be happening if the AfD were running the show in Berlin, instead of Merkel’s little socialist gang…
Such are Dr Weidel’s allegations, that I am going to do a little investigation of the role Macron has played in all this…
PS I notice that the speech is available on YT, with English subtitles…
Well worth a watch.
I thought the ReichEU was just Germany and France running the show with the other bits tacked on .
They’ll be so pleased to see us go but still try carry on stealing our taxpayers money .
If the European nations don’t pay their way in NATO as they promise then POTUS will pull the plug on them . The East -Poland et al will be looked at by Russia . Then we ll see how much the ReichEU needs America and UK ….
( I’m mixing between NATO and EU on purpose )
Up2 – We shall see. Le Pen is looking strong in France, so who knows how much longer Macron will last. Germany will be tricky, as the AfD is not as strong, but once economic misfortune starts biting, that too could change. In both countries, people are sick of the incumbents.
The German Defence Minister, Mrs van der Leyen, has run the German military into the ground even much more than has been done here in the UK, so if the Russians fancied it, they could just walk in there. Don’t know how the Poles would perform. Does anybody here?
Right I’m off to watch the flypast in Portsmouth and honour the real brave as it’s in my neck of the woods, I can’t stand any more of the BBC’s browny point pretend fawning over old veterans that is running wall to wall because these great guys they are talking with are probably some of the population that the BBC would really prefer to die out as soon as possible to alter the Brexit balance….
A line in the Times, about Jack Letts, the jihadi convert to islam: “He had been an A* pupil at secondary school and was a popular “class clown” before becoming obsessive about Islam after a school project on the religion when he was 15 or 16”.
Glad to see our liberal leftist education system is doing the recruitment job of the jihadists for them.
Becky Wrong Daily says that DDay occurred today – on the 5th June . Firm knowledge of British history not a job requirement for leader of the Labour Party .
Becky Wrong Daily says that DDay occurred today – on the 5th June.”
Erm no, she didn’t say that; she said it was being commemorated today; which, if you’ve been paying attention, you might have noticed.
I look forward to you admitting you made a mistake and apologising for your error.
Fedup 2 please apologise, the left, like the IRA only have to get it right once or twice in their sad disenfranchised lives, they have an endless ability to forgive themselves for being stupid, uneducated, mob orientated bullying tw@ts as has been seen yesterday by the rest of the world, the UK was shamed internationally by our own cowardly, bullying, ugly, fat, thick, racist, gobshite lefty NHS worker : well done Siobhan for showing the rest of the world what life in the the UK is like with you and your ilk around, what an ambassador you are, and what a cogent argument you put together for your cause
BTW Siobhan, if Trump even wastes one moment of attention to you, your little company and career are finished, in fact, they probably already are, good riddance
a capitalist taking money from the NHS i.e. the taxpayer
What has changed?
/Total war
The BBC entered World War II unsure of its role. Britain was in a state of total war with every resource focussed on winning the battle against the Axis powers. Managers at the fledgling corporation debated whether the BBC should report the conflict objectively – or contribute to the war effort by broadcasting morale boosting propaganda./
I can’t help noticing the ‘political correctness’ of the D Day anniversary and that there is an ‘agenda’ in play.
Weather forecasting (#Climate) is emphasised with a clip from a stupid play.
Wikipedia (not totally reliable either) –
/Planning for the operation began in 1943. In the months leading up to the invasion, the Allies conducted a substantial military deception, codenamed Operation Bodyguard, to mislead the Germans as to the date and location of the main Allied landings. The weather on D-Day was far from ideal and the operation had to be delayed 24 hours; a further postponement would have meant a delay of at least two weeks as the invasion planners had requirements for the phase of the moon, the tides, and the time of day that meant only a few days each month were deemed suitable/
In other words they had no choice but to go regardless
Mist – Oh yes indeed: On your comment of what you noticed. I’ve only just switched on the news, bbc1. There was a committment from the ceremonies to various fine concepts, in which ‘tolerance’ stuck out.
I think we can all approve of being tolerant towards others, but I suspect this time it’s political code for something quite different from what it sounds like.
