Smoogie – lets hope it does help the brexit cause .
The problem is whether any news agency explains what is going on without tainting the explanation .
I know we won’t get a fair narrative from the BBC . But it is needed .
The sad thing is these days is that when someone uses the BBC as evidence for something I will know for a fact that it would be a biased report. It has just gotten to that stage now where the BBC just cannot be trusted to provide balance and they make no attempt to hide their bias
Guido good for news but censorship is heavy and clumsy. You now have to show you are trustworthy otherwise monitored and usually blocked. I have written banal comments, on topic, but weak, and I am building up trust.
Haha…I said the exact same thing today Oaknash. In fact, I go one further. If a sentence in a report starts ‘Jeremy Corbyn….or SNP leaders…or Shadow….etc. etc.’ I don’t read it anymore, which means as far as the BBBC is concerned, that’s a lot of skim reading!
It’s so easy to call out the leftie, sour bias of the bbc within a few seconds; the tone of the sneer, the non-content, the failure of biased opinion – it’s all in the open now, and they’re squirming like worms in a barrel, dribbling inanities, thinking they’re getting a non-message across to the ‘gullibles’!
I don’t know anybody who thinks they’re any good these days, the stupidity of some of the comments by their ‘autocue-readers’ beggars belief, so I’ll try and stay awake for the BS on R5Dead tonight, and report back in the morning.
If I don’t, I’m either dead or hungry and can’t be a*sed, much as I lways look forward to seeing you Guys and Gals here!
Just to say that Ms Courtney didn’t surprise me with her ‘interview’ with a pro-Brexit MEP, and an ‘academic’ from Bristol Tech.
The MEP gave a simple statement explaining the situation in a few seconds. The ‘academic’ spent quite a long, long time, saying things which were of course anti-Brexit, and espousing her ‘opinions’ with monotonous repetition.
But dear Courtney immediately gabbled in and agreed to it all, reluctantly getting back to the MEP for just a few seconds more.
Pretty poor autocue-reading, and very boring listening to the ‘academic’, so much so that I nearly got back to sleep…
I call it the Guardian effect. I have seen many films that I have enjoyed only to find out the that Guardian rated it badly yet their favorite films tend to be rubbish.
As the Guardian is the BBC newsletter it makes sense to go by the opposite to what the BBC say
“I have seen many films that I have enjoyed only to find out the that Guardian rated it badly ”
Same with that guy who presents the lastest movies on the BBC News TV. The one with the funny looking quiff and grey streak in his hair. IF he says its great it usually isn’t. His taste must trump (no pun) every other movie lovers taste.
Good move by Boris. It may directly deliver Brexit or it may not. But it sends a message to the electorate and the EU that Boris and his government are very serious and committed to a Brexit worthy of the name. It Also sends a message to Nigel that Boris is willing to risk all in the cause of Brexit and so makes it more likely that TBP will be willing to join a Brexit electoral pact.Indeed if Nigel won’t it brings into question exactly what he does want. If so then the Brexit alliance is almost certain to win the forthcoming GE and delivering Brexit will be comparatively straightforward.
We will be able to tell how good the move is by how much the BBC, Times, Sky news etc squeal. It should make good viewing. Burco who only last week was boasting that he would do everything in his power to stop Brexit , and this from someone who is supposed to be impartial, is now complaining about a PM who is doing everything in his power to deliver it following the choice that the people made three years ago. Hypocrite just like most other Remainers.
The BBC news channel has moved to The green outside the parliamentary estate – even though there is no one sitting . In the background are large numbers of EU flags as well as complementary mentally challenged types screeching ‘ no brexit’
The biased fact checker has been rolled out but he is so discredited that he should go get another job – perhaps emptying dustbins .
Doublethinker – How very dare you insult the good name Burco by attaching it with that sanctimonious clown in Westminster. I used to work on the assembly line at that esteemed company many years ago constructing washing machines and I can assure you that all my workmates then would be leavers now. By the way I used to empty dustbins as well my role being a Refuse Disposal Officer and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I recall from from many,many years ago that our one was quite small in stature and had copious amounts of steam escaping from the top. A bit like Bercow at present, I’d expect!
Lets hope this latest move by Boris isn’t just a stunt.
I will really enjoy the MSM BBC and the SNP collectively wetting there pants
All this talk of a peoples parliament and peoples vote and peoples march, is really the biggest load of crap
When will the re-moaners finally get it
We are leaving the EU (no ifs or buts) and if they really want to do something constructive then campaign to join the EU. (that would be a vote winner lol)
I listened to Twato from 1300 through to about 1340 when the idiot Jo Swinson was interviewed. All too much by then. Off. Within that 40 minutes or so, any voice of a pro Brexiteer was one: John Redwood who could have been, for me, the only one who pointed out that the ‘Democracy’ the Remoaners want to apply is their own vision of Democracy aka, ‘Power’ which is certainly not the voters vision. Regrettably he didn’t. Professor Bogdenor was completly neutral to the extent that the listener could not determine his preference. All the rest hostile to Brexit. The thing that beats me, is that the Remoaners to a man, woman or indeed anything between, believe that they have no duty to the voters whatever. Power rests with them. Totally, some would say, in fact their attitude is, *uc* the voters. I do hope that come next General Election it is a bloodbath of those ignoring the voters.
One concern is that if, as was stated by a QC interviewed, the Remoaners are on their merry way to a Judicial Review of the Boris decision, and that is in any measure successful, it will by virtue of the judiciary wishing to become involved in politics:
a. demonstrate conclusively that the judiciary cannot be trusted;
Which will result in,
b. the Separation of Powers [ ] being defenestrated.
And that downward spiral will herald the total collapse of whatever is left of democracy.
Extraordinarily dangerous times.
The Government gave the public a vote to leave or remain in the EU.
The public voted to leave.
Parliament then voted by huge majority to ratify that vote.
During the Election in 2017 both Parties stood on a ‘Leave’ ticket.
Parliament has voted against May’s Treaty 3 times.
Therefore the default position is we leave without a deal as NO Party has come up with an alternative.
Hard to see the Supreme Court wanting to take on the PM and the Queen – demanding to see the advice he gave her for her to authorise a closure of Parliament .
With a bit of luck the non existent constitution and all those ‘ conventions’ which the likes to the speaker will overturn will be up for examination when we get out – without a sellout ( won’t use term ‘ deal ‘ )
Interesting you say this Vesna, as thinking back to the R5Nearly Dead ‘interview’ (see above), the academic from Bristol Tech mentioned ‘Miller’ at least half a dozen times, as though it was a paragraph from the holy grail.
Prorogation is one of a handful of powers of the monarch that is outside of the judicial process and therefore cannot be successfully challenged in that way. Seeing as most judicial posts are political appointees, I still expect a ‘verdict’ that attempts to do so.
Dangerous times indeed – I’m amazed that the hard remainers ignore that fact for our democratic future – are they stupid or have another agenda.
As a natural conspiracy theorist – who then is the Kremlin mole, Sturgeon, Corbyn, Swinson ( maybe not clever enough) Grieve. Anyone else for the list?
Special mention must be given to Matt Hancock MP who even now is rewriting history in the best soviet style who intimated that apparently men died on the beaches (Normandy I presume) so that Parliament can rob the electorate of a democratic decision and call this smash and grab raid “democratic”
Not his exact words but I think we all knew where he was going with this.
They wish to keep us in until the full federal EU kicks in in 2022. If they were to succeed, they win forever. Or until the whole stinking mess collapses. As it surely will. Then you will be talking about a whole new level of economic collapse.
The Remoaners are careerists not representatives. They lie to those who elected them because it was best for their career in politics. In fact I cannot think why any careerist could possible support Brexit, because Brexit is about removing an unnecessary and expensive (£39 Billion and that bus) level of governance. Its also why you haven’t heard anything positive about the EU from Remoaners. They don’t want you to know what they think is positive about the EU (see above), and lie about what they fear (see above)
Bogdanor was certainly a Remainer and very anti trump it’s but he is first and foremost a democrat and I believe that he accepts the results and realises the long term damage that would be done an elite over riding the choices of the people.
G- radio4 news: I thought I heard this:
a) some news
b) mainly agenda/narrative
My, my they’re getting bold.
By the time Lee (Leigh?) came on, the incitement was explicit. I switched off when I heard Chakrabati as next speaker. I’d heard enough to know incitement to overthrow the government was afoot, beeb as their public voice.
The parliamentarians, who drone on endlessly about their ‘sovereignty’ forget THAT THAT THEIR SOVEREIGNTY DERIVES FROM THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE, who were consulted, and have spoken. Not because they are such genius.
The outrage the endless stream of anti-Boris voices that were paraded, expressed, is misplaced. The outrage should be over the contempt the MPs show for the people. THE PUBLIC BROADCASTER IS BRAZENLY GATHERING AND MARSHALLING THE FORCES OF REVOLT, DISGUISING IT AS NEWS!
Fake I heard the unelected shami too . Pity she was t asked about Labour Party anti semitism .
