Yep and its about time we left the EU. Unfortunately Parliament is full of remainers .
Thats why Al Beeb and its unfair Tax has not been dismantled and eradicated by the Tory Party .
Medialand vs real world
Like 10 days ago they really thought that cos May had been dry we’d soon be at risk of a drought.
The BBC Look North
– Thursday June 6th Lincolnshire drought could be coming
– Tuesday June 11th Lincolnshire rivers have flooded
..doh it’s worse than these pics show
… cos on that Thursday report the enviro reporter chose to stand next to a river much lower than this photo
a fenland drain which was at 1/3 level
And I thought ‘this is con cos that drain is probably got a sluice gate at the end and it’s probably been set to keep the drain low
so that when rain comes there is space for drainage’
– By Thu June 13th there was a megaflood at Wainfleet
. There is a particular reason for that : the banked river keeps water off the fenland had breached the bank repairs.
Stew, after the floods of recent years in the UK (Toady talking about Winfleet right now ….) have the Environment Agency been maintaining the watercourse properly?
“My tattoos helped me get ahead at work”
Really, is that a business headline?
Over in Taffland we call them ‘Tramp Stamps’.
Picture those tattoos when that dame gets older.
Perhaps Al Beeb is trying to justifying their use by their staff and employees ?
Again I have to wonder at the process by which this Pulitzerworthy piece of journalism gets to the page.
Does an earnest group of BBC pea-brains, fresh from a hen week in Bali, wow the girls, and some of the women in the W1A Unisex loos with their new weeping ink sores, and decide to call up their mates to validate it?
Or does a connected slapper PR mate call up with a no-brainier filler story so again they don’t need to leave to comfort of the cubicle gardens?
““so remote and hilly that they direct visitors to a field so they can be picked up in a 4×4.”
That made me laugh.
There are no remote places in the UK.
Go over any UK mountain or high hills and you will usually see a trading estate or farm.
Try the mountain regions of New Zealand or South America.
“very remote place in wales” Ha, ha.
Typical BBC nonsense. The programme was only made for the interest of the middle to upper classes who can afford to go “remote” for a few years then back to their expensive homes where their butlers and maids keep well-aired for when they return but meanwhile they will need their fine wines and 4x4s which most employees at the BBC own or buy for their children.
Tattoos = Low IQ.
Body piercing = Low IQ.
Multi-coloured hair = Low IQ.
Believing the BBC = IQ ~27.
Believing Corbyn = IQ 0.
Believing May = IQ -50.
Believing EU = IQ -500.
Tattoos are seen as part of yuff culture – apparently, they’re the in thing with the (not too bright) yuff (and wannabe yuff). The BBC are desperate (truly DESPERATE) to appeal to ‘younger audiences’, ergo tattoos are ‘cool’ (apparently… except they are definitely NOT cool according to my kids, and nor is the BBC).
It’s all a bit sad really, the BBC is like some ageing rockstar (or news anchor, hey Jon Snow, or comedienne, hey Jo Brand, or politician, hey Jeremy Corbyn) trying way too hard to be ‘down with the yuff’. There comes a time in life where you really do have to dress and behave your age, or you just look ridiculous.
If one actually listens to the podcast, Javid said he gets abuse from the far left, “including lots of Asians”, and from the far right. The dishonest BBC left out the ‘Asians’ bit!!
This begs the question –
Why do the Tories not call the BBC out on dishonest reporting?
The answer is that the media including the BBC are not the far left, but they are the ‘Liberal left’ or so-called ‘progressives’, who have the power through ‘journalism’ to destroy anyone they don’t like.
Unfortunately, most of our ‘spineless’ politicians are scared to death of them.
In America the Republicans have long been afraid of the media and then along came Trump!
Boris is tinkering around the edges but only time will tell if he will stand up to them.
Jeremy Hunt as Foreign Secretary really should not be in the running but should be out in the world working dam hard for the UK not for himself-frankly he would make a lousy PM being a Remainer at heart so stick to your day Job youg Hunt and keep your eye on the ball especially where Iran is concerned.
404 – Page not found
This might be because you typed in the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling.
Or await our update having been nailed again.
But job done.
The beeb will continue “lying by picture”, as above. It’s called propaganda.
R4 ‘Prayer for the day’ by Sarah Tether tells us that this week is “Refugee week”. There is a mixture of truths and half truths from our Christian past.
Prepare for a massive ‘diversity’ campaign. All week. I should be surprised of Christianity features in that!!
They are SO TRANSPARENT at the beeb.
Be ‘tolerant’ everyone. Watch your country further diluted, as it becomes virtually unrecognisable, in places.
Sure Ms Merkel would love “Refugee Week”. Mrs May? A chance to virtue signal, and a last ljttle bit of spite?
Her vote for Rory a start.
I think they are favoured by most of these London street stabbers because they help to hide all that nasty, hatey whiteness, thus making it more difficult for plod to identify which racial group committed the offence.
I heard that there was another stabbing in Londinistan last night – Nowt on Al Beeb’s headlines ? If true that makes it four now. Trump had it right, ‘drain the swamp’.
Taffman – yes the 4th murder was in the area of the Sunday afternoon riot in Stratford e15 .
It brings the stats to a murder by stabbing /shooting back to one every 60 hours – which means the cops must be on serious overtime .
The BBC reports this but since both they and the mayor are against stop and search as a routine nothing will be made of it – unless an American President says something .
I’ve always found the e15 area pretty hellish and I went to school around there . It was a quiet reasonably white backwater then ( I won’t say it was poor – but not a lot of spare money about ) – now it’s ‘vibrant ‘ ‘multicultural ‘ ‘gentrified ‘ and ‘dangerous ‘…..
The the ‘theory of crime ‘ industry the past week end might be the best link to Full Moons increasing feral propensities to get the blade out …..
It’s all right, it’s only one of those decoy knives with the tip cut off, that police are supplying to householders, to offer to would-be stabbers, in the hope that it won’t do any damage…
The main stream media seem to think that if they don’t mention The Brexit Party it – we – those who agree with it – will go away .
The 5 Tory career politicians on c4 attacked The Brexit Party as though it is a conventional political party when in fact his one main mission – to get us out of the Reich EU without a sell out deal .
Five Live news reports on another ‘far right’ arrest.
If the far right were really such an issue they would be too afraid to mention it. In fact the cowardly troughers at the BBC would pretend it was actually benign to make their lives easier; better to sit on comfy sofas having a friendly chat than to interrogate devious enemies. Political correctness is cowardice writ-large.
We know what the real threat is because they are so petrified it’s illegal to even criticise it! It’s like Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter, the baddie whom nobody is even allowed to mention. I would have more confidence in a group of fictional child wizards solving the problem than our feckless liberal elite.
Humph vexed about feral kids being paid to carry out stabbing in Liverpool . Poor John sounded so out of touch – maybe that’s what £600 k a year did for him
Meanwhile —- another stabbing murder in my part of Londonistan – number 4 this weekend and not too far from the riot at the west field centre Sunday afternoon in West Ham .
President Trump has a point about blaming Khan for this . His career was supported by his campaign for reducing stop and search by the cops as well as making the police more sensitive to the ‘ community ‘ instead of dealing with criminals in a way they understand ….
I have this vision of poor Barry at home, issuing PR to the BBC via shortwave as Mich peddles the genny like fury, sustained only by a stick of celery and an ethically-sourced coconut.
Second half hour of programme. Female contributor/interviewee (sorry cannot remember name) yes, you guessed American (or Canadian) talking about Ebola outbreak in central and east Africa. ‘Listening between the lines’ I get the impression that they really do want this terrible disease to spread to Europe and/or the USA. There was a considerable ‘patrician attitude’ also on show from the contributor.
How many times can BBC mention that Boris wasn’t at the C4 boring debate? Basically it is clear the BBC do not want Boris.
I am getting really annoyed now….J Snow – knows nothing but thinks he knows it all… Interviewing Gove…’ should Boris Johnson suffer a bit because of his moral probity or lack of it’…The BBC talking about morals ( my definition: other people’s rules)..Hypocrites
Now stating clearly that Boris lies ….(slander?) and is incompetent…no bias
I hope Boris romps home and actually delivers Brexit….if Rory Stewart wins we are doomed…
Yep. Infuriating isn’t it. Some random BBC Political women on Breakfast earlier at pains, and i mean, pains, to tell us that there is still one month left of the leadership race and ANYTHING can happen. Clearly desperate for a Boris meltdown / gaff.
Wont be long before the nazanin zaghari-ratcliffe story raises its head and the Boris connection. Can see the BBC going hard on that one very soon.
Al Beeb are ‘between a rock and a hard place’. If they destroy Boris as PM they will get The Brexit Party in waiting, who will destroy them and get what the British people voted for , Brexit and Freedom.
Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster and what it does so well:
“Character assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that destroys the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, organization, social group, or nation”
They’ve been at it for decades.
More mundane matters. Karthi is doing the sport in the place of either Rob or Gary, the Sport twins. Karthi remembers the golf. Karthi remembers the cricket. Karthi remembers a game of footie in France. Karthi forgets the result of an important motor race in France.
