If weekend press reports are correct Government Ministers are to be advised not to go onto the Flagship/Wreck“Today Programme “ because it is a waste of time . Anyone who consumes the biased output of the BBC might understand why such a direction has been given and wonder why it hasn’t happened before . The question is – How will the Far Left , Pro EU , biased BBC react ?
Start the Week Open Thread 19 August 2019
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I think it’s fair to say that the quality of writing at the BBC is not rising.

Botched bum enhancement? Is that really what passes for an acceptable standard these days.
Roland Deschain
What else would you expect from Blue Peter?
“Botched bum enhancement? ”
You must always remember these days; the BBC teenage Editors are chatting with their own kind.
Though I doubt very much many teens are watching the news on the TV these days especially on the lying BBC News.
Dogs get more information from sniffing each others “bums” than we get from Al Beeb.
Yes – the British have become the ‘idiot race’ and the BBC are the Marketing Dept..
“Boris Johnson: UK ‘will be ready’ for no-deal Brexit”
It better be , or the Tory Party will be finished.
The Brexit Party is watching.
In the event that Boris is forced into an election because he can’t get a proper Brexit through, we face a very difficult decision. Can we afford to trust him, given the Tories’ previous shenanigans? On the other hand, if Boris is seen to have done his best, can we afford not to and risk splitting the Brexit vote?
It is vital that the Brexit Party has considered this possibility and some accommodation is reached that maximises the Brexit vote.
Roland Deschain
In the event of an election, Tory Brexiteers will need to form a coalition with The Brexit Party .
All this mess has been caused by Mrs Chamberlain.
Remember, “No deal is better than a bad deal ” & “Brexit means Brexit”.
I don’t like watching brainwashed schoolchildren on the BBC talk about the climate emergency, with one Nordic Aryan child now in line to receive a Nobel prize. News censored by the BBC includes Teachers causing confrontations with scientificly qualified Parents saying their child cannot possibly understand the issue until they at least gain an A level in Physics.
So I am going to have tea at six while listening to Nigel Farage on LBC, freeview channel 732.
There are echoes of the Nazi system of encouraging kids to denounce their parents if they say or do things to which the State does not approve .
“There are echoes of the Nazi system of encouraging kids to denounce their parents if they say or do things to which the State does not approve .”
Especially if they are listening to a radio station that doesn’t have any connection with and the qualities of the national broadcaster BBC.
It will be a sad day for the man who offered this prize, IF this child is actually awarded suc. For most to receive such an honour it has taken a life time of dedication to their particular subject matter, don’t let it be treated now with such contempt.
It seems likely that the kid will get a Nobel Prize for ‘ being there’ is the same way they devalued the award by giving it to a Black American politician who had done nothing apart getting elected ….
UM, I DO HATE TO GLOAT, but I believe I did mention this on here over a week ago, – it was, as my late husband used to say, “a racing cert” !!!
“Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who has inspired an international movement to fight climate change, has been nominated as a candidate to receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. The 16-year-old was nominated by three Norwegian MPs.”
don’t you just love the BBC’s in depth analysis R4
Big push on MMR – with Boris saying the reason for increase in measles is just people listening to the anti vaccine people – no other reasons discussed like mass immigration into Europe. Is the anti vaccine people the reason for the increases in Italy Germany and France? Is it the reason there are hot spots in the UK consistent with higher levels of certain ethnic groups? No, they use a one off case study as their total evidence..pathetic..
And now anti white supremacists story…..in USA
Comment ‘ Far right activity has been responsible for the worst reason attacks ‘El Paso’. Funny they have forgotten the other attacks who were left wing..
Another attack on white people (who are of course all Far right)….wow how unusual
Radio off
radio off…
@JA AFAIK there is no demographic on UK measles deaths cos there haven’t been any deaths for years
There are a few hundred infections a year
Are they migrants ?
but the FT shows there were cases at the Calais Refugee camp
In a world full of Chamberlain’s we need another Churchill. We must not let liberalism dictate its spineless, cowardly attitude into our lives, it must be resited. The UK is fragile at this moment, but it has been so before this time and succeeded.
Instead of Trump buying Greenland from Denmark he should instead buy Scotland.
Those fun loving cheerful Jocks could then escape the UK as they appear to want to do but instead of being ruled by Brussels they would become a State of the USA.
They would get the Dollar so no currency problems.
