For TV1 news at 6pm Laura has dressed in her best RED jacket. (Could there be a message there somewhere?)
Laura hints the real action is not happening at the C. conference. What on earth could she mean?
Laura lays into BoJo big time. She gets so excited, her little voice can’t resist piping in under the commentary on Sajid’s spending plans, at regular intervals (lest we think the money is really there, etc. etc)
As commitment to the non-parliamentary female derailing of Brexit goes, I would rank her second only to Spiderwoman.
Whose jacket sports a lot more bite.
BBC covrs a report calling for it to be mandatory to report child sexual abuse.
‘It should be illegal not to report child abuse, victims have told the child abuse inquiry at the start of its investigation into boarding schools.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse heard of an “overwhelming body of evidence” to support the introduction of “mandatory reporting”.
Piece of advice, You could end up in jail, or accused of Islamophobia if you report on some of the sexual abusers. Just saying
GWF The NSPCC and police are against mandatory reporting
cos it discourages kids from confiding with the teacher
cos they see it as meaning there will a catastrophic change in their family.
Yes, absolutely a corrupt teacher might protect the perp
I’d prefer it , if kids were advised to confide in 2 different adults.
Some unprovable sex abuse might be best dealt with by other methods other than the courts.
After a long delay, ministers in England have decided NOT to compel professional to report concerns they have about children being abused. Mandatory reporting was called for by victims' groups; others such as @NSPCC & @PoliceChiefs were opposed.
I have followed Jeff Taylor for years now and I still think his reporting of the antics concerning Brexit cannot be beaten.
A parliamentary history of hundreds of years? “The Mother of All Parliaments” and all that bulls*it. I have always said that so-called ‘Democracy’ in the UK is a fiction, merely a thin veneer which, with very little scratching, would expose the joke of the illusion beneath. Here’s another one: “The Rule of Law”. More bulls*it for you.
I urge you to look at two Jeff Taylor videos. If you had any doubt about the stitch-up now looming on the horizon listen to how the “Elite” under Soros and the EU are going to manage the last throw of the dice. Game set and match.
A ‘Banana Republic’ somewhere in mid Africa if I’m not mistaken!
Thanks G.
Both interesting and very disappointing to hear the supposition that Boris has chosen to “squash this case”.
It makes sense that, if Boris truly wanted to Brexit, then all he has to do is drop the defence against Tilbrook’s case and accept that we have already left. He could then stick two fingers up to Bercow and the rest of the traitors in Parliament and claim victory like his hero Churchill.
Looks like its going to be a rehash of Traitor May’s sellout then.
I am not surprised. I don’t think Boris can be trusted..I don’t think any of the Tories can be trusted.
I think @Taffman is correct. The only way to a proper Brexit is to vote the The Brexit Party.
Strangely today the Yorkshire Post just cutNpasted Tory PR
I guess they were just been lazy cos their normal thing is to push Green dogma to please their advertisers like Drax.
On Saturday they had this @RichardBurgon is due to speak at the Shut Down the Tories demonstration on Sunday in Manchester, as the Tory Party conf opens.
He will be there with Weyman Bennett “Stand Up To Racism.” The same man that told Mrs May to “shoot herself over Windrush
Windrush started under Labour
Corbyn cultist @RichardBurgon to attend rally alongside activist who told Theresa May to 'shoot yourself'. Weyman Bennett was also central to the SWP rape cover up scandal.
“Weyman Bennett”
I remember him, he entered a shop to buy a chip.
Available sizes were.
1. Abbott
4. Lammy
6. Crab Nebula +
He chose #6.
Since c1997 tens of thousands, at least, of female white children in the UK have been gang raped by racist Muslims in many (every?) large town in the UK.
Muslims who were imported into the UK by the Labour Party to “rub our noses in it”, and vote Labour.
The reaction of the left to the masss rapes was to bury the news.
Concern for the raped chilren was non-existent.
Concerted collusion between the Lefty police and Lefty local councils took place to conceal the rapes.
The press published nothing.
When Nick Griffin publicised the rapes, he was arrested.
Today I read that the current Prime Minister may be charged with indecent assault. An assault which allegedly took place twenty years ago and was not reported at the time. The allegation made by a far left Remainiac female.
This follows a series of allegations in the USA, all made by far left Democrat supporting women, all decades old, none reported at the time. Allegations made against current Republican opponents.
UK Lefties supressed news of huge numbers of genuine rapes, which supression almost certainly greatly increased the number of rapes, bacause it was politically convenient.
Lefties today are charging their opponents, with imaginary assaults, because it is politically convenient.
This is the morality that produced The Gulag in the USSR and the Killing Fields in Cambodia.
So destroying the Left would be a very good deed indeed.
Our ITV local news
Opened with “Boris refuses to apologise” Boris Johnson has refused to apologise for saying money spent on investigating historic child sexual abuse was being ‘spaffed up a wall.’
Hang on, when did he say that ?
In offhand way in an LBC interview a year ago
So is that NEWS ?
ITV had a new interview so that’s what they asked him about and when he said he didn’t mean Rotherham, they cut him off
and that about the only bit of the interview they chose to air
.. Seems part of MSM campaign to do a HIT on Boris everyday
Can’t bear to read any of the ‘news’ at the moment, it’s so hideously melodramatic, super-biased and sensational. The ‘elite’, including MSM, really are in a panic meltdown. The best thing to read are the twitter comments (and I’m not registered on Twit). At least you know there are like minded folk there.
Thanks to all for their useful info, and videos, keep them coming pls.
7:30pm Inside Out will have lots of regional SJW stuff ..and some worthwhile history stuff etc
Hull edition
– Fireman got cancer
– Steel worker facing redundancy .. bet they just looked to find an anti-Brexiteer
– bicycle race
. Inside Out West Midlands
– the truth behind players being injected with monkey gland serum to boost performance in a golden era at one of the region’s top football clubs.
Wow a lack of diversity in the progs
All carry – “The fire-fighters battling cancer: are they best protected from harmful toxins? ”
And the East and East Midlands editions are billed as the same
(They weren’t the billing was wrong)
Short on SJW segments this week
– South has a Sir David Attenborough bit
– Hull – The steelworker bit is almost the same as they played on the local news (The BBc found a union guy who said we need the EU, they loved that bit)
– Northwest – scare stories about the project to build salt caverns for gas storage in Flyde , enviros claims they will collapse and leak.
– South – Sir David Attenborough is backing a plan to save the seaweed forests off the Sussex coast.
If successful, experts say it will reinvigorate sea life across the South and could even help combat climate change.
West – the couple who’ve given up their old lives to join a Somerset community living entirely off grid.
