Although Thursday is the Peterborough Bi Election – wouldn’t it be decent if for just one day current politics was put on hold in order to remember and thank those who took part in D Day in order to send the Germans back from where they came . But I know the Far Left Biased BBC will exploit the commemoration for their own purposes . Let’s hope for decency on the day .
Midweek Open Thread 5 June 2019
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I have noticed this morning that all the MSM papers have covered the Siobhan Prigent incident from her point of view. “She says sorry”
A bit like the Pakistani Terrorist woman they’ve spent weeks in sympathy for.
There is no raw clip of the incident alone even on Youtube. Only reports of over 10 minutes focusing on her apology. It seems the Twitter clips we have all seen have been largely side-stepped, edited and used as sparingly as possible. I was looking for a clip of it on Youtube to show a friend who doesn’t do Twitter and couldn’t find one. I am surprised it hasn’t been uploaded by anyone.
Yes, that fat ugly bullying gobshite is sorry now she has been exposed,
the only redeerming fact in her life is that the victim did not do what most would have done and headbutted her hateful gob into the back of her neck
Maybe today, maybe tomorrow who knows, all I know is she ruined one evening for me watching her get away with that with her fat happy smile watching an elderly person hounded and abused, and so if she ever crosses my path……a pity they did not also publish her address
As someone observed earlier, there is only one thing worse than waking up as Sioibhan this morning and that is waking up next to her
Seated on the far left…………. 😉
They’ve kept the Commies on the outer periphery (I’m not sure about the Greek President) with Corbyn 3 rows back.
Sturgeon was waiting the tables
Maitlis on D-Day Newsnight yesterday had two women historians on. Looking increasingly hunched these days, with her face ever more contorted in bitterness, she got to mock “the plucky brits; the island mentality” mindset of her fellow countrymen and women.
Woman 2: “…there can be a danger of — in general — thinking too much about our victories in WW2 and forgetting the defeats, forgetting the mistakes, and how much of a group alliance it was… how much we depended on the contribution of so many other nations…”
Ah, now a reference to Brexit. “WW2 was a group endeavour … we couldn’t stand alone then … that’s the difficult question; thinking we can stand alone now…”
We live on an island. Are we to feel guilty because the land mass is surrounded by sea? Is there anything else the BBC would like us to feel guilty about? They must be running out of sticks to beat us with.
Considering that Maitls’ maternal grandmother was a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, I’m surprised at her comments. “The plucky Brits” and their island offered protection to her granny when she needed it.
“Maitlis wore a gold bracelet her father had made for her from a piece of jewellery belonging to her grandmother, who fled Nazi Germany”
You can seen from this Guardian article just how biased, subjective and PC Maitlis is.
Just what the BBC wants in it’s broadcasters.
The thing is that D-Day in itself was not a victory, only a sucessful operation which could have gone wrong at any time for days afterwards.
If it hadn’t been for the Germans being forced to fight on the Italian and Russian fronts then D-Day would have almost certainly failed.
It was a precarious operation, and Churchill had to be forced into being part of it by Stalin and Roosevelt. If had not been undertaken much of Western Europe would have been Communist as Stalin over ran all of it.
This is probably what the BBC is so hacked off about – a chance for the entire continent to ‘benefit’ from the leftie murder paradise that is Communism !
‘WW2 was a group endeavour…we couldn’t stand alone….’
As a historian you might have thought she’d know that the fact that we DID stand alone, in 1940 while Europe in general and France in particular collapsed, capitulated and collaborated, was the single most significant factor in the creation, organisation and mobilisation of the D-Day forces. Without this little island Europe would be an anti-democratic fascist state.
Oh, hang on….
Interesting. Aerial footage of antiTrump protests, claimed by the bbc and others to be taken during his recent visit, is actually from an anti Trump march in 2018.
So the bbc are complicit in fraud and fake news.
It ‘s quiz time at biased BBC! With due reference to today’s Telegraph.
The answers to the following questions are either ‘evil Trump and the capitalist USA’ or ‘morally superior eco-friendly inclusive Germany’. And we all know who the BBC prefer.
Which country of these two…..
