I was thinking that maybe we should stop referring to the State Broadcaster as the BBC and just call it the RBC – the Remainer Broadcasting Corporation . There doesn’t seem to be any pretence about its output being balanced and neutral – it’s just Far Left and Pro EU .
Midweek Thread 18 September 2019
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How revealing that Corbyn’s latest commitment on Brexit – that he has decided to remain impartial and ‘let the people decide’ – is printed in the Guardian.
He elects to broadcast this significant and statesmanlike decision in a bankrupt newspaper – both morally and financially – with the most risible circulation, eclipsed only by a handful of local free-press handouts, to preach to an entirely converted audience and whose only potential benefit is their close connection to the dwindling influence of the BBC.
Quite laughable, and yet another example of the distain in which the majority are held by the political elite.
statement of such ‘importance’ will doubtless surface within the pages of the rabid ex working class rag – mirror – once they have exhausted their list of hit jobs on Boris and the hated tories.
FOR THE BROKEN RECORD … Cameron on Radio 2 selling his book … .
Nice to see Andrew Neil back on the Daily Politics – BBC2 again – he really is the best they have. Usual batch of mostly remain non-entities – mostly, The lightweight prospective Labour candidate – I don’t wish to honour her with a name, said towards the end she thought Cameron was a ‘t**t’. Is this the sort of discourse we can expect from our future politicians?
What with her and the lunatics in the Libs. They swear like troopers and have tattoos like sailors
Is this what female empowerment makes you.
reminds me when I were a very young lad and the words fart or tit resulted in fits of giggles amongst the class. Maybe this is a form of regression and with a distinct lack of intelligent or common sense policies, probably the only way they can elicit any sort of reaction.
Excactly so – is it because they cried out for attention from Mum and Dad when small and got it only by being over the top?
I think this and future generations are and will be attention starved.
How can they compete with Mum and Dad (dare I say it) being on the phone all day, that is why young children are learning to speak much later than they should – nobody talks to them!
Humour is also becoming more infantile – Dandy and Beano stuff from when I were a lad.
Looks like regression to me. The bbc have more than their fair share
of young regressives I’m afraid – in top jobs.
Just watch them all in Parliament, they’ve all got the manners of pigs – staring at their phones when someone is speaking. There should be a ban on taking phones into the Chamber.
“Dark Money” and those supplying it in the US. Solely to pursue left-wing / Marxist policies under the auspices of ‘philanthropy’ and undermine the POTUS.
Click to access CRC_Arabella-Advisors-Dark-Money_small.pdf
Connection to the UK? – (needless to say) – Soros. Do we have an equivalent to Arabella in the UK? Doubtless and doubtless Soros is connected with it. I’m convinced that the Charity sector has been infiltrated and abused and the sleepy ol’ Charities Commission would not recognise it even if it bit them on the leg. If we are lucky to have the Brexit Party leading us (or principally ‘pulling strings’) shortly, I would recommend they take a close look at charities. Starting with the Muslim Council and where Saudi money goes in the UK.
BBC publishes an apology from Trudeau after pictures of his blacking up are published.
We look forward to the BBC publishing its apology for the Black and White Minstrel Show, broadcast to millions.
‘Speaking to journalists after the Time article was published, Mr Trudeau said he had dressed up in the photo in an Aladdin costume at an Arabian Nights-themed gala.
“I take responsibility for my decision to do that. I shouldn’t have done it.
“I should have known better. It was something that I didn’t think was racist at the time, but now I recognise it was something racist to do and I am deeply sorry.”
I swear the world has gone mad. However, as much as I cannot stand this childish mud-slinging where ‘researchers’ go back in time to find some dreadful misdeed and then resurrect it at a time to suit, this Trudeau chap seems like a fair target to me.
Honestly though, someone colours his skin a darker shade to represent someone who has dark skin and we have this almighty weeping, outrage and sorrow. Have I stumbled into a fourth dimension?
Yes – surely it was just a simple playful homage to a former well known figure who just happened to be black in skin colour. Are they saying being black in skin colour is somehow something to be ashamed of and not to be celebrated?
“Are they saying being black in skin colour is somehow something to be ashamed of and not to be celebrated?”
Could be that they are saying that being black is viewed mostly as a disadvantage. A disadvantage because you come from a race with the highest crime rates, the highest level of absent fathers, the lowest average IQ, the poorest of social-skill cultures, from a race that has contributed VERY little to the development of the modern world, a race that is generally viewed parasitic.
If I came from such a heritage, I would be ashamed of my race also. I would be hyper-sensitive to any criticism. I would feel like that life had handed my a bad deal. I would lighten my skin – biggest selling cosmetic products amongst non-whites … skin whiteners. I would straighten my hair and try to make it look soft like Northern Europeans.
I would look on in shame at my culture, and like all those shamed by their shortcomings, I would blame anybody but myself.
I think this is the MSM trying to divert people’s attention away from Mr I love dressing up Trudeau’s more illegal crime – the so called SNC-Lavalin affair. Black face and black hearted Trudeau fired his justice minister when she refused to stop legal action against one of his mates.
Seen on the BBC news homepage.

I’ll be the judge of whether that’s a Must See, thank you very much.
Pussy Galore
Top Totty
Proper woman!
I’ll print that out
They’ll be banning sun tanning lotion next
There are plenty of black women in Africa who use skin lightening chemicals.
Surely they must all be outed and shamed.
‘Scrutiny’ the new buzz word – Parliament is not being allowed to ‘scrutinise’ the Government.
It is obvious to me that this current crowd of MP’s are not up to the job. They are a very poor shower.
