Three Years and 1 day since the majority voted to leave the EU . The BBC fights every minute to resist what must happen and it’s 129 days until the 31st October when we are due to leave – again . If it was possible – the BBC will dream up more ways of undermining our democracy – and expect people to pay the TV licence and watch them do it .
Start the Week Open Thread 24 June 2019
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First! Yipee!
– Sunday afternoon page-3
– Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon page-2
Stew thanks for the admin – busy times …
World Service reports on a ‘survey’ from Africa or the Middle East saying fewer people are extreme. ‘Surveys’ must be the laziest, weakest source of ‘news’ available. Funny how the results of surveys always fit their agenda.
I did market research for a water company recently and it has transformed by view of ‘surveys.’ We sat in a circle and anyone who answered no had to explain why to the circle, creating a huge social pressure to just agree to whatever they wanted. Plus it was done at 7pm! When you have been at work you just want to get home, and answering no to any question entailed a good ten minutes of extra discussion.
Companies could not make a good living doing surveys unless they knew how to get the results people wanted.
Journalism used to be about getting amongst it and writing a story based on all the facts you have skilfully acquired. The strait-jacket of political correctness means there are eternal truths (women are oppressed, Islam is fantastic etc) which can never be contradicted. Why on Earth did they need a reporter on the ground to tell us the results of this ‘survey’? She could easily just stay in London as it’s so obvious the survey would only uncover something that fits the BBC’s relentless agenda.
re this post by BeebBro and stevie m’s below:
This could not possibly be the BBC scheduling something to fit their propaganda needs and the general political situation at the same time, could it?
How could anyone imagine that?
Entirely coincidental, of course.
I hear the Norfolk sceptic say: “yeaher roight!”
Sly news stated that the Boris scandal would not go away. Maybe cos it was their top story all day and night. BBC with adverts
Critics are saying.
In other news, Kay says Beth is IMPARTIAL, and Adam liked it.
So it must be true.
‘Critics say’ means ‘we in the liberal media want you to think.’
I don’t give a fig whether a broadcaster is impartial or not; so long as I’m not expected to fund them.
It is all a nothing burger. I reckon all the salacious details have been sexed up and that all these ‘onlookers’ who also witnessed drama are secret activists or members of the media; more likely is that they have been entirely fabricated.
I also think people are a lot savvier than the media give them credit for. Twenty years ago they could launch a story like this and take someone out. Now we are too wise and weary from years of fake news to take anything at face value. I said from the start that those who called the Police would probably be left wing activists and of course they were.
I read a book about the BBC called the ‘Noble Liar.’ As they know better than us they see it as fine to lie as long as ultimately it leads us onto the ‘right’ path. So when it comes to denying beastly Brexit no amount of mendacity is bad in their eyes, and smearing a Brexiteer falls within that ambit.
Boris having a domestic makes him look human and normal, something so many politicians strive for but can never achieve. People are also sick of liberal cry bullies pouncing on people like this; a huge number voted for Trump purely to p**s off the liberal elite. They could have scored an own goal here as many will like Boris even more now. I certainly do.
Meanwhile 44 Muslim gang rapists get brushed under the carpet. How convenient.
This went away, even with the police observing the incident. Real injuries, rather than hurty-feelings.
I wonder if anyone will boycott the Camberwell Arms gastro pub on Church Street in SE5
After all it was voted # 1 out of 50 gastro pubs by The Guardian.
They had better get a all vegan menu sorted they are going to need it.
Such nice people; always thinking of their neighbours welfare.
I bet they have been recording them every night for months. All out of neighbourly concern of course. I would be delighted to find neighbours had been spying on me, safe in the knowledge the Police would be called whenever someone inevitably got angry when drunk, tired and stressed at the end of a brutal week.
Given his role in government, lucky they are not Russian, or Iranian.
Nice of the security services to be so sanguine
Apparently that is not correct.
hmm generally doxxing & boycotting is not right
people shout “fair game” as if two wrongs make a right
..but innocents get hurt.
The press are evil , so calling them against your neighbours
can be expected to bring bad things to your building.
I believe Ms Symonds’ address has been doxed.
Just out of interest – Camberwell and Peckham is Harriet Harman’s constituency.
I’m sure that’s irrelevant.
Well, we definitely will never ever go there!
Vegans shouldn’t ever drink alcohol in any form anyway. Sources say that there are animal derivatives in every glass, and that means that vegans are supporting the death of animals with their ridiculous faddy preferences for virtue signaling.
It’s true, vegans, whatever you read or blather about, you can never ever drink alcohol again! Read the science!
Sources are always correct, as the bbbclgt and the GGrundinian always make up their stories like this!
Have you ever been ‘upwind’ of a vegan ? not a pleasant experience.
Brissles, are you sure you have that right?
It’s a geographical conundrum, Up…
‘Up wind’ is a burp, ‘downwind’ is a bottom burp!
Brissles is actually correct, because vegans generally smell unpleasant whether they are doing either, a bottom burp may be OK for physiotherapeutical reasons, while hold a ‘conversation’ with a vegan is near-impossible, because the foul cabbage stink just permeates the location.
Sources say that all vegans who have taken alcohol in the last few days have broken their promise to the great God Lentil! Punishment is a roast animal, bacon preferably, to counteract sources of diversity!
It’s all in the Gronderinion, on the vegan section of the vegan lbgt business section entitled, ‘Wet or dry flatulence! Is it politically correct’?
Sorry, yes I should have been more explicit, although both ‘locations’ of emission are pretty awful.
Actually, if ever you find yourself in a confrontational situation , and someone is up close and ‘in yer face’, then forget any argument and say “you really ought to do something about your bad breath”, and the perpetrator will be so embarrassed they’ll slink away – or smash yer face in 🙂
I came across some lectures on u tube from Gresham College , many of them are good. One in particular is worth watching. It’s by Richard Evans, the Provost of the College about the Weimar Republic. He is a historian, a typical academic and I suspect the perfect example of the Priveleged Remainer Elite.
In the first 10 minutes he looks at the present day world and then spends the rest of the hour comparing and contrasting it with the situation in Germany in the twenties and thirties. His analysis of today i think perfectly sums up what the Remainer Elite think. They really do see themselves as defenders of democracy. They seem to equate democracy as being only the left of centre global hegemony we have experienced in the West for the past thirty or more years. Any challenge to that , currently populism, must by definition be anti democratic in their eyes which is used to justify why they are prepared to use anti democratic methods to defend the global liberal hegemony and claim they are defending democracy by doing so. It is a bizarre concoction but this really does seem to be their mindset. The arrogance that they have is astonishing , their way is the only way and all else can’t be democratic no matter how often the people vote for it.
It really is worth watching this arrogant professor so unconsciously display his anti democratic Remainer credentials.
2019-06-24 05:00
“Jeremy Hunt tells Boris Johnson ‘don’t be a coward’ over scrutiny”
“He accused Mr Johnson of refusing to take part in TV debates and avoiding media interviews”
Hunt is a lying, Remainiac, fraud, so the BBC love him.
Hunt has no intention of delivering a real Brexit, like nearly all of the leadership candiates.
Hunt has an almost perfect record of anti Brexit activity.