There’s already a wall built at the southern border.
They would be ruled by one of their own as Trump has Scotch ancestors.
A good idea all round, even better than my earlier idea of giving Eire a referendum of joining the UK.
Emmanuel Goldstein
But I thought the Saudis had bought Scotland and were colonizing it for Islam
GLASGOW // When the Glasgow Central Mosque, then rivalling the biggest in Europe, opened a quarter of a century ago, it seemed all the needs of Muslim worshippers in Scotland’s largest city would be met at its imposing site on the banks of the Clyde.
But as the city’s Muslim population has swelled to 33,000, with the Pakistanis who have always formed its main component joined by refugees from conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan, demand has continued to grow for space. More than 70 years after organised worship first began, in the homes of Pakistani immigrants, Glasgow has 14 mosques, and some feel it could do with more. It is not difficult to find examples of growth. Across the city, extensive work is under way to expand al Furqan mosque; elsewhere, two other mosques are being modernised. And 80 km to the east, a mosque that opened in January with the express aim of serving English-speaking Muslims in the capital, Edinburgh, chose Ramadan as the occasion to extend worship to Friday prayers.
In their different attempts to cater for Scotland’s largest Muslim communities, both al Furqan and the Edinburgh Blackhall mosque also cast light on the steady decline in Christian worship. Increasingly, mosques are being created or expanded in what were Christian premises; al Furqan occupies a building formerly owned by a neighbouring centre for the elderly, run by Christian spiritualists, while the Blackhall mosque has made its home in what was until 2006 a church of the United Free Church of Scotland.
School lunch standards warning under no-deal Brexit
Desperate Project Fear XXL +
If the EU doesn’t want to sell us food we can buy it elsewhere , It will probably be cheaper.
I don’t think European farmers will be happy ?
In fact food standards in schools couldn’t be much lower could they?
I would also think that like during WW2 we sourced our grub from around the world, not europe, which was limiting – the same now applies to food and future trade. Also if subsidised farmers use foreign workers to harvest our own food – they send most of their wages abroad – where is the UK benefit?
7:30pm BBC 1 Syrians in Scotland
Justice and the reporting of it in Guardianista Britain.
BBC first sentence
‘The parents of three teenagers who deliberately trashed a model railway exhibition worth £30,000 have been ordered to pay compensation’.
Sounds good . Only lower down do we discover the compensation for wrecking a lifetime’s painstaking work is…..£500!,,, FFS.
Needless to say, the perpetrators, aged 16, cannot be named for legal reasons.
The Far Left want to give such people the vote.
Mind how you go.
£500 EACH
plus one year youth rehabilitation programme.
It’s an absolute joke. Those young criminals, and their parents, should be made to pay off every single penny, no matter how long it takes. But that’s the judiciary for you. The same people will be making judgements about the legality of Brexit. We should all weep.
I think its a joke that young criminals cannot be named – why not? if they’re old enough to do the crime, they’re adult enough to be named, – I’ll make a concession, only when they’re found guilty.
It’s 1970s woolly lefty thinking which decided that publicising the name of young criminals would damage their future and lead them further into crime .
No regard for the needs of the victim or for the overall welfare of the people where a dangerous youth criminal might ‘live’ .
Personally I think the presumption should be on publication unless there are special circumstance s . Maybe a full Right wing government might do something about that one day …
8pm choice of cooking with Nadiya on Bbc2
or Ainsley on ITV
There’s another food show on Channel4.
A guardian columnist writes today advocating the end of the ‘Toady’ programme – but she loves ‘Newsnight ‘ .
They allowed comments – some of which are quite brutal in their view of BBC presenters .
Local News the prog’s Climate Change evangelist
has an item about research to help Lincolnshire farmers have better crops for Climate change
“Sea level rise means that crops have to cope with more salinity”*
..”see the farming coverage on the BBC farming website.
* The road on the northeast side of Lincoln is called Saltergate.
Why ? cos 500 years ago the carts came in the 30 miles from near Mabelthorpe where the marsh salt harvesting operations took place.
That land was later drained and now has wheatfields on
..and now you tell me those wheatfields MIGHT have to cope with increased salinity.
Right what we got is BBC networks are doing a Special Week on Farming
and Day #1 is Farming and GUESS
…. *Climate Change * AKA Global Warming
A double tweet
@BBCRadioSolent tweeted
Our panel of West Dorset farmers discuss climate change, as part of the BBC’s Focus on Farming week.
