Just had a chance to listen to Johnson/Macron joint speech in France. Again, tends to focus almost wholly on the backstop to the exclusion of all else and Macron reaffirmed that the WA will not be renegotiated.
Experiencing the same stomach lurch as when May speaks (spoke). Does not bode well.
Noticed the terrible twins Damion Dramaticus and Vicki Young bringing Britain down again – they stood together smirking. I thought – yes there is another £1m pounds worth of tax payers money – BBC waste of space. Where will they go if we pull out of the EU?
Nothing can be achieved with the EU and Boris knows it but is making the effort to show willing-We leave with a No Deal, that’s fine, let’s tell those scaremongers riddled as they are throughout Westmintser, the Media et al, that Britain will be just fine and will motor forward to victory as we have done many times before in our extraordinary past. Three cheers for the UK.
The usual one-sided BBC story.
Of course, no woman would ever wish to post something on Facebook that might be even remotely untrue or faintly exaggerated as an act of revenge. Yeh, right.
This FB page is acting as judge and jury without any opportunity for the other party to present their side of the story and purports to portray all women as somehow blameless. The BBC fails to see the injustice in this. Women right, men wrong. End of. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-49082550
Nobody has the guts to deal with this. Why can’t they see this is completely unacceptable?
Surely we must have got to the point where they are no longer ‘rescued.’
Invaders should be treated as the enemy they are.
@tobystyke74 3h
KENT INVADED & NOW SUSSEX A boat containing 24 illegal immigrants arrived at Winchelsea Beach this morning. Come on @patel4witham show us this hard stance as we’ve seen nothing yet. Action not words please
3h3 hours ago
Border Force stops 4 boats off Dover coast overnight & escorts the illegal immigrants to shore. 56 illegals have arrived in 2 days. 825 have reached our shores so far this year
I do the crossing frequently. There are caravans owned by so called holiday makers (BRITISH, WHITE AND LEFT WING, do I have to shout it?) who deliver food and clothing to the migrants outside of Quisterham. It doesn’t take much effort to see them driving into the small woodland where the migrants hang out. I have seen a couple of migrants removed from the caravans by customs officers. but there are many getting through.
Friends in Kent visited Folkestone 2 days ago, and there without the slightest opposition or hindrance was a boat that had beached, and out stepped about 9 black men. They were then seen walking off into the town. No police, no border guards, nothing, and this wasn’t under cover of night, this was mid afternoon in broad daylight.
9 foreign adults on one afternoon, its not rocket science to hazard a guess at the numbers piling into this country every hour, every day around our coastline without the fear of detection.
Couple this with those sneaking into the UK via the European principality of Eire, and we have again hundreds of thousands illegals settling here with no recourse.
Add to that the under counting (guessing) by 16% of the number of immigrants.
300,000 they admit to.
Then, add to that the real number of under counted immigrants which will be in the millions.
They (politicians) are making an unholy mess of our Country.
In 2050 (or before) we will be an Islamic state.
So that’s why we hear of so many Muslim architects bothering local government offices for land to be urgently made available for their imams to build more mosques, in order that their illegal friends can be hidden away in the cellars of said buildings where they are taught the correct ways of acquiring a house and benefits, and how to begin their long and happy life in the UK.
I hear that they are usually advised to save up for their annual holiday to their home land from whence they claim they escaped from – yeah, right.
When the resistance begins – as surely it will – the resisters will be labelled NAZI by our mass media, most of which stinks to high heaven. The BBC doesn’t have to worry about it’s stench because it receives, by law, a free shower every day with money filched from the public wallet. I am given to understand, come next year and even though I NEVER make use of the BBC services, I can expect to begin receiving threatening letters – Pay up or else. I will choose the latter as I quite like old Else. At least we can, to some extent, have an influence on the press and commercial TV by our choice of purchases.
I’ve never really said a serious prayer in my life before let alone attended a church,except for weddings,funerals and Christenings, but here goes.
” Lord, if you truly exist, please save England from our invaders and from all our internal Quislings who wish to see our National Culture destroyed” Amen
Do you good folk think that might work or will our country someday resemble downtown Baghdad during the Iraq war?
In some ways, I am quite happy that I might reach my 80th birthday next year,but fear for the future of all my family who will follow me.
Lefty Wright
I need to be careful in this reply because I do not endorse violence.
But I fear that due to the BBC and media influence, backed by our politicians, resistance to the invaders, however peaceful, will be stamped on heavily.
What I fear and dislike most is possible. Weirdos with weapons will write deranged manifestos before going on a killing spree, thus providing more reasons to crush democratic and peaceful protests.
The evidence is emerging. The UAF, backed by our politicians, have posters with Tommy Robinson and Brevik side by side, saying same hatred. Tommy and Brevik are thus equated.
I think Mr Goebbels would have given that particular poster 11 out of 10 for devotion to the cause and quite frankly, if I were that way inclined, I would have agreed with him.
F–k Socialism in all it’s forms. As an erstwhile believer in the left wing variety I can only say that it is a lost cause. I say “look to your own” because that is what most beings on this planet do. If you do not “look to your own” you will end up on your own.
I think it was in 2016 after the ref result was in when some leave voters were having doubts that we would never leave the EU and I wrote to one person on here reminding/comforting them to the fact that I being a Christian and take God’s promises as found in the Holy Bible to be proven (King David, the Jewish people, Joshua etc) that once God gives a nation or person a gift he has promised never to change his mind “for the gifts and callings of God are without repentance”…some: “irreversible” Letter to the Christians at Rome. Romans 11:29.
And since the “lot” came out in favour of the leave vote He will never change His mind. Acts 1:24,25,26. as the “lot” is in His hands so is the single “vote”
So please relax.
Note: if you like I suppose it wouldn’t do any harm if you reminded God about his use of the “lot” in ancient Rome and how He made the lot fall out for the leave vote in 2016 in modern Britain.
We would certainly be in trouble if we did not come out eventually. I’m not too sure about the Oct 31 date, as it could be extended by how long no one knows. It doesn’t mean we will not come out eventually. But I believe we the UK will leave the EU and leave those other leaders floundering.
Lefty Wright
God does exist and the ONLY way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.
Heavenly father i pray for our leader Boris Johnson ,i pray my lord that righteousness ,justice and democracy will be delivered to the people of Britain.I pray father for the salvation of the British people,i pray for a growth in the church.Lord i love you and thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus Christ name amen.
Lefty Wright I join you in that prayer- this it what will happen otherwise: A changed Population will cause a changed culture. The conclusion is therefore obvious: if First World nations experience a demographic shift which sees their populations replaced by Third World immigrants then inevitably, the prevailing culture of those First World nations will change to reflect the culture of the new majority population. In other words Third World immigration into First World countries will see First World culture replaced by Third World culture, once mass immigration reaches such levels as to inevitably bring about a change in the nature of those nation’s cultures. There are three avenues by which the immigration invasion is being carried out. The first is simple legal immigration; the second is the ‘asylum’ racket and the third is illegal immigration.
All three of these avenues are abetted by liberalism, which seeks to stifle any opposition to the invasion by odious comparisons to unpleasant periods in European history, or by smears, intimidation and outright lies. An overview of all three avenues and counters to liberalism’s most cherished arguments is in order before each region is dealt with in detail.
There are three avenues by which the immigration invasion is being carried out. The first is simple legal immigration; the second is the ‘asylum’ racket and the third is illegal immigration.
All three of these avenues are abetted by liberalism, which seeks to stifle any opposition to the invasion by odious comparisons to unpleasant periods in European history, or by smears, intimidation and outright lies. An overview of all three avenues and counters to liberalism’s most cherished arguments is in order before each region is dealt with in detail.
Resistance is now unequivocally needed.
What a ridiculous political prosecution. . I wonder how much taxpayers money was wasted on lawyers . The BBC showed some ‘campaigner ‘ who was most upset – so a positive outcome .
I see Google has managed to push biased bbc down to 3rd now used to be first under this word search ..no doubt it will keep dropping if they have their own way
Yes I tried that search too . I’d encourage every one to regularly search for this site as well as our kindred brothers such as “ is the BBC biased “ in order to click the al gore rhythm thingy .
I’m surprised we don’t get buried by the millions of media studies kids who must have plenty to time to troll approved lefty views to gain cred with their ‘ tutor ‘ . Or maybe they’re just on the netty flix thing .
