The final week of a failed PM and the Parliament . Normal service is meant to shut down . The BBC adults hand over to the children until September .The bias is usually even easier to spot.
Start the Week Open Thread 22 July 2019
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Tonight radio Humberside topic “Should we pay reparations for slavery ?” 7 to 10pm
Backstory Kofi was tripping over his words in the trailer
, cos he’s only been in the job a couple of years. BBC Hull picked him out of the crowd to be the Face of Hull City of Culture
.. and then changed his long Ghanaian surname to “Smiles”
Looking forward to my share of reparations for the Europeans enslaved by the Mohamidens over many centuries. .
No amount of money will help Hirsch achieve a western hair-do – her hair always looks a bloody mess.
So Carl Beech has been convicted of a string of massively damaging and outrageous lies, causing Hervey Proctor to blame, in part, the nice and ex-cuddly Tom Watson.
Tommy W responds with a nauseatingly predictable ‘Not me guv! That’s not what I said’ spiel, and yet sadly the same might have applied to his ‘dogmatic’ treatment of David Kelly, interviews which also ended in tears.
Tom Watson is certainly one of the nastiest men ever to infest British politics. He smears and lies as he sees fit, always protected by Parliamentary privilege. It is only in comparison to Jeremy Corbyn that he seems even half-way human.
He should market his rampant antisemitism.
He’s lost loads of weight.
BBC Hull local news
Friday news : ‘It’s Hull Pride we interview the star ..our own BBC Hull DJ who’s been coming for 10 years’
Monday news : ‘ It was Pride on Saturday here we play footage
… you can come and see the famous Pride flag at the BBC Open Centre in Hull’
HC Deb 08 November 1979. PM QT.
Mr. James Callaghan
“Will the right hon. Lady—as I am sure she understands—convey the feeling of the whole House that it is not the duty of the media in this country to stage-manage news but to report it, and that affairs of this kind, in which the BBC, or anybody else, sets out deliberately to manufacture news to prove a point, are distasteful to and considered reprehensible by every one of us?”
And the BBC as always after listening to good advice did the very opposite. Eh, Mr Duncan?
One Show is in Wales
..first guest the famous Socialist Actor
Goodbye Scotland, the Skotch have surrendered to sharia. Man paints the words ‘Islam is questionable’. on his wall. Ten cops arrest him and he is banged up for five weeks.
I must have missed the report on BBC Scotland.
Of greater concern is that Skotch people did not turn out in a large protest, which indicates Skotch submission
It’s the first this Skotchman has heard of it, Mr Inglishman.
Roland Deschain
Efallai nad yw’r Alban mor wybodus â phobl Cymru
The story breaks the “too wow to be true” rule
I search for extra context
#1 a long list of convictions for run-ins with the police
#2 He forgot to mention that when they put him in the cell he did a dirty protest
and he’s been convicted and jailed for that.
I’m guessing that it isn’t about what he wrote about Islam
And it’s more to do with the cops not being able to deal with his psychiatry.
A man who was sacked by the supermarket chain Asda for sharing a video clip of the comedian Billy Connolly mocking religion on social media has been reinstated.
\\ it is worth noting that Brian Leach has been given a 12-month written warning instead of dismissal.
This is just as unacceptable and a gross violation of Brian’s freedom of expression by @asda //
I’m convinced the likes of Mr Duncan plan to join with other remainers in Parliament to overthrow Boris and form a government without the inconvenience of an election. They will then revoke Article 50.
The fact that most of them will have stood on a manifesto of respecting the referendum result will not worry them one jot. One only has to look at your average FBPE Twitter posting to see the mental gymnastics they will perform to convince themselves it’s what people really voted for. They will attempt to convince us that it’s all in our best interests.
Should I be proved right, I hope the Brexit Party will at every turn make it quite clear that any laws or treaties entered into by this Illegitimate Parliament will be nullified by them if they win the next election.
Late shift in at the BBC . Same old shite tho !!!! A national broadcaster that despises its own country. Unusual to say the least . They really are something else !!!
‘Why has Gary Lineker been appointed a visiting fellow at Oxford?’
