Day 6 of the Boris Johnson crucifixion . Even the least attentive person must , by now , have realised that the Main Stream Media -led by a hostile biased BBC – are out for Mr Johnson’s blood . Only President Trump has received more vilification .
Perhaps , on the up side , more people will become conscious of what the MSM / BBC is doing in the name of taxpayers . And perhaps they’ll get Fedup too .
TWatO Watch #1
The BBC helping apparent Remainers shill against Brexit and a No-Deal-Brexit in particular. Again! Sarah’s introduction to contributors, together with her interventions, have been quite ‘telling’. BBC no longer telling us, as they did on Sunday last, whether the contributors have voted Leave or Remain.
I wonder why?
Notice how the outcome of the EU elections have been airbrushed out of BBC questioning or mention . Brexiter s won – so it never happened .
Sarah Olney re-selected by the Lib-Scums.
How many honest, law abiding, MPs are there?
Guardian Opinion Renewable energy
Wed 26 Jun 2019 09.00 BST
“Brexit is political poison, and it’s green policies that are suffering Molly Scott Cato”
[Probably the only person alive battier than Lucas (but please feel free to correct me).
Cato does not like the VAT changes on solar panels, so as any abnormal crazy lefty would do, she blames the referendum result.
Good news Molly, when your party forms a Government you can reduce VAT to minus eleventy thingy per centy whatsits.
No comments allowed.]
Guardian Opinion Donald Trump
Wed 26 Jun 2019 07.00 BST
“Someone accused the US president of rape. The media shrugged Arwa Mahdawi”
[Serial lying Communist extremists queue up to try to blacken the name of a political opponent.
Guardian policy is to believe all the women, even before they learn no evidence is available.
This is the problem, twenty years after the alleged crime what evidence will be available? None.
Why are these most serious crimes not reported at the time, when evidence was available?
She told two friends about the rape, allegedly, when she told them I have been unable to discover.
Madhawi states that this is the 22nd occasion Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct.
22 times, always years after the event, not one “victim” reported the “attack”, not one friend persuaded he “victim” to report the attack.
These are mostly well educated women.
The Madhawi argument, such as it is, is that the culprits were rich and/or powerful and the victims would not be believed.
Nonsense, cuts, bruises, semen stains will convince most jurors.
Recent events, particularly the Cliff Richard harassment, co-ordinated by the far left BBC, show the alacrity with which the MSM will target victims, and publicise baseless accusations, WHEN THE ALLEGED CULPRIT DOES NOT SHARE THEIR POLITICAL VIEWS.
Madhawi is writing in a “newspaper” which is currently conspiring to discredit the probable next Prime Minister of the UK, with the intention of having a Remain traitor promoted: which has been conspiring, for over three years, to have a democratic referendum result ignored.
No comments allowed.]
TWatO Watch #2 versus TOADY.
TOADY: insects are under threat of extinction.
TWatO: insects will thrive with increasing heat.
Oh! dear! TWATO tells me that schools are closing in France as the temperatures reach 40 degrees C. We are informed about the range of debilitating events and diseases that will ensue when we hit that point similarly.
I cast my mind back to living in the Middle East.
Don’t think schools closed. Don’t think people died in the street. Don’t think that there was an increased risk of Malaria. Don’t, don’t don’t……..
Dream on TWATO.
President ‘Napoleon’ Macron has just announced that the French government is facing a choice of collaborating with the heatwave, or surrendering to it.
Twitter and President Trump really are a match made in heaven. He just says it as it is …. so refreshing.
Oh to have someone with a backbone in the UK.
There are 300 million people in America
so it’s not great that a show only get 1.5m viewers
that 0.5% of population
Nice example of the Goebbels Broadcasting Corporation in action.
Webshite headline ‘UK population growth rate stalls’
Implication – mass immigration no longer an issue.
Actually- nett migration was 275,000.
We’re still growing, but it turns out those who were already here had fewer babies.
The BBC. Bringing you the news messages they want you to hear.
“nett migration was 275,000”
Who’d have imagined it after the 2016 vote? Have the rubber boats started to take migrants away from the UK?
Glastonbury Crowd: WE DON’T WANT BORDERS.
Is the space between the two eco-friendly and achingly transparent barriers – not ‘walls’ of course – for the attack dogs? Or is the area mined?
With the racket going on inside, Belters, I’d reckon that there would be quite a few hippies sitting just outside, in a little circle, considering their life on benefits, a funny fag and the occasional drop of cider…
Why pay an enormous sum of bennies just to get stoned and fall asleep with the rest of the smelly lot!
