I was thinking that maybe we should stop referring to the State Broadcaster as the BBC and just call it the RBC – the Remainer Broadcasting Corporation . There doesn’t seem to be any pretence about its output being balanced and neutral – it’s just Far Left and Pro EU .
Midweek Thread 18 September 2019
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“Universally accepted”
This is the state of impartial journalism today.
Perhaps the BBC would care to explain how unilaterally reducing the world’s carbon energy demand by…..errrr…..1% will eliminate the ‘extreme weather patterns with devastating consequences’.
A correction of BBC Fake News:
“Universally accepted” is what is called “Fake News”. It would help if the BBC could name a single meteorologist who has evidence that Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide causes extreme weather patterns. I cant. The only meteorologists who come out of the woodwork say “there isn’t even any evidence for extreme weather patterns”.
Meteorologists who talk to Astronomers about the effects of changes in cloud albedo agree that an increase in clouds at the equator causes a cooling, while at the poles it causes a warming, especially in winter when the only source of heat at the poles is transferred from warmer areas. This is because the Sun doesn’t shin in the dark and clouds trap heat. So the above process would be reducing Hurricanes and increasing Droughts from the 2016 start of the Mini Ice Age. This is what is behind the suggestion from Hurricane experts that Hurricanes seem to have gone into a downward trend. Hurricane experts like Chris Landsea have had a hard time battling against “Fake News” on this subject.
Also the Carbon Dioxide hypothesis contains a processes that has no evidence of happening at all. The hypothesis says that Global warming six miles up, increases at twice the rate of the surface. The conclusion is that this would reduce Hurricanes and increase Droughts. But not only is there no evidence that this is happening but bizarrely the climate alarmists insist that this reduction in weather would cause an increase in Droughts and Hurricanes.
Meteorologists insist that an increase in weather would reduce Droughts and increase Hurricanes. While on the other hand, Loony Climate Alarmist ideology needs Droughts and Hurricanes to increase in all ideological circumstances.
Further reading on Global Warming Science the BBC doesn’t want you to know is in a book called “Climate of Extremes” by Michaels and Balling (ISBN 9781933995236). Corbyns brother is also very angry about the BBC’s Fake News. His http://www.weatheraction.com website explains a lot of the BBC’s Fake News on weather, as well as using the most successful method of predicting a 40 day weather forecast by looking at events on the Sun, the time that the Solar wind reaches the Earth, and the front, back or sides position of the Moon on the Earths magnetic field and impact on the upper stratosphere producing the weather.
Did the BBC report much on the LibDem candidate who called Tories “Tory rats” who should be “burned at the stake” ?
They did a web story
It was tweeted by just a dozen people including a BBC Wales account
“PC Andrew Harper: Three teenagers charged with murder”
Time to bring back capital & corporal punishment. The Liberal ‘educated’ snowflake experts have had their chance and their soft approach has not worked .
Time for a change.
Did the BBC do much on this ?
Self parody in job advert ?
“Head of Creative Networks job at BBC Studios in London | Careers at BBC Studios
. … We are looking for a senior creative who puts the Wow! into Formats
Ensure that the opportunities and scope of the pipeline are understood, known and amplified so all stakeholders know everything they need to make informed decisions about their focus.
I remember receiving an email from Head of Dept (admin) when working in the NHS, in a similar vein. It was gobbledy gook that no-one understood, so I replied asking if he could resend it to me, – in plain English.
Teenage BBC TV commissioners/stoned.
Elon Musk court documents “calling the rescuer paedo guy was just saying the guy is creepy, so not libel”
.. desperate
“Bridgend site to produce Land Rover-inspired Ineos 4×4″
\\”It’s a great area with an industrial tradition, and… there’s some really great skilled people and we’re going to need up to 500 really skilled people,” he said.//
Dda Iawn – well done Sir Jim Ratcliffe, well done Ineos !
I think that I reported this good Brexit news on this website about two days ago ?
Why so late Al Beeb ?
Rejoice for the boys down South Wales.
There is a HYS running .
Note their flat delivery, and eagerness to report that the plan will be using ‘public money’.
And ‘Who is Jim Ratcliffe?’!!
Astounding that Al Beeb’s most important points to tell you –
– he grew up on a council estate
– he voted LEAVE!!! (baddy) but supported TMs disaster deal, wants open trading with Europe, of course (not quite as bad then)
– he’s mega rich (baddy)
If this story is true then it’s a mega story, a thousand times more important than the Owen Jones 1 minute scuffle
How can you put drugged and raped incident in the same class as OJ ?
Come to think of it, when is the trial of the far right thugs who beat and kicked poor Owen Jones who has identified them?
What are the specific charges?
The charges are that they looked at him in a hateful way then beat him up without leaving a mark.
Trial ?
Owen knows the attack ,was “a precision military attack”
Phase #1 Trump had US satellites knock all CCTV within 3 miles of the pub
Phase #2 Trump sent the US Navy Seals up the Thames underwater and into sewers next to the pub
Phase #3 The attack was made using soft feather dusters
Phase #3 The Seal Team were evacuated from the scene by scaling lines thrown from super stealth super silent Blackhawk helicopters.
Italy : this nasty gangsters mingling with immigrants they abused has happened before
Lucky they didn’t decide to cook and eat those in the centre. That’s next on the list. All savages
News on Monday 9th
Brit couple ‘held in French cell for two days after migrant found in car boot’
Haebus Corpus does not exist in France.
