The anti democratic – biased pro EU BBC continues to run daily episodes of Project Fear in the run up the the UK leaving the EU. Desperate amateur repeats after Three Years of Pro EU Propaganda . Luckily the British People are far more intelligent than the BBC thinks . Let’s hope it pays the price for deceit and lies in time .
Weekend Open Thread 17 August 2019
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They like the term ‘far right’ a little too much, I think?
The BBC are simply too far gone.
Just clicked Sky News on as I’ve got half a hour to waste between Endeavour finishing on ITV3 and the film.version of Porridge.
Sky understandably is leading with coverage of the police officer who was murdered on Thursday night, thought I’d check what the bbc was saying about and instead they are waffling on about the bloody Sudan.
ETA: they are just showing it now at 12.11am. Disgusting.
I admit I cried when I heard the news Friday morning, my brother is a serving officer for WMP who of course had a officer seriously injured in Moseley a week ago.
My brother is just rank and file, a PC who really tries to make a difference, but he said to me a few weeks ago, they are losing the streets, and he can only see it getting worse. He’s been a officer for a long time, and he says after what has happened the last couple of weeks, he’s seriously thinking of leaving.
So, please I know some of you don’t have a high opinion of the police, but there are many, many officers like my brother trying to make a difference. He’s on shift tonight and frankly I’m terrified as is my mom.
I am sure that all here are with with you.
One or two of our so called ‘Home Secretaries’ have failed our people and our Police Force.
Lady B,
I absolutely sympathise. Policing must be one of the most demoralising professions in the UK now for any officer committed to serve and protect.
Lady B
The rot in the Police force is at the top. We need a Home Secretary who will deal with it. No one in sight yet.
Please pass on my thanks to your brother for his service.
As I say in an earlier post we are losing control in this country due to PC trumping all other aspects of our lives…..the far left are in control.
Lady B, I have a high opinion of most police officers who do a thankless and often dangerous job, and are pretty much all that stand between us and chaos. However my opinion of much of the higher echelons of police management such as Cressida Dick and co is let us just say is more than a little bit negative.
By their slavish adherence to a PC agenda, Not only have they put the public at risk by allowing criminals to be unpunished, they have reduced the public’s confidence and respect in the police and also put their own officers at risk by recruiting for PC attitudes first rather than suitability for the job, and allowing, naive politicians to push through a dangerous, PC, liberal agenda, rather than protesting as they should.
To be honest – I am surprised that anyone so obviously decent and diligent like your brother would want to do this job anymore – He must find it very frustrating, and theres the danger, when people like him and similair individuals have finally had enough, what will we be left with?
But then again, maybe thats why they do it .
Lady B. For the lack of anything to watch on the main channels, I sometimes watch the Police camera programmes. Morale must be so low. The police appear to be shown no respect, the spitting and the swearing, the public who know every twist and turn, but then should they be found guilty, get a suspended sentence of a week for dealing in drugs etc. However should I drive at 34 miles an hour in the unbuilt up area leaving my village….. I do hope Priti can bring back some vigour to the system. I noticed the other day the BBC reporting research which shows that short sentences, in the BBC’s words ‘don’t work ‘. I thought prison was supposed to be a punishment.
Meantime, I hope your brother keeps safe.
“So, please I know some of you don’t have a high opinion of the police, but there are many, many officers like my brother trying to make a difference”
Fully agree with you Lady. As I said recently I was a critic of the Police. Clearly your Brother is one of the many thousands of other officers who do their job the best they can and for that I and millions of other “critics” of the UK Police service hold my hands up and apologise if I in any way offended your Brother or good yourself.
Sadly we have a weak PC ridden government and a lame PC Police Force.
I live in a small market town. In twenty years I have had a few interactions with the police, usually helping or reporting incidents.
Empirically, the ones who arrive, professional and polite, in the small hours, are ones I have never seen before, and are amazing.
Utterly let down by the entitled slobs I see all too often mainly concerned with shrugging off anything as beneath them.
Lady B,
I also concur with your thoughts. But, sorry, as in most other things, the ‘rank and file’ can object en masse if they so desire.
And for the point about where it’s all going, I don’t think there is one contributor here that doesn’t fully understand that when the S hits the fan, our ‘boys in blue’ are increasingly unable to protect the public. Worse is to come: merely looking at crime in the Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan will serve as a glimpse into the not too distant future. The importation of hoards of people who have no respect for the ‘niceities’ of the West will finally finish off the West, compliments of all recent Governments who, to a party, all pursue left wing Marxist policies.
Exactly so. We are living through the steady erosion of those values and behaviours which once bound us, the British, so firmly together. The liberal left despised those values and have been steadily undermining them for decades . It was apparent to many of us that liberalisation of our laws was likely to lead us to a destination where law and order broke down completely and we are approaching that point. The deLiberate importation of millions of aliens has speeded that process up and has probably made it irreversible.
Most of our institutions have been captured by the liberals who have changed the ethos of those institutions. They have selected those of like mind for promotion and penalised anyone who didn’t buy into the new liberal ethos. This liberal order is world wide and the struggle of Trump , Brexit, Salvini, Le Pen, AfD etc is that of the people trying to rid themselves of these liberal Globalists. We can see in the UK and USA how hard it is to break free.
