I often wonder what to write in this bit but it struck me that it’s a good place to summarise the weekly misdeeds of the Lefty pro EU Biased BBC
So this week we’ve seen
An official finding of bias in the EU election campaign by distorting results in favour of Remain
Humph and RTHon David Davies on the naughty step for ‘ trivialising domestic violence ‘
The Head of State funded C4 coming out as a Lefty admitting to applying Bias to C4 news
The CEO of C4 saying kidults prefer Netflix’s and Porn to her biased station .
You’re welcome to add any I missed ( they’ll be plenty ).
I’d like to add a ‘ project Fear ‘ summary which has been – trash -meds’- no Aldi/lidl- ports – the non end of free movement ..
Ex-bbc. Like Gavin Esler, James O’Brien…
All credit to ACDC as, I understand, they have been asked time and time agian to relaese the rights to “Back in Black” to talentless useless blacks who want to filch it, add no quality to it, rather just shout over it
Looks like the BBC have been shown who they get to take in return for James Corden.
Just noticed the counter… congrats bbbc.
What’s it count ?
and at what count did it begin ?
2 days to go to the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers pounds financed mugging and stab fest in Notting Hill, how many police attacked this time, 5 murders so far numerous muggings and sexual assaults, but NEVER EVER considered banning, a rock concert too loud ? banned
You can refer to my earlier post about local authority officers, Corbynists to the core, who promote and allow blacks to run riot on our streets : and for any of them observing “Look Janet. Look John look and see” :
Every bloody year in Luton: and yet never considered banning the murder fest, racism ? hmm look at the animals and compare and cotrast to a village carnival
You are right Annuki about Council workers being Corbinystas to the core. I used to work in a local authority in a leafy shire, but my co-workers were deep red all the way through..
Let;s just put it this way, they are allowed to express their culture…once a year ….(thank god its only once a year)
And, just like the muzzies, ALL of their crminal behaviour is OUR fault, NOTHING to do with them
Until someone proposes to deport them and then the muzziie rapitss and african rapists get themselves lawyered up
Al Beeb and it’s favorite perverted topics..wait for the clip at the end.
We pay for this, and next year pensioners will be paying for it.
Why men are owning burlesque https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-49428941
BBC – If its in there it must eventually come out.
And to be sure, the time is ripe for those evil things to rise to the surface such as the promotion of every thing anti-family, anti-reality, anti-biology, anti-life and pro-death and dozens of others besides.
Thing is – the elites and supporters of the BBC say they can’t see what they are doing wrong? That’s the problem – they cannot SEE how depraved it is becoming by making TV programmes like that.
These people think that we are on the same level of morals and standards as they are. They think our children are also. Everything these people think about is sex, sex, sex, and then ridicule of their critics.
Why muzzies are raping white children ? many are asking that question but the bbc are not
Another of seemingly limitless entities in the bbc broadcast empire.
AFAIK despite the name no BBC staff work on the magazine
cos the magazines were sold off in 2011
Yet they are allowed the bbc name branding under a blue tick?
Here’s an unexpected tiny vignette that shows the basic BBC mindset that translates into a lot of its other coverage.
BBC Saturday around 4.50pm, Final Score – the football results.
They have a small slot for the lower divisions, presented by a female by the way, and thus we hear the final score of a match played earlier in the day.
Doncaster Rovers 2 Lincoln City 1.
The female presenter then says ‘that’s back to back defeats for Lincoln’. That’s what she said.
What the results records show she could have said but didn’t was ‘that’s back to back wins for Doncaster’.
They choose to focus on the doom and gloom negativity option, even with a lowly football result.
“Fans injured by lightning strike at PGA Tour finale”
So spectators are being hit by lightning at a Golf tournament? Climate Change and bizarre weather must be to blame?
Well actually no.
If you read the report you’ll see that play was suspended due to thunder, then a few minutes later some lightning hit a tree, and the people were actually hit by the falling bark and branches (and if any of you have seen lightning hit a tree then you’ll know that there can be a fair amount of debris flying around).
The spectators were unlucky. The headline is very misleading.
