Remainers have the law on their side and so they are able to ignore the will of the people. They can and will put Boris in prison if he refuses to comply with their now legal requirement to seek an extension from the EU. We all know that if a GE was held and that if Boris and Nigel formed a pact they would win it with a solid majority. I think that Boris going to jail and becoming a Brexit martyr would be a tremendous vote winner for the Leave alliance. How long can the Remainers avoid holding a GE for? Theoretically for nearly three years if they can form their own rag bag government. During that time they could hold a second referendum using the power of government to gerrymander the questions of the paper, the campaign and the outcome. If we Leavers sit back and allow the Remainer elite to control events Brexit will undoubtedly be lost . We have to make our anger, outrage, contempt very visible and audible to the Westminster bubble. In short we have to put the fear of a God into them
Doublethink – I think it is the only way. The remainers are fighting dirty and the democrats (us) are allowing it. Time for a seismic shift.
We, the majority, have to be heard. Facebook and Twitter is not enough. We have to be seen to be angry – on the Telly.
How, I’ve really no idea when BBC & Skye control the media and how it’s presented. We can’t yet force them to show both sides.
Personally I think they are both promoting civil unrest with their one sided approach.
The hateful language and the abuse allowed by BBc & Skye against the Democrats as I will now call us is astonishing. They are behaving like nasty school bullys in the playground. And as usual the women are the worst.
I believe Remainers want Boris to be found dead in Tower Ditch if we leave the EU without a deal. Arrested and sent to the Tower and then shot dead by the Labour/LibDem/SNP Triumvirate Remainer regime under Jeremy Corbyn. The impression I get from the BBC is that a National Government of Unity will be formed after a vote passed into law expelling those Members of Parliament who want a General Election.
“Four Mannheim families have been fined because their children skipped school to take part in a demonstration of the climate protection movement “Fridays for Future”.”
BBC’s Dateline London continued the BBC narrative that the Brexit crisis is all down to Boris – one of the panellists twice called him a “liar” without any comeback.
There was absolutely no criticism or even a basic critique of Parliament’s unsavoury role in undermining and trying to overturn the referendum result.
No discussion about the threat to democracy, no debate about the hypocrisy and dishonesty of MPs who are failing to represent their constituents, nothing about the increasingly unhinged, alarmist and downright treacherous campaign to bind us forever to the EU.
Right from the start, the day after the referendum, the BBC has framed Brexit as a negative, a problem, and it has pushed the idea that “no deal” was not what people voted for.
So, just as night follows day, a Prime Minister who dares to challenge that narrative is to be mocked and undermined, and the BBC is certainly playing its part.
Not wishing to be “remainerist”, but most remains do not engage their brain when fed feedback by the mainstream media, they just let it flow over them. All the mainstream media hate Brexit and Boris, so continue to undermine his drive to get Brexit sorted with the hope he will give up. Many of my family are remain leaning and whilst we don’t fall out about it, I find I have to keep challenging what they believe to be correct, i.e. the information fed to them by the mainstream media. We live in a very worrying situation at the moment. We are nearing the last chance to save it (and indeed institutions like the NHS, which could be overwhelmed if Brexit falls off the edge).
Just a quickie, I don’t think this is a feasible option, but could Boris take the traitorous mandate provided by the rebels to the EU in October and then as a voting Nation, veto it?
Somebody called lord MacDonald has said Boris will go to prison for contempt of court if he doesn’t do what the traitors and remoaners want him to do. (The last bit was my description of the so called rebel lefty gang)
As well as immortalising him as a martyr on the side of the people against this putrid parliament he will, in prison, find out how our Tommy has been similarly stitched up for doing or saying the right thing.
Maybe he will sympathise with Tommy, a fellow democrat.
Once in prison I wonder if he (Boris) might have an accident like Epstein (or Dr David Kelly on the outside)
Or maybe he will be attacked by a letterbox.
Obviously, he must go to a high security muslamickle dominated prison to serve his sentence for the same offence as Tommy.
Far fetched?
Maybe not.
You wouldn’t believe the way things are happening now if you were asked back in 2016.
Oh yes, that Dominic grief was on tv again. What an awful raspy whining voice this traitor has (as if that wasn’t enough)
As for us leavers.
Have we got no lawyers?
Remain is running rings round us challenging and delaying absolutely everything.
Can we not get a lawyer to play them at the same game. I’m sick of us being continuously on the defensive.
And finally,
Why can’t boris say today that we are leaving the eu immediately. I’ve read on here that he can.
If it was me I would declare us free of the eu instantly and that’s it done.
The flexible extension of the Article 50 period can only last until 31st October 2019, before then, Brexit day becomes the first day of the following month.
The extension cannot be allowed to undermine “the regular functioning of the Union and its institutions” so if the UK fails to live up to its obligations, Brexit occurs on 1st October 2019.
smoogie, hang in there. It has happened before. You can often tell by the tone behind the voice of the TOADY Presenters. Quite why Mishal was so sad the other morning – when Nick Robinson was obviously delighted – I do not know. Perhaps she is a closet Leave voter?
Smoogie7, indeed I cant believe that Cummins et al were not expecting what happened last week was not actually going to happen. Several Tory’s clearly said in advance of the voting that they would support the opposition. It was also more than plausible that Boris would not get his 60% for an election if they won that vote.
That is why I would like to think that there will be a surprise Plan B, especially as the Bill was allowed to proceed through the Lords unopposed.
Thoughts include they have spotted a fatal flaw in the Bill that will allow Boris not to enact it, or prevent him from asking for an extension.
Another thought was if he succeeded in a no-confidence vote in himself (again unlikely to be successful), that would give the opposition 14 days to form a Government, which with Parliament being prorogued, would mean an election by default.
Is there some other way of bringing his own Government down, again to force an election? If so, he can dictate the date (before the EU summit)?
Something needs to happen as the whole process is now getting so farcical, ridiculous and wholly damaging to the credibility of UK plc.
Am not sure they are all Leave voters, either. I think they voluntarily look at all sorts of papers arising from the Brexit process and ‘test’ all the legal implications arising from them. Output on the site is not massive, I guess because the lawyers there are working lawyers who have to earn a living and keep clients happy.
“Why can’t boris say today that we are leaving the eu immediately.”
Because Parliament have just tied his hands. Leaving immediately would mean leaving without a deal approved by Parliament. They refused to allow that this week.
Songs of Praise gay wedding receives more than 1,200 complaints
CoE churches don’t allow them
So BBC jumped at a chance to cover a Scottish one
August 18 at the Rutherglen United Reformed Church, near Glasgow.
BBC replied : “we received almost 400 letters of congratulations also”
The £430K charity salary scandal
Charity #1 , gives big contracts to charity #2 for African work
The boss of charity #2 sits on the board of charity #1
He happens to be a philanthropist whose money comes from porn
both charities are birth control charities.
Sheep-rustlers in the Midlands butchering hundreds of sheep in the dead of night to sell meat on the black market. Surely only a matter of time before this criminal activity reaches #Ambridge?
A survey shows that two fifths of smaller UK companies have completed no risk assessment on Brexit. Which might suggest that three thirds have – but that’s too positive.
… Surname Gabriel probably a ruse, I guess ethnic Somali maybe
Identical triplets from Edmonton have been jailed for a plot to supply an "extremely dangerous criminal" with an Uzi sub-machine gun and a loaded pistol.
The media, in particular the BBC, and their cousins the at the Guardian and the Independent have all gone overboard with the same theme re Boris. It’s all about he cannot be trusted apparently. Then I hear the same rubbish with liberal use of the words “cannot be trusted” from a rabble of Labour and Liberal grandees.