What has astounded me so far is the The Speaker has already mouthed off against the right of a OM to petition the Queen to prorogue.
He has not constitutional right to intervene and should have remained to appear ‘ neutral . His conduct makes the issue of constitutional crush’s more real . He has to go soon .
Fed – he should have gone long ago. A little man with a Napoleon complex. Thinks HE is the state.
Urgently requires cutting down to size (even more).
He is right at the heart of the sedition. It all pivots around what he will and won’t ‘allow’. And that’s gone to his head, big time.
Wait for him to arrive in parliament wearing a bicorne on his head, with one hand tucked behind his colourful tie, clutching his stomach or summat. If they can find one large enough to fit him.
I think the ‘Lee’ I refer to above, is Dr Phillip Lee, MP for Bracknell. Apparently a Conservative?
And, talking of the Revolutionary Left, I see in the Express that Norwich MP, Clive Lewis, is urging people to take to the streets.
How exciting! Will Dr Lee be joining him, I wonder?
Well done, beeb. You wanted the revolting to come out, and they have.
10387. Posted by Billy on
Just now
“What a great day for this country, the BBC luvvies in melt down interviewing every Remoaner they can find, when this is over Boris force them to honour the free over 75 TV licences even if it breaks there iniquitous biased over paid club.”
I see sky news have a novel way of showing their impartiality.
They have two people being interviewed.
One pro and one against Brexit.
However, they are two remainers but the one sky news have to represent the Brexit point of view is a remainer who ‘accepts’ the result of the referendum (and he is being talked over and interrupted by the other remainer and the interviewer)
It’s like counting Hammond as a leaver because he voted for may’s abomination of a total surrender WA.
They must be running out of questions for remainers as they are having remainer after remainer on. I suppose by never interrupting them and leaving them to go on and on they are having an easy time of it, storing up all their interruptions and bile for the occasional leaver that manages to get on.
On the one hand I love what Boris has done and on the other get infuriated with the stream of remoaners claiming it is undemocratic without any challenge from BBC about their actions..and just hope we finally get Brexit and then an election that sweeps out many of these revolting arrogant idiots
I would like to take this opportunity to remind Al Beeb, the MSM, and all the Remainers and Remoaners to read the £9m booklet that was sent out to the people of Great Britain by David Cameron about what we voted for.
“To Remain a member of the European Union”
“To Leave The European Union.”
Nothing more and nothing less .
Those that lost, introduced the fog, the fudge, and all the smoke and mirrors in an attempt to overturn our democracy.
We voted to Leave.
Brexit first, the BBC next.
If the BBC is as good as it always says it is ,it can pay for itself.
And if the teenage BBC Elites are correct when they boast: our oversea sales are at an all time high – then let the profftts from those sales pay the free TV licence for the elderly.
All of a sudden these howling, outraged Liberal idiots being pushed front and centre, remember what Democracy is and are calling Boris out on it ????
You couldn’t make it up! Get the popcorn ????
Beeb news at 5pm: This time beeb radio4 ditches any pretence of balance, as Carolyn Quinn brings in 2 ‘experts’ -Paul and Hannah, both of whom turn out to be anti-government, to discuss the issue of prorogation of parliament.
It then brings on a ‘Conservative’, Lord Heseltine, to give another point of view. He, like Bercow, speaks of a ‘constitutional outrage’ by Boris. What a surprise!
Then, on come Labour. Their speaker, Andy McDonald, gets quite carried away with his verbosity.
Then, on comes Phillip Hammond. Wow! Any other traitors left?
Carolyn Quinn: leading and coordinating the public voice of the sedition.
Then she brings in Gus O Donnel to badmouth Boris. ‘Very dodgy’, he says. She pretends to be critical, in order to egg him on. Transparent? You betcha. Very Carolyn; she practices on Sunday nights at ten.
She has Ian DS lined up somewhere. That will show how ‘impartial’ she is.
Little snake in the grass.
The BBC has just rolled out its Royal Correspondent to sombrely tell us, without any factual evidence or supporting quotes, that the Queen will be feeling “resentful” and “deeply concerned” at being asked to approve a brief suspension of Parliament.
No attempt to explain that there is Royal precedent for this, that it is a normal part of Parliamentary democracy, or that it enables Her Majesty’s Government to present the first Queen’s Speech for three years outlining important new legislation.
It is an utter disgrace for the BBC to deliberately misrepresent the Queen’s role and to pretend that it knows what she thinks.
Now they’ve got some “constitutional” expert on telling us that the suspension is “unconstitutional” and that the Conservative party is falling apart – guess she’s a remoaner, but we’re not told that..
Two more months of this utter garbage fake news to come, and then we get out country back.
Ruth Davidson on the verge of resigning . The Remainer MPs are coming out of the woodwork.
Brexit Party , prepare for Government, because I sense a general Election is on the way.
I love reading the hoighty toighty whining HYS comments on the BBBC. One said there will be ‘rioting on the streets’ over this decision or some such bilge. Now that is curious for two reasons; a) I thought it was only Brexit banner-waving, right-wing thugs who would cause trouble in the streets and b) It is arguably a call to violence and should have been removed by the BBBC from the forum. I can’t imagine why it hasn’t eh?
taffman – Davidson quits? The good news just keeps coming.
Carolyn Quinn, Goader-in-Chief tells IDS he’s goading Remainers! That’s rich. She could teach a course on manipulation.
Quinn brings on Sajid to prove her point: outrage and dictatorship. Oops, the agressive interrupting is beginning. She’s really losing it.
Never mind, some more academics are coming on to badmouth Boris. However, they do realise, it turns out, there is such a thing as a Direct democracy, as well as a Representative democracy. That’s progress. But they think Boris will have the Judiciary against him. No surprise there.
A democratic majority of people want a real Brexit, but the BBC has a list of censored politicians and journalists, so we don’t get that impression from the BBC. The BBC says “Fake News” is “added on”. But the BBC is the worlds biggest “Fake News” organisation using “subtracted off”. The BBC’s narratives need to censor the existence of a growing list of politicians, journalists and scientists. At the BBC, Brexit supporters do not exist, Christians do not exist, intelligent people do not exist. Man made Climate Change is the biggest “Fake News” story in history, constructed by the BBC’s best scientific experts, who don’t actually have any scientific qualifications. The BBC thinks that the Labour party was set up to represent posh white people and foreigners while the Tory party was set up to represent the uneducated common folk. To construct the above “Fake News” the BBC’s employees need this list of censored Politicians, Journalists and Scientists.
Nigel Farage is on LBC (Freeview 732) at 6pm. I have my tea then, so I have to go now.
So many remainers being interviewed on our ‘impartial’ news channels and they keep on coming out with their rubbish.
Common today is the never challenged statement they keep on repeating “nobody voted for a no deal Brexit”
Did I miss the part on the in / out referendum voting slip which said out but only with a deal.
Was my voting slip a fake?
It only had remain or leave on mine.
I missed the option of leave with a deal acceptable to mp’s.
This Parliament will go down as the worst ever, full of useless mp’s and moderated by a lefty remainer speaker.
The 3 MPs here in Sunderland completely disregarding their electorate, all remainers working against us.
They have decided we didn’t know what we voted for and, as they know better, will ignore us, the ignorant rabble they obviously think we are, to vote ‘the right way’
Roll on the next GE.
This short video from We Got a Problem is wonderful to behold. On the hive rat Victoria Derbyshire show, Tom Holland from the Guido Fawkes website and unelected gobshite Margaret Beckett.
Tom Holland does a good job in defending Boris Johnson and leaving the EU. Mrs Beckett completely loses her composure, insults Tom Holland and fumes gloriously about Prime Minister Johnson; she hasn’t yet realised she’s a nobody even if the racist far-left bbc collective think she’s worth listening to.
John – I think Maggie Becket is still an MP – and not long ago she was after the Speakers ‘ job – no doubt to continue funding her tropical plants with taxpayers money .
In such circumstances it’s almost a game seeing the same old mouthpieces coming out or running back from their holidays a couple of days early .
Allistair Campbell must be due together with the foreign Miller woman on behalf of Soros as well as the troll previous PMs .
Remainers have used every trick available – including the use of a criminal MP freshly released from prison wearing a tag to win a vote by her single vote . If they do that any legal method is fair on behalf of brexiters .
Watching the 6pm BBC news i get the vibe that the BBC is treading carefully on the current brexit situation because it really is big boys games now .
They are falling back on the views of joe public – whose level of intelligence etc is unknown so opinions of no value either way and just filler in the news .
No doubt the test of the BBCs attitude / bias will be Newsnight and Toady tomorrow .
Rentacrowd will also be turning up with one of those meaningless big marches by panicking remainers ….
I’ve noticed that also – unless it is because the BBC are starting to back the winning horse and quietly backing off from too much mega bias. Boris could cause them a lot of bother if he chooses to. They are starting to, in their little snivelling way, starting to cover their backs, and their income. It shows how shallow these employees at the BBC are and their moral standards.
