Update 1, July 14:
Thought I’d add a link to Panodrama. For a month YouTube resisted pressure to censor it, but then party succumbed and shackled it rather than removing it totally. By then Tommy Robinson’s powerful blow to the BBC had received about 1 500 000 views, evidence of which was flushed down the cyberspace toilet along with tens of thousands of likes and comments.
A YouTube search for Panodrama takes one directly to the stripped and shackled video, which now stands alone without the customary sidebar of suggested videos. And there is the following caution with an option to continue or cancel:
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
That’s a touch inaccurate. If it was identified at all, it was identified by the individual who cowed Farcebook (not a typo) into immediately deleting Tommy’s account and undertook to work on other social media until Panodrama would no longer encumber the Internet with its inconvenient and disturbing truths.
So I suppose we should be thankful to YouTube for not bowing in complete submission to those who are uncomfortable with Tommy Robinson’s honesty and courage.
Update 2, July 14:
Here’s Howard Jacobson laying into Corbyn with incisive wit during an Intelligence Squared debate on whether he is unfit to be Prime Minister.
Original post:
Right after Tommy Robinson’s brilliant Panodrama sting on the BBC, it tried damage control and solemnly declared that its Panorama on him, provisionally titled Tommy Takedown, would be broadcast. Well, almost five months later we’re still waiting in breathless anticipation for the promised revelation from this cherished example of BBC investigative journalism.
So I can’t help wondering whether the BBC approached John Ware in desperation to salvage what’s left of its reputation with a hard-hitting investigation of Labour anti-Semitism. John Ware is one of perhaps three fine political journalists at the BBC. Another is Andrew Neil. I can’t think of a third, but perhaps my esteemed colleagues here can help. (Just recalled Tim Sebastian, who did Hardtalk – but I think he left the BBC: can’t be room for more than two who actually do their job at this alleged news organisation.)
Going back quite a bit, John Ware reported on Raed Salah, an Israeli-Arab radical Islamist and anti-Semite at the time that he was appealing his deportation from Britain
In this connection, John Ware shows a clip of Salah and Jeremy Corbyn campaigning for him to be allowed into Britain.
Here’s a description of the reaction from Seamus Milne, a seriously senior Labour comrade, to the suggestion that Corbyn give a speech acknowledging Israel’s right to exist: he laughed.
Comrade Milne has a rabble rousing history, rousing the rabble to hate Israel. So in a way I understand why he would be amused at the idea of Comrade Corbyn defending Israel’s right to exist.
And here’s Corbyn himself with a vile conspiracy theory about Israel on Iranian state TV, no less.
Why then, I wonder, did the indefatigable Ware not delve more into the abundant evidence of Corbyn’s close association with anti-Semitic Islamic terrorists? And why did he not focus more on actual examples of Labour anti-Semitism, as described at length in passionate speeches in parliament by Ruth Smeeth and Luciana Berger?
And why are the main concrete examples of anti-Semitism from Ken Livingstone and an ex-party member who is a white woman and Jackie Walker, a black woman? With the tidal wave of anti-Semitism that has engulfed Labour since Corbyn, an ardent supporter of Islamic terrorists, came to power, is it really not possible to find evidence that Islam is behind much of the hatred?
I have no doubt that John Ware is troubled by the Islamic invasion of Britain and its grim consequences, not least for British Jews. So I suppose either he pulled his punches, knowing the ‘editors’ at the BBC would not accept Muslims being blamed for Labour anti-Semitism, or he punched hard but the BBC edited the punches out anyway.
Still, it was an honest and successful attempt to expose Labour anti-Semitism along with the leadership’s denial of the extent of the virus. Now what really needs to be exposed and discussed is the extent of the unholy alliance between the far-left and radical Islam – of which Labour is such a fine example – and the danger it poses to the UK and beyond.
TrueToo , I normally avoid BBC programmes now but saw this one . I think the BBC had a problem because there was so much material they could have used to fill the hour .
The past record of Corbyn
The past record of Livingstone
Suspended and re appointed Williamson MP
The Shabi whitewash
Verbal Attacks on Jewish Labour MPs
Comments by momentum members
The treatment of Margaret Hodge
The Non Disclosure Agreements
The story of Jewish people who have left the Party
Association with Muslim terrorist groups
That is a 6 hour series in the making . I write as a non Jew but someone with a long memory for Corbyn and his career .
Hopefully the John Ware report will hasten civil war in the Labour Party .
Yes, as I was checking it out, I was thinking there’s so much material for journalism here.
By the way, did you get my reply to your mail 8 days ago? I only ask because of potential funny business in cyber space.
