The BBC is to launch a new programme supporting young people to identify real news and filter out fake or false information.
The project, announced today (6 December) by Director of BBC News James Harding at the Children’s Global Media Summit in Manchester, is targeted at secondary schools and sixth forms across the UK.
The ‘information’ disseminated to these poor kids will be, like with the climate change nonsense, the exact reverse of the truth. If people won’t agree with you, teach them to do so.
Western democracy has only succeeded because most peoples viewpoint is not heard. A million opinions all at once become nothing more than an irrelevant annoying noise, causing extreme viewpoints to coagulate and grow in importance. That’s what we have with anti-social media, and this is what our poor young people are faced with every day. What have we saddled them with. Little wonder the increase in mental health problems. The problem is – the people that have the power to stop the madness have become infected themselves. The horror of it all! I appreciate I am contributing to it with this opinion. It really is a never ending wheel of doom and will only get worse. The main thing is to identify the problem – it’s the start to de-fumigating our society from this c..p!
In the event of a sudden election, what is going to happen to the likes of Hammond and Grieve? The Tories can’t possibly allow them to stand whilst simultaneously telling us that we need to vote for Boris to deliver Brexit.
Oh yes they can Roland. The old boy network within parliament takes precedence over loyalties, voters, common sense and patriotic duty. Somehow, against all logic, they will be returned – as will Soubry. Gordon’s Gin shareholders will swing the balance.
One of the few things to look forward to in an upcoming election is to enjoy flushing the shite down the toilet where they can mingle with the rest of the waste matter.
As for the reports that we’re becoming nastier and more divisive, we didn’t bloody start it!!!! They (politicians, pseudo intellectuals and gobshite luvvies) have declared war on the lower orders because they don’t know their place and don’t understand – ‘do as I say, not as I do’.
A pox on them all for their arrogance and self centred superiority and as for forgive and forget – forget it.
Anyway, what would be the point of an extension to A50? More uncertainty. More resentment (both sides). More ridicule and embarrassment for the incompetents who couldn’t even follow a simple instruction.
Why is this so complex to understand? Would they rather civil disorder or worse?
Apologies – too many question marks but I seriously don’t get it.
They caught up with a local resident who said this ….
Standing looking at the block and pointing towards Grenfell Tower which is a short walk away, she said: “That’s Grenfell there as you can see. That was my first instinct when I smelled smoke. Everyone is thinking of Grenfell.”
Looks like she missed a few words off the end … i will complete her statement for her , ” Everyone is thinking of Grenfell, and wondering, lovely, now i can pick any house i want in Notting Hill and have it for free and furnish it for free and if i dont get the one i want, i can just go the the BBC with my sob story , and then get it !! And i cant wait to access that emergency funding, you know, the one that sets you up for life, no questions asked ”
There, sorted it. That’s what she actually meant !!!
Roland – Those are the ones we know about. I would guess there are even more than the 61, who made it across unnoticed. And I would guess that number would be more than 61. In other words, those caught are the tip of the iceberg.
The pointless Border Force may as well open up business as a taxi service to bring them across the Channel in bulk….
The message that you get taken to Dover by them will have done the trick. I reckon we can expect three figures to arrive on a daily basis.
In this ‘game’, message is all. Besides Orban in Hungary, the one cabinet minister who understands this is Italy’s Matteo Salvini. (President Mattarella could edge him out of the Italian government on Tuesday, so I’m watching Rome like a hawk!). Let’s see whether Priti can join this lonely company. If she does, I would be majorly impressed, but I’m not expecting much, cos it’s going to take someone priti special to lay the law down in France.
If they are in a small boat they can’t be asylum seekers as they must have originated from an EU country. Therefore they are attempting illegal entry. Therefore the process should be trial, imprisonment, deportation, simple.
And if that happened there wouldn’t be any more attempts, ‘problem’ solved.
A couple of things
#1 “fiona melbul” is unknown to Twitter or Google before this week
#2 BBC cutNpasted their article from Channel9 Australia who have actually deleted their own news story
Sky was even more depressing. Earlier in the day a lady was interviewed in the studio who had treatment for ovarian cancer, so it was all about being aware of the symptoms. Worthy enough. But then, a couple or so hours later, yet another lady was wheeled in with lung cancer, which had spread rampantly around her body.
I admit to turning over because sad though this was, I’d already had my fill with the earlier story.
It seems any story will do as long as it fills up the allotted time.
If you are looking for TV which hasn’t got the poisonous tick box British MSM taint to it can I suggest PBS America and sometimes the Smithsonian channel .
They are both free to air on Freesat and both repeat their programmes for when you might want them .
Fed up,
The historical documentaries on these channels can be good eg the Vietnam War and Franco , but they are not immune to the modern curse of .wokism and leftism. One point in their favour is that they don’t play music all the bloody time when you are trying to listen to what someone is saying. In the UK they now have pop music as the background to stuff about the 16th century. They are crackers.
Double – yes it worries me but there is a documentary running about the Supreme Court selections which kinds of helps with the background . For those interested in American politics it’s a good thing .
Yes it transferred – in body to some extent , but not in spirit. Some needed bribing severley to re-locate. Look what we have – an amateur, London centric production every morning. Even GMB on ITV has been polluted by the shameless remainers. Never mind – my mate Piers will be back very soon to put things right.