“We can see in the UK and USA how hard it is to break free”……. If we ever will. I have serious doubts about that possibility, even in the US with a President such as the current one. The only policy now is to prepare as best as you can. Savages can, as we see all too often now, come at you in unexpected circumstances or times. “Expect the unexpected” is now truer than at any time in the history of the so-called, “Developed World”
In my gloomier moments, perhaps I should say more realistic moments, I think that we are living through the last days of democratic nation states and the last days of the West. The unholy alliance of Islam and liberal Globalists are leading us down the road to hell. Surely this partnership of almost exact opposites can’t be sustainable? Perhaps all that we can do is to hope that these highly unlikely bed fellows fall out and that somehow or other common sense and western values are able to reassert themselves in the ensuing chaos.
The partnership of exact opposites? Yes, for now. Until the West has fallen, then it will be Globalists v islam. Islam is riding the Globalist wave until it suits them and then, their ‘opposite’ nature will emerge with a vengeance. In that eventual contest I know which side I’d put a tenner on right now.
Further to above, just in from Gatestone:
“Those people are the same ones who came here many years ago. And we accepted them. We are the original people in this land. We accepted them, we opened the doors for them, and they push us to be minorities in our land, then refugees in our land. And this will be with you if you don’t wake up.” — Metropolitan Nicodemus.
Headline in Mail :
Revealed: The scenes from controversial film Life of Brian that even the Pythons were too afraid to show
A comment on story:
And we all laughed at the absurdity of Stan wanting to be a woman called Loretta and to have babies. Hellooooo 40 years later.
Sorry fat fingers. Ignore.
Michael Brown regrets ‘stupid’ £2.4m Lib Dem donation
Long, boring article….not sure what the real point of it is.
However, our world class broadcaster states an incorrect age at death of Charles Kennedy. Impressive!
Of course, the honest and decent LibDems did not want to give the money back and fought tooth and nail to keep the stolen loot – aided, naturally enough, by those impartial people at the Electoral Commission.
Owen Jones ‘kicked in head’ in London street attack
Police are investigating after Labour activist Owen Jones was “kicked in the head” by a group of men outside a pub.
[Labour activist, he is a communist, he caught the disease through his mothers milk. He is also an embittered homosexual whose hate filled public statements contain plenty of nastiness.]
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said an attack on a journalist was “an attack on free speech and our fundamental values”.
[Free speech? Labour have attacked free speech since 1948, as do their lovable imports who also vote multiple times. Fundamental values, people climb over electrified fences with machine gun towers to escape your fundamental values.]
Shadow attorney general Shami Chakrabarti said: “This is a very febrile moment in Britain – and I’m sure that everyone, regardless of their politics, will want to send their solidarity to Owen Jones.”
[Send their solidarity, what superb English. His idols killed 100 million people Shammy, so plenty of people will send their best wishes to his attackers.]
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott was one of hundreds of people to respond to Mr Jones’s tweet about the incident, saying: “The times we live in are increasingly dark and dangerous”.
[It is darkies like you that make it dangerous.]
Sorry Owen, but this is just “part and parcel of living in a big city”.
The Mayor said so.
PS Owen got attacked by a bunch of premeditated thugs , yet he just walked away
.. that sounds suspicious
SG from your link, c11:22
“He’s just appeared on live BBC program and not a mark on the prat!”
\\ Owen SAYS that he has evidence that his ‘attack’ was politically motivated
.. but can’t talk about it to us or the police.
Which is mystifying because nothing normally shuts him up. //
the Indy story doesn’t give details
The poor Islington resident.
Perhaps he should keep away from publicising his visits/support of the Sinn Fein (IRA) summer camps then.
“Diane Abbott was one of hundreds of people to respond to Mr Jones’s tweet about the incident, saying: “The times we live in are increasingly dark and dangerous”.”
Credit – State Broadcaster front page with apologies to LCS for not spotting this in their post.
The incident has probably been exaggerated. From what I’ve seen and read about Mr Jones, he does tend to hyperbole; for example his reporting of attendance numbers at protests in London.
He’s probably suffering attention grabbing withdrawal symptoms. In his little mind, he’s only relevant if he’s in the news.
No apologies required, there is so much bias, from an increasing number of culprits, reported in an increasing number of sites like BBBC, that it is difficult to monitor it all.
Far better that the bias is reported multiple times than not at all.
If some other BBBC contributor can do a better job than I can (which happens frequently) in exposing the bias I am delighted.
Working for the abolition of the poisonous BBC is a joint effort, not a competition.
The description ‘respected’ is now worth as much as the word ‘journalist’.
I quite liked the term “remainstream media” (as have been out of touch and not seen it used before). Some things don’t change. I’m curious to see how hard the remainers keep pushing back after October?
American mom, 32, forced to live in Saudi Arabia loses custody of her four-year-old daughter after a judge in the kingdom ruled she is ‘too Western to raise the child’ because she went to Burning Man and has social media accounts ‘full of nudity’
Bethany Vierra, 32, lost custody of her daughter – four-year-old Zaina – in July after the court determined that the mother was too ‘new to Islam’
Imagine the snowflake outrage if anything like that was to happen here ?
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: PM to tell EU leaders to renegotiate deal””
“”Meanwhile, the Sunday Times has printed leaked government documents warning of food, medicine and fuel shortages in a no-deal scenario.””
“”…..the UK could also face months of disruption at its ports, while plans to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are unlikely to prove sustainable.””