The BBC has given Gary Lineker the ‘green light’ to express his Sports expertise influence to his ‘remain’ followers on Twitter! The BBC has recently even changed its ‘Editorial guidelines’ (link here last week) to ensure there is no possibility of the BBC being directly tarnished with any poltical ‘bias’ as its not ‘part of the BBC’ directly. Lineker has ‘right stuff’ Loads of money and CRISPS!. Now he is being made an ambassador for the BBC at Oxford. Lineker has a deserved reputation as being a bit ‘thick’ on anything other than footie. So why has he been chosen to be a visiting ‘fellow’ at Oxford (University)?. I would like to say through academic Merit, but I shall leave that up to you to decide as I don’t watch football, at all.
But Lady Margarat Hall does, great fan of academic re-education! (she is no relation to the great Lord Hall or Benkinhnob we may be surprised to hear) but she was once the former editor of The Guardian! no less. The BBC, of course is still the biggest single client in the country The biggest single purchaser of that paper in the UK (they don’t sell many copies anywhere else). Of course it could ALL be a huge coincidence. Lineker being groomed for higher office!! (or the Sports back page of the Guardian). For the BBC lefties he is a renowned ‘Tweeter’ (Free BBC iPod) of remain lost causes. Perfect fit for the BBC. Oxford will no doubt offer him a raised platform for an open debate on electoral reform and revel at his ball skills.
‘BBC spends £2,500 a week buying copies of The Guardian
Virtue signalling will surely be in the next Olympics at this rate .
Saw today in the Daily Mail that the new judge replacing Darcy Bussell as the judge on Strictly is Oti Mbussii’s sister. We haven’t been told her dance qualifications but she fits the profile the BBC would think they needed.
One more programme I am now less likely to watch.
Apparently she is re-cycled from the German version, that she has no intention of leaving. Perhaps because her sister is/was a professional dancer on that show. Nothing like keeping it in the family!
“The 28-year-old previously competed on two seasons of Let’s Dance when her sister was a judge.
In the 2016 season, Oti and her celebrity partner were among the first to be eliminated, thanks in part to a score of three out of 10 from her sister.”
Breaking news: some woman or other has taken over the Lib Dems.
Can’t remember her name (no, seriously, I can’t).
Jo Swinson, who has just said she will do anything to stop Brexit.
She is thereby totally unfit to lead any political party, because she has explicitly rejected the result of the largest ever UK vote (the 2016 EU Referendum) and the confirmation of it in subsequent elections, most recently the sadly necessary EU ones.
She is effectively saying, “Vote for me/us LibDems” and “I will ignore the results of votes.”
I have a bad feeling that we will be hearing a lot more of her in the coming years.
” just said she will do anything to stop Brexit”
And she really means “anything”
If you can imagine it she says she will do it.
Whether she includes actions that breaks the law. Time will answer that question.
Mustapha, your writing this “I have a bad feeling that we will be hearing a lot more of her in the coming years.” gives me a bad feeling because I find Jo Swinson’s voice somewhat grating and difficult to listen to. I can tolerate Sarah Brown’s ’60-a-day-habit’ growl most of the time but Jo Swinson’s is higher and at a bad point in the register for me.
Speaking of Scotch voices, isn’t Iain Blackford’s one of the most irritating ever? And somebody Gethyn.
Here’s another example of BBC bias:
According to the headline, “Iran tanker seizure: Hunt seeks European help on Gulf shipping”
“Mr Hunt said the UK would develop a maritime protection mission with other European nations to allow ships to pass through the area safely”.
Seemingly “The foreign secretary secured support for the initiative from both French and German foreign ministers”.
Hold on a minute, what happened to ‘International’ help? I see the emphasis is on ‘European’, aka EU.
At the last count, Germany had four front line combat aircraft ready for combat, christ knows what state their navy is in! Bet the Iranians are laughing all the way to the next BBC headline!
Hunt does not want the help of the generous offer from President Trump ?
I smell a rat .
What about NATO ?
IMHO there has been a secret government move to distance the UK from NATO and rely more and more on a European Defence Force.
When it all ‘goes down the pan’ , they will say ‘lessons to be learned ‘.
They will be expensive lessons?
Yes I agree. NATO seems to have been banished to the sidelines by the BBC. The BBC article finishes by saying ‘Washington has intelligence and surveillance capabilities that might prove essential.’ No mention of the ‘five eyes’: UK, US, Canada, New Zealand & Australia. No other European counties included as they can’t be trusted, seemingly.
