‘Me and my neighbour’s Sky subscription expire on the same day
So every year just before it’s up for renewal we phone them up
They give me a price, I tell them I’m not going to leave, but can they give me a better price.
For some reason they never lower the price.
My neighbour the strange guy does the opposite he tells them it’s not good enough and he’s leaving.
They offer him a better price and he accepts it.”
I think Corbyn is right to rule out No Brexit.
My neighbour the strange guy says that’s wrong
.. strange guy.
You’ve started me on Sky . In the dumb days when I paid the tv licence I was paying £50 a month to Sky . The box broke down . They wanted £85 to fix the box I said – come take it away – they checked and discovered I was on a monthly contract .
I terminated it immediately . They kept ringing me to come back – £20 a month plus bits . Guess which word beginning with eff I used to tell them to take me off the Data Protection records and leave me alone . More to life that the footy …
I think whoever wrote that hasn’t got much of a clue about WW2. Which is no surprise . National pride isn’t too fashionable – unless it’s wearing a hijab
I must admit I enjoyed the 21 traitors ‘crashing out’ ‘over a cliff’
I only hope they are out for good and are not let back in again.
We seem to be swinging from leave in front to remain in front like a pendulum.
I hope Boris and Dom have a plan to regain the initiative because they should have seen this coming.
They must know the big girls blouse will know he will lose the GE bigly.
And finally,
All those snowflakes whingeing on about Boris mounting a coup by adding 5 days after the conventions before Parliament sits again, perfectly legal and morally correct, yet the pompous windbags have taken over Parliament and put legislation forward to trash the democratic vote they promised to honour in their manifestos. Sounds much more like a coup to me.
You can polish and put glitter on a politician but they will still be a 574£
Being a bit bored – I checked on the political party websites to see if the Conferences are on … the answer is “ yes” – so the threshold for coup appears to be very low for remainers .
EG – Just a pity it wasnt a real cliff – I would cheerfully give all of them a helpfull shove, especially that backstabbing weasel Hammond!
This is not really a BBC related point, but I just wonder whether some of the snowflakes have started to realise how dangerous the political situation is becoming – one that they have helped create.
At work today a normally very combative remainer asked me what I thought about the current remainer fuelled fiasco in Parliament. I replied that any semblance of democracy in this country has now been blown right out the water and as far as I am concerned, if the next Government creates any laws I dont agree with I would have little guilt over breaking them.
He went very quiet and did not make any sort of direct response to my statement. As far as I am now concerned, all bets are now off regarding respect for the law and democracy, and if there are any laws that I disagree with, and if my breaking them involves little personal risk of being found out, From now on my attitude will be “well why not” If I (a normally law abiding citizen) is now thinking this way, I am sure that there are quite a few people out there, with less scruples, who will be more happy to up the ante, and do you know what , I dont blame them.
Has anyone else out there had any similair experiences with our snowflakes or do you think this was just a “one off”?
Walking through the town centre I passed a young man walking the other way. He was on his mobile and I heard him say, “..well they got the sovereignty they voted for…”
That was all I heard and I didn’t know him from Adam but I was surprised how close I felt to thumping him, verbally if not physically!
Civil behaviour requires both sides to keep to ‘the rules’; the rules of democracy no longer apply in the UK.
I think this has been half the problem, the momentum lot can say and do what they like and because of the crooked BBC led MSM, if we as much as open our mouths we are portrayed as far right, whereas the left get a free pass.
However I think this week has been important not only for, showing the majority of parliamentarians up as the crooks we all know they are, but it has also highlighted the dreadful MSM hanging on every word even the most obscure remainer has uttered whilst pillorying anyone who just wants a democratic decision enacted.
As I said before , I now consider all bets are off.
Oak, Hammond has been sacked good and proper. He will either have to try and fight his seat as an Independent something or other or start looking for another job.
C4 news interviewing a LimpDumb, Jane Dodds, and a SNP -Drew Hendry explaining why they want an election, but don’t want an election. Even Jon Snow says it’s a ‘bizzare situation’ and that people are ‘fed up to the back teeth’ with parliament. Wow!
Getting ready for a C4 hit piece on JRM.
Given the conduct of our ‘so called’ parliament, it is easy to see now why Al Beeb hasn’t been abolished . The swamp has to be drained before true democracy returns to this nation.
Tory voters and supporters need to move to The Brexit Party. The Tory Party is almost finished………… https://www.thebrexitparty.org
I’m glad you’ve moved from UKIP to the brexit Party . There just seemed to be too much division and too many mixed messages . Keep the message simple – vote Leave and let the MSM do it’s worse – but fortunately there are enough tough characters in that party to deal with biased BBC Remainers.
I too have made that decision, but I have remained a member of UKIP. Just as the Brexit party hold Boris’s feet to the fire on leaving, so UKIP will be essential to applying pressure to the Brexit party, especially on immigration.
Taffy I was saying on the Con Woman site today that I consider that the swamp and “our” BBC are indivisible and could be considered as having a symbiotic relationship and that no serious changes could be made to one without dealing with the other.
Whilst we still have a Parliament and a establishment full of cultural marxist vipers, and weak jobsworths no serious changes will ever happen to the BBC.
When the BBC is finally dealt with then that will be the sign that at last some progress is being made. It may be a long time in coming!
There’s more news on Twitter than from the BBC especially the stuff it doesn’t want us to know – idiots
The United States fully supports the UK’s decision to leave the European Union through Brexit. Thank you Prime Minister @BorisJohnson for your great leadership, we look forward to negotiating a new free trade deal between the US and UK! https://t.co/BbPWmMQwZb
Sarah Montague gave Ken Clarke an easy time on 1pm Radio 4 news today. He even said that as a special temporary measure Corbyn would be the best to take over the lead to get No Deal legislation passed and an extension agreed with the EU. In contrast, the next person interviewed, someone on Boris’s side (didn’t catch the name*) was given the combative style: argue strenuously, interrupt and shout.
I am not just angry now, I am actually very much afraid. I am afraid of all this ending with an unholy coalition dominated by Labour. I can’t understand why Jeremy Corbyn and Silvertongue MacDonnell have achieved acceptance as valid politicians when, by rights, the security services should have barred them from holding public office of any kind including sweeping up in the HoC.
Despairada, that someone was a real surprise: it was Nicky Morgan of all people. Quite a turnaround there. And she wasn’t going to pushed around by the Montacutie. Sarah was forced into breaking the first rule of radio presenting.
I’ve been looking at photos of Dancing Terry May, US criminal Peter Strzok and EU anti-democrat happy Donald Tusk and they have similarities in their demeanor. They are brazenly laughing at us, as though they know nothing will ever happen to them regardless of what they might have done.
I tried to add a photo of each of them smirking at the camera, in strikingly similar ways. But my computer expertise isn’t up to it. However, there are many photos online of them and other questionable people who all have the same look about them. It’s uncanny.
jic, the most telling photo of the former PM I have seen was at the G12 or G20 or summat summit last autumn. She was alongside Putin. Looking at the picture I was left wondering whether Putin was the Christian and Theresa May the thug and killer. Her face and eyes spoke volumes.
And not about the man standing next to her, either.
jic, think there are indications that a form of possession has grabbed some of our MPs; it does seem Satanic to me, too. In ‘normal’ UK politics there is a certain consensus on most things and even with strongly held beliefs, eg. the NHS, universal Benefits, the right to strike, and so on can be agreed by people of opposing political Parties.
The EU really has possessed many Remainer MPs and it obviously goes beyond mere enthusiasm or the desire for some presumed benefit for our nation and the world. I have been reminded while posting today, having mentioned her name, of those strange shaking episodes that publicly affected Angela Merkel earlier this year. Her explanation did not ring true to me. I still wonder what was behind it.
It is also interesting that all the accusations come from Remainers. One finger pointing, three fingers pointing back at the accusers. So many of Remain’s accusations have been proved to be false – their own lies – such as the £350m per week banner and the Russian meddling and the “We did not vote for No Deal” and “Nobody voted to make themselves poorer.”
There are loads of conspiracy theories out there and I don’t think they are helpful. But those who seek to and do get their wisdom from God know that the heart of man (and woman) is deceitful above all things and is desperately wicked. It is constantly seeking to be its own god. It’s very hard to shrug off that old Genesis 3 thing.
Is it a coincidence that the new EU building in Brussels is modelled on Babel? Maybe. But we know who is the father of lies. We have been warned.
Don’t let’s dwell on that too much. Rather let us dwell on thoughts of liberation, freedom, new responsibility and opportunity for good. And pray and campaign for it.
“Vice President Pence at Lord Mayor’s International Trade Dinner in London
Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks at the Lord Mayor’s International Trade Dinner at the Guildhall in London”
Labour MP and chair of the Home Affairs Committee Yvette Cooper criticised the PM for using police officers as a backdrop to his speech.
“This is an abuse of power by Boris Johnson, making so many police stop their training and work to be part of his political stunt,” she said.
….. Do these lefties ever get off their bloody moral high ground !!!!! They have to make a song and dance about any tiny little thing !!! Even worse the Far Left BBC lap it up and report it …… I give up, I really do !!!!! an abuse of power, do me a ruddy favour !!!!
Boris could give every homeless person a house and £200k and he’d still be a wrong un !!!!!
Was ‘giving every homeless person a house’ one of Corbyn’s wacky schemes? Even more daft than one strange pledge over football tickets ‘so everyone can enjoy the game’
They have a job to do? Like turn a blind eye while thousands of our young girls are raped, trafficked, tortured and murdered by muslims? Is that what you’d rather they were doing Mrs cooper-balls?
Don’t forget painting their nails, painting rainbows on their cars, twerking at Notting Hill, escorting muslim gangs to intimidate TR, persecuting TR, and failing to prevent crime. Those boys are busy.
Not all of them. I’m sorry, but comments like this really do annoy me when I have a brother in WMP working bloody hard to keep the streets safe. He had to do overtime the Bank Holiday weekend because some officers were sent down to London to help the Met police the Notting Hill Carnival.
He’s a local old school copper who has worked his area for 25 years+ and he says things have never been this bad, morale is at a all time low. He’s seriously thinking of leaving and going to work with LordB. Yes, he let his hair down and had a little dance round while po!icing Birmingham Pride earlier this year, the thing is that by doing things like that, he and other officers make themselves approachable to the law abiding members of society. The problem, like with the NHS is the management structure and the fast tracking of applicants with degrees. Instead of officers like my brother being promoted, young officers who have absolutely no idea what they are doing are promoted and as my brother rather bluntly puts it, they couldn’t organise a p*ss up in a brewery!