There you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent from the cell.
The ECJ will end up applying that law to uk if we do not have Brexit
Anyone sick to f******* death of seeing our own people running this country down? You all know the guilty types: Snooty, Remainer, leftie middle class arrogant, entitled, fairtrade coffee sipping, urban dwelling woke assholes who hate their own country and to be honest would sooner side with EU than put their faith in their own countrymen and women; you know, the posh loudmouth social studies students who hang out in pretentious hipster artisan doughnut and coffee bars whilst discussing social inequalities, gender studies and performance art … I’m disgusted and now feel I no longer have a Britain I can call home. It has been utterly ripped apart by anti-British left-wing extremists and neoliberals like Theresa Appeaser, Bercow, Corbyn, Carolie Mucus, the SNP and so on. I despair as I believe in our country and feel we are fundamentally a good people. We have just been badly betrayed by the foulest and most vile traitors imaginable. This country is finished and has been torn apart not from outside but from within. It’s awful!
If the Remainers think that the EU is so good they should emigrate there. End of.
Any Remainers on this site care to comment?
It would be nice to hear from a Remainer – but maybe there aren’t that many left outside the MSM and traitor parliament
Anyway – I saw a report about the possibility of a free travel area between UK and Australia ….. please !
A couple of threads ago I posted the reasons remainers wish to remain, and asked people to listen out for more.
All of the reasons I have heard are grounded in vested interests, and not one person to date who I have heard from has said it is because they believe in the European super state nor the European project.
I did hear another new reason though today for Labour remainers.
The EU is perpetually weighted towards the centre left and the legislation it passes reflects that. With EU legislation being superior to British it means it doesn’t really matter to Labour if the Tories are in power because effectively they are locked out by a leftist EU.
I think that reason has been given by some honest remainers before.
It is implied when they ‘worry’ that ‘the rights of workers’ will be lost if we leave.
As a mature democracy we are quite capable of determining our own ‘rights’ and laws and if we choose to add, amend, or remove an ‘EU right’ then that will only happen after due democratic process as traditionally practiced in the UK. And that’s the problem – for the non-democrats.
Related to this, lobby groups can sell an idea to the EU Commission, it becomes law and it is then imposed on all EU member countries without debate. To do that the ‘old’ way means lobbying 28 governments, each of which has to worry about the political fall-out if the law isn’t popular. Once it is EU law it is virtually impossible to remove, what with qualified majority voting, and there is no way that a member state can revoke the law unilaterally.
Outside of ‘the stupid’, (those remainers that think travel is impossible without the EU), and those that want to live sur le continent, I think this is what the ‘political’ remainers want, but they daren’t tell us lest we object.
“If the Remainers think that the EU is so good they should emigrate there. End of.”
If people living the EU think that the EU is so good they should emigrate to a country in the EU.
maxi, where is that apology that you owe me? I was right and you were wrong.
Touched a nerve maxi? I thought that would bring you out of your safe space . Have they put you in as the Duty “trolling”Officer on nights again ? Good to see you back because you are the best advert for getting rid of the archaic Telly Tax.
A tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Hi, good to hear from you again. But really, replying at 3.56am? When do you sleep?
What you are seeing has a name, an old and nasty name, it is Nazism.
Hitler chose his ‘Blue Eyed Boys’, Today the Left has their ‘Brown Eyed Boys’ because they chose a different set of boys they excuse themselves, because it’s not the same.
They hate the Jews too just like the Nazis did, and todays Labour manifesto is a virtual carbon copy of the original Fascist Manifesto.
The Fascination with Islam is just as strong with them as it was with Hitler, this is just one more thing airbrushed from history by revisionism.
Carl Jung knew all about it:
““We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future.”
Although controversy still rages about Jungs’ sympathies he is never accused of being either a Nazi party member and certainly not an insider. It s clear therefore that Hitlers Islamic fascination was well known in pre war Germany, and perhaps it was not considered important enough to document.
We have seen the Muslims gunning for schools which teach homosexuality to infant school children – it’s a good start because most people can see that’s wrong, but they won’t stop there. Once they get a success they will move on to the next one, and don;t think the Labour Nazis are ever going to say no to them.
Corbyn is a dyed in the wool Fascist, perhaps it comes as a surprise that one? His campaign group momentum was financed in no small part by the son of the British Union of Fascists leader Owald Moseley, himself a minister in the Labour government prior to forming the BUF. The addition of the race hate of Whites and Jews is but a logical extention into full blown Nazism.
“Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism… How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist!”
Adolf Hitler August 15, 1920 speech in Munich
“Anyone sick to f******* death of seeing our own people running this country down?”
“This country is finished…”
Juliet Harley brewer interviewing the future Commons’ speaker’s husband -motif mouths Comrade John ‘ jack ‘ dromey about Brexit .
‘Shame on you JHB for impugning the integrity of MPs’ -wow -they really are that far out of touch .
The interview is on Twitter if you wanna listen – it’s about a 90 second clip .
These people simply don’t want to see it.
Simply fighting against their own conscience – it appears.
No – I refuse to say “should have gone to spec savers”
OK fellow readers, here is a page I would like you to read if you can spare the time, because it greatly concerns the future of well, everything we care about.
