I was going to put up the usual “Far Left Failing BBC continues its propaganda war against anything it disapproves of “ but after witnessing what the British State has done to one of its citizen journalists I thought I’d write something else .
When the British State has been shamed into reluctantly prosecuting Muslim Pakistani paedophile rape gangs it has turned on someone showing the truth – put him through a sham political trial once and then done it again without a jury and sending him back to prison knowing he could be killed there .
Prisoner number A2084CG isn’t perfect – who is ? But Proportionality and Fairness went out of the window for Him and is a warning to anyone dissenting from what the authorities are allowing to happen in Britain because they don’t want to displease a favoured imported group .
I even feel worried writing this – that I will land up on a ‘target list’ – and so might you. Britain in 2019.
Whitechapel Bell Foundry Project

Dan Cruickshank may want to save UK heritage but his programme accusing Israel of the destruction of Palestinian heritage and culture ” the Road to Armeggedon” in 2003 was so biased that even the BBC Governors had to admit it was flawed a year later. For details see https://netanyalynette.blogspot.com/2012/07/1-road-to-armeggeddon-sat-7th-june-2003.html and https://netanyalynette.blogspot.com/2012/07/appeal-to-governors-road-to-armegeddon-3.html
The BBC cover the women’s final. One of the shortest on record we are told. Less than one hour, thanks to Serena’s 30 or so unforced errors.
Now by my calculations the women’s final plus both women’s semi finals took in total less time than the Federer-Nadal men’s semi final alone. And the latter was a good deal more entertaining. And the public clearly thought so, based on the queue for the return tickets.
So, being so keen on equality issues, I’m sure the BBC would care to comment on the ludicrous situation where the women get equal pay for vastly unequal work.
Why are we waiting?
I wouldn’t say the Police are getting lazy, but according to the Guardian’s front page, six days after ‘the crime’, the Assistant Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police has made a statement.
He said:
(William ‘Mate’ Cobblers-type voice) ” ‘ere, mate, we know yer dunnit, give yerself up an’ it’ll save us the bother of hinvestigatin’ it, mate.”
I don’t think Mr Basu would do a chirpy cockney accent but the MSM is reacting forcefully to being threatened by plod for publishing stuff the government doesn’t like – msm is even shouting
‘ police state’ – now that the TR political trial has been consigned to ‘ never happened ‘ there is considerable irony about the ‘ freedom of the press ‘ .
I’m just waiting ms Oakeshotte – the publisher of the leak – to be detained and put before the judge who so readily banged up TR.
And before anyone goes into ‘ court order ‘ breach is different – I’m aware – but it shows that publication of some things have bigger personal consequences than others.
Johnny Ball committed WRONGTHINK in politically correct Bristol. An example must be made.
Stew, sadly not the first time. Johnny Ball was a BBC Radio4 regular until he observed that one of the planet’s largest CO2 producers were mosquitoes (the CO2, not the size of the mosquitoes), that they were increasing in numbers and their favoured habitats – swamps – were also large emitters of methane, another so-called ‘Global Warming gas’.
I remember listening to the broadcast on BBC R4 which could have been about fourteen years ago now. He must have been dis-invited from the BBC not long afterward. Haven’t heard about him in a long while.
BBC2, Tuesday, 4.45pm. The TV That Made Me: Johnny Ball joins Brian Conley to look back on classic TV. Senior BBC Management are now probably going to pull the program and replace it with something from the Ambassador of Conscience and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Doctor Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg. She has said “We’re facing an immediate unprecedented crisis that has never been treated as a crisis and our leaders are all acting like children” “Adults keep saying: we owe it to the young people to give them hope. But I don’t want your hope; I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic”
Artist Jody Thomas painted a 50 foot high mural of Thunberg on a wall near where Johnny Ball was talking in Bristol.
The above information was not made up by me for a laugh, but was extracted from the Wikipedia page on Greta Thunberg. It looks like Greta Thurnberg is really going to turn the Nobel Peace Prize into a big joke.
“Johnny Ball committed WRONGTHINK in politically correct Bristol”
No wonder!
If my memory serves me right (it rarely does these days) Johnny is a northern lad (born in Bolton) so it doesn’t surprise me if he made some lefties uneasy in their seats.
Harvard Black star prof fails to toe PC line
kicked out due to sex allegations
Oh dear! Saint Serena of Compton is beaten in the Wimbledon final ???? Much tears and glum faces there and at broadcasting house from the beeboids ????
