Well ten years ago I asked the question “How do you calibrate the carbon dioxide warming of a planetary atmosphere”. It was rare for a scientist to answer that question, but those who did said that you could only do so if you found a formula that worked for both Mars and Venus. I said “can you obtain results from an Atmospheric Chamber full of pure CO2”, “no” they said, “the real atmosphere doesn’t have six walls” so scientists assume that an increase in temperature of 0.76 Kelvin occurs after an increase in 100 parts per million of CO2, the next 100 ppm increase will produce an increase of less that 0.76 Kelvin. Even with the adjustments upward for eliminating the Pause/Hiatus for the Paris Conference, its still under one Kelvin. Anything over one Kelvin is a fiction produced by a computer model based on the above assumption.
So today I explain the simple formula that works for Venus and Mars that also calibrates CO2 warming on Earth. The Earths Grey body temperature is 154 Kelvin, and the Earths average surface temperature is 287 Kelvin. So we have 133 Kelvin for the Greenhouse effect. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is 400 parts per million or one part per 2,500. So 133 divided by 2,500 equals 0.0532 Kelvin for Carbon Dioxide warming. But only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.002128 Kelvin to Global Warming.
The 0.76 Kelvin increase was caused by the fact that between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds.
Excellent Richard, these words somewhat negate the duplicitous political global scaremongering. Maybe such an example as you have put forward should be shown to those uninformed rabble rousers seeking media fame. Does David Dimbleby know this? Or does he not want to hear it, as the embarassment in knowing his support of what he calls Climate change would be too awkward.
It’s a nice theory, but it only considers CO2 as greenhouse gas, and ignores all the others, which would make your Kelvin figure even lower!
One of the most potent greenhouse gases is water vapour aka ‘clouds’. You can demonstrate this to anyone in the difference between a clear open winters night, and a cloudy one. There are of course several other potent greenhouses gases such a methane having an effect on the system too.
It is highly doubtful that CO2 is in anyway a causing factor in climate change, it is a weak greenhouse gas, but it is also a heavy gas which would struggle to remain effective at high altitude.
The theory is based on air pressure not forcing, so does not ignore all the others, that’s why it works on Venus and Mars. That means that Nitrogen (78×14=1092) + Oxygen (21×16=336) = 132 Kelvin.
So Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 101 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 31 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.288 percent of the atmosphere by mass, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.25 percent of the atmosphere by mass. But if the water vapour produces Clouds, changing the Bond Albedo, then that is what causes Climate Change.
At the extremes, deep absorption lines are associated with cool Stars, so absorption lines are associated with heat that is not there, but then I think it would be to small and uniform for all Planetary Atmospheres to be detected, so does not effect this new theory.
And of course Lord Monckton and the Heartland Institute are still around and telling the truth to anyone who cares to listen. I doubt the far-left bbc collective will be interested in what is said at these gatherings:
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has eighteen climate science Professors on its Academic Advisory Council who are barred from appearing on the BBC due to a “false balance” between MIT Atmospheric Physicist, Professor Richard Lindzen, and Greta Thunberg, who is not banned because she was inspired to panic after watching Al Gore’s films. She not Richard Lindzen is therefore in line to receive the Nobel Peace prize. And sadly, that is not a joke.
Utterly incomprehensible, and seemingly confirms the way this mixed up world operates. What on earth are they thinking in giving a teenager a nobel prize? Well of course it adds ammunition to the excited rabble that follow anything no matter their understanding.
“….the mirage of BBC impartiality.”
Is that when they go overboard in reporting the “9th Weekend” of rioting in Hong Kong yet don’t remind us how many months the Yellow Vest’s have been similarly objecting to Macron in France? A mere 343 miles (as the crow….) compared to > 6000 miles in the case of Hong Kong.
What could the difference be, I wonder…………………
G – not to mention the SA army having had to be brought into Cape Town to try and keep rival drug gangs from murdering one another and everyone else!
I can remember a time when this would have been big news for UK MSM, with immediate resolutions at the UN etc. But of course it would have been part of the ‘oppression’ thingee. Now that the ‘right’ people are in charge, it don’t matter a bit.
I couldn’t decide whether to use the Lear jet or the super yacht to get to Sicily so I used the jet to get there and the yacht to get back to my flop in Monaco ……
If I was being cynical, I would say promoting end of the world scenarios can be a very comfortable way to make a living.
Once upon a time the ‘existential threat’ that kept the concerned up at night and dropping their coins in the collection box was God, then it was the Russkies and their atom bombs, and now it’s the new devil, global warming.
We say the BBC is constantly agenda pushing
I see they admit it
” the programme’s *agenda-setting* impact.”
..that’s Newsnight’s editor Esmé Wren quoted on the Emm Barnett wiki page
(we looks like its been sanitised by a PR agency) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Barnett
Surely BBC TV will cover the Super Cup final between Liverpool-Chelsea as all the officials will be WOMEN!! Led by referee
HANIE PEST RAPPFART. Come on the numero uno TV channel for
gender equality, even if 75% of the News presenters, political
presenters and reporters are women. You have to show this
match live , even if the footballers are men.
PS- I have anagram disease.
Listeners desert Zoe Ball’s flagship breakfast show on BBC
BBC’s drop in feminal mascot: Zoe Ball’s Radio 2 Breakfast Show has lost more than 750,000 listeners over the past three months, new research shows. It was dropping even before Evans* left. ’The drop in the second quarter of the year marks the programme’s lowest audience listening figure in nearly 10 years. Ball took over from previous host Chris Evans in January and initially managed to maintain a steady listenership until March. She had an average weekly audience of 9.05 million, almost unchanged from the 9.07 million for Evans’s final three months’. Virgin radio* Meanwhile, Evans – who left Radio 2 to host a new breakfast show on Virgin – has slightly grown his audience over the past three months, the latest research shows. He is up from 1.05 million weekly listeners to 1.11 million on the commercial network. Scala Radio, the new classical station which signed Simon Mayo from the BBC, had an average weekly audience of 258,000 for its first full quarter on air. Classic FM has a weekly audience of 5.6 million, (while BBC Radio 3 has a weekly audience of 2.03 million and falling), according to the latest figures https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/zoe-ballss-radio-2-breakfast-show-loses-750000-listeners-bringing-audience-figure-to-lowest-level-in-a4202941.html
I may ask who are these people still listening to any BBC radio, are they all under 5’s and over 65’s? If I hear the BBC (at all) its the ‘OFF button’ PDQ. According to BBC audience research‘…in most cases the BBC achieved large audiences (20% and more) only where the choice of local services was limited to 5 or fewer stations. As choice grows, BBC audiences fall.’ That explains BBC resistance to subscription services. It will end up like ‘The Guardian’ and it knows it. i.e. poverty, austerity, having to eat with the lower orders, not having the best of everything, because, you know ‘we’re worth it’.
Ergo; Competition is bad for the BBC, no wonder the BBC hate any outside competition and try to copy it as fast as they can (and still plead poverty i.e. over 75’s must pay) . They get £3.8 billion + (£1.8 royalties are taxed privately) but the rest unlike any other broadcaster it’s all 100% TAX FREE (no tax on TV license income stream, and no VAT to pay either!). he BBC (unlike other broadcasters) PAY’S NO CORPORATION TAX either! Never has done. Not a penny.
In the heart of our stone-walled home only one signal penetrates. So when decorating all I could get was R2.
When her show was on it was preferable to brush lime render off bare skin with a file to listening to 55 minutes of a middle aged woman gibbering about how woke she is, interrupted by two songs.
The real racists are the Seals. Seals are more likely to discriminate against Black Bears and Brown Bears than White Bears. This causes White Bears in the Polar regions to be better fed than Black Bears and Brown Bears. Culling Seals can stamp out this form of Racism.
BBC Licence fee payers didn’t know what they were paying for !
The uncertainty of BBC schedules over the coming months have proved that viewers and listeners have no absolute certainty what will be broadcast on Thursday next year at three in the morning .
Previously people thought they were getting an impartial broadcaster as promised on a side of a telly tax van , but a BBC spokesperson of indeterminate sex said that their vans have never been emblazoned saying they would be impartial.
Although some university professors , lecturers and vice chancellors knew they were getting value for money as they shilled for the BBC and vice versa, ordinary people need to be threatened to part with their cash .
As a result of the publics disatisfaction with its services , the BBC has promised to employ more BAME groups , LGBT, disabled and broadcast more inflammatory information and dredge up more plays about a black women living in Hereford in the 60s . That should shut us up , the BBC thinks.
A normal person was unavailable for comment, on any BBC station.
Next year most BBC programs will be presented by a black/woman/gay talking to a black/woman/gay about what its like to be a black/woman/gay on an all black/woman/gay shortlist for an all black/woman/gay organisation like the BBC.
You forgot the “three person relationships” which are gradually creeping into the TV Adds.
I suggest that legal polyamourous marriages will be common in the UK very soon because we see hints of those kind of relationships in the many TV adds depicting “two women and one male” scenario.
Don’t agree!
Check out this polyanorous threesome who are pervertedly using their own sisters to have their own children!?
Note: Try noticing the TV Adds with two females and one male in the plot. Just now they are few in number but I’ve noticed an increase. Its like the reverse of how the “remainers” work with their fear factor only these adds are sending out “a good factor” message.
Little by little the viewers resistance is weakening and will eventually be such a common sight that like gay marriage people will accept it as normal.
In essence, the liberal establishment will promote any arrangement other than adult male + adult female, on the basis that the destruction of the traditional/natural family is one of their priorities. Of course, some communities already have a system whereby one man can have four wives. Don’t be surprised to see a change in the law to explicitly allow this in UK (already a blind eye is turned, and welfare payments are made to additional wives and offspring).
Next year most BBC programs will be presented by a black/woman/gay talking to a black/woman/gay about what its like to be a black/woman/gay on an all black/woman/gay shortlist for an all black/woman/gay organisation like the BBC and bemoaning that blacks/women/gays are never seen on television or in the movies or in advertising or anywhere at all as though they don’t even exist and they will be joined by other blacks/women/gays to confirm that this is indeed the case.
It’s worrying what’s going on in the world that you just don’t see the press talking about. I Almost expect that if an asteroid was going to hit the planet and kill us all, they’d set aside the bulk of the time to discuss the gender and implied race of whatever name the bringer of doom was given.
They totally missed the last earth-bound asteroid last week – it just appeared out of nowhere, and sailed past at a distance of about 49,000 miles. The next one might be more accurate…
…I can’t say that I’d be unhappy about that.
And we now go over live to Mishal, at the Advertising Industry Awards show.
Thank you Ritala! We are just in time to see the winner of ‘Retail Advertiser of the Year’ award. And the winner is… (useless wait for no real reason, except to pretend to create suspense)… Tescwat & Spenlewis!
Unfortunately Tecwat & Spenlewis are now in administration so here is Khwami from HousePricewater to collect the award that controversially is being nicknamed the ‘Sambo’. And now, back to the studio. Ritala!
Thank you, Mishal! And now, the weather with Satnam.
‘ The weather in Islamabad is hot and sunny with a high of 36 . In Somalia there are likely to be thunder storms this afternoon, while further west in Jibuti strong winds are likely , approaching gale force this evening. The weather in the UK , for those of you interested, will be damp due entirely to climate change. Back to the studio and Mishal.