It seems that Google and Facebook are attempting to tie up and create a duopoly which will control more or less all the advertising on the internet. Only the sites they choose to allow will be able to access revenue, and those they don’t are being effectively defunded.
Yes it’s a plea for money for a site in the US with amusing photos but it’s really really serious, because as I think we all know both Google and Facebook are definitely NOT on our side.
Worrying trend.
David Wood has moved to Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Acts17Apologetics
Apparently these video platforms are uncensored too, but I know very little about that whole area:
Liveleak: https://www.liveleak.com/
DTube: https://dtube.video/
BitTube: http://www.bittubes.com/
PewTube: https://pew.tube/
i was surfing the radio stations this morning and landed on the news at 11.00 (BBC radio 5 live)
The so called presenter made the following comment, and i am not really sure if it is bias towards the government, or just stupidity so i would welcome your opinions
The presenter was informing the listeners of the latest inflation figures, and the way it was described is as follows.
Inflation growth has reduced to 1.7% ??
Various reasons for the reduction in the growth of inflation were given, i just couldn’t get my head around the initial statement
How to present good news as bad
To be fair I think they were trying to avoid giving the impression we had entered a deflation state.
Inflation is either positive or negative, usually they would say it the other way around ‘the growth in inflation’, inflation has reduced to 1.7% is a rather lazy way of reporting.
“Various reasons for the reduction in the growth of inflation were given, i just couldn’t get my head around the initial statement”
1) “The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (I have paraphrased his email to staff).
2) Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Dutch gangster case: Shock at murder of lawyer Derk Wiersum https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-49740366
Feel the enrichment! Not long now till The Netherlands succumbs to Islam…
Now where’s that family who Al Beeb proudly paraded having changed their passports to Dutch…care to rethink that?
I wonder how long it will be before the Labour activist who confronted the PM at Whipps X hospital today – moans about the media attention he is getting .
Whipps has had a well earned reputation for being one of the worst hospitals in the country for decades . I’ve had direct experience of corrupt consultants there . Nice for the PM to have gone there – it’s in a Londonistan backwater …
“I wonder how long it will be before the Labour activist who confronted the PM at Whipps X hospital today – moans about the media attention he is getting ”
Especially if and when he’s had the invite to his labour buddy – citizen Khan.
NOT on al beeb: Sam Harris compares the so-called religion of peace with a REAL Religion of Peace like Jainism.
Memorable quotes: “The crazier you get as a Jain the less we have to worry about you.”
“Religious extremism is not a problem if your core beliefs are truly nonviolent.”
“The only problem with islamic fundamentalism are the fundamentals of islam.”
Leftmob are doing a pile on against Laura Kuensberg
My Twitter search page forces 6 such Labour union tweets at me
‘How dare she mention the guy is a Labour activist who previously worked for a Labour MP’
Trending in United Kingdom
#sacklaurakuenssberg … #SackKuenssberg
Wagons ho!
It’s noticeable how complaints from our side are generally ignored by the BBC, whilst complaints from the left are met with statements. My theory is that we are too good natured about it and don’t stoop to the general nastiness in numbers that the left do when they pile in.
No, it’s because complains from ‘the left’ are more wounding and they feel real pain that they aren’t loved.
If a stranger told you that you were horrible you might shrug it off, but when ‘family’ does that it hurts.
There is also the useful ‘complaints from both sides’ aspect, ‘so we got it just about right!’ smug response.
Rob seems beside himself.
The leftie mob is still trending #SackKuenssberg on Twitter. The so-called ‘right’ don’t behave like this?
StewGreen (9:53pm),
“Leftmob are doing a pile on against Laura Kuensberg”
StewGreen (2:01pm),
“Laura the-EU-Goon-Berg”
Maxi, you have been ‘working’ hard. Where is my apology from you? How about producing it instead of poking at my fellow posters on here?
Speed of justice
Sept 11th last year .Ahmad Mohammed, 25, set fire to Santander bank after splashing its entrance before igniting it, and tried to do the same to nearby Barclays when he carried out the attacks He was immediately chased up the street by passers by who handed him to police.
Yet after One year the press just report on today’s trial
“A man has been found to have carried out an attack which put Hull city centre in lockdown”
FFS a street full of people saw him do it, whys it take year to find him guilty ?
The trial has now been suspended until Oct 15th for medical reports before sentencing.
BTW I passed the scene 3 hours later , the bbc had reported the event live, yet the next day they just had a blackout on further reporting until a brief twenty second mention just now on Look North.
“FFS a street full of people saw him do it, whys it take year to find him guilty ?”
It’s called ‘austerity’ darling. Spending on the Ministry of Justice has been cut by 27%.
Gina excepted.
27% since when Maxi?
Who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
Incoming !……………………….
“Brexit: UK has two weeks to set out plan – Finnish PM”
Time for a general election and let The Brexit Party loose to take control .
Up and at em .
I note that the £ has crept up to 1.13 euros today .
Despite Brexit?
A real FFS moment .
Peak time BBC 1 at 9pm.
A programme about Japan. Of interest, a country with rather unique cultural aspects.
Presented by Sue Perkins. We could have guessed what came next.
By 9.15 pm after the ladies sumo wrestling (!!!???) we learn of the impact of robotics on ordinary life.