Next week
East – Rewilding
Southwest – Anaerobic digester that stop people sleeping
West Midlands – stately homes and how their owners grew rich on the back of the SLAVE trade
London – border control, digital fingerprinting
Tony Hall has overturned the decision about Naga Munchetty – he's looked personally at the decision and says her words did not merit a complaint being upheld against her
WTF .. They have a process
Then undermine that quality control team
by overruling them
when the luvvies throw a tantrum
It’s easy – Naga had trouble as a child from bullies like we all did
.. In her case the bullies said “Go back to where you are from”
just as they said to someone else “Your mum is a slag”
..both were nasty things to say
Trump saying to Ilhan ‘ If you cared , you’d go back to your own country and fix that first’
Is not racist
Naga thinks it is , and compares it to her own experience
But she is paid as a journo to NOT mix these two things up.
.. Put your own opinions in a book after you have retired don’t used your privileged BBC platform to lecture us.
Complaints outfit resigns /retires
Replaced by more – diverse – grouping
The naga gets promoted and does the rounds of victimhood
The white chap has allegation upheld and quietly moved to local radio Rutland
Ethnic’ journos ‘ go full on to replace hall with Lenny Henry
Wow a lack of diversity in the progs
All carry – “The fire-fighters battling cancer: are they best protected from harmful toxins? ”
And the East and East Midlands editions are billed as the same
Short on SJW segments this week
South has a Sir David Attenborough bit
The steelworker bit is almost the same as they played on the local news
Hey Naga, go back to the BBC and see if you can use your deeply felt emotions to fix the BBC’s obsession with Trump and their tendency to lie about his actual words. And when you have fixed the BBC do come back an tell us how you did it.
Better still, find another job. Many of us are fed up with seeing your amateurish glam pics, and let your hair grow.
“The BBC’s director general Lord Hall has reversed a decision to partially uphold a complaint against Breakfast presenter Naga Munchetty.”
Where is Ofcom
Hmmm…….. we are almost at the point where BAME’s are becoming bombproof from criticism or complaint. I can almost see Afua Hirsch waiting in the wings for the next slight against anyone of colour, so she can rally the troops in defence.
Although I do feel that Dan Walker is the real culprit in this by instigating the discussion in the first place. I bet he keeps his trap shut in the future.
How will the bbc and the rest of the lefties prove that Boris touched a girl on the thigh during the last century?
Do they have it on film.
Did they have video cameras under the table.
Are they really going to get the police to open an investigation into this.
Anybody could say anything.
If I said the queen mother touched my bum in 1985 could they disprove it?
An enquiry into the tens or hundreds of thousands of rapes and gangbangs of little schoolgirls would be money better spent but for some reason I don’t think they will go there.
Nowt about this on Al Beeb?
The first responsibility of any government is to maintain and secure its borders. It is evident now that the UK’s Border Force either can’t do that job or is avoiding the job its paid to do, at best it is useless. It is emulating the events of similar forces rescuing migrants off the coast of Libya i.e. running a ferry service. The more that it continues, the more and more illegal immigrants will be attracted to come. Genuine asylum seekers are back of the queue. How many terrorists are getting in ? How many more “major incidents” does Mr Javid need to “declare”?……….
We have the finest military in the world and its about time that they were put to the job that they are for – the defence of the nation. Royal Marines are expert in amphibious work and would gain by the training and experience on maritime border operations. In partnership with the Royal Navy with its technology they would be a formidable border defence force.
In the meantime the invasion will continue …………….
Taffman – in the current climate which government agency – defence or otherwise – would want to be put in a position of being accused of ‘brutality ‘ by the MSM/ traitor shadow government ?
The answer is none – and the French know and exploit that . I fear it’s one of the issues on a list of post election ‘ to do ‘ .
The main reason that people voted to leave the EU was because of the vast amount of immigrants being allowed in to this small country.
The majority of our people would be glad to see an effective border force. Its about time our government ‘grew some’ and ignored “the MSM/ traitor shadow government”. We are short of houses, schools, hospitals, doctors and jails etc etc. etc .
Martin Howe says the Supreme Court judgment on prorogation showed a "rule by politicised judges which contradicts and undermines the rule of law"#CPC19
@BWallaceMP@BorisJohnson are you continuing with EU Military Unification❓ Are you making any commitments to each Pilar of Ursula Von Der leyen’s Defence Union❓ You must make a clear statement now on what party & Govs position is re EU Defence Union & what is or isn’t entailed
Don’t know if anyone else heard the PM program in which yet another cowardly useless incompetent Tory was for once haranged by the BBC for being well, blue Labour.
The BBC is probably pissed the Tories are now in the centre left ground, this where they want to be with their beloved Labour party and the Tories being there, well, it just isn’t cricket.
When the interviewer asked said guest about what happened to free market liberal economics the Tory couldn’t really answer, but just kept blustering.
Really quite telling as the Tories are now moving to the full destruction of the high street through imposing ridiculous costs on employers. They are too stupid to realise that making these retail units empty and many shopworkers unemployed they are shooting themselves in the foot.
The BBC does a puff piece on Chinese 70 years of Communism, and most of it is reasonable, except for the inevitable infatuation and obsession with Islam and the Uigers.
The story was supposed to be about Chinese Communism, but all it was, was the alleged oppression of the Muslims in China, and how badly treated they are. There was a very short piece on Tibet and the Buddhists there, but it really was short compared to the ‘suffering’ of the poor Muslims – no one else got a look in.
I think the PRC anniversary is Tuesday . Great big parade of new bits of military kit – purely defensive of course .
I’m guessing the UK state broadcaster will avoid any news from HK – and concentrate it’s response on that of POTUS .
And there might be a commemorative cyber attack just to remind the west of the power of the PRC . I’ve been playing chess again …
Hope you’ve all been interrogating your whiteness with Radio4?
Finding your vestiges of colonialism? Discovering your privilege?
Good. according to R4, or what snatches II heard of it, in between watching Agatha C. on ITV3,
really, you’ve only just begun…
I hear an old song.
Fortunately, I didn’t listen to the programme.
Same old, same old…
I can use one of the very diverse advert intervals, to tell you that it’s been rather good, actually:
“Greenshaw’s Folly”.
A good deal better than White Man’s Folly.
Whiteness what did Twitter reckon
about 10 praise abourt 3 against
@BBCRadio4 I’m listening to your current show on Whiteness.
Robin DiAngelo and Eric Kaufmann, absolutely appalling.
Basically, all white people have to be ashamed of being white.