Smacks of collusion and smear. The same methodology the left wing media and the Democrats in the USA used against Trump. Speak with one voice and pick out a fake weakness, small hands… etc.
Orwell covered this tactic used by Big Brother in 1984.
Libmob “NHS is fantastic
Libmob ” A fatwa has been issued against the NHS decision, well go with the fatwa then”
Fully understand parents fighting NHS decision to withdraw life support from tragic case of brain injured child but using fatwa from Islamic Council of Europe to make their case sets dangerous precedent in British law @MaryamNamazie@sadia936@CEMB_forum
BBC Journalists are part of a left-wing Mainstream Media gatekeeper called the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” which just happens to be part funded by George Soros and is named by the BBC as a ‘partner organisation’. Just like the censorship of Climate science, scientists and scientific debate the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” is censoring most of the information leaked to it in the Mossack Fonseca database. In fact the Guardian has actually said that “much of the leaked material will remain private”. In Britain, only the Guardian and the BBC have access to the database. The “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” seems to have been set up by the establishment as a way of controlling the Mainstream Media through censorship. The BBC told Mensa members that the BBC had no scientific investigative journalists for investigating Climate science issues. Instead of having independent investigative journalists supplying the information directly to the BBC, the ICIJ gatekeeper organisation uses BBC and Guardian journalists such as Roger Harrabin, as scientifically uneducated useful idiots. Lord Hall uses this loony left-wing organisation as an excuse not to appoint the BBC,s own scientific investigative journalists.
The George Soros funded, Human Rights Watch, is the NGO most quoted and promoted by the BBC in its reports, PR releases, campaigns and statements about Israel. This neutral-sounding ‘human rights group’ has become the establishments most prominent anti-Israel campaigning NGO. The anti-Semitism in this organisation has even caused its founder, and now, Founding Chair Emeritus, Robert L. Bernstein, to publicly join the group’s critics. A blacklist of investigative journalists exists that includes Jewish journalists who certainty won’t be included in the BBC 2 documentary about George Soros at 9pm on Sunday.
So the Swamps, BBC/ICIJ investigative whitewash of George Soros, is funded by the licence fee payer and the worlds biggest private funder of the Swamp, George Soros.
“George Soros’ pro-democracy foundation is ‘moving funding to western Europe including northern England’ in response to ‘rise of the far right’
The society is increasingly turning their attention to affluent western Europe
It has traditionally fostered programmes in eastern Europe and developing world
It is unclear which ‘poor’ ‘pro-Brexit’ parts of northern England they are funding
BBC News – *Hertfordshire man* Che Ambe jailed over machete attack
Che Ambe, 21, attacked 18-year-old Tyler Stevens after chasing him on a moped and was ordered to spend 15 years behind bars
Now a judge has blamed the parents of Che Ambe for raising him in ‘squalor’
Seems he’s from broken home with a black father and white mother
Ambe’s father said son was ‘lost’ by the time he could help with his upbringing
“Seems he’s from broken home with a black father and white mother”. In this case, particularly, there’s no need for ‘squalor’. That sort of ‘couple’ must now be in high demand by the marketing companies.
“The court heard Obi-Uzom believed circumcision in boys had ‘great religious and cultural significance’, in accordance with her Christian faith.”
No, circumcision has *no* significance (or value) in Christianity. But the UK court seems to have accepted her argument that it does
Here is Nigerian-born pharmacist Martina Obi-Uzom, 70, leaving Inner London Crown Court where she received a suspended prison sentence for inflicting GBH on an 11 month-old boy she had circumcised behind his parents' back.
Another judge screws up over contempt law
Times : Court of Appeal criticises Judge Kambiz Moradifar over “extraordinary proceedings”,
which saw Trainee Nasrullah Mursalin unfairly convicted of contempt of court,
summarily jailed for 6 months, over “understandable paperwork error”
He looks Turkish
All we need to know about that organisation the U.N. that’s trying to dictate to everyone what we need to do.
Following the death of Mugabe they came up with…
“U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says Robert Mugabe’s role in securing the independence of Zimbabwe and the fight against apartheid are key parts of his legacy”
Wonder why they didn’t also mention the murder, robbery, ethnic cleansing and massive corruption that went with it?
The liberal elite London based establishment is deeply rooted. They are under attack. I’ve never seen such nastiness and vindictiveness from BBC & Skye commentators and anti brexit rabble rousers – before.
They feel their whole priviliged way of life is in peril – they are fighting for their, and their childrens, very existence. As they see it.
Personally I think they are chucking their toys out of the pram! Spoilt brats.
I think the problem of fake news does not exist. Most people outside of the left-wing BBC bubble either already know the truth or if the information is new, check it out. People who believe everything they read in the Guardian, see on the internet or hear on the BBC, must be a bit thick. The problem with Fake news on the BBC is caused by censorship. Disinformation about Climate Change on the BBC comes from Environmental activists because Meteorologists, Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers are censored by the BBC. Disinformation on the BBC is caused by the BBC censoring proven facts, due to these facts proving that the BBC’s loony left-wing wishful thinking, or assumptions, are false.
‘Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?
I suppose its because he is the biggest private funder of the mostly taxpayer funded left-wing Globalist “Swamp”. Its also revealing that the BBC and the European Union see only enemies on the Right of politics, that proves that they see themselves as left-wing Socialists. The BBC will also need to censor the existence of patriotic Jews such as Melanie Phillips from its “Fake News” documentary about George Soros.
The BBC is very anti-Semitic when it comes to the retired MIT Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Professor Richard Lindzen, so much so that he is on the BBC’s blacklist with a lot of other not very left-wing Jews.
Ok – we have a backstop – do the twits think this will be the end of it?
Do they want to give a real right wing party , substance?
Yes – the Brexit party.
Is this what Corbyn, Greive and Swinson really want?
Our political scene will change forever if Brexit is stifled.
A little off-topic, but I saw this Army XRW (extreme right wing leaflet today and apparently we are all extreme right wingers. I never knew. My goodness.
-Adding the suffix -itain to UK names – Londonstain etc
-Describes multi-cultural (invaded by 3rd immigrants looking for hand outs) cities as lost.
The British Army is forbidden to recruit Brexiteers who describe themselves as patriots. Only twisted, perverted, mentally and morally warped Remain supporters are wanted by the modern Army. Remain supporters in the British Army should therefore report patriots to WARP by email:
How extraordinary – I’ve already sent them an email about this – being ex RAF, and will notify my MP, Martin Vickers and ask his opinion. Is Putin in charge already?
If, as we on here hope, the Tories and TBP form an alliance, as well as increasing the chances of a big majority there is another aspect to consider which will be good for us.
The ragtag gang of the mixture of greens/libdems/Tory 21/snp/plaid/labour and any other traitors are getting along ok at the moment.
Once an election is called I cannot see this whole bunch of lefties getting on so well.
Will labour have no candidates in wales and Scotland to keep their fellow anti democrats in the snp and plaid happy?
Will the libdems not contest seats in England to give labour a free run. Will the greens give up Brighton and have no candidates anywhere else.
It’s all very well doing this in one place as in Peterborough where the muslamickle vote fiddling might not have been enough to get a result but for the 650 seats all the lefties will want their bit of power.
On the other hand, a Tory TBP pact would be easy. The BP would stand where Tories wouldn’t win. For example, here in Sunderland they could get rid of the 3 remainer labour MPs with labour leave voters, Tory voters, UKIP voters and TBP voters going against a labour remainer who will also lose Remain votes to the oxymoronically named Libdems.
Labour can’t keep saying their policy is to both remain and leave at the same time.
