Although Thursday is the Peterborough Bi Election – wouldn’t it be decent if for just one day current politics was put on hold in order to remember and thank those who took part in D Day in order to send the Germans back from where they came . But I know the Far Left Biased BBC will exploit the commemoration for their own purposes . Let’s hope for decency on the day .
Midweek Open Thread 5 June 2019
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I’m sure that the Emir of Londonistan , who has responsibility for buses vis his TFL, will be doing a ‘thoughts are with them’ speech and then blaming
President Trump
His own cuts
…we ll have to wait for the ritual CCTV footage of the assailants….and if this doesn’t show up – there might be another version of events ….
Presumably the BBC has a hetero correspondent as well as every version of sexual perversion correspondent …
Wot no Brexit?
Not sure I buy the conspiracy theory.
However, apart from the CCTV relayed to the driver, it must have been a pretty quiet attack, Spanish or no Spanish, because I thought TfL buses these days had direct access to call police with a ‘panic button’; why did the driver not hear, lock the bus and call the police?
Questions to be answered and, before that, asked.
What chance of the BBC asking?
Mmmmmm …. pretty close to zero, I guess.
That ol’ Skripal-type habit is kinda hard to shake.
I’m dubious about any story in the mass media nowadays, cynical old git that I am. A crime was committed but we have very little to go on, apart from the following government approved messages :
Men are cruel leering brutes.
Straight men are particularly horrible to the LBGTXYZ community.
We are informed about their accents but no physical description. I suspect that if and when the ‘men’ are found there will be much rejoicing if they are found to be white. But any hint of a tinge and the story will be given much less prominence.
I suspect there are hundreds of violent beatings, muggings and attacks happening every day in our cities. The vast majority are carried out by men (or boys) against other men.
This incident is not going to make me more indignant about how we’re not doing enough to protect special groups like the gays.
My indignance level is already at 100% because the Government’s useless policing and sentencing policies have been letting crime run rampant for at least 20 years. And no sign of that ever changing, especially in Mayor Khan’s ‘part and parcel’ city of ruins.
On the other hand it could all be just a LBGTETCETC hoax.
Its much like todays UFO claims – because of photoshop and many other web tools available anyone with a bit sense can doctor any image to look like a UFO. Same with the image of two girls on a bus.
I tuned in after the item started but from what I, (perhaps incorrectly) gathered, the girls were not even sitting together. One in front of the other when the taunting started. But if one of the attackers spoke Spanish, I’m sure he would not have done so if others in the group did not. Doesn’t make sense otherwise. Nevertheless, it has all the hallmarks of the religion of peace and its disciples. ‘A typical Swedish’ type event.
So it’s finally upon us, the Women’s World Cup of football ???? ????
Do you think there’s one, just one beeboid presenter who at some point during this carnival of football excellence will be thinking, as they read their autocue, “christ, here we are again peddling this crap and pushing this friggin’ agenda” ????
“theleft”- The Women’s World Cup Confederation should invite
an outside team to participate in their competition, as the South
American Confederation have invited Japan and Qatar to
participate in the “Copa America.” Actually , since they bribed
FIFA into giving them the World Cup Qatar have acquired a half decent side from players who have “requested” Qatari citizenship from all over the World.A little like the English cricket team.
I wrote to the BBC and suggested that a youth under 15 team
that play in fields next to my garden would be a useful addition.
Being a bookmaker I would make the boys favourite to win the World Cup. I have had no reply. But like you I am thrilled to
be looking forward to all the games on the BBC. Then we have the World ladies rugby and the netball. We are really lucky to have the
the BBC to give us this festival of diverse sport.
I’m getting my cringe-shield ready as its 100% cert that one lesbian player will propose live on air to her wife to be.
Then of course we have the usual tears – that’s from the BBC presenter I may add.
Note: I intend to do other things while this public display of how to stroke each others behind when you know that the TV cameras are zooming in on the team hug.
Professional female football is a complete joke. Fine for the park that’s all.
There should also be a prize for an ‘unfortunate ‘ sexist comment which is happily inevitable . Personally I prefer footy – not girls running around pretending ( what a sexist eh ?).
I think the only people interested in watching womens football are the participants families. Aside from other things, its the flicking ponytails that get right up my nose – and I’m female !!!