It’s like sending in chimps, when all they have the capacity in is not ‘Scrutinising the Government’ but eating (straight) bananas. Older ones will get the connection.
Like monkeys they do a lot of screeching and throwing excrement at each other.
That is 20 remainers back and raring to go for the conference. Oh dear Boris. Nigel will be amused. This is the kind of news that make people think that another Tory betrayal is likely and hence vote for the Brexit Party.
Obviously this is very worrying for us no-deal Brexit voters.
For these 21 to accept the invitation to attend can mean only one thing – they are jumping for joy because they would never return if it was a no-deal Brexit.
Very concerning indeed.
ves, one of the things that the Cameron bio publication tells us is that Bojo is not the great thinker and strategist that he likes to think he is and that he likes to think we think he is.
He should have known (finding out things is important when you are PM – House of Cards?) about the publn date for that little epic. He could have anticipated the Prorog fuss. He should know that certain people will dash off to Court to stop Brexit at any and every opportunity.
Sadly, I cannot help but wonder if he is a deceiver like Theresa, inflicted upon us to help imprison us in the EUNation.
I hate to say it. But, I agree with you.
Could this be the reason why Boris is splashing out so much more money on Defence, NHS, Schools etc in order to soften the blow to us leave voters because he is about to agree with that “Empire” joker fella that the UK will be part of the EU Army?
I sense a sudden change in Boris’ version of Brexit not much different than Traitor Mays version of Brexit.
Don’t get me wrong. I still have absolute confidence that we will leave the EU. Its when and how we leave that concerns me/us?
Sounds like the single market is working well!
The Albanians have taken over the drugs trade because they have an unbreakable clan system and are happy to resort to ultra violence at the drop of a hat.
No-one dares to grass, because if they do they will be killed. If they cannot be killed, their family back in Albania will be killed.
They are basically vicious bloodthirsty tribal savages, and we let them in. They aren’t mad. We are.
The point I made, here, before the date on which they were permitted to enter and live. At that time, I cited views that the Albanians were the best and most cunning of gun runners.
My life – what has Brexit done to me – last year I was quite centre left wing – and the BBC was not an issue, now I would say I was centre right wing – and I hate them – Can anyone say the same?
SPC – being of the Right – Far to the right of the current Conservative party – I wonder how many people have taken your journey .
Right wing these days means ideas like saving waste of taxpayers money , caring for british people first , making a contribution before getting hand outs , personal responsibility and a welfare system as a safety net and not a ‘life style choice ‘.
Obviously there wouldn’t be a State Broadcaster .
I think one of the reasons the 500 traitors in parliament have refused a General Election twice in the last month is that there are huge numbers of people who are taking your journey to …
Drain the swamp .
I agree, Fedup2, maybe I was more right wing than I thought, or maybe as you get older….?
Also I’m sure society has moved too far, too quickly – and a hell of a lot of us older ones are struggling to catch up with what we see as gross idiocy.
Drain the swamp is a Trumpism – Maybe in this country we have just noticed we also have one.
Once the ‘bubble ‘ formed – that incestuous grouping of politico -journalists – all in it together – it was easier to see The Swamp .
I suppose it’s the outcome of the Blair Years where snowflakes were put in control of key public organisations all making the same noises – virtue signally – and sending their kids to private schools to perpetuate their breed whilst telling a different story to
The plebs / mugs /taxpayers /PAYE types ….
Do you remember the time when some fat bird called Barbara Roche was part of the Beliar gang. I think it was her who kept haranguing us white folks week after week about us not having any black friends.
you didnt leave the left SPC they left you
the overton window is shifting leftwards at ever increasing speed and the lunatics have taken over the asylum
Didn’t Cameron also do that – moved on policy before society was ready for it? Some of his policies came out of left field.
Here is a test. If this picture appeals to you, then you are far right. You support families, did not abort the baby, and dress your daughter as a girl. Yes, definitely far right
And burning the devil’s fuel, coal, to warm the house.
You are far from alone.
I swallowed all the nonsense fed to me in my passage through what is inaccurately known as an education system, hook line and sinker.
My first vote was for the British Communist party candidate!
A few contacts with reality caused me to question what I had been taught.
Then I attended a local Young Conservative evening, because my then girlfriend wanted to go.
I had a pleasant chat with one of the seniors, he lent me a couple of books and gave me a suggested reading list.
Six months later I had abandoned all the juvenile propaganda from school and left the Left, forever.
Many Lefties are just neotenic, Owen Jones being a prize example.
It was always said that socialism was something you grew out of.
Sorry report by mistake.. fat finger prob.
The Supreme Court has finished its hearing . They reckon on a result early next week . The outcome is guaranteed to be a mess because I submit that there is no way that 11 judges will come up with a single view and outcome .
A 6 to 5 outcome either way will be seen as a victory for both sides .
Meanwhile the madness carries on . A serious interview at lunchtime by lady Brooke with the head of a sandwich company forecasting brexit causing a national sandwich shortage – prices of BLT rising and a quip about reverting to jam sandwiches if Spanish veg can’t get to blighty. More seriously there is a potential shortage of ???? avocados .
I can feel panic buying on the horizon with avocado riots outside M&S and Waitrose . I’m sure the operation yellowhammer is contingency planning for sandwich and avocado shortages . Oh the humanity …
Ugh Fe2 – “The Supreme Court” another collection of grandstanding elite,nobodies now gleefully basking in some temporary fame in the Autumn years of their careers.
The fact that our elected representatives refused to represent the people that elected them and are now trying to use their non elected, elite friends to back up their disgusting treachery , to me sums up everything that is wrong with our system.