Ed Goodfellow, Izzy Mitchel and Robert Bowditch discuss the future of the industry/i>
West Country
Reporting live all afternoon from @LyeCrossFarm
in the beautiful #mendips as part of #BBCFarmingFocus – talking climate change and agriculture today @bbcpointswest @BBCNews
shortly about farming and climate change. I’m on the Somerset Levels. Five years ago I would have been completely underwater ..
Will she mention that the flooding was caused by EA abandoning dredging , in favour of greendream stuff ?
“Farmers are on the front line of climate change.” NFU DP
@essexpeasant speaking about farming being part of the solution to tackling #climatechange on @BBCBreakfast’s #BBCFarmingFocus. Find out more about our #netzero ambitions for agriculture
VIDE : http://ow.ly/PGAX50vBKKp
Photo of Sommerset Levels floods
Morning! All this week at #Breakfast we’re taking a detailed look at #farming in #Cornwall as part of #BBCFarmingFocus
Climate change, innovation, #Brexit, the pressures of producing food in a popular tourism area are all on the agenda
What issues do YOU want to hear about?
Green PRtrickery site : CountrysideLive
Looking forward to showcasing how British #farmers are helping to tackle climate change tomorrow on
@BBCBreakfast ????
@philmackie will be talking to the farming community about mental health & well-being.
We’ll also focus on Brexit & its impact w/ @Sarah_Ransome
@annaholligan visits a floating farming i/Rotterdam adapting to climate change.
NFU Cymru President @johnpentre will be discussing farmers’ efforts to tackle climate change to kick off #BBCFarmingFocus this morning.
John will be speaking to stations across the UK and is due to be live on
@BBCRadioWales from around 7:45am
“This carbon capturing moss could help tackle climate change”
What like every other plant and tree?
I’d like to know if you talk to any member of the public say in, any of the mid-West states of the U.S, or on the High Street in Buenos Aires, or in a shopping mall in Perth Australia, what their concerns are about climate change, because according to the publicity given by our press, the UK are tackling the global issue on its own.
In fantasy land, we are just a wart on the face of the earth, so if the UK went entirely green, recycled every product, and all the population became vegetarian, it wouldn’t matter a damn in the overall bigger picture. Its the apathy of the biggest countries that needs to change.
When you think you’ve heard it all !!! And then more relentless bollox is unleashed from our national broadcaster !!! Given up guessing what’s next , how did we survive before the EU ???
I think you’ll find that education authorities etc solely buy British meat and where possible locally grown veg.
A lot of the manufacturers/supermarkets used to buy Brazilian chicken, until the EU banned 35% of total Brazilian chicken exports last year.
Partly as a result, I think you’ll find chicken prices have increased over the last year or so. I don’t think Brexit was blamed then….Not saying that it shouldn’t have been banned because of salmonella etc, however, prices have already increased due to factors that are not Brexit related. So why now?? Why has this not been mentioned?
I think the EU have turned the chicken tap back on.
“EU-Mercosur free trade deal — What you need to know
Tariff reductions:The EU would eventually abolish 92% of the taxes on Mercosur imports. …
More market access: Mercosur farmers would be allowed to export a set amount of beef at a preferential tariff rate and 180,000 tons of sugar and 100,000 tons of chicken to the EU each year.”
Irish farmers aren’t so happy, especially as their Taoiseach has been working so hard to screw-up Brexit for the EU!
Anthony has wicked IT skills.
Just watched a BBC TV News feature about measles vaccinations. Now I agree that it is a nasty virus, but why were all of the children filmed white? Not normal for the BBC, normally they show a cross section of our multicultural society.
@Chalkywhite AFAIK there is no demographic on UK measles deaths cos there haven’t been any deaths for years
There are a few hundred infections a year
Are they migrants ?
but the FT shows there were cases at the Calais Refugee camp
In 2017 an outbreak in Romania killed 30+ kids
at least one a refugee, though could be much more
Since refugees are super vulnerable the UN makes immunising refugees a priority.
But I guess people smugglers don’t check when they bring people into the UK
This is amusing. It’s about 4 1/2 minutes long by sanity 4 Sweden.
Notice how he pronounces the idiot-savant’s name; I think we’ve all been doing it wrong:
As he says, her claque in the MSM won’t think it important.