Beltane, I understand that is to allow Security on quad bikes to patrol, the ‘three ply’ being a good indicator. According to the BBC article about Glasto, after it’s all over, they sometimes find body parts between inner & outer, ahem … ‘walls’.
That may have been ‘a joke’ (á la genre Brand) purely pour encourager les autres not to try any funny stuff and avoid the £245 admission price. Why £245? If young folk are that well-heeled to blow that amount on live performances while getting cold and wet or sunburnt and there is such a demand for tickets, why not charge £250?
It’s indeed for the security to patrol.
The wall was first established in the early 00’s if memory serves following a final warning from the local authority. The Entertainment licence was going to be revoked due to the amounts of crime and disorder every year there was a festival, it not only impacted the festival goers but the locals were sick to death of dealing with the fall out every day, in the lanes, gardens, cars and even their houses.
I was there in 95, once but but never again. Our tent was ransacked within 40mins of setting up and my abiding memory was the constant approaches by northern scallies with vacant stares and hoodies trying to sell us drugs every 2mins. They would evade the event security and crash the venue without tickets inorder to score some crack, sell E’s and generally pilfer anything that wasn’t nailed down.
You are right. Some guys I worked with around 1995 decided to go to Glastonbury and jibbed their way in with no problems. Security then was a joke, and as you say, the festival was a mass of drugs and crime.
Now that security is tip top there is really no chance of blagging your way in any more. The festival is safer, and even upper class OAPs such as Jon Snow can dance drunkenly with the kids, chanting “Fuck the Tories” in complete safety.
The moral of the story is that fences and security really do work. But obviously President Trump is a racist, so they don’t work on the US border with Mexico. Everywhere else, but not there.
Surely it’s no coincidence that the ‘barriers’ are see-through? That, to the minds of pseuds like Snow would be all the justification needed to preserve the Peoples’ Pop Show exclusively for those who can afford it.
Blimey! Looks like a set from The Walking Dead.
Is that to keep people in or out?
All they need are watch towers with searchlights for the place to be called Stalag Glastonbury.
Pound’s fall has stopped us buying a round of drinks
hard time hey lol
But, but, they promised us free Ipads, travel anywhere, ackommerdashun, an’, an’, ciggies, an’ mobaws, an’ all sorts of stuff…
Licence pays cash yet again made to made Greenblob advert
that benefits bad green policy that increases our COSTS.
90% of us put our used plastic bottle in the correct bin
yet there is a scheme to incentivise the louts who litter
by getting us all 100% to pay more so that that 10% can money back on their bottle
..meanwhile some corp making fancy reverse vending machines makes money and gives green NGOs a backhander .
BBC Humberside don’t explain all that to you they package up a slick “hey Wow video” which someone has plugged on Facebook to get 180K views
Licence payers cash yet again used to make Greenblob advert
The BBC spins a population increase of 400,000 in one year as “population growth rate stalls”, almost giving the impression the country is somehow experiencing a terrible population decline:
Goebbells would be proud of that one . The target is to cut the population level of the indigenous population and import as much third world stuff as quickly as possible . – I’m sure they can get it to 80 million is the next decade . What a proud achievement that will be .
And anyone who does not like that it obviously a racist and needs to leave ….
I bet it already is 80 million.
Banania – you know what ? I thought about 100 million but thought ‘ridiculous ‘ now I’m thinking – we might not be too far away from that . Glad we consented to it .
Ban & Fed, if you check how many UK passports are renewed every year and then check the stats for how many of the UK population have a passport and do the sums on a proper calculator, not an Ab-acus 😉 , there are some surprising answers, especially when you add in EU nationals and estimate others from around the world with the right to remain.
As a cross-check, the same exercise can be carried out with driving licences issued, the learner rates, pass rates stats, etc..
I think BBC’s R4 ‘More or Less’ should do an investigation. It has been suggested to them. To best of my knowledge, they have not tackled it so far.
I wonder why?
“Brexit: Force new EU poll on next PM, says Mark Drakeford”
Another politician putting his own beliefs over those of the people he claims to represent. We in Wales have voted out once and we still haven’t left. Perhaps the next poll should be to close the Welsh Assembly ? A waste of money and a white elephant.
There is a HYS running and CCBGB.
“…close the Welsh Assembly…”
Yes please.
And here is another waste of time and money by the white elephant
“Welsh Youth Parliament holds joint session with AMs”
I suspect that this is the Welsh Assembly’s warm up to try to bring the voting age down to 16.
We are all gonna die through nightmare heatwaves like the one we currently have hint the BBC.