I agree that The timing is highly suspicious. But the whole border issue is a deception to try and prevent us leaving. Who would want a hard border? Not the Republic, it would be economic suicide. Not NI , it would disrupt the lives of those living close to the border. Not the UK . Only Brussels wants one as a beginning chip. If we leave with no deal we , the UK , should do absolutely nothing about a border. If the Brussels stooge Varadker tries to put one up and inflicts massive damage on the Republic’s economy he will be voted out very quickly. Ignore the problem and it will resolve itself very quickly.
Of course I wouldn’t put it past the Brussels fanatics, Varadker is just their placeman, to foment trouble to try and recreate the situation of twenty years ago. But this would happen with or without a border. Any blood will be on their hands.
You see – that’s the way to interact with the MSM – on the way from the chopper – none of this crawling into the BBC on a Sunday morning to be Marred or getting the 0808 from Toady drones who think they are more important than the issues….
Tommy Robinson, whose real name is….go on have a guess ….. will be released in three to four weeks.
He won’t get a decent write up from the media, and we will her those words ‘far right, far right’ but nothing of substance.
Please take a minute to read his letter. It’s not a fake as the hand written version is doing the rounds on the social media.
Read his letter – comes to something when someone locked up following a political trial , gets a political sentence then has solitary confinement to keep him alive
– UK 2019…. signs of things to come for dissenters .
#EcoBollocks I bet you are sad about people who believed greendreams pushed by a TV presenter have now lost money. #Investors who ploughed millions into Grand Designs host Kevin McCloud’s eco-friendly #housing business are warned they could lose 97% of their money
via @MailOnline
“Housing Minister Grant Schapps described the Triangle as an “exceptional” model for residential development.”
RIBA National Award 2012
RIBA Regional Award 2012
RIBA Regional Sustainability Award 2012
Housing Design Award 2010
Housing Innovation Award 2012
With so many “Design” Awards, what could possibly have gone wrong?
Pssst….Wanna see some dirty politics?
Guiseppe Conte and Angela Merkel will show you how it’s done.
compact-online has published a short video of Conte (Italian caretaker PM) whispering into Merkel’s ear at Davos, about how he is going to undermine and circumnavigate Interior minister Salvini’s rules barring ‘migrants’ from being dumped in Italy.
You don’t need German or Italian to get the drift.
This is how it’s done, friends.
Is he breaking Italian law? No matter, he is whispering into the ear of the lawbreaker supreme. Two of a kind.
Poor old Italians and Germans. They think something called ‘the Law’ applies in their countries! Fools…
BBC More or Less just trailed Monday’s prog where they test the claim that 350m trees were planted in the country in one day
It’s about 5 trees per adult
Thats a lot of seedlings to have been caring for before planting.
In the BBC report on ‘Man jailed over Sheffield McDonald’s machete attack’ our national broadcaster tells us ‘Daouda Sy, 21, was high on Spice when he carried out the random attack in Sheffield city centre’
‘Sy shouted that the 47-year-old victim “did not believe in God” before hitting him on the head with the curved 18in (46cm) blade.’
‘Sy followed him inside and shouted again, “If you don’t believe in God… I’ll kill you all.”‘
‘Customers and staff inside the branch believed they were witnessing some sort of terrorist attack, the CPS said, with one witness saying they thought they were “going to die in a massacre”.’
Why would they jump to such an assumption? As is often the case the BBC neglect to mention an important detail. We need to turn to the CPS to fill in the gap:
‘Sy, who was by then shouting repeatedly “in the name of Allah” was arrested by South Yorkshire Police officers outside the fast food outlet shortly afterwards.’
One must conclude:
1. The BBC are censoring news reports in order not to offend muslims.
2. This incident should in fact be chalked up as a terrorist attack. Because had this drugged up lone wolf been shouting, for example, ‘Britain First’ you can bet your bottom dollar it would have been.
I sometimes think that when incidents like this are reported like this – I supports the view that the BBC is allowed to be how it is because it has adopted an approved editorial policy of not telling the truth about nasty Muslims and over advertising the type that will be acceptable to kaffirs –
– like the one who does the baking and the footballer one .
Jeremy Vine today was worried that we had all bought into the idea that benefit fraud was rife and yet in reality it was small numbers.
He the brought on a woman with a book to sell to tell us that many disabled people had difficulties claiming benefits to which they were entitled. That opened the tap for various callers to make their complaints too.
While it might be right that only a minority of claims are fraudulent might it also be right that only a minority of people have problems getting their claim paid? It must be very annoying for all those low-ranking civil servants doing the best they can but never able to answer back.
We had the usual nonsense from Vine. “Why would they ask where you parked your car?” Perhaps everyone would know the answer to that one but not, “How far in metres can you walk?”. Also agreeing with the man who had lost a leg that it was silly to be re-assessed – isn’t it possible that an amputee might be now competing in the Olympics with an artificial limb?
There are 247 Labour MPs – according to Wiki . One was convicted this year for perverting the course of justice . Now another has been arrested for alleged fraud.
If convicted that will mean that 1 in 124 of Labour MPs is a criminal . That’s a pretty impressive record for any organisation – but very special for one which is meant to be making laws – not breaking them ..
This will never be aired in the MSM .
Police warn women travelling home late this weekend after ‘mini-cab driver’ beat up and sexually assaulted female passengers for three weekends running
‘Predatory man’ has struck late at night on each of the last three weekends
He approaches lone women before assaulting them after getting them in his car
First attack took place in Clapham, two more have since happened in Putney
The claim that Boris doesn’t have enough seats was looking flaky
but now Labour dropout MP
“Jared O’Mara: Sheffield MP arrested in fraud probe”
He and his office manager have been released under investigation.
