The final week of a failed PM and the Parliament . Normal service is meant to shut down . The BBC adults hand over to the children until September .The bias is usually even easier to spot.
Start the Week Open Thread 22 July 2019
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a quietish weekend
– Sunday night just came on to Page 3
– Page 2 took us from 7:30pm Saturday to 7:30pm Sunday
Thanks as always Stew
Fedup : “The BBC adults …” ???????????????
And a woman second too although that comment is just for the BBC. Here gender is irrelevant.
The chaps are all busy Deb, watching the Netball highlights !!!! or getting their highlights done !
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season) I was tucked up in bed after having engaged myself on domestic duties a.k.a. watering the garden with kitchen wastewater and then doing more washing up as I was so delighted with a home nation (almost) win in the Open Championship.
Didn’t Shane Lowry do well? Devastated the opposition.
If only we could have a pro-Brexit PM like that!
Highlights – I wish. Strictly ‘Greylights’ for me nowadays. Had a brief period of salt n pepper George Clooney hair then time fast-forwarded on to old geezer barnet. Bah.
Even George Clooney has succumbed to old geezer hair from his tinted grey fox days, IMNALY, so don’t cry too much.
Even George Clooney has succumbed to old geezer hair from his tinted grey fox days, IMNALY, so don’t cry too much.
More seriously for the past 3 years I have read on this site and others of ‘treasonous’ May. With Phil’s comments on Marr today that the Chancellor has to be in close agreement with the Prime Minister and what I have been reading about Phil wanting to bring down the government, I can only believe both Phil and May have been treasonous, probably for the whole time. They probably thought they could slip through some sort of WA that would keep us in, in all but name.
Was it George Osborne that Mrs May sacked with the words that he should go back to the Party roots and understand what the Party is really about. Perhaps Boris could do the same to May, Hammond and Gaulle.
I’m sure that you are right about the long term treason . My view is that in 2016 it was very likely that Boris was going to be on the ballot for Tory members to choose the next PM. If he had of been he would have won just as he will today. So the Remainer establishment decided to activate their mole in the Leave campaign, Gove, and get him to stab Boris in the back. They then dealt with Leadsom in ways as yet unknown leaving Remainer May as PM by default.
I know that it’s conspiracy theory gone mad but having seen the behaviour of the Remainer establishment over the past years I put nothing past them. They will do anything to avoid us Leaving. I’m sure that they have some more plots and plans up their sleeve to keep us in the EU , or to get us back in very quickly. Wrecking the economy is one that I expect to be launched very soon, runs on the pound etc.
The good news is that they are being forced to ever more extreme measures and so their traitorous behaviour is becoming more apparent to the people. Their cover is blown they are being forced out into the open.
Doublethinker, I agree with much of what you say looking with hindsight. Call me naive but when Mrs May said, “out means out”, I believed her. Now I think she was lying even then.
However I don’t think the Party had to ‘deal’ with Mrs Leadsom. I think she was the deliberately weak candidate they put in so that Mrs May was going to win. I can remember Mr D saying at the time,’you can’t vote for that woman ‘ meaning Mrs Leadsom because he thought her so weak. At the time I hadn’t a clue who she was but replied, ‘well I don’t want Mrs May’. As it happened it was the right decision for all the wrong reasons, ie I thought her too weak not that she was part of the Left branch of the Tory party committed to us staying in.
The same thing struck me about the Chancellor and PM needing to be in close tandem and, by implication, the duplicity of the pair of them. Unsurprisingly, the main BBC thrust of the story was the inevitable and, hence, hardly newsworthy resignation of Hammond. Similarly, Sir Alan Duncan’s resignation is clearly nothing more than a case of him going before the inevitable sacking.
The similarity of the Conservative back benches to a snake pit grows daily.
If ‘what the party is really about’ is more socialism while feathering your own nest then she’s probably right. Apart from 4 or 5 MPs who appear to be in the wrong party the Tories can go hang.
Not a one of ’em has the philosophy of a Thatcher (and even she made mistakes) or a Tebbit. If Boris somehow gets us properly out of the EU it’ll be by accident rather than design.
An exciting new BBC drama for daytime TV!
Starting soon on BBC1!
Following on in the footsteps of ‘Doctors’, the new series will have social justice and gritty story lines at its heart. The cast members were of course all chosen on talent grounds alone, but by lucky chance the result is a marvellously diverse ensemble, truly representative of our wonderfully diverse modern Britain.
The show centres on the lives and loves of a team of South Yorkshire aerial riggers. The team leader and business owner is ‘Muff’ Muncha, a formidable lady of Polish origin. Muff has a screen-filling presence that no-one can ignore. She can beat any of the men she employs at ladder climbing, aerial rigging, and customer dissing. Muff is married to Gloria Armstrong, who owns Macho, the female-only gym next door.
Chief rigger is Bonko Aldayo, played by newcomer Abinbolobobo Bobhinmaaa. Abinbolobobo graduated with honours only last year from the Nigeria Academy of Dramatic Arts, and now seems set for a glittering career in UK film, theatre, and television. We’re sure he’ll always be in work, despite having very little English and being quite ugly.
Bonko’s rival is Alisdair Balfour. Alisdair’s personal quest is to install more rigs per day than any of the other workers. His attempts to top the league table provide much of the drama in the series. Because he is differently abled he has major challenges which he overcomes heroically. Alisdair’s back story is told in the first episode. Alisdair is an ardent environmentalist — a wonderful guy — and has real concerns about saving the planet. In an heroic attempt to prevent a train loaded with fossil fuel from reaching a power station he had laid on the railway with his arms and legs across the rails. This didn’t go quite according to plan. In the first episode of ‘The Riggers’ he is interviewed for the job of aerial rigger, and in a powerfully dramatic scene he proves beyond doubt that he can climb ladders despite being limbless, by screaming repeatedly at Muff, “I can do the job, and if you don’t give it to me I’ll report you for disability discrimination!” Muff hugs him and they both cry.
