Chine (the ‘e’ is not silent) McDonald was the Thought for the Day contributor. She is usually quite good. Speaking about Blake’s poem Jerusalem and Parry’s music. She played the ‘race’ card.
I switched off.
Missed the following item, distracted by household tasks.
BBC Editorial Policy chief David Jordan said “The simple fact is we haven’t had a complaint about Dan Walker’s role.” This was untrue. It needs to be urgently corrected. If the BBC management cannot be trusted with its public statements it will undermine precious BBC journalism.
On Wimmins Hour someone opposed to abortion had the temerity to interfere in Stella Creasy’s constituency. Stella is pregnant, and the issue was abortion. Posters were put up, which Stella quickly had taken down.
Needless to say, the guest got a blast from the presenter, despite having put forward a very good case. What we heard was that Wimmins Hour is not interested in either Truth, Science, or Ethics! Only ‘wimmins rights’ (which the guest was trying to point out, should not include murdering the unborn).
Then, poor Stella, victim, came on to the phone to express her outrage. Yet she took it upon herself to interfere with all the pregnant women of Northern Ireland, and impose her views on them. No problems there.
As ever, the Lefties can dish it out endlessly. But can they take it? Apparently not. As always with beeb/Labour, a one-sided case. And trying to figure out now where beeb stops and Labour begins is an impossible task.
Fake – you leave Stella alone???? – she is the next door MP to my bit of the Londonistan . She is part of the aristocracy – never had a real job ( uni – intern – Walthamstow council – MP off all girl list ) and destined for the ‘top’ – so what – she thinks babies should be killed off in abortions in Northern Ireland as well as the UK – some rights are more important than others …..
I really think the ‘anti abortion’ crew got under her skin – and she’s pregnant so playing that card too .
However …. Stella is up against some serious half wits like the Raynor one and the one who hasn’t got a printer .. not counting lady Nugee and the other heavy weights ….
Listened to the 8.10a.m. interview: PM and Nick Robinson. I felt Nick was very rude, insulting, to the Prime Minister, Cannot remember now exact form of words. When I feel a bit more energised about it, I might listen again, but then maybe not.
Think PM should have at least complained or complained and walked out but Bojo is more tolerant than I am, perhaps.
However, I’m increasingly exercising the OFF switch.
I’m all also increasingly forgetting to switch the radio back on.
Robinson couldn’t stop himself from digging at the personal stuff about ‘ touching girls ‘ from 20 years ago . Too easy to challenge It and just say ‘put up or shut up ‘ to said journo with a new column .
BoJo did sound like he knew what was coming from the tedious Robinson and just meandered through the 25 minutes . I’d have said ‘ what a great interviewer Humph was’…
Agree. I find Red Robbo very tedious, with an irritating smugness, so I seldom listen to ‘Today’ these days. I’ve written critical things about the now-departed Humphrys but he did have some redeeming features, and his criticisms of the bias of the BBC are welcome.
Me too. He has changed since his days as Pol Ed.. I used to read every Blog and comment on many. Nick would regularly get battered from all extremes for being biased. He was scrupulously balanced, in my view, back then.
What changed?
Maybe it was his brush with serious illness and mortality that did it?
The Humph was a different ‘kettle of fish’. Not with Robinson’s (Conservative) background but instead ‘nouveau very riche’ and a bit of a Bojo 😉 😉 in a way. From a Labour background but having seen enough of the worst aspects to be a challenger. The Humph was (and is?) a questioner and seeker.
Nick does appear to have taken up the Socialist flag. No questions to be asked.
Absolutely appalling interview with Boris by Dan Walker on al beeb this morning (I watched on YouTube).
He was completely out of his depth and made a right tool of himself by asking certain questions that a large proportion of the country are simply not interested in (beeboids at W1 aside).
I would have loved Boris to have given him a truth pill and asked him whether he was on the side of the UK or Europe!
Stick to football Dan or your double act with Naga the Trump hater.
Get the anti-democratic remainer politicians out! With any luck “the time is coming when even these turkeys cannot prevent Christmas” ????
On the other hand the londonistan remainer Evening Standard Sd BoJo s quote about the lady known as -‘naga ‘ ( real name – very long ) “who ? “ in an LBC interviewer . Lucky chap not knowing who that is .
It is felt that the BBC (& other UK MSM) reporting of the Gilets Jaunes protests has been less than low key.
What about Holland? This is news to me
Thousands of farmers are expected to jam the roads with tractors and farm vehicles as they make their way to The Hague for a massive protest, RTL Nieuws reports.
The farmers are hitting the road to the political capital as part of the #Agractie protest against D66’s plan to halve the amount of cows in the Netherlands in order to reduce nitrogen emissions and free up room for housing.
bbc just catching up
“Dutch tractor protest sparks ‘worst rush hour'” “Farmers reacted angrily to claims that they were largely responsible for a spiralling nitrogen emissions problem.
A report has called for inefficient cattle farms to be shut down and some speed limits lowered to cut pollution.
Farming groups believe they are being victimised while the aviation industry is escaping scrutiny.”
Appalling hit piece of showpony nastiness by Red Robbo
Who’d be a politician with principles when you gave guttersnipes like Robinson daring to assume that he’s holding truth to power.
Boris was courtesy itself, which( I can only assume) is what is wanted by Dominic etc. I was disgusted at the personal nature of Robinson’s endless interruptions and trolling of an elected MP, whose only crime is to do what he was duly elected to do.
Robinson killed Redheads son in some carcrash , ” some people I’ve spoken to are saying”.
Any chance of Boris tooling up on this kind of nastiness ,next time I’d not let my husband back into the house if he didn’t fight back with filth like the Lefties do to us 24/7. Since 2011, I’d say.
Grow a pair lads. I’d happily share a back seat ride home with Boris. But certainly not with Nick Robinson.
I complained to the BBC about the use of the segment “One Man and His Dog” on Countryfile a couple of Sundays ago. I did it for a bit of fun and to highlight their hypocrisy where they don’t follow their own SJW rules.
My complaint…
——————————————————————– Countryfile contained a sheepdog competition called “One Man and His Dog”. Whilst I appreciate this title was used in a traditional sense but we now live in a time when we should be inclusive of all genders. it is insulting to competitors who are not male gender. About half of the competitors were, I assume from appearance alone, female gender. Whilst some of those may identify as male gender I doubt all of them did. Therefore it is offensive to continue to the the pronouns “His” and the gender “Man” in a title. Any competitor (or viewer) who is struggling with their assigned gender may interpret this programme title as proof that the UK is not accepting of their gender which could lead to suicide or other mental illness. The BBC needs to modernise the programme title to be inclusive of all people of all genders. A title something like “One Person and Their Dog” would be easily recognised as an updated version of the traditional programmes whilst not being offensive. I expect a brief apology on the next Countryfile to apologise to the female competitors and any non male viewers that are struggling with their assigned gender who may be experiencing stress, anxiety or even possibly suicide due to the BBCs outdated sexism. We now live in an age where mental illness is a major problem and programme titles like this are only making it worse. I also expect the BBC to either drop or rename the outdated “One Man and His Dog” programme title in future.