Must be the BBC’s relationship to all that nasty CO2 that is to blame. 24 hours of it! Or is it Karthi’s knowledge of the world of sport?
What has happened to Tomasz Shafernaker? For the third day in a row, I get the distinct impression that, for the Weather Forecast, he is really making it up as he goes. Just bumbling through. I realise, obviously, that UK weather can be famously changeable but once again today he really seemed completely at sea.
Perhaps in need of a rather more accurate Shipping Forecast from a colleague?
Never mind that up2,
Is Steve bray ok?
I saw an outside broadcast interview and he wasn’t behind them screaming ssstttoooopppppbbbrrrreeeexxxxxiiiitttt.
It’s unsettling losing this permanent backdrop on anything bbbc Westminster shows.
I don’t know if it’s just mine but bbc has autocorrected to bbbc.
EG, dunno – as I can’t see Steve Bray. I’ve seen stills of him and vaguely know who he is. Coin dealer from Wales? I can’t see Tomasz Shafernaker either. Legally, that is. Does Steve Bray appear on weather forecasts, too? That’s a bit over the top for even the propaganda heavy BBC.
Once upon a time, before I gave up TV, I seem to recall the Beeb or one of the other TV companies experimented with see through weather maps. You could see a street scene somewhere (with weather) and the forecaster would try to get it especially correct for that region.
Couldn’t do that now, I guess. If Steve Bray wasn’t popping up there would be a stabbing or a drug deal or something simla going on in the background.
ves, should that reference to art and arts more correctly be preceded by the word ‘fine’? I think it would be OK with me if you abbreviated it to ‘f.’ though.
“BBC love the arts that’s why she employees so many”
Kuensberg apparently knows that the reason Matt Hancock supports Boris is that he wants a place in Cabinet…her sources doubt
Jesus the BBC is just promoting a hate Tories and hate Boris platform
Agreed. Comfortably the most palatable of the candidates. Doesn’t seem to lie constantly either, which really is a refreshing change. They’re daft enough not to elect him though.
The Washington Post reports that up to April 2019 Donald Trump told 10,111 lies in 828 days in The White House. When something serious happens – and Iran possibly was involved – people are sceptical of those who lie. If Boris Johnson becomes our PM who will believe him? Anyone?
Rory Stewart's team starts the day with another endorsement, from Paul Masterton MP, and claim they have at least 3 others who were backing Matt Hancock joining them
Does Rory Stewart say one thing to one audience and a completely different thing to another ?
I ask because a friend who is a Brexiteer listened to him on the LBC Nigel Farage show said he was impressive, wanted to engage Nigel Farage in the withdrawal process and definitely wanted Brexit . Anyone know about this ?
“definitely wanted Brexit”
Deliver Brexit, I would not employ Roderick to deliver junk mail.
The Conservative Party members I know (2), wanted Mogg or Baker, they will hold their noses while they vote for Boris (assuming Tariq Mahmood is not employed to count the votes).
It does show how desperate the UK haters are, if “Rory” is their last throw of the dice.
Nibor -when did his ‘ I’m only a frail human being ‘ routine on C4 there was a passing resemblance for the wet blanket NZ PM who is probably still blubbing .
Not the routine of someone who wants to be PM . But watching him at PMQs would be real box office …
I see Honest Gavin Esler reckons that President Trump tells 12 lies a day.
His source? The ever so unbiased Washington Post. If he really believes that crap it helps explain why he also believes in the European Union and Change UK.
An unkind person might say he is a cretin and a buffoon. And by “unkind”, I mean “accurate”.
Poor Gavin, he probably thought he was going to be an MEP in his beloved EU. The realisation that people don’t like him, don’t trust him and won’t vote for him must have hit him hard. He cannot understand why people vote for Trump and not him, when he is obviously the better, more intelligent, more honest candidate. The answer must be that Trump lies, or is a Russian spy, or something, anything, other than the fact that Esler is a sneering, upper class, metropolitan left wing moron.
Good luck with the political career Gavin. Hope it goes well for you.
I see that the useless inept incompetent Tories were so ignorant of Britains rotten biased media, that they all fell for the bias of Channel 4 like lambs to the slaughter bar one.
I think the audience in #C4Debate was split 52/48
…..52% seemed to be in favour of a 2nd referendum
and 48% of revoking Article 50.
Biased by Channel 4 as expected.
The Murphy guru has a nice ‘private enterprise ‘ industry in facilitating conference and my favourite – after dinner speeches – . He is easy to hire – jusr google and you’ll find his wages …..
LBC now doing the Telegraph story about the Rochdale groom/rApe gang perps despite having lost all their appeals against deportation.
Ferrari is making a big point that Muslims don’t get special treatment.
prog finished
.. he says he will be doing a full report tomorrow
I didn’t watch it but it seems that this channel 4 leaders debate must have been using the QT format as there were 4 remainers against 1 leaver who was given less time and the audience came over as remain supporters (carefully chosen in bbbc speak)
I would have Raab rather than Boris but it’s unlikely.
My first choice was McVey
I don’t trust Boris and think he may call the WA with a backstop adjustment as leaving the eu.
That would mean waiting until the next GE and Farage, as PM, getting us completely free of the eu.
He (Boris) should be asked during the next debate if he will completely discard the WA and any alterations to it. It should be burnt and forgotten.
He should make this a 100% pledge.
The other day he said repeatedly that the way forward was to “disaggregate the Withdrawal Agreement” – do what with it? I could suggest something better.
When you see deluded people terrified of a trace gas which is vital to the health of plants, you begin to understand why our ancestors lived in fear of witches.
Despite all our advances in science and technology, most people are still deeply gullible and believe what they are told by shamens or politicians.
The optimum concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is between 800 and 1200 ppm. We fall far short of that, and should increase it, as a matter of urgency. A few thousand years ago, CO2 levels were even higher, and all life thrived.
Interestingly, peak summer heat has been steadily declining in the USA with the increase in CO2 – the scorching heat in the 1930s was during a period when CO2 levels were less than 350 ppm. And they try to tell us that increased CO2 causes warming…
That didn’t take long, did it – truthful and to the point. The people? Not listening.
Oh why do I do it – working from home – flicked onto Wimmins hour..Don’t know it Garvey or Murray
talking about an operation that only women have ‘hysteroscopy’
and to quote – ‘are women allowed to have interventions that no man would be allowed to have without anaesthetic’
WTF – why add that the word “men”…we can’t have the F***ing intervention. Focus on the issue……
Unfortunately their interviewees didn’t agree and most said the intervention wasn’t too bad
So stumped as it didn’t pan out she just asks surgeon (female) without any cause ‘is it true that women have to put up without anaesthetic when men wouldn’t have to”
Ans from surgeon – ‘No I don’t think that is the case ‘ …
It is just symptomatic of their need on Wimmins hour to knock men…pathetic…
Whats this …. a young , black lad playing the race card …surely not !!! And Victoria Derbyshire and the BBC giving him a platform …. never !! But then i remembered, in the world of the BBC …young black man can do no wrong !!!
“I feel that the people in charge of the show have an unconscious bias around the regulations for boys and girls, and maybe different races”#LoveIsland’s Sherif Lanre on why he was axed from villa for using c-word, but Ellie was kept in last year
he assaults someone and gets thrown off the show for it, claims he’s now a victim and he was axed because of his skin colour…give me a break!
More like axed as a result of his LOW IQ, who thinks it’s okay to assault someone and then claim to be the victim on TV. what’s worse is the media today will run with it because it’s controversial and will get people looking at them etc regardless whether its right or wrong.
News /Journalism/reporting / New worthy Facts – I’m curious what year do we all believe these things died in the UK? I’m saying in the last 10 years, I am 32 so I’m relatively new to media rubbish and politics, just coming into my grumpy age
I’m fascinated – in an outside spectator way – I don’t watch soaps – I have never seen any ‘ live action ?’ Thing like towie ? Or the house thing ?
But I don’t feel I’ve missed anything . Just cheap thrills tv aimed at groups of snowflakes to distract them from anything of importance or value .
But each to their own . Bit sad that people get depressed by not enough ‘ upticks’ for reassurance others approve of them .
Please please ‘ like ‘ my comment – even the troll – it will make living worth it ????
Bullshit TV, I thought Big brother had rinsed the generation of that kind of telly antics however I was sadly mistaken.
It’s childish and teaches younger persons to act immature and be rewarded.
however, I forget that childish is exactly how our state overlords want us, easy to control that way I suppose. if we all become mindless morons with labels being our only form of communication.
32 soon be 23 as my maths is at a childish level too. but I’m happy, honest, I’m happy with the current level of debt I’ve acquired in todays society… 🙂
Von – excellent – just make sure you buy stuff you don’t really want or need but can’t afford ….
Amazing that the old ‘bread and circuses’ thing is as relevant as ever – suppose the modern translation is ‘ foodbanks and netflix’with added ‘ it’s somebody else’s fault ….
My last comment had had no ‘likes’ – I’m off for a bit of cognitive therapy …..
