Lobster – bbc 4 has a programme called “the secret life of rock pools “ which is on Thursday night . I might watch it if it isn’t bias propaganda – are you in it ?
Thank heavens the incredibly woke Prince Harry and Megan have decided to save the planet; they’re only going to have two children.Good on ’em! I don’t know what it’ll do for the planet but it will certainly save us a few bob.
This brain dead bullshit is painful to read, listen to and watch. Who gives a flying fig how many sprogs these two drips decide to do have? I don’t.
Thinking about it they might do more for the planet if they didn’t need to travel everywhere in gas guzzling, chauffeur driven limousines and fly across the globe lecturing everybody else about their carbon footprint.
And of course, while the royal couple are being applauded for keeping their family numbers down the local Mohamaden community are popping kids out about ten a piece. There’s a prospect.
Continuing my cheerful theme, the UK population will soon be hitting 70 million.
A few of us were actually born here.
Night all…
Exactly. So much wokist thought is incoherent . As you point out they think, rightly in my view, that the ever increasing human population is unsustainable. On the other hand they seem to promote more mass immigration of third worlders who have more than double the number of children that the indigenous population does. Similarly they promote alternative energy generation whilst wanting massive increases in energy consumption in the third world and ignoring the even more massive increase in energy consumption in China and India. Prince Charles values rural life, as indeed I do, but seems to subscribe to the invasion of our tiny island by ever more migrants, which is causing the urbanisation of the entire country. There are plenty of other wokist contradictions, such as feminists never calling out Islamic oppression of women, or Support for transsexuals being treated exactly as biological women , which will cause some interesting issues at the next zOlympics.
Will wokism collapse under the weight of it obvious contradictions? Yes , but not before it has done more damage to the West.
I really wonder about this country’s dislike of Meghan M. The comments following any Daily Mail article are great fun to read. But the comments are growing from anti Markle to anti Royal Family. I am a growing conspiracy theorist as I watch the inexplicable happen. I wonder if the anti Royal agenda is being pushed by the globalists and Remainers. For each EU country that has a Royal Family, it is one of the things that gives that country a separate identity. Should all Royal Families be got rid of (for the sake of the Union)?
I don’t “dislike Megan M”. In fact when I first saw Harry with her I thought, blimey, she’s a bit of all right.
And I consider myself a (soft) royalist. I don’t have photos of The Queen on my walls, but I love the traditions and the sense on continuity.
However I do get irritated by this former soap actress dominating the headlines with her tedious tantrums over President Trump and her constant opining on trendy, Guardianista topics.
There can’t be many people that sit down and decide on their family size due to the state of the planet. Mainly it’s the state of their bank balance.
Frank Field, one of the few Labour MPs worth listening to, has said that “struggling families are living on cereal”. They don’t have the luxury of fretting about their carbon footprint, it’s will it be cornflakes or Frosties for lunch. I guess we could argue that they should have considered their prospects before they had children, but that seems harsh…
And now the royal couple are lecturing us about unconscious racism. FFS Harry, you’re living in a castle (paid for by us!) and preaching to us peasants that live in the real world. We’ve seen our local communities change before our very eyes, like some ghastly cultural conjuring trick. Some of us don’t recoginse the places we were born. We’ve every right to feel a “bit miffed.”
And on the subject of unconscious racism…
Here’s and idea. Why not look a little closer to home?
Starting with your grandfather…
Maintaining a sense of tradition and continuity is one of the strongest arguments for retaining the royal family. However, once they abandon that role – whether through bad advice, personal preference, or the desire to maintain their own survival – they cease to have relevance. Far from the globalists having an anti-royal agenda, they are using and co-operatively working with the royal family to promote their own causes; the PR strategy for the masses is ‘The more it changes, the more it stays the same’ i.e. it may be a totally different country since the last coronation but don’t worry because “it’s still Britain at heart”. This message will be promoted on a hitherto unknown scale when the current monarch dies, when a global TV audience will be subjected to several weeks of themed sycophantic fawning (and indirect promotion of Britain as a medieval themepark destination – just don’t mention the stabbings in London and the political prisoner in Belmarsh, right?).
Agreed. Royalty has a function – as long as it behaves like Royalty.
The contract works both ways though, none of the nonsense that Huffington Post puts out like ‘fans’ of particular royals and newspaper headlines like ‘Kate’, they aren’t winners of a talent show, they are part of our constitution.
‘Royals’ probably need to be trained or at least familiar with the job, Americans just don’t get it so shouldn’t be on the ‘recruitment’ list. Just look at Disney, they don’t get it either, what with all their ‘fiesty’ princesses. The point of being a princess is that you just ‘be’, other people do the ‘doing’!
I’m certainly a Royalist. The alternatives have no appeal and I don’t see anything to emulate in the US (note: that’s not aimed specifically at Trump). As far as I’m aware, nobody has been able to explain convincingly just what value a president, along with his/her inevitable extra layer of bureaucracy, would add.
However, as soon as I heard that Harry was leaving the army I was concerned. What was he going to do? The Queen has never wagged her finger at her subjects and, at the risk of sounding anti-American, the people of this country will not appreciate being lectured at the behest of the sort of over-confident American woman who believes she has some sacred right to fix other people’s lives.
I’m not anti-American but I have met some of these women (had one in the family for a while) and they are gruesome. And if that is unconscious racism, well too bad.
Deborah, I think the problem lies in Meghan not being ‘handled’ in the right way by the Palace tsars as soon as it became clear there was a serious relationship with Harry.
Clearly there’s no handbook of behaviour and expectations when becoming a member of the royal family, but whether she wasn’t given advice or she didn’t want to take it, her actions just highlight the difference between us and the Americans. Kate knew what was expected, but those in the U.S just see the royal family as the greatest ticket in town when there’s a charideeee function to attend and pay thousands of dollars for a table.
The D/Mail didn’t decree that seats around her at Wimbledon remained empty while real fans were left wanting at the gate, – and when the Queen attended a fashion show in London I didn’t see any empty seats around her ! No, any negative feelings that are aimed at Meghan she has brought about herself.
She’s a canny woman who knows how to play her own game, – desperate to get herself an English boyfriend, sending her ex husband her wedding ring back in an envelope to him, dismissing her father when he embarrasses her (FFS who hasn’t got a father that’s been an embarrassment at some time ??) and a gaggle of her newly found A lister friends falling over themselves to fight her corner in the press.
The Queen has retreated to Balmoral, and I rather suspect a family conference will be on the agenda as to what to do with the problem of Meghan.
Speaking for myself I see the Royal family moving steadily towards wokism. I have always been a Royalist and thought that having a non political head of state was far better than having a politician. But as the younger royals indulge more and more putting forward views which are , at the very least , bordering on political campaigning, I think that they are in effect politicising the Royal Family. Consequently they are losing my support. Once the Queen has gone I suspect that my support for them will totally evaporate.
“… at the risk of sounding anti-American, the people of this country will not appreciate being lectured at the behest of the sort of over-confident American woman who believes she has some sacred right to fix other people’s lives. …..
Well said Helen, and that’s the crux of the problem, she has found ‘fame’ in a way other than winning an Oscar, so now feels she wants to change the world.
Well, Meghan ‘love’, fix your own family first and get that dopy husband of yours to actually meet your Dad – that would be a good start. Dont’ be the ultimate ‘user’ in life, whereby Dad got you into the movies in the first place, so if it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t have met a prince, and could be stacking shelves in your local Walmart. Think on girl.
The RoP is all for Diversity. A Muslim woman, for instance can have say 6 kids. These kids, when they are adult, go off and acquire their spouses from Pakistan say. Standard practice. That means a couple can increase their numbers from 2 to 12 in just one generation.
Factor in easy divorce for a man, he can then get upto 4 more spouses from Pakistan. All living merrily on Benefits, and part time work. All divorced women continue to get a house and Benefits. This is just the fully legal side granted to them by our benevolent state.
Funding our funeral pyre about sums it up. I wonder if our politicians realise what they have done. And if they do, then it explains the ferocity with which TR was pursued, and the complete silence on the ongoing Jihad.
@Jeff ‘they’re only going to have two children’. I feel Harry is being a bit sanctimonious here. The Duchess will be 38 on Sunday so they have possibly left it a bit late to play catch up with the Cambridges. Wonder if he will repeat this mantra on any future Royal tour.
you are of the same ilk as the Gramsci establishment we endure .
the same Gramsci establishment that lets recividests off week after week with “concurrent ” sentences or fines .
So how about we pay our taxes concurrently ? Our car tax concurrently pays your telly tax !
Sounds fair to me .
I don’t post here as often as I used to but I feel that today I have to reaffirm my complete and utter disgust of, and hatred toward the loathsome false and foul institution that the BBC has become. It is a creature of slime that slithers across not just across the UK but pollutes the world with its poison.
There! That feels better.
I have just watched the Maitliss, Murray and Parris interview that somebody posted on the previous thread that was bad enough, then on the radio I heard moralising tones and twisted reporting of Trump’s visit to the Jamestown site.
The BBC reporter (one Butler) was obviously delighted at the protests there and allowed quite a few of the idiotic protesters have their say. I have never heard of a president attending a Jamestown celebration before. I’m not saying they haven’t done so but it has never seemed to be of interest to the press. I suspect the reporters were simply there because they knew about the protest beforehand and hoped for another opportunity to show Trump in a bad light.
‘Trump is a racist’ is a meme that has not a scrap of basis in reality as anybody with more than two brain cells knows. Even the BBC know that. That’s why they choose to interview people with less than two.
(on just about every topic)
Same here Yassar – these days I find it difficult to listen to any BBC “News broadcasts” all of which have now morphed to agenda loaded fairy stories for gullible idiots and six year olds.
For a long time I have realised that the BBC has been allowed by our progressive politicians to control and warp the agenda, leading to increasing amounts of censorship which makes me think that in some ways that is actually what they want.
This has increased vastly since (“Conservative” pm) Theresa May was appointed and now Boris,s cynical calculation that he can get away with granting a migration “amnesty” provided we get some “sort of” Brexit should make it obvious that even politicians such as Boris are fully wedded up to the BBC world view.
Indeed anything on the BBC about trump or Brexit now seems to be no more than hysteria, and the style of reporting not have been out of place on radio Moscow in the 1970s or “Radio Pyongyang” today. The sort of stuff I used to laugh at but now the fact that a state broadcaster in this country knows it can get away with broadcasting such rubbish makes me fear for our future freedom and right to know what is happening.
I could despair or get angry – personally I think getting bloody angry is the best response. I think aunty wants us to despair.
One thing is for sure we are nearing some sort of breaking point.
Oaknash: One thing is for sure we are nearing some sort of breaking point.
I hope you are right. The feeling I have is that the country is fed up with Muslims and Islam getting everything. Fed Up. And a sense of danger. Not the false narrative of Islamophobia but a sense of real danger.
Donald Trump, an honest man in a pit of traitors and vipers, is our only hope at the moment.
I am sure Alp Mehmet of Migration Watch would not mind me re_copying his appeal (published in todays Con Woman) for us to sign the Parliamentary petition against an sort of Immigration amnesty. please try sign as this “amnesty” idea is the worst sort of anti common sense nonsense the BBC would love
IN his first statement to the House of Commons as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson suggested that the government would ‘look at’ an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Mr Johnson had already indicated during his leadership campaign that such a scheme could apply to those who have been in the UK illegally for 15 years.
He first mooted the idea for an amnesty for illegal immigrants when he was campaigning to be Mayor of London. With respect to our new Prime Minister, he was wrong then and he is wrong now.
The implication of such a proposal is that if you break the law and remain undetected for 15 years you will qualify for the right to remain in the UK permanently and be granted the right to working age and retirement benefits (whether or not you have paid taxes or made National Insurance contributions), very likely having already enjoyed free health care, education and other services.
This makes no sense and it is not something that most adults in the UK, who have dutifully paid their taxes and National Insurance contributions, will regard as fair or reasonable.
That is why we are inviting the public to sign a petition – ‘Rule out any prospect of granting an amnesty on illegal immigration’
– on the Government Petitions website. The number of signatures surpassed 17,000 in just over a week.
Adding your signature will help to send a clear and unambiguous message that such an amnesty would send all the wrong signals, be totally counter-productive and be little more than manna for the traffickers. Let’s not forget that 77 per cent of the public see illegal immigration as a serious problem facing the country.
Amnesties do not wipe the slate clean, as some seem to think. Instead they encourage more illegal migration, with more and more people believing that they too will eventually be allowed to settle if they keep their heads down for long enough.
Migration Watch UK have published an analysis which argues that:
· The Home Office estimated in 2001 that there were 430,000 illegal immigrants in the UK. By 2004 that could well have surpassed half a million. The latest estimate, from a former Head of Enforcement, is more than a million. Migration Watch UK have found this number is increasing by an estimated net total of at least 70,000 a year.
