I heard that they were to be dun for malicious scratching of eyes, vicious pulling of hair and deliberate smudging of eyeliner. A later additional charge was actual physical doggy paddle to chest area.
The rules of politics have gone out the window and momentous political events are happening, it seems, constantly. So how do journalists and TV producers make sense of it for the rest of us?
Andy – the judgement will probably be put up next Monday on the bailii.com site which is a freely available service . I will be reading it me self but I think the text will be that the judiciary are more concerned about their pensions and expenses to be stupid enough to get involved in parliamentary squalor …
The British people so impressed me in 2016 when despite the mountain of propaganda, dis-information and fear spreading, they still voted to Leave.
I do hope that resolve will be shown again if there is a general election. I should be a simple ‘sell’ to the British people.
What parliament and the out of touch MPs are doing is wrong and undemocratic. It is not overly dramatic to say that if the electorate let the establishment get away with this disgusting behaviour (and thank god for Brexit revealing the true colours of said MPs and establishment), then democracy in this country will be over. And with that gone and a belief that voting is pointless, who knows where we will end up.
So, as I said, it should be an easy clear cut ‘sell’. The only trouble is that the method of ‘selling’ (i.e. the media) is controlled by the establishment, so rest assured that they will do everything they can to thwart anyone from getting the message out. Expect even more limited exposure for Farage and all.
This in turn means that social media will be the clearest way to get the message out so get ready for a sudden and timely purge on social media as the establishment scramble to strangle the resistance.
Payne, “This in turn means that social media will be the clearest way to get the message out so get ready for a sudden and timely purge on social media as the establishment scramble to strangle the resistance.”
Quite correct.
What we now know as a Remainer lie came immediately after the EU Ref result was known: the Russians influenced it via social media. It was only June or July this year that Remainer Nick Clegg (former LibDem leader & MP, now Facebook/Instagram Director for Europe) admitted sheepishly on the BBC’s R4 TOADY programme “We have checked and checked again. There was no Russian interference in the EU Referendum.”
If we do have another Referendum – and today it seems more likely – then the way to win it will be old fashioned social media. In a disconnected age, young people who are pro-Leave will have to go out there and meet and talk with other young people, whether firm Remainers, undecideds or wobbly/uncertain Leavers.
The key question to ask: “Do you want to be part of the EUNation or do you want to live in a free country?”
Payne, word of mouth? Neighbour to neighbour? Great way to get to know people we are told frequently that we are disconnected from in 21st century. Talk to old people, end their loneliness with a promise of a drive to the Polling Station.
BBC Humberside news actually put one of their own shows as news item #2
after Labour MP phoned in and said Boris killed Jo Cox
“Boris Johnson is lying.
He has not been out there negotiating. This is a man who ran a referendum campaign that resulted in one of our colleagues to be killed.
“This is the level of this man and the hate he wishes to generate and the bad feeling he wishes to stir up.”
Burnsy replied: “That is a big allegation to say that Boris Johnson is responsible for the death of one of your members.”
Ms Hardy said: “During the referendum campaign one of our MPs was killed. That’s a fact Burnsy.”
(Burnsy said: “Let’s not necessarily get into the Jo Cox situation.”)
Ms Hardy said: “I did not say Boris Johnson was responsible.”
(Burnsy interjected saying: “You did.”)
David – it seems to me that every labour MP has been fed the lines that they have to call Boris a liar and discredit him in every way they can, yet none of them know what their policy is on brexit! I used to have a lot of time for Emma hardy but not sure now!!
BTW Emma Hardy ..the kinder gentler person
Tweeted on July 14th
“Alternative headline: Amber Rudd abandons principals in attempt to keep her job under a Boris PM.”
As a matter of interest, does anyone here have the slightest intention of respecting the election result if remain were to win? I’m damned if I will, and I don’t see why I should given their refusal to respect the referendum. I doubt I’m alone, including many with hotter heads than mine.
They have opened a Pandora’s Box with no thought as to the consequences.
And there in lies the worry. Remain side will have no issue galvanising the troops, but will the Leave voters still come out ? Possibly not for the reasons Iain Dale states. Definitely a potential issue.
Roland – you’d better be careful what you write otherwise Up2 will be after you for ‘lack of moderation .’ . I can’t write the words for what I want ….
By the way – on the judgement against Gina Miller – real name Gina Yaxley Soros – one of the judges on the bench was the famous Vicky Sharpe – fresh from her hols after banging up TR for nine weeks . There is still plenty of vitriol flowing around the web concerning Dame Victoria , president of the Queens Bench Division and a name unlikely to be forgotten . I’m sure she got the job on merit and not that her dad is /was a peer ….