My next interview is with the Grand Mufftii of Londonistan who has recently launched an appeal , sponsored by the Great Kahn of London , to convert unused buildings , such as the large one at the top of Ludgate Hill, you know the one with a dome on top, into something useful to the community such as a Mosque . Why , Grand Muffti , do you think that the cost really ought to be borne by non believers? Well Mishal the Kuffirs have paid for everything else , why not this?
I supported Brexit because I wanted Britain to be a free and independent country, where we made our own laws subject to our own courts, and where we could decide on our own form of government.
I now realise that this might mean a few rich kids would not be able to go skiing in their gap years. In the face of this appalling human tragedy, I hereby revoke my support for Brexit and demand a people’s vote now!
If Boris sticks to his No Deal is better than May’s WA, a big if, we can expect the BBC to switch themes on the Irish issue. Already the Irish are beginning to realise what has been obvious all along , No Deal will be economically catastrophic for them. This ought to have been a powerful negotiating strength for the UK side and the fact that it wasn’t used , in fact it was turned into a weakness with concessions made by the Brits on the back stop, is proof to me that there never was a real negotiation. The UK team was in cahoots with the EU from day one and the NI border problem was dreamt up as part of Project Fear .
The BBC and Remainer media will now start portraying the impact of No Deal on the Republic as evidence of British arrogance and aggression, the Southern Irish will be portrayed as victims . This will then be cited as reasons why violence is bound to follow ie it will be entirely due to Leavers and their arrogance at wanting to go it alone, and who have no regard for the consequences of their actions on the poor Irish.
Of course the reasons why violence may follow is that the Remainers themselves and the EU and the stupid Irish President have legitimised it . It is clear that Remainers and the EU are willing to sacrifice the employment of millions of people in Europe and the UK and even the lives of people in NI in order to keep the regime in Brussels in being. If blood is spilt it will be entirely on their hands.
What I expect to happen on the Irish border in the event of “No Deal” is what I expected to happen all along: nothing.
We are not going to build any sort of border infrastructure, and neither are the Irish. The EU may huff and puff, but it simply will not happen.
Trade will continue, because it is in the interests of both parties. I do not think the Irish will deliberately destroy their economy, but if that is what Varadkar wants, that’s his problem.
In due course, sensible trusted trader and mutual recognition systems will be agreed.
Neither the UK nor the Republic is in the Schengen area, and the Republic already checks people and goods coming in on ferries from the rest of the EU. They also check for Irish people violating their duty laws in the border area, where it is rife.
Nothing needs to change unless the EU wishes to force Ireland to build a hard border, in which case Ireland would be well advised to follow us out and regain their independence.
The new government has adopted a policy of reminding people we are leaving the ReichEU on 31 October . The May traitors didn’t mention dates .
It has been announced that more tax money is being sent to local authorities to prepare for brexit . Humph tried to pin down a government head to explain what it’s for . He didn’t get very far – obviously councils with ports might need help if the French enemy government play rough .
But listening I had a mental image of so many councils run by snowflakes having ‘ good by EI parties and firework displays’ as they cry into their cursed ReichEU flags …..
For all those of you suffering with that malignant disease known as Todayitis, can I suggest Classic FM?
Until a few months ago I was a fellow sufferer. Each morning would begin with a long and irritating lecture about PC issues.
I discovered I was a racist, a sexist and a homophobe. What a swine!
I was bad tempered, had high blood pressure and was swearing at the radio. And all before my first cup of PG Tips!
Not any more…
This morning I awoke to Alan Titchmarsh playing Vaughan Williams. Could anything be more pleasant for an Englishman on a summer’s morning? I’ve not been made to feel guilty about being white, male and straight and I’ve actually got a smile on my wizened old chops.
I’ve not been lectured about my CO2 emissions. No one has berated me about Brexit. And I’ve not been fretting about my latent transphobia, Islamophobia or any other contrived bleedin’ phobia. Blisss…
We have enjoyed the sublime music of Brahms, Borodin and Chopin.
And these days it’s the only sort of BBC I listen to…
Jeff, I followed that idea some years ago. Whilst it was a relief to escape “Today” and all the other BBC rubbish, on weekdays Classic FM isn’t much better, especially in the mornings on weekdays, where it ceases to be a classical station, but irritatingly more of a kid’s programme.
Yes, the music is good, but after a while a bit repetitive, but it’s the patronisingly childish presenters that annoy me, particularly the first two in the mornings. I am fed up too, with the “news” every twenty minutes, and the overhyped Moira Stewart “reading” it (which she doesn’t do that well). Coupled with the stupid ads, and the BBC-flavoured “news” from Global, it is becoming a bit of a turn off, now.
One or two presenters I rather like, such as Alan Titchmarsh, John Brunning, and David Mellor who are knowledgeable and humorous, without being over the top. Most of the ladies are good, too.
Just my tuppenceworth…
If you want pure classics, without all the ancillary crap, and don’t mind a foreign language, there’s always:
OG, yes I agree there’s certainly no need to get the news every 20 minutes. And Moira’s inane, sub Radio 2 “banter” with her co-presenter is excruciating. They remind me of the parody DJs that Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse used to amuse us with; Smashy and Nicey, wasn’t it?
Mid you, having said all that…
It’s still preferable to Radio 4!
I have to disagree somewhat sorry Jeff. Globals Radio are no different to the rest of the media for me….that includes LBC/TalkRadio (part of the same group with the same advertisers and BIAS) etc…they are ALL being fed with the same agenda…especially on the NEWS broadcasts….you wont find anything different on Classic FM from my experience and the same old Climate Change/Homophobia/Racism is there to hear……Personally I can listen to Borodin Chopin etc on You Tube without interuptions and adverts etc….the days of TV and Radio are dying for me personally…we actually dont need them anymore
“We’ had an absolute deluge of information from the BBC, all of it condemning Brexit as foolish, unwise and harmful to economic health. The BBC is thoroughly in the Remain camp.”
“I want criminals to feel terror,” the BBC headline reports Priti Patel as saying. Rather than trying to present her as the kind of law and order hardliner they dislike, what they should really be doing is pointing out that she is just another squeamish, hypocritical, political humbug. She now says she has never been a supporter of the death penalty. But her comments on Question Time a few years back were quite explicit.
Criminals are not going to feel terror at the thought of this Home Secretary. How do we get it into the head of some knife-carrying thug in London that murder is a very serious crime that they should not commit? It is to fill them with real terror at the thought of the punishment. In fact, the severity of the punishment is the only way of knowing how seriously a society takes a crime; even, for most people, how serious it is from a moral point of view. If you reduce the severity of the punishment, the perception of its moral status in the public mind changes and you reduce the heinousness of the crime. If murder carries the death penalty, everyone gets the clear and fearful message that it is the most terrible of crimes. If the worst that might happen to you is that you will spend 11 years in jail, your perspective is quite different.
“I want criminals to feel terror,” No, no, she doesn’t mean ‘real’ criminals like muslim rapists, just the Hate Speech sort who, once it is alleged that they have committed the heinous crime of thinking that so-called Free Speech is fit and well and kicking in the UK, they will be castrated. Or perhaps even subject to Priti’s ‘Death Penalty’.
Utter tripe !!!. Bigot’s tweet is bang on, show us the family finances so we can make our own mind up !!! No doubt have full Sky TV package etc etc but that won’t suit the BBC sob story.
Show me their parents show me where they live show me the family income and how it’s spent give us the whole storey .
— ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????✌️????????☠️ (@nareteVymrA) August 3, 2019
A family that cannot make porridge or a glass of milk?
Look North for my region last night had an item about school uniforms and how second hand ones were being collected to give to children whose parents couldn’t afford to buy them. Admirable for children to wear hand-me-downs if not worn out, to save world resources – but has the BBC seen the price of uniforms in the likes of ASDA? If the children were not wearing uniforms it would be difficult to find cheaper clothes for them to wear.
What, this Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield?: “In 2015, shortly after starting her new role as children’s Commissioner, Longfield was criticised for removing her Deputy, Sue Berelowitz, with an enhanced severance package, and then immediately hiring her back as a consultant. It transpired that this had taken place without securing the required approval from government ministers and was therefore an abuse of her powers. The arrangement was subsequently cancelled as a result of media attention and the organisation ordered to repay to HM Treasury £10,000 of misused public funds.”
And here’s some information on the delightful lady who benefited from the largesse: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11645002/Child-safety-chief-stripped-of-lucrative-consultancy-contract.html
The amounts of money involved would certainly help feed a few hungry kids.
Do we enjoy watching steam trains?
Do we fondly remember them from our youth?
Would we like to continue to see them on the railways?
If yes to any, or all, then you can be sure that the leftie killjoys will move heaven and earth to forbid them to run, and us to see them, using some fraudulent climate alarmism to justify themselves.
Ah! yes. To all three, alongwith Trevor Duncan’s ‘March’ (No.3 of a Little Suite). Reminded me – I tracked it down and I’m playing it right now.
Absolutely wonderful!
JohnUK, I have an idea. Let’s have a drama in which James Watt and George Stephenson are played by black actors. Then once steam trains are generally perceived as one of the great achievements of African civilisation, there will be no appetite to destroy this particular part of the heritage industry.
A small but welcome accidental moment of sanity on Toady this morning.
A lady Professor of Hydrology was being interviewed about the Whaley Bridge dam problems.
Humph was trying to muscle in the global warming climate change agenda and how do we prevent dams bursting.
The lady mentioned climate change but only in passing.
What she went on to say with conviction was the importance of planning housing. Too much housing and concreting over and therefore not enough natural ground drainage. Of course we all know why we need so many houses (especially as the birthrate is at a historic low).
Distinctly off-message, I doubt we will be hearing her again on the bBBC any time soon.
Infrastructure age offers awesome opportunity to the relentless media propagandist.
From Roman to Victorian eras, we are blessed with magnificent structures who have performed well, but time, erosion and fatigue must take their toll on design parameters, especially bridges not intended for multi axle artics, powered by diesel or hydrogen.
America is a rich seam, given modern building specifications. The MSM howls on disasters seldom look at who commissioned what on what basis, and maintenance, repair and decommissioning oversight subsequently.
I think it was Italy where soil scientists were jailed following a slippage that sent a tidal wave over a dam. The dam Engineers got an award; it held.
New definition of “far right”
..an organisation that ONCE interviews Steve Bannon, + occasionally has Guido as one of the newspaper reviewers
I see a few of these surreal-world tweets .
How can they be pushing this totally untrue picture of the world ? Lying for PR purposes ? or just truly deluded ?
Not one of the people in the conversation is a Liberal MEP
(who has just complained that Whaley BridgeDam led the news instead of the yet uncounted by-election)
Stew – ‘Free speech’ for them is only open to the Left, who are on virtually all the time, anyway.
Bring on Bannon and understandably, you need to call for the smelling salts.
Congrats to the BBC, must have taken huge courage.
Oh there is a letter writing campaign against Bannon
#FamousLeftyTolerance …#SocialistJustice
one has to ask why they are so triggered ?
Cos he got Trump elected and started the swamp draining I guess.
my typo : NotE one of the people in the conversation is a Liberal MEP
Thank you so much Julie. Given you went from a state school in Leicester to Cambridge, and thence the giddy heights of today, perhaps you should have been making this @HixClare film rather than me! So this means so much coming from you. https://t.co/Xz9VfoRG5D
Bloody hilarious
Julie clearly doesn’t watch the BBC or any other MSM or see any adverts created in the media industry – ah but she went to Cambridge… that explains it….
I note that the UK contributes 1% of global emissions.