“Fresh food becoming less available and prices rising”
“A hard Irish border after plans to avoid checks fail, sparking protests”
“Fuel becoming less available and 2,000 jobs could be lost if the government sets petrol import tariffs to 0%, potentially causing two oil refineries to close”
“UK patients having to wait longer for medicines, including insulin and flu vaccines”
“A rise in public disorder and community tensions resulting from a shortage of food and drugs”
“Passengers delayed at EU airports, Eurotunnel and Dover”
“Freight disruption at ports lasting up to three months, caused by customs checks, before traffic flow improves to 50-70% of the current rate”
The anti-Brexit BBC are at it again. If the ‘leak’ is genuine, it’s a list of what could-maybe-possibly happen to one or more of the above.
None of the ‘likely’ positive effects are listed.
No longer Project Fear, now BBC Project Doom.
The BBC are rather desperate, aren’t they?
Scare stories in the media are based on ‘leaked’ contingency planning documents.
The media conveniently ignore the fact that all potential ‘issues’ are resolvable or have already been resolved.
Article by Lee Rotherham.
It is frankly about time that, after years now of the poison of Project Fear being dripped into the public consciousness, journalists get a grip of what contingency planning documents are for, what they contain, and what they mean. They are designed to stress test the most likely course of events, and contemplate the most dangerous set of circumstances. Simply listing the prospects, however remote, of a set of events happening does not mean that they will happen, especially not all of them at the same time …
‘Journalists’ – their malicious political agenda.
when I logged onto Twitter this morning there was this
Lol. Which fake news Sunday Times hack is responsible?
My money is on @OliverKamm
it’s got the bigot’s prints all over it: sloppy, ill-informed propaganda.
Quote Tweet
HM Govt of Gibraltar @GibraltarGov
The Sunday Times Yellow Hammer Report is out of date and wrong on #Gibraltar.
Read our full statement here:
I was sadly listening to Any Answers today (from yesterday). The line the BBC were taking is who should lead the “Government of National Unity”, not should there be one or indeed whether the current leader is actually doing a good job of focussing on the job in hand – sorting Brexit.
So clearly biased and continuing to get away with it!
“don’t have the knowledge (about Islam)” – Mohammed married a 6 year old.
“don’t have the knowledge (about Islam)” – Mohammed owned slaves.
“don’t have the knowledge (about Islam)” – Mohammed murdered those who did not believe him.
“don’t have the knowledge (about Islam)” – Mohammed was not a nice man.
“don’t have the knowledge (about Islam)” – Iranian women are beaten for not wearing the Hijab.
MM, from your link.
More on this story
Goodwood racecourse: Teenager is first jockey to compete in hijab
1 August 2019
Brunel University introduces sports hijab to boost participation
11 February 2019
Student is first hijab-wearing Miss England finalist
5 September 2018
I know I’m going to state the obvious but I need to say it anyway:
The main issue with Brexit is a power struggle.
Brexit is removal of power from those who currently have it, to those to whom it rightly belongs.
That’s why the withdrawal process is taking such a long time; it’s human nature for the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists in power to hang on to it for as long as they can and using any means available to them.
And that’s why we cannot allow them to win. I hope that’s recognised by Mr Johnson and is a key factor in his determination to get us out as soon as possible.
All the other issues that occupy the lying MSM and the treasonous Civil Servants and politicians in the HoP are of secondary importance. They have to be ignored and sidelined until we are out.
Spot on.
In response to a police photo of a knife
Tweeted Jasmine Dotiwala,
Head Of Youth @Media_Trust
TVRadioDigital Broadcaster
/Arts @Channel4News
/Blog @MetroUK @TheSource
/Former @MTV @TheVoiceNews
GlobalFlygirl withVision-Glamazon
Jasmine Dotiwala
(from another dotty tweet in your link, addressed to a police officer)
“Maybe I see things from a different perspective than you and your boys”
As usual the fault is with white people.
Dotty alright, she has a Leftypedia article, chock full of dottiness.
Her twitter account has a twenty year old photograph, strange how frequently the Asian females, who age more quickly than our girls, are unwilling to admit the advance of time.
Apart from the batty Batmanghelidjh JD seems pre-eminent amongst the lefty female ethnics of negative value to the UK.
Ship them back home after Brexit.
@LCS did you “old white folks” spot her tweet from last year I screenshot ?
I do hope likle Jasmine doesn’t run into one of those friendship groups in a dark alley one night while carrying, say, an expensive mobile or other valuables. And if she does, I hope the racist police she no doubt despises aren’t too far away.
Bless you likle Jasmine.
I remember back in the 60’s young twins Reggie and Ronnie formed a friendship group north of the river. Just like today, the insensitive Metropolitan Police ruined it all.
Who is Owen Jones and why his minor Assault headline news?
The pain was felt in all the circles he moves in?
Re reporting of the policeman killed near the travellers’ site
Stew- Noticed that. However low you think bbc will sink, they can always do lower, I have found.
I never watch TV on a Sunday, got much better things to do, but just seen BBC Sunday Live. Two BAMEs presenting and a disabled female guest. The one “normal” was Andrew Pearce, but of course he’s gay!
Agenda, what agenda?
Then later on Pops, the one became two.
I watched no further. Off switch. Now, I know that there are very prejudiced people in this country (most certainly not all white and middle class) but if, for example, in my class at school there was one person who couldn’t handle the 7 times table and the teacher made the whole class recite it on the hour, every hour for the whole of my time at school, who would not be surprised if that teacher became much hated?
And that, gentle reader, is why so much of the MSM, but particularly the BBC, is the object of my opprobrium.
