Hi everybody! I know it’s been a while! I trust you are all well. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support for this site. In PARTICULAR, I wanted to thank Fedup2 for doing all the hard work of setting up the Open Threads and it is very much appreciated. Good debate about the endless toxic BBC bias is welcome here, ad hominem is not. I want to make it clear that anyone engaging in such will be banned. It spoils the site, reduces the quality of discourse and is not accepable. I hope you all agree with me and will ensure that comments stay fair, balanced and reasonable (unlike the BBC!)
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Hear, hear!
Dear David
Thank you very much – in these heated times . This fight against the BBC – in defence of our country- must go on . And thank you again for this site .
I sometimes have thoughts that I dare not express (something to do with living in an illiberal liberal world). I had one such thought last week – driving through Dewsbury after listening to a discussion on Today about Margaret Atwood’s sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale. The discussion had been along the lines that MA’s novel might become a reality in the US. I’d thought “FFS, here it IS a reality already – why doesn’t anyone else see it that way?” And then, this morning, in The Sunday Times, Sarah Baxter has written (p.28) what I thought. A couple of pages further on (p.32) Suzanne Moore reviewed the latest production from another of the BBC’s heroines; Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s solo show. PW-B is praised or worshiped (not sure which) in the piece for talking about how she uses porn and masturbates to the sound of Barak Obama’s voice. And I had another of those thoughts. Dare I ask what sort of review would have been written if a male had referenced Kirsty Young in a similar manner?
Hear hear for Fedup 2 ! (but I admit my Latin is rubbish and I had to look up ‘ad hominem’, and agree with the sentiments)
Dear David
Hello and well said!
I’d like to echo your thanks to Fedup2.
All the best from Not Gwent.
OT, but can’t wait for the BBC’s impartial science geniuses’ take on this.
Elsewhere, on this planet, #CCBGB.
Naughty boy! Think I might reply to you as Guest WhoOT in future. 😉
On that note, how BBC ‘News’ headlines are created:
38 Degrees Logo
Have you seen the news today GW?
This morning like every other, the 38 Degrees office team will be sitting down to talk about the big stories of the day. We’ll be on the hunt for campaign opportunities, so that millions of us can come together to make the UK a better place. [1]
In the meeting, we look at all the new petitions that have been started on the 38 Degrees website and decide which petitions will form our next big campaigns. By the end of the day, hundreds of thousands of people could be taking action on a brand new campaign.
So we’ve got to ask, have you seen a news story that’s caught your attention or something you want to change? It could be front page news or something you noticed in your local paper or even on Facebook. By spending just a few minutes setting up a petition, you could start something incredible.
And when it hits a hundred, the BBC will make it front page. Sorry… ‘could’.
Some thoughts:
1) I’d like to make sure that (should the worst happen) there’s a preplanned idea for what to do if the web hosting agency decides it no longer wants to host political (aka not left-wing political) sites?
2) If anything worse happens then I’d like to think that the collective group would be happy to crowdsource towards any legal/hosting issues
3) I’ve always supported the idea of having a shop selling some anti-bbc merchandise to pay for things, I’d love one of the alternative bbc logos on a tshirt.
4) The Question Time chat a few years ago was good fun if someone wants to start re-hosting that? Although I’m in the US and don’t know what would be worse: an excuse to open a 2nd bottle of wine at 10:30, or the one to race home from work in order to fire up the computer/tv and start drinking+ranting from 5
My thanks to all involved with this site especially Fedup2 and David. But it includes all who post here. I don’t know where Pounce has gone (I excused his language) and another Deborah (who seemed to be very like me but wasn’t me). But without this site my blood pressure would double, I would be divorced (Mr D would get fed up with every morning me starting the day with…. ‘do you know what rubbish Mishal/Nick on the Today programme has said now?’ as I have the radio turned sufficiently low so he cannot hear it. And I would be very very crabby.
I feel the same Deborah. Andy Pandys way of dealing with it is to block it out, so I come here to let off steam and get reassurance that I am not alone. Very important for sanity. We don’t pay the license fee (hurrah) as not in the uk at present, but I read the news websites, and sometimes listen to the radio. Put it on the other morning and the news came on – first item, Boris’s heckler! Off! Regarding past posters, I wonder what happened to Grant..hope he is ok. Thx to David, Fedup2, TrueToo, Stew Green and anyone else who knows me ????
David, echo everything you wrote. Thank you, Fed, for your efforts in keeping things moving along well.
We shouldn’t forget TrueToo and Stew Green who also play a part here. Thanks to them as well.
Cheers mate, I just got back from a week away
You’re welcome. Hope you had a good break, away from the BBC, and feel refreshed. There’s plenty of Lobal Warming and Limatic Challenges from the BBC for you to attack today.
Thanks for setting up the site. The BBC is a national shame but the fight must go on. I hope that one day we will restore balance