Now just imagine if the men win tomorrow’s cricket World Cup final ????
A good day for the bookies – the BBCs favourite was odd on to win . I hope those who went and watched got their money’s worth
Imagination will certainly be required of those expecting to see the cricket on BBC. As with almost all major sports, the world’s most popular broadcaster believes that paying non-entities like Linaker a fortune does more for their audience ratings than televising what they used to show so well.
Those who wish to demean themselves and watch one of those awful commercial channels will find the whole match on Ch4.
Now now! A lot of people including this unashamed Leftie were rooting for Saint Simona of Constanţa and absolutely delighted that she beat Miss Hissy-Fit of Saginaw with such grace and dignity. I’m sure that also includes a lot of BBC folk. 🙂
The BBC are excited – Global Warming and all that.
Wales? Sunburnt? In school? That is an achievement in Wales.
Max Boyce told me was not allowed out of his cagoule until he was fifteen years of age.
Slap on the sunscreen. Whoops! They’ve all developed Ricketts!
Here’s two videos for contrast.
“A nurse reports what the mainstream media are failing to cover in countries like Germany.” –
Needless to say, Loving Life is threatened by YouTube.
The other:
The British Government view –
That’s the view also of the British Public, obviously. It is clearly the view of Boris and Farage also. Otherwise they would have spoken up, wouldn’t they?
Europe screwed. I believe expectations are being realised.
It certainly seems like it. The only way that Europe can be saved is if the likes of Salvini et al can awaken the ordinary Europeans to the dangers. The most obvious way is for the government of Italy, a Visegrad country , to officially tell the truth about how bad things are and how the people of countries like the UK and Germany are being lied to every single day by their own governments and media. It has to be a government because individual leaders such as TR are easily picked off by the state. Of course there would be massive retaliation from the progressives and every attempt made to destabilise Italy or Poland and censor the internet. I think that with each passing year the chances of saving Europe get slimmer and they are already not very good. Sadly it makes me relieved to be nearly 70 but I pity the young people who will bear the brunt in a few decades time.
Oh come on ! did we really expect anything else from a Muslim with a foothold in Government ? Well I for one am not surprised. I hope I have left this mortal coil when the Prime Minister is anything but Christian. Then watch the demographic balance shift.
Who is this mysterious “we” that the Home Secretary keeps referring to?
Blimey Brissles, the one we’ve got now is (supposed) to be a devout Christian and she’s done absolutely nothing to quell the hoards of foreigners coming to our shores.
When she was Home Secretary she continued with Labour’s insane open door policy, while preaching the opposite.
As a rule of thumb with politicians, particularly on immigration…
I don’t trust any of them!
What kind of remoaner are you?
None of the above. Not even close!
Daughter of shipyard workers, now retired after a working life in IT, who had a chance to go to university to study physics and subsequently, for balance, took an Open University in literature and philosophy just for fun in her spare time (generally late into the small hours when she could have been out dancing) while working full time and raising a teenage daughter. Like many before us – Quakers, for example, or Old Contemptibles, I’m wearing the cheap insult as a badge of pride!
Less of your stereotyping please!
Careful wild – in a recent comment you were telling the Collective cast that we were all thinking a certain something.. I accused you of being a ‘ mind reader ‘ but you didn’t bite .
Nice to have a ‘ critical friend ‘ here but sometimes it’s just tedious trolling ( I’m not including you in that ..) .
Wildwoman and Fedup2, it’s all so close to the truth that it’s almost no longer satire. There’s almost nothing the remoaners do or say which isn’t so crazy or stupid that it doesn’t look like satire.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
So, why do you post here ?
BBC cultural Marxist bias across all platforms at almost any time of day.
Radio 4’s Saturday ‘PM’ (17:00-17:30) had a piece after 17:20 on croquet, as part of the big sporting summer, etc. Immediately, in the intro’ from the studio, there was a reference to attracting more ‘diverse’ membership of clubs (presumably because they’re too “pale and stale”). They focused on a Nottingham club and efforts at outreach to local schools (even Primary ones!) More followed on attracting ethnic diversity among players.
BBC coverage of this sort of minority sport can never discuss it in its own terms, without working in the obligatory and racist anti-White carping. It’s almost as if BBC staff are told to work diversity into everything – as they do with climate change.
Right after this, it was reported that Santa Serena of SW19 had lost the Ladies’ Singles final at Wimbledon, 2-6 2-6. “What went wrong?” asked the studio moron to the specialist reporter. Presumably the winner Ms Halep played better … There you have it, in a nutshell.