So then, two parties working together is much easier than this bunch of miscellaneous lefties trying to work a compromise over who gets to have a candidate and where.
The added complication is that all lefties are full of hate and will fall out very quickly. Look at the libdem Swinson and her views about Corbyn.
You are SO RIGHT…there is no way the LEFT could co–ordinate seats/constituencies like Boris and Nigel could…..we all know the LEFT hate each other and just want power…….
as you rightly say Plaid Cymru are not going to ‘stand down’ for the Greens and Labour wont stand down for Plaid and the libdems wont stand down for the Greens…and the SNP wont stand down for ANYONE!!!…….. etc etc…….
Can any of you imagine a Labour supporter in a staunch labour constituency being told to vote Libdem?…or a Welsh nationalist in a hardened Plaid Cymru seat being told they have to vote LibDem!!!!….It aint going to happen
Boris and Nigel would have an election ON A PLATE…Im not a gambler but I would put money on a big majority…hope you all agree?>…………
I think its good that the Tories are not talking about a deal with the Brexit Party until the last possible moment. The closing day for candidates to register for a General Election would be the last possible moment.
I read today that there is no healing the rift between Dominic Cummings and Nigel Farage. That could be a stumbling block to such a deal. I did think Cummings was the man to assist in solving all the problems. What happened last week was to be expected, due to the traitors left in the Tory Party and the fact they gave notice of their intentions. I therefore assume Cummings does indeed have a Plan B up his sleeve.
Boris could still be the man, but he needs appropriate support. Boris has to drive onwards, he will get there as the public wont forget in a hurry what has gone on with our democracy, despite being fed the crap we have been by the mainstream media.
It has already been mentioned that the Remainers are in a constant state of outrage. Everything that is contrary to their view is met with a stream of vile and maniacal abuse. They seem to have lost all sense of proportion if, indeed, they ever had any in the first place. Put simply, they lost a referendum. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. No lives will be lost because of it. Implement the result and see what happens. The UK will survive and, probably, exceed all expectations because that is what the British do. Boris, supported by 17.4 million voters, wants a free and independent UK. Corbyn, and the other collaborators, want a Vichy style, vassal state, subservient to the EU. Roll on the GE. There should be enough pro-democracy voters to give Boris, and Nigel, a clear majority.
(I might have posted this before, or somebody else might have done, but does anyone else think that Emily Thornberry bears more than just a passing resemblance to Jabba the Hutt?)
What’s this about the remainiacs putting Boris on trial and then jail if he won’t ask for their extension?
It would be a bit ironic if Boris follows Tommy Robinson inside. And to think that Boris re-appointed Geoffrey Cox to the post of Attorney General after his splendid work stitching TR up.
I guess antifa would be escorted by the cops to break up any free Boris demo, as it happened with TR.
Announcer: There now follows a party political broadcast on behalf of the Conservative party.
Music: Callan intro tune…
Cut to dingy cell with shadow of prison bars playing at an angle across the surface of the grey wall. One bare bulb hangs forlornly from the ceiling. Lower camera to show Boris sitting at a bare table wearing a ‘Papillon’ prison uniform.
Boris: “Good evening. Well…I got ‘us’ out but now ‘I’m’ in……”
Ha ha ha, but didn’t Lonely look remarkably like silly old Corrobin! Sad old git, not very bright, noshing bread smothered with condensed milk…
The ridiculous picture of the ‘leader’ of the ‘opposition’, squatting down in a train still makes me feel there is a God, and old pharts need kicking into touch occasionally!
“Welsh independence rally in Merthyr Tydfil draws thousands”
“Organisers All Under One Banner Cymru estimated 5,300 people attended the rally”…………………………..
Thousands, really? Thats according to “Organisers”. That leaves about two million nine hundred ninety-seven thousand Welshmen that did not go there.
How Al Beeb would love to see the United Kingdom broken up. It would suit the EU which is heading to be a Totalitarian State. Al Beeb being rewarded by becoming the European Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting all the EU’s propaganda.
The BBC propaganda on Soros is poor, even by their own standards. The word went out, about two years ago, that criticism of Soros was to be described as anti-semitic, tapping into an old trope that Jews are engaged in some sort of vast conspiracy to rule the world and that anyone who speaks out must be a neo-Nazi or White Supremacist. The mass media duly obliged, from the Guardian to CNN and now the BBC, although the word ‘to’ clearly has a fairly narrow meaning here. However, legitimate criticism of Soros is based upon what he does, not what he is. He might be described an evil man who happens to be nominally Jewish. Such criticism could and should be levied at any globalist, regardless of their ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender or any other criteria.
If the BBC article was more open and objective, it would point out that Soros is not observant and is on record as saying he does not believe in God. It might mention that he is no friend of the state of Israel, that his foundations have financed the Palestinian cause and that he has been accused by PM Benjamin Netanyahu of trying to stop the deportation of illegal African migrants from Israel. For good measure, it might also point out the amoral nature of a man who has stated that he operates without regards to social consequences and that his own only interest is in making money.
In December 1998, Soros was interviewed by Steve Kroft on CBS’s ’60 Minutes’ programme. This critical but balanced interview will tell you more than you will ever learn about the man than from a whitewashed BBC ‘documentary’.
“The Labour MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme Paul Farrelly says he will not stand at the next election.”
So its not just the Tories that are jumping ship? There will be a few Tory and Labour seats for The Brexit Party to go for in forthcoming GE ? Just look at the results in the recent EU elections, 29 seats.
Have The Brexit Party been censored out of the media?
Boris and Farage need to get together.
We often hear Al Beeb and the MSM reporting the losers call for a second referendum . If there was a second referendum why would they respect that ? They did not respect the first one .
Parliament is a circus, a circus full of clowns.
We are Lions led by donkeys.
taffman – One could see this coming a mile off!
Trump and Brexit are mentioned in one breath. Boris now represents Brexit. So what do we conclude?
So transparent.
The anti-Boris theme of yesterday was “we don’t trust him”; today all the MSM have moved to “he’s going to break the Law!”. Every day someone dreams up something new. Including a quick new law, shoved through in banana republic style, to thwart the democratic majority will!
Here’s the joke: A PM (Chancellor, in this case) WHO ACTUALLY BROKE MANY LAWS, BOTH NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL (TREATIES) IS A MEDIA HERO! I am referring, of course, to Ms Merkel, much loved by the SNP, bbc itv etc etc If anyone should be in jail, it’s her!
I could list them for you, but I won’t bore you, unless someone actually requests it.
On can only hope that their Boris hating frenzy ends up getting counter productive once the sheeple see through it; at the moment your average BBC viewer who has yet to see the light is (I am afraid) still taken in by it.
Thanks to the warning from Frustrated (further up this Thread) I avoided R4’s Any Questions. I did listen to the extended Any Answers. It could have been kept to its standard 28-32 minutes if Anita Anand had cut out her waffle.
I kept score on Leave v Remain and on callers to the programme it was evenly balanced 6:6. But on Tweets and e-mails read by Anita it seemed to me to come out rather differently at 5:11.
On the evidence of this, the BBC cannot be trusted to be neutral and impartial.
I was replying to a recent post by Fed but it has apparently been deleted while I was writing. Something I picked up on from AA this afto.
Fed, there was a very interesting suggestion from one of the callers to Any Answers today. He suggested that Bojo could meekly go off to Brussels and ask for an extension to the Brexit A50 process of ….
…. one day.
Two likely responses there. He gets laughed at (and probably joins in the chuckling) and the EU says “Yes.” In which case we leave on 1 November 2019. Or he gets laughed at (and probably joins in the chuckling) and the EU says “No.” In which case we leave on 31 October as scheduled.