Alisdair has yet to find love, and as the series progresses we see him attempt to find a partner, “a big strong guy who can haul me onto the roof!” he jokes. Alisdair is gay, but he doesn’t shout it from the rooftops.
The customers provide much of the humour and drama in this bitter-sweet series. Some of them are hard working and well-off, and thus obviously rather obnoxious. There are also drug addicts and petty criminals, all of whom the team obviously treat with the greatest respect and help out in every possible way. In one very touching episode Alisdair allows a young man who has been thrown out of art school following a misunderstanding in the toilets to share his tiny one-bedroom flat until he can get on his feet.
Many of the customers are old and therefore ignorant of the true realities of life; in fact one elderly man proudly declares that he is in favour of Brexit. In a series of hard-hitting but at the same time heart-warming scenes spread over several episodes the riggers come together as a team and take turns visiting this man until he finally he sees the truth and shouts “Brexiteers are all stupid!”
THE RIGGERS starts on BBC1 next Wednesday at 1.45pm. Another hit, just like ‘Doctors’! Don’t miss it!
I’m sorry but being greedy I’ll be out earning the minimum wage and thus miss it .
Fred, you had me at the “Nigerian Academy of Dramatic Arts” !
(I laughed so much you clearly would be a better scriptwriter than that on offer)
I urge you to submit this to the BBC. The ways things are, there is every chance they will go with it.
I’m not joking!
In the meantime women are desperately trying to stop half-men transgenders from entering women sporting competitions and simply destroying female sports.
Wtf sort of journalism Is this?
Police officer dies holidaying on the Isle of Skye
Basically, a Muslim has died suddenly while on holiday. RIP
My thoughts exactly when I read it. I remember several years ago my next-door neighbour died suddenly of a heart attack while away in Cornwall on holiday with his wife and kids, but I don’t recall that being mentioned on the BBC.
Then again, he was White English and worked in a factory.
And I bet he didn’t want to see sharia reign supreme throughout the UK, either.
Perhaps moslems don’t often go to Skye for a holiday?
I could be happy……
Wait until Trump gets around to having a Twitter fight with the EU…
Have a peek at their other tweets, (even) they haven’t a filter on Fox News!
Rashid Tlaib a fresh Palestianian Muslim congresswoman chucked out from Pres Trump convention
Think this is the woman who called Pres Trump a really foul name.
This is Diversity. Its bloody so obvious. The more Diversity the more we have to live with people who not only dont fit in the West, but actively hate us enough to bomb and rape us while living on Benefits.
Scroll for more Good stuff.
This woman is Palestinian. Her unhinged fanatic bahaviour is what Israelis have to face everyday, from Gaza or even within Israel.
The racist Democratic party never though that American Blacks will leave the “plantation”. They are now.
Guardian Opinion Brexit
Sun 21 Jul 2019 18.16 BST
MPs must find the courage to stop a mindless no-deal Brexit
Gordon Brown
A new poll reveals how fearful the British public is about the likely economic shock.
They are right to be worried.
A poll by Hope not Hate. . . .
[This really adds credibility to these pitiful lies, peddled by the worst PM until the present one.]
. . . by Saturday 2 November many of our motorways will be at a standstill. By that Sunday, food prices will be going up – a 10% rise is the latest estimate . . .
[etc ad nauseam. So many “experts” forecasting doom that Brown calls them “countless others”. Not that Brown was ever any good at counting, or anything else.]
Even now the new European commission president is offering to deliver us from this fate . . .
[I bet they are. Project Fear MCV. Desperation time at the Guardian if Brown is all they have.
Brown entreats MPs to thwart Brexit. Not one word about the referendum result.
All swallowed whole by thousands of Remainmorons, aka little Europeans, in the comments.
Come on Boris, time to rub these treasonous faces in the mire.]
LCS “[This really adds credibility to these pitiful lies, peddled by the worst PM until the present one.]”
Is it not chronic that we haven’t had a remotely decent, substantially successful, PM since Margaret Thatcher. And before her, since Harold Macmillan?
Harold Macmillan was a complete rotter.
He was Anthony Eden’s Chancellor, and stabbed him in the back over Suez. He claimed that Britain’s foreign reserves would run out within a few days, but that was not the case. In effect he forced Eden out, and thus inflicted a major humiliation on Britain (from which we may not have ever recovered), just so he could become Prime Minister.
Britain and France had won militarily in Suez. If we had stayed on and got rid of Nasser, the poison of Arab nationalism may never have taken hold. Instead, Britain and France were seen as busted flushes, and within a few months France had decided to sign the Treaty of Rome.
So it can be argued that thanks to Harold Macmillan we have much of our troubles in the Middle East, and the formation of the EU. Not much of a record to write home about. The more I think about it, he may have been worse than Brown or May. When you remember the old bastard allowed the Euston Arch to be destroyed, there is no doubt. Macmillan was the worst!
re: Suez, the “special relationship” didn’t count for much either.
No, the Americans stabbed us in the back too. For what it’s worth, years later Eisenhower admitted he had made a mistake, and should have backed Britain and France against Arab nationalism.
Too late by then Ike!
Wasn’t it also Mr MacMillan who used the odious Ted Heath to secretly negotiate our membership of the then European Economic Community, knowingly keeping the actual plan’s objectives a secret from the British public?
Yes, if one word could sum up Macmillan it would be “duplicitous”.
RiC, I agree.
But he was a successful rotter. He built houses. He got the economy moving after WW2 & the Suez debacle, which IIRC was not entirely his fault.