TV debates is just another gimmick, TV viewers do get a vote. The Conservative and Unionist Party
members vote, and, judging by the polls, will not vote for more May treason.
So the BBC can offer as many rigged TV debates as they like.
So it has to be Boris.
However, Anybody but Hunt, is not a good reason for promoting Johnson.
Boris is capable of telling the EU where to get off and that they will not be getting any money.
I have two, not very compelling, reasons for hoping Boris will deliver Brexit.
#1 He is conceited, he would like to be remembered as a significant UK PM. Brexit would be a solid
foundation for this.
#2 Rees-Mogg and numerous other, genuine, high-ranking, Conservative Leave MPS support Boris.
BBC, now I have your attention, you need to understand that, after Brexit is achieved, and a considerable period
has elapsed thereafter, which will allow the failing EU to collapse: we will not be accepting the results of any
General Elections or Referenda intended to return the UK to this totalitarian nightmare.
More on this story
Jeremy Hunt would not allow UK break up
23 June 2019
Boris Johnson: ‘Frightened’ neighbour defends recording partner row
23 June 2019
Boris Johnson refuses to answer questions about ‘row with partner’
22 June 2019
Boris Johnson ‘should give explanation’ for home row
23 June 2019
Liam Fox criticises Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan
23 June 2019
Tory leadership: Johnson and Hunt make pitch to be PM
22 June 2019
Boris Johnson: Police called to Tory leadership contender’s home
22 June 2019
Why you can trust BBC News.
Missing from “More on this story” is
“BBC and Guardian collude with left wing activists and Police. in long term extreme left plots, to smear and
undermine democratic Brexit referendum result.”
“Plots, because this will not be the only example of skullduggery by the Communists.”
I assume the latest media stitch up will probably just mean more votes for Boris from the members.
What they (remainers) are trying to achieve is his actual arrest for something.
I’d think that all the time the Boris non-story is being squealed around, he is absolutely delighted, as it means that that grey major clone, Hunt, is kept off the front pages and destined to come just below Fred Bassett – and that’s pretty low!
Abject failure over the £350m big red bus prosecution must have hit them hard. They’ll be like a dog with a bone over this. Not that will do them any good. Like you said, more votes for Mr Johnson.
Not only agree with you 100% in the disgraceful behaviour of the media/BBC in using a private interchange of words in a private residence between two adult people, that it should because one of the party concerned is running for the Leadership of a political party and Premiership of this nation-irrespective of what is being demanded by the media and indeed the other Remain candidate Jeremy Hunt, I hope that Boris Johnson sticks to his guns and refuses to discuss the event and in particular for respect he no doubt has for his partner. Only trust that the conservative members who have been allowed this extraordinary vote use their common sence and remember that again irrespective of what J Hunt has stated about leaving the EU he is still is a supporter of Remaining in the EU. Skullduggery of the worst kind by the Comminist plotters I agree Lat Chance
I wonder how aggressive the anti Boris smears would be this week?
My biggest concern is Corbyn calling a vote of NC as soon as Johnson gains power which if it passes could eventually lead to an election which could install Corbyn into Downing Street with a minority government propped up by the remain Lib Dems and the toxic SNP.
The BBC would love that as of course we could have a second ref and remain could win.
Someone needs to stop Corbyn
An election is too unpredictable, particularly if four parties are polling at similar levels. Of more concern to me is the current remainer MPs, who are the majority, forming a “government of national unity”, thus doing away with any need for a pesky election.
The fallout a few years later when an election does have to be called would be dreadful, but I think they’re desperate enough to risk it. They would, after all, have 3 years to fix it. With the emphasis on “fix”.
The smears are not aimed at stopping Boris becoming PM, even the Remainers know that is impossible. The smears are aimed at preventing him winning the GE which is bound to happen this autumn because Tory Remainers will bring the government down if Boris goes for anything other than a Brino. At the GE it is absolutely essential that the Leave Tories refuse to allow Remain Tories to stand on the party manifesto and that they form an electoral pact with TBP choosing which ever parties candidate has the best chance of winning and standing the other down. Together they can deliver Brexit , if they oppose each other Brexit will be lost. The choice is clear . Once we are out and our sovereignty regained and consolidated normal politics can be resumed.
“Once we are out and our sovereignty regained and consolidated normal politics can be resumed.”
Really, we just forget about all the treachery and lies since Heath lied to get us into the EEC?
We need new legislation to ensure that repetition results in execution.
Nothing less for those who continue to try to destroy our country and our indigenous people.
“bring the government down”
Any progress on the case that the UK left the EU three months ago?
The establishment judiciary will give that short thrift. There is no way that the establishment will agree to us having left three months ago. They won’t go down without a fight as we are seeing. They hold all the levers of power and will use them ruthlessly to try and defeat Brexit. It’s isnt going to be a smooth conventional ride to deliver Brexit.
Once Brexit has been delivered it is important not to think the war has been won, the Remainers will fight on using even more dirty tricks than they have already. That is why Brexit will need to be firmly embedded so there can be no easy route back into the EU.This will take a year or two at least during which Remainers will bust a gut to make Brexit as painful as possible for ordinary folks. But once it is firmly embedded the voter alliance that delivered it will fall apart and normal politics will resume. But on top of the left / right spectrum we are used to there will be a growing nationalist/ Globalist element.
Well smoogie there is due to be a General Election in 2020 is there not? If for some reason Boris Johnson does not get the conservative vote to become PM, and Hunt gets it, the UK will enevitably remain in the EU one way or another-In that case it wouild lead to a possible civil strife, and in a general election I forsee it leading to a massive win for Nigel Farage’s party- Corbyn & the Labour party so divided in any event would be lucky to come third in such a contest. If the UK does not leave the EU on 31st October 2019 then there will be a possibility of big trouble and a closing down of the BBC…. OH what bliss !
This is my concern. The Tories need to team up with the Brexit Party and deselect the remainers.
This remainers who claim to vote with Corbyn should be expelled
Spot on Smoogs!
I was listening to Caroline Quinn on the Westminster Hour (R4) last night. This programme is turning ever more into a pure left-wing propaganda exercise a la Toady in the morning.
Her usual ploy is to bring on anti-government Conservatives, if at all; last night -of course- he was roped into the anti-Boris cause, turning out to be a Jeremy Hunt supporter.
Listening to Toady at the mo, where Nick Robinson is talking over Priti Patel, with the same old accusations we have been listening to for the past 3/4 days. Colleague Webb has already spent the programme saying the same old thing over and over again. Probably took Quinn’s script over from last night.
Does it occur to R4 and the beeb that this is becoming, not only extremely transparent, but also extremely BORING?
Not so boring is Tobias Ellwood, a real patriotic Conservative. Together with ten buddies in the party, he aims to bring the Conservative Party down.
At this stage, turning off the radio is about the only option.
What does this say, am I missing something?
A 16-year-old has appeared in court charged with the murder of Joseph Chamberlain College student Sidali Mohamed.
Another piece of Bbc deliberate disinformation.
The overwhelming number of knife killers/carriers in London and Midlands are not white. That’s simply a fact, and they know it only too well.