During its investigation, the BBC uncovered staff running the MP’s office without the proper security clearance required by Parliamentary authorities.
After the investigation was published, the constituency office was closed and staff formally given four weeks’ notice.
The Treasury confirmed Mr O’Mara had, in recent weeks, given formal notice of his intent to resign in September.
When the BBC has visited the constituency offices, on a number of occasions, they were found to be empty.
(Before O’Mara Hallam constituency from 2005 was represented by the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Clegg
Being a mega student area it voted Remain by 66%)
An unhinged apocalyptic rant on @BBCRadio4 news just now. Claims not only that 1/5th of oxygen is from the Brazilian Amazon, also 1/5th of water too. They are nuts.
I think the greens will encourage everyone in the world to not breath so hard to preserve the oxygen being lost from the Brazilian Forest . That should do it .
Al Beeb , “Glasgow University’s ‘bold’ move to pay back slave trade profits”, but who sold the slaves to the traders ?
How many Glaswegians or their descendants benefited from the trade ?
How many descendants of slaves are glad that their ancestors were shipped to the USA ? How many would like to return to live in the country of their roots ?
And finally which country’s navy prevented and stopped the slave trade ?
Given that the Africans sold to European slavers (by other blacks) were either prisoners of war, or criminals – otherwise going to be killed… maybe some were actually glad to be saved from certain death and saw their owners as saviours?
Black slavery in parts of the Americas was vile and went on far longer than it should have, yes, we didn’t have many black slaves in this country though – no need when there were plenty of impoverished whiteys for upwardly mobile mill owners to work to death. Talking about which, when is my compensation for being a descendant of brutally exploited, working class whiteys coming?
Illegal immigrants are predominately economic migrants who come from France, a safe country and is a bigger country than the UK.
They jump the queue in front of genuine asylum seekers who wait patiently to be assessed.
Britain is full .
A chirpy piece in The Guardian about why politicians are shunning MSM interviews . The MSM pompously claim to be “ holding power to account “ when we know they just use such interviews as opportunities to tick box their bias at the expense of a mildly right wing politician -yet along one who might be a full on conservative .
And let’s face it – we live in a country where politicians of all parties deny their manifestos and the electorate who vote for them – and they are not being ‘ held to account ‘ are they ?
If you have no documents and say you are from any one of a number of countries which are officially recognised as ‘oppressive ‘and that you have yourself been oppressed, you will not be returned.
They are all briefed on what to say and what their rights are before arriving. If they are detained by the police or border agency, they will be released on the understanding that they attend an asylum processing centre. They will be given a piece of paper with a map.
By the time any of the basket case countries have become ‘safe’, our asylum seeker would now have a kid or two and it would be against his rights to be returned.
The only way to stop them, is to prevent them entering the country. Hungary and Japan have done well with regard to this.
Boris has said something today about returning them across the channel. This would be against their rights, and France has every right to refuse them entry.
Has anyone sought asylum in France from the UK? It all seems one way.
12,400 police officers we pay for the annual Notting Hill stab / mugging / sex assault festival
An astounding amount which indicates the basic criminality of the attendees, hundreds of thousands have attended rock concerts over the years with minimal police presence
BBC were desperate to find out how much it cost to Police Tommy Robinson events well I would like to find out the cost of the above and demand it is banned in this time of so called austerity
Not just the police on the day but the months of meetings with local authorities etc, loss to business who are BOARDING UP their shops and houses unbelievable….
SOD their kommun i h i
Notting Hill shuts up shop for carnival: Multi-million pound homes are barricaded ahead of two-day party as 12,000 police are set to patrol amid knife fears
More than 12,000 police officers will be patrolling the streets at this year’s Notting Hill Carnival
Scotland Yard also boosted the number of metal-detector arches set up to screen for knives or metal objects
Residents and store owners have also set up graffiti wood panels outside of homes and shop windows
But at least the liberal elites who live in Notting Hill are getting a taste of their beloved diversity that they’ve imposed on the rest of us for years.
Last year: (thats what you call enrichment I believe)
Former finance director stole £800,000
CVT said it has received total grants of £175,000 from RBKC to run this year’s event, as well as £650,000 from the Greater London Authority to pay and train carnival stewards, and a further £50,000 from Westminster council. To boost safety, knife-detecting arches will be installed for the first time.
CVT itself has struggled in the past with its financial controls. A 2013 report from RBKC noted “ongoing concerns in relation to the governance, structure and financial management within Carnival Village Trust”. It said that after asking for a “refreshed business plan” these issues had “improved”.
But between 2014 and 2016, CVT’s former finance director, Nadia Chase Ali, made 530 transfers into her own bank account totalling nearly £800,000, disguising them as payments to carnival suppliers and others. She was sentenced to six years in prison in July.