I worked in the NHS, loved my job, loved helping moms to be and new moms, I worked in a maternity unit, the problem was the nurse managers above me who had absolutely no idea of how to run a unit, no clerical experience and were basically bullies to most of the clerical staff. I resigned in the end, because my health was more important to me, I was given a fit note by my doctor, sent it in and was phoned by one of my managers and called a !iar. I resigned the next day and went back into a PAs job, more money and no hassle. That’s where a lot of the money is wasted in the NHS, but people don’t want to hear this.
So please, not all police are bad. My brother is horrified by the events unfolding in Westminster this week, he said to me he fears there will be real violent clashes breaking out in the next few weeks and months, and he says he truly believes that the police will not be able to cope.
As for me, I will be voting with a heavy heart for the Brexit Party if and when there is a GE. A heavy heart because my Labour MP is one of the good ones, he is a leaver, but I can’t vote for a party with Corbyn in charge.
Meanwhile …. the Londonistan evening standard announces the latest dead teenager . This time it’s a 15 year old in N17 – which I suppose is mad Comrade Lammy s territory . On my numbers this brings the London homicide level to 101 . The norm for a year is 110 . I predicted 130 at the beginning of the year – up on last year .
Playing the numbers and ‘thoughts and prayers ‘ game doesn’t reflect the horror of each of these deaths to those involved and the families .
This most recent death resulted from a stabbing on Friday – I think – but the machines have now been switched off . I wonder if the BBC will report it as it’s so busy playing party games on college green outside that waste of space …
You can get the girl (sic**) out of the BBC, but you can’t get the BBC out of the girl…
On LBC today Shelagh Fogerty mentioned that Momentum are recruiting staff for their election campaign.
I wonder if he can supply a job spec and application form?
** Actually she could give Vanessa Feltz a run (waddle?) for her money.
Me again. Just a thought before I log-out..
One of those bBBC (and MSM) omission things so, as I often do, I look to this site for wise words.
Regarding the conflict in Yemen – can anyone tell me which side is the Religion of Peace?
This isn’t BBC, but the sheer naked bias of Kay Burley has to be seen to be believed. Well done to Lucy Harris for calling her out as a remainer. Burley then says she didn’t vote.
Oops. Turns out she tweeted #ivoted during the referendum itself. Was she lying then or is she lying now?
The knives are out for Jacob Rees Mogg tonight as well…..there is nothing the Remainstream media will do to stop us leaving the EU………………
The BMA are a TRADE UNION of course as has been pointed out this week and Dr.Nicholl obviously has his motives
During the 1980s I proposed an undergraduate course in medical ethics for medical students in my univerity. I was told that whilst the girls (nurses) would love it there was no room in the curriculum for an ethics course. ‘What do you want me to do?, asked the dean. ‘Drop anatomy to make room for it’.
It seems that doctors have found a way of including the complexities of Brexit negotiations in their studies and a degree or two in medicine provides them with specialist knowledge in this area.
More BS from beeb. This time from their Milton Nkosi, reporting from South Africa.
He talks about the current bout of xenophobic violence against other Africans and manages to blame it on Apartheid, which ended a quarter of a century ago. Listen to his report: a complete lack of logic is a feature of his argument.
He doesn’t even sound embarrassed about his lies. Mention the magic word, and the job is done. For beeb it suffices that Whitey has been blamed.
That way you can avoid the obvious truth.
it probably was the fault of apartheid – there were more jobs then for black S. Africans – now they are fighting ‘immigrants’ from other african countries who they claim are coming into SA and taking their jobs..
Now turn this around to a European country and the Left would be all over it…but they can’t shout racist here..hypocrisy again by BBC
It comes as no surprise that beeb news leads with Mugabe as its big story, and while it attempts to sound ‘frank’, it actually misses out more light being shone on:
a. The horrific slaughter of many thousands of opponents in Matabeleland in the eighties, which should have marked the end of Mugabe for the ‘international community’, but was ignored; even this morning, both beeb and Peter Hain manged only to say briefly in a word or two, that there had been a ‘massacre’;
b. The embarrassing truth that it was under the much-despised ‘white minority regime’ that Zimbabwe was the bread-basket of Africa; after that, things started going down the tubes; make of that what you will;
c. Linking to Milton Nkosi’s dishonest report from Johannesburg, last night, the fact that we are seeing a SLOW MOTION repeat of Zimbabwe IN SOUTH AFRICA RIGHT NOW. Thousands of white farmers, their families and their workers have been MURDERED, in an ANC approved attempt to drive them from the land. They will deny this, of course. They will deny that it is even happening, knowing Peter Hain and his ilk will remain silent. (see e.g. Matabeleland). The ANC government is also going ahead with EWC, expropriation without compensation – a land grab- repeating the mistakes of Zimbabwe in plain sight; I won’t even go in to all the anti-white legislation currently made into law;
d. Signs of political intolerance are growing in Zimbabwe MkII: Only this week the former South African flag was banned as ‘hate speech’, and there are now calls for one Ernst Roets, who dared display it, to be jailed for thirty days.
e. We can conclude that there will be fine words from beeb, which will then promptly go on to ignore what is happening in SA. In twenty years time, we may well have a repeat of today’s programme on beeb, to mark the demise of South Africa’s industrial and commercial powerhouse, and the death of some other brutal dictator; his deeds will be glossed over, because he was black, but rest assured, beeb will refer to an ‘icon’ of Black Emancipation, and emphasise the positive.
Assuming that, by then, beeb will not be in other hands, who will mention ONLY the positive.
My message not only to Al Beeb but to Parliament this time……………
“You can fool some people some times but you cant fool all the people all the time”.
We know your game and its time for a change, Remainer MPs should start looking for a new job.
Oddly enough, after Fiona Bruce went to such pains to assure us the QT audience was balanced and rational, the questioners selected from that same impartial audience were almost entirely pro-remain. It’s almost as though the assurance was insincere.
Mind you, Ian Dale’s restraint in not smacking that smug fat Scotchman in the mouth was admirable.
The clip doing the rounds of Twitter of Ems gabbling like a landed flounder to a question from Fi is rather fun, topped off nicely by Daley’s summary.
How can supposedly bright BBC staff seriously think this bloated windbag and her locked away boss and mentally challenged colleagues are a serious government in waiting?
That Scotchman: isn’t he one of the most repulsive people you have ever seen? It is such a shame, because one begins to associate the Scotch accent itself with those mean-minded and bossy people in the SNP: Blackford, Gethyns, Kirsty Blackman, etc, etc, and runs for cover when one hears it.
I have never posted before. I have complained to the BBC on 3 occasions in the last couple of years over their antibrexit bias. It is a waste of time. They effectively mark their own homework.
I still watch the BBC, yes I know it is masochistic. On QT tonight Emily Thornberry and to a lesser extent the SNP representative were allied to talk at will, interrupt and just call people names. It was utterly embarrassing. The BBC are now seen by many to be as supine as our parliament.
Fiona Bruce is not up to the job.
Welcome, Stevo and thanks 1. for making an effort and actually complaining to the BBC, and, 2. providing another witness account for ‘the prosecution’.
The BBC dropped Bellamy like a hot balloon when he refused to toe the party line.
Patrick Moore’s days were numbered when he described illegal immigrants as ‘parasites’, as can be witnessed now in the diversity of The Sky at Night.
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, a presenter of The Sky at Night
I used to enjoy watching The Sky at Night when Moore presented it. After his death, I didn’t bother. I expect there were BBC bosses who were thinking, “thank goodness that old bigot is dead”.
I just had the misfortune of watching the BBC produced Victoria & Albert film. I’m sure it will come as no surprise that it was an SJW’s woke wet dream.
Here are my thoughts
“I guess I kind of expected how this would go but thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt. I should have trusted my instincts. I made it through just under an hour before the constant Brit bashing and virtue signalling of every other culture just became too much to swallow.
It is no surprise that it is made by the BBC as they really do hate everything about the first initial of their name. For the hour that I saw, it plays out exactly as you would expect it to. The British are terrible, intolerant, stuffy and arrogant. Our culture and heritage and traditions are there to be mocked and laughed at whilst all other cultures are pure and virtuous and perfect with all of their regressive idiosyncrasies conveniently overlooked.
Never mind that the world was different back then. Never mind that the Empire did many good and positive things to shape the world into what it is today. Never mind that it was a woman who held such a high position in what is portrayed as such a disgusting patriarchal society. Never mind that no other empire still maintains such good relations with its former colonies.
No, no, let’s sweep all that away and ensure that the studio’s Diversity & Inclusion officer has gone through the script with a marker pen to ensure that at every opportunity Britain, sorry England, is ridiculed, denigrated and besmirched with a heavy coating of bigotry, nastiness and intolerance.
I wonder if Bollywood produces film that are so ready to, at best poke fun and at worst, pour acidic scorn on the very culture that made it. I highly doubt it.”
BBC headlines 7am show Boris being heckled by a bloke in Leeds yesterday. Shouting at him saying he should be in Brussels negotiating. Boris did look at bit rattled as the bloke wouldn’t go away.
Interesting the BBC choose to use that clip , as I am certain that at some point on his walkabout he was met with hand shaking, and folk telling him they back him and his no deal stance , but the BBC won’t like that so headline the heckler !!!!
Real life having intervened, I’m catching up on the last three days via this site – thanks again to all here. I gather the bBC et al. have outdone themselves. On the question of all the traitors – it is beyond me why they are treated by anyone as if they even have a valid point of view. A series of civil-war-type physical ‘battles’ would be more honest than what we have at the moment.
I fear that, taking into account all the recent machinations, including in the Lords, and reading between the lines, most in parliament – including the Kinnocks* and their ilk – will be found to be miraculously in favour of of May’s re-heated treaty. The weary rabble will be easily convinced that this is a ‘compromise’. The Brexit Party** who recognise most of the traps of the intended ‘new deal’ will not get many seats even if there is an election because of unchecked rampant voting fraud and eventually the sudden introduction of votes for 16 year olds.
*the Kinnocks = generic term for ‘ultimate troughers’ – not just the Kinnock family
**TBP themselves are not strong on ‘immigration’
And I’m surprised that our SNP friend AKA Blackford, doesn’t just paint his face with blue mud. For some reason he wants to give the house the impression that he doesn’t like the English?!
R4 last night 5 pm news
This is just a little post to remind us just how low the intelligence of BBC reporters has sunk.. Last night R4 Evan Davis banging on about JRM said he was lying prostrate.. err no he wasn’t, clearly Evan doesn’t know the meaning of the word..
I only caught a bit of it in the car but heard Evan talking to someone called Paul who was just shouting “we have him (Boris) on the ropes he is a liar and a loser” this chap just kept calling Boris a liar..Evan just let him carry on – who was this Paul , anyone know?