Anyone else get the feeling that the BBC, the WHO, et al. are using Ebola and the lives of Africans stricken by the disease as pawns in an early round of 2020 re-election Trump-bashing? In 2015 Obama pledged US$ billions for Ebola research but over the intervening years little seems to have achieved by way of positive results. In late 2018, President Trump proposed measures that would reel back ‘careless and wasteful spending’, including some of the cash handed over for Ebola ‘research’.
5th June 2019:
President Trump is forced to withdraw his proposal:
‘“The HISTORIC Rescissions Package we’ve proposed would cut $15,000,000,000 in Wasteful Spending! We are getting our government back on track,” Trump tweeted.
An Ebola outbreak in Congo led the administration to rethink the cuts.’
16th June
‘Patient with ‘Ebola-like symptoms’ in Kenya’
‘Blood samples have been taken and results are expect within the next 24 hours.’ but ‘Ebola-like symptoms can be a feature of several other conditions’
Guido reports that an SNP MEP has made a grovelling apology to the chair of the Brexit Party Richard Tice over defaming him through an allegation of using the Party for money laundering .
I’m wondering if the BBC will report this – as well as the payment of Mr Tice’ legal costs and a payment to Help for Heroes fir this mouthy Scots sins ….
“2015 Obama pledged US$ billions for Ebola research”
How much are they spending in Africa on Ebola research?
I want my taxes spent on decent housing for UK ex-service personnel.
**** the Africans, let them solve their own problems, at home.
LCS, totally in agreement. The question of exactly which doorsteps the Ebola cash was/is being placed on and to whom or to which organisation(s) it was/is being further distributed would form the basis of a very illuminating line of enquiry … which is why I think we’ll probably never hear anything definitive by way of a reply.
11:00 Radio4 : Another prog about the life of a grooming/raping gang victim ?
… Nope of course not cos BBC has difficulty in breaking through that forcefield.
It has no difficulty in reporting on Calais Refugee camps
and that is where the story starts .. it’s about the life of a Iranian woman ..who claims she had to flee., cos of Iranian police, cos she ran a beauty/tattoo parlour and had a male customer.
The story picks up with her being smuggled in a truck to Britain and then ending up in the Immigration centre in Wakefield.
The programme presenter making point of how they illegally got themselves past security into the inside of the centre.
Then they do her backstory.. Once out of Iran the people smugglers raped her and stole all her stuff
.. eventually she got away by pretending to be in love with one of them.
They’d told her that she was in Germany, but she was in Greece.
Now she claims she has to stay in the UK, cos she has converted to Christianity and wouldn’t be safe in Iran
Why is Britain responsible for cleaning up the whole world’s mess ?
Shahrzad was arrested as she worked in her newly opened tattoo parlour in Iran. Her parents paid smugglers to get her to Europe, where she faced beatings, rapes and danger at sea. @gracedent follows her story and dreams of starting life afresh in England.
My theory is, every time BBC HQ receives a report that they would rather not print. they forward it to Salford for a second opinion.
A BBC employee places the unwanted news in a bottle, seals the bottle, walks 200 yards and throws the bottle in the Thames.
If the bottle washes up in the Manchester Ship Canal outside BBC Salford, and a BBC employee retrieves the bottle,
BBC Salford will, after consideration, reach a decision as to whether the news should be printed.
Which decision is communicated to the BBC at Broadcasting House via a bottle thrown into the Manchester Ship Canal.
Dozed off in front of the telly again.
Woke up to see (Travel Show I think) item about men in Paris ‘fishing’ for submerged metal items with magnets.
Unless I misheard, voice-over informed us that the River Seine has been there longer than the Eiffel Tower, and even Notre Dame!
The cream of journalism, and only £150 a year.
Just switched off R4… it me or is everything on it about refugees/ colour of people’s skins (white usually bad) and almost all of the ‘stories and books’ are from non white/non Christian places, and normally females?
I have an eclectic taste but it seems to me that R4 is fast becoming a radio channel catering for an audience that isn’t there…
Back to work
The author of the lunchtime book currently in its second week
\\ Mahsuda was born in Luton and lived in Leicester
But, Mahsuda feels every immigrant goes through the eternal dilemma and the quest to find her ‘home’.
“I visited my native place Sylhet in Bangladesh when I was 19.
.. the people over there treat you as foreigners.
And here, when I am out of Leicester, I am sometimes the only Brown person and that feels weird,” //
Re Wainfleet floods : Note this is a two year old tweet
If it wasn’t the badgers directly I think it could be that EA time and money was diverted to the badger project instead of being spent on other bank maintenance and status monitoring
I seem to remember that three years ago Boris had to withdraw from the leadership race because Gove had something on him that made him unsuitable for the job.
Can someone remind me what that ‘something’ was and why it no longer seems to apply? 🙁
I think Govey had it made plain to him that Bojo would not be acceptable to the Parliamentary Party.
The fact that Bojo was an Editor’s worst nightmare was public knowledge, having been revealed in a radio or TV programme years ago. Others would have worked with him when he was a journo, Mayor or previously an MP and maybe directly have experienced his ‘unpredictability’. (See Gilligan piece on Weekend Thread.) Finally, it could also have been that the Conservative Leave MP’s had considerable doubt about Bojo’s sudden conversion from Remain to Leave versus his known ambition, like Theresa May, to hold the top job in UK politics.
As an Aaron Banks inspired Conservative Party member, I’ve just received my letter explaining the Leadership Process in preparation for my vote shortly. This will be a dilemma.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more uninspiring bunch of fags. All inveterate liars or worse, highly likely closet ‘camouflaged’ Remainers.
But that’s the price the Conservatives will pay for continuing incestuous in-breeding.
Jeremy Vine has just run a BBC ‘advert’ telling us that government funding of the over-75’s licence is coming to and end but the BBC will still pay for those on pensions credit.
So the message is that the wicked government has taken away the free licence but the nice BBC will look after the less well off.
Sentry – Gotta keep those massive salaries and perks/pensions of the many-layered management cadre -as well as the many “stars” well stocked up! Nothing like having a guaranteed income stream, enforced by menaces….
When you have so much money on tap, you don’t even need efficient management. Most difficult task: how to spend it all! Only source of conflict: fighting over the biggest piece of the huge pie.
Bloated. Immoral. Dishonest. : BBC
I wonder how they are getting on the the ‘BBC Brussels ‘ building ? – I’m not kidding …
The fundamental problem with public funding is that if you give them a chunk of money they will always spend above it in order to get more the following year . Underspend and the following year they get a budget cut … hence panic as the financial year ends finding projects to get the money spent . …..
In my many pasts I’ve been in a position where I’ve had to throw money at people in the final weeks of the year to get it spent . Public money . Obscene .
I’m struggling to remember if any multi-national company other than the BBC can boast of such a source of income were the financers have not one bit of say in how its cash is thrown at so many famous people who plainly despise the same people who pay their salaries?
Its almost as if no other candidates are making any sort of pledges at all …. just Boris. Its just Boris’s pledges that are wild and un-costed then BBC ???
Every man and his whippet knows why the rest are so hot and bothered over Boris is because we the Leave voters know that they know that we know he is the only one who would take us out of the EU period.
The others are downright liars and are scared to death of upsetting those MPs who would rather see their granny die (figuratively) than be beaten by us knuckle dragging majority.
R4 14h00 news says Gauke hammers Boris because of too many promises to do x, y and z. So Gauke supports Stewart.
This has to be a joke?
Stewart has a chaotic mind, full of wild schemes, intentions and promises, and they make a lot less sense than Boris’. In fact, figuring out which of two dozen Rory Stewart’s is the one you’re currently listening to, is the big job.
HOW DIFFERENT to listen to Liz Truss on R4 Westminster hour last night, explaining HOW Brexit would work for business in the event of a ‘no-deal’, what would happen in practice, which website business needed to go to, what costings had been done, what the figures look like etc etc
Caroline Quinn did- of course- put 3 Remoaners up against her, but she held her ground.
Lisa Nandy was leading Project Armageddon for Labour. Red Tory, Sam Gmyiah was helping her. I think the other was Kevin McGuire (Mirror?)
I have my reservations about Boris too, but they are whether he’ll get the job done, no more extensions, reopening negotiations etc.. Right now, Dominic Raab sounds like the more determined and -were I a Cons MP, he would get my vote (based on the little I know about him).
fnw, “Stewart has a chaotic mind, full of wild schemes, intentions and promises, and they make a lot less sense than Boris’.”
Quite right. Just looking at a news clip that I think someone on here linked to yesterday, I noticed the wild-eyed look that Rory Stewart has. Don’t know which is more scary, and revealing of potential danger, Stewart’s wild eyes or Bojo’s sleepy look.
Yesterday, the pledge that Stewart had made to ‘reach out to The Brexit Party’ (I think some time in the day before the C4 leadership debate) demonstrates an ability to flip-flop with the finest like Bojo. Was Stewart asked about that?
Snuff – they did ask him, and he cleverly turned it to his advantage as the ‘uniting’ candidate, cos “he had spoken to Farage only that morning”. Made it sound as if he was the man to negotiate a pact with the Brexit party, but you wouldn’t have got him to admit that…
Big buddy of Nigel’s apparently.
