Although Thursday is the Peterborough Bi Election – wouldn’t it be decent if for just one day current politics was put on hold in order to remember and thank those who took part in D Day in order to send the Germans back from where they came . But I know the Far Left Biased BBC will exploit the commemoration for their own purposes . Let’s hope for decency on the day .
Midweek Open Thread 5 June 2019
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Rather strange front page column on the Times front page
“Mo Salah’s success helps tackle Islamophobia in Liverpool”
.. looks like it’s out of a Muslim PR agency to me
So his co-religionists can be supremacist, homophobic, misogynistic and anti-Semitic etc, but he can kick a ball so that makes it all ok.
Sir Elton Hercules John, left school without any A-Levels, but was granted a coat of arms in 1987, which includes a steel helmet above the shield faced forwards and with its visor open. He was appointed a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1995, and then Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II on 24 February 1998.
However, despite the evidence above, Sir Elton claims not to be a stupid colonial imperialist English idiot.
Richard, are you referring to ‘real name Reginald Kenneth Dwight’?
Me, mocking the BBC? Whatever next?
2019-06-02 BBC Tennis
[3 days ago but I have only just seen it.]
“Dominic Thiem accuses Serena Williams of showing ‘bad personality’ in press-room row”
“Dominic Thiem says Serena Williams showed “a bad personality” after he was told to end a French Open news conference to make way for her.
A tournament official told the Austrian fourth seed to leave the room while he was speaking to reporters on Saturday.”
“Williams was keen to fulfil her media obligations as soon as possible after her surprise third-round loss to fellow American Sofia Kenin, saying “put me in another room, smaller, but now”.”
[A smaller room! Surprising there was room for Williams, her chip and reporters.]
[No HYS.]
Serena Williams is an entitled clown who is thankfully on her way out ????
This video is about 13 minutes long. Two things might be of interest:
A large pro-Trump rally in London and
( Masterspy) Christopher Steele has agreed to speak to members of the US government about his fake Russia dossier.
The pro-Trump rally there with Raheem speaking is from July 14th 2018
from when Tommy was in jail
Stewgreen, thanks I thought it might have been from last year but wasn’t sure. It wasn’t clear from the video when it was taken.
Not really into this twitter thing but worth looking at the reaction on #SiobhanCharlottePrigent:
Can’t help but repeating this one:
I can’t imagine what would be worse this morning, waking up and realising you’re #SiobhanCharlottePrigent or waking up next to it….
Seems about the average Beeboid’s speed.
Re the photo.
She dresses fairly well – but when she opens her gob – Boy, o boy!
And its not just her voice, its what comes out of it.
I don’t know whose voice makes me cringe most – Her’s for her poor education (discerned as soon as she speaks) or Bercow’s for having too much education (discerned by how many hours he could speak without taking a breath)
RE BBC activist: aren’t they all ? their output would strongly suggest so.
For me, the problem with the word activist is that it is used for both the good guys and for the bad guys. A good activist is a campaigner, whereas a bad activist is a troublemaker. And usually when they are being referred to in the MSM, it’s the bad sort, as though they want to maintain the ambiguity.
Excellent article in today’s Express re petulant Harry’s behaviour towards the President. Not taking part in the State Banquet and then spending 90 minutes working out at an elite gym rather than standing beside his granny in a hosting role later on. I particularly liked this bit……………
“Under the headline, Who Is More Rude: President Trump or Prince Harry? the Spectator USA wrote: Perhaps prince Harry really is offended by Trump’s remarks (about Meghan), in which case he is being petty. Or is he so completely under his new and famously ‘woke’ wife’s thumb that he was under strict instructions to show the leader of the free world that he deems him ‘unacceptable’?
Perhaps then, the British monarchy really is kow-towing to a brash American outsider. Only IT ISN’T Donald Trump ”
Perhaps this pair and the child would do well to relocate to another continent.
Couldn’t help but notice the lengths Le BBC went to refer to those opposing the D-Day landing force as ‘nazi’, being obviously keen to avoid giving fellow EU members offence. It might seem there were very few Germans involved in defending the Normandy beaches against an invasion force made up of Conservative, Labour, Liberal, Republican and Democrat voters, and very probably several Communists too – though these should not be confused with Russian forces.
Imagine my horror today when I realised we had cancelled the telly tax six weeks ago, and the Women’s World Cup starts on Friday! ???? Exclusive rights held by our distinguished state broadcaster ????
Never mind you can probably pop along to your local recreation ground to see some of the matches
I’ve just heard a commentator on the Radio claiming that, if the women’s England team wins the World Cup, they will be “the most successful England team since 1966!”
