I was thinking that maybe we should stop referring to the State Broadcaster as the BBC and just call it the RBC – the Remainer Broadcasting Corporation . There doesn’t seem to be any pretence about its output being balanced and neutral – it’s just Far Left and Pro EU .
Midweek Thread 18 September 2019
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Ha! Just as I thought it was safe to go to bed and dream of electric sheep, first place beckoned! Can’t really ‘dredge-up’ anything as good as the dinghy post that started the last thread but did anyone else think the photographs that kept disappearing and reappearing above the Beeb report on the Supreme Court hearing, had more than a passing resemblance to the characters in the Muppet Show?
Well done. Chance favours the brave gardener?
Don’t know about electric sheep, But the BBC seem to have set up a Labour activist, and ex Labour MP assistant for Emily Thornberry, Omar Saleem with an electric microphone so that they could catch him chastening the PM with a Leftist rant when he visited a hospital (you can see the microphone right at the end of the video).
The lying BBC of course forget to mention the microphone, and pretend this is a regular member of the public. The BBC are such shameless filthy deceivers, with this kind of propaganda… why don’t the BBC insist on scraping the licence fee and giving the money to the NHS instead???
Because they are filthy greedy fat shameless lying pigs, thats why.
Microphone transmitter is in his back right hand pocket.
“Microphone transmitter is in his back right hand pocket.”
Erm, no; it’s a belt and the loop of his jeans.
This is truly desperate stuff to avoid questioning why Johnson said there where “no press here”, whilst staring directly at the press he had invited to film his hospital visit.
The BBC is well known for planting leftist and Islamic activists, and pretending that they are regular member of the public:
Oh, and jip, whilst you’re here, perhaps you can clarify whether or not you think approximately 6 million Jews were gassed to death in WW2?
A simple yes/no would suffice…
What?, has your brain been scrambled by just the BBC, or have you been inhaling petrol and injecting cough syrup as well?
It’s a simple question.
Do you think approximately 6 million Jews were gassed to death in WW2? A simple yes/no would suffice.
This is the third time I’ve asked you.
Still waiting for an answer…
Whoops, absent-mindedly flicked over to Newsnight and just heard some BBC “expert” talking about the difference between “a typical Trump supporter and a sophisticated American”. Grrr.
Must learn not to do this just before bed. So glad their license sales are falling, am really hoping the BBC’s demise is in the not too distant future. Night night all!
I found that Sophisticated Americans put on British accents, are qualified in the Arts and claim to be equal to Blacks in intelligence.
On the other hand, I am a British Trump supporter with an IQ of 164 and have just read an article by Christopher Monckton.
The most important part describes his visit to see Michael Connolly in Ireland. In effect we have people independently discovering that the Greenhouse Effect can only change with air pressure. First, James Clerk Maxwell for the Earth in 1871. Then Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller for all known planetary atmospheres in 2011. Then a mention in the Mensa magazine about what Trump means by “Hoax” and now various people who have been taught about the Ideal Gas Law.
The argument about whether the Greenhouse effect exists or not is irrelevant. If there is an Atmosphere, the temperature is always higher than the Grey Body temperature, because as the Atmospheric mass increases, the temperature has to rise up to a level needed for an equilibrium with the ability for the atmosphere to cool down. (I think that is a good way of explaining what is meant by thermal inertia and thermodynamics)
This Effectively proves that the Arrhenius hypothesis of carbon dioxide warming is complete bullshit. But I would not be surprised if the environ mental consensus of useful idiots at the BBC have never heard of their great hero, Svante Arrhenius.
2nd mouse gets the cheese!
Ok third
Oh and agreed, Fedup2. They don’t deserve the title of British and they certainly are not representative of normal British patriotic folk.
RBC – Well they certainly don’t seem to have anything good to say about the much delayed implementation of Blair’s ‘put it to the people’ 2005 manifesto proposal.
@theisland Ash Sarkar made the extraordinary claim that
The Pahartali European Club had a signboard that read
“Dogs and Indians not allowed” (apparently).
As you say the Wikipedia page repeats that claim .. but it’s source is only one Indian newspaper.
But AFAIK at time the British were well in with the Rajahs at that time and educating them at Eton etc.
So I find the sign to be unlikely.
Claims like that should have a contemporary photo to back them up
Maybe it said “no Coolies”, meaning no Indian worker class”
Anyway there are some photoshop jobs, and stuff in movies
So it seems that is legend building.
Ash should no that the Indian caste system routinely excludes other castes
So it is a bit rich of her to claim that theBritish are the ones who are most prejudiced.
Wonder how touchable Champion Ash is when she gets back to the studio from the unisex loos?
Guest and Fed…. unisex loos. ……. the issue is no longer worth talking about ..,
Unisex Loos is an issue well worth talking about. And no offense to all the blokes on here, but I always ‘hang on’ rather than take my chances in an all gender public loo. They should be outlawed. I wonder if Gina Miller has any time on her hands.
There are numerous variations on this theme: “Dogs and Irish not allowed”, “Dogs and Blacks not allowed”, “Dogs and Chinese not allowed” etc. Largely regarded as urban myths – even the BBC’s own newspaper admits this:
My dad recalls seeing signs in the windows of digs in Holloway in the 1950s with ‘ no blacks , no dogs , no Irish ‘ in Descending order . I believed my dad . He was decent and apolitical .