A their reply just 7 days later…
Thank you for contacting us about BBC One’s ‘Countryfile’ broadcast on 22 September.
You raised concerns about the title of the competition ‘One Man and His Dog’ as you felt this was outdated and offensive to those who are not male. I note your further concerns about the potential impact this title could have on those who are struggling with their assigned gender.
‘One Man and His Dog’ has been featured on the programme since the competition ceased to be a standalone broadcast in 2013 and was then incorporated into Countryfile. Whilst there are female competitors, the competition retains its familiar and traditional title.
That said, we have noted your suggested alternative title of ‘One Person and Their Dog’ and thank you for your feedback.
We’re guided by audience reaction, so please rest assured your concerns have been raised with the Countryfile team and senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform our ongoing work.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
So the BBC now like “traditional” do they?!? Perhaps I can get Lenny Henry to get the Director General to rethink their decision.
Surely another aspect deserves discussion and definition?
The innate sexism displayed by the constant use of the term ‘dog’ is both demeaning and grossly unfair to all those bitches participating in the contest.
That said, and in some defence of the terminology, the use of ‘bitch’ might unfortunately be construed as adversely reflecting on the sex and status of female contestant handlers. Under these circumstances it should be made clear that the term is used solely in conjunction with the canine participant.
The BBC thank you for your co-operation which is appreciated.
With the Supreme Court shenanigans in mind, here’s a copy and paste from the DT comments which you may find amusing.
A man was window shopping in a seaside town. He noticed a brass rat in a window and asked how much it was. The shopkeeper said: “First, I will tell you the story about it”. The man said: “No. Here’s the money, just give me the brass rat”.
He walked down the street with his new purchase and noticed that there were a couple of rats following him. Then more rats came and suddenly there were thousands of them. He walked down to the beach and all the rats went into the sea and drowned.
The man went back to the shop and the shopkeeper said: “Ah! You’ve come to find out the story about the brass rat”. The man said “No, I’ve come to find out if you have any brass lawyers”!
That big wind bag Ian Blackford on TV banging on about Scotland not voting for us to leave Europe in the referendum so they will not allow it. That is outrageous coming from a Party who are committed to leave the UK. If they are going to leave the UK what right have they to play a big part in stopping the UK leaving Europe?
Brexit is the SNP’s route to independence. Leaving one union but seemingly joining another…
The guy is actually really annoying. Always banging on about how Scotland ‘gets left out’ yet the referendum was the same for the Scottish with the same questions on the piece of paper.
There are leave voters in Scotland and those who support the union who get shunned by the SNP.
If I had to choose one person who I dislike the most in the hop, although the choice is immense I think my vote would have to go Ian Blackford. He is full of hate and bile and is a very dangerous man. Vile.
smoogie, the SNP like to think it is but I’m not so sure.
Scots can be very small ‘c’ conservative and if the UK had been out of the EU for a year or two before SNP IndyRef2 comes along and was doing OK, (esp. w/tourism, fishing & farming doing OK in Scotland) I reckon the SNP might struggle to get 40%, let alone the 45% of last time.
If there is ever an IndyRef2, one major factor has changed this year. The SNP cannot rely on oil & gas to bankroll their spending any more. Theresa May has sunk that for them.
An interesting question General, but one which presupposes that Blackford has any ability to apply logic as opposed to petty and spiteful prejudice to any argument.
Amazing isn’t it … Remainer after Remainer after Remainer, time and time again on the BBC for over 4 years. Yet, as soon as the Leave side get a look in, they don’t like it !!! My god, words cannot describe how much i detest them, i really do.
How many times David has it been “Three Remain Champions” hammer home how racist the Leavers are ??? But you dont say a bean then , HYPOCRITE.
Now the @BBCNaga debacle is over and her reputation restored so good to see the BBC get back to it’s fine tradition of neutral impartial journalism at all times.
Othering ..AKA Atrocity Propaganda
is a known thing
though of course some may be wary of using it, cos you can spot it being misquoted by people denying the holocaust.
Jeremy Vine has an item on repairing household items. A woman phones in to say that she replaces thermostats on tumble driers, she has done it several times she says.
Vine questions the safety, the risk of fire etc. She says she only looks at the back and keeps away from ‘the top’ and filters and things so that is OK. She then goes on to describe the thermostat as ‘a small button’. Oh dear. Sounds to me like a thermal cut-out that protects the tumble drier when it gets too hot, perhaps because no-one has opened ‘the top’ and replaced/cleaned ‘the filters and things’!
A typical Vine moment when he says that a ceiling rose in his house appeared to be wired in a complicated way. The ‘expert’ said that he should have taken a photograph of the wiring. Vine says he couldn’t ‘because it was dark’.
What sort of numpty tries to repair an electric light in the dark? Besides which anyone on £700k should be spreading the wealth down to the electrician on twice average pay who can pay for a pool boy for his Spanish villa!
It’s the way they tell ’em
BBC World News front page Trump asked Australia to investigate Mueller”.
A-Ha not only prying into Biden but also Mueller?
Perhaps not so, as going to the article we have headline of Trump asked Australian PM to help investigate Russia inquiry
US President Donald Trump called Australian PM Scott Morrison and asked for his help with an investigation into the origins of the Mueller inquiry, Australian officials have confirmed.
Wartime references to surrender and traitor are so upsetting to the Labour girlies.
I suggest we stick it to them. EU seduction was always sweet surrender.
I recall another term of abuse during WW2. The word ‘Frat’ was applied to women who fraternised with the enemy. Usually women who had it off with enemy POWs who were camped in the UK. Some women retained the title for the rest of their lives.
Come on Boris, point your finger at the lady frats in Labours benches.
I must admit to restricting my listening and viewing of MSM today after yesterday wall to wall ‘knee gate’ honestly it was really over the top wasnt it? But what I have heard today there doesn’t seem to be any talk of it, leaving aside Robinson on to ady which I didn’t hear thank God. It seems to have moved on to the ‘ leaked ‘ document, which I suspect Cummings was involved in the leak to take the heat off Boris and the alleged touching. If so it was well played I think as it has done that and also given the other side something to go on about.
Sly News very vague and confused about an ‘incident’ in Finland where 1 dead and 9 wounded.
This lack of curiosity into a relatively rare incident in Finland immediately triggered my suspicions.