Well that depends how one measures success. Will they have beaten all of the international men’s teams? It’s like comparing apples with oranges. Had the men’s England team beaten all the international women’s teams would they be credited with the same level of “success”?
Heard about this on the BBC? No? thought not !
The consequences of this are far reaching but affect the Brexit negotiations greatly:
“Facing €3.5bn in fines from the EU for failing to tighten its fiscal belt, the far-right League which is part of the ruling coalition has adopted a strategy which “is to offer EU leaders a choice: reform the EU treaties to enable fiscal expansion and allow the European Central Bank to act as lender-of-last-resort; or face the consequences”.
So, the EU is rattling a sabre at Italy – Italy unlike the useless spineless Tories have stood up to them, given them the bird, and issued an ultimatum. We will now see if the EU blinks or holds out and wrecks the Eurozone.
From this will gain a better understanding of the possibility of a better trade deal with the EU in a no deal scenario.
I have now worked out who will be the leaders of the Red Tory Party and the Very Red Labour Party come the next election –
Rory Stewart v Rebeca Solong Baileys
Which , with a bit of luck , should be enough to take both parties to extinction and a new post brexit start ….
Hope you are recovered from your “non gender specific” flu please remember correct speak next time…. :-}
Thank you annunaki – no doubt the maxi will be praying for my death in a siobhan pridgen kind of a way –
The hatey lady is appealing that her family be ‘left out of it ‘ – acts have consequences don’t they ….
Tonight it’s worth thinking about those mainly British and American kids who jumped out of airplanes /gliders at the start of Overlord
You are welcome, my wife (Chinese) has been fascinated and was very close to tears as I showed her videos of what happened on D Day and why I felt so offended, which she initially did not understand, about some stupid cow using the N word which should really be as unnaceptable as the other N word ????
I think this is the first time one of them has been identified yet this mob have been doing this for at least a few years with their faces hidden : that was her mistake yestreday and I hope she is pilloried for it as she is a witch hunter and a nasty bullying bitch
Fed, hope your recovery will be mightily speeded by a suitable Brexit message from Peterborough tomorrow night or in the wee small hours of Friday morn.
Thanks for sorting out the thing for TT. Will have to work on the next one now!
Saw a General ‘Nick Carter’ on the tv talking about the d day commemorations.
He had about 15 medals across his chest.
He must be an extremely brave man to have earned all those medals.
Or is it like the royal family and their medals where they get a medal if they put their shoes on the correct feet.
Carter has been criticised on several occasions by American officers for his conduct and command while in Afghanistan. He was described by Colonel Harry Tunnell, former Brigade Commander of 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, as displaying a “gross lack of concern for subordinates” throughout his command in Afghanistan in 2009 and 2010. Further criticism came from Lieutenant General Daniel P. Bolger, who claimed that “young riflemen paid the price” for Carter’s “risk-averse” mentality and his unwillingness to allow his troops to defend themselves. Bolger also claimed that Carter refused to visit the front line and only visited safe positions by helicopter, while frequently refusing requests for aircraft and artillery support from troops under his command. Bolger further stated, “He’s not the type of general I would put in charge of anything.
EG & T
This is how it used to be done.
“There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore.
So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.”
“My solution to the problem would be to tell [the North Vietnamese Communists] frankly that they’ve got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression or we’re going to bomb them into the Stone Age.
And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground forces.”
“‘I will be in the lead plane on every mission. Any plane that takes off will go over the target, or the crew will be court-martialed.'”
Curtis LeMay
Medals are awarded for a variety of reasons. Many of them are Jubilee Medals worn by many, not just the Royal Family.
If a medal is awarded for sneering, be sure to put yourself forward.
So far as Col. Harry Tunnell is concerned, he’s had his own problems.
Well said
I see BBC1 The One Show commemorating D-Day by getting David Walliams to plug his new book?
I don’t know why people watch this crap, no offence, but this show, Graham Norton (why does he still reside here) and Jonathan Ross! It’s just lefty twats, interviewing lefty twats plugging lefty sh*te ????
But people like it – I’ve had it fed to me on the YouTube and if you look at the number of ‘hits’ on bits of it – it’s loads .
At least the queer mr naughton seems fairly harmless .i don’t watch ITV so can’t comment on the other one .
But I think a lot of people prefer celebrity to reality – and if an actress can marry a Royal then that’s magic for some . Thinking isn’t for every one – each to their own .
On TV now – Wednesday night is Panorama about caring ….