‘European Defence Force’. What? Us, the French, anybody else who can be bothered to turn up on the day (excluding weekends and evenings after 5pm?).
‘European Defence Force’. Not a lot backing the UK in the Straits of Hormuz……………
Do they put up a notice for nations to sign, most of whom write “VS”?
This could turn into a vintage popcorn week – for instance the truly awful Alan Duncan – an over promoted junior FCO minister – has had a request to the Speaker to make a resignation statement – Refused .
Even Berkow must know that to breach the standard procedure of only allowing cabinet ranks to speak could lead to tedious bitter rants by the like of Duncan .
Alan Duncan will make his speech one way or the other and I bet the BBC can’t wait to give him unhindered airspace to engage in BoJo hate speech .
One of Goddard’s supporters put up this video
saying it’s from the same day of the Soubry protest
It shows the police don’t arrest Goddard , but decide they are going to gang up and arrest the autistic RedCap boy
The police are swearing and pushing at everyone. Goddard end sup tossed to the floor by police.
Goddard’s friend claims “Leading up to James Goddard’s trial this was wiped from the internet police aggression.
Surely it would set a context that he’s being tried for pestering someone with words, whereas as on the same day the police were throwing him and his group around.
Is it true the Social Media corps just removed it on orders from the police ?
To paraphrase the Beeb Jo Swinson ” what you’re saying is no matter what I say in my manifesto is a total lie because I have no intention of carrying it out ” INTERESTING
I’m surprised that no one has commented on Yasmin Ali Baba ‘s extremely bitchy comment regarding BoJo’s partner.
I’m on my Kindle so not sure how to link to it, but it basically said she was appearing on Sky News and wouldn’t be commenting on what his mistress would be wearing when they arrived at Number 10. She also remarked about the argument they had the other week, which made me smile, I wonder what our neighbours think when LordB and I have a row! I’ve been known to throw his football trophies around the living room when he really annoys me.
She seems to be doing a stellar job herself.
“! I’ve been known to throw his football trophies around the living room when he really annoys me.”
I hope your hair was dyed purple.
Interesting parody Twitter account
Theresa May offers academic Roger Scruton his old job back after false allegations of anti-Semitic and Islamophobic remarks
Prime Minister Theresa May has invited Sir Roger Scruton to return to his job
Sir Scruton will return to his job advising ministers how to build better homes
Originally sacked over false claims he had been anti-Semitic and Islamophobic
It came after allegedly anti-Semitic and Islamophobic comments were attributed to him which later turned out to be hand-picked and carefully-edited quotes. Sir Roger said he faced the ‘complete destruction’ of his ‘career, identity and personality’ after an interview with the Left-wing New Statesman magazine.
It quoted him as saying there was a ‘[George] Soros empire in Hungary’ – referring to the Jewish billionaire investor. But crucially the magazine omitted to say he added: ‘It’s not necessarily an empire of Jews – that’s such nonsense.’
When Sir Roger was sacked by the Government days later, New Statesman deputy editor George Eaton, who wrote the article, celebrated by posting a picture of himself with a bottle of a champagne on Instagram. The photo was captioned: ‘The feeling when you get Right-wing racist and homophobe Roger Scruton sacked as a Tory Government adviser.’
The New Statesman was forced to apologise after a leaked tape recording of the interview showed how his comments had been taken out of context. The magazine admitted its coverage ‘did not accurately represent Sir Roger’s views’. Mr Eaton has reportedly been demoted
Well today is the day that we find out who our new Prime Minister is…
Will he be given the same treatment as the BBC’s new favorite which is Jo Swinson?
I sense some heavy bias thrown our way!
The BBC, Guardian, Mirror and Independent are all in war mode so expect some nasty smears thrown at a certain Mr Johnson
From the BBC’s fawning and vast coverage, I assumed that she had become PM.
She had made the ambitious claim she could be.
If only the BBC diverts enough resources to boosting her and trashing foes.
Like usual.
Always interesting when the BBC does not follow the Labour line.
I prefer the report that The Telegraph did on this creature about her expense claims – including dental floss …..
The key thing is Swinson is not in a safe seat and could be voted out with a small swing to the SNP.
Labour seem a bit nervous these days? They now have at least three different parties to fight!