Interesting that the Tory and Labour party are actually the same party, as Sajid Javid proved today in defendng his colleague Sidiq Khan Mayor of London, against Donald Trumps ‘beastly’ attacks on him.
It really does beggar belief that a Tory leadership contender would defend the record of one of the worst London Mayors ever and a death toll making London one of the most murdeous cities in the world
I think Alex boris will send the javid to Northern Ireland … got to get your laughs where you can find them . And send r Stewart back to being ‘prisons minister ‘ – makes one wistful for the old days of political musical chairs before the referendum – now only one thing matters ….
The News at 1pm. Did I really hear the news reader say: “And in late news, very late news, almost BBC swept under the carpet news, and broken by Biased BBC days before the BBC R4 had either the guts or the inclination to mention it, quite why we are paid £3.5bn a year I do not know, but police are investigating five possible crimes relating to the Peterborough By-Election earlier this month.”
OK, I made most of that up. However, the last fourteen words were broadcast in the 1pm News. Still hasn’t made it onto the BBC web-site.
Would it be a huge surprise if there was a bit of a ‘Jo Brand result’ to those five Peterboro police investigations?
I wonder … . . .
It would be great, however, if the By-Election had to be re-run and TBP won. That might just concentrate the mind of the new Conservative leader whoever wins the job.
vlad – To my surprise, The Sunday Times did yesterday. Excellent article. Excellent comments. Very informative. Compliments.
We must not let it rest. If we do, all the candidate debates in China will be completely pointless.
It’s not ‘The Labour party’ though, it is Pakistani Muslim men yet again whether it’s Labour or Fib Dem.
In Peterborough last GE there were men of Pakistani Muslim background sent to prison for electoral fraud in the case of Onasanye, and yet even after securing a conviction for vote rigging the result was allowed to stand.
Onasanye went on to be convicted of perverting the course of justice, and whilst still wearing an ankle tag was able to be the casting vote against a no deal Brexit.
Effectively, Pakistani Muslim men have stolen Brexit from the British people.
Just listened to Thursday’s FooC
The correspondent was on about how she came to Singapore for Chinese new year and cos everywhere was full she’d booked an AirB&B
but it turned out it didn’t exist and she’d been scammed
So had then gone across the border to JB where she’d believed the passport guy that it was too dangerous for a single lady.
So had gone back and slept on the airport floor for 5 days !
Jesus if you are not prepared to rough it why would you travel to a Chinese place at new year ?
It’s different for me cos I have lived in Singapore /JB / and the Indonesian side
And as it happens I was in Singapore at The new year 4 years back, but I knew to arrive the week before the holiday.
But I am surprised she didn’t resort to using a hostel booking site , cos that would have shown what last minute beds were available and even then she could have made a booking in JB instead of just turning up.
FooC had a nice piece about the realities of Ebola in bongo bongo land – where there are often no border controls and infection can be taken from one country to another . ‘ country ‘ being a bit of a western construct as a lot of these are just tribes .
Gave an example of a family suspected of being infected being put in isolation in hospital but ‘ going home ‘ across the border in the night . Half of them were dead by the following week .
There is also envy about the money western charities bring in with air conned beemers et al when the locals ain’t got squat .
I wonder when the first plane load of Ebola -infected punters will turn up in Blighty ?
Snuff – they did ask him, and he cleverly turned it to his advantage as the ‘uniting’ candidate, cos “he had spoken to Farage only that morning”. Made it sound as if he was the man to negotiate a pact with the Brexit party, but you wouldn’t have got him to admit that…
fnw, it was an impressive turnaround after Stewart’s previous Brexit remarks during the blanket coverage that the Beeb have afforded him on R4. Handbrake turn and on a sixpence, too.
He could be a rally driver if he gets chucked out of Parliament by disgruntled constituents at the next Election.
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 15:13 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘Sheer terror’ as van loaded with fireworks set alight “Police said the man – described as white, in his…
vladFeb 24, 15:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 [img][/img] Joking aside, there’s a serious point here: when it comes to stupid Micky Mouse jobs like BBC ‘reporter’, DEI…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 15:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Assisted Suicide Act 2025: An Act for the more effectual killing of His Majesty’s Subjects, for those driven to suicide…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 14:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 No mention of Labour or Rachel Reeves… HA HA AH AH “”We don’t have the margin with the new taxation…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 14:36 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hurtful Words Act 2025: An Act for the more effectual punishing of His Majesty’s Subjects, and bringing the Offenders to…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 14:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Keir Starmer contacted by police after collision with cyclist in London This article is more than 4 years old Rider…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A looter jailed for 16 months after taking a single lick of an unwanted ice-cream cone stolen from a ransacked…
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello Non Snowflake to serve only 40% of the time, maybe released even earlier for his own safety or good…
About f*cking time ????
Congrats to the sweary person from the left for your first.
Thats it I just went for a cup of tea in the canteen and I just missed it.
Yep and its about time we left the EU. Unfortunately Parliament is full of remainers .
Thats why Al Beeb and its unfair Tax has not been dismantled and eradicated by the Tory Party .
Links back to previous thread
Sunday’s posts : 3pm to 11pm page 3,
– page 2 Saturday 6pm to Sunday 3pm
Thank you Captain Panick, but I didn’t swear ????
I’m tempted to post that you are a real asterisk for making that claim.
Tempted, tlwei, very tempted.
But I will not succumb!
Medialand vs real world

Like 10 days ago they really thought that cos May had been dry we’d soon be at risk of a drought.
The BBC Look North
– Thursday June 6th Lincolnshire drought could be coming
– Tuesday June 11th Lincolnshire rivers have flooded
..doh it’s worse than these pics show
… cos on that Thursday report the enviro reporter chose to stand next to a river much lower than this photo
a fenland drain which was at 1/3 level
And I thought ‘this is con cos that drain is probably got a sluice gate at the end and it’s probably been set to keep the drain low
so that when rain comes there is space for drainage’
– By Thu June 13th there was a megaflood at Wainfleet
. There is a particular reason for that : the banked river keeps water off the fenland had breached the bank repairs.
There is news on a possible reason how the River Steepings banks were in a weakened state
They got it about right – their sources said…
I have stopped listening to BBC weather along with much else…
Stew, after the floods of recent years in the UK (Toady talking about Winfleet right now ….) have the Environment Agency been maintaining the watercourse properly?
Note how the recent Londonistan stabbings and killings (murders) have quickly disappeared from Al Beeb’s headline page.
hey them London stabbings
all those Cockney lads running around stabbing people !
… or is it #Khanage ?
Or #Sadiq #KhanifeCrime #Khanage with #Khanives
James English meets Tommy Robinson to Hear his Story
Watch before it gets deleted from YouTube.
1hr 30m.
“My tattoos helped me get ahead at work”
Really, is that a business headline?
Over in Taffland we call them ‘Tramp Stamps’.
Picture those tattoos when that dame gets older.
Perhaps Al Beeb is trying to justifying their use by their staff and employees ?
Again I have to wonder at the process by which this Pulitzerworthy piece of journalism gets to the page.
Does an earnest group of BBC pea-brains, fresh from a hen week in Bali, wow the girls, and some of the women in the W1A Unisex loos with their new weeping ink sores, and decide to call up their mates to validate it?
Or does a connected slapper PR mate call up with a no-brainier filler story so again they don’t need to leave to comfort of the cubicle gardens?
Meanwhile, over at Shami Woodward and Mo Bernstein’s desk, a carrier pigeon flutters in with a VD special that should see Jon Snow in therapy.
“so remote and hilly that they direct visitors to a field so they can be picked up in a 4×4.”
A BBC reporter having walked there on their Greta clogs.
““so remote and hilly that they direct visitors to a field so they can be picked up in a 4×4.”
That made me laugh.
There are no remote places in the UK.
Go over any UK mountain or high hills and you will usually see a trading estate or farm.
Try the mountain regions of New Zealand or South America.
“very remote place in wales” Ha, ha.
Typical BBC nonsense. The programme was only made for the interest of the middle to upper classes who can afford to go “remote” for a few years then back to their expensive homes where their butlers and maids keep well-aired for when they return but meanwhile they will need their fine wines and 4x4s which most employees at the BBC own or buy for their children.
Tattoos = Low IQ.
Body piercing = Low IQ.
Multi-coloured hair = Low IQ.
Believing the BBC = IQ ~27.
Believing Corbyn = IQ 0.
Believing May = IQ -50.
Believing EU = IQ -500.
Tattoos are seen as part of yuff culture – apparently, they’re the in thing with the (not too bright) yuff (and wannabe yuff). The BBC are desperate (truly DESPERATE) to appeal to ‘younger audiences’, ergo tattoos are ‘cool’ (apparently… except they are definitely NOT cool according to my kids, and nor is the BBC).
It’s all a bit sad really, the BBC is like some ageing rockstar (or news anchor, hey Jon Snow, or comedienne, hey Jo Brand, or politician, hey Jeremy Corbyn) trying way too hard to be ‘down with the yuff’. There comes a time in life where you really do have to dress and behave your age, or you just look ridiculous.
Sajid Javid said on C4 he gets attacked by Islamist and far right extremists. (bottom)
Quoting a podcast interview – (approx 1 minute in)
The BBC wrote –
Sajid Javid has said he gets abuse “because of my colour” from the “far left” and “far right” of UK politics.
