Just been watching recording of BBC’s “Rise of the Nazis”. Of course they are referring to it as ‘ the far right Nazi Party’.
In fact it was then the National Socialist German Workers’ Party
(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei abbreviated to NSDA in German and referred to as NAZI in English).
So the BBC in this program do not refer to ‘The National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. Can’t have the word ‘socialist’ mentioned in any context within a brutal dictatorship can they, but my word are there similarities with today’s shenanigans in Parliament.
Looking forward to the BBC ” fact checking ” all Corbyn’s spending promises, all Swinsons claims of financial armegeddon after Brexit and maybe then they could “fact check” all the claims by project fear in the past 4 years and see how honest they were and how they played out !!!!!
But of course , they wont. It’s only Boris bashing they care about. Impartial my arse !!!!! This is getting beyond a joke now. It’s a witch hunt and it’s disgusting. BBC can’t help themselves tho. Day after day.
So since he said « gross » he was right but the #bbcnews cannot bring itself to say it clearly/headlined.
“borrowed” from “TruffleShuffle” on BBC responses to – “Corbyn must head any interim government – John McDonnell”
made me chuckle – “It’s been a busy week for Diane Abbott. She’s just returned from Northern Ireland. When asked what she thought of County Down she said she preferred it when Carol Vorderman was doing it.”
“One Sunday autumn morning, he had broken up with Jane [Chapman, his first wife], and we were out leafleting. And for some reason he called four or five of us and said: ‘Oh, we’ve got to go back to my flat and pick up some leaflets.’
“It seemed a bit odd – ‘Why the hell didn’t you bring them with you, Jeremy?’ So we all bowl along to his bedsit, follow Jeremy into the room; there on the mattress on the floor in the one room is Diane with the duvet up to her neck, saying: ‘What the ****’s going on?’
“So there was a bit of people’s surprise at that. It was [the] late ’70s, it was still a point of interest, a white man with a black woman, so he was slightly showing off: ‘I’ve got a new girlfriend, and she’s black’.””
I caught a few minutes of Today as I was ironing a shirt this morning. First time I had it on that station in months as I usually listen to podcasts when I’m heading out to work.
I’m never quite fully awake at that time but what I heard was a moany Irish woman saying that whatever Boris’ plan is for a new ‘backstop’ couldn’t ever work and was probably evil. Then an Irish bloke who sounded like he agreed with the moany cow. Bit silly of me to expect some balance of course.
Then on to a LibDem-ish woman being asked by (Martha I think) the presenter what jolly wheezes does she have up her sleeve for stopping Boris doing a naughty no-deal, and making him go begging for an extension.
I suppose it’s nice to know nothing changes in the blatantly biased corporation. Once again I have to give shout-outs to those on here who monitor, watch and listen to the rubbish so that us poor sods don’t have to!
I may
The ‘moaning Irish woman ‘ was a member of the IRE/sinn fein and effectively is an enemy of Blighty . They’re just waiting before they ‘go again ‘ but I think they will probably conduct their terrorism on the ‘main land ‘ rather than ‘at home ‘.
There’ll plenty of competition between them and the mad types with suicide vests and white vans …..
Just a quickie on the BBC website. I expect many of you have seen that many news stories now allow comments from readers. Most online newspapers do. However reading the story today on the BBC News website about the Irish border and Boss’s outline proposals, I noticed the the “best” comments were pretty much wholly anti Brexit.
Do the BBC have a load of background staff or freelancers who are instructed to make such comments?
So even the comments are biased?!! Seems very suspicious to me!
I’m convinced of it Burgsey. You would expect there to be the same broad balance between remainers and brexiteers on all articles to do with the subject but there isn’t. Today it was the remainers’ turn to fill the top comments on the HYS board, tomorrow it will be opposite. There is something very fishy going on. I suspect it may be that Momentum pick on a report and fill it with some pretty nasty comments and with sufficient ‘up’ arrows for the posts to be read. I guess they (remainers) would argue that the opposite also happens and brexiteers target a report. However, with it being the bbbc, I strongly suspect foul play, or maybe ‘deliberately blinkered’ play.
I think the reason here is much simpler Chancey, at least as far any NI articles are concerned.