She has a following over at Britain Elects on Twitter but the most that she would gain is a few disgruntled youngsters from Labour
yes today we see the result of “project fear boris”
I suspect this “project” will fail as well, they never learn do they
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it Jo Swinson who said the burkha or headscarf was liberating for women?
Or was it some other nonentity?
Just heard Jo Swinson on R4..she gets an easy ride and is very shouty…I get a feeling she will become the BBC darling – but very annoying and shouty without much substance
Apparently some people will pay 10k-25k to listen to some PC drone from the beeb eg Louise Minchin, Dan Walker and our Steph Mc Govern from ooop north.
They must be bloody barking. I’m sure there is nothing that they could entertain me with that would be anywhere near a tenner as they already bore me for free.
Especially Fiona Bruce and the awful Naga woman.
@Panda when a corp pay £15K for a Beeboid to present at their corp function
..doesn’t that look like a BRIBE to get favourable coverage from Team-BBC
No way – really…who will pay that for them? What on earth would they have to say ….Look at my salary…and you mugs pay for it..
R4 J Hump currently Boris knocking..don’t you just love the BBC open minded discussions…..
BTW the original cartoon mocked the NY Times
Bojo put Michael Fallon up as a speaker to be beaten up by an EU journalist – in this case Humph . The EUBBC knows about Mr Fallon – he is a placid chap and unfortunately takes the kind of sneering questioning the BBC throws at Brexiter s in his stride .
I heard Mr Fallon being interviewed on the TV a couple of weeks ago – if I’d been on the receiving end of the kind of hostile questioning I’d have gone on the direct attack . But he didn’t .
So the EUBBC use the comments of Billy Haig – an EU fan club member – against a fellow red Tory . Yet Mr Fallon nicely replies instead of saying Haig should wind his neck in and remember he is no longer elected or responsible directly to voters . Go write a book on Churchill like every one else does .
Mr Fallon had to resign from the May cabinet over some thing every one has forgotten but looks like he ll be in the Cabinet by the end of the Week . – I’d put a bet on Dominic Raab as chancelllr with Rees Mogg as chief Secretary .
If I was boris I’d close down the overseas giveaway department and put the contents into the MOD – which in its turn needs to be turned into a smaller outfit for a bigger real military
Project Fear continues to use the combination of ex PMs and deadheads in the Lords to bad mouth the democratic vote – presumably for the promise of wealth or glory .
Don’t hear many brexit supporting peers do we ?
Unfortunately the new cabinet will start off in a state of corruption because Geoffrey Cox will still be present.
Presumably also Gove, Javid and other assorted undesirables.
“…..presumably for the promise of wealth or glory .” But that potential “wealth or glory” will not come from the UK. I’m thinking Soros/Globalist-Marxists.
Fed, Fallon spoke well didn’t he? He also nailed The Humph a couple of times. Fallon was no pushover for the ancient Beeboid.
Is it just me – is it my pro-Brexit bias – or are the pro-Remain Ministers and MPs like Michael Fallon, who are determined to respect the Referendum result and get the UK out of the EU, growing in stature and capability, especially in media management? Or am I imagining that because I subconsciously want it to be true?
Thoughts, anyone, not just Fed.
Nicky Campbell, BBC Radio 5 Live, this morning.
This creature tried his best to annoy Mr Fallon. And every time he failed. Fallon was his usual, Calm, composed, no sarcastic comment from him to the creature Campbell but plenty from the creature himself. You could sense his anger and annoyance at Fallon proving the BBC person lost the discussion big-time.
Campbell knows nothing about genuine composure. (he loves to laugh at his own jokes too much for that)
R4 – could they wheel out any more people to slag of Boris? I have lost track now..and I am sure they will wheel out more throughout the day..
TOADY Watch # 1 – Exploiting Old News
Past DG commitments to carry current news to the people withstanding, JustRemainIn Webb digs up the 1 week+ old news about a couple fined in Venice over their coffees.
Propaganda is piled in on the back of this resurrected piece of news: The 1% and 10% want their ‘cool & trendy’ city life left undisturbed, the climate and the globe doesn’t want to be warmed by sweaty working class tourists dropping their selfies, litter and chewing gum – especially Stasta and Corbucks coffee cups – everywhere.
But I noted the comment that many tourists would believe that Venice is deserted. Apparently, this is because many of its inhabitants have left. Is this a sort of ‘White Flight’?