· Amnesties don’t work as a solution to illegal immigration. They have been tried five times in Italy, six times in Spain and twice in France in the past 20 years or so. In nearly all cases there were more applications each time. In May 2005, the French Interior Minister declared that further amnesties were ‘completely out of the question’.
· Amnesties are grossly unfair to regular migrants who take the time and care to follow the appropriate processes.
· An amnesty would likely be costly for the taxpayer.
· Enforcement is already hugely inadequate. The number of removals has fallen sharply in recent years as hardworking staff charged with enforcing the borders have been hampered by an absence of resources and a dearth of government commitment.
Any comparisons with Windrush victims are absurd. They were innocent citizens with every right to be here.
The Commons Home Affairs Select Committee got it right when it called for much more effective action by the Home Office to process cases and remove those who no longer have the right to be here as rapidly and humanely as possible. It is also what the public wants and has every right to expect of its government.
Stepping up enforcement is the only sensible and realistic way forward as it would establish a disincentive, rather than an incentive, for illegal immigration.
It is crucial to make clear the strength of public opinion so as to head off this absurd proposal. Sign now using this link above petition number 266925
Oaknash – thanks for for grammar apology but surely at 0608 it’s too early for apologies ? My grammar is always faultless as is me spellings
I disagree on the petition as I think it gives Westminster a false legitimacy . Agree on the stupidity of even talking about an ‘amnesty’ as that message will go back to the third world – Luton tower hamlets newham and another fleet of illegals will set sale .
Boris has always been a ‘liberal’ . He seems quite happy to see the invasion of our country and continent to continue , even for it to be speeded up. In my view this is easily the single most important issue that faces us. Getting us out of the EU , if he does, will in no way compensate for the increase in the rate of invasion he seems to be set to preside over. I think we are facing a grim future. In comparison to the Islamisation of Britain everything else pales into insignificance. But is there any politician who dare even raise the topic let alone do anything about it?
Here is Israel there is a different approach to illegal immigration as illustrated by the case of a Filipino woman who overstayed her work visa by ten years and was due to be deported. She used her child as a trump card, insisting that he could not go back as Israel is his home, he speaks the language and all his school friends are in Israel.
Rule of law applies here and there is no shortage of human-rights lawyers and like individuals eager to help such people stay. Her case went to appeal but was turned down.
Would be good to see the UK taking a tough stance on illegal immigration. It was a major disappointment to me that Boris has so strongly signaled his ‘virtue’ in this regard.
Edit: Just seen Doublethinker’s post above and I completely agree.
No one in Parliament even hints at the ‘Great Replacement’ Plan they conspired with other European political leaders throughout the West to pursue with commitment and vigour. Once I see they start to discuss the Plan openly with the indigenous population and how its progressing and when it will stop, I will start to listen. Strange that it was not possible to reduce immigration to, “the tens of thousands” but we are given fixed dates for everything else. That alone demonstrates no will to address the issue. The largest and most controversial issue in the UK never mind Brexit.
Fact is, All the political class, whether Communist (as in Labour), Labour (as in Conservative) Marxist’s (as in LibDums) are all in on the conspiracy. I fear it is too deep rooted for anyone individual leader to halt the slide.
But we do have immigration only running at “the tens of thousands”. It’s just that it’s tens of thousands per month, rather than per year…
No establishment political party will ever curtail immigration – quite the opposite, as it is integral to the whole project. Governments categorise people as ‘productive’ or ‘overhead’. Elderly people are overheads – they no longer work and they require pensions and expensive medical care. As such, their numbers need to be reduced, which will be done by progressively raising the state pension age, reducing benefits and restricting medical care through the NHS. Children are also an overhead: they require many years of what passes for education before they can enter the workplace, pay taxes, independently consume good and services and become ‘productive’. What governments, and the globalist businesses they serve require, are adults that can be put to work immediately and hence be instantly ‘productive’. By importing such people, they avoid the investment and capital costs associated with child raising – somebody else is picking up the costs. By taking such people from poorer or less developed countries, they minimise wages i.e. their operating costs. This is very apparent in the plundering of nurses from countries such as the Phillipines and Romania and which can be devastating to those countries. But the West is now implementing the strategy wholesale across all areas of their economies and societies. Even allowing for the overheads associated with the influx from Africa and the Middle East, which serves a wider political purpose, they still reckon that the balance sheet is in their favour over generational timescales. And as Soros himself said: “…it’s not my job as a participant to calculate the consequences. This is what a market is. That’s the nature of a market. So I’m a participant in the market.”
“….What governments, and the globalist businesses they serve require, are adults that can be put to work immediately and hence be instantly ‘productive’. By importing such people, they avoid the investment and capital costs associated with child raising –….”
Take Germany, for example:
“Germany: Dreams of “Refugee Work Force” Vanish as 95% of Nonwhite Invaders Remain on Welfare”. http://newobserveronline.com/germany-dreams-of-refugee-work-force-vanish-as-95-of-nonwhite-invaders-remain-on-welfare/
One away or other we have to get out of the EU. Farage is the best for that course. Boris is the way point.
Then we thank Farage for his contributions, and send him to the Lords. Then elect UKIP to carry over to the next course. I hope we can do this while Pres Trump is still in the White House. Only he can carry this through for the whole West.
“….Adding your signature will help to send a clear and unambiguous message…..” Really?
This so-called, ‘Government Petition’ scheme is discredited mainly because signatories now fully understand that any petition, even despite large numbers, will have zero effect on the political class.
G – Commenting on a blog is all well and good and you may be right – but what exactly have you got to lose?
For something of minimal effort it sends a message not just to a deliberately deaf government but to others, friends and foe alike, that we may just have had enough.
G – Commenting on a blog is all well and good and you may be right – but what exactly have you got to lose?
For something of minimal effort it sends a message not just to a deliberately deaf government but to others, friends and foe alike, that we may just have had enough.
Any amnesty for people who have not paid the BBC fee for 15 years or more and free TV license thereafter?
This is the kind of amazing stupidity one gets from our present day politicians. In the USA, many Democratic contenders are offering free health care for all illegal undocumented immigrants. But it hadnt occurred to these bright sparks to offer free health care to tens of millions loyal Americans, many of who have served their country. And no one had costed it, or the consequence that hundreds of millions of people would flock to the USA, and get first class health care not available elsewhere.
I think Boris might be copying Labour
..saying things that can’t be delivered.
However it wouldn’t be bad to have a proper system for dealing with asylum queue jumpers , instead of turning a blind eye like we do already..
Maybe start with assisted passage back home or back to a similar culture. like adjacent Middle East country.
Last night, Radio5Live was all over some ‘fact’ that there have been some of the hottest summers ever since the sixties, it went on and on and on, relentlessly!
To put their shine on the piece, they interviewed a lady (very pleasant in her delivery) from Wagga Wagga in Oz, which isn’t actually the coolest place on earth, but still going strong after all those years previous to the sixties, as the Aborigines will happily tell you!
I’m waiting for similar ‘research’ on the coldest/wettest winters since the sixties, especially as all the data they produced was claimed from records starting back in the 1800s, when of course, there were scientific weather stations on every street, and computed to the finest detail!
Every day we highlight specific issues of BBC bias . But today I listened to the 0600 bbc radio news and realised that there is a bias format .
It goes something like this ( I’ll include bias by omission )
1 Project Fear story
2 report by a survey blaming the government for something
3 news paper report making the Right look bad
4 race story to make whitee look bad
5 blaming an institution for failing to have spotted something
6 no story about EU failure
7 royal family story – aren’t they great
8 anti Trump story
9 another anti trump story – Obama is great
10 weather- green – its all bad – very hot/cold
10a something is melting somewhere
11 violent crime – someone else is to blame
12 more benefits
13 immigrants are great aren’t they?
14 Muslims being treated badly
15 schools ‘/ NHS need more money – repeat
16 some britisher in trouble overseas not getting ‘support ‘
17 first wimmin to do something
18 wimmin treated badly
19 something bojo did or said 20 years ago
20 Labour Woman MP blaming or moaning
You can add your own and play the ‘tick box ‘ game for which BBC favourites turn up in each news .
I agree with many but not number 7 as commented in an earlier comment. I think the BBC wants the Royal Family to look bad to get rid of them as part of the EU project.
And if they ever do propose a “solution”, (often along the lines of “something must be done”) that may be just another problem to be solved which has even more difficult issues than the original problem.
Example: The new, ‘Green Deal’ in the US? That fits your bill. Closer to home, our Greta sailing to the US. I’m looking forward to how the media cover up – no doubt whatsoever – sickness en route.
Saint Greta: We should all travel by J-class yacht
Older readers may recall the last of the J-class yachts of past years; enormous, ocean-going yachts that could accommodate a pair of chesterfield sofas in the saloon, the world’s most exclusive rich persons toys, built of solid Honduran Mahogany (now virtually extinct) Teak (under threat) and brass.
The parents of Saint Greta are planning a US tour for her to help establish the global Saint Greta brand and monetise ascetic environmentalism. The problem is, Saint Greta doesn’t fly.
So here is my 3 minutes of BBC breakfast from 6.30am.
Later on we meet a female jockey who will be the first to ride wearing a hijab. (Empowering Muslim woman story, BBC heaven)
Scientists say that the 10 hottest years in the UK have all been from 2002 , showing that climate change is having a real effect. Then onto yesterday’s flooding in Yorkshire, so linking the two !!.
Some snippets from some Irish government official telling us they won’t be pushed around by Boris . Nice anti Boris soundbite.
Something about knife crime and they want Boris to take responsibility !!!!!! Another anti Boris piece. Surely nothing to do with the parents of these r soles !!!
Like I say, that was my 3 minutes experience and I am done. Relentless just doesn’t cut it, it’s downright far left propaganda !!!!
DB it has been propaganda for years – the only difference, is now they dont bother wrapping it up anymore, they know whatever government is in power, it dare not touch them.
Don’t forget the effect of Brexit on value of pound..a whole section linking it against the dollar – not a word that the Euro is even lower proportionality against the dollar…in fact not a word about the continuing decline of Euro..the pound is still above the 1.04 that it was before the Brexit vote.. And right at the end having blamed Brexit they say but there are other reasons for currency volatility – didn’t explain any like strength of Dollar…Lies by omission
And as for the Muslim jockey – my wife is a long time very good horse rider and she just laughed…and questioned ‘why was she chosen?’
Can the BBC not go a day without finding a Muslim story? And somehow making out British white society is against Muslim women doing things – how about looking at their culture and the control by men…Nah…too tricky
If somebody is good at something, has the determination and always a bit of luck they can succeed …regardless of race, class, creed or colour
Is it possible for the BBC to be embarrassed? I doubt it as I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. If Tommy Robinson’s brilliant Panodrama sting did not embarrass it, nothing will.
John Sweeney’s tipsy self-portrayal as a smug and committed bigot splashing out public money on his addiction and coaching a witness to denigrate Tommy by lying was broadcast to the planet, as was the BBC refusal to take down the statue of a pedophile rapist adorning its headquarters.
We are still waiting in breathless anticipation for the BBC to fulfill its solemn promise to broadcast its Panorama, provisionally titled Tommy Takedown. The promise was made right after Panodrama was aired, more than 5 months ago. (If it ever did broadcast it, it would have to be called The day Tommy took us down, to be accurate.)
Instead the BBC slunk away with its collective tail between its collective legs, hoping that in time Panodrama will be forgotten, as Farcebook deleted Tommy’s account and YouTube has restricted the video.
It won’t be forgotten as it was seen by millions before ‘social’ media censored it.
Meanwhile, all the BBC can do is try to keep Tommy out of the news, in a poor attempt at damage control.
I will write this over and over again to the cows come home,
that I do not pay my TV license to hear the views
of mostly women liberal bigot presenters such as Emily Maitlis , Jo
Coburn or political editor Laura Kuensberg . Kuensberg goes a
degree further by even being facetious and ridiculing Boris Johnson’s
cabinet , by calling them “eager puppies” waiting at the door
of 10 Downing Street.
I reiterate BIG BROTHER at the BBC. Your number one aim is to
“educate” us to think like you .with your obsession with diversity
and positive discrimination. One of your other obsessions is
so called “Gender Equality.” But for you this doesn’t apply to
MEN on the BBC’s news and political programmes, where we see
at least 75% women presenting and reporting the programmes.
For me , and maybe you will think I am being sarcastic is the presence of the three ladies we always see presenting the
political opinions from Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland.
They remind me of ” the three little maids from school ” from the
I am sick to death of BIG BROTHER making us pay a TV license
to watch what he, she or it thinks we should be watching because
of “its” own warped values!!
“”New investment in the UK car industry has suffered a ‘precipitous’ decline.””