The BBC show keyboards, piano and computer with non white hands, indicating their superiority.
Which is why the status quo has to be permanently changed.
We a need a system similar to the USA, the incoming Government brings its own, trusted, staff to perform duties currently carried out by unstrustworthy far left civil servants or other public employees.
So it will be P45 time and no appeals or compensation for a few million Communist drones.
TBP will need exactly zero diversity officers.
Police upper ranks just sacked and no pension, if they do not like this tough, go and ask Mr Soros.
Juicial system, sack all the lefties.
Schools system, sack all the lefties.
Merciless deqangoatisation.
BBC, sack them all, sell it off.
Academia, lefty sociologists not fit for TBP party purpose, sack them all with no appeals, compensation, or pensions.
Charities, reduce the “industry” to cake stalls.
In addition there will need to be investigations into treasonous activity throughout the UK.
My rough calculations, seven million Commies on the dole, 500,000 in jail, five million will piss off to the EU.
Major long term effort to create British jobs in production, especially for defence. Autarky as a policy.
Tax evaders and avoiders, put the fear of God in them.
Leave the UN.
Machine gun invaders on the beaches.
I know, I am just a big softy.
Toady this morning. Robinson interviewing somebody from BP, uses the words “as the climate crises is a given” and adds that they are short of time, he will have to hurry the answer. But when the BP man replied Robinson went off on a rambling question that took several minutes (well one or two).
Some of us, including this BP shareholder are not happy to hear what BP are doing to minimise CO2 emissions, well not related to climate where I understand the case is not proven. But nor am I happy to hear the BBC describe climate change as ‘climate crisis’ which is pandering to the climate extremists or do I mean the far climateers?
What would they do without Electricity? No shower in the morning, no TV for the kids-good job, not able to charge their smart phones, their electric car not running, no computers and so on-it has to be realised by these people that we all need eclectification and therefore need to use in most cases some form of fossil fuel, natural power from wind, sea, or whatever else will not cover the needs of us all. We need to be sensible and cut down on many areas that do not need lighting all night for example. Hospitals of course are a special case, but 24 hour TV is not needed, nor 24 hour shopping and so on.
Global warming
Climate change
Climate Emergency
Climate Crisis
whats next Climate Armageddon
me, I want to see some proof , real proof, not made up graphs
BBc might be covering this now, heard it on the World Service (I think)
However they had to be shamed into it –
Boris Watch
Mail on line reports of BoJo in Tescos . He buys full fat milk and looks at the offers section in the wine bit.
This clearly makes him unworthy for public office and is typical of thick Brexit types .
When challenged at the till as to whether he had a tesco Clubcard he declined to answer showing he lacks policies and is too shallow to be PM
His neighbours report that when he does ‘ number toos’ He flushed the toilet twice thus proving he wastes the planets’ resources . He doesn’t even have a water meter . In short – a cad
All sightings of BoJo should be reported to Thr MSM using the special Boris line .
Toady watch
Not today thanks
The Sun – TREVOR KAVANAGH: BBC’s Boris Johnson coverage shows it’s an anti-Brexit and anti-Conservative propaganda machine
A flimsy tale of raised voices led every BBC bulletin for the entire weekend, while a genuine news story — a potential war between the US and Iran — took second place.
Whether or not Boris becomes PM, the BBC’s hard-won reputation for fair and impartial broadcasting has been permanently stained.
It is now indelibly identified as a left-wing, pro-Remain, anti-Conservative propaganda machine. A crisis probe is underway, too late, into the “idiots in chinos” who made monkeys of Tory leadership candidates in last week’s TV fiasco, chaired — or heckled — by Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis. This stage-managed circus smacked of political sabotage, from the ludicrous bar stools to the blatantly partisan questions.
I felt a bit sorry for BIG BROTHER at the BBC’S Diversity and
Positive Discrimination Dept yesterday. Here was the BBC with
it’s agenda of making women’s sport their default position .
Basically because they can’t compete with Sky, BT, ITV and the rest
of the media in covering most of the top men’s sport.
England were playing Cameroon the BBC must be neutral. Yes I felt
sorry that BIG BROTHER could not really tell the commentators ,
reporters, and pundits to give succour to the despicable,spitting,
unsporting, fouling, diverse Cameroon ladies. However much positive
discrimination this would of have given them.
God, I’m so mindlessly bored of hearing about wimmins football. I’m fed up of seeing women sports presenters / newsreaders/political commentators with their high pitched voices, and long to hear the baritone/tenor timbre of the male voice. How lovely it would be to hear the news read in glorious diction in a deep voice reminiscent of Richard Burton, Sean Connery or Anthony Hopkins – we don’t seem to breed them like that anymore. We just have the weedy Andrew Marr.
Guardian Opinion Prisons and probation
There are better answers than jail for women who have offended Yvonne Roberts
[But only for women, men are specifically excluded from this hypersexist special pleading.]
Journalist and broadcaster Yvonne Roberts is the outgoing chair of Women in Prison
[Fortunately millions of real women, can see this oft repeated Guardian nonsense for what it is.
Comments allowed, in which the case, last week, of four female chip carrying gang members who killed a girl, were not jailed, features prominently, as an example of women receiving lenient treatment.]
beeb make your mind up
Beeb reports no Russian interference, and previously report there was interference
Great reporting, until tomorrow another news report
This a tactic to create doubt in the minds of people who still trust them
Gordon bleedin’ Bennett, the BBC never let up, do they?
They’ve spent all weekend regurgitating the Boris squabble, doing their best to turn a lovers tiff into a case of domestic violence and now they’re going for Churchill.
I was just taking a squint at the Beeb news this morning when they introduced their stock black “historian”. This bloke is essentially black first and an historian last. Everything he sees is filtered through his own cultural prejudices.
Of course this Windrush bollocks is being heralded as a cause for a national celebration. “These people came to rebuild Britain”. Well, not really. They came, like the Irish, Italians and later the Poles to improve their own way of life. This wasn’t an act of altruism.
This bloke was telling us how both the sainted Atlee and Churchill were rather hostile to large numbers of “people of colour” coming to our shores.
I’ve known for a long time that Winston held views on Islam that would be considered outrageously unfashionable today. Lucky he wasn’t taking part in that pathetic debate last week when the anti Semitic Imam plant asked them about Islamophobia. Instead of being fawned over by these feeble candidates, he’d have had his head chewed off.
And what has been so wonderful about immigration from the West Indies? Look at the crime stats. Look at the stabbings, shootings and muggings. The Caribbean peoples capacity for pointless violence is appalling.
You know what, taking all things into account, looking at society in general, where we’ve come from and where we’re going to, on balance…
I think Clem and Winnie were probably right.
“The Caribbean peoples capacity for pointless violence is appalling.”
Much wider than that, world wide.
Time to drop the incorrect idea that all people and peoples are equal.
The BBC has, of course, been glued to the minor row between Boris and his girlfriend. In one example, the BBC quotes the little lefty snitch who recorded the row as if he is an upright citizen:
Mr Penn said he began recording from inside his flat in Camberwell, south London, after he heard “slamming and banging”.
He said he contacted the Guardian with the recording “once clear that no-one was harmed” because he “felt it was of important public interest”.
