Weekend Open Thread 13 July 2019

I was going to put up the usual “Far Left Failing BBC continues its propaganda war against anything it disapproves of “ but after witnessing what the British State has done to one of its citizen journalists I thought I’d write something else .

When the British State has been shamed into reluctantly prosecuting Muslim Pakistani paedophile rape gangs it has turned on someone showing the truth – put him through a sham political trial once and then done it again without a jury and sending him back to prison knowing he could be killed there .

Prisoner number A2084CG isn’t perfect – who is ? But Proportionality and Fairness went out of the window for Him and is a warning to anyone dissenting from what the authorities are allowing to happen in Britain because they don’t want to displease a favoured imported group .

I even feel worried writing this – that I will land up on a ‘target list’ – and so might you. Britain in 2019.

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286 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 13 July 2019

  1. Guest Who says:

    Now, which other delusional fact-voids tend to start their posts the same way as Conspiracy Carole?


    • StewGreen says:

      Free speech means, yes you are free to tell lies
      ..but you have to face the consequences.


    • StewGreen says:

      The last thread finished on page 5 .. that started on Friday afternoon.
      page 4 started at 7pm Thursday
      .. from there you can click “←Older Comments” at the top of the page to go back further.

      There’s lots of stuff to catch-up on there.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Stew – yes – so much going on – 500 comments in 3 days – useful to find the time to read back . Thanks


  2. ScottishCalvin says:

    A doodle on the Sir Kim ambassador resignation story. Personally I think he leaked the stuff himself, hoping for early retirement. I wonder what the Beeb would have to say if a diplomat in the Middle East was revealed to have said some home truths about the locals’ obsession with medieval ghost stories? Or if one in Africa revealed the actual extent of how they oppose Western (aka “universal”) ideas and brutalise accordingly.


    • tarien says:

      Why should there be a special investigation carried out into which person leaked the emails that this Sir Kim Dork wrote. Never mind who leaked them the culprit who wrote them in the first place is the guilty party, lets not watse anymore public money on this disgraceful situation. The man should be dismissed from the Dilomatic service and if it were possible have his service pension taken away. It is quite incomprehensible to imagine what on earth he was thinking writing such emails-should have kept his thoughts to himself, his unthinking actions have caused a great deal of damage to the UK’s diplomatic service and to how the world now views us- asif it could be worse.


  3. Doublethinker says:

    The blatant attempts to prevent Brexit and to oust President Trump by the Globalist elite and their lackeys in the MSM have fully exposed their agenda to the public . Can anyone now be in doubt about the extreme bias of the BBC , Sky, Ch4 etc. We on this site have known this for years but millions of folks, particularly those who voted Leave, who were previously unaware of it can now see it for themselves. Both the BBC and. CH4 are publically funded . Surely the crude bias that they have been showing over the last three or four years must result in a powerful reaction against continuing this funding by the public.

    There is a crowd funded attempt to have a judicial review of the bias of the BBC. Both Boris and Nigel , both of whom are going to be influential in the next couple of years, have old scores to settle with the BBC, as do many Tory MPs who voted Leave. Many over75’s will be refusing to pay the LF and so face prosecution by the BBC which will further whip up public resentment.There will never be a better time to strike a terminal blow at the BBC, and have the support of wide sections of the public in doing so. I honestly believe that the abolition of the BBC is as important to regaining Britain as is Leaving the EU. Go to it boys , get rid of it.


  4. Ian Rushlow says:

    False news alert. The BBC and other extremist media are pushing a story that detained illegal immigrants in the US are being forced to drink water from toilets. This was reported by congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: the same one recently photographed crying at an empty parking lot (aka ‘a concentration camp’) and who matches Diane Abbott in her mathematical skills.
    But it’s a false story. The detention centres feature the same combined sink-toilet fawcetts used throughout American prisons that include a tap that provides potable (drinking) water. In addtion, water coolers are also available in the facility. Here’s a video debunking it provided by the Independent (sic) no less, albeit they still allow the imaginative congressperson to have the last word. There are reports that an illegal, not understanding, may have attempted to drink water from the bowl, but otherwise this is false news pure and simple.


  5. JimS says:

    Whatever happened to that earnest brown-eyed maiden that was never off the BBC, pleading the case of anyone who fell foul of the state? Some say she got taken away and sent to ‘the big house’ (of Lords)?

    Where is that burka-mouthed QC, married to an ex-prime minister, who could argue that a jihadist’s library ticket fine was a breach of ALL articles of the ECHR?

    Where is that duo of brave women reporters with the anguished vowels that will travel to the most bloody war zone to expose any injustice?

    Are none of them concerned than in this, the cradle of justice and democracy, it is possible to be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned within the hour?


  6. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 Backwards is going forwards

    The BBC, who last week loved the Metropolitan Police and Commissioner Cressida Dick and lapped up her excuses for poor performance and blamed the Government instead (“They need more money!”) no longer love the Metropolitan Police. The Met are evil. They have said people must not leak. The BBC, on behalf of the media, love leaking. Must be something to do with all those champagne bottles littering the corridors of Broadcasting House.

    Of course, the BBC are not upset that it has taken the Metropolitan Police five whole days to get off their backsides and start investigating the leak of a diplomatic e-mail from Sir Kim Darroch. That is surprising considering the BBC are so now out of love, like, with literally the whole of the Metropolitan Police. You would think that, on behalf of Londoners, the BBC TOADY Prog would wish to hold the Met to account for poor investigation, concentrating on the wrong crimes, over-reacting to some crimes, under-reacting to others, lack of responsibility, always wanting more money, lack of success, etc., etc.. Not a bit of it.