On beeb tv news at 6, we finally have the shouters yelling outside Balmoral, while Sarah Smith reports.
Poor HM.
Then over to Emma Vardy in Ireland, with a lengthy exposition of what Sinn Fein think.
After that we hear from Cardiff how outraged the Labour Assembly is, notwithstanding the people of Wales having voted ‘leave’.
But Laura K. trumps it all (so to speak). She has found people gathering outside parliament.
Probably find Clive Lewis MP there, as the revolting populus follow his call to go onto the streets. Doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going, poor chap. Should he be in there or out? Maybe, like Ruth Davidson, it will all be too much for him, and he will quit.
Here’s hoping.
Oh they do love a protest gathering don’t they !!! Those 75 million who attended (BBC crowd figures) the People’s vote march certainly made a difference didn’t they !!!!!! NOT
I would love to see their faces when it registers that all their hopes of their longed for “peoples vote” is swiftly disappearing over the horizon. (or the Thames)
It’s the timing I love. Yesterday Corbyn, Swinson, Mcdonnell, Lucas, Grieve etc, all thought they were the top dogs and the BBC lapped their little stunt up !!!!!
BBC bulletin after bulletin, presenters, reporters could not hide their glee, was truly sickening.
Less than 24hours later, and Boris hits em with a great big swinging right hook !!!! Beautiful Boris, just beautiful.
Now we have a complete BBC, FBPE , liberal left meltdown and all their pitiful efforts of yesterday are forgotten.
Remoaner after remoaner wheeled out to tell us just how undemocratic Boris is being but the stunt they tried to pull yesterday wasn’t ????? A taste of their own medicine and they do not like it !!! But I certainly do !!!!!
I have just been watching the WIMMINS 6 PM news on BBC TV!!
Including the news presenter over 80% of the reporters and
those of the public interviewed were women. It was not 90%
because a couple of the general public were men.
A very unscientific survey by me. I was watching Sky when I first heard this announcement by Johnson. I didn’t watch it all as I looked at the BBC a couple of times.
In that time I saw Sky interview eight different politicians, and the BBC three. Out of those 11 how many were pro-Brexit and Johnson’s plan and how many were anti-Brexit and anti-the plan? See below…..
BBC telling us now that 500,000 have signed a anti perouging petition !!
So ?? 17.4 million ticked the Leave box on the referendum ballot paper and you don’t give a toss about that !!!
Funny how the BBC always mention petitions when it’s something that suits their far left narrative, but deadly silent when a petition doesn’t suit their agenda !!!!
Oh yes, it’s been headline news all through the night on R5Almost Dead.
Lots of shouting on the streets from remoaners, most of whom don’t even know what prorogation actually is. When the rest of the studes get back from Magaluf, they’ll probably join in as well, so the bbc will be out there, egging them on!
C4 news – for ever Remainer Bias – broadcasting from the Embankment opposite Westminster so no mad ranters in the background . Painfully reporting that Number 10 said no minister will be put up .
Thank God D . Cummings et al realise that talking to the biased MSM is a waste of time .
Just heard Jeremy Corbyn has asked for an urgent meeting with the Queen. If the remainers try to politicise the Queen in this they will meet an imoveable wall. Don’t forget, the army swears it’s allegience to the Queen first not the country. They are going too far, far too far – They know not what they do. Children! Lets get ready for the demo’s. Did Boris ever get his water cannon?
Peston on ITV says Boris is following the Trump formula. That would be good.
A tiny voice still inhabits me, however.
Peston says there is a conference with the EU in October. So, what if a ‘deal’ emerges? Very little time for parliament to debate it.
The little voice says: Extension?
After three years of May’s little shenanigans, nothing would surprise. There was nothing about a ‘deal’ in the referendum. And thus nothing about ‘no deal’. Do we believe/forgive our new PM, for even mentioning the concept of a deal? Or is it just for public consumption? Part of a negotiating strategy? If there is ‘negotiating’, is it merely to run down the clock? Or are we back to ‘achieving a deal’?
There are a lot of mirrors here.
After all Boris’ many, solid-sounding assurances, would we find more time being needed? Goalposts shifted AGAIN?
It seems inconceivable.
Go away, little voice….
Are you there, Nigel and UKIP?
Nigel on his LBC show was pretty certain that Boris is using this to extract some minor concessions from the EU at that conference and then bounce Parliament into voting for what will be little better than May’s treaty. I suspect he is correct.
Yes I have a sinking feeling to that this may be the plan..however it may be that we are all so used to being mislead that we don’t believe anything until it happens –
Parliament, Al Beeb and MSM Vs the British people. Its going to be a Brino MK2.
Vote and support UKIP and The Brexit Party.
I smell a general election on the way in the autumn.
fnw, ” There was nothing about a deal in the Referendum.”
Except on page 8 of the Government’s own publication, urging a Remain vote:
“Some argue that we could strike a good deal quickly with the EU because they want to keep access to our market.
But the Government’s judgement is that it would be much harder than that – less than 8% of EU exports come to the UK while 44% of UK exports go to the EU.”
In other words – a vote to Leave – after the inevitable Article 50 period, means leaving without a deal. Unless sabotaged by Remainers in Parliament, determined to cost the UK more money and damage our businesses and economy. Which they did.
I’ve now watched about 1 hour of the BBC News channel this evening and all I heard was interviews with people who want to stop Brexit. The BBC could at least pretend to be impartial by interviewing one Brexit supporter per day as a minimum requirement.
The panel on Dateline London (BBC2) all spoke in terms of pessimism and optimism – i.e. being pessimistic meant thinking that Boris would win. The chairman Carrie Gracie can be assumed to share that attitude.
“Would be very hard for Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labour Party, to seek a no-confidence vote against New Prime Minister Boris Johnson, especially in light of the fact that Boris is exactly what the U.K. has been looking for, & will prove to be “a great one!” the US president tweeted on Wednesday.
Have to see it from Trump’s perspective. The EU and its march towards a superstate, its own army led by Germany, might well get into a nasty war which will drag in US solders, and Trump is saying no more.
Grrrr! Dragged back early from ‘leave’ for a so-called (by the BBC) ‘constitutional crisis’. Nothing of the sort.
Spotted one outright lie from the BBC both on web-site and on Radio 4: shares and £ down because the PM has asked the Queen for a prorogation of Parliament.
News of the move leaked out around 10am but it was really only firmed up after that time. At that stage, our Monarch had not given her assent. If you look at the three currency movements monitored on the BBC w/s here: (you need to click on the Euro, Yen and US Dollar in turn to see the daily movement) you find that after the news broke the £ rose against those currencies.
It is true that the FTSE-250 stayed red all day to the close but the FTSE-100 rose on the first news and then more than trebled its gain of nearly 8pts to finish 25pts up as you can see from the closing figures. Am not going to explain why the FTSE-250 is down (there are reasons other than Brexit) as it will take too long and am on hols.
Anyway, the last time I commented on here on the 250 Index, I gave it the TMS and MotD Commentators’ ‘Kiss of Death’ !
Brexit is at last moving in the right direction. It wasn’t so under May’s now discredited watch.
The country suffered three wasted years thanks to Parliament. There’s been damage to our democracy, economy and society. And also our credibility globally has been damaged. Is all this salvageable? Time will tell.
Dam upstart, this Swinson woman-how dare she-now the leader of the wettest load of scrubbers ever to hold office in our great Parliament. Doubt her Majesty will offer this irritating woman an audiance now or anytime in the future-why does she not go back home and take care of her children who would prefer to have their mother with them not away from them. Likely she will lose her Parliamentary seat next time around if Scotland actually goes independent.
Hilarious – does she think a letter of that sort will make the Queen want to see her…Ha F..king ha – sorry about language but the Remainers have driven me to it 🙂
The Queen has more experience in half of her little finger nail than all of the Liberal MPs put together have in their whole lives..and this Jo Swinson is so wet we won’t ever have a water crisis while she is around
I have noticed that since she was bribed to be the leader of the Liberal Party she tends to stick her chest out more?
Not that I look at breasts.
Well, she is in your face all the time. And on TV she looks closer still. More so that I’ve had to push me favourite chair away from the telly by at least 11 feet. (that’s feet not the continental measurement)
It will be interesting if / how the BBC report ‘ protests’ by snowflake remainers as they fear that the democratic will of the Majority could be finally carried through .
They have a dilemma – over report it and incite violence – by remainers – or ignore / minimise it to prevent public disorder developing …
No need to worry about how they have reported the protests…….check out the picture on the main news page. 4 BME people snarling on the picture and of course they are all women.
So relax and breath in gently they have as always not disappointed in how they shove the race card into everything they do.
Oh and by the way look at the latest knife crime report. The white hands normally used showing someone holding a knife behind their back have been replaced by a pair of BME hands…tut…tut
The government have set a date for the new Queen’s speech in October, meaning that the present session of Parliament will be “prorogued” and Parliament will not meet between mid-September and mid-October, in the run up to Brexit. Do you think it is or is not acceptable for the government to stop Parliament from meeting during this period?