In 2016 there were over 450 arrests, and five people were hurt in four knife attacks; however, the commander in charge of policing carnival, David Musker, said that the number of arrests had been inflated by the new Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.[73] Based on relative attendance figures, it has been said that crime rates for the Notting Hill Carnival and for Glastonbury or other music festivals are comparable,[74] and Ishmahil Blagrove, author of the book Carnival: A Photographic and Testimonial History of the Notting Hill Carnival, states: “Notting Hill Carnival, compared to Trinidad or Brazil, is one of the safest in the world – not just the second largest – it’s one of the safest.”[73] A report in 2004 by the GLA Policing Policy Director, Lee Jasper, criticised authorities for not addressing safety issues involved in over a million people attending a small inner-city residential area, quoting the Met Police spokesman Dave Musker, who in November 2016 said: “Each year … we come exceptionally close to a major catastrophic failure of public safety where members of the public will suffer serious injury.”[75]
In the three weeks running up to the 2017 event, the police made 656 arrests, a pre-emptive crackdown.[76] There were 313 arrests during the two days of the 2017 Carnival, compared with 454 the previous year.[76] On both days, a minute’s silence in tribute to the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire was observed at 3 pm by Carnival-goers, many of whom wore “green for Grenfell”.[77][78][79]
During the 2018 event, due to the rising levels of in violent crime in London, police deployed metal detectors to prevent weapons being brought to the event. During the event, 30 police officers were injured in the line of duty, 36 weapons were confiscated and 373 arrests were made by the Metropolitan Police Service.[80][81][82] Homeowners and business owners in the area boarded up their properties to prevent them from being damaged and a company which provided protective boards stated the demand for protection from the carnival had doubled in the last decade.[83]
Since 1987 there have been five deaths caused by violence at Notting Hill Carnival:
30 August 1987 – Michael Augustine Galvin, 23, stallholder – stabbed.[84]
26 August 1991 – Nicholas John Hanscomb, 38, bled to death after being stabbed in the thigh.[85][86]
28 August 2000 – Greg Fitzgerald Watson, 21, stabbed to death after an argument over food.[87]
28 August 2000 – Abdul Munam Bhatti, 28; the police treated his attack as racially motivated by a gang of “mainly black males”, as described by a witness.[88] Nine men were sentenced for violent disorder in 2002.[89]
30 August 2004 – Lee Christopher Surbaran, 27, was shot by a gang using a machine pistol “for showing disrespect”; in 2005, three men were jailed for life for his murder
The Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaGrant Funding Award for Notting Hill Carnival 2019-20211.
1.1.Notting Hill Carnival is a major event in London and the biggest street Carnival in Europe, attractingthousands of visitors. It is a multicultural event and one of the most consistent and visible cultural contributions made by London’s Caribbean community. The event is led by the Carnival community, with financial and logistical support provided by the two local authorities, police, and the Mayor of London.
1.2.The council is a committed supporter of Carnival, both in terms of finance and the importance to our communities, so we provide grants and operational support to Notting Hill Carnival, as well as the carnival arts. As part of this, the council awards a grant of £100,000 annually to support planning and event management. It’s expected that the grant recipient will engage the wider Carnival community in planning and delivery, and liaise with the local authorities and statutory agencies.
10pm Channel4 seems to be a Black brother TV show
Preseneter Mo Gilligan enters surrounded by Las Vegas showgirls
.. a white man couldn’t do that these days
90% of the audience (well people who the camera focuses on) appear to be black.
ON beeb R4 an arrogant Maddie Allen from Help Refugees in Calais tells us on Toady what her list of “demands” is.
You can hear that the policies of democratically elected governments are of no interest to this little fascist. THEY have to adapt pronto to what SHE wants. End of.
Basically, Britain must now welcome ‘child’ refugees, set up centres pronto, ditch its own policies and rules and knuckle under to her demands and instructions. She obviously expects the MSM to be on her side. And they will be. And then they will pretend they can’t understand why the MSM are disliked, as on last night’s 11.30 pm offering from Radio4 about Trump telling journalists what he thinks of them. “Wot? Us? We didn’t do nuffink” (Worth a listen!)
All these little loud-mouthed NGO leaders are so full of themselves, it doesn’t seem to occur to them that sovereign nations set their own rules and expect them to be followed. ‘Sea Watch 3’, Carola Rackete, ‘Open Arms’ etc all like to do as they please, bugger the laws of country X.
It is time they’re put right.
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BBC journalists return to school to tackle ‘fake news’
The BBC is to launch a new programme supporting young people to identify real news and filter out fake or false information.
The project, announced today (6 December) by Director of BBC News James Harding at the Children’s Global Media Summit in Manchester, is targeted at secondary schools and sixth forms across the UK.
The ‘information’ disseminated to these poor kids will be, like with the climate change nonsense, the exact reverse of the truth. If people won’t agree with you, teach them to do so.
Such a shame. The irony of the repetition of Nazi ideology will be totally lost on those BBC journalists.
Yup, Heydrich intended to indoctrinate the pupils in all Czechoslovakian schools. Luckily he wasn’t around long enough, to achieve it.
Remember reading this article from the fake news producer at the time. Kettle black
its quotes “The BBC defines fake news as false information distributed deliberately, usually for political or commercial” 🙂
Bit like Pol Pot returning to Cambodia to tackle ideological excesses.
Western democracy has only succeeded because most peoples viewpoint is not heard. A million opinions all at once become nothing more than an irrelevant annoying noise, causing extreme viewpoints to coagulate and grow in importance. That’s what we have with anti-social media, and this is what our poor young people are faced with every day. What have we saddled them with. Little wonder the increase in mental health problems. The problem is – the people that have the power to stop the madness have become infected themselves. The horror of it all! I appreciate I am contributing to it with this opinion. It really is a never ending wheel of doom and will only get worse. The main thing is to identify the problem – it’s the start to de-fumigating our society from this c..p!
Blatant treason. Arrest.
In the event of a sudden election, what is going to happen to the likes of Hammond and Grieve? The Tories can’t possibly allow them to stand whilst simultaneously telling us that we need to vote for Boris to deliver Brexit.