Being a black Irishman with a dog – he wasn’t impressed . ( I believe the former but not the latter ) and think the issue is no longer worth talking about ..,
@FedUp those London signs are not in dispute as there are photos
..but Ash is dining out on her claim , for which there is no extraordinary evidence or proof.
I strongly suspect that it is a product of Indian nationalist propaganda
Stew – she’s an interesting girl from the ‘hood – masters in Eng Lit ( wiki ) and a professional complainer / moaner so loved by the Remainer Broadcasting Corporation .
She’s up against some stiff opposition against the likes of Owen Jones though . Gender and shade versus queer and victim ….
… Owen must know he’s up against it – he ll have to up his game with a sex change of secret illness
Let’s face it – it’s an industry – just make the right noises – a bit of a stir to keep the image going . I’m going for it – I’m a communist and Corbyn is really my dad . And jo swinson is hot !
( can I go on Question Time now please ?)
Robert Cribb, Professor of Asian History, Australian National University, agrees there is no evidence of the Indian signs (at least according to his research up to two years ago).
Colonialism did many appalling things, but where is the evidence that there was ever a sign saying ‘No dogs, no Indians’ or ‘No dogs or Indians’? This story is presumably an appropriation of the story about a park in Shanghai which allegedly had a sign saying ‘No dogs, no Chinese’. But on closer examination it turned out that the park rules said ‘no dogs or bicycles’ and restricted access to the park to local residents, none of whom was Chinese. The system was racist, but the racist, confronting sign never existed. In my limited study of Indian nationalism, I never encountered a mention of such signs in colonial India, despite the strength of the nationalist movement and the high level of consciousness of colonial discrimination. Why invent a crime when the truth is bad enough?
Of course the bBC/Guardian usually just go along with their favoured guests without any thought of basic research. Say something enough times and it becomes ‘fact’ – with or without evidence. A bit like parliament, eh?
@theisland wow logic from that taxpayer funded propaganda website nicknamed the the Non-versation for the way it deletes reader comments.
Ah the actual article was the hyperbole but Prof’s Cribb’s words do come in a comment at the bottom.
The Times in 2017 said
: \\ Except that there is no evidence that the sign ever existed, Shanghai was never a colony,
and while there were indeed racist signs barring local people from some parks,
the insulting addition of “dogs” to “Chinese” was an *urban myth* manufactured by the Communist Party. //
Private members’ clubs are just that. Private, and open to members only. There is no need to post signs saying “No Indians” or other such rubbish. The fact is that the only people entitled to enter are members.
It may be that such a club maintained a European only membership, but there would have been no need to put up such a crass notice. The only rule which makes any sense is: Members Only.
I can’t remember my source but I definitely remember reading somewhere that the Shanghai notice ‘No Dogs or Chinese’ was a myth and that the Shanghai racing club, where the sign was supposed to have been, actually had Chinese members.
I don’t give a toss , as Sir Geoff would say. The best way to treat all the outraged wokists is to tell you don’t give a tinkers cuss about their latest cause of outrage.
OK – I admit it – I read the High Court judgement which held that the decision to close parliament is not one for the courts . If the Lords overturn it – it really means that the courts can be referred to in order to legitimise the closure of parliament – every time .
The discussion between the Queen and her ministers will also become public evidence – perhaps they can be tape recorded .
If Gina Miller Soros , Major and other traitors win that case it will show that not only had the traitor parliament lost the plot but the supreme court as well .
On the upside – if bojo wins – he can get the traitor parliament prorogued again .
Point of Order… to be a traitor one must be a citizen of the country. Putting aside the moral question of whether Ms Miller should be permitted to be a citizen (she is in a legal sense), Mr Soros most definitely is not a citizen. Mr Major is a different matter; there is also the question of any role in the putsch against Margaret Thatcher.
“Point of order”
“to be a traitor one must be a citizen of the country”
William Joyce was not a UK citizen. William Joyce was hanged for treason.
The Joyce case is a vexed one. He did have a British passport, although he should not have had one. He was born in the USA, and his father was a US citizen who was born in Ireland. His mother was British.
In Germany in 1940 he became a naturalised German citizen. The case against him rested on whether he had broadcast against Britain before that date, when he still held a British passport, even though he should not have had one to begin with.
He would never have been hanged on such flimsy evidence now, but the past is another country. Even 2016 is so long ago that no-one knew what they were voting for!
I’d suggest that Lord Hawhaw should not have been hanged for treason for that very reason. But perhaps he could have been charged with some other ‘crime’ after the war. But I wonder if the state, yet again, were determined he should hang regardless of the legality of their actions?
It’s the same with Julian Assange. He’s not a US citizen but the US government is determined to extradite him and punish him, maybe even have him killed, just because he exposed their nefarious doings, regardless of the law.
If Assange had faced rape charges in Sweden he would not be where he is now.
I note that the US Government is attempting to seize all royalties from the new Snowden book!
Maybe I’m missing something but if the prime minister wanted to prorogue parliament to go back-packing in Australia then surely he could?