The question quite clearly implies that prorogation is causing Parliament to be closed between mid September and mid October. In fact it was always going to be closed for that length of time, other than about 4 days.
Had they said, “meaning that the closure of Parliament between mid September and mid October is extended by a few days” they’d have got a quite different answer.
Always bear that in mind when reading poll results.
bBBC vox pop in the Radio Four 6 o’clock ‘news’. They went to Stratford because the town voted 52-48 for Leave, the same as the country as a whole. So the bBBC broadcast a short comment from a woman opposing proroguing Parliament and one sentence from a woman in favour of getting on with Brexit. Then a long piece with two women from the EU who have been working here for years, worried about whether they’ll be allowed to stay here. One of them described Boris Johnson as a tyrant.
Normal for biased BBC.
Well it looks like the BBC’s favorite has finally come off of his fence and is ready to give us an earful for the terrible things that Johnson dictator is doing.
Unelected Corbyn, who leads a party who have not been elected since 2005 and who wants to rid us of our Queen yet had the cheek to go grovelling to Her Royal Highness just the other week with a wacky idea of being a caretaker PM has now come out sniveling as his latest power grab plot has backfired.
The irony is rich and the BBC are playing up to it as usual:
Jeremy Corbyn: What is Boris Johnson so afraid of?
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Boris Johnson of carrying out a “smash and grab on our democracy” by asking the Queen to suspend Parliament.
The Labour leader said his party and other opposition members will attempt to lay legislation in the Commons next week to prevent it happening.
He added: “What’s [Mr Johnson] so afraid of that he needs to suspend Parliament to prevent Parliament from discussing these matters?”
You’ve summed it up – self obsession is the new national passtime – cheered on by the new empowered cocktail drinking absent mamas. My god those drinks take so long to make at the bar when all your after is a pint!
“Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament prompts assembly recall”
Time the people of Wales got rid of the great bureaucratic cabal called The Assembly and spent the money saved on health and education in Wales.
The people of Wales voted out.
Have all the staff at Al Beeb been told “if we leave the EU we are finished and you lot are out of a job” ?
Hence all the examples of Al Beeb’s Anti-Brexit Bias reported on here today ?
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will join the Privy Council despite missing its first meeting since his appointment.
It would have been the first chance for the Labour leader, a life-long republican, to be sworn in to the historic group which advises monarchs.
A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said he was unable to attend due to “other commitments”.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been sworn in to the Privy Council, the historic group which advises monarchs.
The lifelong republican officially joined the council in front of the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Labour did not confirm whether he knelt and kissed the hand of the Queen – a traditional part of the swearing-in ceremony.
The Labour leader said the prime minister needed to be “held to account by Parliament” and must not be allowed to shut it down.
Jeremy Corbyn has written to the Queen to protest about the PM’s plan, saying it was “not acceptable” and “not on”.
He asked what Boris Johnson was “so afraid of”, and added there would be a motion of confidence in the PM “at some point.
Why on earth should Corbyn supposedly so it has been reported a supporter of communism be allowed to become a Privy Councillor. A complete nutter- perhaps the likes of George Soris has made Corbyn promises to be the head of the State of Europe.
According to Steve Baker MP only three sitting days in parliament will be lost, which makes the dummy-spitting all the more ridiculous.
I think HMQ probably knows more about the constitution than any of the remoaners and I trust (hope) she is as appalled as we all are by these puffed-up little bullies spouting off and inciting ‘the masses’, writing to her telling her what to think, and demanding meetings.
This technique for promoting ethnic replacement is an old one. By showing the idealised people you want you are implicitly excluding the ones you don’t want.
Cassandra 100% correct that is how they see us and hells bells its getting close to that- Do they really care as to whether Parliament is shut for a while or not? They don’t, its just an excuse to make a noise and cause a some disturbance- sadly most of those people hate us the indig Brits-wonder if it might be worthwhile offering them a ticket to go back to where they came from, now or originally. Nothing to off us but a load of continual trouble as we are witnessing now every day.
The MSM are really at it today. BBC, ITV, Sky and of course the news letters such as Guardian, Mirror, Independent ect are convinced that Boris Johnson is being undemocratic and of course everyone has to go out and protest.
How many at these protests?
Nice weather today so must be a good day to have a stroll through central London and join in with the carnage.
Funny how these protests are smaller when it starts raining though. For the BBC it really must be raining hard on them!
The BBC is run by BIG BROTHER head of the Diversity department.
The BBC website is instructed that as with this picture and
that of the new born baby, it has to be one of an ethnic nature.
It is absolute policy of the BBC now. ” Have you ever seen so
many white faces” will NEVER be a problem so far as the BBC
website is concerned.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn described Mr Johnson’s move as “a smash-and-grab on our democracy” in order to force through no-deal by leaving MPs without enough time to pass laws in Parliament. He pledged to try to stop the suspension.
And anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller – who previously won a legal battle against ministers over Article 50 – has made a judicial review application to the courts about Mr Johnson’s decision.
LOL … Two of the most undemocratic people lecturing US on democracy. They really are something else !!!!!
The prime minister’s decision to suspend Parliament has prompted an angry backlash from MPs and opponents of a no-deal Brexit.
It sparked protests across the country, a legal challenge and a petition with more than a million signatures.
There we go again, mention the petition because it suits the BBC narrative. I honestly don’t recall them telling us about the huge amount of signatures on the Support No Deal petition a few months back !!!!
And the BBC article, it sparked protests around the country !!! Really. The one in Manchester was attended by about 8 people, hardly the mass protests they would like you to believe !!!!!
I heard the same thing . The BBC News is saying that 1.1 million have signed the petition -. We have experience here of the BBC not reporting that petitions have been set up nor that they have passed the hundred thousand threshold to be forwarded to the commons to be ignored .
Apparently this petition calls on brexit to be debated . I thought they’d been doing that firv3 years in order to stop the people’s vote being put into effect .
When the petition gets to 14.4 million it might be worth something .
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
First comment?
A good day for Britain and democracy despite what the BBC are saying!
Smoogie – lets hope it does help the brexit cause .
The problem is whether any news agency explains what is going on without tainting the explanation .
I know we won’t get a fair narrative from the BBC . But it is needed .
The sad thing is these days is that when someone uses the BBC as evidence for something I will know for a fact that it would be a biased report. It has just gotten to that stage now where the BBC just cannot be trusted to provide balance and they make no attempt to hide their bias
I go to Guido for political news, more honest, more factual and quicker. What does the BBC spend our money on?
… that takes moretime/money than just reporting what happened
Guido good for news but censorship is heavy and clumsy. You now have to show you are trustworthy otherwise monitored and usually blocked. I have written banal comments, on topic, but weak, and I am building up trust.
I am banned from Guido, I don’t know why and he (?) says he is too busy to check.
Me too, for making a joke about his censorship. I just set up another Disqus account.
Same here.
Smoogie My rough rule of thumb is if the BBC is in favour of somthing I now automatically oppose it – seems to be about right.
BBC foaming at the mouth on this, so its gotta be the right thing.
Haha…I said the exact same thing today Oaknash. In fact, I go one further. If a sentence in a report starts ‘Jeremy Corbyn….or SNP leaders…or Shadow….etc. etc.’ I don’t read it anymore, which means as far as the BBBC is concerned, that’s a lot of skim reading!
Absolutely right!
It’s so easy to call out the leftie, sour bias of the bbc within a few seconds; the tone of the sneer, the non-content, the failure of biased opinion – it’s all in the open now, and they’re squirming like worms in a barrel, dribbling inanities, thinking they’re getting a non-message across to the ‘gullibles’!
I don’t know anybody who thinks they’re any good these days, the stupidity of some of the comments by their ‘autocue-readers’ beggars belief, so I’ll try and stay awake for the BS on R5Dead tonight, and report back in the morning.
If I don’t, I’m either dead or hungry and can’t be a*sed, much as I lways look forward to seeing you Guys and Gals here!
Devotion to the cause .i feel the same listening to Toady …
Ha ha ha, Fedders!
Just to say that Ms Courtney didn’t surprise me with her ‘interview’ with a pro-Brexit MEP, and an ‘academic’ from Bristol Tech.
The MEP gave a simple statement explaining the situation in a few seconds. The ‘academic’ spent quite a long, long time, saying things which were of course anti-Brexit, and espousing her ‘opinions’ with monotonous repetition.
But dear Courtney immediately gabbled in and agreed to it all, reluctantly getting back to the MEP for just a few seconds more.
Pretty poor autocue-reading, and very boring listening to the ‘academic’, so much so that I nearly got back to sleep…
“Pretty poor autocue-reading,”
Actually for the “experienced” auto-reader, I wouldn’t mind betting that their instructions come from the editor who speaks (swears) in their ear.
They give it away when suddenly, they seem to pause mid-sentence as if she’s/he is day dreaming.
I call it the Guardian effect. I have seen many films that I have enjoyed only to find out the that Guardian rated it badly yet their favorite films tend to be rubbish.