Smash the BBC!
Heard a bbc discussion earlier this week on netball, apparently the England team are doing well and I hope they continue to do so. Anyway, during the discussion a lady commented about getting the ‘other gender’ involved in the sport. I waited with bated breath, surely the attack trained bbc harpy would rip the poor unfortunate to pieces, and…. nothing. No challenge to the ‘only two genders’ implication, interesting, but not surprising. After all, most people probably think that way, bbc staff included, you can be as right on as you like but when caught on the hop its difficult to maintain the facade.
Love these replies to the slimy reptile that is Anna Soubry. Bang on the money !!!!
How out of touch can one woman be ??? She honestly believed she was starting a political revolution with change uk, she really did !!!! Laughable. Horrid woman. Deserves every bit of stick she gets !!.
HYS open on the tennis. Top rated a good read , not just us who see the bias from the BBC .
Halep stuns Williams to win Wimbledon title”.
Or even “Halep stuns BBC to win Wimbledon title”.
can’t believe Halep won it, especially as she isn’t a mother.
And now the biased commentary team has to eat humble pie as their darling, the undefeatable Williams gets steamrolled.
But on a more serious note, Halep played so well, and used the entire court to her advantage with Serena Williams lack of mobility. Well played!
Didn’t Halep read the script? Serena is a mother you know! How disrespectful of her to beat Serena!
Not a surprise to anyone who has watched the tournament. BBC your girl took one hell of a beating.
Glad Simona won listening to commentary you would have thought there was only one player on court, Serena this Serena that. Well Serena got blown off court today.
Completely racist this result! How dare a white person beat a black person in a tennis slam final ????????
“At the start of the second set you could see that Simona Halep was still that bit better, actually a lot better”
Analysis like that is why people pay big bucks for the bbc still.
I wrote a comment on that particular HYS, asking whether the part-time women players were still getting the same payment as the men who are having to work approx 3 times as hard in order to win their title.
Needless to say it was removed. Despite containing no swear words, nothing racist and despite the fact it was actually asking a salient question.
What a world we live in.
Not sure if people here accessed the extraordinary speech by the extraordinary Ann Widdecombe at the Oxford Union against no-platforming.
She said everything that needed to be said and her passion for the truth was evident throughout.
What a different country we would have if she was in No.10 instead of that waste of oxygen who is the present occupant!
…and Katie Hopkins was her usual incisive and no-nonsense self.
I don’t think she judged the audience quite right. Difficult, coming in from outside and talking to strangers, but there was something in the atmosphere that she didn’t take advantage of. Exactly the same approach has worked well in other settings, but perhaps the Oxford Union is a bit different.
Corbyn arouses the miners at the Durham Miner’s Gala
Was that Soubry s younger sister ?
Greta’s elder one.
The tweet has been removed.
Remember when hate filled Lammy told us that he hadn’t seen a policeman anywhere but there was one right behind him ?
Well, the dumb fecker is at it again !!!!!
There are no words !!! Just a idiot, complete idiot .
What was that about ‘is the Labour Party antisemitic?’
Vote Labour, vote for this.
He really is the gift which gives on giving . Why isn’t there a sign along with ‘ladies entrance ‘ directing people to the ‘postal voting unit ‘?
More seriously – I’m disappointed with the amateurish response to the Panorama documentary – apart from character assassination or participants and trying to get the programme off the iPlayer ( true ) – there hasn’t been the nice pictures of Labour types at the local synagogue..wonder why ?
Nobody has ever been prosecuted for covering up
or failing to prosecute Jihad rape gang crimes.
– 43 min vid of Saturday’s Belmarsh rally
– 2 hour20 livestream from TR News
politicalite’s 10 min vid
As the 50th aniversory of the Apollo 11 launch and landing on the moon approaches the BBC are busy re-afferming that it was “Humankinds” biggest achievement and not “Mankind’s.
Expect one of the “Some people may be offended by the wording and phrases used” disclaimers when they have to repeat “One small step for Man. One giant leap for Mankind”…….
I see that they also have a new series about a ship hijacking or similar about to air. Obviously the lead roll will be a women soldier, saying that I wonder how many “women soldiers” where used to detain that tanker in Gibraltor??
Halifax, if gender moaners do start whingeing, then I just wonder how many can actually name (without checking on their phone), the first woman in space, and the first British woman in space ?
(for those on here, it was Valentina Terashkova, and Helen Sharman) and yes, it was information I just grew up with and didn’t have to look up.