Yet another invasion, perhaps? A quiet one, an ‘informal’ one, no fanfare, no hype, and (for the moment) no guns. One of which we will have to be ‘tolerant’, to the extent we are being told anything at all. And that is very little.
Question: is Europe currently being invaded? Is it only the start of much bigger things? As far as Europe goes,
I would trust an Orban to tell me. Or perhaps a Salvini. Enoch would tell us, were he still about.
From the rest I expect various degrees of obfuscation.
PS. Talking about 1939. Wasn’t there something about lotsa little boats crossing The Channel? And lotsa bigger ones, active in Med? And people being told very little. Rings a bell, somehow.
Just a brief intermission in your important D Day coverage to let you know that the beeb have hit the triple jackpot
These things are always portrayed by the BBC as absolute facts and they never ever report the other side of the story.
I made vociferous complaints against the BBC when they falsely reported Asylum seekers HAD BEEN tortured instead of CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN, and threatned the BBC with reporting them for contempt of court as they were saying that the judge had got the hearing completely wrong, ignored all the evidence and that the BBC knew better. They have now thankfully stopped doing this, but I notice from their report that yet again they fail to disclose any of the courts decision as to why asylum was refused and that is where you should get suspicious.
This man CLAIMS to be Gay, what evidence is there that he actually is? Kenya has a law which outlaws Gay sex, it is not a crime to be Gay in Kenya so even if he is Gay then how is anyone going to know unless he does it in front of witnesses? There have only been two prosecutions in 10 years so it’s not as if Gays are the subject of widespread persecution !
It is clear that the BBC have the refusal letter and that the man does not engage any treaty obligations. He will not be killed on his return nor will he be imprisoned so what are they moaning about ?
“There have only been two prosecutions in 10 years so it’s not as if Gays are the subject of widespread persecution!… He will not be killed on his return nor will he be imprisoned so what are they moaning about?”
Good grief; he won’t be killed or put in prison, so what are they moaning about?
That’s your argument?
Christ on a bike.
“The governmental Kenya National Commission on Human Rights reported in April 2012 that,
LGBIs are discriminated, stigmatised and subjected to violence because of their sexual orientation. In cases where they need medical care, they suffer stigma perpetuated by health care providers who breach their privacy and confidentiality by exposing their sexual orientation to other colleagues at the facilities. The health care providers are not friendly and hardly understand their sexual and reproductive health needs. … LGBIs face physical harassment by members of public who mock and assault them for practicing “unnatural” sexual relations. In cases of assault by mob justice, the police often fail to come to their rescue. Upon arrest, police subject them to unnecessary body and house searches allegedly looking for evidence that could link them to other crimes. They are profiled as drug users, past prison convicts or individuals with track records of crimes. They often face arbitrary arrest, are often detained at the police stations, subjected to torture and unnecessary harassment by the police who extort money from them and are only released after bribing their way out. They also suffer sexual abuse from the arresting officers. … When their identities are discovered, LGBIs cannot seek employment or undertake other forms of business—for example, running a kiosk. Sometimes, they have to keep relocating to different residential areas to hide their identity. … Further they are often evicted from their rental houses by neighbours and condemned for their orientation which is termed evil. In cases where they are not evicted …, they are not allowed to use common utilities in the residential compounds such as swimming pools. LGBIs are also unable to access spiritual nourishment from the society because they are labelled as evil and the teachings in places of worship interpret LGBI activities as unnatural and unacceptable.”
Get back to helping your sister – she’s been outed screaming at some old bloke yesterday
\\ Same-sex relationships are a crime in more than 70 countries around the world, almost half of them in Africa. //
ITV says \\ While identifying as LGBTQ is not banned, ..Section 165 also targets public acts of “gross indecency” between two men …This can include affectionate acts such as kissing or holding hands. //
\\ While accepting the problem, the UK requires Kenyans to demonstrate they “face a real risk of persecution” to be granted refuge.
Home Office guidance on asylum cases says it is unclear how many convictions there have been for same-sex sexual activity //
It’s illegal to smoke a joint in the UK
Maybe a Briton could seek political asylum in another country on account of it.
There is a difference between worse case risk, and probable risk.
“It’s illegal to smoke a joint in the UK
Maybe a Briton could seek political asylum in another country on account of it.