A cursory search of the Internet news shows it was a ‘violent individual who went on a rampage with a sword’
Where’s maxi when you need him? Lots to pick up the Beeb on this lunchtime. Finland mentioned. Hong Kong covered. No mention of Holland*. Or France. Or Spain*.
And of course he is correct. However, fully expect him to be hounded night and day now by these “Oh so Virtuous” women !!!
BBC will be on him like a ton of bricks no doubt by the time the 6pm news comes round.
Cant blame them tho, they would do exactly the same when a women makes remarks like that about a man !! Oh, silly me, its not the same is it , i forget its one rule for men (awful predators) and one rule for lovely, soft, cuddly, victimised women like Soubry, Phillips, Swinson, Cooper !! Sickening. Really is.
Radio5 live probably had great a large audience when it was nicknamed Radio Bloke
The BBC decided that was wrong and so deliberately set out out to fill the network with women’s content.
The irony is that listeners who don’t like Emma Barnett’s feminist stance can switch over to Radio4 where Woman’s Hour is on at the same time.
Simon Jack (Business Ed!) comments on shorting but demonstrates that he does not understand the concept. It is not about favouring one stock over another.
Mark Mardell concludes his mini-series marking 70years of Communist China but demonstrates his lack of knowledge about the place.
In addition, he repeatedly ignores the elephant in the room, the Indian one. He also has an upside down view of democracy. If the HK protesters had (had been able to) listened to his TWatO piece today, they would be sending him a big raspberry for getting that wrong.
R4 Drama now : “Writer of Awards nominated play #BlackMenWalking NOW TOURING: #WOKEtheshow”
Calls himself Testament the beatboxer
with his play The Beatboxer
A beatboxer goes into a call centre to run a training day.
Just spotted this brilliant tweet. Currently 7000 likes
Tens of thousands of young white British girls sexually abused by grooming gangs. Media remain largely mute. Boris Johnson accused of touching a woman's thigh? Media go ballistic. See how it works yet?
Cambridgeshire Police say two girls, aged 14 and 16, have been arrested on suspicion of murder after an 80-year-old man was found dead at his home in Wisbech on Saturday.
I had to chuckle when Laura Cheeseburger said it was an incident that needed ‘investigating’. Really ? How ? and by whom ? perhaps South Yorkshire Police would like a go at it, with their track record in vintage offences we can all have a good laugh.
LK is not a good role model for girls wanting to go to university.
Then now the accounts come out
Let’s do the Math
Jamie Oliver & wife take £5.2 million payout
Business hit with £9.8 million in costs, 22 restaurants closed
Creditors facing losses of up to £83 million
Poor old David. I see him ending up in Gerard Batten’s little box, together with Gretha, having the lid slammed on him by a parrot. (See Gerard on FB, Sep 27)
It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy…
Tracy Brabin Labour MP in Saturday’s Y Post WHEN Members of Parliament talk about the language we choose to use and its impact on our constituents, there can be no greater litmus test than what happened in Batley and Spen just over three years ago.
My predecessor and friend Jo Cox was shot and stabbed in the sleepy village of Birstall by a white supremacist who shouted “Britain First” as he committed his heinous crime. The language we use has impact. It matters
Her article’s title in the print edition is
Northerners will not buy the PM’s Brexit snake oil
… what kind of language is that ?
Furthermore it sits next to a quarter page cartoon
labelled Darkest Hour
which is a giant black cloud made out of Boris’s face
hovering over parliament
In a piece calling for kinder language#TracyBrabin used a title calling Boris's words "Snake Oil" + it sits next to a giant cartoon portraying Boris as a giant Dark Cloud over parliament
Marky- so this would be the same lot currently droning on about how the law must be obeyed by ministers?
Now we find out that they were not only criminal, but also cowardly.
Perhaps they even inspired Merkel’s 2015 gig?
Here’s a thought.
It must be 50 years since we had the great North Sea gas conversion in the UK. I can remember the Gas Board gas fitters coming to our house to replace the burners in our gas appliances so they were ready for North Sea gas.
I’m surprised no one has decided to ‘ celebrate ‘ such a momentous event.
And where are we now? The government has introduced legislation to prohibit gas heating in new houses. Of course, I don’t recall being asked if I agree with this.
The other day they were extolling the virtues of vegan sausage rolls .
British farmers should capitalise on new markets in China , markets outside the EU. Just more anti Brexit Bull*@it from Al Beeb.
Why do you lot pay the Telly Tax for that guff?
Nigel’s new round-up show ‘Talk of the Week’ (13 mins) includes criticism of Labour’s open border policy from 8:00.
Of course NF wouldn’t dare mention the term ‘demographic replacement’ but The Iconoclast does in his latest video (also 13 mins):
Mainstream Media Lies About Demographics | Supports Censorship & Smears Us
Priti Patel at the party conference on immigration:
“Free movement of people to end once & for all. Instead we will introduce an Australian points based system that works in the best interest of Britain & is under the control of the British government”
— Miss M????????????????????????????????????????⚪️ (@tobystyke74) October 1, 2019
She can’t under the Abbot Law of Racism, be racist because she isn’t white and only, according to Abbot , white people can be racist. Of course she may have the wrong sort of politics for Abbot et al but by God she has the right sort of politics for most of us here. However , it is a sad reflection on our country that only a POC could dare to say what Pritti said . No white Home Secretary would dare to be as clear on immigration as she was for fear of the woke brigade hate campaign that would ensue. Pritti will no doubt be attacked by the BBC et al but she is made of the right stuff. Well done and thank you PP, if all immigrants were like her and shared her values I would be very much happier.
Anyone would think that stealing Nigel Farage’s policies would mean stealing the Brexit Party’s votes.
Don’t fall for it. They’ve already announced that they intend to let hundreds of thousands more immigrants in.
If you want Nigel Farage’s policies vote for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party and for a true Brexit not Brino MK2
British Science Associations newsletter
We are also delighted to announce that we have opened applications to join our Inclusive Science Engagement Network.
join our network to share learning around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Call me old fashioned but I’d rather science just be open to all
and no great special targetting schemes
Bye Jon, did Tommy Robinson, aka Yaxley Lennon, show what a total failure you are?
SWEEENXIT THREAD 1/3 After 17 years I'm leaving the BBC. It's high time to make trouble elsewhere. First stop, Malta. With @carlobonini and @Manwel_Delia I've written Murder On The Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia, to be published on October 14 by Midsea Books.
That’s good news. It took the racist far-left bbc collective awhile but they must have concluded Mr Sweeney had become a liability.
This isn’t the racist far-left bbc having a moral moment, they’re just in damage limitation. It’s the same every time with lefties, they have no sense of loyalty; when you’re out of favour with them, you’re gone one way or another. Mr Sweeney can be thankful this didn’t happen in Stalin’s Soviet Russia.
