Is the watered down version of Brexit coming ? The biased state broadcaster continues to run out Project Fear each day , the Brexit Party is marginalised and Brexit supporters – if they get onto the State Broadcaster – are outnumbered or shut down .
The crucial time is coming – again . Meanwhile hysterical planet savers get a free pass as they screw up other people’s’ lives .
Weekend Thread 12 October 2019
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Thu : The Telegraph and Times did an expose of a charity The Islamic Human Rights Council
Surprise #1 it’s a front for the Iranian government
Surprise #2 Corbyn has praised it
Surprise #3 The taxpayer donated to an NGO which then passed on £250K to the IHRC
and their subtle dark humour awards night
You may recall that this year the Reith Lectures were delivered by a retired Supreme Court judge . His name is Jonathon Sumpter .
There has been a kind of ‘convention ‘ thar judges stay out of politics . This argument is used to say that the recent decision about prorogation was made objectively by 11 objective Law Lords .
Well today – in the Evening Standard Mr Sumpter has written an Article entitled
“Forget emotion, look at the facts. The price of Brexit is too high“.
I bet he got on famously with those 11 Supreme Court judges .
Drain the whole damned swamp
[Edit by TrueToo. LastChanceSaloon, please stop calling for executions here. It endangers you personally and endangers this site as the UK edges towards becoming a police state.]
Last thank you for the correction – I’ve been watching Ken Burns’ “The Civil War “ which started at … Fort Sumpter .
Civil war, started by the Remainers!
I think it was Fort Sumter, Fed.
An excellent series, that stands repeat viewings.
Square – now you are taking the ‘p’. ????
There is a piece in the Guardian today be a scurrilous ‘journo ‘ called Nick Cohen titled
‘ Brexiters’ adoption of war language will stop Britain from finding peace’
And you might guess the rest . Round the houses it goes – desire for border control is a Far Right belief . Therefore brexiters are Far Right . Beyond the pale . And they are at fault for the use of language .
No comments are allowed on that article – I can see why . Mr Cohen doesn’t talk about the outcome of the referendum much – just his version of the consequences of the UK getting some form of freedom back .
If it happens when anything is seen to go wrong the MSM will dive on it to try to get us Fedup with what has been done and to get us to want to rejoin. When anything improves it will be ignored, minimised or explained away ‘as it was going to happen any way “.
Cohen doesn’t see that the action of the Remainers – press – politicians – judiciary – have caused this deep divide . Strange that.
Imagine if there’d been a couple of sub paras to A50 saying it must be exercised within a month of a vote to leave and that a country must leave within 1 year of the vote . ….
I hope listening to Ashokan Return over and over again hasn’t driven you mad!
An excellent series – I have it on DVD. I like Jay Ungar’s music, too.
I saw the series over ten years ago and thought the music was a really old, traditional piece. It was absolutely perfect for that series, and is one of my all time favourite “folky” pieces – Mr Ungar is a very talented chap.
More Al-beeb won’t tell you:
“French General Gomart, Head of Military Intelligence: “the invasion of Europe by migrants is planned, controlled and accepted”-”
vlad – May quietly signed the UN Migrant Compact, while we were all preoccupied with Brexit.
It is reported today that the UK has only sent back 6% of the illegal boat arrivals.
Of course, migrants to Europe were invited by Ms Merkel, if we think back. May didn’t do that explicitly, but her signature on the Compact sent a message.
Sultan Erdogan is also sitting on a lot of ‘migrants’ whom he will probably unleash when it’s convenient. Some of these will end up in the UK.
I can’t see Boris putting his foot down on this issue. Especially since we are all still preoccupied with Brexit.
Whom could we trust on this issue?
Maybe if Nigel had been PM, we would have had grounds for trust.
Or UKIP the party in power.
The latter gets zero publicity from the beeb, the former relatively little, and that’s generally negative.
Kate Hoey reports thar Traitor Bercow has appeared on the Irish State Broadcasters’ “Late Late Show “ and said that he will accept a peerage when he finishes betraying the democratic vote .
I really really hope he isn’t offered one – but the bubble works differently ….
Someone should start a petition to ensure that Bercow cannot get any honour after he leaves office. Many reasons can be made.