You’re actually, seriously, comparing ’smoking a joint’ in the UK to being a homosexual in Kenya???
Do you smoke a lot of joints, Stew?
We have a winner!
Ah no sorry, didn’t realise he wasn’t a transgender female.
Gay ☑️
Black ☑️
Asylum seeker ☑️
???? ???? ????
“Gay ☑️
Black ☑️
Asylum seeker ☑️
???? ???? ????”
If his wife is blonde and white it’s a cert.
Oh, and that can only mean all their ten kids are mixed race.
I call this one a “3 of a Kind”! But, regarding the very sad state of current TV adverts (you would SWEAR that half of the UK were either Gay / Lesbian or Ethnic), has anyone ever seen a “4 of a Kind” or even a “Royal Flush”. I believe on one TV advert, I saw a Gay, ethnic, disabled, immigrant? But I can’t be sure? As for the “Royal Flush” aka “5 of a Kind”, it must be as rare as a Royal Fizzbin.
I think one of the most dissapointing aspects about the visit of President Trump is the usual display of total incompetence and cowardice by most of the Tory party.
Any politician worthy of the name would have been calling out the Fascist Left and their leader for all they were worth, but not the Tories, Keen not to upset the left they have in the main stayed completely silent.
They do not deserve to be in power. As careerists in the main they have absolutely no conviction other than the desire to remain in government.
The Private eye cover of Theresa May’s achievements only tells part of the story. This whole sorry crew completely failed to do the right thing on so many occasions that it makes you wonder why they even bothered getting out of bed in a morning. One such was their complete and utter failure to stop Phil Shiner attacking British armed forces personnel, he had to be stopped by other people. Another is the disgraceful persecution of a retired British Soldier over the Bloody Sunday inquirey.
Thank God there is another party to vote for because the Tories are long past their sell by date and have gone completely rotten.
Another lovely FBPE , tolerance preaching , liberal lefty.
That word “Fascist” again …….its like they are actually brainwashed. They really are a deplorable bunch of clowns.
If you want an example of a Fascist or Nazi, Anna Soubry would do just fine. Fascists or Nazis or Communists (same meat, different gravy) pretend to like democracy and even use it gain power whereupon they either remove the peoples’ right to democracy (because there is a danger that they might get a result they do not like, similar to 23 June 2016, eh Anna?) or they control the democracy with rigged Soviet-style elections.
The twentieth century history books are full of examples, so I’m told.
Jon very nearly managed a tweet about the President without a little dig … very nearly but … alas ….. no !!!
Doobster – Sopel on Trump and no dig?
You gotta be kidding!
It would cause the man deep-seated psychological and physical problems.
fnw – whadd’ya mean ’cause’ … ?!
Quite an interesting little piece on a largely self-contained, (tiny) pre-fabricated ‘house’ (I’d say shelter/cabin), largely powered by solar panels.
‘This house is built in one piece using this polymer composite’… err… firstly, what is pictured is not a polymer composite at all, it’s the sprayed polyurethane component of a polymer based composite, what is the other (more interesting) part of the composite? By definition you can’t have a ‘composite’ made out of a single component.
Secondly, polyurethane is a plastic, and a single use, non-recyclable one which is hazardous to the environment (let alone taking centuries to break down in the ocean), aren’t we supposed to be banning those, not making ‘houses’ out of them?
Thirdly, why aren’t they querying what the propellant is in the foam? The guy who owns the company making these sounds East European to me… CFCs are the cheapest and most effective propellent option, and Chinese manufactured CFCs are supposed to be making a resurgance in East European manufacturing processes recently (competing on cost with the Chinese who are quite happy to use CFCs).
In case anyone has forgotten CFCs (Chloroflourocarbons) were the cause of the holes in the ozone layer… and (unlike carbon dioxide) a very serious concern, hence them being banned (a ban China prefer to ignore).
Lot of (highly relevant) questions left unanswered there.
Do the BBC have any technically/scientifically qualified journalists?
Do the BBC really know what they’re talking about?
