Although Thursday is the Peterborough Bi Election – wouldn’t it be decent if for just one day current politics was put on hold in order to remember and thank those who took part in D Day in order to send the Germans back from where they came . But I know the Far Left Biased BBC will exploit the commemoration for their own purposes . Let’s hope for decency on the day .
Midweek Open Thread 5 June 2019
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State Broadcaster news page “Ms Forbes hailed her “significant” victory and said it showed people had “rejected the politics of division”.”
The very result illustrares the division. I suppose when politics is reduced to shouting slogans (even untruths) Ms Forbes is who we get ruling over us.
It’s funny how a victory by a million is fought tooth and nail whilst a win by less than a thousand is complete.
It seems the Paki vote in the City was the deciding factor – coupled with the fools who still vote UKIP and Tory .
Labour will see itself as the Muslim Party – which is quite funny when it is forever going on about Wimmin and queer rights .
We are at war on two major fronts, both of which involve savagery and fraud.
Good result, from a standing start.
The photograph shown by most papers with the report of the Peterborough result is so very similar to that of the Nazi NHS bint who made the front page during the Trump visit, mouths open and shouting.
Except they are all male members of the Religion of Rape. Thank you BBC for demonstrating very clearly where your hopes and interests lie.
I wonder how many votes the Religion of Rape members had.
The Labour party, selects a crooked African criminal, then a hard left obesity, supported by paedophiles from the 7th century.
100% non British, time for a name change, FINBALP, the Foreigner Importing Non British Anti Labour Party.
I have to disagree that it was a good result and it shows the challenge the Brexit Party faces under first-past-the-post in breaking tribal voting. 21% voted Conservative, for heaven’s sake! After all the lies and duplicity, what will it take?
This is a constituency where the incumbent was kicked out for criminal offences, yet the same party was returned. It was ripe for a substantial protest vote but that still wasn’t enough.
That said, I’d want to know the breakdown of postal votes. I’ve no evidence that there was postal voting fraud, but it’s well known that it’s open to this. If it turns out that the Labour postal vote % was significantly greater than the overall vote, that would suggest something is amiss. Conversely, if it isn’t, fraud is unlikely to be an issue. I suspect the authorities don’t want to look for fear of what they may find.
“I wonder how many votes the Religion of Rape members had.”
I believe I addressed one of your concerns.
Most of Religion of Rape voters were imported by Blair & Co.
Apart from the cities, how many do vote Labour?
The “authorities”, Common Purpose” long ago. The only way they can win is by cheating, so they cheat.
I don’t know the source of this figure but if true it’s pretty troubling, and the Brexit Party must not let it rest.
Says it has been deleted.
I think we need cheering up after the Peterborough vote.

I like Trump but this photograph made me chuckle (Look up Pat Mustard if you’re not a Father Ted fan).
Excellent. What a great guy that is right there. Had to laugh yesterday, when my niece told me that a boy at school had told the teacher his dad loves Donald Trump. Apparently the teachers response was “Urgh! Really?”
My other half is singing him praises too. She said she felt honoured that he had visited our country and there were lots of people at work who expressed the same views.
People are beginning to realise what the bbc are about and the constant Trump bashing is wearing thin. We know who the bad guys are and it isn’t The Donald.
This is why Labour are all for immigration en masse. Immigrants aren’t going to vote for a party that wants to stop immigration. Also, if I’m not mistaken, it has a large population of Eastern European’s who aren’t likely to vote for Farage either.
Labour are riding two horses. It’s a wonderful trick though the potential for division is literally constantly ready to open up beneath their feet. Perhaps this is what Corbyn means by bringing the country together?
State Broadcaster this morning is still a confusing watch; introducing a veteran soldier as having fought Nazis only for him to say he was fighting Germans.
They must have got their wires crossed. It was Tommy Robinson who was fighting nazis outside McDonalds the other day. But they didn’t bother reporting that.
It is a shame about Peterborough but the Labour party still only won by 600 odd votes – despite Liz ‘women only short list, works for Unite’ Forbes claiming is was decisive victory.
I do think the Brexit party now need to get a manifesto put together to really take the battle forward and show people they have other ideas after Brexit…
I have to say the BBC are being very balanced with their headlines – saying only just ahead of Brexit…Unlike the Guardian headline
“saying only just ahead of Brexit”
Even State Broadcaster could see that any ‘decisive victory’ claim couldn’t be sustained as would be turned on them at every opportunity between now and doomsday.