Oh yes they can Roland. The old boy network within parliament takes precedence over loyalties, voters, common sense and patriotic duty. Somehow, against all logic, they will be returned – as will Soubry. Gordon’s Gin shareholders will swing the balance.
One of the few things to look forward to in an upcoming election is to enjoy flushing the shite down the toilet where they can mingle with the rest of the waste matter.
As for the reports that we’re becoming nastier and more divisive, we didn’t bloody start it!!!! They (politicians, pseudo intellectuals and gobshite luvvies) have declared war on the lower orders because they don’t know their place and don’t understand – ‘do as I say, not as I do’.
A pox on them all for their arrogance and self centred superiority and as for forgive and forget – forget it.
Anyway, what would be the point of an extension to A50? More uncertainty. More resentment (both sides). More ridicule and embarrassment for the incompetents who couldn’t even follow a simple instruction.
Why is this so complex to understand? Would they rather civil disorder or worse?
Apologies – too many question marks but I seriously don’t get it.
Hammond has probably got more secret stuff to leak to the Sunday Remainers
Fire in a Notting Hill tower block – lots of fire engines and fire fighters in attendance.
They caught up with a local resident who said this ….
Standing looking at the block and pointing towards Grenfell Tower which is a short walk away, she said: “That’s Grenfell there as you can see. That was my first instinct when I smelled smoke. Everyone is thinking of Grenfell.”
Looks like she missed a few words off the end … i will complete her statement for her , ” Everyone is thinking of Grenfell, and wondering, lovely, now i can pick any house i want in Notting Hill and have it for free and furnish it for free and if i dont get the one i want, i can just go the the BBC with my sob story , and then get it !! And i cant wait to access that emergency funding, you know, the one that sets you up for life, no questions asked ”
There, sorted it. That’s what she actually meant !!!
Lard Mardell currently on TWATo in Liverpool port. Port employee talking about the amount of money they’ve had from the EU.
It’s my ( deleted Fedup2) money which the EU graciously part refunds. FA correction or explanation from Lardell of course!
Not the BBC, but symptomatic of the media generally.
No, they didn’t try. They succeeded.
We have lost the attention to detail – whats more most of us now don’t care.
Roland – Those are the ones we know about. I would guess there are even more than the 61, who made it across unnoticed. And I would guess that number would be more than 61. In other words, those caught are the tip of the iceberg.
The pointless Border Force may as well open up business as a taxi service to bring them across the Channel in bulk….
The message that you get taken to Dover by them will have done the trick. I reckon we can expect three figures to arrive on a daily basis.
In this ‘game’, message is all. Besides Orban in Hungary, the one cabinet minister who understands this is Italy’s Matteo Salvini. (President Mattarella could edge him out of the Italian government on Tuesday, so I’m watching Rome like a hawk!). Let’s see whether Priti can join this lonely company. If she does, I would be majorly impressed, but I’m not expecting much, cos it’s going to take someone priti special to lay the law down in France.
If they are in a small boat they can’t be asylum seekers as they must have originated from an EU country. Therefore they are attempting illegal entry. Therefore the process should be trial, imprisonment, deportation, simple.
And if that happened there wouldn’t be any more attempts, ‘problem’ solved.
This puzzles me on two levels.
(1) Why would you go on national television to parade your stupidity
(2) Who at the BBC considers this to be remotely newsworthy.
(3) Who would actually want to see pictures of her on holiday anyway. Not exactly a oil painting is she.
That picture doesn’t do her justice

Her at Disneyland
A couple of things
#1 “fiona melbul” is unknown to Twitter or Google before this week
#2 BBC cutNpasted their article from Channel9 Australia who have actually deleted their own news story
I only hope she hasn’t the Union Flag with her.
You know, I think they found something even less newsworthy. If that is possible.
Roll up, roll up. Read all about it.
Sky was even more depressing. Earlier in the day a lady was interviewed in the studio who had treatment for ovarian cancer, so it was all about being aware of the symptoms. Worthy enough. But then, a couple or so hours later, yet another lady was wheeled in with lung cancer, which had spread rampantly around her body.
I admit to turning over because sad though this was, I’d already had my fill with the earlier story.
It seems any story will do as long as it fills up the allotted time.
You should see my kitchen after next door’s six year-old has been round!
You heard it here first!
If you are looking for TV which hasn’t got the poisonous tick box British MSM taint to it can I suggest PBS America and sometimes the Smithsonian channel .
They are both free to air on Freesat and both repeat their programmes for when you might want them .
Shoot me down if you consider them too’ Left ‘.
Fed up,
The historical documentaries on these channels can be good eg the Vietnam War and Franco , but they are not immune to the modern curse of .wokism and leftism. One point in their favour is that they don’t play music all the bloody time when you are trying to listen to what someone is saying. In the UK they now have pop music as the background to stuff about the 16th century. They are crackers.
Double – yes it worries me but there is a documentary running about the Supreme Court selections which kinds of helps with the background . For those interested in American politics it’s a good thing .
Independent headline – ‘No deal Brexit could see rubbish from the south sent to the north’.
Nothing new here. BBC Breakfast transferred back in 2012!
Yes it transferred – in body to some extent , but not in spirit. Some needed bribing severley to re-locate. Look what we have – an amateur, London centric production every morning. Even GMB on ITV has been polluted by the shameless remainers. Never mind – my mate Piers will be back very soon to put things right.