Demon – an excellent idea. Probably won’t make a blind bit of difference. He’s carried on for years, freely bullying and browbeating parliament at will, with no sign of any resistance.
Hard to see anyone opposing him now. Full Remainer support will be there. And as for petitions – ignoring people’s opinions is a national sport. No harm in trying, though!
“Brexit: ‘Intense technical’ talks between UK and EU in Brussels”
Mere theatrics .
The Brexit Party is watching and waiting.
Just imagine the outrage from our David if the prime minister did nothing at all for Black History Month !!!!!
Talk about damned if you do and damned if you don’t !!!!! You simply cannot win with lefties like david. Infuriating.
Can’t help but feel that David might be happier living in Guyana.
Or back to his roots in Africa?
We’d all be happier.
You racist jim !!!!! Lol
Kunta Kinte? Or a word that sounds like that?
A whole MONTH of bogus history, moaning and victimhood?
Spare us!
And whatever happened to supposed colourblindness?
Apparently it can be turned on and off when it suits.
The classic response to Lammyism:
Which countries celebrate black history month? Is it just us or does the whole of black Africa join in?
8:07pm BBC tut-tutting from the presenter a warning that this seafood lorry might suffer under Brexit
7-8pm pm Channel4 tut-tutting from the presenter Alice Roberts as she does the history of Bristol and she has to keep reminding us that some of the money came from slavery …
… Yes we get it almost all transported slaves would have had some suffering, but since it was the case that most had been captured by neighbouring tribes in wars then they wouldn’t have lived freely if not sold to traders, they would have been enslaved or killed by that tribe.
Plus lots of people suffered in history eg enslaved by Vikings or Romans, being press ganged and dying at sea etc
7:30pm BBC Radio4 tut-tutting from the presenters as they talked about the New Chris Morris movie about a 1950s black cult
The problem is that the director/writer is white and his actors are all black and he has chosen NOT to make those black characters they play heroes.
Channel4 for just ran a trailer for this
Here is the trailer
Awful. Liberal, slow-witted Mme Goat just cannot see what’s happening – it doesn’t seem to faze her having all this LGBT, people-of-colour, and strange ads where it would appear that half the population is already black, thrust in our faces. It doesn’t occur to her that we are being manipulated, moulded, and adjusted into acceptance (at least, some of us are).
Um who ACTUALLY came up with the suggestion of Black History Month ? (I reckon it was someone on an adventure weekend for the children at the BBC)
Not BBC. But I was with a group of women recently and Brexit was mentioned. A woman nearby reminded us that Boris had said he would rather be dead in a ditch if Brexit wasn’t delivered by 31 October. This woman that I didn’t know from Adam then added, ‘I am sure it could be arranged’. Can you imagine me saying something similar about Jeremy at an ER demo? I am sick of being polite and I intend either to call Lefties out or try to say something equally rude in response. However having been brought up properly, I will not find it easy.
Thanks for that link Vlad. I would like to add this:
Taken to watching Pamela Hall video – on this page which has worrying flashbacks to what we have had for number of years over in the UK. She calls the BBC involved in ‘Islamaphallia’ which I think just about sums up the BBC position. Sharia law, as we already know is installed in some parts of the UK, and ignored by the Police in large part, the media (particularly the BBC) and cannot be talked about without censor, or by organisation that thinks ‘we’ are the terrorists such as ‘EVENTBRITE’ which many of us use in the UK for various events. This is ‘censorship’ already on our shores.
A very revealing introduction to the future of Islamic rule on the Western World. UK and US are targets. Without free speech, ‘come to Islam’ is accepted and ‘leave islam’ is a hate speech here in the UK and the US is following our distress, particularly of we stay in the EU, it will be Europe wide and with the US global, illegal to comment or name a terrorist. (The BBC do this voluntarily but it is a EU directive to avoid any distraction from assimilation – which as we all know is not happening).
Even the most progressive left nations such as Sweden are defeated by such high crime rates on adoption of Islam (as equal) by those that think they know better. An ‘Age of ‘Amnesia’ she say’s in the video, and looking at the BBC, no memory effect there, straight on to next ‘item’ how wonderful they all are and how we can learn from the ‘dark ages’.