The journo is 26yo from the Wirral @LauraSavvas
Her own tweet has an accurate title
So I’d blame the BBC web editors
Paul Mason and Polly’s love child?
Certainly gets invited into the old stomping ground a lot.
Not wildfires, at all, it seems:
Oh, and another video gem from Tony Heller:
No need to take any notice of BBC silliness on Global Warming
just wait for the Tony Heller
or Paul Homewood debunks
I expect you are correct Ash, let us know when the death total reaches one hundred million, the total reached by your beloved leaders from Lenin onwards. With very few apologies.
The weather’s going to be hot and balmy and I’ve got a decision to make and it’s not easy…
On the one hand, it’s The Nottinghill Carnival. Two long days of donkety- donk music? played at 180 decibels, streets crammed with sweaty onlookers, followed by the inevitable muggings, drugs and the constant threat of violence.
I could pack all the essentials; bottle of water, Factor 50 (my delicate skin) sun hat (ditto) stab vest, taser and my hefty mate Derek as a bodyguard…
Or, on the other hand, I could take a gentle stroll to Regents Park, pick up a deckchair, sit in the shade of a massive plane tree and listen to the delightful drones of a good old traditional British brass band. They’ll play The Dam Busters, The Great Escape and, if I’m lucky, a medley from My Fair Lady.
No violence, no drugs and not a policeman in sight.
It’s a tough one…
Damn those brass bands and their groupies:
In 2016 there were over 450 arrests, and five people were hurt in four knife attacks; however, the commander in charge of policing carnival, David Musker, said that the number of arrests had been inflated by the new Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.[73] Based on relative attendance figures, it has been said that crime rates for the Notting Hill Carnival and for Glastonbury or other music festivals are comparable,[74] and Ishmahil Blagrove, author of the book Carnival: A Photographic and Testimonial History of the Notting Hill Carnival, states: “Notting Hill Carnival, compared to Trinidad or Brazil, is one of the safest in the world – not just the second largest – it’s one of the safest.”[73] A report in 2004 by the GLA Policing Policy Director, Lee Jasper, criticised authorities for not addressing safety issues involved in over a million people attending a small inner-city residential area, quoting the Met Police spokesman Dave Musker, who in November 2016 said: “Each year … we come exceptionally close to a major catastrophic failure of public safety where members of the public will suffer serious injury.”[75]
In the three weeks running up to the 2017 event, the police made 656 arrests, a pre-emptive crackdown.[76] There were 313 arrests during the two days of the 2017 Carnival, compared with 454 the previous year.[76] On both days, a minute’s silence in tribute to the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire was observed at 3 pm by Carnival-goers, many of whom wore “green for Grenfell”.[77][78][79]
During the 2018 event, due to the rising levels of in violent crime in London, police deployed metal detectors to prevent weapons being brought to the event. During the event, 30 police officers were injured in the line of duty, 36 weapons were confiscated and 373 arrests were made by the Metropolitan Police Service.[80][81][82] Homeowners and business owners in the area boarded up their properties to prevent them from being damaged and a company which provided protective boards stated the demand for protection from the carnival had doubled in the last decade.[83]
Since 1987 there have been five deaths caused by violence at Notting Hill Carnival:
30 August 1987 – Michael Augustine Galvin, 23, stallholder – stabbed.[84]
26 August 1991 – Nicholas John Hanscomb, 38, bled to death after being stabbed in the thigh.[85][86]
28 August 2000 – Greg Fitzgerald Watson, 21, stabbed to death after an argument over food.[87]
28 August 2000 – Abdul Munam Bhatti, 28; the police treated his attack as racially motivated by a gang of “mainly black males”, as described by a witness.[88] Nine men were sentenced for violent disorder in 2002.[89]
30 August 2004 – Lee Christopher Surbaran, 27, was shot by a gang using a machine pistol “for showing disrespect”; in 2005, three men were jailed for life for his murde
We’ve got a teeny weeny way to go yet to reach US murder/injury rates carried out by “non-whites” –
“Chicago: Nonwhite Crime Disaster Shuts Down Hospital after Mass Murder Weekend”
“However, Lightfoot (the black lesbian mayor) then immediately went on to contradict herself, saying that “We’ve spent over the years probably hundreds of millions of dollars policing on the West Side, CPD, federal and state law enforcement and we have barely moved the needle.”