Compare to Tory brexit MP who followed – Evan just kept interrupting…BBC impartiality at its best
I bet it was really “Michael”, who does the same thing on Nigel’s LBC programme – always calling Boris a liar. He was booted off, the night before last…
I didn’t hear it, cant stand Evan Davis but I read on here it was that nasty, Marxist Paul Mason. The go to hate merchant for the BBC, another b**tard who gets a cut of the licence fee to spout hate.
There was a video of Mason last week. I don’t know if any of you saw it. It was pure Life of Brian “we are all individuals” kind of thing. It was hilarious. Here it is:
Yes, I was also so appalled by that interview yesterday that I felt the need to post a comment (6.52).
I have again avoided all contact to the BBC so far today.
Until I (accidentally) tuned in to the belligerent Paul Mason yesterday I‘d been listening to france.inter radio [the German MSM is just as bad as (maybe even worse than?!) the British] until they did a scornful, mocking article about Boris – at which point I switched that off, too.
So I’m keeping up-to-date with what is ACTUALLY going on via this website (+ Sanity4Sweden and The Conservative Woman! ;o)
Thank you to everyone who contributes: at least reading the commentary and reactions of like-minded “sufferers” is helping to keep me (relatively) sane and not give up all hope.
I know there are others out there who feel the same as I do and, as so many people have written over the past few days, I wonder how much more people will take?
Q: When you became PM you said you’d unite our country. Instead you have split you party and even your own brother feels he cannot serve u see you. If your own brother doesn’t trust you to act in the national interest, why should we? https://t.co/RVvLOPcFCo
Didn’t you know MSM think Boris should have changed his position on Brexit so that his ikkle wikkle baby brother’s conscience would allow him to stay in the government.
Nepotism = BAD, (unless it’s for the cause.)
Justin Webb gives the distinct impression that he he mourning the death of the tyrant Robert Mugabi in his eulogy, sorry report.
“Was Mugabi a HERO in encouraging the land seizures (Justin’s euphemism for theft) by BLACK Zimbabweans from the MINORITY WHITE farmers.?”
Justin forgot to mention the murders, rapes and atrocities that Mugabi’s supporters committed but hey, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.
He’s back to bashing Boris now and warning us of the dangers of leaving the EU. Turned over to LBC where Ferrari is doing something similar but at least he has people on who give an opposing point of view.
It would appear tears are being shed at the BBC today with glowing reviews on how Mugabi ran the country so successfully liberating the country from the oppressive white regime. They give the impression that it was only in the later years the country failed.
Conveniently ignoring the fact the downfall began shortly after he came to power. John Simpson also manages to get a dig in at Margret Thatcher.
“What first attracted you to the idea of a spending splurge on the eve of an election Chancellor?” My interview with @sajidjavid (h/t Mrs Merton) https://t.co/FryGon4dvy
John McD gets lots of favourable time on BBC R4, GW.
The question troubling me – when not thinking of Brexit – is: is Jeremy Corbyn really leading the Labour Party or is he now merely a figurehead? Has there been a back-office coup and are McDonnell, Starmer, Benn and Chakrabati in charge?
I understand Tom Watson has had some pointy knives waved at him in the past week or so.
Tommy stuff
I hadn’t seen this tweet
It’s Rotherham victim calling out Muslim lawyer Mohammed Akunjee*
Let’s reword this for this utter moron.
Do you believe that adult men from all races know they shouldn’t give alcohol to kids and drug them to rape them and sell them to their adult child raping friends to be gang raped? https://t.co/RBsFqZFb51
* the guy who was trying to sue Tommy for libel on behalf of the Syrian boy Jamal who had bottle water poured over his head.
Akunjee & Stuchbery sent the smackhead to Tommy’s kids house when Tommy was in Sweden. ..claiming to deliver legal documents
seems that legal case must have stopped)
Stuchbery news : “It’s time for me to go. My wife is German and we’re relocating back to Stuttgart.
We simply don’t have it in us to jump through the hurdles that will be required for us to stay – not when the end result is permission to stay in an increasingly isolated, disintegrating society.
I hope I’m wrong. I hope that when I look at the UK in years to come, it throws off the dark mantle of hatred and fear that has settled over it.
I hope that the forces of fascism, gathering strength just under the surface, don’t claw away the foundations of British democracy.
I hope I look back at these words and think I was slightly hysterical. “
…Well these pseudoliberals throw out accusations and labels on others..they are almost always projecting themselves
eg they talk about rise of fascism and division
… when they themselves take to the streets waring black facemasks
and shout for people “to get off OUR streets” https://bylinetimes.com/2019/09/02/goodbye-to-all-that/
Exactly – he really is in for a big surprise … particularly in Stuttgart!!!
And I hope he doesn’t own a diesel – does he realise he won’t be allowed to drive it into town any more (way too many greens in power here – the “Climate lot” have gone totally overboard)
A couple returning from France find a migrant hiding in their car roof box. The BBC version: “If someone wants to spend 10 hours in my roof box to get into England, he must be coming from somewhere a lot worse than that. I have a lot of sympathy for him actually and I don’t begrudge him for getting into our country…”
The BBC say his roof box had been ’emptied of their belongings’. (Ah the magical perpetrator-less crime. Cf. cars driving randomly into people; lives lost in the Manchester Arena incident.)
Other sources report severe damage to the roof box, and the boy saying it was his mates who’d stolen the Fenton’s expensive shoes, their camera and even the dog bed. And: “The worst part is that when he was taken away by the police, he was smirking. He looked really proud of himself.”
Apparently the boy spoke a mix of Dutch and German. Which seems strange for a boy fleeing conflict in Egypt. Which seems strange given that Egypt is not a war zone.
None of which is investigated by the BBC. Always unjoining the dots wherever it can.
The newspaper : had a photo where the car owner looks angry
and mentions that the guy said” he was about 17″
The headline is ” illegal immigrant”
whereas The BBC headline is “migrant”
Knowing how these migrants get where castor oil cant, in their attempts to get to the UK, I wonder why the hell that couple didn’t check their car roof box before leaving France. Although the photo of them in the paper, they did look a bit ‘wet’, so hardly surprising. I’d scrutinise every area of my car where a body could hide before leaving the shores of Europe.
Yesterdays R4 Open Country
The prog was supposed to be about Edale
Beeboid Jarvis Cocker started by bumping into Maxine Peake
.. and ended in up by bumping into Magid Magid ..so the show ended with Magid doing his spiel about youth and climate.
BBC News website at 09:58 has lots of black people dominating the news. On the top half of the page are 12 news articles of which 7 are about black people:
Robert Mugabe
Bahamas hurricane
murder of Joy Morgan
Serena Williams
Why being mixed race means I could die
Theo Campbell eye loss
rapper Nicki Minaj
Come on BBC, you can get that up to 10 out of 12 by lunch time!
– The queens of RuPaul Drag Race UK Drag Race UK will be ‘rubbish in all the right ways’
– Sediqa Sherzai The woman who dares to run a feminist radio station in Afghanistan
– Buku Abi ‘Being R Kelly’s daughter is a double-edged sword’
Theh the 12:15pm show has a special guest : ” food writer Jack Monroe.”
Had the privilege of creating and hosting a radio show pilot with some brilliant guests!
Broadcasts tomorrow on BBC Radio 4 at 11:30am, then will be available online shortly after on the link below! Give it a listen ????https://t.co/UC1amTyBO9
Excellent news. I know she can appeal but after this week, i will take that !!!
Interesting point about costs, something the BBC never seems to question. Just how does Gina Miller afford all this ????
Strange really, as if someone donates £2 to the Brexit Party or Leave campaign, the BBC run 24 hours coverage and send reporters round the world trying to trace the money. But, there is no bias remember !!
Good, I hope Gina Miller has been left with the legal bill.
Maybe in the future the cost of an airline ticket would depend on your weight.
First part of cost is the flight destination charge, say £100 to Berlin for example.
The second part is the weight charge, say £10 per stone or maybe £1 per kilo.
That would at least be an honest charge (to save the planet of course)
I wonder if Abbott, Thornberry and Soames (related to Churchill if you didn’t know by now) would agree.
I think traveling permissions should be decided on IQ; travel into our country is denied if the prospective immigrant has an IQ less that 100 and traveling out of our country is mandatory if the person’s IQ is less than 100, and/or they aren’t a member of one of the four indigenous groups by blood and/or they are not contributing anything useful to our nation’s prosperity.
The passenger weight calculations used by airline pilots to estimate take off run and fuel endurance are based on statistics from the 1950’s /60’s when people were a lot lighter and obesity was rare.
It always amazes me when flying that hand luggage weight and size is so limited, but a passenger who is almost twice my weight travels for the same fare.
The ICAO standard weights have been revised over the years. They were revised mid 1990s and again in recent years. For the last 20 years the standard male weight increased ~8% and female increased ~23%. Kids weight increased by 2%.
There is a very detailed report on the internet about world wide airline standard weights and how it will need reviewing more often in the future due to obesity. China and India stood out (especially Chinese kids) where the weight increase is the fastest in the world.
And takes up part of the neighbouring seats at the same ! ;o)
I’ve frequently thought it would be fairer for them to have to pay some kind of (substantial) “surcharge” when they check-in: if you need an additional, extendable seat-belt then you have to pay extra – because the people next to you are going to be the ones who suffer. And the seat next to them should simply be left empty!
A kind stewardess fortunately moved me out of such a situation a while back as I was basically being pushed into the aisle by Mr Blobby. He and his wife were definitely taking up at least 3 seats. :-O
For a so-called scientist he doesn’t appear to be very smart when it comes to aircraft weight and balance. Hate to think how inaccurate his atmospheric models are.
If he cannot even grasp how changing weight of an aircraft but keeping the same air density makes no difference to a flight then what hope is there?
I see that the despicable Gina Miller has been temporarily halted in her bid to wrest control of the Country away from elected representatives and give it to Big Business and Globalists.
However the judge seemed very keen to pass the ball along to an appeal court rapidly so maybe he just didn’t want his fingers burned and another Judge will give it the nod and he will be able to say “not me guv!”.
Mike graham from said Talk Radio approx 10.40. Speaking to green mep (name – who cares) who declared that the referendum result had been declared null and void!!!!!!!!! MG tore her a new one and she relented slightly by saying ‘as good as’.
Now, this is the major stumbling block between those who believed that their democratic vote in a fair contest counted and those who believe(d) that there was only one decision allowed and if the wrong decision was arrived at it would indeed become ‘null and void’.
This unconstitutional aberration has been acknowledged and promoted by the media and BBBC in particular as the only outcome that was acceptable to their ideological class. They have promulgated this viewpoint daily across their immense platform to the detriment of those who were victorious in their vote but received no to little media support whatsoever.
Today the prorogation issue still attracts the big media outlets courtesy of Millar/Soros. Where is the outrage at the parliamentry coup directed at the (still) only sanctioned government??
Where is the anger filling the airwaves of the trashing of the bona fida successful outcome of the 2016 referendum and the disenfranchisement of the 17.4m who were on the winning side???