Each to their own 100%, that’s why I said “no offence”. ????
Does seem strange that the state broadcaster gives free advertising to American films with the actors doing the rounds .
I suppose it’s cheap and easy and dumbed down as well as able to inject a bit of lefty diversity propaganda crap on the way …
As soon as I hear the title music for the One Show, over it goes. Another example of Sun reader television – all pictures and no substance.
I never watch programmes like his but I do check who is guests are every time it comes around just to confirm my belief that most of his guests are either,
1) Gay,
2) bisexual,
3) willing to flirt with Norton’s gay guests,
4) Are willing to some how open up about their teenage years re their sexual confusion and sexual attractions to their own sex.
5) Then of course most guests must be willing to condemn those who voted to LEAVE the EU and support Trans sexual this or that theories.
In other words they must be willing to please the BBC programme makers otherwise they won’t be invited back thereby losing out on any more invites to the usual celebrity circles of London and the BBC’s never ending attack on families, pro-life, anti-euthanasia, UK independence, etc. etc.
Today one was unmasked…..she forgot
Tomorrow : Brexit
after that : Joxit
Later: Megsit
The BBC does have a way with words. That suit.
Just to remind you all.
The price of Gold per ounce is currently $1288.80
When Gordon Brown sold our Gold reserves it was $252.80
A loss of $1036 per ounce. Bad enough if it was just an ounce, but Browns Labour sold 395 tons of the stuff !
The sale at the time realised around $3.5 billion today it would be a loss of around $10 billion!
And they now have the nerve to moan about ‘austerity’ !
Thoughtful – Much food for conspiracy theorists here:
-Why did Brown do something so obviously criminally stupid? He was, after all, Chancellor for quite a while- presume some level of competence/qualification!
-Given such a level of stupidity, what else did he do, which may not have received much publicity – anyone here who remembers taking a closer look at GB when he was at it?
-Or were we all focusing on the activities of his buddies like Blair and Campbell, who may both be able to lay claim to a degree of criminality in their own right?Likely illegal wars/deaths; ‘dodgy’ dossiers; millions of illegal immigrants deliberately imported?; Possible culpability for eg Dr Kelly?
-How is it that these characters have started popping up again, lecturing and holding forth in our MSM etc. All of them have done Britain huge damage. No sense of shame or guilt whatsoever? Audacity or what?
Whilst I find it hard to resist a good conspiracy theory, the sad fact is, sometimes stupid is as stupid does and that is why we hear little from Pa Brown now
Ah though credit where credit is due Gordon Brown did ‘save the World’ (according to himself).
I’ve often wondered about that scandalous giveaway by Brown and what that gold would bring on the markets today.
Thanks for that intel.
Thoughtful: it is painful to think about my district council is now selliing off its art collection to make up the deficit
Whilst the bastards who caused this are still in possession of their ferraris
Toxic bonds, loans made to las vegas part time strippers for mortgages, and mexican strawberry pickers, with a garantee for 3 yeaers and then ???? no one thought and our governmet and the rest of europe bought these no one thought what would happen after 3 years and then ? what a surprise, they all deafualted and all the bonds became worthless, this is why we have austerity fraudulent selling of bonds with NO ONE held to acount
And the authority that should be held to account: that one that named this investment as five star without looking closer, because they hid these guaranteed defaulters within groups of mortgages in the hope that the authority would be too lazy to look closely..and guess what ….
Thats why we have food banks
\\Tories ‘running down clock on our planet’//
What about the rest of the World ? Is it just GB that is in control of the planet ?
Stupid Al Beeb headline .
I’d thought Labour were the party of coal and steel; reacting with unceasing bleating to every closure that wasn’t their own doing?
only the white british, like the ones killing elephants, rhinos etc in the local High street when they are not cutting down rain forests
Is there anyone out there that can offer us evidence Al Beeb Pro-Brexit Bias ?
Over to you maxincony……………………………
“William, Harry and Kate Deny Trump What He Wanted Most: a Photo Op”.
I despair of our young royals. Had it been O’Barmy they’d be fawning all over him, especially that new one, the social-climbing actress whose name escapes me.
Yep, anyone other than Trump (because her Yankee mates would have disowned her) and Meghan M would have had the full Hollywood treatment and the pick of her Maj’s jewels. She must have been seething at not being able to glitter in front of the worlds media, and instead she’s at home watching it on the box while hubby is pumping iron at the gym. Clearly not what she signed up for, when (allegedly) she came to Britain looking for a ‘famous’ husband- according to many reports !!!
Harry and his Kalergi-Wife.