If true, the graph connected shows the first upturn in the number of inhabitants since 1970: Gimmigrants?
G, like London, Venice is actually sinking. Slowly. But still sinking. It needed to be lightened. Believe you are right, a shrinking population with some voluntary jumping overboard. I understand that it is also incredibly expensive both for tourists and residents. Then there’s those Four Freedoms of the EU. They don’t work in Venice.
Some people I know tried to move there – not the tourist old City centre but to the new City centre away from it – and the Italian authorities were not keen on the free movement of people. Funny that!
A good reason to leave the EU.
Any ideas on the new cabinet?
There are rumours that Jacob, previously overlooked, will be given a job. Excellent!
David Davis; ditto and even better, the return of the very pretty Priti Patel. She really is Brexit in tooth and claw and will frighten the bejesus out of the Remoaners.
We’ll soon see just how serious Boris is by the distribution of the big jobs; Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary.
And how about some sort of “special envoy” job for Nigel?
I’m being too optimistic, aren’t I?
Hopefully, the youngsters will be brought on, too, Jeff. Kemi Badenoch (former MLA), Steve Baker, Suella Fernandes/Braverman and others. I may have another TW post still to do. 😉
If Savid Javid is still Home Secretary by next week forget Boris as we will still be on the road to sharia. Many more will join TR inside.
TOADY Watch #2 – Leading, M’Lud?
The Humph is certain Bojo has won. The BBC restarts its anti-Bojo campaign. Funny thing, Ambassador Kim Gone-Well appears to have completely disappeared. I was wondering where the old boy had gone just t’other day. Perhaps the Metropolitan Police are hoping the leaker will crash their car, full of Government and pro-Brexit papers, outside Scotland Yard nick? No doubt a spokesman will spoke later today.
The BBC roll on a Belgian bod for comment. The Humph asks – about Bojo – something like “You don’t like him very much, do you?”
I could not possibly comment. I was so awestruck by Rumpole’s roseate complexion at that point. I thought m’learned friend might explode.
TOADY Watch #3 – BBC Being Sexist
Boys day at Toady again today. Is that three days running? Same team, I think, too: The Humph and his apprentice, JustRemain In. The wimmin are going to be grumbling, M/s Sands.
I listened to the podcast of the Media Show edition about Tommy
… It was Casciani that came across as the amateur .
There is only one REAL WORLD but the narrative he wove was full of errors
It was made out that Ezra was responsible for Leeds cos TR was working for him… totally wrong cos TR had been independent since a few months before Leeds
Casciani totally misled about the Canterbury trial making out TR had disrupted the trial ..whereas the law had been stretched to claim the court steps in the street count as “inside the court”
.. Brian or Ezra should look into that prog
.. But to any journo it should be clear that the UK courts are practising DOUBLE STANDARDS against purple-skins
with the way TR’s prosecutions are stitchups
and the way Goddard was prosecuted for causing stress to Soubry

..yet the Trump balloon and lefty Nazi shouters are allowed
Anna Soubry waves the shroud of Jo Cox
soon she wont be an MP, and we can call her a nazi as much as we like
Shouldn’t make a difference whether she is an MP or not
My idea is the crowd should shout
“Soubry is a redacted”
.. “Soubry is a redacted”
There would be no arrests here. This lot turn out with face masks, supporting Islam, th EU and the progressive elites
Looks like Dave’s “hug a hoodie” mantra hasn’t gone down quite as well as he might have hoped.
The truth is if you’re on the left you say virtually anything. “Throw acid in someone’s face” it’s just a joke. Abuse Rees Mogg’s family, it’s free speech. And you can certainly tell the world where Tommy Robinson’s family live and go round and threaten them.
As for “Dave”
He’s just pathetic…
” Goddard was prosecuted for causing stress to Soubry
..yet the Trump balloon and lefty Nazi shouters are allowed ”
“disorderly behaviour with intent to cause Soubry harassment, alarm or distress” according to The Guardian. I think this could be tested on the shouty lady. I suspect any action would fail the “public interest” test.
Thing about the Trump balloon is our Mayor will now have to allow a balloon for every visiting head of state including the ones he likes.
The law has to be applied without favour doesn’t it?