The propagandising taking place in the UK at the moment is an affront to any democratic system and those exponents, knowing full well what they are doing have almost certainly corrupted any semblance of fair and reasoned debate for any future elections/referendums for years to come. They put Putins Russia to shame and are an utter disgrace.
I hope against hope that they are eventually held to account. And apparently its ok now to call Boris Johnson a liar…………….
Two MEPs with the same name
: Alexandra Phillips MEP @BrexitAlex
: ????Alexandra Phillips MEP@alexforeurope Green MEP
10:50am the Green MEP was awful on TalkRadio
Telling the presenter that the court had ruled that the £350m was a lie
..he asked , in which case
and of course she couldn’t answer
: Listen again available after 1pm
Two MEPs with the same name
: Alexandra Phillips MEP @BrexitAlex
: ????Alexandra Phillips MEP@alexforeurope Green MEP
10:50am the Green MEP was awful on TalkRadio
Telling the presenter that the court had ruled that the £350m was a lie
..he asked , in which case
and of course she couldn’t answer
: Listen again available after 1pm
I don’t think anybody, particularly here, can (or will) deny that the public is witnessing the demise of society in the UK. There has been serious doubts about the police and the justice system growing and other parts of the infrastructure are failing rapidly. I don’t think that even a x£ billion injection will in any way halt the rapid decline even if it happened today. The politicians meddling has been responsible for the destruction of the illusion of so-called, ‘Democracy’. It cannot lurch on for much longer containing the anger in the country. Demonstrably. I expect any day that massive brawls will take place which the police will not be able to contain. Its called ‘Anarchy’. The language between all sorts of people now, being somewhat obligatory, is totally confrontational. A prelude to outbreaks of violence. What is the alternative now?
I regret to see that in Italy, Mr Salvini has shot himself in the foot. We have a new government, which will probably water down or ignore his strong stance against illegal ‘migration’.
‘Il Giornale’ reported that Ms Merkel had made a phone call to then Italian PM, Conte, and told him Salvini had to be disposed of ‘at all costs’, in return for debt relief. Erdogan too, is threatening to open the gates to 3 million ‘refugees’, trapped in Turkey, to proceed to Europe, mainly with Germany as destination.
So 2015 looks set to be coming back to Europe. That should please Messrs Corbyn, Starmer, Swinson, Clarke, et al. Not to mention the beeb.
The Globalists seem to be weathering the challenge of the Populists, at least for the moment. Perhaps Salvini has miscalculated ,but I suppose that there is a chance that he expected this outcome, it wasn’t very hard to see coming after all, and calculates that he will be able to force an election and ride a wave of increased populism to an unassailable position in Parliament. But elsewhere the news isn’t good. In the US the failure to prosecute Comey is a bad omen for the outcome of the investigation into the investigators. We all know Brexit is in the balance..
anybody else noticed how quiet the BBBC have been about Nigel Farage lately, also strange that he’s been under the radar himself and sending Richard Tice on manoeuvres, is there something brewing?
Doughboy, we had a mention of TBP on TOADY this am. A reporter was despatched to Lewes. It found TBP candidate in the pub. Needless to say, the dear old Beeb had to add some more negativity into the item.
I wonder if Miller is going to crowd fund her next appeal? I don’t like the woman but it must be such a worry thinking about where her next penny is coming from…
Cass, clearly someone is wealthy enough to invest in these continued and immediate court actions ! but there must come a time when even they must realise that Gina Miller is an expensive hobby !
I thought the reason for the first SO24 being granted was to find a way forward and break Brexit impasse. Virtually all the proposals (indicative votes) failed to get a majority. Result: we were still in deadlock.
Mr Bercow allows another SO24, and as a result the bill they are going to pass is going to result in even more deadlock.
wtf, it’s almost as if this is what they want, Brexit impasse!
Also, Labour don’t trust Boris not to change the election date, or to ask Brussels for an extension. Lib Dems too, and Green, and SNP. So none of them have any confidence in Boris, but they won’t ask for a vote of no confidence!!
ND – until we get rid of the little tyrant, Bercow, its hard to see any sense coming out of parliament.
Impartial? He is unashamedly Labour and anti-Brexit, happy to abuse his position and exceed his powers, apparently at will. He will channel things in favour of his own side, nobody seems too bothered. There should be a huge outcry, but…
Whichever way this current mess is sorted (I can’t see how unless the UK totally caves in to the EU and withdraws A50), there will eventually be a day of reckoning.
If any aspiring Government (think TBP) gains power, it must have a massive majority, enough to repeal the Fixed Term Parliament Act, create and implement a FIXED Constitution, withdraw from the UN Migration Charter, withdraw from the ECHR and, not forgetting the EU, without any fear of the recent events ever occurring again.
Ok so Boris is off to see the queen at balmoral . What does she say? Recognising that her primary purpose is to maintain the existence of the monachy ( see Princess Diana ) – even if there is anything she can do to get the people to their democratic wish of leaving the EU – will she do anything .
My read is that she’ll duck her nut and not put the monarchy in any position where it upsets any grouping of politicians – particularly Republic Marxists like mcdonnellcorbyn . She knows that the political set up in the UK is just a figment to keep us plebs
quiet and as long as we have footy , strictly supermarkets and cars we will moan a lot but nothing more than that .
So if BoJo stays on he ll take a kicking right through to 17 October – council of mafia ministers and then caretaker the withdrawal of A50 before 31 October .
I can’t see the opposition risking a General Election before 31 October because they have power without responsibility at the moment aided and abetted by the EUSpeaker .
Behind the scenes of course the Remainers will be colluding with the EU to ensure the government becomes weaker without removing it from office – as well as engineering continuous leaks from the Cabinet office to keep project Fear steaming in the background .
At some stage there will be a physical expression of anger – more than the trivial harassment of leading remainers . Whatever it is – let’s hope it is appropriate to the circumstances .up2 can read into that what he/she chooses . …. yesterday I was accused of immoderation and I watched to see if anyone took my post down . If it had gone I’d be gone from this site too .
As for the courts – I think they realise they’d do well staying out of politics with 2 cases out and – I think – only a couple left . Soros won’t complain about the cost – it’s small change to him and he knows he can rely on Gina Miller to be his mouthpiece – was a nice touch picking a coloured girl to do the job as he knew the media just love that token diversity gig .
I was a republican at the time of the Diana deathathon and I overdosed on popcorn watching insanity grip Blighty in a way I thought could not happen
For a moment – until Alistair Campbell got the royal media output on course again – the royals might have had to go home to germany.
These days there are more important issues than the existence of “The Firm “ but when Phillip pops his clogs there will be wall to wall wailing
It is hard to accept or believe that the woman who stood on the balcony with her father the King and Winston on VE Day 1945 is willing to desert her country and her subjects now for what she must know would become (even more) a total charade of a monarchy (if indeed the likes of Soros and his aliens even allow it to survive).
Let’s face it – HM Queen s life has been fairly worthless – keeping well out of NI insurrection with Protestants killing in her name –
Keeping her hobby Commonwealth going even after she allowed her government to join the Common Market ( and yes I know she’s a constitutional monarch with no constitution ) .
Presiding over the import of millions of third worlders to ‘ diversify ‘ her realm without the consent of the ordinary citizen –
However -if she killed off this current parliament with some forgotten power and or got us out of the ReichEU i world become a life long monarchist . But neither is going to happen .
At least Boris has a royal shoulder to cry on this weekend . ….
And that’s me not even doing the full list . But the firm is still pretty popular and continuing to expand .
I admire that Andy one most. Now there is good value for taxpayers cash .
Nope – I stand by that view . I detested them almost as much as the murderous republicans who are still at their business .
I also knew that any comment I made about HRH would get some over the top reaction from a supporter but that the price of our diminishing free speech . Nice slur about lunchtime drinking though . Stay Classy
Fed, you must have heard the fuss over Jacob Rees-Mogg’s unwise comments. I think it is important on here – a site where Leave supporters dominate – that we moderate our language about the other side, most of all now as Remainers are in High Offence mode.
I think talk of lampposts is just not a good idea other than in a canine context.
I for one appreciate all you do in moderating this site.
Up2 – no I haven’t seen any thing about JRM but honoured to be even remotely associated .
As for lampposts – if anyone missed it I said that I thought that if the circumstances which accrued in the British parliament had occurred in ‘ less mature’ democracies other uses would have been found for lampposts other than lighting the streets – or for the use by dogs .
I’m obviously not intending to put ideas into heads because I know I don’t need to .
If you don’t like it Up2 why not report my comments to someone other than me .
I’m glad you prove my point as far as the huge abuse of parliamentary democracy what has gone on and continues to go on – and your response to it .
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
‘Me and my neighbour’s Sky subscription expire on the same day
So every year just before it’s up for renewal we phone them up
They give me a price, I tell them I’m not going to leave, but can they give me a better price.
For some reason they never lower the price.
My neighbour the strange guy does the opposite he tells them it’s not good enough and he’s leaving.
They offer him a better price and he accepts it.”
I think Corbyn is right to rule out No Brexit.
My neighbour the strange guy says that’s wrong
.. strange guy.
You’ve started me on Sky . In the dumb days when I paid the tv licence I was paying £50 a month to Sky . The box broke down . They wanted £85 to fix the box I said – come take it away – they checked and discovered I was on a monthly contract .
I terminated it immediately . They kept ringing me to come back – £20 a month plus bits . Guess which word beginning with eff I used to tell them to take me off the Data Protection records and leave me alone . More to life that the footy …

Here is the next comment.
“Should be on every lamppost on every university campus across the country, with one addition: “Now Don’t F*** It Away””
Personally I would like to see aditional items on lampposts.
I think whoever wrote that hasn’t got much of a clue about WW2. Which is no surprise . National pride isn’t too fashionable – unless it’s wearing a hijab
I must admit I enjoyed the 21 traitors ‘crashing out’ ‘over a cliff’
I only hope they are out for good and are not let back in again.
We seem to be swinging from leave in front to remain in front like a pendulum.
I hope Boris and Dom have a plan to regain the initiative because they should have seen this coming.
They must know the big girls blouse will know he will lose the GE bigly.
And finally,
All those snowflakes whingeing on about Boris mounting a coup by adding 5 days after the conventions before Parliament sits again, perfectly legal and morally correct, yet the pompous windbags have taken over Parliament and put legislation forward to trash the democratic vote they promised to honour in their manifestos. Sounds much more like a coup to me.
You can polish and put glitter on a politician but they will still be a 574£
Being a bit bored – I checked on the political party websites to see if the Conferences are on … the answer is “ yes” – so the threshold for coup appears to be very low for remainers .
Fed, so they will have to have some sort of prorogation then? I wonder what Gina Miller thinks about that?