Scuffle outside a pub involving Owen Jones is front page news immediately.
1,000s of young girls systematically raped and tortured in our towns and cities by gangs? Ignored for years and years.
Little Owen better watch his step. If he’s not careful he may be prosecuted for under-age drinking.
BBC Online News:
“”Iceland’s Okjokull glacier commemorated with plaque””
Again and again, the BBC drive their Climate Change agenda.
Again and again, they won’t allow any other opinion based on science. The BBC are funded to provide balanced information.
You see, the BBC have decided that no dissent is allowed. That’s official BBC policy.
Dangerous. Very dangerous. Stalin and Hitler (both socialists), had the same ideologies.
They will, no doubt, be using this as their bible:
Owen Jones is on the BBC this morning. He really is a smug and odious little creature. I cannot believe only four men took the opportunity to slap him around a bit. Surely, a queue would have developed very quickly.
Hopefully the travesty of justice exacted on Tommy Robinson will soon come to an end and he’ll leave prison as sane and healthy as he entered.
I predict the lying MSM will hound him on the day of his release and inform us that he’s subsequently been in court to face efforts to have him banned from attending football matches. And what a wicked person he is, being a racist football hooligan and all. You have to laugh otherwise you’d cry.
However, it’s gone very quiet on the incarceration of Julian Assange. Given the nature of Jeffrey Epstein’s treatment while in custody, if I was Julian Assange I’d be very concerned about my fate, should our swamp rats decide to send him to the USA.
Maybe somebody right now is deciding if Assange is going to be committing suicide in the near future.
Just watching little Owen Jones on the BBC giving his account of the “far right” attack on him the other night.
Although these brutal assailants didn’t utter a syllable as they assaulted him we know they’re far right because he’s mentioned them at least fifteen times.
I thought he’d had a severe beating; FFS there’s not a mark on him.
As you can imagine the BBC are putting him through the most intense questioning (chortle) to make sure he’s telling the truth.
I’ve got a feeling the Beeb and Sky will be running with this “attack” for days. But take a close look at his mush, not an abrasion or a bruise in sight. This is ludicrous.
I’ve had worse experiences when Millwall came down to Craven Cottage.
Next he’ll be telling us they wore UKIP caps and stuck a rope round his neck.
Better check on his hyoid bone…
Perhaps it was just a load of pushing and shoving by a lot of ‘girls’.
I’m sure that Mr Jones wrote a book a few years ago revealing that at some time in the past, he had a girlfriend. He tells us that he couldn’t, erm, do the business with her but got a kick out of watching her being serviced by a real man.
Am I wrong in thinking that this is perverted. Not necessarily that he was aroused but that he thinks it’s appropriate to write about it.
I remember, probably in the 1970s reading a Jilly Cooper article where she described her young son’s semen stained pyjamas. That was the last time I read anything that this perverted woman wrote. You see, the making of perversion normal has been a long time in the process.
They might have been shouting about Allan’s Snack Bar which is where the far right eat
As soon as the ever reliable beeb said they had made arrests on a nearby caravan site in relation to the policemans murder i just new it was those horrible holiday makers out robbing again.
Ah, Ken Clarke, the Mr. Chips of the political world, has said that he would take on the role of caretaker prime minister, if it was the only way to stop Brexit. Overlooked, time and time again throughout his political career he would, if asked, at this time of crisis and uncertainty for the United Kingdom, take the helm and steady the ship, and navigate it through the Brexit storm back into the safe harbour of the EU. Unifying the country, healing the wounds, and ignoring democracy. Well known for giving solidity to pure wind, it would be a touching epitaph for such a traitorous, pompous and self-satisfied egotist.
Yes, you can see how nullifying the vote of 17.4 million would unify the country.
There is a feature on the BBC Website “Can you read this famous
illegible handwriting?” I would sooner be able to understand
some of the accents and more like dialects we are hearing on
the BBC , in the name of diversity.
On the breakfast programme there was a lady reviewing the
newspapers apparently something to do with a university in
Liverpool. This Scouser made Jamie Carragher sound like Stephen
Fry! I honestly had to listen very closely what she had to say ,to
understand every other word.
I suppose I am being reactionary and its fun to hear some of the
continuity presenters speaking in a kind of Patois. But maybe the
BBC should go a bit further in encouraging us to know that
the folk they are employing are of Caribbean stock. How about
“Rass pusi blad clad Peeky Blinders commmin soon man.
@Foscari you are showing a bit of prejudice there
A national broadcaster should reflect the range of accents, instead of shoving London accents at us all the time.
I had no problem in understanding her, yet when I went to Liverpool one the first day I couldn’t understand what Scousers were saying.
Rachel C Boyle’s picks
7:26am – Predicted grades : useless cos the predictions are right only 16% of the time
– NHS region SE London will NOT offer IVF to single-mothers (£3,500/time) argues that is discrimination against the poor “shocking”
– Designer dogs : brings health risks to the pets
8:48am – GSCE Maths/English a third still fail
– Elderly poverty rates are the worst in western Europe down from 1% to 6% (artificial stat, cos it is a relative measure ?)
– Pregnant mothers to be blessed :
– Mick Jagger gig rider : new mattress : tittle tattle
“A national broadcaster should reflect the range of accents, instead of shoving London accents at us all the time.”
Surely a national broadcaster should be understandable by everyone and, to me, that means that the stronger accents which verge on dialects should go. Unfortunately, these days ‘regional accent’ (and that includes London) tends to be an excuse for sloppy enunciation and a virtual absence of grammar.