Chatting to the Indian guy in local shop today, he says that a million have been made homeless over there due to flooding not a squeak on BBBc front page this week except for some muzzies living in unsuitable accomodation, some muzzies oppressed in Kashmir, and some muzzies oppressed in Myanmar etc. etc. and some gay hate crime he is just as disgusted as many others
I’m enjoying seeing a genuine,real leader representing the UK doing the rounds with the EU elect. I mean no disrespect to the previous PM but it’s very obvious that she was an EU puppet.
I am afraid I don’t share your confidence in our “real leader”.
I think he is heading for a Brino Mk2 .
Its The Brexit Party for me from now on.
I believe in Boris,we got till the 31st oct to sort out this mess. If he fails and i don’t think he will,i will be with you and the brexit party forevermore.
Mackers I am totally with you. I hope that Boris does the trick, or at least there is a plausibility to not achieving it on 31 Oct. By that I mean if he is forced into a General Election before that date and promises that if elected it will be a mandate for No Deal, then I could vote for him if I believed he was totally genuine.
If Boris fails then the Conservative Party is doomed forever, probably pick up around 20 seats at all subsequent elections like the Liberals used to do. But worse, far worse, Brexit will be dead forever. People who want freedom, i.e. Brexit, must not vote for Labour or “Lib” “Dem” as they will see the UK will become a vassal state within the EU with as much influence over EU policy as Puerto Rico does over US policy.
Best scenario for Britain is a No Deal Brexit-better to be rid of any influence from the current EU-its days are numbered in any event as I am certain that one or two countries will break away from the EU over the next few years, then where will the money come from? They have played the wrong hand, influenced as they have been by those that control the money and by world multinationals where the power lies.
I notice on ‘Politicsweb’ that display of the previous South African flag is now illegal in SA. Of course, the Union flag is a part of it, but the ANC have not, as yet, stated whether it too, will be banned. (This could present the UK High Commission and consulates in SA with a big problem. Perhaps the ANC government will require us to display the EU flag instead?)
The ANC mentality is good at solving problems. Millions go hungry and/or unemployed in SA, and the ANC comes up with flag banning. This flag of course, featured on the side of the Allies in WW2.
Another flag that featured in WW2 has not been banned in SA, and is -in fact- much beloved of the ANC: it is red, and bears the hammer and sickle.
Anyone remember that one?
In case you missed it, what you will not see on the BBBC:
Syrian asylum seeker is convicted of manslaughter and jailed for nine-and-a-half years for stabbing a man to death in Germany, sparking anti-migration protests in Chemnitz
Alaa Sheikhi was jailed in Dresden today for the manslaughter of Daniel Hillig
Hillig’s killing last year sparked massive nationalist protests which rocked Berlin
Sheikhi and an Iraqi still at large, stabbed Hillig to death close to a kebab stand
Defence lawyer Ricarda Lang claimed today her client was scapegoat
The sound of old England: Remarkable 1920s newsreel with full audio brings to life the whirring factories, chatting fishermen and playful schoolchildren from Britain’s between-war years
Woman with severe mental disorders kills herself and leaves a statement.
She was a campaigner with antifa and the BBC picks out a piece in her statement where she blames Tommy Robinson for her condition.
Yaxley Lennon man Bad.
In a three-page note, the 47-year-old wrote: “Got into opposing racists like Tommy Robinson and the EDL and this got me battered.”
And his politics gets him jailed, twice, on the same charge and any who assault him allowed, like the hate filled milkshake muzzie who followed him for 300 metres shouting abuse, who is unable to debate when challenged ALL recorded on video yet no police action ? yet a mentally disturbed lefties suicide letter is allowed by the BBBC and their world class journalists as a valid statement of fact
Oh how they use their words to infuence our underachieving millenials for example “far right” is racist, Corbyn and his mob hating Jews is not racist fortunate there are those, generally on this site, who can see this sick, disgusting propoganda for what it is
Bedford Senior Coroner Emma Whitting said evidence suggested there was no intention by Ms Carroll to kill herself.
Ms Whitting said: “She was clearly a brave and determined woman who stood up for what she believed in.
“Fighting against racism and any kind of hate is the bedrock of a peaceful and civilised society and her passing is undoubtedly a loss for us all.“
A worryingly political statement by a coroner. I would argue that ‘fighting’ has implications of hatred and certainly can’t be called ‘peaceful’. The bedrock of a civilised society is that we allow others to say things that we might disagree with, not that we seek to disrupt and physically attack them.
I’m guessing you haven’t been to China
#1 The ethnic Chinese diaspora has been spread around the world for 200 years, not just mainland China
Particularly Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore Taiwan, Thailand Hong Kong, Singapore etc.
#2 The use of proxy servers is widespread in China.
Another warning of the rise of the far far far right by Owen Jones.
Come to think of it, have the police tracked down his assailants? They were given evidence from Owen who says he recognized them. They best hurry as other progressives might be in danger.
they are good at one thing: breeding, and then subjecting their brood to danger where is the outrage at such irresponsible parents ? and who questiona why they have travelled an extra 4000 miles after achieving safe haven over the first border they crossed ? council house please not a container
Where is the outrage about France having different attitudes to the hoards, that they do not get council accomodation ? where is tha parity in a so called european union that encourages jobless beggars and asylum seekers and professional criminals to gravitate from scum countries to prey upon us ? when was the last time you saw a british person selling the big issue? why do those who have bullied and threatened genuine homeless to take over their patches have no requirement to speak english ?
I will answer my own question, anyone who has had the misfortune to deal with local authority workers, and see how they operate from within will have no surprise, the EU is made for the best of them….masssive pensions large salaries, flexible working ie turn up at 1o am with your breakfast ready to eat at your desk…obsession with diversity meaning a compete perversion of the original idea of reflecting the demography of the environment and rather finding as many wimmin and black people as you can, any probs getting customer servce from your local authority ? hmm I have seen it in action they are all cooking last nights curries and garlic bread at 10 am with phones ringing all around them I kid you not
Their obsession with food is astounding they are all walking in with multiple tupperware boxes then wobbling int the office all fat a@ses and obese and when they do eventually get on with some work it is generally banning sugar, salt etc while they fill their fat faces at Barnet every single floor of the 12 floor has multiple toaster and microwaves and regular evacuations of the whole building due to garlic bread left in toasters in the morning
Fraud investigator ‘was sacked for being white and probing crimes committed by Asians at East London council’
Mark Edmunds, 54, is suing for £529,000 in a race and sex discrimination case
Claims he was sacked by London borough of Tower Hamlets because of his skin
His investigations saw 12 Asian men sacked for part in rigging 2014 local election
For the purposes of a battle over Taiwan and Tibet but as my wife says, a battle over Northern Ireland…Falklands and ….. I will put that out there for debate
We are promised on tonight’s 10 o’clock news a report into Antifa in the USA. Presumably the counterpart to the one on far right white people earlier this week.
I suppose we can’t do a Marxist style rewriting of our English language and refer to a whitewash as a blackwash? No, I thought not. Ah well I suppose it will all come out in the wash (as Muvver used to say)
“There are a number of big lies dominating the Culturally Marxist West at the moment. Global warming, obviously. Girls can have penises and boys can have babies. Islam is a religion of peace. We are united in diversity. The West is a patriarchy. Mass third world immigration benefits Britain economically. Whites are evil. Socialism is a viable economic platform. The Left is compassionate and caring. Britain is a nation of immigrants. Feminism cares about women. Britain can have open borders AND a welfare state. Men (white only) are evil. The Left is moral and good. University students are intelligent and wise. Anyone to the right of Mao, Stalin, Pol-Pot is a fascist. White privilege is real. The gender pay gap is real. Non-whites can never be racist. All whites are subconsciously racist…. there are lots more, all designed to purge people like me from this world and all actively promoted by the entire Western establishment”.
How the f%*k did we get into this state and how long will it prevail before this country comes to it’s senses?
What an excellent post.You obviously attended The School of Common Sense. Many thanks.
Your last sentence remains an open question. We can only hope that the problem can be resolved without resorting to violence on the part of the indigenous people, because our traitorous mass media will not be on their side should this happen, which makes it one hell of a hill to climb.
Has Jeremy Corbyn got any principles? What does he believe in? It seems to me the word that describes him most is contrary.He’s all over the place,a muddled mess.I thank him very much for dividing the left into even more groups.Without the media’s protection these people and their policies would be totally exposed.What we need are very rich forward thinking conservative entrepreneurs to break into the mainstream media.