“I believe it is reasonable for someone who is likely to become our next prime minister to be held accountable for all of their words, actions and behaviours,” he said.
Mr Penn said he was collecting a takeaway meal from outside his front door when he first heard shouting.
He said the shouting was “loud enough and angry enough that I felt frightened and concerned for the welfare of those involved”.
He said he and his wife decided to check on their neighbours, but agreed to call the police when there was no response after knocking on Ms Symonds door.
Mr Penn also criticised “unpleasant things” being said about him and his partner in the media, saying he was upset by some “quite frankly bizarre and fictitious allegations.”
Some of Mr Johnson’s supporters have expressed scepticism about Mr Penn’s political motivation for calling the police and contacting the Guardian.
[That last little bit is the BBC’s idea of balance – throwing a few crumbs to a view that opposes the lefty narrative.]
Mr Penn told the paper: “I, along with a lot of my neighbours all across London, voted to remain within the EU. That is the extent of my involvement in politics.”
The Sun has info on Boris’ lefty neighbours that the BBC simply will not reveal, including the fact that the wife is a far-left political activist who apparently is immensely proud of giving Boris “the finger” in a tweet now deleted.
The Sun also blasts the BBC propaganda machine.
It appears that Trumps secretary of state Mike Pompeo has flown to Saudi in order to get the instructions from their bosses. With a £74 trillion fortune the Saudis can afford to buy even billionaires which they appear to have done with Trump.
Meanshile leadership hopeful Jeremy Hunt signals to Saudi his openess to receiving a few of their riyals, by stating his willingness to go to war on their behalf.
In another move he signals his openess to further Islamise the UK on Saudis behalf by yet another open door policy on immigration.
Everything I am hearing from Hunt himself indicates he is the worst possible choice, in it for himself alone and wholly corrupt.
T – Jeremy Hunt FMS (Failed marmalade salesman).
BBC Radio 5 live; Nicky Campbell, this morning.
He was spouting on again about his love for the gays and lesbians.
This time he came out with this little beauty:
I get a nice warn glow in my stomach every time I see two gay men
walking hand in hand.
A “warm glow”?
Surely, this guy must be gay and is so very close to coming out..
Warm glow ? I try not to look.
“warm glow? I try not to look”
Me too.
Its the way how this Campbell effeminate said it as well. As if he was looking directly at a gay couple approaching him while sat in the studio as if his lips were slavering over the sight.
I have to admit, where I live in the sticks, the outward behaviour of homosexuals is something we never see. There is an elderly lesbian couple but they are never publicly tactile, and are generally seen most days walking the dog like any other couple of friends. Inner city living where anything goes is another planet for most of rural Britain.
How does he know they are gay?
Isn’t he just pushing a stereotype?
There was a time when it was quite common for friends to go ‘arm-in-arm’ and to be ‘gay’, both things stolen by the ‘rainbow’ people, (they have stolen rainbows too!).
“How does he know they are gay?”
He must know as he lives amongst them in his London borough. I thinks its Islington, or Chelsea. Anyway, he makes it clear that he knows what two gay men look like. Can’t shut him up most days about how he admires the rainbow tolerance brigade.
It takes one to know one, that’s how he knows.
He comes across like David Brent trying to hip. He is an utter tosser, and, unlike Brent, not even funny.
“Brexit: ‘Dozen’ Tories could back no confidence vote, says Ellwood”
Have the Tory Members not learned ?
The result of the 2016 Referendum?
The vote to invoke ‘Article 50’ in 2017
The the re election of the Brexit Tory government?
The complete route of the opposition by The Brexit Party in the recent EU election ?
I smell a General Election in the wind and this time it will be Parliament V the People – A true ‘People’s Vote’
Vote and support UKIP and The Brexit Party.
Turkeys voting for Christmas!
“Turkeys voting for Christmas!”
I know!
But these MPs don’t give a flying fig about losing their seat as long as they stop Brexit from happening. They don’t care what their own voters think of their character as with them they owe their loyalty to their yachting buddies/international banking and multinational investment house chums. etc etc.
Every one of those weasels know that their career in politics is OVER because the whole nation knows they can no longer be trusted to represent anyone else except their fellow weasels.
t “I smell a General Election in the wind”
Not the only smell, I can detect the disgusting smell of vote rigging and the vile stench of covering up
the vote rigging, both carried on the left wind.
“Former Tory MP Chris Davies will fight to regain seat”
Could this leave an open door for the UK’s first Brexit Party MP?
Over to you Mr Farage…………..
Election not started yet and reports confirm Labour already have 5600 votes, all via Postal Voting.
The real danger here, as in the P’boro by-election, is that of splitting what could be called the “Leave vote” between the Conservative Party & the Brexit party (if they put up a candidate in B&R) and letting someone else in (in this case it would be the Libdems).
Personally I agree with posters that suggest that in order to stop Corbyn in a GE there must be some kind of Realpolitik and working in some way with the Brexit Party to avoid “leaving the door open” due to a split “Leave vote”.
Interesting piece here (..and comments) for anyone interested:
Today ladies and Gentlemen is the anniversary if you haven’t guessed already, when millions across the land leapt for joy, punched the air, hugged loved ones, or otherwise celebrated the result of the biggest vote for anything in the history of the United Kingdom. On 23 June 2016 we voted to take back control of our lives from the oligarchical, federalist technocrats of the European Union. It was also the moment when the Establishment was delivered the biggest shock to its foundations in generations. The contrast between the reaction of the BBC and the reactions across the country was stark. Perhaps never before has the national broadcaster been so out of touch with the majority of its audience.
Despite the shocking lack of progress, nevertheless let’s celebrate this third anniversary with pride. Against all the odds, we did it. We won. Now we’re on the final push to ensure that our victory is finally honoured.
In his regular column in today’s Daily Telegraph, Tory leadership contender Boris Johnson says:
“We are just over four months away from the date on which, by law, we must leave the EU; and this time we are not going to bottle it. We are not going to fail. This time we are not going to shrink in fear from the exit, as we have on the last two occasions.
“We are going to show all the mettle, the creativity and the energy of this amazing nation. We are going to focus all our efforts on honouring that single great promise – and we are going to come out of the EU on October 31. We can, we must and we will.” All the way with BJ-yes that sounds awfully American I know !
The dangerous question to put is
“ what will happen if we don’t leave ?”
The options run from ‘ nothing ‘ to the
‘ unthinkable ‘
The Leaving , of course , must mean actually Leaving Brussels .
Time is precious because there is a recession due and that will push people to the Left and Remain . In my view anyway .
Fed up2
I don’t think we are leaving, and don’t expect Boris to support Leave. A deal will be made, similar to Treezer’s, and we will be told that we have left. Then expect a tightening up of restrictions on the Brexit case, arrests of anti immigration people, and a general expansion of state and EU control. And say goodbye to this excellent site – good while it lasted.