1. Has reduced its carbon emissions the most since 2010
2. Contributes the most to the NATO budget
3. Has the lowest percentage of electricity generated by coal
4. Did not have an open door immigration policy and then left other countries to deal with the fallout which was not of their making in the first place
5. Did not have its largest car producer rig emissions test results
6. Had a leader that has not used their office to personally resist same-sex marriage
7. Does not have a former leader on the board of Rosneft, the Russian energy giant
8. Cannot bid for NHS contracts on the aame basis as domestic UK companies.
The answer to all of the above, of course is America.
Seems to me that on the basis of their own beliefs and outlook, all those LibMob fanatics and EU remoaners are backing the wrong horse !!!
Still, what price hypocrisy at the BBC when there is a narrative to maintain.
The DDay commemorations.
On BBC 1 anchored by …….Naga Munchetty, a diminutive Asian female.
I just so want to go and throw a brick through the BBC offices.
But that would be a Hate crime.
I have considered posting a box containing my smashed up telly to broadcasting house.
I am somewhat surprised at the deafening silence concerning the Peterborough by election which is taking place today.
I understand that the corporation has to be careful regarding laws surrounding reporting during elections, but other media outlets are reporting so there is no good reason why the BBC can’t.
Of course it looks very much like the two main parties are going to be pushed way down the results whilst the Brexit party storms home, returning their first MP, and that’s not good news for the Brexit hating BBC !
Is the Met an Islamist outfit Something for the BBC to investigate
Islamic “Community Assessors” are now employed by the British Police to make sure all new recruits hold the “correct” views on Islam. If they don’t, they are kicked out at the first interview stage. One such Community Assessor is called Lutfur Ali who seems to be the same Lutfur Ali once involved in funnelling embezzled money to the Islamic Forum of Europe, an extremist organisation. The London Metropolitan Police will “neither confirm nor deny” that this is the case, hence this video. It is hard to imagine that a known Islamic extremist (and fraudster) is employed by the police as a recruitment vetting officer, but it does seem to be so. Perhaps the London Metropolitan Police would like to leave a comment here telling me it isn’t true?
Explains why we don’t see any Jewish cops then.
Some appalling Fascist Lefties on the BBC today – well we have to remember the Russian losses and why aren’t we remembering Stalingrad etc etc.
Well I have an answer for you, twonk today is the aniversary of D-Day NOT Stalingrad and that is why we are remembering the sacrifice made. It was made by soldiers from this country, and as far as I know none of our soldiers were lost at Stalingrad.
We remember the suffering of the Russian people, fighting the Nazis, and under the oppression of Stalin as well, and we don’t need some Fascist hard left anti white anti British race hating bigot from one of our appallingly leftist universities to tell us we should not be remembering those people worth a hundred of every BBC type today.
For any comments on Nazi scum lady and her contractual arrangement with University college London for her taking money from the NHS
This is somewhat puzzling
Celtic Mist
It may be a bbc Fake News $h!t-stirring exercise. Wishful thinking on their part. Notice it’s phrased as a question. Did she? Someone may have called them out already
“This video has been removed for rights reasons.”
Two videos are removed, but this is still available
“404 – Page not found
This might be because you typed in the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling.”
BBC are good at asking questions which is diametrically opposite to what they are required to do : provide news
They have removed the video (and others) completely in the space of 30 minutes!
This 11 minute long video defines for me what atheism and communism/ collectivism lead to ( which includes islam when I recall what they did to each others prisoners in the Iran-Iraq war ). It’s quite graphic in its description of the organ harvesting ( which is a dreadful word in itself when used to describe what these people are capable of doing to their fellow man) in China, a multi-billion pound industry that the world ignores apart from a few brave men.
\\Ford set to close Bridgend engine plant in 2020//
\\Ford blamed “changing customer demand and cost” for the closure plans and denied Brexit was a factor.//
Please remember Al Beeb, Brexit not a factor !
Response from NHS:
It is to my understanding that this member of staff works within University College London Hospital. Please refer to the link below for more information about how you can leave Comments, suggestions and complaints regarding UCLH and staff working within the University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Has Paul Crowther, from Throckley Newcastle who threw a milkshake at Nigel Farrage been removed from his employment yet?
I believe he works for Sky customer service and I know for a fact they have a very strict view on any employee with any sort of criminal record.