Records is the lie, any scientist will tell you that there are many recorda available going back MUCH further than meteorological records, , pollen, trees, ice cores (oxygen isotope) iconography, entomological, that tell the truth, I could carry on but you get my drift, and the relative strenghts of greenhouse gases hmm have a look one of the biggest ? water, one of the the smallest ? carbon dioxide, and if you wish to feel direct evidence of this, just think, why does a cloudless hot summer day turn into a freeezing night ? (hint: no water i.e. clouds to keep the heat in) such is the influence of our major greenhouse gas
There have been countless articles saying that records “could” be broken from the bBBC this year, but I’ve yet to see one saying that records “were” broken.
And it goes without saying you’ll never see a retrospective article stating records “weren’t” broken as previously predicted.
Beware of nighttime #BbcVampireAttacks
You wake up in the middle of the night
so switch on the radio
Radio 5 is pushing an agenda like Trans kids
so you switch to World Service , but they are pushing anti-Brexit
switch back to R4 and they are pushing another agenda, Global Warming, plastics, Greta etc.
You switch back to R4 who are now pushing anti-Trump, with the presenter leading an NGO guest “is TRump very evil ? or is Trump very very very evil ?”
I expect some people wake up in the morning suddenly spouting the BBC agendas
and then look in the mirror and find they’ve got 2 red marks on their neck.
I remember watching a film that showed how Professor Emelius Browne triggered “Substitutiary Locomotion” on Halloween using the words “Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee” to stop the Germans from ruling over Britain. It was the day we won the Battle of Britain. Thursday 31st October.
A suggestion @stewgreen try some Creedance Clearwater Revival rather than the bbc when you next wake up. I am enjoying as have two weeks away from work and off to explore life outside of hijab / afro caribean glottal stop London
Not the BBC, but who was it on here not so long ago, who said the next thing would be the media showing us how lovely those traveller folk are? Just watching Channel 5+1 “The traveller next door”. The timing is impeccable when travellers have (allegedly) recently murdered a policeman when being caught in the act of burglary.
I am pretty much sure that the society in the 1928 video I posted earlier will not have changed much outside of any cities in the UK I will test next week and report back
They are the ones, the silent majority, who voted and won and are still waiting for democracy to serve them via public servants, some who think they are the arbiters of public opinion through their own self serving arrogance with their OWN opinions, with no understanding of public service and even when convicted of an offence have no shame and have to be dragged out of office
BBC News – David Attenborough to front BBC’s Extinction: The Facts based on WWF report https://bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-49432824 “Extinction: the Facts will go
“beyond our emotions to investigate what the extinction crisis means,
not just for the planet but for every one of us.
World-leading scientists will explore why species are disappearing at such an alarming rate…..”
Lot of ambush-naming and ambush-speak in that
ie they will do emotional blackmail etc.
If you wish to adapt and survive the worst thing you can do is run with the herd who have an intrinsic interest in conformance.. and rules and standards
and looking around me at the professional single mum breeders that suck up most of our tax, that have mobile phones and large screen tvs yet claim poverty, and three big trampolines appeared in gardens last three weeks, so their screaming brats are happy this is EU happy
Auh Luv My Kids I gottem a trampoline an an x box, Kylie is forheen years old and on the cancil waying list for an ouse as shes pregnan, ees a decen bloke e got er a macdonalds ve over nigh
Annu, could you punctuate that with several ugly drags on a king-size cigarette and a sweaty hand grasping a can of Red Bull being slurped every few seconds?
Aaaah, that’s better!
And how about a close-up on the Croydon facelift, avoiding the tattoos scribbled everywhere and the talons painted green and pink with oddly spaced red spots here and there? Maybe a cut towards the pink and grey Primark leggings, watch the pramface though, we’re in the shade here?
(Off screen – ‘The BBC are ready to interview you about austerity now Chardienonnitte’)!
Boris has returned home with a piece of paper. I guess that it probably says
“We, the German Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognising that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night as symbolic. We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure Europe”
I assume and guess that its probably an edited version of this piece of paper written in 1938.
“We, the German (Fuhrer and) Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognising that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night (and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement) as symbolic (of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again). We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure (the peace of) Europe”
When you think about the furious public display of unity, when De Gaulle kept bellowing ‘Non’, back in the late sixties, especially so soon after WW2, the current scenario of Boris’s ‘failure’ as depicted by the BBC is just plain ridiculous!
Go Boris, the cheese-eaters can fester wherever they like – might improve their cheese too!
"Language makes thought possible…When they prevent you from saying the obvious over time it becomes impossible to see the obvious. And that's exactly, of course, why they do it. Those who control your words, control your mind." pic.twitter.com/wkG5Cl5AbW
— The Columbia Bugle ???????? (@ColumbiaBugle) August 23, 2019
That BBC headline is
“Glasgow University’s ‘bold’ move to pay back slave trade profits ”
£20 million in reparations ??
Nah, a building in Glasgow and cooperation with the Univ of the West Indies.
… More jobs for academics! ..and more global warming flights
"We should not become like the United States."@Channel4's head of news and current affairs @dorotheabyrne says 'a belief in the importance of truth is vital for democracy'.
She wants journalists to call out politicians when they lie.
Liar Profession #1 (mainstream media)
say that Liar Profession #2 (mainstream politicians) lie
Crazy cat ladies world is NOT the real world
.. just like the worlds that the Liar professions push.
Dismissing people by applying the word “liar” to them
is the Label and Dismiss PR trick
It’s the same as using any label to dismiss people , like some people use the P-word, N-word etc.
In fact all humans lie, so to properly describe what you mean about Boris you have to use more specific terms
Does Boris habitually deceive ??
I think mainstream media/politicians do habitually deceive to push their pet agendas
I don’t think he stands out from the crowd
I’d say a couple of politicians like Farage do stand out as more truthful.
“Channel migrants: Home secretary declares major incident” Yes thats what he said last December.
Hardly a peep on Al Beeb now .
Something tells me that they are using kids as human shields.
This country is full up. We are being invaded .
Time to bring in the armed forces…………………..
taffman- armed forces are of no use when there is no will to resist, and the media are standing by to scream and wail if there is any sign of any will to resist…
Notice how we are never told what happens to these people, only that they were ‘taken to Dover’, or ‘landed on Winchelsea beach’ which is exactly what they wanted…
Test cases all, for the millions en route; if you think I’m kidding, I can let you have a little more detail.
Of course, I am understating, not overstating the potential numbers.
BBC lack of joined up thinking … on the same website …
Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies. https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/history/slavery_1.shtml
Encyclopaedia Britannica – Slavery
Why does the UK not turn its rubbish into Electricity as other nations are doing-are we so muddled in our thinking that some common sense would not put right. We must stop blundering around like Elephants in a glass house.
Quite correct Marky-the Arabs were the top Slave traders for well over 2000 years and still are- Britain was enslaved by the Romans, by in some cases the Vikings, then the Norman’s-and were still sending out white people in Plantations ships in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries. Let it not be forgotten that the Spanish, Italians, Dutch and Portuguese were also involved in slave trading. However it was as far as the native Africans are concerned they themselves that sold their own people into slavery, so let this nonsence about Britain giving an apology for trading people stop immediately and no way should we pay back any money-how the heck can they possibly know the amount of profit. Just liberal nonsense as usual.
Al Beeb News tell us that Glasgow University has loads of money to give away, £20m in fact .
How much funding does the uni get from the government and the tax payer ?
They did make a statement, I believe, but no one could understand what they were saying, apart from the odd “see you Boris” and “iss oor oil ya bastads” and were not quite sure if it was the vice chancellor in a string vest and a can of special brew threatening them with a razor if they dared to misquote him,or the bursar, the press conference descended into chaos anyway when the bar opened at 9 am
I gather from beeb/toady that tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ are arriving again on Greek islands (and I think in a burst of honesty, ‘migrants’ or ‘economic migrants’ were mentioned) as outlined by Giorgios Kumasakos.
The EU will now have to play its little distribution/redistribution game.
I understand there is no great enthusiasm.
Furthermore, Sultan Erdogan also leaves us with the impression that he is not enforcing the ‘Balkan route’, for which Merkel bribed him with six billion Euro, so the Germans didn’t have to do their own border checks.
Wednesday 21st August 2019: BBC News Online, 19 June 2019
In a story of one woman’s experience with vaccinations, we interviewed ‘Meredith’ who believed that the frightening illnesses she was experiencing as an adult were the result of her mother deciding not to get her vaccinated as a child.