As the Guardian is the BBC newsletter it makes sense to go by the opposite to what the BBC say
“I have seen many films that I have enjoyed only to find out the that Guardian rated it badly ”
Same with that guy who presents the lastest movies on the BBC News TV. The one with the funny looking quiff and grey streak in his hair. IF he says its great it usually isn’t. His taste must trump (no pun) every other movie lovers taste.
Good move by Boris. It may directly deliver Brexit or it may not. But it sends a message to the electorate and the EU that Boris and his government are very serious and committed to a Brexit worthy of the name. It Also sends a message to Nigel that Boris is willing to risk all in the cause of Brexit and so makes it more likely that TBP will be willing to join a Brexit electoral pact.Indeed if Nigel won’t it brings into question exactly what he does want. If so then the Brexit alliance is almost certain to win the forthcoming GE and delivering Brexit will be comparatively straightforward.
We will be able to tell how good the move is by how much the BBC, Times, Sky news etc squeal. It should make good viewing. Burco who only last week was boasting that he would do everything in his power to stop Brexit , and this from someone who is supposed to be impartial, is now complaining about a PM who is doing everything in his power to deliver it following the choice that the people made three years ago. Hypocrite just like most other Remainers.
The BBC news channel has moved to The green outside the parliamentary estate – even though there is no one sitting . In the background are large numbers of EU flags as well as complementary mentally challenged types screeching ‘ no brexit’
The biased fact checker has been rolled out but he is so discredited that he should go get another job – perhaps emptying dustbins .
The bin men do a useful job. This prat wouldn’t know where to begin.
Doublethinker – How very dare you insult the good name Burco by attaching it with that sanctimonious clown in Westminster. I used to work on the assembly line at that esteemed company many years ago constructing washing machines and I can assure you that all my workmates then would be leavers now. By the way I used to empty dustbins as well my role being a Refuse Disposal Officer and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I do apologise . I did have a Burco washer once , at least I seem to remember that we did. I must have had brain fade again . Apologies once again .
I recall from from many,many years ago that our one was quite small in stature and had copious amounts of steam escaping from the top. A bit like Bercow at present, I’d expect!
Lets hope this latest move by Boris isn’t just a stunt.
I will really enjoy the MSM BBC and the SNP collectively wetting there pants
All this talk of a peoples parliament and peoples vote and peoples march, is really the biggest load of crap
When will the re-moaners finally get it
We are leaving the EU (no ifs or buts) and if they really want to do something constructive then campaign to join the EU. (that would be a vote winner lol)
I listened to Twato from 1300 through to about 1340 when the idiot Jo Swinson was interviewed. All too much by then. Off. Within that 40 minutes or so, any voice of a pro Brexiteer was one: John Redwood who could have been, for me, the only one who pointed out that the ‘Democracy’ the Remoaners want to apply is their own vision of Democracy aka, ‘Power’ which is certainly not the voters vision. Regrettably he didn’t. Professor Bogdenor was completly neutral to the extent that the listener could not determine his preference. All the rest hostile to Brexit. The thing that beats me, is that the Remoaners to a man, woman or indeed anything between, believe that they have no duty to the voters whatever. Power rests with them. Totally, some would say, in fact their attitude is, *uc* the voters. I do hope that come next General Election it is a bloodbath of those ignoring the voters.
One concern is that if, as was stated by a QC interviewed, the Remoaners are on their merry way to a Judicial Review of the Boris decision, and that is in any measure successful, it will by virtue of the judiciary wishing to become involved in politics:
a. demonstrate conclusively that the judiciary cannot be trusted;
Which will result in,
b. the Separation of Powers [ ] being defenestrated.
And that downward spiral will herald the total collapse of whatever is left of democracy.
Extraordinarily dangerous times.
The judges will no doubt think like Ms Miller, behave like Miller, and side with Miller.
BBC will be there all the way in support of Ms Miller.
Is that democratic?
The Government gave the public a vote to leave or remain in the EU.
The public voted to leave.
Parliament then voted by huge majority to ratify that vote.
During the Election in 2017 both Parties stood on a ‘Leave’ ticket.
Parliament has voted against May’s Treaty 3 times.
Therefore the default position is we leave without a deal as NO Party has come up with an alternative.
So how is Boris being undemocratic ?
Hard to see the Supreme Court wanting to take on the PM and the Queen – demanding to see the advice he gave her for her to authorise a closure of Parliament .
With a bit of luck the non existent constitution and all those ‘ conventions’ which the likes to the speaker will overturn will be up for examination when we get out – without a sellout ( won’t use term ‘ deal ‘ )
“Hard to see the Supreme Court wanting to take on the PM and the Queen”
You’ve made a good point there. Never looked at it from that angle.
Interesting you say this Vesna, as thinking back to the R5Nearly Dead ‘interview’ (see above), the academic from Bristol Tech mentioned ‘Miller’ at least half a dozen times, as though it was a paragraph from the holy grail.
Insertion of Millerisms by stealth at the BBC?
Yup – definitely!
Even so I can see the time coming when those traitors to their own nation MPs won’t need her services any more as – out it is.
Its quite possible that she could be called upon to help defend those left wing parties in the EU who are trying to oppose their own independence.
She is a mercenary after all.
Prorogation is one of a handful of powers of the monarch that is outside of the judicial process and therefore cannot be successfully challenged in that way. Seeing as most judicial posts are political appointees, I still expect a ‘verdict’ that attempts to do so.
Dangerous times indeed – I’m amazed that the hard remainers ignore that fact for our democratic future – are they stupid or have another agenda.
As a natural conspiracy theorist – who then is the Kremlin mole, Sturgeon, Corbyn, Swinson ( maybe not clever enough) Grieve. Anyone else for the list?
Hammond and Theresa May and the squeaker.
Special mention must be given to Matt Hancock MP who even now is rewriting history in the best soviet style who intimated that apparently men died on the beaches (Normandy I presume) so that Parliament can rob the electorate of a democratic decision and call this smash and grab raid “democratic”
Not his exact words but I think we all knew where he was going with this.
Do you mean Mrs May of the “leave means leave” and “Brexit means Brexit” cliché ?
yes thats the one – the awkward clothes horse who seems to have difficulty telling the truth.
Why hasn’t Grieve been de-selected yet?
Blair will help him out if he’s broke.
Bye the way, where is Saint Blair?
They wish to keep us in until the full federal EU kicks in in 2022. If they were to succeed, they win forever. Or until the whole stinking mess collapses. As it surely will. Then you will be talking about a whole new level of economic collapse.
The Remoaners are careerists not representatives. They lie to those who elected them because it was best for their career in politics. In fact I cannot think why any careerist could possible support Brexit, because Brexit is about removing an unnecessary and expensive (£39 Billion and that bus) level of governance. Its also why you haven’t heard anything positive about the EU from Remoaners. They don’t want you to know what they think is positive about the EU (see above), and lie about what they fear (see above)
Bogdanor was certainly a Remainer and very anti trump it’s but he is first and foremost a democrat and I believe that he accepts the results and realises the long term damage that would be done an elite over riding the choices of the people.
G- radio4 news: I thought I heard this:
a) some news
b) mainly agenda/narrative
My, my they’re getting bold.
By the time Lee (Leigh?) came on, the incitement was explicit. I switched off when I heard Chakrabati as next speaker. I’d heard enough to know incitement to overthrow the government was afoot, beeb as their public voice.
The parliamentarians, who drone on endlessly about their ‘sovereignty’ forget THAT THAT THEIR SOVEREIGNTY DERIVES FROM THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE, who were consulted, and have spoken. Not because they are such genius.
The outrage the endless stream of anti-Boris voices that were paraded, expressed, is misplaced. The outrage should be over the contempt the MPs show for the people. THE PUBLIC BROADCASTER IS BRAZENLY GATHERING AND MARSHALLING THE FORCES OF REVOLT, DISGUISING IT AS NEWS!
Fake I heard the unelected shami too . Pity she was t asked about Labour Party anti semitism .
What has astounded me so far is the The Speaker has already mouthed off against the right of a OM to petition the Queen to prorogue.
He has not constitutional right to intervene and should have remained to appear ‘ neutral . His conduct makes the issue of constitutional crush’s more real . He has to go soon .
Fed – he should have gone long ago. A little man with a Napoleon complex. Thinks HE is the state.
Urgently requires cutting down to size (even more).
He is right at the heart of the sedition. It all pivots around what he will and won’t ‘allow’. And that’s gone to his head, big time.
Wait for him to arrive in parliament wearing a bicorne on his head, with one hand tucked behind his colourful tie, clutching his stomach or summat. If they can find one large enough to fit him.
I think the ‘Lee’ I refer to above, is Dr Phillip Lee, MP for Bracknell. Apparently a Conservative?
And, talking of the Revolutionary Left, I see in the Express that Norwich MP, Clive Lewis, is urging people to take to the streets.
How exciting! Will Dr Lee be joining him, I wonder?
Well done, beeb. You wanted the revolting to come out, and they have.
Please be upstanding for the National Anthem….