.. Eastern European white people are apparently not seen as the same whiteness as Western White Europeans
Rarely have I listened to so many educated people talk such a load of old “head up their own arse” bollocks. #Whiteness
You’re welcome, @BBCRadio4
I started listening, prompted by quisquose’s post above, switched off when they started talking about rolling out this non-academic rubbish across UK Universities. Apparently they have started at Bristol Uni. Not sure that will be beneficial for the local community.
I would imagine that Naga Munchetty doesn’t rate very highly with many viewers. I would have suggested that she owes her job to positive discrimination but the other presenters, with whom she shares the red sofa, have so little ability that this probably isn’t the case. The Trump quote has always been misrepresented but this is par for the course from our national broadcaster. (They never let accuracy get in the way of their prejudice.) Having reprimanded her for comments about racism and Donald Trump, the BBC has now backed down and overturned their original ruling. How predictable. More confirmation, if ever it was needed, of BBC bias and their support for those employees who so blatantly display it.
Rob Burley rather foolishly raised the issue of BBC ‘quotes’ earlier today.
BBC Politics now citing the grotesque government of national unity formulation without even quote marks or "so-called". A Remainer Junta is unlikely to get my support and I don't think I'm the only one!
@Guest Who said
… watching Douglas turn that bitter, wizened, peroxide-topped stick of BBC partiality Paul Mason into an even more gibbering wreck is simply poetic.
Here’s the full 6 min from youtube
And here’s Facebook comments
That said, Emily’s ex-colleague on Newsnight was also, again, shown up so easily as the ignorant, partisan slogan generator he was when working under that roof.
TV ads now telling us to prepare for a potential Brexit by ensuring our driving licences are correct, our passports are up to date, AND that we have the proper (and enough) health insurance, before any visits to Europe.
I should imagine no such messages exist across the Channel for entering the UK, – particularly the need for health insurance, as they know full well that our incompetent NHS will provide a free service wherever you come from, as they seem to think its morally wrong for any patient to be turned away. Just watch how many European pregnant women will pitch up for free birthing services if we do leave !
“Brexit: Government to reveal detailed plan for EU negotiations”
“The biggest obstacle to a deal is the backstop – the plan to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.”
I am of the opinion that this so called ‘Backstop’ is a ‘red herring’.
If we have a rehashed Mrs Chamberlain’s BRINO , the Tory Party is finished.
The only way to a proper Brexit will be to vote for The Brexit Party.
I wait with patience along with another 17.4 m people , that’s three years of waiting so far .
To bring myself down to the sanity level of the BBC‘s best scientific experts. A Government of National Unity may try to stop the Climate from Changing. If low pressure went to zero, then you wouldn’t have any Weather and Climate. That wouldn’t be proof of Climate Change because you wouldn’t have any Weather and Climate. That would entail a reduction of one bar of atmospheric pressure which is possibly what happened instantly, 60 million years ago. Therefore a Government of National Unity could spend billions on a probe to the asteroid belt, nudge an asteroid to collide with the Earth. That could possibly stop the Climate from changing as well as putting an end to the BBC.
Richard, or – alternatively – just like in the manner of the late Robert Maxwell, the BBC could continue to suck all the air out of the ‘rooms’ of the world.
Hi, we conducted a Halal trial a few years ago and learnt that Halal certified food is only popular with a very small percentage of customers. Given it would require significant changes to our kitchen procedures and supply chain, we have no plans to offer Halal food in the UK.
Seems not all were pleased. And, like the EURef, are likely to seek BBC support. However, the BBC may need to get Lord Hall to overturn most of the country.
The probable ten part “October Coup” Declaration of a Government of National Unity for Great Britain:
Part One: Asserts as a matter of Natural Law the ability of the losers of an election to stop political independence; acknowledges that the grounds for such independence are unreasonable, and therefore illegal, and ought to be halted.
Part Two: That to stop these rights, Governments are instituted among losers and liars, deriving their unjust powers without the consent of the governed by refusing to hold a General Election. And whenever the people becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the Government of National Unity to institute absolute despotism.
Part Three: A Government of National Unity has the right to alter the system of government as it sees fit for the benefit of the members of such a Government of National Unity.
Part Four: The right of the Government of National Unity to repeat injuries and usurpations upon the winners of the independence referendum, by putting a halt to the three year process of restoring independence and imposing an absolute Tyranny.
Part Five: The Government of National Unity has the right to refuse all calls for a dissolution of Parliament, to cause others to be elected in its place, and to ban the people from using words that may cause convulsions that disturb the peace of the nation.
Part Six: To combine with a foreign power to subject the winners of elections and referendums to the jurisdiction of an undemocratic authoritarian regime, foreign to our constitution.
Part Seven: To impose taxes on the people without their consent for the payment of one billion pounds per month to a beloved foreign power, and to ban adverts about this payment, on buses.
Part Eight: Endeavour to replace the inhabitants of Great Britain with foreign voters.
Part Nine: A Government of National Unity shall exclude all populists who support the majority of the people in a democracy. As Parliament is now sovereign over both Queen and the People, Parliament shall abolish elections and referendums and therefore democracy under a LibDem sponsored “Populism Act”.
Part Ten: A Government of National Unity shall only include those members who think of Europe as the Nation and the Union as the Unity.
Signed by: John Major, Tony Blair, Ken Clarke, Jeremy Corbyn, Jo Swinson, Nicola Sturgeon, Lord Heseltine and many other Snotty Lords.
What is it about R5 Dead ‘night-time news’ these days?
4:00am had the third-former lad reading some awful, garbled anti-President Trump rubbish, which is deemed ‘normal’ by appalling BBBC standards.
None of the bulletin made sense, and the whole episode was delivered – gabbled, with laddo having to take huge gasping gulps of air between each sentence!
Don’t they ever want to teach these kids how to report ‘news’, (their term, not mine)?
So a bunch of scientists have rubbished the link between red meat and cancer and the reaction….
Their new guidance contradicts recommendations from health organisations including the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), which tells people to avoid processed meat altogether or eat very little of it, while limiting red meat to about three portions a week.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) also recommends that anyone who eats more than 90g of red or processed meat per day should try to cut down to 70g or less.
Then they produce a handy little calculator in the Telegraph where you can enter your meat consumption and get an analysis.
The analysis tells you that you would get more calories if you ate grains and that your meat eating produced high levels of CO2. Not a mention of cancer.
So in one shot they show their clear intentions, use the bogus cancer scare pitch to push their globalist green agenda. All linked to global warming blah, blah, blah….. Thus giving their real agenda away.
The World Health Organization caused quite a stir four years ago when it said processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and ham, cause cancer. It added that red meat was “probably carcinogenic”, although the evidence was limited. New research, however, suggests that cutting down on these foods is a waste of time for most people. It argues the evidence is weak and the risk to health small. This goes against the advice from most organisations. Here’s the full story.