When further investigations revealed that Meredith had not been treated for tetanus in hospital in Queensland, we decided to withdraw the story from the website. In fact Meredith was hospitalised with suspected tetanus, but doctors later identified a different infection. https://www.bbc.co.uk/helpandfeedback/corrections_clarifications
But, MarkyMark, according to the BBC, vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ and ‘Parents looking for answers on the safety of vaccinations are led astray by fake news, hoaxes, as well as religious and cultural beliefs, and sometimes even threats of violence’. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48585036
There you are, it’s the BBC, so it must be true, shame on you for helping to spread conspiracy theories.
‘If you’re severely disabled as a result of a vaccination against certain diseases, you could get a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000. This is called a Vaccine Damage Payment.’
Humble apologies, MarkyMark, well bless my soul, it looks as if the BBC are the fake news mongers … again.
The BBC are GIGO shovelers, with thousands of cubicle garden dwellers getting press releases and repackaging them as ‘news’, overseen by supposed editors interested only in meeting narrative targets and hitting ratings numbers.
It’s a job creation scheme for the inept and unemployable, growing daily in a bid to become too big to fail.
The danger of vaccines with Dr Sherri Tenpenny youtube, there’s the truth.Regarding cholesterol look up http://www.ravnskov.nu Lots of deceipt ,lies out there in the devil’s playground.
Vaccines are safe, just like getting in an ambulance is safe.
Would you refuse to get in an ambulance just cos their is a one in a million chance of an ambulance crash ?
The government pays out vaccine compo 20 times a year
so that means it’s about a one in a million chance.
Whereas the risk for an unvaccinated child is magnitudes more. https://fullfact.org/online/vaccine-damage-fund/
BTW tetanus most of us adults are at risk
“Any adult who has not had a tetanus immunization within 10 years should get a single dose of Tdap.
After Tdap, the Td vaccine is recommended every 10 years.”
Mine’s run out but then I’m not a joiner or gardener.
The government pays out ’20 times a year’ – yes, that’s to those 20 SEVERELY DISABLED. Can you, or fullfact.org, supply figures for ALL of those disabled by vaccinations? All things considered, I think one in a million without doubt falls many vaccine-damaged people short of a true figure.
At the next general election Anna Soubry can be quite sure she will lose her MP’s seat in the House of Commons. A total traitor to those of her constituents that voted OUT of which I think there was a majority. Vanity no doubt is keeping her there Doobster78.
10am LBC Maajid Nawaz show
Topic #1 The migrant Crisis
Topic #2 Glasgow University virtue signalling by spending £20m on “slavery reparation research projects”
Over on Talk Radio Mike Graham is on holiday
Listen live to Alastair Stewart ► http://talkradio.co.uk/live
► President Macron: EU will not tear up Theresa May’s deal
► Bake Off’s Prue Leith to overhaul hospital food
► Prince William & family travel on budget flight
► Bank Holiday heatwave and travel disruption
What a line up !!! Talk about ramming this Liberal Left agenda down your throat !! RELENTLESS doesn’t do it justice. Its brainwashing . And these liberal wet pansies wonder why the “Right” is on the up ,,,exactly for this reason , we are just sick to death of being force fed this leftist, virtue signalling drivel 24/7.
During the past week I have watched various tv programmes, and it dawned on me that there is a plethora of employees by all channels, whose names I struggle to pronounce, yet they are giving me information on news/sports/dramas/documentaries etc etc.
Fair enough, but I’m surely not the only one to see the irony that we live (for now) in an English speaking country, but most of the population cant get their tongue around the names of the people they see on the tele !
Brexit is not an issue between right and left – where has that come from?and I am in favour of Brexit , and also appalled at the bias from the BBC just when we needed us to pull together, they were thinking about their nannies and au pairs – And also no party is tougher on the population than Labour once they are in their stride – history tells us that.
Re the stream of invaders in the Channel: surely even the dimmest of Home Secretaries can understand this argument?
Replying to @LBC @NickFerrariLBC
They haven’t been rescued they have been helped to enter the country illegally. Shame on our border force and our immigration laws! It’s an insult to those applying legally including my Canadian wife who has to jump through the hoops and pay £1000s to come here.
There must be hundreds of people in a similar situation and it flies in the face of all common sense and natural justice.
island – that’s the name of the game: go the legal route and be fleeced or rejected or both. Simply just land and declare yourself a refugee or a migrant, having ensured your papers were ‘lost’ in the deep, blue sea, and you’re in. (The word ‘illegal’ will have been entirely forgotten, all the way up to the Home Secretary.) Tell them you may look twenty-six, but you’re actually fourteen. The ball is now in their court. That’s when THEY start paying YOU.
The MSM and the lawyers will make sure common sense and Natural Law doesn’t come into it.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
Just had a chance to listen to Johnson/Macron joint speech in France. Again, tends to focus almost wholly on the backstop to the exclusion of all else and Macron reaffirmed that the WA will not be renegotiated.
Experiencing the same stomach lurch as when May speaks (spoke). Does not bode well.
Noticed the terrible twins Damion Dramaticus and Vicki Young bringing Britain down again – they stood together smirking. I thought – yes there is another £1m pounds worth of tax payers money – BBC waste of space. Where will they go if we pull out of the EU?
Jail hopefully, where they belong!
Nothing can be achieved with the EU and Boris knows it but is making the effort to show willing-We leave with a No Deal, that’s fine, let’s tell those scaremongers riddled as they are throughout Westmintser, the Media et al, that Britain will be just fine and will motor forward to victory as we have done many times before in our extraordinary past. Three cheers for the UK.
The wind seems to have snatched away the sheet of paper but it looks very much – to paraphrase Mr. Chamberlain – like ‘Piss on us time.’
The usual one-sided BBC story.
Of course, no woman would ever wish to post something on Facebook that might be even remotely untrue or faintly exaggerated as an act of revenge. Yeh, right.
This FB page is acting as judge and jury without any opportunity for the other party to present their side of the story and purports to portray all women as somehow blameless. The BBC fails to see the injustice in this. Women right, men wrong. End of.
Nobody has the guts to deal with this. Why can’t they see this is completely unacceptable?
Surely we must have got to the point where they are no longer ‘rescued.’
Invaders should be treated as the enemy they are.
@tobystyke74 3h
KENT INVADED & NOW SUSSEX A boat containing 24 illegal immigrants arrived at Winchelsea Beach this morning. Come on @patel4witham show us this hard stance as we’ve seen nothing yet. Action not words please
3h3 hours ago
Border Force stops 4 boats off Dover coast overnight & escorts the illegal immigrants to shore. 56 illegals have arrived in 2 days. 825 have reached our shores so far this year
Add to that an uncounted number travelling in the backs of lorries and inside caravans of holiday makers with open borders beliefs.
“inside caravans of holiday makers ”
Muslim holiday makers.
Are you a replacement for Maxi?
I do the crossing frequently. There are caravans owned by so called holiday makers (BRITISH, WHITE AND LEFT WING, do I have to shout it?) who deliver food and clothing to the migrants outside of Quisterham. It doesn’t take much effort to see them driving into the small woodland where the migrants hang out. I have seen a couple of migrants removed from the caravans by customs officers. but there are many getting through.
“Are you a replacement for Maxi?”
Not on your nelly!
I have no idea why you would even think that?
“(BRITISH, WHITE AND LEFT WING, do I have to shout it?)”
And of course those type of holiday makers.
Ves is no way replacement for maxi
1 sensible posts
2 done in the sober hours
3 replies to comments
4 no abuse
I d add more but I’m at war with illegal migrant mice at the moment – just called in an air strike and waiting for an A10 …
Friends in Kent visited Folkestone 2 days ago, and there without the slightest opposition or hindrance was a boat that had beached, and out stepped about 9 black men. They were then seen walking off into the town. No police, no border guards, nothing, and this wasn’t under cover of night, this was mid afternoon in broad daylight.
9 foreign adults on one afternoon, its not rocket science to hazard a guess at the numbers piling into this country every hour, every day around our coastline without the fear of detection.
Couple this with those sneaking into the UK via the European principality of Eire, and we have again hundreds of thousands illegals settling here with no recourse.
We are totally f……d
Add to that the under counting (guessing) by 16% of the number of immigrants.
300,000 they admit to.
Then, add to that the real number of under counted immigrants which will be in the millions.
They (politicians) are making an unholy mess of our Country.
In 2050 (or before) we will be an Islamic state.
So that’s why we hear of so many Muslim architects bothering local government offices for land to be urgently made available for their imams to build more mosques, in order that their illegal friends can be hidden away in the cellars of said buildings where they are taught the correct ways of acquiring a house and benefits, and how to begin their long and happy life in the UK.