BBC Radio 4
“There isn’t a plan. It’s all very spontaneous. But it is changing. And it’s changing towards a plant-based diet.”
Some bloke I have never heard of is explaining why he has decided to eat less meat.
This is news.
Somebody to tell the people in India and China about the ‘change towards a plant-based diet’.
All diets are plant-based.
In my bit of north London this afternoon I unexpectedly got stuck in a long line of traffic. Moving at a crawl, I could see a continuous stream of BAME people disgorging from the tube, stewards guiding them down the road.
Had no clue but it turned out the crowds were heading to the AKWAABA Ghana Party 2019… web blurb: “For a day you can almost forget you are in London.” (Just the one day?)
So I rolled my window down, channelled my inner Jon Snow and said to some party-goers “I’ve never seen so many black people!” They looked somewhat aggrieved but I reassured them I was kind of a big deal in media and thus couldn’t be racist. I then said they needed to consider a more diverse gathering in future, that they’re probably too uneducated to realise but it’ll make them stronger as a community to have some Scots and Koreans and Peruvians and Estonians joining in.
I spotted some were carrying little flags, so I pointed out the very real dangers of unchecked nationalism. As they overtook me at 2.5mph I shouted out a couple of JSTOR references to academic papers on statism and the shortcomings of ethnocentric protectionism to read up on when they got home.
They looked confused, but I’m sure once they’ve had time to absorb everything I said they’ll surely revise their narrow, insular worldview. No more harking back to ideas of a bygone ‘little Ghana’.
Hey just doing my bit for a more progressive world, one step at a time.
P.S. only the first part actually happened
images of Ghana party in the Park
(Trent Park London)
Jon Snow must have been delirious.
I wonder if Spring Garden, is a poor black neighborhood
..and that carjackings happen their every 6 months
..seems that way from Twitter
I’m guessing that if the carjacker was black and the victims white the BBC would be telling us about it
..calling it a lynching
BBC Online News Headline:
“”Trump Scrapped Iran Nuclear Deal To Spite Obama””
“”New leak CLAIMS Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal ‘to spite Obama'””
“”Sir Kim wrote that President Trump APPEARED to be abandoning the nuclear deal for “personality reasons” because the pact had been agreed by his predecessor, Barack Obama.””
(Capitals are mine).
The BBC have again carried out an act of blatant news deception against Trump.
Their front page headline reads:
“”Trump Scrapped Iran Nuclear Deal To Spite Obama””
Click on that link and the headline becomes:
“”New leak CLAIMS Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal ‘to spite Obama'””
Upon reading the article, the ‘Fact’ becomes a personal opinion from a dicredited anti-Trump diplomat.
Dangerous international and vicious deception against the BBC’s hated opponent Donald Trump.
Boris, this is what awaits you from our National tax funded ‘impartial’ broadcaster.
I notice the artitcle puts up a defence of civil servants (which of course State Broadcaster employees are).
The leaker cost a man his job. It wasn’t Boris or Civil Servant bashers.
BBC employees are emphatically not civil servants.
Civil servants are required to acknowledge their responsibilities under the Official Secrets Act by signing a declaration both when joining and leaving the service. The vast majority keep to the rules.
I wondered if I’d be picked up on this and was trying for a shorthand to say ‘Civil Service and State Broadcaster employees have in common that they are both paid by tax. So one lot of State funded employees was this morning leaping to the defence of a second lot of State funded employees.’
I’m looking forward to learning whether someone required to “acknowledge their responsibilities under the Official Secrets Act” dumped our favourite ambassador out of their job.
I think you are barking up the wrong tree.
The public face of the BBC, the presenters, journalists and editors are fundamentally anti-British and delight in embarrassing the government, of whatever colour, but especially if it is nominally Conservative. If they can generate a crisis to make a news story they will do so.
The civil service primarily carry out the administrative functions of government and overwhelmingly does that conscientiously and impartially. It is in their interest that these functions are carried out without crisis. Of course all organisations contain their ‘bad apples’, who might be seen as heroes by some, that don’t stick to the rules.
What I am most certain off, having worked with many civil servants, that there is no common cause between the licence-funded BBC and the parliamentary vote-funded civil service carrying out its statutory duties within the law. Civil servants are tax payers too, don’t forget.
I have worked both sides of the fence and each has its good and bad, both in methods and people.
With the bbc, appearances are deceptive.
Especially when using a one degree of separation ‘source’ in complement.