Now, now, Fed, think of the blood pressure! I’m as frustrated, almost, as you are. I am aghast at having to think we have a Parliament that – foolishly in view of their complaints about election turnout in a previous decade – have set themselves against the people.
They have carried out a coup against the Government of the people, by the people, for the people.
But it is now obvious that they are terrified of the electorate. Chuka Umunna is apparently jumping constituency to avoid the wrath of his previous voters. I gather Luciana Berger may not stand in her seat but seek an alternative berth under the LibDem flag of convenience. If Boris had a strategy and it included flushing out the unscrupulous from the opposition, it seems to be working.
I just wonder whether polling by Parties other than the Conservative Party and The Brexit Party, is telling those who commissioned them, some very unwelcome news.
Today is a very sad day for me as i have to praise the BBC for there continued support of the Labour Party, and the air time they are giving to the Labour Party position on Brexit at the next general election
The new policy they intend to promote at the next election is as follows
The Labour Party will negotiate a new deal with the EU!!!
Then have a second referendum offering the Labour deal, and Remain!!!!!
In the referendum Labour will campaign for remain LMFAO
I am amazed that anyone can seriously consider voting for that Bearded, Jew Bothering Cock Womble and his rabble of sweaty numptys
Its so bad its hilarious. Beardy and Swinson want to prat around getting a deal with the EU and then vote down their OWN deal !!! They have no confidence in Boris but wont call a No Confidence Vote and they want a Election but wont accept the challenge.
Doobs you honestly couldn’t make it up
I imagine Labour and the BBC are all sitting around a camp fire dreaming up new policy while getting high on herbal tea
All except Ed Millibate who is still sniffing the seat of a young autistic climate campaigner from northern Europe
I challenge anyone to watch the video of Millibate gazing at the young climate hero, and say it isn’t weird
Video of her collecting the award (click the button to activate sound)
Translation of her intro :”My thank you as the Environmental Hero of the Year.
Everything belongs together. Climate, mental ill-health, increased gaps,
Children in need and feminism.
My eternal thanks to all who are fighting for a better world.
For those who can’t. You have my eternal love and respect.
#wwf #klimat #wecantdoit #npf #asperger ”
Would it not have been possible to have prorogued parliament earlier and therefore stop them even voting for this anti no deal legislation? Why allow parliament the time to do anything?
Thoughts please?
RD, once watched a film involving two boxers. The plan of one of them (boxer A) was to let the other boxer tire himself out by constantly throwing punches whilst boxer A took the blows but conserved his strength. High risk strategy eh!
Dunno what made me think of that film………
I hope that he has another plan. One good thing so far is that he has had the perfect excuse to remove the party of the wets and also exposed Corbyn for being a fraud.
The thing is when he took over he would have known that they would try to block No Deal anyway. The numbers were stacked against him and this was down to what was left from May’s time in office.
If the numbers where on his side then he could have slammed a No Deal out and been done with it
RD, wrong timing maybe? He’s forced an unwelcome Bill out of his Parliamentary opponents tying his hands for too long. Unless Her Majesty declines her assent it appears it becomes a temporary law. Unless again Bojo has a very good Constitutional lawyer in his team and can wriggle out of it somehow, he is as you say in a cul-de-sac with only one further option to shame his opponents with: a referendum or two or three.
We were told recently by a friend and colleague of Bojo on BBC R4 that that is how he operates: on a whim and a lack of prayer, hoping that his charm or usual bluff and bluster can get him out of the mess he created.
(Harrrummphhhh! So much for Dominic Cummings!)
Meanwhile we taxpayers pick up the tab for all of this and have to suffer.
I wonder if David Cameron and Theresa May feel any guilt or regret whatsoever? Both could have been absolute heroes by now.
Jo Johnson has displayed the same loyalty to his brother as he has to the 17.4 million who voted leave. Good riddance. His Orpington constituents will be delighted. They will now, hopefully, get a candidate that supports the 57% of them who voted against the EU.
Just like this Chancy …. anything he does, the Left have a hissy fit.
This is an abuse of power by Boris Johnson, making so many police stop their training and work to be part of his political stunt. They have a job to do here in West Yorks, and they train and work hard for the whole community – completely unacceptable to use them in this way https://t.co/9J1iImeiSc
What is to stop Boris and the government just saying they will not go to the EU and ask for an another delay?
Give parliament the option
1, General Election
2, We leave on 31st without a deal (as nothing to negotiate, and nobody with authority to negotiate)
BBC and MSM will have collective heart attacks and hissy fits and scream that Boris is a tyrant, but lets be honest they are going to do that any way
Nobody leaves the Cosa Nostra without first becoming a cadaver.