Sue visits a family with children. Two adult females feature but no men are present. Soon after, Sue muses over the potential benefits of friendly household robots to the …….LGBT community!!!
So a programme ostensibly about Japan features within minutes a Lesbian visiting a Lesbian family and musing about LGBT issues. No Japan. Lots of agenda.The off switch was used by 9.20 pm. Potentially interesting subject matter destroyed by their insatiable prioritisation of a pro-gay narrative.
The BBC. Bringing you the propaganda they think is right for you.
Viewing figures must be dropping like a lead balloon.
“Potentially interesting subject matter destroyed by their insatiable prioritisation of a pro-gay narrative.”
There have been countless tv travelogs featuring heterosexual “celebrities” visiting heterosexual families. Did you similarly use the off switch because of a “pro-hetero narrative”?
Perhaps you can explain why you consider being “pro-gay” to be “propaganda”?
Aaah maxi, so glad to find you here. Now, where is my apology from you about the defective Allan Little Pogrom programme?
I think the troll is like one of those characters who dumps fridges in nice places such as forests . You wonder what sort of character would do that . They dump and leave – that’s the troll.
You won’t get an apology . The troll won’t be back for a while – visiting various websites at 3 in the morning to spread a bit of discontent .
As for ranting on about asking a fellow contributor to admit that the Germans murdered 6 million Jews in gas chambers – what the hell has that to do with a PM visiting a failed hospital like Whipps X where I live ?
I don’t believe the Germans murdered 6 million Jews in the gas chambers . It was more than that – add on the other ‘types’ of people they murdered and one gets to numbers even more unimaginable . Using the ‘final solution ‘ as a point scoring exercise – troll – really does plumb the depths . But he are pretty familiar with them ….
He demands only answers to his questions.
But is absolved from answering any of him.
And certainly is programmed to never apologise.
Remind you of any unique corporations?
Are you still involved in fisting? Writing under your previous name it appeared that you engaged in this practice. Gays and straights can engage in it. Do share your views.
I have seen this before, can’t remember where –
Perhaps he should let Gina Miller know ?
I saw something else somewhere where there might be a challenge to the ‘no-deal’ ‘law’
It’s been asked before, but I’ve never seen an answer. How come this case progresses so slowly when Gina Miller seems to be fast tracked through the system?
Rejected as ‘totally without merit’ back in August.
Here we go another popcorn moment let’s see how quickly this is buried…..just imagine if it was Trump…..this is going to be fun ! They are already making excuses for him……look they say, it was nearly two decades ago…..
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wore “brownface” at a private school gala nearly two decades ago, a photo obtained by Time Magazine shows.
Addressing the image, Mr Trudeau said he “deeply regretted” his actions and “should have known better”.
The 2001 yearbook picture shows Mr Trudeau with skin-darkening make-up on his face and hands at the West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver
I heard Rhod Sharp talking about this on Not-quite-upto-hospital Radio 5 Live.
The sombre tone, the sadness of voice, all because one of his own has been caught out.
Just imagine the glee if had been Trump, Farage or Boris!
(What Justine should have said was that those were sane times, when ‘dressing up’ was fun. But then he would have had to spell out F-U-N, because it’s ‘2019’.)
Here is the picture of the racist himself !!!!!
iain the EU loving lefty doesn’t think it’s news, but I would hazard a guess that if it was indeed Trump or Boris or Farage, then our friend Iain would indeed think it was news and would be having a snowflake meltdown until one of them was hounded out of their post !!!!! I despise these Liberals, I really do.
I love it when virtue signallers get bitten on the backside by their own holier-than-thou utterances.
Yay, Trudeau’s a racist, the sanctimonious piece of brown stuff. Oops.
At him, beeb, at him!
Ordinarily when a stupid picture turns up taken some time ago I’d just shrug and say ‘ so what ?’ But …. this Trudeau character seems to operate on such a high moral ground that every one else is below him .
Therefore his sin makes it far worse and shows what he is really like – just another pretend virtue signaller .
Trudeau aside, calling out anyone on a misdemeanour from decades ago is beyond absurd. I mean, how far back in history are we expected to keep apologising for ? We have a prostrate Archbishop of Canterbury for the Amritsar issue, some time ago Parliament discussed our role in slavery, on and on it goes. I’m still waiting for someone to call out the owners of coal mines in this country, who had kids working at the coal face in the late 19th Century !!!!
As a child I took the part of the Virgin Mary in the Nativity play at school, so I’m expecting a knock on the door any minute.
Here we go another popcorn moment let’s see how quickly this is buried…..just imagine if it was Trump…..this is going to be fun ! They are already making excuses for him……look they say, it was nearly two decades ago….
Two words Halifax —–brett kavanaugh !!!!
Remember the lefty witch hunt then , going back 30 years. The Left have very specific criteria it seems about these things , along the lines of if its a lefty figure, anything over 6 months is too far back and nit picking, if its a righty figure, they can pursue perceived badness as far back as they like !!! No limits then.
Its ok everyone Trudeau has appologised just like The Guradian did regarding Camerons son……nothing to see here please move on.
If your left wing all that is needed to exonorate yourself is an apology…case closed.
I think there was nothing wrong with what Trudeau did. He was dressing up at a fancy dress event. No malice was meant. No-one was hurt.
The joke is that he is such a right-on, woke little snowflake that he has been hoist by his own petard. Now that is funny.
