If weekend press reports are correct Government Ministers are to be advised not to go onto the Flagship/Wreck“Today Programme “ because it is a waste of time . Anyone who consumes the biased output of the BBC might understand why such a direction has been given and wonder why it hasn’t happened before . The question is – How will the Far Left , Pro EU , biased BBC react ?
Start the Week Open Thread 19 August 2019
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Four years+ !
Are we there yet ?
Parliament has let democracy down .
All those lives wasted in the Second World War fighting for freedom and democracy.
We are lions led by donkeys .
“When asked if he believed the UK would leave the EU on 31 October, he said: “I passionately believe we will. It’ll be a brutal betrayal of democracy if we do not leave the European Union. ”
We only had two pages over the weekend
– All of Sundays posts were on page2
– Saturdays on – All of Sundays posts were on page1
First shot will be Nick ‘sources say’ harrumphing about trust and integrity and holding to account.
All vital.
But for the BBC, a boat long sailed.
OT, but after Kashmir via Bradford, maybe importing folk from other places en masse can bring a whole new set of problems to places with zero involvement previously?
This time next year we’ll all be laughing when we think about the traitors in the past who tried to destroy Brexit.
Meanwhile, a clip from the recent Dunkirk film. Spitfires heading for Dunkirk to try and protect the evacuation from Europe (EU). The controller in the background is the voice of Michael Caine, a Brexiteer! I knew there’d be a connection ????
Michael Caine, of ‘ZULU’ fame.
Haven’t seen that epic film on Al Beeb for a long time , I wonder why ?
You can see films like that on you tube .
BBC North America retweeted this work of genius yet?
Leanne Wood seems a soulmate.
We used to say, “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck etc.”
But then we used to know that, “If she looked like a woman, talked like a woman, gave birth like a woman then she is a woman”, but now we know better, don’t we?
Perhaps President Trump, Nigel Farage and Boris can self-identify as ‘extreme left’ and who would dare challenge them?
The Fascists first came to power in Italy in 1922. The ideology of fascism included the restoration of the Roman Empire (European Union) under a corporatist totalitarian regime. The only difference with the European Union was that Benito Mussolini was honest about what he wanted to achive. The European Union has always tried to disguise its fascism by insisting the EU is a trading block. But the illusion of democracy is getting thin and is disappearing with collaborators, traitors, quislings, globalists and separatists uniting to try to stop Brexit. Rather than representing the people that elected them, these fascists represent the European Union. Using deceit and subterfuge to turn opposition to “Brexit” into opposition to “No Deal” makes Mussolini look like an amateur.
antifa is an ambush name
like a lot of labels the left use on themselves
Ambush names don’t mean what you think they mean, in fact almost the opposite.
eg SkepticalScience
or (Labour front group) The HateyNoHopers (who are full of hate and intolerance against those that challenge lefty dogma)
Antifa use the pretence of anti-racism as a shield to attack politicians which compete against the left.
That is why they traditionally did nothing against racism inside the left… like pro-black racism and anti-Semitism inside the Labour Party etc.
They very much act as an identity politics group who HATE those outside their group.
US antifa = masked thugs with hammers who LeanneWood supports
Just the same as the Liberal Democrats.
Neither Liberal or Democrat.
I suppose you could say the Green Party is correctly named but not the ‘Green’ in the way they think.
And Tony?
Guest Who
Simple isn’t it. The Berlin Wall was built by communists who called it the anti fascist barrier. The told their people it was to keep the fascists out, they were the western allies who defeated the fascists in the war. In reality the anti fascist barrier was used to keep people in East Germany and they shot those who tried to escape.
Michael Foots on the front row
GWF & Andy – who knew that ‘Mutti’ was in there somewhere, waiting to be unleashed?
And isn’t that Kenneth Clarke, standing just behind Egon Krenz? Krenz spent over 4 years in prison for his part in having shot anyone trying to climb over the antifascist protection barrier ‘in the wrong direction’.
Maybe someone could check whether Kenneth was missing from parliament for about 4 years?
Sorry, got confused there between Krenz and Kenneth. Easy mistake to make; politicians all starting to look the same to me in those little group pictures…
Next thing I’ll be seeing Donald Tusk there, and he’s Polish. But he’d fit in a treat!
Nope, recalling Madeline Grant’s article in ‘The Telegraph’ today about her visit to Poland, I’m convinced the Donald is in there (but not The Donald).
One of the comments was from a Polish guy, making the point that most of the post-Communist bigwigs in Poland have a Communist background/link. Lech Borkowski, most interesting contribution, ,
comment on the articlewell worth the search. “Nothing changed…” Lech says. Says he has a website: lsborkowski.com/pol/
Might be interesting for those of us who can actually sense Tusk in that photograph. somewhere behind Erich Honecker, even if we can’t quite see the face…
There they are in 1986, celebrating the Berlin Wall as if it would be there forever. Three years later it was all gone.
You could have the collection of schmucks who lead the EU pose for a similar photo now, perhaps in front of a giant Euro. They are as deluded about their seemingly invincible project. It could crumble just as quickly.
We can but hope!
Or in front of their Tower of Babel.
‘Simple’ is a bar too high for these gobs and the media who flock around them like flies.
The fascists of the future will call themselves anti Fascists Antifa – Winston Churchill
The Queen supports Brexit. And so do I.
Parliament and the BBC do not support Brexit. 70% of Tory MPs are Remainers. The Lib Dems and now the Labour Party are Remainers.
We have the makings of another Civil War.
Parliament v Royalists.
Care to join? 🙂
Just watched the film Elizabeth; the Golden Age, and watching how we defeated the Spanish Armada 500 years ago with a flotilla of wooden boats, made me think that if Elizabeth I was around today she would p…s all over that lot in Europe !
Alas no. Elizabeth was such a skinflint she wouldn’t even pay for powder & shot for the Navy, and commanders like Drake were forced to board sinking Spanish ships to loot it from there.
The main failure of the Spanish came from the nobelman the King appointed Medina Sidonia an aristocrat without naval command experience, simply because he as an aristocrat.
He refused to take any advice from those who knew better than him, and he could have sunk the entire English fleet when it was holed up in port with an onshore wind blowing.
Time to finish the game of bowls was because Drake knew he was unable to put to sea until the wind changed.
I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman etc. All after she knew the Armada had been scattered by the wind, but prior to that she ran away to one of her more remote palaces.
She was so mean she didn’t even pay the ordinary folk who had turned out to defend her kingdom, despite promises to do so.
I suppose you’re going to tell us she went to Eton?
Dover Sentry ,
The views of Brexit and all other policies , future strategies , interests , experiences , studies , expertise and even instinct should be discussed , dissected , analysed and proven .
Everyone should have an equal input .
No policy or people should be sneered at , traduced , dismissed intimidated or vilified whatever they espouse .
If the BBC don’t want that , then yes , let’s have a civil war . They must want that .
Parliament does not represent The People any more. It just represents it self .