I am afraid that this week I have been on holiday and have tried to reduce my exposure on the radio to these grandstanding members of the judiciary and their friends from the MSM, who will be hanging on the every word of their fellow, overqualified, equally self regarding elitist friends,looking for further justification as to why the wishes of 17.4 million people should be ignored.
There thats better I have got it off my chest! Just like our little troll friends I have dumped and will now be going out to see the BSO at Barnstaple.
Have a good evening all!!!!
“A 6 to 5 outcome either way will be seen as a victory for both sides .”
Unlike 52% v 48%?
It’s the way the decision will be portrayed .
I can’t see the written decision coming out for a week or two but the overall decision is meant to be Monday .
It does sound like the case was conducted like a trial as opposed to an appeal – particularly the QCs using less than judicial language criticising / accusing the PM of various sins .
Miller will simply begin a new appeal if its against her case.
Boy, Soros (Miller clone) will need to see some fruit from his enormous investments!
“Cameron and the Queen: Palace ‘displeasure’ over comments”
Me thinks he is digging a hole for himself?
Publish his Book ?
I am not buying any more of his books. He published one in 2016 and that cost the taxpayer £9m. It was about an ‘In-Out referendum’, that turned out to be a work of fiction. Next to ‘Mrs Chamberlain’ he must be the worse Prime Minister in British History ? Maybe he is hoping that his book will stop Brexit because Boris will out shine him and turn out to be the ‘hero’? You must admit it is very timely .
If Boris gets us out of the EU completely I will vote for him in the next GE .
Otherwise its The Brexit Party for me.
Cameron knows what he can do with his book .
taffman, what a quintet of failures!
Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May.
And all coming after arguably the most successful 20th century Prime Minister (apart from Winston Churchill), certainly the most successful post WW2 PM, Margaret Thatcher.
Three year and three months and we are still in the EU after the biggest democratic vote in British history . It just goes to show the calibre of the politicians that we have now , never had a real job and too afraid of the Big Bad Al Beeb to cut off its ‘life supply’ AKA the Telly tax.
Perhaps or perhaps not BoJo may pull a rabbit out of the hat ?
The EU Dictators are getting worried .
pug, Dave seems to be on a mission:
1. to disrupt Brexit
2. to make life as difficult as possible for the current PM re Court Case
3. to disrupt Brexit
4. to make life as difficult as possible for the current PM generally
5. to disrupt Brexit
6. to make life as difficult as possible for the Conservative Party
7. to disrupt Brexit
8. Dave could make a list of eight items
9. to disrupt Brexit
10. to provide the SNP with yet another reason to whinge about Westminster
11. to disrupt Brexit
12. to try to show himself in a better light and win back some friends among Remainers (that’s a fail then, Dave)
13. to disrupt Brexit,
14. try to make excuses for a tawdry, failed career. (another fail, Dave), and
15. to embarrass the Queen and give momentum to Republicans in the UK. (well done, Dave. That has probably worked.)
On the plus side, I reckon a few thousand more folk have seen the EU and the Westminster bubble for what it currently is and instead of voting ‘Remain’ or for a ‘Remain Party’ are checking out The Brexit Party or UKIP for their votes in future Referendums or Elections.
Why does Al Beeb and so many Ex Prime Ministers want to remain in the EU ?
Vested interest perhaps ? Could it be a case of ‘Follow the money’ ?
taffman, I think the problem is a spiritual one.
I observed to a Christian friend recently that many enthusiastic Brexiteers in Parliament are professing Christians, often on the evangelical wing of the Church but not always. Steve Baker, Kate Hoey & Jacob Rees-Mogg immediately come to mind. She didn’t believe me and I left her with the challenge to check it out.
If like ‘Dave’, who on his own admission does not really believe in anything, then having something like Le Grand Projet to anchor oneself in is understandable. The people like Grieve, Clarke, Hammond, Blair, Campbell, Major, Cable, Heseltine, Sturgeon, etc. (incl. Gina Miller) seem almost possessed by the EU. I feel forced by the evidence to conclude reluctantly that the EU is demonic in its nature, demonic to the very core of its being.
I find it very interesting and significant that politicians and much of the MSM and some in the public, who parrot what they are told by the former, point at Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg and say “Liar. Liar. LIAR!” but then look away and are silent when, say, Gina Miller is proved by her own actions to be a liar or the £350m per week banner on the bus is proved to be correct.
Bojo was dubbed the ‘Father of Lies’, IIRC, in The Supreme Court yesterday. Those who are more knowledgeable, know who is the real ‘Father of Lies’.
As far as the BBC is concerned, they are after young people hoping (against hope) they will be the Licence Fee payers of the future. The money the Beeb receives from the EU is currently very small beer, tiny compared to £155p.a. from every extra household, every new young household in the UK. (I think it is one reason why the BBC sneer at adult young people living with parents. They like divisiveness when it means extra BBC income. They hate ‘divisiveness’ when it comes as the wrong result at GE or Referendum time.) The BBC were keen to promote the false idea that all young people voted to Remain in the EU Ref despite photo evidence to the contrary posted on their own web-site.
However, I would not be surprised if the BBC harboured ambitions to be one of the approved Europe-wide broadcasters – and hence recipients of more direct tax money – in a future EUNation that had trapped the UK therein.
If one is not anchored in the Kingdom of Heaven, then you will cling to kingdoms on earth as a substitute.
“Why does Al Beeb and so many Ex Prime Ministers want to remain in the EU ?”
Its the “many ex-Prime Ministers” that makes my blood boil.
The present lot in Parliament are horrendous enough but Blair, Major, Cameron and Clegg help destroy the good reputation of British Democracy for many a year.