I don’t hear London accents all the time. Far from it, in fact.
I know a lot of people will disagree with this but, IMO, there are times when equality simply doesn’t make sense. Call me old fashioned but there’s a lot to be said for RP.
I agree Helen, just to hear someone enunciate the Queen’s English in a manner we can understand would be a bonus. Any accent is pretty useless to be honest. A southerner does have difficulty understanding a Georgie, and a Cornish accent may not be understood in Liverpool.
I remember Sue Lawley – a presenter on the old BBC teatime programme Nationwide, who articulated beautifully, and was surprised to learn she was actually a Brummie, but took elocution lessons before she applied for tv work. And of course accents can become diluted when attending university.
The unseen voices who link the programmes are the worst. On Ch4 there is a heavy Caribbean patois which cannot be deciphered, and many Australians.
I’m not saying we should return to the days of Sylvia Peters / McDonald Hobley / Kenneth Baker (Google if you don’t know), but being without accent is no bad thing in communication.
Sheffield aren’t doing so well with their black mayor.
Stew-Thanks for the translation!! To be honest I did really get the
jist of what she was saying. I am an indigenous Londoner and
have worked in betting shops all over the capitol. Half the time
when I was sworn at. For example “Pok mahone” or” Blad Clad”
I didn’t really know what the ladies and gentlemen were saying to
me. I reiterate it’s great fun to hear presenters on the BBC talking
in accents which are quite difficult to understand. It doesn’t
help that I am going a bit “mutton” (cockney rhyming slang for deaf MUTT and JEFF,)
You know what Stew I think it would be great fun and very DIVERSE
if Fiona Bruce or one of the other lady news presenters read the
National news on the BBC in Cockney Slang!!
Yes-Why not a Cockney doing the “Linen Draper(Newspaper)
review on TV.Just as diverse as a Scouser. Shame to hear about
Peter Fonda being ” Brown bread.” No more “Dog and Bone”
allowed in cars. And of course girls not allowed to wear dresses
at school. Instead all to wear “Round the houses.” Yes I
expect BIG BROTHER at the Diversity Dept would love this.
Or would IT ?
Of course my point is not the accent thing
but that I can show that she is a racist favouring non-whites
and that tick box gets her a place on the BBC
We continuously get project fear doom documents ‘leaked’ to the sympathetic Remainstream media showing that the World will come to an end if we exit the eu with a ‘so called’ no deal (although the WA is not a deal either)
Each ‘prediction’ assumes the absolute worst of all possibilities and that we do absolutely nothing to mitigate them, we just sit there twiddling our thumbs.
How about the first prediction from the Remainstream media of remaining in the eu using the standard remainer method, of assuming the worst of all possibilities and that nothing is done to mitigate anything.
If they get their way (they won’t) and we stay in the eu then what about our ever rising contributions, having to change to the euro (and how much it will cost), the liabilities we would have to pay as the euro fails, the liabilities to the failed states currently being hidden or misreported to us, the conscription of our teenagers into the eu Army (no restrictions on eu travel I suppose when going to Ukraine for example), the ever increasing control from an unelected central gang and loads more negatives.
This mornings ‘Times’ leak is already discredited, coming from May’s government and a remainer mp.
It’s out of date and incorrect.
Not that it matters to remainers and the Remainstream media of course.
Thanks to someone earlier for the Remainstream media name updating the MSM used until now.
EG – I’d like to see the No Deal Contingency Plan the Reich EU must have – the one to show Northern France as a big car park of German Autos, lorries stuffed with food busily rotting because the EU has decided to play tough from 1 November .
They export much more to us …. but the traitor Tory government never exploited this –
Apparently the ‘Yellowhammer’ doomsville document was leaked deliberately by an ex-minister, out of spite. No! You don’t say!
Now, who could they possibly mean? Surely no one in Teresa’s late cabinet would be so petty, unpatriotic, disloyal and juvenile?
Beltane, The problem is deciding which of the many traitors leaked. Let’s start with Hammond, and I don’t mean the Top Gear chap.
I’m assuming this is a good sign and not just a photo op.
This is the ‘commencement order’ that “will crystallise in law the upcoming repeal of the ECA.”
Good to see the Union Jack in the background……….ooops ill be branded far right now, sorry.
Good to see the Union Jack in the background……….ooops ill be branded far right now, sorry.
comment deleted .fedup2
I wonder what changed his mind?
Easy money -regular work – doesn’t have to even remotely humorous- same with the other tired one .
BBC really flog dead dogs.
Snout in trough I expect.
We note the way the BBC have played this video again & again
No it’s like it has been suppressed.
PR trickery has turned voting Remain into a tribal identity politics issue , such that Hislop could not today express such views and be in the BBC-good-liberal-one-of-us club
Ah well, you see, that was Giscard d’Estaing. Since then there’s been Mitterand, Chirac and Sarkozy, all working tirelessly to ensure the UK is a happy, contented and profitable member of the community.
Naturally, Ian won’t express an opinion on Macron because it’s best not to mention France at the moment. Bit of a mess but, shtum, shtum. Brexit is worse.
A source said: ‘The BBC have got themselves in a tailspin about this. They want to investigate Tommy Robinson but there are questions that need to be answered about a journalist operating in this way.’ It is understood Sweeney is in Italy while he awaits the BBC’s decision over how they deal with the video.