Perhaps another company needs to be bombarded with emails to to remind them of their policy….
I bet the rest of the grinning, happy bullying mob pctured are now quaking in their purple DMs if they have gainful empoyment which is highly debatable, or family members who have an iota of self respect, the best we can take out of this is that this kind of behaviour has been going on for a long time but luckily has been videoed for the first time
And just before D Day they really should get at least a GCSE in history
And, of course absolutely NOTHING on the bbc about this national embarrassment which has travelled the world and shown our country for the shameful place it is with nasty fat bitches like this when the American President visits our Queen
I wonder if we will see John Snow telling us on Channel 4 news
this evening that he has never seen so many white male
nonagenarians at the D Day 75th anniversary remembrance
in Normandy.
Latest pissing in the wind:
BBC complaint:
So a nasty vicious anti Trump protestor is filmed attacking an elderly gentleman, who has now been revealed as an NHS worker shown across the world and the BBC missed it ? of course not you bastards are hiding it because you are politically motivated I will also be forwarding this to OFCOM as you are a bloody shower of left wing shit who will never admit it
He simply can’t help himself, rushing in with a snark.
Except it looks like Trump wasn’t the cause of the delay but was filling in time waiting for Macron.
It isn’t the first time he’s jumped in without establishing the full facts. Looks like another beauty.
French arrive late. History repeating itself.
Beltane. Historical problem. French arrived early, twice, in 20th Century, but having built defensive lines, forgot to anchor both ends. So, left early once, and fought once. Late appearances by those few French Commandos, and all the people who claimed to be Partisans. The active ones down here in the Pyrenees, for example, were of great benefit in helping escapees, and disrupting the Germans prior to Operation Dragoon on 15/08/1944. Americans arrived late twice, but turned up eventually, having demanded rather large bill. As to who started Vietnam, jury out on that. Anyway, Jupiter Macron believes he is above the simple folk, such as us. As for the role played by his Nanny, words fail me.
Yes indeed Captain, the numbers of French heroes of La Resistance vastly outweighed the forces ranged against them – it’s only that natural modesty kept them from claiming their places in history until the war was over.
Go inland a bit and every town, everywhere, has its memorial to the Resistance – probably funded by Marshal aid. Heroes if you win, terrorists if you lose.
Macron was late for the first event at Arromanches, keeping Treezer and the veterans waiting.
But the anti Trump narrative must be maintained.
“Downing Street has been in touch to say that the comments from the prime minister’s spokesman at lobby this morning (see 12.46pm) have been over-interpreted. A source said that there was “no question of the prime minister hanging around beyond the Conservative leadership contest”. The source said that when the spokesman talked about May needing to be able to tell the Queen that her successor could command the confidence of the Commons, he was just setting out the language used as a formality, not flagging up May’s intention to make this an issue.”
I’m sure most people on this site will agree that our big cities no longer have a functioning Police force since the insane decision by Cameron to allow the politicisation of the Police.
It would appear that in London if you are from an ethnic background or on the Left you will receive preferential service. Anyone who even slightly offends you will be arrested, while you can break almost any law you please with impunity.
Surely this is not how the law should work?
We have an individual shouting out ‘Nazi’ at close quarters to Anna Souberry, arrested and charged, because she is from the far left, and yet this hate filled woman who shouts just the same at a pensioner who is assaulted escapes arrest and is not subject to the law like everyone else.
Or some people do.
Dan Bongino from USA has an accurate description of lefties versus normal people in his latest video:
Normal people see lefties as people with bad ideas.
Lefties see non-lefties; ie. Normal people; as bad people with ideas.
June 3rd
The White House later released a statement saying Mr Trump wanted to strengthen economic ties with the UK through an ambitious new trade agreement
June 4th
Trump discusses desire for Great Trade Deals with the UK to Mrs May at the press conference
June 5th
Merkel announces willingness for great Trade Deals with the USA
June 6th
Macron announces willingness for great Trade Deals with the USA
I think we can all see what’s going on here!
…sorry can we come too? we never really hated you!
Tell you what Merkel and Macron, start paying your full 2% GDP contribution to NATO like the UK already does and maybe he will start listening to you.