The BBC are crowing that their party has won Peterborough. No surprise there.
What did shock me was when the Beeb scanned the crowd of the Labour Party supporters. Did you see it? Blimey!
All I’ll say is there must be an awful lot of “taxi drivers” and “kebab shop workers” in this constituency. Every one of ’em had a beard.
And that was just the women…
Jeff.. you haven’t been to Peterborough much have you? Actually considering the demographics of the place this was quite a result for the Brexit party though I find it incomprehensible that anyone would vote for a party that gave them their last incumbent.
On Facebook the bbc has said Labour ‘saw off’ Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party.
Surprised they did not have Naughtie and Maitlis high-fiving and chanting ‘we won’.
” Ok listen up everybody in the Diversity Dept. You know what I want
as a main picture on the Peterborough election result. ” How many
with head scarves BIG BROTHER?” ” Get the cameraman we used for
the John Pienaar presentation from Westminster on the 10PM news
on Wednesday night.” ” Ok BIG BROTHER, the one that had the
revolving anti-brexit placards, placed brilliantly , behind John Pienaar?”
Yes, that’s is exactly whom I want!!”
TOADY Watch #1
Disgraceful interview by JustRemainIn Webb of the BBC with Brandon Lewis, Chairman of the Conservative Party. Lewis rightly did not comment on the ‘Raab Controversy’ but Webb continued to put the Remain Parliamentary position as propaganda.
John Pienaar was just as bad in the prime 8.10am Interview slot. What? Pienaar is the interviewee? Yes. But he works for the BBC! Yes: BBC interviews the BBC about the Peterborough By-Election result.
‘Nuff said.
Worse Jeff on R4
Now have a Labour person Andy McDonald on who is disputing that they only just pipped the post…claiming they ‘won’…..regardless – funny they don’t say same about the Brexit vote but their win isn’t subject to same scrutiny..difference between Brexit party and Labour votes 1%
Now he is banging on about hundreds of thousands of job losses in No Deal – saying Brexit caused Ford car plant closure and steel industry decline being disingenuous about what Trump said about NHS up for trade deal (without accepting he changed that comment).. what a C…T sorry about language but he is just shouting and lying about everything…no challenge with any balls from BBC…..I am furious just listening to his lies – and he is a Lawyer…
TOADY Watch #2
Previously on TOADY: the 6am News has the important item that Dr John has died. It is such important news that it was, I think, No.3 in the News running order.
Dr who? … you may ask. I have heard of Dr John and was familiar with a couple of his songs. He was a fusion musician mixing different genres in the same song or piece. The BBC describe the mix incorrectly here: adding too many non-Lousiana styles replacing Cajun & Creole.
What was his nationality? … you may also ask. With our BBC, do you really need to?
American, and yes, pretty much a no mark musician. But the BBC are really keen to tell me he has died. An American musician who had no No.1 hits in the UK, in fact possibly no No.1 hits anywhere. Wiki does not deem him to be important enough to have a full discography analysis.
Dr John did achieve something. He won a Grammy.
Jolly good. I have to ask, it seems like some news diversion was going on here.
I wonder why?
The ‘You can no longer edit this comment.’ curse has struck again.
Where does that come from?
In an edit of my post – over 13 minutes remaining – I was going to observe that the regional styles that influenced and are missing from the BBC article are Cajun and Creole. The BBC attribute rather more westernised European, white man, music styles to the real, regional influences on Dr John that he fused in his music.
Bit surprising, that.
I’ve just finished reading about the Peterborough by-election and that there were more postal votes cast than people turning up to polling stations to put their cross in the box beside their chosen candidate.
Then I saw the photographs of the Peterborough Labour Party activists.
Just to remind people of the events of 2004 in Birmingham where it was found that postal vote rigging was carried out on an industrial scale by several corrupt Pakistani Muslim Labour activists.
This comment by the investigating senior judge is a shocking summary of the fraud carried out in Birmingham after his election court found there was a campaign by Labour Party activists to forge, steal, and alter thousands of postal votes.