Trump asked Australian PM to help investigate Russia inquiry
Donald Trump is already facing impeachment proceedings over a telephone call with the president of Ukraine. And there’s more bad news for the US president from Australia. Officials there say he called Prime Minister Scott Morrison and requested help with an investigation into the origins of the Mueller inquiry, which looked at whether Mr Trump had colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. Media in Australia and the US say Mr Trump asked Mr Morrison for help discrediting the inquiry, which exonerated him of collusion.
It’s complicated, so here’s all you need to know about the Trump-Russia saga. The allegations around the Ukraine call are also far from simple, so here’s our explainer.
Yes folks, the bbc is going to ‘explain’, with…… ‘all you need to know’, cobblers. Complicated, media cobblers.
I wonder what the chances are that one or two other ladies with selective memories will recall the occasion when they too were assaulted by Boris Johnson some years ago and tell us the day before he gives his speech to the Conservative Conference.
And following from “digg’
I wonder if anyone times the amount of air time used by Tourette’s Robinson as opposed to the PM between the start at 0810 to 0832
Robinson thinks that he is the king of the thousands of state broadcaster journalists . The ego just drips from the radio speaker . It makes him him sound literally repulsive .
BoJo did a good job in his 22 minutes . He obviously used the ‘speak slow ‘button .
I wonder why Boris talked to Nick on R4 at 8am, especially with Laura assessing how it went. They- the bbc- want to bring him down. No question. He must have known there would be no Q&A interview, but rather a hatchet job, with Nick needing to come out on top. BoJo must have known he would hardly get a word in edgeways, hardly ever complete an answer, or even begin it. That Nick would attack him about thighs, etc. What would be the point?
Any ideas?
I think it’s like going to the dentist – every so often it is necessary for a politician to sit in the chair and deal with a puffed up piece like Robinson who really does sound like a repulsive geek ( I’m hopefully only the latter ).
Conservatives really have to ration the amount of worshipping they do at the alter of the state broadcaster . I still will not use the abbreviated term as it is no longer British ,
I try to avoid the dentist – I know he is out to hurt me (‘for my own good’) and that on his territory he is the boss. He choses the equipment, procedures and amount of pain, as it were. With all the pipes in my mouth, I get the chance to nod or grunt, at best.
I can’t see that any worshipping whatsoever needs to be done at the altar of the biased broadcasting corporation. Quite the opposite; the centre of anti-British propaganda, paid for by the British taxpayer wouldn’t get any credibility boost from me.
Now comes Labour’s response. I think you will hear a respectful, listening interview. Civilised Q&A. Lots of chance for Labour to talk for as long as they want. Helpful hints from Nick.
I suppose you could argue it reveals beeb for what they are, but most people know that already.
re the Robinson interview
I think the best thing our PM could do under those circumstances is to fix the interviewer with a steely stare and say ” Now look here Mr Robinson, if you will not allow me to finish my answers to your questions, what is the point of this interview”? Then,until the interviewer gives a satisfactory answer to that question and learns some manners, just keep repeating, “What is the point of this interview”?
I listened to that interview on Toady earlier. Boris is not quick on his feet. Repartee lacking. When Robinson anxious to go down the personal hatchet job route asked, “How do you feel having alienated both your sister and brother now?” He should have replied immediately, “Well Nick, as the BBC is relentlessly telling the public: ‘the country is split and also families’, why should my family be any exception?” That would have done the trick I’m sure.
Fed and fnw, think if I had been in Bojo’s place, at the point when Rick Nobinson insulted Bojo, I would have terminated the interview at that point. Just upped and left, saying “I’m insulted.”
Am trying to remember the Tory Minister(s) who walked out of the Newsnight studio but name is buried deep within brain and will not surface. (SoS for Defence?)
Google is no help whatsoever.
It is interesting, even when I put some specifics into the search enquiry, all Google will come up with is current politics & political personalities. Draw from that what you will.
Sir John Knott, interviewed by Robin Day around the time of the Falklands War, said he’d had enough of it and just walked out. Day had used the expression “here today, gone tomorrow” about Sir John as Defence Minister.
I feel that I’m having more than my fair share today, but there is an interesting take on leftist journalism from 12:43 in the Anglican magazine below:-
The sticking point on the Vote of No confidence – which in my reckoning must be done by the end of the week – seems to be that since the ‘rule ‘ is that the leader of the opposition should go ask the queen to be PM Corbyn is so repulsive that all 500 traitors won’t go for it .
The council of ministers is on the 17th so any new PM selected by Coup had to be in place after 14 days from the confidence vote . …..
Unless of course they want boris to go there and break the law laid down by the Surrender Act
Pete Wishart
That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision for the House of Commons to nominate the Prime Minister and approve appointments to the Cabinet; to establish the office of Acting Prime Minister; and for connected purposes.
The island,
Yes, UK leave the ECHR and restore the death penalty immediately in preparation for the long overdue bill certain people who are running up with gay abandon, which will have to be paid for.
Switched on just after 7.30a.m. News Bulletin and thought I recognised the voice of Steve Baker MP talking to Nick. Sure enough, it was he. Spoke well. Stood up to Nick well. Very revealing of Nick Robinson though. He has become very devious and deceitful, no longer the neutral BBC Political Editor of 10 years ago who used to get complaints from all the various political factions.
There’s the man that should be Prime Minister right now: Steve Baker MP.
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
For TV1 news at 6pm Laura has dressed in her best RED jacket. (Could there be a message there somewhere?)
Laura hints the real action is not happening at the C. conference. What on earth could she mean?
Laura lays into BoJo big time. She gets so excited, her little voice can’t resist piping in under the commentary on Sajid’s spending plans, at regular intervals (lest we think the money is really there, etc. etc)
As commitment to the non-parliamentary female derailing of Brexit goes, I would rank her second only to Spiderwoman.
Whose jacket sports a lot more bite.
BBC covrs a report calling for it to be mandatory to report child sexual abuse.
‘It should be illegal not to report child abuse, victims have told the child abuse inquiry at the start of its investigation into boarding schools.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse heard of an “overwhelming body of evidence” to support the introduction of “mandatory reporting”.
Piece of advice, You could end up in jail, or accused of Islamophobia if you report on some of the sexual abusers. Just saying
GWF The NSPCC and police are against mandatory reporting
cos it discourages kids from confiding with the teacher
cos they see it as meaning there will a catastrophic change in their family.
Yes, absolutely a corrupt teacher might protect the perp
I’d prefer it , if kids were advised to confide in 2 different adults.
Some unprovable sex abuse might be best dealt with by other methods other than the courts.
I have followed Jeff Taylor for years now and I still think his reporting of the antics concerning Brexit cannot be beaten.