Yes Fedup2 perhaps the unthinkable, so we must not think it. Dirty tricks from the banksters was inevitable-encouraged by such contemptuousness such distainful arrogance of the Elitist finacial controllers whose policies have been the continual downfall of democracy in any of its forms. As an older member (77) of the white male fraternity I cry inwardly for the younger generation 18-25 now endeavouring to climb up the well oiled pole, but to what end if there is none-with servitude, supression, enslavement to an evilness that will bring a very uncomfortable future. So sad from when I look back at my young days in the late 50’s and mid 60’s-jobs plentiful, trains mostly on time, buses had conductors to deal with any disturbances, politeness and manners were natural-like giving your seat up to an elderly woman or man. I noted a woman on the tube some months ago give up her seat for an old man-how unusual was that? Well my grown up children are trying to bring their children up the same way as they were-getting more and more difficult with all the Human Rights issues, sexual issues, racist issues and goodness what else. Its a bum deal we have to contend with-let’s raise the Union Jack in every Council Office, in every School in every Hospital, outside every Christian Church, and if those that follow the teachings of Islam don’t like it, too bloody bad.
Plenty of manipulation to come in the run up to the 31st October .
I think the most likely narrative will be ‘ there’s a new – more understanding regime in Brussels -one we can do business with them – they understand – they are ok – it will be different . We ll re negotiate without an A50 time limit – don’t worry Brexiter s – trust us – we re politicians “
This will be evidenced by some ‘cave in ‘ over ab issue which will appear big – but which really won’t change much ( about which there will be much argument ) .
Further – new – smears of The Brexit Party by MSM spies desperate to get material – as well as the bent Electoral Commission responding so quickly to yet more ‘allegations ‘.
The BBC will go along attempting to destroy any pro brexit argument .
That is – of course – unless the government is bought down by traitor Red Tory MPs as soon as BoJo stands at the door of number 10
This will be followed by s ‘fixed’ general election using the postal vote system …..
Please Lord God – let me be wrong – but this is my view – not received from an outside source .
We love American.
Lammy YET AGAIN refusing to accept a result !!! There is definitely a pattern forming here !!!!
“Horse Manure”
More intelligent organisms than the multi-chipped Lammy grow in horse manure.
Radio 4 Womens hour… Lady Brexit MEP giving the presenter an ear bashing re leaving the EU making one brilliant point after another.
Presenter obviously doesn’t like it at all and is desperately trying to roll barrels under everything she says.
When the MEP said that getting out of the EU was all about becoming a democracy again the presenter tried to make the point that the next UK Prime Minister was being selected by a small group of Conservative members and stressing that this was not democratic for the general public.
The point being that the public has never been able to chose the Prime Minister of this country, this being a function within the governing party, Conservative, Labour or whatever. So why has this suddenly become an undemocratic issue to the BBC?
I think we all know the answer to that!
digg- wonder what WH said when Blair handed over to Brown, in a cosy little arrangement based on ‘The Granita accord'(?) 2007, was it? ‘New’ Labour–in the best tradition of Communist East Bloc states. Not even the Politburo came into it.
That Granita thing was another cosy little chat between the two men, where one decided to hand over to the other when he thought he’d had his pleasure. The kingpin and the sidekick.
No bbC discussions. No Charnel4 discussions. No debate on ITV. No hustings. No TV interviews. No neighbours making recordings. Not even the faintest whisper about a general election, a member’s election, or any other kind of election.
Just a cosy chat.
The media thought nothing of it.
Woman’s hour probably tutted approvingly…
Libmob listeners tweeted outrage
The extremist pro-EU MEPs are on tomorrow
And you should have seen the body language of BBCs favourite darling Victoria Derbyshire on her show this morn. Especially her eyes! Boy, for a moment I thought they were going to drop out of their sockets.
She was trying to bait a supporter of Boris – a tory MP – and he defended Boris’ response to the tape incident superbly well. Which annoyed this woman no end. She was blowing and blimeying so much that for some reason the show “BGT” came to mind?
The BBC are trying for blood and all they are getting his cool headed leaver voters/PM to be.
ves, Boris Derangement Syndrome. Some virus strands must have crossed the Atlantic in one of those prevailing wind reversals, mutating on the way.
“Some virus strands must have crossed the Atlantic in one of those prevailing wind reversals, mutating on the way.”
Hee, hee.
Here’s the eminent Jacob Rees-Mogg on LBC an hour or so ago.
It’s a rather unusually outspoken Mogg, talking about the lefty snitches putting a glass and a microphone against the wall of the flat where Boris and girlfriend were arguing.
Funny thing is, the snitches live either above or below their target flat (this contradictory info from the first link I posted to the Sun in a comment above) and so they would either have had to snoop on a chair or on the floor with the afore-mentioned objects.
The image of them on the floor snooping best suits their character.
> TT thanks for the link .. just finished listening to the LBC piece. I thought he was very usual (p.s. can’t you hear the bile in the questions put by obvious “Remainers”.. excuse the mixed metaphor). I still admire JRM despite being tested with his WA3 vote in the HoC.
The “snitches”, according to the Daily Fail live above Ms. Symonds flat.. on the 2nd floor, and I thought that was the considered opinion.
The “Fail” yesterday (in a graphic) also states that the recording was made on the landing near the entry to Ms. Symonds first-floor flat.
p.s. it is still not 100% clear to me if the recordings that were supplied to the Grauniad were made on a standard smart phone or on some other (possibly more sophisticated) device. I believe Mr.Penn says it was via an app on a normal phone.
Glad you heard the eminent Mogg. He echoed an opinion I’ve heard a few times on the snitches: that this was not just a spur-of-the-moment clicking on ‘record’ on a phone but an ongoing snoop on Boris to try to discredit him over some time.
If the BBC had any genuine journalists they would dig for the truth here.
I just learned from Nigel Farage – no time now to find the actual statement but here’s the link and it was somewhere near the point I linked to
– that what the snitches did is of doubtful legality and that’s probably why the Guardian did not play the actual recording.
And to think there is to be a Journalist Award Ceremony -what a joke-frankly I have not been able to believe that we have any proper good journalists-undoubtedly there will be an award which will go to a new member of the British Community after all there are so many to choose from.
I think the English Democrats’ (Robin Tilbrook) case still has legs despite the media ‘blockout’ with some suggestion that a court date? may be forthcoming in the next 5-6 weeks. Obviously Treezer is kicking the can down the road.
Someone commented on John Redwood’s blog today (querying why it takes another four weeks to get a new PM) saying:
Answer: Boris confirmed by the end of this week. Announce on Monday that the Government will not contest the English Democrats case. Out on Tuesday – but backdated to March 29th.
UK can function independently. Businesses can invest with certainty. All problems solved !
The rather irritating ‘Daddy Dragon’ has posted a new video, mainly slagging off the media and various politicians, which nevertheless raises some valid points. At the end from 28:00 onwards he suggests questions about the case should be asked at the hustings.
God almighty, Victoria Derbyshire now has a debate about domestic abuse, and how its essential to call the police if hearing screams and shouts from next door. Bloody hell, back in the 50’s the police would have had a season ticket to my parents home then, – we had loads of teapots without lids, as my Mum used to aim and throw them at Dad. They were married for 65 years. Its life.
Professional virtue signallers like Victoria Derbyshire, Katty kay etc make my skin crawl. I would love to dig into their past, find the tiniest of misdemeanours , and hound them night and day about it, calling for all sorts of action …. see how they like being on the other side of their witch hunts.