I’ve asserted before that the West is rapidly breaking up into two primary factions: left and right. Curiously, it is the left, embracing islam and Marxism under the United Nations, that is possessed of the state power to curb anything Right wing. A reversal of what one would think. For the UK, a major symptom is the growing disparities in the legal system. Treatment of the people is increasingly following tribal lines particularly obvious in the legal system.
Consider for how long the international planning for a Marxist/islamist takeover of the West has been developing. It is clearly coordinated internationally as we have witnessed with the leftist Treason May religiously following the left’s UN/Marxist/islamic dogma.
The end to the left’s rise is perhaps in sight but, the damage inflicted so far is plain to see and it will be difficult to reverse. Aka, US/Pres. Trump, his political battles and his endeavours.
Unlikely to end pleasantly.
Another image

The democrat party’s latest drivel is ‘nobody is above the law’,does that include Hillary Clinton.
Yeah R4 – they have hit the holy grail a Gay man married to an ethnic minority have a baby together through surrogacy..
Poor souls they couldn’t get Indian citizenship for baby so needed to get a British one ..
This is why R4 listener numbers dropping – it isn’t really that interesting for the bulk of people – nothing against the bloke on but it isn’t interesting…
TOADY Watch #4 – Anarchy in the UK, well, in Parliament at least.
The Humph is certain Bojo is the new CP leader. He raises the spectre – he’s a Beeboid, it’s his job – of Bojo’s first Cabinet stuffed to the gunnels full of Brexiteers. And as a result of that Brexiteer Cabinet, the Pro-EU, Pro-Remain Tories like Grieve and Hammond refusing to work ‘to the Whip’ in Parliament.
It is interesting how the pro-EU, anti-Brexit, anti-democracy types in Parliament complain about the country being divided but are very happy to reject the result of a democratic vote and keep the country divided – even in Parliament, even potentially, with a new PM.
Hmmnnnn . . . ……
Yes, all nicely setting the stage for the eventual takeover of the Brexit Party. I do hope that Nigel is really, really, prepared for a snap GE. I foresee that battle could be quickly taken out on the streets.
Is it just me, or did Giles Fraser attack Trump on ‘Thought for the Day’?
Trump is apparently ‘Cyrus’ and, under him, America is ‘Babylon’- titles of two movies on release.
If Hollywood had anything to do with it, we can just imagine….
But I pose the question: with so little (if any) spiritual content on R4, shouldn’t Giles be using uplifting Christian commentary in the few minutes he has? On the odd occasion. He is, after all, a priest. Come on! To give us a boost for the day?
Instead of yet more Toady virtue-signalling against the President?
I mean, almost everyone’s doing it, to show what moral and intellectual giants they think they are, so what’s the point in yet one more? (Justin and Humph have three hours of putting their “sharp” minds on display.) Trump critics are a dime a dozen…
Never mind. We had the shrill, self-important, new LimpDumb to tell us things could only get better. I suppose that will have to do?
Yep I thought same thing…same old same old..
Yeah Wimmins hour – working at home – it is like my hair shirt…or being a straight white man 🙂
That was interesting, fnw, and although I quite like the radical priest – he sometimes gets to the nub of a problem and is prepared to go against the flow – I feel his reading and knowledge of Scripture is a little wanting at times.
If you read through the history books in the Bible, you discover that God did some remarkable things among people groups and their rulers that were, ostensibly, pagan and opposed to His ways and His chosen people, Israel.
I have posted on here in the past that another ruler, King Darius, had a clear conversion experience as evidenced in Daniel chapter 6. Nebuchadnezzar appears to have had a conversion during or at the end of his ‘illness’. That may have happened also to Cyrus.
I think you may be right, that Rev Giles was trying to attack Trump. But what he could have said instead was that the most rigid and harsh of ‘rulers’ can meet the one true living God and be changed by Him. Maybe President Trump has an exciting encounter and life-changing experience ahead of him?
I have been smitten by the dreaded ‘You can no longer edit this comment.’ with a whole five or six minutes on the clock. Grrrrr!
with apprenticeships being the new thing
lets do an article on apprenticeships
so many apprentices to choose from , which two shall we focus on
take a wild guess before you scroll through the article
The BBC are getting into bed with the Lib Dems as their new favoured party.
Labour are now too toxic for the BBC. Especially as Blairism has been kicked away by Corbyn.