I’m also getting hacked off at all the women newsreaders and sports presenters.
I don’t suppose this is a good time to ask what the CO2 footprint of a tournament like this is? Global Warming, Climate Change an’ all that . . ….
Jus’ askin’, like.
BBC report — “George Orwell’s 1984: Why it still matters”
“Do we need black people on our banknotes ?”
Asks Afua Hirsch in a Guardian piece I really couldn’t be bothered with
It must be difficult in the Race industry to just keep ahead of a crowded field . So one has to come up with something which will upset whitee as well as get coverage .
Recently it was Statues , street names and other things I have thankfully forgotten .
Perhaps Afua has in mind the faces of black stab victims being put on currency .
We could always spend the weekend wasting time on this – but let’s not . In fact I’m now wishing I didn’t bother writing this …sorry if you bothered reading it …
We should include the people who have contributed so much to our country – the Mohamidans. Perhaps we could put the face of their profit on one of our coins.
Re the above – The Guardian has allowed ‘moments ‘ /nominees include – Kenny Lynch -Cyril Regis – Denise Lewis – that Yorkshire black comedian bloke – someone who I think won X Factor ….
Some recognise that achievement might be more important than skin colour …
My nomination would be Lammy for the £4 note and Abbot for the £9 note
Fed, you got that last one wrong, Abbott will go on the eleventy million p note.
I’ve been thinking about this and think , in accordance with Labour Economic policy Diane Abbot should be on the ? Question Mark note which is valued according to need . They can be stored in Food Banks …
Since the summons against Boris as the main headline in each news from 10am to 11pm
..the news of the case getting thrown out will be reported in the same magnitude ?
.. nah of course not cos BBCnews/Guardian are really a public relations agency in favour of the metro-libereral agendas
Here’s a sample of the best of the old school BBC – back in the good old days when the BBC informed and educated and entertained:
Unlike the shameful black ops propaganda from today’s TWatO and other N&CA programmes this week.
“Economic clouds gather over Germany”
What , No Brexit ?
taffman, must be the uncertainty. 😉
As Heissenberg would say.
If Germany goes down the rest of the EU will sink.
Time to make a swift exit ………………..
“German factory output and exports dive as Brexit stockpiling eases”
So it is because of Brexit after all ?
Well according to the Guardian.
Protestor at Birmingham school -person says ‘I am not a parent’ then goes on to say ‘our Muslim values must be upheld..etc’
So UK values can go to hell and UK laws to uphold Muslim values….
Now got some bleeding heart on trying to defend Muslim’s right to be homophobic by waffling crap.. can’t just come out and say it is wrong in the UK..I am simple – if you don’t like the rules of a country – leave .. There are plenty of Muslim ones
A very disturbing Newsnight last night with a special about DDay showing the involvement of the Americans . Obviously coverage of British and Canadian and other commonwealth countries doesn’t compare because we didn’t have the cameras .
Yet the film footage shows the effort and sacrifice made by the Americans – it’s a pity that those who chose to take a negative approach to the presence of American Head of State – such as screaming ‘nazi’ at anyone with whom they disagreed – decided the 75th anniversary was trivia .
Another week of the BBCnews/Guardianwheel churning out the extraordinary news that favours their agenda
..then More or less turns its wheel of 2 mins of fact checking and debunks Author at Hay said his research had found out that contrary to popular belief married women are less happy, cos the trick is to ask when their husband is out of the room.
..actually the records marked “husband absent” in the research he was reading, didn’t mean the husband was not in the room actually meant that the husband was away working in the forces etc. of course their spouses were less happy.
Then Scottish MP Jo Swinson claimed on Question time that one area posh of constituency in Glasgow has an 80% university rate whilst a poor constituency has 4%
… The pseudo-libs lapped it up
Of course it’s not true
The truth is no constituency, rather the research showed that part of a constituency had a 4% rate
The 80% rate was made up by Swinson ..she said she got that impression from her visits to schools
Actually a good constituency gets a 34% rate
The media have always chanted that UK productivity is way lower than in countries like Frances
..Then it turns out we and they have different rules for counting
So it’s an apples vs oranges comparison
“UK productivity includes holidays and other non-working time while others countries don’t.