I hear that they are usually advised to save up for their annual holiday to their home land from whence they claim they escaped from – yeah, right.
When the resistance begins – as surely it will – the resisters will be labelled NAZI by our mass media, most of which stinks to high heaven. The BBC doesn’t have to worry about it’s stench because it receives, by law, a free shower every day with money filched from the public wallet. I am given to understand, come next year and even though I NEVER make use of the BBC services, I can expect to begin receiving threatening letters – Pay up or else. I will choose the latter as I quite like old Else. At least we can, to some extent, have an influence on the press and commercial TV by our choice of purchases.
I’ve never really said a serious prayer in my life before let alone attended a church,except for weddings,funerals and Christenings, but here goes.
” Lord, if you truly exist, please save England from our invaders and from all our internal Quislings who wish to see our National Culture destroyed” Amen
Do you good folk think that might work or will our country someday resemble downtown Baghdad during the Iraq war?
In some ways, I am quite happy that I might reach my 80th birthday next year,but fear for the future of all my family who will follow me.
Lefty Wright
I need to be careful in this reply because I do not endorse violence.
But I fear that due to the BBC and media influence, backed by our politicians, resistance to the invaders, however peaceful, will be stamped on heavily.
What I fear and dislike most is possible. Weirdos with weapons will write deranged manifestos before going on a killing spree, thus providing more reasons to crush democratic and peaceful protests.
The evidence is emerging. The UAF, backed by our politicians, have posters with Tommy Robinson and Brevik side by side, saying same hatred. Tommy and Brevik are thus equated.
I think Mr Goebbels would have given that particular poster 11 out of 10 for devotion to the cause and quite frankly, if I were that way inclined, I would have agreed with him.
F–k Socialism in all it’s forms. As an erstwhile believer in the left wing variety I can only say that it is a lost cause. I say “look to your own” because that is what most beings on this planet do. If you do not “look to your own” you will end up on your own.
“Do you good folk think that might work”
I think it was in 2016 after the ref result was in when some leave voters were having doubts that we would never leave the EU and I wrote to one person on here reminding/comforting them to the fact that I being a Christian and take God’s promises as found in the Holy Bible to be proven (King David, the Jewish people, Joshua etc) that once God gives a nation or person a gift he has promised never to change his mind “for the gifts and callings of God are without repentance”…some: “irreversible” Letter to the Christians at Rome. Romans 11:29.
And since the “lot” came out in favour of the leave vote He will never change His mind. Acts 1:24,25,26. as the “lot” is in His hands so is the single “vote”
So please relax.
Note: if you like I suppose it wouldn’t do any harm if you reminded God about his use of the “lot” in ancient Rome and how He made the lot fall out for the leave vote in 2016 in modern Britain.
I sincerely hope you are correct. Otherwise, we will have trouble.
We would certainly be in trouble if we did not come out eventually. I’m not too sure about the Oct 31 date, as it could be extended by how long no one knows. It doesn’t mean we will not come out eventually. But I believe we the UK will leave the EU and leave those other leaders floundering.
Lefty Wright
God does exist and the ONLY way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.
Heavenly father i pray for our leader Boris Johnson ,i pray my lord that righteousness ,justice and democracy will be delivered to the people of Britain.I pray father for the salvation of the British people,i pray for a growth in the church.Lord i love you and thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus Christ name amen.
Lefty Wright I join you in that prayer- this it what will happen otherwise: A changed Population will cause a changed culture. The conclusion is therefore obvious: if First World nations experience a demographic shift which sees their populations replaced by Third World immigrants then inevitably, the prevailing culture of those First World nations will change to reflect the culture of the new majority population. In other words Third World immigration into First World countries will see First World culture replaced by Third World culture, once mass immigration reaches such levels as to inevitably bring about a change in the nature of those nation’s cultures. There are three avenues by which the immigration invasion is being carried out. The first is simple legal immigration; the second is the ‘asylum’ racket and the third is illegal immigration.
All three of these avenues are abetted by liberalism, which seeks to stifle any opposition to the invasion by odious comparisons to unpleasant periods in European history, or by smears, intimidation and outright lies. An overview of all three avenues and counters to liberalism’s most cherished arguments is in order before each region is dealt with in detail.
There are three avenues by which the immigration invasion is being carried out. The first is simple legal immigration; the second is the ‘asylum’ racket and the third is illegal immigration.
All three of these avenues are abetted by liberalism, which seeks to stifle any opposition to the invasion by odious comparisons to unpleasant periods in European history, or by smears, intimidation and outright lies. An overview of all three avenues and counters to liberalism’s most cherished arguments is in order before each region is dealt with in detail.
Resistance is now unequivocally needed.
“someday resemble downtown Baghdad during the Iraq war?”
At least in those days downtown Baghdad wasn’t full of their population during daylight hours – have you seen the sight of downtown London recently.
BBC Project Fear Remoan story number 237. Or should that be 2370.
Because of Brexit we won’t be able to recycle as much refuse and more will go to landfill, probably in the North of England.
Yes, it’s proven. The BBC is literally talking rubbish.
27 months – pathetic.
Arsonist Mohammed Zulkifl detained for Ilkley Moor fire
I think we should bin this Brexit business if it means there’ll be more rubbish . Let’s stay in the EU and get rid of our rubbish .
Who says the BBC don’t do comedy any more ….
70 more days of this rubbish .
Why can’t we the UK turn its rubbish into electricity as other EU countries do? What the H are our government doing? Has no one any common sense?
BBC TV News at 6 pm:
Voice-over to a ‘Could’ feature on Brexit said that, ‘the worst case scenario was a No Deal Brexit’.
BBC now view No Deal as worst case scenario. I voted for Brexit. The BBC and the Remain gang have created this No Deal phrase.
The Conservatives will never recover if they don’t deliver Brexit, despite the BBC.
Dover Sentry
The Conservatives will do all they can to reduce Brexit, Boris or no Boris. The point of no recovery was past during May’s leadership.
BBC Online News:
“”Man cleared over burning Grenfell effigy model film””
“”His lawyer Mark Summers QC said: “We have very, very serious doubts about the integrity of this prosecution.” “”
A show-trial bites the dust.
What a ridiculous political prosecution. . I wonder how much taxpayers money was wasted on lawyers . The BBC showed some ‘campaigner ‘ who was most upset – so a positive outcome .
I see Google has managed to push biased bbc down to 3rd now used to be first under this word search ..no doubt it will keep dropping if they have their own way
Yes I tried that search too . I’d encourage every one to regularly search for this site as well as our kindred brothers such as “ is the BBC biased “ in order to click the al gore rhythm thingy .
I’m surprised we don’t get buried by the millions of media studies kids who must have plenty to time to troll approved lefty views to gain cred with their ‘ tutor ‘ . Or maybe they’re just on the netty flix thing .
This was second story on BBC London news.
They were definitely NOT happy about the outcome, judging by the way they spoke through clenched teeth.
Chatting to the Indian guy in local shop today, he says that a million have been made homeless over there due to flooding not a squeak on BBBc front page this week except for some muzzies living in unsuitable accomodation, some muzzies oppressed in Kashmir, and some muzzies oppressed in Myanmar etc. etc. and some gay hate crime he is just as disgusted as many others
OT, but usually The Economist is a BbC safe go to rag.
Can’t wait for Rog & Co’s analysis of this one.
Yes, Hitler was a veggie and he did not live too long, there’s the proof for you
I’m enjoying seeing a genuine,real leader representing the UK doing the rounds with the EU elect. I mean no disrespect to the previous PM but it’s very obvious that she was an EU puppet.
I am afraid I don’t share your confidence in our “real leader”.
I think he is heading for a Brino Mk2 .
Its The Brexit Party for me from now on.
I believe in Boris,we got till the 31st oct to sort out this mess. If he fails and i don’t think he will,i will be with you and the brexit party forevermore.
Mackers I am totally with you. I hope that Boris does the trick, or at least there is a plausibility to not achieving it on 31 Oct. By that I mean if he is forced into a General Election before that date and promises that if elected it will be a mandate for No Deal, then I could vote for him if I believed he was totally genuine.
If Boris fails then the Conservative Party is doomed forever, probably pick up around 20 seats at all subsequent elections like the Liberals used to do. But worse, far worse, Brexit will be dead forever. People who want freedom, i.e. Brexit, must not vote for Labour or “Lib” “Dem” as they will see the UK will become a vassal state within the EU with as much influence over EU policy as Puerto Rico does over US policy.