Sadly some credit in what you say taffman-the question I ask is, do those currently sitting in the house of commons really understand that if the majority of their constituents voted to Leave the EU, how can they in all sence not support the vote? They must know full well that come a General Election they could by their deliberate actions lose their seat. Of course the real problem is that most have a pretty picture of how lovely and nice and comfortable the EU has been and still is-nothing could further from the truth if but they would take time to fully study what those in Brussles that have run and still control the policies of the EU, are but fully Socialistic-they still are hopeful that mass immigration will be the future answer – it will not, but only destroy Europe. Sorry a longer reply than intended.
On that subject, has anyone heard or even seen Nia Griffith in the HoC? Is she dead or seriously unwell?
As Shadow Defence Sec, I would have thought that she would have much to say.
I couldn’t give a shit what” Jihadi Jack’s ” parents think about
anything! To give publicity to these parents of trash like
their son who’s mates at ISIS have just slaughtered dozens and
injured scores at a wedding in Kabul , makes me SICK!!
Why doesn’t Canada also just take away his Canadian citizenship instead of complaining that we done it first.
His parents must be proud of him. Two extremely tolerant Countries arguing because neither want this pos.
Funny how people like to use their dual citizenship when it suits them and the second country lets them – but suddenly it doesn’t suit them to have dual citizenship..hypocrites
All you want to do , to prove the BBC lies by omission and obfuscation is
Not pay the telly tax .
Then you get get letters that not just lie by omission , but lie in every sense of the word .
This Property Is Under Investigation
Really .
What investigation is that ? When and how ?
And then there’s the Finalysing Investigation .
Another who what when where and how .
What other organisation in the world starts with fibbing to those that it wants to help keep it in the manner if feels its accustomed and entitled to ?
Got my ‘Love letter’ from them on Saturday. I think they are stalking me ?
Could they be done for harassment ?
Taffman ,
It’s form N1 and N 16a lodged at a local magistrate court . Im not sure whether to wait for a visit , but I don’t think they ever will .
Amazing how precisely history is repeating itself ever 79 years, to the day.
Lord Halifax (Heseltine) believed that Britain should do a “Deal” with Germany using Italy as an intermediary. Winston (Boris) disagreed, believing that “nations which went down fighting rose again, but those which surrendered tamely were finished” and that Germany was unlikely to honour any “Deal”. Winston (Boris) supported “No Deal” and Britain went on to win the Battle of Britain which ended in victory on Thursday 31st October 1940 (2019).
Very thought provoking article from the Gatestone Institute re the attack on Christian Western Life.
Everyone in the Uk needs to read this twice at least including most of all our National Broadcaster BBC Haw Haw…
Salient paragraphs:
“”I don’t believe in these two words [human rights], there are no human rights. But in Western countries, there are animal rights. In Australia they take care of frogs…. Look upon us as frogs, we’ll accept that — just protect us so we can stay in our land.” — Metropolitan Nicodemus, the Syriac Orthodox archbishop of Mosul, National Catholic Register.
“Those people are the same ones who came here many years ago. And we accepted them. We are the original people in this land. We accepted them, we opened the doors for them, and they push us to be minorities in our land, then refugees in our land. And this will be with you if you don’t wake up.” — Metropolitan Nicodemus.
“Threats to pandas cause more emotion” than threats to the extinction of the Christians in the Middle East. — Amin Maalouf, French-Lebanese author, Le Temps.
Full article here:
Toady watch
Plenty of remainer traitors on display this morning . The first was a personal favourite of mine Ms Caroline Lucas of Green Fame.
Ms Lucas is close to brexit hysterics and ranted like a good one about being ‘doomed ‘. She wants parliament recalled 14 days early – good luck with that methinks .
I fear the real worry for Ms Lucas is a potential shortage of cat food .
The BBC bod gave her a very light questioning as might be expected – it’s a shame – as usual that there wasn’t a brexiter in the studio to challenge her rants .
Later we have the ordeal of the President of The Pharmaceuticals Society and the the ever lovely charming John – string up the Tories – McDonnell who as we all know is the PM in waiting .
Every time I see her name, I think Caroline Mucus.
It’s childish but I can’t help it.
It’s green isn’t it ?
I would say that as a member of the public and like millions of them I’m disgusted with the incomprehensible actions of those in the house of commons who sit there by our command dare to bellow,bluster, and vociferate their traiterous views against those millions of the public that pay their huge salaries, that vote to Leave the EU. If it were possible I would have those same MP’s thrown out of H of P and deported away from the United Kingdom to enjoy the hospitality of Russia, and outer Mongolia. Yes I know I am very angry with what is happening, and want to vent my anger, much use it will do no doubt.
Douglas Murray on Lucas
… on the only occasion I appeared with Ms Lucas (on a BBC panel), she made no effort to reach out to me — someone she certainly disagrees with.
Indeed, I found her one of the most unpleasant politicians of either sex I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.
Corbyn says, Corbyn demands, Corbyn insists, Corbyn promises, Corbyn wants ….. Doesn’t matter BBC , he is a busted flush.
Talk about CCBGB !!!! BBC backing the wrong horse AGAIN.
Suprised Corbyn should hate the EU, as it is ( the EU) fast turning from a Socialist Union into a Communist one, that surely would right up old Corbyn’s street?
Ah, but Steptoe wishes to be the engine driver not the EU’s oil rag. Status and position is everything in the glorious revolution.
The BBC technique for promoting a speech they like is –
Publicise what he will say
Report the speech live
Publicise what he said
Have an after report for what it means
Then criticise what those the BBC disapprove of say ….
“Crisis” – isn’t this what the eu.bc want us to believe. Lets face it over the last few years the “news” has been negative reporting – and most of us get our news from them!
Al Beeb Radio Wales this morning allowed a Labour MP to regurgitate Project Fear + , uninterrupted for some time. He had the sound fear and panic in his voice as he tried to pile out three years of the Remainers claims of catastrophe, just in case he was interrupted.
As our PM is going to the EU to negotiate the best deal for the UK, the Remainiers are determined to undermine his bargaining power in order to stop our bid for freedom and independence.
They work for the EU, not the UK.
Guardian Opinion Brexit
Sun 18 Aug 2019 16.18 BST
Now we know the cost of no deal, MPs must do whatever it takes
Matthew d’Ancona
Operation Yellowhammer shows that a disorderly Brexit must be avoided at all costs.
Now is not the time for posturing
[Posturing is exactly what follows, as BBBC users have come to expect.]
These, after all, are the government’s own assessments, not the panicked assertions of ultra-remainers.
[These are not the “government’s own assessments”
More Guardian lies, every time anyone with any integrity reads “facts are sacred” they must have a large, long, belly laugh at the biased nonsense which will assuredly follow, and follow it does.
“not the panicked assertions of ultra-remainers”
It is the still lying assertions of desperate Remainiacs who wish to keep the UK in the EU. So the UK can be turned into a province of a totalitarian state, a precursor to a global state. Where anyone can go where the benefits are and **** the locals who civilisation is being deliberately destroyed.]
It is he [Johnson] and his fellow Brexiteers who led the charge against Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement, making it impossible for the Commons to agree on an alternative.
We are in this predicament because of the serial dishonesty, manoeuvring and lust for power of those who insisted that leaving the EU would be easy.
[Theresa the Traitor? Her withdrawl agreement was not Brexit, and was designed to keep the UK in the EU, on worse terms than our current membership.