[Take note Khan and the Met……].
“The ongoing nonwhite crime plague—which the controlled media either ignores or pretends has no racial basis—is steadily getting worse as the metropolitan areas become less white”.
I’m actually getting to the point when I really enjoy this sort of news: it exposes the totally obtuse platitudes uttered by the rulers.
A significant element within afro american culture admire “music” that espouses violence, they despise education and walk around with their trousers around their thighs as cool (this is because belts are not allowed in prison and they admire those in prison) and complain about lack of opportunity ? who would want to employ someone who prefers to talk like someone with tourettes from Jamaica, no qualifications which are open to all, who despise education and admire violence ?
There are many from Africa who have made a career over here, my friend from Zimbabwe who became a psychiatric nurse and then got bored and became a barrister but so many who decide they are victims with only themselves to blame but perversley blame everyone save themselves with the bbc supporting this at every opportunity
And the elephant in the room ? no male role model due to absent BLACK fathers inseminating all they can and not taking any responsibilty all social services know this but its racist innit so keep quiet and blame the government
Annunaki: “who would want to employ someone who prefers to talk like someone with tourettes from Jamaica, no qualifications which are open to all, who despise education and admire violence ?” And what employer would employ someone whose trousers could fall down at any moment causing an accident for which he would be sued and have to pay out enormous damages to a de-bagged yob?
Robin Tilbrook case – Application to Appeal dismissed.
The Right Honourable Lord Justice Hickinbottom has dismissed our Application to Appeal to the Court of Appeal and has used the device of “Totally without Merit” to prevent us from demanding a hearing of our Application.
Given that this is a case that very many lawyers, both distinguished and retired members of the judiciary, QCs, barristers and solicitors think has strong legal credibility, this decision can only be based upon the Judge’s politics.
Jeff Taylor’s view
I expect the BBC will have a smiling ethnic reporter telling us what a joyous happy event the Notting Hill Carnival is “again”.
“There’s many a true word spoken in jest”, just might apply to this video. The Section 60 mentioned is ‘The Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994’
“Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (s.60) gives police the right to
search people in a defined area during a specific time period when they believe, with
good reason, that: serious violence will take place and it is necessary to use this power
to prevent such violence; or that a person is carrying a dangerous object or offensive
weapon; or that an incident involving serious violence has taken place and a dangerous
instrument or offensive weapon used in the incident is being carried in the locality.”
@ManduReid of the Women’s Equality Party has just been on LBC
@AndrewCastle63 asked “How many candidates will be fielding in a general election ?”
Ans ” five, we will be fielding candidates in the seats of 5 MEN, who are GUILTY of physically abusing women
.. like Mark Field”
Castle “Are you sure these men are guilty ?”
“For example Mark Field was investigated and it was found there was no case”
@ManduReid “He grabbed that protester slung her against a pillar , used unnecessary violence”
.. doh she invaded a meeting, posed a danger and he acted on the spur of the moment to neutralise the danger, he would have done the same if it was a man ..there has been an investigation, and the police decided there was no merit in continuing, and she dares to class him in the same group as sexual abusers.
So Women’s EQUALITY Party is another one of those AMBUSH names
… It’s not about EQUALITY it’s about privileging women, on account of their sex.
Like Sarah Champion has a police caution for domestic abuse, but she was not mentioned.
Like Layla Moran was arrested admitted hitting her boyfriend in 2013
..they both got arrested
is that the ones who resort to social media to complain no one gives tham a seat on a train to breast feed their kids?
It was a relevation to me to be informed that 22 year old tits need a seat and a child needs to be breast fed on a 30 minute train journey with a “child buggy” the size of a ford fiesta blocking the exit next to her with no consideration for those wishing to get off the train after a 10 hour day at work and I wonder how much work she had done that day or any other day
The poor oppressed thing….life is so hard
OMG, yes. Sat in park the other day and woman feeding her baby in public. She was sooooo self-righteous, like she had discovered the meaning of life and was scowling at anybody who saw he saggy unattractive boobs flopping like some woman from an African tribe.