Well… I am in Derby, I just walked through the town feeling very cold and had to put on a hat and gloves due to very chill wind blowing, most unlike end of June!
I understand that the “heatwave” is due to heat moving from the Sahara.
For the BBC’s information, the Sahara is normally bl**dy” hot pretty well most of the time so should they really refer to this as “Moving Warming”? or perhaps even “Climate Migration”?
By the way some one should have a word with Humph, discussing insect habitats (declining state of) with another invited doom screamer he commented… “Well we all know about bees and worms”.
Spent too much time at broadcasting house I think….
BBC dreamboat does transparency like only a broadcaster who is addicted to Owen Jones can.
The point being that most of those 17.3 million don’t live in a swanky area of London or have a tiny fraction of the income of this individual plus have experienced watching their Home Towns become unrecognisable.
Another Planet?
I think the BBC should sack all their highly paid presenters, journalists etc., and replace them with much cheaper Eastern Europeans. Only then, perhaps, would these sanctimonious and self-righteous dullards understand why huge numbers of people voted Brexit.
Luckily, I haven’t a clue who Bryan Cox is, so I’m a newcomer as far as he’s concerned.
Is he supposed to be interesting, or does he get paid by the BBCLBGTDFR lot?
I really need to know before I ignore him as another weedy little git masquerading as a mental lightweight!
I think It’s time the gloves come off and we start applying some famous ‘righty tolerance’ to individuals such as this Brian Cocks fellow and many others in the self righteous holier than thou, I know best deptartment.
Dear Brian, you are the end of a bell. Now **** off cause no one cares what you think sunbeam.
I don’t rate Cox as a scientist. Does anyone know any discoveries he’s made. Is there a Cox’s Law or a Cox’s Theory of something or other. He can’t be a good scientists because he promotes AGW.
Cox by name……
Simple Saharan, or “Spanish” plume, typical of the time of year, of short duration, and nothing to do with climate, changing or otherwise.
This fear of Armageddon from the slightest weather event is becoming so predictable, now, as to be boring. (Unlike the weather, and the climate itself, both of which are totally unpredictable, and all the more refreshing for being so).
“This fear of Armageddon from the slightest weather event is becoming so predictable,”
I remember nearly every summer when me and me brothers used to play football in the road in front of our hose we always used to use the melted tar in the road to strengthen the rope we wrapped round our tomahawks.
Not made any tomahawks in decades. No melted tar? Summers can’t be hot enough?
4:30pm R4 Brave choice of topic by Amol
“Why Political journalists keep Getting it Wrong
… the power of the conventional narrative”
\\ From Brexit to Trump, why do so many journalists keep getting it wrong?
Helen Lewis, staff writer at The Atlantic, believes political journalism has been distorted by “the seductive power of the conventional narrative”.
Also in the programme, the rise of the “unnewsed“, the large number of people who no longer pay for news or read trusted sources,
and 25 years of the magazine Attitude.//
Amol Rajan is joined by Helen Lewis, Polly Curtis, Editor and Partner at Tortoise and visiting fellow at the Reuter’s Institute for the Study of Journalism, Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator, and Cliff Joannou, Editor in Chief of Attitude. //
Oh…… maaaaaate.
This piece is adapted from a lecture delivered at the Reuters Institute for Journalism, Oxford University
Helen Lewis is a former deputy editor of the New Statesman
\\ Why are the views of a retired steelworker in “Grimsby* about “where the country has gone wrong” more important than those of a second-generation Nigerian-British nurse in Plaistow? //
I suggest Helen the London Lewis
got Scunthorpe and Grimsby mixed up
She has described herself as a “Fellow of Oxford University”. Surely there is no such thing!
She might be a ‘Fellowette’, Banaans…
With awful leftie unis these days, they can make up all sorts on titles for their chums – it helps with the funding.
I reckon I could get a Doctorate by claiming I’m a fat bastard swigging a can of Nigerian lager and smoking a fag…
(A) At the BBC they have “Ignorant Journalism” which is boring and biased in favour of thick people such as Guardian readers.
(B) On this site we have a superior type of journalism to that on the BBC, called “Amateur Journalism”.
(C) The informative Journalism censored by the BBC is called “Professional Journalism”. People who produce this type of intelligent informative journalism are censored by the BBC. Journalists such as Melanie Phillips, Donna Laframboise, Christopher Booker, Andrew Montford, James Delingpole, Christopher Monckton, Martin Durkin, Robin Aitken, Jonah Goldberg, Richard Littlejohn and many others are censored by the BBC because they criticise the BBC for being biased in favour of the political views of Lord Nego Hall of Birkenhead.