All the lying was done by the Remainiacs, pretending that the WA was satisfactory.
The Remainiac MPs voted as if they were Remainiacs who hated the UK, and these cheetahs have not changed their spots.
All “serial dishonesty, manoeuvring” was performed by Remainacs in their Olympic Gymnastic gold medal winning acrobatics trying to permanently surrender UK sovereignty. Eg Hammond labelling the ERG “extremists” for honouring the vote.]
Whatever it takes
[Whatever it takes, is a quotation from Mario Draghi 2012, before the EU introduced 70% youth unemployment to Greece and Cyprus, 50% youth unemployment in large swathes of Southern Europe, unemployment which still remains. Trashed the Greek economy and appointed EUSSR commissars to run it.
Severely damaged other EU economies. All to protect their poorly designed Euro and the precious project.]
I deplore those who are ready to vandalise the future of this great country just to satisfy an ideological itch
[“Deplore” Mathew, not a term that turned out well for Hillary Clinton.
“vandalise the future” Nonsense as shown in my link above, nobody is buying the assertions of hard left Socialists whose intention is to destroy the UK.
“an ideological itch” The Guardian supports a disgusting, discredited, ideology with suppurating sores first scratched in 1917 and has the death toll to prove it.
[If there are any shortages, queues or any other Brexit inconveniences those at fault are the Remainiacs like this author who have wasted three years using all and any lies to support their treason.]
Toady 2
Having listened for a time this morning I am getting more concerned about the people who don’t live in the EU.
How do they survive without produce from the EU ? They must all be starving or suffering from lack of medicines .
There is no discussion of alternative sources of stuff should the EU play nasty after we leave without a sell out .
This is perhaps additional evidence of BBC bias but also a disservice to the people who , unlike me , pay for it .
Fed – The EU isn’t the entity that could or would play “nasty”. It is companies, not government institutions that manage trade. No company will “play nasty”, it is against their regulatory obligations to shareholders.
Measles, once eradicated in the UK has now returned , why?
Has it Been reported on Al Beeb yet?
Perhaps it will when they read this post ?
This was also a story last year – and when you look at the outbreak areas in the UK there is a strange correlation between increases and certain areas of high levels of certain groups – now I cant say it is causation only correlation – but somehow Italy France and Germany have seen these same increases in measles outbeaks since around 2016..now let me think when did Merkel open the doors to Europe 2015? Hmmm and since them. well funny that..
but no mention on the BBC of any analysis – where is fact checker when you need it? All they keep doing is blaming a handful of anti vaccination people – useful fools me thinks…
Dream cabinet.
When Hell succumbs to global cooling?
There is a great piece in today’s Conservative Woman web site about Victor Orban and his five central tenets for Hungary. I think that most people of this site will agree with all of them and wish that our own government had not abandoned them fifty years ago. How much happier and safer our country would be if we had stuck by them.
They are in summary:
1. Each country has the right to defend its borders and reject unwanted immigrants
2. Each child has the right to have two parents and the state should defend the traditional family unit.
3. Each country has the right to defend its national interests
4. Each country has the right to defend its Christian culture and to reject multiculturalism
5. Each country has the right to opt out of supranational decisions if it democratically chooses to.
Excellent Victor Orban-however the United Kingdom has allowed Liberalism to intervene and drive all such actions as proposed out of the window-they love Multiculturalism and are mad keen on diversity-you only have to look at the TV, the Media et al to see all of it pushed at you day after day. Leaving the EU might, just might give us an opportunity to revive such actions as Victor puts forward. He missed out Capital Punishment.
OT, but had to share.
Not a spoof. At least, I don’t think it is.
It’s not easy to tell these days.
Must be fake, no ‘climate activist’ would keep a dog or cat would they?
Come to that they wouldn’t exercise either, too much carbon dioxide in the breath.
Its true.
Check her links.
Talk about paranoid.
She has a very pretty video of “Greta-of-the-ether”.
Hopefully, they will be instructing on how to hold your breath for a few hours or so. Think of all that evil CO2 that will be eliminated.
A little later than normal this morning: Toady, on 0800, off 0815 during the die-hard communist John McDonnell’s rant. The man should be locked up. I can think of many more who should join him.
Measles is now on rise again in the developed West and the UK has lost its status as being measles free. No thorough questioning by our ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ Marxist state broadcaster who concludes, its all about people not being vaccinated. In their haste to present that pseudo reasoning to avoid any reference to millions of refugees and immigrants, un-vaccinated on arrival, within the population goes unquestioned. After all, that would be contrary to our Marxist state broadcasters policies supporting the importation of delightful savages from the Third World wouldn’t it?
It’s a fair point about the lack of reasoning as to why such diseases have returned . It is the same sickness the BBC has had about immigration .
It cannot be discussed . Any one raising the subject is a ‘ racist ‘ .
So no mention that millions of third worlders bringing their ‘ hygiene practices ‘ into Blighty has any connection to it . But of course because the BBC doesn’t mention it doesn’t mean that people don’t think it .
Toady update
Owen Jones on Toady . Interesting account of the alleged incident after having a ‘ nightcap’ at a pub.
It seems Owen knows the men who attacked him – hence being able to say that he was attacked by ‘ Far Right ‘ people as opposed to anti gay or anti brexit .
TR got a mention three times by Mr Jones but there was no mention that TR is banged up following a political trial .
Lastly -there is no mention of any ‘ exchange of views ‘ during the alleged ‘ street fight ‘ involving what may have been 12 people .
I wonder where the witnesses and CCTV are ?
There was about 10 minutes of Owen ranting -and the BBC drone was unable to stop him .
Owen’s slip of the tongue
“52% of people voted Remain”
..I wasn’t listening I was just flipping channels as. I often do when they start banging on about a pet issue or trivia on one channel I flip to another, and then often to another as each is banging on about a pet issue . I just go round and round between R4 and 4 local channels sometimes.
After Brexit the UK will be very busy with mass trials of traitors, to be followed by executions.
There should also be recognition for those who have done the most to secure Brexit.
I suggest that a new award be created, to be named The Brexit Cross or The Brexit Medal.
I nominate StewGreen for the award, for his ceaseless efforts on behalf of Brexit on this website.
I know that there are other websites where SG is busy batting for our side.
I do not mean to suggest that there are no other BBBC contributors who should be considered for the award.
Comments please.
If Owen knows the men who attacked him we can look forward to their trial and a massive sentence
The elite are protecting their own
Owen is getting ready for his next “Far Right” incident so he can make sure the charges stick at the Neymar diving school!
This is about 14 mins long and exposes Mr Jones as the dissembling, attention seeking prat that he is. We Got a Problem makes the telling comment that if Mr Jones’ assailants didn’t speak to him while apparently hitting him with a wet paper bag, because he doesn’t seem to have any bruises as a result, how does he know they are far-right thugs?
Also, this smacks ( probably not the best choice of words) of a low budget Jussie Smollett production.
But of course, the racist far-left bbc collective are lapping it up and licking their rat lips with glee.
“how does he know they are far-right thugs?”
He’s begging the question; they must be far-right thugs because only far-right thugs would do this.
A popular tactic with the Left.