I watched her for 10 minutes and she sat there looking around for someone to be objected to by her uncouth nature. Like a SJW IDE bomb – talk to it, give it the slightest bit of attention and off it goes.
I did think about getting my todger out and having a jimmy riddle near her, as to say “Look, I can be an arsehole, too”.
Why not? It just an natural. Have a poo in the park, too. Hey, let’s climb back up into the trees. Let’s grow our tails again.
“OMG, yes. Sat in park the other day and woman feeding her baby in public… ”
OMG, yes. You were so disgusted you stared at her for 10 minutes whilst thinking about getting your cock out for a piss and a shit; “Why not? It just an natural.”.
I’m sure it’s just coincidental that ‘Annunaki’ told a similar story a year ago, when he also fantasised about getting his cock out for, “a piss or shit in public” (along with a wank) because; “well its natural innit”.
Nothing creepy about that; or “either” of you.
Nope, nothing creepy at all…
Go have a nice day out at Notting Hill Carnival Maxi.
Meanwhile, in Pakistan……………..
“Three men and one woman robbed, beat, and poisoned Sagheer Masih, a 35-year-old Christian auto-rickshaw driver. “He was well-mannered, polite and very friendly. Knowing he had the responsibility of taking care of three younger siblings… he ensured that he always got to work early and left late in order to gather as much money as he could to care for them…. Instead of killing him in on the spot, they forced him to drink poison and acid and left him there to die….” — International Christian Concern, June 20, 2019, Pakistan.”
“The country of Pakistan has a history that dates back to almost 2,500 years B.C. It is considered to be one of the most highly advanced and highly developed civilizations of those ancient times.”
Note: “…..of those ancient times”. So, what happened?
Population growth, “…..to 2012, to about 2 percent per year. The reason for this slow population increase may be that the country spent a lot of time and effort to slow down the population growth. As a result of these efforts, it is a lot poorer than what is was a long time ago. If it did not make any effort to slow down its population increase, then there would actually be 49.13 million MORE people in the country than the current reports. But on the other end, they would also be a lot richer as a country. In other words, Pakistan, had it not slowed down its population increase, would actually be 52 percent richer than it is right now.”
Is there some sort of lesson here?
A lesson for all of us, those who have seen the degredation of our country and culture within our cities, except the bbc and msm, I quite like to take a tour to Cornwall, Norfolk, Whitby, Suffolk etc. to see Britain after a week in London which is no longer english
Off to Torquay next week and not a burkha in sight, although they are starting to infect the Kent coast, sitting on the Broadstairs beach swathed in black cloth in hot sunshine while the husbands letch all around
Must have been torture for the BBC to hear this great news !!!! After all, it would be GOOD for Britain and the BBC won’t want that !!! I see it’s stirred the FBPE nutters , which is always a lovely thing to see !!!
Of course running multi billion industries makes you stupid I suppose ? where YOU are responsible for the budget rather than politicians who spend taxpayers money
A little like the local authority Corbynist workers who turn up to work at 10 am then start eating breakfast
on 50 000 a year and a 25% guaranteed pension I bet they are experts on consitutions, congress and all other matters when they can drag themselves away from the toaster and their tupperware boxes
Best one I heard from one of these overpaid idiots when introduced and I remarked looking forward to working with you” :
silly moron said “I strategise I do not deliver” .. OK back to your tupperware box
later found there was a streetfair organised and NO ONE within the 12 floors had sorted out the license within the 6 months of organising… well keep strategising (Capita BTW)
YouTube bias : I search on “Owen Jones” fake
and even when I set it on show by upload date, Youtube puts Owne Jones own dodgy video as the latest, above much newer videos
Danny Tommo stirring
Thanks for the exposure to Owen Jones, Well this is a prime example of the partially educated shit we have in our midst
Gay = fantastic, to be celebrated raher than just quietly accepted as it has been for years
Boris = bad (for what reason we have yet to be informed, maybe because he is not black or a wimmin)
Trump ? why bother you all know what the twat will be spouting
and, sorry I gave up after that I hate to say it but if that twat was espousing those ill informed opinions in a pub, well, justice was served
Whatever him and his ilk think the COUNTRY thinks otherwise, as do the US electorate, those that pay the taxes for hundreds of thousands of pounds to be paid tomorrow to watch our immgrants stab and mug and attack our police, 12,400 we pay for also
Can you imagine his outrage if those police were paid to monitor a Tommy Robinson rally ? where NO ONE is harmed mugged, murdered or sexually assualted ?