“A senior judge made a scathing attack on the postal voting system yesterday, condemning the government for complacency in the face of fraud which would disgrace a “banana republic”.
Richard Mawrey QC, presiding over a special election court in Birmingham, warned that there were no realistic systems in place to detect or prevent postal voting fraud at the general election. “Until there are, fraud will continue unabated,” he said.
He found six Labour councillors in Birmingham guilty of carrying out “massive, systematic and organised” postal voting fraud to win two wards during last June’s elections for the city council. Declaring the results void, he barred the men from standing again in a by election expected on May 12.
After the judgment the national Labour party suspended the six men. A spokesman said they would be subject to a “vigorous disciplinary process”. Criminal charges against them are expected. Police said yesterday their inquiries were continuing.”
A more recent report by The Birmingham Mail has John Hemming (a former Birmingham MP) stating that the postal vote fraud has not stopped, it is still going on.
If postal vote fraud is continuing in Birmingham organised by Pakistani Muslim Labour Party activists then isn’t it possible it’s going on in other cities across the UK.
Like Peterborough?
Don’t hold your breath for any investigation..but I think most people including my good wife – are saying and thinking the same
Where are these postal vote figures coming from? I’d be interested to crunch some numbers.
Well, it works in places like Pakistan so why should it not work here?
On the other hand, perhaps it is a ‘cultural’ thing we must ignore for the sake of ‘diversity’ and all the glorious benefits that brings…………….
Fact is, that if fraud took place the cretins in Westminster will see it to their advantage.
Re photo.
Going off their expressions it makes you wonder what they’ve been promised?
‘…”Despite the differing opinions across our city, the fact that the Brexit Party have been rejected here in Peterborough shows that the politics of division will not win,” she said.’
‘…Ms Forbes caused controversy during the campaign when she liked a post on Twitter which said Theresa May had a “Zionist slave masters agenda”.
Shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald said she had been “careless” in her language but had apologised for her mistake and would make a fantastic MP.
And this is how Momentum’s socialist cadres roll. These party elites cannot be held up to the same standards they impose on the rest of us proles. With a shrug, and a few mealy-mouthed excuses, their ‘careless’ remarks are to be dismissed without consequence. Nothing to see here, comrade – move along.
These ideological thugs are cynical and ruthless. They are the enemy within, seeding unrest and division in our society as a strategic imperative – issuing themselves immunity, whilst insisting that anyone who holds the ‘wrong opinions’ is ruthlessly hounded and publicly shamed. They are racist to their core, and their leader idolizes an ideology with a hundred year-old history of catastrophic violence – yet, somehow, they see imaginary ‘Nazis’ around every corner. As Lenin himself might put it: ‘What is to be done..?’
It appears that the Labour party has become sort of a bunch of fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists mostly.
I didn’t know she had said that about the Brexit party. A party that has only been in existence for 8 weeks loses by 675 votes against Labour she that stupid? Rhetorical question really
Very much in the Emily Thornbury mould.
Probably broke hers too.
The talk about the “witch shouting” mob has been reduced to that one woman
.. in today’s discussion on @LBC and @JuliaHB
where there calls against the righty Twitter mob calling for vengeance against her like her losing her NHS contract
JuliaHB didn’t mention her last racist line
\\ “how can you treat him like that?”
“Because he’s a Nazi. And I don’t need to hear from other white men” //
Both stations are failing to condemn the whole mob and the guy who thru the milkshake.
Neither mentioned James Goddard and how he’s lost his freedom, before trial.
Exactly, the whole mob is to blame not the one woman alone. And our corrupt media with it’s constant anti-whiteman rhetoric. And our “educational” institutions with their anti-white diversity program and our sad excuse for a parliament which allows MP’s to regularly make racist comments about the native people of this country. The whole society is corrupt. The hatey blond is just a symptom of a deeper problem. We all know that.
But the left are running with the “she apologises” angle.
Put a plaster on the gaping, festering, cancerous growth that plagues this nation. And move along to the next celeb-gossip story.
Justice whether in the courts or in the media is applied selectively.
If I’m not mistaken, a fine example of the ‘wimmin’s’ club at work in J H-B’s comment. ‘All Galls together, back to back’ to defeat the common enemy – MEN?
Again the Peterborough result shows the utter uselessness and incompetence of the Tory party who have known that postal voting fraud is widespread and always against them, but were too utterly hopeless to do anything about it.