One likely response here: total outrage & meltdown from the ‘Leftwaffe’ (not my invention – picked this up from a Twitter thread that someone on here linked to) who then try to take Bojo to Court. In his defence, Counsel can argue that the PM has done what Parliament asked of him.
BBC having a hour off Boris bashing , must have remembered they haven’t slagged President Trump off today !!!! Don’t worry, normal BBC service resumed.
The BBC radio claimed “it is strange that Trump and the US military use such a minor Scottish airport”
WTF wasn’t Prestwick Scotland’s ONLY Transatlantic airport for a long time, Glasgow airport didn’t serve America until into the 1990s ?
It’s the biggest airport in size
and used to have 2.7 million passengers
And maybe better for security than other airports
.- It has a history of US military use cos they used to fly people into the Holy Loch submarine base
Bit of an update on how Boris can “get out of jail” (or at least stay out of it), and we still get Brexit on 31st Oct. Rumours seem to be circulating (via the Messiah, Dominic Cummins), that the No Deal Brexit Bill due to be given Royal Assent on Monday is not sufficiently watertight.
If this is the case, then Parliament will be prorogued early next week with no opportunity to amend until such time Boris gets back from the EU summit, mid October.
This may, just may, be Plan B. I was puzzled why the 100 amendments submitted in the Lords were suddenly withdrawn, allowing the Bill to proceed. I hope the reason is that the legislation is fatally flawed.
If so, it would mean numerous cheap pints down at Wetherspoons early next week!!
She crawled back because she’d ‘changed her mind’, DV.
After wasting considerable time in her last non-job, she then realised that her wage packet was becoming a thing of the past!
I hope she’ll now spend more time protecting the dwindling fishing fleets in Rye and Hastings, instead of getting into things about which she has very little experience!
Listened to Any Answers today.
A few pro-Brexit callers managed to get through.
I can’t remember the exact figure but one suggested that, if Boris Johnson is legally obliged to request an extension from the EU, he should ask for a few days.
What fun if he gets away with that!
Just watching sky news and Rudd going, they have that beth rigby on a mobile phone rambling on , honestly she sounds she’s been hitting the wine bottle, just going on and on about crap.
And good riddance to Rudd (good ruddance)
Another remainer for the libdems.
Right now Soubry is slagging off Boris. Lots of crashing out talk etc.
Eleanor Rigby enjoying all this.
Boris is cleaning out the s(85e from the Tory party.
Some self cleaning going on. No ‘Forever Amber’ now.
Rudd saying sacking of 21 good moderate conservatives is wrong.
21 anti democratic traitors, there, corrected it for you amber.
BBC loving it but only seeing the short term picture.
If English MPs believed in Independence for Scotland they’d grant it.
Sometimes public pressure in Scotland is so high that its decided to go over the heads of MPs and go straight to the people.
If the vote fulfilled the rules Scotland would be independent
You wouldn’t get ENGLISH MPs saying “I was elected to go with my conscience so I am going to block it”
So why when the British people have gone over parliament’s heads and voted for Brexit are some MPs shouting “I was elected to go with my conscience so I am going to block it” ?
Sorry you went to the people can’t block it.
You could have negotiated a proper deal within the 2 year limit
but now that time is up , we exit without a deal
and then countries are free to negotiate with us, but we have to go out first
How come the Scots seek ” independence” from Britain….but Britain only seeks to ” exit” the EU?
We voted for Independence , the Scots didn’t manage to win their vote for the same.
So let’s pull them up unless they say the UK wants INDEPENDENCE from the EU…and Scotland seeks still to continue to pester us, re ” exiting” the UK.
Sounds much better. Might make the lefties choke as well.
I was trying to avoid the SNP paradox
as my point is not really about Scotland
but about MPs are blocking British Independence
when they wouldn’t do the same for Scots Independence, Welsh Independence etc.
Most people in Wales are British. They are the original British and they don’t seek independence. Also, they voted to get out of the United States of Europe.
\\Former Labour MP Angela Smith has joined the Liberal Democrats, calling them “the strongest party to stop Brexit”.//
Ah! They must have seen your post?
And there it is in a nutshell. Stop Brexit. It’s all they have schemed and perverted justice for over the last three years.
The flack is heaviest over the target I was told by a brave chap who fought in WW2. A very quick look at the quisling BBC website confirms this. Hard left traitors in meltdown, the flag of an occupying power being displayed and non entity lawyers claiming the PM will go to jail if he breaks the law. Oh the irony.
Whatever the outcome of Brexit, the EUSSR can already claim one victory from it. If any other vassal state in the future has the temerity to contemplate Exiting, the EU can point to the UK and ask: do you really want to subject yourselves to all that, the near breakdown of government, years of economic uncertainty and quasi civil war?
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Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
This is not collusion by accident but deliberate treachery for which there should be only one penalty.
island- strange, I was only just mentioning Lord Haw Haw…
Remainers have the law on their side and so they are able to ignore the will of the people. They can and will put Boris in prison if he refuses to comply with their now legal requirement to seek an extension from the EU. We all know that if a GE was held and that if Boris and Nigel formed a pact they would win it with a solid majority. I think that Boris going to jail and becoming a Brexit martyr would be a tremendous vote winner for the Leave alliance. How long can the Remainers avoid holding a GE for? Theoretically for nearly three years if they can form their own rag bag government. During that time they could hold a second referendum using the power of government to gerrymander the questions of the paper, the campaign and the outcome. If we Leavers sit back and allow the Remainer elite to control events Brexit will undoubtedly be lost . We have to make our anger, outrage, contempt very visible and audible to the Westminster bubble. In short we have to put the fear of a God into them
Doublethink – I think it is the only way. The remainers are fighting dirty and the democrats (us) are allowing it. Time for a seismic shift.
We, the majority, have to be heard. Facebook and Twitter is not enough. We have to be seen to be angry – on the Telly.
How, I’ve really no idea when BBC & Skye control the media and how it’s presented. We can’t yet force them to show both sides.
Personally I think they are both promoting civil unrest with their one sided approach.
The hateful language and the abuse allowed by BBc & Skye against the Democrats as I will now call us is astonishing. They are behaving like nasty school bullys in the playground. And as usual the women are the worst.
I believe Remainers want Boris to be found dead in Tower Ditch if we leave the EU without a deal. Arrested and sent to the Tower and then shot dead by the Labour/LibDem/SNP Triumvirate Remainer regime under Jeremy Corbyn. The impression I get from the BBC is that a National Government of Unity will be formed after a vote passed into law expelling those Members of Parliament who want a General Election.
Re Greta’s September 20 Global Climate General strike
“Fridays for Future: First German students fined for skipping class”
“Four Mannheim families have been fined because their children skipped school to take part in a demonstration of the climate protection movement “Fridays for Future”.”
Why on a Friday and not a midweek day, Tues, Weds, Thurs?
Makes a nice long weekend I suppose
Also see earlier post by @Up2snuff at 8:25 am
If Soros was funding the Right the BBC might be a very different organisation
BBC’s Dateline London continued the BBC narrative that the Brexit crisis is all down to Boris – one of the panellists twice called him a “liar” without any comeback.
There was absolutely no criticism or even a basic critique of Parliament’s unsavoury role in undermining and trying to overturn the referendum result.
No discussion about the threat to democracy, no debate about the hypocrisy and dishonesty of MPs who are failing to represent their constituents, nothing about the increasingly unhinged, alarmist and downright treacherous campaign to bind us forever to the EU.