A HYS comment on the BBC News Website:
10387. Posted by Billy on
Just now
“What a great day for this country, the BBC luvvies in melt down interviewing every Remoaner they can find, when this is over Boris force them to honour the free over 75 TV licences even if it breaks there iniquitous biased over paid club.”
I see sky news have a novel way of showing their impartiality.
They have two people being interviewed.
One pro and one against Brexit.
However, they are two remainers but the one sky news have to represent the Brexit point of view is a remainer who ‘accepts’ the result of the referendum (and he is being talked over and interrupted by the other remainer and the interviewer)
It’s like counting Hammond as a leaver because he voted for may’s abomination of a total surrender WA.
They must be running out of questions for remainers as they are having remainer after remainer on. I suppose by never interrupting them and leaving them to go on and on they are having an easy time of it, storing up all their interruptions and bile for the occasional leaver that manages to get on.
Kay Burley – oh dear! I saw it too – she is a product of her times – pushy – gobby – stupid.
On the one hand I love what Boris has done and on the other get infuriated with the stream of remoaners claiming it is undemocratic without any challenge from BBC about their actions..and just hope we finally get Brexit and then an election that sweeps out many of these revolting arrogant idiots
I would like to take this opportunity to remind Al Beeb, the MSM, and all the Remainers and Remoaners to read the £9m booklet that was sent out to the people of Great Britain by David Cameron about what we voted for.
“To Remain a member of the European Union”
“To Leave The European Union.”
Nothing more and nothing less .
Those that lost, introduced the fog, the fudge, and all the smoke and mirrors in an attempt to overturn our democracy.
We voted to Leave.
Brexit first, the BBC next.
If the BBC is as good as it always says it is ,it can pay for itself.
And if the teenage BBC Elites are correct when they boast: our oversea sales are at an all time high – then let the profftts from those sales pay the free TV licence for the elderly.
The liberal bigots at the BBC , and that means nearly everyone
must be shitting themselves.
All of a sudden these howling, outraged Liberal idiots being pushed front and centre, remember what Democracy is and are calling Boris out on it ????
You couldn’t make it up! Get the popcorn ????
Beeb news at 5pm: This time beeb radio4 ditches any pretence of balance, as Carolyn Quinn brings in 2 ‘experts’ -Paul and Hannah, both of whom turn out to be anti-government, to discuss the issue of prorogation of parliament.
It then brings on a ‘Conservative’, Lord Heseltine, to give another point of view. He, like Bercow, speaks of a ‘constitutional outrage’ by Boris. What a surprise!
Then, on come Labour. Their speaker, Andy McDonald, gets quite carried away with his verbosity.
Then, on comes Phillip Hammond. Wow! Any other traitors left?
Carolyn Quinn: leading and coordinating the public voice of the sedition.
Then she brings in Gus O Donnel to badmouth Boris. ‘Very dodgy’, he says. She pretends to be critical, in order to egg him on. Transparent? You betcha. Very Carolyn; she practices on Sunday nights at ten.
She has Ian DS lined up somewhere. That will show how ‘impartial’ she is.
Little snake in the grass.
“Little snake in the grass.”
Even snakes have to come out sometime.
“Parliament to be suspended in September”
Guy Verhofstadt is NOT happy .
He can attend the party conferences, if he so wishes. It should help take a few percentage points off the remainer parties.
The BBC has just rolled out its Royal Correspondent to sombrely tell us, without any factual evidence or supporting quotes, that the Queen will be feeling “resentful” and “deeply concerned” at being asked to approve a brief suspension of Parliament.
No attempt to explain that there is Royal precedent for this, that it is a normal part of Parliamentary democracy, or that it enables Her Majesty’s Government to present the first Queen’s Speech for three years outlining important new legislation.
It is an utter disgrace for the BBC to deliberately misrepresent the Queen’s role and to pretend that it knows what she thinks.
Now they’ve got some “constitutional” expert on telling us that the suspension is “unconstitutional” and that the Conservative party is falling apart – guess she’s a remoaner, but we’re not told that..
Two more months of this utter garbage fake news to come, and then we get out country back.
Ruth Davidson on the verge of resigning . The Remainer MPs are coming out of the woodwork.
Brexit Party , prepare for Government, because I sense a general Election is on the way.
I love reading the hoighty toighty whining HYS comments on the BBBC. One said there will be ‘rioting on the streets’ over this decision or some such bilge. Now that is curious for two reasons; a) I thought it was only Brexit banner-waving, right-wing thugs who would cause trouble in the streets and b) It is arguably a call to violence and should have been removed by the BBBC from the forum. I can’t imagine why it hasn’t eh?
taffman – Davidson quits? The good news just keeps coming.
Carolyn Quinn, Goader-in-Chief tells IDS he’s goading Remainers! That’s rich. She could teach a course on manipulation.
Quinn brings on Sajid to prove her point: outrage and dictatorship. Oops, the agressive interrupting is beginning. She’s really losing it.
Never mind, some more academics are coming on to badmouth Boris. However, they do realise, it turns out, there is such a thing as a Direct democracy, as well as a Representative democracy. That’s progress. But they think Boris will have the Judiciary against him. No surprise there.
A democratic majority of people want a real Brexit, but the BBC has a list of censored politicians and journalists, so we don’t get that impression from the BBC. The BBC says “Fake News” is “added on”. But the BBC is the worlds biggest “Fake News” organisation using “subtracted off”. The BBC’s narratives need to censor the existence of a growing list of politicians, journalists and scientists. At the BBC, Brexit supporters do not exist, Christians do not exist, intelligent people do not exist. Man made Climate Change is the biggest “Fake News” story in history, constructed by the BBC’s best scientific experts, who don’t actually have any scientific qualifications. The BBC thinks that the Labour party was set up to represent posh white people and foreigners while the Tory party was set up to represent the uneducated common folk. To construct the above “Fake News” the BBC’s employees need this list of censored Politicians, Journalists and Scientists.
Nigel Farage is on LBC (Freeview 732) at 6pm. I have my tea then, so I have to go now.
I like how you “correctly” say “your tea” and not diner.
Our local BBC Facebook page ran what was a fairly neutral headline and than asked what people thought.
I really hope they, BBC High Command, the MP, and the rest of Parliament take heed.
Estimate 50:1 not going how Gavin Esler would hope.
So many remainers being interviewed on our ‘impartial’ news channels and they keep on coming out with their rubbish.
Common today is the never challenged statement they keep on repeating “nobody voted for a no deal Brexit”
Did I miss the part on the in / out referendum voting slip which said out but only with a deal.
Was my voting slip a fake?
It only had remain or leave on mine.
I missed the option of leave with a deal acceptable to mp’s.
This Parliament will go down as the worst ever, full of useless mp’s and moderated by a lefty remainer speaker.
The 3 MPs here in Sunderland completely disregarding their electorate, all remainers working against us.
They have decided we didn’t know what we voted for and, as they know better, will ignore us, the ignorant rabble they obviously think we are, to vote ‘the right way’
Roll on the next GE.
“The 3 MPs here in Sunderland completely disregarding their electorate, all remainers working against us.”
That’s because they are now socialising (only) in the kind of company who detest the poor and working class voter.
This short video from We Got a Problem is wonderful to behold. On the hive rat Victoria Derbyshire show, Tom Holland from the Guido Fawkes website and unelected gobshite Margaret Beckett.
Tom Holland does a good job in defending Boris Johnson and leaving the EU. Mrs Beckett completely loses her composure, insults Tom Holland and fumes gloriously about Prime Minister Johnson; she hasn’t yet realised she’s a nobody even if the racist far-left bbc collective think she’s worth listening to.
John – I think Maggie Becket is still an MP – and not long ago she was after the Speakers ‘ job – no doubt to continue funding her tropical plants with taxpayers money .
In such circumstances it’s almost a game seeing the same old mouthpieces coming out or running back from their holidays a couple of days early .
Allistair Campbell must be due together with the foreign Miller woman on behalf of Soros as well as the troll previous PMs .
Remainers have used every trick available – including the use of a criminal MP freshly released from prison wearing a tag to win a vote by her single vote . If they do that any legal method is fair on behalf of brexiters .
Ah, I thought she’d been given a peerage.
Checking Google, I see she has. But I thought peers couldn’t be MPs. I’m obviously mistaken.
Just not on the tele with your 10 year old daughter in the room ????
As headlines and images go, very BBC.
(Not in an impartial, professional way).
The BBC are treating the Queen with contempt. Send in the army to surround Balmoral and lock up the treasonous scoundrels.
Watching the 6pm BBC news i get the vibe that the BBC is treading carefully on the current brexit situation because it really is big boys games now .
They are falling back on the views of joe public – whose level of intelligence etc is unknown so opinions of no value either way and just filler in the news .
No doubt the test of the BBCs attitude / bias will be Newsnight and Toady tomorrow .
Rentacrowd will also be turning up with one of those meaningless big marches by panicking remainers ….