I pray that Mr Johnson will be the first to defy history and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Too many words have been written and spoken about Brexit – far too many viewpoints available.
I’m a believer in a political decision being made and then we live for a while with the consequences. Remainers will say it’s far too important for that – really? It might not suit a change in their own immediate personal lifestyle, but , so what – get over it.
I can see the irony in me posting this message and the means to do it – BUT can our old democratic system flourish in such an environment. No it can’t
The only way it works is if the losers of any public vote will concede power to the winners. If not, then we are lost as a true democracy.
What our MP’s won’t admit is that an awful lot of them won their own election to become MP’s by a small margin.
Is every electoral contest now to be contested if the result is tight? and if so – then, now, why not?
Gina Miller and the BBC are the complete opposite to what they claim to be – upholders of democracy. Shame on them.
And the funny thing it is always the left and the remainers that signal their very intentions.
In the US, they claimed that if Trump didn’t win he’d constantly contest it and if he loses in 2020 that he won’t leave the White House. Yet it is the left/Democrats that have endlessly contested his victory and not accepted it. Just like when one of their own lost a governorship yet still claims she was robbed.
And over here, the remainers do the same. Endlessly contesting and delegitimising the very debate which they lost. They’ve blamed everyone – the Russians, lies on buses, senility and old fashioned racism.
And the final kicker is that when offered once again to put their money where their mouth is in a general election when surely they would be vindicated that they are representing the people – they bottle it.
It’s like we are in a parallel universe where you say the opposite of what you think.
Democracy will die if we don’t thwart the referendum result.
It’s wrong that Boris was voted by a small number of people, if only we had the chance to put it to a bigger vote.
I’m a hysterical yet incredibly earnest and self important MP who has no idea what is going on but knows that Boris is the root of all evil.
I believe you are right Payne and only last night I enjoyed yet another viewing of the wonderful film, Little Big Man, where Jack makes an enemy of an Indian (by saving his life).
The Indian decides to go ‘contrary’ as a penance, riding his horse backwards, saying goodbye instead of hello and vice versa, washing with dirt and drying with water etc.
A wonderful classic and General Custer, featured in the film, was an archetypal remainer. He refused to listen to the majority of his officers and ended up shot full of arrows!
Would that have been a good look if the lords stopped the bill with filibustering? opens up a huge can of worms that is not needed by the Government at present. The BBC would have had even more of a complete self-rightious meltdown.
They did, as far as I'm aware, but, I think they have back peddled, that "Trust" issue not applicable to labour. I believe after talking either SNP, EU or Starmer moved the goalposts. Seriously,they are flip flopping, like the disastrous Thornberry plan, maybe after royal assent?
RD, Bojo didn’t, it was the old dears … sorry, I mean .. the old Peers…. in The Other Place that didn’t have the stamina to go on past 2.30am. Maybe the bars had closed?
Yes smoogie – I hope he has a plan – everything that has so far happened could be forseen. Cummings – get that monster brain working! You’re country is depending on your brilliance. Wouldn’t it be great to shut the whole lot of the moaning remainers up – once and for all.
Having got the tantrums of the rabble alliance out of the way, Brexiteers can now look forward to what is coming down the track. Take pleasure in the remainers hollow victory and celebrations tonight. The next government move will stun them into silence and we still leave Oct31st pic.twitter.com/ZqAtPVOyQ2
Not sure if it is just a bit of fun to tease remainers or just to get people’s hopes up but some theories are being thrown around:
Johnson and Cummings knew that that could get around a bill one way or another but are keeping it quiet. By allow MPs to go crazy and launch the bill gives Johnson a chance to weed out the wets and at the same time expose Corbyn as a fraud.
The wets are gone, the Tories can be a pro Brexit Party while Corbyn loses half of his voters.
Johnson finds a way around the bill and carries on with Brexit ‘Do or die’
Other ideas are to allow a GE to happen and with Corbyn’s popularity weakened from leave voters struggles. Johnson to do a pact with Farage to allow Brexit Party to sweep up Labour heartlands. Corbyn gone, job done.
Another suggestion but very unlikely is that Johnson would want to stay in the EU after all and thus is a remainer in disguise but his ego would prevent this from being true. Johnson is not May and is showing no signs of being weak like her
A great guy and someone who isn’t going back down in defence of the 17.4 million British voters who want to regain their democracy and independence. pic.twitter.com/tlkzeYTuXN
R4 just now “Challenging the idea of six billion deaths due to climate change
Does ‘the science’ predict 6 billion deaths by the end of this century due to climate change? That’s what Roger Hallam, co-founder of environmental campaigners Extinction Rebellion said on an edition of the BBC’s HARDtalk programme last month. We take a look at the origins of that number
and we talk to Andy Haines, Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, whose estimates on the number of deaths are…..well……..lower.”