EG – Just a pity it wasnt a real cliff – I would cheerfully give all of them a helpfull shove, especially that backstabbing weasel Hammond!
This is not really a BBC related point, but I just wonder whether some of the snowflakes have started to realise how dangerous the political situation is becoming – one that they have helped create.
At work today a normally very combative remainer asked me what I thought about the current remainer fuelled fiasco in Parliament. I replied that any semblance of democracy in this country has now been blown right out the water and as far as I am concerned, if the next Government creates any laws I dont agree with I would have little guilt over breaking them.
He went very quiet and did not make any sort of direct response to my statement. As far as I am now concerned, all bets are now off regarding respect for the law and democracy, and if there are any laws that I disagree with, and if my breaking them involves little personal risk of being found out, From now on my attitude will be “well why not” If I (a normally law abiding citizen) is now thinking this way, I am sure that there are quite a few people out there, with less scruples, who will be more happy to up the ante, and do you know what , I dont blame them.
Has anyone else out there had any similair experiences with our snowflakes or do you think this was just a “one off”?
Walking through the town centre I passed a young man walking the other way. He was on his mobile and I heard him say, “..well they got the sovereignty they voted for…”
That was all I heard and I didn’t know him from Adam but I was surprised how close I felt to thumping him, verbally if not physically!
Civil behaviour requires both sides to keep to ‘the rules’; the rules of democracy no longer apply in the UK.
I think this has been half the problem, the momentum lot can say and do what they like and because of the crooked BBC led MSM, if we as much as open our mouths we are portrayed as far right, whereas the left get a free pass.
However I think this week has been important not only for, showing the majority of parliamentarians up as the crooks we all know they are, but it has also highlighted the dreadful MSM hanging on every word even the most obscure remainer has uttered whilst pillorying anyone who just wants a democratic decision enacted.
As I said before , I now consider all bets are off.
Oak, Hammond has been sacked good and proper. He will either have to try and fight his seat as an Independent something or other or start looking for another job.
Just sent that last sentence to Bletchley Park and am waiting for their reply.
C4 news interviewing a LimpDumb, Jane Dodds, and a SNP -Drew Hendry explaining why they want an election, but don’t want an election. Even Jon Snow says it’s a ‘bizzare situation’ and that people are ‘fed up to the back teeth’ with parliament. Wow!
Getting ready for a C4 hit piece on JRM.
Given the conduct of our ‘so called’ parliament, it is easy to see now why Al Beeb hasn’t been abolished . The swamp has to be drained before true democracy returns to this nation.
Tory voters and supporters need to move to The Brexit Party. The Tory Party is almost finished…………
I’m glad you’ve moved from UKIP to the brexit Party . There just seemed to be too much division and too many mixed messages . Keep the message simple – vote Leave and let the MSM do it’s worse – but fortunately there are enough tough characters in that party to deal with biased BBC Remainers.
I too have made that decision, but I have remained a member of UKIP. Just as the Brexit party hold Boris’s feet to the fire on leaving, so UKIP will be essential to applying pressure to the Brexit party, especially on immigration.
UKIP still have a place to play .
Taffy I was saying on the Con Woman site today that I consider that the swamp and “our” BBC are indivisible and could be considered as having a symbiotic relationship and that no serious changes could be made to one without dealing with the other.
Whilst we still have a Parliament and a establishment full of cultural marxist vipers, and weak jobsworths no serious changes will ever happen to the BBC.
When the BBC is finally dealt with then that will be the sign that at last some progress is being made. It may be a long time in coming!
There’s more news on Twitter than from the BBC especially the stuff it doesn’t want us to know – idiots
Sarah Montague gave Ken Clarke an easy time on 1pm Radio 4 news today. He even said that as a special temporary measure Corbyn would be the best to take over the lead to get No Deal legislation passed and an extension agreed with the EU. In contrast, the next person interviewed, someone on Boris’s side (didn’t catch the name*) was given the combative style: argue strenuously, interrupt and shout.
I am not just angry now, I am actually very much afraid. I am afraid of all this ending with an unholy coalition dominated by Labour. I can’t understand why Jeremy Corbyn and Silvertongue MacDonnell have achieved acceptance as valid politicians when, by rights, the security services should have barred them from holding public office of any kind including sweeping up in the HoC.
* On the radio, they don’t repeat names enough.
Despairada, that someone was a real surprise: it was Nicky Morgan of all people. Quite a turnaround there. And she wasn’t going to pushed around by the Montacutie. Sarah was forced into breaking the first rule of radio presenting.
I’ve been looking at photos of Dancing Terry May, US criminal Peter Strzok and EU anti-democrat happy Donald Tusk and they have similarities in their demeanor. They are brazenly laughing at us, as though they know nothing will ever happen to them regardless of what they might have done.
I tried to add a photo of each of them smirking at the camera, in strikingly similar ways. But my computer expertise isn’t up to it. However, there are many photos online of them and other questionable people who all have the same look about them. It’s uncanny.
jic, the most telling photo of the former PM I have seen was at the G12 or G20 or summat summit last autumn. She was alongside Putin. Looking at the picture I was left wondering whether Putin was the Christian and Theresa May the thug and killer. Her face and eyes spoke volumes.
And not about the man standing next to her, either.
I believe they are all demon possessed. But what do I know.
jic, think there are indications that a form of possession has grabbed some of our MPs; it does seem Satanic to me, too. In ‘normal’ UK politics there is a certain consensus on most things and even with strongly held beliefs, eg. the NHS, universal Benefits, the right to strike, and so on can be agreed by people of opposing political Parties.
The EU really has possessed many Remainer MPs and it obviously goes beyond mere enthusiasm or the desire for some presumed benefit for our nation and the world. I have been reminded while posting today, having mentioned her name, of those strange shaking episodes that publicly affected Angela Merkel earlier this year. Her explanation did not ring true to me. I still wonder what was behind it.
It is also interesting that all the accusations come from Remainers. One finger pointing, three fingers pointing back at the accusers. So many of Remain’s accusations have been proved to be false – their own lies – such as the £350m per week banner and the Russian meddling and the “We did not vote for No Deal” and “Nobody voted to make themselves poorer.”
There are loads of conspiracy theories out there and I don’t think they are helpful. But those who seek to and do get their wisdom from God know that the heart of man (and woman) is deceitful above all things and is desperately wicked. It is constantly seeking to be its own god. It’s very hard to shrug off that old Genesis 3 thing.
Is it a coincidence that the new EU building in Brussels is modelled on Babel? Maybe. But we know who is the father of lies. We have been warned.
Don’t let’s dwell on that too much. Rather let us dwell on thoughts of liberation, freedom, new responsibility and opportunity for good. And pray and campaign for it.
Who knew?
“Vice President Pence at Lord Mayor’s International Trade Dinner in London
Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks at the Lord Mayor’s International Trade Dinner at the Guildhall in London”
The BBC has reported that a lorry carrying 32000 litres of gin has crashed spilling its contents .
Anna Soubry has gone for counselling ( this May be false news ) she looks more like a 3 bottles of red girl .
From the article , Yvette Cooper chips in ……
Labour MP and chair of the Home Affairs Committee Yvette Cooper criticised the PM for using police officers as a backdrop to his speech.
“This is an abuse of power by Boris Johnson, making so many police stop their training and work to be part of his political stunt,” she said.
….. Do these lefties ever get off their bloody moral high ground !!!!! They have to make a song and dance about any tiny little thing !!! Even worse the Far Left BBC lap it up and report it …… I give up, I really do !!!!! an abuse of power, do me a ruddy favour !!!!
Boris could give every homeless person a house and £200k and he’d still be a wrong un !!!!!
Was ‘giving every homeless person a house’ one of Corbyn’s wacky schemes? Even more daft than one strange pledge over football tickets ‘so everyone can enjoy the game’
The left will say anything for a vote
They have a job to do? Like turn a blind eye while thousands of our young girls are raped, trafficked, tortured and murdered by muslims? Is that what you’d rather they were doing Mrs cooper-balls?
Don’t forget painting their nails, painting rainbows on their cars, twerking at Notting Hill, escorting muslim gangs to intimidate TR, persecuting TR, and failing to prevent crime. Those boys are busy.
Not all of them. I’m sorry, but comments like this really do annoy me when I have a brother in WMP working bloody hard to keep the streets safe. He had to do overtime the Bank Holiday weekend because some officers were sent down to London to help the Met police the Notting Hill Carnival.
He’s a local old school copper who has worked his area for 25 years+ and he says things have never been this bad, morale is at a all time low. He’s seriously thinking of leaving and going to work with LordB. Yes, he let his hair down and had a little dance round while po!icing Birmingham Pride earlier this year, the thing is that by doing things like that, he and other officers make themselves approachable to the law abiding members of society. The problem, like with the NHS is the management structure and the fast tracking of applicants with degrees. Instead of officers like my brother being promoted, young officers who have absolutely no idea what they are doing are promoted and as my brother rather bluntly puts it, they couldn’t organise a p*ss up in a brewery!
I worked in the NHS, loved my job, loved helping moms to be and new moms, I worked in a maternity unit, the problem was the nurse managers above me who had absolutely no idea of how to run a unit, no clerical experience and were basically bullies to most of the clerical staff. I resigned in the end, because my health was more important to me, I was given a fit note by my doctor, sent it in and was phoned by one of my managers and called a !iar. I resigned the next day and went back into a PAs job, more money and no hassle. That’s where a lot of the money is wasted in the NHS, but people don’t want to hear this.
So please, not all police are bad. My brother is horrified by the events unfolding in Westminster this week, he said to me he fears there will be real violent clashes breaking out in the next few weeks and months, and he says he truly believes that the police will not be able to cope.
As for me, I will be voting with a heavy heart for the Brexit Party if and when there is a GE. A heavy heart because my Labour MP is one of the good ones, he is a leaver, but I can’t vote for a party with Corbyn in charge.
I thought Boris being the PM is in fact the police officers boss?
We see – standing behind your President – a daily thing in the US police, Military.
She probably considers it a worse abuse of power to use the West Riding as a background.
Meanwhile …. the Londonistan evening standard announces the latest dead teenager . This time it’s a 15 year old in N17 – which I suppose is mad Comrade Lammy s territory . On my numbers this brings the London homicide level to 101 . The norm for a year is 110 . I predicted 130 at the beginning of the year – up on last year .
Playing the numbers and ‘thoughts and prayers ‘ game doesn’t reflect the horror of each of these deaths to those involved and the families .
This most recent death resulted from a stabbing on Friday – I think – but the machines have now been switched off . I wonder if the BBC will report it as it’s so busy playing party games on college green outside that waste of space …
You can get the girl (sic**) out of the BBC, but you can’t get the BBC out of the girl…
On LBC today Shelagh Fogerty mentioned that Momentum are recruiting staff for their election campaign.