Maggie Thatcher was a complete rotter, too. Many times over. But I’d give her 5.5 or 6 out of 10. She was arguably the most successful rotter of them all.
Most of the WW2 and to date PM’s come out with minus scores in my book. Only Churchill (war-time not peace time) and Attlee can command positive scores in addition to Supermac and Maggie. Eden gets a shrug and a zero. Callaghan and Douglas-Home (a complete non-rotter but look where it got him) I’d score at -1 along with Cameron -2, Wilson -3, Deputy-Clegg -4, Heath & Brown -6, Major -8 and Blair (*****Rotter+) at -10.
Theresa May has not yet left Office.
(Scores may revised at any time according to my whim or fancy. In addition they may also be revised upward or downward for post-Office conduct. Terms and conditions apply. The performance of your personal economy may be enhanced or devalued at any time without notice by any of these rotters or those yet to achieve power together with their appointees, assignees, SPADees and SpinDoctorees.)
F’rae all o’this an’ ghoulies an’ wee ghosties, them lang leggedy beesties, Good Lord deli’r us! Amen! x10,000 x 10,000.
In my opinion. Eden was a patriot who wanted what was best for Britain. He wanted to stand up to Arab nationalism, which he correctly saw was a form of fascism. Macmillan believed in Macmillan becoming Prime Minister and little else. If you remember the “Night of the Long Knives” he was quite happy to sacrifice half his Cabinet to save his own skin.
I must also disagree about Major Attlee. He was a decent man and a patriot, but in the period 1945-50, when Britain should have be set on full speed to rebuild after the war, he squandered our wealth establishing a socialist state. Instead of rebuilding industry, he was busy nationalising it. You name it, coal, steel, railways, docks, even the NHS. There is a reason Britain still had rationing until 1953, when beaten countries such as France, Italy and Germany did not.
A further black mark against Attlee was that he had us scuttle out of India and Palestine without solving any of the problems there. Millions died on his watch.
And finally, I believe a certain Empire Windrush arrived in Britain when he was PM, heralding the vibrant multi-cultural society absolutely no-one wanted, and which will lead to the end of Britain as we have known it.
On reflection, he was worse than Macmillan, and I do not say that lightly.
Is “rotter” quite the right word for Maggie? Alan Clark was a rotter (and like many such contributed to the gaiety of life) and Boris is at least partly a rotter. Rotters are not heavy going, which Maggie was, which is not to disparage her.
Banania, yes, I think so in a Macmillan and Conservative Party context and sense. Remember her loyal colleague Geoffrey Howe and his exasperated ‘broken bat’ Resignation speech?
I might finish compiling the list of Maggie’s rottennesses that peppered her time in Office. It was too long and taking too much time earlier.
RiC “Macmillan believed in Macmillan becoming Prime Minister and little else.”
LOL! Hmmnn, now who does that remind me of? “Oh, hallo Theresa. Didn’t see you cringing, I mean hiding there.”
I was a child when Night of the Long Knives happened but remember the news of it relayed by ‘The Home Service’. As I’ve frequently observed on here (repeating a quote by Winnie) “Politics is foul.”
Attlee had no choice on India. There was going to be widespread trouble had he not made a fast exit. And there was going to be trouble if he did make a fast exit. My old man always used to point to Jinnah as being pivotal in causing the trouble although recent re-appraisals have been kinder to him.
Additional thing about Attlee was that he was always being undermined by the champagne socialists who did for him in the end. In addition, the founding of the NHS had not been without hiccoughs: the GPs had to be bought off and a population made sick by some harsh winters and the smogs made full use of the new free service, especially prescriptions. Then there was the baby boom to contend with. Don’t also forget the immediate massive unemployment of servicemen and servicewomen in 1946/47. That, too, was a massive cost to the State.
Don’t think that you will find many placing Attlee as worse than Macmillan. About the same or better, imv.
“time to rub these treasonous faces in the mire”
It’s time to implement the result of the 2016 referendum. We’ve had three wasted years.
Dear Parliament, if you didn’t want to implement the result did it occur to you not to ask? At the time of the referendum there were no UKIP MPs and the Brexit Party wasn’t even a twinkle in it’s father’s eye.
These politicians most probably got their financial advice from Mark Carney. A man who somehow manages to predict the opposite of what transpires.
BBC Headline
Universal credit: Single mums being forced into sex work
1. Picture is women head in hands sat in drivers seat of a LHD car.
2. Picture of white women holding white child.
So from that we get.
1. It’s only white women and none of those forced into prostitution have mixed race children.
Ps it looks like a Mustang to me…..anyone else got a view on what car this poverty prostitute is driving ?
Very deceptive illustration, Halifax, I agree. Typical BBC.
Bit of a puzzle lower down: Heidi Allen MP quit the Conservatives over their approach to Universal Credit.
No mention of:
1. Civil servants who implement it,
2. Brexit, and,
3. Her own opposition to implementing a democratically taken decision.
I wonder why?
Lord God Humphrys really has passed his sell by date . Dominic Raab being interviewed. Mr Raab being a lawyer – is always careful about his language . Humphrys – however -just talks loudly at people. He doesn’t listen to replies and just talks over them when he gets an idea in his head .
Humphreys had a swipe at bojo for not appearing on `toady . I hope he never does . Mr Raab had a little swipe about how toady says ‘no deal’ every day – as it says this morning .
It really is time that a brave politician ( exist?) went on the offensive in a BBC interview and took on their attitude in a way that they can’t be shut down by “and now the weather “.
I’m waiting for the interview with the latest Labour MP who has left the Corbyn shadow cabinet – delpiero? Being the latest –
but me thinks the editor of Toady won’t want to upset their socialist friends…
Sometimes I wish for political interviews like this one, if only for the laffs..