“”It comes at a time when businesses in the sector have been spending heavily on preparations for a no-deal Brexit, according to the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).””
“”SMMT chief executive ‘Mike Hawes’ told the BBC the fall in investment was the most disturbing trend, and he links it directly to fears about the UK potentially leaving the EU without a deal that would protect cross-border trade.””
Who is ‘Mike Hawes’?:
He joined SMMT from Bentley Motors where he held a number of PR, corporate and public affairs roles.
Prior to that, he also worked for both Toyota and, more recently, Bentley’s parent company, Volkswagen AG, where he developed the European and global knowledge needed for this challenging role.
Surely less cars is good for the BBC – they want everyone on bicycles don’t they ? The car industry is owned by foreigners using British Labour – it doesn’t sound like it if you listen to the BBC.
I drive a bit more to offset green schemes ….. I like diesel ..
What got me most was the reference to the many millions spent on stockpiling. There is a cost of stocking, but this is minimal compared to the cost of the item which can eventually can be used.
George Galloway stands for division and hate. He seeks to silence me by standing in West Bromwich East in the GE. But I won’t be cowed. I would be truly grateful if you could help fund my campaign and say no to the politics of hate. https://t.co/gMosz2GW6w
Surely the loathsome BBC is fighting for its very life.
If Brexit is delivered, a Conservative government gets a workable majority, then the wasteful, corrupt, opaque and dishonest BBC will be right in the firing line, having shown its anti-Brexit and anti-Tory colours so blatantly.
If my analysis is anywhere near right, the BBC is presumably going to get even more shrill and rabid until, with some luck, it gets put down, either humanely or with extreme prejudice.
” How much money are you asking for?” How much money are
you asking for.?How much money are you asking for?
How much money are you asking for ,FOR YOUR VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So went on the Nagging Machete.
All Naga Munchetty is capable of telling us , is to ” FOLLOW THE
YELLOW REMAIN BRICK ROAD” like the rest of her fellow Munchkins at the BBC.
@Cassandra : normally I don’t post a screen shot
but rather just the URL of the tweet
cos then it auto-embeds
.. and then it’s easy to click and see the replies
In this case there are no supporting replies , only 3 sneers from remainers ..Tweet
Toady Wednesday morning. Sopel interviewing Steve Bannon. As usual I only listen with half an ear but it was obvious Mr Bannon was making a good point as all I heard was Jon growing more and more desperate to talk over him and stop his answer. I am glad to say Mr Bannon won. I can’t tell you what it was about because these days we have the radio volume at sufficient to wake us up but not enough to hear clearly the rubbish presented on Radio 4.
Why is Steve Bannon an avowed white supremacist, anti semite racist given almost 15 mins uninterrupted airtime on @BBCr4today ? Why was he not challenged on his links to Boris Johnson? Why should I pay my licence fee for this normalising of extremism?
@Deborah when I logged on Twitter it invited me to BOARD an OUTRAGE BUS over Sopel’s over-SOFT interview of Bannon
They created a special Twitter Event about Sopel’s Bannon interview .. complete with videos
I resist any BBC advert consisting of screeching women trying to do radio, it hardly draws one in does it?
How come an advert put out only twice by Apple has been seen by everyone who has bought an Apple product? Could it be that the likes of the BBC have put it out for free? (I have seen it but I didn’t remember it having anything to do with Apple, perhaps that is why I have never bought into their over-priced dream?
I liked the subtle BBC plug for DFS in this story: “Black people, your adopted country needs you to buy a sofa now! (Because all the white people are boycotting us).
Deborah – I missed the Bannon interview, but I shall go back and listen to it, because Steve Bannon is a man who actually stands for something, isn’t afraid to defend it, and isn’t afraid of the PC crowd and their socialist pals.
Robinson, was– after eight, interviewing people like a Guardian journalist (SURPRISE!) and others, who were trying to show there was no ‘populist’ link between Trump, Farage and BoJo. BoJo has allegedly turned out to be pretty much a social liberal, with his amnesty for immigrants and disposal of an upper limit for migration, it was claimed.
Other than that, much leeway was given to Sinn Finn to ramble on (SURPRISE!), suggesting that -with Brexit- a united Ireland was just around the corner.
What we know is that Toady will make as much mischief as it can, by way of undermining the UK, trying to get at BoJo and Farage, since in its eyes they are ‘populists’ (whatever that may mean), and generally ignoring UKIP, which it -no doubt- views with disdain, if not hostility,
But, if what it says about BoJo on immigration is true (and you need to listen to Toady with a health warning), I shall have to see what Nigel and Gerard have to say about the subject! I hope they will be found to be a little firmer. I don’t listen to the Farage show and hardly follow MSM at all, so does anyone have any comments on this stuff?
Added to which, I now see in the Telegraph that BoJo says we can stay in the Customs Union and Single Market for two years after we leaveon Oct. 31st. Now this may be a wee bit of Telegraph mischief. Or it may be true.
Now if THAT is true, BoJo is doing what Hunt was accused of, turning into a Ms May with trousers. Why would it not surprise? Cos BoJo thinks he’s seeing all the Brexiteers rushing to abandon the Brexit Party and join him, cos of his ‘tough stance’. Once he thought they were in the bag, he would then need to ‘broaden his appeal’, by coming up with a flow of ‘liberal’ measures. The proverbial ‘One Nation Tory’ in glorious technicolour.
Which would mean lotsa hard work for the Brexit Party and UKIP coming up.
I need to check on all this stuff, but would it surprise if it were true?
As I boy, I remember reading a book called “You can trust a Communist”.
Sub-title: “…to be a Communist”.
Perhaps one can say the say the same for (One Nation) Tories?
They will always turn out to be true to type?
Toady did “balance” things by having the leftist Guardian journalist (but I repeat myself) Jonathan Freedland on, to declare as a fact (and of course without challenge) that President Trump was a racist, and had been since the 1970s. What happened in the 1970s to turn the President into a racist, he did not say.
That’s the BBC for you, free, fair and impartial since 1922.
Along with all the rest, he’s just as dishonest. With Farages’s disinterest in addressing the second most important issue of the day, namely immigration and the islamisation of the UK, who does one support?
SE – Fox News. Di Genova is always worth listening to, if you need a lift.
Even if you don’t. He strikes me as a professional swamp-drainer, second to none!
Zero chance of this appearing on the Bbc or MSM. They’re ALL haters of President Trump! They love Obama and Killery. They blame the Pres for her not being in the WH.
Just listened to the latest bbc Washington correspondent, a new boy from NI, a day or two ago, Buckle or someone. Toxic on Trump; ‘biased’ doesn’t even cover it. Big tick for him from Sopel.
Won’t happen, never does. Hillary’s illegal actions always go away. The judiciary are not interested in wrongdoing by Democrats. We won’t hear anymore about it.
“Meet Asifa Lahore, who came out twice – first as a gay man and then as a trans woman […] Despite starting her drag queen career as a gay man, Asifa’s career hasn’t been negatively affected by now doing drag as a trans woman, as her act goes from strength to strength.”
The article is in Bitesize, which wiki says is the BBC’s *online study support resource for school-age students* in the UK.
Is there a GCSE in Islamic trans drag now? No doubt entirely unrelated to the countless programmes the BBC put out complaining about the lack of mental health support for young people
Good luck to Asifa Lahore. I am sure she plays to white European audiences. If she ever tried to play to “the community”, she might find that they are a tougher crowd than the Glasgow Empire ever were.
The new vid from Politico : Proof press gagging order in Leeds Muslim gang rape trial was BOGUS
The Metro saying that the trials were kept unreported cos it was a series of 3 and you wouldn’t want to prejudice the jury
It then says “The same jury was used in all 3 trials”*
Well then how can the jury be prejudiced by reporting of the outcome , cos they already knew it, cos they were there ?
(I guess that the Metro is mistaken in asserting the SAME jury were use)
He’s been putting out one every 2 days
A link to his list https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxsGlhpBeagVHVz-7swTyNQ/videos
So…. if your local council sends ‘Pest Controllers’ to a house that is rat infested and by chance has a black family living there, is it racist to do so?
Cane only discovered this site recently and thoroughly enjoys many of the witty and informative comments. Many go over his head since dispensing with telly 13 years ago and whittling down to only Radio 3 this year. The “Third” is still remarkably good though Wokish attitudes creep in. Hence this week’s Sunday Feature about James Baldwin.
Those of Cane’s age may have enjoyed Baldwin’s blade-like prose over 50 years ago, and it still remains fresh, and often humorous, today. When Baldwin woke to the fact that he was “black, poor and homosexual” he thought he may have “hit the jackpot”. A seriously funny but tragic thought. One that is overtly about himself but actually touches on all of America.
But that today’s varied commentators in the programme could have used their experience to comment on more than merely themselves or their victimhood. But that many could have attempted to match Baldwin’s speech. But that they could even have talked about Baldwin.
Here is one example of his incisive, rythmic yet simple speech. It conveys a complex thought within the simplicity:
“Even the most incorrigible maverick has to be born somewhere. He may leave the group that produced him – he may be forced to – but nothing will efface his origins, the marks of which he carries with him everywhere”
CC, I’m old enough to remember when the BBC discovered James Baldwin. Back in those days, the BBC didn’t obsess or perhaps even mention skin colour and sexual orientation. It was just the writing and its style and content.
I noticed that the restricted Panodrama video I linked to above has the following notice:
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences
– with an option to Continue or Cancel.
Underneath that there is the same message in Arabic.
Why Arabic? Well, logically because YouTube knows I’m accessing their content from Israel, so I could be an Israeli-Arab with Arabic as my mother tongue.
I’m not. I’m a South-African born Jew with English as my mother tongue. If I were a Jewish Israeli with poor English I would find it hard to understand the message since there is no Hebrew translation.
So that begs the question: why would YouTube regard Arabic as trumping Hebrew in a country between the Jordan River and the sea, where there is a majority of Hebrew speakers?
YouTube knows I’m from Israel and tells me so at the bottom of pages I access. Has YouTube now decided that Israel is in fact Palestine with Arabic as the only official language?
Or did the Muslim activist who got Facebook to delete Tommy Robinson’s account right after Panodrama then dictate to YouTube the language of the messages to accompany the restricted Panodrama? (At least he didn’t succeed in getting them to ban Tommy outright and delete all trace of his presence.)
Or did an agitated BBC perhaps put an oar in here? (I was going to write ‘shamed’ BBC, but the BBC has no shame.)
At 3pm Radio 4 put on a so called “comedy” about a situation in which a Jew becoming religious to the horror of his family one of which said he was “radicalised “. To poke fun at Jews at this time is totally inappropriate but of course “Jews don’t understand irony “.
In the drama each religious Jew was identified by his or her stereotypical foreign ” Jewish” accent and made out o be stupid. Even the music was inane. Taking the listeners back to the time first in the Middle ages and later by the Nazi’s when Jews were rediculed as belonging to a defunct, and derided race.
Lynette – strange coincidence, that you should be writing this at the same time as I was writing about memories of Jews in Germany in the 30’s – as you will see in my little contribution from “Politicsweb” below…
Times may change, but events have a habit of reappearing in a slightly different guise.
Nottingham 350 victims of abuse in child care homes from 1960’s to 1990’s
according to new he ICCSA report : Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse
\\ Hundreds of children were sexually abused by predatory foster carers and residential home staff who were allowed to thrive
Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County councils exposed vulnerable children to repeated rapes and physical abuse//
After Carl Beech's bogus allegations – a shocking, and timely, reminder of the reality of historical abuse and how children were let down by the authorities that were meant to look after them: https://t.co/lflikCbs1h
That immediately begs the question about the Nottinghamshire whistleblower Melanie Shaw
The courts always seem to have dismissed her as a fantasist in the same vein as Carl Beech
She was protesting for an Inquiry in 2015, but is now detained in Rampton
Here's Melanie Shaw in July 2015 walking the streets of Nottingham megaphoning the csa she witnessed at Beechwood Chdn's Home. People don't do this for fun. This is sheer desperation when no one will listen. https://t.co/WkFE9fuWjj
AFAIK her claim was that knew politicians were involved in abuse.
.. That would make it similar to the Cyril Smith case
..but I am not sure what corroborating evidence there is for politicians being involved.
Of course the BBC and their Far Left chums will argue that this is all due to the waycism against Pakistanis and Bangla Deshis and nothing at all to do with their relative skills and willingness to work.
The Indians/Indian Brits I know are highly ambitious especially for their kids, almost too much so, and have a very positive attitude to education. Hey presto, their unemployment rate is relatively low.
A bit late, but yesterday the BBC ‘news’ featured a Brexit doom and gloom story about the devaluation of the pound.
A vox pop ensued with Brits in France.
Three people were featured.