Haines used the words “climate pollutants”
and went into campaign mode
saying that ‘measures that help climate also clean the air’
Tosh ..burning wood, and Chinese electric car mineral mining doesn’t improve the air.
@BBCRadio4#MoreOrLess at last questioning #XR 6billion death claim – he made it up! But mess up the report by trying to justify #GlobalWarming deaths 250k heat stress, malnutrition, blah, blah.#ClimateChanges#CO2 is NOT Pollution DON'T BELIEVE MODELS – THEY ARE FICTION!
— ????G2Vstargrazzer❄️[CO2appreciating????Enviro'list] (@stargrazzer) September 6, 2019
Stew, what would the death rate be if we didn’t have this w/site to give us all a chance to moan about the Beeb, have a chuckle and cheer each other up?
By the end of the century I’m sure 6 billion people will have died worldwide whatever the climate decides to do. That’s what humans do. First we are born and then later we die and that is a proven fact, not just speculation like all this climate change cobblers.
Yes, I’d already replied
“The level of science on the #BiasedBBC is appalling
Raw deaths is a BS count
cos all humans die
What counts is #QALY Quality Adjusted Life Years lost”
“n this world that count gets smaller as humans on average are living longer and longer”
“Sure, people do die from bad weather incidents but
but Climate has never appeared on a death certificate”
Brexit has even crept into the BBC Pidgen news service (which the UK tv licence payer, pays for). At least I think it has, as Gina Miller’s name was mentioned….I think.
The BBC godess has honoured Afternoon Live with her presence – Yes! Gina – the Miller. They almost wet themselves with glee. Oh ‘nice to see you Gina’ ‘please come again’ – One of their own sort of course – so much better than those vulgar types mainly from ‘the north’ with their Brexit Nonsense. Ugg!
Moved from Al Beeb Radio today to LBC .
Nothing but ‘wall to wall’ anti-brext propaganda now on that station.
The MSM is rife with it , almost as much as Al Beeb.
Parliament and the media has turned its back on 17.4m of the people of Great Britain. Its almost as if they are being controlled by the EU? The super state does not let go of its empire easily.
Andrew pierce from the Express on now .Normally Nigel Farage is on 6 to 7 PM which is an interesting listen.Never listen to Eddie Mair on till 6pm and he is the most sneering, sarcastic remoaner ex bbbc.
Hull local news opened with 2 items about angry Remainers
– First about the Labour MPs outburst re Jo Cox
– Then about angry remainers do a Twitter pile in against the International Bomber Command Memorial Centre in Lincoln
..after they dared to post a pic of Farage making a private visit
… They piled in with their usual hate like calling him Nazi/Fascist.
The BBC prog wrongly quoted the Centre saying they were not going to give in to the bullies, by deleting their tweet.
In fact they have deleted their tweet, leaving only the hatey replies like this one.
Once bomber command fought fascists, now it gives them guided tours.
Some political group seems to be cynically seeking to weaponise the memory of the war heroes
.. and that isn’t Farage
but rather the Anti-Brexit accounts that use the constant-outrage-bus PR technique
The Tory Party is now toast.
The Brexit Party are this nation’s only hope of salvation.
Bring the next election on, bring it on .
Great Britain has been brought to its knees by self serving politicians aided by the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
Owen Jones news
A week since they were released after being arrested, the 3 men still haven’t been charged.
TRs last weekend in a political prison for a political ‘ crime’…
Maybe they are up for a commendation for services to the community.
I heard that they were to be dun for malicious scratching of eyes, vicious pulling of hair and deliberate smudging of eyeliner. A later additional charge was actual physical doggy paddle to chest area.
And wielding a wet paper towel with intent to inflict injury.
Did anyone see the weals on Mr Jones’ back? It will take months for them to heal.
John, the only weals i’d like to see on Jones’ back belong to one of those monster trucks, if you get my drift.
Producers and journalists are not like other people.
They have no sense of irony.
Guest, and no idea from a comment like that about what their jobs involve.
Most peculiar.
the eu.bc reports “We don’t know why Gina Miller lost, but we have an idea of what will be before the Supreme Court.”
so funny, we dont know why!
Andy – the judgement will probably be put up next Monday on the bailii.com site which is a freely available service . I will be reading it me self but I think the text will be that the judiciary are more concerned about their pensions and expenses to be stupid enough to get involved in parliamentary squalor …
Greta : an article about her and her mothers history
her mother was WWF Environmental Hero of the Year 2017
Then came the book about her family
John Simpson on Jeremy Vine blames the minority ‘white’ government for Mugabe killing his fellow Africans.