WHY do the police attend TR events ? because of violent intolerant individuals who hide their faces and attack people who they diagree with I. E. fascists and Nazis
“WHY do the police attend TR events ?”
Gosh. No idea. It’s a complete mystery.
Unbelievably, they attend to ‘protect’ Antifa and their violent left wing associate. It also gives them the opportunity to arrest those who try to defend themselves against assault by Antifa. Police pacifically stand face to face with these lefties while they abuse them and use foul and intimidatory language.
I have to say a lot of the Robinson supporters are uncouth yobs and I am certainly not a fan of TR, but what the Authorities have done to him is unconstitutional and blatantly wrong. Why they (police and justice dept.) protect pedeophylic Muslims and the rag bag Anarchists who support them I cannot understand. This can only lead to the breakdown of any ordered society.
“Danny Tommo stirring”
Violence, knives, drugs and stupidity; good old “danny tommo”…
Any news on the milkshake muzzie who attacked TR ? any bbc report about a politcal candidate assaulted ? any arrests ?
Listened to Clive Anderson’s ‘Unreliable Evidence’ on R4 last night. Topic was anti-social behaviour.
Desperate attempts to sweet-talk his guests on the subject of ‘drill music’. His guests wouldn’t have it, and discussion turned into a condemnation of CBOs (Criminal Behaviour Orders) and the alleged nasty persecution of black yoof music, simply because it advocated violence, drugs etc. as well as how unfair this was for ‘the community’.
Anderson suggested, at the end, the problem could be solved if as much money was thrown at these yoof musicians as was spent on pupils at some fancy college one of his guests drove past (Dulwich, I think).
There was a discussion to be had about this topic, but the irritant was the constant apologetic tone from Anderson (ain’t the Law nasty, I’m on your side, sort of tone) and his desperate attempts to virtue-signal.
I think the guests must have been ‘from the community’.
music lessons ? that would frighten them away, so many are just violent vicious individuals and I will be damned if my tax goes towards their benefit
Annu -Well, Clive was at pains to accept that there were really no violent vicious individuals, that they were all sweet lovely kids (who may just not have grown up in the greatest environment, so bore no blame for anyfink). He kept mentioning that Ed Sheeran had also mentioned drugs in one of his hits. (I never listen to Ed, so i wouldn’t know…)
So keep paying your tax. Please. Clive was all but grovelling. Embarrasing.
I am confused this pm between the dorian or the mixolodian scale and whether the lydian is relevant anymore, can I consult one of our grime / rap / r and B specialists to advise ? or are they busy smacking their bitches up or, if female, shaking their arses at the camera (which, in my opinion, is just asking for a swift kick as long as it will shut the mouth up)
Annu – thankfully, I don’t know any of this stuff, although I’ve heard of c rap and grime.
What you say makes me realise that the topic that was really bubbling away under the surface last night, without being mentioned once, is the existence of an entire ‘sub-culture’, which has no desire to fit in, be peaceful etc. but is out to provoke the law, enforce its ‘victim’ status, while at the same time being ‘big tough boys’ whose music is aggressive and designed to sneer at social norms.
Rather glad my little town is 99% hideously white, so offensive ‘music’ is mercifully 99% absent.
Clive Anderson should keep away from topics he doesn’t really want to examine.
BBC Radio Lincs News again just plugged their mates app “What Three Words”
.. “police were able to find a WW2 bomb due to the app”
.. ie someone found a bomb, so police could find the location through that persons phone GPS even if the app hadn’t been used.