If one actually listens to the podcast, Javid said he gets abuse from the far left, “including lots of Asians”, and from the far right. The dishonest BBC left out the ‘Asians’ bit!!
This begs the question –
Why do the Tories not call the BBC out on dishonest reporting?
The answer is that the media including the BBC are not the far left, but they are the ‘Liberal left’ or so-called ‘progressives’, who have the power through ‘journalism’ to destroy anyone they don’t like.
Unfortunately, most of our ‘spineless’ politicians are scared to death of them.
In America the Republicans have long been afraid of the media and then along came Trump!
Boris is tinkering around the edges but only time will tell if he will stand up to them.
The full quote is further down into article but I wonder how many are fooled by the BBC into missing it?
Jeremy Hunt as Foreign Secretary really should not be in the running but should be out in the world working dam hard for the UK not for himself-frankly he would make a lousy PM being a Remainer at heart so stick to your day Job youg Hunt and keep your eye on the ball especially where Iran is concerned.
I can’t believe that many Tories believe in Hunt for PM?
He (they) still don’t get it do they.
404 – Page not found
This might be because you typed in the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling.
Or await our update having been nailed again.
But job done.
Why is Boris the only one who is not “of colour”?
Subliminal messaging perhaps?
Indeed the page has gone or at least is temporarily unavailable?
The BBC appear to do distort Javid’s abuse claim into priority of:
Colour, far left & far right then Asian.
The podcast reveals that Javid lumped the left and Asian together!
Looking at his Twitter feed he might also have a lot of left liberal trolls.
Oops, my fault the page is
Oh look, another nasty white yoof with a knife, as depicted on the beeb webshite.
Personally I don’t see that many white hoodies myself, but the beeb must be right, they’re the world’s most trusted and funded broadcaster.
The beeb will continue “lying by picture”, as above. It’s called propaganda.
R4 ‘Prayer for the day’ by Sarah Tether tells us that this week is “Refugee week”. There is a mixture of truths and half truths from our Christian past.
Prepare for a massive ‘diversity’ campaign. All week. I should be surprised of Christianity features in that!!
They are SO TRANSPARENT at the beeb.
Be ‘tolerant’ everyone. Watch your country further diluted, as it becomes virtually unrecognisable, in places.
Sure Ms Merkel would love “Refugee Week”. Mrs May? A chance to virtue signal, and a last ljttle bit of spite?
Her vote for Rory a start.
Typo: rapefugee week.
I think they are favoured by most of these London street stabbers because they help to hide all that nasty, hatey whiteness, thus making it more difficult for plod to identify which racial group committed the offence.
I heard that there was another stabbing in Londinistan last night – Nowt on Al Beeb’s headlines ? If true that makes it four now. Trump had it right, ‘drain the swamp’.
Taffman – yes the 4th murder was in the area of the Sunday afternoon riot in Stratford e15 .
It brings the stats to a murder by stabbing /shooting back to one every 60 hours – which means the cops must be on serious overtime .
The BBC reports this but since both they and the mayor are against stop and search as a routine nothing will be made of it – unless an American President says something .
I’ve always found the e15 area pretty hellish and I went to school around there . It was a quiet reasonably white backwater then ( I won’t say it was poor – but not a lot of spare money about ) – now it’s ‘vibrant ‘ ‘multicultural ‘ ‘gentrified ‘ and ‘dangerous ‘…..
The the ‘theory of crime ‘ industry the past week end might be the best link to Full Moons increasing feral propensities to get the blade out …..
It’s all right, it’s only one of those decoy knives with the tip cut off, that police are supplying to householders, to offer to would-be stabbers, in the hope that it won’t do any damage…
Why does it appear twice? Heaven knows…
Goat I’ve deleted one ….
Can’t wait for Katty’s one.
Still waiting for the BBC to mention The Brexit Party or feature Brexit in a positive light.
In response to criticism, Lord Hall did promise to a Select Committee in 2016 that the BBC in future would ensure a balanced approach to Brexit.
Not happened.
You could pose it as a question.
The main stream media seem to think that if they don’t mention The Brexit Party it – we – those who agree with it – will go away .
The 5 Tory career politicians on c4 attacked The Brexit Party as though it is a conventional political party when in fact his one main mission – to get us out of the Reich EU without a sell out deal .
That KGM blundered on with his eco snark seems very…. bbc.
Maybe Emmy has a zinger up her sleeve?
…..not a peep!
Five Live news reports on another ‘far right’ arrest.
If the far right were really such an issue they would be too afraid to mention it. In fact the cowardly troughers at the BBC would pretend it was actually benign to make their lives easier; better to sit on comfy sofas having a friendly chat than to interrogate devious enemies. Political correctness is cowardice writ-large.
We know what the real threat is because they are so petrified it’s illegal to even criticise it! It’s like Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter, the baddie whom nobody is even allowed to mention. I would have more confidence in a group of fictional child wizards solving the problem than our feckless liberal elite.
Toady watch
Humph vexed about feral kids being paid to carry out stabbing in Liverpool . Poor John sounded so out of touch – maybe that’s what £600 k a year did for him
Meanwhile —- another stabbing murder in my part of Londonistan – number 4 this weekend and not too far from the riot at the west field centre Sunday afternoon in West Ham .
President Trump has a point about blaming Khan for this . His career was supported by his campaign for reducing stop and search by the cops as well as making the police more sensitive to the ‘ community ‘ instead of dealing with criminals in a way they understand ….
Next murder ?
BBC News
Extinction Rebellion had threatened to shut down the airport on Tuesday in a protest against its planned expansion.
Well, it is holiday season for the London set. Or maybe Emma was flying in to promote MiB?
Luckily, Barry has grounded himself. Apparently.
I have this vision of poor Barry at home, issuing PR to the BBC via shortwave as Mich peddles the genny like fury, sustained only by a stick of celery and an ethically-sourced coconut.
Well this is awkward.
It’s a repeat
that prog about tree networks wa on in December
“ethically-sourced coconut”
Did you mean ethnically-sourced coconut?
Greta’s arms are folded. That’s defensive as far as body language goes. He looks rather like he is reprimanding her.
…another youngster being abused, although she probably doesn’t realise this as yet.
That’s one creepy kid !!!
Midwich Cuckoo.
Wednesday Addams!
Cabbagepatch doll

Straitjacket ?
Gretna Green needs to be protected from these creeps, I fear ‘Uncle Joe’ Biden can’t wait to put his hands through that sumptuous lock of hair…
It’s usually his nose.
Re the child and adult Posers.
Its the kind of once in a lifetime imagine that one see’s hung in the oval office.
TOADY Watch #1
Second half hour of programme. Female contributor/interviewee (sorry cannot remember name) yes, you guessed American (or Canadian) talking about Ebola outbreak in central and east Africa. ‘Listening between the lines’ I get the impression that they really do want this terrible disease to spread to Europe and/or the USA. There was a considerable ‘patrician attitude’ also on show from the contributor.
I assume that David Lammy would not approve.
Lammy not bothered about his “brothers” all stabbing each other, more concerned with his political point scoring ….never heard Turbo-tard tho …
VD is on it.
“I feel there is an unconscious bias”
Love Island star Sherif Lanre breaks his silence on why he was axed from the show.
And he says black contestants were given a disproportionately low amount of screen time.
How many times can BBC mention that Boris wasn’t at the C4 boring debate? Basically it is clear the BBC do not want Boris.
I am getting really annoyed now….J Snow – knows nothing but thinks he knows it all… Interviewing Gove…’ should Boris Johnson suffer a bit because of his moral probity or lack of it’…The BBC talking about morals ( my definition: other people’s rules)..Hypocrites
Now stating clearly that Boris lies ….(slander?) and is incompetent…no bias
I hope Boris romps home and actually delivers Brexit….if Rory Stewart wins we are doomed…
Yep. Infuriating isn’t it. Some random BBC Political women on Breakfast earlier at pains, and i mean, pains, to tell us that there is still one month left of the leadership race and ANYTHING can happen. Clearly desperate for a Boris meltdown / gaff.
Wont be long before the nazanin zaghari-ratcliffe story raises its head and the Boris connection. Can see the BBC going hard on that one very soon.
Bloody good job they are impartial hey !!!
Al Beeb are ‘between a rock and a hard place’. If they destroy Boris as PM they will get The Brexit Party in waiting, who will destroy them and get what the British people voted for , Brexit and Freedom.
Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster and what it does so well:
“Character assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that destroys the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, organization, social group, or nation”
They’ve been at it for decades.
“How many times can BBC mention that Boris wasn’t at the C4 boring debate?”
Mates stick together – in this case media mates hungry for ammunition. Make mischief. School kids really.
Boris goes up a notch imo.
TOADY Watch #2
More mundane matters. Karthi is doing the sport in the place of either Rob or Gary, the Sport twins. Karthi remembers the golf. Karthi remembers the cricket. Karthi remembers a game of footie in France. Karthi forgets the result of an important motor race in France.