A John McEnroe moment.
Is that anywhere on social media?
He deserves all that comes his way for that.
Bloated oaf.
The British people so impressed me in 2016 when despite the mountain of propaganda, dis-information and fear spreading, they still voted to Leave.
I do hope that resolve will be shown again if there is a general election. I should be a simple ‘sell’ to the British people.
What parliament and the out of touch MPs are doing is wrong and undemocratic. It is not overly dramatic to say that if the electorate let the establishment get away with this disgusting behaviour (and thank god for Brexit revealing the true colours of said MPs and establishment), then democracy in this country will be over. And with that gone and a belief that voting is pointless, who knows where we will end up.
So, as I said, it should be an easy clear cut ‘sell’. The only trouble is that the method of ‘selling’ (i.e. the media) is controlled by the establishment, so rest assured that they will do everything they can to thwart anyone from getting the message out. Expect even more limited exposure for Farage and all.
This in turn means that social media will be the clearest way to get the message out so get ready for a sudden and timely purge on social media as the establishment scramble to strangle the resistance.
Payne, “This in turn means that social media will be the clearest way to get the message out so get ready for a sudden and timely purge on social media as the establishment scramble to strangle the resistance.”
Quite correct.
What we now know as a Remainer lie came immediately after the EU Ref result was known: the Russians influenced it via social media. It was only June or July this year that Remainer Nick Clegg (former LibDem leader & MP, now Facebook/Instagram Director for Europe) admitted sheepishly on the BBC’s R4 TOADY programme “We have checked and checked again. There was no Russian interference in the EU Referendum.”
If we do have another Referendum – and today it seems more likely – then the way to win it will be old fashioned social media. In a disconnected age, young people who are pro-Leave will have to go out there and meet and talk with other young people, whether firm Remainers, undecideds or wobbly/uncertain Leavers.
The key question to ask: “Do you want to be part of the EUNation or do you want to live in a free country?”
Yep, that is the fight we have. At least in the US, they have Fox News and OAN to offer some counter balance in the media world. Here we have none.
Payne, word of mouth? Neighbour to neighbour? Great way to get to know people we are told frequently that we are disconnected from in 21st century. Talk to old people, end their loneliness with a promise of a drive to the Polling Station.
BBC Humberside news actually put one of their own shows as news item #2
after Labour MP phoned in and said Boris killed Jo Cox
Burnsy replied: “That is a big allegation to say that Boris Johnson is responsible for the death of one of your members.”
a good reply
BTW Emma Hardy ..the kinder gentler person
Tweeted on July 14th
“Alternative headline: Amber Rudd abandons principals in attempt to keep her job under a Boris PM.”
Too many women, mostly of low grade intellect and absent of any morals, having too much to say about everything.
The day has to come when the quality of our representatives improves and probably with many more men in those positions.
As a matter of interest, does anyone here have the slightest intention of respecting the election result if remain were to win? I’m damned if I will, and I don’t see why I should given their refusal to respect the referendum. I doubt I’m alone, including many with hotter heads than mine.
They have opened a Pandora’s Box with no thought as to the consequences.
And there in lies the worry. Remain side will have no issue galvanising the troops, but will the Leave voters still come out ? Possibly not for the reasons Iain Dale states. Definitely a potential issue.
Roland – you’d better be careful what you write otherwise Up2 will be after you for ‘lack of moderation .’ . I can’t write the words for what I want ….
By the way – on the judgement against Gina Miller – real name Gina Yaxley Soros – one of the judges on the bench was the famous Vicky Sharpe – fresh from her hols after banging up TR for nine weeks . There is still plenty of vitriol flowing around the web concerning Dame Victoria , president of the Queens Bench Division and a name unlikely to be forgotten . I’m sure she got the job on merit and not that her dad is /was a peer ….
“real name Gina-Yaxley-Soros”
…. that is a great line
Seconded. I think we should get that trending!
LOL. Cracker that one.
This might be the answer to the question we’ve all been asking………..
Now, now, Fed, think of the blood pressure! I’m as frustrated, almost, as you are. I am aghast at having to think we have a Parliament that – foolishly in view of their complaints about election turnout in a previous decade – have set themselves against the people.
They have carried out a coup against the Government of the people, by the people, for the people.
But it is now obvious that they are terrified of the electorate. Chuka Umunna is apparently jumping constituency to avoid the wrath of his previous voters. I gather Luciana Berger may not stand in her seat but seek an alternative berth under the LibDem flag of convenience. If Boris had a strategy and it included flushing out the unscrupulous from the opposition, it seems to be working.