They will have to leave the EU first, as the EU says that individual trade treaties cannot be discussed while still in the single market.
Trump discusses desire for Great Trade Deals with the UK to Mrs May at the press conference
Marxist May and the Commieserveyourselves announce they don’t want any deal with the ‘fascist’ President.
Macron & Merkel announce they want a deal, because they aren’t deliberately trying to destroy their parties or their countries – although they appear to be making a pretty good job of it !
Mrs Chamberlain and ‘King’ Berco Boiler do not want to allow us the independence that this nation voted for ?
The Tory Party is committing hari kari. Witness , Peterborough this evening .
Taffman -A question about these two: one is definitely a Labour mole. But could it be that they both are? It would certainly explain a lot…
Or one could be a Labour mole the other an EU mole?
Possibly both working to the same end?
John Lewis has appointed the first ever [Black] female chairwoman in its 155-year history.
Sharon White, 52, will leave her job as chief executive of Ofcom to take over from current chairman of the retailer Sir Charlie Mayfield at the beginning of next year.
So that’s John Lewis f******d then !
Hard to recall what she has actually done, other than run cover for the bbc. I think she too was big on ‘diversity’, so the JL Xmas tvc will likely be set in Wakanda.
John Lewis, being one of the first retailers to run with ‘have yourself a black christmas’, seeks to ensure an ongoing supply of black actors by putting one its board.
some reports were saying £1m a year with no retail experience
ohhh the ethnic oppression!
Yes that works out at £450 an hour, I know a Waitrose worker who gets £8 an hour, now that’s what you call a “Partnership”!
Bang goes the neighbourhood / bonus – but at least they’ll have organically sourced goat curry and that other stuff – jerk chicken –
Never knowingly sold cheap.
Ofcom are useless. If ever there was a quango to put on the fire here’s the one.
Rob’s back, impartially.
I wonder if they’ll use the QT team to ‘vet’ the questions that get asked by Chuckles?
One reply from William Wombat
\\ If you’re interested in appearing on the programme to ask a question and voted remain in the 2016 referendum you can email
There – fixed it for you. //
A new reply from Robert Turner
\\ Mr Burley you claim to be unbiased tell us all why tonight’s question time panel all voted remain.
Where is the unbiased views.
The BBC is in danger of being viewed as a remain organisation.
An answer would be appreciated. //
IIRC, not his turf.
When it gets awks on simple facts, which usually arise via the non lunatic left/FBPE side, Rob usually goes mute.
In this case he might go the ‘Notme.guv’ route as I believe there are degrees of separation that allow him to weasel out.
“TORY FRAUD FEARS Tory bosses slap extra security measures on leadership race to stop MPs stealing votes”
[Well apart from flogging the mace to buy beer they have shown they will stop at nothing to be anti Conservatives.]
But there is more.
“Brexit: John Bercow rejects ending Commons session to force no deal”
[The upholder of the tradition of speaker impartiality has gone another step nearer the gallows.]
“Tory leadership candidate Dominic Raab has suggested he would be prepared to shut down Parliament to ensure the UK leaves the EU on 31 October.”
[The other pretend Conservatives are aghast at the idea that the referendum result will be honoured, despite their unstinting, dishonourable, efforts to block it. Just when I think these traitors cannot get any lower, they prove me wrong, again. They can all take their turn on the gallows, but Bercow first.]
Trouble is LCS, Bercow might not be heavy enough to trip the trapdoor so best plan would be to double up and do two at a time. Ken Clarke seems a natural choice to hold Bercow’s hand, that should do the trick.
@GuestWho funny that RobBurley should post a pic of Maitliss
BY coincidence I was about to put up this letter from today’s Yorkshire Post
I check on Twitter and around 40 people are taking issue with Maitliss’s assertion ..a few more
“Trump is ‘not liked at all here’.”
… Roger Helmer’s tweet has 2,400 likes
The BBC of course speaks for the nation.
And Emily has almost as many awards as VD.
She thinks she’s immune.
One day hubris like this will not persist.
Guest Who. I sort of intentionally misread ‘ Emily has almost as many awards as VD. She thinks she’s immune’ . Thinking of Syphilis, Gonhorea, Genital Herpes, and any other types of Venereal Disease, made me feel rather unwell. But then I thought of them as ‘ awards’, and felt much better.