Best scenario for Britain is a No Deal Brexit-better to be rid of any influence from the current EU-its days are numbered in any event as I am certain that one or two countries will break away from the EU over the next few years, then where will the money come from? They have played the wrong hand, influenced as they have been by those that control the money and by world multinationals where the power lies.
I notice on ‘Politicsweb’ that display of the previous South African flag is now illegal in SA. Of course, the Union flag is a part of it, but the ANC have not, as yet, stated whether it too, will be banned. (This could present the UK High Commission and consulates in SA with a big problem. Perhaps the ANC government will require us to display the EU flag instead?)
The ANC mentality is good at solving problems. Millions go hungry and/or unemployed in SA, and the ANC comes up with flag banning. This flag of course, featured on the side of the Allies in WW2.
Another flag that featured in WW2 has not been banned in SA, and is -in fact- much beloved of the ANC: it is red, and bears the hammer and sickle.
Anyone remember that one?
In case you missed it, what you will not see on the BBBC:
Syrian asylum seeker is convicted of manslaughter and jailed for nine-and-a-half years for stabbing a man to death in Germany, sparking anti-migration protests in Chemnitz
Alaa Sheikhi was jailed in Dresden today for the manslaughter of Daniel Hillig
Hillig’s killing last year sparked massive nationalist protests which rocked Berlin
Sheikhi and an Iraqi still at large, stabbed Hillig to death close to a kebab stand
Defence lawyer Ricarda Lang claimed today her client was scapegoat
British people in Britain being British…
The sound of old England: Remarkable 1920s newsreel with full audio brings to life the whirring factories, chatting fishermen and playful schoolchildren from Britain’s between-war years
Lots of communal activity that would be totally unacceptable today.
Now only the ‘BAME’ people have communities and community leaders.
Kommoon i h i please
Woman with severe mental disorders kills herself and leaves a statement.
She was a campaigner with antifa and the BBC picks out a piece in her statement where she blames Tommy Robinson for her condition.
Yaxley Lennon man Bad.
In a three-page note, the 47-year-old wrote: “Got into opposing racists like Tommy Robinson and the EDL and this got me battered.”
TR regularly battered by her mates as any internet search will reveal, with no mention of this by BBBC which is clear bias by omission
Clear and unequivocal bias from the BBBC as their “world class” journalists fail to mention this:
English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson has released footage of himself fighting with a gang of masked men outside a McDonald’s.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, said he was approached by the group at a branch of the fast food chain in London.
He did not specify what part of the capital he was in, but police later confirmed it was in the northern district of Harringay.
And his politics gets him jailed, twice, on the same charge and any who assault him allowed, like the hate filled milkshake muzzie who followed him for 300 metres shouting abuse, who is unable to debate when challenged ALL recorded on video yet no police action ? yet a mentally disturbed lefties suicide letter is allowed by the BBBC and their world class journalists as a valid statement of fact
Oh how they use their words to infuence our underachieving millenials for example “far right” is racist, Corbyn and his mob hating Jews is not racist fortunate there are those, generally on this site, who can see this sick, disgusting propoganda for what it is
Bedford Senior Coroner Emma Whitting said evidence suggested there was no intention by Ms Carroll to kill herself.
Ms Whitting said: “She was clearly a brave and determined woman who stood up for what she believed in.
“Fighting against racism and any kind of hate is the bedrock of a peaceful and civilised society and her passing is undoubtedly a loss for us all.“
A worryingly political statement by a coroner. I would argue that ‘fighting’ has implications of hatred and certainly can’t be called ‘peaceful’. The bedrock of a civilised society is that we allow others to say things that we might disagree with, not that we seek to disrupt and physically attack them.
If the BBC are blocked by China, why does it have a Chinese website version?
At this point, most western-based news media has been blocked. I will only name a few of the biggest players here.
New York Times
Financial Times
Wall Street Journal
I can only imagine if the BBC is blocked in China it is because they are regarded as too left-wing by the Communist Chinese government.
I’m guessing you haven’t been to China
#1 The ethnic Chinese diaspora has been spread around the world for 200 years, not just mainland China
Particularly Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore Taiwan, Thailand Hong Kong, Singapore etc.
#2 The use of proxy servers is widespread in China.
Correct and youtube and google yet allowed in certain education areas
Another warning of the rise of the far far far right by Owen Jones.
Come to think of it, have the police tracked down his assailants? They were given evidence from Owen who says he recognized them. They best hurry as other progressives might be in danger.
Could be just one child for all we know. But headline the word Children for maximum liberal outrage !!! Good old BBC .
they are good at one thing: breeding, and then subjecting their brood to danger where is the outrage at such irresponsible parents ? and who questiona why they have travelled an extra 4000 miles after achieving safe haven over the first border they crossed ? council house please not a container
Where is the outrage about France having different attitudes to the hoards, that they do not get council accomodation ? where is tha parity in a so called european union that encourages jobless beggars and asylum seekers and professional criminals to gravitate from scum countries to prey upon us ? when was the last time you saw a british person selling the big issue? why do those who have bullied and threatened genuine homeless to take over their patches have no requirement to speak english ?
The south coast is the ‘new’ Lampedusa.
I will answer my own question, anyone who has had the misfortune to deal with local authority workers, and see how they operate from within will have no surprise, the EU is made for the best of them….masssive pensions large salaries, flexible working ie turn up at 1o am with your breakfast ready to eat at your desk…obsession with diversity meaning a compete perversion of the original idea of reflecting the demography of the environment and rather finding as many wimmin and black people as you can, any probs getting customer servce from your local authority ? hmm I have seen it in action they are all cooking last nights curries and garlic bread at 10 am with phones ringing all around them I kid you not
Their obsession with food is astounding they are all walking in with multiple tupperware boxes then wobbling int the office all fat a@ses and obese and when they do eventually get on with some work it is generally banning sugar, salt etc while they fill their fat faces at Barnet every single floor of the 12 floor has multiple toaster and microwaves and regular evacuations of the whole building due to garlic bread left in toasters in the morning
QED this morning:
Fraud investigator ‘was sacked for being white and probing crimes committed by Asians at East London council’
Mark Edmunds, 54, is suing for £529,000 in a race and sex discrimination case
Claims he was sacked by London borough of Tower Hamlets because of his skin
His investigations saw 12 Asian men sacked for part in rigging 2014 local election
Literally wet myself reading that. I am said Local Authority worker and ………you are spot on !!!! LOL
You paint an appealing picture – curry and garlic bread – yum yum – making me feel rather hungry – and I’ve just had lunch.
We have seen some of the “ages” new kids arriving and going to school. 27yr olds in the class with 13yrs.
“picked up in FRENCH WATERS”
How does that work then?
They probably mean French fishing waters-just off the British coast.
“They probably mean French fishing waters-just off the British coast.”
Or, French fishing waters just south of Monti Carlo.
I was just about to say: just south of Monti carload full.
For the purposes of a battle over Taiwan and Tibet but as my wife says, a battle over Northern Ireland…Falklands and ….. I will put that out there for debate
@Spiderman I just replied to your question
I posted underneath it on page 1
We are promised on tonight’s 10 o’clock news a report into Antifa in the USA. Presumably the counterpart to the one on far right white people earlier this week.
I anticipate a whitewash.
Yup, as I suspected. Apparently they are only a reaction to white supremacy and are mostly harmless. Any violence is because they have to combat hate.
Yeah, right.
I suppose we can’t do a Marxist style rewriting of our English language and refer to a whitewash as a blackwash? No, I thought not. Ah well I suppose it will all come out in the wash (as Muvver used to say)
Did she also tell you never to put your colours with your whites together as it will ruin the whites ?
This comment seems to sum things up nicely:
“There are a number of big lies dominating the Culturally Marxist West at the moment. Global warming, obviously. Girls can have penises and boys can have babies. Islam is a religion of peace. We are united in diversity. The West is a patriarchy. Mass third world immigration benefits Britain economically. Whites are evil. Socialism is a viable economic platform. The Left is compassionate and caring. Britain is a nation of immigrants. Feminism cares about women. Britain can have open borders AND a welfare state. Men (white only) are evil. The Left is moral and good. University students are intelligent and wise. Anyone to the right of Mao, Stalin, Pol-Pot is a fascist. White privilege is real. The gender pay gap is real. Non-whites can never be racist. All whites are subconsciously racist…. there are lots more, all designed to purge people like me from this world and all actively promoted by the entire Western establishment”.