I hear that his mouth while at the Bar/TV/RADIO goes fifty to the dozen; maybe his hands do likewise – only at this particular bar no gays drank?
He needs a dam good thrashing-then sent out to work in the fields under the direction of a number of Farmers-sent out at night to check the farmers flock of sheep for a few hours-suspect his leaning politically is towards Socialism/Communism, with plenty of diversity-goodness there are so many of these useless types scrounging inside the BBC et al.
Has he described the attackers?
Body type
Hair colour
Distinguishing marks
Nope. Just sex.
All they care about.
And even then…
The telling thing is this isn’t an interview it’s a platform for this runt’s nasty slurs.
At no time does the BBC man ask any pertinent questions, he just allows OJ to bluster on. It’s not good enough.
Every bloke who’s set foot in a pub or visited a football match has had some sort of confrontation, it’s not good but it happens. Making the unsubstantiated assertion that these folk (if they actually exist) are far right should have been challenged.
Can you imagine if he’d been beaten up by Muslims the BBC would immediately refer to them as “men”. Or at their most expressive “Asian men”…
I said this yesterday; there’s barely a blemish on him. He claims “I was kicked in the head.” That would lead to a serious injury! I’ve got more marks from an accident I had stumbling home from the pub the other night…I was exhausted (ahem).
Owen is a poser and he’s manipulative liar.
He shouldn’t be given air time to propagandise on the BBC.
He said the gang attacked him with military precision suggesting they were some kind of trained militia, however they were beaten off by his (gay) friends !!!????
His friends ‘scarpered off’ after the attack. Come on, let’s hear from them. Not very reliable friends are they?
Like Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
Maybe they didn’t have any political affiliation at all; maybe they can just spot a prat when they see one and the urge was too great – if it even happened at all.
It was a typical BBC interview with the left wing gobshite.
He was listened to respectfully, and allowed to peddle all his usual nonsense, attacking Tommy Robinson as if he had been one of the assailants, stating as a fact that Trump was the most racist president since the 19th Century, and even dragging up a phone call which Darius Guppy made to Boris Johnson 20 years ago to lie that Boris had conspired to attack a journalist, when in fact he had done no such thing.
After Owen we were then treated to the views of a left wing academic who agreed with everything Owen had just said about how beastly the right wing are.
I hope Boris Johnson heard this. It should surely confirm that neither he nor his ministers should ever waste their time appearing on this programme, which is little more than a three hour anti-Conservative hate fest every morning.
Then he should abolish the licence fee and let the BBC sink or swim. We don’t need a state broadcaster in the 21st Century.
Boris should just close them down. The public support for such an action is there, due to the naked left-wing bias they display and the increasing rate of ditching of the TV licence. It’s a sure-fire G.E. vote winner.
Sink, please.
The evening news says that generally 1 in 7 are not vaccinated against measles, rising to 1 in 4 in London. Now, I wonder if one of the 2000 “journalists” will do an investigation and come up with a startling reason for this.
Rose knows the score , get back in yer box Lammy !!!
As of now your post has exactly 34 approvals.
Coincidentally, exactly the same number as the Lammy IQ.
Why on Earth would they want to come back here? The UK is going to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland after Brexit, remember?
BBC have Owen Jones on….a one sided discussion…an excuse for him to just mouth off about Far Right….no evidence…he is allowed an uninterrupted monologue – BBC asks which bit they are targeting that he is Left, gay or a Remainer – what a load of S..e. It is disgusting he is just being given free reign to say whatever he wants
no challenge – not a single int-eruption
Not a single word about the attacks by the Left …
How do we know him and his friends were not just being Knobs and other lads didn’t like them…?
Owen Jones does and Diane Abbot – 52% voted leave and 52% voted remain in Brexit…the guy is a gobS…e
button off
Young Owen – a BBC favourite – ( wonder if he is on the afterdinner £££££ speech circuit yet? – poor Owen has such a high regard for himself but so lacking in self awareness .
He rants about extremism but doesn’t realise he is extreme in himself . Won’t end well.
We all knew that if we ever approached a true Brexit we would be subject to ever more lurid tales of what awaited us, the plagues of Egypt wouldn’t hold a candle to what was to be visited upon us. It’s all going exactly as expected.
I think it highly unlikely that the present government will be able to get us out on 31st October. I suspect that the Remain majority in the HoC will stop it. If Remainers win a vote of no confidence then I expect that one way or another they will cobble together a government which will hold a second referendum. Once again a Remainer Government will throw its weight behind Remain and be in a position to gerrymander both the questions on the paper and the result . It’s highly unlikely that they will allow any result but a Remain.
The only way to avoid this is to hold an election before there is a chance for the Remainers to strike. A GE can be won for Leave if there is an electoral pact between Tories and TBP. But the problem is that a GE can only be held if there is a majority vote for it in the HoC thanks to the five year parliament act. In short Remainers still hold the cards, this is going to be tough and the odds are still against Leave.
What should the thwarted majority do next now that they clearly no longer live in a democracy?
About that…
DT- Parliament handed the decision about EU withdrawal or otherwise to the people.
Representative Democracy -for this one issue- became Direct Democracy. At the will of parliament, NB!
The people voted to instruct government on what to do. It was up to May to carry out that instruction. Parliament didn’t come into it, other than -on this issue- to legislate as the people decided.
It was Remainer May who decided to blur the issue: suddenly we had Customs Union issues and Single Market issues, and Backstop issues, and ‘Deal or No Deal’ issues etc etc, and parliament was afforded the chance to quietly take the whole decision back from the people. The equivalent of a coup, really, when you think about it.
In the process, May also reduced the Tory majority so severely, it required an alliance with the DUP.
There are people in parliament, like bellowing Bercow, doing things that are actually illegal. The whole place has become a hotbed of lies, obfuscation, and -in their attempt to nullify the people’s decision, oppression.
They keep telling us proudly that they’re ‘sovereign’. But their sovereignty has a source: it is the sovereignty of the people.
High time the media realised this. High time the bbc came on board with the people, instead of constantly trying to undermine them!
I should say the thwarted majority needs to do whatever it takes to restore democracy, hijacked by parliament. I hope BoJo sees this clearly, and that there will be no need for action by the people.
I don’t expect political dwarves like Swinson, Harman or Clarke to understand any of this. But there are a lot of MPs who know exactly what they’re up to.
The media , with a few exceptions, is part of the Remain elite there is zero chance of them doing anything to upset the Remain Apple cart. Most of the MPs on either side know that the Remainers are acting unconstitutionally and undemocratically but the Remainers don’t care. They are going to keep us in whether we like it or not and will use their power to crush any opposition. If we don’t leave democracy is dead and we have moved into the post democratic era when we are ruled by an international group of like minded Globalist technocrats who believe they know best. Ordinary people have no say in how things are run.
‘I should say the thwarted majority needs to do whatever it takes to restore democracy’.
I have been on this page for the best part of 3 years.
Nothing I have seen from our politicians and Media, particularly the odious BBC has given any indication that the pro EU Elite will succumb to a democratic vote from those that they believe are subservient to them intellectually, ideologically and morally. We have put our faith in a due process of one person one vote unaware that our betters had already determined our decision, clearly as we were not to be trusted to vote ‘correctly’.