Read further down to see the form that the parlimentary committee have used for their ‘consultation’. One would almost need a degree to undestand the title!
Like most ‘consultations’ they only accept responses that fit their terms of reference and give the answers that they want. This means that most responders are the activists, not the general public as they would have us believe.
Who exactly is forcing them to become prostitutes? Why the sanitisation of the word?
What an absolutely ridiculous excuse for news and what a scandalous and baseless piece of editorialisation, all paid for by the taxpayer who instead could reasonably expect information to assist with the formulation of an informed opinion.
The sooner the BBC is abolished, the better.
TOADY Watch #1 getting retaliation in early
Now we know: a No-Deal Brexit is really the best option for the UK, especially if the new PM does not hand over a massive ransom payment as Theresa May offered to do.
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have, apparently, both made statements that leaving the EU without a deal will be a disaster for the UK.
Lots of superb comments in the article by Simon Heffer in the Daily Telegraph!
99% in agreement in what we say here!
Having posted about Shane Lowry’s excellent Open Championship win I note that it is completely absent from the top of the Home Page and News Page on the BBC web-site. On previous Mondays with football and motor racing and netball and cricket, the opening slot (or somewhere on the top row) curiously omits the Irishman’s success.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC shilling like mad against a No-Deal Brexit – again
Carolyn Fairbairn (DG of the CBI) is dragged on to back up Blair and Brown. The BBC are too dim to realise that most of the TOADY listening public, humans with ears and good memories, know that Blair, Brown and Fairbairn are Remain campaigners who are still campaigning to remain in the EUNation because they do not accept the EU Referendum result.
…..and that Carolyn Fairbairn worked as a Director for the BBC for many years. Did the BBC mention that?
No, DS, they never do.
Today after the 7am news, I can only think that Justin had a bus to catch …..and then missed it. He was interviewing someone (DUP?) about the Irish backstop at breakneck speed, hoping to catch him out. The poor man was not allowed to think. (Aha moments for Justin) then final question with Justin saying “we haven’t much time, I will have to hurry you “ and then finishing with a Jim Naughtie moment and asking the longest question in Christendom.
TOADY Watch #3 – oh the disgrace! oh the shame!
It’s Boys Day on Toady with The Humph and JustRemainIn Webb. The latter who, interviewing Tobias Ellwood MP about our lack of a Navy, suggests the alternative might be international. That ships going through the Straits of Hormuz could be accompanied by a joint US and UK naval operation.
JustRemainIn could not stomach that as it would mean “… putting us under the same flag as Donald Trump”.
Oh dear! The BBC does not approve.
“Its make your mind up time”
NATO – with the USA and Donald Trump
The EU Defence Force – with Al Beeb and the EU.
Over to you Mrs Chamberlain……………….
taffman, rumour has it that Theresa May, as part of her Revenge on the British peoples, er… , ummmhhhh, I mean Legacy Package, has signed us up to some EU Defence thingy that we are stuck in, cannot wriggle out of, Brexit or not.
‘Eva’ closer union.
Not what the people voted for .
All boxes ticked
Looks like a shotgun?
And over the series she’ll morph into Davros and it will be revealed that Dr Who was actually him/her/it all along.
“4 of a Kind”; female, ethnic, disabled, gay. But. . . does she have “anxiety”?
\\Royal Welsh Show: No-deal Brexit ‘would cause civil unrest’//
Funny that when most of Wales voted ‘Out’.
Things are getting very desperate in the remainer camp now?
taffman, I actually quite like it when Blair is brought on to shill against Brexit. Major has an air of reasonableness about him at times. Cable and Brown can be dismissed as silly old buffers.
But bring on Blair and all sorts of negative emotions arise – either side of the Despatch Box – and I can imagine a digital counter of the 16 million who voted Remain declining and an equivalent digital counter for Leave Voters plus those Respecting & Valuing Democracy clicks upward by a near equivalent amount, less the ditherers, of course.
I can also image that it’s a bit like a Geiger counter locating a radio-active source; staccato clicks gradually becoming a steady tick, then a scream.
I shall dream on.
Hope it is true. 🙂
Maybe the Beeb should give Blair a daily slot on TOADY?
To satisfy my ever-continuing quest for political insight, I prefer the US, ‘proper, civilised’ interviewer example. If you are a youngster, this series of videos is class to see how it is done – successfully and contrary to anything in the UK. The interviewer is not hostile and his patience pays dividends in that he extracts precisely what the interviewees position is. Frankly, I cannot remember a time when our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster conducted interviews like this. Take a look and judge yourself:
Epoch Times is often dismissed as a Falun Gong front.
\\ Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper
headquartered in New York City. The company was founded in 2000 by John Tang and a group of Chinese-American Falun Gong practitioners. The newspaper covers general interest topics with a focus on news about China and human rights issues there. //
Wiki: “Falun Gong….. is a Chinese religious spiritual practice that combines meditation and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy centered on the tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance (Chinese: 真、善、忍). The practice emphasizes morality and the cultivation of virtue, and identifies as a qigong practice of the Buddhist school, though its teachings also incorporate elements drawn from Taoist traditions. Through moral rectitude and the practice of meditation, practitioners of Falun Gong aspire to eliminate attachments, and ultimately to achieve spiritual enlightenment.”
Just about sums it up……..
Wiki: “Falun Gong….. is a Chinese religious spiritual practice that combines meditation and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy centered on the tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance (Chinese: 真、善、忍).
I can see why the Communists want to wipe them out. Truthfulness, compassion and forbearance? The very idea!
This will bring a warm glow:
“The BBC is facing libel action after criticising the specialist product of a plastics manufacturer.”