A parliamentary history of hundreds of years? “The Mother of All Parliaments” and all that bulls*it. I have always said that so-called ‘Democracy’ in the UK is a fiction, merely a thin veneer which, with very little scratching, would expose the joke of the illusion beneath. Here’s another one: “The Rule of Law”. More bulls*it for you.
I urge you to look at two Jeff Taylor videos. If you had any doubt about the stitch-up now looming on the horizon listen to how the “Elite” under Soros and the EU are going to manage the last throw of the dice. Game set and match.
A ‘Banana Republic’ somewhere in mid Africa if I’m not mistaken!
Thanks G.
Both interesting and very disappointing to hear the supposition that Boris has chosen to “squash this case”.
It makes sense that, if Boris truly wanted to Brexit, then all he has to do is drop the defence against Tilbrook’s case and accept that we have already left. He could then stick two fingers up to Bercow and the rest of the traitors in Parliament and claim victory like his hero Churchill.
Looks like its going to be a rehash of Traitor May’s sellout then.
I am not surprised. I don’t think Boris can be trusted..I don’t think any of the Tories can be trusted.
I think @Taffman is correct. The only way to a proper Brexit is to vote the The Brexit Party.
Strangely today the Yorkshire Post just cutNpasted Tory PR
I guess they were just been lazy cos their normal thing is to push Green dogma to please their advertisers like Drax.
On Saturday they had this
@RichardBurgon is due to speak at the Shut Down the Tories demonstration on Sunday in Manchester, as the Tory Party conf opens.
He will be there with Weyman Bennett “Stand Up To Racism.” The same man that told Mrs May to “shoot herself over Windrush
Windrush started under Labour
That leads to this info
Weyman Bennett who has a conviction for assaulting Police officers
… and was involved in the reported cover up of an alleged rape concerning SWP bigwig ‘Comrade Delta’.
“Weyman Bennett”
I remember him, he entered a shop to buy a chip.
Available sizes were.
1. Abbott
4. Lammy
6. Crab Nebula +
He chose #6.
It won’t be long before Richard Burgon forgets he was ever there.
Weyman Bennet. Stand up to Racism, UAF, Scocialist Workers Party.
Arrested a couple of years back at a Manchester demo.
Since c1997 tens of thousands, at least, of female white children in the UK have been gang raped by racist Muslims in many (every?) large town in the UK.
Muslims who were imported into the UK by the Labour Party to “rub our noses in it”, and vote Labour.
The reaction of the left to the masss rapes was to bury the news.
Concern for the raped chilren was non-existent.
Concerted collusion between the Lefty police and Lefty local councils took place to conceal the rapes.
The press published nothing.
When Nick Griffin publicised the rapes, he was arrested.
Today I read that the current Prime Minister may be charged with indecent assault. An assault which allegedly took place twenty years ago and was not reported at the time. The allegation made by a far left Remainiac female.
This follows a series of allegations in the USA, all made by far left Democrat supporting women, all decades old, none reported at the time. Allegations made against current Republican opponents.
UK Lefties supressed news of huge numbers of genuine rapes, which supression almost certainly greatly increased the number of rapes, bacause it was politically convenient.
Lefties today are charging their opponents, with imaginary assaults, because it is politically convenient.
This is the morality that produced The Gulag in the USSR and the Killing Fields in Cambodia.
So destroying the Left would be a very good deed indeed.
Well it seems that at the moment the remain cowards have chickened out of a VoNC as according to some sources ‘it plays into Johnson’s hands’
Does this mean that they are not as strong as they make themselves out to be?
I am also curious of this supposed workaround the Benn act which hopefully will knock the remainers out for cold if it works out.
Been checking the BBC website and as usual the bias is extreme. Boris is apparently bad with woman.
Our ITV local news
Opened with “Boris refuses to apologise”
Boris Johnson has refused to apologise for saying money spent on investigating historic child sexual abuse was being ‘spaffed up a wall.’
Hang on, when did he say that ?
In offhand way in an LBC interview a year ago
So is that NEWS ?
ITV had a new interview so that’s what they asked him about and when he said he didn’t mean Rotherham, they cut him off
and that about the only bit of the interview they chose to air
.. Seems part of MSM campaign to do a HIT on Boris everyday
Can’t bear to read any of the ‘news’ at the moment, it’s so hideously melodramatic, super-biased and sensational. The ‘elite’, including MSM, really are in a panic meltdown. The best thing to read are the twitter comments (and I’m not registered on Twit). At least you know there are like minded folk there.
Thanks to all for their useful info, and videos, keep them coming pls.
7:30pm Inside Out will have lots of regional SJW stuff ..and some worthwhile history stuff etc
Hull edition
– Fireman got cancer
– Steel worker facing redundancy .. bet they just looked to find an anti-Brexiteer
– bicycle race
. Inside Out West Midlands
– the truth behind players being injected with monkey gland serum to boost performance in a golden era at one of the region’s top football clubs.
Wow a lack of diversity in the progs
All carry – “The fire-fighters battling cancer: are they best protected from harmful toxins? ”
And the East and East Midlands editions are billed as the same
(They weren’t the billing was wrong)
Short on SJW segments this week
– South has a Sir David Attenborough bit
– Hull – The steelworker bit is almost the same as they played on the local news (The BBc found a union guy who said we need the EU, they loved that bit)
– Northwest – scare stories about the project to build salt caverns for gas storage in Flyde , enviros claims they will collapse and leak.
– South – Sir David Attenborough is backing a plan to save the seaweed forests off the Sussex coast.
If successful, experts say it will reinvigorate sea life across the South and could even help combat climate change.
West – the couple who’ve given up their old lives to join a Somerset community living entirely off grid.
Next week
East – Rewilding
Southwest – Anaerobic digester that stop people sleeping
West Midlands – stately homes and how their owners grew rich on the back of the SLAVE trade
London – border control, digital fingerprinting
What a bunch of surrender pussies. I hope Trump sues them.
Surprise surprise, the BBC dismisses a complaint against it in favour of a minority victim group.
Well I never.
WTF .. They have a process
Then undermine that quality control team
by overruling them
when the luvvies throw a tantrum
It’s easy – Naga had trouble as a child from bullies like we all did
.. In her case the bullies said “Go back to where you are from”
just as they said to someone else “Your mum is a slag”
..both were nasty things to say
Trump saying to Ilhan ‘ If you cared , you’d go back to your own country and fix that first’
Is not racist
Naga thinks it is , and compares it to her own experience
But she is paid as a journo to NOT mix these two things up.
.. Put your own opinions in a book after you have retired don’t used your privileged BBC platform to lecture us.