PS ‘Water recycling means there is no need for an external supply’ pictures a tiny three stage RO (Reverse Osmosis) unit, and ion exchange column on the wall… err… what happens when those columns need recharging and replacing? Not so environmentally friendly and ‘self contained’ then hey? Is there a massive storehouse full of replacement columns attached?!… and surely ‘recycled’ water will diminish over time, as the inhabitants perspire and respire it out, only so much goes back down the toilet… talking about which, what happens to the ‘solid waste’ from the toilet? Plenty of water flushing that down too (I hope).
So many questions, so few answers.
The so-called ‘global warming emergency’ is a political thing where there is plenty of evidence of a warming trend but unfortunately scientists can’t be sure of what is causing it and no real ability to accurately predict where it is going.
CFC’s have a cooling effect (maybe) –
Big Bro, think it depends on several factors whether a polyurethane ‘plastic’ breaks down in the environment – thickness and brittleness and exposure to light being three of them. The clue may also be in the second part of the name. I seem to recall (although my ageing brain gets confused by the many versions of plastic ‘out there’) that they can be recycled.
Something of a modern urban myth has grown up that plastic lasts for ever and that some plastics cannot be recycled.
Thanks to the BBC doing what it should do and used to do so well – inform and educate as well as entertain – in the media storm after Attenborough’s first Plastic Blue Planet, there was a man from a recycling plant on Radio4 (You & Yours, I think) who ran a recycling plant in, I think, Swindon that tackled ‘difficult’ plastics and recycled them. There were four other such plants in the UK. The UK had pioneered the recycling technology for those difficult plastics.
Hope I remembered all that correctly. Perhaps StewGreen will do an audit to make sure. 😉
why would you recycle mixed plastics.
All plastic is a good safe fuel in high temperature incinerators.
…. You don’t recycle coal
Stew, Coke?* Thermalyte? Celcon?
We might need to recycle plastics if oil becomes a scarce commodity due to lack of interest …. besides, my jacket that is made of old drinks bottles has seen me through at least fifteen cold autumns & cold springs and mild winters now. It can be layered with a fleece gilet that is probably also made of recycled drink bottles.
The coat was a gift but I bet cost less than a tenner in a market somewhere. The fleece gilet cost £3 but that was because C&A at Marble Arch was closing down and everything, even the racks and shelving, was on sale.
I agree about incineration – with electricity generation on the back of it – an opportunity missed. But that is the total brainlessness and hypocrisy of much of the mainstream environmental movement. Say that you will build an incinerator to deal with waste & generate electricity and even with the latest flue technology Greenies will campaign against it. Recycle the plastic somewhere overseas and the Greenies are now against it and countries refuse to deal with it.
You’ve seen the photos of the fields at Glastonbury after everyone has gone home?
‘Nuff said ….
* You must be old enough [ I’ve seen your photo 😉 ! ] to remember your Granny heaving a sack of coke into the coal scuttle.
Big scuttle.
Polymers are my field of work.
They are basically plastics and rubbers (elastomers, if you prefer), but can be (logically) claimed to include other organic (plant and animal based) materials, such as: wood, paper, etc… cellophane is just a cellulose based plastic, for example. They’re actually incredibly useful and adaptable materials, and you can tailor them to pretty much anything you want according to chemistry, processing and so on.
Point is, you’re right Up, there are polyurethanes which have been designed for all kinds of different purposes, and some could be recycled (fairly easily), but that’s not the kind of blown polyurethane foams used for insulation/building purposes, as in that video.
Stew is right too, there really isn’t any point in recycling most plastics (or even arguably, any of them), they make excellent fuel, and if burnt hot enough, pretty much the only ‘waste’ is carbon dioxide… which could be ‘scrubbed’ by bubbling the exhaust gas through columns of water and algae (which could then be harvested for other uses, such as animal feed, or fertiliser).
I don’t know why waste polymers of all kinds aren’t incinerated to generate energy and dispose of them cleanly, and I don’t know why ‘algae scrubbers’ aren’t used more often to reduce CO2 emissions (except I’m doubtful just how harmful those emissions really are – CO2 being a naturally occurring and ubiquitous compound – not my field, that one, you’d need to ask Greta).
One reason may be the hydrochloric acid generated when burning PVC
Annu, and some cyanates and cyanides, too?
What about shipping container recycling, Big Bro? I gather that many of them, at one point, almost became treated as single-use because scrap metal prices were so low.