“Lib Dems: Jo Swinson becomes party’s first female leader”
“I will do whatever it takes to stop Brexit.”
But didn’t 17,410,742 people vote to Leave in the biggest democratic ballot in the history of Great Britain ?
The Liberal ‘Democrats’ ?- A misnomer if ever there was one .
“didn’t 17,410,742 people voted to leave in the biggest democratic ballot in the history of Britain ?”
A year later 26,500,000 voted for two parties that had campained to remain.
I think this might have something to do with the foot dragging?
NG, but they had said – the two Parties, prior to receiving those 26.5m votes – that they would, if elected, respect the result of the Referendum and would take the UK out of the EUNation.
Jo Swinson is looking at it upside down and back-to-front.
Up2snuff I agree.
My only quibble is that as an electorate we believed that MPs would keep their word on pain of being chucked out next time.
Were we too trusting? Did we underestimate their resolve to continue to work for their position; even underhandedly?
NG, “Were we too trusting?”
We believed Dave and his booklet.
We believed TM as PM outside No.10.
We believed the main Party manifestos 10+ months later.
And then they wonder why people disengage with politics and do not bother to vote and just say “They are all liars and conmen and just after their own ends.”
The Brexit Party, UKIP, The ERG and Nigel will be holding Boris’ feet to the fire.
The people of Great Britain have been very patient with Parliament but there is a limit.
TOADY Watch #5 – Final edition
I note that the excitement over the presumed Bojo victory is enough to tempt Part-time Kuenssberg back from her lengthy summer hols to opine but that she had to be backed up by Katya Adler.
The BBC.
Over-staffed, over-paid and over here.
Am starting to wish that they were just over.
Or that there were some really good alternatives.
It never pays to forget the reasons we want OUT.
Apparently, they already have enduring (even outside ‘OUT’) power over what’s left of our military forces. Perhaps that’s why we have witnessed a massive run-down of same over the past 10/15 years? Now less than 20 ships spread Worldwide………………
turned on to the BBC to find out the results of the Conservative leader election to find their man standing in front of a small group (perhaps 10 people) with the Welsh flag and 2 large EU flags – co-incidence?
Pretty well all my favourite channels on YouTube are moving to Bitchute.
I feel a ‘free speech’ duty to follow them.
Would be interested to know your “favourite channels” : -)
Lor having a ‘mare.
Impartially, natch.
Let’s hope they carry on and it leads to their demise.
The BBC are like a petulant child who always has to answer back. They think they are the official opposition to the government. They also believe, in their little bubble world, that their views are representative of the nation’s. They are not.
BBC Online News:
“”Squirrel-eating men at Soho vegan food stall fined””
can someone explain what law these men broke
does this mean eating a meat pie outside a veggie cafe is illegal
does this mean eating a bacon sarnie in front of a muslim ….
Just watching sky and they are bitching about boris while they are waiting for result, Beth Rigby and Adam boulton should be ashamed, they are even blaming Boris for the delay. Poisonous MSM . I wouldn’t spit on the lot of them if they were on fire.
R4 half hour of Black Women in Grime? Where do they get the ideas for these topics? Do they have a bag with politically correct labels on balls that they pull out to make up the title of the next programme..
1. How many Black Women listen to R4 and 2. How many Grime artists or Grime fans listen – Venn diagram says not many people who listen to R4 interested or is it just me…
After a rocky start, I think renowned tv comedian Dom has won Twitter.
Looking forward to the look of bewilderment on beboid faces…another ‘Brexit/Trump moment’ where they are clinging to the delusion that Hunt may still beat Boris for PM.
Clamour from the BBC for a recount?
Boris elected 🙂
Straight after the speech, the BBC said it wasn’t vintage Boris.
Attack attack
He has just paid tribute to Theresa May and her services to this country! Is he serious.
Hes had to say that but I won’t print the words I used when he said that.
Dyst, obviously not got his McEnroe headband on!
Is a margin of victory of 45,497 enough for the Democracy hating BBC ?? Did they all know what they were voting for ?????
Well done Boris.
Beth Rigby just said that Cameron won with a couple of more points, pathetic. He is going to get some stick from MSM now, all gloves will be off and they will really go after him.
Let them go after him. They have failed so far so let them fail some more!