The list of things which they should have done yet failed to even begin to address is enormous. This is a party which doesn’t even have a queens speech they’re so useless.
The private eye blank page for Theresa Mays achievement might as well be also the list of Tory ambitions, policies and future.
What is the point in any of them electing a leader when all they will do once he or she is elected is begin fighting again like rats in a sack.
The Tory party is a great example of the total failure of diversity. They claimed that being a ‘broad Church’ was a strength, yet it has turned out to be a massive weakness.
Matthew 12:25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
Of course the smug incometents of the Tory party believe they are better than God and his son Jesus Christ. Because they followed the false gods of power and Socialism they believe diversity is a strength when it is in reality a massive weakness.
Labour despite a few cracks is united, even if that unity is based in visceral hate, and as a result they will triumph at the ballot box. The incompetent Tories will do nothing to stop it, and thanks to the in fighting, they will openly and knowingly allow the Labour party into power.
It is a position the Tories simply do not deserve to hold.
Peterborough- split vote phenomenon: it was always on the cards that -if a significant number of Tories voted- TBP wouldn’t make it.
If this pattern were to emerge in a GE, Jeremy would be PM.
Unless, of course, the Tories have meanwhile managed to deliver a proper Brexit.
And that is open to doubt.
Also, were I Nigel, I’d check the postal vote phenomenon and -if appropriate- ask for a recount. I think this is the Achilles heel of the system.
The Tories are a strange bunch; you would have thought they’d have got rid of May after her disasterous election,
but no. In fact, how did she get there in the first place having been a mediocre Home Secretary?
They are not easy to read. About all one can say is, with the exception of the ERG, there is not as big difference between them and Labour as we might think..
When UKIP contested Oldham the votes from Pakistani areas were being delivered and 100% of them were Labour.
Smelling a rat voting fraud was raised with the Police but thanks to the useless and incompetent Tories who had politicised the Police to the left in our major cities, they never did hold any kind of investigation.
The useless Tories have a lot to answer for.
“Smelling a rat voting fraud”
They are known for it in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. etc. Even their governments know about it but say nowt as they always gain from said fraud.
fnw, arguably Theresa May was a successful Home Secretary. She survived the longest in the most dysfunctional Department of State in the last three decades or more. She was tough when the police came rattling the collecting tin for more money for doing less. (I seem to recall she was booed at a Police Federation conference – do correct me if my memory is faulty on that.) In addition, the Windrush affair may well have been down to poor implementation by Civil Servants. The stupid van advertising in the attempted crackdown on illegal immigration including trafficking? Again, there may be more Civil Service culpability there.
If my memory is right, the only charge that can be levelled at TM is that she failed to reduce immigration levels to something sustainable, environment-wise & public services-wise.
If she had been a failure at Home, as you suggest, she would not have beaten Bojo and late-entrant Gove to go head-to-head with Leadsom.
The big puzzle is – and the question we should all be asking in view of the current replacement(!) race – why was she such a disaster as PM after a successful career to that point.
And after that, the next question is: could it happen again?
Sorry Up2snuff but that’s absolute drivel.
The only numbers she cut as Home Secretary were those of the police. No wonder she was booed.
She presided over record numbers of people coming to our shores, all the time saying she was going to cut them to the tens of thousands.
She was HS when the Manchester bomber was allowed back in to Blighty.
She was HS when the Parsons Green tube bomber was allowed into Blighty.
She was HS when the whole Windrush scandal started.
She didn’t beat Boris, his own pal, the oily Gove did that. And she only became PM because of a concerted campaign headed by the Tory press and her hitman, Alan Duncan destroyed Andrea Leadsome’s chances.
She was an absolutely appalling Home Secretary.
She had a hopeless election, squandering a 24% lead!!!
And now and she’s been (possibly) the worst Prime Minister since Anthony Eden.
For God’s sake man, wake up!
The Windruch episode happened under Labour and at their instruction. The civil service screwed up and Rudd copped for that.
She didn’t actually do anything of any note whilst Home Office minister. She gave a speech at the Tory conference about a man allowed to stay in the UK because he had a cat and then promised to abolish the Human Rights Act. Then she found it was a little teensie bit difficult to fulfill that promise and abandoned it.