Link that to ‘Carbon warming’ (another lie to us all) and we will all be cast back into mediaeval times with no modern appliances, transport or medicines. In some odd way the ‘elite’ survive in their virtual world they are making for the SOROS ‘New World Order’. Tony Blair said ‘democracy is dead’ and it certainly is – if we allow this to develop in the UK. It too late for the EU, that is part of their mission. What happens after we accept Sharia is the only true path to enlightenment?
No need for any governments! Liberals will be unduly tortured. Conservatives will be removed from public office (No conservatives in the BBC). Marxists will have found the Sharia brotherhood inviting, in the vain home that Marx will beat Muhammad in a knockout. That may be true, but it’s no future for our children or a nation to follow.
XR tend to get a hammering in newspaper online comments underneath articles.
@Tomo reckons Reach plc Britains biggest newspaper publisher have now started a comment-blackout on all articles about XR
It is always sad to see comments on media sites which describe Corbyn and Labour as ‘Marxist’ when it is clear the people who make such comments have less than zero insight as to what Marxism actually is. If they did have any insight they wouldn’t make such clearly risible comments, which alas only serve to legitimise Corbyn to many on the Left.
Corbyn and Labour are openly Fascist verging on Nazi, with a good deal of race hate against whites and Jews in their party. They wish to nationalise the railways but not much else.
Communism wants to nationalise everything – Fascism seeks to control private enterprise whilst owning some of it.
Fascism seeks to lower the voting age, nationalise the railways, control the media, entertainment, and education (already accomplished), womens rights, workers on the boards of companies etc etc.
Corbyn is a Fascist and he doesn’t exactly try to hide it time people started to realise this and call him out for it, can’t expect the cowardly useless incompetent Tories to do it for you, they’re too busy hiding in dark places to be safe.
R4 Moral Maze, this eve:
Ever so casual conflation: Michael Buerk, (‘impartial’) speaking of undesirable/bad things: “…the Holocaust, Colonialism…”
See what he did there?
If you’re a master propagandist, merely chuck two unrelated things together in a single sentence, apparently quite naturally, to make an association. As Chair, he was merely summing up, not ‘making an argument’, so it can pass you by so easily…
Switched over to Aljazeera which reports on the same (inc Brexit) issues without the annoyance.
It’s ‘crunch time’ for the ‘Climate Emergency’ because we’ve had flatlining of global temperature for 15+ yrs
This is a good primer for budding skeptics and of course, BBC gets a mention –
“The Mainstream Press CNN, the BBC, and the mainstream networks all buy the decarbonization agenda without question”
View at
It’s quite a long article which delves into the science and the politics
The main influence on our climate/ weather? It’s the sun!!
The IPCC reports ignore this most significant factor in their ridiculous AR reports.
Queshen Time from Beckenham was truly cringe worthy, with the usual imbalance on the panel and in the mostly-woke audience. The Tory guy made some good points (when FioBru would let him speak without interrupting him) and JHB was her usual sharp self, though at one point she had to try to speak through a rain of applause for something that rigid lefty ideologue, Lisa Nandy, had said.
Worst of all was the pale Extinction Rebellion creature with his edgy three-day stubble, who looked like he was soon heading for extinction himself – so I guess that sort of fits. FioBru let him ramble on at length with hushed reverence, so I imagine.
Re Brexit, even JHB seemed not averse to a ‘deal’ so, if I got that right, the 17,4 million who voted back then for a clean Brexit were completely sidelined yet again on QT.
JHB made me smile when she referred to ER as a “death cult.” So I guess all was not lost.
The cadaveric spokesperson for XR (appropriate for a death cult) is professor of philosophy at some Youni.
No surprise there, our education system is riddled with such anarcho-leftists.
vlad, too true.
I have encountered lefty ‘professors’ I wouldn’t trust to change a light bulb. I assume they only attain their elevated status by having their way eased by the lefties before them.
It certainly cannot be through merit.
Can’t bear to watch it (sorry TT) – Stan would obviously be appalled. However, a quick google of the ‘professor’ named Rupert shows that in August 2018 he was outraged that the bBC would invite a climate “denier” to appear on the same show as himself.