Right from the start, the day after the referendum, the BBC has framed Brexit as a negative, a problem, and it has pushed the idea that “no deal” was not what people voted for.
So, just as night follows day, a Prime Minister who dares to challenge that narrative is to be mocked and undermined, and the BBC is certainly playing its part.
Not wishing to be “remainerist”, but most remains do not engage their brain when fed feedback by the mainstream media, they just let it flow over them. All the mainstream media hate Brexit and Boris, so continue to undermine his drive to get Brexit sorted with the hope he will give up. Many of my family are remain leaning and whilst we don’t fall out about it, I find I have to keep challenging what they believe to be correct, i.e. the information fed to them by the mainstream media. We live in a very worrying situation at the moment. We are nearing the last chance to save it (and indeed institutions like the NHS, which could be overwhelmed if Brexit falls off the edge).
Just a quickie, I don’t think this is a feasible option, but could Boris take the traitorous mandate provided by the rebels to the EU in October and then as a voting Nation, veto it?
Somebody called lord MacDonald has said Boris will go to prison for contempt of court if he doesn’t do what the traitors and remoaners want him to do. (The last bit was my description of the so called rebel lefty gang)
As well as immortalising him as a martyr on the side of the people against this putrid parliament he will, in prison, find out how our Tommy has been similarly stitched up for doing or saying the right thing.
Maybe he will sympathise with Tommy, a fellow democrat.
Once in prison I wonder if he (Boris) might have an accident like Epstein (or Dr David Kelly on the outside)
Or maybe he will be attacked by a letterbox.
Obviously, he must go to a high security muslamickle dominated prison to serve his sentence for the same offence as Tommy.
Far fetched?
Maybe not.
You wouldn’t believe the way things are happening now if you were asked back in 2016.
Oh yes, that Dominic grief was on tv again. What an awful raspy whining voice this traitor has (as if that wasn’t enough)
As for us leavers.
Have we got no lawyers?
Remain is running rings round us challenging and delaying absolutely everything.
Can we not get a lawyer to play them at the same game. I’m sick of us being continuously on the defensive.
And finally,
Why can’t boris say today that we are leaving the eu immediately. I’ve read on here that he can.
If it was me I would declare us free of the eu instantly and that’s it done.
Rumors are still going that Johnson is up to something. A bit of optimism maybe but if so we might just have to wait it out.
I am feeling stressed though. ‘They’ think that they have won. 🙁
This is how the extension can be cut short.
The flexible extension of the Article 50 period can only last until 31st October 2019, before then, Brexit day becomes the first day of the following month.
The extension cannot be allowed to undermine “the regular functioning of the Union and its institutions” so if the UK fails to live up to its obligations, Brexit occurs on 1st October 2019.
This is probably the surprise that is to come.
Richard, Where did the 1st come from then – if this is true, and we all know that labour and the libs are pretty stupid – are you revealing too much
I am not sure but it could be either 23.00 hours or 24.00 hours on 30th September 2019 or 00.00 hours on 1st October 2019.
I prey that you are right
smoogie, hang in there. It has happened before. You can often tell by the tone behind the voice of the TOADY Presenters. Quite why Mishal was so sad the other morning – when Nick Robinson was obviously delighted – I do not know. Perhaps she is a closet Leave voter?
Smoogie7, indeed I cant believe that Cummins et al were not expecting what happened last week was not actually going to happen. Several Tory’s clearly said in advance of the voting that they would support the opposition. It was also more than plausible that Boris would not get his 60% for an election if they won that vote.
That is why I would like to think that there will be a surprise Plan B, especially as the Bill was allowed to proceed through the Lords unopposed.
Thoughts include they have spotted a fatal flaw in the Bill that will allow Boris not to enact it, or prevent him from asking for an extension.
Another thought was if he succeeded in a no-confidence vote in himself (again unlikely to be successful), that would give the opposition 14 days to form a Government, which with Parliament being prorogued, would mean an election by default.
Is there some other way of bringing his own Government down, again to force an election? If so, he can dictate the date (before the EU summit)?
Something needs to happen as the whole process is now getting so farcical, ridiculous and wholly damaging to the credibility of UK plc.
Emmanuel, “As for us leavers. Have we got no lawyers?”
Yes we have, these folk do sterling work, especially Martin Howe QC.
Am not sure they are all Leave voters, either. I think they voluntarily look at all sorts of papers arising from the Brexit process and ‘test’ all the legal implications arising from them. Output on the site is not massive, I guess because the lawyers there are working lawyers who have to earn a living and keep clients happy.
“Why can’t boris say today that we are leaving the eu immediately.”
Because Parliament have just tied his hands. Leaving immediately would mean leaving without a deal approved by Parliament. They refused to allow that this week.
Manchester attack cover ups ?
What Manchester attack?
Acordingf the the BBC it never happened once Grenfell was up in flames.
‘Grenfell was our 9/11’ cry the left. The Manchester victims have been forgotten about by our media 🙁
Songs of Praise gay wedding receives more than 1,200 complaints
CoE churches don’t allow them
So BBC jumped at a chance to cover a Scottish one
August 18 at the Rutherglen United Reformed Church, near Glasgow.
BBC replied : “we received almost 400 letters of congratulations also”
The £430K charity salary scandal
Charity #1 , gives big contracts to charity #2 for African work
The boss of charity #2 sits on the board of charity #1
He happens to be a philanthropist whose money comes from porn
both charities are birth control charities.
The double sexual assault trial of Charlie Elphicke MP has started
.. He’s counted as an Independent since the Tories threw him out.
700 Midlands sheep butchered in the fields.
A survey shows that two fifths of smaller UK companies have completed no risk assessment on Brexit. Which might suggest that three thirds have – but that’s too positive.
Always sheep. Is it because pigs might fight back?
Lamb is the favourite meat of, ……….., of…………islam
Pigs? Cmon……
Check out the freezers in the local mosques.
G, you mean UK Mosques have Foodbanks?
Who knew?
Whatever next?
… Surname Gabriel probably a ruse, I guess ethnic Somali maybe
Barely visible on al beeb webshite because, as we know, ‘migrants’ bring nothing but enrichment – sometimes in the form of Uzis.
The media, in particular the BBC, and their cousins the at the Guardian and the Independent have all gone overboard with the same theme re Boris. It’s all about he cannot be trusted apparently. Then I hear the same rubbish with liberal use of the words “cannot be trusted” from a rabble of Labour and Liberal grandees.
Smacks of collusion and smear. The same methodology the left wing media and the Democrats in the USA used against Trump. Speak with one voice and pick out a fake weakness, small hands… etc.
Orwell covered this tactic used by Big Brother in 1984.
It is worrying. I am actually starting to think that there is some hidden allegiance between the BBC and at least one left leaning party.
A few bribes and perhaps plants? A few spies even?
It is scary how the BBC is almost word to word saying the same thing as the Guardian and the other lefty rags.
Look these three up and they will have the same stories ‘Johnson is bad’ and then you will find it on the BBC…
Hidden? It’s blatant.
Stop paying the tele tax.
The right-on Times Magazine has Lineker on the cover
saying he loves flirting but not sex so much
Stew, how much will that help him 1. in ‘the dating game’, and, 2. in a future marriage. (IIRC, he is recently divorced. Again.)
There are times when it is a good idea to keep schtumm however much your Agent can leverage from a Times ‘feature’.