If you extrapolate this…then getting a false tan or wearing dark foundation could be considered racist. And if someone imitated an Indian accent it would be racist, so if you imitate a Scottish/welsh accent….. watch out Rory Bremner
Yep, in the early 1970’s Michael Bates played the Punka Wallah in It Aint ‘Arf Hot Mum, and nobody bat an eyelid – although I think there was a mention of it when PC took hold in this country a few years later. Thing was, back in those days, casting directors were hard pushed in getting the right ethnicity because our then Asian migrant population worked in either factories or curry houses, barely spoke English let alone act, so it was left to a white actor to ‘black up’. Clearly a hanging offense now.
The funniest thing is when you ask a snowflake going mental over him tanning himself darker in ” it ain’t half hot mum” if someone born in India should have played Rangi Ram when they yes hit them with the fact that’s where he was born and add in his father was Anglo-Indian. Stand well back from the Avalanche.
Ten reasons Remainers want to Remain in the EU.
(1) Fear of not knowing what to do without instructions from Brussels
(2) Fear of most MP’s being exposed as incompetent at ruling an independent nation
(3) Fear of being exposed as unemployable after losing a job on the EU gravy train
(4) Fear of Jews and other non-Europeans
(5) Fear that only food from Europe is safe to eat
(6) Fear that food from countries outside of Europe is unsafe and dirty
(7) Prefer white Europeans to multiracial Commonwealth types
(8) Wanting to create a Fourth Reich under Emperor Verhofstadt
(9) Wanting to restore European imperialism by creating a European Army
(10) Preserve Oswald Mosley’s white supremacist dream of a united Europe
It’s TOADY Watch #1 watching The Humph riding off into the setting sun
The answer is eleven but poor old Humph could hardly get an edge in wordways with the new Chairman or Chief Executive of the Woodland Trust. This gent did not inspire confidence in this tree lover and appeared to be a bit short on knowledge about … trees ….. and British topography and landscape. Aaaaughhh!
Will The Humph and all his TOADY colleagues all remain stoically wooden or will there be a whole lotta blubbin’ goin’ on?
Radio 4, Toady.
All bittersweet sadness and happiness today as John Humphrys broadcasts for the last time.
Remember when James Naughtie ‘resigned’? He hasn’t been off the air since.
Does anyone else share my opinion that Humphrys is secretly a Leaver. He has said a few things in the past on Today that makes me think so.
TOADY Watch #2 – Juggling sub judice
Bearing in mind an ongoing case before The Supreme Court, the BBC appear to be telling us this morning that David Cameron lied to the Queen.
Oh dear!
Examining a graph of EU net contributors yesterday told me all I need to know about why the EU are so reluctant to strike a deal and REALY want us locked in.
After Germany the UK was the SECOND LARGEST NET contributor.
Only 10 countries out of the 27 Are NET contributors, all the rest take out more than they pay in
Poland, the largest taker, takes out almost the same amount as the UK pay in.
(Poland of course is “little” Germany in German eyes and is being groomed and rebuilt as a German close neighbour and source of cheap labour for them)
Luxembourg is a NET Receiver of funds despite their high standard of living and this might explain why their spokesman was so enraged at us taking our cash out!
The UK NET contribution equals the take-out of TEN of the NET takers.
So the conclusion is that when the UK leaves it will create the mother of all problems for the EU.
See the full facts here: About half way down the page.
digg, our net contribution is small beer to the EU. Yes, because of current economic pressures, it will cause some pursed lips in replacing it, but it is still small beer.
Tiny in relation to Germany. GDP approaching four trillion. (UK still measures its GDP in billions.) German State spending at around a fifth of that.
Taking the 2017 figures of net contributions, the replacement of the UK contribution will require a quarter more from the other net contributors: 3bn for Germany, 60million for Finland. I would suggest that that is error margin or contingency spending for the big offices of State in those countries. Or it will require more net contributors, the most likely outcome?
Seven and a half billion is a lot of money to us posting on here – 7.5 million, 7.5 thousand even! – but in the inflated modern economies of Europe and the world, it is just loose change.
Up2 – it might be small beer to the EU but shouldn’t be to taxpayers here . Germany is happy to pay because the EU belongs to them – the whole argument in the last 3 plus years has been about trade and economics –
But there is more the matter than that – border control – ability to determine our own laws – and hopefully a country further to the Right than it has been recently .
And, importantly, handing over control of our armed forces to the EU.
Fed, ” the whole argument in the last 3 plus years has been about trade and economics – ”
I don’t think so. As John hints in the post above, it is about nation building. The EU (in its earliest form) was designed to do via economics what Hitler tried to do with cavalry, aircraft, tanks, bombs and bullets. And it was intended to do it by stealth, by surreptitious increments. Hence the Theresa May give-away of our armed forces in the hope that Brexit will be frustrated.
The EU was founded on a lie. We joined in 1972 on the basis of a lie: “It is merely a trading club.” we were told by PM, Edward Heath.
Now that the people are increasingly waking up to that, given the opportunity, we the people wanted in 2016, and I suspect in increasing numbers still want, to be out and away from the EU.
But the Establishment in the EUNation doesn’t want that, there can be no leavers, no departures, from the Grand Project. In addition the UK Establishment doesn’t want that. That is the essence of the present tussle.