On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
Touch and hold an area of the map that isn’t labeled. You’ll see a red pin appear.
You’ll see the coordinates in the search box at the top
On an iPhone drop a pin then slide the panel at the bottom of the screen upwards to see the co-ordinates.
The latest feted app to use as a life saving device but really : we want to know where you are at any time
Just a pity that the thousands of muslim child rape victims did not have this app
there is a strong possiblity that if they did, there would be mass crucifictions in pigshit with their tiny balls cut off with a rusty knife
I wouldn’t normally sign these Government Petitions but, at the least, I am interested in watching how Boris and his Government adopt their hostile approach to this issue.
Censored by the BBC and all the British media.
Mr Hockey Stick, Michael Mann, has lost his court case against Tim Ball.
Tim Ball’s version, sea sediment cores, is replicated by almost 2,000 other scientific papers using a variety of evidence to prove that the “Medieval Warm Period” was at least a half a degree warmer than the peak of the 1996-2016 warming. Nature did not ask Mann how his “Hockey Stick” proved all those other scientific papers wrong. Without those computer codes, I believe the only way you can replicate Michael Mann’s version is if you go into the forest were Mann got his tree rings. Make a mistake or fraud by assuming all the thin tree rings are caused by cold weather. Deliberately ignore or incompetently not know about isotopic evidence that proves that many of these thin tree rings are caused by hot droughts. Then after all that, you are confused or know why the tree rings show a cooling after 1960, so you therefore add on the global temperature record for after 1960, producing a “Hockey Stick”. This way your incompetence or fraud will get you a PhD and make you a media star. All because your “Hockey Stick” is just what the left-wing morons and Tory Remainer idiots are looking for. If Tim Ball and other enemies of science are after you then call for the world to rebel against Donald Trump, but never reveal evidence to a court that you made an innocent mistake, if the evidence proves that you ARE a FRAUD and therefore should be in the State Pen, not Penn State.
Even the Tory media in Britain are censoring this news. Michael Mann is still worshiped by the political elite, even though they go cool on his Hockey Stick. Greta watched an Al Gore film with the Hockey Stick in it. She was alarmed and therefore called for the World to panic. Miss Corporal Jones is now in line to receive a Nobel “Peace” Prize for a call to “Panic”.
Meanwhile have you noticed the propaganda trick of predicting a “Hottest Ever” reaching 90 degrees. I looked at the thermometer in the early afternoon. It says 77 degrees. But next week the BBC will only remember the “Hottest Ever” propaganda prediction as FACT.
Stabbing in Maidstone.
Man killed by a man. Or men.
Its that Man again.
In this left-wing post-rational world, Michael Mann was not able to convince a judge with facts and figures. So he could not win the lawsuit, so tried to make it last forever. The Judge therefore decided to grant Ball’s application for dismissal and award full legal costs to Ball.
In one hundred years time the World will either see that the great Karl Zeller proved that carbon-dioxide warming was a “Hoax” and Henrik Svensmark proved what really causes Climate Change. The reality is that within the scientific community, Scientists are winning the battle against the mainstream media environmentalist inquisition against Science. But thanks to progressive education the world is now full of teenagers who totally believe in the coming climate catastrophe. So in a hundred years time we could all be living in a new uncivilised “Dark Age” with humans who have regressed towards those “fuzzy haired ape like creatures” that you see in adverts.
Maybe he could go on to join Clive, Ben, etc on the Labour benches?
England win cricket third test match!
Al beeb employees on suicide watch ????
Ben Stokes. Wow! R5L say the last half hour of the match will be a ‘Special’ on ‘Sounds’. Should hope so.
Aussies cave in.
Beeb cave in.
Does the day get any better?
I’m no cricket type but I listened to the last hour – and phew – what an ending – 10 days to the next go ????
Fed – I do like the ‘old-fashioned’ test matches. Very good for the mind, when you listen on a day like today.
Amazing things do still happen.