I must confess, I’m beginning to go off Harry. Its clear that he is under the thumb.
What a stupid thing to do against our cousins across the water. I fear repercussions by those US business owners/citizens who feel more tied to Germany, France or Italy than they do the UK.
You mean the one that looks a bit like James Hewitt
They are doing a rerun of the old classic Hovis advert.
Old white man, white boy, white loaf. How dare they. Don’t they know that only black or mixed race people buy stuff in this country nowadays?
Hovis have a history of ‘fake’ adverts, “Eeh ba gum, those Dorset hills are surely getting steeper!”
Gold Hill, Shaftesbury, it is steep.
Here is my version of the most highly rated advert ever.
“First they allow them in with their little knives.”
“Then they jail them for twenty of our minutes.”
“Then they allow them to smash our society to bits.”
“They clearly are a far too tolerant people.”
They is LibLabCon.
Them is the non British.
Vote Brexit Party.
They could have used Whinney Hill – (renamed Oldgate Lane), in Thrybergh, Nr Rotherham – that bugger defied anyone to ride up it on a bike !!!!!
I used to have a van that I routinely overloaded. It was a diesel Sherpa and very underpowered. Whinney Hill was a first gear thing, black smoke pouring out, and scared the cops would see me.
To my knowledge, they do this in Sweden (of all places). I believe they burn half of their rubbish, to generate cheap electricity.
Hate to refer to a Guardian article because, like the BBC it is selective in its facts. Nevertheless, few in the West are aware of the other D Day, Soviet Operation Bagration, “the beginning of the end” of the German army
It’s a quote from Churchill that drew my attention, “If only I could dine with Stalin once a week,” Churchill told a British journalist, “there would be no trouble at all. We get on like a house on fire.”
Trump’s approach to world affairs is perhaps not dissimilar even though he gets vilified for it by the media.
Incidentally, many years ago, I was shocked to learn of the staggering losses by the Soviet Union in WW2.
If it hadn’t been for D-Day the French would be speaking Russian.
Europe got carved up after WW2 with the Soviet Union gaining control of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia.
And if the Western allies hadn’t landed the Soviets would have added West Germany, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France to that list.
Russia has always proved to be hard to invade because it is so big and its capital is inland. Russia used the same tactic against Hitler as it did against Napoleon, retreat and scorched earth. The result is that the invader over-extends his supply lines and can’t ‘live off the land’. Then the Russian winter finishes him off and the vast Russian population turns on the invader and flushes him out.
Germany had limited resources, new soldiers don’t grow on trees and the supply of imported materials was cut off, so it had to advance and take over its neighbours quickly and turn them to its advantage. There is no way that Germany could have ‘dug in’ and still taken Russia.
The Guardian article seeks to turn the Soviet Union into a good friend. In fact it was brutal before the war, it joined the war as our brutal enemy, it became a brutal ally committing apalling atrocities as it advanced, only being stopped by the advance of the Western allies, whereupon it reverted to being our, albeit largely passive, enemy.
“I was shocked to learn of the staggering losses by the Soviet Union in WW2”.
Why were you shocked?
During the Civil war, and the severe famine that followed, the only people who lived on easy street were the Soviet leaders.
Lenin lived in a luxurious dacha, “expropriated” from the Russian aristocracy.
With servants, chefs, chauffeurs.
As did Stalin, Trotsky et al.
Have you heard of the tramplers, whose job was to get blown up by German mines?
c170,000 people were shot for cowardice by the USSR in WW2, the risk of being shot by the Germans was high, but the probability of being shot by your own side was 1.
Exactly the same during the Chinese civil war.
Communist soldiers went “over the top” unarmed! With orders to find dead soldiers and use their weapons.
Most of the “staggering” losses were due to Communist ruthlessness. The leaders did not care how many casualties there were, providing victory was achieved.
im always amazed that so few people realise the Soviets invaded Poland from the east just 16 days after the german invasion from the west
Ive always wondered why britain and france were not then at war with both russia and germany
I look forward to Peterbrough electing the first Brexit Party MP.
R4 Today, yesterday discussed the Peterborough election and how the voting would be polarised to remain and leave. A guest, Rachel?, said that young ones were likely to vote for remain, multiculturalism, climate, and LBGT.
The BBC has done such a good job of brainwashing them about climate that imho they will vote green.
Well, the main reason is there is zero accountability.
The comments against bitter, twisted, biased Mateless are great.