    UPDATE. Martha now doing the newspaper review is switching responsibility from the BBC & the newspapers to MPs: it’s their complaint, not that of the media.

    Now the BBC love the Metropolitan Police. Martha has just said so.

    There’s something very peculiar about this whole affair.


    • Oaknash says:

      I think one way the BBC furthers its political ends is through a crude bullying “good cop/bad cop” scenario. It has always been pretty consistent on some things (ie all muzzies are good and anyone who is against open door immigration is racist and the EU is brilliant) But on other subjects which the BBC less ideologically fixed upon it seems quite happy to flip flop its position to keep politicians and institutions constantly trying to use their feelers to adapt to the BBC narrative.
      Unfortunately most of our politicos and heads of institutions are a gutless lot who seem quite happy to be exploited by the BBC in some sort of abusive relationship (“hes a bastard but I love him – Sorry about my black eye I must have walked into the door again”).

      I know I mention this a lot (and on other bloggs) but nothing was more telling and sickening than the other day on the Maitless circus when watching the likes of Johnson and Co running around in circles trying to appease stern Aunty Emma and the odious Javid on the “Islamaphobia” question.

      In this way the BBC controls the narrative and forces people and politicians to constantly self censor.


  7. Doublethinker says:

    In this week’s Spectator there is a column on TR by an establishment hack. The jist is that TR is getting what he deserves and we are all better off for him being in prison. The usual progressive establishment lies and distortions. But interestingly the comments from readers of the article are overwhelmingly supportive of Tommy and very critical of the authorities. So the persecution of Tommy is seen not just by those that the progressives deride as far right but by a significant number of Spectstor readers, possibly from the self selecting sample of those who comment , even a substantial majority. The way the authorities have dealt with TR so far is causing concern amongst those who have perhaps previously not been his supporters. Provided TR comes out of prison intact then he may well have gained a great deal more influence.


    • Helen Richardson says:

      Good points.

      This is well worth watching:


      Very sinister, IMO, and the legal points TR makes appear to be backed up by this:


    • StewGreen says:

      Here’s the link to the comments

      The Speccie writer Ian Acheson. @NotThatBigIan
      For the benefit of those below the line:
      1. Not from Hampstead
      2. Not a member of liberal elite*, they wouldn’t have me
      3. Went to 1 Common Purpose meetings in 90’s. All I can remember was the biscuits. (bad)
      All other abuse fine.

      * just cos someone says something that doesn’t make it true


      • StewGreen says:

        Checking Twitter
        @Mephistofish asserts
        I note that Acheson belittles his experiences at Onley prison.
        How does he know whether excrement was not, as Robinson alleges, pushed through his cell door?
        Also, read page 35 of the Jan 2019 prison report: https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/03/Onley-Web-2018.pdf
        easier via screenshot and use your browsers zoom to view it

        This is precisely what Robinson said on his interviews; the room for the Friday prayers was too small and so men congregated around his cell jeering and telling him they would poison his food.
        Acheson is either lying or didn’t research – a ‘journalist’

        Checking thru some of the 320 comments none support the writer.
        I expect that as usual it was written in the Offices of the Labour front group HnH


      • StewGreen says:

        Acheson previously asserted over-fundamentally that all previous claims of mistreatment were lies


      • StewGreen says:

        And if we go back to the initial 20 minutes trial
        Acheson and BBC Dominic Casciani tweeted there was nothing wrong with it
        .. Then it was later kicked out as being clearly an unfair and illegal trial


        • NameNotNumber says:

          Ian Acheson, also known as Senior Adviser to the Counter Extremism Project at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

          I won’t get my coat.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I’m guessing that’s the Blair institute of tax avoidance – reg charity …?


        • StewGreen says:

          Well I mentioned Acheson’s wrong tweet in the comments
          and it sat in moderation for 10 hours
          so i resubmitted it without the link


    • Banania says:

      On balance that Spectator article, taken together with all the comments, is a good thing. The hapless author has served the cause of truth.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Double – I toyed with the idea of paying to subscribe to the spectator -which would go against my belief of never paying for propaganda in any form

      But when you describe that article it just gives me a reason not to reach for a credit card – even my own . So thanks . I’d be more likely to contribute to the TR fund . I don’t particularly ‘ like ‘ Him but he is a tough brave man who deserves support –

      particularly when we have seen this week the the British State really does want him dead . Which for one who once believed in it , fills me with sadness .


  8. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 Bigging up da storm

    Since yesterday evening, BBC R4 have been getting excited about a tropical storm that might become a hurricane that might be heading toward New Orleans. They told me yesterday and again this morning that President Trump (note the Pres!) has declared a State of Emergency.

    I have a bad feeling about this.

    I suspect that this storm may not actually live up to the BBC’s expectations. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

    Agenda? What agenda?


  9. TrueToo says:


    I agree with your post above the line. It’s hard to believe the UK powers-that-be have deteriorated this much and this fast. Just a few years ago I would have scoffed at the idea that the Tory UK government and the justice system would soon come to resemble those of a third-world Islamic dictatorship. But they are getting there at an unimaginable speed.

    So the concern you have of us being targeted here is a real one.

    I suppose, though, that we are not big enough or enough of a thorn in the side of the pathetic establishment to be on a target list.


    • Up2snuff says:

      TT, we are part of the electronic journalistic world now. The BBC would see us as a threat, albeit probably a small one.

      There is a responsibility upon us to be accurate and truthful but we don’t have a very good example set for us by the BBC. We are involved in a form of ‘publishing’. What we write is in the public domain.