Closed-cell polyurethane sheets (or sprayed coating) then become useful do they not as insulation on the inside, to create small scale housing? Fit a pitch roof of solar panels (with some extra ‘loft’ crawl-space storage) and rainwater collection and you would have a minimal impact cheap home for singles or couples. Would still need plumbing into the water mains and probably some mains electricity for when there are long periods of poor weather.
The big problem is economics with our privatised utility companies. If the Government create more and more of these dwellings as part of a Green push, as well as solving the housing crisis, the utility companies are really not going to like it. Directors salaries will shrink, bonuses become a thing of the past and share prices will hover around next to nothing.
There could be trouble ahead …
To my knowledge, they do this in Sweden (of all places). I believe they burn half of their rubbish, to generate cheap electricity.
Big Bro, you ask is that form of water recycling efficient? I would have thought not on a small scale although may be essential, say, on a human-crewed mission to Mars. One of the best & most sustainable ways, IIRC, to purify water is via sphagnum moss and sand. A group of dwellings, however, could use a scaled down sewage farm approach, with cascading containers of sand of different sizes.
However, if you don’t have any topographical advantages (a handy hill side) then extra electrical power is needed to pump waste fluids high. These approaches are already being tried in Africa where there is existing river water of dubious quality and from where it is retrieved via human power into buckets. It is then pumped via solar energy above a cleaned oil drum full of graduated particulate size sands. It filters through those and potable water is drained via a tap at the bottom.
Composting toilets are commonplace in Scandinavia but they have room for them with Aussie style dunnies attached to summer cabins.
On the question of using new plastic to build a ‘sustainable home’, I would have thought a better approach might be to use paper, specifically papier maché. If the UK is going to have to recycle all its own waste in future, we may need to find lots of alternative uses for paper. Supermarket food packaging trays (some already are p-m) would be one but shelters, especially for homeless people in winter, would be another. Have an idea for that, if anyone is interested.
We are getting a bit ‘off piste’ BBC-wise and I can feel the ghost of Pounce getting ready to do just that!
Don’t trust the Tories. There is only one party who will do what it says on the tin, so to speak. The Brexit Party. The clue is in the name. The Tories might deliver their version of Brexit. The Brexit Party will deliver our version of Brexit.
Lets hope the good folk of Peterborough do the decent thing tomorrow . The BBC is barely watchable as it is, but I dread to imagine the level of smugness if the Brexit Party don’t do the business !!.
Will be interesting to see how the BBC and other left wing media decide to calculate who has won this time ….. I would imagine even if the Brexit Party are triumphant , there will no doubt be some half baked left wing positive story to impose upon us !!!
Dyst & Doobs, agree wholeheartedly. The Tories have an amazing capacity for something that I feel the urge to write a header piece about.
Big Brother Corporation asks, a few posts above this one on the same Thread, “Do the BBC have any technically/scientifically qualified journalists? Do the BBC really know what they’re talking about?”.
The answer would have to be – after what I have heard about history on Radio4 – a big fat no.
I listened to the first five minutes of today’s episode of A History of Hate: Pogroms – Anti-Semitism, Revolution and Civil War.
I switched off after five minutes because I was 1. upset at the errors, 2. horrified that the BBC had resorted to an academic who was a) American or Canadian or both, b) female, and, c) did not really know her subject, and, 3. that a BBC Radio special correspondent that I had some respect for would present such rubbish.
Perhaps Allan Little was merely brought in to present a series that others had researched and written? I doubt that but it is possible.
I am not a historian – my original education was largely science based – but I knew that the opening sentence was wrong. Pogroms against Jews in Russia or Russian controlled territory happened long before near the end of the second decade of the twentieth century. I do not know if the other ten minutes of the programme mentioned the fact of continuing repression and persecution of the Stalin and post-Stalin eras but I could believe after a massive error in the opening line that no mention would be made of that.
It doesn’t seem that the BBC can turn their hand to anything factual these days with authority, quality and impartiality.
The fact there is a need for a fifteen minute filler programme at all is down to disastrous ‘reign’ of Gwyneth Williams, the Controller of Radio 4 who left in January.