No need for any ‘lies’ just “Ma’am I advise you to shut up the talking shop!”.
TOADY Watch #1 – Labour with prominence and much emphasis
Very firmly in the lead this a.m., following the longest suicide Party Conference for the NonLibUnDems in Bournemouth over the long weekend past, true to form, the nominally Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour Party are having a wobble on being the New Remain Labour Party.
I note a ‘pleased tone’ in the BBC News & TOADY coverage.
TOADY Watch #2 – Back to the Future with old news
A long time ago now (nearly two decades?) the BBC faithfully promised to the Licence Fee payer and to their Radio listeners that they would keep their news up to date. No old news. No re-hashing of other agencies’ news, especially other agencies’ old news.
This has been a BBC promise (another one!) consistently broken since then.
The TOADY prog has dug up Gareth Thomas, the former Welsh Rugby player who revealed his HIV status on Saturday last (it is now Wednesday!) for a quick run around the BBC touchlines.
On the evidence of this, the BBC cannot be trusted.
Al Beeb Radio Wales this AM – Nothing but wall to wall Gareth Thomas and his HIV, St Thumbelina and he global warming fanatics, Brexit and Road hauliers concerns (fears) for transport though here to Anglesey and Ireland, all delivered in its usual Blue Peter and Beano comic style .
And you are forced by law to pay for it………
If it is as good as it always says it is , let it pay for it self – by subscription .
Food deliveries post 31.10.19? I’ll bet Aldi and Lidl will not have a problem. I’d put a bet on that.
Post Brexit food shortages.
Easy solution, the Remainiacs, who are to blame, go hungry.
The racist far-left bbc could make it into a programme, on the format of I’m a Celebrity.. or The Big Brother House.
The last one alive is the winner but the only way out is in a box.
I wouldn’t watch it but I suspect many people would.
Taffy ,
Which road hauliers ; the Irish , Polish or Romanians ?
Oh! Bliss! Did anybody hear the exchange between the American General, General Jack Keane and Ritula Shah last evening on The World Tonight? She: asks General a question re Iran/Israel/Saudi Arabia and the recent spats. He starts to reply. She talks over him. He says, “Do you want to answer the question or do you want me to”. Silence while he continues to answer the question – uninterrupted. That’s the approach to dealing with these arrogant BBC employees. I see the foreign ones as by far, the most arrogant.
TOADY Watch #3 – They seem to come in threes
Discussion about capitalism with two guest contenders, moderated by The Humph. The Humph points a finger at the US and the pay of the top 1% rising by 11% in the past few years.
Pay rises at the BBC tend to put that in the shade!
snuff- I also thought it was hilarious that the well-paid Humph was making noises like he was an ordinary guy, and holding forth against those earning too much, out there.
Hilarious and very hypocritical.
But then, this is a bbC hallmark.
And by ‘hilarious’ I don’t mean funny, ha-ha.
Anything but.j
fnw, yes, our The Humph took hypocrisy to a new level. Do I recall correctly that he is the BBC’s highest paid employee* or is that Jeremy Vine?
(*Lineker, Norton, etc., IIRC are not direct employees but ‘talent’ – cough, splutter, choke)
TOADY Watch #4 – or fours, with links to the previous one
Earlier in the programme, our Mishal demonstrated a typical BBC TOADY response to a problem in the UK: “The Govenrment should spend more (taxpayer) money on it.”
Except Mishal tends to forget that very important ‘taxpayer’ bit. That is something of a whole BBC uniquely-funded-tendency, that one.
I wonder why?
Ah but it will all be paid for by taxing Amazon!
Then Amazon will put up their prices, that will be paid by the people who are glad that their own taxes haven’t been put up.
These people will want higher wages and benefit payments so as to pay for Amazon’s higher prices. Higher benefit payments will lead to the need to raise taxes.. …and so on.
Of course if one is buffered by having a £100k+ salary these things aren’t so important and if it prices the plebs out of the airports and foreign resorts, so much the better!
The disrespecting of the UK PM by the PM of Luxembourg continues to rumble . Twitter shows a comment of disgust by the US Ambassador to the UK – I was wondering what the American reaction would be if this was done to President Trump . …
The calm, professional, reasonable, diplomatic personae adopted by leading EU poseurs, and stressed by its supporters in the media, had its mask ripped off in Luxembourg.
Exposed as liars, cheats, haters, conspirators; heirs to sixty years of cheating, lying and conspiring.
This was known to some of us decades ago, when we made our decision to leave at the first opportunity.
Few who read the, maximum prominence “Boris was humiliated” headlines, from the usual media enemies, will believe it.
How many remain voters now think “this is a different animal to the EU I voted for” I do not know, but there will be many.
We are now in a war zone, time to make some omelettes.
I enjoy and much prefer the news output of stations like, The Blaze for their explanation of World events. Take this video:
Thirteen minutes or so of essential facts you would not find on any MSM simply because there is no bias benefits to be applied to further their own Marxist aspirations.
As I recall, many years ago, this was the kind of short educational information our now, Marxists State Broadcaster was good at.
Life always provides options.
G-Very informative-thanks.
One of the plethora of BBC women sports presenters is Sally
Nugent who we see on the Breakfast programme. Nugent is
very confident to the point of being supercilious. She takes over
the studio when she has to report the sports news.