– One day Emily may wake up and realise that she has lost her way as an impartial journalist and is part of the cabal of BBC journalist who feel its better to convey their own agenda , the BBC is ripe for culling starting with the news department it needs shutting down
– Khant just made a big embarrassing mess of this, he has to go immediately
– Bring it on
– Brilliant
I saw that outlandish claim by this woman also.
Obviously her BBC boss was pleased with it otherwise – I was about to say, they would get her to apologise for it – but they would never do that as it is more likely to be ingrained into their very BBC marrow not to give way to any critic.
John Simpson is bitter.
Ittb goes into detail.
They really are a nasty little bubble at the bbc.
Why as a ‘reporter’ would you tweet about something you admit you haven’t watched…I am sure he used his ‘sources’ to tell him..yes bitter and pathetic really
It is telling that the protest so far outweighs any reporting.
At best there are some multiple standards at play.
The BBC seems more than sanguine if the police rummage in the offices of MPs they don’t like or abseil into the studies of errant tweeters.
The notion that the media is immune from investigation because the media is incapable of doing anything other than noble pursuit of truth in the public interest is these days an ambitious sell.
I continue to wonder if the bbc decides what is a trend before it becomes one.
Certainly they have hired consistently.
“Monkey Brains
Mike Wendling is a Far Left activist – tried to set up a Far Left equivalent of the Village Voice in London and failed ignominously…sought refuge with the state broadcaster.”
I also wonder if Stuart Hughes is still ‘reporting’?
“I continue to wonder if the bbc decides what is a trend before it becomes one.”
‘Course they do. Corrupt to the core.
In “The Noble Liar: How and Why the BBC Distorts the News to Promote a Liberal Agenda”, by Robin Aitken.
He writes that the BBC would pen an article first and then go out to find evidence.
We see interviews with the public but not how these are selected.
“We see interviews with the public but not how these are selected”
No doubt tis the same with BBC guests for Red Nose day and the other live Charity shows not to mention who wins the contest to represent the UK in Eurovision contest. We never find out the process of the weeding-out of the heretics – BBCs idea who is and who is not for or against their left wing agenda – who I’ll bet are more talented and acceptable to most viewers.
I have not watched the Eurovison Song Contest since perhaps 1989.
Even though Terry Wogan was a funny guy in comparison to what the BBC elites pay for these days.
The BBC does like to use ‘we’ a lot, rather presumptuously.
Today’s moaning emole.
Are we more constipated than we think?
While medics think infrequent bowel movements are an important sign, less than a third of the public does, a study has found. The King’s College London team said a new definition for constipation was needed, based on patient experiences. “This shows the poo taboo is over,” charity Guts UK said.
Well, W1A is certainly full of…
‘We are all getting used to Donald Trump’
People will continue to approve or disapprove of Mr Trump, depending on their viewpoint, but somehow the phenomenon that is Trumpism has become normal.
There were fewer protesters on the streets than last time. The president, in turn, showed he could do modest, conducting a news conference with less bombast than usual where he praised Theresa May’s handling of Brexit.
He even managed to get through an entire day with the Royal Family without breaking protocol.
This visit seemed to show that for all the reservations some may feel, Britain is beginning to realise that Mr Trump is here to stay and it had better get used to him.
Read full analysis >
James Landale
BBC diplomatic correspondent
‘Analysis’? Uh huh.
For once the beeb are partly right. That despite them doing their best to ridicule and demean Trump, and to whip up anti-Trump hysteria, the public are ‘getting used to him’ and, I suspect, getting to agree with him and to like him.
Certainly more than his repulsive opponents, Corblimey, Khant, Berc-o, Mateless, the beeb et al.
I had an interesting conversation with my dear mother yesterday evening whilst driving her home.
She told me that she didn’t like Donald Trump. I asked her why. She didn’t really know. She had “seen him say some things, not very nice things ”. I asked her for an example. She couldn’t give me a specific example but said she remembered watching him saying nasty things on the tv. I then explained to her that I had watched some of his speeches in full and explained how the bbc and MSM take snippets of what he says out of context and misrepresent him. After a lengthy discussion she seemed somewhat enlightened and actually conceded that, yes indeed, come to think of it the bbc probably had made her think that way. We discussed how, through life, we have relied on the tv to keep us informed about what was going on in the world and how these events shape our opinions. We talked about how the internet allows people to seek alternative views other than those being fed to them through that box in the corner.
We discussed how the powers that be are trying to now censor the internet because it threatens their monopoly on “news”.
My mother then changed her tune somewhat and agreed that the POTUS had mostly “done what he had said he would do I like our politicians”.
This demonstrates how the bbc are brainwashing the population into thinking a certain way.