Must be the BBC’s relationship to all that nasty CO2 that is to blame. 24 hours of it! Or is it Karthi’s knowledge of the world of sport?
TOADY Watch #3
What has happened to Tomasz Shafernaker? For the third day in a row, I get the distinct impression that, for the Weather Forecast, he is really making it up as he goes. Just bumbling through. I realise, obviously, that UK weather can be famously changeable but once again today he really seemed completely at sea.
Perhaps in need of a rather more accurate Shipping Forecast from a colleague?
Never mind that up2,
Is Steve bray ok?
I saw an outside broadcast interview and he wasn’t behind them screaming ssstttoooopppppbbbrrrreeeexxxxxiiiitttt.
It’s unsettling losing this permanent backdrop on anything bbbc Westminster shows.
I don’t know if it’s just mine but bbc has autocorrected to bbbc.
EG, dunno – as I can’t see Steve Bray. I’ve seen stills of him and vaguely know who he is. Coin dealer from Wales? I can’t see Tomasz Shafernaker either. Legally, that is. Does Steve Bray appear on weather forecasts, too? That’s a bit over the top for even the propaganda heavy BBC.
Once upon a time, before I gave up TV, I seem to recall the Beeb or one of the other TV companies experimented with see through weather maps. You could see a street scene somewhere (with weather) and the forecaster would try to get it especially correct for that region.
Couldn’t do that now, I guess. If Steve Bray wasn’t popping up there would be a stabbing or a drug deal or something simla going on in the background.
BBC only put him on view in order to get part of the glory as they employee a very good artist.
Weather is secondary as they rarely get it right.
BBC love the arts that’s why she employees so many art-correspondents.
ves, should that reference to art and arts more correctly be preceded by the word ‘fine’? I think it would be OK with me if you abbreviated it to ‘f.’ though.
“BBC love the arts that’s why she employees so many”
I get ya.
Kuensberg apparently knows that the reason Matt Hancock supports Boris is that he wants a place in Cabinet…her sources doubt
Jesus the BBC is just promoting a hate Tories and hate Boris platform
Everyone at the BBC championing Rory and bashing Boris !! Wonder why ?? Yet again, good job they are impartial.
so, BBC, who do want as PM again ????? Sickening BIAS.
Does Rory Stewart say one thing to one audience and a completely different thing to another ?
I ask because a friend who is a Brexiteer listened to him on the LBC Nigel Farage show said he was impressive, wanted to engage Nigel Farage in the withdrawal process and definitely wanted Brexit . Anyone know about this ?
“definitely wanted Brexit”
Deliver Brexit, I would not employ Roderick to deliver junk mail.
The Conservative Party members I know (2), wanted Mogg or Baker, they will hold their noses while they vote for Boris (assuming Tariq Mahmood is not employed to count the votes).
It does show how desperate the UK haters are, if “Rory” is their last throw of the dice.
Nibor -when did his ‘ I’m only a frail human being ‘ routine on C4 there was a passing resemblance for the wet blanket NZ PM who is probably still blubbing .
Not the routine of someone who wants to be PM . But watching him at PMQs would be real box office …
I see Honest Gavin Esler reckons that President Trump tells 12 lies a day.
His source? The ever so unbiased Washington Post. If he really believes that crap it helps explain why he also believes in the European Union and Change UK.
An unkind person might say he is a cretin and a buffoon. And by “unkind”, I mean “accurate”.
Poor Gavin, he probably thought he was going to be an MEP in his beloved EU. The realisation that people don’t like him, don’t trust him and won’t vote for him must have hit him hard. He cannot understand why people vote for Trump and not him, when he is obviously the better, more intelligent, more honest candidate. The answer must be that Trump lies, or is a Russian spy, or something, anything, other than the fact that Esler is a sneering, upper class, metropolitan left wing moron.
Good luck with the political career Gavin. Hope it goes well for you.
Heat the Wok with Andrew Marr
Contributors complain about bias but they then demonstrate their bias in what they say. Miatta Fahnbulleh is an economist, apparently.
Yesss …. . .
I used to hunt with the Fahnbullehs in Shropshire.
Banania, am lost for words.
I see that the useless inept incompetent Tories were so ignorant of Britains rotten biased media, that they all fell for the bias of Channel 4 like lambs to the slaughter bar one.
Here are the top comments:
Channel 4’s cunning plan to attack tories. Well done. Boris
None of them can be very bright. Why go on CH4?
Guru-Murthy ex grammar school and Oxford university. Pots, kettles and the hypocrisy of champagne socialist news readers.
Channel 4 perhaps even more biased than the BBC, the beneficiary of TV tax money needs to go too.
@Thoughtful’s missing graphic
The Murphy guru has a nice ‘private enterprise ‘ industry in facilitating conference and my favourite – after dinner speeches – . He is easy to hire – jusr google and you’ll find his wages …..
Our biased friends claim
“Germany’s far-right AFD party fails to win first mayor.”
The reality of course is that the story is a lie. It claims the AFD was the frontrunner after winning the first round.
The facts are strangely absent as to what actually happened in Round 1
AFD 36.4%
CDU 30.3%
Green 27.9%
Left 5.5%
You would have to be incredibly stupid to.think that in a runoff between AFD and CDU that the votes for Green and Left would transfer to AFD.
Pro immigration Greens voting UK style – to try and keep the b*ggers they didn’t want out.
State Broadcaster is forever using its tax funded power to manipulate.
LBC now doing the Telegraph story about the Rochdale groom/rApe gang perps despite having lost all their appeals against deportation.
Ferrari is making a big point that Muslims don’t get special treatment.
prog finished
.. he says he will be doing a full report tomorrow
I didn’t watch it but it seems that this channel 4 leaders debate must have been using the QT format as there were 4 remainers against 1 leaver who was given less time and the audience came over as remain supporters (carefully chosen in bbbc speak)
I would have Raab rather than Boris but it’s unlikely.
My first choice was McVey
I don’t trust Boris and think he may call the WA with a backstop adjustment as leaving the eu.
That would mean waiting until the next GE and Farage, as PM, getting us completely free of the eu.
He (Boris) should be asked during the next debate if he will completely discard the WA and any alterations to it. It should be burnt and forgotten.
He should make this a 100% pledge.
The other day he said repeatedly that the way forward was to “disaggregate the Withdrawal Agreement” – do what with it? I could suggest something better.
More media brainwashed kids ….. look at the state of em !! The future … scary.
The photograph could have been taken in 1969.
Oil-based tents, T-shirts, jeans and trainers from half-way around the world, tweeting on the internet using more than 10% of our electricity!
And then it rains and rains …..
@FedUp2 what do you think about the commenter above who has changed his name to Hunt, to try to get around our no swearing rule ?
Yes they used to use that on the very excellent ‘radioactive’ when the BBC did comedy …
bet they didn’t
It was Mike Stand, Mike Flex, Anna Daptor, Mike Channel
ah I was wrong Hunt was the stunt man sometimes used.
Don’t forget the chairman ‘sir Norman tonsil ‘ . Programme was years ahead of its time ….
When you see deluded people terrified of a trace gas which is vital to the health of plants, you begin to understand why our ancestors lived in fear of witches.
Despite all our advances in science and technology, most people are still deeply gullible and believe what they are told by shamens or politicians.
The optimum concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is between 800 and 1200 ppm. We fall far short of that, and should increase it, as a matter of urgency. A few thousand years ago, CO2 levels were even higher, and all life thrived.
Interestingly, peak summer heat has been steadily declining in the USA with the increase in CO2 – the scorching heat in the 1930s was during a period when CO2 levels were less than 350 ppm. And they try to tell us that increased CO2 causes warming…
That didn’t take long, did it – truthful and to the point. The people? Not listening.
There not listening still – perhaps they never will… and … don’t hold your breath …
Oh why do I do it – working from home – flicked onto Wimmins hour..Don’t know it Garvey or Murray
talking about an operation that only women have ‘hysteroscopy’
and to quote – ‘are women allowed to have interventions that no man would be allowed to have without anaesthetic’
WTF – why add that the word “men”…we can’t have the F***ing intervention. Focus on the issue……
Unfortunately their interviewees didn’t agree and most said the intervention wasn’t too bad
So stumped as it didn’t pan out she just asks surgeon (female) without any cause ‘is it true that women have to put up without anaesthetic when men wouldn’t have to”
Ans from surgeon – ‘No I don’t think that is the case ‘ …
It is just symptomatic of their need on Wimmins hour to knock men…pathetic…
Better the hatred is up front than masked.
So WomensHour is really TheHourOfHateAgainstMen
Whats this …. a young , black lad playing the race card …surely not !!! And Victoria Derbyshire and the BBC giving him a platform …. never !! But then i remembered, in the world of the BBC …young black man can do no wrong !!!
Waste of air
He should pop down Harry ramsdens and get some fish to go with his …. chip …
Victimhood of today’s generation…
he assaults someone and gets thrown off the show for it, claims he’s now a victim and he was axed because of his skin colour…give me a break!
More like axed as a result of his LOW IQ, who thinks it’s okay to assault someone and then claim to be the victim on TV. what’s worse is the media today will run with it because it’s controversial and will get people looking at them etc regardless whether its right or wrong.