The other presenters such as Charlie Stayt would maybe like
to have a couple of minutes peace whilst Nugent is telling
us about last nights football matches.
But whilst Nugent is on air she really want’s everybody to know
that she is the centre of attention.I liked the way that Charlie Stayt
said to her this morning when for some reason she wanted to know
his opinion on last nights games. He facetiously said that it was
a game between two teams of eleven players.
Sally Nugent you may think a lot of yourself, good for you. However
we don’t want to know.
I find that most women sports presenters have either high pitched tweety voices or speak – like Sally Nugent, in a monotone one level drone. So I wish this obsession with women will soon be over, and give us back some blokes with a bit of timbre !
Don’t get me started on Naga!
\\Teachers ‘have worked long hours for many years’//
Then we should have the best educated kids in the world , No ?
Too much time spent on indoctrination , PC non-discipline, time wasting accountability, bureaucracy and far too many so called ‘educationalists’ bringing in new curricula.
All delivered by teachers that hate going to work each day in fear of unruly kids .
“All delivered by teachers that hate going to work each day in fear of unruly kids .”
Unruly children, who do not receive corporal punishment.
Unruly children, who are not expelled for the benefit of those who want to learn: or if they are removed, it is to go to special schools, where they receive very expensive special treatment, such as one to one.
Unruly children, who are taught (from year one, term one, week one, day one, lesson one) to hate their race, their country, their history, their sex, their family ….
Thank you, Labour, for everything.
An intelligent, hard working, long time friend of mine took a redundancy package from the private sector.
She then started a public sector career in teaching administration, where she has received several promotions.
She (frequently) tells me that lefty bias, incompetence, laziness, arrogance, lying are all alive and well in UK education.
Radio4 have moved on to ‘musical entertainment’.
Anybody here a fan of ‘rap’? ‘Musical?’
Down, down, down they go…
“Anybody here a fan of ‘rap’?”
No, ditto Jazz, ditto anything “created” from the same stable.
Listening to the Schubert string quintet as I type.
Just for you, LCS…
I appreciate that standards have fallen in recent years, but can posters please check their spelling. People seem to be consistently missing out the letter ‘C’ before the rest of the r-a-p word.
I apologise for my spelling because when I am posting my head is moving faster than the typing fingers – even more of a sinner because of the magic ‘editing ‘ capability available to me . .
I’m so happy that I barely know what ‘rap’ is …
My son, unfortunately. It’s just vulgarity to a beat.
Good to see ex-BBC political correspondent John Sergeant on Newsnight, firstly to be reminded of just how frighteningly ugly the poor man is and second to confirm that the deeply entrenched and entirely BBC elite-based attitudes are alive and thriving in this obese and slack-lipped embodiment of prejudice masquerading as opinion .
Yes, you’re right, I don’t like him.
Didn’t Mr Sergeant hound Prime Minister Lady Thatcher?
He was a despicable POS before we were fully aware that the racist far-left bbc collective was infested with despicable POSs:
I might be nitpicking here but can the BBC not even find a picture of a UK light switch?
Not only that, its the, “black hand gang” at work again…………..
Maybe we ought to assume its black people only that are wasting electricity? Bit like the white hands and arms clutching a machete photo used when blacks murder other blacks.
Just lazy journalism. Anyone could take a picture of a light switch and put it online. The BBC an a lot of other news sources will look through Google Images to find something and then select what fits their agenda.
I once saw something on their website about prisons. A white guy in orange with what looked like an American toilet in the cell behind him. Just lazy
Most bbc car images involve a person of Pantone for some reason holding a steering wheel placed left.
I remember once when they got the car ‘right’. Unfortunately everything else was reversed!
I think if they went to use a picture of a nursing mother and found that she/him/it/ze/zer had a wedding ring they would flip the image too, instant ‘single mother’.
Talking of single mothers:
Only the other day I was just thinking about the ever growing numbers of children without a dad – left on their own in front of the TV watching the adds – suddenly shout a question to their 2 (two) moms in the kitchen – Mom – what’s a Dad?
Mom – oh, are they still brainwashing my/our children with myths like that?
I can just imagine the bitterness and fury that most of those single – especially if they are lesbians – mothers will feel towards those programme makers.
Well, why won’t they. The lesbians have got most MSM outlets in their control.
Especially the cancerous, Child corrupting, BBC.
Worse than that, “Alexa, what’s a mum?”
I am sure the BBC would not show black kids without a dad. As everyone knows it is only white dads who abandon their wives/partners leaving them to bring up the kids.
Is it that they don’t live in the real world or that they don’t want to accept reality?
Digression. Obliquely about bias. Channel 4 not BBC. c30 years ago not current.
Subject US prisons, specifically long term prisoners applying for parole.
An hour long C4 documentary covering 4/5 cases. Interviewing the prisoner, parole board members and the prisoner’s lawyer.
One case concerned a male negro who had then served 17 years of a life sentence, found guilty of raping and murdering a young white woman,
Prisoner interviewed, just about intelligent enough to claim he was innocent.
Parole board member interviewed, nothing new in the current parole application, the prisoner had already been refused parole.