      The Brexit Party has a ‘radio’ station. How long before ‘Is the BBC Biased’, ‘Biased BBC’ and others, start their own radio stations?


      • TrueToo says:


        Any form of alternative media is a great idea. Seems to me that the alternatives to the brain-damaged lefty snowflake establishment are slowly growing and taking shape.


    • G.W.F. says:


      I even feel worried writing this – that I will land up on a ‘target list’ – and so might you. Britain in 2019.

      I agree. So you should, things are moving fast . Who is next? Look out Katie Hopkins, first you will be isolated from other conservative voices, then they will move, probably with heavy fines to destroy you financially, then threats of jail.

      Betcha PM Boris would not lift a finger to help if they go for Katie.


      • Deborah says:

        Article in the Jewish Chronicle about Katie Hopkins.


        – I knew it wasn’t going to be nice about her because of the photo they used. It is written by Sir Mick Davis CEO of the Conservative Party. I am not sure the context where she described migrants as ‘cockroaches’ and maybe it was a really horrible thing to say – but a quick internet search takes me to all sort of Left wing sites horrified by her use. Does anyone know what she really said and could it be viewed any other way than presented by Sir Mick?

        The article starts:
        “It is an uncomfortable but increasingly apparent truth that there are a small number of fringe groups and individuals within the Jewish community who could, by any definition, be described as far right.

        Another uncomfortable truth is that some sections of the far right from outside the Jewish community are courting Jews as potential allies in their bigoted campaigns against Muslims.

        Those two truths combined last week when a group of Jews hosted the notorious anti-Muslim bigot, Katie Hopkins, for a talk and film screening at a hotel in Hendon. She previously called asylum seekers “cockroaches” and called for a “final solution” following the Manchester terror attack.

        The Board of Deputies, JLC and CST were all appropriately swift and scathing in their condemnation. This was not the first time this star of her own Twitter feed has sought to associate herself with Jews. She recently returned from a visit to Israel where her film was screened at an event hosted, disgracefully, by the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem…..”

        I am concerned where Right Wing stops and Far Right starts. I am constantly feeling that the BBC and the Guardian use Far Right where I would use Right. I have concerns about the Far Right but I have far more concern about the mainstream Left. I would be far happier entering a room of Tommy Robinson supporters than a Labour Party meeting – and yet Sir Mick is warning Jewish people about Katie Hopkins.


        • StewGreen says:

          Sayeeda Warsi is quoting that article

          Brian of London would have an opinion
          nothing yet on his Twitter


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think , thankfully the feisty Katie is in a safer position than most since POTUS re tweets her every so often .


      • Banania says:

        Boris has not yet been tested on this issue of the freedom of free speech and independent journalism.


  10. Dover Sentry says:

    Impressive opening posts!


  11. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3 Reversing but not reversing. Going forwards but …

    Interesting interview by The Humph in the 8.10 slot with Michael Fallon MP (on the BBC for the third time in as many days?) and The Humph is turning somersaults over the Kim Gone-Well e-mail leak, the media and the police. Has the old boy lost his marbles? The Humph, that is, not Fallon.

    This is the BBC’s big problem. They have taken political positions, they have abandoned their legendary neutrality long ago and it is causing them problems. Instead of reporting news and maybe bringing in knowledgeable commentators and asking careful questions about it they are now using the news, manipulating it and arranging slanted comments. Then, having taken a position, they might find it uncomfortable and switch sides, or dither, or find that it is wrong position and be forced to backtrack.

    The BBC. Still playing a dangerous game, years after they were first warned not to do so.


    • Not Gwent says:

      The leak itself has consistently seemed to be of secondary importance to State Broadcaster. They appear blind to the fact that had there been no leak everyone’s favourite ambassador would still be in post.


    • G says:

      “This is the BBC’s big problem. They have taken political positions, they have abandoned their legendary neutrality long ago and it is causing them problems.”
      Like most, I’m too close to the issue to be totally objective in a very broad sense. I suspect you are correct but with an added element of, the ease by which it is now possible (media Giants permitting) to establish and verify the facts of any given issue rapidly on the net. This is clearly why those same media Giants are stepping in to halt the alternative news sources no doubt under the instruction of the Globalist/Marxists.


  12. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #4 – Time to order. Glottal stops all round, please.

    Gromit paw in the ear time. Is it just me? My hearing? Or is it BBC presenters’ poor diction and enunciation? Or something else?

    Why is Simona Halep refered to as Simona Hallett?

    BBC in 2019 or 1984. Where you cannot believe your ears … . . . .


    • Fedup2 says:

      The state broadcasters are into regional accents innit ? I think channel 4 wins at the moment because they put some one on with a speech impediment . As a continuity announcer. On national teli .

      Don’t worry – readers with speech impediments – I’m not having a go at you as a group – it’s just a matter of the right person – right skills – in the right job – not embarrassing virtue signalling.

      And for the GCHQ monitoring record for Fedup2s file – I had a speech impediment as a kid but got rid of it and replaced it with a tendency to WRITE IN CAPITALS ????


  13. TrueToo says:

    I haven’t managed to read all of the last thread, so apologies if the following has already been discussed:

    The Defend Media Freedom conference in London had the Pakistani Foreign Minister as a distinguished guest up on the stage with the panel.

    But they made the mistake of allowing Ezra Levant to attend.

    He laid into the Minister, calling him a “censorious thug” for getting Twitter to censor his account.

    I guess Twitter is now bowing to Islam along with the other cowardly nerds censoring conservative social media from their comfy safe space in California.

    Few were there to witness Ezra’s outraged rant as apparently many of the press had walked out in protest at the Minister.