Error correction in my 6.26pm post; item 8 should have ‘not’ between ‘could’ and ‘make’. Ooops.
Where were you?
“Where were you?”
He’s back in his safe space . He only comes out when its dark . ‘Something of the night about him’ ?
Taffy, LOL x 5!
Kirsten Johnson, the Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for North Devon who spectacularly imploded during a pre-recorded interview for Radio 4, by accidentally letting slip what most Lib Dems think. Turns out claiming your potential constituency voted leave because “it’s 98% white” and “they don’t travel a lot” isn’t a winning strategy…
“It is with the deepest regret that I resign as the Parliamentary Candidate for North Devon Liberal Democrats with immediate effect.
I am acutely aware that my comments in the recent Radio 4 interview caused offence, and I reiterate my sincere apologies. Whilst I have had many very good interviews, on this occasion I totally lost the thread of what I was saying, which was interpreted in ways that I certainly did not intend or believe about the people of North Devon.”
“I totally lost the thread of what I was saying, which was interpreted in ways that I certainly did not intend”
So what you’re saying is …
Last /Cass
I used to dig out my dvds of ‘The thick of it ‘ – but if you listen to the likes of her – why bother with fiction when there is ‘fact ‘ like her – bat people ……
If you haven’t listened to her little interview – you must – it’s so funny – and that creature could have enriched her friends in their parliament ( it ain’t mine ).
These people are no more than rank amateurs the lot of them. We are just beginning to see what fuel Parliament runs on and its not nice.
I think there will be more foul play in the “Supreme” Court.
One of the comments contains the following :-
“… A Freedom of Information request has revealed a massive spend of £279,017.15 by the Ministry of Justice
on Common Purpose training …”
Boris will have to ignore it.
Please Boris, take us out of the EU, we will be eternally grateful.
PS – How do I add one of my own photos to a post?
You will need to upload your photo to an image sharing website. I use https://imgbb.com/. Once you’ve done that, copy the link.
Below where you comment it says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here”. Click and paste the link in the box that appears.
RD – Thank you for your response.
I see remainer time this week has somebody called ash sarkar on.
Has anybody heard of her or seen her as a guest on any of the tv political shows.
Make the most of her appearance on RT because it will probably be hours before she pops up again on some other panel to give her lefty opinions (along with the rest of the lefties on the panel plus the token leaver)
EG – there has been some discussion about this daughter of the empire on the site in the last couple of days .
Indeed – I had to censor something which came from wiki claiming that her sexuality relates to steam trains – or a similar sentiment .
She featured in a history of the Nazis – which was strange because her degree was in English lit . But that’s the State Broadcaster .
She seems to be favourite Marxist of the moment .Been seen on c5 vines morning TV discussion show, BBC question time, BBC the nazis, politics live, cant think right now of others but getting lots of gigs to make lots of £££££. I think she is on labour’s list for a seat in HOP, so we will have to listen to never ending Marxist rantings there soon, oh God we need to get rid of these terrible people who have the right to make our laws.
Oh dear, it seems Mr PC Trudeau had form in blacking up.
Of course nobody really gives a toss but there will be plenty of shock-horror faux outrage, and frankly it couldn’t happen to a more deserving creep.
May it sink his election hopes and end his dire political career.
Laughing at progressive Trudeau hoist by his own petard.
And what is that black hand doing on that women’s chest?
Oh dear Aladdin is the pantomine on at our local theatre this year, they usually do good ones. After reading this about Trudeau I wondered today if the snowflakes will be out this autumn demanding a ban on these lovely British traditions on account of political correctness ..pathetic.
I guess that’s the dark soy.
Now we know, that beyond any shadow of doubt, that the BBC and the metro-Libby-Lefty world has gone completely insane. Must see? Must read?
Meh! No thanks.
“Ms Schechter added that the museum, which will not charge for admission, will be inclusive of all genders because “not everyone who has a vagina is a woman, and not every woman has a vagina”.”
LCS, uuugggghhhhhh – that’s a fingers in the ears, “La, la, la, lah”, hands over eyes, cold towel wrapped around head and lots of Nutella 😉 and a spoon moment.
Would Ms Schechter be American by any chance? The BBC love Americans and American women, especially if they have squeaky voices but not if they foul up as spectacularly as a certain Dr Johnson has done last weekend.
Maybe they could all be moved to Brussels?
At risk of a Woot, given the BBC’s finest have been preparing all year for tomorrow’s big day, have they also got excited by the latest from Barry Back end of… the queue?
Hi-5s all round, Daddy-Os.
Anthony seems smitten. Impartially, of course.
Maybe she was just blocking the exit?
There is a long tradition of that sort of thing:-

I’m sure there was a report a few years ago of drugs being sold to people on the racist far-left bbc premises.
Did they mention that? With all the money the hive collects each year from the public, it comes as no surprise they spend it on illegal drugs.
Fastest growing UK terror threat ‘from far-right’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-49753325
So predictable, but needs to be pointed out that as usual Al Beeb massage the facts. Fastest growing, but still only 10% of the caseload. The biggest threat, of course, is from Islamic terrorists or as they call them, jihadists.
Maybe people can now black up and they can say “I’m going as Trudeau”
The other day I watched (most of) a newish tv series called FBI (I think) and it was about lots of bombs going off in America.
Guess who the culprits were…white supremacists.
Next I watched a German film about bombings and guess who the culprits were….neo nazis.
Lots of whitey bombers as the bad guys.
Just like in real life…….
“”Mr Basu, Assistant Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police (a Muslim), said far-right terrorism had gone from 6% of the caseload two years ago to 10% today, adding: “It’s small but it’s my fastest-growing problem.””