Oh! hang on, where have I heard this before? – “The company issued a statement at the time claiming that the BBC had failed to “fairly present the scientifically proven benefit of Oxo-biodegradable technology”.”. Well, well, I would never have guessed. Naughty BBC.
Considering that Britain is potentially just weeks from what Phil Hammond tells us on Marr is a crash out and catastrophic brexit he seems to look amazingly relaxed/happy/smug about it all.
Surely any looming catastrophe would reduce him to a nervous frowning sweaty wreck.
“……he seems to look amazingly relaxed/happy/smug about it all.”
Well, he’s probably taking the POTUS’s advice and shipping out. Maybe to join Branson on his island? Or, perhaps, to join the UN? He would be much more comfortable in either.
Panda, Ministerial pension, ongoing employment on the back-benches, free newspapers, expenses, losing the car but still entitled to Diplomatic Protection, Knighthood in the post and a chance to do some extra ‘consultancy work’.
What’s not to like?
” looming catastrophe ”
I doubt that Hammond has ever been in danger of a looming catastrophe in his life.
He always reminds of the loner sat at the back of the class on hearing that teacher is very annoyed with a certain rebellious pupil (not him) jumps through the open classroom window and legs it too his mom waiting at the school gates.
Is it me or has this morning on R4 been all about women? I switched on pre 9 am – woman’s netball, football. dropped in post 9am women in engineering etc…and it isn’t even Wimmins hour yet?
When will the media stop saying – he/she is the first woman/muslim/transgender/disabled/wtf in this position. Why can’t they just announce the person is in the role/job…
This is what creates difference that the BBC keep complaining about..
Hammond’s loyalties are in the spotlight thanks to his calculated grandstanding, but surely the basic question that seems too embarrassing, or even relevant, to ask is why May appointed him chancellor?
Since previous cabinet posts had been transport and defence with neither position providing any evidence of competence, let alone political skill, the answer is obvious to us – but you’d think someone from the BBC or the Guardian might show an interest. Unless it simply highlighted yet another move in what will be revealed as the most duplicitous and undemocratic government in our history.
What has Happy Hammond got against democracy?
We voted to leave and he is fighting against it.
It looks like Boris will win and so happy has said he will resign (before being kicked out), again going against a democratic decision.
All those in his gang like grieve, lee, Clarke and the rest of the anti democrats should be removed from the Tory party and never ever be allowed to stand for election as Tories.
Alan Duncan has resigned.
I love the sound of swamp drainers in the morning…
Alan Duncan has been the minister in charge while the UK was put into structures of the European Defence Union with a view to permanent subordinate status.
His late, inadequate briefings to MPs and repeated override of Parliament’s scrutiny mean MPs largely unaware or uninvolved.
Traitor – no other word for it.
Alan Duncan is the epitome of the spiteful old queen…my apologies to our gay correspondents, but he really is awful.
He was the one who went ballistic after Andrea Leadsome made her innocuous remarks about being a mother. He was spitting venom.
He’s gone for Boris a couple of times and was Theresa May’s hitman.
When she received her vote of confidence she came out and spoke to her coterie and he was sitting there applauding with all the other traitors.
This preening old poser isn’t going on a point of principle; he’s going because he’d be sacked.
We’ve endured three years of obfuscation, indecision and incompetence.
Pack your bags Al’.
You won’t be missed…
If it does nothing else, Brexit has exposed and weeded out some of the rats.
Not enough of them as of now, unfortunately.
“Coterie” – shouldn’t that be cretinerie?
That – bad man – was going to use a forbidden word – made Grieve look honest .
Seems like the traitors are lining up against BoJo before he even gets to kiss the Queens’ hand .
Anyone wanna guess the next one ? What’s that druggie loon Rory Stewart doing these days apart from plotting Britain’s downfall.
So ‘Sir’ Alan Duncan has gone. Good riddance. A nasty, spiteful, closeted little chap, a sort of rich man’s Paul O’Grady and one that Shakespeare must surely have labelled ‘a preening popinjay with less about him that he might persuade us to believe.’
Now, please, Messrs: Gauke, Grieve, Clarke, Stewart etc…….you will not be missed.
‘a preening popinjay with less about him that he might persuade us to believe.’
Wonderful !
“A welcome jolt of diversity”, so goes The Guardian review of ‘Muzlamic’, the new comedy offering from the nation’s beloved broadcaster.
Just a thought. How can something that is ceaseless, like the promotion and encouragement of diversity, multiculturalism and islam, be really described as ‘a jolt’. The BBC shoves these down our throats every minute of the day.
If the script writers are stuck for characters and material what about:
Gulzar the Groomer
Hamza and the Honour Killing conundrum
‘Just Slitten, innit Mate’ – a recurring sketch scene set in a halal abattoir.
Eight point Nine Children
My Wives Next Door
‘alal, ‘alal
Fawlty Minarets
Hanoon’s Half Hour
Last of the Summer Ramadan
Some Jihadist’s Do Have ‘Em
Man about the Mosque
The Imam of Dibley
My Families
And Mother makes Nine
Now the BBC is broadcasting ‘Muslim Comedy’ and inserting diversity into The Proms, what about musicals for Muslim viewers…
Yusef and his Technicolor Dream Goat, Kiddie fiddler on the roof or Seven Brides for One Brother?
(I must stop, this is getting quite addictive!)
Makes me laugh just looking at um.
You just knew Lammy would be on the bandwagon !!! And , just as above, CCBGB !!!
Clearly showing those on Universal Credit and in hardship that he feels their pain !!!
This is a really good site, especially when it examines the ‘racist’ letter that Lammy claims was sent to him. The handwriting investigation is very persuasive.