    A comment under the YouTube video (over 24 000 views since Thursday) has interesting info on press ‘freedom’ in Pakistan:

    …do you know, 3 channels in Pakistan have been off aired for 19 hours just because they were showing press conference of daughter of former prime minister(now in jail due to political witch hunting), also govt is now regulating tweets criticizing fascism of current govt in power, huge amount of censorship is imposed on media by pamera, some of the retired army officers provoked media persons like Hamid mir and Asma and said to put them in jail if they further criticize govt policies!

    And lest we forget, Jewish-American journalist Daniel Pearl was slaughtered by Pakistani terrorists while in the country as part of his job.

    And Pakistan has decimated its Jewish community – which once numbered in the hundreds of thousands – so it’s no surprise then that a representative of that foul country would choose to censor Jewish-Canadian journalist Ezra Levant for telling the truth.

    More power to Ezra as he battles on behalf of freedom and justice, not least in the case of Tommy Robinson.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The BBC reports the Police are warning journalists to not report on leaks on pain of prosecution .

      (The truth should be avoided at all cost )

      So when the mail on Sunday publishes a story about something the British State does not like they’ll be rolling out Dame Victoria Sharp ( of TR) fame to lock a journo up . Right ?

      Or maybe because they are judged as ‘ respectable ‘ nothing will happen to them . 2nd day of TRs lock up .

      Naturally the BBC won’t publish anything of which the state might disapprove .


      • john in cheshire says:

        According to Nickyknownowt Ferrari, LBC, Tommy Robinson isn’t a journalist because he hasn’t studied journalism and spent decades being conditioned in the way of the journalist working for some rag like the Daily Mirror.

        And why is Tommy Robinson being incarcerated in a high security prison, which is run by the muslim infestation? Surely his supposed crime doesn’t justify this level of cruelty.

        Does Tommy Robinson have a right of appeal against this sentence?


        • NameNotNumber says:

          Midweek Open Thread 10 July 2019
          StewGreen July 12, 2019 at 8:59 pm
          ‘Politico has been thru the TR charges
          ..and seems to show the judges being tricky
          by quoting a law , but slipping in an extra phrase which adds limits, when the actuallaw doesn’t have them.’

          Politico suggests the possibility of an appeal.


  14. Doobster78 says:

    Oh the irony of these words !!!! Forget Boris, those words sum YOU up perfectly Lammy !!!!


  15. richard D says:

    As each day goes by, and it becomes pretty obvious that Boris Johnson will be elected leader of the Conservative Party (and, by definition, Prime Minister, since Conservatives are the party of power at the moment) the BBC is following almost exactly the same path that the MSM in the USA has followed since the day that Donald Trump was elected as Presidential Candidate for the Republican Party.

    Namely, pick up on anything that might happen, and twist it, turn it, embellish it, and failing all else, create fake news, to try to make the duly elected candidate appear to be incompetent, unsuited to the job, and basically a liar on every single subject – no matter what the facts are.

    And this has continued every day since then.

    So Mr Johnson needs to watch his back every day…. and borrow a tack adopted by Mr Trump – namely call this behaviour out every time it happens.


    • Up2snuff says:

      I suspect this Kim Gone-Well thing is being deliberately stoked by the BBC and will be brought back time and time again in order to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Bojo’s Premiership.


    • Oaknash says:

      You are right Richard, but He will have to change a lot to do this – I dont think he has it in him.


    • G says:

      “Namely, pick up on anything that might happen, and twist it, turn it, embellish it, and failing all else, create fake news, to try to make the duly elected candidate appear to be incompetent, unsuited to the job, and basically a liar on every single subject – no matter what the facts are.”
      Cultural Marxism at its best!


  16. digg says:

    I think we may have upset google, a “BBC bias” search shows this site has dropped from average item 3-5 on page one to somewhere buried on page 5 or 6 of the results.

    I am in the web development business and I have never seen this sort of shift overnight.

    Big Brother on the case? In Cahoots?



    • Peter Grimes says:

      I’m an optimist. I’d like to think that it’s because so many more people are becoming aware of Al Beeb’s bias and commenting on it elsewhere, amplified by the interest in their p-poor handling of the PM candidate interrogations.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I also search using google to see where the site shows up . I think a possible remedy might be repeated us of Biased BBC – to link the organisation to the fact .

      I’m no techy – which is why I ‘collate ‘( hate that word ) a website ….


      • G says:

        Try Duck Duck Go. Give it a try.
        We are told nothing of your movements is tracked……………….

        As regards digg’s comment above: 1st searching on DuckDuckGo


        • Fedup2 says:

          Thank you – you’re watching me arnt you ? I truly have just switched ‘go to’ search engine to DuckDuckGo – or was it toilet-duck? . There was a duck in it …


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            Fed, I think you’re having trouble with the Duckworth-Lewis cistern.


    • soyelcaminodelfuturo says:

      Same, I agree with digg. The fall to page 5 has been precipitous. Portents of the end times?


    • StewGreen says:

      IMHO most SEO Search Engine Optimisation biz is a scam
      .. they show a way of searching in your office
      ..that few real customers ever use

      We didn’t come to this site by typing “BBC bias” into Google

      If we type : bbc bias Casciani
      First we get a page 1 of official sources, as if Google has upped OFFICIAL media in its algorithm ..and as if it includes Labour’s The Canary as official
      then we are on page 2


  17. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #5 Seeing is Believing but Hearing doesn’t count.