FORMER BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole says (in today’s Daily Mail) he was one of only five Tory supporters on the staff, telling ‘The Oldie’: ‘I was allowed to be mildly right-wing while the other 27,995 staff were all Lefties, to a greater or lesser extent. This secret statute of understanding, which is invisible in the BBC archives, and therefore deniable, must still be operative because the numbers in the Corporation now remain roughly the same.’
Something we long suspected was the case behind much of the BBC political bias. So when the BBC claims ‘diversity’ (it does not mean there should be any diverse political opinion). A quick calculation here means that conservative opinion (both Big C and small c conservatives) are very small indeed and hardly UK representative (of which the frequently BBC claims to be).
Five Conservatives in a 27,995 workforce! Strewth! its worse than we thought. And it confirms they choose staff by political affiliation. It may be illegal, but it clear that they do. Presumer ably ‘Cole’ was employed to be the token Conservative to ‘fence-off’ any accusations of reporting bias, in Royal households. The rest of the BBC would happily abolish the entire Royals if it were not part of an ancient parliamentary (ancient to the BBC) commitment to wider public broadcasting which it barely covers and abuses in all other areas. No surprise really, but I thought it an interesting admission, from a BBC insider.
“Also in the programme, the rise of the “unnewsed“, the large number of people who no longer pay for news or read trusted sources”
Trusted sources?
You mean, like the BBC?
Norfolk friend who is just a teeny little bit of a sceptic: “Yeaher, roight!”
In one particular place in NW London I was surprised to find that not one of the three Newsagents I visited stock any English Newspapers any more when I asked. Even in the local Coffee Shop. No local demand in certain areas, or it appears the locals don’t read newspapers and probably don’t listen the the BBC either for cultural reasons…
Philip 2, don’t forget that there are lots of Waitrose in leafy NW London and if you spend £5 during the week and £10 at weekends you can have a free newspaper. We get the Telegraph for the sudoku and crossword and Charles Moore on a Saturday. Charles Moore sits very comfortably with many of the views expressed on this site.
The Orwellian #Thoughtcrime of criticising Islam
now why would
mend – Muslim Engagement and Development
@SayeedaWarsi @NazShahBfd amongst others
be interested in a hit piece on andrew norfolk I wonder
To channel my inner gizmo sales flyer… could this be the next BBC ism-clash dilemma?
Hey, guess who the BBC had on?
ER’s Rupe. Apparently.
Now I recall no mention of him when ER was but a gleam in a bunch of middle-aged Trots’ eyes, but now I wonder where all the lolly they seemed to get, so quickly, came from.
and sky are joining in , its all britains fault!!
Now how exactly do they know this? How did they calculate it? I don’t recall them measuring output 100 years ago. Oh I know they made a model and hey presto it says what they thought…what a pile of crap..
Don’t worry, James, it’s only a carbon ‘overdraft’! We’ll get charged more interest of course, but who cares where the money come from anyway, apparently it’s on a tree somewhere near Droitwich!
I know this is true, because ‘sources’ told me, and as the state-registered ‘broadcaster’ always reminds us, our sources are sacrosanct!
I think maybe there should be a special tax on all those who use excessive amounts of electricity and the people who work for them like Sky and the BBC and record companies and rock bands and pop groups and festivals and …….
Australians reckoned that Australia used to have way more forests, but aborigine tradition was to have great fires.
Tat would mean they have a great carbon debt.
.. cos unless the forest grows back most of the CO2 does not re-enter the Australian bio-system
State Broadcaster practically wet itself promoting XR whilst ignoring the stories of those disrupted by their actions. The pandering by government – jumping on their ’emergency’ bandwagon whilst simultaneously foot dragging after a democratic vote to leave the EU three years ago was a sight to behold. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
I see he’s in Paris?
Bet he can’t speak for all the yellow vests in’t background.
Rupert Read, a philosopher who wants to impose the Precautionary Principle to Climate Change, but refuses to debate Atmospheric Physics with anyone with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics. Precautions against problems that probably don’t exist. Especially if the cost is more expensive than adapting to real problems such as snow drifts on the roads for three days every year. He has the same qualifications as a typical scientifically unqualified BBC scientific advisor.