This aberration of our democratic vote must be resisted using everything we possess, words, arguments whatever, but resistance must be robust or we’ll never have a true democracy again.
‘Whatever it takes’.
I notice that Victoria Derbyshire and BBC Five live Nicky Campbell are nowhere to be seen or heard of late? very strange.
My bet they are both rehearsing for their twice daily, anti-Brexit, TV live shows (propaganda) up to the end of October when the BBC bias will be out in the open with pretty pink ribbons on.
Maybe their latest cheques from the EU have bounced? They may have cash flow issues, due to the economic slowdown in the Eurozone.
I imagine they are on their carbon free holidays, probably crewing Greta’s yacht (made of carbon fibre).
I missed the interview with the Freight Transport Association on the Toady show .
Did Al Beeb ask ;
Question -How many of your members ( the FTA ) are involved in international haulage
Answer – none
Question – what percentage of those trucks going abroad are British ?
Answer – less than 2%
Question – what percentage of those ( foreign ) trucks are double manned ?
Answer – > 50%
The BBC do not ask questions the answers to which do not suit the BBC and its narrative.
Probably why brain donors like Wood and Lucas come out with the gems they do based on what they are told in the green rooms.
We seem to be living through an era of constant catastrophising. If it’s not “The end is near” global warming mob, it’s the endless fear mongering about “a no deal” Brexit.
We’re bombarded by images of crumbling icebergs in the Arctic and predicted traffic jams in Kent.
Every morning I awaken to the multiple mantras of dystopian doomsters (that sounds like a Boris phrase!)
We’re either going to die in a couple months due to lack of medicine and food and even if we’re lucky enough to survive that we’re going to die in a decade due to irreversible climate change. We’re fxxxed either way!
Is it any wonder our kids are becoming increasingly neurotic?
In the old days if we had a couple of weeks of sunshine it was something to celebrate. Not now. These days if the thermometer struggles above 80 degrees Fahrenheit there’ll be some miserable finger wagger telling me it’s the hottest day since T Rex roamed the earth 160 million years ago and hectoring me to smother myself in Factor 50. “Make sure you’re wearing a sunhat and take some water with you.” they’ll witter. FFS sake you’re not my mum and I’m not seven years old. Leave me alone.
This morning there seemed to be a little good news (for a change) on the Beeb, but of course they managed to distort this by squeezing it through the prism of perpetual misery.
Apparently house sales have shot up by a surprising 6%. Yippee! But no…it’s because people are panicking over the possibility of Brexit and rushing their purchases. “It’s not the best time to be buying a house” they mused.
We can’t win.
As old Private Fraser used to say in Dad’s Army…
“We’re doomed, we’re all doomed.”
The good old BBC has always gone for the doom option:
Interest rates up, no-one will be able to pay their mortgage;
Interest rates down, pensioners will starve.
Pound up, exports will suffer; Pound down, Tracy cant’t go to Tenereife.
Our health will be be destroyed by the smallest additive/pollutant, we are told, so surely this manufactured doom must, by their own logic, have some dire effect?
“ emergencies “ seem to be in fashion as well . There’s a climate emergency – and I’m sure I heard a public health emergency somewhere .
Maybe it’s the new buzz word now that ‘ powerhouse ‘ and ‘ hard working families ‘ aren’t the fashion any more
“FFS sake you’re not my mum and I’m not seven years old.”
Sadly Jeff, you and I know we’re not kids, BUT when you see the majority of the younger adult population glued to their f…….g phones, then I can understand why they ARE treated like infants.
When I’m in the company of my own age group (baby boomers), we never even consider looking at phones – unless its the obligatory photos of grandkids. The same cant be said for the rest, and I don’t hold back in saying how rude they are if I’m in conversation and there’s a lot of scrolling going on.
Three points about Owen Jones
#1 Deception by omission
: It’s looking to me that OJ is controlling the info about the attack.
The usual thing is that if something happens a video comes out and you get a whole lot of context
.. OR the info is controlled, there is deception by omission and the public assume the worst.
Actually to me I think the OJ attack seems to way more minor than he makes out, otherwise there would be way more info out in public like video, witness statements. Team OJ are not regular people, you’d think they have their phones out in seconds.
#2 London Lefty Privilege
Provincial groom/rape gang victims are told to eff off
Yet a London media lefty is invited straight into a studio to mouth off unchallenged
#3 Fallacy of magnitude
Some hooligans slapping Owen so lightly that he doesn’t have a mark , is just so minor; it is not in the same league as London stab victims or grooming gang victims. So it shouldn’t get so much media time.
PS where was Owen’s security people ? He’s a public figure like Farage, or Tommy . These people are vulnerable so have security procedures.
The BBC – via Peter Hennessy -gave Pete Hain – the ever bronzed peer – a 45 minute session of ego exposure this morning .
It was a bit like playing that BS bingo game . How many times could me mention apartheid
How many times Mandela . ?
I could not stomach continuos listening as his self regard was too much .
But I counted the times he talked about his constituency -none .
I pondered about what he did for them whilst he was striding the globe saving Africa . And he didn’t have anything to say about what is currently happening there .
It’s a shame the BBC chose him instead of maybe less conceited characters . He loves the House of Lords now by the way – having spent a career rubbishing . – now that he is in it
PS – I saw Mr Hain in the flesh one day in a train on its way back to London from wales . We had something in common . We were both in First Class – but unlike him – I’m not a career socialist . We was very tanned … .
Ahh, Hain. Didn’t he once pour oil on a cricket pitch during a tour by South Africa?
His musings as the self-appointed spokesman for Africa remind me very much of the now departed Paddy Pantsdown. He was an individual who could wax lyrical about the goings-on in Bosnia and the wider Serb-Croat confrontation, but ask him about the day to day issues in his local constituency…..
Paddy also had a great line in suggestion by omission of his time in the SBS. Oh please. As if!
Do you remember the first time Blair became PM, and one of his first promotions was to promote that black Labour MP – I can never remember his name – to be the South African Representative for the Blair Government. He was very fond of talking (actually he could never open his mouth wide enough as he had so much to say) and for throwing his arms all over the place as if he was talking to someone deaf?
I think he was a London MP? A tall stringy chap.
And the delight on his face at the thought of getting that position in Africa. Like going home he said.
I’ve never heard of him since?
Well, temporarily putting aside the fact that Farage and Tommy are men of principle and consistency and with a desire to improve this country, Owen is hardly a ‘public figure’. Outside of the BBC and The Guardian, nobody has heard from him. Certainly a couple of lads who’d had a few beers could not be expected to recognise The Great Celebrity, if that is an accurate account of the event.
Owen claimed that a “right winger” had assassinated Jo Cox.
A typical lie from him. No-one knows anything about Thomas Mair’s motivation. He never said a word to the police, he never said a word at his trial. It was one of the strangest trials ever.
He was a quiet man who did not mix with criminals, yet somehow he acquired a stolen gun. The police have failed to find out how. He was alleged to have shouted “Britain first”, but other witnesses deny he did.
He had some books about Hitler and is therefore a Nazi.
Owen Jones is the most accomplished spin merchant and most annoying person in Britain!
“He had some books about Hitler…”
To be more exact, police produced some books about Hitler from his room.