    Snuffy is doubting the old ears, the memory and everything from 8pm News last night. I thought the Newsreader was quite clear: Sir Kim Darroch did not watch the Conservative Party leadership debate on TV. (Probably because of the time difference.) What Boris Johnson had said about him was reported to him by a ‘third party’. What was reported to Ambassador Kim Gone-Well was not what Boris Johnson actually said on the programme. That was the Friday BBC R4 8pm News or so I thought.

    Apparently not. According to the TOADY Programme the row goes on. Boris Johnson’s remarks led to the Ambassador’s resignation. Or not.

    What can I be sure of?

    BBC = FakeNews? BBC = FalseFacts?


    • Peter Grimes says:

      It’s similar to the mis-reporting of Darroch’s comments. From what I’ve read he made the comments about the administration not POTUS himself. Still caustic but not so personal.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Quite right, Peter, and everyone knew (or should have done) that an incoming Administration would take time to settle (especially that sort of team!) and that the President’s staffers would be at odds with the permanent political administrators in the White House and elsewhere in Washington.

        We had been warned of that in advance.

        By Donald Trump himself. “It’s a swamp. I’m gonna drain the swamp.”

        Seem to recall that back in late 2016/early 2017 I may have posted on here about the first year or so of the Carter Administration in Washington as there would be obvious parallels.


        • G says:

          ” (especially that sort of team!)”. Yes, but including the sh*ts who were continuing to spy on him and report all to the Democrat Marxists.


          • Up2snuff says:

            G, sure. I don’t rate The Donald at all – and have posted that on here – but again it was to be expected. He was a known capricious character, a wheeler dealer. He puffed himself, and with the help of others, via a TV game show. He ran for President on the back of that.

            However, he’s had so much crap thrown at him, especially by the BBC, that I’m starting to have lots of sympathy and a certain admiration for the bloke.

            I don’t like Bojo. Never have. He talks or writes a good game but, in my view, doesn’t walk in a straight line from tee to green, even on the Par 3s and when a foot from the pin. [Well it is Open Championship time. 🙂 ]

            I would not be at all surprised if, assuming Bojo wins, I will be developing a certain sympathy and admiration for the bloke in a couple of years time. By then, I expect the Ordure! Ordure! to be all over the place starting with Bojo and maybe us as well.



  18. Grumbler says:

    Anyone else following the ‘Black Vests’ protests in France? BBC news.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Grumbler, tell us more. Bet the Beeb will be slow to do so.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Grumbler – I am ! I am ! These are the pro immigration protesters who like invading airports in the country they invaded – right ?
        Coming our way soon even more than already – I can picture the phalanx of Labour heavies such as Lady Nugee and Diane Abbott making up the numbers …


    • G.W.F. says:


      See the vid I posted of their occupation of the Pantheon and their list of demands in the previous thread


  19. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #6 Bye bye Brillo.

    Andrew Neil’s last Beeb duty? Interviewing the Conservative Party leadership candidates and getting in a tangle with Article XXIV.

    Bojo doesn’t know what the sub-clauses say. (I bet Hunt doesn’t either) Surprisingly, neither does Brillo. He used to present his programmes from a position of not just a well-informed former newspaper Editor but also an incredibly well-prepared presenter, shades of the Michael Parkinson, you know. Apparently Andrew Neil was none too well-informed on the content of Article XXIV.

    Oh dear. The TOADY Prog has shown up one of their own, on air! Well, no longer one of their own. Goodbye Brillo. You will be missed even if I don’t do TV.

    For anyone wishing to be better briefed than Bojo, this: https://lawyersforbritain.org/a-simple-explainer-about-article-xxiv-of-the-gatt is a good and helpful read.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Maybe it just one of those things absolutely no one knows anything about – but spout out merrily to sound authoritive because they know no one else can challenge them .

      As I write I’m desperately trying to come up with a similar example . The prevalence of putting no white actors in adverts aimed at an 85% white population came to mind – but that doesn’t quite make it . And maxi will chuck the ‘racist whitee ‘ line at me to make himself feel he has done something for ‘the cause’

      By the way – Maxi Boy – is running at Newmarket in the 2.55 Saturday afternoon at 7/1 so a fair e/w bet but I am not tipping it – but I’ve wagered my 50p ew on it .

      When I buy a gg I’m going to call it ‘Biased BBC ‘ – anyone wanna form a syndicate . ?

      The horse after that will be called Lame Lammy – it will be a grey ….


      • Up2snuff says:

        Well, Fed, speaking as a merry spouter myself, there’s a lot to get ones head around in GATT XXIV, but even Bojo – in between gulps of red wine – or photo ops with Party members – should have been able to get the gist from the Patriotic Lawyers excellent offering.

        As for Brillo, I put it down to being demob happy. How old is he? 70?


  20. Up2snuff says:

    Not a TOADY Watch. But still about peculiar BBC behaviour!

    Why are they so coy about one of their Announcers and Continuity Presenters and now a Newsreader? I learned something yesterday. VG or Veegee or Figee has a surname. It is Aliss or Alliss or Allyce or Allice or Allysse. (Anyone got any further permutations? Aaaaaggghhh!!! The blessings of radio.) It may have been the first time that he read a main BBC R4 News daytime broadcast.

    He’s been around for several years now. Try finding reference to him as a BBC staffer, though. Impossible.

    I wonder why?


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Pug – I only caught the final 20 minutes but I think as a result of the standard awful BoJo answers – his handlers will keep him away from interviewers who know their stuff and just put him on day time ‘celeb’ shows where he can bumble away and every one can laugh .

    He either cannot put a coherent sentence together or doesn’t know his brief or both .PMQs will become another sort of farce where he just treats it like cricket .