Rupert Read triggered a BBC policy shift by publicly refusing to debate climate science with anyone who didn’t agree with him. This lead the BBC to intensify its censorship of climate science. A policy that meant the BBC would no longer invite anyone with censored scientific views as a counterbalance to environmentalist standpoints. All because of that much better qualified Environmentalist Philosopher, Rupert Read. The BBC previously invited people they called “Deniers” such as Lord Lawson, because they didn’t have any scientific qualifications. But even scientifically unqualified “Deniers” have now effectively been barred. Previously, all those Science Professors on the GWPF Academic Advisory Council were barred from the BBC, so Lord Lawson had to go on instead.
To understand the “BBC Newspeak” used to bar Climate scientists from the BBC. (1) A “Climate Change Denier” is someone like, Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Richard Lindzen. (2) A “Scientific Standpoint” is the “Environmentalist Standpoint” of someone like the Environmental Philosopher, Rupert Read. Therefore not barred from the BBC, because environmental and political activists like Rupert Read and Greta Thunberg know best what scientists think.
Excellent, Richard!
Sums up an easy result when one knows the bbbc is plonking an unqualified poser in front of the camera, looking rather like a sixties hippy, but with more facial stubble.
Save the climate by sending that guy out to preach in China and by cutting the energy supplies off to Al Beeb. There we are, fixed it !
Funny isn’t it – when it comes down to it – what we get is gas and electricity which costs more than it should and old people worrying about paying the bill in the winter .
The amount of non sense about ‘extremes ‘ of climate – hot summers – cold winters – is a lot like so much of the infantile over emotional dumbed down MSM which spouts the stuff if an absolute certainty it just doesn’t deserve
And what the hell is a ‘climate emergency ‘? More nonsense from a frankly discredited parliament just waiting to be finished off .
“Rupert Read”
I’ve never heard of him?
I bet he has his eyes on his first Haley Davison.
His type usually end up buying one of those bikes along with growing his first long beard.
“the collapse of our civilisation”
This is a favourite statement of Brian Cox, see above and Alice Roberts, see page 1 or the start the week thread. Or it might be the propagandist who writes the biased lefty “science” scripts for them.
The claim is that the human population is unified, we are one whole.
That there is one civilisation, and everyone has contributed to it.
That all people are equal.
The problem is that this is not supported by the evidence.
20% of Science Nobel prizes won by Jews who compose 0.02% of the population, zero by Africans, that’s equal achievement.
When the facts change I change my opinion.
When facts that the lefties like are shown to be untenable they retain their opinions, deny that facts have changed, call the denial a refutation because have a tiny vocabulary and denounce the bringers of new facts as racists, sexists and all the other imaginary ists and isms and phobias in their insult catalogue.
Ah but the Nobel prize was created by a white European for white Europeans!
African science deals with hexing at a distance while Arab science understands that flies carry both a disease and its antidote.
All of these bodies of knowledge are equally valid, but only one has produced the 747, internet and iPhone.
Labour activists “Oh look I seem to have said something anti-Semitic, let me go to central office and get something to copy and paste into my background that gives me a Jewish connection
and therefore immunity for being labelled anti-Semitic”
BBC covered that ?
were they all hacked or something ?
Tuned into PM on Radio 4 by accident. Evan Davis was interviewing a US Democrat senator of Mexican descent about the photograph of the drowned illegal immigrant father and daughter in the Rio Grande river. In no time they were drawing parallels with the Syrian boy Alan Kurdi who drowned trying to get into Turkey.
Naturally it was President Trump’s fault. Davis and the politician then attempted to take the listener on a guilt trip regarding the tragic incident. The West was also responsible for the deaths because it is so economically successful that the poor migrants could not help but be attracted. No blame on the governments where the invaders, sorry, migrants come or indeed the migrants themselves.
The ONS says that the UK’s population growth has stalled but the amount of ‘migrants’ and their offspring I saw in Walsall today would seem to contradict this statement.
Oh and the newspapers are proclaiming that ‘Mohammed’ and it’s variants, is the most popular boy’s name for the umpteenth year running.
Who says migration has no consequences, well the BBC for one.
Double Standards ..whilst Tommy is not allowed to stand on the cracks on the pavement
The Times correction note says the app is free
some commenters claim it’s offers nothing over radical
Even for the biased BBC, this is a new low.
6pm headline news. First item.
A man and his two year old have drowned illegally crossing a river to get from Mexico into the USA. Shock, horror. There is a photo of the victims.
I am clearly meant to feel that Donald Trump’s immigration policies are evil incarnate.
I don’t.
A weird irony here. All those Mexicans want to get into Trump’s USA. An irony clearly lost on the BBC virtue-signallers.
Maybe its the economic prospects and jobs provided by the free market overseen by Trump that attracts the immigrants to the USA. But maybe parents rather than the US state need to look after their kids a little more carefully,
The socialist Nirvana of Venezuela strangely seems to be less attractive to Mexican economic migrants.