The BBC would fit perfectly, the description used by the POTUS to describe Jeremy Corbyn; “somewhat of a negative force”.
The biased BBC are undermining this government and this country in every way possible, yet we are forced to pay for them and the government supports this. It is complete and utter madness.
The BBC are the enemy within. Like all enemies they are a threat to our way of life and they need to be defeated.
The only way, in my opinion, to achieve this is to vote for the Brexit Party. The bbc know this and that’s why they are railing against them.
Don’t let the biased bbc carry on shaping your world view.
Don’t let the next conservative Prime Minister carry on lying to us.
Vote Brexit Party at every opportunity and let the truth prevail.
Trump is a racist why ? because, as an elected guardian of his country he wants to stop Mexicans walking into his country without permission, and then stealing money from the tax paying residents
I have challenged many people who start slagging off President Trump to state what he has done that is so bad. None of them can come up with anything convincing. I tell them to watch footage of him unfiltered by the MSM and see if they come to a different opinion. My favourite is when someone tries to claim he is racist. In that case I ask them if they know what an Ellis Island Award is and if they have heard of Rosa Parkes; then I invite them to go and Google it. Gosh, are they surprised!
Yes and if, as the far left demand, we open our borders to the scum of the earth, as well as the deserving poor, we will all be working 100 hours a week to pay for them, the Green party members on their local authority 35 hour week and fat pension may wish to think about that during their flexi time, turn up when you feel like it family friendly maternity / paternity leave jobs.
And the corrupt, thieving governments in Africa and the Middle East with their multiple houses and fleets of Bentleys will laugh at us for taking the dregs of humanity they do not want and refuse to look after
and the fat leftist twats with their own companies charging the NHS large sums of tax payers money will call us nazi scum if we resist or question why we should do so
Sounds like Scotland now!
When my ex comes around and we have discussions about current news and politics. It is obvious that all news is obtained through the BBC. When I report on an item of news not told by our state broadcaster eg. The number of girls raped in our towns, immigration numbers and sexual attacks by immigrants here and in Europe. It is not believed, it’s me being racist.It got so frustrating that I stopped discussing anything. Nothing known about Tommy Robinson other than he was in the EDL and has been in prison, all BBC propaganda.
“… I asked her why. She didn’t really know. She had “seen him say some things, not very nice things ”.
The reality is, the media has done its collectively organised job.
They will be inundated with complaints from those who ‘bought’ their fake news.
The BBC does books too. Apparently.
Also in that unique way they are trusted for worldwide.
Before ‘Maxi’ calls you out, the BBC is now a minority shareholder in ‘BBC Books’!
This exclusion by the ‘inclusives’ shouldn’t be happening but I must admit to a certain amusement as they now begin to feed on their own. I expect all copies of The Life of Brian have been burnt now but, if not, ‘look and learn’ might be in order.
The new equivalent to burning books: ban someone from social media
This Susie Day who seems to have sparked Roberts’s sacking says she doesn’t work with bigots…for a writer she doesn’t seem to know what a bigot is…”a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.” which would make her the bigot.. who are these sanctimonious idiots
The bbc features YouGov surveys a lot, I believe.
FFS poorly represented ? 10% of the population with at least 50% representation
and where are the MILLIONS of chinese, japanese, philipinos, sikhs, hindus, south americans in every malteser / DFS advert with a white wife ??? only black africans, west Indians and our ever favourite muzzies and why is that ?
Yes, certain of the above are poorly represented because they integrate and do not care, or spend their life whingeing and demanding like 5 year old children
My Chinese wife NEVER sees anyone on the BBC representing her culture despite the hundreds of thousands of those of her culture in this country, for example at Cambridge and Oxford University et al and their massive contribution to our economy, and their open welcome to us at chinese new year in London and in fact anytime wherever they live , (try that in a muzzie ghetto) yet every week another muzzie story on the BBC
Yet, she has never felt the need to start a Chinese council of Britain like the muzzies and run courses in how to complain and influence the media, or demand our country bow to her cultural needs, funny that..
Oh come on!
There’s Bert Kwouk and.. well there’s Bert, so they must have got it ‘just about right’.
Precisely :-}
Had a little google search cannot find any reference to Sikh paedophile rape gangs, chinese paedophile rape gangs, Hindu paedophile rape gangs, Japanese paedophile rape gangs,
Oh hang on there are lots of “asian” wonder what that means
According to the BBC, one minute they are muslim, the next they are asian, yet they put the asian population in this coutry to shame wth their racism, intolerance, casual violence, genocide and sexual perversion, call them muslims or more precisely Pakistanis at all times please if they are Pakistani muslims whether it is a Pakistani muslim mayor with a hijab you are feting or a bunch of Pakistani muslims tying a 13 year old non Pakistani i.e. English schoolgirl to a bed and racially abusing her before gang raping her
I have one comment to make to that lot. Finding a white doctor in an NHS hospital is like winning the golden ticket in Willy Wonka !