The more the bile of S’Kim Darroch comes to the surface, the more he seems a garrulous, spiteful and inept diplomat – almost the antithesis of his role, but then that may well be why he was given the job.
His latest published gem is to accuse President Tump of cancelling the Iranian nuclear deal in order to ‘spite Obama’. I’m sure we can all think of many reasons to spite Obama, especially from Americans with any sense of national pride, but surely it’s on record that DT scrapped Obama’s placating sticking-plaster policy because, as he said at the time, ‘It’s a rotten deal.’ That’s not spite, that’s a valid assessment from a man who has had considerably more practice at making deals than Back of the Queue Barry.
Rotten too is the link with Isabel Oakshott and Richard Tice, a relationship which we can expect to be trumpeted by the sort of expert commentators for whom the BBC has become renowned, and all to the detriment of the Brexit party. Shame, as they are bound to say, but that’s politics – at least, it’s the politics of nasty little shuttlecocks like Alan Duncan, aided and abetted by Gauke and Grieve. They sound like a pair of bodysnatchers.
There is a lot more about this affair than is currently known by the public.
What is known is that civil service procedure was not followed – and deliberately so. Darroch should normally have been immediately recalled to London while the situation was assessed, this did not happen.
We also know that only high level senior people had access to the Emails and memos so the leaker has to be a senior person, possibly from the Tory party.
All sides here could have an axe to grind remain, Brexit, Boris, Hunt, Labour, anyone anti Trump, the motives are as yet unclear, but as this goes on it does appear it might well be an attempt to symie any advantageous trade deal we might make with the USA.
I’m confused regarding the police investigating the criminal aspect of the leaks.
The first port of call is surely Isobell Oakshott at the Mail, and clearly investigative journalists do not give out their sources of information – ever. So where does this come in the terms of legality ?
If the police interview Ms Oakshott and she refuses to divulge her source of the leaked story, can she then be subpoenaed to do so ?
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry:
A peer tells a story
..I bet there is an “and” somewhere..with an additional reason for the payment.
Actual CNN tweet not a spoof
..cos hating Trump is the most important thing in life
Staggering hubris from the ‘World’s most respected etc, etc, with almost non-stop sport promotion and in-depth discussion of today’s events since at least 6am.
With tennis, cricket and Formula 1 all vying for viewers, anyone would think with the level of enthusiasm on show that the BBC are televising the lot. The reality is somewhat different, but that’s true of so many aspects of our national treasure these days.
BBCWorld tweets
– 1 hour ago The forgotten Indian inventor who dazzled London
– 10 hours ago US-Mexico border: Step into the shoes of a migrant
– 10 hours ago Megan Rapinoe: Can a pink-haired lesbian be an American hero?
– 12 hours ago Hodan Nalayeh: Somalia’s ‘inspirational’ journalist, killed in Kismayo
– 19 hours ago Video Tweet Serena Williams explains just how good Simona Halep was out there today… #wimbledon #bbctennis
Job advert : “EU Advocacy Manager Forest Stewardship Council”
One might have thought that a job at the Forest Stewardship Council involved among its required qualifications a knowledge of forestry, trees, that sort of thing. Not a bit of it:
“Qualification, Experience and Skills:
• University degree in a relevant field (e.g. Political or Social Science, International Relations, Law).
• At least 3 years of experience in coordinating international advocacy activities and campaigns.
• Experience in influencing policy-making processes in the EU.
• Knowledge of EU institutions, international trends, policies and programs regarding development issues, sustainable development goals and NGO advocacy.
• Fluency in English and French (spoken and written) is required, other European language would be an advantage.
• Exceptional verbal and written communication skills.
• Ability to facilitate interactive discussions as well as establish and maintain positive interpersonal relations.
• Experience in / with an NGO or Non-Profit Organization.
• Experience working remotely.
• Demonstrated cultural awareness and sensitivity to the diversity of values, views and approaches to issues relevant to the FSC program by stakeholders around the world.
• Ability to represent FSC through his/her work with exemplary personal and professional authority and conduct.
• Commitment to FSC’s mission and values.”
It’s worth taking a look, IMO, to see the sorts of non-jobs satelliting around the EU. Profoundly depressing. MH
Looks like one of those jobs where the person who is going to get it wrote the job spec
BBC favourite Gina getting the air time again ? What is it the BBC love about this Brexit hating woman of colour ??