Apologies if this has already been picked up — not BBC but NYT with more ridiculous Trump fallout: ‘The Hate Is Real’: Black Georgia Lawmaker Says She Was Berated at Supermarket.
Subhead: “Erica Thomas said a white man angry at how many items she had in an express lane checkout told her ‘go back where you came from.’”
The white angry man (Cuban; democrat) denies any racial slurs but admits he did call her a ‘lazy b***h’ for using the express lane with too many items. However Ms Thomas has since backtracked somewhat on her original claim… and in the same article the NYT themselves quote her as saying: “I don’t want to say he said, ‘Go back to your country,’ or ‘Go back to where you came from.’ But he was making those types of references is what I remember.”
Interesting switch as she continues: “People can’t just go out in public areas and berate pregnant women […] whether it was because I’m pregnant, whether it’s because I’m black.”
Pregnant… black… lazy… anti-American… who cares about accuracy? The headline should read “The hate isn’t real but that won’t stop us from peddling our usual agenda.”
Will the BBC reporter on trial for allegedly leaking the identity of a rape victim during the trial be doing time if found guilty . ?
So now it’s Sir Alan Duncan overboard spewing bile. Interesting to see all the closet remainers jumping before they are pushed. Hope Boris gets on with it and gives them all a good send-off.
BBC Online News:
“”Tory leadership race: Alan Duncan resigns as minister””
“”BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith said they could not stomach the prospect of a no-deal Brexit which they think Mr Johnson could oversee.””
“”In his resignation letter to Theresa May, Sir Alan said it was “tragic” her government had been dominated by “the dark cloud of Brexit” – which he said had stopped the UK becoming the “dominant intellectual and political force” in the world.””
“”He praised Mrs May for her “faultless dignity and an unstinting sense of duty”, adding that she “deserved better” than to have her time in office “brought to an end” in such circumstances.””
He has also previously said Mr Johnson was “the last person on Earth who would make any progress in negotiating with the EU at the moment.”
“”And in 2018, he described an article – in which Mr Johnson said Theresa May had “wrapped a suicide vest” around the British constitution – as “one of the most disgusting moments in modern British politics”.””
“”The BBC’s Norman Smith said that in the resignation of Sir Alan – and the promises to quit by Mr Hammond and Mr Gauke – we were beginning to see the basis of a Tory opposition to Mr Johnson on the backbenches.””
Duncan’s resignation has been seized by the BBC as an opportunity to attack Boris and Brexit.
Of course, no alternative viewpoint in BBC la-la land is permitted.
It would appear some of these traitors appear to know the result of the tory leadership election before its finished , how odd
I think it was a postal vote, after all!
“”In his resignation letter to Theresa May, Sir Alan said it was “tragic” her government had been dominated by “the dark cloud of Brexit” – which he said had stopped the UK becoming the “dominant intellectual and political force” in the world.””
The fuckwit Duncan is clearly deranged, unless he thinks looming Mohamedism and sharia law are the zenith of intellectual and political thought.
“we were beginning to see the basis of a Tory opposition to Mr Johnson on the backbenches.””
Norman, how many tory MPs back the traitors?
A few hundred?
Now, how many voters are in this country?
Norman, you are nothing but a soon to be unemployed BBC joker.
Had to look twice at this BBC headline “Nadiya Hussain: How I switch off” I thought at first it was a bit of advice and help for viewers sick of being force fed stuff they don’t want to watch but sadly no….
“Nadiya Hussain: How I switch off”
I find that the button on my remote control works very well, whenever Nadiya turns up on the screen with another of her halal recipes.
How presumptuous of her……………..
How on Earth did she know?
The BBC are really rampant today …first the War Criminal Blair was allowed to spout his anti Brexit bile and now the rock bottom Gold seller Brown. It is RELENTLESS left wing propaganda today. In fact, thats every day !!! Spot any Bias ???? Leave or Remain ??? You simply cannot tell which way the BBC feel can you ??
Well, not strictly true Tone, as the rise and fall of the Hanseatic League might show – but that’s history and that, as Henry Ford put it, is bunk.
And thus, in common with any argument or example with which you and all your disciples disagree, the fact can be ignored. Except when Cherie puts her foot down, that is.
Once upon a time this guy used to be the Tory MP for Bury – a Leave constituency.
Of course I bet he also resigned afore he was pushed?!
Yeah, and now he’s my MP !!!! aren’t we lucky.
Tony Blair
But but… His real name is
Anthony Charles Lynton Parsons
Does anyone think the result tomorrow between Boris and Hunt will be fiddled?
Now that it’s accepted for elections to be corrupt (as in Tower Hamlets, Thanet South and Peterborough for examples) and that nothing happens about it (bent electoral commission) I wonder if they will fiddle the result to give Hunt a win.
Maybe the almost certainty that Boris will get over 75% will deter them as it will be a big job but they might be getting cocky and think they will get away with it again.
I used to trust our electoral system but no more.
I don’t think the overall result will be fiddled but they’ll make it less than the overwhelming result which has been signalled – the aim being to make BoJo as weak as possible at the start .
The remainer traitors currently resigning will also pull some kind of Commons stunt in cahoots with the Speaker on the last day of Term – Thursday .
I don’t think they’ll go for some kind of ‘ no confidence ‘ vote yet as they don’t want to spend the next 6 weeks fighting for their political lives ( in all parts of the Commons ) – so they’ll be plotting for something on the return on 3 Sept .
O/T but last Wednesday, much to my disgust, I discovered that Lord Mandelslime of Fondlebum is the Chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University.