As you say, the trial was extraordinary. It was the Old Bailey – why? – and it is not certain that Mair himself was even present. Jo Cox’s body was spirited away to Leeds and thence to London to be examined by the same person who had examined the body of David Kelly. People have tried to write to Mair in prison or visit him without success.
A ‘public’ figure who has effectively isolated himself from the staff of the BBC, Graun, Ch4 and Westminster on Twitter and hides behind the broadcast only platforms of all these to make claims that stand up as well as a lightweight after too many Appletinis trying to chat up the barman.
I think exactly the same –
did you notice Mr Jones in the R4 interview (sorry Left tirade) stopped himself early on when he was describing the attack – he sounded like he was about to say they kicked me in the head (as some MSM have reported) but he stopped and it sounded like he just got a bit of a slapping…12 (?) blokes attacked him from the same pub but not a single image anywhere? No video of them in the pub?
all a bit strange?
As funny as Eastenders!
hes pulling funny faces, end of
Andy et al
Many posters on site inc me – often say that the BBC doesn’t do comedy any more and up until Sunday morning I agreed . But whilst a guest in someone else’s home I spied the Sunday morning programme on BBC1.
Ok I know it’s not meant to be funny . But I found myself laughing out loud and how excruciatingly
‘ right on ‘ it is .
Just when the reach the pinacle of tick box somehow they best it . I did like the ‘ do gardening to avoid suicide ‘ slot .
Unfortunately for Fedup2 the householder couldn’t get why I kept on laughing . Not being a regular viewer of BBC TV anymore I suppose I was not familiar with just how funny it has got ….
Couple of days old, but Spoonclank is always worth a watch, I think:
An every day story about economic progress in the UK and an economic downturn in the EU.
Doubtless some journalist at the BBC is, as I type, creating a headline article, explaining the report and demanding that the BBC start supporting an immediate no deal Brexit.
Fedup – Peter Hain is a smug, self-important, nonentity. He reminds me of one of those frogs, that blow themselves up, to appear much larger then they are. Likes to think of himself as a representative of Africa in parliament.
I very much doubt the African continent thinks he is. Those that have actually heard of him, that is…
Doesn’t surprise me to hear that he neglected his constituency. Presumably they were only there to give the great man his position.
Last – that line from long ago about the best view of the constituency – was from the rear view mirror sums so many MPs up – such as the 500 supporting EU membership …
News or PR ?
“Building standards in Scotland should be enforced by a national agency, according to environment group Greenpeace.”
Get lost BBC stop cutNpasting Greenpeace PR
If they are worried about human extinction should stop trying to prevent people living in colder climates like Scotland burning stuff to stay warm.
Not BBC related, I saw it on another site and thought BBBC readers might be interested.
IS Labour’s David Lammy Sending HIMSELF Hate Mail? – New ‘Evidence’ Revealed
[The problem I have with the article is it assumes that Lammy is intelligent enough to post a letter.]
Rightty bias ??
FFS in the first few hours Radio4 platformed loads of lefties
6:40am – Caroline Lucas
8:15 Marxist : John McDonnell
8:35 – Owen Jones had 10 mins of attacking the non-left by throwing the smear label “far right” on them
9:00- Labour Perr, Peter Hain .. 45 minute special
+ Radio Wales”allowed a Labour MP to regurgitate Project Fear”
I expect they were all given the soft treatment of no hard questions and not being cut off.
The 11am show is 3 vicars : Richard Coles, Kate Bottley and Giles Fraser
are they not all lefties ? revkatebottley supports corbyn
Despite all this the left PR machine will not take their foot of the outragebus accelerator as they pretend to be outraged that a non-lefty has been given 1 minute of BBC coverage.
These people believe humans should die out … that is genocide … the BBC do not mention the word genocide .. .why not?
Article Two of the convention defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such”: Killing members of the group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.17 Mar 2016
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019}
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
BBC do not mention genocide!
MPs won’t be forgiven if they fail to stop Boris Johnson’s Brexit ploy
Gina Miller
[Let us UK haters stick together and sell out to the EUSSR forever.]
Gina Miller is a businesswoman an transparency activist
[Gina Miller is a non European white hater with one the largest axes, and one of the largest chips, in history.
No comments allowed, because this lying article would get murdered BTL.]
Maybe not so much biased, more crass and inept.
At around 0740 on Toady, Justin Webb, I think, interviewed a surviving relative of a Policeman killed on duty in about 2012. This in response to the murder of a PC last week.
The inanity of the questions was damning. “How did you feel when you heard your relative had died?
FFS. What was he supposed to say? What enlightenment was he supposed to bring ?
I imagine he felt as bad as we all do when and if a close friend suddenly dies. So we are all none the wiser.
This tugging at the heart strings reporting is presumably aimed at the gullible brainless for whom ‘something must be done’ is the solution to every problem.
But quite what the BBC agenda is for this useless reporting I’m really not sure. The implication of evil Tory underfunding perhaps?
Reminiscent of the line: ‘But apart from that Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?’
Khanife Crime update
(Sunday) A MAN in his 20s is fighting for his life after he was stabbed in East London this morning.
It is the latest stabbing as the capital is in the grips of a knife crime epidemic, claiming 87 lives so far this year.
(page gives full list)
Police tweeted: “There are a number of large crime scenes in place on Hackney Marshes and in the woodland following a stabbing at an unlicensed music event last night.”
It comes as two other men were stabbed in South East London just 12 hours prior.
You’ve reminded me that the feminists were trumpeting last week about the female A level science cohort exceeding boys for the first time ever.
Stangely Harperson, Swinson, Thornberry et al are quite silent on their under-representation when it comes to knife crime.
OT, but it looks like the BBC will need to ditch Rog, David or both. Or arrange a ‘snip’.
Sky News has assigned Victoria Seabrook as science specialist producer. She will be covering science, environment and climate change and produce Ocean Rescue stories. Previously arts specialist producer, Victoria can be found tweeting @v_seabrook.
As an arts producer she should be able to ‘cover’ Greta’s Atlantic Adventure with all due gravitas.
FFS She originates from top Dark PR website Dsmog
;Here’s one of her first posts .. backup
This is a guest post by freelance journalist Victoria Seabrook, MA City Journalism graduate with work published in the Guardian and Evening Standard.
Her later Desmog article was in in Ecologist article 18th April 2016
doesn’t go “denier, denier, denier”
If only you knew how much of a surprise it has come to me to learn this.
In other news, I will be fascinated who is dockside in NYC to greta Greta and how they got there. Kay, Adam.. Cathy?
Seabrook does not have a Leftypedia article.
[one written by fans/co-conspirators].
[The following is from LinkedIn, by the subject herself.]
Print and TV journalist, writing/producing environmental and social justice stories.
Previous news editor at independent, local newspaper Hackney Citizen.
Also published in The Guardian, Evening Standard, Camden New Journal, DeSmog UK.
Editor, Prison Watch UK
City University MA Investigative Journalism
Sky News 2 years 11 months
Arts and media specialist producer
Jan 2019 – Present·8 months
Planning for and producing all arts, entertainment, culture and media stories
Journalist, Sky News Oct 2016 – Jan 2019·2 years 4 months
Generating ideas for and producing news stories and documentaries for Sky Ocean Rescue, a major environmental campaign
to tackle plastic pollution in the ocean and other threats to ocean health.