The sanctimonious left, nothing worse.
Dooby, yep here you go, even Vicky Derby has been in the role of ‘the mistress’ !…….
Dear o dear … Little Miss “No so” Perfect !!! Awful woman.
BBC wind industry story has open comments
The most skeptic get downvoted most
My comment is 4 vs 4 at the moment
No deletions recorded so far
deleted comments will show up at the bottom of this page
but another thread got this deleted
\\ The Guardian has become the most deceitful media propaganda rag for the hard left wing.
Conspired with left wing political activists to illegally record a neighbours activities, although no one knows if it is an actual recording or something made up!
Hope Boris and Carrie sue the socks off them.//
..that looks like fair-comment to me
So the anarcho-leftie-fascists have driven out Bojo and girlfriend. Love not hate, eh?
And the police in all that?
Please no jokes this early
Apologies in advance for commenting on something that is not directly related to the BBC, but the film (posted by Sargon) of the Aberdeenshire teacher unashamedly telling a 17 year old pupil that his opinion on “gender” cannot be heard is one of the most chilling things I have seen for some time. The pupil has now been suspended from school.
I find it chilling because it is so brazen, happening in what is supposed to be an educational establishment, and contrary to everything I have been taught.
I don’t understand why there has not been an uproar, but I suppose most people are unaware of how sexual differentiation works. I wonder what David Attenborough really thinks about this. We’ll never know.
This is so wrong on many different levels, it can only be described as sick. We are in trouble. I also find it disturbing that some of the worst examples of this sort of thing are not confined to large metropolitan areas where you expect a few crackpot ideas to gain traction (I also have Count Dankula in mind).
Teenager, 17, suspended from school for insisting there are ‘only two genders’ reveals he spoke out in protest at ‘dangerous views being forced on pupils’
No doubt there will be a new version of ‘Blue planet ‘in which the Attenborough tours the world observing ‘ gay’ animal mating rituals .
Thus proving that sodomy is perfectly natural and should be encouraged to reduce reproduction and thus a smaller carbon footprint .
This can be followed up by a series which shows animals aborting their own offspring thus showing that it natural too.
‘Pink Planet’
Ha – that’s a better working title Roland .
And not only is it pink, it is flat and only 4,000 years old.
I dare anyone to suggest otherwise.
“No doubt there will be a new version of ‘Blue planet ‘in which the Attenborough tours the world observing ‘ gay’ animal mating rituals.”
Bonobos, which look like chimps to me, are alleged to indulge in homosexual activity by people who either have nothing better to do, or get off on that sort of thing. It takes all sorts.
The good thing is that, being chimp-like things, they are not able to appear on the BBC sofa and talk about it.
If the pupil had said
“there are only two sexes” that is right on can argue with that
but sex & gender are different
AFAIK gender is how you choose to identify, so you could say your gender is non-binary
you can change gender
You can’t change your biological-sex , cos that is in your DNA via XY chromosome
He might assert that there are only two genders .. and that is just opinion, so I wouldn’t kick him out of school
.. it’s just the same as saying there is no god.
“but sex & gender are different
AFAIK gender is how you choose to identify”
Yes, I think that is how the argument is being presented. But “gender” appears to have replaced “sex” in most instances and it appears to me that the gender activists don’t really want the scientific approach discussed at all. They see it as a problem because it suggests that the sex of a person might have implications well beyond physical appearance.
If the pupil is guilty of simply using the wrong term, that should have been sorted out in class. When I was at school any opinion, no matter how outlandish or even objectionable, would have been dealt with in this way. I clearly recall that praising Hitler was the first choice of the wind-up merchant and was easy to dismiss. The fact that he has been suspended implies, to me at least, that something else is going on and the (at times belligerent) denial of scientific reality in athletics, for instance, tends to support this.
BTW Woman, Caster Semenya Has XY Chromosomes
is technically classed intersex as seems to have 2 sets of genes mixed up hence the high testosterone but not fully developed into a man.
and some intersex men have the XX chromosome
these outliers are rare being 0.018% of population
Whereas most people claiming to be of variable gender are not physically intersex like they are.
Just watched the female world cup match Spain v the USA.
I was on the edge of my seat all aff waiting for the mention from the BBC commentator of every player who either gay or trans. Not a word?
Even worse I expected an end of match “Marriage Proposal” from one female player to another. If it did happen then I missed it as I struck the off button with such force that I think I may have broken the remote?. May I say it was worth it. Hate BBC pundits, they somehow remind me of Lineker.
You know the BBCbisexual channel – every opportunity.
I haven’t been “intersex” since I was about 75!
I blame the pills they give me! lol
Who came up with this line:
“I had been trying to understand this moment…the rise of the right wing, when Grenfell happened.”
And who agreed: “The horrible way it all comes into focus…”
‘Start the week’: The power of poetry. After Toady, this a.m.
Statement by black ‘poet’, Jay Bernard.
Answer by white ‘presenter’ Andrew Marr.
The ‘right wing’ wasn’t mentioned before or after, and Bernard had been discussing the 1981 New Cross fire.
Then came the opportunity to slip in a little mischief, which was gone before you realised you’d heard it. Both men continued to discuss poetry, as if nothing out of the ordinary had been said.
Marr had set the programme up quite impartially:
start with ancient Welsh poetry
continue with Russian poet Yesenin
then onto contemporary black poetry
followed by the refugee experience.
See: 50% poetry, 50% bbc agenda under a poetry guise.
Quite impartial.
Oh, and if you noticed a direct link between the ‘right wing’ and the Grenfell fire, well -that sorta just happened. Two poets putting an image out there, all good, harmless cultural fun…
Think nothing of it.
The BBC isn’t at all interested in democracy. This morning it is again showing it’s clear bias by omission.
The Brexit Party has just announced that it is launching a formal petition calling for a full investigation into allegations of electoral fraud by rigged postal voting at the Peterborough by-election.
The BBC had a journo at the press conference and she even asked a question.
But, here we are, at least an hour after the event, and there is not a peep on the BBC website.
Nothing on the home page, nor on the politics page, no “breaking news” headline, not even a line being reported on the Cambridgeshire section of the regional news pages for local consumption!!
This is something that goes to the heart of our democracy – something that echoes what the Brexit Party has been saying about our corrupt, broken political system. It’s not even particularly about Labour allegedly rigging the vote in this case but, as Farage and Tice explained, it is about the wider issue of postal voting being way too open to corruption.
Yet the BBC chooses to blank it.
Jolly good.
And well done Jay Beecher, Editor-in-Chief of @Politicalite
(Re the legal team – I believe Francis Hoar is also acting for Robin Tilbrook).
indeed..please support/retweet/FB etc etc.
and new site:
nice pix of B&C so say yesterday here:
“drain the Fens”!
The Left are scoffing at The Brexit Party for seeking a second vote in Peterborough despite the evidence of rigging by Labour.
How ironic!
Indeed they are …
They really are a angry / bitter bunch aren’t they !!!