The blatant bigotry vented by the Fenian fireside fusiliers in the seldom visited pages of the NI section is obvious to anyone from here, Northern Ireland. Many of the posters even have names with Irish Republican and Nationalist connotations, e.g. IRB – Irish Republican Brotherhood, Everybody Loves Coalisland – it’s a Republican shithole, End the Occupation – any explanation needed?
Their postings are often puerile, persistent and personal, but also snidely sinister and goading, and regularly quite threatening and openly offensive. Who are their mainland co-conspirators? Labour, Momentum, the SNP. They follow the same manner and mindset and revel in their hatred of all things British.
I seldom look at the bBC, I cancelled our licence months ago, but do occasionally read their webshite, just to have my reason for hating them confirmed. There has been a marked rise in the levels of vitriol displayed in our local pages, especially since the same names that post their Provo poison on every NI story possible forced the Belfast Telegraph to stop allowing any comments at all on their website. They have obviously realised they can get away with it at the bBC.
The bBC allows a lot of nasty stuff on the NI comments. Is it stupidity, or is it cowardice or is it collusion? Probably all three.
See this George Carlin video about anxiety
and anxious people.
(BTW R4 Al Khalili science show today pointed out that anxious people have a NARROW focus and miss the big picture )
Super model manhandles gatecrasher : GOOD
Tory MP manhandles gatecrasher : VERY BAD
That’s the double standard we see from the media
re super model Gigi Hadid and the Paris fashion walk gatecrasher
…. vs Mark Field MP in London banquet with the Greenpeace gatecrasher https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-49897299
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://thankyoutruckers.substack.com/p/mark-carneys-leadership-win-smells? Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. https://www.science.org/content/article/stand-science-rally-drew-more-anxious-throng-2017-counterpart? ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 11, 15:52 Start the Week 10th March 2025 What does his dog think? Or his great great grandmother? I’d like to know.
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Michael Deacon’s short piece on the funding of the Far Left anti British BBC STARTS Everyone knows that the BBC…
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sir John Knott dies (92) …. I wonder if they ll put ‘here today – gone tomorrow ‘ on his…
Just been watching recording of BBC’s “Rise of the Nazis”. Of course they are referring to it as ‘ the far right Nazi Party’.
In fact it was then the National Socialist German Workers’ Party
(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei abbreviated to NSDA in German and referred to as NAZI in English).
So the BBC in this program do not refer to ‘The National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. Can’t have the word ‘socialist’ mentioned in any context within a brutal dictatorship can they, but my word are there similarities with today’s shenanigans in Parliament.
Looking forward to the BBC ” fact checking ” all Corbyn’s spending promises, all Swinsons claims of financial armegeddon after Brexit and maybe then they could “fact check” all the claims by project fear in the past 4 years and see how honest they were and how they played out !!!!!
But of course , they wont. It’s only Boris bashing they care about. Impartial my arse !!!!! This is getting beyond a joke now. It’s a witch hunt and it’s disgusting. BBC can’t help themselves tho. Day after day.
“borrowed” from “TruffleShuffle” on BBC responses to – “Corbyn must head any interim government – John McDonnell”
made me chuckle – “It’s been a busy week for Diane Abbott. She’s just returned from Northern Ireland. When asked what she thought of County Down she said she preferred it when Carol Vorderman was doing it.”
forgive for re-posting this…in the current febrile atmosphere where the left seems to have such an appetite for so-caled “sleaze” here we are then!:
no doubt will be all over the BBC News in the morning? ..it was only 40 years ago!..after all fair do’s?
“One Sunday autumn morning, he had broken up with Jane [Chapman, his first wife], and we were out leafleting. And for some reason he called four or five of us and said: ‘Oh, we’ve got to go back to my flat and pick up some leaflets.’
“It seemed a bit odd – ‘Why the hell didn’t you bring them with you, Jeremy?’ So we all bowl along to his bedsit, follow Jeremy into the room; there on the mattress on the floor in the one room is Diane with the duvet up to her neck, saying: ‘What the ****’s going on?’
“So there was a bit of people’s surprise at that. It was [the] late ’70s, it was still a point of interest, a white man with a black woman, so he was slightly showing off: ‘I’ve got a new girlfriend, and she’s black’.””
Can you imagine the Parliamentary fury if it transpired that Boris many years ago had had an affair with Home Secretary Priti Patel?
There would be rampant allegations of corruption and nepotism.
Abbot certainly didn’t achieve her position through talent.