And in same vein as Jon eff the tories Snow, I’ve never seen so many ethnics, especially muslims, in one place at the same time.
apologies if this is a repeat
BBC Online News:
“” India launches second Moon mission””
“”The UK is to hand over £98m to India despite the country – which has spent almost the same on a lunar probe – now giving out more foreign aid than it receives. As part of the UK’s aid budget, the Department for International Development (DfID) will give £52m this year and a further £46m in 2019/20.””
Nice to see that our overseas aid to India is being launched into space 🙁
Dover – did you really have to post that ? When I heard the news so enthusiastically delivered by some India brand BBC type I just knew we’d paid for their space programme .
The Pakistani moon program keeps failing. Their moon is crescent shaped which makes it much harder to hit.
” The Pakistani moon program keeps failing.”
Best use a thicker cotton then. (prayer
Sorry, Fed. Just Had to post it.
It’s only fair that we give aid to the regions, Scotland, Wales, Pakistan, India, Sudan..
It’s hard to turn on Radio 4 nowadays without being bombarded with the incessant agenda.
“Pick of the Week” (Sunday 18:15-19:00) ticked most of the boxes in the first 20 minutes, before I got called away, and was still at it nearer the end:
– excessively female perspective on the 50th anniversary of the US Moon landing (NASA’s Jean Morgan, a comedy about the wives of Apollo 11 astronauts, …);
– promotion of Blacks and ethnic minorities (Louis Armstrong, etc);
– combining the previous two topics through the ubiquitous Maggie Aderin-Pocock;
– promotion of socialized health care (East Germany and the Soviet Bloc during the Cold War, with a clip about how Louis Armstrong benefited from free dental care on a tour there and was surprised that he didn’t have to pay, unlike back in the big bad USA).
“The Listening Project” (Monday 09:00-09:45): the usual wimmin’s stuff, women in sport, social diversity, Trump-bashing, eco-obsession, lazy evocation of ‘community’ without discussing why some prefer not to be forced to mix in; Fi Glover encouraging people to echo Metropolitan elite viewpoints on everything while pretending that their voices are authentic, …
Even cricket coverage (R4 Long Wave, men’s or women’s) has to have a bit of it worked in, especially in rain breaks or intervals.
I’m sick of it all.
BBC news busily avoiding culpability on its unquestioning belief that a man now convicted of perverting the course of justice was just a liar .
It dug into those falsely named as paedophiles because of its institutional failure to deal with Jimmy guys and gals Saville .
So to divert its guilt it went after those this liar wanted to destroy mainly Tory politicians .
The BBC is claiming the ‘ plod ‘ defence – ie that the top cop yard detectives swallowed the lies hook line and sinker and said so. Things people do for promotion .
Two failing institutions – BBC and plod
“ubiquitous Maggie Aderin-Pocock”
Our aristocracy used to like linking surnames, probably something to do with keeping landed estates and titles in the family.
Good to see that the new ‘aristocracy’ is keeping up the tradition, though now it probably reflects some confusion over who the father was. It is certainly a good predictor of skin colour.
” I’m sick of it all. ”
It could be worse. Think if the BBC did TV commercials.
Then after you’ve come down from the ceiling think if the BBC did 24/7 TV adds.
Have you landed yet?
Quite a good test of BBC output is: What can one listen to while driving? Nowadays there is so little that I can tolerate. Every now and then there is a gem of really interesting stuff, but hardly ever. Years ago a long journey was often relieved by a whole succession of varied and intelligent programmes not over-populated by ethnic minorities, cripples and deviants of various kinds. We were not being incessantly got at.
Hope you weren’t driving just after 4 pm today and listening to R4 …
Black feminist punk group from the Midlands … (seriously!)
Off switch.
“Lib Dems: Jo Swinson elected new leader”
The lines are drawn.
Watch our Al Beeb and MSM back the Limp Dems now that they see Labour as a dead duck.
The Brexit Party ? They will marginalize & vilify.
We have already had a disastrous Conservative Government infiltrated by ‘wet Libs’. The last thing this nation wants is more liberalism.
BBC Jugend Ed has seen the future, and it is WoC.
A toxic combination of libdemmery and an SNP accent! Gosh, aren’t they all boring!
\\ £2 million Future News Fund to boost local public interest journalism
A new £2 million pilot innovation fund to support public interest journalism in the UK, following recommendations in the Cairncross Review.//
You can bet it goes to people promoting Green Socialism and not anyone questioning it.
That’s Rog buggered.
I assume Tommy Robinson will be able to apply for a grant, once the swamp has set him free.
???????? Strictly Come Dancing has got a new judge ????????
Motsi Mabuse is replacing Darcey Bussell. Her little sister Oti is a dancer on the show.
Which is nice.
How can a judge be on a show where her sister is a contestant? The BBC has clearly lost its mind.
Well, this is an outfit that thought the BBC Trust was the only necessary oversight that the BBC needed.
Just think of it as another of their ‘uniques’.
Well, there just needs to be a straight white male, a disabled person, and a lesbian, and the judging panel is complete.
The Beeb never go with the popular vote – Anton Du Beke, or they would have got rid of Lineker years ago.
The poison green pixie has actually managed to force a Beeboid to face reality… of selfish sorts.
BREAKING James Goddard banned from Parliament Square for 5 years in Soubry ‘Nazi’ case
Remember all he did is copy the libmobs tactic for one day.
Remember that screaming crowd around the old Brexit protester who fell to the ground. they got nothing.
There won’t be a similar sentence for any XR protester on any on the lib/left side.
\\ “Yellow Vest” protestor James Goddard drops to his knees in the dock as he is given an eight week suspended prison sentence for harassing Anna Soubry.
He must do 200 hours of community work and pay the MP £200 compensation //
Casciani seems to enjoy reporting on dissenters. He reminds me of one of those creatures who used to appear to speak on behalf of the peace loving USSR .