I also note that pollutants from cars are down by over 50% in the last ten years.
In other words we do not in this country have a climate emergency or any kind of crisis, the like of which the BBC seem to ram down our throats at every opportunity.
So the ‘climate emergency’ which the Far Left and their gullible studenty anarchists on Summer vacation want us to declare just goes in the same bucket as all the other tripe policies which in reality are devised by the Far Left to destroy western society and the free market economy.
Mass immigration is another. Islamophilia is another. Nationalisation and the power of the central state is another. ‘Fair taxes’ is another. The unending, indeed intensifying, war on the private motorist is another.
The BBC of course are, you will have noticed, apologists and cheerleaders for all of them
8am local radio news on the dam , brings on UCL’s Prof Tim Boyd to talk about “The Changing Global Climate”
“Over the last 10-15 years weather events are becoming more extreme potentially taking structures like the dam at Todbrook beyond its design limit”
(he’s talking tosh of course)
..They dropped that from later news as Joe Longthorne died and they wanted to mention his husband
They are just coming up to BBC Broadcasting House now
feed just gone off
Danny has got his phone stuck on portrait ..like what happens when you accidentally brush the setting
..screen off now
As ever RT’s Ruptly stream is holding up well
Shows peaceful TR crowd right outside Broadcasting House
They just switched camera to down the street where police are pinning back larging Antifa crowd
Antifa black masks in evidence
If you were police you have a much much easier job with the TR crowd
Based Amy is at Oxford Circus has has police near her and can see TR supporters way down the street at Broadcasting House
Her camera is also stuck on portrait.
It’s high time so called Antifa were proscribed as a terrorist organisation, rounded up and arrested. How on Earth can you have counter protests against protesting for free speech!
I don’t expect the police will ever do anything other than push the TR supporters around.
The BBC are circling the wagons with their favourite four Left Wing guests invited to speak without interruption from the host.
1. Polly Toynbee of The Guardian, the BBC’s sister paper.
2. Henry Chu of Variety Magazine. Regular guest and anti Borris, anti Brexit and anti Trump.
3. Maria Margaronis who is a Trustee of of ‘Women for Refugee Women’. She also writes documentaries for the BBC.
4. Agnes Poirier of Marianne publication. She’s French and anti Boris, anti Brexit and anti Trump judging by her Twitter posts.
An impartial mixed group? Of course not. I’ll now provide you with a few quotes taken in the first ten minutes and you can make up your minds.
1. Pollly Toynbee: “Most extraordinary opening week of any PM in living history. Johnson is looking bruised in his first week. Disasters have struck him from every direction. The pound fell, Bank of England predicted recession and he’s boxed himself into a No Deal. He lost the by election due to The Brexit Party. Is he going to make a pact? He’s in trouble.”
(No interruptions or comment from the host)
2. Henry Chu. “Johnson has campaigned throughout the UK and ignored Europe. He’s promising money as if on an election campaign.”
3. Maria Margaronis. “We must avoid a cliff!” (Brexit).
4. Agnes Poirier. “Johnson has no intention of going to Europe. He’s been invited by Merkel and Macron. He wants to kick off The Brexit Party with an early election. He’s a poseur with a majority of one.”
Never any interruption or comment from the tame host. He may as well have not been there.
The last twenty minutes would have been more of the same. I made my excuses and switched off.
you did well listening to their ‘introductions’……..
I switched off almost immediately…… to listen to the Test Match…which was another mistake….screeching female commentator and an Aussie commentator to provide ‘balance’?….
Indeed, Harry. I went far beyond the call of duty. Fully agree with TMS comments. Ruined. But I refuse to pay for the Sky High fee again. Our BBC should be broadcasting Test Cricket.
It’s a disgrace that the blasted bbbc drains the pockets of pensioners to pay for thei boring stuck-record ldbgtshdut756??0 stuff, and deprive the real, often elderly people who just loved to watch Test Match Special, with real commentary on a well-loved game.
The Ashes series has always been one of the highlights of the cricket calendar, and while I cannot understand why they have the girls commenting, I do know several ladies who love listening to, and watching men’s cricket, so I’ll let that one pass… (Don’t know any men who watch girl’s cricket though)…
But to lose out to Sky, presumably to pay for their ridiculous – even scandalous – waste of tax-payer’s money just makes me furious!
The blasted shower of incompetent, disinterested faces in W1A need to be beaten heavily into understanding who actually pays their wages. (they’re not salaries, they pay for twonks like linekar through his various companies).
I really miss seeing test cricket, the bbbc faceless wonders are a total shower of useless stewards of the bar, and I hate the bloudy lot of them.
I saw a bit of the later part.
Henry Chu went on about Britain’s “Blitz Spirit,” well according to him we’re facing a new blitz (Brexit), and we voted for this blitz!
Toynbee droned on about the Tories wanting only England, one of the other two females derided them (especially JR-M) for being Old Etonians. . . that was as much as I could take.
As you say, all this went totally un-moderated by the host, Shaun Ley. Funnily enough though, in a report a little later about the 10-yearly appearance of millions of Painted Lady butterflies, Ley couldn’t stop himself from prattling all over the invited expert with inanities like, “My mother warned me about painted ladies, perhaps not the same kind!”
The BBC, not just biased but utterly crap.
Further musings on my earlier Whaley Bridge dam post.
For mass immigration, we are constantly told by LeftMob how beneficial it is to the country and the economy.
What they conveniently ignore of course is the cost of infrastructure needed. One family can be accommodated in the existing infrastructure. One hundred thousand per annum cannot. They need the infrastructure for a city like Coventry. Hospitals, schools, roads (which of course are never built in case an extra car might use them), houses etc all need to be built. The urgency and cost of all this is swept under the carpet by the multiculti Far Left fanatics.
Compare with the emerging approach to respond to the the ‘global warming climate emergency’. Just take Emma Barnett on Newsnight a couple of days back. For this the Far Left are less reticent. We now are being propagandised that we now practically need to rebuild every structure in the country, irrespective of cost, on the off chance that it might rain a lot in a particular vicinity.
The contrast and hypocrisy in these two situations could not be more stark. And the BBC of course are making sure it stays that way.
But who cares about hypocrisy when there is a western market economic system for the Far Left to overthrow?
“The contrast and hypocrisy in these two situations could not be more stark. And the BBC of course are making sure it stays that way.”
UK? Just slipping the lunatic way of the US Democrats at present. Not too far behind. I’m beginning to think this is some kind of psychological affliction affecting millions that has not been recognised by the medical profession yet.
So Today – the BBC – is supporting rape at Universities ? I thought they only supported taking down historic statues , refusing funding from people they don’t like and dodgy double voting by snowflakes in at least 2 constituencies as well as banning speakers who don’t accord with the BBC version of the world .
The BBC gave unhindered prominence a few days ago to a female schoolchild who has swallowed the climate emergency guff. She asserted in all seriousness that the oceans would have no water in them by 2050 !!!!!!
Old enough to make crass assertions but not so old as to be challenged by the BBC ‘reporter’.
Needless to say the Le Chatelier Principle is well beyond both of them.
“She asserted in all seriousness that the oceans would have no water in them by 2050”
Sluff – don’t be so cynical. Let’s wait until ten to nine tonight and see if all the water has gone by then, like she says.
Just found an unbiased BBC News Report
“Large clouds of painted lady butterflies are being spotted across the UK and Ireland – and experts believe we are seeing a mass emergence that happens every 10 years.
Weather conditions and food sources are providing ideal conditions for the species to thrive.” – Apparently despite Climate Change OR Brexit!
I’ve just asked the experts at Google.com 2 questions
1 How old is the planet Earth? Answer. 4.5 billion years.
2 How long have official weather conditions been recorded?
Answer. Under 200 years.
Extrapolate what you will from that.
The BBC is running what is in effect a free, full-page advertisement for the Chichester Theatre on its website. Why so, you may ask? Because the theatre is running a play called ‘8 Hotels’, which is about Paul Robeson, an ‘African-American’ actor and singer of the 1930/1940/1950s who also happened to hold radical left-wing views. Apparently he said “that, when he went to the Soviet Union, it was the first time he felt like a full human being” (presumably the millions who were languishing in the camps or starving to death in Ukraine, Byelorussia and Kazan felt somewhat differently). Okay, that’s the sort of thing that excites the BBC. But is there anything else, maybe something they’ve forgotten to mention? Funny you should ask: the play’s director is Richard Eyre, former director of the National Theatre. He also served two terms on the BBC’s Board of Governors (1995 & 2000), worked as a director and producer on the BBC’s Play for Today from 1978 to 1980 and has directed numerous plays and films for the BBC including Tumbledown (1988), The Dresser (2015) and King Lear (2018). Undoubtedly a fine director; one just wonders why the BBC are so coy about declaring the connection? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-49176524
As most astute builders know, there is a ‘carbon cost’ to be attributed to every new building being developed in the UK. The place is currently costed on how much energy they’re saving with limited air/con, shading etc.
The awful W1A building costs the usual market rent, but the actual building cost to supply and construct the panels, the infrastructure etc, mainly bought from China and elsewhere, will take decades to wipe out.
The People’s Palace in W1A is one of the most expensive buildings ever built, so while they squawk about ‘globule worming’, they can start to worry a bit more about the countries from where their plastics, shiny surfaces, gilt bog-handles etc., actually come from.
Of course, all this information comes from ‘sources’, so it’ll take a load of their ‘consultants’ to confer and prove me wrong. Scrobs never divulges the names of his sources, rather like the bbbc hacks don’t.
I thought it was April Fools, when I read that an Indian born woman had been crowned Miss England. Whether she’s a doctor, speaks 105 languages, and is even Superwoman on her day off, we’ve now reached the point where being English (as we know it) no longer means having an English name.
I wonder if an English born Betty Miller who migrated to Delhi with her parents would stand the same chance of being crowned Miss India.
£102m Holocaust centre to be built next to parliament
OK respect the Holocaust but this looks like a Political front.
..stop sploshing UK cash in London.
but on the BBC Website iPlayer you can watch highlights of the EUROPEAN MIXED TAG RUGBY tournament from sunny Maidenhead…
YES thats right…….. THE EUROPEAN MIXED TAG RUGBY TOURNAMENT…….but there are NO PRIZES for winning or coming second…everyone is a winner at the TAG RUGBY.And ‘touching’ a female player isnt regarded as sexual assault……
The Commentator is MALE…but not sure if he is black or gay…sorry.(Unlike the world famous entertainer and multi million album selling Joe Longthorne who was Gay so is headlines on the BBC………)
“I hope that Mike Leigh’s Peterloo will garner as many awards as his previous films, but for the right reasons. Weaponising history is perilous enough; but weaponising fake history is downright dangerous.”
I note also:
“Yet Marxist historians such as the late Christopher Hill and Eric Hobsbawm were always at pains to place Peterloo at the centre of the story of “democracy and suffrage”. Why? As I explain, Das Kapital’s historical examples (it is first and foremost a work of economic and social history) argue that change cannot come without violence. Violence against protesters, therefore, is always perversely welcome, providing justification for violence in return against the state.”
He’s right and its only a matter of time……………
Takeaway boss drove from Plymouth to Truro to break jaw of ex-employee, court told – Cornwall Live
24 Jul 2019 · Abul Azad and two accomplices are alleged to have broke the jaw of Abdul Basit at Ganges
… What was the sentence ?