“”But, he said, the biggest threat still came from jihadists.””
He is half-white. The only thing that makes him an authentic black is that he was abandoned by his father.
The descendants of slaves in the USA, i.e. with a 200 year-plus heritage there, must feel like most of us here feel when lectured by Lammy and Alibhai-Brown about what it is to be British – come back when your family has got 200 years experience!
BBC Breaking news. Trudeau can’t remember how many times he blacked up.
He’s probably hedging his bets in case more black-ups emerge.
Why is it a crime for whites to black up but not for Michael Jackson and so many others to white-up?
“..darkening your face, regardless of the context, is always unacceptable..”

White face is fun?
As a member of the clown community I find the above picture highly offensive, and demand reparations for the cultural appropriation.
Didn’t the permanently offended Lenny Henry once do it as well?
Breaking news: Trump is accused by al beeb of once saying something to someone, but we don’t know what, when, why, to whom, or even if.
Full non-details about this non-story here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49763080
Can’t seem to post a link, but apparently some trouble in Leeds this evening.
A local dispute or the start of something more meaningful?
Does anyone have further info?
Breaking news Riots – police van on fire , bricks thrown at cops
Al Beeb will have to report it .
Over to our special Al Beeb’s breaking news desk correspondent, maxincony………………………………..
No, nowt there yet only some Turkish guy raping two teenagers.
Ooops ! its hidden away there under ‘local’ news an hour ago .
Perhaps it will be in the headlines tomorrow ?
Can someone please explain to me why going to an Arabian fancy dress party dressed as Aladdin in black makeup is racist?
Was Aladdin white?
Was Aladdin racist?
For what exactly should Trudeau apologise?
Were the rather pretty girls on his arm offended?
Was anyone offended at the time?
If black makeup is racist, why is the whole fancy dress party not?
Can readers remember exactly what they did at every party they attended between 20 and 25 years ago?
Or are we yet again unable to distinguish between giving offence and taking offence, and self-flagellating to appease minorities.?
As Monsieur Trudeau himself would say, “Parce que c’est 2019”.
Just an observation re the absolutely delicious Trudeau embarrassment.
Can you begin to imagine the BBC’s response if some old pictures were found of Donald Trump “blacked up”?
Ye gods!
There’d be a Panorama Special, Newsnight would be running the story for weeks, Bonnie Greer would be on speed dial and the delightful Yasmin Ali Baba Brown would take up permanent residence in the Beeb’s studios.
Pretty boy Justin has made it his life’s work to criticise anyone who doesn’t comply to his deeply intolerant, woke world view.
Political correctness is a brutal tactic created by totalitarian lefties to silence political dissent.
Canada’s PM has happily fed many of his opponents to this ravenous beast.
And now Dr Frankenstein has been bitten by his own ugly creation.
Here’s the take on it by the wonderful Jericho Green.
WARNING – Contains strong language.
‘I’m gonna get in this boy (Trudeau) like a bike with no seat “
Says Mr Green . Priceless – English language a wonder eh? Thanks lobster – I apologise for catching one of your brethren once ….
What is it about the State Broadcaster and Heseltine ?
The the programme put out to publicise Cameron’s book featured old Hezza again and again . Here is someone who hasn’t been an elected politician for decades – yet he gets to air his opinion like a prophet armed with stone tablets . And there is never a declaration that he gets £90k a year from the EU .
Funny that a sharp posh bloke like Cameron was so out of touch with the british public that he didn’t reckon on a leave majority – perhaps he thought the propaganda operation in the run up to the Referendum would neutralise the drive for brexit .
So out of touch – like so many in their bubble . Including – of course – the State Broadcaster .
Paterson stresses he did not intend to write a China-bashing book — merely to set out the facts as they are. China, and its triumphant Communist party, can hardly be blamed for having looked after their own best interests. The real fools in this scenario are idiot liberal westerners who made it possible and helped hasten the ruin of western liberal democracy. As Paterson asks at the end: ‘What good is a cheap washing machine if one cannot afford a home to put it in?’
Is it just my imagination or are BBC and SKY very selective with the papers they feature on their review after the 10p.m. news?It seems to be,GUARDIAN, TELEGRAPH,INDEPENDENT,and METRO.Not just tonight, but almost every night that I watch.Could it be these are approved as having the correct political view as BBC/SKY,and others not sympathetic to BBC/SKY opinions are not featured.Blatant censorship in a so called democracy.
You must be new to this site, otherwise you’re stating the bleeding obvious?
Welcome, lordelpus 🙂 .
If you are new -welcome – and prepare to be shocked by the continuous unstopping bias of the State Broadcaster – I’ve stopped using “BBC” because the first B does t apply any more .
Headline ……….
\\Fastest-growing UK terror threat ‘from far-right’//
Small print ………
\\But, he said, the biggest threat still came from jihadists.//
“Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface”
Will this be the end of Morris Dancing or “The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice”, as we know it ?
Trudeau didn’t say sorry he said
“Darkening your face regardless of the context or the circumstances is always unacceptable
because of the racist history of blackface.”
What is that ?
That is PR speak, it puts the focus on the act rather than Trudeau
and allows him to move on without getting into a murky discussion.
In our full colour complex world , CONTEXT does matter,
CONTEXT matters a lot.
By coincidence I was at a lecture tonight about an ancient annual village game called the Haxey Hood,
.. and we were shown that the main character the Lord of the Game does wear blackface
..and for certain has done since years before it was first documented in 1828
The legend is that the game goes back to 1359
but we can’t be sure if the blackface was an original part of the game simply cos no older records exist.