    But – to repeat – if he gets us clean out on 31 October then he can black up and sing ‘mammy’ for all I care . The chances of changing the sell out deal appear zero now that a female Werner Von Braun is in place to launch a few more political V1 and V2 at us – and also to celebrate the Third `reichs involvement in putting some chaps on the moon .

    Sometimes – if you look very closely at that Saturn 5 rocket you can see a swastica …


  22. StewGreen says:

    special prog about black actors/writers
    9pm BBC2 : TV’s Black Renaissance: Reggie Yates in Hollywood

    Hey BBC are you signalling that you are not racist ?
    You better put out some tweets otherwise people won’t believe you
    Better put out 7 promo tweets
    July 10 Promo tweet
    BBC Arts Promo tweet
    July 12th Promo tweet
    another July 12th Promo tweet


    • StewGreen says:

      \\ Documentary exploring how a wave of hit shows written by and starring African-American talent is shaking up the TV industry.
      Reggie Yates travels to LA to meet some of the stars, writers and directors of shows such as Atlanta, Dear White People and Insecure, including Mahershala Ali, Caleb McLaughlin, Lena Waithe and Justin Simien,
      and tackles some of the questions in Trump’s America that their work addresses.//


      • Helen Richardson says:

        “Documentary exploring how a wave of hit shows written by and starring African-American talent is shaking up the TV industry.”

        But aren’t we told that younger people are moving away from broadcast TV? They must be racists.


        • Zelazek says:

          And how all these shows with majority African-American casts “are pioneering a new frankness about race”.
          Really? I might have a look at this programme then. Because it sounds like there may be a growing awareness that moving towards segregation, apartheid and ethnostates may be in the interest of the long term flourishing of black people everywhere.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Maybe reggie can do a programme on British TV featuring lots a black male actors being paid to do dramatise re enactments of recent crimes – such as stabbing a bloke in the neck on a train and killing him in front of his 14 year old son for – er – ‘dissing ‘.

      If you see the ‘arrest footage’ of that animal you just find your self wishing he’d put up a fight and take a round from an MP5 at 6 feet …. but he got 28 years minimum meaning he’ll be out in 5 .


    • StewGreen says:

      The prog is followed at 10pm by two episodes of another US black TV serial


  23. Up2snuff says:

    Oh dear! From the BBC that loves the EU so much and wishes to keep the UK in the EUNation.


    And covered by all that wonderful EUNation legislation and regulation and standardisation and conformity, too.


  24. Beltane says:

    Getting up early of a Saturday to enjoy ‘Newswatch’ seldom disappoints and today was no exception.
    Much of the time was devoted to QT and we were treated to the musings of a elderly member of the LibDems – either that or she was wearing one of Bernard Manning’s old and ill-fitting yellow t-shirts. Her grasp of reality was sadly skewed too, possibly affected by the vegan fart-bubble surrounding her, but when she complained of ‘…these Leavers being over-represented on QT panels’ and of Nigel Farage ‘deliberately whipping the audience into a barrage of cat-calls and shouting’ I felt she let herself, and her credibility down, just a shade.
    Other QT complaints centered on ‘plants’ within the audience and, again, it was sad that the only two examples they could find to illustrate the vile distortion of balance were a known UKIP sympathiser and a Conservative MEP. Better examples might have included members of Momentum and radical muslims, but none evidently came to the researcher’s mind.
    Boris being blamed for the resignation of ambassador Darroch has become an accepted reality, but the frequent repetition of an audience member shouting ‘Answer the damned question!’ at the hustings yesterday, after the Neil interviews, has provided the BBC with an amusing talking point. Questions the interjection could raise might include the subject of ‘planting’ again, together with the unusual clarity and force of the Boris put-down – usually associated with Glastonbury amplification levels. Was the man provided with a loud hailer?


    • Doobster78 says:

      Infuriating that woman was !!! Banging on about Farage whipping the audience into a frenzy and talking over people . …. Err, hello, Anna Soubry ???. She was just another example of a blinkered, see what you want to see, Remainer.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m not sure if “fart – bubble “ is allowed – I just got wind of that one …


  25. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC TV News at 09.45 today:

    The Sofa People interviewed a black hard-left woman author at length about her new child’s book called ‘Becoming Dina’.

    This book is a revision of Moby Dick. The lead is now a black teenage girl on a voyage of self-discovery. The whale is now a camper van being driven to the south of England. The author is the daughter of a black bus driver and an Irish mother.

    The author wants to take classical stories and make them ‘accessible’ to young people.

    Oh, how the Sofa People slavered and drooled!!

    The left-wing rot continues at the BBC.

    Links to book and author.




    • Up2snuff says:

      Dover, must be ‘doing the rounds’. I heard a reference to that on TOADY but was whizzing around the house – morning duties and all that – and missed the intro.

      I heard enough, though, to emit an inner, silent groan. I think it was silent … or … was it?


    • Fedup2 says:

      ( spoiler alert )…..Does that mean that the camper van wins in the end ? Is the black bloke with all the tattoos (in the film ) now a gay white traffic warden called Wayne or Caitlin – saving up for a trannie job . ? ( I’m taking drugs you know )


    • Fedup2 says:

      Lucky the smell check didn’t turn it into ‘becoming dinner ‘.


  26. Up2snuff says:

    This is currently good for a laugh! Hurry, the Beeb may not keep it up for long.


    Compare main photo to one on row below and to the right.

    So that’s why patients cannot get an appointment. Doc is in bed, fast asleep. And during the daytime, too.