Complaints outfit resigns /retires
Replaced by more – diverse – grouping
The naga gets promoted and does the rounds of victimhood
The white chap has allegation upheld and quietly moved to local radio Rutland
Ethnic’ journos ‘ go full on to replace hall with Lenny Henry
Wow a lack of diversity in the progs
All carry – “The fire-fighters battling cancer: are they best protected from harmful toxins? ”
And the East and East Midlands editions are billed as the same
Short on SJW segments this week
South has a Sir David Attenborough bit
The steelworker bit is almost the same as they played on the local news
Hey Naga, go back to the BBC and see if you can use your deeply felt emotions to fix the BBC’s obsession with Trump and their tendency to lie about his actual words. And when you have fixed the BBC do come back an tell us how you did it.
Better still, find another job. Many of us are fed up with seeing your amateurish glam pics, and let your hair grow.
“The BBC’s director general Lord Hall has reversed a decision to partially uphold a complaint against Breakfast presenter Naga Munchetty.”
Where is Ofcom
Hmmm…….. we are almost at the point where BAME’s are becoming bombproof from criticism or complaint. I can almost see Afua Hirsch waiting in the wings for the next slight against anyone of colour, so she can rally the troops in defence.
Although I do feel that Dan Walker is the real culprit in this by instigating the discussion in the first place. I bet he keeps his trap shut in the future.
\\Brexit: Opposition parties ‘will not yet push for confidence vote’//
Are they chickens or even chlorinated chickens ?
How will the bbc and the rest of the lefties prove that Boris touched a girl on the thigh during the last century?
Do they have it on film.
Did they have video cameras under the table.
Are they really going to get the police to open an investigation into this.
Anybody could say anything.
If I said the queen mother touched my bum in 1985 could they disprove it?
An enquiry into the tens or hundreds of thousands of rapes and gangbangs of little schoolgirls would be money better spent but for some reason I don’t think they will go there.
And what the hell does ‘We’re not impartial on racism’ actually mean?
I think it means we are not prepared to accept racist comments about BAME people, but we are about white people.
In fact we are even prepared to commission racist programmes about white people … see the programme currently on R4.
Nowt about this on Al Beeb?
The first responsibility of any government is to maintain and secure its borders. It is evident now that the UK’s Border Force either can’t do that job or is avoiding the job its paid to do, at best it is useless. It is emulating the events of similar forces rescuing migrants off the coast of Libya i.e. running a ferry service. The more that it continues, the more and more illegal immigrants will be attracted to come. Genuine asylum seekers are back of the queue. How many terrorists are getting in ? How many more “major incidents” does Mr Javid need to “declare”?……….
We have the finest military in the world and its about time that they were put to the job that they are for – the defence of the nation. Royal Marines are expert in amphibious work and would gain by the training and experience on maritime border operations. In partnership with the Royal Navy with its technology they would be a formidable border defence force.
In the meantime the invasion will continue …………….
Taffman – in the current climate which government agency – defence or otherwise – would want to be put in a position of being accused of ‘brutality ‘ by the MSM/ traitor shadow government ?
The answer is none – and the French know and exploit that . I fear it’s one of the issues on a list of post election ‘ to do ‘ .
The main reason that people voted to leave the EU was because of the vast amount of immigrants being allowed in to this small country.
The majority of our people would be glad to see an effective border force. Its about time our government ‘grew some’ and ignored “the MSM/ traitor shadow government”. We are short of houses, schools, hospitals, doctors and jails etc etc. etc .
It will be interesting if a usually frequent bbc media source gets quoted or not.
Don’t know if anyone else heard the PM program in which yet another cowardly useless incompetent Tory was for once haranged by the BBC for being well, blue Labour.
The BBC is probably pissed the Tories are now in the centre left ground, this where they want to be with their beloved Labour party and the Tories being there, well, it just isn’t cricket.
When the interviewer asked said guest about what happened to free market liberal economics the Tory couldn’t really answer, but just kept blustering.
Really quite telling as the Tories are now moving to the full destruction of the high street through imposing ridiculous costs on employers. They are too stupid to realise that making these retail units empty and many shopworkers unemployed they are shooting themselves in the foot.
Greed however doesn’t see the bigger picture.
The BBC does a puff piece on Chinese 70 years of Communism, and most of it is reasonable, except for the inevitable infatuation and obsession with Islam and the Uigers.
The story was supposed to be about Chinese Communism, but all it was, was the alleged oppression of the Muslims in China, and how badly treated they are. There was a very short piece on Tibet and the Buddhists there, but it really was short compared to the ‘suffering’ of the poor Muslims – no one else got a look in.
I think the PRC anniversary is Tuesday . Great big parade of new bits of military kit – purely defensive of course .
I’m guessing the UK state broadcaster will avoid any news from HK – and concentrate it’s response on that of POTUS .
And there might be a commemorative cyber attack just to remind the west of the power of the PRC . I’ve been playing chess again …
Hope you’ve all been interrogating your whiteness with Radio4?
Finding your vestiges of colonialism? Discovering your privilege?
Good. according to R4, or what snatches II heard of it, in between watching Agatha C. on ITV3,
really, you’ve only just begun…
I hear an old song.
Fortunately, I didn’t listen to the programme.
Same old, same old…
I can use one of the very diverse advert intervals, to tell you that it’s been rather good, actually:
“Greenshaw’s Folly”.
A good deal better than White Man’s Folly.
Whiteness what did Twitter reckon
about 10 praise abourt 3 against
I’m listening to your current show on Whiteness.
Robin DiAngelo and Eric Kaufmann, absolutely appalling.
Basically, all white people have to be ashamed of being white.
.. Eastern European white people are apparently not seen as the same whiteness as Western White Europeans
Rarely have I listened to so many educated people talk such a load of old “head up their own arse” bollocks. #Whiteness
You’re welcome, @BBCRadio4
I started listening, prompted by quisquose’s post above, switched off when they started talking about rolling out this non-academic rubbish across UK Universities. Apparently they have started at Bristol Uni. Not sure that will be beneficial for the local community.
I switched off after less than ten minutes.
Breaking news: Munchetty decision overturned by Hall. More to follow.
Ofcom reserves it’s most strict guidelines for live news broadcasts.
Trump’s motive for the tweet(s) was political and the BBC has dug a new hole for itself now by asserting that it was racist.
(I won’t hold my breath)
How Trump flipped the script on Pelosi and The Squad
BBC News has this:
“Lawmakers have demanded records from Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, as a part of their impeachment inquiry.”
And seem chipper. Seems the law is ‘evolving’ globally, albeit equally unidirectionally again.
Still, at least Naga has been cleared by her fairy Goddirector.