I see the commissars at the Guardian are doing the Trump thing of picking the worst photo of Nigel Farage to illustrate this piece. You can pick a still of anyone talking even in the most reasonable way and make it look as if they are snarling.
The Guardian really is a collective of obnoxious left wing scum.
Talk Radio caller earlier pointed out
That whilst we want to know Boris part in the fracas
his girlfriend has a right to privacy
especially since she is a rape victim.
If the row turns out to be mostly her fault
how will the nosy parkers feel.
As a caller on LBC suggested this morning, that may explain Boris’s uncharacteristic silence. The suggestion being that he is not prepared to feed her to the wolves.
Whatever the reason, his reluctance to talk is not helping. Though I suspect the media would just dig further anyway.
I hadn’t been aware of this, but now I read that she may have been a victim of Worboys, but she has no memory of it, which was of course his MO.
Despite her being a victim of such an attack, her neighbours have no compunction about invading her privacy, the Guardian communists have no compunction about splashing this on the front page, and now the Class War hate mob have driven her out of her home.
The left wing are utterly and irredeemably vile, every last one of them.
God save us from a Corbyn government, Britain will never recover.
12pm Talkradio News customers want “music festivals with diversity ” say Ticketmaster , sales site
… well Ticketmaster baited the media and got a free advert
@TicketmasterUK tweeted
\\ State of Play: UK Festivals covering sustainability, gender diversity and romance is out now!
Festival fans, are you leaving your tent behind or climbing into someone else’s?
Be the first to read >> #tmFestivals Photo by Matt Eachus //
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: ‘Dozen’ Tories could back no confidence vote, says Ellwood””
The top three BBC headlines are anti-Brexit.
The Brexit that’s never mentioned is ‘The Brexit Party’.
The BBC are terrified of :-
1. No Deal, i.e. Leave.
2. The Brexit Party.
3. Boris.
May the Terror continue 😉
‘National treasure’ Stephen Fry has a dig at language pedants, like Lynne Truss, on Jeremy Vine. “Why can’t they use language to be creative?”
What like Lynne Truss?? Does she sell more than you Stephen?
Ha! He has just said that there is a story that ‘posh’ comes from ‘port out, starboard home’. Has he forgotten how smuggly he decried this on QI!
Media is just full of ‘ Fry’ types with ‘ mental issues’ .
I’m not sure if that’s just an observation or a criticism – it would be for ailister cambell ( or should it be c lister cambell ) because he puts forward a forceful false argument on the basis of his condition / medication which is then broadcast on national media which is frightened of him – despite him being both unelected and even worse – a journo .
Are Arabs turning their backs on religion?
The BBC reports its own survey into “Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa” and finds some are turning away from “religion”.
Amazingly, the M-word and I-word do not appear once in the story, even though the majority of the demographic surveyed will be Muslims following Islam.
Are Muslims turning their backs on Islam, should be the headline? Alas, looks like the BBC is too scared to ask.
KafirMe, great news, so we can remove all the diversity barriers now? Research carried out by Arab Barometer… major funders of this ‘nonpartisan’ organisation include:
– United Nations Development Programme
– Middle East Partnership Initiative
– Qatar Foundation
– International Development Research Centre
Hard to believe, but the bbc tv lunchtime news kicked off with the same old, same old, yet again. The sheer boredom of it. Hunt, telling Boris to ‘man up’. Is the beeb hoping they’ve another ‘repenting’ Remainer to support?
Is the tale of Boris’ private ‘squabble’ going to drone on and on, eagerly pushed by our excited, ‘impartial’ national broadcaster as lead story? The pattern was established with President Trump, with the endless, repetitive Russian interference narrative.
Oh, here’s Amol Rajan, mentioning that very situation…
So predictable. So boring.
Amol would do better selling diamond jewellery…
“Hard to believe, but the bbc tv lunchtime news kicked off with the same old, same old, yet again. The sheer boredom of it. Hunt, telling Boris to ‘man up’.”
The thought of hunt hosting a conference of world leaders in the UK would embarrass me. Can you imagine all those close up shots of his “frozen in the headlights” expression. I know he can’t help it but first impressions do count.
Arab King to his group after the meeting: who is this hunt guy; I keep holding my hands out to shake his but he keeps backing away from me as if I’ve got oil all over me nose?
Oh look. The BBC CAN report on France after all.
But maybe only on things that haven’t happened yet.
A hot spell in France is not of Global significance, as in Global Warming. It’s a very small area of land in comparison.
Still, it pushes the BBC’s Left Wing narrative, so must be discussed.
It’s bloody ‘ot, ‘ere, already. Pray for Goat.
TWATO – Boris Boris Boris..all negative, Some bloke who owns a big taxi company wants to know if BJ is a good father? By whose standards? And what has that to do with his ability as the PM? They even dug up some bloke who ‘beat’ him at Oxford University Union elections- WTF?
Is there nothing else happening in the world -the BBC really are showing their hand..
James – there is a great deal happening, but it doesn’t fit the bbc agenda.
Take South Africa. S A Today News 1177 reports on the latest farm murder. On 20 June, Johan Pretorius of Nigel, was ambushed in his pickup truck at the farm gate, where he was beaten to death with the handle of a pickaxe. His body was then replaced in the vehicle and both were set alight. He leaves a wife and small daughter.
This story should make the beeb. It likes to report on racial hate crimes, well here’s one for them. It likes to report on ‘genocide’, well, these murders are almost a daily occurrence, year in and year out. They could have a ‘Panorama’, investigating the shocking real numbers involved, the mountainsides of white crosses, one for every victim. But there’s something in this that doesn’t suit their narrative. And it’s one they worked very hard to construct over many years in the first place.
So, their silence is deafening.
Fake – couldn’t agree more. But having an open mind and seeing two sides to any argument hasn’t been the BBC modus operandi for many years now..
Yes, negative and hostile. But wait until Boris is PM. He will give the BBC whatever thy want. He knows who is boss.
I only hope this has opened Boris’s eyes.
He is a socially liberal, easy going sort of man. He is NOT right wing at all. No matter, they still hate him.
He has got to realise, there is no reasoning with these people, no accommodation which can be made with them. The BBC has been taken over by left wing entryists from top to bottom. There is no going back, and no possibility of reform. The BBC has to be defunded. Let them stand on their own two feet without extorting money from pensioners on pain of imprisonment.
I rather doubt Boris will have the stomach to do it. If he doesn’t, he’s a fool. They will not be grateful, rather they will work even harder to bring him down and install a socialist zealot in No10.
You’d think this was fairly important and newsworthy.
Not according to the BBC. Last I checked this was nowhere to be seen on the BBC news main webpage, with Boris still consuming their thoughts.
It’s there now (in Regions)
Peterborough by-election: Brexit Party calls for ‘vote-rigging’ probe
Lots of quotation marks and no HYS.
R4 Play ..docu-drama the life of the Sheffield tree protesters
..intro is very Disneyesque
No actors are credited so I guess the protesters have got BBC money to play themselves
Some protesters have tweeted promos
Minor dispute or something in Westminster bubble , lots of coverage .
Major firearms incident at travellers camp in Braintree , no coverage .
Not come up on Twitter
but plenty of police news on Travellers across the country.