Prisoner’s lawyer interviewed. “No forensic evidence connected my client with the crime. The sole witness for the prosecution was the sole witness of the crime. This witness picked my client out of a fatally flawed lineup (identity parade to us) and their testimony should not have been permitted by the judge.”
C4 reporter “In what way was the lineup faulty?”.
Lawyer “My client was the only one in the lineup wearing handcuffs.”
The BBC are simply reminding us that an African-American invented the light bulb. Whenever a White person uses an electric light, an ironing board, a computer screen, stops at traffic lights or eats food that was transported in a refrigerated truck, it is an appalling example of cultural appropriation.
“The BBC are simply reminding us that an African-American invented the light bulb.”
This again! Thomas Edison didn’t even invent it. And they left out peanut butter.
A lot of claimed inventions don’t stand up to close scrutiny, things are rarely that simple. And there’s a difference between inventing something and developing it.
My great great great grandmother invented the cupboard door. She did, honest.
Talking to a Scottish guy the other day reminding him that the jocks did not invent the bagpipes. Think it was some guy in ancient Greece or Egypt?
I know it wasn’t a scotch cable-tosser.
You guys have gone down a rabbit hole
cos it’s not a still image.
Rather the page has a Harra video
and the image is from a montage of rapid epilepsy inducing video clips at the beginning
Claim that the average British household i using less electricity each year
I can believe that cos older TVs and lights drew more power before and threw it off as heat
(so you heating use was a touch less then)
Mind you if you get divorced or go on on more nights away the household energy use is lower.
Harra Claim #1 It’s partially due to the efficiency standards imposed by the EU(fancy EU graphic behind him)
Harra Claim #2
Visit to vacuum museum,’ oh look the EU limited vacuum power to 900W, see how we can get good suction at just 440W.
Roger asserts “that’s a quarter of the power of a 1,800W machine”
Emm AFAIK a a sports car doesn’t use maximum fuel, when it goes downhill, and so a big vacuum motor won’t actually draw full power normally.
(BTW in a separate case Dyson got the EU efficiency labels thrown own)
Harra Claim #3
“Taxes and grants are another way of getting us to use less energy”
Translation : They tax the poor to pay for SUBSIDIES of gimmicks rich people buy
Harra ‘an electric car pays no Road Tax, and only 5% electricity tax’
Against a £145pa and 60% petrol tax”
(emm leccy fuel has paid a mining tax, and the gov will need to eventually tax EVs to pay for roads etc
Harra Claim #4
“Fast fashion is a MASSIVE user of energy”
(hmm energy used in a products manufacture is roughly proportionate to retail price so a fashionista who buys £600 of clothes/year doesn’t use as much energy a Beeboid refurbishing their Tuscan villa for £6K)
.. footage of Oxfam shop manager
“Fast fashion does IMMENSE DAMAGE to the ENVIRO and the WORLD’S POOREST PEOPLE” (wacky claim)
Harra Claim #45
Business is saving leccy : eg A Derbyshire quarry has sensors on equipment , eg conveyors switch off when there is no material on them.
(A empty conveyor actually draws less power, than a full one anyway)
Harra’s take away “And this won’t solve Britain’s *energy problems* but it will help“
(Hmm that’s the psychological framing PR-trick : he frames it as a PROBLEM, yet strip away taxes and Fossil Fuels are almost free)
The Supreme Court continues in day two with administrative problems and one old dear can’t get her computer to work.
Incompetent old farts whose computer skills fall below your average teenager.
Obviously Queen Gina can twist these buffoons around her pretty little finger.
If it were not so crucial it would be even more farcical, to watch the supposed legal elite struggle to find clause 232A (Subsection 7ii – para 115) from a 550-page document – just one of several sack-trucks-worth – whose enumeration does not appear to tally with those copies referenced by either the prosecution or the defence.
And the nation’s fate hangs on the deliberations of these insular idiots, charged to the taxpayer at 350 guineas per the hour.
The desperation of the establishment to prevent the democratic vote just goes on and on – every potential attack gets funded .
Every effort to wear brexiters down goes on – cheered on by the Remainer Briadcasting Corporation and others .
There just so has to be a reckoning some time . I’m really surprised nothing has happened so far .
I’ve heard plenty of people mention this a even arch remainer Robert Harris said so on some book review the other day .
Apart from the revenge at the ballot box there will be something else – particularly if A50 is withdrawn by the traitor parliament .
Campaigning for another referendum, to re-join the EU, would be acceptable. After a suitable period, say 46 years, so that the success or otherwise of whatever the EU reforms into, may be fairly judged.
Disregarding the referendum, afterwards, after many many commitments to do so, is not acceptable.
A second referendum or more parliamentary skullduggery? Up with this we will not put.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Sounds as relevant today as in 1787.
Yes I think having a referendum to rejoin the US of Europe in 46 years time seems reasonable – I will have had a number of cards from the Queen if spared by then
A[art from leaving with no deal the only other remedy is a General Election – which would be a kind of referendum – which Brexit would win overwhelmingly on the numbers but might not on the constituency vote –
Imagine that mess ….