The judge said ‘ I shocked that your trial has been delayed for 3 years, so I am not going to jail you guys’
Abul Azad, 49, Shahedul Bhuyia, 53, and Abul Hannan, 41, were convicted of causing grievous bodily harm to Azad’s former employee Abdul Basit in December 2016.
Its a rarity, but sometimes BBC2 does come up with some gems amongst the dross. Last night saw the start of a drama Fosse/Verden , about the relationship of dancer/choreographer Bob Fosse and his wife Gwen Verden.
To the uninitiated Fosse was behind the dancing on Sweet Charity / Cabaret / All that Jazz, and is ranked amongst the great dance choreographers alongside Busby Berkely, Michael Kidd and Hermes Pan in their Hollywood hey day.
Tonight BBC4 concentrates on the career of his dancer wife Gwen Verden, who coached Shirley McLaine and others in dancing roles.
These are the kind of wimps that the British Police Service roll-out every passing out parade. Fearless.
The uniforms may be the same but the effeminates in them these days are nothing but “posers”. In fact I wouldn’t mind betting most of those coppers put this video up on their face book account to show their family/friends how brave they really are against yobs n thugs – of course, after a bit of tinkering with the bits of the video that shows them running away like 10 yr old girls.
What do you expect if you employ librarians and social workers.
Here’s hoping this video doesn’t cross the pond to be watched by “real” police men and women.
The yanks still think our police force is modeled on the Commandos/SBP/Desert rats/SOE ….if they saw this their idea of John Peel would be well and truly destroyed. Anyway, here’s hoping.
One of the sad things about that photo is that you can bet your last cent that at least 3 in that photo are suffering from depression. Even suicidal at times.
So don’t give me the line that they are happy and liberated.
“If you know somethings wrong then you can never be happy” anon.
I followed a live feed but it didn’t have the violence in your clip.
I watched some fiery speeches and I was especially impressed by the brave ‘grooming’ victim, speakers who said that they will not be silenced and the guy who repeated, “Soubry is a Nazi” and got the crowd to follow him.
But then it seemed to fizzle out and people started walking for miles through the streets.
I suppose part of the reason is that Tommy is being held in much better conditions now, he will be out fairly soon and is appealing.
It was very violent as tthis video indicates. Basically, as I learnt from a conversation with an eye witnesses, and watching this video, the cops brought Antifa and TR’s supporters together , rather than keep them apart in separate streets. It was said in this video that the police wanted this for the violent photographs of a confrontation.
If the UK Government had any respect for justice and proper policing this shambles would be investigated. But I doubt it.
@GWF Libmob would like to have a simple narrative in the press that “violence is the characteristic of a Tommy march
..and that it is white man violence.”
BUT that is just not true
As the Ruptly 2 hours show It would be wrong to say that in 3 hours each of 10,000 TR supporters were in a violent situation.
Rather a few people for a few minutes were.
So I think saying “It was VERY VIOLENT as this video indicates.” is wrong
We really shouldn’t say things like that
We should resist the temptation to sum up full colour complex situations in such naive black and white terms .
And we shouldn’t say that it’s thug police against TR supporters, when actually most police have a good rapour and maybe sympathy. It’s rogue commanders and some rogue officers that may be a problem.
A TR march is characterised by general peacefulness and diversity, in that there are quite a lot of women, quite a lot of older people a scattering of people of trouble
and that most people act peacefully and that the stewards and the crowd quickly control someone who isn’t .
Whereas the Antifa crowd are something else.
– Neither should police be summarised as “thugs”
: The beat police know the TR people aren’t trouble and generally have a good relationship.
I like TrueToo watched a lot of live streaming as I have done before.
Before I switched-off at 1:30pm I saw no police violence
Although based Amy was predicting some and unhelpfully losing her temper with police and unhelpfully calling them thugs.
– That first video : It opens with TR supporters a few bravado boys kicking at the front
But observe that the police are behind a steel barrier and that a Tommy steward keeps pushing the lads back from it .
Most of the rest of the video shows Antifa and many of them are riled up for violence ..see the face masks..
The video of police getting Danny
Yes I uppped the resolution, put the speed at 25% and opened full screen.
The action is started at 2m42 and the key section is at 2m56
..and it is as Danny describes ..no aggression from him , constant hands up etc.
But is as there is a section of ROGUE OFFICERS out to get him
as they push down pull him up push him down again
If there was no livestreaming I guess they would have beat him up.
To understand a big situation : You cannot rely on words of a few eywitnesses cos being in the tress they cannot see the trees like people watching a livestream can. People are inclined to pick the witnesses who is the most dramatic .
For full understanding we need both kinds of view.
oops my Freudian slip
for some reason I wrote “people of trouble” when I meant “people of colour”
“A TR march is characterised by general peacefulness and diversity, in that there are quite a lot of women, quite a lot of older people a scattering of people of colour”
Monkey Brains3 August 2019 at 11:52
OK, is the BBC Reality Check department an unbiased and impartial service that covers disputed statement across the political spectrum?
Let’s look at the last ten tweets on their twitter feed referencing various “Reality Checks”:
1. Analysing James Cleverly’s statement about Free Ports. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
2. Did Dominic Raab discuss No Deal Brexit during the Referendum campaign as he claims. CONSERVATIVE TARGET.
3. Welsh Secretary says in the event of No Deal Brexit farmers can sell lamb in Japan. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
4. Joe Biden related. INDETERMINATE TARGET (but could seen as favouring more radical targets since it queries the success of previous front-runners)
5. Irish preparations for Brexit. (RELATIVELY UNBIASED though a very incomplete analysis)
6. Boris Johnson’s claim about electric vehicle usage in the future. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
7. Flagging of ships. RELATIVELY UNBIASED
8. Looking at Boris Johnson’s statement about hanging on to the money we “owe” the EU under the withdrawal agreement. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
9. Boris Johnson’s description of the Backstop as “anti-democratic”. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
10. Boris’s statement about 99 days to achieve Brexit – analysing the obstacles ahead. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
So, from those 10 tweets it appears we have the following scores for Reality Check targets:
70% Conservative
30% Miscellaneous
0% Labour
0% Lib Dem
0% Greens
0% SNP or Plaid Cymru
0% Northern Ireland parties
Is it only Conservative politicians who make disputed, controversial, ambiguous or evidence-free statements.
What about Jo Swinson’s statement that she would oppose Brexit even if people voted for it in a second referendum (she is arguing FOR a second referendum).
What about David Lammy’s crazy race-baiting statements?
What about John McDonnell’s support for political violence?
What about Corbyn’s opposition to fracking, which just coincidentally helps his long-time allies, the Iranian mullahs?
The Greens want us to decarbonise within 6 years. What would that mean? Would the NHS collapse as a result? Would there be mass starvation?
What about the SNP’s contradictory statements on referenda, nationalism, and independence? Will they campaign to join the Eurozone and the Schengen agreement if reapplying to join the EU? What do thety really think about the links with the monarchy?
Has Sinn Fein really cut links with political violence. Has the IRA disbanded or does it still exist?
For some reason I can’t quite fathom, the BBC has no interest in all these questions…
I think we can safely conclude that BBC Reality Check’s bias level is off the scale.”
Unless, the ‘scale’ is another Mishal Husain operates on a BBC ‘unique’ basis?
8pm R4 History of the British Black Panthers
CAPBBC #ConstantAgendaPushing
\\ Members included Darcus Howe, Altheia Jones-LeCointe, Farroukh Dhondy, the photographer Neil Kenclock and dub poet Linton Kwesi Johnson.
Contributors include poet Benjamin Zephaniah, former Panthers Farrukh Dhondy, Neil Kenlock and Beverley Bryan,
historian David Olusoga and Mykaell Riley of Steel Pulse, US Black Panther leaders Bobby Seale and Elaine Brown, Ian Macdonald QC and British rapper and writer Akala.//
Inspired by the American Black Panther Party, the British Black Panthers were founded in London’s Notting Hill in 1968 – the first Panther organisation outside the United States. Find out more on BBC Radio 4, tonight (Sat) 8pm. https://t.co/YAFKYKekJ3
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
First? The heat from the hottest month ever has obviously left everybody exhausted.
Backlinks to last page of the last thread
Lots of good stuff there
– Friday’s post from 10:30am were on page 4
– page 3 started 4pm Thursday
oops page 3 link
Thanks stew
Well ten years ago I asked the question “How do you calibrate the carbon dioxide warming of a planetary atmosphere”. It was rare for a scientist to answer that question, but those who did said that you could only do so if you found a formula that worked for both Mars and Venus. I said “can you obtain results from an Atmospheric Chamber full of pure CO2”, “no” they said, “the real atmosphere doesn’t have six walls” so scientists assume that an increase in temperature of 0.76 Kelvin occurs after an increase in 100 parts per million of CO2, the next 100 ppm increase will produce an increase of less that 0.76 Kelvin. Even with the adjustments upward for eliminating the Pause/Hiatus for the Paris Conference, its still under one Kelvin. Anything over one Kelvin is a fiction produced by a computer model based on the above assumption.
So today I explain the simple formula that works for Venus and Mars that also calibrates CO2 warming on Earth. The Earths Grey body temperature is 154 Kelvin, and the Earths average surface temperature is 287 Kelvin. So we have 133 Kelvin for the Greenhouse effect. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is 400 parts per million or one part per 2,500. So 133 divided by 2,500 equals 0.0532 Kelvin for Carbon Dioxide warming. But only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.002128 Kelvin to Global Warming.
The 0.76 Kelvin increase was caused by the fact that between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds.
That’s it, Climate Change has been solved.
Excellent Richard, these words somewhat negate the duplicitous political global scaremongering. Maybe such an example as you have put forward should be shown to those uninformed rabble rousers seeking media fame. Does David Dimbleby know this? Or does he not want to hear it, as the embarassment in knowing his support of what he calls Climate change would be too awkward.
It’s a nice theory, but it only considers CO2 as greenhouse gas, and ignores all the others, which would make your Kelvin figure even lower!
One of the most potent greenhouse gases is water vapour aka ‘clouds’. You can demonstrate this to anyone in the difference between a clear open winters night, and a cloudy one. There are of course several other potent greenhouses gases such a methane having an effect on the system too.
It is highly doubtful that CO2 is in anyway a causing factor in climate change, it is a weak greenhouse gas, but it is also a heavy gas which would struggle to remain effective at high altitude.
The theory is based on air pressure not forcing, so does not ignore all the others, that’s why it works on Venus and Mars. That means that Nitrogen (78×14=1092) + Oxygen (21×16=336) = 132 Kelvin.
So Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 101 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 31 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.288 percent of the atmosphere by mass, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.25 percent of the atmosphere by mass. But if the water vapour produces Clouds, changing the Bond Albedo, then that is what causes Climate Change.
At the extremes, deep absorption lines are associated with cool Stars, so absorption lines are associated with heat that is not there, but then I think it would be to small and uniform for all Planetary Atmospheres to be detected, so does not effect this new theory.
Problem is, Richard, that AGW/CC proponents & sceptics both rely on the ‘Mars & Venus Defence’.
It cannot be right for both.
And of course Lord Monckton and the Heartland Institute are still around and telling the truth to anyone who cares to listen. I doubt the far-left bbc collective will be interested in what is said at these gatherings:
It’s as though Climategate has been airbrushed from history.
Just crawled across the barren climate-change desert that is now Britain to make it as second.