Last a friend could not make his way directly between Witham and his haulage yard on the east side of Braintree due to huge police presence and blockade of the area .
This was after a security guard heard seven shots being fired in a travellers camp .
No listening devices were needed.
Essex Live
A huge emergency service presence has been seen rushing to an incident in a village near Braintree
\\ Firefighters rescued a man from a roof top this afternoon after construction materials fell on top of him, leaving him unable to move. //
\\ This afternoon an innocuous sounding motion to approve a Statutory Instrument relating to the draft Climate Change Act 2008
(2050 Target Amendment)
Order 2019 is being slipped through parliament.
It is a bit of Theresa May’s legacy.
There will be hardly any debate time for the motion. No impact statement. A trillion pounds of taxpayers’ money waved through as a going away present to Theresa May… //
The one thing i love , apart from of course, the cultural enrichment they bring, is the way they just blend into our society, don’t make a fuss and follow our rules and regulations. Really cant understand why they get so many peoples backs up !!!
Imagine you or me ignoring a rule like this in a Muslim country ?? Guaranteed prison sentence …… so fu**in soft in Liberal euro land.
But this is women, muslim women, defying authority …. the stuff of dreams for the BBC
Not sure why it is even on BBC news – oh yes I forgot. it’s muslims doing what they want – disobeying laws because they don’t fit with their religion – but it’s okay if we throw in a bit of Rosa Parks…BBC narrative heard loud and clear
Anyone hear that the Government have put out a contract for £2.9bn over next 3 years just for aslyum and refugee housing …NO not on BBC
Why can’t that be used for our own homeless?
Six months on from the brutal beheading of the two Scandinavian women in Morocco (who the BBC described at the time as suffering “cuts to their necks”), WaPo goes to Defcon 5 diversion tactics by ringing the ‘far right’ alarm bell: In a crime apparently intended to impress the Islamic State, two Scandinavian women were brutally slain in Morocco. The killings were seized on by the far right to attack Islam.
“In the Moroccan case, a video that was created to strike a blow for Islamism was almost immediately repurposed and weaponized by those who consider the religion an existential threat to the ethnic and cultural identity of Northern Europe. The victims were caught between warring ideologies that they had rejected in life.”
No, the victims were caught between four Muslims who stabbed them in their tent, cut their heads off, filmed the whole thing and released the video.
It would be nice to see less journalistic ‘repurposing’ of reality to suit the globalist agenda and more basic truth telling.
TM – They were also raped.
“The victims were caught between warring ideologies that they had rejected in life.”
Wrong, the dumb bitches swallowed the lefty lie that “The Religion of Hate” is the “Religion of Peace”.
Which is why they went to the Atlas Mountainss.
Usual false equivalence by the lying far left US press.
This tweet has been retweeted by a few lefty media types, including the far left Beth Rigby.
“A woman was screaming” she says….. rubbish !! Screaming as in shouting, yes, possibly, but screaming as in “fear of life” are 2 very different things.
Does anybody on here know the tv viewing figures for any of our ‘Lionesses’ recent WC matches? ????
I think at least 6 people on this site watches …. footy season doesn’t start for another 7 weeks or so….
“footy season doesn’t start for another 7 weeks or so”
I wasn’t aware that it had ended.
Well as far as I’m concerned there hasn’t been football for several long weeks .
I was trying to get an idea of al beeb’s viewing figures for the England women’s team’s matches at the Women’s World Cup ???? Or are they curiously not releasing them ????
Guardian says 4.6 million on a Sunday night for a Scotland England game . 550 000 for the cricket but BARB only gives table position against actual viewer numbers .
I’m guess Iceland versus the isle of wright will have negative viewing numbers like all those bbc Scotland programmes reported last week
Much appreciated fedup
Are you a fellow Yid by the way?
Are we allowed to use that word on here ????
Theleft. No I don’t think that word is allowed but I’d take a view from people of that faith . As for the spurs – I was born in the sight of White Hart Lane and it was my first love. I had dalliances elsewhere for a while but have returned to my true love / hate ( a spurs supporter would know what I mean by that ….) . I’m still waiting to go see the new stadium which on a clear day I can see from the top of my hill. Shame about Ericsson .
Yep, I know exactly what you mean. ????
You own a hill ????
Yes – Fedup Hill is well known in my area – but I only own the bit which goes up ….
… watching the panorama mess of comparing the two Tories preparing to PM – they’ve even added background music .
Quite simply – when these characters are actually questioned – the one who declares that Blighty will be out by 31 October – no ifs no buts will be the one worth voting for . Anything else means betrayal and hence a government which does not deserve any confidence …
Anybody tell me how Evan Davis gets funding and permission to plan a coup against Boris if he wins and tries to get us out on Oct 31st? Heard him on his PM drug tank of a show, and his endless squauking over Johnny Mercer seemed very amyl nitrate to me.
He had some Poly Dolly from UCL to explain how the Queen could be rolled in by May to keep her in until Corbyn took over. Outrageous stirring, maybe if they used a wine glass to snoop on Boris, they could lock him away as well.
Where did the BBC decide that THEY were the State then? Go to Netflix and put Davis and Co on trial for their lives.
Context of @Pugs comments re Emma’s father
…”website advertising the brothels had also been taken in the lounge and piano room of the family home.
Police found emails between Mr Barnett and his daughter Emma, talking about his `whores’.
The couple, married for more than 25 years, had a Rolls-Royce and a Jaguar with personal plates, went on exotic holidays and lived a `wealthy lifestyle’. ..”
Parliament is going to debate the petition “Public inquiry into the bias in the BBC”.
The debate is scheduled for 15 July 2019.
Ten reasons why the BBC is biased against democracy.
(1) Democracy discriminates against the minorities.
(2) Minorities must have a second referendum if they lose.
(3) Postal votes can make the minority win.
(4) Replacing the British working classes with minorities can make Labour win.
(5) Members of the House of Lords like Lord Hall, are a minority.
(6) Democracy is Populist, therefore Democracy is bad.
(7) Minority rule by the elite is not Popular, therefore minority rule is good.
(8) America and Israel are Democracies, Bad. The European Union and Palestine are not Democracies, Good.
(9) Nigel Farage talks about a Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy. So this means that Democracy is right-wing and therefore bad.
(10) Elitism is left-wing and therefore good.
The denial of any sense of reality is now the main defining feature of our progressive elites . In the media particularly but increasingly in government and the bureaucracy. That education is beyond recall now is obvious.
Common sense tells most of us that 2 plus 2 equals 4. No longer in BBC land .
This mania over Boris is typical. It was a row, That’s all. We all have them . The rest is a politically motivated attack and everyone I know sees it as such. Do the BBC sense anything and back off? Not as far as i can see.
That tells me that it is no longer behaving in a sane logical way but in a manner that will only end in it’s eventual destruction.
To lead every bulletin with this is simply absurd.
I watched the very aggressive show on BBC2 this morning. Victoria Derbyshire is her name I believe. Really pitiful stuff. Sad to see and pointless.
Is there anyone left in the BBC with a sense of self preservation at least?
Reality always wins in the end. That is life and not all the wishes of a deranged class of self styled progressives can change that.