I understand that the wording of a future referendum to rejoin the EU has already been formulated. The question to be asked is:
إن شاء الله ، هل ستنضم المملكة المتحدة إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي؟
If the liberal left Globalist establishment hold their nerve they can stop Brexit. Then the ball is firmly in the court of the Leavers, what is the response likely to be? Remainers can prevent there being another election up to as late as June 2022. During that time they can cement our position in the EU . They can also use the power of the government , the judiciary , the MSM etc to manipulate the outcome of any second referendum or of any GE that they choose to hold. All of which makes democracy unlikely to succeed in forcing the establishment to do something they don’t want to do. However , if non democratic means are attempted to be used against the establishment , as opposed to in support of them, they will be ruthless in their use of the police , intelligence services and judiciary to suppress them. The example that was made of TR is a foretaste of the excessive punishments they will use.
I’m afraid that all the signs are that the liberal left has , over the past thirty years, seized complete control of our country and that we no longer live in a democracy but in a technocracy where ordinary people’s views and votes count for nought. We lived through the New Labour years and we didn’t like what we saw or what was happening. But we only experienced the tip of the iceberg. The real revolution was going on under our noses largely unnoticed as all our institutions and levers of power were politicised by Blair and taken over by the liberal left. . We lived through a thirty year Globalist revolution and we didn’t even realise it until the Brexit referendum exposed it to us and now it’s too late to do anything about it.
BBC Newsbeat
“Just 16, Greta Thunberg is already one of our planet’s greatest advocates
“Recognising that her generation will bear the brunt of climate change, she’s unafraid to push for real action,” says ex-US President Barack Obama
Greta has told current US leaders they’re not doing enough to combat climate change
Photo: Barack Obama/Twitter
The bbc protest PR teams are on a war footing stirring up da yoof prior to Friday.
Not just this pile of revisionist, ancient history nonsense, but across the networks.
Searching for traffic reports this morning, I was intrigued at least two bbc local stations had ‘should kids be allowed to save the planet’ phone-ins.
I went to my local station FB page and offered a counter view to the prevailing one. A producer responded and invited me to talk to the presenter.
So I waited, and waited, as they checked my bio and found it would not go well. So having been invited and given a slot, they ‘ran out of time’ given to ranting teachers saying they will be leading their charges on….. ‘strike’. Where but one in the group is withholding labour, using the peabrains in their charge in excuse.
Meanwhile, elsewhere…
Their world not ours.
As I chase up the ITVnews journo who was doing *PR-not-news* for electric cars last night
I spot where she was last week
Tosh. Walk round any yooni science department nowadays and you’ll see it’s very diverse. One reason is the tons of dosh they pay to do (buy) post grad degrees.
Whitey man can work on normal media channels
.. and maybe win a *Journo Award*
.. but look at Asian women
they can work on mainstream or any of the UK’s Asian channels
..and maybe win a *Journo Award*, An *Asian Media Award*
… or a *Women in Media award*
Orwellian Britain 2019 where : equality = inequality
I read in the Guardian that the founder of Momentum Jon Lansman has won a bid to eject the current Labour Student arm on the basis that it doesn’t toe the red-left party line enough. The aim being to create a new Student arm that is much more under the control of Momentum.
The same tactics were used in the 1930’s by Hitler to shape an organisation that would ultimately have total state control.
I urge all students to take a good look at this, think hard and decide if it is a democratic move. Then use your voices!
There ought to be demonstrations with all the usual placards outside the party conference if you have any brains at all. Even the lefty Guardian use the word “purges”.
New video by GWPF: Susan Crockford
: No climate emergency for polar bears
Susan Crockford, a ‘proper’ scientist with 35 years of experience.
She should have a word with Greta and her family of co-conspirators.
Further evidence of how the Globalist/Marxists are so destructive on the one hand and out of touch with reality on the other:
You cannot digest the contents and inferences in this article without scratching your head in disbelief. Spose’ that could be said of all Globalist/Marxists though.
The authors background? https://www.theglobalist.com/contributors/uwe-bott/
So, seems that on his advice, (if followed) he and his sort may well be directly responsible for the Marxist mess the World seems to be in.
Lord Farage speaks of ‘pipsqueak’ Luxembourg:
Dover Sentry,
The most interesting aspect of that clip of Nigel Farage at the UN was the fact that, apart from his fellow Brexit Party members, the place was virtually deserted. I wonder if this is intentionally insulting: Farage is about to speak so they all get the hell out of there.
Or perhaps MEPs never do their jobs anyway, simply collect their huge salaries.
In a reverse way, I think it’s a compliment that the rest left 🙂
Memorable line from patchy BBC interviewer in Cheltenham. Questioning a leaver on his current opinions, he said: ‘…being on the winning side, as you put it, how do you see the present situation?’
Confirming the accepted BBC position, that ‘winning the referendum’ is only a matter of opinion. (Based on a poll in the Guardian, no doubt.)
Typical BBC over dramatic headline. Read the article, not what is would have you believe !!! Why am i not surprised ? Just scandalous.
The BBC would not have liked this bit
“”Soon, Great Britain, which has been home to thousands of Poles for generations, will most likely cease to be a member of the European Union – which we regret, but we also see this process as an opportunity to strengthen the bond between our two countries,” he said.”
You’d never have guessed that would be in the article from the headline would you !!!