I’ve noticed that also – unless it is because the BBC are starting to back the winning horse and quietly backing off from too much mega bias. Boris could cause them a lot of bother if he chooses to. They are starting to, in their little snivelling way, starting to cover their backs, and their income. It shows how shallow these employees at the BBC are and their moral standards.
Don’t worry – the public notice these things.
BBC seems to think the working class viewers are thick and that we only get our intel from them.
It’ll be their funeral.
On beeb tv news at 6, we finally have the shouters yelling outside Balmoral, while Sarah Smith reports.
Poor HM.
Then over to Emma Vardy in Ireland, with a lengthy exposition of what Sinn Fein think.
After that we hear from Cardiff how outraged the Labour Assembly is, notwithstanding the people of Wales having voted ‘leave’.
But Laura K. trumps it all (so to speak). She has found people gathering outside parliament.
Probably find Clive Lewis MP there, as the revolting populus follow his call to go onto the streets. Doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going, poor chap. Should he be in there or out? Maybe, like Ruth Davidson, it will all be too much for him, and he will quit.
Here’s hoping.
Anything which the enemy Sinn Fein thinks is bad can only be good .
Oh they do love a protest gathering don’t they !!! Those 75 million who attended (BBC crowd figures) the People’s vote march certainly made a difference didn’t they !!!!!! NOT
I would love to see their faces when it registers that all their hopes of their longed for “peoples vote” is swiftly disappearing over the horizon. (or the Thames)
It’s the timing I love. Yesterday Corbyn, Swinson, Mcdonnell, Lucas, Grieve etc, all thought they were the top dogs and the BBC lapped their little stunt up !!!!!
BBC bulletin after bulletin, presenters, reporters could not hide their glee, was truly sickening.
Less than 24hours later, and Boris hits em with a great big swinging right hook !!!! Beautiful Boris, just beautiful.
Now we have a complete BBC, FBPE , liberal left meltdown and all their pitiful efforts of yesterday are forgotten.
Remoaner after remoaner wheeled out to tell us just how undemocratic Boris is being but the stunt they tried to pull yesterday wasn’t ????? A taste of their own medicine and they do not like it !!! But I certainly do !!!!!
I have just been watching the WIMMINS 6 PM news on BBC TV!!
Including the news presenter over 80% of the reporters and
those of the public interviewed were women. It was not 90%
because a couple of the general public were men.
You transphobe!
We are all women now!
A very unscientific survey by me. I was watching Sky when I first heard this announcement by Johnson. I didn’t watch it all as I looked at the BBC a couple of times.
In that time I saw Sky interview eight different politicians, and the BBC three. Out of those 11 how many were pro-Brexit and Johnson’s plan and how many were anti-Brexit and anti-the plan? See below…..
You probably guessed it right:
Brexiteers = 0. Remainiacs = 11.
BBC telling us now that 500,000 have signed a anti perouging petition !!
So ?? 17.4 million ticked the Leave box on the referendum ballot paper and you don’t give a toss about that !!!
Funny how the BBC always mention petitions when it’s something that suits their far left narrative, but deadly silent when a petition doesn’t suit their agenda !!!!
Oh yes, it’s been headline news all through the night on R5Almost Dead.
Lots of shouting on the streets from remoaners, most of whom don’t even know what prorogation actually is. When the rest of the studes get back from Magaluf, they’ll probably join in as well, so the bbc will be out there, egging them on!
C4 news – for ever Remainer Bias – broadcasting from the Embankment opposite Westminster so no mad ranters in the background . Painfully reporting that Number 10 said no minister will be put up .
Thank God D . Cummings et al realise that talking to the biased MSM is a waste of time .
Just heard Jeremy Corbyn has asked for an urgent meeting with the Queen. If the remainers try to politicise the Queen in this they will meet an imoveable wall. Don’t forget, the army swears it’s allegience to the Queen first not the country. They are going too far, far too far – They know not what they do. Children! Lets get ready for the demo’s. Did Boris ever get his water cannon?
Tough luck Boris, Owen Jones has called the masses to demonstrate in defence of our Parliament tonight
I must say Owen has recovered well after his head was kicked in by the “far right”.
They assumed the place he was talking from would be his head so it was his arse that got the kicking.
He has rallied the faithful.
He sounds like Bunny La Roche.
Guess who Newsnight have called in?
Yes, the old failed commie music teacher whom the BBC made an economics correspondent. You couldn’t make it up.
Looks like he’s been water-painting with his purple colour again.
Peston on ITV says Boris is following the Trump formula. That would be good.
A tiny voice still inhabits me, however.
Peston says there is a conference with the EU in October. So, what if a ‘deal’ emerges? Very little time for parliament to debate it.
The little voice says: Extension?
After three years of May’s little shenanigans, nothing would surprise. There was nothing about a ‘deal’ in the referendum. And thus nothing about ‘no deal’. Do we believe/forgive our new PM, for even mentioning the concept of a deal? Or is it just for public consumption? Part of a negotiating strategy? If there is ‘negotiating’, is it merely to run down the clock? Or are we back to ‘achieving a deal’?
There are a lot of mirrors here.
After all Boris’ many, solid-sounding assurances, would we find more time being needed? Goalposts shifted AGAIN?
It seems inconceivable.
Go away, little voice….
Are you there, Nigel and UKIP?
Nigel on his LBC show was pretty certain that Boris is using this to extract some minor concessions from the EU at that conference and then bounce Parliament into voting for what will be little better than May’s treaty. I suspect he is correct.
Yes I have a sinking feeling to that this may be the plan..however it may be that we are all so used to being mislead that we don’t believe anything until it happens –
Parliament, Al Beeb and MSM Vs the British people. Its going to be a Brino MK2.
Vote and support UKIP and The Brexit Party.
I smell a general election on the way in the autumn.
fnw, ” There was nothing about a deal in the Referendum.”
Except on page 8 of the Government’s own publication, urging a Remain vote:
“Some argue that we could strike a good deal quickly with the EU because they want to keep access to our market.
But the Government’s judgement is that it would be much harder than that – less than 8% of EU exports come to the UK while 44% of UK exports go to the EU.”
In other words – a vote to Leave – after the inevitable Article 50 period, means leaving without a deal. Unless sabotaged by Remainers in Parliament, determined to cost the UK more money and damage our businesses and economy. Which they did.
I’ve now watched about 1 hour of the BBC News channel this evening and all I heard was interviews with people who want to stop Brexit. The BBC could at least pretend to be impartial by interviewing one Brexit supporter per day as a minimum requirement.
The BBC think along the lines that any contact with their enemy (leave voters) might taint them.
The panel on Dateline London (BBC2) all spoke in terms of pessimism and optimism – i.e. being pessimistic meant thinking that Boris would win. The chairman Carrie Gracie can be assumed to share that attitude.
Not on BBC:
Trump’s Tweet Today:-
“Would be very hard for Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labour Party, to seek a no-confidence vote against New Prime Minister Boris Johnson, especially in light of the fact that Boris is exactly what the U.K. has been looking for, & will prove to be “a great one!” the US president tweeted on Wednesday.
He concluded his tweet with, “Love U.K.”
Have to see it from Trump’s perspective. The EU and its march towards a superstate, its own army led by Germany, might well get into a nasty war which will drag in US solders, and Trump is saying no more.
Yes and it could be our soldiers if we don’t get out of the EU pretty soon.
Grrrr! Dragged back early from ‘leave’ for a so-called (by the BBC) ‘constitutional crisis’. Nothing of the sort.
Spotted one outright lie from the BBC both on web-site and on Radio 4: shares and £ down because the PM has asked the Queen for a prorogation of Parliament.
News of the move leaked out around 10am but it was really only firmed up after that time. At that stage, our Monarch had not given her assent. If you look at the three currency movements monitored on the BBC w/s here: (you need to click on the Euro, Yen and US Dollar in turn to see the daily movement) you find that after the news broke the £ rose against those currencies.
It is true that the FTSE-250 stayed red all day to the close but the FTSE-100 rose on the first news and then more than trebled its gain of nearly 8pts to finish 25pts up as you can see from the closing figures. Am not going to explain why the FTSE-250 is down (there are reasons other than Brexit) as it will take too long and am on hols.
Anyway, the last time I commented on here on the 250 Index, I gave it the TMS and MotD Commentators’ ‘Kiss of Death’ !
Brexit is at last moving in the right direction. It wasn’t so under May’s now discredited watch.
The country suffered three wasted years thanks to Parliament. There’s been damage to our democracy, economy and society. And also our credibility globally has been damaged. Is all this salvageable? Time will tell.
We need to get on with it.
Not sure if this is panning out hilarious or bizarre. Probably both.
I would really like to meet HM . I saw her once from afar .
Good Queen Bess II.
Do you think she peeps over to this site ?
She does indeed – goes by the moniker of StewGreen I believe :0)
Guest , Good real good stuff on her Twitter feed .
Has the Monster Raving Loony Party requested a meeting with HM?