The BBC and Sweeney declined to comment last night but the Corporation insisted he paid for the drinks himself. It refused to confirm whether the Panorama on Robinson would be screened.
Interesting that the Sweeney job is still going on . I was expecting a hatchet job documentary to be done on TR on the night he is released from Prison – I suppose Sky or C4 is most likely to do it – if at all- replaying old material as if new or with some ‘bought false informant ‘.
David TC Davies
I guess what he’s saying is that this is newsworthy, whereas four white teenagers held at gunpoint by a black woman wouldn’t be.
That seems to be al beeb’s main raison d’être: sniffing out racism, real or imagined, in the 4 corners of the earth.
“That seems to be al beeb’s main raison d’être: sniffing out racism, real or imagined, in the 4 corners of the earth.”
And we know of another cancerous influence upon mankind who tends to “walk to and fro throughout the earth” don’t we. Job 2:2. Old Testament.
Does fund raising entail mugging people, I wonder?
Of course, the FAR LEFT have no part to play in the so called , rise of the Far Right. Hour after hour after hour of relentless preaching, virtue signalling and telling those who are not FAR LEFT and don’t agree with them that they are racist, thick, uneducated and don’t deserve a vote !!!!
To be honest, it’s the FAR LEFT that have awoken a 41 yr old bloke like me , whom, before 2016 and the brexit referendum, didn’t really care for political issues a great deal. But I’ve now seen what pondlife we are dealing with . Sure there are millions just the same now !!!!
Very good point by TravellingMan but a pity somebody can’t spell Keighley, since that’s where much of it started. Googling ‘Keightly’ doesn’t bring up ‘Keighley’, which is why spelling still matters. Teachers please note.
Team Boris threatens to ban Tory ministers from BBC’s Today programme as communications director considers show a ‘total waste of time’
I’m sure the kids in number 10 have been reading this site because people like me have been advocating the New Brexit Government avoiding the BBC – particularly Toady because it no longer functions as ‘holding the government to account ‘ but instead all its presenters just shout and interrupt .
There is nothing to be gained from attending to the needs of the BBC in its ‘ current form .
And -if they stick to it – I’ll be very pleased ..
If you notice – Labour tends to send lightweights onto Toady as well…
This day in 1940 was the ‘Hardest Day’ of the Battle of Britain.
The Germans throughout the Battle of Britain met opposition of a ferocity that they had not met during their previous ravaging of Europe.
German bombers and fighters were often chased back over the English Channel by RAF pilots in order to shoot them down. There are graves of Spitfire pilots in Calais.
What a state we as a country are now in. We must, really must, win this Brexit battle.
“This day in 1940 was the ‘Hardest Day’ of the Battle of Britain.”
Can someone remind David Lammy of this. He probably doesn’t know any history before the Windrush arrived here.
Dover – well remembered – I mark it on the 15th September ….
And the stories of pilots running out of ammo and crashing their fighters into kraut bombers – best forgotten in case anyone gets ‘upset ‘….
Never let an opportunity go past to have a dig. . .
A short while ago on Radio 2, Matt Lucas played Forever Young by German synth-pop band Alphaville. He then proceeded to say that while it was widely a hit all over Europe, it only reached no.98 in the UK, because we still weren’t keen on Germans in the Eighties, but these days we’re okay with them. . . “except for Nigel Farage,” he continued, “even though he’s married to one.”
Not even factually correct, since Nena reached no.1 here the same year with 99 Red Balloons (99 Luftballons). Kraftwerk and Trio didn’t do so badly either, IIRC.
Matt Lucas is sitting in for the absent Paul O’Grady – replacing like with like, I suppose.
Going back a bit further, Boney M were hugely successful around the mid-seventies and before that the “Krautrock” bands like Can, Tangerine Dream and Neu were massively influential in the early seventies.
Hell, it’s not as if Alphaville weren’t successful, because ‘Big in Japan’ from the same album that ‘Forever Young’ was on went Top 10.
Lucas is a moron.
UFO with Michael Schenker in the 70s, The Scorpions, Amon Duul etc etc etc
Paul O’Grady, he who said that he would leave the UK if we voted for Brexit.
Why is he still here?
@TrickCyclist it was at 5:17pm

and quite a quick sneer but people noticed
11.08. 1984 BIG IN JAPAN reached #08
03.11. 1984 FOREVER YOUNG reached #98
As you said Lucas was just talking crap to smear Farage
cos Kraftwerk’s THE MODEL/COMPUTER LOVE was a #1 in 1981, Autobahn reached #11 in 1975
and they had loads in the top 40
and Trio reached #2 in 1982 with Da Da Da
and Nena , the band re-recorded the single in English – and the new version “99 Red Balloons” promptly topped the charts in the UK too in 1984.
Other German hits
Harold Faltermeyer – Axel F.
Scorpions – Wind of Change
Lou Bega – Mambo No. 5
Snap! – The Power
Milli Vanilli – Girl I’m Gonna Miss You
see also
eg 1986 – Rock Me Amadeus – Falco (Austria)
Thanks Stew, excellent work.
Would it be prejudiced of me to point out (once more!) the incredible similarity between (German) Harold Faltermeyer’s Axel F. and (British) Yazoo’s earlier Situation?
Even today I still find it disgusting that our own fighter pilots were sent into battle against the German fighters armed only with .303 ammunition; while the German planes were armed with .50 Cal ammo.