  27. G.W.F. says:

    I have never trusted Neil, he is one of the worst. Built a reputation for grilling all politicians, but sticks his knife in TR and Katie Hopkins. Always keen to defend Islam and immigration

    As for S’kim, how could he survive when Trump made it clear that he would not work with the pompous snot?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Sure, G.W.F., Trump put Kim Gone-Well in a difficult position but the PM & ForSec should have seen that and reacted appropriately. I understand that Sir Kim Darroch was due to retire soon anyway but correct procedure would have been to bring Sir Kim home for ‘consultations’.

      Why have the BBC never asked (on R4) why correct procedure was not followed?

      Why have the BBC never asked (on R4) who was responsible for that failure in the procedure?

      Why have the BBC not taken the opportunity – they’ve had plenty of them – to ask the current Foreign Secretary and Tory leadership candidate, Jeremy Hunt, whether it was his decision or that of Theresa May as PM?

      I wonder why?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think that’s a bit harsh – if he gave either of them even the slightest whiff of any easy time the BBC would have thrown him under a bus … er . What’s he doing these days now that his show has been cancelled … ?i think they call it ‘exciting projects ‘ which means – zip .


  28. Fedup2 says:

    I think the majority of the British public do get enough sleep – I mean they’ve slept through the States ‘ machinations to prevent us leaving the EU for over 2 years – otherwise they might have turned up to stop MPs parking in the Commons car park …


  29. G.W.F. says:

    As I mentioned earlier, the comrades are after Katie Hopkins. This photo is derived from the Independent and copied in David Cameron’s Unite Against Fascism outfit. Lots of Haty Katie stuff on their FB page.



  30. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    With May trying to find something she can call her legacy I think she will be mightily p****d off if Boris gets us out at the end of October and goes down as one of the great PMs because of that.
    She could have done that.
    It could have been so different if she had, as instructed, put in article 50 immediately then got out (on no deal) over a year ago.

    What will p**s her off more is that the 2 giants to be remembered from these times are Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson.
    Nigel for bringing about Brexit (it will happen)
    Tommy for standing up for the truth against this corrupt government. He will be remembered as a huge force for truth and honesty, a true hero of the people.

    Long after May is (almost forgotten) in place as the worst PM (she had one job) these 2 will shine brightly.

    May will be a quiz question (worst PM)
    The other 2 will be on bank notes.


  31. Up2snuff says:

    EG, “May will be a quiz question (worst PM)” LOL

    You are probably correct about that. Lots of scope for wrong answers. Heath. Major. Blair. Brown.


  32. vesnadog says:

    My usual BBC Five Live “wake-up” alarm this morning:

    Cricket, cricket, cricket, cricket, cricket and even more cricket continuation what seems every 5 minutes till the next hourly news comes along and then its cricket cricket all over again.

    Next sport – marbles, marbles, marbles …….


    • Foscari says:

      Vesnadog-Actually Cricket is the National sport of England and
      WE are in the final of the World Cup tomorrow. To be honest
      on the BBC website , for the importance of the fixture so far as
      England is concerned it has been UNDERSTATED. The ladies
      World netball cup being given more coverage. let alone
      the tennis at Wimbledon , to the finals of the women and men’s
      events which is OK. And I suppose for positive discrimination and
      diversity the wheel chair competitions.
      It’s just if you look at the newspapers at the cricket final
      today you will find pages and pages of coverage.
      You can call me paranoid and maybe it’s because the BBC TV is
      not showing the cricket , but I get the impression that BBC TV
      and their website don’t find a World Cup final between England
      and New Zealand , diverse enough for them to treat it with
      any more coverage than a ladies netball match between Zimbabwe
      and Sri Lanka.


      • vesnadog says:


        From someone who used to be the fast bowler in our school cricket team – actually, I quite like the game – I just hate the BBC coverage of it.

        Otherwise, I see what you mean.


  33. Dover Sentry says:

    The treatment of TR by the state and media (especially the BBC) has shocked many of those who don’t even approve of his politics.

    The abuse transcends politics and now has a global interest.


  34. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC TV 24 Hours News 10.00 today.

    Opening story was about the US ‘sacked’ ambassador. The BBC news reader said that his comments about Trump had been ‘unflattering’.


    Did his socks not match his tie?? 🙁

    Anything to diminish the damage caused by the ambassador’s anti-Trump rant.

    Next in the BBC’s cross-hairs was Boris. The BBC regard Boris as a UK Trump and fair game for any bias.

    For instance, out of all the hustings he’s been to, a recent one had someone shout out to Boris, ‘Answer the question!’. That certainly applies to Labour and Corbyn who’ve never for years given a straight answer over Brexit until last week, following their directions from the Unions.


  35. G says:

    “Sweden is at War”.
    If that’s the suggestion then surely Londonistan is equally at war.
    Let’s see some picture of some benevolent politician gleeful at what they have achieved ‘for us all’.


  36. Deborah says:

    I was watching the 6pm news on Friday evening and their report on the murder of Lee Pomeroy by Darren Pencille on a train. The BBC stated that the argument had started when Pencille was complaining about an obstruction in the carriage. The photos the BBC showed were of an empty carriage – so there was already something odd.
    The BBC then told us that Lee Pomeroy was someone who had several times been involved in altercations. (My wording but certainly the implication was that he was someone who got into fights – so the BBC suggestion that he was not totally innocent.)
    We were then told that Pencille was a paranoid schizophrenic – implication that he was a person with mental health issues so the argument wasn’t his fault.
    No mention by the BBC that Pencille was a heavy cannabis smoker and as Christopher Hitchins frequently writes it is a cause of paranoia and schizophrenia but for those in the BBC pushing the legalisation of dope, this wouldn’t have fitted their agenda.