Apparently, newly released declassified papers relating to the irish troubles again shine a very bright light on this very contentious issue. The border crossing, as you might expect features prominently and if I were a cynic (I am!) I might suspect the timing of such a publication from such a broadcaster, if you get me drift.
I agree that The timing is highly suspicious. But the whole border issue is a deception to try and prevent us leaving. Who would want a hard border? Not the Republic, it would be economic suicide. Not NI , it would disrupt the lives of those living close to the border. Not the UK . Only Brussels wants one as a beginning chip. If we leave with no deal we , the UK , should do absolutely nothing about a border. If the Brussels stooge Varadker tries to put one up and inflicts massive damage on the Republic’s economy he will be voted out very quickly. Ignore the problem and it will resolve itself very quickly.
Of course I wouldn’t put it past the Brussels fanatics, Varadker is just their placeman, to foment trouble to try and recreate the situation of twenty years ago. But this would happen with or without a border. Any blood will be on their hands.
Gotta love Trump lol
You see – that’s the way to interact with the MSM – on the way from the chopper – none of this crawling into the BBC on a Sunday morning to be Marred or getting the 0808 from Toady drones who think they are more important than the issues….
I hope Boris and other govt officials keep up with the Facebook videos, or use other Non MSM media
Cf. Channel 4, BBC.
Tommy Robinson, whose real name is….go on have a guess ….. will be released in three to four weeks.
He won’t get a decent write up from the media, and we will her those words ‘far right, far right’ but nothing of substance.
Please take a minute to read his letter. It’s not a fake as the hand written version is doing the rounds on the social media.
Read his letter – comes to something when someone locked up following a political trial , gets a political sentence then has solitary confinement to keep him alive
– UK 2019…. signs of things to come for dissenters .
#EcoBollocks I bet you are sad about people who believed greendreams pushed by a TV presenter have now lost money.
#Investors who ploughed millions into Grand Designs host Kevin McCloud’s eco-friendly #housing business are warned they could lose 97% of their money
via @MailOnline
Why not buy bits of the Amazon Forest and install a sprinkler system ?
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
I am sure most people think he is an architect, but he is just a lighting engineer who got lucky.
“Housing Minister Grant Schapps described the Triangle as an “exceptional” model for residential development.”
RIBA National Award 2012
RIBA Regional Award 2012
RIBA Regional Sustainability Award 2012
Housing Design Award 2010
Housing Innovation Award 2012
With so many “Design” Awards, what could possibly have gone wrong?
Pssst….Wanna see some dirty politics?
Guiseppe Conte and Angela Merkel will show you how it’s done.
compact-online has published a short video of Conte (Italian caretaker PM) whispering into Merkel’s ear at Davos, about how he is going to undermine and circumnavigate Interior minister Salvini’s rules barring ‘migrants’ from being dumped in Italy.
You don’t need German or Italian to get the drift.
This is how it’s done, friends.
Is he breaking Italian law? No matter, he is whispering into the ear of the lawbreaker supreme. Two of a kind.
Poor old Italians and Germans. They think something called ‘the Law’ applies in their countries! Fools…
BBC to debunk itself again
“Ethiopia ‘breaks’ tree-planting record to tackle climate change”
BBC More or Less just trailed Monday’s prog where they test the claim that 350m trees were planted in the country in one day
It’s about 5 trees per adult
Thats a lot of seedlings to have been caring for before planting.
In the famous words of Father Ted…
“that would be an ecumenical matter”
In the BBC report on ‘Man jailed over Sheffield McDonald’s machete attack’ our national broadcaster tells us ‘Daouda Sy, 21, was high on Spice when he carried out the random attack in Sheffield city centre’
‘Sy shouted that the 47-year-old victim “did not believe in God” before hitting him on the head with the curved 18in (46cm) blade.’
‘Sy followed him inside and shouted again, “If you don’t believe in God… I’ll kill you all.”‘
‘Customers and staff inside the branch believed they were witnessing some sort of terrorist attack, the CPS said, with one witness saying they thought they were “going to die in a massacre”.’
Why would they jump to such an assumption? As is often the case the BBC neglect to mention an important detail. We need to turn to the CPS to fill in the gap:
‘Sy, who was by then shouting repeatedly “in the name of Allah” was arrested by South Yorkshire Police officers outside the fast food outlet shortly afterwards.’
One must conclude:
1. The BBC are censoring news reports in order not to offend muslims.
2. This incident should in fact be chalked up as a terrorist attack. Because had this drugged up lone wolf been shouting, for example, ‘Britain First’ you can bet your bottom dollar it would have been.
I sometimes think that when incidents like this are reported like this – I supports the view that the BBC is allowed to be how it is because it has adopted an approved editorial policy of not telling the truth about nasty Muslims and over advertising the type that will be acceptable to kaffirs –
– like the one who does the baking and the footballer one .
Jeremy Vine today was worried that we had all bought into the idea that benefit fraud was rife and yet in reality it was small numbers.
He the brought on a woman with a book to sell to tell us that many disabled people had difficulties claiming benefits to which they were entitled. That opened the tap for various callers to make their complaints too.
While it might be right that only a minority of claims are fraudulent might it also be right that only a minority of people have problems getting their claim paid? It must be very annoying for all those low-ranking civil servants doing the best they can but never able to answer back.
We had the usual nonsense from Vine. “Why would they ask where you parked your car?” Perhaps everyone would know the answer to that one but not, “How far in metres can you walk?”. Also agreeing with the man who had lost a leg that it was silly to be re-assessed – isn’t it possible that an amputee might be now competing in the Olympics with an artificial limb?