Bye Jon – let’s hope you get such a generous expense account for the next time you try to get informants drunk to get them to say the right things to fit the state broadcaster narrative .
Methinks you’ll resurface on RT or al jaz which is about you level . You very bad word .
Hi Stewart – like the masses of Social Justice Lawyers and Judges – these groups have to get themselves into the legal profession – as that is the only area they will begin to fight back against their mischararacterisation.
The new BBC1 Sunday drama “World on Fire”
opening scene, Fascist blackshirt rally 1939
Union jacks everywhere
Violent thugs beat up protesters
… BBC constant framing and building up of narratives #Orwellian
Recent episodes of Peaky Blinders had a similar theme
The latest example, among many, is working Oswald Mosley into plot lines in 1930s/1940s. (Peaky Blinders, World on Fire.) So, we were fascists as well, you see, and it’s just as well we have the EU to protect us from ourselves, especially those Tory toff types. Or something.
Pug, in relation to the permanently outraged Guardian, If I remember my crime definitions correctly, from 40+ years ago at Police training school:
(1)A person is guilty of robbery if he steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force.
(2)A person guilty of robbery, or of an assault with intent to rob, shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for life.
What is it about the colour of skin that excites the BBC ?
‘Diane Abbott is to stand in for Jeremy Corbyn at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.
The shadow home secretary will be the first black MP to represent her party at the weekly Commons clash.’
I could think of many possible firsts for this appalling politician,
I think I’ll watch pmq’s tomorrow then. It should be a right good laugh.
Abbott is thick as mince and I’m expecting some classics to come out.
If you remember a long time ago when HIGNFY was funny they had a tub of lard as Paul Merton partner.
I’m expecting a similar quality from this modern day giant of political debate (and a mathematical Einstein to boot)
This #BlackHistoryMonth we're inspired by the struggles of black campaigners, including the first black MPs elected in 1987.
Tomorrow one of those pioneering MPs, a child of the Windrush Generation, Diane Abbott, will be the first black person to represent their party at #PMQs.
Diane Abbott has been supported all the way in her education and career with public scholarships and public funds by the same “white capitalist patriarchy society,” she and Corbyn now fight against – and she and Corbyn have profited from this approach, having turned themselves into part of the wealthy elite.
We will be celebrating Black History Month in October. See below key figures children will be studying. Nurs & Rec: General awareness of Black History Month. Y1: Nelson Mandela. Y2: Rosa Parks. Y3: Mary Seacole. Y4: Martin Luther King. Y5: Diane Abbott. Y6: Jesse Owens.
It is a hopeless situation because primary and secondary education curricula have been taken over by the social justice warrior brigade and they are and have been indoctrinatings kids for some time – and it is only accelerating in its hysteria. This comes after empathy weeks for refugees. The social justice warriors have been taking over the public institutions – and it started with the universities. They have now built up a critical mass in public institutions and in society. It all began with white feminists and Marxists wanting to overthrow the white patriarchy and capitalists and it has developed from there.
I’m looking forward to buying the DVD when it is released..file under comedy!
They should make this “bout” PPV!
She has “previous” – as Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott was asked by the interviewer to explain the Islamic schism and differences between the two major denominations of Sunni and Shia. After a stutter and pregnant pause to think, Diane announced “I can’t tell you which one is which, but they sung ‘I Got You Babe‘.”
“The incident took place in 1979 soon after Mr Corbyn’s first marriage broke down because of his near-obsessive dedication to his political activism.” way of putting it!
It is October and the BBC are celebrating Black History Month again on their Childrens Channel CBBC – a month of Black Celebration News, History and Programming of the Black Peoples’ long struggle against the white English racists. They even have last years history article which places Diane Abbot as one of the great black women of modern times:
Wow. Do you think there are enough articles on black history month?
They forgot to celebrate how black men are making other black men “history” (with knives) in London.
I fear you could be right, Taffman. I suspect we will be stitched up like the kipper he recently used as a prop.
Priti Patel’s announcement today re Australian points based system (stolen directly from Nigel Farage) will never be realised until everyone wakes up and votes for a real Brexit by voting for the Brexit Party.
Quite surprised that the recent scientific report rubbishing the red meat = cancer movement is getting some air time. I would have expected it to be buried.
Could this signal the start of a push-back? If so maybe we have a slim chance of stopping the lunatics from running the asylum e.g. Chris Packam getting behind the Greta bandwagon etc. (Although that’s entirely to be expected!)
That must be an excuse for a gratuitous showing of the ‘air Afrikaans ‘cow or beef ‘ sketch. And I think amber Rudd is in it ..Always makes me chuckle …I’m in cattle class as well tomorrow ….
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 11, 15:52 Start the Week 10th March 2025 What does his dog think? Or his great great grandmother? I’d like to know.
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Michael Deacon’s short piece on the funding of the Far Left anti British BBC STARTS Everyone knows that the BBC…
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sir John Knott dies (92) …. I wonder if they ll put ‘here today – gone tomorrow ‘ on his…
TOADY Watch #2 – Limiting Exposure
Chine (the ‘e’ is not silent) McDonald was the Thought for the Day contributor. She is usually quite good. Speaking about Blake’s poem Jerusalem and Parry’s music. She played the ‘race’ card.
I switched off.
Missed the following item, distracted by household tasks.
The BBC is becoming forgettable.
Brendan O’Neill and Spiked are no friends of Trump and close to the BBC on this.
Yes, Trump’s tweet was racist. But BBC rules stop presenters saying so
Brendan O’Neill,enhance,format&crop=faces,entropy,edges&fit=crop&w=820&h=550
KGM for DG!
On Wimmins Hour someone opposed to abortion had the temerity to interfere in Stella Creasy’s constituency. Stella is pregnant, and the issue was abortion. Posters were put up, which Stella quickly had taken down.
Needless to say, the guest got a blast from the presenter, despite having put forward a very good case. What we heard was that Wimmins Hour is not interested in either Truth, Science, or Ethics! Only ‘wimmins rights’ (which the guest was trying to point out, should not include murdering the unborn).
Then, poor Stella, victim, came on to the phone to express her outrage. Yet she took it upon herself to interfere with all the pregnant women of Northern Ireland, and impose her views on them. No problems there.
As ever, the Lefties can dish it out endlessly. But can they take it? Apparently not. As always with beeb/Labour, a one-sided case. And trying to figure out now where beeb stops and Labour begins is an impossible task.
Fake – you leave Stella alone???? – she is the next door MP to my bit of the Londonistan . She is part of the aristocracy – never had a real job ( uni – intern – Walthamstow council – MP off all girl list ) and destined for the ‘top’ – so what – she thinks babies should be killed off in abortions in Northern Ireland as well as the UK – some rights are more important than others …..