Biased BBC London giving prominent coverage of a demonstration calling for the new Prime Minister to treat knife crime as seriously as terrorism.
Strangely the demonstrators do not appear to be doing their stuff outside Mr. Khan’s London Mayoral office, nor outside Miss Dick’s office down at the Met.
I wonder why not?
Perhaps they think Boris is still Mayor of London?
Or maybe its just the usual BBC shit-stirring.
Khan has redefined the role of Mayor to be ‘complainer’.
If I remember correctly knife crime went down under Boris and has accelerated under Sadick..I stand to be corrected.
Mr Khan is bloody useless…
“Italy migrants: German rescue ship on collision course with Salvini”
“Trouble at mill”, the EU mill that is .
“France’s rising debt level ‘worrying’, says govt auditor”
Anything on Al Beeb?
The EU needs our money. That’s the £39 Billion.
“French authorities say they have no reason to believe that criminal action was to blame for a fire that tore through the iconic Notre-Dame cathedral in April.”
“The cause of the blaze remains unknown, but investigators are now probing the possibility of negligence.”
\\A “badly stubbed out cigarette” or electrical fault are among the possible causes being considered.//
Why not simply state that, thus far, the cause of the fire remains unknown?
We can all engage in idle speculation. An impartial State Broadcaster might want to strive to state facts instead of trying to lead thought.
They ruled out arson within minutes of the fire starting, before anyone could possibly know any details, and despite a string of church attacks in the preceding days and weeks. Which clearly shows that the pc authorities were on the case from the start, and determined to clamp down on any open investigation that might produce the ‘wrong’ answers. Any conclusions they reach are therefore invalidated.
Equality ?
In the Times supplement the image space devoted is usually 80% to female
20% to males
… I don’t hear an outrage bus.
Earlier today these were 3 successive tweets from the BBC .
Bias ?? What Bias !!!! Laughable, it really is. Come on Boris , shut the scumbags down when you become PM.
Confirming what I mentioned earlier today. The Al Beeb journos are not venturing outside of the Westminster bubble.
Who cares about No-Mark Damian Hinds view on who he supports. He’s one vote from a membership of circa 160,000.
And if you take your news from any thing other than the MSM it’s a fair assumption that the grassroots members will be in favour of BJ given that the party will be terminated if Brexit is not delivered.
“The Gestapo, April 1933
⦁ The Gestapo were the Nazis secret police who gathered intelligence on people living in Germany.
⦁ They had over 150,000 informants throughout the country who would report any anti-Nazi sentiment to the Gestapo.
⦁ The Gestapo and their informants did not wear uniforms and, therefore, Germans did not know when they were being spied on. This created tension and fear throughout the country.
⦁ They had powers to arrest and detain those people who were considered enemies of the state/Nazi Party. These people were often violently questioned before being released or imprisoned.
⦁ People’s courts were used to guarantee that those who the Nazis considered to be enemies were charged with treason and interred in concentration camps.
BBC homepage.”
Replace “Anti Nazi Party” with “Anti Remain Party” then folks we have the UK today.
Ironic eh.
Wow, so this is the level of journalism from a BBC Business Reporter.
“Pound’s fall has stopped us buying a round of drinks”
God forbid that the slimy weasels sitting in the HoP should enact the will of the majority of this country in case some people who aren’t even British won’t be able to buy a round of drinks when they return home to Spain!
What next, we have an executive complaining that the brand new BMW he was going to buy for £75,000 will now be £82,500!
I also do have to laugh at how these greenies like to virtue signal that we as humans shouldn’t be tinkering with nature or utilising it to suit our needs.
Makes me wonder what the state of their gardens are like. I’m assuming they would be wildly overgrown and given back to nature because surely they wouldn’t cut the grass, remove the weeds or introduce ‘foreign’ plants/vegetables for their own enjoyment and vanity…
I wonder who will get the blame if BoJo is physically attacked ? The amount of hate being thrown at him in the last week must be building up in some mad snowflakes ‘ head .
I suppose the MSM will blame him for causing it himself . Getting to be frightening times …
MSM going full jo cox on a South American who drowned together with the child for whom he was responsibly trying illegally to get into America – MSM/democrats will blame President Trump – ordinary people will apply common sense .
Watched the car crash which is C4 News this evening. More Farage bashing, but I cant quite understand what formally he has done wrong? Now watching Andrea Leadsom being shouted at about Boris. It really is genuine gutter journalism!