““Do the BBC have any technically/scientifically qualified journalists? Do the BBC really know what they’re talking about?”.
The answer would have to be – after what I have heard about history on Radio4 – a big fat no”.
Can’t agree more.
I’ve always wondered why I always get annoyed when ever another BBC “science editor” trots off to yet another windswept area of the globe always returning with a few clips of evidence – it is claimed – that our darling mother earth is some how speedily warming up. Sheesh, the BBC have so many science reporters these days that I’m beginning to lose the will to live. I wouldn’t mind betting that the BBC weather girls are more in-key with the earth sciences than the multitude of BBC science reporters.
They behave so childish every time some “earth expert” fobs them off with yet more scare stories. The younger ones even more so, the female ones even more so than the others. I’m sure its the same with the presenters on Spring Watch or whatever its called. They believe everything that Attenborough tells them.
“I switched off after five minutes because I was 1. upset at the errors, 2. horrified that the BBC had resorted to an academic who was a) American or Canadian or both, b) female, and, c) did not really know her subject…”
The academic you refer to was Deborah Lipstadt. Suggesting she “did not really know her subject” is laughable. Being “horrified” that she was American and (God forbid) female is ridiculous.
I don’t know which “errors” you thought you heard but the opening sentences didn’t claim there hadn’t been pogroms before; just that the word ”pogrom” first entered the English language at the turn of the Century.
Hello Maxi ,
Earlier than usual aren’t you ?
Have you ever found a BBC programme that’s been pro Brexit?
The Independent reporting the events in Portsmouth and in particular the small Demo fracas which took place.
If you look at the following paragraph you will see biased media tactics at their finest.
Demonstrators chanting “Nazi scum get off our streets” and holding placards emblazoned with “Dump Trump, fight bigotry” came face-to-face with right-wing activists shouting “Donald Trump is welcome here”.
It seems that the good side were simply “demonstrators’ whilst the other – nasty – side were right-wing activists.
You will see this sly underhand denigration of the side they are against in many main stream reports, in particular the BBC. They must run indoctrination courses for their reporters showing them how to do it.
The up side is that most reasonably perceptive people can see straight through it and judge the story (and its writer) accordingly.
And that photo is quite revealing to the casual watcher – if you look closer you will notice that the police are turned TOWARDS the peaceful supporters of Trump and the old soldiers with their arms folded in an aggressive stance; but the direction that the police should be facing is towards the ONCOMING aggressive gangs of louts right behind them.
But the BBC would not notice this. Obviously.
Interesting post on Tim Newman’s blog on how futile it is for ‘establishment’ right-of-centre commentators to engage with the bonkers left.
I’ve always thought it pointless that people such as Mogg, Starkey, Farage etc turn up on the BBC or Channel 4. For any ‘gotcha’ hits landed on drones such as Cathy Newman or Emily Maitless they will always be on the back foot answering the question ‘when did you stop beating your wife?’.
Recently there was a good comment on Going Postal comparing current political interviews to the Arthur ‘Two Sheds’ Jackson skit from Monty Python. They will bring up and twist any old irrelevant statement from the past rather than let the interviewee speak freely. (a bit like Sargon’s ‘rape’ comment or Jordan Peterson’s lobsters!)
Trying to influence the populace via mainstream media journalism is flogging a dead horse. Any hint of not agreeing with the leftist zeitgeist and you are there simply as a punchbag. Given the current D-Day commemorations going on, it would be like Eisenhower, Monty and Bradley being asked to explain themselves on one of Goebbels radio programs.
The left have slowly moulded or infiltrated the Conservative Party into what it is now, full of milksop remainer ‘cucks’. I expect the same treatment is even now being planned for the Brexit Party.
I’ve often thought that the ritual of ‘ disliked ‘ politician being ‘interviewed ‘ by a beeboid doesn’t achieve anything .
If a ‘ disliked’ politician is asked a fair question by a snowflake ( unusual ) and proceeds to answer it the snowflake will interrupt the answer before completion .
People from The Brexit Party ( I don’t call them politicians – that’s an insult ) need to either disengage from the MSM or treat them as overtly hostile from the start – particularly in ‘live “ interviews upto the point of walking .