Producer/Director, Turn The Tide on Plastic (2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nxW8F2-8X8
Producer, Dirty Business (2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRQLilXLAIU
Assistant producer, A Plastic Whale (2017) https://news.sky.com/video/documentary-a-plastic-whale-10924827
Assistant producer, A Plastic Tide (2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D35YnZ7_WxM&t=1099s
Generating ideas for and producing news stories and documentaries for Sky Ocean Rescue, a major environmental campaign to tackle
plastic pollution in the ocean and other threats to ocean health.
City University LondonCity University London
Master’s Degree·Investigative Journalism·Distinction 2014 – 2015
[So she did a masters degree in one year. I could not discover when/where/if she did her first degree.]
[No available evidence of scientific expertise, plenty of evidence for lefty bias. Quelle surprise.]
Thing is that if we cancel Brexit now and stay in Europe, they will be so grateful that they will give us preferential treatment from now on.
YEAH RIGHT !! they would crucify us safe in the knowledge that the British Parliament will support our membership regardless. Back of the queue.
R4 Today –
Justin King the former boss of Sainsbury’s who campaigned for a second referendum (1:51)
He was going on about food import difficulties after Brexit
Maybe the BBC should talk to the Dutch company Spar which has 2,500 outlets and £4 Billion of sales in the UK?
Wiki –
[In October 2004 he launched his recovery programme for the company under the banner “Making Sainsbury’s Great Again”.
King gave half his shares in Sainsbury’s to his wife Claire for “financial planning purposes”. She divorced him three months later after 21 years of marriage]
Another lovely impartial article from the BBC !! Usual Corbyn supporting piece mixed with the usual calls for a Vote of No Confidence (the BBC are desperate for this). However it was this line at the bottom of the article that caught the eye ………..
“What matters is whether the possible food shortages, disorder and travel disruption the leaked documents reveal are still considered possible worst-case scenarios.
And then, how far the “significant steps” taken by the government have mitigated the risk of each of those outcomes.
That may become clear in the coming weeks when the government begins a public information campaign telling people how to prepare for life outside the EU”
A public information campaign telling people how to prepare for life outside the EU ?????????? Are you effing serious ???? What do we need preparing for ? No sunlight ? No oxygen ? No water ? Asteroids ? It scares me how much people need their hands holding these days and cant think for themselves. Generation snowflake in full cry thanks in no small part to the snowflakes at the BBC.
Come Doob – it’s comedy ! What type of non European cheese do you buy ( ask Lammy ) or the best Commonwealth wines . How not to buy a French or German car …..
You’d think Lammy would be happy someone is trying to do something about the knife crime epidemic …… alas …. seems not. Happy for his “brothers” to keep killing each other and then virtue signalling that no one is doing owt when another one bites the dust !!!
He is a DISGRACE !!!
Trouble is, most of his Tottenham constituents will admire him for this.
He is a ‘populist politician’ playing to the gallery.
He won’t like being called populist 🙂
I checked 1.7K people liked that tweet, 239 retweeted it
which is surprising cos it it just a childish nasty tweet that sneers at Patel
What percentage of Lammy’s followers is that ?
How many followers has Lammy got ?
wow 540K
Half a million people have got that tweet yet only 0.4% liked it
What about the NHS nurse story … 8.1K Retweets .. 19.3K Likes
ie 4% of his followers liked it
How the hell does Lammy have 540K followers ?

I’m guessing that hundreds of thousands are bots , and many are in the US
The problem with Twitter embeds here on BiasedBBC
is that each time you post a ‘a reply to a tweet’
It auto-includes the parent tweet
It is possible to just post the reply
but its ‘s a little tricky
I added a TechNote at the end of the last thread
One easy way is just to post the text of the reply
and use (i) to put it in italics
pointy brackets not rounded.
Stew – I agree – seeing a twitter post which goes on and on is a bit tedious and I wondered if I could edit it .
But then thought -I spend quite a bit of time monitoring comments without spending more time .
It’s a shame , too , that some people don’t read the thread before posting a comment -or follow up in ‘ discussion ‘ but I guess that’s the nature of a site like this ….
Even easier would be to leave twitter guano where it belongs, especially if it doesn’t relate to the BBC.
As David Lammy has said, lie down with dogs and catch
hisfleas.I did think we could open a David Lammy thread
cos most of his output relates to his own private universe
not connected to the BBC.
If I had time I’d edit out those duplicate parent tweets myself
But none of us are paid here.
Just turned on the BBC 1 news at 1324.
The very first words uttered were ‘the catastrophic effects of climate change’.
The next article supports the public taking video of car users leaving their engines on in stationary traffic.
An air pollution campaigner is then supportively featured.
Immediately next we have the climate change effects on Greenland.
FFS. How much of this agenda-driven shite can a person stand?
Can my blood stay below boiling point while I await the weather forecast, the actual reason for switching on?
……The innacurate weather forecast….
We could help save the climate by all switching off our tv’s and closing down the BBC. Imagine the size of their carbon footprint with all their jet setting “correspondents” standing in places around the world just to tell a story that they could tell from the studios.
We could help save the climate by all switching off our tv’s and closing down the BBC. Imagine the size of their carbon footprint with all their jet setting “correspondents” standing in places around the world just to tell a story that they could tell from the studios.
Priti Patel ‘wants EU free movement to end on 31 October’ under a no-deal Brexit
I should jolly well hope so!
Ms Patel is said to believe that the immigration shake-up can be brought in through secondary legislation, a move that would allow her to effectively sideline MPs who might try to torpedo the Immigration and Social Security Co-Ordination Bill.
The Limp Dumbs are unhappy. Anything on the bBC yet?
I doubt that this government will last until 31st October. With great sadness I think it will be ousted by a Remainers and a ‘Remain at any cost government ‘ will be put in its place which will then call a second referendum which it will control and ensure that there is a Remain vote. The EU will certainly grant yet another extension to facilitate this.The damage that this manoeuvre will do to our democracy is enormous and will possibly be terminal to it. At some point after the second referendum there will be an election but that may be delayed for some time to try and dissipate the anger of the betrayed majority.
The only way that I can see of avoiding the above scenario is for at least 40 Labour MPs to vote with the present government at a No Confidence vote. This would cancel out the Tory traitors who are likely to vote against the government. Perhaps the labour leave MPs may just be persuaded to vote as their constituents did if they are promised a GE within six months of us leaving. Fingers crossed.
The cliché ‘it’s the quiet ones you have to look out for’ may well apply. You can bet some devious scheme is being hatched by the quiet collaborators and traitors working in the background against the country.
The noisy nutters promoted by (and within) the bBC et.al. are probably less dangerous.
Who has been quiet recently?
The only good thing about a failed Brexit will be that the true nature of the liberal establishment and most of the media and our institutions , will have been exposed for all to see. They are Globalists who wish to see nations states swallowed up into some supranational non democratic world government. They are prepared to go to any lengths to ensure this outcome. Hence their fury at the election of Trump and the Brexit vote. They have no principles and ride roughshod over the law whenever it suits them but use the law ruthlessly as a weapon whenever it suits their purposes. They have the support of their like minded colleagues across the globe. Beating these b******s will be a long hard struggle.