Well I for one am not happy at the continuing portrayal by ad agencies of mixed race couples in advertisements. And I think it would make a great topic for Carole Malone to discuss on The Pledge.
Ask anyone abroad to describe an Englishman (ok someone from Britain), and I guarantee the answer will not be a person of colour or mixed race. Yet we are being made to perceive, and brainwashed into believing that the UK is made up of equal races.
Anyone with an iota of an education can understand the principles of demographics, which is why the BBC et al have no idea with their media degrees
Many advertisement actors appear to have been sprayed in a ‘coffee’ shade.
Must say over all the years I’ve been camping I’ve never seen a black African male camping-out. Yet there is one TV add which shows one black guy with, yes you guessed it, a blonde female wife.
I believe its the same company who tends to have gays or lesbians kissing or cuddling up to each other while the white couples are usually at odds with each other or are not attractive or obese. Clearly their is a MSM agenda afoot.
They must think we are thick or something.
It just doesn’t happen.
and I bet she doesn’t advocate for a cultural revolution either, annunaki
I have nephews who are half Chinese and they have said several times over the years that they are sick to death of the MSM, particularly the far-left bbc collective, referring to muslim killers ( my words) as Asian.
“Token ‘one black friend’ ads annoy minorities”
They don’t please the majority either.
Ratner marketing you numpties. I expect they do it go for an industry award, a bit like that one with the horses and the foam and the soundtrack. But what was it selling?
No one ever uses the phrase ‘Ethnic Majority” do they? There must be an ethnic majority surely, because we hear so much about the ethnic minorities. So much focus on ethnic minorities implies there must alo be a majority somewhere. Who are the ethnic majority and why is no one asking their “opinions”?
They clearly haven’t been watching the adverts lately. Especially the new Walkers crisps ad with a shop full of black men.
Perhaps they think Piers Morgan counts.
Piers was a remain voter but he accepts the leave vote.
Maybe the one who is supposed to be this weeks token leaver is Morgan, after all, she supports May’s WA.
I noticed that the bbbc had a change of heart for the purpose of listing the D-Day casualties. In all reports published in recent years concerning WW2, the Germans are referred to by the bbbc as the Nazis. Any reference to the country itself is described as ‘Nazi Germany’. This is clearly to make us all aware that modern Germans aren’t like that. They are our mates. It was only the Nazis who fought on the front line, complete with jackboots, and shouty voices.
Then, jump forward to the casualty list from the D Day landings and you see from the bbbc that 4000+ Germans lost their lives. That’s funny. I thought only Nazis fought for the other side? How come some Germans were killed??
Wouldn’t look so good though (quite rightly) to describe them as Nazis on this occasion, would it?
But have no fear, the history-altering bbbc will be back to calling them Nazi’s again in due course, just so we know Germany is lovely. Incidentally, I don’t have any issue with Germans or Germany now but my hatred for the bbbc is almost at small wire-rimmed
glasses level!
Lest we forget-indeed we shall not-I have met many that landed that day June 6th 1944, now most have died, but their bravery along with others stays with me and in particular the hundreds of very brave resistance fighters, without whom the allied troops, would have had a very much greater problem in fighting their way across Northern France. I had the priviledge of meeting two French Resistance fighters in 1965 in Lyon when working there-one had only been 18 yrs old when he joined the movement in 1940-I was told of some of the brave things that they did to help British Airmen that had been shot down but not captured. They did them in some of the large French family Tombs near the Cathederal until it was safe to get them away. It was not a pleasant experience to be interrogated by the German Gestapo, as one of them had been- a scar across his neck was a result of that instance, but he told them nothing. My ownn father was caught on Dunkirk beaches but managed being a very good swimmer to get out to one of the little boats and eventually back to the UK. I fear however that the evil that was once thrown upon Europe, is rising again, but in a different guise. So called social media, so called broadcasting and duplicit journalism headed as often by the British Broadcasting Corporation-how did this happen?
The word in my submission should read -They hid them in some of the large………
Sorry, but these two days of commemorative events for ‘the salvation of Europe’ fill me with suspicion: are they a grand diversionary tactic by elites, who have decided to put an end the the very concept of Europe?