That should have been a huge red flag that she was incapable of delivering Brexit, but all the Tories valued as ‘a safe pair of hands’ i.e. someone who didn’t do anything, and that’s what they got.
Peterborough postal voting….
“A KEY Labour campaign team organiser previously sent to prison for helping to rig an election in Peterborough, has been hired AGAIN by the Labour party and today is out ‘influencing’ votes in the Peterborough by-election.
In 2018, Tariq Mahmood, now 51, was convicted alongside fellow Labour members Maqbool Hussein and former Peterborough Mayor Mohammed Choudhary for forgery over a devious scheme to fabricate votes for the Peterborough City Council election of June 2004.
The four-month case that saw Mahmood (a Labour Party Secretary) sentenced to a 15-month porridge stint cost the taxpayer a whopping £850,000.
“They were able to get hold of postal votes and proxy votes which belonged to voters in the Central Ward,” Prosecuting QC Anthony Leonard said. “They arranged for postal votes and ballot papers to be sent not to the voter but to addresses which each defendant was connected”.
Despite his proven lust for vote-rigging and disregard for British democracy (or perhaps because of it), Mahmood was quickly snapped up by the local Labour Party to “help” win the Parliamentary seat for Labour in 2017, in which Fiona Onasanya went on to beat popular incumbent Tory MP and staunch Brexiteer Stewart Jackson by a mere 607 votes.”
Wow seems to be a lot of convicted criminals representing the Labour Party.
and the Labour Party represents them as well.
Criminals first, victims second seems to be Labour’s line
For the Muslim not for the Jew.
For the criminal not for you.
Cassandra- Before the results of demographics takes it’s natural
cause in at the most four generations there will be a slow but
speeding up of episodes of what may well of happened in
Peterborough yesterday.
I also read the article .Is this just another case of the establishment
including the BBC fearing that they will be accused of racism of
mentioning of whom was on the “ground” during the Peterborough by election. I would also be interested in what
quantity of postal voting there was. And the distribution of these
This Electoral Commission report provides details of postal vote percentages in the last GE:
Click to access UKPGE-2017-electoral-data-report.pdf
4.1 The total number of postal votes issued for the general election was 8.44 million, representing 18.0% of all electors. This compares with 16.4% in 2015 and 15.3% in 2010.
4.2 At a constituency level, postal voters ranged from 1.0% in Belfast West to 44.3% in Newcastle upon Tyne North.
4.3 As was the case in 2015, the biggest increase from the previous election was in Scotland, where postal voting increased by 1.8pp from 17.6% to 19.4%. Postal voting remains much less common in Northern Ireland (1.9%) where different rules are in force.
IF TRUE, 60% postal voting in Peterborough fails the smell test, badly. However, the Brexit Party must avoid looking like a bunch of bad losers, having already aimed this accusation at Remainers.
Thanks for the info Helen. Of course you are right about your
comment on bad losers as well. Maybe I am being naive but
I do hope that there was no postal voting rigging. I don’t like
it but this was a great win for the Labour Party. If the same
voting pattern was to happen in a General Election I am afraid
that Corbyn will win.
Why do we even have postal votes other than for those who cannot physically get to a polling station due to disability etc?
Dyst, or away from their constituency for good reason, such as holiday or business travel. IIRC, you used to have to provide a reason for asking for a postal vote.
Also those of us who live abroad although at the moment that’s only for 15 years. So after that the government will take our money in taxes but we’ll have no representation and I believe that’s how the American Revolution started.
Ooops, sorry Mrs K., forgot that one.
Will have to forego my usual ration of the TOADY programme.
Oh, hang on.
That may not be punishment anymore …..
Democracy doesn’t function once the block vote is the casting vote.
“IF TRUE, 60% postal voting in Peterborough fails the smell test, badly.”
Peterborough voting statistics
“Voter turnout
A rather high turnout for Peterborough at 48.4 per cent.
There was also a 69.4 per cent turnout for postal votes.”
I wonder what the religious demographic of these voters are?
I can smell the ordure from here in Birmingham.
Just a quick video from an obscure corner of the national disgrace…
That… is now in Parliament voting on stuff?