Hope the bbc has rushed round Lammy’s place for comment. Or unplug his router.
Whiteness: yes that Black victimhood story just came up
I would imagine that Naga Munchetty doesn’t rate very highly with many viewers. I would have suggested that she owes her job to positive discrimination but the other presenters, with whom she shares the red sofa, have so little ability that this probably isn’t the case. The Trump quote has always been misrepresented but this is par for the course from our national broadcaster. (They never let accuracy get in the way of their prejudice.) Having reprimanded her for comments about racism and Donald Trump, the BBC has now backed down and overturned their original ruling. How predictable. More confirmation, if ever it was needed, of BBC bias and their support for those employees who so blatantly display it.
delete your cmment
I’ll repost it below
Rob Burley rather foolishly raised the issue of BBC ‘quotes’ earlier today.
Don’t they mean a Vichy government or is that too provocative for them because it might lead to the Maquis Anglaise taking action?
@Guest Who said
… watching Douglas turn that bitter, wizened, peroxide-topped stick of BBC partiality Paul Mason into an even more gibbering wreck is simply poetic.
Here’s the full 6 min from youtube
And here’s Facebook comments
TVM, IT guru!
(I was referring to La Mateless though) 😉
That said, Emily’s ex-colleague on Newsnight was also, again, shown up so easily as the ignorant, partisan slogan generator he was when working under that roof.
Tony Hall must be so proud.
TV ads now telling us to prepare for a potential Brexit by ensuring our driving licences are correct, our passports are up to date, AND that we have the proper (and enough) health insurance, before any visits to Europe.
I should imagine no such messages exist across the Channel for entering the UK, – particularly the need for health insurance, as they know full well that our incompetent NHS will provide a free service wherever you come from, as they seem to think its morally wrong for any patient to be turned away. Just watch how many European pregnant women will pitch up for free birthing services if we do leave !
PM Johnson asks EU to block Brexit delay – The Times
“Brexit: Government to reveal detailed plan for EU negotiations”
“The biggest obstacle to a deal is the backstop – the plan to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.”
I am of the opinion that this so called ‘Backstop’ is a ‘red herring’.
If we have a rehashed Mrs Chamberlain’s BRINO , the Tory Party is finished.
The only way to a proper Brexit will be to vote for The Brexit Party.
I wait with patience along with another 17.4 m people , that’s three years of waiting so far .
Dutch tractor protest
Something for the BBC/MSM to avoid reporting on
Question: is there any type of weather that wouldn’t be proof of climate change?
To bring myself down to the sanity level of the BBC‘s best scientific experts. A Government of National Unity may try to stop the Climate from Changing. If low pressure went to zero, then you wouldn’t have any Weather and Climate. That wouldn’t be proof of Climate Change because you wouldn’t have any Weather and Climate. That would entail a reduction of one bar of atmospheric pressure which is possibly what happened instantly, 60 million years ago. Therefore a Government of National Unity could spend billions on a probe to the asteroid belt, nudge an asteroid to collide with the Earth. That could possibly stop the Climate from changing as well as putting an end to the BBC.
Richard, or – alternatively – just like in the manner of the late Robert Maxwell, the BBC could continue to suck all the air out of the ‘rooms’ of the world.
Lord Brexit

Maccas haven’t caved in yet
Seems not all were pleased. And, like the EURef, are likely to seek BBC support. However, the BBC may need to get Lord Hall to overturn most of the country.
The probable ten part “October Coup” Declaration of a Government of National Unity for Great Britain:
Part One: Asserts as a matter of Natural Law the ability of the losers of an election to stop political independence; acknowledges that the grounds for such independence are unreasonable, and therefore illegal, and ought to be halted.
Part Two: That to stop these rights, Governments are instituted among losers and liars, deriving their unjust powers without the consent of the governed by refusing to hold a General Election. And whenever the people becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the Government of National Unity to institute absolute despotism.
Part Three: A Government of National Unity has the right to alter the system of government as it sees fit for the benefit of the members of such a Government of National Unity.
Part Four: The right of the Government of National Unity to repeat injuries and usurpations upon the winners of the independence referendum, by putting a halt to the three year process of restoring independence and imposing an absolute Tyranny.
Part Five: The Government of National Unity has the right to refuse all calls for a dissolution of Parliament, to cause others to be elected in its place, and to ban the people from using words that may cause convulsions that disturb the peace of the nation.
Part Six: To combine with a foreign power to subject the winners of elections and referendums to the jurisdiction of an undemocratic authoritarian regime, foreign to our constitution.
Part Seven: To impose taxes on the people without their consent for the payment of one billion pounds per month to a beloved foreign power, and to ban adverts about this payment, on buses.
Part Eight: Endeavour to replace the inhabitants of Great Britain with foreign voters.
Part Nine: A Government of National Unity shall exclude all populists who support the majority of the people in a democracy. As Parliament is now sovereign over both Queen and the People, Parliament shall abolish elections and referendums and therefore democracy under a LibDem sponsored “Populism Act”.
Part Ten: A Government of National Unity shall only include those members who think of Europe as the Nation and the Union as the Unity.
Signed by: John Major, Tony Blair, Ken Clarke, Jeremy Corbyn, Jo Swinson, Nicola Sturgeon, Lord Heseltine and many other Snotty Lords.
If there is General Election this post should be on every Conservative Party hoarding
When the list becomes fact, Labour will still win 35% of the electorate.
The ‘We’ve always voted Labour in this family’ tribal vote.
Interesting that Tory voters tens to be more flexible.
This will likely gain traction
What is it about R5 Dead ‘night-time news’ these days?
4:00am had the third-former lad reading some awful, garbled anti-President Trump rubbish, which is deemed ‘normal’ by appalling BBBC standards.
None of the bulletin made sense, and the whole episode was delivered – gabbled, with laddo having to take huge gasping gulps of air between each sentence!
Don’t they ever want to teach these kids how to report ‘news’, (their term, not mine)?
So a bunch of scientists have rubbished the link between red meat and cancer and the reaction….
Their new guidance contradicts recommendations from health organisations including the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), which tells people to avoid processed meat altogether or eat very little of it, while limiting red meat to about three portions a week.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) also recommends that anyone who eats more than 90g of red or processed meat per day should try to cut down to 70g or less.
Then they produce a handy little calculator in the Telegraph where you can enter your meat consumption and get an analysis.
The analysis tells you that you would get more calories if you ate grains and that your meat eating produced high levels of CO2. Not a mention of cancer.
So in one shot they show their clear intentions, use the bogus cancer scare pitch to push their globalist green agenda. All linked to global warming blah, blah, blah….. Thus giving their real agenda away.