Look at the city at the heart of WWII. Is that still Europe? Does that look even remotely like the London of 1945? And that is only work in progress…
Is Europe at war again? One it cannot win, as elites in politics and the media have decided it needs to be fundamentally changed?
At least in WWii THEY were on our side….
Now they have turned…
I’ve found myself shouting at the output of State Broadcaster this morning; sofas by cemetery and beachside memorial.
Show some respect.
BBC coverage of the Peterborough by election seems a bit muted, I wonder why?
Tactics for the coverage will have already been decided at the editorial meeting and Huw Edwards will have been issued his orders.
Watch the BBC contort itself in trying to spin the result as happened with the appalling coverage of the EU election.
Can’t wait to watch it.
“In 2017, Sarah Idan was crowned Miss Iraq and selected to compete in the Miss Universe pageant.”
“During the pageant, Sarah posed for a photograph with Miss Israel, Adar Gandelsman, and shared it on her Instagram…..”.
“This experience linked Sarah and her Israeli counterpart in a story that sent ripples throughout the entire Middle East region—solely because she, an Iraqi, posed with Adar, an Israeli. Her family was forced to flee Iraq, and Sarah has remained fearful of returning home since.”
“….because she, an Iraqi, posed with Adar, an Israeli…..”. Weasel words UN (home of the ‘Migration Compact’), Watch. Here, let me put your assertion right:
‘…..because she, a muslim, posed with Adar, an Israeli….’
Peace in the Middle East, or anywhere else for that matter, between muslims and Israel? Only the naive could in any way think that even a possibility whilst the Quaran is regarded as the islamic ‘guidebook’ to life. Wherever large concentrations of muslims exist, you will find the hatred toward Israel. It is a part of their DNA. Immigrants from the Middle East moving to Europe will numerically tip the balance toward the host nation’s claimed, ever increasing ‘Jew hatred’.
Perhaps our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” could do a docu-drama on the subject? Dream on……………
The most racist, violent, inhumane,intolerant group on this earth: the muslims
The BBC makes and broadcasts PC comedy programmes just for black people, all the performers are black (funny, the BBC says that the shows are celebrating diversity). One such comedy programme is The BBC 3 sketch show called ‘Famalam’.
I couldn’t find and video footage but I did find this still on the cutting room floor on a visit to the BBC Studios in the Mailbox in Birmingham. I don’t know why the sketch wasn’t included in the show, I laughed.
Oh yes, forgot to say, it’s not funny.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Only black humour
it is out and out racist for a start, turn it on its head ” when you make fun of a black persons food” stick that on the BBC and see how it goes down, probably in for a disciplinary
I was working at a particular Government institution and we were all ASKED not to bring food or eat at our desk during ramadam FFS
I brought lots of pork
Wonder what the govt in Iran / Saudi Arabia in fact any muzzie country advises their employees on Easter / Xmas day ?
Answers on a very small postcard
There’s nothing like fitting in.
“I brought lots of pork ”
Yesterdays taxi driver – yes, he was a muslim – couldn’t stop talking about his fast and having to go without food or liquids and that his misery was about to be put out as it was the last day of fasting so he would go home and have a big scoff of chicken and rice etc.
But since then I’ve often wondered whether he would take me too my place of work if it was at a bacon factory?
I retired years ago so that was just one of my many: I wonder?
This is why the human race always destroys itself, one culture creates a civilisation which eventually brings in civil rights and all the scum gravitate towards it abusing the civil rights and bring it down, Rome etc
All done in the UK in a sedate fashion, compliments of various UK Governments………..
“Italy risks disciplinary action for violating EU debt rules”
The cracks in the EU continue to grow.
The EU is desperate for our money .
Typical tactics of the EU.
They take from us but never give anything away themselves even if its our own money.
This should be compulsory viewing for all those who disrespected President Trump…
With all due respect, he is not the best advert for this point of view, I lasted 20 seconds, like most who desire to film themselves, they should never press the red button
He would be better off in a third rate King Crimson tribute band, or second rate Supertramp maybe
I like him, generally. His commentary is usually pertinent, and amusing.
When he eventually gets to the point, whilst we all wait
The beauty of flowery speech. I don’t mind waiting…
There is beauty in flowers, agreed, but rarely in self indulgence without the eloquence
“The country that saved your ass.” Gosh, that’s annoying.
During the Bayeux Cathedral service, whilst the BBC covered it, their correspondent uttered hardly a word. By contrast, Sky News had a host who spoke intelligently to explain the order of service etc. In fact the BBC cut away from it asap.