Use Bitchute instead
Nice chap.
Who was the columnist (Keith Waterhouse?) that, years ago, made this rather obvious but salient point: Just because you choose not to fly in the name of climate change, they don’t tow the ‘plane back into the hangar and cancel the flight.
@TrickCyclist when you don’t fly the plane weighs less cos it doesn’t have you, your luggage etc.
So it uses less fuel and emits less CO2
On a busy route the more people who don;t fly the less planes they run in a day
If a plane doesn’t have you, your place is invariably taken by someone else…
I like Stefan – watch his output every day.
I’m a devotee already. I watch his videos daily. A breath of fresh air.
BBC2 now: ‘The Day Mountbattan Died’. A despicable crime, as was Warren Point. Why have the BBC chosen to show this documentary NOW? To spread fear about the collapse of the Good Friday Agreement maybe??
There is currently an insidious concerted effort by our national broadcaster to spread/sow fear about Brexit to (as they see it) a gullible population. Just today: Food shortages, school meal supply problems, ‘Yellowhammer’ and now this. I’m sure it will continue over the days/weeks ahead. This isn’t television/news this is deliberate propaganda. Drip, drip, drip……
Chalky – showing it is one thing – but the language the BBC chooses to use with regard to the IRA – as “‘volunteers “ as opposed to “terrorists” can’t go unremarked .
They also refer to the murder of Mountbatten and – 18!soldiers – as “a military operation “ is also obscene .
The documentary, no matter how in/accurate or biased, will no doubt show what will happen once the Brits v islam kicks off. Mosul anybody?
This must be the unspoken fear of Government/police. Solution?
Pile more into the UK while we can – ‘some say’ numerically to defeat the Brits at their own game.
To be fair to our beloved BBC, it’s coming up to the 40th anniversary since his murder by the scum of the IRA. So they have a rather handy if dubious excuse…
Mind you, our parasitic state broadcaster is doing absolutely everything it can to maximise the anti Brexit panic.
Medicines, food, traffic at the ports, no one to pick our crops, no one to build our houses.
Of course they never mention that we only need more food and more housing because we’ve got so many bloody foreigners living here.
Impartial, my arse…
This from TCW
When the bbc don’t try to use their content to push their anti Brexit/Trump political message at us they are capable of doing some quite good stuff.
I’ve been watching ‘The Repair Shop’ and they have some excellent and interesting people on who are brilliant at what they do.
If it’s an old toy or some heirloom or whatever, it comes in in a dreadful state and the various repairers get to work. They are so impressive and watching how they go about the restoring makes you feel proud that we can still produce craftsmen of such a high quality.
I’d recommend this to you. It’s not tainted by the usual bbc political messages (not yet at least)
They can still do it sometimes.
Emanuel, you must have missed the episode when a man brought his husband with him when he had his china cat mended.
To be fair the older episodes, some of which are being repeated, appear to have no agenda. But watch the BBC slip in the smiley black Canadian lady with her painting of African life or the Eastern European repairers ( it may have been a typewriter?) who couldn’t speak English. They had to get Will to receive the repair and give it back. Now Will appears to be a charming young man whose knowledge of wood seems high. He has a place on the programme because of his capabilities not because of his colour.
I’ve seen one or two of those, and considered them awful – generally by the patronising way in which they (like most similar programmes) are presented. We’re not all children, and I think it’s about time that the BBC realised that.
I agree, the repairers are extremely talented people, and apart from the lovely Will, are all of ‘an age’, so have spent decades honing their skills, no doubt starting off as apprentices. I wonder how many youngsters are now in such apprenticeships.
The Beeb has politicised this programme by having Jay Blades as the host, purely because of his colour, as they did with jettisoning Lucy Fleming from Homes Under the Hammer, and replacing her with a footballer ! Dion Dublin.
Anyone landing from Mars and watching our tv system, would believe that we are a 50/50 split of black and white, when watching any programme where hosts are involved.
Jay Blades is in fact a highly skilled furniture restorer. The way he drips paint down a chair leg is a delight to behold. There is no way he was picked to present the show because he is black, no way at all.
That’s all I have ever seen him do. Either paint ONE chair leg luminous pink or reupholster something in a hideous fabric.
Thomas Chippendale he ain’t …….
I know, I know, and he has a ‘signature’ blue button on everything (except where the sun don’t shine, – but who knows).