The BBC immediately scrambles the Moaning Emole:
Red and processed meats: How bad for us are they?
The World Health Organization caused quite a stir four years ago when it said processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and ham, cause cancer. It added that red meat was “probably carcinogenic”, although the evidence was limited. New research, however, suggests that cutting down on these foods is a waste of time for most people. It argues the evidence is weak and the risk to health small. This goes against the advice from most organisations. Here’s the full story.
How bad is the bbc for us? As it gets. Probably.
Latest Insight on the Trump Ukraine Whistleblower Affair
Also on the Moaning Emole:
Trump asked Australian PM to help investigate Russia inquiry
Donald Trump is already facing impeachment proceedings over a telephone call with the president of Ukraine. And there’s more bad news for the US president from Australia. Officials there say he called Prime Minister Scott Morrison and requested help with an investigation into the origins of the Mueller inquiry, which looked at whether Mr Trump had colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. Media in Australia and the US say Mr Trump asked Mr Morrison for help discrediting the inquiry, which exonerated him of collusion.
It’s complicated, so here’s all you need to know about the Trump-Russia saga. The allegations around the Ukraine call are also far from simple, so here’s our explainer.
Yes folks, the bbc is going to ‘explain’, with…… ‘all you need to know’, cobblers. Complicated, media cobblers.
I wonder what the chances are that one or two other ladies with selective memories will recall the occasion when they too were assaulted by Boris Johnson some years ago and tell us the day before he gives his speech to the Conservative Conference.
The BBC’s red target drone for the morning in Manchester, Walker desperately trying to trap Boris over the thigh incident but failing miserably.
The more they do this the more sensible folk are turning to Boris.
And following from “digg’
I wonder if anyone times the amount of air time used by Tourette’s Robinson as opposed to the PM between the start at 0810 to 0832
Robinson thinks that he is the king of the thousands of state broadcaster journalists . The ego just drips from the radio speaker . It makes him him sound literally repulsive .
BoJo did a good job in his 22 minutes . He obviously used the ‘speak slow ‘button .
I wonder why Boris talked to Nick on R4 at 8am, especially with Laura assessing how it went. They- the bbc- want to bring him down. No question. He must have known there would be no Q&A interview, but rather a hatchet job, with Nick needing to come out on top. BoJo must have known he would hardly get a word in edgeways, hardly ever complete an answer, or even begin it. That Nick would attack him about thighs, etc. What would be the point?
Any ideas?
I think it’s like going to the dentist – every so often it is necessary for a politician to sit in the chair and deal with a puffed up piece like Robinson who really does sound like a repulsive geek ( I’m hopefully only the latter ).
Conservatives really have to ration the amount of worshipping they do at the alter of the state broadcaster . I still will not use the abbreviated term as it is no longer British ,
I try to avoid the dentist – I know he is out to hurt me (‘for my own good’) and that on his territory he is the boss. He choses the equipment, procedures and amount of pain, as it were. With all the pipes in my mouth, I get the chance to nod or grunt, at best.
I can’t see that any worshipping whatsoever needs to be done at the altar of the biased broadcasting corporation. Quite the opposite; the centre of anti-British propaganda, paid for by the British taxpayer wouldn’t get any credibility boost from me.
Now comes Labour’s response. I think you will hear a respectful, listening interview. Civilised Q&A. Lots of chance for Labour to talk for as long as they want. Helpful hints from Nick.
I suppose you could argue it reveals beeb for what they are, but most people know that already.
“I still will not use the abbreviated term as it is no longer British”,
How about Caliphate Nasty Noisemaker, Fed?
Oh heck, that means CNN…
I had gone with Remainer Broadcasting Corpse which I thought was more accurate .
re the Robinson interview
I think the best thing our PM could do under those circumstances is to fix the interviewer with a steely stare and say ” Now look here Mr Robinson, if you will not allow me to finish my answers to your questions, what is the point of this interview”? Then,until the interviewer gives a satisfactory answer to that question and learns some manners, just keep repeating, “What is the point of this interview”?
I listened to that interview on Toady earlier. Boris is not quick on his feet. Repartee lacking. When Robinson anxious to go down the personal hatchet job route asked, “How do you feel having alienated both your sister and brother now?” He should have replied immediately, “Well Nick, as the BBC is relentlessly telling the public: ‘the country is split and also families’, why should my family be any exception?” That would have done the trick I’m sure.
Fed and fnw, think if I had been in Bojo’s place, at the point when Rick Nobinson insulted Bojo, I would have terminated the interview at that point. Just upped and left, saying “I’m insulted.”
Am trying to remember the Tory Minister(s) who walked out of the Newsnight studio but name is buried deep within brain and will not surface. (SoS for Defence?)
Google is no help whatsoever.
It is interesting, even when I put some specifics into the search enquiry, all Google will come up with is current politics & political personalities. Draw from that what you will.
Sir John Knott, interviewed by Robin Day around the time of the Falklands War, said he’d had enough of it and just walked out. Day had used the expression “here today, gone tomorrow” about Sir John as Defence Minister.
I feel that I’m having more than my fair share today, but there is an interesting take on leftist journalism from 12:43 in the Anglican magazine below:-
The sticking point on the Vote of No confidence – which in my reckoning must be done by the end of the week – seems to be that since the ‘rule ‘ is that the leader of the opposition should go ask the queen to be PM Corbyn is so repulsive that all 500 traitors won’t go for it .
The council of ministers is on the 17th so any new PM selected by Coup had to be in place after 14 days from the confidence vote . …..
Unless of course they want boris to go there and break the law laid down by the Surrender Act
But there’s this all set for 9 October …
Pete Wishart
That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision for the House of Commons to nominate the Prime Minister and approve appointments to the Cabinet; to establish the office of Acting Prime Minister; and for connected purposes.
This one
printed in July
Click to access 19420.pdf
Pete Wishart – SNP
The island,
Yes, UK leave the ECHR and restore the death penalty immediately in preparation for the long overdue bill certain people who are running up with gay abandon, which will have to be paid for.
TOADY Watch #1 – Limited Exposure
Switched on just after 7.30a.m. News Bulletin and thought I recognised the voice of Steve Baker MP talking to Nick. Sure enough, it was he. Spoke well. Stood up to Nick well. Very revealing of Nick Robinson though. He has become very devious and deceitful, no longer the neutral BBC Political Editor of 10 years ago who used to get complaints from all the various political factions.
There’s the man that should be Prime Minister right now: Steve Baker MP.
Maybe caretaker PM while Bojo is in the slammer?
Simultanously both LBC and Talk Radio have on SNP spokespeople on talking about a government of national (non)unity to delay Brexit
.. metro liberal elite lording it over us again