Burgsey -I nearly watched it but had just had enough – the EU Soviets doing the normal thing of banishing the non compliant . Surprised they just don’t ‘disappear ‘ him as a threat to the ReichEU …
The London police commissioner has made a. Speech about how bad the overall 9 per cent detection rate is for recorded crime .
Funny how they have plenty of time and resources for some thing but plead poverty on their day job . Murder detections is at 90 per cent I think even though their resources have been reduced quite a bit –
The stats lie as much as the MSM does . I don’t know of anyone who would bother contacting plod about anything unless there’s an absolute need – they lost the plot so long ago .
I wonder if journalists believe the stuff they come out with? I expect they must do and I expect in order to retain their self-confidence they must believe that everyone else believes what they say.
This morning Radio 3 was doing a piece about Górecki’s Symphony No. 3 which became a ‘classics best seller’ in the late 1970’s. We were told that this was a sort of minimalist religious music, something that our souls were crying out for under the ‘regimes of Regan and Thatcher’.
Now I suspect that most people’s ‘souls’ were doing whatever they had always been doing, it was only the media clique that were suffering self-induced RDS and TDS and perhaps Górecki distracted them for 40 minutes or so. Bear in mind that Reagan was a two-term president and Thatcher a three-term prime minister so, by any sane measure they were popular. As for religion, I don’t think there can be any doubt that both these leaders were both strong in and driven by their faith.
When one lives in a bubble total internal relection makes it impossible to see the outside world.
The other main drivers must be
Peer approval
The drive for a higher status job
Power over others
Fame and fortune .
For these – they sell their souls and develop no doubt . As can be seen all the time – consuming BBC poison .
Drain it
I don’t know which is Lower in the levels of morality – journos or politicians . I suppose they are Of the same base level .
Radio 3? So Beeb groupthink – the poison extends even to classical music.
In fact Gorecki struggled against the Polish communist authorities, that harassed him and tapped his phone. The selfsame communism that Thatcher and Reagan opposed and did much to bring about its downfall, God bless them.
If Polish souls were crying out it was against the evil of communism.
Trust the beeb to get it all 180 degrees wrong.
Switch on ‘news’ at ten
Switch right off again.
(Same old beeb tv propaganda.)
You are so right. I stuck with it and now they are purring with approval over Prince William saying he would support his children if they were gay.
I don’t think I can stand much more of the incessant virtue-signalling and government by emotion.
Speaking of journalists, so-called.
None of you seen this yet.
“Not to everyone’s taste” is quickly changed to “a superb broadcaster”.
No, being incredibly generous, I think you got it just about right the first time bBC. Superb and Maitlis? No.Who says the bBC doesn’t do comedy?
As per usual, CCBGB, the top comment suggesting “Boris should now scrap the TV licence…” I’ve saved Boris a bit of bother, I cancelled ours a few days ago, Maitlis is definitely not to my or anybody else I knows taste.
There’s a Sun story that goes further
all comments go against the Beeb ..but only 40 likes for top comment
Whereas at the Mail the anti Beeb comments are on 6000 likes
It appears most of Al Beeb will be at Glasto over the next few days.
Tactical Nuke anyone?
Winds from the east so most fall out will blow towards Wales.
I used to go to Glastonbury in the 90’s, it was quite different then.
Somerset is beautiful so a tactical nuke might spoil Glastonbury Tor.
My plan is make the festival free and make it one month long.
Anyone with a Billy Bragg or kill tory rats t-shirt gets free milkshakes.
Then the rest of us hold a general election.
I wonder when the BBC will report this from one of its favourites.
Anyone watch ‘ Summer of the Rockets’ on BBC TV. I mean sat through the whole lot. I did and now need to visit a therapist.
Play writing by numbers and a talented cast who looked as if every line was being dragged out of them under protest. Every box ticked and every cliche explored. God knows what it cost the taxpayer but it must have been plenty.
Original TV? If that is what it was stick to the old movies. Cheaper and better.
Dave, I watched the first episode and got a pretty good idea where it was going so didn’t waste any more of my time with the rest. Sounds like I made the right choice :0)
Avoid Poliakoff. His plays are unactable.
Another Sun story
apart from that the Sun stories are well over the top as it copies the Daily Sport style.
Wed 26 Jun 2019 13.36 BST
Guardian Opinion Rape and sexual assault
“Rape crisis services are at breaking point. Do the Tory leadership candidates care? Fern Champion”
“I am a survivor of sexual violence who couldn’t access support. The future prime minister must not forget women like me”
[I, initially, assumed that this a genuine opinion from someone who has experienced a potentially life changing, even life threatening experience.