Some interesting posts about Miller on Guido…
“I always laugh at her self styled description as a businesswoman. She has married rich men 3 times constantly trading up until finally she has access to £ms”
“The wider question should be why does this unelected person even get an interview on TV to spout her demands?”
“She’s The Mouthpiece of Soros.”
You would think with the ‘calibre’ of investigative journalists we are supposed to have in this country, then someone must know something about the origins of this woman and who finances her.
If they do have information then they seem reluctant to print it.
Where are our Woodwards and Bernsteins?
““She’s The Mouthpiece of Soros.”” Talk of the Devil, literally.
Karl Popper anyone? No, not me either but I read earlier that Popper has had the most influence on Soros.
Researching Popper is quite revealing in a Soros context. If Popper is, Soros’ ‘go to guy’, it explains everything. Here’s the Wiki intro.
“Generally regarded as one of the 20th century’s greatest philosophers of science,[13][14][15] Popper is known for his rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method in favour of empirical falsification. A theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can and should be scrutinised by decisive experiments. Popper is also known for his opposition to the classical justificationist account of knowledge, which he replaced with critical rationalism, namely “the first non-justificational philosophy of criticism in the history of philosophy. In political discourse, he is known for his vigorous defence of liberal democracy and the principles of social criticism that he came to believe made a flourishing open society possible. His political philosophy embraces ideas from all major democratic political ideologies and attempts to reconcile them, namely socialism/social democracy, libertarianism/classical liberalism and conservatism.[3]”
Popper was clearly anxious to keep himself a shade away from Cultural Marxism but his, ‘Critical rationalism’ is synonymous with CM’s ‘Critical Theory’.
Soros is what you get when a person becomes besotted with a particular ideology but in the case of Soros, his ‘squillions’ of dollars (obtained through Free Enterprise) gives him a passport to impose his philosophy on the rest of us.
Doobster – I presume you’re aware that in your question “What is it the BBC love…” you automatically list the three answers contained within the question.
The only one not contained there is: BIG money. The beeb would love that about her. Lotsa lovely lolly!
After all, they’re prepared to kick as many over-75 pensioners as it takes, in the teeth, to extract what they see as their own lolly, to keep the champagne flowing…If necessary, I think they would mug old ladies to grab their purses.
Dishonest, greedy and ruthless.
Full backing of government and parliament, of course, to date. But only to date.
But they fear Boris might threaten all that cash flowing in like a vast tide. That he may not bow down and grovel before them, as is the custom with politicians. He sounds like someone who may try to interfere with all that sploshy cash they extract with coercion and menaces. That could explain their hatred of him.
“But they fear Boris might threaten all that cash flowing in like a vast tide”
Over the years I’ve never heard anyone point to the fact the amount of “interest” that our £5 billion per year earns for the BBC over a financial year?
It has to be in the £millions?
What nationality is this woman because if she’s not English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish, what gives her the right to challenge us, in our courts in our decision to leave the fascist EU?
In fact, what right does she have to be in our country?
I am heartily sick of having to “log in” every time I visit this site – even though I have checked “remember me”. It is such a naus trying to get back to where I was, then if I do happen to comment, wait for ever for the comment to appear, if I haven’t been already told that I’ve “already made this comment”…
…frustratingly s l o w – and always has been.
Try being me then . It’s meant to remember me but I might as well be a tree fella for the amount of logging on I have to do . So I empathise sympathise .
That’s cos’ you, (or your machine automatically) clear out cookies too regularly.
SKY NEWS this morning mocking and insulting Boris and his family/party by turning his hair a weird green colour:
“A picture speaks a thousand words” SKY NEWS believes.
BBC podcast : Black Influencer Pay Gap
The Next Episode
Black Influencers say they are being paid less than white Influencers for doing the same job.
Hosted by Linda Adey.
Did they ask Oprah ?
or any of the kardashians
sunday morning live
is the media unfair to muslims ?
they obviously have never looked at their own webshite
I thought the ‘one bad apple’ line was a classic – in fact, to coin a phrase, it could hardly be ‘tackqier’.
“Welsh MP Guto Bebb to stand down at election over Tory concerns”
Leaving an opening for The Brexit Party or UKIP
The Tory Remainers are now coming out of the cracks in the woodwork. The Tory Party as it stands, is finished.
Vote and Support The Brexit Party or UKIP
Well, well, well. Spot the feature on our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcasters so-called, ‘News Bulletins’?
“Bombshell: Scientists Find Evidence that “Man-Made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist””.
Couldn’t our Worlds ‘Most Trusted’ exchange this piece of news for the non-interest in, for example, the death of a Somali journalist. I know what is more important.
Deary, deary me, what will we do with all these Climate Change loons not to mention all those who are employed in that cultivated, self-perpetuating $3 Trillion dollar industry formed around the illusion of Climate Change. Wot about Greta? How will she deal with this revelation?
Ah! ‘but that’s only science’ I hear them say, ‘and who believes in science anymore’
Not directly State Broadcaster – but is it right that Labour has now come out as the Remain Party ?
I ask because I’m not currently a MSM customer but saw that Lady Nugee was saying this . Great News if true – for the end of Labour – up until recently the BBCs main protector …
“is it right that Labour has now come out as the Remain Party ?”
Good question. My understanding is that Labour will oppose a Tory Brexit tooth and nail though they won’t say what they would do themselves if in government.
I’d be very interested to read what others think?
Not Gwent
Labour will lose many votes in Wales at the next general election.
From the Sunderland Echo on line today.
Corbyn speaking at yesterday’s miners gala.
‘When asked whether he had turned his back on Labour-voting Brexit supporters in the North East the Labour leader replied: “I absolutely understand that people voted to leave, and I understand why. Lack of investment, lack of job opportunities in many communities, and a government in London who is more interested in investment in London and the South-East, than they are in the North East.’
If he thinks this is why we voted leave he is as completely out of touch as the three remainer labour MPs we currently have in Sunderland.
Their time is coming to an end.
Just saying “I’m voting in the best interest of my constituents” and the usual “I respect the result of the referendum” is unacceptable and these three can expect to be booted out at the next GE.
And to you ‘Oh JeremyCorbyn’
We voted out for to be free of the EU.
For freedom, democracy and not to be ruled by Brussels.
It’s held in Sunderland, which is not far from Luton, because, like, all the Islington coal mines were closed down by Thatcher.
He must feel like a pork pie in a synagogue. Or a mosque, more likely.
Here is a nice bit of cultural diversity from Jerusalem.
“You disrespect our Islamic religion”
The fella did turn the other cheek but I think the bloke on the phone wanted to kill him … I’m guessing no happy ending to that clip
That explains it then.
There’s only one response: ‘Sick’
When is his baby due?
I’m watching the cricket on Sky and virtually every shot of the crowd shows either a White New Zealand supporter or a coloured folks who may or may not be England supporter. It seems that white English supporters are in very short supply. The shape of things to come. At least that’s what the MSM want us to believe. Of course we all know that there are plenty of English there but the Sky editors just choose not to show them in order to try and convince the viewers of the fiction that all our recent arrivals are passionate English.
I’m watching the cricket on Sky but I’m more interested in the action on the pitch than the skin colour of the crowd. You could always tune in to the excellent BBC coverage on TMS where your delicate sensitivities would not be offended.
Not so I’m afraid. They are offended just about every time I switch on anything emanating from the foul broadcaster.
I get you, Piku. I take your point.
But, if I understand Doublethinker, this -I suspect- is his point:
-there are two tales going on; only one of them is about the cricket per se;
-every picture about the crowd also tells a story, which is not necessarily about the cricket, per se; call it the ‘understory’ or sub-narrative;
-control the pictures and you can build a sub-narrative: unlike the cricket, it’s not obvious what this one is about;
-however, is the ‘understory’ narrative a familiar one for the broadcaster? Much like other broadcasters with own agendas that are similar? If yes, one could draw certain conclusions.
-So yes, it’s about the cricket, but subliminally, there may be something else going on…
But that, as they say, is another story.
I don’t ever watch Sky, so I couldn’t possibly judge…
And my interest is in the art of propaganda, rather than the art of cricket.
It’s about seeing problems where none exist – motivated reasoning.
Piku – You may well be right. That does not alter the fact that Sky may have a sub-narrative, based on an own agenda.
Anyway, think about it: you too, have motivated reasoning…
And not see problems where some exist.
“Excellent BBC coverage” ?
If its that good, let it fund itself . ‘Pay to view’ and end the disgusting telly tax .
A tax that robs from the poor to line the pockets of the very rich .
Pay to view? It’s on the radio taffman. There aren’t any pictures and you don’t need a licence.
View or listen, it does not matter?
Both are still funded by the telly tax.
An unfair and archaic tax that is enforced upon the population of this nation even if they never watch Al Beeb.
It is a conspiracy between all the media, in the legal meaning.