Still waiting for Merkel to quit, though. May was clean bowled, but Merkel’s wicket’s still standing.
Father Time will be casting a long shadow across her pitch, though…
Wanna see those stumps spinning through the air.
Fake – it’s a shame it’s not on free TV – ITV or C5.
fakenewswatcher & Fedup2
Lets hope that Boris will deliver us a similar Brexit result and get us out or he will be out ?
taffman- watching Boris carefully; he knows we are all doing that. So, could there be yet another fudge of some kind? That would be bold, cos Nigel is also watching, and the entire Tory party could be over-and out…
Boris, Al Beeb and the remainers need to be reminded about the number of Brexit Party MEPs that got elected into the EU Parliament . Before he declares -28 .
anyone can check the current status of wars around the world and who is causing them and the subsequent famines etc (hint : muzzies) and the bbbc stories about world politics and the victimes ( hint : muzzies) it is perverse in the extreme and the very defenition of fake news we can only assume muzzies have infiltrated our media.
Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Libya
Luton, Bradford, once they have the “whip hand” over here (their phrase) they will turn onto each other, a complete and utter disgrace to the human race that thrives on conflict and intolerance
As a minority in this country they are already exercising their intolerance of our culture, our education system, our foreign policy, our laws protecting other minorities
This lot puts Hitler to shame, their hate is much wider and all encompassing
Guest – I remember the sympathetic treatment the IRA terrorists got from the BBC . The likes of Taylor played along to get his story as well as more importantly not being ‘ offed ‘ by those vermin .
One’s recollections of living in NI in the 70’s are rather different to Mr Taylor’s
Drop in RSPCA hedgehog calls ‘evidence of decline’
Could the main cause be a rise in the badger and fox populations ?
FFS its the gypsys cooking them when they get tired of siphoning petrol, nicking cars, fly tipping and fleecing pensioners, and then complaining about racism, they should get themselves some burkhas they have a lot in common although the gypsys do not indulge in child rape, they have some standards
Stop this now, it’s getting too serious. I’ve just had a lovely multicultural bbq. Let’s all try to get along now…
Matt Frei on C4 is upset cos Boris pulled an interview in which -it appears- some C4 bigwig went out of order. They go whining to ITV, whose R Peston takes it up with Boris. Bounces off.
Toxic MSM stick together, probably some new poisonous mix. Wonder what is was about?
Nice one, Boris.
Definitely best to swerve the MSM in the style of POTUS and let them moan out loud about refusing invitations .
It’s a bit of a dangerous game in terms of accountability but those BBC ‘ interviews’ and not probing and intelligent in the Brian Walden sense but disordered rants in the shape of Tourette’s Robinson or maitliss .
Fed- Accountability. Interesting point: politicians need to be held to account by the media, no question.
Journalists need to ask themselves about the purpose of their interview, and their own style.
Is it to have a frank discussion, obtain information, listening politely to answers, as would any normal person; being critical – but assertive, rather than aggressive?
Or is it to show the politician up, rip them apart, constantly interrupt etc.– show them who’s boss. Aggressive rather than assertive?
If the former, it would be unreasonable to refuse interviews, in principle. If the latter, avoid that channel/interviewer; there is no point to the predictable ritual. Pick someone who actually wants to interview you, instead of insulting you.
(assertive: you have rights, I have rights.
aggressive: I have rights, you don’t.)
I think there is a bit of a split in the views of politicians giving interviews . They know that radio interviewers will just abuse and interrupt – copied by TV – the likes of daily politics where junior politicians are sent on to take the flak .
The other style is going up against a normally skilled interrogator such as Brillo who is normally well prepared and listens to replies .
Don’t know about you but if I was a politician – and could get away with it – I’d just exist on the internet because as the years pass it reaches more and more voters . It also circumvents the dreadful BBC and Sky .
I notice on YouTube how itv and sky have had an interview with Boris by the beach in Biarritz
Anyone know if he’s accorded al beeb on?
Twitter said he refused to be interviewed by C4 after they smeared him this week
Hopefully all right of centre politicians will start turning down interviews with al beeb, a’ la Trump.