I really think the ‘anti abortion’ crew got under her skin – and she’s pregnant so playing that card too .
However …. Stella is up against some serious half wits like the Raynor one and the one who hasn’t got a printer .. not counting lady Nugee and the other heavy weights ….
TOADY Watch #3 – Ending exposure
Listened to the 8.10a.m. interview: PM and Nick Robinson. I felt Nick was very rude, insulting, to the Prime Minister, Cannot remember now exact form of words. When I feel a bit more energised about it, I might listen again, but then maybe not.
Think PM should have at least complained or complained and walked out but Bojo is more tolerant than I am, perhaps.
However, I’m increasingly exercising the OFF switch.
I’m all also increasingly forgetting to switch the radio back on.
TOADY – Ending my exposure (to the BBC)
Robinson couldn’t stop himself from digging at the personal stuff about ‘ touching girls ‘ from 20 years ago . Too easy to challenge It and just say ‘put up or shut up ‘ to said journo with a new column .
BoJo did sound like he knew what was coming from the tedious Robinson and just meandered through the 25 minutes . I’d have said ‘ what a great interviewer Humph was’…
Agree. I find Red Robbo very tedious, with an irritating smugness, so I seldom listen to ‘Today’ these days. I’ve written critical things about the now-departed Humphrys but he did have some redeeming features, and his criticisms of the bias of the BBC are welcome.
Me too. He has changed since his days as Pol Ed.. I used to read every Blog and comment on many. Nick would regularly get battered from all extremes for being biased. He was scrupulously balanced, in my view, back then.
What changed?
Maybe it was his brush with serious illness and mortality that did it?
The Humph was a different ‘kettle of fish’. Not with Robinson’s (Conservative) background but instead ‘nouveau very riche’ and a bit of a Bojo 😉 😉 in a way. From a Labour background but having seen enough of the worst aspects to be a challenger. The Humph was (and is?) a questioner and seeker.
Nick does appear to have taken up the Socialist flag. No questions to be asked.
Absolutely appalling interview with Boris by Dan Walker on al beeb this morning (I watched on YouTube).
He was completely out of his depth and made a right tool of himself by asking certain questions that a large proportion of the country are simply not interested in (beeboids at W1 aside).
I would have loved Boris to have given him a truth pill and asked him whether he was on the side of the UK or Europe!
Stick to football Dan or your double act with Naga the Trump hater.
Get the anti-democratic remainer politicians out! With any luck “the time is coming when even these turkeys cannot prevent Christmas” ????
On the other hand the londonistan remainer Evening Standard Sd BoJo s quote about the lady known as -‘naga ‘ ( real name – very long ) “who ? “ in an LBC interviewer . Lucky chap not knowing who that is .
It is felt that the BBC (& other UK MSM) reporting of the Gilets Jaunes protests has been less than low key.
What about Holland? This is news to me
Thousands of farmers are expected to jam the roads with tractors and farm vehicles as they make their way to The Hague for a massive protest, RTL Nieuws reports.
The farmers are hitting the road to the political capital as part of the #Agractie protest against D66’s plan to halve the amount of cows in the Netherlands in order to reduce nitrogen emissions and free up room for housing.
You are not allowed to know that in Ingerland, you may get – ideas….
I imagine the Dutch cows will have to make way for housing for the New People.
All of Europe is sinking, not just the Dutch.
@Nisa we are ahead as usual we are on page 3 now, but I already mentioned last night on page 2
bbc just catching up
“Dutch tractor protest sparks ‘worst rush hour'”
“Farmers reacted angrily to claims that they were largely responsible for a spiralling nitrogen emissions problem.
A report has called for inefficient cattle farms to be shut down and some speed limits lowered to cut pollution.
Farming groups believe they are being victimised while the aviation industry is escaping scrutiny.”
From a comment in Order-Order today.
DA said to him [Jeremy Corbyn] “your organ is not very impressive” to which Jez replied “maybe but it isn’t used to playing in cathedrals”
ah DA = Diane Abbott
I’m a bit slow on the uptake
Appalling hit piece of showpony nastiness by Red Robbo
Who’d be a politician with principles when you gave guttersnipes like Robinson daring to assume that he’s holding truth to power.
Boris was courtesy itself, which( I can only assume) is what is wanted by Dominic etc. I was disgusted at the personal nature of Robinson’s endless interruptions and trolling of an elected MP, whose only crime is to do what he was duly elected to do.
Robinson killed Redheads son in some carcrash , ” some people I’ve spoken to are saying”.
Any chance of Boris tooling up on this kind of nastiness ,next time I’d not let my husband back into the house if he didn’t fight back with filth like the Lefties do to us 24/7. Since 2011, I’d say.
Grow a pair lads. I’d happily share a back seat ride home with Boris. But certainly not with Nick Robinson.
Tragedy behind career of BBC’s Westminster man
I complained to the BBC about the use of the segment “One Man and His Dog” on Countryfile a couple of Sundays ago. I did it for a bit of fun and to highlight their hypocrisy where they don’t follow their own SJW rules.
My complaint…
Countryfile contained a sheepdog competition called “One Man and His Dog”. Whilst I appreciate this title was used in a traditional sense but we now live in a time when we should be inclusive of all genders. it is insulting to competitors who are not male gender. About half of the competitors were, I assume from appearance alone, female gender. Whilst some of those may identify as male gender I doubt all of them did. Therefore it is offensive to continue to the the pronouns “His” and the gender “Man” in a title. Any competitor (or viewer) who is struggling with their assigned gender may interpret this programme title as proof that the UK is not accepting of their gender which could lead to suicide or other mental illness. The BBC needs to modernise the programme title to be inclusive of all people of all genders. A title something like “One Person and Their Dog” would be easily recognised as an updated version of the traditional programmes whilst not being offensive. I expect a brief apology on the next Countryfile to apologise to the female competitors and any non male viewers that are struggling with their assigned gender who may be experiencing stress, anxiety or even possibly suicide due to the BBCs outdated sexism. We now live in an age where mental illness is a major problem and programme titles like this are only making it worse. I also expect the BBC to either drop or rename the outdated “One Man and His Dog” programme title in future.
A their reply just 7 days later…
Thank you for contacting us about BBC One’s ‘Countryfile’ broadcast on 22 September.
You raised concerns about the title of the competition ‘One Man and His Dog’ as you felt this was outdated and offensive to those who are not male. I note your further concerns about the potential impact this title could have on those who are struggling with their assigned gender.
‘One Man and His Dog’ has been featured on the programme since the competition ceased to be a standalone broadcast in 2013 and was then incorporated into Countryfile. Whilst there are female competitors, the competition retains its familiar and traditional title.