Libmob “NHS is fantastic
Libmob ” A fatwa has been issued against the NHS decision, well go with the fatwa then”
BBC Journalists are part of a left-wing Mainstream Media gatekeeper called the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” which just happens to be part funded by George Soros and is named by the BBC as a ‘partner organisation’. Just like the censorship of Climate science, scientists and scientific debate the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” is censoring most of the information leaked to it in the Mossack Fonseca database. In fact the Guardian has actually said that “much of the leaked material will remain private”. In Britain, only the Guardian and the BBC have access to the database. The “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” seems to have been set up by the establishment as a way of controlling the Mainstream Media through censorship. The BBC told Mensa members that the BBC had no scientific investigative journalists for investigating Climate science issues. Instead of having independent investigative journalists supplying the information directly to the BBC, the ICIJ gatekeeper organisation uses BBC and Guardian journalists such as Roger Harrabin, as scientifically uneducated useful idiots. Lord Hall uses this loony left-wing organisation as an excuse not to appoint the BBC,s own scientific investigative journalists.
The George Soros funded, Human Rights Watch, is the NGO most quoted and promoted by the BBC in its reports, PR releases, campaigns and statements about Israel. This neutral-sounding ‘human rights group’ has become the establishments most prominent anti-Israel campaigning NGO. The anti-Semitism in this organisation has even caused its founder, and now, Founding Chair Emeritus, Robert L. Bernstein, to publicly join the group’s critics. A blacklist of investigative journalists exists that includes Jewish journalists who certainty won’t be included in the BBC 2 documentary about George Soros at 9pm on Sunday.
So the Swamps, BBC/ICIJ investigative whitewash of George Soros, is funded by the licence fee payer and the worlds biggest private funder of the Swamp, George Soros.
BBC would know what this means?
“George Soros’ pro-democracy foundation is ‘moving funding to western Europe including northern England’ in response to ‘rise of the far right’
The society is increasingly turning their attention to affluent western Europe
It has traditionally fostered programmes in eastern Europe and developing world
It is unclear which ‘poor’ ‘pro-Brexit’ parts of northern England they are funding
BBC News – *Hertfordshire man* Che Ambe jailed over machete attack
Che Ambe, 21, attacked 18-year-old Tyler Stevens after chasing him on a moped and was ordered to spend 15 years behind bars
Now a judge has blamed the parents of Che Ambe for raising him in ‘squalor’
Seems he’s from broken home with a black father and white mother
Ambe’s father said son was ‘lost’ by the time he could help with his upbringing
“Seems he’s from broken home with a black father and white mother”. In this case, particularly, there’s no need for ‘squalor’. That sort of ‘couple’ must now be in high demand by the marketing companies.
“The court heard Obi-Uzom believed circumcision in boys had ‘great religious and cultural significance’, in accordance with her Christian faith.”
No, circumcision has *no* significance (or value) in Christianity. But the UK court seems to have accepted her argument that it does
Another judge screws up over contempt law
Times : Court of Appeal criticises Judge Kambiz Moradifar over “extraordinary proceedings”,
which saw Trainee Nasrullah Mursalin unfairly convicted of contempt of court,
summarily jailed for 6 months, over “understandable paperwork error”
He looks Turkish
Just watch any ‘Quality’ law application sliding away by the day.
All we need to know about that organisation the U.N. that’s trying to dictate to everyone what we need to do.
Following the death of Mugabe they came up with…
“U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says Robert Mugabe’s role in securing the independence of Zimbabwe and the fight against apartheid are key parts of his legacy”
Wonder why they didn’t also mention the murder, robbery, ethnic cleansing and massive corruption that went with it?
So what is going on today?
All I hear is that ‘Boris should go to jail’ and any attempt for him to stick to fingers up to them will of course result in court action.
It seems that the more they attack him then the more I like him. It does seem now that he really is on our side
The liberal elite London based establishment is deeply rooted. They are under attack. I’ve never seen such nastiness and vindictiveness from BBC & Skye commentators and anti brexit rabble rousers – before.
They feel their whole priviliged way of life is in peril – they are fighting for their, and their childrens, very existence. As they see it.
Personally I think they are chucking their toys out of the pram! Spoilt brats.
I think the problem of fake news does not exist. Most people outside of the left-wing BBC bubble either already know the truth or if the information is new, check it out. People who believe everything they read in the Guardian, see on the internet or hear on the BBC, must be a bit thick. The problem with Fake news on the BBC is caused by censorship. Disinformation about Climate Change on the BBC comes from Environmental activists because Meteorologists, Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers are censored by the BBC. Disinformation on the BBC is caused by the BBC censoring proven facts, due to these facts proving that the BBC’s loony left-wing wishful thinking, or assumptions, are false.
‘Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?
I suppose its because he is the biggest private funder of the mostly taxpayer funded left-wing Globalist “Swamp”. Its also revealing that the BBC and the European Union see only enemies on the Right of politics, that proves that they see themselves as left-wing Socialists. The BBC will also need to censor the existence of patriotic Jews such as Melanie Phillips from its “Fake News” documentary about George Soros.
The BBC is very anti-Semitic when it comes to the retired MIT Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Professor Richard Lindzen, so much so that he is on the BBC’s blacklist with a lot of other not very left-wing Jews.
Commentators consider Boris Johnson’s next steps:
Guess what? Johnson is a loser and Corbyn wins again…
Ok – we have a backstop – do the twits think this will be the end of it?
Do they want to give a real right wing party , substance?
Yes – the Brexit party.
Is this what Corbyn, Greive and Swinson really want?
Our political scene will change forever if Brexit is stifled.
A little off-topic, but I saw this Army XRW (extreme right wing leaflet today and apparently we are all extreme right wingers. I never knew. My goodness.
-Adding the suffix -itain to UK names – Londonstain etc
-Describes multi-cultural (invaded by 3rd immigrants looking for hand outs) cities as lost.
The British Army is forbidden to recruit Brexiteers who describe themselves as patriots. Only twisted, perverted, mentally and morally warped Remain supporters are wanted by the modern Army. Remain supporters in the British Army should therefore report patriots to WARP by email:
How extraordinary – I’ve already sent them an email about this – being ex RAF, and will notify my MP, Martin Vickers and ask his opinion. Is Putin in charge already?
Amazing. They want you to fight and die for your country but god forbid that you declare a love for it.
If you weren’t a patriot, why would you join the British Army?
If, as we on here hope, the Tories and TBP form an alliance, as well as increasing the chances of a big majority there is another aspect to consider which will be good for us.
The ragtag gang of the mixture of greens/libdems/Tory 21/snp/plaid/labour and any other traitors are getting along ok at the moment.
Once an election is called I cannot see this whole bunch of lefties getting on so well.
Will labour have no candidates in wales and Scotland to keep their fellow anti democrats in the snp and plaid happy?
Will the libdems not contest seats in England to give labour a free run. Will the greens give up Brighton and have no candidates anywhere else.
It’s all very well doing this in one place as in Peterborough where the muslamickle vote fiddling might not have been enough to get a result but for the 650 seats all the lefties will want their bit of power.
On the other hand, a Tory TBP pact would be easy. The BP would stand where Tories wouldn’t win. For example, here in Sunderland they could get rid of the 3 remainer labour MPs with labour leave voters, Tory voters, UKIP voters and TBP voters going against a labour remainer who will also lose Remain votes to the oxymoronically named Libdems.
Labour can’t keep saying their policy is to both remain and leave at the same time.
So then, two parties working together is much easier than this bunch of miscellaneous lefties trying to work a compromise over who gets to have a candidate and where.
The added complication is that all lefties are full of hate and will fall out very quickly. Look at the libdem Swinson and her views about Corbyn.