The yanks thought it was a joke when they found out.
.303 v .50 Cal.
Only one winner. And this is what amazes me re the kill record of the Royal Airforce Pilots – superb.
Lucky the 109s couldn’t stay over Blighty very long
Those boys were fighting for our freedom and democracy with their lives.
A freedom and democracy that our ‘snowflakes’ are willing to surrender because they might not be able to holiday in Europe or get their avocados.
Snowflakes they are .
Good point.
I agree.
The kill rate might have something to do with the eight convergent Browning .303 guns which, even though smaller calibre, produced greater weight of firepower.
As for the Yanks, their Curtis fighters of the same period were under-armed deathtraps, and most early versions of their most successful, the RR Merlin engined Mustang, carried the same Spitfire/Hurricane armament. Later versions had two 50cal canon and four .30cal machine guns – similar armament to later Spitfires and Hurricanes.
Also worth pointing out that when Goering asked Galland (top Luftwaffe ace at the time) what he’d like to help win the battle he replied ‘Spitfires’.
And he didn’t say, ‘under-armed, under-performing, Yank snigger-making British clap-trap – he wanted the fighter which outperformed and out-gunned the Me109e. Only when the FW190 arrived did the Germans have a fighter to match the Spitfire.
“Brexit: No-deal dossier shows worst-case scenario – Gove”
Are they re-running the old ‘Project Fear’ propaganda ?
Read on ………………..
“Mr Gove, who is responsible for no-deal preparation, said the document was old and Brexit planning had accelerated since Boris Johnson became PM.”
The remainers are going to get even more desperate as we approach Independence day.
Apparently, even the governor of Gibraltar had called this out as bolloux. Out of date and worst case scenario.
Nice try Remainiacs.
Very early this morning I heard a report on the world service that the report had been compiled by civil servants. A statement I did not hear again on the later propaganda bulletins in relation to this latest rehash of project fear version 2008.49….
Given I spent almost 15 years as a private sector employee having to deal with a certain group of civil servants from one of the ministries on a daily basis I drew a very quick conclusion on the legitimacy of the report and the leak, furthermore given the majority of the service are died in the wool remainers then in hard copy it’s not even fit to be used for tomorrow’s fish and chip wrappers. Fake news.
I like playing – ‘guess the Project Fear story “ for each day . It’s pretty well coordinated- no ex Remainer Ex PMs this weekend or octo Peers . Just a leaked ‘document ‘ again .
It does make one wonder who this poor propaganda is aimed at . Is it to maintain polarity of remainers to leavers ? Or just to frighten people with unproven stories of doom ?
In my personal judgement people have just had enough and want ‘out’ – and get on and adapt to the change in circumstances .
Its just the ‘same old, same old’ . They have cried wolf far too many times.
It will be interesting to see Al Beeb’s response to Priti Patel’s plans for our borders and EU citizens when ‘D Day’ comes? Will they go into melt down?
If Obama couldn’t influence the British public then I’m sure that the cancerous BBC will. Not.
Poor Owen Jones, although thousands of people get assaulted and kicked in the head in this lawless country, the media have singled him out as a matter for concern.
Hopefully flowers will be placed at the scene of the attack and the lights on Big Ben will be dimmed. Perhaps that bloke with a piano on his bike will turn up to give us a rendering of Lennon’s Imagine.
Consider this. Owen was with six friends. They were attacked by 3 to 4 men, and were unable to defend the birthday boy. Says something about the predicted power of the socialist revolution.
And why have there not been any interviews with the friends?
I wonder if Master Jones is having a touch of the seconds ? Perhaps he had been drinking booze in the pub and his memory affected ? Or CCTV might turn up showing a different version of events . I wonder what a counter allegation of assault /hate crime -would lead to?
Jussietis is blind.
My thoughts and prayers are with Owen
Sorry I cant tell you what they are !!!!!
He has six friends?
Fake news from the remain stream media.
Fedup2. This is just a guess. A replay on Monday of the leaked document, with further views by anyone the BBC or Sky could not find on Sunday to support it, and Project Fear. Start with Hammond, Gauke, Grieve, Sour Bitch, some lib dum, SNP spokes thing, Welsh spokes thing, Greta,that bloke who claims to be assaulted on Pentonville Road ( have you ever been there at night). Add on Chukka, (I have a villa called The White House), Ken Clark, Harriet Herperson ( ex legal advisor for Paedophile Information Exchange), her female husband, Jacky Dromey, and I think that may be the initial call list. Others may be available.
Herr Capitan
Unless Kenny Clarke has already done the rounds he must be due to do a ‘put myself forward for highest office ‘ routine – to stop Brexit / ask for another A50 extension/ another referendum fixed to Remain … and on and on ….
I guess there is another full week left before tanned relaxed bubble dwellers return to spout ritual anti brexit rubbish …
Captain P
Harriet Harperdottir, surely?
Subs on the bench – Shami Chakrabarti, Amal Clooney, Cherie Blair.
Perhaps Owen was having a panic attack brought about by the discovery of pubic hair and some passers by were trying to calm him down?
Well it’s as plausible as Jones’ story.
Vegetarian GCSE student 16, is disqualified for ‘obscene racial comments’ because she criticised halal meat in Religious Studies exam
Abigail Ward, 16, was told by exam board OCR that she would be disqualified
Appeal launched by her school, Gildredge House in Eastbourne, East Sussex
Examiner had taken her comment on halal butchers to be Islamophobic
But school argued it was in relation to vegetarianism, not opinion on Muslims
When ex-BBC impartial editor (along with James O’Brien, Gavin Esler, etc) says ‘we’, who might he mean I wonder?