Woke up today to hear this.. I’m gutted. I have been looking at comments in newspapers and there is a lot of reaction to the fact that block postal voting was taking place. It seems Peterborough was one of the places that had voter fraud ie. Postal votes, in fact someone went to prison for it and hes now out and helping labour again. I only read about this today. This morning I watched the announcement and lots of our Muslim friends were rejoicing loudly at the front of the gathered crowd to hear it. Postal voting is a menace.
“block voting”
How does this work then?
I would have thought something like this – if I understand it correctly – is illegal?
Maybe we shout start a list of words and phrases which have polluted the language
“ reached out “
“ engaged with the community “
“Passionate about”
“Diverse cultures “
Sounds like this lady will fit in well with the Corbyn cabinet – although she might need to convert to evil Islam or shack up with some one who isn’t British –
Which in Peterborough shouldn’t be too “ challenging “ even for someone from labour ….
They are very good with the postal votes arnt they ….but I accept the outcome just like any remainer would … ?
“There was also a 69.4 per cent turnout for postal votes.”
I hope that nobody has confused postal vote turnout with the percentage of postal votes to total votes.
I still don’t know where the 60% figure came from.
Looking at that photo, the caption should read:
“This is Our City”
That congreation could be celebrating over another victory………..for fraud.
Yep, a certain minority is exerting its power in favour of the Party of Antisemitism. Expect more and more of this.
I think we should pause today and remember that this day of days marks the end of the premiereship of a Red Tory .
In the face of a healthy economy she has single handedly destroyed her party through lies and indecision – even without the help of the BBC.
What an act -made Gordon Brown sound almost human .
I could never square in my mind how a Remain campaigner could become a Leave PM and keep a straight face.
Alas we collectively went along with this by sufficiently lending our votes in 2017.
Now where’s my birch stick?
NG, back in the good old days, it was because people respected and upheld our democracy. A lot of people still hold that view, that our democracy is precious and losers accept the result, imperfect though the process may be. So we assumed (well, I did – others on here were rightly more sceptical) that TM would carry it through.
Besides, we knew in advance what the result of any other outcome would be: disastrous electoral consequences. Strangely, although Ken Clarke will deny it, democracy will have had a triumph at the close of today. It will have removed Theresa May from her post as Prime Minister.
You have to take someone at their word, especially a PM, because they are highly visible and get called to account and sacked if a disaster.
Margaret Thatcher was arguably a successful PM. I give her a score, out of 10, between 5 and 6, say 5.5. About the same as Clement Attlee, SuperMac hot on their heels. Churchill was in his dotage when he got his second-time around term. Some of the male post-war PM’s get minus scores on my slate.
Er, well, … ummmhhh …. nearly all of them.
As will Theresa May.
Comedians (even those who are Conservative voters or are not part of the LeftLibby Mob) will be saying for years “Brexit means Brexit” or some equivalent, or talking about red lines or strong and stable and they will be getting laughs from the whole population, irrespective of political affiliations. The outgoing PM has been a disaster. We can only laugh at her and hold her in derision. If not we would be crying and troubling the NHS Mental Health services, if not the undertaking business in the UK, on a massive scale.
Worse than Blair?
Did she actually campaign for Remain? I thought she just stayed out of sight.
Think you could be right, Banania. “I thought she just stayed out of sight.” ← Not unlike another Party Leader who comes to mind.
Might that explain why Theresa was left pretty much alone out front (lousy manifesto not withstanding) apart from Phil Hammond, Bojo, Grayling & Green, during that ill-fated 2017 General Election?
Perhaps some hard-Remain Conservative MPs held a grudge against her for that, as well as calling the Election and then messing up the manifesto?
Wimmins hour….now some woman – sounds American, but says ‘our NHS’.. blaming Trump (for everything) and because the D day landing didn’t show many people of colour or Muslims – fortunately there is a sensible woman on who is challenging the rhetoric – using facts about demographics ..but they don’t like it..
Victory for remain in Peterborough as Lib Dem’s come 4th.
This only counts if State Broadcaster does a graphic. If it doesn’t fit the narrative it doesn’t go in.
I had another conversation yesterday with someone who was worried (a la Peterborough) about ‘the politics of division’, wondering for the nth time how this mantra remains largely unchallenged by anyone in our media and political class. Then I started watching the Chernobyl miniseries.