You are SO RIGHT…there is no way the LEFT could co–ordinate seats/constituencies like Boris and Nigel could…..we all know the LEFT hate each other and just want power…….
as you rightly say Plaid Cymru are not going to ‘stand down’ for the Greens and Labour wont stand down for Plaid and the libdems wont stand down for the Greens…and the SNP wont stand down for ANYONE!!!…….. etc etc…….
Can any of you imagine a Labour supporter in a staunch labour constituency being told to vote Libdem?…or a Welsh nationalist in a hardened Plaid Cymru seat being told they have to vote LibDem!!!!….It aint going to happen
Boris and Nigel would have an election ON A PLATE…Im not a gambler but I would put money on a big majority…hope you all agree?>…………
I think its good that the Tories are not talking about a deal with the Brexit Party until the last possible moment. The closing day for candidates to register for a General Election would be the last possible moment.
Shrewd, Richard!
I read today that there is no healing the rift between Dominic Cummings and Nigel Farage. That could be a stumbling block to such a deal. I did think Cummings was the man to assist in solving all the problems. What happened last week was to be expected, due to the traitors left in the Tory Party and the fact they gave notice of their intentions. I therefore assume Cummings does indeed have a Plan B up his sleeve.
Boris could still be the man, but he needs appropriate support. Boris has to drive onwards, he will get there as the public wont forget in a hurry what has gone on with our democracy, despite being fed the crap we have been by the mainstream media.
It has already been mentioned that the Remainers are in a constant state of outrage. Everything that is contrary to their view is met with a stream of vile and maniacal abuse. They seem to have lost all sense of proportion if, indeed, they ever had any in the first place. Put simply, they lost a referendum. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. No lives will be lost because of it. Implement the result and see what happens. The UK will survive and, probably, exceed all expectations because that is what the British do. Boris, supported by 17.4 million voters, wants a free and independent UK. Corbyn, and the other collaborators, want a Vichy style, vassal state, subservient to the EU. Roll on the GE. There should be enough pro-democracy voters to give Boris, and Nigel, a clear majority.
(I might have posted this before, or somebody else might have done, but does anyone else think that Emily Thornberry bears more than just a passing resemblance to Jabba the Hutt?)
“does anyone else think that Emily Thornberry bears more than just a passing resemblance to Jabba the Hutt”?
Oh yes, I do, Up!
Silly bitch is a millionaire commie, the worst kind, and a hopeless, rather thick debater, relying on shrieks and noise and little else.
When she’s chucked out at the next GE, nobody will even care a monkey’s!
What’s this about the remainiacs putting Boris on trial and then jail if he won’t ask for their extension?
It would be a bit ironic if Boris follows Tommy Robinson inside. And to think that Boris re-appointed Geoffrey Cox to the post of Attorney General after his splendid work stitching TR up.
I guess antifa would be escorted by the cops to break up any free Boris demo, as it happened with TR.
Why do I keep getting this image in my mind?
Announcer: There now follows a party political broadcast on behalf of the Conservative party.
Music: Callan intro tune…
Cut to dingy cell with shadow of prison bars playing at an angle across the surface of the grey wall. One bare bulb hangs forlornly from the ceiling. Lower camera to show Boris sitting at a bare table wearing a ‘Papillon’ prison uniform.
Boris: “Good evening. Well…I got ‘us’ out but now ‘I’m’ in……”
Ha ha ha, but didn’t Lonely look remarkably like silly old Corrobin! Sad old git, not very bright, noshing bread smothered with condensed milk…
The ridiculous picture of the ‘leader’ of the ‘opposition’, squatting down in a train still makes me feel there is a God, and old pharts need kicking into touch occasionally!
Nice one Chancers, keep ’em coming!
“Welsh independence rally in Merthyr Tydfil draws thousands”
“Organisers All Under One Banner Cymru estimated 5,300 people attended the rally”…………………………..
Thousands, really? Thats according to “Organisers”. That leaves about two million nine hundred ninety-seven thousand Welshmen that did not go there.
How Al Beeb would love to see the United Kingdom broken up. It would suit the EU which is heading to be a Totalitarian State. Al Beeb being rewarded by becoming the European Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting all the EU’s propaganda.
The BBC propaganda on Soros is poor, even by their own standards. The word went out, about two years ago, that criticism of Soros was to be described as anti-semitic, tapping into an old trope that Jews are engaged in some sort of vast conspiracy to rule the world and that anyone who speaks out must be a neo-Nazi or White Supremacist. The mass media duly obliged, from the Guardian to CNN and now the BBC, although the word ‘to’ clearly has a fairly narrow meaning here. However, legitimate criticism of Soros is based upon what he does, not what he is. He might be described an evil man who happens to be nominally Jewish. Such criticism could and should be levied at any globalist, regardless of their ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender or any other criteria.
If the BBC article was more open and objective, it would point out that Soros is not observant and is on record as saying he does not believe in God. It might mention that he is no friend of the state of Israel, that his foundations have financed the Palestinian cause and that he has been accused by PM Benjamin Netanyahu of trying to stop the deportation of illegal African migrants from Israel. For good measure, it might also point out the amoral nature of a man who has stated that he operates without regards to social consequences and that his own only interest is in making money.
In December 1998, Soros was interviewed by Steve Kroft on CBS’s ’60 Minutes’ programme. This critical but balanced interview will tell you more than you will ever learn about the man than from a whitewashed BBC ‘documentary’.
“The Labour MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme Paul Farrelly says he will not stand at the next election.”
So its not just the Tories that are jumping ship? There will be a few Tory and Labour seats for The Brexit Party to go for in forthcoming GE ? Just look at the results in the recent EU elections, 29 seats.
Have The Brexit Party been censored out of the media?
Boris and Farage need to get together.
We often hear Al Beeb and the MSM reporting the losers call for a second referendum . If there was a second referendum why would they respect that ? They did not respect the first one .
Parliament is a circus, a circus full of clowns.
We are Lions led by donkeys.
Notice how Al Beeb have diverted their hate from Trump to Boris.
Its Boris today and The Mogg tomorrow.
taffman – One could see this coming a mile off!
Trump and Brexit are mentioned in one breath. Boris now represents Brexit. So what do we conclude?
So transparent.
The anti-Boris theme of yesterday was “we don’t trust him”; today all the MSM have moved to “he’s going to break the Law!”. Every day someone dreams up something new. Including a quick new law, shoved through in banana republic style, to thwart the democratic majority will!
Here’s the joke: A PM (Chancellor, in this case) WHO ACTUALLY BROKE MANY LAWS, BOTH NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL (TREATIES) IS A MEDIA HERO! I am referring, of course, to Ms Merkel, much loved by the SNP, bbc itv etc etc If anyone should be in jail, it’s her!
I could list them for you, but I won’t bore you, unless someone actually requests it.
fnw, don’t forget that EU lawbreaker Mutti had her ‘phone bugged by none other than Barak Obama.
Is that a BoGoF?
Two leaders guilty for the price of one?
On can only hope that their Boris hating frenzy ends up getting counter productive once the sheeple see through it; at the moment your average BBC viewer who has yet to see the light is (I am afraid) still taken in by it.
Newsnight last (Friday) night. Please see attached YouTube video:
Bit of bad language in it, but identifies that Newswatch basically assisted Labour with their first election video!
“Remain Stream Media”. I like that.
Thanks to the warning from Frustrated (further up this Thread) I avoided R4’s Any Questions. I did listen to the extended Any Answers. It could have been kept to its standard 28-32 minutes if Anita Anand had cut out her waffle.
I kept score on Leave v Remain and on callers to the programme it was evenly balanced 6:6. But on Tweets and e-mails read by Anita it seemed to me to come out rather differently at 5:11.
On the evidence of this, the BBC cannot be trusted to be neutral and impartial.