That said, we have noted your suggested alternative title of ‘One Person and Their Dog’ and thank you for your feedback.
We’re guided by audience reaction, so please rest assured your concerns have been raised with the Countryfile team and senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform our ongoing work.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
So the BBC now like “traditional” do they?!? Perhaps I can get Lenny Henry to get the Director General to rethink their decision.
The trouble with using irony and sarcasm with brainwashed or unintelligent people is that they think you are being serious and don’t get the joke.
Surely another aspect deserves discussion and definition?
The innate sexism displayed by the constant use of the term ‘dog’ is both demeaning and grossly unfair to all those bitches participating in the contest.
That said, and in some defence of the terminology, the use of ‘bitch’ might unfortunately be construed as adversely reflecting on the sex and status of female contestant handlers. Under these circumstances it should be made clear that the term is used solely in conjunction with the canine participant.
The BBC thank you for your co-operation which is appreciated.
Beltane and all
My entry for Crufts will be in the class so named Postgraduate Bitch.
And she is black.
With the Supreme Court shenanigans in mind, here’s a copy and paste from the DT comments which you may find amusing.
A man was window shopping in a seaside town. He noticed a brass rat in a window and asked how much it was. The shopkeeper said: “First, I will tell you the story about it”. The man said: “No. Here’s the money, just give me the brass rat”.
He walked down the street with his new purchase and noticed that there were a couple of rats following him. Then more rats came and suddenly there were thousands of them. He walked down to the beach and all the rats went into the sea and drowned.
The man went back to the shop and the shopkeeper said: “Ah! You’ve come to find out the story about the brass rat”. The man said “No, I’ve come to find out if you have any brass lawyers”!
That big wind bag Ian Blackford on TV banging on about Scotland not voting for us to leave Europe in the referendum so they will not allow it. That is outrageous coming from a Party who are committed to leave the UK. If they are going to leave the UK what right have they to play a big part in stopping the UK leaving Europe?
Brexit is the SNP’s route to independence. Leaving one union but seemingly joining another…
The guy is actually really annoying. Always banging on about how Scotland ‘gets left out’ yet the referendum was the same for the Scottish with the same questions on the piece of paper.
There are leave voters in Scotland and those who support the union who get shunned by the SNP.
If I had to choose one person who I dislike the most in the hop, although the choice is immense I think my vote would have to go Ian Blackford. He is full of hate and bile and is a very dangerous man. Vile.
smoogie, the SNP like to think it is but I’m not so sure.
Scots can be very small ‘c’ conservative and if the UK had been out of the EU for a year or two before SNP IndyRef2 comes along and was doing OK, (esp. w/tourism, fishing & farming doing OK in Scotland) I reckon the SNP might struggle to get 40%, let alone the 45% of last time.
If there is ever an IndyRef2, one major factor has changed this year. The SNP cannot rely on oil & gas to bankroll their spending any more. Theresa May has sunk that for them.
An interesting question General, but one which presupposes that Blackford has any ability to apply logic as opposed to petty and spiteful prejudice to any argument.
They seem to forget that we were effectively ruled by Scots during the thirteen years of the last Labour government.
What a disaster that turned out to be, including Gorbals Mick, the second worst speaker after the poison dwarf ( who isn’t a proper Englishman).
jic, the SNP would struggle to come up with someone now of the calibre of James 6th and 1st of England & Ireland.
Amazing isn’t it … Remainer after Remainer after Remainer, time and time again on the BBC for over 4 years. Yet, as soon as the Leave side get a look in, they don’t like it !!! My god, words cannot describe how much i detest them, i really do.
How many times David has it been “Three Remain Champions” hammer home how racist the Leavers are ??? But you dont say a bean then , HYPOCRITE.
Lammy PR team’s constant-outragebus allows them to keep constant victimhood
and that plays very well to their own side.
Othering ..AKA Atrocity Propaganda
is a known thing
though of course some may be wary of using it, cos you can spot it being misquoted by people denying the holocaust.
Jeremy Vine has an item on repairing household items. A woman phones in to say that she replaces thermostats on tumble driers, she has done it several times she says.
Vine questions the safety, the risk of fire etc. She says she only looks at the back and keeps away from ‘the top’ and filters and things so that is OK. She then goes on to describe the thermostat as ‘a small button’. Oh dear. Sounds to me like a thermal cut-out that protects the tumble drier when it gets too hot, perhaps because no-one has opened ‘the top’ and replaced/cleaned ‘the filters and things’!
A typical Vine moment when he says that a ceiling rose in his house appeared to be wired in a complicated way. The ‘expert’ said that he should have taken a photograph of the wiring. Vine says he couldn’t ‘because it was dark’.
What sort of numpty tries to repair an electric light in the dark? Besides which anyone on £700k should be spreading the wealth down to the electrician on twice average pay who can pay for a pool boy for his Spanish villa!
It’s the way they tell ’em
BBC World News front page Trump asked Australia to investigate Mueller”.
A-Ha not only prying into Biden but also Mueller?
Perhaps not so, as going to the article we have headline of Trump asked Australian PM to help investigate Russia inquiry
US President Donald Trump called Australian PM Scott Morrison and asked for his help with an investigation into the origins of the Mueller inquiry, Australian officials have confirmed.
So, Trump was playing the ball not the man
Wartime references to surrender and traitor are so upsetting to the Labour girlies.
I suggest we stick it to them. EU seduction was always sweet surrender.
I recall another term of abuse during WW2. The word ‘Frat’ was applied to women who fraternised with the enemy. Usually women who had it off with enemy POWs who were camped in the UK. Some women retained the title for the rest of their lives.
Come on Boris, point your finger at the lady frats in Labours benches.
I must admit to restricting my listening and viewing of MSM today after yesterday wall to wall ‘knee gate’ honestly it was really over the top wasnt it? But what I have heard today there doesn’t seem to be any talk of it, leaving aside Robinson on to ady which I didn’t hear thank God. It seems to have moved on to the ‘ leaked ‘ document, which I suspect Cummings was involved in the leak to take the heat off Boris and the alleged touching. If so it was well played I think as it has done that and also given the other side something to go on about.
Sly News very vague and confused about an ‘incident’ in Finland where 1 dead and 9 wounded.
This lack of curiosity into a relatively rare incident in Finland immediately triggered my suspicions.
A cursory search of the Internet news shows it was a ‘violent individual who went on a rampage with a sword’
Don’t worry, it’s a Finnish ‘man’
TWatO Watch #1 – Bias by Omission
Where’s maxi when you need him? Lots to pick up the Beeb on this lunchtime. Finland mentioned. Hong Kong covered. No mention of Holland*. Or France. Or Spain*.