He was first seen (though I’m sure I’ll get proved wrong) on Money For Nothing with the excellent Sarah Moore, who did the show on her own until the Beeb felt that Blades could help her out. In fact I would say that on that programme there was another black chap who really did have a talent for excellent upholstery, shame they didn’t use him instead, but Blades apparently has “management”, clearly hoping for greater things.
I’ve just returned from a Devon coastal cottage holiday. The house didn’t have other than Freeview and as last week was a bit wet, we watched a few of those.
Some of the best telly I’ve seen from Al Beeb for years!
Against my better judgement I turned on this evening’s ten o’clock news.
Warnings of food shortages on a No Deal Brexit.
An investigation into far right white supremacy in the USA
Blah blah blah climate change
Sorry, I gave up listening during that last one.
The Guardian reports growing concern by the NUJ of attacks / threats / abuse of journos . Obviously ‘ Far Right ‘ is thrown around without definition and TR gets a mention .
Nothing about the reasons these ‘ reporters’ might be less than popular . But this site witnesses their misconduct on a daily basis . I’ve seen BBC reporters winding up crowds myself . They cannot be immune from the consequences of their actions .
Mr D just gone apoplectic after listening to the BBC report on the 10pm news on farming. They said that farming is the major driver of climate change. Mr D pointed out that people need to eat.
The BBC showed fields of sun flowers grown for selling as bunched flowers. What a waste of earth’s resources. And the BBC felt justified sending one of their reporters up in a helicopter. More waste of the earth’s resources. And the local news has sent Paul Murphy to Holland for 30 seconds of his report about seas flooding coastal land. Did he go by boat? And wouldn’t it be better if Natural England ensured drains and ditches are dredged?
Perhaps I missed it, but given all the calls for a General Election I have yet to see the video of Brenda from Bristol (“Not another one?!”) on the Beeb.
Depends who’s asking I ‘spose.
To be fair to our beloved BBC, it’s coming up to the 40th anniversary since his murder by the scum of the IRA. So they have a rather handy if dubious excuse…
Mind you, our parasitic state broadcaster is doing absolutely everything it can to maximise the anti Brexit panic.
Medicines, food, traffic at the ports, no one to pick our crops, no one to build our houses.
Of course they never mention that we only need more food and more housing because we’ve got so many bloody foreigners living here.
Impartial, my arse…
Yes it it the anniversary – and a painful documentary. It’s nice that they mentioned the death of mcguinness . I hope it was slow and painful . But that’s just me ????
#FBPE and the new class hatred
BBC wouldn’t touch this –
When you hear Tucker Carlson saying this you know he’s right but from Piers Morgan, it’s almost unbelievable. The far-left strategy of demonising almost everything ‘normal’ has backfired big time. It has destroyed the Democrats in the US and Labour here making both unelectable. The consequences will have a wider impact into areas such as advertising and of course the MSM.
‘Cultural Marxism’ by another name.
I wonder if CNN Press office has a reciprocal deal with the BBC one where they can RT stuff they send each other?
BBC News
With police stop and search powers set to expand what are your rights?
The choice of talent is interesting in its own right.
While on matters criminal, the bbc seems to have chosen a so far very dubious incident to play up, big time, often.
So no change there.
The twitter version:
The police need a ‘reasonable grounds’, (more than a mere suspicion). That won’t change as it applies to everything done by our Rotherham police service. Many cases as to what defines ‘reasonable grounds’ is available.
This online info is of doubtful veracity. See the last/bottom statement: “If the officer wants to remove more than a jacket and gloves they must be the same sex as you.” Ha, ha, how will that work? With the current gender nonsense, seems Political Correctness has yet to catch up…………
What about religion then?
Rules vary.
Guest Who
I hope that food was not put back on the shelves for people to buy and eat, after where it has been
Which 1 of the 20,000+ beeb staff wrote this report..
Talk about stating the obvious “Private jets usually carry fewer passenger than commercial planes, meaning they burn much more fuel per person per hour” no way who would of thought it
BBC Moaning Emole:
“Why is the UK seeing a rise in measles cases?
Experts say part of the explanation may be complacency – when measles cases became less common people began to perceive the threat of the disease to be less. The publication of a controversial and since discredited piece of research in the late 1990s by a doctor called Andrew Wakefield wrongly linking MMR with autism is another factor.