Oh the 4% state is not from total people who enter the university in a zone, but rather specifically those who do it at 17-21 , tho delay entry and go when older are not included.
Having been some one who once had to ( development opportunity aka lumber )run a ‘performance unit ‘ ( god what a title ) – I had the job of sniffing out stats from departments and what they really meant .
I found that human ingenuity in making an apple look like an orange has been raised to an art form . Very often the effort put into this outweighed the ‘core function ‘ – if you’ll forgive me .
The stat got in the way of the job .
For some reason the BBC and all sort of politician s and crap commentators have being going on about ‘ productivity gaps ‘-
Does anyone really think mainland Europeans ( apart from the Krauts ) would be ‘more productive ‘ than Blighty ….
At least there won’t be a ‘productivity gap’ in the Bridgend Ford engine plant soon …
“The 80% rate was made up by Swinson”
How often do State Broadcaster journalists ask politicians to cite their sources where ‘facts’ are stated. Maybe it would be prudent for a ‘post it’ added to this MP’s file?
80% is so ridiculously high , of course it is FakeNews
The BBC are righty featured here. Great parody song from an expert.
Epic, the best one yet from Daniel Bostock
Mailonline reports an IED explosion / flying gas main incident on Friday morning in… Sweden .
A case study in virtue signalling turning a decent civilised country into ….. a problem of its own making ….
Meanwhile al beeb gearing up for another anniversary – this time a burnt down council block .
‘Police say they don’t think it is terror related, but probably connected to criminal gangs.’
That seems a step up from a balaclava and a sawn-off Purdey.
‘Criminal gangs’, how convenient.
I wonder where these criminal gangs come from?
So a ‘massive bomb’ explodes in Sweden (thankfully no one killed but many injured) and yet it doesn’t get a mention on the BBC, BBC website and can’t find anything on the various BBC News twitter feeds. And of course, nothing from the Guardian yet.
4:55pm Radio In the 5 min prog of every day English folk we hear from a family who go to Tommy rallies
..No, hang on it’s a mther and son, telling how she helps makes his drag queen competition dresses etc.
pug, the LimpNonDems won the Peterborough seat in fourth place, polling less than the Tories but counting some of their votes, some of Labour’s, all of the Green’s, the SNP’s, Plaid’s and also those of the DUP.
Vince Cable has agreed to resign on as Leader and twelve candidates have all run away and hidden in cupboards in the House of Commons apart from two who were caught in public and could not avoid nomination.
The excitement will be unbearable, so the whole nation will be praying that Ed Davey doesn’t get the job.
Does it matter who gets it?
Ban, just realised I had a typo in there. Rats! I’ll have to sack another proof reader.
I really meant to write, ‘The excitement will be bearable, so the whole nation will be praying that Ed Davey doesn’t get the job.’
Think you are right.
Oh dear, I appear to have missed Any Questions.
Is it worth listening to tomorrow’s repeat?
I don’t listen to that kind of stuff any more as a result of your surprising query I looked up whose on it —a miserable QC MP SNP , Max Hastings – remainer – starmer – soon to be an EU commissioner €€€€€ , mickey Howard – a token Remainer tory .
So in short -listen to the birds singing instead . Or pop round mine for some culturally enriching bass by some ‘ homee ‘ going on about his ‘ nine’ or ‘ bitch’or something – you’re listening to classic FM…
Fed, bird song appears to me to be outstanding this year.
I wonder why?
Maybe they know something we do not?
The most important part of a pond is………………………… water
I kid you not. BBC2 Gardener’s world.
Not bias I know but every time they cut away from Monty Don to do one of their little guest segments the quality takes a nose dive.
Is the word that goes into the gap ‘ pond’?
Or ‘ soda’?
Monty is actually Montagu Denis Yaxley Lenin Wyatt “Monty” Don OBE
So BBC Scotland make an article about Scottish Power PR
a renewables only corp who make money from subsidies writing the laws should be toughened against their non-renewables competitors
Comments opened at 12pm and closed at 5pm
BBCnews moderators don’t work on Sundays those inScotland only work weekdays 9-5pm ?
Weekend Thread Time ….
Is it propaganda or news ?
Like is the reporting proportionate ?
Dozens of people are punched by nutters every day in Britain. i was when I was 15 .. and generally these attacks don’t get reported as national news.