1. An asian female wearing a Shalwar Kameez
2. A white male !!!!!!!!!!
3. A second asian female
From this do I conclude that few white Brits go overseas?
Or that the biased BBC stuffs in its multiculti agenda at every opportunity ?
I see that the beloved public sector, so loved by the BBC and its Far Left buddies, has gone and done it again showing its humanity, fairness, equality, and accountability. Or not.
Imagine that you are the sales director of a large company and you have an upcomming sales opportunity which will affect your business for decades to come, and if handled badly could even result in the demise of your company.
Your competetor has an ace – a man who has attended a top business school, has spent most of his career sucessfully closing business deals and is highly regarded by his peers.
You don’t have anyone, and you have to write a job specification in order to find someone who will win this deal for your company.
Because you aren’t actually prepared to pay anywhere close to the going rate for a top flight person no one suitably qualified applies, but you have an application from someone who has a geography degree, and no actual experience in business, or you have another application from a man who has a degree in ancient Greek and Latin literature, and worked as a journalist until he was sacked for falsifying quotations.
How well do you think your company would perform in these negotiations? How long do you think you would last as sales director after your CEO and shareholders found out what you had done?
UK’s 10 warmest years all occurred since 2002 By Matt McGrath
To me that shows PR trickery, in how you can cherrypick dates and terms
Even without extra CO2 the Earth would generally get warmer as it comes out of an ice age.
But I am not sure how a total UK temperature works (cos all you are doing is taking n average of temperature stations”
Mark Hodgson shows that by cherrypicking the other way \\ I observe that 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2016 don’t make it into the list.
So the headline could read that “6 of the last 10 years weren’t among the UK’s 10 warmest years”.//
Quite how the figures can be adjusted to exclude 1976 is a mystery only a trained and gifted climate statistician might explain. It may be a minor point but that year was certainly hotter in the UK than many of those since 2002 – out in the open countryside, that is, not at some meteorological station on an office block roof.
I can’t speak for the north, but drive almost anywhere in the south in this ‘record breaking’ year and you will see that tens of thousands of acres of crops have yet to be harvested. In 1976 the whole UK harvest was cut and stored by the end of July.
@Jazz : The Climate Alarmist PR guys work is all about cherrypicking
They have multiple locations to pick from
.. eg they can go on about heat in France, Italy, Cambridge etc.
and multiple vectors to pick from
So if it’s not hot anywhere they look to rain or win or storms
There is always a weird weather event going on somewhere in the world.
I was reading a report by a chap named Bullard, on the South African site “Politicsweb”, about his impressions of “Boris and Brexit” (30 July) after a visit to London.
I happened to see an earlier contribution by him, entitled “Operation White Hatred” (09 July), which makes for far more sobering reading. Not something you would ever find on the bbc…
“Memories of what happened in Germany in the 1930s send a strong signal that a scapegoated race is a doomed race,” he writes. He is talking about the exodus of Whites from South Africa. “Like the Jews, South African Whites will eventually be blamed for everything that goes wrong in the country”.
He details the increasing anti-white hysteria and blatant racism, while simultaneously corruption and decay are the order of the day.
ANC ‘cadres’ have taken over the running of the country at every level, with the possible exception of the Western Cape Province. They have run every publicly-owned corporation into the ground in the last 25 years since ‘eqality for all’ arrived in 1994. After that, merit, competence, qualification and ability no longer mattered when appointments to jobs were made.
I wondered whether the equality-obsessed elites in our own country shouldn’t perhaps read Bullards article? It seems that the great ‘non-racial rainbow nation’ concept, sold by Mandela and Co.before 1994, is long dead and buried?
Jim- I fear you are right. I was reading in the German paper, “Compact-Online”, that the immediate figure is 20 million, “ready and packed”.
Now, there are various theories as to why “that is the plan”. I know Tony is reputed to have let in 2-3m in order to “give the Tories one in the eye”. Do you have any particular favourite?
“After that, merit, competence, qualification and ability no longer mattered when appointments to jobs were made.”
Not unique to SA, you’d think most people would feel insulted to be appointed as a result of ‘positive’ discrimination.
Oldspeaker – I suspect that if you’re an ANC ‘cadre’, and can now lay your hands on the goodies, you wouldn’t feel that insulted. You have a political justification for where you are. You are justified by Marxism-Leninism.
It is the ‘ordinary’ black guy ‘on the street’, who has been studying for years to get ahead, and would like to see a job, any job (if only he could get it), who might do…
Yes, I predict the rise of a savagery in the UK that the, ‘sheeple’ (a wonderful expression used by another contributor here – can’t remember who), cannot and will not even begin to contemplate occurring in the UK. If you’ve been grabbed forcibly and ushered to the front of a baying crowd anywhere in the Mid. East on ‘suq’ day – Friday – forced to observe a hand chopping event, you can expect anything not too long into the future of the UK.
Here, – BE WARNED, VERY GRAPHIC – coming to a town or city near you soon. (whether you like it or not, compliments of the UK Parliament. Not forgetting the UN also). https://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=e9e70fd7bfdc
G – I will give your video a miss, but revel instead in my own little town, where 98% of the population is till “hideously white”, as Bbc’s G.Dyke would have put it. We reside in blissful ignorance.
Of course, when you switch on beeb (or any other MSM channel) you realise that the re-education process is in full swing! And that “some” have plans for us…
I watched it until the end and listened to the song.
My first reaction was that it should be shown in every school in this country, before taking the kids to the local mosque.
Second, it should be shown in every community hall or church in the country, where there is such widespread agreement that every culture is equal and should be entitled to equal respect. For these British folk are as bad as the loonies cutting the hands off.
Perhaps it deserves a showing on the big screen at Glastonbury.
Given recent news that many of the over 75’s who are to be targeted by bBC “Outreach operatives” in pursuit of the Licence Tax charge you have to consider what type of operative will the bBC use to “Outreach? and how many? And where they will come from?
e.g. A high %age of this over 75 population have serious medical conditions
Therefore, will the Outreachers be medically qualified to assist their target , perhaps with a nappy change prior to examining documentation and scanning the pension credit documents?
Indeed will they have access to specialist equipment to get some out of bed?
It is entirely possible, sadly, that many may have succumbed to old age to the extent that their welcome to the Outreach operative could include a welcome a best wishes for the New year..1942.
And have these overpaid, biased wretches at the bBC actually calculated the cost of these proposed collections……. and if so can they publish and reveal their business case before a single Outreach operative is hired.
See my contribution just above and the video. Let’s hope the BBC licensing start employing many muslims to persuade the over 75’s to buy a licence or……………….. Clear the local parks or sports pitches in readiness.
Did you know that the whole of the UK would fit into Africa over 120 times.
Net yearly immigration is over 250,000
It’s a good job we’re building and staffing 3 hospitals every year and building 100’s of 1,000’s of affordable homes together with all the infrastructure to go with them. Let’s cover the Lake District with council house estates.
And all the extra dams for the extra millions of litres every day.
If it takes 4 x workers to pay for 1 x pensioner then it takes 16 more workers to pay for their pensions and 64 for them and so on.
The wisdom of mass immigration to pay for our pensioners.
Can our ‘honourables’ understand this.
Actual incoming totals about 600,000 a year, if you count all of them on the ONS Website. About 100,000 leave. (Criteria is to be in the UK for a year ). since 1964, 18 Million people have come into the UK on that category. Surprisingly, some 13 Million have left.
As of 2016, 1/3 of the population is foreign born, increasing to 50% by 2040, By 2070, no person related to any British person from centuries ago will live here if you project the figures on a graph of the same curve.
If the incoming all are highly productive, educated workers, (68% never work: 95% do not have higher education: ONS figures), all will be bliss, apart from the overclouding, competition for housing and resources, or , as usually happens when invasion of this kind happens: social unrest. Thankfully the liberal elite can go live abroad in their protected enclaves so that is all right then.
Its no coincidence that he didn’t start coming out with this garbage until he met his current wife. And does he need to be reminded that in 2005 and two weeks before Holocaust Day, he dressed up as a Nazi ???
R4 Media show ..no Amol today
#1 A US ..”Netflix of Sport” website, which has poached many UK Sports writers
#2 “Also in the show, how the radio industry is making slow progress on solving its diversity problem with Vikki Cook, Ofcom’s Director of Content and Policy, and Nels Abbey, former media executive and author of Think Like A White Man.”
8pm R4 Moral Maze
topic : Love Island
Panel : Anne McElvoy, Giles Fraser, Mona Siddiqui and Tim Stanley.
AFAIK all metroliberals and only Giles is pro Brexit
Raheem Kassam facebook
· 1 hr · Looks like I was even more more right than I realised: London is LITERALLY turning into a sh*thole under Sadiq Khan.
Perhaps one of our BBC interviewers might ask Mayor Kahn just how is he making out with this problem.
The comments are worth reading. eg. Why does it say ‘May be’ arrested? Another says that London is where the dogs tread in human shit.
I blame the cockneys, drinking warm beer after a bowl of jellied eels…
Some friends have been lamenting the absence of resident troll maxicony in recent times . I’m pleased to tell you that maxi boy is running at goodwood on Thursday in the 2.25pm . Frankie D is on board and it’s 10/1 . This is not a tip .
But if you want tips -why not pay £5 a month to Fedup2s stone bonker tipster service …
Bannon was countering the relentless propaganda that the President is racist. He’s entitled to give an opinion. Far left extremists having hissy fits because differing points of views are aired ends up leading to the gulags. Learn some tolerance woman.
Apparantly the BBC doesn’t employ enough disabled Muslim Pakistani women.
Proof if any were needed of the Leftist complicity of the supposed oversight group monitoring ‘bias’ in the countries broadcaster. Much of this was enacted by the Tories Marxist leader Theresa May.
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
First!! Yippee!!
This is because you drove your ‘car apace’…
And he’s generous too, not shellfish.
Well done, Lobbie – back on form, Thread topper.
Just make sure you don’t become a salad topper!
Lobster – bbc 4 has a programme called “the secret life of rock pools “ which is on Thursday night . I might watch it if it isn’t bias propaganda – are you in it ?
Yes, I have a starring role! I’ve been doing some weightlifting in preparation for it – I’m trying to build up my mussels ……..
Hit report by mistake on yippee post.
Fed up, please ignore.
Coo bit thin on the ground here!
Podium. Well done Lobby and digg.
Backlinks to previous thread
– Tuesday started halfway down page 2
– and by lunchtime expanded onto page 3
Just wait Digg, someone will sneak in under the wire and claim second spot.
it was Scroblene, didn’t see that coming!
Don’t worry, Digg, I didn’t either!
Thank heavens the incredibly woke Prince Harry and Megan have decided to save the planet; they’re only going to have two children.Good on ’em! I don’t know what it’ll do for the planet but it will certainly save us a few bob.
This brain dead bullshit is painful to read, listen to and watch. Who gives a flying fig how many sprogs these two drips decide to do have? I don’t.
Thinking about it they might do more for the planet if they didn’t need to travel everywhere in gas guzzling, chauffeur driven limousines and fly across the globe lecturing everybody else about their carbon footprint.
And of course, while the royal couple are being applauded for keeping their family numbers down the local Mohamaden community are popping kids out about ten a piece. There’s a prospect.
Continuing my cheerful theme, the UK population will soon be hitting 70 million.
A few of us were actually born here.
Night all…
Gran and Gramps will be thrilled.
And Uncle Ed And Aunty Anne May feel a bit spare wheely.
The BBC need to get Rachel Burden on this.
Her bio is worth a gander.
Exactly. So much wokist thought is incoherent . As you point out they think, rightly in my view, that the ever increasing human population is unsustainable. On the other hand they seem to promote more mass immigration of third worlders who have more than double the number of children that the indigenous population does. Similarly they promote alternative energy generation whilst wanting massive increases in energy consumption in the third world and ignoring the even more massive increase in energy consumption in China and India. Prince Charles values rural life, as indeed I do, but seems to subscribe to the invasion of our tiny island by ever more migrants, which is causing the urbanisation of the entire country. There are plenty of other wokist contradictions, such as feminists never calling out Islamic oppression of women, or Support for transsexuals being treated exactly as biological women , which will cause some interesting issues at the next zOlympics.
Will wokism collapse under the weight of it obvious contradictions? Yes , but not before it has done more damage to the West.
I really wonder about this country’s dislike of Meghan M. The comments following any Daily Mail article are great fun to read. But the comments are growing from anti Markle to anti Royal Family. I am a growing conspiracy theorist as I watch the inexplicable happen. I wonder if the anti Royal agenda is being pushed by the globalists and Remainers. For each EU country that has a Royal Family, it is one of the things that gives that country a separate identity. Should all Royal Families be got rid of (for the sake of the Union)?
I don’t “dislike Megan M”. In fact when I first saw Harry with her I thought, blimey, she’s a bit of all right.