It led to a drop in parents taking their children for the jab, and rates of vaccination took many years to recover. It continues to have an impact today. There is much misleading information on social media and it can be quickly spread.
Read full analysis >
Michelle Roberts”
“There is much misleading information on social media and it can be quickly spread”
Not as fast as that via the BBC, Michelle.
Largest percentage in Londonistan. Tells you everything you need to know.
BBC Online News:
“”Canada election: Charities warned against climate change ads””
“”The issue arose because one party running in October’s election denies climate change is a threat.””
“”Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, has said numerous times that he does not believe climate change is a crisis.””
“”There is no climate change urgency in this country,” Mr Bernier said in June.””
“”The party’s platform states that “it is an undisputed fact that the world’s climate has always changed and will continue to change”.”
“”CO2 is NOT pollution. It’s what comes out of your mouth when you breathe and what nourishes plants. “”
He gets my vote 🙂
anyone bothered..
Show older lesbian women on screen, says Cardiff director
One imagines Ms. Toksvig is also heated.
LOL !!
Brilliant! Thanks for posting.
Oh diddums, its those poor farmers again !! Never happy. Summer too hot, Summer too cold, been too wet, been too dry blah blah blah ..oh well, back to the enormous farmhouse in the Range Rover then to look at the brochure for the £250K combine !!!!
Not really about bias but about Diane Abbot .Talking about Brexit and showing that there is no Labour policy on remain or leave .
She is obviously on manoeuvres to take over from Corbyn . She points out that her constituency is a Remain one whilst John McDonnell is a brexit one – and that he is a Remainer .
Nothing better than a pick and mix believer in democracy . Not much honour in most politicians .
The BBC think they have hit gold with Farmers as they can combine Brexit with climate change!
I genuinely have never seen a farmer on a bike!
In this part of the UK (Devon) farmers are making money out of converting farm buildings, when planning policy was relaxed, due to the housing shortage / overpopulation we have suffered. I don’t see them complaining about that!!
No enormous farmhouse and no Range Rover in the garage. James Dyson when interviewed a couple of years ago, as owner of 70,000 acres, couldn’t make ANY profit from farming without EU subsidy. Now imagine working for a salary equivalent to the profit, but with the stress of investing all of your last 5 year’s salary with a high risk (lots of rain at harvest time etc] of losing the lot. Add to that the EU inventing lots of regulations (eg banning safe insecticides) to reduce your yields (yields of oil seed rape down this year because pollen beetle treatments banned without evidence).
As for the enormous houses, many are on the ancient side and tend to be lived in at temperatures 10 degrees below the temperature of townies houses and draughty to boot.
“No-deal Brexit ‘could cost farms £850m in profits'”
Worth a read for the number of “could”s contained within it.
Wild alarmist speculation, based on hypotheticals.
It also assumes that the EU imposes maximum tariffs on UK farm products while assuming that the UK government will kick UK farmers while they’re down by reducing to zero tariffs on agricultural imports.
The BBC of course use it as an anti-Brexit article, but I suspect it’s a report commissioned by the NFU to get their retaliation in first and make an early case for yet more taxpayer subsidies. This rather makes the point:
“Farm business consultants Andersons said that without government support increasing significantly, some farms would inevitably struggle to survive.”
Similar BS : BBC reporter and former farmer, Gareth Barlow, took ‘ethical vegan’ Kirsch Bowker to meet sheep farmer Gareth Wyn Jones to hear both sides of the debate
☑ Vegan promo
And next, from those wonderful people who keep bringing you Owen Jones…
Radio 5 gave this clown about ten minutes in the Business Section before 7.00am to voice his opinions. As I don’t speak Jive, I didn’t understand a word.
Just caught the tail end of Toady interviewing James Cleverly. Was it SlimeySopel asking what compromise the UK was offering to have the backstop removed?
Excuse my French but it’s a bit fucking rich for Al Beeb to be asking this at this stage having accepted Brussels’ attacks on our sovereignty over the last two years.
The BBC has been running their new version of Project Fear for the last few days now saying children will die of starvation because there won’t be any food to feed them in schools and that people will be dropping dead in the street because their medicine has gone off in the back of a lorry in Calais because of the huge delays.