It is offensive for Trudeau to imply that modern and ancient British Folk Lore followers are racist cos they follow this tradition in such ancient games and things like morris dancing.
Yes belittling groups of innocent people is wrong, but it is wrong to obliterate our British and European tradition just cos people like Trudeau say “black people” are incapable of understanding contexts.
This is where the rubber of the Marxist illusory tyre hits the road. And backfires.
Hey Taff, Like me, I suspect you dont…
But does anyone really care about this joker and how many times he blacked up. Why is this even ‘news’ ??
It’s news because the MSM have no choice but to report it . He is one of their favoured new sons – born in the sunshine of Blair and his type – echoed by that idiot in NZ.
And there’s an election campaign in Canada – which hopefully will become closer to us post brexit .
But I listened carefully to the words used in the State Broadcaster News – it happened ‘decades ago ‘ says they and “it is feared it will damage his election campaign “ no bias in that language .
The other thing is this – I’m white – I don’t claim the level of mad PC this rich entitled idiot does – but then I had a head scratch and tried to remember how many times I’d ‘blacked up. The answer is ‘none ‘ – I’d never have dreamt of it ‘decades ago ‘ or ever .
Yet this clown – so high on his moral pedestal – lectures people about their language but doesn’t mention his mistakes from as recently as 2001 ? Until they are found out . A decent politician would have come clean. And yes – I know that ‘decent politician ‘ is a contradiction of terms but you know what I mean .
I’d like to hope that this son of a politician types’ career is over – but as we saw with the Kennedys – there’s always another one being bred to take over – whatever the sins of the previous ones .
Of course normal people don’t really care.
But it’s the sort of thing bien-pensant liberals and lefties love to get excited about and feign indignation, fanned by the beeb. His conservative opponents will milk it to the full. And we should enjoy the spectacle of a far-liberal moron hoist by his own petard.
Guido reports that teacher’s union is telling its members how to get pupils to go on Climate Strikes
.. like Friday’s “Climate General Strike”
but here is a good comment
6am Radio Humberside NEWS led with “children & students will be striking today for climate”
Is the NEWS ?
… or is it PR ?
… Reporting news BEFORE it happens is PR
.. all paid for by us licence payers
I switched-off, cos seems like they PROMOTING their own POLITICS as news
6:30am Radio Lincolnshire News did the same
The female Humberside presetner seemed enthusiastic
saying “University students will be striking and Hull Uni has agreed to halt lectures from 10am -11am .. this strike is going to be broader than before.”
Wow students taking Friday off is really going to effect my life …. NOT
The 6am Radio Lincolnshire new was actually even more PR
The opened the news “millions of young people across 150 countries will be striking today for Climate in a day which could be the biggest protest so far”
.. and then they went straight into audio of their own pet Greta from Horncastle village
(I bet that Holly Pavy is somehow related to one of their staff)
Look OPENING the news with something that hasn’t actually yet happened, whilst shoving big stories of crimes that have happened, down the agenda …is PR
It is promoting the event.
It should be at the bottom of the news agenda with something like “The Green Party say that a Children’s climate strike they are organising today could be the biggest ever”
In this tweet 2 months ago the local commercial radio station journo also promoted her.
Students striking! The economy will be devastated.
I have said it before but it is worth repeating:
The ‘news’ today is Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia.
Common decency precludes me from spelling that out for you!
“Wow students taking Friday off is really going to effect my life …. NOT”
But those dreadful “marbled denim jeans” which the girl on the right is wearing has affected my life ever since they came into fashion.
I like to comment on these story’s, enthusiastically supporting but also criticising, pointing out how hypocritical they are, pushing them to be Green for more than one day.
They’re all virtue signalers, with a cheap veneer of Green Eco Organic skin.
Reads like a verbatim extract from the Trotsky handbook.
One might argue that missing days from school does not matter much because so many come out of those places unable to do much apart from use ‘Instagram ‘ whatever that is .
However – the bubble approves of the cause for this ‘strike ‘ but what happens when the kids start striking for campaigns the bubble doesn’t approve of – or for stuff so trivial as to be funny .
The other issue is the peer pressure applied to kids who don’t want to know and actually want to be at school .
And in London – Friday school strikes – more stabbings .
‘Figures from the Department for Education (DfE) for 2017-18 show that local authorities issued 260,000 penalty notices to parents for unauthorised absences during the state school year, an increase of 110,000 compared with the previous year.’
Why is one type of absence, the understandable one where parents book holidays during the only period that they can actually afford to go, different from another type of absence, which is ideologically driven and is destined to change absolutely nothing?!
The BBC is an apologist in the usual manner by quoting others –
Apologist – an argument in defence of something controversial eg
“an enthusiastic apologist for fascism in the 1920s”
“Speaking to the BBC, he explained the song, like the rest of his album, aimed to give a voice to “the people from small communities that have been forgotten about”.
“It’s time to let people in,” he said. “Everyone, the lower class, the middle class, and even the ones in the upper who feel their life is hard.”
Can’t he be banged up for incitement to violence – racially aggravated?
Course not, it’s ‘art’ innit.
Course not, it’s black art.
Course not, it’s lefty black art.
Mercury is sponsored by Hyundai. I wont be buying their cars anytime soon.
If that was Anna Soubry he would now be locked up, tried and told to keep at least 3 million miles from her location and Parliament Square forever.
Australian brothers guilty of IS plane bomb plot https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-49764450
Like Crocodile Dundee? No, thought not. But don’t mention the religion of peace….