And I consider myself a (soft) royalist. I don’t have photos of The Queen on my walls, but I love the traditions and the sense on continuity.
However I do get irritated by this former soap actress dominating the headlines with her tedious tantrums over President Trump and her constant opining on trendy, Guardianista topics.
There can’t be many people that sit down and decide on their family size due to the state of the planet. Mainly it’s the state of their bank balance.
Frank Field, one of the few Labour MPs worth listening to, has said that “struggling families are living on cereal”. They don’t have the luxury of fretting about their carbon footprint, it’s will it be cornflakes or Frosties for lunch. I guess we could argue that they should have considered their prospects before they had children, but that seems harsh…
And now the royal couple are lecturing us about unconscious racism. FFS Harry, you’re living in a castle (paid for by us!) and preaching to us peasants that live in the real world. We’ve seen our local communities change before our very eyes, like some ghastly cultural conjuring trick. Some of us don’t recoginse the places we were born. We’ve every right to feel a “bit miffed.”
And on the subject of unconscious racism…
Here’s and idea. Why not look a little closer to home?
Starting with your grandfather…
Maintaining a sense of tradition and continuity is one of the strongest arguments for retaining the royal family. However, once they abandon that role – whether through bad advice, personal preference, or the desire to maintain their own survival – they cease to have relevance. Far from the globalists having an anti-royal agenda, they are using and co-operatively working with the royal family to promote their own causes; the PR strategy for the masses is ‘The more it changes, the more it stays the same’ i.e. it may be a totally different country since the last coronation but don’t worry because “it’s still Britain at heart”. This message will be promoted on a hitherto unknown scale when the current monarch dies, when a global TV audience will be subjected to several weeks of themed sycophantic fawning (and indirect promotion of Britain as a medieval themepark destination – just don’t mention the stabbings in London and the political prisoner in Belmarsh, right?).
Agreed. Royalty has a function – as long as it behaves like Royalty.
The contract works both ways though, none of the nonsense that Huffington Post puts out like ‘fans’ of particular royals and newspaper headlines like ‘Kate’, they aren’t winners of a talent show, they are part of our constitution.
‘Royals’ probably need to be trained or at least familiar with the job, Americans just don’t get it so shouldn’t be on the ‘recruitment’ list. Just look at Disney, they don’t get it either, what with all their ‘fiesty’ princesses. The point of being a princess is that you just ‘be’, other people do the ‘doing’!
Nicely put Jim..
I’m certainly a Royalist. The alternatives have no appeal and I don’t see anything to emulate in the US (note: that’s not aimed specifically at Trump). As far as I’m aware, nobody has been able to explain convincingly just what value a president, along with his/her inevitable extra layer of bureaucracy, would add.
However, as soon as I heard that Harry was leaving the army I was concerned. What was he going to do? The Queen has never wagged her finger at her subjects and, at the risk of sounding anti-American, the people of this country will not appreciate being lectured at the behest of the sort of over-confident American woman who believes she has some sacred right to fix other people’s lives.
I’m not anti-American but I have met some of these women (had one in the family for a while) and they are gruesome. And if that is unconscious racism, well too bad.
Porridge is a good substantial standby and you can get a 1kg packet from LIDL for 75p.
Deborah, I think the problem lies in Meghan not being ‘handled’ in the right way by the Palace tsars as soon as it became clear there was a serious relationship with Harry.
Clearly there’s no handbook of behaviour and expectations when becoming a member of the royal family, but whether she wasn’t given advice or she didn’t want to take it, her actions just highlight the difference between us and the Americans. Kate knew what was expected, but those in the U.S just see the royal family as the greatest ticket in town when there’s a charideeee function to attend and pay thousands of dollars for a table.
The D/Mail didn’t decree that seats around her at Wimbledon remained empty while real fans were left wanting at the gate, – and when the Queen attended a fashion show in London I didn’t see any empty seats around her ! No, any negative feelings that are aimed at Meghan she has brought about herself.
She’s a canny woman who knows how to play her own game, – desperate to get herself an English boyfriend, sending her ex husband her wedding ring back in an envelope to him, dismissing her father when he embarrasses her (FFS who hasn’t got a father that’s been an embarrassment at some time ??) and a gaggle of her newly found A lister friends falling over themselves to fight her corner in the press.
The Queen has retreated to Balmoral, and I rather suspect a family conference will be on the agenda as to what to do with the problem of Meghan.
Speaking for myself I see the Royal family moving steadily towards wokism. I have always been a Royalist and thought that having a non political head of state was far better than having a politician. But as the younger royals indulge more and more putting forward views which are , at the very least , bordering on political campaigning, I think that they are in effect politicising the Royal Family. Consequently they are losing my support. Once the Queen has gone I suspect that my support for them will totally evaporate.
“… at the risk of sounding anti-American, the people of this country will not appreciate being lectured at the behest of the sort of over-confident American woman who believes she has some sacred right to fix other people’s lives. …..
Well said Helen, and that’s the crux of the problem, she has found ‘fame’ in a way other than winning an Oscar, so now feels she wants to change the world.
Well, Meghan ‘love’, fix your own family first and get that dopy husband of yours to actually meet your Dad – that would be a good start. Dont’ be the ultimate ‘user’ in life, whereby Dad got you into the movies in the first place, so if it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t have met a prince, and could be stacking shelves in your local Walmart. Think on girl.
The RoP is all for Diversity. A Muslim woman, for instance can have say 6 kids. These kids, when they are adult, go off and acquire their spouses from Pakistan say. Standard practice. That means a couple can increase their numbers from 2 to 12 in just one generation.
Factor in easy divorce for a man, he can then get upto 4 more spouses from Pakistan. All living merrily on Benefits, and part time work. All divorced women continue to get a house and Benefits. This is just the fully legal side granted to them by our benevolent state.
Funding our funeral pyre about sums it up. I wonder if our politicians realise what they have done. And if they do, then it explains the ferocity with which TR was pursued, and the complete silence on the ongoing Jihad.
@Jeff ‘they’re only going to have two children’. I feel Harry is being a bit sanctimonious here. The Duchess will be 38 on Sunday so they have possibly left it a bit late to play catch up with the Cambridges. Wonder if he will repeat this mantra on any future Royal tour.
you are of the same ilk as the Gramsci establishment we endure .
the same Gramsci establishment that lets recividests off week after week with “concurrent ” sentences or fines .
So how about we pay our taxes concurrently ? Our car tax concurrently pays your telly tax !
Sounds fair to me .
I don’t post here as often as I used to but I feel that today I have to reaffirm my complete and utter disgust of, and hatred toward the loathsome false and foul institution that the BBC has become. It is a creature of slime that slithers across not just across the UK but pollutes the world with its poison.
There! That feels better.
I have just watched the Maitliss, Murray and Parris interview that somebody posted on the previous thread that was bad enough, then on the radio I heard moralising tones and twisted reporting of Trump’s visit to the Jamestown site.
The BBC reporter (one Butler) was obviously delighted at the protests there and allowed quite a few of the idiotic protesters have their say. I have never heard of a president attending a Jamestown celebration before. I’m not saying they haven’t done so but it has never seemed to be of interest to the press. I suspect the reporters were simply there because they knew about the protest beforehand and hoped for another opportunity to show Trump in a bad light.
‘Trump is a racist’ is a meme that has not a scrap of basis in reality as anybody with more than two brain cells knows. Even the BBC know that. That’s why they choose to interview people with less than two.
(on just about every topic)
Same here Yassar – these days I find it difficult to listen to any BBC “News broadcasts” all of which have now morphed to agenda loaded fairy stories for gullible idiots and six year olds.
For a long time I have realised that the BBC has been allowed by our progressive politicians to control and warp the agenda, leading to increasing amounts of censorship which makes me think that in some ways that is actually what they want.
This has increased vastly since (“Conservative” pm) Theresa May was appointed and now Boris,s cynical calculation that he can get away with granting a migration “amnesty” provided we get some “sort of” Brexit should make it obvious that even politicians such as Boris are fully wedded up to the BBC world view.
Indeed anything on the BBC about trump or Brexit now seems to be no more than hysteria, and the style of reporting not have been out of place on radio Moscow in the 1970s or “Radio Pyongyang” today. The sort of stuff I used to laugh at but now the fact that a state broadcaster in this country knows it can get away with broadcasting such rubbish makes me fear for our future freedom and right to know what is happening.
I could despair or get angry – personally I think getting bloody angry is the best response. I think aunty wants us to despair.
One thing is for sure we are nearing some sort of breaking point.
Oaknash: One thing is for sure we are nearing some sort of breaking point.
I hope you are right. The feeling I have is that the country is fed up with Muslims and Islam getting everything. Fed Up. And a sense of danger. Not the false narrative of Islamophobia but a sense of real danger.
Donald Trump, an honest man in a pit of traitors and vipers, is our only hope at the moment.
I am sure Alp Mehmet of Migration Watch would not mind me re_copying his appeal (published in todays Con Woman) for us to sign the Parliamentary petition against an sort of Immigration amnesty. please try sign as this “amnesty” idea is the worst sort of anti common sense nonsense the BBC would love
IN his first statement to the House of Commons as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson suggested that the government would ‘look at’ an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Mr Johnson had already indicated during his leadership campaign that such a scheme could apply to those who have been in the UK illegally for 15 years.
He first mooted the idea for an amnesty for illegal immigrants when he was campaigning to be Mayor of London. With respect to our new Prime Minister, he was wrong then and he is wrong now.
The implication of such a proposal is that if you break the law and remain undetected for 15 years you will qualify for the right to remain in the UK permanently and be granted the right to working age and retirement benefits (whether or not you have paid taxes or made National Insurance contributions), very likely having already enjoyed free health care, education and other services.
This makes no sense and it is not something that most adults in the UK, who have dutifully paid their taxes and National Insurance contributions, will regard as fair or reasonable.
That is why we are inviting the public to sign a petition – ‘Rule out any prospect of granting an amnesty on illegal immigration’
– on the Government Petitions website. The number of signatures surpassed 17,000 in just over a week.
Adding your signature will help to send a clear and unambiguous message that such an amnesty would send all the wrong signals, be totally counter-productive and be little more than manna for the traffickers. Let’s not forget that 77 per cent of the public see illegal immigration as a serious problem facing the country.
Amnesties do not wipe the slate clean, as some seem to think. Instead they encourage more illegal migration, with more and more people believing that they too will eventually be allowed to settle if they keep their heads down for long enough.
Migration Watch UK have published an analysis which argues that:
· The Home Office estimated in 2001 that there were 430,000 illegal immigrants in the UK. By 2004 that could well have surpassed half a million. The latest estimate, from a former Head of Enforcement, is more than a million. Migration Watch UK have found this number is increasing by an estimated net total of at least 70,000 a year.
· Amnesties don’t work as a solution to illegal immigration. They have been tried five times in Italy, six times in Spain and twice in France in the past 20 years or so. In nearly all cases there were more applications each time. In May 2005, the French Interior Minister declared that further amnesties were ‘completely out of the question’.
· Amnesties are grossly unfair to regular migrants who take the time and care to follow the appropriate processes.
· An amnesty would likely be costly for the taxpayer.
· Enforcement is already hugely inadequate. The number of removals has fallen sharply in recent years as hardworking staff charged with enforcing the borders have been hampered by an absence of resources and a dearth of government commitment.
Any comparisons with Windrush victims are absurd. They were innocent citizens with every right to be here.
The Commons Home Affairs Select Committee got it right when it called for much more effective action by the Home Office to process cases and remove those who no longer have the right to be here as rapidly and humanely as possible. It is also what the public wants and has every right to expect of its government.
Stepping up enforcement is the only sensible and realistic way forward as it would establish a disincentive, rather than an incentive, for illegal immigration.
It is crucial to make clear the strength of public opinion so as to head off this absurd proposal. Sign now using this link above petition number 266925
My apologies to all about the above post my grammar was a bit rubbish – too early in the morning.
I hope the link is clear however if not
‘Rule out any prospect of granting an amnesty on illegal immigration’ petition 266925
should definitely find it on search bar.
Oaknash – thanks for for grammar apology but surely at 0608 it’s too early for apologies ? My grammar is always faultless as is me spellings
I disagree on the petition as I think it gives Westminster a false legitimacy . Agree on the stupidity of even talking about an ‘amnesty’ as that message will go back to the third world – Luton tower hamlets newham and another fleet of illegals will set sale .
Boris has always been a ‘liberal’ . He seems quite happy to see the invasion of our country and continent to continue , even for it to be speeded up. In my view this is easily the single most important issue that faces us. Getting us out of the EU , if he does, will in no way compensate for the increase in the rate of invasion he seems to be set to preside over. I think we are facing a grim future. In comparison to the Islamisation of Britain everything else pales into insignificance. But is there any politician who dare even raise the topic let alone do anything about it?
Here is Israel there is a different approach to illegal immigration as illustrated by the case of a Filipino woman who overstayed her work visa by ten years and was due to be deported. She used her child as a trump card, insisting that he could not go back as Israel is his home, he speaks the language and all his school friends are in Israel.
Rule of law applies here and there is no shortage of human-rights lawyers and like individuals eager to help such people stay. Her case went to appeal but was turned down.
Would be good to see the UK taking a tough stance on illegal immigration. It was a major disappointment to me that Boris has so strongly signaled his ‘virtue’ in this regard.
Edit: Just seen Doublethinker’s post above and I completely agree.
No one in Parliament even hints at the ‘Great Replacement’ Plan they conspired with other European political leaders throughout the West to pursue with commitment and vigour. Once I see they start to discuss the Plan openly with the indigenous population and how its progressing and when it will stop, I will start to listen. Strange that it was not possible to reduce immigration to, “the tens of thousands” but we are given fixed dates for everything else. That alone demonstrates no will to address the issue. The largest and most controversial issue in the UK never mind Brexit.
Fact is, All the political class, whether Communist (as in Labour), Labour (as in Conservative) Marxist’s (as in LibDums) are all in on the conspiracy. I fear it is too deep rooted for anyone individual leader to halt the slide.
But we do have immigration only running at “the tens of thousands”. It’s just that it’s tens of thousands per month, rather than per year…
No establishment political party will ever curtail immigration – quite the opposite, as it is integral to the whole project. Governments categorise people as ‘productive’ or ‘overhead’. Elderly people are overheads – they no longer work and they require pensions and expensive medical care. As such, their numbers need to be reduced, which will be done by progressively raising the state pension age, reducing benefits and restricting medical care through the NHS. Children are also an overhead: they require many years of what passes for education before they can enter the workplace, pay taxes, independently consume good and services and become ‘productive’. What governments, and the globalist businesses they serve require, are adults that can be put to work immediately and hence be instantly ‘productive’. By importing such people, they avoid the investment and capital costs associated with child raising – somebody else is picking up the costs. By taking such people from poorer or less developed countries, they minimise wages i.e. their operating costs. This is very apparent in the plundering of nurses from countries such as the Phillipines and Romania and which can be devastating to those countries. But the West is now implementing the strategy wholesale across all areas of their economies and societies. Even allowing for the overheads associated with the influx from Africa and the Middle East, which serves a wider political purpose, they still reckon that the balance sheet is in their favour over generational timescales. And as Soros himself said: “…it’s not my job as a participant to calculate the consequences. This is what a market is. That’s the nature of a market. So I’m a participant in the market.”
“….What governments, and the globalist businesses they serve require, are adults that can be put to work immediately and hence be instantly ‘productive’. By importing such people, they avoid the investment and capital costs associated with child raising –….”
Take Germany, for example:
“Germany: Dreams of “Refugee Work Force” Vanish as 95% of Nonwhite Invaders Remain on Welfare”.
What’s different here? See the stats: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/unemployment-and-economic-inactivity/unemployment/latest#by-ethnicity
Horses for courses.
One away or other we have to get out of the EU. Farage is the best for that course. Boris is the way point.
Then we thank Farage for his contributions, and send him to the Lords. Then elect UKIP to carry over to the next course. I hope we can do this while Pres Trump is still in the White House. Only he can carry this through for the whole West.
“….Adding your signature will help to send a clear and unambiguous message…..” Really?
This so-called, ‘Government Petition’ scheme is discredited mainly because signatories now fully understand that any petition, even despite large numbers, will have zero effect on the political class.
Or any national referendum.
You are right. This Petition business is another scam to get parliamentary legality for the thoroughly treasonous act of ethnocide.
But we need to take power away from parliament and place it where it belongs – with the people. Then and only then will MPs reflect our views.
G – Commenting on a blog is all well and good and you may be right – but what exactly have you got to lose?
For something of minimal effort it sends a message not just to a deliberately deaf government but to others, friends and foe alike, that we may just have had enough.
G – Commenting on a blog is all well and good and you may be right – but what exactly have you got to lose?
For something of minimal effort it sends a message not just to a deliberately deaf government but to others, friends and foe alike, that we may just have had enough.
@Oaknash, petition link
21K sigs so far
Alp Mehmet, chairman of the Migration Watch UK think tank and pressure group, told Breitbart London that
“an amnesty would simply reward illegality and encourage more illegal immigration in the future.”
and https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/make-your-voice-heard-on-boriss-suggested-amnesty-for-illegal-immigrants/
Any amnesty for people who have not paid the BBC fee for 15 years or more and free TV license thereafter?
This is the kind of amazing stupidity one gets from our present day politicians. In the USA, many Democratic contenders are offering free health care for all illegal undocumented immigrants. But it hadnt occurred to these bright sparks to offer free health care to tens of millions loyal Americans, many of who have served their country. And no one had costed it, or the consequence that hundreds of millions of people would flock to the USA, and get first class health care not available elsewhere.
I think Boris might be copying Labour
..saying things that can’t be delivered.
However it wouldn’t be bad to have a proper system for dealing with asylum queue jumpers , instead of turning a blind eye like we do already..
Maybe start with assisted passage back home or back to a similar culture. like adjacent Middle East country.
Last night, Radio5Live was all over some ‘fact’ that there have been some of the hottest summers ever since the sixties, it went on and on and on, relentlessly!
To put their shine on the piece, they interviewed a lady (very pleasant in her delivery) from Wagga Wagga in Oz, which isn’t actually the coolest place on earth, but still going strong after all those years previous to the sixties, as the Aborigines will happily tell you!
I’m waiting for similar ‘research’ on the coldest/wettest winters since the sixties, especially as all the data they produced was claimed from records starting back in the 1800s, when of course, there were scientific weather stations on every street, and computed to the finest detail!
Two feet of snow in Colorado in July.
Every day we highlight specific issues of BBC bias . But today I listened to the 0600 bbc radio news and realised that there is a bias format .
It goes something like this ( I’ll include bias by omission )
1 Project Fear story
2 report by a survey blaming the government for something
3 news paper report making the Right look bad
4 race story to make whitee look bad
5 blaming an institution for failing to have spotted something
6 no story about EU failure
7 royal family story – aren’t they great
8 anti Trump story
9 another anti trump story – Obama is great
10 weather- green – its all bad – very hot/cold
10a something is melting somewhere
11 violent crime – someone else is to blame
12 more benefits
13 immigrants are great aren’t they?
14 Muslims being treated badly
15 schools ‘/ NHS need more money – repeat
16 some britisher in trouble overseas not getting ‘support ‘
17 first wimmin to do something
18 wimmin treated badly
19 something bojo did or said 20 years ago
20 Labour Woman MP blaming or moaning
You can add your own and play the ‘tick box ‘ game for which BBC favourites turn up in each news .
Spot on fed. See my post just done below and you will see we can tick a few off !!!!!! Same EVERY day.
I agree with many but not number 7 as commented in an earlier comment. I think the BBC wants the Royal Family to look bad to get rid of them as part of the EU project.
The Cultural Marxist’s “Critical Theory” at work, relentlessly undermining and condemning yet not clearly voicing any solutions.
And if they ever do propose a “solution”, (often along the lines of “something must be done”) that may be just another problem to be solved which has even more difficult issues than the original problem.
Example: The new, ‘Green Deal’ in the US? That fits your bill. Closer to home, our Greta sailing to the US. I’m looking forward to how the media cover up – no doubt whatsoever – sickness en route.
Saint Greta: We should all travel by J-class yacht
Older readers may recall the last of the J-class yachts of past years; enormous, ocean-going yachts that could accommodate a pair of chesterfield sofas in the saloon, the world’s most exclusive rich persons toys, built of solid Honduran Mahogany (now virtually extinct) Teak (under threat) and brass.
The parents of Saint Greta are planning a US tour for her to help establish the global Saint Greta brand and monetise ascetic environmentalism. The problem is, Saint Greta doesn’t fly.
Is that info from a hack into BBC management computer.
So here is my 3 minutes of BBC breakfast from 6.30am.
Later on we meet a female jockey who will be the first to ride wearing a hijab. (Empowering Muslim woman story, BBC heaven)
Scientists say that the 10 hottest years in the UK have all been from 2002 , showing that climate change is having a real effect. Then onto yesterday’s flooding in Yorkshire, so linking the two !!.
Some snippets from some Irish government official telling us they won’t be pushed around by Boris . Nice anti Boris soundbite.
Something about knife crime and they want Boris to take responsibility !!!!!! Another anti Boris piece. Surely nothing to do with the parents of these r soles !!!
Like I say, that was my 3 minutes experience and I am done. Relentless just doesn’t cut it, it’s downright far left propaganda !!!!
DB it has been propaganda for years – the only difference, is now they dont bother wrapping it up anymore, they know whatever government is in power, it dare not touch them.
Don’t forget the effect of Brexit on value of pound..a whole section linking it against the dollar – not a word that the Euro is even lower proportionality against the dollar…in fact not a word about the continuing decline of Euro..the pound is still above the 1.04 that it was before the Brexit vote.. And right at the end having blamed Brexit they say but there are other reasons for currency volatility – didn’t explain any like strength of Dollar…Lies by omission
And as for the Muslim jockey – my wife is a long time very good horse rider and she just laughed…and questioned ‘why was she chosen?’
Can the BBC not go a day without finding a Muslim story? And somehow making out British white society is against Muslim women doing things – how about looking at their culture and the control by men…Nah…too tricky
If somebody is good at something, has the determination and always a bit of luck they can succeed …regardless of race, class, creed or colour
we all HAVE to integrate, or civil way?
i hope the hijab dont slip, may fall off the horse. oww well
Doobster – 17 ,10 ,1,11 but no number 8 ….. ( I won’t keep this up )….
Perhaps some BBC staffer can contribute or refine the list …..
To add to your list:
21: No report on Tommy Robinson.
Is it possible for the BBC to be embarrassed? I doubt it as I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. If Tommy Robinson’s brilliant Panodrama sting did not embarrass it, nothing will.
John Sweeney’s tipsy self-portrayal as a smug and committed bigot splashing out public money on his addiction and coaching a witness to denigrate Tommy by lying was broadcast to the planet, as was the BBC refusal to take down the statue of a pedophile rapist adorning its headquarters.
We are still waiting in breathless anticipation for the BBC to fulfill its solemn promise to broadcast its Panorama, provisionally titled Tommy Takedown. The promise was made right after Panodrama was aired, more than 5 months ago. (If it ever did broadcast it, it would have to be called The day Tommy took us down, to be accurate.)
Instead the BBC slunk away with its collective tail between its collective legs, hoping that in time Panodrama will be forgotten, as Farcebook deleted Tommy’s account and YouTube has restricted the video.
It won’t be forgotten as it was seen by millions before ‘social’ media censored it.
Meanwhile, all the BBC can do is try to keep Tommy out of the news, in a poor attempt at damage control.
I will write this over and over again to the cows come home,
that I do not pay my TV license to hear the views
of mostly women liberal bigot presenters such as Emily Maitlis , Jo
Coburn or political editor Laura Kuensberg . Kuensberg goes a
degree further by even being facetious and ridiculing Boris Johnson’s
cabinet , by calling them “eager puppies” waiting at the door
of 10 Downing Street.
I reiterate BIG BROTHER at the BBC. Your number one aim is to
“educate” us to think like you .with your obsession with diversity
and positive discrimination. One of your other obsessions is
so called “Gender Equality.” But for you this doesn’t apply to
MEN on the BBC’s news and political programmes, where we see
at least 75% women presenting and reporting the programmes.
For me , and maybe you will think I am being sarcastic is the presence of the three ladies we always see presenting the
political opinions from Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland.
They remind me of ” the three little maids from school ” from the
I am sick to death of BIG BROTHER making us pay a TV license
to watch what he, she or it thinks we should be watching because
of “its” own warped values!!
“Your number one aim is to “educate” us to think like you”
Yes, once looked at through this filter everything State Broadcaster does, makes perfect sense.
By the way Arlene Foster just now did very well against nagging Naga. The weather ‘forecast’ that follows is a Party Political for the Greens.
Don’t overlook Marr’s Babes on the Couch.
Benny Hill would have been proud!
BBC Online News:
“”Car industry investment plummets in UK””
“”New investment in the UK car industry has suffered a ‘precipitous’ decline.””
“”It comes at a time when businesses in the sector have been spending heavily on preparations for a no-deal Brexit, according to the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).””
“”SMMT chief executive ‘Mike Hawes’ told the BBC the fall in investment was the most disturbing trend, and he links it directly to fears about the UK potentially leaving the EU without a deal that would protect cross-border trade.””
Who is ‘Mike Hawes’?:
He joined SMMT from Bentley Motors where he held a number of PR, corporate and public affairs roles.
Prior to that, he also worked for both Toyota and, more recently, Bentley’s parent company, Volkswagen AG, where he developed the European and global knowledge needed for this challenging role.
So, we have a PR corporate chap with strong links to Europe and VW. He blames it all on Brexit when in fact there’s a worldwide problem.
Sounds like the CBI, now led by the ex-BBC Director Carolyn Fairbairn.
They also have a Ruta Aisthorpe, who is German and Deputy Head and Senior International Manager.
And of course, the BBC lap it up as it suits their persistent hatred of Brexit.
Surely less cars is good for the BBC – they want everyone on bicycles don’t they ? The car industry is owned by foreigners using British Labour – it doesn’t sound like it if you listen to the BBC.
I drive a bit more to offset green schemes ….. I like diesel ..
I have a diesel and I drive everywhere in second gear at speed.
Bring back 5* 101 octane.
Dover lol,
on that note i’ve just brought a diesel, sooooo cheap to run
DS, hosepipe down drain during ban, full bore, very therapeutic.
What got me most was the reference to the many millions spent on stockpiling. There is a cost of stocking, but this is minimal compared to the cost of the item which can eventually can be used.
OT, but #CCBGB
Could not happen to a nicer bloke.
Looking at his core, dubious funding should not be an issue, but the noncefinder general schtick may put a few off.
“Tom Watson”
Another one running scared of the thought that he his dangerously close of losing his cosy political life – boy, its ages till the next GE?
Must be worried.
Surely the loathsome BBC is fighting for its very life.
If Brexit is delivered, a Conservative government gets a workable majority, then the wasteful, corrupt, opaque and dishonest BBC will be right in the firing line, having shown its anti-Brexit and anti-Tory colours so blatantly.
If my analysis is anywhere near right, the BBC is presumably going to get even more shrill and rabid until, with some luck, it gets put down, either humanely or with extreme prejudice.
Only TBP or UKIP will do anything, been let down by everyone else making false promises.
“Surely the loathsome BBC is fighting for its very life”
Its all or nothing now for the BBC.
Its a wonderful feeling knowing that thousands of BBC employees will eventually lose their jobs in the not too distant future.
Another beauty.
So loaded I’m surprised the words made it out of his mouth, in the great tradition of wife beating enquiry.
Nagging Machete!
” How much money are you asking for?” How much money are
you asking for.?How much money are you asking for?
How much money are you asking for ,FOR YOUR VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So went on the Nagging Machete.
All Naga Munchetty is capable of telling us , is to ” FOLLOW THE
YELLOW REMAIN BRICK ROAD” like the rest of her fellow Munchkins at the BBC.
@Cassandra : normally I don’t post a screen shot
but rather just the URL of the tweet
cos then it auto-embeds
.. and then it’s easy to click and see the replies
In this case there are no supporting replies , only 3 sneers from remainers ..Tweet
Excellent advice SG, will use this method in future!
Sky and the BBC do like wheeling out that body language ‘expert’ (the cadaverous blonde one). I wonder if she will be invited on to offer a view?
Sturgeon and the IRA Murderer are both of the hard-left. Shared bigotry transcends humanity.
BBC mocks the middle classes.. Can’t imagine them joking about a Lidl becoming a Waitroes
BBC mocks the middle classes.. Can’t imagine them joking about a Lidl becoming a Waitroes
Toady Wednesday morning. Sopel interviewing Steve Bannon. As usual I only listen with half an ear but it was obvious Mr Bannon was making a good point as all I heard was Jon growing more and more desperate to talk over him and stop his answer. I am glad to say Mr Bannon won. I can’t tell you what it was about because these days we have the radio volume at sufficient to wake us up but not enough to hear clearly the rubbish presented on Radio 4.
Triggered in all the left places.
Is there a way to check if Mr. Lammy actually pays for anything, including his TVL?
He didn’t pay for “his” bike…
…you did!
@Deborah when I logged on Twitter it invited me to BOARD an OUTRAGE BUS over Sopel’s over-SOFT interview of Bannon
They created a special Twitter Event about Sopel’s Bannon interview .. complete with videos
Suppose the beeb will be making notes..
How ads manipulate our emotions – and how to resist
I resist any BBC advert consisting of screeching women trying to do radio, it hardly draws one in does it?
How come an advert put out only twice by Apple has been seen by everyone who has bought an Apple product? Could it be that the likes of the BBC have put it out for free? (I have seen it but I didn’t remember it having anything to do with Apple, perhaps that is why I have never bought into their over-priced dream?
I liked the subtle BBC plug for DFS in this story: “Black people, your adopted country needs you to buy a sofa now! (Because all the white people are boycotting us).
Deborah – I missed the Bannon interview, but I shall go back and listen to it, because Steve Bannon is a man who actually stands for something, isn’t afraid to defend it, and isn’t afraid of the PC crowd and their socialist pals.
Robinson, was– after eight, interviewing people like a Guardian journalist (SURPRISE!) and others, who were trying to show there was no ‘populist’ link between Trump, Farage and BoJo. BoJo has allegedly turned out to be pretty much a social liberal, with his amnesty for immigrants and disposal of an upper limit for migration, it was claimed.
Other than that, much leeway was given to Sinn Finn to ramble on (SURPRISE!), suggesting that -with Brexit- a united Ireland was just around the corner.
What we know is that Toady will make as much mischief as it can, by way of undermining the UK, trying to get at BoJo and Farage, since in its eyes they are ‘populists’ (whatever that may mean), and generally ignoring UKIP, which it -no doubt- views with disdain, if not hostility,
But, if what it says about BoJo on immigration is true (and you need to listen to Toady with a health warning), I shall have to see what Nigel and Gerard have to say about the subject! I hope they will be found to be a little firmer. I don’t listen to the Farage show and hardly follow MSM at all, so does anyone have any comments on this stuff?
Added to which, I now see in the Telegraph that BoJo says we can stay in the Customs Union and Single Market for two years after we leaveon Oct. 31st. Now this may be a wee bit of Telegraph mischief. Or it may be true.
Now if THAT is true, BoJo is doing what Hunt was accused of, turning into a Ms May with trousers. Why would it not surprise? Cos BoJo thinks he’s seeing all the Brexiteers rushing to abandon the Brexit Party and join him, cos of his ‘tough stance’. Once he thought they were in the bag, he would then need to ‘broaden his appeal’, by coming up with a flow of ‘liberal’ measures. The proverbial ‘One Nation Tory’ in glorious technicolour.
Which would mean lotsa hard work for the Brexit Party and UKIP coming up.
I need to check on all this stuff, but would it surprise if it were true?
As I boy, I remember reading a book called “You can trust a Communist”.
Sub-title: “…to be a Communist”.
Perhaps one can say the say the same for (One Nation) Tories?
They will always turn out to be true to type?
Love the Willy waving prop in BG.
Toady did “balance” things by having the leftist Guardian journalist (but I repeat myself) Jonathan Freedland on, to declare as a fact (and of course without challenge) that President Trump was a racist, and had been since the 1970s. What happened in the 1970s to turn the President into a racist, he did not say.
That’s the BBC for you, free, fair and impartial since 1922.
In that interview I thought Sopel was being jolly careful; he was afraid Bannon might show him up.
A bottle of Aldi blended in a kids’ Noddy car could show him up.
Another “flying gas main” in London ?
Daily Telegraph today:
“”Boris Johnson says UK could stay in EU customs union and single market for two years after Brexit deadline””
Has the ‘Boris Brexit Betrayal Begun’?
Stand ready, Brexit Party…
Along with all the rest, he’s just as dishonest. With Farages’s disinterest in addressing the second most important issue of the day, namely immigration and the islamisation of the UK, who does one support?
Apparently ” Willy locks his girlfriend in the bedroom” dread to think!
The Attempted Coup in the US
How long will this take to permeate the British MSM?
SE – Fox News. Di Genova is always worth listening to, if you need a lift.
Even if you don’t. He strikes me as a professional swamp-drainer, second to none!
Zero chance of this appearing on the Bbc or MSM. They’re ALL haters of President Trump! They love Obama and Killery. They blame the Pres for her not being in the WH.
Just listened to the latest bbc Washington correspondent, a new boy from NI, a day or two ago, Buckle or someone. Toxic on Trump; ‘biased’ doesn’t even cover it. Big tick for him from Sopel.
Won’t happen, never does. Hillary’s illegal actions always go away. The judiciary are not interested in wrongdoing by Democrats. We won’t hear anymore about it.
Britain’s first Muslim drag queen: Asifa’s story.
“Meet Asifa Lahore, who came out twice – first as a gay man and then as a trans woman […] Despite starting her drag queen career as a gay man, Asifa’s career hasn’t been negatively affected by now doing drag as a trans woman, as her act goes from strength to strength.”
The article is in Bitesize, which wiki says is the BBC’s *online study support resource for school-age students* in the UK.
Is there a GCSE in Islamic trans drag now? No doubt entirely unrelated to the countless programmes the BBC put out complaining about the lack of mental health support for young people
“…She was not only in her element: it was there and then that she realised – she was always meant to be a women”
BBC making spelling somewhat less of a priority than their gender/muslim agenda, what a commitment to education
Good luck to Asifa Lahore. I am sure she plays to white European audiences. If she ever tried to play to “the community”, she might find that they are a tougher crowd than the Glasgow Empire ever were.
The new vid from Politico : Proof press gagging order in Leeds Muslim gang rape trial was BOGUS
The Metro saying that the trials were kept unreported cos it was a series of 3 and you wouldn’t want to prejudice the jury
It then says “The same jury was used in all 3 trials”*
Well then how can the jury be prejudiced by reporting of the outcome , cos they already knew it, cos they were there ?
(I guess that the Metro is mistaken in asserting the SAME jury were use)
He’s been putting out one every 2 days
A link to his list https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxsGlhpBeagVHVz-7swTyNQ/videos
Sincere Bernie Sanders
So…. if your local council sends ‘Pest Controllers’ to a house that is rat infested and by chance has a black family living there, is it racist to do so?
Cane only discovered this site recently and thoroughly enjoys many of the witty and informative comments. Many go over his head since dispensing with telly 13 years ago and whittling down to only Radio 3 this year. The “Third” is still remarkably good though Wokish attitudes creep in. Hence this week’s Sunday Feature about James Baldwin.
Those of Cane’s age may have enjoyed Baldwin’s blade-like prose over 50 years ago, and it still remains fresh, and often humorous, today. When Baldwin woke to the fact that he was “black, poor and homosexual” he thought he may have “hit the jackpot”. A seriously funny but tragic thought. One that is overtly about himself but actually touches on all of America.
But that today’s varied commentators in the programme could have used their experience to comment on more than merely themselves or their victimhood. But that many could have attempted to match Baldwin’s speech. But that they could even have talked about Baldwin.
Here is one example of his incisive, rythmic yet simple speech. It conveys a complex thought within the simplicity:
“Even the most incorrigible maverick has to be born somewhere. He may leave the group that produced him – he may be forced to – but nothing will efface his origins, the marks of which he carries with him everywhere”
CC, I’m old enough to remember when the BBC discovered James Baldwin. Back in those days, the BBC didn’t obsess or perhaps even mention skin colour and sexual orientation. It was just the writing and its style and content.
I noticed that the restricted Panodrama video I linked to above has the following notice:
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences
– with an option to Continue or Cancel.
Underneath that there is the same message in Arabic.
Why Arabic? Well, logically because YouTube knows I’m accessing their content from Israel, so I could be an Israeli-Arab with Arabic as my mother tongue.
I’m not. I’m a South-African born Jew with English as my mother tongue. If I were a Jewish Israeli with poor English I would find it hard to understand the message since there is no Hebrew translation.
So that begs the question: why would YouTube regard Arabic as trumping Hebrew in a country between the Jordan River and the sea, where there is a majority of Hebrew speakers?
YouTube knows I’m from Israel and tells me so at the bottom of pages I access. Has YouTube now decided that Israel is in fact Palestine with Arabic as the only official language?
Or did the Muslim activist who got Facebook to delete Tommy Robinson’s account right after Panodrama then dictate to YouTube the language of the messages to accompany the restricted Panodrama? (At least he didn’t succeed in getting them to ban Tommy outright and delete all trace of his presence.)
Or did an agitated BBC perhaps put an oar in here? (I was going to write ‘shamed’ BBC, but the BBC has no shame.)
At 3pm Radio 4 put on a so called “comedy” about a situation in which a Jew becoming religious to the horror of his family one of which said he was “radicalised “. To poke fun at Jews at this time is totally inappropriate but of course “Jews don’t understand irony “.
In the drama each religious Jew was identified by his or her stereotypical foreign ” Jewish” accent and made out o be stupid. Even the music was inane. Taking the listeners back to the time first in the Middle ages and later by the Nazi’s when Jews were rediculed as belonging to a defunct, and derided race.
Enough is enough!
Lynette – strange coincidence, that you should be writing this at the same time as I was writing about memories of Jews in Germany in the 30’s – as you will see in my little contribution from “Politicsweb” below…
Times may change, but events have a habit of reappearing in a slightly different guise.
Nottingham 350 victims of abuse in child care homes from 1960’s to 1990’s
according to new he ICCSA report : Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse
\\ Hundreds of children were sexually abused by predatory foster carers and residential home staff who were allowed to thrive
Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County councils exposed vulnerable children to repeated rapes and physical abuse//
That immediately begs the question about the Nottinghamshire whistleblower Melanie Shaw
The courts always seem to have dismissed her as a fantasist in the same vein as Carl Beech
She was protesting for an Inquiry in 2015, but is now detained in Rampton
Politicalites’s Jay Beecher ran a story last month
AFAIK her claim was that knew politicians were involved in abuse.
.. That would make it similar to the Cyril Smith case
..but I am not sure what corroborating evidence there is for politicians being involved.
Here’s the eminent Candace Owens talking to the eminent Paul Joseph Watson about big tech censorship on the Candace Owens Show.
Candace, a black lady, has been called a white supremacist by the bleating, brain-damaged far-left brigade.
You can’t fix stupid. Well, it’s very difficult indeed to fix it.
I posted this info above but in case it is missed, the unemployment statistics in 2017 for different races in the UK. – Enjoy:
I’m sure that 2018/2019 will remain the same, don’t you?
Of course the BBC and their Far Left chums will argue that this is all due to the waycism against Pakistanis and Bangla Deshis and nothing at all to do with their relative skills and willingness to work.
The Indians/Indian Brits I know are highly ambitious especially for their kids, almost too much so, and have a very positive attitude to education. Hey presto, their unemployment rate is relatively low.
Could also be the disproportionate number of wimmin. X-number of wives?
A bit late, but yesterday the BBC ‘news’ featured a Brexit doom and gloom story about the devaluation of the pound.
A vox pop ensued with Brits in France.
Three people were featured.
1. An asian female wearing a Shalwar Kameez
2. A white male !!!!!!!!!!
3. A second asian female
From this do I conclude that few white Brits go overseas?
Or that the biased BBC stuffs in its multiculti agenda at every opportunity ?
I see that the beloved public sector, so loved by the BBC and its Far Left buddies, has gone and done it again showing its humanity, fairness, equality, and accountability. Or not.
‘Children in Nottingham care homes abused by predators’
Good job it wasn’t the private sector or there would really be an outcry. As it is, it will be swept under the carpet faster than you can say ‘Jeremy’
Only because Jeremy would be quicker to say than Rotherham.
Imagine that you are the sales director of a large company and you have an upcomming sales opportunity which will affect your business for decades to come, and if handled badly could even result in the demise of your company.
Your competetor has an ace – a man who has attended a top business school, has spent most of his career sucessfully closing business deals and is highly regarded by his peers.
You don’t have anyone, and you have to write a job specification in order to find someone who will win this deal for your company.
Because you aren’t actually prepared to pay anywhere close to the going rate for a top flight person no one suitably qualified applies, but you have an application from someone who has a geography degree, and no actual experience in business, or you have another application from a man who has a degree in ancient Greek and Latin literature, and worked as a journalist until he was sacked for falsifying quotations.
How well do you think your company would perform in these negotiations? How long do you think you would last as sales director after your CEO and shareholders found out what you had done?
UK’s 10 warmest years all occurred since 2002 By Matt McGrath
To me that shows PR trickery, in how you can cherrypick dates and terms
Even without extra CO2 the Earth would generally get warmer as it comes out of an ice age.
But I am not sure how a total UK temperature works (cos all you are doing is taking n average of temperature stations”
Mark Hodgson shows that by cherrypicking the other way
\\ I observe that 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2016 don’t make it into the list.
So the headline could read that “6 of the last 10 years weren’t among the UK’s 10 warmest years”.//
FFS I can’t leave the house cos of all this global warming falling from the sky.
Quite how the figures can be adjusted to exclude 1976 is a mystery only a trained and gifted climate statistician might explain. It may be a minor point but that year was certainly hotter in the UK than many of those since 2002 – out in the open countryside, that is, not at some meteorological station on an office block roof.
I can’t speak for the north, but drive almost anywhere in the south in this ‘record breaking’ year and you will see that tens of thousands of acres of crops have yet to be harvested. In 1976 the whole UK harvest was cut and stored by the end of July.
Too true Stew.
In the interest of balance (as none is obtainable elsewhere) here is Paul Holmewood’s take-down of the MO/BBC.
Interesting also the the MO fail to show THEIR OWN GRAPH displaying that the highest rainfall evah was in the 1870’s !
Shame we no longer have Chris Booker to take it up.
@Jazz : The Climate Alarmist PR guys work is all about cherrypicking
They have multiple locations to pick from
.. eg they can go on about heat in France, Italy, Cambridge etc.
and multiple vectors to pick from
So if it’s not hot anywhere they look to rain or win or storms
There is always a weird weather event going on somewhere in the world.
I was reading a report by a chap named Bullard, on the South African site “Politicsweb”, about his impressions of “Boris and Brexit” (30 July) after a visit to London.
I happened to see an earlier contribution by him, entitled “Operation White Hatred” (09 July), which makes for far more sobering reading. Not something you would ever find on the bbc…
“Memories of what happened in Germany in the 1930s send a strong signal that a scapegoated race is a doomed race,” he writes. He is talking about the exodus of Whites from South Africa. “Like the Jews, South African Whites will eventually be blamed for everything that goes wrong in the country”.
He details the increasing anti-white hysteria and blatant racism, while simultaneously corruption and decay are the order of the day.
ANC ‘cadres’ have taken over the running of the country at every level, with the possible exception of the Western Cape Province. They have run every publicly-owned corporation into the ground in the last 25 years since ‘eqality for all’ arrived in 1994. After that, merit, competence, qualification and ability no longer mattered when appointments to jobs were made.
I wondered whether the equality-obsessed elites in our own country shouldn’t perhaps read Bullards article? It seems that the great ‘non-racial rainbow nation’ concept, sold by Mandela and Co.before 1994, is long dead and buried?
They don’t need to read it because that is the plan.
There are a billion ‘new Europeans’ lined up to come from Africa in the next few decades. Ask the UN.
Jim- I fear you are right. I was reading in the German paper, “Compact-Online”, that the immediate figure is 20 million, “ready and packed”.
Now, there are various theories as to why “that is the plan”. I know Tony is reputed to have let in 2-3m in order to “give the Tories one in the eye”. Do you have any particular favourite?
“After that, merit, competence, qualification and ability no longer mattered when appointments to jobs were made.”
Not unique to SA, you’d think most people would feel insulted to be appointed as a result of ‘positive’ discrimination.
Oldspeaker – I suspect that if you’re an ANC ‘cadre’, and can now lay your hands on the goodies, you wouldn’t feel that insulted. You have a political justification for where you are. You are justified by Marxism-Leninism.
It is the ‘ordinary’ black guy ‘on the street’, who has been studying for years to get ahead, and would like to see a job, any job (if only he could get it), who might do…
Yes, I predict the rise of a savagery in the UK that the, ‘sheeple’ (a wonderful expression used by another contributor here – can’t remember who), cannot and will not even begin to contemplate occurring in the UK. If you’ve been grabbed forcibly and ushered to the front of a baying crowd anywhere in the Mid. East on ‘suq’ day – Friday – forced to observe a hand chopping event, you can expect anything not too long into the future of the UK.
Here, – BE WARNED, VERY GRAPHIC – coming to a town or city near you soon. (whether you like it or not, compliments of the UK Parliament. Not forgetting the UN also).
G – I will give your video a miss, but revel instead in my own little town, where 98% of the population is till “hideously white”, as Bbc’s G.Dyke would have put it. We reside in blissful ignorance.
Of course, when you switch on beeb (or any other MSM channel) you realise that the re-education process is in full swing! And that “some” have plans for us…
Aww! No watch video? Shame, you can see Sharia law being applied……………..
G- It’s that bit about the hands, you know. As yet, the law of the UK applies. (To be optimistic, which sentiment I learned from our own, dear BoJo…)
I watched it until the end and listened to the song.
My first reaction was that it should be shown in every school in this country, before taking the kids to the local mosque.
Second, it should be shown in every community hall or church in the country, where there is such widespread agreement that every culture is equal and should be entitled to equal respect. For these British folk are as bad as the loonies cutting the hands off.
Perhaps it deserves a showing on the big screen at Glastonbury.
Given recent news that many of the over 75’s who are to be targeted by bBC “Outreach operatives” in pursuit of the Licence Tax charge you have to consider what type of operative will the bBC use to “Outreach? and how many? And where they will come from?
e.g. A high %age of this over 75 population have serious medical conditions
Therefore, will the Outreachers be medically qualified to assist their target , perhaps with a nappy change prior to examining documentation and scanning the pension credit documents?
Indeed will they have access to specialist equipment to get some out of bed?
It is entirely possible, sadly, that many may have succumbed to old age to the extent that their welcome to the Outreach operative could include a welcome a best wishes for the New year..1942.
And have these overpaid, biased wretches at the bBC actually calculated the cost of these proposed collections……. and if so can they publish and reveal their business case before a single Outreach operative is hired.
See my contribution just above and the video. Let’s hope the BBC licensing start employing many muslims to persuade the over 75’s to buy a licence or……………….. Clear the local parks or sports pitches in readiness.
Did you know that the whole of the UK would fit into Africa over 120 times.
Net yearly immigration is over 250,000
It’s a good job we’re building and staffing 3 hospitals every year and building 100’s of 1,000’s of affordable homes together with all the infrastructure to go with them. Let’s cover the Lake District with council house estates.
And all the extra dams for the extra millions of litres every day.
If it takes 4 x workers to pay for 1 x pensioner then it takes 16 more workers to pay for their pensions and 64 for them and so on.
The wisdom of mass immigration to pay for our pensioners.
Can our ‘honourables’ understand this.
And everything else.
Actual incoming totals about 600,000 a year, if you count all of them on the ONS Website. About 100,000 leave. (Criteria is to be in the UK for a year ). since 1964, 18 Million people have come into the UK on that category. Surprisingly, some 13 Million have left.
As of 2016, 1/3 of the population is foreign born, increasing to 50% by 2040, By 2070, no person related to any British person from centuries ago will live here if you project the figures on a graph of the same curve.
If the incoming all are highly productive, educated workers, (68% never work: 95% do not have higher education: ONS figures), all will be bliss, apart from the overclouding, competition for housing and resources, or , as usually happens when invasion of this kind happens: social unrest. Thankfully the liberal elite can go live abroad in their protected enclaves so that is all right then.
Its no coincidence that he didn’t start coming out with this garbage until he met his current wife. And does he need to be reminded that in 2005 and two weeks before Holocaust Day, he dressed up as a Nazi ???
R4 Media show ..no Amol today
#1 A US ..”Netflix of Sport” website, which has poached many UK Sports writers
#2 “Also in the show, how the radio industry is making slow progress on solving its diversity problem with Vikki Cook, Ofcom’s Director of Content and Policy, and Nels Abbey, former media executive and author of Think Like A White Man.”
8pm R4 Moral Maze
topic : Love Island
Panel : Anne McElvoy, Giles Fraser, Mona Siddiqui and Tim Stanley.
AFAIK all metroliberals and only Giles is pro Brexit
Raheem Kassam facebook
· 1 hr · Looks like I was even more more right than I realised: London is LITERALLY turning into a sh*thole under Sadiq Khan.
Perhaps one of our BBC interviewers might ask Mayor Kahn just how is he making out with this problem.
The comments are worth reading. eg. Why does it say ‘May be’ arrested? Another says that London is where the dogs tread in human shit.
I blame the cockneys, drinking warm beer after a bowl of jellied eels…
Not featured on the BBC
not on its March page ‘Why I wear a hijab’
It’s not bias but …
Some friends have been lamenting the absence of resident troll maxicony in recent times . I’m pleased to tell you that maxi boy is running at goodwood on Thursday in the 2.25pm . Frankie D is on board and it’s 10/1 . This is not a tip .
But if you want tips -why not pay £5 a month to Fedup2s stone bonker tipster service …
DV replies to Yabs whining about Bannon
If you were wondering what Ofcom has actually been doing read this:
Apparantly the BBC doesn’t employ enough disabled Muslim Pakistani women.
Proof if any were needed of the Leftist complicity of the supposed oversight group monitoring ‘bias’ in the countries broadcaster. Much of this was enacted by the Tories Marxist leader Theresa May.