“……will be a long hard struggle”. If the people prevail and I have serious doubts about that.
Typical racist move from that ultra white supremacist Priti Patel !!
I was being ironic !!!
Fantastic story in the Londonistan Evening Standard about immigration restrictions being imposed on EU citizens after 31 October if they have criminal records .
That will go down well with a multitude of Irish , Romanian , Bulgarians , Poles in gangs making a living committing crime in Blighty .
Brussels will love that one .
And the EU Court of Human Rights will have no more say in OUR laws.
Regret not the case. The ECHR has nothing whatever to do with the EU apart from geographically being located in Europe and the demand by the EU that all member states have to be signatories to and be governed by the ECHR.
What leaving the EU would do, however, is open the way up to the UK leaving the ECHR. But I’m sure there’s no one in the Houses of Parliament that would promote that one………….Don’t have the balls.
What would those “restrictions” be, I wonder: the subject individual having to promise faithfully (‘on my Mother’s life etc) that they would no longer act criminally? Yeah! that would sure be worth something……….
The restriction would be no admittance to Blighty in the same way the Americans bounce foreigners with records .
This idea is just a propaganda exercise to give EU governments something to think about . So many of their nationals are in Blighty it will bring on the pains if those with records get bounced at ports …
It’s utterly relentless now. And has been since Extinction Rebellion reared their apparently-exempt-from-the-law heads.
The BBC and XR have, in my view, clearly been working hand in hand on this one. Collaborating, you might say.
But also over reaching. I don’t think I’m the only one getting thoroughly pissed off with the entitled little twerps. And XR.
Odd. That was a reply to Sluff above but has dared to strike out on its own without so much as a People’s Vote.
@Roland We have a thread :
Does Prince Andrew take us all for idiots ??? he stands furtively at the doorway of a convicted paedophile, waving off a young woman, and then professes to be appalled at what Epstein got up to, and vehemently denies at being involved himself !
FFS are we expected to believe he was ‘taking tea and reading the Times’ at Epstein’s mansion of ill repute, while all manner of sexual shenanigans were going on around him and he didn’t know ????
I doubt he will wriggle out of this so easily, despite his continued denials.
I’m not going to judge anyone without full context.
In such things some people are spies gathering info from the inside.
I think after a quick smackdown from the Queen at Balmoral, our Royal spare ‘heir’ miles golfer will be made to ‘retire’ from public life due to the mental pressures of these totally false allegations.
Meanwhile on the Al Beeb new site there is the obligatory picture of Trump with Epstein and not Clinton. Quelle surprise!
I should have thought that after Carl Beech, and the treatment of Cliff Richard by the BBC and the police, people would be a little more circumspect. No smoke without fire blah blah blah.
Epstein had a huge number of high profile associates.
Tonight Tucker Carlson is scheduled to be back on his show…
8pm US time
If he is not on air ..then maybe that is some suspension
It’s not BBC but POTUS is on full broadside this morning on Twitter ( Washington time ) …. Sopel will choke …
Great cohesion inside the Republican Party, the best I have ever seen.
Despite all of the Fake News, my Poll Numbers are great.
New internal polls show them to be the strongest we’ve had so far!
Think what they’d be if I got fair media coverage!
Anthony Scaramucci is a highly unstable “nut job”
who was with other candidates in the primary
who got shellaced, and then unfortunately wheedled his way into my campaign.
I barely knew him until his 11 days of gross incompetence-made a fool of himself,
bad on TV. Abused staff,……got fired.
Wrote a very nice book about me just recently.
Now the book is a lie?
Said his wife was driving him crazy, “something big” was happening with her.
Getting divorced. He was a mental wreck. We didn’t want him around.
Now Fake News puts him on like he was my buddy!
Thanks Stew – what a great direct way to communicate with voters . Cut out the MSM – give them crumbs from the table at airports -otherwise avoid .
4:30pm Radio4 Religion and Climate Justice*
So what role can religion play in bringing about the kind of change that is needed?
Religion appeals not only to science (no it doesn’t)
but to deeply held beliefs and values.
Religion can talk the language of hope as opposed to fear
and can tap into vast networks and mobilise communities. (sounds like PR speak)
So what difference can religions make,
what kind of things are already happening
and are they doing enough to tackle a problem that will connect all people regardless of faith and belief?
(sounds like PR speak)
Joining Ernie Rea to discuss religion and climate justice are
Dr Husna Ahmad is Chief Executive Officer of Global One 2015, a Muslim Independent non-governmental organisation led by women,
Gopal Patel, Director of the Bhumi Project, which works to mobilise the Hindu community on environmental issues
(Bhumi means soil in Malay)
and Martin Palmer former Secretary-General of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation.
* “Climate Justice” sounds like another ambush word
cos Justice doesn’t involve telling people “you are a denier, so shut up and pay up”
New York Times, lying as usual, and busted as usual.
They produce cherry-picked figures to illustrate a point, but hide other figures which may scupper them. As one commentator writes:
“…If the scam isn’t quashed before old guys like me can attest to real experience, like the numerous days over 100 degrees every summer in the Midwest before 1970, the propaganda war will have been won by the neo-Stalinists…”
And that is the point – the scam will be promoted until those that can remember what things were really like, are dead and forgotten.
I have had a thermometer in the same place in the house since 1988. I tend to only look at it a lot, if its very hot. I remember seeing it at 99º. This summer it reached a maximum of 89º. Temperature differences between “day and night” “summer and winter” and “wind blows north or south” average out at “Ten Kelvin” each. In 200 years, observed Climate change has produced changes in temperature within only “One Kelvin” even after the controversial amendments by NOAA. With mistakes involving isotopes in tree rings making Michael Mann more famous than the hundreds of scientists who don’t commit any scientific fraud, weather stations at airports are delivering the goods, so are favoured by the Met Office.
These are ten ideas for challenging “BBC Project Fear”.
(1) Fear of food shortages: Ask Donald to ship over millions of Big Mac’s.
(2) Fear of climate disorder and a climate of disorder: Deport all Remainers and Environmental Activists who haven’t thrown themselves off cliffs.
(3) Fear of travel disruption: Travel in the opposite direction towards Norway and North America.
(4) Fear of the unknown: Remember what it was like outside of the EU in the 1960’s with the Beatles.
(5) Fear of life outside the EU: Look at Australia, isolated both politically and geographically but with a much better standard of living.
(6) Fear of terrorism and non-Europeans: Avoid Londonistan and stay in a safe place like the Yorkshire countryside.
(7) Fear of not being able to get to France: Go to Quebec instead.
(8) Fear of not knowing what to do: Ask someone from the Commonwealth instead.
(9) Fear of Russians, Jews and Americans: Then cuddle up with Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders, instead.
(10) Fear of Populism: We the people want freedom and democracy, so jump of a cliff.
Trouble at UKIP again with the NEC thwarting Richard Braine’s choices of Deputy (Gerard) and Chairman (Liz Philips).
Also Richard Braine complaining about RT editing.
Braine has sent out an email to UKIP members