News /Journalism/reporting / New worthy Facts – I’m curious what year do we all believe these things died in the UK? I’m saying in the last 10 years, I am 32 so I’m relatively new to media rubbish and politics, just coming into my grumpy age
I’m fascinated – in an outside spectator way – I don’t watch soaps – I have never seen any ‘ live action ?’ Thing like towie ? Or the house thing ?
But I don’t feel I’ve missed anything . Just cheap thrills tv aimed at groups of snowflakes to distract them from anything of importance or value .
But each to their own . Bit sad that people get depressed by not enough ‘ upticks’ for reassurance others approve of them .
Please please ‘ like ‘ my comment – even the troll – it will make living worth it ????
I liked being 32
Hey Fed,
Bullshit TV, I thought Big brother had rinsed the generation of that kind of telly antics however I was sadly mistaken.
It’s childish and teaches younger persons to act immature and be rewarded.
however, I forget that childish is exactly how our state overlords want us, easy to control that way I suppose. if we all become mindless morons with labels being our only form of communication.
32 soon be 23 as my maths is at a childish level too. but I’m happy, honest, I’m happy with the current level of debt I’ve acquired in todays society… 🙂
Von – excellent – just make sure you buy stuff you don’t really want or need but can’t afford ….
Amazing that the old ‘bread and circuses’ thing is as relevant as ever – suppose the modern translation is ‘ foodbanks and netflix’with added ‘ it’s somebody else’s fault ….
My last comment had had no ‘likes’ – I’m off for a bit of cognitive therapy …..
The last sheriff I saw like this was in 1974.
Cassandra – I think I know the line which goes with that image ….
For God’s sake don’t say it Fed, or the whole of the Guy Gibson mafia will descend on you!
The only logical corollary of the claim of bias is to only engage hetreosexual white people. Simples!
Anyone else get the feeling that the BBC, the WHO, et al. are using Ebola and the lives of Africans stricken by the disease as pawns in an early round of 2020 re-election Trump-bashing? In 2015 Obama pledged US$ billions for Ebola research but over the intervening years little seems to have achieved by way of positive results. In late 2018, President Trump proposed measures that would reel back ‘careless and wasteful spending’, including some of the cash handed over for Ebola ‘research’.
The timeline is informative:
5th November 2018:
‘The World Health Organization announced a new Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo just hours after President Trump requested $252 million in cuts to Ebola response funding.’
5th June 2019:
President Trump is forced to withdraw his proposal:
‘“The HISTORIC Rescissions Package we’ve proposed would cut $15,000,000,000 in Wasteful Spending! We are getting our government back on track,” Trump tweeted.
An Ebola outbreak in Congo led the administration to rethink the cuts.’
14th June
World Health Organisation:
‘Based on the above advice, the reports made by the affected States Parties, and the currently available information, the Director-General accepted the Committee’s assessment that the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo does not constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. In light of the advice of the Emergency Committee, WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions. The Director-General thanked the Committee Members and Advisors for their advice.’
16th June
‘Patient with ‘Ebola-like symptoms’ in Kenya’
‘Blood samples have been taken and results are expect within the next 24 hours.’ but ‘Ebola-like symptoms can be a feature of several other conditions’
Guido reports that an SNP MEP has made a grovelling apology to the chair of the Brexit Party Richard Tice over defaming him through an allegation of using the Party for money laundering .
I’m wondering if the BBC will report this – as well as the payment of Mr Tice’ legal costs and a payment to Help for Heroes fir this mouthy Scots sins ….
Hope it bankrupts him
“2015 Obama pledged US$ billions for Ebola research”
How much are they spending in Africa on Ebola research?
I want my taxes spent on decent housing for UK ex-service personnel.
**** the Africans, let them solve their own problems, at home.
LCS, totally in agreement. The question of exactly which doorsteps the Ebola cash was/is being placed on and to whom or to which organisation(s) it was/is being further distributed would form the basis of a very illuminating line of enquiry … which is why I think we’ll probably never hear anything definitive by way of a reply.
Quentin Letts on the C4 debate – Cathy Newman’s dad taught Jeremy Hunt at Charterhouse school … who says there’s a bubble ?
All main c4 news presenters went to private schools – as did every Tory prospective PM apart from the Muslim one ..
11:00 Radio4 : Another prog about the life of a grooming/raping gang victim ?
… Nope of course not cos BBC has difficulty in breaking through that forcefield.
It has no difficulty in reporting on Calais Refugee camps
and that is where the story starts .. it’s about the life of a Iranian woman ..who claims she had to flee., cos of Iranian police, cos she ran a beauty/tattoo parlour and had a male customer.
The story picks up with her being smuggled in a truck to Britain and then ending up in the Immigration centre in Wakefield.
The programme presenter making point of how they illegally got themselves past security into the inside of the centre.
Then they do her backstory.. Once out of Iran the people smugglers raped her and stole all her stuff
.. eventually she got away by pretending to be in love with one of them.
They’d told her that she was in Germany, but she was in Greece.
Now she claims she has to stay in the UK, cos she has converted to Christianity and wouldn’t be safe in Iran
Why is Britain responsible for cleaning up the whole world’s mess ?
This refugee NGO loved the show
Oh Yeh it’s Refugee Week we’ll be fed lots of this agenda programming
Every Prayer of the Day etc.
There’s me thinking every week is ‘fugee week ‘ . How many ever go back ?
Not on the BBC yet.
My theory is, every time BBC HQ receives a report that they would rather not print. they forward it to Salford for a second opinion.
A BBC employee places the unwanted news in a bottle, seals the bottle, walks 200 yards and throws the bottle in the Thames.
If the bottle washes up in the Manchester Ship Canal outside BBC Salford, and a BBC employee retrieves the bottle,
BBC Salford will, after consideration, reach a decision as to whether the news should be printed.
Which decision is communicated to the BBC at Broadcasting House via a bottle thrown into the Manchester Ship Canal.
Last chance …’. so what you’re saying is….’ the reason there are so many plastic bottles is because of the BBC …..
Dozed off in front of the telly again.
Woke up to see (Travel Show I think) item about men in Paris ‘fishing’ for submerged metal items with magnets.
Unless I misheard, voice-over informed us that the River Seine has been there longer than the Eiffel Tower, and even Notre Dame!
The cream of journalism, and only £150 a year.
More Refugee Week programming
Wogan House eh? Do they accept donations on a blankety-blank cheque?
Just switched off R4… it me or is everything on it about refugees/ colour of people’s skins (white usually bad) and almost all of the ‘stories and books’ are from non white/non Christian places, and normally females?
I have an eclectic taste but it seems to me that R4 is fast becoming a radio channel catering for an audience that isn’t there…
Back to work
The author of the lunchtime book currently in its second week
\\ Mahsuda was born in Luton and lived in Leicester
But, Mahsuda feels every immigrant goes through the eternal dilemma and the quest to find her ‘home’.
“I visited my native place Sylhet in Bangladesh when I was 19.
.. the people over there treat you as foreigners.
And here, when I am out of Leicester, I am sometimes the only Brown person and that feels weird,” //
Sometimes, when I am in Leicester, I am the only white person and that feels weird.
Where is my homeland?
Try a London bus – you get the third world and added multi language maximum mobile shouting for your listening pleasure .
All the drivers are third world , no engleesh, and drive like it’s the third world too ….
“a radio channel catering for an audience that isn’t there”
This bit of the audience has already left.
Re Wainfleet floods : Note this is a two year old tweet
If it wasn’t the badgers directly I think it could be that EA time and money was diverted to the badger project instead of being spent on other bank maintenance and status monitoring
Radio Lincolnshire local news
“Badgers have been meo”
… they didn’t go any further than that.
I seem to remember that three years ago Boris had to withdraw from the leadership race because Gove had something on him that made him unsuitable for the job.
Can someone remind me what that ‘something’ was and why it no longer seems to apply? 🙁
Might it have been that he flatly refused to seek the support of a duplicitous back-stabbing geek?
Whatever it was, it no longer applies because three years of Theresa May was so much worse.
I think Govey had it made plain to him that Bojo would not be acceptable to the Parliamentary Party.
The fact that Bojo was an Editor’s worst nightmare was public knowledge, having been revealed in a radio or TV programme years ago. Others would have worked with him when he was a journo, Mayor or previously an MP and maybe directly have experienced his ‘unpredictability’. (See Gilligan piece on Weekend Thread.) Finally, it could also have been that the Conservative Leave MP’s had considerable doubt about Bojo’s sudden conversion from Remain to Leave versus his known ambition, like Theresa May, to hold the top job in UK politics.
Why it no longer applies? Dunno.
It bothers me.
As an Aaron Banks inspired Conservative Party member, I’ve just received my letter explaining the Leadership Process in preparation for my vote shortly. This will be a dilemma.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more uninspiring bunch of fags. All inveterate liars or worse, highly likely closet ‘camouflaged’ Remainers.
But that’s the price the Conservatives will pay for continuing incestuous in-breeding.
Come on then – whose it gonna be ? Maybe they’ll do a ‘corbyn’ and Vote for mad Rory for a laugh ………
…..or has that chukka character become a red Tory yet ?