Britons might want to ‘seriously consider’ leaving and moving to Poland. Hint: wonderfully monocultural, no shootin’-n-a-stabbin’, no women dressed up in bin bags, no yobbo’s, no gender nonsense. Warsaw clean, modern, economy booming.
thank God you posted Ian! ..had just tuned in..no posts since 7pm..thought summat was up!! was about to do a test post.
Indeed..but Hungary for me I think..(thinks..must go finish cooking supper).
And these CLOWNS wonder why we voted leave !!!
True Labour
Was it a BBC reporter with a telephoto lens?
I bet there has been numerous occasions when Boris has been “out and about” where people have shook his hand and thanked him for the stance he is taking on Brexit. Guaranteed to have happened.
Yet, every single BBC / MSM soundbite is a Lefty, Remainer type giving him stick !!! Almost as if they are only letting us see what THEY want us to see !!!
And we used to mock North Korean TV. !! BBC no better now. Disgusting.
Let me bump into Boris when the BBC are following him around and it will be all handshakes and selfies while I stick two fingers up at the BBC cameras.
The BBC will just delete the footage of course. Actually having Boris fans in this country does not fit their agenda
BBCnews “The FATHER of A SICK CHILD confronts Boris Johnson ”
Translation : a LABOUR-ACTIVIST did a PR stunt
… and he has an ethnic Muslim name : Omar Salem
Why is it that Guido can find this out in a short time while the licence fee-funded BBC is apparently blissfully unaware of it?
Of course the BBC knew. It just hoped we wouldn’t.
“who ate all the pittas”?
.. he seems to have put on a few pounds since the twitter pic and the one on Linklaters com’s page:
He is also Chair of City Group of Society of Labour Lawyers (the legal think tank of the Labour Party)..well I never !
Sure the BBC will update the report soon just letting us all know he is a Labour activist , you know, just for balance !!! Rancid outfit. Just rancid.
Funny how Labour are nowhere to be seen in the Polls but every time Boris is out, its always a Labour supporter heckling him and the BBC cameras seem to be there for all these occasions ? Coincidence ???? yeah right.
Problems with the NHS?
That would be the incompetent, overpaid, lefty managers who put diversity before patients.
That would be the incompetent, overpaid, not British medical staff, whose efforts result in collossal awards for negligence.
The same foreign medical staff who seem to be expert in sexual assaults on white females, selling drugs illegally and being struck off.
Privatise the public sector, dismiss the drones, re-export the aliens.
Activist must be left-handed as he strangely kept using his right hand pointing towards the direction of the cameras 10 mile away.
One type of BBC / MSM bias is the strange perpetrator-less crime. Last week the NYT got in trouble over a 9/11 memorial tweet that said “airplanes took aim” and brought down the World Trade Center. I just noticed the BBC has quite a lot of videos online relating to acid attacks, including: ‘Why I’m developing acid-proof make-up.’
Douglas Murray makes the point on mass migration that we peculiarly treat secondary effects rather than focus on the original problem. Is there any clearer example than this?
The good doctor Ahmed (from Bradford of course) sees “acid crime and burns similar to a disease and I just want to eradicate it…” Think of it like MS or motor neurone disease. Just one of those unfortunate things that come out of nowhere. Cars drive into people; acid flies into faces.
All in line with the uniquely strange BBC metaphysics: bad things that you can’t blame on Brexit, Trump or white men go into the ‘stuff that just happens’ category.
This is also true of the effects of social media on our children. To hell with confronting the real cause of childrens mental health problems – i.e. social media. What is the answer I hear you cry?
Stop it dead in it’s tracks, in my opinion. It is not an advancement.
We don’t need it – it coagulates idiotic views.
Before, a nutcase had to keep his/her thoughts to themselves – now we all have to hear them, and what’s more we find he/she has like minded friends! A protest group is formed of complete idiots.
What is our answer – first – ignore the real causes because lets face it – the powers that be are totaly hooked themselves and will not counternance any critisism of the system.
Call for better mental health care, which is non existent – blame schools and Universities – it’s now their responsibility of course – pass the buck.
Look! if someones hitting me on the head with a hammer everyday – I do not buy a crash helmet – I call the police (ok point taken) and hopefully lock the little bugger up!
I am also aware of the irony of posting this on this site and being able to. Quite honestly I would rather not be able to – I would sleep a lot better. And I’m sure so would a lot of you.
Virtue chasing BBC with 2 very odd stories on the news. The first extolling the virtues of electric hybrid cars the second on the bad practice of buying fast fashion….
The first championed by someone from the motor trade urging people to buy hybrid cars made by some of the richest car companies in the World the second by a posh lady from Oxfam.
So… help gigantic very rich motor Companies in Asia to earn even more profits = good.
Stop buying fast fashion made by some of the poorest people (and the only employment they have access to) usually in Asia = bad
What utter tosh!
All headline grabbing nonsense by people with absolutely no common sense.
The excellent Kate Hoey twittered how the MSM has failed to inform the public that the electoral commission has found to Remain campaign outfits had broken rules in the Referendum campaign –
Comparing it to the coverage allegations received about Brexiter campaigners -subsequently found to be ‘ not guilty ‘
Good example of obvious bias
This ain’t the BBC but highlights of the US Open final showing Serena Williams beating the Canadian teenager.