I wonder if he can supply a job spec and application form?
** Actually she could give Vanessa Feltz a run (waddle?) for her money.
Me again. Just a thought before I log-out..
One of those bBBC (and MSM) omission things so, as I often do, I look to this site for wise words.
Regarding the conflict in Yemen – can anyone tell me which side is the Religion of Peace?
Spinning, both?
This isn’t BBC, but the sheer naked bias of Kay Burley has to be seen to be believed. Well done to Lucy Harris for calling her out as a remainer. Burley then says she didn’t vote.
Oops. Turns out she tweeted #ivoted during the referendum itself. Was she lying then or is she lying now?
Neither. And that’s why we should keep our noses out of it and not give or sell armaments to either side.
Christians should not ever take the side of muslims against Christians and should not facilitate the means of war with muslims against anyone.
The knives are out for Jacob Rees Mogg tonight as well…..there is nothing the Remainstream media will do to stop us leaving the EU………………
The BMA are a TRADE UNION of course as has been pointed out this week and Dr.Nicholl obviously has his motives
LBC must think we are so stupid
“Rees-Mogg ‘bullying Brexit whistleblowers’, says doctor”
Do you trust doctors any more?
Not the same as they used to be are they ?
During the 1980s I proposed an undergraduate course in medical ethics for medical students in my univerity. I was told that whilst the girls (nurses) would love it there was no room in the curriculum for an ethics course. ‘What do you want me to do?, asked the dean. ‘Drop anatomy to make room for it’.
It seems that doctors have found a way of including the complexities of Brexit negotiations in their studies and a degree or two in medicine provides them with specialist knowledge in this area.
More BS from beeb. This time from their Milton Nkosi, reporting from South Africa.
He talks about the current bout of xenophobic violence against other Africans and manages to blame it on Apartheid, which ended a quarter of a century ago. Listen to his report: a complete lack of logic is a feature of his argument.
He doesn’t even sound embarrassed about his lies. Mention the magic word, and the job is done. For beeb it suffices that Whitey has been blamed.
That way you can avoid the obvious truth.
it probably was the fault of apartheid – there were more jobs then for black S. Africans – now they are fighting ‘immigrants’ from other african countries who they claim are coming into SA and taking their jobs..
Now turn this around to a European country and the Left would be all over it…but they can’t shout racist here..hypocrisy again by BBC
The big question today surely is how much of W1A will be decamping by dirigible to Zim for the Mugathon?
Milton must bereft.
It comes as no surprise that beeb news leads with Mugabe as its big story, and while it attempts to sound ‘frank’, it actually misses out more light being shone on:
a. The horrific slaughter of many thousands of opponents in Matabeleland in the eighties, which should have marked the end of Mugabe for the ‘international community’, but was ignored; even this morning, both beeb and Peter Hain manged only to say briefly in a word or two, that there had been a ‘massacre’;
b. The embarrassing truth that it was under the much-despised ‘white minority regime’ that Zimbabwe was the bread-basket of Africa; after that, things started going down the tubes; make of that what you will;
c. Linking to Milton Nkosi’s dishonest report from Johannesburg, last night, the fact that we are seeing a SLOW MOTION repeat of Zimbabwe IN SOUTH AFRICA RIGHT NOW. Thousands of white farmers, their families and their workers have been MURDERED, in an ANC approved attempt to drive them from the land. They will deny this, of course. They will deny that it is even happening, knowing Peter Hain and his ilk will remain silent. (see e.g. Matabeleland). The ANC government is also going ahead with EWC, expropriation without compensation – a land grab- repeating the mistakes of Zimbabwe in plain sight; I won’t even go in to all the anti-white legislation currently made into law;
d. Signs of political intolerance are growing in Zimbabwe MkII: Only this week the former South African flag was banned as ‘hate speech’, and there are now calls for one Ernst Roets, who dared display it, to be jailed for thirty days.
e. We can conclude that there will be fine words from beeb, which will then promptly go on to ignore what is happening in SA. In twenty years time, we may well have a repeat of today’s programme on beeb, to mark the demise of South Africa’s industrial and commercial powerhouse, and the death of some other brutal dictator; his deeds will be glossed over, because he was black, but rest assured, beeb will refer to an ‘icon’ of Black Emancipation, and emphasise the positive.
Assuming that, by then, beeb will not be in other hands, who will mention ONLY the positive.
My message not only to Al Beeb but to Parliament this time……………
“You can fool some people some times but you cant fool all the people all the time”.
We know your game and its time for a change, Remainer MPs should start looking for a new job.
Remainers do not want a general election.
Now, I wonder why ?
😀 😀 😀
Oddly enough, after Fiona Bruce went to such pains to assure us the QT audience was balanced and rational, the questioners selected from that same impartial audience were almost entirely pro-remain. It’s almost as though the assurance was insincere.
Mind you, Ian Dale’s restraint in not smacking that smug fat Scotchman in the mouth was admirable.
The clip doing the rounds of Twitter of Ems gabbling like a landed flounder to a question from Fi is rather fun, topped off nicely by Daley’s summary.
How can supposedly bright BBC staff seriously think this bloated windbag and her locked away boss and mentally challenged colleagues are a serious government in waiting?
Beltane “It’s almost as though the assurance was insincere.” – exactly the same with Dimbleby minor on R4’s AQs.
That Scotchman: isn’t he one of the most repulsive people you have ever seen? It is such a shame, because one begins to associate the Scotch accent itself with those mean-minded and bossy people in the SNP: Blackford, Gethyns, Kirsty Blackman, etc, etc, and runs for cover when one hears it.
I have never posted before. I have complained to the BBC on 3 occasions in the last couple of years over their antibrexit bias. It is a waste of time. They effectively mark their own homework.
I still watch the BBC, yes I know it is masochistic. On QT tonight Emily Thornberry and to a lesser extent the SNP representative were allied to talk at will, interrupt and just call people names. It was utterly embarrassing. The BBC are now seen by many to be as supine as our parliament.
Fiona Bruce is not up to the job.
Welcome, Stevo and thanks 1. for making an effort and actually complaining to the BBC, and, 2. providing another witness account for ‘the prosecution’.
Here is is his website
The BBC dropped Bellamy like a hot balloon when he refused to toe the party line.
Patrick Moore’s days were numbered when he described illegal immigrants as ‘parasites’, as can be witnessed now in the diversity of The Sky at Night.
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, a presenter of The Sky at Night

I used to enjoy watching The Sky at Night when Moore presented it. After his death, I didn’t bother. I expect there were BBC bosses who were thinking, “thank goodness that old bigot is dead”.
I suppose now sky at night will be dumping the wonderful opening music for a loud tribal African/reggi type beat:
” curse, spear, and machete our enemies”.
Difficult to see her at night.
I just had the misfortune of watching the BBC produced Victoria & Albert film. I’m sure it will come as no surprise that it was an SJW’s woke wet dream.
Here are my thoughts
“I guess I kind of expected how this would go but thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt. I should have trusted my instincts. I made it through just under an hour before the constant Brit bashing and virtue signalling of every other culture just became too much to swallow.
It is no surprise that it is made by the BBC as they really do hate everything about the first initial of their name. For the hour that I saw, it plays out exactly as you would expect it to. The British are terrible, intolerant, stuffy and arrogant. Our culture and heritage and traditions are there to be mocked and laughed at whilst all other cultures are pure and virtuous and perfect with all of their regressive idiosyncrasies conveniently overlooked.
Never mind that the world was different back then. Never mind that the Empire did many good and positive things to shape the world into what it is today. Never mind that it was a woman who held such a high position in what is portrayed as such a disgusting patriarchal society. Never mind that no other empire still maintains such good relations with its former colonies.
No, no, let’s sweep all that away and ensure that the studio’s Diversity & Inclusion officer has gone through the script with a marker pen to ensure that at every opportunity Britain, sorry England, is ridiculed, denigrated and besmirched with a heavy coating of bigotry, nastiness and intolerance.
I wonder if Bollywood produces film that are so ready to, at best poke fun and at worst, pour acidic scorn on the very culture that made it. I highly doubt it.”
BBC headlines 7am show Boris being heckled by a bloke in Leeds yesterday. Shouting at him saying he should be in Brussels negotiating. Boris did look at bit rattled as the bloke wouldn’t go away.
Interesting the BBC choose to use that clip , as I am certain that at some point on his walkabout he was met with hand shaking, and folk telling him they back him and his no deal stance , but the BBC won’t like that so headline the heckler !!!!
Bias, what bias ?????
Real life having intervened, I’m catching up on the last three days via this site – thanks again to all here. I gather the bBC et al. have outdone themselves. On the question of all the traitors – it is beyond me why they are treated by anyone as if they even have a valid point of view. A series of civil-war-type physical ‘battles’ would be more honest than what we have at the moment.
I fear that, taking into account all the recent machinations, including in the Lords, and reading between the lines, most in parliament – including the Kinnocks* and their ilk – will be found to be miraculously in favour of of May’s re-heated treaty. The weary rabble will be easily convinced that this is a ‘compromise’. The Brexit Party** who recognise most of the traps of the intended ‘new deal’ will not get many seats even if there is an election because of unchecked rampant voting fraud and eventually the sudden introduction of votes for 16 year olds.
*the Kinnocks = generic term for ‘ultimate troughers’ – not just the Kinnock family
**TBP themselves are not strong on ‘immigration’
Too pessimistic?
ti, “Too pessimistic?”
By far.
But horribly possible.
And I’m surprised that our SNP friend AKA Blackford, doesn’t just paint his face with blue mud. For some reason he wants to give the house the impression that he doesn’t like the English?!
I think it was he who said “Boris Johnson is our prisoner”. (Cf. the Euro junta: “Britain is our colony”.)
R4 last night 5 pm news
This is just a little post to remind us just how low the intelligence of BBC reporters has sunk.. Last night R4 Evan Davis banging on about JRM said he was lying prostrate.. err no he wasn’t, clearly Evan doesn’t know the meaning of the word..
I only caught a bit of it in the car but heard Evan talking to someone called Paul who was just shouting “we have him (Boris) on the ropes he is a liar and a loser” this chap just kept calling Boris a liar..Evan just let him carry on – who was this Paul , anyone know?
Compare to Tory brexit MP who followed – Evan just kept interrupting…BBC impartiality at its best
I bet it was really “Michael”, who does the same thing on Nigel’s LBC programme – always calling Boris a liar. He was booted off, the night before last…
I didn’t hear it, cant stand Evan Davis but I read on here it was that nasty, Marxist Paul Mason. The go to hate merchant for the BBC, another b**tard who gets a cut of the licence fee to spout hate.
There was a video of Mason last week. I don’t know if any of you saw it. It was pure Life of Brian “we are all individuals” kind of thing. It was hilarious. Here it is:
Yes, I was also so appalled by that interview yesterday that I felt the need to post a comment (6.52).