Be clear about that.
Disagree – the Remainers have kept Project Fear on costs and shortages – and the MSM has just parroted it because it is part of project Fear .
Ok – it’s the stuff which people can focus on and understand – but the more esoteric issues about self determination and uncoupling from the Franco German peace accord doesn’t really make for headlines. .
Fed, you may but see MarkyMark’s post @10.36am below.
That’s the reality.
TOADY Watch #3 – Using Carbon getting lost in America
Poor old Aleem Maqbool (BBC North America correspondent) is lost in America. Notwithstanding the CO2 emissions he is not sure whether he is in Alaska and looking at the mountains there or in Colorado looking at the Rockies.
He’s a correspondent? Nah! Get him out of there.
Never mind, the CO2 Maqbool expended will have been most warming for my keyboard fingers on this cold September morning. Global warming. What Global Warming?
Toady watch
Had to listen . Humph££££ delivering sermons on politicians talking directly to the listener bi passing the likes of Gods like him .
And who does he turn to for a view ? – Alistair Campbell’s puppet -Anthony Blair .
Humph wonders aloud why politicians don’t bother with the MSM now – unless they have a book to sell -and in fairness raises the issues of point scoring and interrupting – which of course is something we write about daily .
Strange that humph/Blair chatter away as bubble dwellers but avoid talking about the perversion of the vote of the people going on with 42 Forty Two days to go to Brexit .
Humphs legacy may be the spread of the hostile ‘point scoring ‘ interview now used by so many BBC types – Tourette’s Robinson – Marr- Lady Brooke – leading to politicians saying to themselves
‘Why Bother going on to the Remainer Broadcasting Corporation to feed some journos ego ? – unless of course you are a favoured regular like chattybarty, Adonis ,ojones, the new Ash et al.
And what does the punter get ? Nothing . No clarity – no gain – just showbiz- and has to pay for it .
The more I think of it the more I miss the Brian Walden type 50 minute one to one interview I used to watch at Sunday lunchtime when I was a teenager . But the damage Humphreys has done is to allow politicians to avoid such interviews – if they ever returned – without accountability .
Humphreys – like the Remainer Broadcasting Corpse – has a lot to answer for .- we haven’t got much time And now the weather .
Jimmy Young used to get more out of our politicians than these ‘expert’ interviewers during his lunchtime Radio 2 show.
Jeremy Vine is a poor substitute but starts to get near the style during his ‘What Makes Us Human?’ spots.
The whole lot of them should go back to school and learn the difference between an interview and a competition.
Progress …
1960 …. UK … draw a cartoon of Mohammed and everyone laughs with you.
1960 …. Saudi Arabia .. draw a cartoon of Mohammed and everyone including the Government wants to kill you.
2019 …. UK … draw a cartoon of Mohammed and everyone says shut up and some people threaten to kill you.
2019 …. Saudi Arabia .. draw a cartoon of Mohammed and everyone including the Government wants to kill you.
Humphries interviews the cowardly useless incompetent liar Cameron this morning and he spent the first half of the interview exposing the lies Cameron told leading up to the referendum and contiues to tell today.
Readers might recall that on the previous thread I wrote a piece on why it absolutely is the EUs fault the UK held a referendum. Cameron confirmed those reasons, that he wanted some EU reform and the EU wouldn’t give any.
It was also revealed that the EU wanted treaty approval which the UK wouldn’t give, and the EU went ahead with it anyway, ignoring the UK veto and proving that it was an out of control creature that didn’t even follow it’s own laws and rules.
But that’s the whole point – the ever closer union – the UK will never slow down the FrancoGerman EUReich – despite paying 20% of the budget
For Cameron to go to the EU and ask for change – how naive – they’ve got their priorities – the UK has its own . So simple .
Thoughtful, it was a case of Dim and Dimmer with Dave and the EU.
Top man !!!
Trump for PM!
The more I think about the alleged Iranian attack on the Saudi refinery the more I cannot believe it.
We have a situation on the ground where a launch from Yemen requires a flight of over 500 miles which is stretching credulity.
The other possibility is a launch from Iran which is not credible given the evidence it would leave and expose them to direct attack from the USA. The flight from Iranian soil is 200 miles.
The Persian gulf is one of the most heavily militarised in the world, with US carrier battle groups, and land based defences including AWACS, which is air based downwards looking radar, to detect threats flying low level.
We know this is the case because we have been presented with radar evidence of Iranian Navy activity when attacking tankers in the gulf.
We are being perhaps asked to believe that the Iranians have developed some incredible stealth technology which the most advanced radar technology is completely incapable of detecting. Even better technology than the US stealth aircraft.
There remain only two other possiblities. That Iranian back militia entered Saudi Arabia and launched the attack from very close range.
Or that the Saudis did it themselves in order to force the price of oil higher, and raise the odds of the US attacking Iran.
One thing is certain though – we are not being told the truth.
“We have a situation on the ground where a launch from Yemen requires a flight of over 500 miles which is stretching credulity.”
It’s all those muslim Yemeni scientists, doctors & Phd students angling to come to Europe to apply their skills for the benefit of all mankind……………
It was a change to see a MAN presenting the sports news on
Breakfast TV this morning on BBC. We usually get the likes of
the supercilious Sally Nugent. To be honest the women
sports presenters are pretty good at talking about netball
women’s rugby etc.