However, Fern I do not understand your choice of media to publicise your current situation and your fears for the future.
Because :-
New Labour imported 3.6 million non Europeans into the UK, mostly Muslims.
To “rub our noses in it” and vote, multiple times, for StalinIslamism.
Nobody knows the number of white girls gang raped by the enrichers imported to vote Guardian.
We do know the response of the left to the, eventually admitted, mass rapes.
The police and LABOUR local council workers attempted to bury all Muslim rape news.
Documents were shredded.
Parents who complained about their daughters being raped were threatened with jail.
Gang raped children were returned, by the police, to the rapists for further rapes, rather than to their families.
Children were doused with petrol and threatened with being burnt alive.
Nick Griffin of the BNP was “fitted up” by the authorities and prosecuted.
As, more recently, was Tommy Robinson, who the authorities hoped, would be murdered in prison, by the Muslim rapists.
When the Rotherham mass rape report was published the Guardian response was :-
Ignore it.
Blame other media for reporting the rapes.
Blame Griffin for publicising the rapes.
Issue two weeks (ish) of daily opinion articles, denying that the events had occurred, minimising them, blaming
the Papers, the chilren, the parents, anybody but the culprits.
The Guardian made a mistake, from which it has learned, it allowed comments on these brownwashing, justifications.
Eventually even the hardline Guardianistas commenting complained, in huge numbers, about the Guardian policy.
So, until I have more information about your individual case, I will assume this is, yet another in house, bash the Tories, and claim they are responsible for the mass rapes.]
Mon 24 Jun 2019 16.18 BST
Guardian Opinion Pass Notes Space
Interplanetary matriarchy: why the future of space is female
Tue 25 Jun 2019 15.59 BST
Guardian Opinion space
I am posting this merely as an aide memoire.
Women hate white men and look forward to their extermination.
VD and Emmy liked this tweet, amazingly.
“The big issue for the industry, for 60% of respondents, is poor-quality output”
Luckily, this is no problem when uniquely funded.
They send these out at strange times (01.44) –
Thank you for contacting us about BBC One’s ‘Our Next Prime Minister’ broadcast 18 June.
We understand you are unhappy a candidate asked a question about climate change policy.
The aim of the programme was to put questions to the potential next prime minster about a wide range of issues from across the UK, this question was one of a number asked including the prospect of a Brexit deal and the border in Northern Ireland.
The questions asked where those of the contributors and the opinions expressed do not represent the BBC. Prior to broadcast we asked people to submit questions for the programme via email and an online widget on a number of our platforms. These questions were then whittled down by the production team based on subject areas and the question that were selected were the ones they felt were the strongest.
We do appreciate your feedback on this issue and as such I have sent your complaint directly to senior management as well as the programme’s production team via our Audience Feedback Report. This report is among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and can help inform decisions about future programming.
Once again thank you for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
BBC Complaints Team
All explained.
And of BBC bigwigs, there are many.
Couldn’t find this on the main BBC News, they were rallying the kids yesterday morning!
It’s maybe a good thing to get them off the Xboxes into the fresh air, because all it does is mobilise an army of young eco-warriors.
The article itself is very educational with a video on Climate Change, an address from Greta Thunberg and what a mass lobby is.
The worst that can happen is that you can get arrested!
However, the beboids believe that if there was the political will, we really could save the planet by achieving net zero carbon by 2030. Sky News is broadcasting a propaganda series about China, and how with an authoritarian marxist government, it is possible to to achieve such a goal in a very short time. The marxist government is waiting in the wings, with support if necessary from Lib Dems, Greens and maybe SNP..
Interesting handle.
The first comment on the Brietbart article –
there are a lot of fake Catholics in the socialist/democrat party. a better Pope would be excommunicating them for supporting abortion.
That is very divisive
BBC News (if they say so), presented by a young cubicle gardener.
The Dalai Lama talks Donald Trump’s “lack of moral principle”, keeping “Europe for Europeans”, and much more.
Mixed, but… many #CCBGB. Some pondering why MAGA is the devil’s work, but Macron’s mercenaries keeping a grateful nation under control is just tickedy-boo to a Greta-approved globe trotting gob.
Peace out.
A few pointing
No edit option. Please ignore final half sentence.
Even whilst we (should be) asleep, the 24/7 state broadcaster never tires, and pumps out its propaganda around the globe.
According to a Facebook ‘feed’ Fairy liquid is for, well fairies.
Does it get the grease off the dishes? Clearly not something of importance anymore.