I think Raab is the nearest thing to a Brexiter but it doesn’t matter as all Alex boris seems to have to do is keep him mouth shut ….
Is there a news blackout against The Brexit Party?
Could it transferred to that Rory candidate in rehab?
Jeremy Vine has just run a BBC ‘advert’ telling us that government funding of the over-75’s licence is coming to and end but the BBC will still pay for those on pensions credit.
So the message is that the wicked government has taken away the free licence but the nice BBC will look after the less well off.
BBC lies.
“”THE SUN SAYS BBC’s awash with cash — it’s dishonest to pretend they can’t help out the over-75s”””
“”Far too much of its output is pointless, neither serving the public interest nor entertaining the average viewer.””
“”Slimming down its sprawling empire could save millions — and stop elderly viewers having to fork out under the new licence fee regime.””
“”The BBC is awash with cash. It is plain dishonest of them to pretend they can’t help out the over-75s.””
Sentry – Gotta keep those massive salaries and perks/pensions of the many-layered management cadre -as well as the many “stars” well stocked up! Nothing like having a guaranteed income stream, enforced by menaces….
When you have so much money on tap, you don’t even need efficient management. Most difficult task: how to spend it all! Only source of conflict: fighting over the biggest piece of the huge pie.
Bloated. Immoral. Dishonest. : BBC
I wonder how they are getting on the the ‘BBC Brussels ‘ building ? – I’m not kidding …
The fundamental problem with public funding is that if you give them a chunk of money they will always spend above it in order to get more the following year . Underspend and the following year they get a budget cut … hence panic as the financial year ends finding projects to get the money spent . …..
In my many pasts I’ve been in a position where I’ve had to throw money at people in the final weeks of the year to get it spent . Public money . Obscene .
“Nothing like having a guaranteed income stream”
I’m struggling to remember if any multi-national company other than the BBC can boast of such a source of income were the financers have not one bit of say in how its cash is thrown at so many famous people who plainly despise the same people who pay their salaries?
Oops, in my last post I note I didn’t add the last bit:
“so if those famous people who plainly despise the same people who pay their salaries – they should get out”
More negative Boris soundbites ….. this will now become relentless i feel.
Its almost as if no other candidates are making any sort of pledges at all …. just Boris. Its just Boris’s pledges that are wild and un-costed then BBC ???
But, Bash Boris BBC.
Every man and his whippet knows why the rest are so hot and bothered over Boris is because we the Leave voters know that they know that we know he is the only one who would take us out of the EU period.
The others are downright liars and are scared to death of upsetting those MPs who would rather see their granny die (figuratively) than be beaten by us knuckle dragging majority.
R4 14h00 news says Gauke hammers Boris because of too many promises to do x, y and z. So Gauke supports Stewart.
This has to be a joke?
Stewart has a chaotic mind, full of wild schemes, intentions and promises, and they make a lot less sense than Boris’. In fact, figuring out which of two dozen Rory Stewart’s is the one you’re currently listening to, is the big job.
HOW DIFFERENT to listen to Liz Truss on R4 Westminster hour last night, explaining HOW Brexit would work for business in the event of a ‘no-deal’, what would happen in practice, which website business needed to go to, what costings had been done, what the figures look like etc etc
Caroline Quinn did- of course- put 3 Remoaners up against her, but she held her ground.
Lisa Nandy was leading Project Armageddon for Labour. Red Tory, Sam Gmyiah was helping her. I think the other was Kevin McGuire (Mirror?)
I have my reservations about Boris too, but they are whether he’ll get the job done, no more extensions, reopening negotiations etc.. Right now, Dominic Raab sounds like the more determined and -were I a Cons MP, he would get my vote (based on the little I know about him).
fnw, “Stewart has a chaotic mind, full of wild schemes, intentions and promises, and they make a lot less sense than Boris’.”
Quite right. Just looking at a news clip that I think someone on here linked to yesterday, I noticed the wild-eyed look that Rory Stewart has. Don’t know which is more scary, and revealing of potential danger, Stewart’s wild eyes or Bojo’s sleepy look.
Yesterday, the pledge that Stewart had made to ‘reach out to The Brexit Party’ (I think some time in the day before the C4 leadership debate) demonstrates an ability to flip-flop with the finest like Bojo. Was Stewart asked about that?
Snuff – they did ask him, and he cleverly turned it to his advantage as the ‘uniting’ candidate, cos “he had spoken to Farage only that morning”. Made it sound as if he was the man to negotiate a pact with the Brexit party, but you wouldn’t have got him to admit that…
Big buddy of Nigel’s apparently.
Interesting that the Tory and Labour party are actually the same party, as Sajid Javid proved today in defendng his colleague Sidiq Khan Mayor of London, against Donald Trumps ‘beastly’ attacks on him.
It really does beggar belief that a Tory leadership contender would defend the record of one of the worst London Mayors ever and a death toll making London one of the most murdeous cities in the world
The power of Islam.
Earth calling Sajid Javid:
Are you still wondering why you were not invited to the state banquet in honour of President Trump, or are you an absolute moron?
I think Alex boris will send the javid to Northern Ireland … got to get your laughs where you can find them . And send r Stewart back to being ‘prisons minister ‘ – makes one wistful for the old days of political musical chairs before the referendum – now only one thing matters ….
TWatO Watch #1
The News at 1pm. Did I really hear the news reader say: “And in late news, very late news, almost BBC swept under the carpet news, and broken by Biased BBC days before the BBC R4 had either the guts or the inclination to mention it, quite why we are paid £3.5bn a year I do not know, but police are investigating five possible crimes relating to the Peterborough By-Election earlier this month.”
OK, I made most of that up. However, the last fourteen words were broadcast in the 1pm News. Still hasn’t made it onto the BBC web-site.
I wonder why?
Here to donate towards legal challenge
The election was bent as a ten bob note. But who’s going to speak up?
Just look at these looney far left activists …. wouldn’t trust em to count votes as far as i could throw em !!!
re photo.
Well we know that at least two of the placard holders works for a living.
Others hiding their faces must use wheelchairs or walking sticks as its possible their doc might notice them in the crowd.
Would it be a huge surprise if there was a bit of a ‘Jo Brand result’ to those five Peterboro police investigations?
I wonder … . . .
It would be great, however, if the By-Election had to be re-run and TBP won. That might just concentrate the mind of the new Conservative leader whoever wins the job.
vlad – To my surprise, The Sunday Times did yesterday. Excellent article. Excellent comments. Very informative. Compliments.
We must not let it rest. If we do, all the candidate debates in China will be completely pointless.
It’s not ‘The Labour party’ though, it is Pakistani Muslim men yet again whether it’s Labour or Fib Dem.
In Peterborough last GE there were men of Pakistani Muslim background sent to prison for electoral fraud in the case of Onasanye, and yet even after securing a conviction for vote rigging the result was allowed to stand.
Onasanye went on to be convicted of perverting the course of justice, and whilst still wearing an ankle tag was able to be the casting vote against a no deal Brexit.
Effectively, Pakistani Muslim men have stolen Brexit from the British people.
Stealing Brexit is just the start. Given another couple of decades and they will have stolen the entire country.
Just listened to Thursday’s FooC
The correspondent was on about how she came to Singapore for Chinese new year and cos everywhere was full she’d booked an AirB&B
but it turned out it didn’t exist and she’d been scammed
So had then gone across the border to JB where she’d believed the passport guy that it was too dangerous for a single lady.
So had gone back and slept on the airport floor for 5 days !
Jesus if you are not prepared to rough it why would you travel to a Chinese place at new year ?
It’s different for me cos I have lived in Singapore /JB / and the Indonesian side
And as it happens I was in Singapore at The new year 4 years back, but I knew to arrive the week before the holiday.
But I am surprised she didn’t resort to using a hostel booking site , cos that would have shown what last minute beds were available and even then she could have made a booking in JB instead of just turning up.
Surprised she didn’t pull any BBC NUJ connections
FooC had a nice piece about the realities of Ebola in bongo bongo land – where there are often no border controls and infection can be taken from one country to another . ‘ country ‘ being a bit of a western construct as a lot of these are just tribes .
Gave an example of a family suspected of being infected being put in isolation in hospital but ‘ going home ‘ across the border in the night . Half of them were dead by the following week .
There is also envy about the money western charities bring in with air conned beemers et al when the locals ain’t got squat .
I wonder when the first plane load of Ebola -infected punters will turn up in Blighty ?
Fed, as long as Dame Sally Davies is there to welcome them each with a kiss on both cheeks.
She’ll make sure as many men die from a third world plague as wimmin – big on equality if I remember .
Snuff – they did ask him, and he cleverly turned it to his advantage as the ‘uniting’ candidate, cos “he had spoken to Farage only that morning”. Made it sound as if he was the man to negotiate a pact with the Brexit party, but you wouldn’t have got him to admit that…
fnw, it was an impressive turnaround after Stewart’s previous Brexit remarks during the blanket coverage that the Beeb have afforded him on R4. Handbrake turn and on a sixpence, too.
He could be a rally driver if he gets chucked out of Parliament by disgruntled constituents at the next Election.