On BBC Breakfast the propaganda continues from these halfwits. When I saw S.G.s photograph I was reminded of a vulgar but funny joke. Apologies but I’m really fed up with the negative speculation and outright lies, so if I can do anything to bring them down a peg…
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning, nothing but Project Fear XXL +
Its almost as if they are encouraging panic buying , food and medicine hoarding.
As usual………Reach for the OFF switch.
Where’s our Nia Griffith MP hiding? Not a bleep to my knowledge since…….mmmn………keep thinking….mmmn. Don’t know. As Shadow Defence Sec she must be around somewhere, doing something, saying something, digging into the Tories or something, shouldn’t she? Nowt.
Probably posted elsewhere, but worth posting again.
I saw the little sh*t walking down the street in Edinburgh at the weekend, hoping people would recognise him.
Never a truer word was written:
The Independent:
“”Sadiq Khan urges ministers to drop ‘cruel’ plans to instantly end free movement after a no-deal Brexit””
“”Exclusive: ‘These plans would be a fundamental affront to British values of tolerance and respect’ “”
“”Mr Khan’s comments come as Downing Street said free movement for EU citizens “as it currently stands” will end on the 31 October Brexit deadline – despite a replacement system not yet up and running.””
“”No 10 said the structure allowing European Union citizens to freely live and work in the UK would “look different”, with changes including tougher checks to prevent foreign criminals entering the country.””
Interesting this shyster Mayor seems to favour foreigners with no voting rights in the UK over the population which is actually tied to the place /
But since he is type is new to Blighty anyway can anything more be expected ?
You can’t just assume SadDick’s immigrant hordes don’t, somehow, register and vote.
As benefit and immigration frauds show, where there is a potential for gain, many will exploit it.
“You can’t just assume SadDick’s immigrant hordes don’t, somehow, register and vote.”
I doubt they pay for their TV Licence though.
Surely, they will get theirs free – having so much else on their plate, like, where is the nearest giro office.
Does Sadiq TOLERATE strangers walking in and out of his house without due control ?
Yes beeb it is bad, NOT a joke
Here is the winner of funniest joke at the Edinburgh Festival !!!
Swedish comedian Olaf Falafel has won Dave’s “Funniest Joke of The Fringe” award with the niche culinary pun.
He took the title with the gag: “I keep randomly shouting out ‘Broccoli’ and ‘Cauliflower’ –
I think I might have florets”
Fairly funny …inoffensive , family stuff …. yeah ??? Well No , it seems. The expression “you cant say anything these days” has never been truer , as sure as eggs are eggs, there is always some little pressure group ready to virtue signal.
Doobster — nothing is safe ground anymore. NOTHING
It’s not just about being offended – I guess whether you have a child with turrets syndrome depends on the amount of laughter generated in ones household? BUT – it is just not remotely funny!
Am I the only one left in the country with a good old fashioned rib tickling sense of real humour? – perhaps it’s a generational thing.
Modern ‘humour’ is so simple and infantile.
This plays to the comments by Piers Morgan in video – bloody illiberal liberals want us to become as boring as they are. There probably isn’t a single joke you can make these days without someone being offended – it is a blot on our history of being able to laugh at ourselves and others…
The key word there is ‘joke’ – that implies that it is funny – you just don’t get it do you – let me spell it out – IT IS JUST NOT FUNNY. Quality counts. a JOKE IS NOT A JOKE BECAUSE IT IS CALLED A JOKE – A JOKE IS A JOKE BECAUSE IT MAKES MOST PEOPLE LAUGH. By the way don’t be offended will you by the way I’m finding your simplistic comment vastly hilarious.
Since my favourite – the public order act makes it a criminal offence to use words which are abusive or insulting – it can only be a matter of time before offensive words are criminalised and it is a crime to offend anyone .
I can almost hear Hattie Harmon or her younger sister – Evette Cooper-testes introducing the bill with the earnestness which is always a precursor to the reduction of any freedom .
For me the BBC would be a continuous criminal enterprise because I find the vast majority of its output as offensive .
I agree entirely – those who are offensive though tend themselves to be tender little souls themselves – ‘please don’t hurt me’. They tend to be – you know, the ones in a mob – man on the ground – getting trashed, a boot comes in from the edge kicks him in the head and then runs away – When they are caught – squeel , squeel, squeel, I had a bad upbringing, unemployed, excuse, excuse, excuse.