Yes I did thanks – my views about Blighty have only strengthened by this weeks ‘ political trial .
Ironic that the current motivation for anti semitism in UK isn’t the Nazi right – but those who think they will have the support of Muslims . The old ‘ enemy’s enemy friend thing ‘ – except that Islam has a different priority to socialism – which it would destroy given the opportunity .
This is why I think that vast numbers of Muslims in Europe and beyond must be relishing the increasingly undemocratic nature of the ‘United States of Europe’ with its flag and its army. it’s tailor -made for a takeover to establish the caliphate.
Except that the UK is resisting this evolving USE and other countries are following the UK lead, so all is not ideal in the Islamic vision of paradise.
Still, one of these days they could hoist an Islamic flag over Brussels and then the parasitic socialists who run the EU would finally realise the consequences of their open-border policies.
Have to agree. There was clearly more than an hour’s worth of reporting, which no doubt was heavily cut in the editing room, and it would be more than interesting to see what was left on the cutting room floor. Sadly we never get any leaks from a whistleblower in that department.
Well, why is Labour suddenly having these issues?, what were the comments made by these antisemites? who made them?… and what was their religion? is it the Islamic faction of Labour again BBC?.
If the BBC bothered to investigate Islam for five minutes, they would find that there are four steps for the non Jihadi Muslim to get to heaven (Jenna):
1) After dying you go to “torment in the grave” – you remain conscious buried in the ground, rotting in torment.
2) Then before “Judgement day” the Muslims will kill all the Jews, helped by the rocks and the trees.
3) Jesus will then return, on “Judgement day” and Muslims will be judged based on their adherence to Allah.
4) Depending on the judgement outcome, Muslims will go from torment in the grave to heaven or hell.
This is what this famous quote is about:
“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
If you were a Muslim, what would you choose? expedite the death of the Jews, so “Judgement day” arrives and you can get to heaven when you die, or be lovely to Jews and rot in the ground for hundred’s of years until some other Muslims get around to killing the Jews so that judgement day eventually shows up?
Of course, if the wretched rotting corpse of the ideologically blinkerd BBC bothered to stop fantasizing about “far right fascism” and read the Koran, they would realize Islam is fascism… Even the famous lefty psychoanalyst Carl Jung who studied the psychology of the Nazis famously said:
“We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god.”
How is it that a slob sat on a couch with the internet like me can figure all this out and verify it, yet the BBC with its thousands of employees, and billions of pounds fail to find out this glaring fact, yet instead pander and weep about a Jihadi bride… who joined ISIS when then were busy chopping off peoples heads for being Jewish?
The truth however is that the BBC are a racist outfit that believe that brown people are unable to have their religion criticized in case they go into some kind of violent meltdown, and that people they view as “lower classes” are unable to make a rational assessment of the contents of the Koran without being racist… and of course they sniveling safe space cowards who like to steal money from people they consider inferior.
Well said Jip
I think you have the BBC off to a tee.
It is a sort of cognitive dissonance spawned by arrogance, snobbery and ignorance.
“I can’t think of a third, but perhaps my esteemed colleagues here can help. ”
True Too, I’d put Andrew Gilligan up there as the third one.
He’s the one chap who put the sh1ttes up bliar and campbell back then, causing the former to scamper away and become rich from all his contacts, and the latter to become an incoherent mumbling idiot to be wheeled in to spout bollocks on every anti-British BBBC prog.
Yours would be a valid point if the aforementioned Gilligan were still employed at the BBC. So I’m afraid we are still down to only two good political journalists at the BBC.
Still, I Googled and found a couple of minutes of him talking to the Telegraph back in 2012 and making very interesting observations about the failings of the BBC.
Thanks, True!
At the time, I reckon that the labour party were becoming even more of a crooked bunch, and led on by nasty people like Campbell , Mandelson etc. Bliar was just doing the listening.
The David Kelly situation was clearly manipulated by faceless people, and even someone as brave as Andrew Gilligan was stamped on only because the bbbc and their ‘contacts’ just wouldn’t get to the bottom of the truth – ever.
My dad asked me (aged twelve), once, if I wanted to be a journalist. I wish I’d said ‘yes’…
Not far from were I live is a big muslim population.
The said constituary was once a lib dem strong hold.
When labour targeted this area they took advantage of the muslim community to win the seat.
Labour are now hated by the white majority of Burnley
The labour party of today hate capitalism and therefore the USA, but they can’t do anything about it.
So they attack what they think is the weak link, Israel.
Can anyone show me a better race of people who have made a prosperous state in a matter of 70 years whilst fighting wars on all borders?
You show me anywhere in the middle east that has the same standards of religious tollerance.