There are 247 Labour MPs – according to Wiki . One was convicted this year for perverting the course of justice . Now another has been arrested for alleged fraud.
If convicted that will mean that 1 in 124 of Labour MPs is a criminal . That’s a pretty impressive record for any organisation – but very special for one which is meant to be making laws – not breaking them ..
This will never be aired in the MSM .
Police warn women travelling home late this weekend after ‘mini-cab driver’ beat up and sexually assaulted female passengers for three weekends running
‘Predatory man’ has struck late at night on each of the last three weekends
He approaches lone women before assaulting them after getting them in his car
First attack took place in Clapham, two more have since happened in Putney
policee warn but decide to give no description ?????????
could it be that “man” again ?
Failure of the police to provide a description leaves women vulnerable to another attack which could result in murder.
Political Correctness endangers women. How’s that for a slogan?
The claim that Boris doesn’t have enough seats was looking flaky
but now Labour dropout MP
“Jared O’Mara: Sheffield MP arrested in fraud probe”
He and his office manager have been released under investigation.
During its investigation, the BBC uncovered staff running the MP’s office without the proper security clearance required by Parliamentary authorities.
After the investigation was published, the constituency office was closed and staff formally given four weeks’ notice.
The Treasury confirmed Mr O’Mara had, in recent weeks, given formal notice of his intent to resign in September.
When the BBC has visited the constituency offices, on a number of occasions, they were found to be empty.
(Before O’Mara Hallam constituency from 2005 was represented by the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Clegg
Being a mega student area it voted Remain by 66%)
I wonder who by?
I think the greens will encourage everyone in the world to not breath so hard to preserve the oxygen being lost from the Brazilian Forest . That should do it .
Ben Pile is always very sound on debunking GreenDream groupthink
Al Beeb , “Glasgow University’s ‘bold’ move to pay back slave trade profits”, but who sold the slaves to the traders ?
How many Glaswegians or their descendants benefited from the trade ?
How many descendants of slaves are glad that their ancestors were shipped to the USA ? How many would like to return to live in the country of their roots ?
And finally which country’s navy prevented and stopped the slave trade ?
Given that the Africans sold to European slavers (by other blacks) were either prisoners of war, or criminals – otherwise going to be killed… maybe some were actually glad to be saved from certain death and saw their owners as saviours?
Black slavery in parts of the Americas was vile and went on far longer than it should have, yes, we didn’t have many black slaves in this country though – no need when there were plenty of impoverished whiteys for upwardly mobile mill owners to work to death. Talking about which, when is my compensation for being a descendant of brutally exploited, working class whiteys coming?
I wish I could believe this.
(I don’t)
Illegal immigrants are predominately economic migrants who come from France, a safe country and is a bigger country than the UK.
They jump the queue in front of genuine asylum seekers who wait patiently to be assessed.
Britain is full .
What Boris says is bull. It won’t happen until we leave the EU and have our own rules/laws.
The proff in the pudding-chops is in his actions
A chirpy piece in The Guardian about why politicians are shunning MSM interviews . The MSM pompously claim to be “ holding power to account “ when we know they just use such interviews as opportunities to tick box their bias at the expense of a mildly right wing politician -yet along one who might be a full on conservative .
And let’s face it – we live in a country where politicians of all parties deny their manifestos and the electorate who vote for them – and they are not being ‘ held to account ‘ are they ?
Remembering Christopher Booker
his video : Global Warming: A case study in groupthink.
New TCW discussion
now on Channel 99 : The Pal-V production flying road car
A one man gypoplane
The unpowered heliblades means it can always fall safely if power is lost.
Asylum Seekers UK:
If you have no documents and say you are from any one of a number of countries which are officially recognised as ‘oppressive ‘and that you have yourself been oppressed, you will not be returned.
They are all briefed on what to say and what their rights are before arriving. If they are detained by the police or border agency, they will be released on the understanding that they attend an asylum processing centre. They will be given a piece of paper with a map.
By the time any of the basket case countries have become ‘safe’, our asylum seeker would now have a kid or two and it would be against his rights to be returned.
The only way to stop them, is to prevent them entering the country. Hungary and Japan have done well with regard to this.
Boris has said something today about returning them across the channel. This would be against their rights, and France has every right to refuse them entry.
Has anyone sought asylum in France from the UK? It all seems one way.
Game, set and match.
12,400 police officers we pay for the annual Notting Hill stab / mugging / sex assault festival
An astounding amount which indicates the basic criminality of the attendees, hundreds of thousands have attended rock concerts over the years with minimal police presence
BBC were desperate to find out how much it cost to Police Tommy Robinson events well I would like to find out the cost of the above and demand it is banned in this time of so called austerity
Not just the police on the day but the months of meetings with local authorities etc, loss to business who are BOARDING UP their shops and houses unbelievable….
SOD their kommun i h i
Notting Hill shuts up shop for carnival: Multi-million pound homes are barricaded ahead of two-day party as 12,000 police are set to patrol amid knife fears
More than 12,000 police officers will be patrolling the streets at this year’s Notting Hill Carnival
Scotland Yard also boosted the number of metal-detector arches set up to screen for knives or metal objects
Residents and store owners have also set up graffiti wood panels outside of homes and shop windows
But at least the liberal elites who live in Notting Hill are getting a taste of their beloved diversity that they’ve imposed on the rest of us for years.