How the f%*k did we get into this state and how long will it prevail before this country comes to it’s senses?
What an excellent post.You obviously attended The School of Common Sense. Many thanks.
Your last sentence remains an open question. We can only hope that the problem can be resolved without resorting to violence on the part of the indigenous people, because our traitorous mass media will not be on their side should this happen, which makes it one hell of a hill to climb.
“How the f%*k did we get into this state and how long will it prevail before this country comes to it’s senses?”
Never. It’s too late. We’re already outnumbered in many parts, and the trend is irreversible.
Has Jeremy Corbyn got any principles? What does he believe in? It seems to me the word that describes him most is contrary.He’s all over the place,a muddled mess.I thank him very much for dividing the left into even more groups.Without the media’s protection these people and their policies would be totally exposed.What we need are very rich forward thinking conservative entrepreneurs to break into the mainstream media.
Late August Bank Holiday ‘heatwave’ could break records.
What could be wrong with that headline? It’s truthful and accurate, yet it is as biased as could possibly be.
For 100 years the whole of Britain had the August Bank Holiday at the start of the month – Scotland still does, and it wasn’t changed until the 1970s.
So yes a new record might be set, but it’s pretty meaningless given the short time the records have been available.
Dr Patrick Michaels on Life,Liberty and Levin on fox news provides the truth regarding the climate change fraud.
Records is the lie, any scientist will tell you that there are many recorda available going back MUCH further than meteorological records, , pollen, trees, ice cores (oxygen isotope) iconography, entomological, that tell the truth, I could carry on but you get my drift, and the relative strenghts of greenhouse gases hmm have a look one of the biggest ? water, one of the the smallest ? carbon dioxide, and if you wish to feel direct evidence of this, just think, why does a cloudless hot summer day turn into a freeezing night ? (hint: no water i.e. clouds to keep the heat in) such is the influence of our major greenhouse gas
It’s the speculative “could” that is the issue.
There have been countless articles saying that records “could” be broken from the bBBC this year, but I’ve yet to see one saying that records “were” broken.
And it goes without saying you’ll never see a retrospective article stating records “weren’t” broken as previously predicted.
Beware of nighttime #BbcVampireAttacks
You wake up in the middle of the night
so switch on the radio
Radio 5 is pushing an agenda like Trans kids
so you switch to World Service , but they are pushing anti-Brexit
switch back to R4 and they are pushing another agenda, Global Warming, plastics, Greta etc.
You switch back to R4 who are now pushing anti-Trump, with the presenter leading an NGO guest “is TRump very evil ? or is Trump very very very evil ?”
I expect some people wake up in the morning suddenly spouting the BBC agendas
and then look in the mirror and find they’ve got 2 red marks on their neck.
Mythology and the coming great deception by rob skiba youtube is very interesting. 1 hour 17 mins in is very unusual.Anyone ?
I remember watching a film that showed how Professor Emelius Browne triggered “Substitutiary Locomotion” on Halloween using the words “Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee” to stop the Germans from ruling over Britain. It was the day we won the Battle of Britain. Thursday 31st October.
A suggestion @stewgreen try some Creedance Clearwater Revival rather than the bbc when you next wake up. I am enjoying as have two weeks away from work and off to explore life outside of hijab / afro caribean glottal stop London
Not the BBC, but who was it on here not so long ago, who said the next thing would be the media showing us how lovely those traveller folk are? Just watching Channel 5+1 “The traveller next door”. The timing is impeccable when travellers have (allegedly) recently murdered a policeman when being caught in the act of burglary.
I am pretty much sure that the society in the 1928 video I posted earlier will not have changed much outside of any cities in the UK I will test next week and report back
They are the ones, the silent majority, who voted and won and are still waiting for democracy to serve them via public servants, some who think they are the arbiters of public opinion through their own self serving arrogance with their OWN opinions, with no understanding of public service and even when convicted of an offence have no shame and have to be dragged out of office
BBC News – David Attenborough to front BBC’s Extinction: The Facts based on WWF report
“Extinction: the Facts will go
“beyond our emotions to investigate what the extinction crisis means,
not just for the planet but for every one of us.
World-leading scientists will explore why species are disappearing at such an alarming rate…..”
Lot of ambush-naming and ambush-speak in that
ie they will do emotional blackmail etc.
Surprised they did not go the whole hog and call it ‘Extinction Rebellion’ and glue Roger Hallam to Justin’s frequent flyer pass.
If you wish to adapt and survive the worst thing you can do is run with the herd who have an intrinsic interest in conformance.. and rules and standards
and looking around me at the professional single mum breeders that suck up most of our tax, that have mobile phones and large screen tvs yet claim poverty, and three big trampolines appeared in gardens last three weeks, so their screaming brats are happy this is EU happy
Auh Luv My Kids I gottem a trampoline an an x box, Kylie is forheen years old and on the cancil waying list for an ouse as shes pregnan, ees a decen bloke e got er a macdonalds ve over nigh
Annu, could you punctuate that with several ugly drags on a king-size cigarette and a sweaty hand grasping a can of Red Bull being slurped every few seconds?
Aaaah, that’s better!
And how about a close-up on the Croydon facelift, avoiding the tattoos scribbled everywhere and the talons painted green and pink with oddly spaced red spots here and there? Maybe a cut towards the pink and grey Primark leggings, watch the pramface though, we’re in the shade here?
(Off screen – ‘The BBC are ready to interview you about austerity now Chardienonnitte’)!
And black cardboard eyebrows
I call those black “eyebrow” things dead slugs in honour of Baldrick. The girls that have them are slug balancers.
Boris has returned home with a piece of paper. I guess that it probably says
“We, the German Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognising that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night as symbolic. We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure Europe”
I assume and guess that its probably an edited version of this piece of paper written in 1938.
“We, the German (Fuhrer and) Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognising that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night (and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement) as symbolic (of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again). We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure (the peace of) Europe”
When you think about the furious public display of unity, when De Gaulle kept bellowing ‘Non’, back in the late sixties, especially so soon after WW2, the current scenario of Boris’s ‘failure’ as depicted by the BBC is just plain ridiculous!
Go Boris, the cheese-eaters can fester wherever they like – might improve their cheese too!
The BBC in a nutshell…
Top priority “reporting” for the beeb..
Asylum claim targets ‘being missed by eight weeks’
Where will it end!
Maybe a Claim for The Roman invasion of Britain?
That BBC headline is
“Glasgow University’s ‘bold’ move to pay back slave trade profits ”
£20 million in reparations ??
Nah, a building in Glasgow and cooperation with the Univ of the West Indies.
… More jobs for academics! ..and more global warming flights
One has to feel for the Glasgow academics having to attend all those seminars in the West Indies.
It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it.
The Today Programme
Yesterday Channel 4’s Head of News Dorothy Byrne said the Today programme is “like accidentally walking into a knitting shop in Bournemouth”. ????
Today we asked Michelle Kennedy, owner of Carly’s Crafts – a wool shop in Bournemouth – who said “I think it’s a compliment.”
Cat fight! Old crazy cat lady one.
My bad. No such thing. Apparently.
Mind you, this is the Indy.
What! Not even the crazy cute cat ladies?
Luck she didn’t liken the Toady Programme to a. Sewage Farm or Mine Field or Catholic at the Haj / Luton / Tower Hamlets ….
Liar Profession #1 (mainstream media)
say that Liar Profession #2 (mainstream politicians) lie
Crazy cat ladies world is NOT the real world
.. just like the worlds that the Liar professions push.
Dismissing people by applying the word “liar” to them
is the Label and Dismiss PR trick
It’s the same as using any label to dismiss people , like some people use the P-word, N-word etc.
In fact all humans lie, so to properly describe what you mean about Boris you have to use more specific terms
Does Boris habitually deceive ??
I think mainstream media/politicians do habitually deceive to push their pet agendas
I don’t think he stands out from the crowd
I’d say a couple of politicians like Farage do stand out as more truthful.
LOL. Those comments just go to show how far out of touch with the real world and public opinion these media bubble luvvies are !!!
“Channel migrants: Home secretary declares major incident” Yes thats what he said last December.
Hardly a peep on Al Beeb now .
Something tells me that they are using kids as human shields.
This country is full up. We are being invaded .
Time to bring in the armed forces…………………..
taffman- armed forces are of no use when there is no will to resist, and the media are standing by to scream and wail if there is any sign of any will to resist…
Notice how we are never told what happens to these people, only that they were ‘taken to Dover’, or ‘landed on Winchelsea beach’ which is exactly what they wanted…
Test cases all, for the millions en route; if you think I’m kidding, I can let you have a little more detail.