The middle east has been sent back to the dark ages and the only shining light is Israel.
One small opinion, that strip of land in the eastern Mediterranean is their rightful homeland.
Just like the red indians, aboriginals or the maori want their historical lands back.
No pleasing those c#@ts.
Many hold this opinion but it is simply not true.. This false history has come about over time because ( as reported by Muhammed Bechri former chair of Tunisian branch of Amnesty international in 2005 ) quotes Amir Taheri who “estimates that the Islamist propaganda bill to be about 100 million dollars in the previous two decades alone even larger than the communist propaganda machine of during the Soviet era. People obviously wouldnt spend that much unless they know they have to defend a huge lie”
If interested in this subject Joan Peters – from Time Immemorial ” ( published in 1984 ) will explain more .Joan Peters who recently passed away was a non- Jewish jounalist . . She spent 10 years researching to show the true situation.
It’s unclear who tapwatertory was referring to in that second comment. He appears to be strongly pro-Israel in the first comment.
I’m sorry to hear Joan Peters died. She was interviewed on a visit to Israel a few years back and was puzzled by the fact that her book had not made more of a positive impact on the situation here in Israel.
A lot of the failures are, of course, due to the Palestinians never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
I’m disappointed with the amateurish response to the Panorama documentary – apart from character assassination or participants and trying to get the programme off the iPlayer ( true ) – there hasn’t been the nice pictures of Labour types at the local synagogue..wonder why ?
Maybe they are in such a deep civil war that no one can decide to do it
They have so alienated ‘ordinary ‘ practicing Jews that they are unacceptable now .
They don’t want to upset the rapidly increasing Muslim voting population which is busily organising the next postal voting fraud using the ‘Peterborough ‘ model…
I’m i right in thinking that those mountaineers of the moral high ground – the Millibands – are keeping their heads down ?
Interesting. I noticed that Ruth Smeeth and Luciana Berger, linked to above, were speaking to an almost-empty house when they revealed the anti-Semitic abuse they had received.
There was a lot of support from the few Labour people there, but where were the others?
I suppose Labour politicians have made the calculation that the large Muslim vote trumps the smaller Jewish one and so most of them will only pay lip service to supporting Jewish colleagues.
When it comes to morality, politicians make used-car salesmen look like saints.
Clever twists of language from Howard Jacobson now, on Radio4, to show how Brexit is –well, the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong way and….how does that song go on?
In fact, all of it – he claims- is deception and self-deception.
In ‘A point of view’, you can hear why it’s not the Remainers, who have twisted and perverted language, but the Leavers, and all they are left with is a hollow triumph of Democracy, so to speak. According to our swamp-dweller.
Much to early in the day to try making sense out of any of that, but it sounds extremely creative.
Wonder what he would have said if his side had won?
But hark, R4 says this is only the first of two comments on Brexit. So we wait with bated breath…
Sorry, I started at the bottom to type while ‘A point of view’ was rambling on. Now I see I’ve ended up in the wrong thread…
Amazing that you should mention Howard Jacobson. I was trying to recall his name just yesterday because of his demolition of Corbyn during an Intelligence Squared debate on whether Corbyn is fit to be Prime Minister.
It’s disappointing to learn that he is not pro-Brexit. I’ll try to catch him on radio 4 on ‘listen again’ or whatever they call it.
Meanwhile, here he is laying into Corbyn with his incisive wit, particularly regarding anti-Semitism.
And here he is laying into fellow-panelist Chris Williamson, now suspended from Labour, but then declaring that the party under Corbyn would be great for the country.
The moderator for the debate is a shmuck with a brain the size of a pea. At one point he actually questioned Howard Jacobson as to why anti-Semitism would make Corbyn unfit to be Prime Minister. This almost rendered the loquacious Jacobson speechless.
True too – I shall be listening again, as I had only just surfaced for the day at the end of the Religious service broadcast. Howard’s language was a bit “(very) high culture”, so I was in no fit state to really digest it.
However, it was my gut that picked up on a strong aversion to Brexit and Brexiteers, so let’s listen to him (again) and compare notes.
Get your dictionary out first!
During Howard Jacobson’s demolition of Corbyn – which I linked to above the line as Update 2 – he spoke of Brexit being a “disaster” – or something like that.
I’ll see if I can catch him now on 4.
I listened to Howard Jacobson on Brexit and concluded that your initial feeling was correct. He is brilliant with words but he said nothing of importance about the realities of Brexit. More than that, he seems to have dodged those realities altogether with analogies about presents to children being denied because of changed circumstances and births not always being simple.