However, about an inch away on the website:
Muslim men blame racial profiling for flight cancellation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49764305
Boo boo, some men who we’re told are Muslim, are searched and questioned a bit more because suspicions are raised on boarding a flight. Let’s have a look at this…
– the staff are professionals and have to deal with the safety of hundreds of people
– why is a passenger needing to use a toilet before take off? That wasn’t allowed in the past. Come on, there is plenty of opportunity before you get on, until you’re in the air.
– we all have to go through scanners, bag searches, frisking, taking various bits of clothing off….because some people did something. And they were Islamic jihadists. And on top of that, some are then taken out at the gate for extra security checks. A tiny proportion of people going through these procedures are muslims, so we all have to suffer because ‘some people did something ‘ in the name of Allah.
I don’t want to be blown to smithereens in an aircraft crash/explosion, so quite frankly I don’t care if these guys think they were religiously profiled..it was for a justifiable reason.
When muslim terrorists stop racially profiling their targets, we might stop racially profiling them. Meanwhile, bring it on.
Always the victim, always a sympathetic ear at the BBC.
The other night, I heard a snippet of R5 Dead news at around 2:00am. The usual anti President Trump stuff, intermingled with how our Prime Minister will cope after the Supreme Court (Where did our love go?), make their ‘decision’. Then some more twaddle about some kid Git something bleating drivel in the US.
All the usual suspects, and incredibly badly presented and produced, so no change there…
But then the droning Rhoddy Sharpest/bluntest started up, rather like an old Ford 10, and guess what his leading article was? Yup, some bloke with a name like a Macdonalds menu from CBS, spouting the exact same ‘stories’, only in an unusally breathless manner!
So does the awful Beeb feed the CBS, or do the CBS feed the awful Beeb?
And, why aren’t the toxic Sloppel or Katters doing the reporting – that’s their ‘job’ isn’t it, not number five on a grease-burger menu, with fries…?
I believe our Rhod does his night-time slot by broadcasting four hours earlier (local time) from his home in New England.
Consequently ‘his’ stories can come straight off the pages of The Washington Post on his breakfast table or CNN on the TV set he watched that evening.
Add in the ‘day shift’ from Australia and the pre-recorded stuff and ‘the livin’ is easy’!
(He’s still 100 times better than that ‘race protected’ moron who stands in for him some days).
Yup, JimS, the interviews are always with other hacks from Huffpo, The Boston Globe, Wapo etc., and not really very interesting either.
What I wouldn’t mind is to hear some real reporting, not cut-and-paste stuff already in the churner.
Isn’t there a decent reporter taking on the lefty East Coast side just to even it all up a bit? Blimey, the gush about yet another Kennedy joining in the presidential race was just sickening!
I’ll tell you in a moment what the actual big Global Warming news item is
but first a brief note on the Climate Strike that I mentioned above that BBC local new item promoted by choosing to make it their opening item
.. Josh has a cartoon
Today’s actual big climate news is that the Canadian court has made a judgement ordering Global Warming alarmist activist scientist Michael Mann to pay the costs of skeptic Tim Ball who he was trying to silence using lawfare.
Ball said
‘Mann is dodgy he belongs in State Penn
.. the prison
not Penn State …the university’
So Mann said : Ball defamed me. I’m suing.
Court on March 25th 2011 : Bring evidence
Mann: (delay delay delay delay)
Court: Bring evidence
Mann: (delay delay delay delay)
Court in Sept 2019: Mann is fooping around. His own case is dismissed with costs.
What did Mann then say
Yay!! I won!!!! .. cos the court isn’t going to judge the alleged defamation
Mark Steyn explains the official court decision has come through
also see the background on why the media wont report it.
It will be interesting to see if Mann goes for Kirstein in a similar way……
May I suggest that the government legislate to ban discounted tickets for children on flights? Since none of them wants to fly anyway.
Hey Josh, How about another cartoon or two…
Tax paying strike forever
No Cars or transportation forever
No power or electricity for ever
No food or drink forever
No modern perks – like the iphone forever
Ever done a days work Josh? Ever tried ‘growing your own’ Josh. Even an allotment is bloody hard work Josh, you wont make enough to survive on Josh.
Drink your own urine and wear jumpers knitted from pubic hair forever – sounds good don’t it Josh???
Just stop and think for yourself for a minute Josh, about just how much ‘relief’ you have in this modern world you inhabit.
Josh is what ‘some’ might call a ‘climate change denier’.
His cartoon is intended to mock the Saint Greta movement, not to encourage it!
Ah that’s Fair enough Jim. Sadly Irony is lost on me nowadays I’m afraid. Must be all those years of exposure to the RBC…
Its a lovely morning, cold, clear and fresh, about normal I’d offer for a mid- September ‘high’ as the suns warming influence begins to wain over the northern hemisphere and the atmosphere cools and becomes more stable for a period before the equinox and the start of autumn depressions pushing through from the Atlantic. I was again to use my old bike to commute the 10 mins to work. But hearing about these climate change jokers going ‘on-strike’ today I decided to jump into to 2.0 litre diesel Mondeo instead.
The irony of these jokers ‘striking’ is that a high percentage of them have never and will never do a decent days work and the concept of going ‘on-strike’ to achieve an aim of something better is a thing they will never actually have to contemplate, let alone do.
Now, can I go on-strike from paying my taxes, abiding by laws and generally being a decent citizen????…..cos all this nonsense, aided and abetted by the far left ‘RBC’ is making my urine boil I’m afraid and I really dont see why I should any more.
West – sorry – had to take one Down – I personally echo the sentiment … but ….. bit OTT . Stick to engine revving !.