Has casciani reported on Muslim paedophile paki racist rape gangs . ? ( I don’t know the answer )
You’ll remember that last weekend casciani did a hit job on TR including a helpful valuation of his family home . The post code of the area where Mr Casciani lives in the leafy south east isn’t cheap either ….
If the sentence as reported is correct it is so over the top in length of sentence as to be oppressive in my armchair view .
Will Sourbry even be around Westminster for 5 years?
Re TR: both Ezra and Danny Tommo are due to visit him tomorrow.
Still no comment on the TR verdict or sentence from Joshua Rozenberg.
I don’t think Soubry will be around Parliament for five years
They’d be better off banning him from AA meetings. I very much doubt that she will be gracing Westminster with her presence in the time frame. Other than that, BBC news studios will be a more likely venue.
I’d pay her in one pence coins and if there isn’t a time imperative I’d take 20 years to pay her.
Goddard own new 3 min video
Here at minute 11 is shakey cameraman covering His speech outside the court
There is something strange in the video
Before they were all one group Tracey & James but it seems Tracey’s group YellowVestsUK have fallen out with James
as he comes out of court one of them pushes them later in the video they block their, one supporter of James accuses Tracey Blackwell of videoing her young daughter to give evidence to Social Services’
..It is typical of such on edge groups to be suspicious of each other
Someone points to the Guardian article from 20th July
which ends
“Goddard had previously posted anti-Islam statements on Gab,
a social media site popular with the *far right*,
and has supported Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen YaxleyLennon, the founder of the English Defence League street movement.”
Gab is not of course a Far-right platform, the Guardian uses that phrase to label Goddard “far right” which he isn’t
The Guardian’s labelling of TR looks silly to us here.
The weird thing is , that the Guardian used the exact same paragraph on January 9th
Has Shane Lowry done something to offend the BBC?
You would expect the Open Championship winner, by such a decisive margin, to feature by name and prominently somewhere on the BBC Home Page and News Page. His achievement, seeing off the top American and English challengers by several shots, is included on the latter page under the title ‘The biggest and best golfing party I’ve ever attended’ while Daniel Ricciardo, racing driver, is the main picture.
Most peculiar.
Someone at W1A doesn’t like him or doesn’t like golf or both.
He’s guilty of not being Tiger Woods.
You could be right, RiC, certainly not gay or transitioning – no time on the pro golf circuit, for that.
Maybe he said to friends that he supported Brexit?
Perhaps …. dare I suggest … shock … he is a Trump supporter or has played at one of the President’s courses … horror!
HC Deb 08 November 1979.
Quote: Margaret Thatcher. Prime Minister.
My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary and I think that it is time that the BBC put its house in order.”
Prime Ministers Engagements:
Q1. Mr. Canavan asked the Prime Minister what are her official engagements for 8 November.
§ The Prime Minister (Mrs. Margaret Thatcher)
This morning I presided at a meeting of the Cabinet. In addition to my duties in this House, I shall have further meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, including one with President Kaunda of Zambia. This evening I shall preside at a dinner for President Kaunda.
§ Mr. Canavan
the indecent haste to rush through the Rhodesian legislation today and repeal sanctions next week? Does not the Prime Minister realise that she is taking the risk of jeopardising a peaceful settlement simply to appease the Right-wing racialists on her own Benches?
§ The Prime Minister
I thought that my right hon. Friend the Lord Privy Seal dealt with the statement and all the questions superbly yesterday. I have nothing new that I can usefully add.
§ Mr. Eggar
Will my right hon. Friend take time during her busy day to contact the governors of the BBC to express extreme concern about the way in which the “Panorama” team seems to have encouraged the IRA to break the law in Northern. Ireland?
§ The Prime Minister
We got in touch with the BBC the moment we saw this report in the newspapers this morning. Since then the BBC has issued a statement saying that what happened would appear to be a clear breach on the part of the “Panorama” team of standing instructions about filming in Ireland. [Interruption.] I am reading the statement. The governors have asked the acting Director-General to complete his inquiries quickly and report back to the board on action to be taken.
My hon. Friend will know that this is not the first time that we have had occasion to raise similar matters with the BBC. My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary and I think that it is time that the BBC put its house in order”.
Maggie should see the BBC these days awash with transvestites and “can’t-make-up-me-mind-what-gender-I-am-this week” employees.
Another Ex-Beeboid with a manifesto.
Imagine if he could achieve all that Gavin Esler has already.
Meanwhile, the bbc is clearly winning fans with their efforts.
I always thought that word meant the topic was about ugly women taking charge
‘biography of hags’
Talking of Climate hags
One day Greta was playing Berlin then an 11 hour train journey to Bayeux for her Omaha Beach gig
.. no matter the mode that is still a lot of CO2
Sounds like the kids are only into climate activism when it involves bunking off school. Now they’ll have all flown off on holiday with their parents. Gaia will have to look after herself until September.
Greta should take the summer off and chase some of the carbon dioxide she sees everywhere.
“Greta should take the summer off and chase some of the carbon dioxide she sees everywhere.”
Or, after she has tidied her bedroom, ponder why the highest July night temperature was in 1948. Perhaps all those WW2 fighters and bombers had something to do with it. Selfish RAF bastards.
Bbc has a helpful list of “Ten reasons why brexit hasn’t happened “. The list demonstrates how far out of reality and self awareness it is –
Primarily the role of the MSM spending 3 years and more promoting Remain and Demonising any who is a Brexiter has helped the EU greatly – must be very proud .
Foreign Secretary turns his back on offer of USA help for the tanker crisis and opts for the EU Defence Force.
Boris, sort him out! Or UKIP and The Brexit Party will sort you out.
How will the pro EU Al Beeb cover it ?
What of NATO ?