Let the echo chamber talk to itself till they all go mad.
Hopefully all Brexiteers will start refusing to pay the Telly Tax ?
Even better.
OTish… initially…
… but it does port over here well, especially for those with variable views on licences and IDs…
Guest Who
I don’t watch Al Beeb, so why do I need a TV licence?
Ben Stokes to win spoty? It’s 1/5
Too white, too male and too English! Al beeb won’t like that ????
That crossed my mind too – maybe he will qualify as an ethnic by being a ginger… but spoty became a shallow tick box linaker fest long ago.
I watched the C5 highlights – spoilt be adverts and have been reading what the Australian press have been saying and it’s a case of “I was there “ for a great innings .
I see that maxi is out from his safe space again . It must be Bank Holiday weekend. That’s when Al Beeb’s staff are on their day off so that they bring in ‘temps’, such as students that aspire for a full time job in ‘broad casting house of inequity’ . Things are getting desperate and The Brexit Party are watching . Maxi supports a company ‘that robs from the poor to give to the rich’
Maxi, start posting on a site that appreciates your views, otherwise please give us an example of Al Beeb’s Blatant Bias.
9pm BBC2
A Black and White Killing: The Case That Shook America
Ep1 of 2
Mobeen Azhar visits Portland as Courtier goes on trial accused of murder and a hate crime. But the court case isn’t that straightforward.
From what we have seen violence in Portland is white antifa thugs vs peaceful people
FFS “very one sided documentary.
No mention until the end Courtroom scene that the 19 year old was hanging around outside with a machete,
and then attacked the couple with it!”
“surely chasing him with a machete had more to do with his ultimate demise rather than the colour of his skin.”
“did you ever ask Larnells family why he was carrying a machete ?”
“From what we have seen violence in Portland is white antifa thugs vs peaceful people”
Heather Heyer was murdered when neo-Nazi, James Alex Fields deliberately drove his car into a crowd of protesters. He pleaded guilty to hate crimes and was sentenced to life in prison.
“You”, meanwhile, claimed;
“The Charlottesville thing is fishy… This could be like his foot slipped on the accelerator and then he panicked”.
Likewise, if you had bothered to look up Larnell Bruce’s murder you would have discovered that white supremacist Russell Courtier was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.
And you’re still claiming; “the violence in Portland is white antifa thugs vs peaceful people”?
Cognitive dissonance 101.
“From what we have seen violence in Portland is white antifa thugs vs peaceful people”
Heather Hayer killed in Charlottsville.
Larnell Bruce killed in Gresham.
Whataboutery 101?
If the UK doesn’t get out of the EU this could be us in ten years time being suppressed by The European Defence Force …………..
About three years ago I abandoned Al Beeb because of its blatant bias and subsequently tuned in to LBC.
Apart form Nigel Farage, all their other presenters appear to be Anti-Brexit.
Presently listening to Nick Abbot, it appears he is after a job with Al Beeb.
But then of course, it is broadcast from Londonistan .
Londonistan does not represent Great Britain. That’s why we have 28 Brexit Party Members of The European Parliament .
Take note maxincony and LBC.
Here is one for the Tellygoon enforcement officers that rob from the poor to give to the rich – Does maxincony pay for his TV Licence ?
Over to you maxi ………
Constant agenda pushing …GreenDream religion
5:40pm Radio3 Lost Words Prom today, involving dancers, actors, illustration, and new compositions including
@GretaThunberg ’s speech at the @Europarl_EN (EU parliament)
I switched over to Radio4 Then at 6:30pm
“Climate Change is causing all the glacier in Iceland to melt”
then they platformed an Icelandic poet about writing a eulogy for an Icelandic Glacier
The BBC Web main page has a leader of 1981 -2005.
“Stokes etches name next to heroes”-OK BBC just make sure
then for Sports Personality of the year that BIG BROTHER at
the Divesity dept doesn’t insist that a transgender shot putter
wins the trophy.
“As requested by the BBC, they [the BBC] will take responsibility for this policy from thereon.”
Can’t imagine why you left the next line out either.
Time for the new thread…….