To be honest the BBC doesn’t cover hardly any top men’s sport
live anymore . So maybe I am not being fair to the bloke this
morning who said that Real Madrid did not produce one shot on
goal in their Champions League match against Paris SG. Of
course there was Gareth Bales great volley which was chalked
off for a completely accidental hand ball by the ex Spurs player.
-stick to the sports you know about such as the Munchkin
women, going on about the women’s golf event the Solheim Cup.
The BBC now have a niche in women’s sport. Stick to it, and leave
the wretched men’s sports to Sky, BT, ITV and everybody else.
Mind you the BBC have Gary goatee Lineker with his vast PC repertoire to entertain us.
At least older commentators were entertaining when they came out with dumb comments. Does anyone remember David “If that had gone in, it would have been a goal.” Coleman?
TOADY Watch #4 – A ha! Just as some of us suspected
The Humph in his departing remarks confirmed what some of us suspected – and the declining listening figures have reflected – that Sarah Sands has had a detrimental effect on the TOADY Programme in her time as Editor in Chief. She left the Evening Standard, which in my view has turned into even more of a comic under its present Editor (someone called Osborne), to join the BBC and edit the TODAY Programme.
Sarah Sands must go if the TOADY decline is to be halted.
I noted that there was no mention of Humph doing ‘special projects ‘ so by the sound of it he is off to Sky or ITV for money he won’t be challenged about .
The State Broadcaster will have to replace him with someone ethnic and female – they’ve got plenty to choose from. Fortunately as the value of Toady diminishes and ‘main players’ desert it the make up of the programme won’t matter . Maybe they can introduce more ‘nature moments ‘ and ‘daily quizzes ‘.
What about ‘recipe for the day ‘ ? Or “ black hero of the day ‘ ?
There’s a couple of good ones – as well as a daily reading from the Koran …..
Fed, The Humph has a weekly column to write for a newspaper. Maybe he will freelance in front of mic or mic+camera as you suggest or even for the BBC. They have form on that.
As to ‘Recipe of the Day’, do I recall correctly there was something like that back in the Jack de Manio days?
That pillar of the community, ex MP Denis MacShane has just been interviewed on LBC by Nick Ferrari about David Cameron. Ferrari doesn’t bother mentioning that MacShane was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment after admitting making bogus expenses claims amounting to nearly £13,000.
Worse in my opinion was that it was MacShane was responsible for drawing up the NUJ’s Guidelines on Race Reporting, an influential document in the suppression of free speech in this country.
Cassie, did Nick Ferrari say what Denis MacShane’s real name is?
Jus’ askin’ …… like.
Ferrari didn’t mention it but it’s that traditional old Irish name, Josef Denis Matyjaszek.
Here is a link to his charge sheet, I mean CV. It is quite breathtaking.
How about this for hypocrisy?
“In 2008, MacShane supported House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin, calling for Conservative Douglas Carswell to be disciplined for saying that Martin should resign for failing to do enough to prevent the abuse of parliamentary expense claims.”
He is currently in a ‘relationship’ with Vicky Price.
They can exchange prison stories – how nice – the bubble – incestuous indeed.
If either of these had any honour they’d retreat from public utterances at least for being so stupid as doing it , getting caught and convicted .
I often pass the speed camera at the end of the M11 where Vicky , a judge and Hune ? Met their political demise ..
Cassie, I was jus’ askin’ cos I wanted to be a little naughty 😉 a Touch of The Theresas if you will.
Have checked his Wiki years ago, IIRC, MacShane is an ex-Beeboid or has at least freelanced for the BBC. As for Pryce, you know someone (the BBC & MacS) by the company they keep.
Only a coincidence but might another term for ‘remainers’ be ‘leftovers’?
Any word at all on the “other” sides arguments BBC ???? Anyone would think you had a favourite !!!
To be fair to Humph, he had at least been a reporter and visited and reported from various troublespots.
So he did at least carry a certain journalistic credibility.
Compared with autocuties like Fiona Bruce and Mischal Hussein to mention but two,
Didn’t Mish once go to a refugee camp with Lil’s BBC Emoting team?
And Fi once risked the Cotswolds. But a nice bit.
Sluff – he was a reporter when the BBC was a fairly objective news operation not an arm of the Remain industry . Can’t blame him for taking £600k a year though . Until the girls upset things
Compare / contrast social media ‘hate’ crimes:
April 2019 — South Norwood man Paul Bussetti faces trial for sharing Whatsapp video of a burning model of Grenfell Tower at a bonfire party
Sept 2019 — Preston man Zaheer Hussain will not face trial for sharing Whatsapp video where he threatened to sodomize Christians who had converted from Islam
Guess what… they’re cool.
GREAT BRITAIN threatened and ridiculed by Luxembourg and Finland !!! (insert laughter)
Anyone else started to boycott EU products where possible?
Just done a full Brexit on the new car front.
Thatch – we won’t have to boycott EU products because Project Fear says we won’t be getting anything from them . No medicines , no cars , no cheese ( good ) .
They are going to starve us into submission to the EU empire . There’ll be videos of elderly ex pats being held hostage in the EU until the UK pays a €39 billion ransom demand .