* covered on the web-site
Libmob are triggered
cos MP has said that some feminist warrior MPs are not pro equality, but trying to score points.
in The Yorkshire Post
Shipley MP Philip Davies has hit out at a “small number of women in Parliament”
who he says rather than fighting for equality are fighting for “whatever they think benefits women”.
And of course he is correct. However, fully expect him to be hounded night and day now by these “Oh so Virtuous” women !!!
BBC will be on him like a ton of bricks no doubt by the time the 6pm news comes round.
Cant blame them tho, they would do exactly the same when a women makes remarks like that about a man !! Oh, silly me, its not the same is it , i forget its one rule for men (awful predators) and one rule for lovely, soft, cuddly, victimised women like Soubry, Phillips, Swinson, Cooper !! Sickening. Really is.
Countryfile warns us that today the dangerous Lincs Supremacists are celebrating Lincolnshire Day
Wait til they find their colleagues over on Radio Lincolnshire have programming celebrating it.
The ordure is hitting the fan, narrative-wise, so the bbc retreats to its happy place.
Radio5 live probably had great a large audience when it was nicknamed Radio Bloke
The BBC decided that was wrong and so deliberately set out out to fill the network with women’s content.
The irony is that listeners who don’t like Emma Barnett’s feminist stance can switch over to Radio4 where Woman’s Hour is on at the same time.
What is it about that girl Barnett’s face?
Always looks constipated.
TWatO Watch #2 – Bias by Error
Simon Jack (Business Ed!) comments on shorting but demonstrates that he does not understand the concept. It is not about favouring one stock over another.
Mark Mardell concludes his mini-series marking 70years of Communist China but demonstrates his lack of knowledge about the place.
In addition, he repeatedly ignores the elephant in the room, the Indian one. He also has an upside down view of democracy. If the HK protesters had (had been able to) listened to his TWatO piece today, they would be sending him a big raspberry for getting that wrong.
Where’s maxi when you need him?
R4 Drama now : “Writer of Awards nominated play #BlackMenWalking NOW TOURING: #WOKEtheshow”
Calls himself Testament the beatboxer
with his play The Beatboxer
A beatboxer goes into a call centre to run a training day.
Just spotted this brilliant tweet. Currently 7000 likes
Yep adds perspective doesn’t it ?
Cambridgeshire Police say two girls, aged 14 and 16, have been arrested on suspicion of murder after an 80-year-old man was found dead at his home in Wisbech on Saturday.
I had to chuckle when Laura Cheeseburger said it was an incident that needed ‘investigating’. Really ? How ? and by whom ? perhaps South Yorkshire Police would like a go at it, with their track record in vintage offences we can all have a good laugh.
LK is not a good role model for girls wanting to go to university.
Brissles, poor old Part-time is having to work a bit hard at the moment, what with that non-Conference taking place for the Tories.
Jamie Oliver news
August he said
Jamie Oliver blames Brexit and the ‘Uber-ification’ of city centers for collapse of his restaurant chain
Then now the accounts come out
Let’s do the Math
Jamie Oliver & wife take £5.2 million payout
Business hit with £9.8 million in costs, 22 restaurants closed
Creditors facing losses of up to £83 million
Let’s blame #Brexit not the management
Leeds to be the UK’s first ‘Women Friendly City’?
A Comic Relief project.
Has the council traditionally done a lot to limit grooming gangs ?
Does the city have high male homelessness ?
and high male suicide ?
Another reason to boycott the BBC.
Leeds is ‘Women Friendly City’ is it? Peter Sutcliffe was obviously unaware of this important civic message.
Also, never to be reported on the Marxist Broadcasting company (but unusually reported in the Independent):
Poor old David. I see him ending up in Gerard Batten’s little box, together with Gretha, having the lid slammed on him by a parrot. (See Gerard on FB, Sep 27)
It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy…
35,629 nuisance calls over two days.
I’m glad we aren’t paying his phone bill!
Oh, wait……
Tracy Brabin Labour MP in Saturday’s Y Post
WHEN Members of Parliament talk about the language we choose to use and its impact on our constituents, there can be no greater litmus test than what happened in Batley and Spen just over three years ago.
My predecessor and friend Jo Cox was shot and stabbed in the sleepy village of Birstall by a white supremacist who shouted “Britain First” as he committed his heinous crime. The language we use has impact. It matters
Her article’s title in the print edition is
Northerners will not buy the PM’s Brexit snake oil
… what kind of language is that ?
Furthermore it sits next to a quarter page cartoon
labelled Darkest Hour
which is a giant black cloud made out of Boris’s face
hovering over parliament
He (Jack Straw) defended the policy, saying mass immigration has “enriched” Britain, and made London a more attractive and cosmopolitan place.
But he (Jack Straw) acknowledged that “nervous” ministers made no mention of the policy at the time for fear of alienating Labour voters.
Marky- so this would be the same lot currently droning on about how the law must be obeyed by ministers?
Now we find out that they were not only criminal, but also cowardly.
Perhaps they even inspired Merkel’s 2015 gig?
Jack Straw said the white race is not worth saving.
So, I wonder if Mr Straw thinks he’s not included in that statement and if not, why not?
Here’s a thought.
It must be 50 years since we had the great North Sea gas conversion in the UK. I can remember the Gas Board gas fitters coming to our house to replace the burners in our gas appliances so they were ready for North Sea gas.
I’m surprised no one has decided to ‘ celebrate ‘ such a momentous event.
And where are we now? The government has introduced legislation to prohibit gas heating in new houses. Of course, I don’t recall being asked if I agree with this.
Is it progress?
The other day they were extolling the virtues of vegan sausage rolls .
British farmers should capitalise on new markets in China , markets outside the EU. Just more anti Brexit Bull*@it from Al Beeb.
Why do you lot pay the Telly Tax for that guff?
Oh the humanity – as ‘The General ‘ said earlier
Ian Blackford must be sighing relief that his sausage roll supply won’t be impeded by border chaos .
Or maybe they could asked a few of those African men wandering into the UK illegally to bring in a few with them ..
Meanwhile, elsewhere….
Look Katya, Jon, Nick, Emily, Laura… Squirrel!
Nigel’s new round-up show ‘Talk of the Week’ (13 mins) includes criticism of Labour’s open border policy from 8:00.
Of course NF wouldn’t dare mention the term ‘demographic replacement’ but The Iconoclast does in his latest video (also 13 mins):
Mainstream Media Lies About Demographics | Supports Censorship & Smears Us
Good luck with that Priti.