I just wonder whether polling by Parties other than the Conservative Party and The Brexit Party, is telling those who commissioned them, some very unwelcome news.
“Gina Yaxley Soros” – brilliant!
Today is a very sad day for me as i have to praise the BBC for there continued support of the Labour Party, and the air time they are giving to the Labour Party position on Brexit at the next general election
The new policy they intend to promote at the next election is as follows
The Labour Party will negotiate a new deal with the EU!!!
Then have a second referendum offering the Labour deal, and Remain!!!!!
In the referendum Labour will campaign for remain LMFAO
I am amazed that anyone can seriously consider voting for that Bearded, Jew Bothering Cock Womble and his rabble of sweaty numptys
Its so bad its hilarious. Beardy and Swinson want to prat around getting a deal with the EU and then vote down their OWN deal !!! They have no confidence in Boris but wont call a No Confidence Vote and they want a Election but wont accept the challenge.
Absolute fruit cakes !!!!
Doobs you honestly couldn’t make it up
I imagine Labour and the BBC are all sitting around a camp fire dreaming up new policy while getting high on herbal tea
All except Ed Millibate who is still sniffing the seat of a young autistic climate campaigner from northern Europe
I challenge anyone to watch the video of Millibate gazing at the young climate hero, and say it isn’t weird
Greta’s pop star mother
“2017 Artist Malena Ernman and biologist Rebecka Le Moine appointed Environmental Heroes of the Year by WWF”
see also
Video of her collecting the award (click the button to activate sound)
Translation of her intro :”My thank you as the Environmental Hero of the Year.
Everything belongs together. Climate, mental ill-health, increased gaps,
Children in need and feminism.
My eternal thanks to all who are fighting for a better world.
For those who can’t. You have my eternal love and respect.
#wwf #klimat #wecantdoit #npf #asperger ”
Sorry the video comes out 10 times bigger than it does on Facebook.
Would it not have been possible to have prorogued parliament earlier and therefore stop them even voting for this anti no deal legislation? Why allow parliament the time to do anything?
Thoughts please?
No idea. I had assumed Boris had a cunning plan but it’s beginning to look like he’s just run full speed into a cul-de-sac without thinking.
RD, once watched a film involving two boxers. The plan of one of them (boxer A) was to let the other boxer tire himself out by constantly throwing punches whilst boxer A took the blows but conserved his strength. High risk strategy eh!
Dunno what made me think of that film………
I hope that he has another plan. One good thing so far is that he has had the perfect excuse to remove the party of the wets and also exposed Corbyn for being a fraud.
The thing is when he took over he would have known that they would try to block No Deal anyway. The numbers were stacked against him and this was down to what was left from May’s time in office.
If the numbers where on his side then he could have slammed a No Deal out and been done with it
RD, wrong timing maybe? He’s forced an unwelcome Bill out of his Parliamentary opponents tying his hands for too long. Unless Her Majesty declines her assent it appears it becomes a temporary law. Unless again Bojo has a very good Constitutional lawyer in his team and can wriggle out of it somehow, he is as you say in a cul-de-sac with only one further option to shame his opponents with: a referendum or two or three.
We were told recently by a friend and colleague of Bojo on BBC R4 that that is how he operates: on a whim and a lack of prayer, hoping that his charm or usual bluff and bluster can get him out of the mess he created.
(Harrrummphhhh! So much for Dominic Cummings!)
Meanwhile we taxpayers pick up the tab for all of this and have to suffer.
I wonder if David Cameron and Theresa May feel any guilt or regret whatsoever? Both could have been absolute heroes by now.
Jo Johnson has displayed the same loyalty to his brother as he has to the 17.4 million who voted leave. Good riddance. His Orpington constituents will be delighted. They will now, hopefully, get a candidate that supports the 57% of them who voted against the EU.
Gina! Prorogued!

Have you noticed how every bbbc report about Boris Johnson is unnecessarily counter-balanced by the words and beliefs of the opposition?
It could be anything!
‘Boris Johnson has crossed the border to visit Scottish farmers.’
‘However, SNP leader Ian Blackford says that ‘Johnson will resurrect the spirit of Culloden if he crosses the border again’
‘Boris Johnson spent a few minutes talking to a little old lady today’
‘Meanwhile, Anna Sourface stated that little old ladies should not be stopped in the street to talk to ministers’
‘Boris Johnson has a brother’
‘But Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said it was a typical big-brother tactic … to have a brother’.
Just like this Chancy …. anything he does, the Left have a hissy fit.