Only problem is, Serena lost.
The relevance to the BBC is the similarity in the bias. Whoever put those highlights on YouTube obviously wanted Serena to win, so to hell with an objective portrayal of the game.
Several comments below the video expressed astonishment at the blatant misrepresentation of the game. I’m not sure even the BBC would report a sporting event in quite so biased a fashion. But who knows? the BBC has a little way to go before it hits absolute rock bottom.
Serena is a mother you know !!!
Serena is a mother? Goodness me, the BBC kept that quiet. Next they’ll be saying that Aretha Franklin and Michael Jackson are dead.
Radio2 : Laura the-EU-Goon-Berg coming up on the Steve Wright Show
Actually, it is a slaughter for every MSM pretend journalist with a twitter account or, as otherwise know, the MSM.
It’s spot the difference time!!
When inflation goes up……we are told explicitly
‘Inflation rises…..’
When inflation goes down….it’s just a surprise, not a fall.
‘Inflation surprise…..’ which at that point could also be rise.
But isn’t.
The BBC. Guaranteed to bury good news that does not fit their narrative.
If the EU is such a wonderful entity, where are all the incontrovertible facts proving this?. Why doesn’t the obviously biased media/BBC et al produce anything that will convince us to stay, instead we are told again, and again how bad it will be if we leave…..
Quite so.
I’d like the Remoaners to answer a few pertinent questions such as:
– how do you benefit personally from our country begun in the EU
– how does our country benefit from being in the EU
– what does the EU do for us that we can’t do for ourselves
– are you content to allow the EU to take control of our armed forces
– do you know who are the leaders of the EU parliament, council and commission, how they are selected, appointed and removed? What powers do they have and to whom are they answerable?
I’m unsure about Boris.
Do you think we will leave no deal or will he just polish Theresa May’s turd.
The test will be whether any sell out leaves us under the jurisdiction of the ECJ – if it does – we haven’t left and JRM will have resigned ….
…. I actually think they’ll kick the can again ….
What a bad week for the RBC ( Nice one FEDUP)……a losing double
1) that bouffant haired plonker in Luxemburg and;
2) the angry Labour activist in the Hospital heckling Boris.
All we need is the treble
3) Supreme Court upholds decision of English and Belfast Courts and rejects Scottish Court judgement as “impaired”
On that subject; if Lord Carloway and the Scottish Court lose there should be a requirement to audit previous cases under Lord Carloway’s charge including , of course, this one …..just to check things are pukka!!!
Meanwhile, over the pond, the BBC house journal fares… about the same #CCBGB-wise…
Con-Artists both of them. Well matched.
Jez wants to hear from you.
Just imagine how ‘vetted’ those questions will be ._
As long as they are pro-muslim and suitably anti-semitic, they should get through OK.
R4 now Is opinion the future of journalism? : The Media Show
– Begun with R4Today producer
LBC is gaining listeners thanks to a strategy of employing highly opinionated presenters.
What can other news outlets learn from its success?
And is the concept of the impartial journalist now outdated?
+ a new initiative to create an international set of standards for journalism
+ the controller of the TV channel Dave.
Andrea Catherwood is joined by Shelagh Fogarty, LBC presenter, Sarah Sands, editor of Radio 4’s Today programme
and contributor to the book Today: A History of Our World Through 60 Years of Conversations and Controversies, Scott Yates,
+ Reporters Without Borders,
R4Today bit : tomorrow is John Humphreys last day ever
and he will interview Dave useless Cameron.
+ Tony Blair will also be on
Laughable claim
“Fake news particularly undermining trust in the media”
The usual projection from beeboid Andrea Catherwood
The item is about “certifying” journalists
The truth
I wonder if verhofstat said anything about the 75th anniversary of Arnhem – and the thousands of dead British airborne ….
” verhofstat”
funny thing about this clip – he’s a communist.
BBC website celebrating the final Toady John £££££££ Humphreys tomorrow Thursday – much blubbing and montages of ‘high ‘ points – he ll join the hideous naughtie as a roving expense account reporter from now until the end of time for tax purposes …
He ll be interviewing a book salesman about why the Fixed Term Parliament was such a good idea and why having a referendum , starting project Fear and then running away from the result was such a good idea.
A BBC setup?
“Naturally, you did you research on this character before broadcasting, so one can only assume you’re making this admission now you’ve been rumbled on social media.”
The beeb Probably put him up to it.
Guido has put up another piece of video of Boris leaving Whipps Cross Hospital yesterday – 30 seconds and plenty of warmth toward him despite being in an East London Borough which is a one state regime and a hospital which had been failing for as long as I can remember .
When I worked in the area my colleagues and I used to openly say – if ever hurt at work – get me to the London – because even 35 years ago the place was a pit .
I wonder if the State Broadcaster – I cant say BBC anymore – will broadcast it as balance . ?
As for the Labour activist who confronted Bojo – I’m sure he ll be lined up as a hero by the brain dead at the Communist party conference next week where the comrades pay homage to Comrade Corbyn . And I’m guessing there won’t be much talk of antisemitism .
Here is Delingpole’s take: