I was going to put up the usual “Far Left Failing BBC continues its propaganda war against anything it disapproves of “ but after witnessing what the British State has done to one of its citizen journalists I thought I’d write something else .
When the British State has been shamed into reluctantly prosecuting Muslim Pakistani paedophile rape gangs it has turned on someone showing the truth – put him through a sham political trial once and then done it again without a jury and sending him back to prison knowing he could be killed there .
Prisoner number A2084CG isn’t perfect – who is ? But Proportionality and Fairness went out of the window for Him and is a warning to anyone dissenting from what the authorities are allowing to happen in Britain because they don’t want to displease a favoured imported group .
I even feel worried writing this – that I will land up on a ‘target list’ – and so might you. Britain in 2019.
Just in case you didn’t realise ……
From the BBC
England need 242 to win men’s World Cup for first time…..
Wow that couldn’t have been closer
So both sides deserve credit
Monday : \\ Panorama program tomorrow (Mon) on Sex Education: The LGBT Debate in Schools.
About 70 state schools are pleading for help to deal with demands from parents that they drop the lessons. //
bet you’ll be watching Nadiya first on Bbc2
Well worth a watch.
This is one US site amongst many which I visit to gather a visual measure of how things are deteriorating and how the public are dealing with the left wing Marxist nonsense. They certainly have extreme versions of Lammy, Abbott, Warsi, Miller, Soubry et al. – ‘baiters’.
I am shocked at how angry Douglas M Ducote Snr. has become even since I watched a previous video.
Other US sites show the same. Boiling point is being reached quite quickly now so, ‘watch this space’.
I am also shocked at how many ‘right wing’ sites have been closed down by the likes of YouTube.
How long will it be before the majority realise that the ballot box moves too slowly……
G I don’t know if the situation is worse in the US than here but this sort of thing doesn’t give much confidence. Entitlement knob turned to 11:
England win Cricket World Cup.
England men’s cricket team win the World Cup!
Spin that al beeb…..???? ????
They already did.
If you did not read on to below the fold you would think Trump was just telling Congresswomen to go back where they came from
Trump under fire for racially-charged tweets against congresswomen
He claimed the women “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe”, before suggesting they “go back
Several paras later the BBC inform us that Trump also said
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.
The BBC will know the casual reader will never get to the come back statement
As usual, when presented with an argument they have no answer to, the left deflect with cries of “racism!”, “sexism!” or “homophobia!”.
Trump is brilliant! He’s actually telling them to go back and fix these basket case countries.
How’s the cloning of Trump progressing?
And, if you look at his next Tweet, he’s forced Nancy Pelosi to defend AOC and Ilhan Omar, when she would rather they disappeared.
The MSM simply don’t understand the levels of persuasion at which Trump operates, which is why he keeps wrong footing them.
How the BBC succeeds at what it does
em that is not true , I’ve changed my mind many times
cos someone showed me how I got something wrong
However if you have INVESTED in the narrative
..new info is met with denial and cognitive dissonance , causing lashing out and anger.
A certain Aaron McKenzie has been charged with the murder of a pregnant London woman. The BBC don’t show a photo of him so I presume, going by his name, that he is a Scottish Jew. I shall have to stop thinking in stereotypes when I hear about murders in London. Clearly everybody’s doing it.
BBC headline
Trump under fire for racially-charged tweets against congresswomen
What he actually said ……
He wrote: “So interesting to see ‘progressive’ Democrat congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run.
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.
“These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”
……… So not racist AT ALL
Now let’s see how a lefty read it shall we ?
Ms Pelosi, Speaker of the House, quoted Mr Trump’s tweets and described them as “xenophobic”.
“When @realDonaldTrump tells four American congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again,” she said.
“Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power,” she added.
What pathetic, anti Trump agenda pushing. FAKE NEWS exemplified right there from our national broadcaster!!!!! Disgusting . Utterly disgusting.
Quite simply one of the worst cases of Trump derangement syndrome ever seen. How in the name of all that’s holy is that racist.
“Listen Up everybody BIG BROTHER has an important announcement. I want to get prepared early for the ” Sports
Personality of the Year. And the team of the year. You all know
we run a postal ballot. I want the gentleman who was “involved”
with the By-Election postal voting which helped Labour win the
Peterborough seat,to help us run our event. There is no way I want to see
Ben Stokes with the award or England men’s cricket team to
win any team award. I don’t mind in the England’s Ladies football
team or the Netball team win and the American Football
ladies captain wins a special award. See to it!
BBC Online News:
“”Trump under fire for racially-charged tweets against congresswomen””
In essence, he suggested that they should leave the US which they campaign against, and go back to the third world basket case countries that they admire so much and instead help them.
If I could buy the Donald a beer, I would.
(Sorry Doobster78, we posted this at about the same time).
The UK is not the only country that has one. The German TV channel, ‘ARD’ has a programme of the same name too.
It seems they secretly had two reporters on board the “Sea Watch 3”, which has been illegally “rescuing migrants” off the Lybian coast and dumping them on the Italian island of Lampedusa.
Salvini had its captain, Carola Rackete arrested. A shady Italian ‘judge’ had her released. Now, it appears, Paris is about to award her a medal for her ‘humanitarian’ work.
German media have been hyping her up as a heroine, but then their top dog is a lawbreaker par excellence, so no surprise there!
Suddenly people posed the question: ‘How come the entire Sea Watch 3 thing was filmed by Panorama?’ It began to dawn on them that the possibility that the whole episode had been staged to embarrass Salvini, could not be excluded.
For, like President Trump, Salvini is something of a hate figure for the PC media. They don’t like him, cos he’s seen through the whole ‘asylum’ racket. So perhaps, Carola has an appropriate surname? (Although the direct translation from the German suggests she’s a rocket…)
As for the ARD, it is -like the BBC- a racket financed by coercion and threats, as is ZDF (equivalent say to BBC2).
I wonder when we shall see the first ‘Sea Watch’ episode in the UK? ‘Little boats’ transporting ‘migrants’ to Britain illegally from the continent- which will simply have served as a stopover, anyway?
Where is the heroine who is going to step forward into the limelight? A medal in Paris awaits….
In which case we eagerly await Boris, to see what stuff he is made of. Can’t think that Hunt would put his foot down to stop lawbreakers who pose as rescuers. But then, I could be wrong.
Meanwhile, Rackete’s racket goes on apace, as big money is going to flow her way. Big money, apparently starting off with 100,000 Euros from France. Why are we not surprised?
Tommy ..this has to change even it it takes my death
I mean in the real world
obviously in Guardianlalaland .tens of thousands of groom/rape gang sex trafficking incidents against 5,000+ children in Britain never happened
… and a man holding an iphone up across the street from a court is the most serious crime ever.
Women’s Wimbledon final, just under an hour!
Men’s final today, just under 5 hours
And they’ve got equal pay ????
Give over ????
I listened to a bit of it where they were saying that the prize money is fairly incidental to the sponsorship image and earnings so I’m pretty sure Mr Fed er er will get a boost even for coming second .
The BBC will be deeply depressed that the ‘ Lions ‘ to use their childish vernacular – Came first in the cricket .
The PM of NZ will probably don black and declare a week or national mourning and visit various cricket clubs to share the grief . As well as appealing for all cricket bats to be handed in as an amnesty .
Al beeb did their damdest a year ago to get Ben Stokes convicted of the assault trial in Bristol!
To harm England’s World Cup chances?
I bet they’re now championing him, ????
Judas’ the lot ✌️
I’m guessing we ll find out Monday whether TR is to remain in Solitary in Belmarshistan – where ironically he might be ‘safest ‘ or
Whether the Prison Service ships out to somewhere where it is easier for Islamic gangs or prison officers can get to him .
( I hasten to add that I don’t know anything about the prison system apart from it being corrupt from top to bottom )
And for the sentencing judge to just say that she was not concerned about TRs safety “ that is for the prison authorities “ shows that the judiciary will step back to a Dickensian approach when it suits them .
I want to say if anything happens to TR then it will be on her but I’d better not .
I thought an absolute defence against being deported was that the deportee might not be safe in the country they were to be deported to?
Speak up Shami, I can’t hear you!
I bet POTUS is aware of this but even he knows he has to avoid comment about it – for the time being . Our Katie sounded pretty upset . As people should be .
I’m not uncritical of TR – but the British State is clearly trying to kill him using whatever means it can.
1. If Gavin Esler had done the same as TR, not a thing would have happened. It would have been regarded as kool and edgy journalism.
2. If a Muslim from a different sect had done this, nothing would have happened. It would have been ‘divisive’ to do so.
Good true point Dover
. Where I am it’s past midnight so I’m going to open the new Thread in a minute
From Maggie Oliver’s serialisation in the Mail
She had time off and her husband died in 2005
She returned and the anti-rape-gang Operation Augusta was shut down the day after the 2005 London 52 death attack, she presumes that authorities thought pressure on Muslims would have caused more terrorist deaths
2010 she’s asked to participate in a similar operation Operation Span
..I say STFU …doesn’t matter about
claiming crimes are supercharged if there is a racial
elements …. it’s effing multiple child rape !
seg ends
Remember Easy Meat was published in
March 2013
As ever I don’t take Maggie’s story as proven truth
and anything touched by journos and the Mail may have had elements twisted.
Clearly the MSM do not like Trump or what he is up to.
So they clearly love anyone not doing what he does. Especially their man in The EU.
Hunt: Iran nuclear deal can be saved
Jeremy Hunt
The deal struck in 2015 to limit Iran’s nuclear activities is at risk of unravelling completely, with the US having decided to withdraw from it and Tehran having breached a cap on stockpiling of low-enriched uranium. But UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt says it can be saved. He’s meeting EU colleagues later in Brussels in an attempt to do so.
This comes after the UK seized an Iranian oil tanker – suspected of transporting oil for Syria, in contravention of EU sanctions – near Gibraltar. And it follows Iranian forces being accused of interfering with shipping.
“Britain, France and Germany are making a strongly worded intervention,” says BBC diplomatic correspondent James Robbins, “to try to prevent the crisis in relations with Iran deteriorating into something far worse: armed conflict.” We explain the nuclear crisis in 300 words.
A strongly worded intervention should really swing it.
At least they spelled his name right, twice. Shows they can.