Well done Priti
But but but… she is a waaycist
She can’t under the Abbot Law of Racism, be racist because she isn’t white and only, according to Abbot , white people can be racist. Of course she may have the wrong sort of politics for Abbot et al but by God she has the right sort of politics for most of us here. However , it is a sad reflection on our country that only a POC could dare to say what Pritti said . No white Home Secretary would dare to be as clear on immigration as she was for fear of the woke brigade hate campaign that would ensue. Pritti will no doubt be attacked by the BBC et al but she is made of the right stuff. Well done and thank you PP, if all immigrants were like her and shared her values I would be very much happier.
Anyone would think that stealing Nigel Farage’s policies would mean stealing the Brexit Party’s votes.
Don’t fall for it. They’ve already announced that they intend to let hundreds of thousands more immigrants in.
If you want Nigel Farage’s policies vote for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party and for a true Brexit not Brino MK2
British Science Associations newsletter
We are also delighted to announce that we have opened applications to join our Inclusive Science Engagement Network.
join our network to share learning around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Call me old fashioned but I’d rather science just be open to all
and no great special targetting schemes
Bye Jon, did Tommy Robinson, aka Yaxley Lennon, show what a total failure you are?
That’s good news. It took the racist far-left bbc collective awhile but they must have concluded Mr Sweeney had become a liability.
This isn’t the racist far-left bbc having a moral moment, they’re just in damage limitation. It’s the same every time with lefties, they have no sense of loyalty; when you’re out of favour with them, you’re gone one way or another. Mr Sweeney can be thankful this didn’t happen in Stalin’s Soviet Russia.
Bye Jon – let’s hope you get such a generous expense account for the next time you try to get informants drunk to get them to say the right things to fit the state broadcaster narrative .
Methinks you’ll resurface on RT or al jaz which is about you level . You very bad word .
Someone ought to tell the dumb bastard that there aren’t any railways on Malta.
Nice use of licence payers money to advertise his book.
#Countryfile #Wokefile
The Sun catches up
Oh and there is a new video
Hi Stewart – like the masses of Social Justice Lawyers and Judges – these groups have to get themselves into the legal profession – as that is the only area they will begin to fight back against their mischararacterisation.
Countryfile : Some how Twitter has joined all the tweets against Countryfile into a massive long thread..when you click the ‘show thread’ button
The new BBC1 Sunday drama “World on Fire”
opening scene, Fascist blackshirt rally 1939
Union jacks everywhere
Violent thugs beat up protesters
… BBC constant framing and building up of narratives #Orwellian
Recent episodes of Peaky Blinders had a similar theme
Pug, in relation to the permanently outraged Guardian, If I remember my crime definitions correctly, from 40+ years ago at Police training school:
(1)A person is guilty of robbery if he steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force.
(2)A person guilty of robbery, or of an assault with intent to rob, shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for life.
What is it about the colour of skin that excites the BBC ?
‘Diane Abbott is to stand in for Jeremy Corbyn at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.
The shadow home secretary will be the first black MP to represent her party at the weekly Commons clash.’
I could think of many possible firsts for this appalling politician,
The speed she speaks at they’ll all need sleeping bags, looking forward to it.
I think I’ll watch pmq’s tomorrow then. It should be a right good laugh.
Abbott is thick as mince and I’m expecting some classics to come out.
If you remember a long time ago when HIGNFY was funny they had a tub of lard as Paul Merton partner.
I’m expecting a similar quality from this modern day giant of political debate (and a mathematical Einstein to boot)
Corby tweeted
btw why is he not working tmw ?
… is he having Hamas round for tea instead ?
Diane Abbott has been supported all the way in her education and career with public scholarships and public funds by the same “white capitalist patriarchy society,” she and Corbyn now fight against – and she and Corbyn have profited from this approach, having turned themselves into part of the wealthy elite.
Ok, when is White history month?
BTW Labour use black politicians as a shield to top media hitting on the party’s anti-Jewish racism
It is a hopeless situation because primary and secondary education curricula have been taken over by the social justice warrior brigade and they are and have been indoctrinatings kids for some time – and it is only accelerating in its hysteria. This comes after empathy weeks for refugees. The social justice warriors have been taking over the public institutions – and it started with the universities. They have now built up a critical mass in public institutions and in society. It all began with white feminists and Marxists wanting to overthrow the white patriarchy and capitalists and it has developed from there.
only a typo I know Stew .. “Labour use black politicians as a shield to top media hitting on the party’s anti-Jewish racism”
STOP.. not top
btw..true imo.
Popcorn time
I’m looking forward to buying the DVD when it is released..file under comedy!
They should make this “bout” PPV!
She has “previous” – as Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott was asked by the interviewer to explain the Islamic schism and differences between the two major denominations of Sunni and Shia. After a stutter and pregnant pause to think, Diane announced “I can’t tell you which one is which, but they sung ‘I Got You Babe‘.”
this is a good read too:
“The incident took place in 1979 soon after Mr Corbyn’s first marriage broke down because of his near-obsessive dedication to his political activism.” way of putting it!
p.s. health warning!..more thigh anyone lol!!
It is October and the BBC are celebrating Black History Month again on their Childrens Channel CBBC – a month of Black Celebration News, History and Programming of the Black Peoples’ long struggle against the white English racists. They even have last years history article which places Diane Abbot as one of the great black women of modern times: [and scroll down] [oppressed black history in England] [and scroll down]
Wow. Do you think there are enough articles on black history month?
They forgot to celebrate how black men are making other black men “history” (with knives) in London.
“Boris Johnson: UK offering EU ‘very constructive’ Brexit proposals”
Is Bo Jo going to sell us out ? Are we going to get a Brino?
Shortly, the EU will need our money ………………………
Vote and support The Brexit Party.
I fear you could be right, Taffman. I suspect we will be stitched up like the kipper he recently used as a prop.
Priti Patel’s announcement today re Australian points based system (stolen directly from Nigel Farage) will never be realised until everyone wakes up and votes for a real Brexit by voting for the Brexit Party.
Oh the irony of seeing Communist flags being burnt in Hong Kong, yet idolised at the Labour Party conference.
Quite surprised that the recent scientific report rubbishing the red meat = cancer movement is getting some air time. I would have expected it to be buried.
Could this signal the start of a push-back? If so maybe we have a slim chance of stopping the lunatics from running the asylum e.g. Chris Packam getting behind the Greta bandwagon etc. (Although that’s entirely to be expected!)
That must be an excuse for a gratuitous showing of the ‘air Afrikaans ‘cow or beef ‘ sketch. And I think amber Rudd is in it ..Always makes me chuckle …I’m in cattle class as well tomorrow ….
Tributes paid after BBC News journalist Hanna Yusuf dies aged 27
[Tributes? Like Diana Spencer died again.
One fewer Christian hating, White hating, femiNazi to worry about]
Slightly over the top Last Chance!
RIP. Of course, with a complement of 20,000, sad passings are to be expected.
Young though. BBC vague on cause.
Happier news.