I caught a few minutes of Today as I was ironing a shirt this morning. First time I had it on that station in months as I usually listen to podcasts when I’m heading out to work.
I’m never quite fully awake at that time but what I heard was a moany Irish woman saying that whatever Boris’ plan is for a new ‘backstop’ couldn’t ever work and was probably evil. Then an Irish bloke who sounded like he agreed with the moany cow. Bit silly of me to expect some balance of course.
Then on to a LibDem-ish woman being asked by (Martha I think) the presenter what jolly wheezes does she have up her sleeve for stopping Boris doing a naughty no-deal, and making him go begging for an extension.
I suppose it’s nice to know nothing changes in the blatantly biased corporation. Once again I have to give shout-outs to those on here who monitor, watch and listen to the rubbish so that us poor sods don’t have to!
I may
The ‘moaning Irish woman ‘ was a member of the IRE/sinn fein and effectively is an enemy of Blighty . They’re just waiting before they ‘go again ‘ but I think they will probably conduct their terrorism on the ‘main land ‘ rather than ‘at home ‘.
There’ll plenty of competition between them and the mad types with suicide vests and white vans …..
The Irish Backstop.
Switzerland is not in the EU and is surrounded by EU countries. They have no problem with their borders.
Why is the Irish border regarded by the EU as being problematic?
Just a quickie on the BBC website. I expect many of you have seen that many news stories now allow comments from readers. Most online newspapers do. However reading the story today on the BBC News website about the Irish border and Boss’s outline proposals, I noticed the the “best” comments were pretty much wholly anti Brexit.
Do the BBC have a load of background staff or freelancers who are instructed to make such comments?
So even the comments are biased?!! Seems very suspicious to me!
I’m convinced of it Burgsey. You would expect there to be the same broad balance between remainers and brexiteers on all articles to do with the subject but there isn’t. Today it was the remainers’ turn to fill the top comments on the HYS board, tomorrow it will be opposite. There is something very fishy going on. I suspect it may be that Momentum pick on a report and fill it with some pretty nasty comments and with sufficient ‘up’ arrows for the posts to be read. I guess they (remainers) would argue that the opposite also happens and brexiteers target a report. However, with it being the bbbc, I strongly suspect foul play, or maybe ‘deliberately blinkered’ play.
I think the reason here is much simpler Chancey, at least as far any NI articles are concerned.
The blatant bigotry vented by the Fenian fireside fusiliers in the seldom visited pages of the NI section is obvious to anyone from here, Northern Ireland. Many of the posters even have names with Irish Republican and Nationalist connotations, e.g. IRB – Irish Republican Brotherhood, Everybody Loves Coalisland – it’s a Republican shithole, End the Occupation – any explanation needed?
Their postings are often puerile, persistent and personal, but also snidely sinister and goading, and regularly quite threatening and openly offensive. Who are their mainland co-conspirators? Labour, Momentum, the SNP. They follow the same manner and mindset and revel in their hatred of all things British.
I seldom look at the bBC, I cancelled our licence months ago, but do occasionally read their webshite, just to have my reason for hating them confirmed. There has been a marked rise in the levels of vitriol displayed in our local pages, especially since the same names that post their Provo poison on every NI story possible forced the Belfast Telegraph to stop allowing any comments at all on their website. They have obviously realised they can get away with it at the bBC.
The bBC allows a lot of nasty stuff on the NI comments. Is it stupidity, or is it cowardice or is it collusion? Probably all three.
I think Boris is sorting it. I heard something about 20,000 more pigs…..
No, but plenty of MP’s in the Houses of Parliament who need to be binned ASAP.
See this George Carlin video about anxiety
and anxious people.
(BTW R4 Al Khalili science show today pointed out that anxious people have a NARROW focus and miss the big picture )
I liked the way he took the ‘case for impeachment’ apart. As mentioned in the video he used to work for Cameron.
Super model manhandles gatecrasher : GOOD
Tory MP manhandles gatecrasher : VERY BAD
That’s the double standard we see from the media
re super model Gigi Hadid and the Paris fashion walk gatecrasher
…. vs Mark Field MP in London banquet with the Greenpeace gatecrasher
And you think it so unthinkable that UK politicians have accepted similar payments??
The fact that none of them have even suggested some foreign government attempted to bribe them speaks volumes.
Sweden’s future