Both of these made me see how successfully ideologues and party rhetoric beat reality and facing up to hard truths. I guess we’ll see which proves more poisonous for Europe in the long run.
Ah I see ObiWan and Not Gwent picked up on similar issues above.
11am R4 prog ostensibly about democracy
..mainly featured the presenters LABOUR MP
..and referenced this morning’s Labour win
11:30am the repeat of 2017 comedian show
where the host was entirely anti-Trump
“Obama was so cool…… blah, blah, blah”
“I HATED Trump 6 years ago”
What issue is teacher Google forcing at us today ?

When I saw that this morning I thought the black player in the orange kit at the front looked like a swastika. Bizarre.
I thought Isle of Man flag.
Such a shame that Labour pulled a lead of just 600 points, it means that the BBC have every excuse to ignore the recent poll that shows the Brexit Party ahead by six points.
I know that the BBC avoid polls most of the time, and these polls are fluctuating a lot but this is the second poll to show the BP ahead.
Meanwhile the ‘who would make best PM’ question actually puts the outgoing Theresa May ahead of Corbyn by a shocking 12 points. While May is hardly the most popular person in the country it shows how bad Corbyn must be to be tailing behind her.
But of course a seemingly rigged victory for Labour is all the BBC care about at the moment so i doubt that we will see any balance from them!
Labour only won by a very narrow margin and the voters clearly didn’t understand the issues. Furthermore I suspect Russian meddling.
I therefore demand a second vote.
Funny how Corbyn demands an election after his very small lead here, does he actually think that these results will be repeated around the country?
They probably will, if there is a high Muslim residence, and they use their postal votes…
You can bet these people all have a vote.
Imagine if The Brexit Party had a criminal history of electoral fraud, and won the Peterborough by election by only 680 votes…
All it needed was for 600 votes to drop through the hole in the Muslim post mans bag – while he’s not looking.
I joke but that’s all it needs for labour to win any kind of GE postal vote.
“Private Prosecution of Boris thrown out by High Court”
TWATO – trying to be balanced and failing – only asking why Brexit didn’t win and attacking verbally one poor woman who had the audacity to suggest we would survive after Brexit – with a terse ‘ when have we survived?’ putting her on the spot.. Typical BBC….
However , to succeed in a GE or further by election Nigel F does need to get a full manifesto out there..Be more Trump….
I’ve just heard the case against Boris has been thrown out of the high court
Will the bbc rush to spread the good news?
Dyst, yes it is up on the BBC web-site at least with this quote:
“Speaking outside court, Mr Ball said he had spent more than the £300,000 he raised on the case, leaving him in “massive debt”.”
A phrase comes to mind. Now what was it?
‘Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.’
Yep, that’s it.
War graves smashed in Bradford;
Wonder who is responsible.
The world is nutty enough for the attack to have been done by a wacky ethnic Muslim
or some nationalist doing it as a false flag
If there are any overhanging trees in the cemetery – then trees must remain – war graves are secondary. Green Party.
R2 Vine has got the Bridgend Labour MP on
who is telling him the closure of the Ford plant with 1,400 jobs is almost entirely due to Brexit
No mention is made of the Wren kitchens Barton expenasion announced yesterday of 1,100 new jobs.
The MP just made the claim ‘The workforce at the Ford plant are so loyal, only 2 have left in 10 years ‘
.. That’s unbelievable claim, staff turnover in any industry is not that low ..I bet she is mistaken.
Vine keeps reading out suggestions that the Ford plant should be converted to make Electric Cars
.. I go to Twitter and check how many people are saying that
.. none
I switched to Talk Radio
“Will there be a water shortage in Britain, the Environment Agency say know, but won’t give us a spokesman
.. so we now have river expert Feargal Sharkey”
Wow he only just had his own show pushing this agenda on Radio4 two weeks ago
In the show where Clare Balding is supposed to be walking in the country, but so often ends up being in the city with some metroliberal activist
“A good tart is hard to find” – looks like he found a lezzer one…
R2 Emma #FakeGreen Thompson is coming up in the Steve Wright show
.. BBC Networks where you are never more than 15 mins away from the next metro-liberal activist voice.
Boris £350m case thrown out of court
The West Midland gay Tory Mayor Andy Street bites at school protestors
The gormless mayor is ‘in disbelief’ over the homophobic material?