Dam upstart, this Swinson woman-how dare she-now the leader of the wettest load of scrubbers ever to hold office in our great Parliament. Doubt her Majesty will offer this irritating woman an audiance now or anytime in the future-why does she not go back home and take care of her children who would prefer to have their mother with them not away from them. Likely she will lose her Parliamentary seat next time around if Scotland actually goes independent.
Hilarious – does she think a letter of that sort will make the Queen want to see her…Ha F..king ha – sorry about language but the Remainers have driven me to it 🙂
The Queen has more experience in half of her little finger nail than all of the Liberal MPs put together have in their whole lives..and this Jo Swinson is so wet we won’t ever have a water crisis while she is around
I have noticed that since she was bribed to be the leader of the Liberal Party she tends to stick her chest out more?
Not that I look at breasts.
Well, she is in your face all the time. And on TV she looks closer still. More so that I’ve had to push me favourite chair away from the telly by at least 11 feet. (that’s feet not the continental measurement)
It will be interesting if / how the BBC report ‘ protests’ by snowflake remainers as they fear that the democratic will of the Majority could be finally carried through .
They have a dilemma – over report it and incite violence – by remainers – or ignore / minimise it to prevent public disorder developing …
No need to worry about how they have reported the protests…….check out the picture on the main news page. 4 BME people snarling on the picture and of course they are all women.
So relax and breath in gently they have as always not disappointed in how they shove the race card into everything they do.
Oh and by the way look at the latest knife crime report. The white hands normally used showing someone holding a knife behind their back have been replaced by a pair of BME hands…tut…tut
“Parties agree plan to block no-deal Brexit, Plaid say”
Welsh People voted out ? We have been let down?
Why are we waiting ?
How’s this for a dodgy poll?
Look at the question asked:
The question quite clearly implies that prorogation is causing Parliament to be closed between mid September and mid October. In fact it was always going to be closed for that length of time, other than about 4 days.
Had they said, “meaning that the closure of Parliament between mid September and mid October is extended by a few days” they’d have got a quite different answer.
Always bear that in mind when reading poll results.
Who is the head of YouGov married to?
bBBC vox pop in the Radio Four 6 o’clock ‘news’. They went to Stratford because the town voted 52-48 for Leave, the same as the country as a whole. So the bBBC broadcast a short comment from a woman opposing proroguing Parliament and one sentence from a woman in favour of getting on with Brexit. Then a long piece with two women from the EU who have been working here for years, worried about whether they’ll be allowed to stay here. One of them described Boris Johnson as a tyrant.
Normal for biased BBC.
But it sure makes us leavers feel good knowing that the BBC knows they can do nowt about it even though they will tell us they can.
Well it looks like the BBC’s favorite has finally come off of his fence and is ready to give us an earful for the terrible things that Johnson dictator is doing.
Unelected Corbyn, who leads a party who have not been elected since 2005 and who wants to rid us of our Queen yet had the cheek to go grovelling to Her Royal Highness just the other week with a wacky idea of being a caretaker PM has now come out sniveling as his latest power grab plot has backfired.
The irony is rich and the BBC are playing up to it as usual:
Jeremy Corbyn: What is Boris Johnson so afraid of?
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Boris Johnson of carrying out a “smash and grab on our democracy” by asking the Queen to suspend Parliament.
The Labour leader said his party and other opposition members will attempt to lay legislation in the Commons next week to prevent it happening.
He added: “What’s [Mr Johnson] so afraid of that he needs to suspend Parliament to prevent Parliament from discussing these matters?”
“Parliament suspension sparks furious backlash”
I think the EU is pushing for its ‘usual’ second referendum.
JUst the usual middle class kids on a jolly. Not even a decent rabble these days just a bunch of self obsessed morons.
You’ve summed it up – self obsession is the new national passtime – cheered on by the new empowered cocktail drinking absent mamas. My god those drinks take so long to make at the bar when all your after is a pint!
“Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament prompts assembly recall”
Time the people of Wales got rid of the great bureaucratic cabal called The Assembly and spent the money saved on health and education in Wales.
The people of Wales voted out.
Have Plaid got something to do with this?
The ‘Party of Wales’ where Wales itself voted leave yet the ‘Party of Wales’ even stepped aside in Brecon to let a remain party win.
So much for being the ‘Party of Wales’
Have all the staff at Al Beeb been told “if we leave the EU we are finished and you lot are out of a job” ?
Hence all the examples of Al Beeb’s Anti-Brexit Bias reported on here today ?
Steptoe and the queen…..
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will join the Privy Council despite missing its first meeting since his appointment.
It would have been the first chance for the Labour leader, a life-long republican, to be sworn in to the historic group which advises monarchs.
A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said he was unable to attend due to “other commitments”.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been sworn in to the Privy Council, the historic group which advises monarchs.
The lifelong republican officially joined the council in front of the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Labour did not confirm whether he knelt and kissed the hand of the Queen – a traditional part of the swearing-in ceremony.
The Labour leader said the prime minister needed to be “held to account by Parliament” and must not be allowed to shut it down.
Jeremy Corbyn has written to the Queen to protest about the PM’s plan, saying it was “not acceptable” and “not on”.
He asked what Boris Johnson was “so afraid of”, and added there would be a motion of confidence in the PM “at some point.
Why on earth should Corbyn supposedly so it has been reported a supporter of communism be allowed to become a Privy Councillor. A complete nutter- perhaps the likes of George Soris has made Corbyn promises to be the head of the State of Europe.
I voted to Leave in 2016.
In 2016 Leave won.
What happened?
The state media did not like the result, for one.
According to Steve Baker MP only three sitting days in parliament will be lost, which makes the dummy-spitting all the more ridiculous.
I think HMQ probably knows more about the constitution than any of the remoaners and I trust (hope) she is as appalled as we all are by these puffed-up little bullies spouting off and inciting ‘the masses’, writing to her telling her what to think, and demanding meetings.
This photograph demonstrates how the BBC sees the population of the United Kingdom.
This technique for promoting ethnic replacement is an old one. By showing the idealised people you want you are implicitly excluding the ones you don’t want.×1438.jpg&w=460&hash=0125e3da356fc83b5b0ba1a5629d5470
Cassandra 100% correct that is how they see us and hells bells its getting close to that- Do they really care as to whether Parliament is shut for a while or not? They don’t, its just an excuse to make a noise and cause a some disturbance- sadly most of those people hate us the indig Brits-wonder if it might be worthwhile offering them a ticket to go back to where they came from, now or originally. Nothing to off us but a load of continual trouble as we are witnessing now every day.
One driven by the BBC.
Who are not pure activists with a £5,000,000,000 budget and teflon accountability card.
The MSM are really at it today. BBC, ITV, Sky and of course the news letters such as Guardian, Mirror, Independent ect are convinced that Boris Johnson is being undemocratic and of course everyone has to go out and protest.
How many at these protests?
Nice weather today so must be a good day to have a stroll through central London and join in with the carnage.
Funny how these protests are smaller when it starts raining though. For the BBC it really must be raining hard on them!
I think benefits have something to do with it.
The BBC is run by BIG BROTHER head of the Diversity department.
The BBC website is instructed that as with this picture and
that of the new born baby, it has to be one of an ethnic nature.
It is absolute policy of the BBC now. ” Have you ever seen so
many white faces” will NEVER be a problem so far as the BBC
website is concerned.
From the article …..
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn described Mr Johnson’s move as “a smash-and-grab on our democracy” in order to force through no-deal by leaving MPs without enough time to pass laws in Parliament. He pledged to try to stop the suspension.
And anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller – who previously won a legal battle against ministers over Article 50 – has made a judicial review application to the courts about Mr Johnson’s decision.
LOL … Two of the most undemocratic people lecturing US on democracy. They really are something else !!!!!
From the BBC ….
The prime minister’s decision to suspend Parliament has prompted an angry backlash from MPs and opponents of a no-deal Brexit.
It sparked protests across the country, a legal challenge and a petition with more than a million signatures.
There we go again, mention the petition because it suits the BBC narrative. I honestly don’t recall them telling us about the huge amount of signatures on the Support No Deal petition a few months back !!!!
And the BBC article, it sparked protests around the country !!! Really. The one in Manchester was attended by about 8 people, hardly the mass protests they would like you to believe !!!!!
As summaries go…. with the bbc getting special mention…
I heard the same thing . The BBC News is saying that 1.1 million have signed the petition -. We have experience here of the BBC not reporting that petitions have been set up nor that they have passed the hundred thousand threshold to be forwarded to the commons to be ignored .
Apparently this petition calls on brexit to be debated . I thought they’d been doing that firv3 years in order to stop the people’s vote being put into effect .
When the petition gets to 14.4 million it might be worth something .
So about one in ten people who voted remain easily managed to sign an online petition?
I wonder how many ‘bots’ have been to task?
all about the eu.bc getting more support for the petition
No protests in Bournemouth yet but we have the airshow. Most Brits must have something better to do.
Most protests that I have seen so far are online with the usual keyboard warriors working overtime
Can’t see the riots lasting; its too much like hard work as they are so used to their masters in the EU thinking and doing for them.