I did not pass any climate-change scientists on the way. Shame they don’t exist. Just a mirage along with the mirage of BBC impartiality.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has eighteen climate science Professors on its Academic Advisory Council who are barred from appearing on the BBC due to a “false balance” between MIT Atmospheric Physicist, Professor Richard Lindzen, and Greta Thunberg, who is not banned because she was inspired to panic after watching Al Gore’s films. She not Richard Lindzen is therefore in line to receive the Nobel Peace prize. And sadly, that is not a joke.
Utterly incomprehensible, and seemingly confirms the way this mixed up world operates. What on earth are they thinking in giving a teenager a nobel prize? Well of course it adds ammunition to the excited rabble that follow anything no matter their understanding.
“….the mirage of BBC impartiality.”
Is that when they go overboard in reporting the “9th Weekend” of rioting in Hong Kong yet don’t remind us how many months the Yellow Vest’s have been similarly objecting to Macron in France? A mere 343 miles (as the crow….) compared to > 6000 miles in the case of Hong Kong.
What could the difference be, I wonder…………………
G – not to mention the SA army having had to be brought into Cape Town to try and keep rival drug gangs from murdering one another and everyone else!
I can remember a time when this would have been big news for UK MSM, with immediate resolutions at the UN etc. But of course it would have been part of the ‘oppression’ thingee. Now that the ‘right’ people are in charge, it don’t matter a bit.
I wonder how many white South African farmers are being protected by the South African army?
Further to my contribution above, just in from Gatestone.
The curtailment of ANY free speech, coming to a country very near you soon…………..
Most are of course in Sicily.
Saving the planet.
Except Kay Burley.
She is on a melting mountain.
I couldn’t decide whether to use the Lear jet or the super yacht to get to Sicily so I used the jet to get there and the yacht to get back to my flop in Monaco ……
This has been bumped up the meeting agenda.
Sounds a lot.
The ice has melted but fortunately, huskies can walk on water.
Ah, so THATS why Prince Harry delivered his speech in barefoot – he walks on water !
You know the deal : Paul Homewood has a post
Basically ice grows in the winter , peaks at the beginning of summer at 600 giga tonnes ABOVE baseline
then falls back to baseline at the beginning of winter
ie in 90 days it falls by an average 7gT per day
11gT isn’t that much
I bet 12 billion tons of water froze in Antarctica in just one day, but its to dark to tell.
Seems the media and science classes in the BBC Ark are solving this by hitting Sicily and Hawaii.
If I was being cynical, I would say promoting end of the world scenarios can be a very comfortable way to make a living.
Once upon a time the ‘existential threat’ that kept the concerned up at night and dropping their coins in the collection box was God, then it was the Russkies and their atom bombs, and now it’s the new devil, global warming.
……….Except Kay Burley. ….She is on a melting mountain…….Apparently.
Or is it her face melting – as a result of her surgical procedures ?
We say the BBC is constantly agenda pushing
I see they admit it
” the programme’s *agenda-setting* impact.”
..that’s Newsnight’s editor Esmé Wren quoted on the Emm Barnett wiki page
(we looks like its been sanitised by a PR agency)
Katty will be, like, ‘OmG!’
Surely BBC TV will cover the Super Cup final between Liverpool-Chelsea as all the officials will be WOMEN!! Led by referee
HANIE PEST RAPPFART. Come on the numero uno TV channel for
gender equality, even if 75% of the News presenters, political
presenters and reporters are women. You have to show this
match live , even if the footballers are men.
PS- I have anagram disease.
Listeners desert Zoe Ball’s flagship breakfast show on BBC
BBC’s drop in feminal mascot: Zoe Ball’s Radio 2 Breakfast Show has lost more than 750,000 listeners over the past three months, new research shows. It was dropping even before Evans* left.
’The drop in the second quarter of the year marks the programme’s lowest audience listening figure in nearly 10 years. Ball took over from previous host Chris Evans in January and initially managed to maintain a steady listenership until March. She had an average weekly audience of 9.05 million, almost unchanged from the 9.07 million for Evans’s final three months’.
Virgin radio* Meanwhile, Evans – who left Radio 2 to host a new breakfast show on Virgin – has slightly grown his audience over the past three months, the latest research shows. He is up from 1.05 million weekly listeners to 1.11 million on the commercial network.
Scala Radio, the new classical station which signed Simon Mayo from the BBC, had an average weekly audience of 258,000 for its first full quarter on air.
Classic FM has a weekly audience of 5.6 million, (while BBC Radio 3 has a weekly audience of 2.03 million and falling), according to the latest figures
I may ask who are these people still listening to any BBC radio, are they all under 5’s and over 65’s? If I hear the BBC (at all) its the ‘OFF button’ PDQ.
According to BBC audience research‘…in most cases the BBC achieved large audiences (20% and more) only where the choice of local services was limited to 5 or fewer stations. As choice grows, BBC audiences fall.’ That explains BBC resistance to subscription services. It will end up like ‘The Guardian’ and it knows it. i.e. poverty, austerity, having to eat with the lower orders, not having the best of everything, because, you know ‘we’re worth it’.
Ergo; Competition is bad for the BBC, no wonder the BBC hate any outside competition and try to copy it as fast as they can (and still plead poverty i.e. over 75’s must pay) . They get £3.8 billion + (£1.8 royalties are taxed privately) but the rest unlike any other broadcaster it’s all 100% TAX FREE (no tax on TV license income stream, and no VAT to pay either!). he BBC (unlike other broadcasters) PAY’S NO CORPORATION TAX either! Never has done. Not a penny.
In the heart of our stone-walled home only one signal penetrates. So when decorating all I could get was R2.
When her show was on it was preferable to brush lime render off bare skin with a file to listening to 55 minutes of a middle aged woman gibbering about how woke she is, interrupted by two songs.
So how does the British Broadcasting Corporation get out of paying corporation tax? Surely HMRC must be aware of this expensive anomaly?
The real racists are the Seals. Seals are more likely to discriminate against Black Bears and Brown Bears than White Bears. This causes White Bears in the Polar regions to be better fed than Black Bears and Brown Bears. Culling Seals can stamp out this form of Racism.
Pandas must read the Guardian then.
BBC Licence fee payers didn’t know what they were paying for !
The uncertainty of BBC schedules over the coming months have proved that viewers and listeners have no absolute certainty what will be broadcast on Thursday next year at three in the morning .
Previously people thought they were getting an impartial broadcaster as promised on a side of a telly tax van , but a BBC spokesperson of indeterminate sex said that their vans have never been emblazoned saying they would be impartial.
Although some university professors , lecturers and vice chancellors knew they were getting value for money as they shilled for the BBC and vice versa, ordinary people need to be threatened to part with their cash .
As a result of the publics disatisfaction with its services , the BBC has promised to employ more BAME groups , LGBT, disabled and broadcast more inflammatory information and dredge up more plays about a black women living in Hereford in the 60s . That should shut us up , the BBC thinks.
A normal person was unavailable for comment, on any BBC station.
Next year most BBC programs will be presented by a black/woman/gay talking to a black/woman/gay about what its like to be a black/woman/gay on an all black/woman/gay shortlist for an all black/woman/gay organisation like the BBC.
You forgot the “three person relationships” which are gradually creeping into the TV Adds.
I suggest that legal polyamourous marriages will be common in the UK very soon because we see hints of those kind of relationships in the many TV adds depicting “two women and one male” scenario.
Don’t agree!
Check out this polyanorous threesome who are pervertedly using their own sisters to have their own children!?
Wicked filth.
Note: Try noticing the TV Adds with two females and one male in the plot. Just now they are few in number but I’ve noticed an increase. Its like the reverse of how the “remainers” work with their fear factor only these adds are sending out “a good factor” message.
Little by little the viewers resistance is weakening and will eventually be such a common sight that like gay marriage people will accept it as normal.
In essence, the liberal establishment will promote any arrangement other than adult male + adult female, on the basis that the destruction of the traditional/natural family is one of their priorities. Of course, some communities already have a system whereby one man can have four wives. Don’t be surprised to see a change in the law to explicitly allow this in UK (already a blind eye is turned, and welfare payments are made to additional wives and offspring).
“……destruction of the traditional/natural family is one of their priorities.”
Classic ‘first year’ top-of-the-list stuff in Cultural Marxism.
As someone once wrote:
“true Communism comes about only when the masses rise up … against … small-scale households,” wrote Vladimir Lenin in 1919.
He also said: “Destroy the family, destroy the nation.”
Let us not forget the Two Ronnies in their ‘The Worm That Turned,’ when females ran the world!!! Oh NO PLease save us that!
Next year most BBC programs will be presented by a black/woman/gay talking to a black/woman/gay about what its like to be a black/woman/gay on an all black/woman/gay shortlist for an all black/woman/gay organisation like the BBC and bemoaning that blacks/women/gays are never seen on television or in the movies or in advertising or anywhere at all as though they don’t even exist and they will be joined by other blacks/women/gays to confirm that this is indeed the case.
It’s worrying what’s going on in the world that you just don’t see the press talking about. I Almost expect that if an asteroid was going to hit the planet and kill us all, they’d set aside the bulk of the time to discuss the gender and implied race of whatever name the bringer of doom was given.
They totally missed the last earth-bound asteroid last week – it just appeared out of nowhere, and sailed past at a distance of about 49,000 miles. The next one might be more accurate…
…I can’t say that I’d be unhappy about that.
And we now go over live to Mishal, at the Advertising Industry Awards show.
Thank you Ritala! We are just in time to see the winner of ‘Retail Advertiser of the Year’ award. And the winner is… (useless wait for no real reason, except to pretend to create suspense)… Tescwat & Spenlewis!
Unfortunately Tecwat & Spenlewis are now in administration so here is Khwami from HousePricewater to collect the award that controversially is being nicknamed the ‘Sambo’. And now, back to the studio. Ritala!
Thank you, Mishal! And now, the weather with Satnam.
The broadcast continues,
‘ The weather in Islamabad is hot and sunny with a high of 36 . In Somalia there are likely to be thunder storms this afternoon, while further west in Jibuti strong winds are likely , approaching gale force this evening. The weather in the UK , for those of you interested, will be damp due entirely to climate change. Back to the studio and Mishal.
My next interview is with the Grand Mufftii of Londonistan who has recently launched an appeal , sponsored by the Great Kahn of London , to convert unused buildings , such as the large one at the top of Ludgate Hill, you know the one with a dome on top, into something useful to the community such as a Mosque . Why , Grand Muffti , do you think that the cost really ought to be borne by non believers? Well Mishal the Kuffirs have paid for everything else , why not this?
BBC Male gob on a stick holds forth.
Oh I’m sorry.
I supported Brexit because I wanted Britain to be a free and independent country, where we made our own laws subject to our own courts, and where we could decide on our own form of government.
I now realise that this might mean a few rich kids would not be able to go skiing in their gap years. In the face of this appalling human tragedy, I hereby revoke my support for Brexit and demand a people’s vote now!
RiC, oh no you don’t!
(Early start to the Panto Season)
If Boris sticks to his No Deal is better than May’s WA, a big if, we can expect the BBC to switch themes on the Irish issue. Already the Irish are beginning to realise what has been obvious all along , No Deal will be economically catastrophic for them. This ought to have been a powerful negotiating strength for the UK side and the fact that it wasn’t used , in fact it was turned into a weakness with concessions made by the Brits on the back stop, is proof to me that there never was a real negotiation. The UK team was in cahoots with the EU from day one and the NI border problem was dreamt up as part of Project Fear .