I live close to an area closed off to traffic to favour non existent bikes – the number of people sitting in cars with their engines running just outside the zone – is something .
Hey no worries Fed and no need to apologise friend. It was a little sharp for the site so I understand. Have a good day sir.
To answer those above posting the locally promoted bbc complementing propaganda for this facile ‘strike’, here is their PR nationally in the Moaning Emole:
Global climate strikes under way
Thousands of people – many of them youngsters – have gathered in Sydney, as global “climate strike” protests get under way in Australia. Millions of children are expected to join demonstrations that follow the sun around the earth throughout the day, culminating in mass protests in New York where 1.1 million youngsters have been given permission to skip school. Young campaigner Greta Thunberg, who will join the New York rally, describes the scenes down under as “incredible”.
Follow the day’s events on our live page, get a quick explanation of climate change through our espresso guide, or bone up on how the UK is responding to the threat of global warning through our in-depth BBC Briefing on energy .
(Sips coffee).
Bet that bimbo bbc Director is hoping to do busting business as she skips turning up again to run her bistro serving all those not ‘working’ in media on a Friday.
Here’s BBC Hereford & Worcester:
Climate protests are underway in Worcester this morning. Members of Extinction Rebellion are blocking the main road bridge in the city centre for up to 7 minutes at a time.
Are the polis aiding the scum in their protest or are they moving them on and allowing the law abiding citizen to go about their business?
If the polis are standing idle whilst the roads are blocked, then its another good reason we should stop paying our taxes.
I’d sit there revving me engine …..
Today Programme:
Good morning. Today: A global climate change protest has begun. We hear from youth activists (0710), Energy Minister Kwasi Kwarteng (0830). Irish PM Simon Coveney about a possible Brexit deal (0810). Schools Minister Nick Gibbs on protests against LGBT teaching in Birmingham (0730).
XR has successfully coordinated teachers and the media, allowed to by idiot pols. Pathetic.
More Today Programme:
Youth climate activist Anna Taylor asks why the UK government isn’t treating climate change “with the utmost priority”.
Live updates on the global protest: https://bbc.in/30ATRxw
Guest – now that Toady has lost its father figure I wonder what ‘improvements ‘ we will be seeing soon. Humphreys was a journo once so there arnt really any there now – Tourette’s Robinson is Westminster bubble type and our Justin will do anything for a quiet life so plenty more ‘features ‘ on how nice foreigners are and why we should import even more ….
Pushing their agenda, using Our money
“Climate change: ‘I’ll sacrifice my education for action'”
[Just how brainwashed are these people?]
“Cut air pollution to fight climate change – UN”
“How to Save the World: Is individual action pointless in the face of climate change? by Justin Rowlatt, Chief environment correspondent”
Global day of climate strike action”
Perhaps inevitably, it starts with a video of St Greta.
Just some of the Additional official tweets
– BBCBreakfast
“???? Millions are expected to take part in what could be the largest ever climate change protest today.
???? More than 5,000 demonstrations are planned in more than 150 countries.
????Follow live updates all day, from one end of the world to the other”
– @hughesroland
Senior journalist on that BBC website “We’re covering the global climate strike all day today, from one end of the world to the other.”
– bbc5live
“Director of WML Engineer Consulting, Andrew Leng is allowing his staff to #ClimateStrike today.
Here’s why and how he was able to take part in the protest for #ClimateInCrisis”
Also – bbc5live
“#ClimateChange protests are happening across the world today
@The_TUC and @amnesty
are encouraging workers to join students in #ClimateStrike
@UKSCN1 says more than 200 events will take place across the UK”
– JenBartram IMPARTIAL bbc presenter
” It’s good to see climate change so high up the agenda in young people’s minds (and those who aren’t that young too). The consequences that we are already seeing are scary indeed.”
“Children from Carlisle, Kendal, Cockermouth, Keswick and Ulverston will skip lessons to take part in a worldwide protest against climate change today”
etc. etc.
BBC News
Millions of children are expected to join demonstrations around the world today.
The BBC can claim impartiality all they like. They have played a huge part in driving this, whilst in stated policy suppressing any legitimate country.
Pure propaganda backed by censorship.
I heard a silly 18-year-old from the Australian protests being interviewed on Radio Scotland this morning. Naturally, the whole article was introduced in suitably purring tones of approval. Anyway, the daft girl was blathering on about how she wouldn’t have children until this was sorted as it would be cruel to the child.
See, Darwinism will sort this out. One way or another.
But it would be nice if the media took some time to actually question these impressionable idiots on some of the facts, instead of allowing them to spout unchallenged. They won’t, of course, as the Emperor would be shown to be parading around in his birthday suit.
It’s like a fully paid up advertisement. Anyone still paying a licence fee to this disgraceful organisation should hang their head in shame.
It’s like a fully paid up advertisement. Anyone still paying a licence fee to this disgraceful organisation should hang their head in shame.
At a Thunberg Inc. photocall.
And not very successfully, given she remains happily in shot.
This gets dumber by the second. And the media lap it up.
His mother is his media manager, and handles enquiries from the credulous twats. Apparently.
So she hasn’t sailed or swum back yet?
As the £4m yacht stunt seemed to backfire somewhat, I suppose she’ll have to stay in the US until they find a way of smuggling her across the pond.
Brendan O’Neill was very good on the execrable SKY this morning, up against some dotty female vicar who said that the
skivingprotesting children are well educated. Really? By whom? Anybody with a little scientific knowledge (ie: educated before 1970) could destroy their arguments within two minutes.Looke like he should have gone to the gym instead of McDonalds.
In that photo she reminds me of Damien in the Omen.
Her smile never reaches her eyes.