He clearly hasn’t been following the news recently, or read his koran properly – other than the nice sanitised bits al beeb likes to quote.
The left WILL eat itself.
BBC One facing backlash over ‘shameless’ Twitter publicity stunt for Killing Eve
Radio4 drama now, celebrates the life of Andrea Dunbar lefty icon in the 80’s
.. cos she wrote a play/film about how 2 underage girls from the industrial north liked to have sex with same much older married man, one after the other.
.. few spoke up to point the man should be counted as an abuser
Are you talking about Rita, Sue and Bob too?
Yes but I didn’t post the name of the play
cos that adds nothing
“Are you talking about Rita, Sue and Bob too?”
I’ve found that’s a good film to give to your opposition in a game of charades :0)
It was an apalling film, yet is usually raved over by the cognoscenti.
2nd or 3rd on BBC News items this morning :- DEATH OF DR JOHN.
????????????????????************ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never heard of him. Looking up see he was an ex???Pimp who sold some records I have never heard of. Obviously the type of character much loved by the BBC dross.
Field Marshall,
I think the snowflakes pretend to know who these American black musical types are and display their ‘hipness’ by over publicising their demise – and add a bit of kudos by playing some rubbish by the dead type at the end of R4 news reports early in the morning when they know decent people are heading to work – to wind them up .
Glad I don’t pay for it .
So TBP miss out by circa 500 votes, sadly and quite possibly due to alleged ‘exploitation’ of the postal voting system, I wouldn’t wonder.
I’m sure also many Limp Dums would be claiming that margin of defeat as an actual victory for the remain camp regardless of the numbers.
On the subject of ‘remain’ if we are to do so as all the political class & Al Beeb seem to tell us, then ok – but we need to ask the future Tory leader Johnson or whoever it may be along with Corbin, Cable etc. -what exactly is their parties/MPs purpose ?
If we stay shackled to RiechEU the two houses of commons and lords are irrelevant and should be disbanded immediately. There is no more need for UK based politicians as we have elected Euro MPS to represent our wishes in Brussels. The MEPs only need to have support from a small cadre (cira 100) of civil servants in the UK in order to process, rubber stamp and implement the views & directives of the European Parliament upon us.
If we remain, the UK parliament is as much use as a chocolate fireguard, an irrelevance and without power as our law & regulation is provided directly from Strasbourg or Brussels (depending on which day of the week it is)
Let’s see if they’d be willing to have a meaningful debate regarding their demise…. I’ll wager not.
re the Peterborough vote, done to death I know but it stinks.
May 2015 General Election – over 65% turnout
June 2017 – General Election nearly 67% turnout.
May 2019 – By-election 48.4%.
After weeks of frenetic MSM activity focusing on Peterborough and its symbolic importance in the Brexit debate and following the substantial vote to rid themselves of the Labour liar – 48%!!!!
Where have the missing votes gone?
End of week did you know-that UK taxpayer funds the former empires of France, Portugal and Spain-to the tune of €13.3 billion in 2014-2020 But did you know about the EU’s tropical members, parts of the former colonial empires of France, Portugal and Spain? And did you know that the British taxpayer has been funding these offshore paradises? • 6 are former French colonies (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion & Saint Martin)
• 2 are former Portuguese colonies (the Azores & Madeira)
• 1 is a former Spanish colony (the Canary Islands)
You would have thought that there would some British colonies in the mix-After all, the British Empire was the largest in the World – three times larger than the French empire at its height, in terms of population of the colonies concerned. Despite this, it is the French who dominate the list and the UK is absent. What do we make of that? Certainly the BBC have and proably would never report such an action not wanting to disturb their untilmate controlers.
tarien, if I recall correctly, the EU [ UK a net contributor – gross to the tune of £361million per week in 2014 😉 ] gives Euro Billions every year to the Palestinian Authority in Gaza. Can not recall if those Euro Billions are shared with the PA in the West Bank.
Am definitely certain that it is not good value for money judging by what the BBC tell me about conditions in Gaza.
12% (just over 4,000 votes).
Seems all the attention on peterborough over the last few weeks and they have apparently decided to stay in and not vote…………!
Well, the sorry ol’ LibDums simply haven’t got their Postal Votes in order yet, nudge, nudge, wink wink……………..