The BBC and Remainer media will now start portraying the impact of No Deal on the Republic as evidence of British arrogance and aggression, the Southern Irish will be portrayed as victims . This will then be cited as reasons why violence is bound to follow ie it will be entirely due to Leavers and their arrogance at wanting to go it alone, and who have no regard for the consequences of their actions on the poor Irish.
Of course the reasons why violence may follow is that the Remainers themselves and the EU and the stupid Irish President have legitimised it . It is clear that Remainers and the EU are willing to sacrifice the employment of millions of people in Europe and the UK and even the lives of people in NI in order to keep the regime in Brussels in being. If blood is spilt it will be entirely on their hands.
And there will be a new ‘Brexit’ potato-famine of catastrophic proportions again caused by the British oppressors.
Silver lining: Potato famine creates drastic reduction in Linaker income.
What I expect to happen on the Irish border in the event of “No Deal” is what I expected to happen all along: nothing.
We are not going to build any sort of border infrastructure, and neither are the Irish. The EU may huff and puff, but it simply will not happen.
Trade will continue, because it is in the interests of both parties. I do not think the Irish will deliberately destroy their economy, but if that is what Varadkar wants, that’s his problem.
In due course, sensible trusted trader and mutual recognition systems will be agreed.
Neither the UK nor the Republic is in the Schengen area, and the Republic already checks people and goods coming in on ferries from the rest of the EU. They also check for Irish people violating their duty laws in the border area, where it is rife.
Nothing needs to change unless the EU wishes to force Ireland to build a hard border, in which case Ireland would be well advised to follow us out and regain their independence.
Toady watch
The new government has adopted a policy of reminding people we are leaving the ReichEU on 31 October . The May traitors didn’t mention dates .
It has been announced that more tax money is being sent to local authorities to prepare for brexit . Humph tried to pin down a government head to explain what it’s for . He didn’t get very far – obviously councils with ports might need help if the French enemy government play rough .
But listening I had a mental image of so many councils run by snowflakes having ‘ good by EI parties and firework displays’ as they cry into their cursed ReichEU flags …..
For all those of you suffering with that malignant disease known as Todayitis, can I suggest Classic FM?
Until a few months ago I was a fellow sufferer. Each morning would begin with a long and irritating lecture about PC issues.
I discovered I was a racist, a sexist and a homophobe. What a swine!
I was bad tempered, had high blood pressure and was swearing at the radio. And all before my first cup of PG Tips!
Not any more…
This morning I awoke to Alan Titchmarsh playing Vaughan Williams. Could anything be more pleasant for an Englishman on a summer’s morning? I’ve not been made to feel guilty about being white, male and straight and I’ve actually got a smile on my wizened old chops.
I’ve not been lectured about my CO2 emissions. No one has berated me about Brexit. And I’ve not been fretting about my latent transphobia, Islamophobia or any other contrived bleedin’ phobia. Blisss…
We have enjoyed the sublime music of Brahms, Borodin and Chopin.
And these days it’s the only sort of BBC I listen to…
Just remember that at the sound of the first PPI ad at five to, you mute until 3 minutes past.
Global News is a special kind of dire, even if intoned by the honeyed voice of an ex Beeboid stained ceiling breaker.
Jeff, I followed that idea some years ago. Whilst it was a relief to escape “Today” and all the other BBC rubbish, on weekdays Classic FM isn’t much better, especially in the mornings on weekdays, where it ceases to be a classical station, but irritatingly more of a kid’s programme.
Yes, the music is good, but after a while a bit repetitive, but it’s the patronisingly childish presenters that annoy me, particularly the first two in the mornings. I am fed up too, with the “news” every twenty minutes, and the overhyped Moira Stewart “reading” it (which she doesn’t do that well). Coupled with the stupid ads, and the BBC-flavoured “news” from Global, it is becoming a bit of a turn off, now.
One or two presenters I rather like, such as Alan Titchmarsh, John Brunning, and David Mellor who are knowledgeable and humorous, without being over the top. Most of the ladies are good, too.
Just my tuppenceworth…
If you want pure classics, without all the ancillary crap, and don’t mind a foreign language, there’s always:
I have thought of Classic FM as ‘Radio Trite’ ever since it launched.
Beltane, was it Classic FM that started its ‘career’ by broadcasting just birdsong for three months? I enjoyed that.
Gap in the market for a smart operator there, I think.
OG, yes I agree there’s certainly no need to get the news every 20 minutes. And Moira’s inane, sub Radio 2 “banter” with her co-presenter is excruciating. They remind me of the parody DJs that Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse used to amuse us with; Smashy and Nicey, wasn’t it?
Mid you, having said all that…
It’s still preferable to Radio 4!
I have to disagree somewhat sorry Jeff. Globals Radio are no different to the rest of the media for me….that includes LBC/TalkRadio (part of the same group with the same advertisers and BIAS) etc…they are ALL being fed with the same agenda…especially on the NEWS broadcasts….you wont find anything different on Classic FM from my experience and the same old Climate Change/Homophobia/Racism is there to hear……Personally I can listen to Borodin Chopin etc on You Tube without interuptions and adverts etc….the days of TV and Radio are dying for me personally…we actually dont need them anymore
But it’s OK, Fran, Tone, ofcom and dcms are overlooking it on our behalves.
“I want criminals to feel terror,” the BBC headline reports Priti Patel as saying. Rather than trying to present her as the kind of law and order hardliner they dislike, what they should really be doing is pointing out that she is just another squeamish, hypocritical, political humbug. She now says she has never been a supporter of the death penalty. But her comments on Question Time a few years back were quite explicit.
Criminals are not going to feel terror at the thought of this Home Secretary. How do we get it into the head of some knife-carrying thug in London that murder is a very serious crime that they should not commit? It is to fill them with real terror at the thought of the punishment. In fact, the severity of the punishment is the only way of knowing how seriously a society takes a crime; even, for most people, how serious it is from a moral point of view. If you reduce the severity of the punishment, the perception of its moral status in the public mind changes and you reduce the heinousness of the crime. If murder carries the death penalty, everyone gets the clear and fearful message that it is the most terrible of crimes. If the worst that might happen to you is that you will spend 11 years in jail, your perspective is quite different.
“I want criminals to feel terror,” No, no, she doesn’t mean ‘real’ criminals like muslim rapists, just the Hate Speech sort who, once it is alleged that they have committed the heinous crime of thinking that so-called Free Speech is fit and well and kicking in the UK, they will be castrated. Or perhaps even subject to Priti’s ‘Death Penalty’.
Lord Hall Hall will be proud.
Utter tripe !!!. Bigot’s tweet is bang on, show us the family finances so we can make our own mind up !!! No doubt have full Sky TV package etc etc but that won’t suit the BBC sob story.
1 minute apart !!! ????????
A family that cannot make porridge or a glass of milk?
Look North for my region last night had an item about school uniforms and how second hand ones were being collected to give to children whose parents couldn’t afford to buy them. Admirable for children to wear hand-me-downs if not worn out, to save world resources – but has the BBC seen the price of uniforms in the likes of ASDA? If the children were not wearing uniforms it would be difficult to find cheaper clothes for them to wear.
Uh huh.
What, this Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield?:
“In 2015, shortly after starting her new role as children’s Commissioner, Longfield was criticised for removing her Deputy, Sue Berelowitz, with an enhanced severance package, and then immediately hiring her back as a consultant. It transpired that this had taken place without securing the required approval from government ministers and was therefore an abuse of her powers. The arrangement was subsequently cancelled as a result of media attention and the organisation ordered to repay to HM Treasury £10,000 of misused public funds.”
And here’s some information on the delightful lady who benefited from the largesse:
The amounts of money involved would certainly help feed a few hungry kids.
Thomas is toast.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do we enjoy watching steam trains?
Do we fondly remember them from our youth?
Would we like to continue to see them on the railways?
If yes to any, or all, then you can be sure that the leftie killjoys will move heaven and earth to forbid them to run, and us to see them, using some fraudulent climate alarmism to justify themselves.
They spoil everything. They enjoy it.
Ah! yes. To all three, alongwith Trevor Duncan’s ‘March’ (No.3 of a Little Suite). Reminded me – I tracked it down and I’m playing it right now.
Absolutely wonderful!
But preserved steam railways are overwhelmingly run by old white male volunteers so they have got to go….
JohnUK, I have an idea. Let’s have a drama in which James Watt and George Stephenson are played by black actors. Then once steam trains are generally perceived as one of the great achievements of African civilisation, there will be no appetite to destroy this particular part of the heritage industry.
Not a black face in sight! You need a trip to DFS for that privilege. Apparently.
I wonder if the BBC have got wind of this? Can you imagine a “Strictly come Climate Change Dancing” competition?
A small but welcome accidental moment of sanity on Toady this morning.
A lady Professor of Hydrology was being interviewed about the Whaley Bridge dam problems.
Humph was trying to muscle in the global warming climate change agenda and how do we prevent dams bursting.
The lady mentioned climate change but only in passing.
What she went on to say with conviction was the importance of planning housing. Too much housing and concreting over and therefore not enough natural ground drainage. Of course we all know why we need so many houses (especially as the birthrate is at a historic low).
Distinctly off-message, I doubt we will be hearing her again on the bBBC any time soon.
Infrastructure age offers awesome opportunity to the relentless media propagandist.
From Roman to Victorian eras, we are blessed with magnificent structures who have performed well, but time, erosion and fatigue must take their toll on design parameters, especially bridges not intended for multi axle artics, powered by diesel or hydrogen.
America is a rich seam, given modern building specifications. The MSM howls on disasters seldom look at who commissioned what on what basis, and maintenance, repair and decommissioning oversight subsequently.
I think it was Italy where soil scientists were jailed following a slippage that sent a tidal wave over a dam. The dam Engineers got an award; it held.
New definition of “far right”

..an organisation that ONCE interviews Steve Bannon, + occasionally has Guido as one of the newspaper reviewers
I see a few of these surreal-world tweets .
How can they be pushing this totally untrue picture of the world ? Lying for PR purposes ? or just truly deluded ?
Not one of the people in the conversation is a Liberal MEP
(who has just complained that Whaley BridgeDam led the news instead of the yet uncounted by-election)
Stew – ‘Free speech’ for them is only open to the Left, who are on virtually all the time, anyway.
Bring on Bannon and understandably, you need to call for the smelling salts.
Congrats to the BBC, must have taken huge courage.
Oh there is a letter writing campaign against Bannon
#FamousLeftyTolerance …#SocialistJustice
one has to ask why they are so triggered ?
Cos he got Trump elected and started the swamp draining I guess.
my typo : NotE one of the people in the conversation is a Liberal MEP
Ok, she’s a woman. But still white.
How long before Femi is brought in, a trois?
Bloody hilarious
Julie clearly doesn’t watch the BBC or any other MSM or see any adverts created in the media industry – ah but she went to Cambridge… that explains it….
I note that the UK contributes 1% of global emissions.
I also note that pollutants from cars are down by over 50% in the last ten years.
In other words we do not in this country have a climate emergency or any kind of crisis, the like of which the BBC seem to ram down our throats at every opportunity.
So the ‘climate emergency’ which the Far Left and their gullible studenty anarchists on Summer vacation want us to declare just goes in the same bucket as all the other tripe policies which in reality are devised by the Far Left to destroy western society and the free market economy.
Mass immigration is another. Islamophilia is another. Nationalisation and the power of the central state is another. ‘Fair taxes’ is another. The unending, indeed intensifying, war on the private motorist is another.