Leaving an interview shouldn’t happen because snowflake journos treat it as a ‘ scalp ‘ to be reshown at the Christmas binge .
I really hope that the days of 2 party monopoly politics with interchangeable views is coming to an end . At the moment if you watch PMQs it’s a half empty chamber with a series of virtue signaling statement of ‘ thoughts and prayers ‘ insincerity and point scoring over issues which are of limited national interest .
But it does give the unspeakable speaker an opportunity to bully proceedings and strut his corrupt stuff .
Nick seems worried.
R4 now Laurie is agenda pushing again
topic “black cultural capital”
.. that’s different to what it says on the blurb
Oh his speaker spun the topic of Pierre Bourdieu to become all about blacks
When ever I read these kind of stories my mind always go to here:
Cover up over John Prescott’s son
Red Arrows , world dignatories at Portsmouth paying homage to the allies on the day before the liberation Europe begun……and according to the BBC news website the most watched item today is…..”The 3d printed house that lives off the grid”….closely followed by “Party girls can do politics”……..absolutely disgusting I’d love to see how they gather those figures…..lies lies and more lies. Nigel after BREXIT please form the “No more BBC party”……please
Another top doctor pervert
jailed for drilling hole to spy on 15 year old
White guy this time so not BAME
named as Jonathan Fielden
Was any one here unfortunate enough to listen to Julie Siddiqui s (of the Jewish and Muslim Wimmins Network) “Thought for the day” this morning?
She started started off with saying “as we commemorate the D Day Landings it is important to remember that soldiers from so many diverse backgrounds fought for this country”. Yes dear we do remember them they were called Commonwealth troops and we commemorate them them every year at the Cenotaph.
I think the the subtext here is that us whiteys only remember fellow whiteys who died.
Then in one of the most clunky, BBC links I have heard for a long time she went straight into waxing lyrical about Ramadan.
We heard about ifta meals
The “blessings” of Ramadam
The wise words of the Prophet on Ramadam (that fasting was more than just not eating) God that bloke was deep!
We heard about special “Ramadam moments” both in nature and in the Mosque and magical spiritual connections.
It is funny today of all days (on the eve of D DAY with the POTUS here to remember it) – you would have thought that Aunty would have been sensitive enough to go just a little bit lighter on pushing her favourite religion – but not a bloody chance.
What we all know is that “Ramadam” is far more important than anything else in this country, and the sooner us ungrateful Brits get to realise this, and the sooner we get some of our own special “Ramadam moments” the better.
Though to be quite honest Julie , I think over the last few years the west has had more than enough of its own special “Ramadam moments”
Thanks but no thanks.
Oak, I confess I switched off part way through. It seemed to me to be in very bad taste. The exercise of the OFF switch is a growing trend that the BBC should become aware of.
I did not even listen to the rest of TOADY but came on here to read some more civilised conversation.
I doubt that there were a high proportion of Muslims involved in Allied forces. There were Africans (IIRC, WW1 and WW2 both started in Africa) who fought as well as Indians. The Islamification Revival in Africa is a post-WW2 thing, so I suspect that many of any African troops involved in D-Day, if any, were possibly Christian if not pagan. There may well have been soldiers from the Caribbean going to France on 6 June, again likelihood was that they were Christian, by education if not by conviction.
What proportion of the Indian forces were Muslim, I have no idea. At a guess, I would say for unit cohesiveness, mixed faith Indian Army units might have been rare. Anyone else know?
What we do know is that Padres were on the Landing Craft and held Communion Services & prayers for the troops aboard and that attendance was high.
We also know, that right from the start of WW2 with the United Kingdom under threat from a powerful foe in Europe, the Commonwealth nations with a multitude of skin shades, rushed to our aid as volunteers and as conscripts.
They are all heroes deserving honour today and tomorrow, of all days.
Give it another 50 years and history will record that the D Day invasion was mainly undertaken by allied forces inspired by the “Prophet”
Maybe they could get the “History Guy” to write “The New History of Europe” However I dont know whether the ROPERS would be too happy being told that most of the combat pilots in the RAF were unescorted women. Amazing how they managed to engage in dogfights against the Luftwaffe wearing burkas.
And talking of special Ramavan moments, here’s 861 al beeb won’t be telling you about.