I was replying to a recent post by Fed but it has apparently been deleted while I was writing. Something I picked up on from AA this afto.
Fed, there was a very interesting suggestion from one of the callers to Any Answers today. He suggested that Bojo could meekly go off to Brussels and ask for an extension to the Brexit A50 process of ….
…. one day.
Two likely responses there. He gets laughed at (and probably joins in the chuckling) and the EU says “Yes.” In which case we leave on 1 November 2019. Or he gets laughed at (and probably joins in the chuckling) and the EU says “No.” In which case we leave on 31 October as scheduled.
One likely response here: total outrage & meltdown from the ‘Leftwaffe’ (not my invention – picked this up from a Twitter thread that someone on here linked to) who then try to take Bojo to Court. In his defence, Counsel can argue that the PM has done what Parliament asked of him.
Excellent, UP!
And the whole cabinet could become ill with some mystery virus, so that HOC business is delayed for that day!
“Ooooh sorry Meister Barnierrey, we all was ill, so – er – that’s it we’re afraid! Better luck with Italy”!
Scrobie, “And the whole cabinet could become ill with some mystery virus, so that HOC business is delayed for that day!”
What, caught from chickens* that were not chlorinated?
Shock! Horror!
(* see Fed’s post 8.52am on StW Thread)
BBC having a hour off Boris bashing , must have remembered they haven’t slagged President Trump off today !!!! Don’t worry, normal BBC service resumed.
Just got to laugh at the pettiness , check out this line .
The debt-ridden airport has been fighting off closure.
It is said to be integral to the Trump business, which is also loss-making.
BBC keen to ensure we know the Trump business is loss making. Pathetic and pointless. But that’s sums up the BBC really.
News ?? The Scotsman had a similar story in June
The BBC radio claimed “it is strange that Trump and the US military use such a minor Scottish airport”
WTF wasn’t Prestwick Scotland’s ONLY Transatlantic airport for a long time, Glasgow airport didn’t serve America until into the 1990s ?
It’s the biggest airport in size
and used to have 2.7 million passengers
And maybe better for security than other airports
.- It has a history of US military use cos they used to fly people into the Holy Loch submarine base
\\Thornberry on Brexit: ‘I’d negotiate a deal… but campaign against it’//
Would you believe it ? Going by that statement she could not negotiate her way out of a paper bag. Thats the calibre of our politicians nowadays.
😀 😀 😀 😀
Living in Portsmouth I looked forward to the C4 program tonight on the Mary Rose.
Within no time at all it turned into a scientific push to prove that African people were aboard including the chief archer.
Fawning diversity ruining an otherwise interesting program.
The delight of all the right-on university types when they ran spurious experiments was so obvious as to be embarrassing.
Bit of an update on how Boris can “get out of jail” (or at least stay out of it), and we still get Brexit on 31st Oct. Rumours seem to be circulating (via the Messiah, Dominic Cummins), that the No Deal Brexit Bill due to be given Royal Assent on Monday is not sufficiently watertight.
If this is the case, then Parliament will be prorogued early next week with no opportunity to amend until such time Boris gets back from the EU summit, mid October.
This may, just may, be Plan B. I was puzzled why the 100 amendments submitted in the Lords were suddenly withdrawn, allowing the Bill to proceed. I hope the reason is that the legislation is fatally flawed.
If so, it would mean numerous cheap pints down at Wetherspoons early next week!!
I hope al beebs favourite dude doesn’t win tonight else it’s wall to wall tomorrow for licence payers I’m afraid!
Racist bitch ????
Breaking ………..And another Remainer Tory bites the dust ?
Bring on The Brexit Party !
…the swamp appears to be self draining!
Yipee, it’s Amber Rudderless; the swamp is truly getting drained!
I don’t know why she was retained in the Cabinet in the first place.
I love the carefully cropped picture of Boris looking glum and behind bars on the news front page.. very subtle.
She crawled back because she’d ‘changed her mind’, DV.
After wasting considerable time in her last non-job, she then realised that her wage packet was becoming a thing of the past!
I hope she’ll now spend more time protecting the dwindling fishing fleets in Rye and Hastings, instead of getting into things about which she has very little experience!
Listened to Any Answers today.
A few pro-Brexit callers managed to get through.
I can’t remember the exact figure but one suggested that, if Boris Johnson is legally obliged to request an extension from the EU, he should ask for a few days.
What fun if he gets away with that!
Just watching sky news and Rudd going, they have that beth rigby on a mobile phone rambling on , honestly she sounds she’s been hitting the wine bottle, just going on and on about crap.
And good riddance to Rudd (good ruddance)
Another remainer for the libdems.
Right now Soubry is slagging off Boris. Lots of crashing out talk etc.
Eleanor Rigby enjoying all this.
Boris is cleaning out the s(85e from the Tory party.
Some self cleaning going on. No ‘Forever Amber’ now.
Rudd saying sacking of 21 good moderate conservatives is wrong.
21 anti democratic traitors, there, corrected it for you amber.
BBC loving it but only seeing the short term picture.
We will have our day.
If English MPs believed in Independence for Scotland they’d grant it.
Sometimes public pressure in Scotland is so high that its decided to go over the heads of MPs and go straight to the people.
If the vote fulfilled the rules Scotland would be independent
You wouldn’t get ENGLISH MPs saying “I was elected to go with my conscience so I am going to block it”
So why when the British people have gone over parliament’s heads and voted for Brexit are some MPs shouting “I was elected to go with my conscience so I am going to block it” ?
Sorry you went to the people can’t block it.
You could have negotiated a proper deal within the 2 year limit
but now that time is up , we exit without a deal
and then countries are free to negotiate with us, but we have to go out first
How come the Scots seek ” independence” from Britain….but Britain only seeks to ” exit” the EU?
We voted for Independence , the Scots didn’t manage to win their vote for the same.
So let’s pull them up unless they say the UK wants INDEPENDENCE from the EU…and Scotland seeks still to continue to pester us, re ” exiting” the UK.
Sounds much better. Might make the lefties choke as well.
I was trying to avoid the SNP paradox
as my point is not really about Scotland
but about MPs are blocking British Independence
when they wouldn’t do the same for Scots Independence, Welsh Independence etc.
Most people in Wales are British. They are the original British and they don’t seek independence. Also, they voted to get out of the United States of Europe.
Amber Rudd resigns and it is ‘more chaos for Boris’
Someone quits Labour and… nothing…
\\Former Labour MP Angela Smith has joined the Liberal Democrats, calling them “the strongest party to stop Brexit”.//
Ah! They must have seen your post?
And there it is in a nutshell. Stop Brexit. It’s all they have schemed and perverted justice for over the last three years.
The flack is heaviest over the target I was told by a brave chap who fought in WW2. A very quick look at the quisling BBC website confirms this. Hard left traitors in meltdown, the flag of an occupying power being displayed and non entity lawyers claiming the PM will go to jail if he breaks the law. Oh the irony.
An amusing break from Brexit.
Whatever the outcome of Brexit, the EUSSR can already claim one victory from it. If any other vassal state in the future has the temerity to contemplate Exiting, the EU can point to the UK and ask: do you really want to subject yourselves to all that, the near breakdown of government, years of economic uncertainty and quasi civil war?
quasi civil war?
Not sure if it will always remain quasi, as I’ve noticed people are getting angrier. I don’t want violence but can see it happening.
Black women ‘five times more likely to die in childbirth’
Totally rubbish, race-baiting article (crap) that we have come to expect on a daily basis from the so called BBC.
It must go!
Dear Beeb. I don’t care. Should be what we all reply.