I have again avoided all contact to the BBC so far today.
Until I (accidentally) tuned in to the belligerent Paul Mason yesterday I‘d been listening to france.inter radio [the German MSM is just as bad as (maybe even worse than?!) the British] until they did a scornful, mocking article about Boris – at which point I switched that off, too.
So I’m keeping up-to-date with what is ACTUALLY going on via this website (+ Sanity4Sweden and The Conservative Woman! ;o)
Thank you to everyone who contributes: at least reading the commentary and reactions of like-minded “sufferers” is helping to keep me (relatively) sane and not give up all hope.
I know there are others out there who feel the same as I do and, as so many people have written over the past few days, I wonder how much more people will take?
Thanks for the mention of Sanity4Sweden. I have had a look and it is now on my list.
How long before Beff joins Newsnight?
“own brother feels he cannot serve u see you”
So she went to Cambridge but still can’t write a sentence…standards of journalism have fallen…….along with integrity..
Home also to Ms. Abbott I believe; another alumnus to envy.
Was Abbott really at Cambridge, or is that an urban myth?
Noted for its big punts of colour, I hear.
Didn’t you know MSM think Boris should have changed his position on Brexit so that his ikkle wikkle baby brother’s conscience would allow him to stay in the government.
Nepotism = BAD, (unless it’s for the cause.)
Nick from da hood has a view.
Seems only bbc political bedwetters are allowed photo ops with service personnel they lead.
Radio 4 Toady, about 6.40am.
Justin Webb gives the distinct impression that he he mourning the death of the tyrant Robert Mugabi in his eulogy, sorry report.
“Was Mugabi a HERO in encouraging the land seizures (Justin’s euphemism for theft) by BLACK Zimbabweans from the MINORITY WHITE farmers.?”
Justin forgot to mention the murders, rapes and atrocities that Mugabi’s supporters committed but hey, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.
He’s back to bashing Boris now and warning us of the dangers of leaving the EU. Turned over to LBC where Ferrari is doing something similar but at least he has people on who give an opposing point of view.
It would appear tears are being shed at the BBC today with glowing reviews on how Mugabi ran the country so successfully liberating the country from the oppressive white regime. They give the impression that it was only in the later years the country failed.
Conveniently ignoring the fact the downfall began shortly after he came to power. John Simpson also manages to get a dig in at Margret Thatcher.
Rhodesia, built by whites.
Zimbabwe, destroyed by blacks.
“Rhodesia, built by whites”. To be prosperous.
“Zimbabwe, destroyed by blacks” By wrecking the economy.
Good summing up and reinforcement of my decision to stop listening.
Toenails really loves himself too much. It’s a fair question, if applied equally. Does John MacD get such?
John McD gets lots of favourable time on BBC R4, GW.
The question troubling me – when not thinking of Brexit – is: is Jeremy Corbyn really leading the Labour Party or is he now merely a figurehead? Has there been a back-office coup and are McDonnell, Starmer, Benn and Chakrabati in charge?
I understand Tom Watson has had some pointy knives waved at him in the past week or so.

Radio 4’s Justin Webb is on a roll this morning…
Does Mr Webb know who is his dad?
Nasty, I know but I couldn’t help myself.
Tommy stuff
I hadn’t seen this tweet
It’s Rotherham victim calling out Muslim lawyer Mohammed Akunjee*
* the guy who was trying to sue Tommy for libel on behalf of the Syrian boy Jamal who had bottle water poured over his head.
Akunjee & Stuchbery sent the smackhead to Tommy’s kids house when Tommy was in Sweden. ..claiming to deliver legal documents
seems that legal case must have stopped)
Stuchbery news : “It’s time for me to go. My wife is German and we’re relocating back to Stuttgart.
We simply don’t have it in us to jump through the hurdles that will be required for us to stay – not when the end result is permission to stay in an increasingly isolated, disintegrating society.
I hope I’m wrong. I hope that when I look at the UK in years to come, it throws off the dark mantle of hatred and fear that has settled over it.
I hope that the forces of fascism, gathering strength just under the surface, don’t claw away the foundations of British democracy.
I hope I look back at these words and think I was slightly hysterical. “
…Well these pseudoliberals throw out accusations and labels on others..they are almost always projecting themselves
eg they talk about rise of fascism and division
… when they themselves take to the streets waring black facemasks
and shout for people “to get off OUR streets”
Relocating back to Stuttgart? Enjoy Merkel’s paradise:
Exactly – he really is in for a big surprise … particularly in Stuttgart!!!
And I hope he doesn’t own a diesel – does he realise he won’t be allowed to drive it into town any more (way too many greens in power here – the “Climate lot” have gone totally overboard)
A tale of two migrants —
A couple returning from France find a migrant hiding in their car roof box. The BBC version: “If someone wants to spend 10 hours in my roof box to get into England, he must be coming from somewhere a lot worse than that. I have a lot of sympathy for him actually and I don’t begrudge him for getting into our country…”
The BBC say his roof box had been ’emptied of their belongings’. (Ah the magical perpetrator-less crime. Cf. cars driving randomly into people; lives lost in the Manchester Arena incident.)
Other sources report severe damage to the roof box, and the boy saying it was his mates who’d stolen the Fenton’s expensive shoes, their camera and even the dog bed. And: “The worst part is that when he was taken away by the police, he was smirking. He looked really proud of himself.”
Apparently the boy spoke a mix of Dutch and German. Which seems strange for a boy fleeing conflict in Egypt. Which seems strange given that Egypt is not a war zone.
None of which is investigated by the BBC. Always unjoining the dots wherever it can.
Well it was ONE immigrant but 2 different spins
The newspaper : had a photo where the car owner looks angry
and mentions that the guy said” he was about 17″
The headline is ” illegal immigrant”
whereas The BBC headline is “migrant”
Knowing how these migrants get where castor oil cant, in their attempts to get to the UK, I wonder why the hell that couple didn’t check their car roof box before leaving France. Although the photo of them in the paper, they did look a bit ‘wet’, so hardly surprising. I’d scrutinise every area of my car where a body could hide before leaving the shores of Europe.
Yesterdays R4 Open Country
The prog was supposed to be about Edale
Beeboid Jarvis Cocker started by bumping into Maxine Peake
.. and ended in up by bumping into Magid Magid ..so the show ended with Magid doing his spiel about youth and climate.
BBC News website at 09:58 has lots of black people dominating the news. On the top half of the page are 12 news articles of which 7 are about black people:
Robert Mugabe
Bahamas hurricane
murder of Joy Morgan
Serena Williams
Why being mixed race means I could die
Theo Campbell eye loss
rapper Nicki Minaj
Come on BBC, you can get that up to 10 out of 12 by lunch time!
You missed one : Black reporter PaigeNealHolder’s story
– The queens of RuPaul Drag Race UK Drag Race UK will be ‘rubbish in all the right ways’
– Sediqa Sherzai The woman who dares to run a feminist radio station in Afghanistan
– Buku Abi ‘Being R Kelly’s daughter is a double-edged sword’
Serena is a mother you know !! Every single article from the BBC points that out . Obsession.
The R4 11:30am show ..another black presenter
Theh the 12:15pm show has a special guest : ” food writer Jack Monroe.”
Challenge to UK Parliament suspension fails
Gina Miller plans to appeal it.
Excellent news. I know she can appeal but after this week, i will take that !!!
Interesting point about costs, something the BBC never seems to question. Just how does Gina Miller afford all this ????
Strange really, as if someone donates £2 to the Brexit Party or Leave campaign, the BBC run 24 hours coverage and send reporters round the world trying to trace the money. But, there is no bias remember !!
And how come she was a given such an early date to appeal 10 day time?
I thought these appeal things took ages?
Is Mr Palindrome involved somehow?
What a pathetic Parliament we have.
85% voted in on a manifesto to respect the result of the referendum and get us out of the eu.
As soon as they got in they have been doing everything possible to keep us in the eu and deny us our vote to leave.
To stop us being heard they are now denying us a vote (GE)
We don’t want our vote to give them sovereignty to be used for them to use it to immediately give sovereignty back to the eu.
Arrogant lying #(85#
In other news I see the bbc have lost one of their poster boy heroes. Black and anti British. Two ticks there.
Paul Williams self description : “Professor of Atmospheric Science. …. Frequent guest on BBC, ”
If you want to balance the passengers weights
then ask their WEIGHT, not their gender
Maybe in the future the cost of an airline ticket would depend on your weight.
First part of cost is the flight destination charge, say £100 to Berlin for example.
The second part is the weight charge, say £10 per stone or maybe £1 per kilo.
That would at least be an honest charge (to save the planet of course)
I wonder if Abbott, Thornberry and Soames (related to Churchill if you didn’t know by now) would agree.
I think traveling permissions should be decided on IQ; travel into our country is denied if the prospective immigrant has an IQ less that 100 and traveling out of our country is mandatory if the person’s IQ is less than 100, and/or they aren’t a member of one of the four indigenous groups by blood and/or they are not contributing anything useful to our nation’s prosperity.
But surely you know that IQ means nothing …….. unless applied to white, working class men like Tommy Robinson, when it means everything.
The passenger weight calculations used by airline pilots to estimate take off run and fuel endurance are based on statistics from the 1950’s /60’s when people were a lot lighter and obesity was rare.
It always amazes me when flying that hand luggage weight and size is so limited, but a passenger who is almost twice my weight travels for the same fare.
The ICAO standard weights have been revised over the years. They were revised mid 1990s and again in recent years. For the last 20 years the standard male weight increased ~8% and female increased ~23%. Kids weight increased by 2%.
There is a very detailed report on the internet about world wide airline standard weights and how it will need reviewing more often in the future due to obesity. China and India stood out (especially Chinese kids) where the weight increase is the fastest in the world.
And takes up part of the neighbouring seats at the same ! ;o)
I’ve frequently thought it would be fairer for them to have to pay some kind of (substantial) “surcharge” when they check-in: if you need an additional, extendable seat-belt then you have to pay extra – because the people next to you are going to be the ones who suffer. And the seat next to them should simply be left empty!
A kind stewardess fortunately moved me out of such a situation a while back as I was basically being pushed into the aisle by Mr Blobby. He and his wife were definitely taking up at least 3 seats. :-O
For a so-called scientist he doesn’t appear to be very smart when it comes to aircraft weight and balance. Hate to think how inaccurate his atmospheric models are.
If he cannot even grasp how changing weight of an aircraft but keeping the same air density makes no difference to a flight then what hope is there?
Why doesn’t he just Skype it. Oh sorry, it’s someone who lectures others about the dangers of flying but loves an unnecessary jolly.