Last year: (thats what you call enrichment I believe)
Former finance director stole £800,000
CVT said it has received total grants of £175,000 from RBKC to run this year’s event, as well as £650,000 from the Greater London Authority to pay and train carnival stewards, and a further £50,000 from Westminster council. To boost safety, knife-detecting arches will be installed for the first time.
CVT itself has struggled in the past with its financial controls. A 2013 report from RBKC noted “ongoing concerns in relation to the governance, structure and financial management within Carnival Village Trust”. It said that after asking for a “refreshed business plan” these issues had “improved”.
But between 2014 and 2016, CVT’s former finance director, Nadia Chase Ali, made 530 transfers into her own bank account totalling nearly £800,000, disguising them as payments to carnival suppliers and others. She was sentenced to six years in prison in July.
In 2016 there were over 450 arrests, and five people were hurt in four knife attacks; however, the commander in charge of policing carnival, David Musker, said that the number of arrests had been inflated by the new Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.[73] Based on relative attendance figures, it has been said that crime rates for the Notting Hill Carnival and for Glastonbury or other music festivals are comparable,[74] and Ishmahil Blagrove, author of the book Carnival: A Photographic and Testimonial History of the Notting Hill Carnival, states: “Notting Hill Carnival, compared to Trinidad or Brazil, is one of the safest in the world – not just the second largest – it’s one of the safest.”[73] A report in 2004 by the GLA Policing Policy Director, Lee Jasper, criticised authorities for not addressing safety issues involved in over a million people attending a small inner-city residential area, quoting the Met Police spokesman Dave Musker, who in November 2016 said: “Each year … we come exceptionally close to a major catastrophic failure of public safety where members of the public will suffer serious injury.”[75]
In the three weeks running up to the 2017 event, the police made 656 arrests, a pre-emptive crackdown.[76] There were 313 arrests during the two days of the 2017 Carnival, compared with 454 the previous year.[76] On both days, a minute’s silence in tribute to the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire was observed at 3 pm by Carnival-goers, many of whom wore “green for Grenfell”.[77][78][79]
During the 2018 event, due to the rising levels of in violent crime in London, police deployed metal detectors to prevent weapons being brought to the event. During the event, 30 police officers were injured in the line of duty, 36 weapons were confiscated and 373 arrests were made by the Metropolitan Police Service.[80][81][82] Homeowners and business owners in the area boarded up their properties to prevent them from being damaged and a company which provided protective boards stated the demand for protection from the carnival had doubled in the last decade.[83]
Since 1987 there have been five deaths caused by violence at Notting Hill Carnival:
30 August 1987 – Michael Augustine Galvin, 23, stallholder – stabbed.[84]
26 August 1991 – Nicholas John Hanscomb, 38, bled to death after being stabbed in the thigh.[85][86]
28 August 2000 – Greg Fitzgerald Watson, 21, stabbed to death after an argument over food.[87]
28 August 2000 – Abdul Munam Bhatti, 28; the police treated his attack as racially motivated by a gang of “mainly black males”, as described by a witness.[88] Nine men were sentenced for violent disorder in 2002.[89]
30 August 2004 – Lee Christopher Surbaran, 27, was shot by a gang using a machine pistol “for showing disrespect”; in 2005, three men were jailed for life for his murder
The Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaGrant Funding Award for Notting Hill Carnival 2019-20211.
1.1.Notting Hill Carnival is a major event in London and the biggest street Carnival in Europe, attractingthousands of visitors. It is a multicultural event and one of the most consistent and visible cultural contributions made by London’s Caribbean community. The event is led by the Carnival community, with financial and logistical support provided by the two local authorities, police, and the Mayor of London.
1.2.The council is a committed supporter of Carnival, both in terms of finance and the importance to our communities, so we provide grants and operational support to Notting Hill Carnival, as well as the carnival arts. As part of this, the council awards a grant of £100,000 annually to support planning and event management. It’s expected that the grant recipient will engage the wider Carnival community in planning and delivery, and liaise with the local authorities and statutory agencies.
£100 000 of council tax payers money for the stab fest EVERY YEAR
With ALL local authorities making cuts to basic services due to lack of funds
I got mugged at the Carnival once – but I was too young to realise whitee ain’t welcome .
Anyway – time for the new exciting thread ….
10pm Channel4 seems to be a Black brother TV show
Preseneter Mo Gilligan enters surrounded by Las Vegas showgirls
.. a white man couldn’t do that these days
90% of the audience (well people who the camera focuses on) appear to be black.
ON beeb R4 an arrogant Maddie Allen from Help Refugees in Calais tells us on Toady what her list of “demands” is.
You can hear that the policies of democratically elected governments are of no interest to this little fascist. THEY have to adapt pronto to what SHE wants. End of.
Basically, Britain must now welcome ‘child’ refugees, set up centres pronto, ditch its own policies and rules and knuckle under to her demands and instructions. She obviously expects the MSM to be on her side. And they will be. And then they will pretend they can’t understand why the MSM are disliked, as on last night’s 11.30 pm offering from Radio4 about Trump telling journalists what he thinks of them. “Wot? Us? We didn’t do nuffink” (Worth a listen!)
All these little loud-mouthed NGO leaders are so full of themselves, it doesn’t seem to occur to them that sovereign nations set their own rules and expect them to be followed. ‘Sea Watch 3’, Carola Rackete, ‘Open Arms’ etc all like to do as they please, bugger the laws of country X.
It is time they’re put right.
bbc et al have decided that farenheit sounds more dramatic