John Redwood on the BBC:
Good fortune to the English cricket team
“It is sad that this biggest of events for England’s summer sport will not appear on BBC tv. Once again our national broadcaster lets England down and sets its face against our great traditions. There is much more passion and support for this sport in India and Pakistan than there is at Broadcasting House. Other countries and their national broadcasters would be much prouder if such an event took place in their country, especially when the Home team has a chance of lifting the trophy.”
I don’t follow cricket but those who do should be catered for.
Perhaps John Redwood could take the matter up with the EWCB and the ICC since it is they who have decided that cricket shouldn’t be available on free to air platforms in the UK.
1973 … Fiction … “The Camp of the Saints (French: Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail. A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the West.”
2019 .. Fact … “Hundreds of undocumented migrants have stormed the Panthéon in Paris and demanded the right to remain in France. The protesters, who were mainly from West Africa, surged into the building at around midday (11:00 GMT) on Friday.”
The BBC are flooding their website with the fake news headlines “Donald Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal ‘to spite Obama”. They also led with the story on the BBC Radio 5 News at around 14:35. I would be grateful if others could confirm the BBC are leading their news round-ups in other radio channels and their television broadcasting.
Cheers. Thanks.
ps: It is fake news because the headlines are misleading and the claim is based on something the former British Ambassador to the US wrote down in his notes as his own opinion – with the former British Ambassador being revealed as politically biased against Donald Trump.
BoBotC- When an Obama v Trump story is conjured up, you can safely put your annual salary on knowing the person the bbc will support.
Regardless of any facts.
In fact, 2 annual salaries.
Safe as houses.
Bring Sopel into the equation, and you can -in fact- put your entire house on it…
What did Trump do about this deal?
Did he say “Iran will go to the back of the queue”
I’m sure that during the presidential campaign Mr Trump regularly promised that the deal was a dud and he’d end it . Maybe I misheard . But if this is so then the undemocratic ambo didn’t have his finger on the pulse.
Let’s face it – the evil Iranians are gonna get a bomb sooner or later so why should America make it easy for them by making deals which the Iranians will dishonour – because they haven’t got any .
So sooner or later it will be ‘ good bye tehran’
On Sophie Ridge this morning there was a (supposedly neutral) representative (Chairman I think) of the institute for small businesses talking about Brexit.
After he mentioned about 4 “crashing outs” it was time to switch off as it was just another of the usual negative Brexit interviews.
You would think they would brief the person being interviewed that to give the illusion of an impartial interview they should avoid the usual remainerspeak such as cliff edge, catastrophe and crashing out if they want to fool people into thinking it was a proper interview.
We are getting wise to their tricks.
Its the Wimbledon men’s final.
A BBC commentator helpfully points out that the first set took longer than the whole of the women’s final.
All tight for some. The men have at least two more sets to play.
What a shame said commentator did not then question the issue of equal prize money for unequal work.
Still, feminists were never really only interested in equality.
“Brexit: Campaigner Gina Miller threatens no deal court battle”
Why is this woman given so much air time ?
The country has already voted to leave and Parliament has voted to leave ………….
As a direct consequence of the Supreme Court ruling the House of Commons voted by a majority of 384 votes (498 to 114) to approve the second reading of the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 to allow the Prime Minister to invoke Article 50 unconditionally.
Why is parliament dragging its feet ? Why is the Tory party taking so much time to choose a leader ?
Are they ‘kicking to can down the road’ again to allow Al Beeb and the MSM more time to pump out anti-Brexit propaganda ?
Apologies if this has already been posted, but can you imagine the bBC, Ch.4 or The Guardian standing up for ‘conservative’ journalists?
Me neither.
Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and I believe one of the organisers of the Global Conference for Media Freedom in London last week, tried to exclude both The Rebel and True North (Andrew Lawton) from her ‘press scrum.’ However, representatives of the MSM stood in solidarity.
Freeland? Canada? A picture of Trudeau drifts to mind.
He and his sort will always be happy to pretend they’re against fascism, but will be also be more than happy to use its methods.
The Freeland behaviour comes as no surprise.
Can think of one or two of May’s crew, who would do exactly the same.
With a bit of luck, we’ll have seen the last of them.
If the Canadians have any sense, they’ll get rid as well.
Everyone is expecting Boris to win.
Just think though.
Our voting system is now widely known to be corrupt so if the same type of people who ‘done’ the Peterborough or Thanet South (for example) elections then anything could happen.
I used to believe in the fairness of our voting system but not now.
That’s the reason we cannot have a second referendum.