Of course, I am understating, not overstating the potential numbers.
If people smugglers smuggle them in
..Should we not have people smugglers who smuggle them out ?
Stew – Perhaps, but we are not told where they are…
Only the Home Office knows.
And they’re not about to tell, I should imagine.
BBC lack of joined up thinking … on the same website …
Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.
Encyclopaedia Britannica – Slavery
Glasgow University’s ‘bold’ move to pay back slave trade profits
By Hannah Capella
BBC News
When the bbc puts anything in ‘quotes’, hilarity ensues.
Rather, despair
And, lo…
Why does the UK not turn its rubbish into Electricity as other nations are doing-are we so muddled in our thinking that some common sense would not put right. We must stop blundering around like Elephants in a glass house.
Cos Putin’s Little Helpers ..the green movement protest against every new incinerator proposal.
Quite correct Marky-the Arabs were the top Slave traders for well over 2000 years and still are- Britain was enslaved by the Romans, by in some cases the Vikings, then the Norman’s-and were still sending out white people in Plantations ships in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries. Let it not be forgotten that the Spanish, Italians, Dutch and Portuguese were also involved in slave trading. However it was as far as the native Africans are concerned they themselves that sold their own people into slavery, so let this nonsence about Britain giving an apology for trading people stop immediately and no way should we pay back any money-how the heck can they possibly know the amount of profit. Just liberal nonsense as usual.
Well that can’t be right. I’ve been assured on more than one occasion that the bad bits of the Empire were entirely English.
Al Beeb News tell us that Glasgow University has loads of money to give away, £20m in fact .
How much funding does the uni get from the government and the tax payer ?
They did make a statement, I believe, but no one could understand what they were saying, apart from the odd “see you Boris” and “iss oor oil ya bastads” and were not quite sure if it was the vice chancellor in a string vest and a can of special brew threatening them with a razor if they dared to misquote him,or the bursar, the press conference descended into chaos anyway when the bar opened at 9 am
Apparently there were 20 senior lecturers each trying to cash a cheque for £ 1 mllion at the bar
“I think they’ve got a left-wing agenda and every single programme you watch has some sort of left-wing agenda attached to it.”
“It irritates me to the stage where I think I don’t want to watch it anymore.”
“We turn it off”
The Talk Radio video
I gather from beeb/toady that tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ are arriving again on Greek islands (and I think in a burst of honesty, ‘migrants’ or ‘economic migrants’ were mentioned) as outlined by Giorgios Kumasakos.
The EU will now have to play its little distribution/redistribution game.
I understand there is no great enthusiasm.
Furthermore, Sultan Erdogan also leaves us with the impression that he is not enforcing the ‘Balkan route’, for which Merkel bribed him with six billion Euro, so the Germans didn’t have to do their own border checks.
Can the Greek not give the migrants a train or coach ticket so they can travel onwards to Germany
And no doubt they wouldn’t need to reserve their ticket (s) in advance. Or pay for them at all.
£3.5bn News Service …
Wednesday 21st August 2019: BBC News Online, 19 June 2019
In a story of one woman’s experience with vaccinations, we interviewed ‘Meredith’ who believed that the frightening illnesses she was experiencing as an adult were the result of her mother deciding not to get her vaccinated as a child.
When further investigations revealed that Meredith had not been treated for tetanus in hospital in Queensland, we decided to withdraw the story from the website. In fact Meredith was hospitalised with suspected tetanus, but doctors later identified a different infection.
But, MarkyMark, according to the BBC, vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ and ‘Parents looking for answers on the safety of vaccinations are led astray by fake news, hoaxes, as well as religious and cultural beliefs, and sometimes even threats of violence’.
There you are, it’s the BBC, so it must be true, shame on you for helping to spread conspiracy theories.
Hang on, though, what’s this all about?
‘If you’re severely disabled as a result of a vaccination against certain diseases, you could get a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000. This is called a Vaccine Damage Payment.’
Humble apologies, MarkyMark, well bless my soul, it looks as if the BBC are the fake news mongers … again.
The BBC are GIGO shovelers, with thousands of cubicle garden dwellers getting press releases and repackaging them as ‘news’, overseen by supposed editors interested only in meeting narrative targets and hitting ratings numbers.
It’s a job creation scheme for the inept and unemployable, growing daily in a bid to become too big to fail.
The danger of vaccines with Dr Sherri Tenpenny youtube, there’s the truth.Regarding cholesterol look up http://www.ravnskov.nu Lots of deceipt ,lies out there in the devil’s playground.
Vaccines are safe, just like getting in an ambulance is safe.
Would you refuse to get in an ambulance just cos their is a one in a million chance of an ambulance crash ?
The government pays out vaccine compo 20 times a year
so that means it’s about a one in a million chance.
Whereas the risk for an unvaccinated child is magnitudes more.
BTW tetanus most of us adults are at risk
“Any adult who has not had a tetanus immunization within 10 years should get a single dose of Tdap.
After Tdap, the Td vaccine is recommended every 10 years.”
Mine’s run out but then I’m not a joiner or gardener.
The government pays out ’20 times a year’ – yes, that’s to those 20 SEVERELY DISABLED. Can you, or fullfact.org, supply figures for ALL of those disabled by vaccinations? All things considered, I think one in a million without doubt falls many vaccine-damaged people short of a true figure.
@NameNotNumber If you are making a claim
then it is up to you to show the evidence.
The “show me the bodies” rule applies
Old drunk still thinks she is in someway relevant !!! What a joke she has become and she just cannot see it !!
“and we will work with everyone to stop it”.
Even if we have to commit a crime doing it.
At the next general election Anna Soubry can be quite sure she will lose her MP’s seat in the House of Commons. A total traitor to those of her constituents that voted OUT of which I think there was a majority. Vanity no doubt is keeping her there Doobster78.
10am LBC Maajid Nawaz show
Topic #1 The migrant Crisis
Topic #2 Glasgow University virtue signalling by spending £20m on “slavery reparation research projects”
Over on Talk Radio Mike Graham is on holiday
Listen live to Alastair Stewart ► http://talkradio.co.uk/live
► President Macron: EU will not tear up Theresa May’s deal
► Bake Off’s Prue Leith to overhaul hospital food
► Prince William & family travel on budget flight
► Bank Holiday heatwave and travel disruption
What a line up !!! Talk about ramming this Liberal Left agenda down your throat !! RELENTLESS doesn’t do it justice. Its brainwashing . And these liberal wet pansies wonder why the “Right” is on the up ,,,exactly for this reason , we are just sick to death of being force fed this leftist, virtue signalling drivel 24/7.
During the past week I have watched various tv programmes, and it dawned on me that there is a plethora of employees by all channels, whose names I struggle to pronounce, yet they are giving me information on news/sports/dramas/documentaries etc etc.
Fair enough, but I’m surely not the only one to see the irony that we live (for now) in an English speaking country, but most of the population cant get their tongue around the names of the people they see on the tele !
Heres a sample of those I find challenging…….
Romesh Ranganathan, Ashish Joshi, Lukwesa_Burak, Zeinab Badawi, Komla Dumor, Matthew Amroliwala, Lizo Mzimba
Brexit is not an issue between right and left – where has that come from?and I am in favour of Brexit , and also appalled at the bias from the BBC just when we needed us to pull together, they were thinking about their nannies and au pairs – And also no party is tougher on the population than Labour once they are in their stride – history tells us that.
Re the stream of invaders in the Channel: surely even the dimmest of Home Secretaries can understand this argument?
Replying to @LBC @NickFerrariLBC
They haven’t been rescued they have been helped to enter the country illegally. Shame on our border force and our immigration laws! It’s an insult to those applying legally including my Canadian wife who has to jump through the hoops and pay £1000s to come here.
There must be hundreds of people in a similar situation and it flies in the face of all common sense and natural justice.
RE Wife: AND pass numerous English tests
island – that’s the name of the game: go the legal route and be fleeced or rejected or both. Simply just land and declare yourself a refugee or a migrant, having ensured your papers were ‘lost’ in the deep, blue sea, and you’re in. (The word ‘illegal’ will have been entirely forgotten, all the way up to the Home Secretary.) Tell them you may look twenty-six, but you’re actually fourteen. The ball is now in their court. That’s when THEY start paying YOU.
The MSM and the lawyers will make sure common sense and Natural Law doesn’t come into it.