  37. StewGreen says:

    @Up2snuff and @TrueToo last year mentioned Quaker disinvestment in Israeli businesses

    I believe later issued sanctions against the Quakers for joining the BDS movement

    That “Tel Aviv” Rupert Wingfield-Hayes video that you said the BBC had restricted so it doesn’t play in Israel
    Yep no other copies found ..not on Twitter or FB or YouTube


  38. Dover Sentry says:

    Quote from Douglas Murray regarding Tommy Robinson:

    “”What can be said with absolute certainty is that Tommy Robinson has been treated with greater suspicion and greater presumption of guilt by the United Kingdom than any Islamic extremist or mass rapist ever has been””.


  39. StewGreen says:

    Other Speccie articles
    What does the Muslim Council of Britain have against Muslims like me? Qanta Ahmed


    Neil Brown;s satire
    “The United Nations Cultural Reform Unit we have embarked on a major project to remake the so-called film classics of the past, which are really nothing but imperialist, racist and misogynistic relics, and turn them into genuine classics more attuned to our egalitarian, diversity-based and climate change-oriented age. Already, our groundbreaking work on refashioning the divisive, male-dominated Casablanca into the more inclusive Casabeige ”



  40. Doobster78 says:

    Nobody can rile these Liberals better than the President.

    Kathy gets it tho, me may well be unconventional, but the job gets done !!!!! No pussyfooting, no pandering to these r soles, just gets right on. Well done Mr President, long may it continue !!!



  41. Fedup2 says:

    The BBC news is up in arms about a police chief called basoo who has told journalists not to report things the State doesn’t like .
    ….otherwise they’ll land in Belmarsh doing a stretch in the Mohammed Wing …..

    ….since the BBC employee – Dominic Casciani – has such a fondness for TR I’m sure he has been tasked with drafting his obituary for day he must be dreaming of


  42. G.W.F. says:

    The bits of women’s soccer the BBC do not show


  43. StewGreen says:

    BBCnews the free advertising for Green Tele-evangelists
    \\ There’s even a video:
    “London restaurant ditches all single use plastic”

    “A London restaurant has committed to running its business without single-use plastics.
    There are more than 15,000 restaurants in the city, and most are using a large amount of single-use plastics including cling film to cover food.

    Spring, which is based at Somerset House in Aldwych, has stopped using cling film and plastic straws and has also asked its suppliers to deliver food in reusable packaging.
    It hopes other restaurants will follow its lead //

    Bottomline if something involves spending more money, it usually means more resources are being used
    That’s why generally eating at home is more Green than a restaurant.


  44. Jeff says:

    Surely even the most obtuse and vindictive “liberal” must be asking themselves questions over the Tommy Robinson case.
    I’ve heard quite a number of media wafflers trying to excuse his imprisonment. However…

    This was a “contempt of course” case…not murder, terrorism, paedophile grooming gang…and yet it’s held at The Old Bailey.

    He’s convicted by judges and not given the option (I thought the right of every Englishman) to be tried by his peers. If that doesn’t, at least, raise an eyebrow I don’t know what will.

    And why, after conviction, has he been sent to the high security Belmarsh Prison? The place is crawling with Muslim terrorists.

    Anyone would think they were out to get him…


    • JamesG says:

      No, they’re not asking any questions about the case. Absolute none.


      • StewGreen says:

        hold on Belmarsh would be be just the first holding prison
        we expect he’ll be moved. Mon/Tue


    • StewGreen says:

      Noticeable that Friday’s Mike Graham Show was not the sympathy prog for TR I expected, instead the host avoided the topic and nastily slagged off TR supporters on Twitter.
      I think Jon Gaunt is also anti-TR
      … only Delingpole sticks up …as well as Douglas Murray


  45. StewGreen says:

    Times mag
    – Caitlan Moran “Why shouldn’t mermaids be black ?”
    …doh, they are in Africa
    – Profile : Alaa Salah of Sudan
    – Electric cars : the Bosnian refugee who made tge Hammond crash car
    – erotic podcasts aimed at women
    – Girl Power : muscley women


  46. Thoughtful says:

    Well I made it onto any answers again! It does seem to be a lot less biased than many of the other BBC Radio 4 programs.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Thoughtful, well done. Were you a caller or was it via e-mail and Tweet?


      • Thoughtful says:

        I was a caller. The point was about fact the leakwhich must have been at a high level, because policies which MUST have been in place have not been followed.
        So was it May? wouldn’t surprise me, and if so the culprit will never be found.


  47. StewGreen says:

    Last night @BBCLookEast on @DanielKosky of the Union of Jewish Students was live on, discussing the Essex University report into antisemitism and its recommendations moving forward
    @BBCLookEast didn’t tweet a link

    they did tweet this


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      And what a Muslim wants a Muslim gets in Beebistani world.
      As Beeby is funded in the West why are they looking East anyway?


  48. Guest Who says:

    Rob gearing up for a Newswatch outing.

    However, getting into comparative stats
    because they suit this time opens some doors he might regret.


    • Fedup2 says:

      For those following the GGs “maxi boy” came third in the 2.55 at Newmarket . Sadly Dettori couldn’t get him to first – still a 20% e/w profit …


  49. LastChanceSaloon says:

    Steroidina Williams is slaughtered in tennis match, reports the BBC, through gritted teeth.


  50. Lucy Pevensey says:

    hmmmm, Twitter is displaying this message:

    “A whole new Twitter is coming
    New features and a new look are launching soon. Bookmarks, account switching, dark mode, and so much more – before long, you’ll be able to see what’s happening even faster.”

    What might they be up to?