Labour Fireman’s trade unionist Paul Embery
The civil service establishment will always sound alarm bells
at any threat of disruption to the status quo.
It hates disruption.
How will Mason react when senior civil servants warn
of the disruption that a Labour government will cause to the economy?
I heard Mr Embery speak in Parliament Sq on 29/03. To my mind, he spoke a great deal of sense, and the actions of the lefty scum after that told a true story about the TUC activists.
Anything anywhere on Al beeb about the Katy Perry sexual harassment accusations?
I don’t wish to answer my own question but I’m sure if it was a high profile male singer then it would be front and centre ????
do we import water ?
living near whaley we appear to have to bloody much water at the moment
please explain why water is going to be suddenly poisonous
the medicines one has been debunked a dozen time in recent months
as for chaos at the border, just get a canoe and the royal navy appear to deliver you safely
whats the problem exactly
BBC News
2019-08-18 19:30
Jihadi Jack’s parents brand Sajid Javid a ‘coward’ over revoked citizenship
**** Jack, I would have revoked his breathing.
Good old BBC hey !!! Why give airtime to r soles like this !! Oh, silly me , they probably agree with parents !!!
Left wing, Muslim loving, terrorist sympathizing , Anti British National broadcaster !! Aren’t we lucky ?? And all for £155 per year .
I understand that the parents of this Islamic terrorists had been convicted of aiding terrorism ?
It seems a pity their nationality can’t be revoked too .
All these shortages.
Very worrying.
Since there will not be (according to the remainstream media), enough to go round, rationing will need to be introduced.
My rationing policy is that Leavers get food and drugs.
The traitors who have tried to thwart Brexit for 3+ years, starve, unless they die of disease first.
I’ve no doubt at all that the EU mafia, coupled with the willing assistance of our very own extremist, anti British propaganda machine -namely- almost all of what we see, hear and read, can make life rather uncomfortable for the British voter. However, being a child of the 1940s, I still have faith that our people will see the light and do what is right.
BBC Wales tweeted a news webpage with this phrase
‘There can be no doubt now that our planet is in crisis’
The actual title of the page is
“Climate emergency:
What are Welsh businesses doing?”
#1 thing on the page : Making bikinis from waste plastic found on the beach.
WTF how does that take energy out of the Climate system ?
Does it reduce sea-level rise ?
#2 Delivering products in glass bottles
Nope cleaning and transporting glass uses more energy than using plastic
particularly if waste plastic is converted into fuel.
#3The weigh and buy shop
Yes zero packaging reduces energy waste.
But them handmaking products increases energy use.
(Around here such shops have all closed in the last 15 years)
Bottomline : Ocean waste, air pollution & GlobalWarming are all separate issues
eg burning more wood increases air pollution.
But #FakeGreens see everything as their GreenDream Religion
If everyone went naturist that would save on the energy to make swimwear.
‘Police in London have appealed for witnesses after Labour activist Owen Jones was attacked by a group of men.’ –
Why is this being reported as if it’s established fact?
It isn’t. It’s just an allegation.
If Jones really had been set upon by a group of far right thugs, isn’t it likely that he’d have more to show for it than a cat scratch and a bump on his head?
You don’t have to be Columbo to realise that a targeted attack by a group of lads is going to lead to far more serious injuries than that.
What’s more likely is that he got into a bit of a alcohol-fuelled disagreement and it escalated into a minor scuffle.
It’s the sort of thing that happens every weekend outside pubs and clubs up and down the country, and has naff all to do with politics. But I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative of the far right being on the rise…
Ask ourselves “Who benefits?” and we just may find the truth.
Strange that master jones describes the alleged incident as a Far Right job and not as homophobic or otherwise . The baddies must have introduced themselves . Useful to be a ‘victim ‘.
Bl00dy hell..a BBC article mentioning “Illegal immigrants”!!!
I can feel the diversity axe falling on some interns head!
It is rather clear a major problem to be faced is that the brain donors who now seek political office here appear to think acquiring their information and education from the BBC alone is adequate.
Ms Wood does not represent the people of Wales.
It’s incredible that
812 have retweeted her
but 2.2K have replied more to disagree
but 3.1K have Liked her tweet she hasn’t been completely Ratioed
.. replies calling her out get about 640 likes
@Taff could we say that she is head a Nationalist Anti-English party
so it is no surprise that she is in support of these angry hate people
Antifa is of course an ambush-name, cos it doesn’t mean what you think it means
Rather lefty political activists use it as a shield to attack political opponents
They do not call out pro-black and other racist behaviour on their own side.
They very much act as an identity politics group who HATE those outside their group.
(left political groups often use such ambush names)
US antifa = masked thugs with hammers who LeanneWood supports
What have our MEPs been doing in the European Parliament for the last 40+ years, acceding to everything ?
Westminster Hour – remainer BBC type with 2 remainer MPs against one brexiter ex MP. Democracy in action …?
Time for a new Thread …..
This time next year we’ll all be laughing when we think about the traitors in the past who tried to destroy Brexit.
Meanwhile, a clip from the recent Dunkirk film. Spitfires heading for Dunkirk to try and protect the evacuation. The controller in the background is the voice of Michael Caine, a Brexiteer! I knew there’d be a connection 🙂