Stew – I think the maitless might be factually correct – in the sense that POTUS isn’t liked here ( in the BBC )at all.
And I bet if you asked the average screaming snowflake mob what exactly is so objectionable about Mr Trump and what he has done with America they’d be struggling ….
There is a second YP letter
Not strictly bBBC, except that the usual public sector self-protection rules apply.
Our world class beloved NHS has done it again.
And what about accountability?
Events and failings which took place between 2010 and 2014 are to be investigated and reported on by the end of 2020. That’s right. 2020!!
I dare say the management responsible have moved on to other things or retired on their cosy final salary pensions.
What’s the betting that ‘lessons will be learned’ and there will be no further action.
Yep, that’s the morality of nationalised industries.
And yet when The Donald dares to suggest the US may have a future role in the NHS, the roof falls in.
Immoral, unethical, unaccountable. Yours for only £110 bn a year ( plus about the same in pension liabilities).
And Corbyn wants to nationalise other services.
Sit and weep,
‘lessons will be learned’ I doubt it.
“Documents will be shredded” is more likely.
More carriages added to the rear of the public sector gravy train every week.
Norm is clearly trying to catch Katty’s eye.
C4 News – Matt Frei – a German – unable to see the difference between Europe and the EU in the sense of Britain and America currently withdrawing from one of these .
Mr Frei just cannot stop himself poking a stick at POTUS …it’s like a hobby for him . Can America be blamed for moving away from a self destructive EU/Europe which is well on the way to a strange mixed domination by primitive Islam and mad snowflakes .
C4 deployed a woman who was a phone operator in Britain on DDay to represent that generation – because the cemeteries are full of dead men and boys …
It would just be a hope that the next time mainland Europe has a civil war we stay out of it and stick with America. After all -America wisely wanted to stay out of the European war and twice last century we got involved in European Civil Wars which cost us a lot of blood and treasure and diminished our country as a result .
Fortunately the snowflakes are not engaged on UK politics because of Peterborough …
PS – excellent news – a car engine factory in Wales is being closed – the greens must be over the moon. Less fumes – 1700 less jobs – but let’s not care about people and their jobs eh? But we’ve got a climate emergency so that’s ok.
Pat C on D-Day2 ..Democracy Day
I saw that and had shouting at TV moment – it was the self satisfied grin on his face and that bloody nodding dog historian that made it worse. They just can’t stop themselves – deliberately interchanging EU and Europe as though they are the same
The 5 remainers of the BBC Question Time will be in Thetford which was about 64% leave . So it will be interesting where the audience will be bused in from .
Good luck to anyone choosing to watch that rigged biased nonsense – I’d rather look at the inside of my eyelids in noo noo land .
Thetford is actually an interesting town but not for all the right reasons .
Birthplace of Thomas Paine , the area in ancient times was the most advanced because the light soil was easy to till for Stone Age man .
Subject to invasions in Anglosaxon times it became an important religious town and also admin town , at one time capital of East Anglia .
The town declined somewhat until after the First World War , when the forestry commission planted their conifers after shooting about twenty thousand coneys ( rabbits) a month .
Scots people were brought down to renew the dilapidated farms but the area was still a backwater until the sixties .
No offence to cockneys, but rapid industrialisation and a five fold increase in the towns population from London changed the character of the Dads Army town and meant some of the towns original inhabitants were feeling a bit overwhelmed .
All the townsfolk , from wherever settled down after a period of years .
But both cockneys and carrot crunchers didn’t expect the next wave of — state sponsored invaders ?
First came the wave of Portugese . These tended to work mainly in areas around Thetford but had the Red Lion as their pub .
Then came the Polish in such huge numbers even the Polish expat community from the war resented them .
Other visitors were Czechs , Lithuanians and asylum seekers .
Now comes another wave , the Romanians . The Poles still seem to have the factory jobs , but I doubt the roumo’ s will stay out in the fields .
Interesting times ahead .
Nibor – thanks – I was reading about the number of Poles there -.
I know thetford a bit – going through it via the A11. I went into the Sainsbury’s – mentioned in passing to the check out girl that I’d just come from London she said ‘ I’d like to go there one day ‘…. I could swear she wasn’t taking the Michael .