Yes when I’m in the supermarket I look to see where fruit and veg is from. Up to now i have no problem at all buying British vegetables, they are so lovely and fresh at the moment. As far as fruit I have been buying English apples and south African tangerines, they are sweet and juicy, try some.I also love grapes and I choose to buy them from south Africa also. I want to support south African farmers but the quality is good and I noticed they were cheaper than eu ones. I think we have to vote with our purses and wallets, they don’t care for us, why should we give a t**s for their products. Let them eat them themselves.
I think we should be slow to criticise Finland because they might be the willing vassel state to announce A50 will not be extended and we are finally released from the Reich EU prison . Then we can have a General Election and various politicians can line up to have their political heads handed to them in an EU carrier bag … from whence they can cry in front of the Question Time audience …
Finland were German puppets during the second world war and are doing there bidding now with murky getting the hits but taking none of the flak. Johnson should ring Antti (lemon) Rinne up and tell him to his face what a jumped up pipsqueak nobody he his – hopefully guaranteeing his animosity and his flat refusal to back any extension keeping us in.
From the Daily Telegraph today:
By Anita Singh (Arts and Entertainment Editor)
“Three BBC presenters have been told to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds in back taxes, despite the High Court finding that the corporation forced them into wrong contracts.
Joanna Gosling, David Eades and Tim Willcox were pursued by HMRC for £920,000 in a crackdown on personal service companies.
The trio argued that they were self-employed, but the court ruled that “the assumed relationships were ones of employment” as the BBC told them how, where and when to work.
The BBC has acknowledged responsibility for the contracts and has said it will help to resolve the cases.
Two thirds of the bill is understood to have been settled already and, of the remaining figure, around £200,000 is employers’ National Insurance, which the BBC is under pressure to settle.”
[Foot of page 5]
So three presenters who could scarcely be described as well-known owe almost a million. Makes you wonder what all those ‘stars’ might have to stump up? Eh Gary?
Let’s hope that when the inevitable happens and the State Broadcaster picks up the tab using taxpayers money some one challenged them in court .
Looking forward to reading that particular case …
2019 … THE EU WILL BECOME AN EMPIRE (Guy Verhoftstadt)
Andrew Neil last night had that gobby lib’dem’ wench Layla Moran on last night.
She said the referendum should have had a 60% threshold to leave (not the 52% as it wasn’t enough)
Later Neil asked if the lib’dems’ would hold a referendum to rejoin the eu if they were elected.
He should have added ”of course, it must give a 60%+ Yes to rejoin as that is what you think is the correct way to do this”
Neil should have challenged also on the adding of retrospective conditions and options to the original (binary) referendum but only on the Leave answer. Such arguments as what type of deal (if Leave) and what vote threshold to have did not appear in any of the preamble I had seen.
I felt very sorry for the UK MD of Burger King who was whipped on BBC news re the 2 little kids who have forced them to stop giving away plastic toys weighing a few grams.
This is ultimate virtue signalling, have the parents taken a look at the products on their bathroom shelf, the amount of plastic and polymers in their car, kitchen work surfaces, household gadgets, electrical equipment, water bottles and food containers in their fridge etc. etc etc
The BBC even tried to tie him up by commenting on a Greenpeace grumble against the company re deforestation in South America for meat production. He was able to say all their meat came from the UK and Ireland at which point they moved on…!
The pure naivety of the gullible press people chasing and magnifyingn this non-story is astounding,
I really weep for the loss of common sense and balance by these people!
It has to be grounded in the determined attempt to kill off any company in the meat business, thinly disguised as noble work.
I play golf (a lot) and had a heated discussion with an “environmentalist” who said I should be using wooden tees, not the plastic ones I have. I pointed out the work required to grow, cut down, transport and trim the wood into a small tee which I then would use just the once before it broke and was sent to landfill. My plastic tee was made from a single drop of oil, and that was after petrol, diesel and lubricants had been extracted, and lasts me for days, rarely breaking but occasionally lost to be picked up by others for further use. See, it’s easy to counter an environmentalist!
“Policymakers said the UK would avoid falling into recession this year”
Poor BBC , they would have LOVED a recession !! Quite sure all the Remainers and BBC (same thing) have assured me, in no uncertain terms, that we WERE heading for recession !! Its really confusing as the BBC have had expert after expert on prime time TV slots to warn me, you know, like Chukka and Anna Soubry !!! They were so sure they knew.
Oh well.
Not having a TV licence I browse a fair bit of YouTube where I came across the Excellent Walter Lewin, ex-MIT. This week I watched his explanation of how rainbows work. That was something we briefly touched on at school, water drops, refraction and that was it.
Watching Lewin it suddenly occured to me that my/our understanding of rainbows was all wrong! There is a phrase – ‘all the colours of the rainbow’ which can be interpreted as ‘the rainbow includes all colours’, well not really, it isn’t like the colours from a prism.
I had a look at a couple of textbooks that I have got – one even had the refraction angles wrong. I had a look at the Met. Office web – they have it wrong, ‘a blurred spectrum’.
Why is it light below the rainbow and dark above? Well it is because the ‘red’ light extends from the top of the rainbow to the ground. The ‘blue’ light extends from the bottom of the rainbow to the ground.
If the Met. Office can’t get rainbows right, (or the weather), why should we trust them with the climate?
Jim – you’d better be careful talking about ???? because the resident troll or ANC terrorist will be popping up demanding you answer their question ) see the thread about 0300..????