The BBC of course are, you will have noticed, apologists and cheerleaders for all of them
8am local radio news on the dam , brings on UCL’s Prof Tim Boyd to talk about “The Changing Global Climate”
“Over the last 10-15 years weather events are becoming more extreme potentially taking structures like the dam at Todbrook beyond its design limit”
(he’s talking tosh of course)
..They dropped that from later news as Joe Longthorne died and they wanted to mention his husband
Free Tommy protest in central London today.
Danny Tommo is attempting to livestream.
They are just coming up to BBC Broadcasting House now
feed just gone off
Danny has got his phone stuck on portrait ..like what happens when you accidentally brush the setting
..screen off now
The James Goddard stream is working
Based Amy is
live stuck behind police lines
As ever RT’s Ruptly stream is holding up well
Shows peaceful TR crowd right outside Broadcasting House
They just switched camera to down the street where police are pinning back larging Antifa crowd
Antifa black masks in evidence
If you were police you have a much much easier job with the TR crowd
Based Amy is at Oxford Circus has has police near her and can see TR supporters way down the street at Broadcasting House
Her camera is also stuck on portrait.
2 streams are constantly stuck : The James Goddard stream
an the new Danny Tommo stream marked Antifa
TR supporters have had to turn around as if Antifa are coming the other way.
It’s high time so called Antifa were proscribed as a terrorist organisation, rounded up and arrested. How on Earth can you have counter protests against protesting for free speech!
I don’t expect the police will ever do anything other than push the TR supporters around.
Radio4 13:45pm Storytelling
Friday : a Jamaican family growing up in South Wales.
A Windrush oriented audio play is the winner of some radio award
Thursday’s episode : My Life After Grenfell
Survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire recall what has happened since that fateful night.
BBC 24 TV News. Dateline London @ 11.30 today.
The BBC are circling the wagons with their favourite four Left Wing guests invited to speak without interruption from the host.
1. Polly Toynbee of The Guardian, the BBC’s sister paper.
2. Henry Chu of Variety Magazine. Regular guest and anti Borris, anti Brexit and anti Trump.
3. Maria Margaronis who is a Trustee of of ‘Women for Refugee Women’. She also writes documentaries for the BBC.
4. Agnes Poirier of Marianne publication. She’s French and anti Boris, anti Brexit and anti Trump judging by her Twitter posts.
An impartial mixed group? Of course not. I’ll now provide you with a few quotes taken in the first ten minutes and you can make up your minds.
1. Pollly Toynbee: “Most extraordinary opening week of any PM in living history. Johnson is looking bruised in his first week. Disasters have struck him from every direction. The pound fell, Bank of England predicted recession and he’s boxed himself into a No Deal. He lost the by election due to The Brexit Party. Is he going to make a pact? He’s in trouble.”
(No interruptions or comment from the host)
2. Henry Chu. “Johnson has campaigned throughout the UK and ignored Europe. He’s promising money as if on an election campaign.”
3. Maria Margaronis. “We must avoid a cliff!” (Brexit).
4. Agnes Poirier. “Johnson has no intention of going to Europe. He’s been invited by Merkel and Macron. He wants to kick off The Brexit Party with an early election. He’s a poseur with a majority of one.”
Never any interruption or comment from the tame host. He may as well have not been there.
The last twenty minutes would have been more of the same. I made my excuses and switched off.
you did well listening to their ‘introductions’……..
I switched off almost immediately…… to listen to the Test Match…which was another mistake….screeching female commentator and an Aussie commentator to provide ‘balance’?….
Indeed, Harry. I went far beyond the call of duty. Fully agree with TMS comments. Ruined. But I refuse to pay for the Sky High fee again. Our BBC should be broadcasting Test Cricket.
Absolutly, Dover!
It’s a disgrace that the blasted bbbc drains the pockets of pensioners to pay for thei boring stuck-record ldbgtshdut756??0 stuff, and deprive the real, often elderly people who just loved to watch Test Match Special, with real commentary on a well-loved game.
The Ashes series has always been one of the highlights of the cricket calendar, and while I cannot understand why they have the girls commenting, I do know several ladies who love listening to, and watching men’s cricket, so I’ll let that one pass… (Don’t know any men who watch girl’s cricket though)…
But to lose out to Sky, presumably to pay for their ridiculous – even scandalous – waste of tax-payer’s money just makes me furious!
The blasted shower of incompetent, disinterested faces in W1A need to be beaten heavily into understanding who actually pays their wages. (they’re not salaries, they pay for twonks like linekar through his various companies).
I really miss seeing test cricket, the bbbc faceless wonders are a total shower of useless stewards of the bar, and I hate the bloudy lot of them.
I saw a bit of the later part.
Henry Chu went on about Britain’s “Blitz Spirit,” well according to him we’re facing a new blitz (Brexit), and we voted for this blitz!
Toynbee droned on about the Tories wanting only England, one of the other two females derided them (especially JR-M) for being Old Etonians. . . that was as much as I could take.
As you say, all this went totally un-moderated by the host, Shaun Ley. Funnily enough though, in a report a little later about the 10-yearly appearance of millions of Painted Lady butterflies, Ley couldn’t stop himself from prattling all over the invited expert with inanities like, “My mother warned me about painted ladies, perhaps not the same kind!”
The BBC, not just biased but utterly crap.
Shaun Ley is just wet. End of. At least when Carrie Gracie is the host, she does ‘fire’ up the dialogue.
Here’s the BBC iplayer version:
Further musings on my earlier Whaley Bridge dam post.
For mass immigration, we are constantly told by LeftMob how beneficial it is to the country and the economy.
What they conveniently ignore of course is the cost of infrastructure needed. One family can be accommodated in the existing infrastructure. One hundred thousand per annum cannot. They need the infrastructure for a city like Coventry. Hospitals, schools, roads (which of course are never built in case an extra car might use them), houses etc all need to be built. The urgency and cost of all this is swept under the carpet by the multiculti Far Left fanatics.
Compare with the emerging approach to respond to the the ‘global warming climate emergency’. Just take Emma Barnett on Newsnight a couple of days back. For this the Far Left are less reticent. We now are being propagandised that we now practically need to rebuild every structure in the country, irrespective of cost, on the off chance that it might rain a lot in a particular vicinity.
The contrast and hypocrisy in these two situations could not be more stark. And the BBC of course are making sure it stays that way.
But who cares about hypocrisy when there is a western market economic system for the Far Left to overthrow?
“The contrast and hypocrisy in these two situations could not be more stark. And the BBC of course are making sure it stays that way.”
UK? Just slipping the lunatic way of the US Democrats at present. Not too far behind. I’m beginning to think this is some kind of psychological affliction affecting millions that has not been recognised by the medical profession yet.
BBC famous for lack of self-awareness
In the BBC’s finest tradition of equality, what’s the betting that incidents involving straight white males are ‘significantly over-represented’?
So Today – the BBC – is supporting rape at Universities ? I thought they only supported taking down historic statues , refusing funding from people they don’t like and dodgy double voting by snowflakes in at least 2 constituencies as well as banning speakers who don’t accord with the BBC version of the world .
Constant agenda pushing
Is she sitting in a wheelchair?
Only two ticks if not.
It’s a bread shop, Sluff.
Brown bread only, nothing really healthy, just stuff to help one p00…
After seeing this, it won’t be necessary methinks.
“Constant agenda pushing”
I suppose someone must take upon themselves the “National Guilt” suffered by the commonwealth nations for England’s treatment of their peoples.
In fact in every case the BBC runs speedily to the front of the cue to accept said National Guilt.
Effeminate wimps.
We all know that plant Earth’s glaciers will be melted by 2020. Right?
Or maybe not
The BBC gave unhindered prominence a few days ago to a female schoolchild who has swallowed the climate emergency guff. She asserted in all seriousness that the oceans would have no water in them by 2050 !!!!!!
Old enough to make crass assertions but not so old as to be challenged by the BBC ‘reporter’.
Needless to say the Le Chatelier Principle is well beyond both of them.
“She asserted in all seriousness that the oceans would have no water in them by 2050”
Sluff – don’t be so cynical. Let’s wait until ten to nine tonight and see if all the water has gone by then, like she says.
Just found an unbiased BBC News Report
“Large clouds of painted lady butterflies are being spotted across the UK and Ireland – and experts believe we are seeing a mass emergence that happens every 10 years.
Weather conditions and food sources are providing ideal conditions for the species to thrive.” – Apparently despite Climate Change OR Brexit!
I’ve just asked the experts at Google.com 2 questions
1 How old is the planet Earth? Answer. 4.5 billion years.
2 How long have official weather conditions been recorded?
Answer. Under 200 years.
Extrapolate what you will from that.
The BBC is running what is in effect a free, full-page advertisement for the Chichester Theatre on its website. Why so, you may ask? Because the theatre is running a play called ‘8 Hotels’, which is about Paul Robeson, an ‘African-American’ actor and singer of the 1930/1940/1950s who also happened to hold radical left-wing views. Apparently he said “that, when he went to the Soviet Union, it was the first time he felt like a full human being” (presumably the millions who were languishing in the camps or starving to death in Ukraine, Byelorussia and Kazan felt somewhat differently). Okay, that’s the sort of thing that excites the BBC. But is there anything else, maybe something they’ve forgotten to mention? Funny you should ask: the play’s director is Richard Eyre, former director of the National Theatre. He also served two terms on the BBC’s Board of Governors (1995 & 2000), worked as a director and producer on the BBC’s Play for Today from 1978 to 1980 and has directed numerous plays and films for the BBC including Tumbledown (1988), The Dresser (2015) and King Lear (2018). Undoubtedly a fine director; one just wonders why the BBC are so coy about declaring the connection?
As most astute builders know, there is a ‘carbon cost’ to be attributed to every new building being developed in the UK. The place is currently costed on how much energy they’re saving with limited air/con, shading etc.
The awful W1A building costs the usual market rent, but the actual building cost to supply and construct the panels, the infrastructure etc, mainly bought from China and elsewhere, will take decades to wipe out.
The People’s Palace in W1A is one of the most expensive buildings ever built, so while they squawk about ‘globule worming’, they can start to worry a bit more about the countries from where their plastics, shiny surfaces, gilt bog-handles etc., actually come from.
Of course, all this information comes from ‘sources’, so it’ll take a load of their ‘consultants’ to confer and prove me wrong. Scrobs never divulges the names of his sources, rather like the bbbc hacks don’t.
Indian newspapers are bragging an Indian who immigrated at 9 is Miss England
Saint and genius ..hmm that means a flaw will emerge
I thought it was April Fools, when I read that an Indian born woman had been crowned Miss England. Whether she’s a doctor, speaks 105 languages, and is even Superwoman on her day off, we’ve now reached the point where being English (as we know it) no longer means having an English name.
I wonder if an English born Betty Miller who migrated to Delhi with her parents would stand the same chance of being crowned Miss India.
£102m Holocaust centre to be built next to parliament
OK respect the Holocaust but this looks like a Political front.
..stop sploshing UK cash in London.
Was there a holocaust in London, then (other than the one in 1666…)?
Is Mayor Khan paying for it? Would surprise me if he was. Does he know about it?