As for Tom Payne – there’s a bloke with a lot to answer for – I was a fan for a while and was really chuffed to run into his great great grandson …. ( there might be another ‘great’ or two in there ).
Do you notice the BBC getting all hot and bothered over ‘infringements of press freedom ‘? – ABC in Australia and a couple of Irish BBC types …..
If the kind of stuff the MSM spouts out now could be cut back by restriction on ‘press freedom ‘ – bring it on . All it seems to do currently is use its freedom to pollute our minds with snowflake lefty multicultural crap.
It seems the lady filmed screaming ‘ nazi’ at a man supporting President Trump has left her job in the NHS .
I’m guessing she’ll be on the staff of McDonnel or Corbyn or get a job on Newsnight ….
Source Mailonline .
It would be good if the police identified the others committing public order hate crimes using milk shakes but all know that when the police want to be ‘ overwhelmed ‘ it’s easy for them
A second person has been charged with upsetting Annie Soubry – the soon to be failed politician .
It’s going to be pretty shocking if Labour win the Peterborough Bi Election after the corrupt criminal behaviour typical of the former Labour MP .
But let’s face it – Labour supporters have got to be pretty dim to land up with a shadow front bench which can’t even take on the Red Tories .
I suppose labour politicians only get away with it because of their many friends in the MSM …
I wonder if the BBC realises that to normal people ‘the world’ takes in more than London, Washington and Brussels?
Very dispiriting if true. We’ll have the politicians we deserve.
I’ll bet they may. I hope a breakdown between postal and non-postal votes is insisted on.
BBC News
Madonna says Harvey Weinstein was “incredibly sexually flirtatious and forward” when they worked together in 1991.
#CCBGB for both Madge, her PR team and the BBC drone who took the call.
Madonna was shocked of course. Always having been the epitome of virginal purity we know her to be.
Which ‘Newsnight scandal’ are they referring to?? – Jimmy Savile?
/BBC news chief pleads with staff not to Tweet about ‘our problems’
Fran Unsworth, the new temporary head of BBC News, has appealed to staff not to Tweet about “our problems” as she tries to sort out the mess of the Newsnight scandal./
This Newsnight?
Nope – I think this might be huge – murky world of Twitter –
Absolutely spot on
Oh there’s more
Good post Pug as always from yourself.
It’s good night from me.
Bridgend’s future has been uncertain for the last four years (see here and here), so you can forget about all of the Brexit excuses being put about.
What is certain is that if carmakers such as Ford are told that Europe is going to rapidly phase out petrol cars in favour of EVs, they will no longer be prepared to invest billions in new engine and car assembly lines.
After all, would you?
And we can all guess where the new generation of electric cars will be built.
The next domino to fall could well be Ford Dagenham, which is Ford’s largest producer of diesel engines. Its global presence is at the moment unchallengeable, but if Europe continues with its suicidal obsession with global warming, how much longer will that be the case?
Was anyone else left nauseous at the BBC hypocrisy at fawning over the D Day veterans with sombre voices and faux tears when you know they are happily selling us out and denigrating this country at every chance they get?
Yes seeing the old boys on parade I wondered what those ex soldiers being investigated for doing their duty in Northern Ireland were thinking ,
Yes – I felt exactly the same way, I am afraid I would listen to the veteran then hit the “off” switch as soon as the BBC presenter opened their deceitful mouth, the same as when Mrs Quising was reading out that letter.
My gut feeling is how dare they!!!!!!!!!!
Aunties reporters must have exercised a high degree of self control, especially when helping all these older “gammons” especially near any staircases.
They see us all as stupid with the memory of a knat, and after looking at yesterdays result in Peterborough – maybe they are right.
I’m waiting , today , for a beeboid to do the Peterborough outcome numbers and come up with ‘actually The Brexiteers won’ because if you add all the brexit votes it’s 17000 and if you add the remain votes it’s 15500.
Totally meaningless nonsense . Who won – won
Anyway – the big shock is that over 5000 people voted Tory . Maybe Peterborough is in a time warp …..
There’ll be plenty of Palestinian /hammas flags flying in Peterborough today …