Copper not used to standing up. Request a return to Twitter watch
Let’s just hope and pray that Britain NEVER has to suffer an abuse of power by Yvette Cooper. That way lies misery for everyone.
Yep! Gordon Bennett.
chancy, ‘But Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said it was a typical big-brother tactic … to have a brother’.
What is to stop Boris and the government just saying they will not go to the EU and ask for an another delay?
Give parliament the option
1, General Election
2, We leave on 31st without a deal (as nothing to negotiate, and nobody with authority to negotiate)
BBC and MSM will have collective heart attacks and hissy fits and scream that Boris is a tyrant, but lets be honest they are going to do that any way
Nobody leaves the Cosa Nostra without first becoming a cadaver.
I pray that Mr Johnson will be the first to defy history and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Too many words have been written and spoken about Brexit – far too many viewpoints available.
I’m a believer in a political decision being made and then we live for a while with the consequences. Remainers will say it’s far too important for that – really? It might not suit a change in their own immediate personal lifestyle, but , so what – get over it.
I can see the irony in me posting this message and the means to do it – BUT can our old democratic system flourish in such an environment. No it can’t
The only way it works is if the losers of any public vote will concede power to the winners. If not, then we are lost as a true democracy.
What our MP’s won’t admit is that an awful lot of them won their own election to become MP’s by a small margin.
Is every electoral contest now to be contested if the result is tight? and if so – then, now, why not?
Gina Miller and the BBC are the complete opposite to what they claim to be – upholders of democracy. Shame on them.
And the funny thing it is always the left and the remainers that signal their very intentions.
In the US, they claimed that if Trump didn’t win he’d constantly contest it and if he loses in 2020 that he won’t leave the White House. Yet it is the left/Democrats that have endlessly contested his victory and not accepted it. Just like when one of their own lost a governorship yet still claims she was robbed.
And over here, the remainers do the same. Endlessly contesting and delegitimising the very debate which they lost. They’ve blamed everyone – the Russians, lies on buses, senility and old fashioned racism.
And the final kicker is that when offered once again to put their money where their mouth is in a general election when surely they would be vindicated that they are representing the people – they bottle it.
It’s like we are in a parallel universe where you say the opposite of what you think.
Democracy will die if we don’t thwart the referendum result.
It’s wrong that Boris was voted by a small number of people, if only we had the chance to put it to a bigger vote.
I’m a hysterical yet incredibly earnest and self important MP who has no idea what is going on but knows that Boris is the root of all evil.
I believe you are right Payne and only last night I enjoyed yet another viewing of the wonderful film, Little Big Man, where Jack makes an enemy of an Indian (by saving his life).
The Indian decides to go ‘contrary’ as a penance, riding his horse backwards, saying goodbye instead of hello and vice versa, washing with dirt and drying with water etc.
A wonderful classic and General Custer, featured in the film, was an archetypal remainer. He refused to listen to the majority of his officers and ended up shot full of arrows!
Because I feel the need to lighten my mood.

The bill has been approved by lords…
What will be Johnson’s next card, if any?
And why did he capitulate on the filibuster?
Would that have been a good look if the lords stopped the bill with filibustering? opens up a huge can of worms that is not needed by the Government at present. The BBC would have had even more of a complete self-rightious meltdown.
Not sure but that is an interesting question that I have seen asked by a few people today.
The question is, at least an optimistic one… Does Johnson know something that they do not know? Has he found a loophole?
Smoogie – Do or die – yes he has a loophole, and he will have the courage to use it. That is what his brother knows.
The question is, was this anticipated? If not, why not? And if it was, what is the motive?
RD, Bojo didn’t, it was the old dears … sorry, I mean .. the old Peers…. in The Other Place that didn’t have the stamina to go on past 2.30am. Maybe the bars had closed?
Yes smoogie – I hope he has a plan – everything that has so far happened could be forseen. Cummings – get that monster brain working! You’re country is depending on your brilliance. Wouldn’t it be great to shut the whole lot of the moaning remainers up – once and for all.
There is this tweet:
Not sure if it is just a bit of fun to tease remainers or just to get people’s hopes up but some theories are being thrown around:
Johnson and Cummings knew that that could get around a bill one way or another but are keeping it quiet. By allow MPs to go crazy and launch the bill gives Johnson a chance to weed out the wets and at the same time expose Corbyn as a fraud.
The wets are gone, the Tories can be a pro Brexit Party while Corbyn loses half of his voters.
Johnson finds a way around the bill and carries on with Brexit ‘Do or die’
Other ideas are to allow a GE to happen and with Corbyn’s popularity weakened from leave voters struggles. Johnson to do a pact with Farage to allow Brexit Party to sweep up Labour heartlands. Corbyn gone, job done.