I dont know if any of you fancy a good laugh…
but on the BBC Website iPlayer you can watch highlights of the EUROPEAN MIXED TAG RUGBY tournament from sunny Maidenhead…
YES thats right…….. THE EUROPEAN MIXED TAG RUGBY TOURNAMENT…….but there are NO PRIZES for winning or coming second…everyone is a winner at the TAG RUGBY.And ‘touching’ a female player isnt regarded as sexual assault……
The Commentator is MALE…but not sure if he is black or gay…sorry.(Unlike the world famous entertainer and multi million album selling Joe Longthorne who was Gay so is headlines on the BBC………)
Times Editorial rips the BBC
10 radio documentaries to commemorate Peteloo
… is ” modern-left wing mythology”
See this 2018 piece
This extract regarding the film:
“I hope that Mike Leigh’s Peterloo will garner as many awards as his previous films, but for the right reasons. Weaponising history is perilous enough; but weaponising fake history is downright dangerous.”
Certainly relevant today.
I note also:
“Yet Marxist historians such as the late Christopher Hill and Eric Hobsbawm were always at pains to place Peterloo at the centre of the story of “democracy and suffrage”. Why? As I explain, Das Kapital’s historical examples (it is first and foremost a work of economic and social history) argue that change cannot come without violence. Violence against protesters, therefore, is always perversely welcome, providing justification for violence in return against the state.”
He’s right and its only a matter of time……………
Thailand : The 67 yo king has just publicly recognised his 34 mistress, despite only recently marrying his 41 yo wife
Takeaway boss drove from Plymouth to Truro to break jaw of ex-employee, court told – Cornwall Live
24 Jul 2019 · Abul Azad and two accomplices are alleged to have broke the jaw of Abdul Basit at Ganges
… What was the sentence ?
The judge said ‘ I shocked that your trial has been delayed for 3 years, so I am not going to jail you guys’
Abul Azad, 49, Shahedul Bhuyia, 53, and Abul Hannan, 41, were convicted of causing grievous bodily harm to Azad’s former employee Abdul Basit in December 2016.
So actually it was 2.5years
Judge Simon Carr said the “very real effect” of having a criminal charge “hanging over” them was sufficient punishment
..Do they treat Tommy like that ?
Hijab case councillor’s£100K failed attempt to silence man accusing him of wife-beating and abuse of charity funds.
Zaffar an accused bigamist, resigned from the council cabinet in 2017 after urging a primary school to change its uniform policy to allow a girl aged four to wear a hijab, without publicly declaring that she was a relative.
Its a rarity, but sometimes BBC2 does come up with some gems amongst the dross. Last night saw the start of a drama Fosse/Verden , about the relationship of dancer/choreographer Bob Fosse and his wife Gwen Verden.
To the uninitiated Fosse was behind the dancing on Sweet Charity / Cabaret / All that Jazz, and is ranked amongst the great dance choreographers alongside Busby Berkely, Michael Kidd and Hermes Pan in their Hollywood hey day.
Tonight BBC4 concentrates on the career of his dancer wife Gwen Verden, who coached Shirley McLaine and others in dancing roles.
The Beeb do get it right……. sometimes.
Home Secretary take note. Must be a spoof surely?
Shoulda just shot him.
But then of course they’d have had the beeb, BLM and all the grievance industry to deal with.
Unfortunately, the British police don’t have guns. Their ‘Response Units’ have guns, but can take 20 minutes to arrive.
And another 20 minutes to ascertain whether they take a head or a leg shot – by which time he’s legged it anyway.
Shoulda just shot him.
But then of course they’d have had the beeb, BLM and all the grievance industry to deal with.
Naturally they showed no such deference to TR, who is a threat to no-one.
These are the kind of wimps that the British Police Service roll-out every passing out parade. Fearless.
The uniforms may be the same but the effeminates in them these days are nothing but “posers”. In fact I wouldn’t mind betting most of those coppers put this video up on their face book account to show their family/friends how brave they really are against yobs n thugs – of course, after a bit of tinkering with the bits of the video that shows them running away like 10 yr old girls.
What do you expect if you employ librarians and social workers.
Here’s hoping this video doesn’t cross the pond to be watched by “real” police men and women.
The yanks still think our police force is modeled on the Commandos/SBP/Desert rats/SOE ….if they saw this their idea of John Peel would be well and truly destroyed. Anyway, here’s hoping.
She’s added another BBC cause to her quiver.
Boris and Brexit and I think she can claim BBC Bingo Editorship.
Is she not on the high seas yet?
Gets about.
And the train hadn’t been scheduled to stop at this station. But because its Greta…
Can see why pissing in Mutti’s tent is a poor career call.
7 million acres of forest fires in Siberia – 400 separate fires . That should warm the planet a bit . Apparently the smoke has reached Canada ….
They just want to be accepted in society, no fuss, no special treatment !!!!!!! Ummm, yep, that should do it.
One of the sad things about that photo is that you can bet your last cent that at least 3 in that photo are suffering from depression. Even suicidal at times.
So don’t give me the line that they are happy and liberated.
“If you know somethings wrong then you can never be happy” anon.
And naturally our once proud police force have to be seen adorning rainbow colours and joining in the ‘fun’.
Beats catching criminals I suppose.
10pm BBC2 repeat of Pride-Live at the Apollo
The island
Pretty Patel’s pretty police in Brighton.
But Pretty’s cops are tough on those howid working class supporters of TR – whose real name is….
Tories tough on crime.
I am voting for UKIP.
I followed a live feed but it didn’t have the violence in your clip.
I watched some fiery speeches and I was especially impressed by the brave ‘grooming’ victim, speakers who said that they will not be silenced and the guy who repeated, “Soubry is a Nazi” and got the crowd to follow him.
But then it seemed to fizzle out and people started walking for miles through the streets.
I suppose part of the reason is that Tommy is being held in much better conditions now, he will be out fairly soon and is appealing.
True Too
It was very violent as tthis video indicates. Basically, as I learnt from a conversation with an eye witnesses, and watching this video, the cops brought Antifa and TR’s supporters together , rather than keep them apart in separate streets. It was said in this video that the police wanted this for the violent photographs of a confrontation.
If the UK Government had any respect for justice and proper policing this shambles would be investigated. But I doubt it.
Thanks for that info, G.W.F.
From the bit that I’ve seen, it seems that the cops were in collusion with the Antifa crowd.
More here. I hope this will counter the versionthat the BBC will report.
@GWF Libmob would like to have a simple narrative in the press that “violence is the characteristic of a Tommy march
..and that it is white man violence.”
BUT that is just not true
As the Ruptly 2 hours show It would be wrong to say that in 3 hours each of 10,000 TR supporters were in a violent situation.
Rather a few people for a few minutes were.
So I think saying “It was VERY VIOLENT as this video indicates.” is wrong
We really shouldn’t say things like that
We should resist the temptation to sum up full colour complex situations in such naive black and white terms .
And we shouldn’t say that it’s thug police against TR supporters, when actually most police have a good rapour and maybe sympathy. It’s rogue commanders and some rogue officers that may be a problem.
A TR march is characterised by general peacefulness and diversity, in that there are quite a lot of women, quite a lot of older people a scattering of people of trouble
and that most people act peacefully and that the stewards and the crowd quickly control someone who isn’t .
Whereas the Antifa crowd are something else.
– Neither should police be summarised as “thugs”
: The beat police know the TR people aren’t trouble and generally have a good relationship.
I like TrueToo watched a lot of live streaming as I have done before.
Before I switched-off at 1:30pm I saw no police violence
Although based Amy was predicting some and unhelpfully losing her temper with police and unhelpfully calling them thugs.
– That first video : It opens with TR supporters a few bravado boys kicking at the front
But observe that the police are behind a steel barrier and that a Tommy steward keeps pushing the lads back from it .
Most of the rest of the video shows Antifa and many of them are riled up for violence ..see the face masks..
The video of police getting Danny
Yes I uppped the resolution, put the speed at 25% and opened full screen.
The action is started at 2m42 and the key section is at 2m56
..and it is as Danny describes ..no aggression from him , constant hands up etc.
But is as there is a section of ROGUE OFFICERS out to get him
as they push down pull him up push him down again
If there was no livestreaming I guess they would have beat him up.
To understand a big situation : You cannot rely on words of a few eywitnesses cos being in the tress they cannot see the trees like people watching a livestream can. People are inclined to pick the witnesses who is the most dramatic .
For full understanding we need both kinds of view.
oops my Freudian slip
for some reason I wrote “people of trouble” when I meant “people of colour”
“A TR march is characterised by general peacefulness and diversity, in that there are quite a lot of women, quite a lot of older people a scattering of people of colour”
H/T Monkey Brains at ITTB:
Monkey Brains3 August 2019 at 11:52
OK, is the BBC Reality Check department an unbiased and impartial service that covers disputed statement across the political spectrum?
Let’s look at the last ten tweets on their twitter feed referencing various “Reality Checks”:
1. Analysing James Cleverly’s statement about Free Ports. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
2. Did Dominic Raab discuss No Deal Brexit during the Referendum campaign as he claims. CONSERVATIVE TARGET.
3. Welsh Secretary says in the event of No Deal Brexit farmers can sell lamb in Japan. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
4. Joe Biden related. INDETERMINATE TARGET (but could seen as favouring more radical targets since it queries the success of previous front-runners)
5. Irish preparations for Brexit. (RELATIVELY UNBIASED though a very incomplete analysis)
6. Boris Johnson’s claim about electric vehicle usage in the future. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
7. Flagging of ships. RELATIVELY UNBIASED
8. Looking at Boris Johnson’s statement about hanging on to the money we “owe” the EU under the withdrawal agreement. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
9. Boris Johnson’s description of the Backstop as “anti-democratic”. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
10. Boris’s statement about 99 days to achieve Brexit – analysing the obstacles ahead. CONSERVATIVE TARGET
So, from those 10 tweets it appears we have the following scores for Reality Check targets:
70% Conservative
30% Miscellaneous
0% Labour
0% Lib Dem
0% Greens
0% SNP or Plaid Cymru
0% Northern Ireland parties
Is it only Conservative politicians who make disputed, controversial, ambiguous or evidence-free statements.
What about Jo Swinson’s statement that she would oppose Brexit even if people voted for it in a second referendum (she is arguing FOR a second referendum).
What about David Lammy’s crazy race-baiting statements?
What about John McDonnell’s support for political violence?
What about Corbyn’s opposition to fracking, which just coincidentally helps his long-time allies, the Iranian mullahs?
The Greens want us to decarbonise within 6 years. What would that mean? Would the NHS collapse as a result? Would there be mass starvation?
What about the SNP’s contradictory statements on referenda, nationalism, and independence? Will they campaign to join the Eurozone and the Schengen agreement if reapplying to join the EU? What do thety really think about the links with the monarchy?
Has Sinn Fein really cut links with political violence. Has the IRA disbanded or does it still exist?
For some reason I can’t quite fathom, the BBC has no interest in all these questions…
I think we can safely conclude that BBC Reality Check’s bias level is off the scale.”
Unless, the ‘scale’ is another Mishal Husain operates on a BBC ‘unique’ basis?
Tweet of the day.
8pm R4 History of the British Black Panthers
CAPBBC #ConstantAgendaPushing
\\ Members included Darcus Howe, Altheia Jones-LeCointe, Farroukh Dhondy, the photographer Neil Kenclock and dub poet Linton Kwesi Johnson.
Contributors include poet Benjamin Zephaniah, former Panthers Farrukh Dhondy, Neil Kenlock and Beverley Bryan,
historian David Olusoga and Mykaell Riley of Steel Pulse, US Black Panther leaders Bobby Seale and Elaine Brown, Ian Macdonald QC and British rapper and writer Akala.//