I see that the despicable Gina Miller has been temporarily halted in her bid to wrest control of the Country away from elected representatives and give it to Big Business and Globalists.
However the judge seemed very keen to pass the ball along to an appeal court rapidly so maybe he just didn’t want his fingers burned and another Judge will give it the nod and he will be able to say “not me guv!”.
coming on TalkRadio : Tim Martin of Wetherspoons
Mike graham from said Talk Radio approx 10.40. Speaking to green mep (name – who cares) who declared that the referendum result had been declared null and void!!!!!!!!! MG tore her a new one and she relented slightly by saying ‘as good as’.
Now, this is the major stumbling block between those who believed that their democratic vote in a fair contest counted and those who believe(d) that there was only one decision allowed and if the wrong decision was arrived at it would indeed become ‘null and void’.
This unconstitutional aberration has been acknowledged and promoted by the media and BBBC in particular as the only outcome that was acceptable to their ideological class. They have promulgated this viewpoint daily across their immense platform to the detriment of those who were victorious in their vote but received no to little media support whatsoever.
Today the prorogation issue still attracts the big media outlets courtesy of Millar/Soros. Where is the outrage at the parliamentry coup directed at the (still) only sanctioned government??
Where is the anger filling the airwaves of the trashing of the bona fida successful outcome of the 2016 referendum and the disenfranchisement of the 17.4m who were on the winning side???
The propagandising taking place in the UK at the moment is an affront to any democratic system and those exponents, knowing full well what they are doing have almost certainly corrupted any semblance of fair and reasoned debate for any future elections/referendums for years to come. They put Putins Russia to shame and are an utter disgrace.
I hope against hope that they are eventually held to account. And apparently its ok now to call Boris Johnson a liar…………….
Two MEPs with the same name
: Alexandra Phillips MEP @BrexitAlex
: ????Alexandra Phillips MEP@alexforeurope Green MEP
10:50am the Green MEP was awful on TalkRadio
Telling the presenter that the court had ruled that the £350m was a lie
..he asked , in which case
and of course she couldn’t answer
: Listen again available after 1pm
Two MEPs with the same name
: Alexandra Phillips MEP @BrexitAlex
: ????Alexandra Phillips MEP@alexforeurope Green MEP
10:50am the Green MEP was awful on TalkRadio
Telling the presenter that the court had ruled that the £350m was a lie
..he asked , in which case
and of course she couldn’t answer
: Listen again available after 1pm
Here is a link to the segment ..you have to click for the second segment and go 6 minutes in
I don’t think anybody, particularly here, can (or will) deny that the public is witnessing the demise of society in the UK. There has been serious doubts about the police and the justice system growing and other parts of the infrastructure are failing rapidly. I don’t think that even a x£ billion injection will in any way halt the rapid decline even if it happened today. The politicians meddling has been responsible for the destruction of the illusion of so-called, ‘Democracy’. It cannot lurch on for much longer containing the anger in the country. Demonstrably. I expect any day that massive brawls will take place which the police will not be able to contain. Its called ‘Anarchy’. The language between all sorts of people now, being somewhat obligatory, is totally confrontational. A prelude to outbreaks of violence. What is the alternative now?
I regret to see that in Italy, Mr Salvini has shot himself in the foot. We have a new government, which will probably water down or ignore his strong stance against illegal ‘migration’.
‘Il Giornale’ reported that Ms Merkel had made a phone call to then Italian PM, Conte, and told him Salvini had to be disposed of ‘at all costs’, in return for debt relief. Erdogan too, is threatening to open the gates to 3 million ‘refugees’, trapped in Turkey, to proceed to Europe, mainly with Germany as destination.
So 2015 looks set to be coming back to Europe. That should please Messrs Corbyn, Starmer, Swinson, Clarke, et al. Not to mention the beeb.
The Globalists seem to be weathering the challenge of the Populists, at least for the moment. Perhaps Salvini has miscalculated ,but I suppose that there is a chance that he expected this outcome, it wasn’t very hard to see coming after all, and calculates that he will be able to force an election and ride a wave of increased populism to an unassailable position in Parliament. But elsewhere the news isn’t good. In the US the failure to prosecute Comey is a bad omen for the outcome of the investigation into the investigators. We all know Brexit is in the balance..
anybody else noticed how quiet the BBBC have been about Nigel Farage lately, also strange that he’s been under the radar himself and sending Richard Tice on manoeuvres, is there something brewing?
Doughboy, we had a mention of TBP on TOADY this am. A reporter was despatched to Lewes. It found TBP candidate in the pub. Needless to say, the dear old Beeb had to add some more negativity into the item.
I wonder if Miller is going to crowd fund her next appeal? I don’t like the woman but it must be such a worry thinking about where her next penny is coming from…
Cass, clearly someone is wealthy enough to invest in these continued and immediate court actions ! but there must come a time when even they must realise that Gina Miller is an expensive hobby !
Wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC are funding her !!!
Brissles, “must come a time when even they must realise that Gina Miller is an expensive hobby !”
For Soros it’s peanuts – and the money he is making from the weakening pound will keep is search for eternal life going …
I thought the reason for the first SO24 being granted was to find a way forward and break Brexit impasse. Virtually all the proposals (indicative votes) failed to get a majority. Result: we were still in deadlock.
Mr Bercow allows another SO24, and as a result the bill they are going to pass is going to result in even more deadlock.
wtf, it’s almost as if this is what they want, Brexit impasse!
Also, Labour don’t trust Boris not to change the election date, or to ask Brussels for an extension. Lib Dems too, and Green, and SNP. So none of them have any confidence in Boris, but they won’t ask for a vote of no confidence!!
ND – until we get rid of the little tyrant, Bercow, its hard to see any sense coming out of parliament.
Impartial? He is unashamedly Labour and anti-Brexit, happy to abuse his position and exceed his powers, apparently at will. He will channel things in favour of his own side, nobody seems too bothered. There should be a huge outcry, but…
Whichever way this current mess is sorted (I can’t see how unless the UK totally caves in to the EU and withdraws A50), there will eventually be a day of reckoning.
If any aspiring Government (think TBP) gains power, it must have a massive majority, enough to repeal the Fixed Term Parliament Act, create and implement a FIXED Constitution, withdraw from the UN Migration Charter, withdraw from the ECHR and, not forgetting the EU, without any fear of the recent events ever occurring again.
Ok so Boris is off to see the queen at balmoral . What does she say? Recognising that her primary purpose is to maintain the existence of the monachy ( see Princess Diana ) – even if there is anything she can do to get the people to their democratic wish of leaving the EU – will she do anything .
My read is that she’ll duck her nut and not put the monarchy in any position where it upsets any grouping of politicians – particularly Republic Marxists like mcdonnellcorbyn . She knows that the political set up in the UK is just a figment to keep us plebs
quiet and as long as we have footy , strictly supermarkets and cars we will moan a lot but nothing more than that .
So if BoJo stays on he ll take a kicking right through to 17 October – council of mafia ministers and then caretaker the withdrawal of A50 before 31 October .
I can’t see the opposition risking a General Election before 31 October because they have power without responsibility at the moment aided and abetted by the EUSpeaker .
Behind the scenes of course the Remainers will be colluding with the EU to ensure the government becomes weaker without removing it from office – as well as engineering continuous leaks from the Cabinet office to keep project Fear steaming in the background .
At some stage there will be a physical expression of anger – more than the trivial harassment of leading remainers . Whatever it is – let’s hope it is appropriate to the circumstances .up2 can read into that what he/she chooses . …. yesterday I was accused of immoderation and I watched to see if anyone took my post down . If it had gone I’d be gone from this site too .
As for the courts – I think they realise they’d do well staying out of politics with 2 cases out and – I think – only a couple left . Soros won’t complain about the cost – it’s small change to him and he knows he can rely on Gina Miller to be his mouthpiece – was a nice touch picking a coloured girl to do the job as he knew the media just love that token diversity gig .
Princess Diana? You mean the “neurotic, irresponsible and manipulative troublemaker” and Patron Saint of Bond Street?
I was a republican at the time of the Diana deathathon and I overdosed on popcorn watching insanity grip Blighty in a way I thought could not happen
For a moment – until Alistair Campbell got the royal media output on course again – the royals might have had to go home to germany.
These days there are more important issues than the existence of “The Firm “ but when Phillip pops his clogs there will be wall to wall wailing
“the royals might have had to go home to germany.”
Unlike the “indigenous” Anglo Saxons?
Glad your mind is confined to lofty matters.
It is hard to accept or believe that the woman who stood on the balcony with her father the King and Winston on VE Day 1945 is willing to desert her country and her subjects now for what she must know would become (even more) a total charade of a monarchy (if indeed the likes of Soros and his aliens even allow it to survive).
It would make her whole life meaningless.
Let’s face it – HM Queen s life has been fairly worthless – keeping well out of NI insurrection with Protestants killing in her name –
Keeping her hobby Commonwealth going even after she allowed her government to join the Common Market ( and yes I know she’s a constitutional monarch with no constitution ) .
Presiding over the import of millions of third worlders to ‘ diversify ‘ her realm without the consent of the ordinary citizen –
However -if she killed off this current parliament with some forgotten power and or got us out of the ReichEU i world become a life long monarchist . But neither is going to happen .
At least Boris has a royal shoulder to cry on this weekend . ….
And that’s me not even doing the full list . But the firm is still pretty popular and continuing to expand .
I admire that Andy one most. Now there is good value for taxpayers cash .
“keeping well out of NI insurrection with Protestants killing in her name”
That is the most inane comment I have read for some considerable time. Spent too long in the pub this lunchtime?
No wonder some of this blog’s best contributors have drifted away: D Preiser, Pounce etc
Nope – I stand by that view . I detested them almost as much as the murderous republicans who are still at their business .
I also knew that any comment I made about HRH would get some over the top reaction from a supporter but that the price of our diminishing free speech . Nice slur about lunchtime drinking though . Stay Classy
Gosh, I had a high opinion of you, but that comment is nasty.
Fed, you must have heard the fuss over Jacob Rees-Mogg’s unwise comments. I think it is important on here – a site where Leave supporters dominate – that we moderate our language about the other side, most of all now as Remainers are in High Offence mode.
I think talk of lampposts is just not a good idea other than in a canine context.
I for one appreciate all you do in moderating this site.
Up2 – no I haven’t seen any thing about JRM but honoured to be even remotely associated .
As for lampposts – if anyone missed it I said that I thought that if the circumstances which accrued in the British parliament had occurred in ‘ less mature’ democracies other uses would have been found for lampposts other than lighting the streets – or for the use by dogs .
I’m obviously not intending to put ideas into heads because I know I don’t need to .
If you don’t like it Up2 why not report my comments to someone other than me .
I’m glad you prove my point as far as the huge abuse of parliamentary democracy what has gone on and continues to go on – and your response to it .