He shifts the blame for the complexities of Brexit wholly onto those who voted for it. He ignores the intransigence of the EU, with its ‘negotiators’ who just laid down demands and then refused to budge an inch from them. He also seems to think that MPs who were elected to make Brexit happen were genuinely struggling to do so, rather than actively working against it ever happening – which so many of them have done and continue to do.
Worse, he imagines that Treason May was a genuine defector from the Remain to the Leave camp and was that much more in favour of Leave because of the defection. That’s just absurd. It’s as if he hasn’t followed the news at all re the slow train smash of her total betrayal of Brexit.
I said in a previous comment that he described Brexit as a “disaster” during the IQ debate. I watched again and he actually said, “nightmare.”
I’m disappointed in him.
Got a couple of things to do so I might not be able to respond today if you have feedback.
I watched about half the Panorama programme and gave up. Starting with Livingston, I felt it was being ‘soft’. It was the evidence that the BBC could criticise the Left, but without the bite it would have used for the Conservatives. But I gave up half way, perhaps the second half gave more evidence and less about people’s feelings.
Hi Deborah, no way could i bring myself to watch panorama.
bbc1 & bbc2 – most of the week has been showing wimbeldon at the same time – surely with £4+ billion budget, they could show alternative programmes
It may be an idea to watch the full programme and pass on the link below to friends and family. Although The BBC did manage to sneak in one nasty and false comment against Israel-( They may have negogiated this so that the documentary could be aired ). Despite this , it was a very unusual and powerful documentary for the BBC to show and deserves to be watched far and wide.
According to the beeb
“New leak claims Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal ‘to spite Obama””
its a leak, this has to be true. lets put it on the front page for everyone to believe
Here the BBC invites us to step into the shoes of an illegal immigrant trying to reach the US from El Salvador. In an overt ‘dig’ at legitimate US immigration law, our ‘fictional’ Maria is fleeing an abusive husband and drug gang violence in her native country.
Maria, of course, could legally choose, Mexico, Nicaragua, Belize, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Columbia or a myriad of smaller Caribbean island nations, all of which are closer than the US, but no, Maria is fleeing, illegally, to the only destination possible. The USA. (Economics is cited as only one of the factors involved in her decision making process, lol!).
We could extend the fictional hypothesis further, and legitimately suggest Maria toughs it out with her children. That she brings up her children not to be like her abusive husband, thereby improving El Salvador in her own small way.
We could even suggest she moves to another part of El Salvador or simply laments at the marital choices she made, accepting her lot with a steel will of determination to improve her situation and that of her compatriots.
Conversely, we could draw the analogy that many Americans have abusive partners, live in health poverty in and around gang infested cities. We could easily extend this further to the many millions of Maria’s all over the world….logic dictates there is no end to the BBC hypothesis? So what id the point?
Perhaps the BBC is advocating illegal immigration? Perhaps the BBC is hoping, though our naivety, that we will empathise with every Maria in the world and rise up against ‘evil Trumps’ to create a world without borders? Who knows?
My positive alternative is we have a real BBC interactive ‘Maria’ story, from El Salvador…
…One where Maria overcomes her personal issues to inspire other Maria’s improve and overcome, not illegally and dangerously cross borders. One that positively re-enforces other Maria’s to hope, believe in themselves, be determined and find courage to be proud of their nation and choose to improve and inspire, not flee illegally……Of course, the BBC would never dream of that!
– Jeremy Corbyn does not say who will get what, will Jeremy get all the power and wealth? is it 50/50 or 10/90 or 1/99? Words have no meaning in the hands of Labour.
” … redistribution of power and wealth …” – will Keith Vaz give up all his 5 homes?
” … redistribution of power and wealth …” – will David Lammy return his £650 bike on expenses?
” … redistribution of power and wealth …” – will Jeremy Corbyn pay for this two free tickets to Glastonbury he gave his family in 2018?
Diane Abbott – “Orthodox Jewish religious clothing as a “costume”” – Ignored.
Boris Johnson – “Burka Letter Box” – Media outrage.
It would be good if the leaders of Jewish organizations stopped their attacks on conservative folk who they label far right bigots – eg Katie Hopkins – and recognized who their enemies are
‘Our fight against bigotry cannot be fought alongside bigots like Katie Hopkins
These people are not our friends. Once they’re done with Muslims they will turn their attention to us, writes Sir Mick Davis
Who then goes on to lie and misinterpret Hopkins remarks about a final solution to terrorist bomb attacks, which in no way can be read as antisemitic.
al-Beeb knows Steptoe is toast and know that there are far more radical Islamo fascists waiting in the wings to take over
Watch out for the heavy promotion of these people in the coming months