Another suggestion but very unlikely is that Johnson would want to stay in the EU after all and thus is a remainer in disguise but his ego would prevent this from being true. Johnson is not May and is showing no signs of being weak like her
Interesting choice of picture. Are vandalised signs the only ones available?
improvement on the usual ones…….with the bullet holes!
“The trouble is David…. I also work for the BBC so….”
Well it is Friday
Au contraire, the more propaganda we get the more DISINFORMED we are.
Stew, you need to switch on your old Iron Curtain kit. You know, the typewriter that reads between the lines. 😉
Thanks mate. Your mention of the BBC has put me right off my tea.
R4 just now
“Challenging the idea of six billion deaths due to climate change
Does ‘the science’ predict 6 billion deaths by the end of this century due to climate change? That’s what Roger Hallam, co-founder of environmental campaigners Extinction Rebellion said on an edition of the BBC’s HARDtalk programme last month. We take a look at the origins of that number
and we talk to Andy Haines, Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, whose estimates on the number of deaths are…..well……..lower.”
Haines used the words “climate pollutants”
and went into campaign mode
saying that ‘measures that help climate also clean the air’
Tosh ..burning wood, and Chinese electric car mineral mining doesn’t improve the air.
Then 4:52pm Harra criticised for using “upto”
in asserting that 20% of meat is used to feed pets
Actually the word “meat” is wrong
cos it means pet meat is made from offcuts humans don’t buy.
Harra did a stealth edit later to say UK vets reckon it’s more like 12%
Stew, what would the death rate be if we didn’t have this w/site to give us all a chance to moan about the Beeb, have a chuckle and cheer each other up?
Harrabin to investigate?
I thought not.
By the end of the century I’m sure 6 billion people will have died worldwide whatever the climate decides to do. That’s what humans do. First we are born and then later we die and that is a proven fact, not just speculation like all this climate change cobblers.
Yes, I’d already replied
“The level of science on the #BiasedBBC is appalling
Raw deaths is a BS count
cos all humans die
What counts is #QALY Quality Adjusted Life Years lost”
“n this world that count gets smaller as humans on average are living longer and longer”
“Sure, people do die from bad weather incidents but
but Climate has never appeared on a death certificate”
Usual outrageous agenda pushing
Perhaps a ‘drunken brawl’ might be the way to SOLVE Brexit as well………
Brexit has even crept into the BBC Pidgen news service (which the UK tv licence payer, pays for). At least I think it has, as Gina Miller’s name was mentioned….I think.
Cassie, don’ start me an all.
Dem grate Bibbycee.
Dem orl buggerrup.
Did you forget “innit” at the end of your post?
Lefty, I could have done, it would have added a bit of a North London twang to it.
On reflection though, would that have not added an slight air of doubt to the last line. Think I prefer the ‘definiteness’ of it as it is. 😉
The BBC godess has honoured Afternoon Live with her presence – Yes! Gina – the Miller. They almost wet themselves with glee. Oh ‘nice to see you Gina’ ‘please come again’ – One of their own sort of course – so much better than those vulgar types mainly from ‘the north’ with their Brexit Nonsense. Ugg!
Moved from Al Beeb Radio today to LBC .
Nothing but ‘wall to wall’ anti-brext propaganda now on that station.
The MSM is rife with it , almost as much as Al Beeb.
Parliament and the media has turned its back on 17.4m of the people of Great Britain. Its almost as if they are being controlled by the EU? The super state does not let go of its empire easily.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Andrew pierce from the Express on now .Normally Nigel Farage is on 6 to 7 PM which is an interesting listen.Never listen to Eddie Mair on till 6pm and he is the most sneering, sarcastic remoaner ex bbbc.
Was listening to a show hosted by Shelagh Fogarty. The ‘off’ switch was soon reached.
Hull local news opened with 2 items about angry Remainers
– First about the Labour MPs outburst re Jo Cox
– Then about angry remainers do a Twitter pile in against the International Bomber Command Memorial Centre in Lincoln
..after they dared to post a pic of Farage making a private visit
… They piled in with their usual hate like calling him Nazi/Fascist.
The BBC prog wrongly quoted the Centre saying they were not going to give in to the bullies, by deleting their tweet.
In fact they have deleted their tweet, leaving only the hatey replies like this one.
Some political group seems to be cynically seeking to weaponise the memory of the war heroes
.. and that isn’t Farage
but rather the Anti-Brexit accounts that use the constant-outrage-bus PR technique
The Tory Party is now toast.
The Brexit Party are this nation’s only hope of salvation.
Bring the next election on, bring it on .
Great Britain has been brought to its knees by self serving politicians aided by the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.