No offence taken….I am a simple person and agree a joke should be funny but that is a relative and subjective concept – some ‘jokes’ will make some people laugh and not others – the issue here is being offended when you don’t find it funny rather than just accepting you don’t find it funny
Simples 🙂
Compare / contrast:
A) BBC keen to make top item on the home page the story of ‘man’ Jed Foster who has appeared in court today charged with murdering a police officer by dragging him along the road (lead image = accused).
B) BBC keen to hide from home page the story of ‘man’ Muhammad Rodwan who appeared in court 10 days ago charged with attempted murder of a police officer by machete attack (lead image = victim).
someone could make a Twitter hashtag like #ManFiles or #BBCmanFiles
There is an #ITMA one.
Maybe #bITMA?
You could if haters of TR didn’t use that hashtag to represent him.
The man was Tommy Handley, 1940s radio comic
Vine show, he sounded stupid trying to play the part of a person who doesn’t know what Carbon offsetting is.
Radio/TV is inherently dishonest as it leads to presenters acting a part
.. you’ll see how Adrian Chiles also acts the part of a stupid person.
Anyway in his acting Vine totally manyled the explanation and the problems.
When you use fuel say by travelling then you put CO2 in the atmosphere.
Offsetting is about compensating for that : by sequestrating or tying up CO2 within tree growth etc.
The complications are the accreditation of schemes and them being vulnerable to fraud. As I take £10 to plant a tree and never do it or double count my planing etc.
And the way that a tiny tree takes little CO2 out in its first year, whereas in its tenth year maybe it does.
and then if after 20 years I cut down the tree and burn it or put it on the compost that whole sequestrated CO2 gets released so you are back to square one.
Whereas if the tree becomes a building or peat the CO2 is still conserved.
Also is CO2 equivalent. Like hot CO2 from a plane might rise into the atmosphere, whereas CO2 released in a forest might be quickly absorbed by the trees.
And then the argument is that if you don’t fly at all then you avoid all these fraud and accountancy calculations.
How very dare you be cynical! Carbon offsetting really works. It makes a load of money for the RIGHT people which is the objective.
You’ll be saying that the Grantham institute for Climate Change is connected to a BigGreenHedgefund man
and the whole Greenblob is full of PR professionals.
Interview of Radio2 boss
With the advance of digital, any thoughts on switching off FM?
“Whilst we’ve got brilliant digital services across the BBC radio portfolio, we need to be audience led and there are still a lot of listeners to FM that we need to serve.
However, this is a decision for the Government.”
Guido : The BBC has admitted its representation of the European Parliamentary election results in May represented a “lapse of editorial standards” when it refused to count the Conservative Party as a ‘pro-Brexit’ party.

The organisation’s Executive Complaints Unit is now “consider[ing] what further action is required”…
The notorious chart used by the BBC to present the election results attempted to present the Conservative Party as holding a similarly ambiguous position on Brexit as the Labour Party did at the time, in order to deliberately imply anti-Brexit parties received the most votes. Incredibly, it is still up on the BBC website. At the time Guido proposed an alternate chart…
A heroic co-conspirator has pursued the issue for months, and despite being rebuffed twice by the BBC, yesterday finally had his complaint accepted. It was only accepted after threatening to take the matter to OFCOM…
Links are on Guido
What he said: “there are still a lot of listeners to FM that we need to serve.”
What he wanted to say: “there will be a lot of listeners with FGM that we want to serve.”
On R4 now Female Koran reciters
is one of the 3 items in the show
is it just me or has anyone noticed the BBC have failed to use the word Traveller when talking about the death of the policeman. Even when they first broadcast where the police were investigating they said a caravan park – and my wife said – that’s not a bloody caravan park!
30 people arrested for burglary – what other group of people go out in the country in a gang of 30 to burgle?
In the newspapers it was described a travellers site..Or maybe it is just me
Where do the local refugee-backers think all the local copper piping/wire keeps disappearing too?
When I say “railway lines” …Do you feel me?
I hate that expression.
He’s also been charged with the theft of a quad-bike as well as murder.
What group of people steal quad-bikes in the country?
And live in caravans that aren’t on the coast…
Conte has resigned. That puts Salvini in a good position if there’s a snap election in Italy. If so, and he wins, there will be BBC tears…
Goat – when I first saw your comment I realised I can’t keep up with who the current Chelsea manager is ????
If salvini got a government he could start sinking the North African free ferry service …