Personally I’m outraged that the bBC is still in existence.
Practically everything about the BBC enrages me.
I fully understand the reluctance to watch QT. How much punishment can a person take !?
Rupert the ‘professor’ seems to me to epitomise the unsmiling little inadequates who have risen to prominent positions in society simply by blindly suckling the lefty teat.
(Don’t hold back, TrueToo, tell us how you really feel.)
TrueToo, Google Nir Shaviv, a professor at a Jerusalem university I believe and of course Svensmark, who is Skandinavian. They are both proper scientists who put forward reasoned arguments, backed up by proper scientific study, to rubbish the climate alarmists rants about climate and its changes.
TT, this week’s Moral Maze was sort of fun in a strange sort of gladatorial Roman Amphitheatre way with four Phuds (that’s PhDs to most people) taking it in turns to be grilled by a pair of panellists.
A couple of the Phuds could talk the hind legs and tails off the world’s supply of donkeys while remaining not as smart as the front end of just one of the donkeys.
I swear I could hear the nation’s eye’s rolling during the offering of the second contributor. She was like a tank with a blown engine and no brakes on a hill above the enemy – just clattering on and on downhill in a remorseless stream of jargonise.
The Editing Curse caught me while I was correctly my misplaced apostrophe. Tried Stew’s suggested trick of logging out and back in. Didn’t work.
And Fifi Bruce announced breathlessly that next week we’ll be joined by Ken Loach. Another leftie luvvie providing ‘balance’.
I’m sure my esteemed colleagues here will recall that Bilal Zaheer Ahmad was jailed for 12 years back in 2011 for inciting the murder of MPs who supported the Iraq war – though no doubt 12 years doesn’t mean 12 years, so he must be out by now.
He didn’t just make a casual comment on social media, but produced a list of MPs for targeting and also “praised 21-year-old university student Roshonara Choudhry as a ‘heroine’ for stabbing Stephen Timms ….”
I mention this because I’m appealing to the odd contributor here to stop calling for the execution of those across the political divide. As this alleged government graduates from dumbed-down peecee idiocy towards a police state, encouraged by the BBC, we don’t need to give it ammunition against people on this site and the site itself as we combat the madness.
I’d appreciate it if this appeal is taken seriously.
TT, I agree.
We have to be, in the words of the Nazarene Jesus “Wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
Or as Sgt Phil would say with a smile 🙂 “Let’s be careful out there today.”
Any prudent Government will need a reliably respected State Broadcaster. The essential ‘service’ is required so, if a National Emergency developed, such as multiple Ebola outbreaks, the public will have a very basic form of receiving that information. In the UK, that essential service is provided by the BBC and its radio output. Problem arises where/when most of the population simply don’t trust the State Broadcaster to convey anything truthfully free of any distortions, lies and bias. I don’t think the BBC are even capable of regaining any trust from the voters because, as an institution, the BBC is riddled with those who follow the Marxist dogma. That’s obvious.
Bercow has no respect for his office, for the country or it’s history or for the result of the Referendum Vote. So while the British Prime Minister is having talks with Varadkar, what does the Speaker of the HoC do; he makes an appearance on Ireland’s most watched talk show, The Late Late Show.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”
And this buffoon will end up with a knighthood?
Not Cassandra if we the people take control as we could easily do under article 61 Lawful Rebellion. In its essence article 61 is a security clause, a clause to allow the people to enter into lawful rebellion against tyranny, miss governance and most importantly slavery; rebellion but not revolution for article 61 allows for ‘NO’ violence to be offered against anyone at any time, this is why it was called the security clause.
Article 61; Lawful Rebellion is a ‘LAWFUL ACTION’ under the common law which is above Constitutional Law, and can be invoked by anyone who resides in this country. This article does not give precedence to where you were born it gives, precedence to where you live and if you live in this country then you can use it. This article is for all the people without exception and allows for lawfully;
To hinder the people of miss governance in anyway – strictly without the use of violence.
Imagine if our country was a ‘car’. Who would be the engine? And what happens to the car if the engine stops working?
Everything in this country is operated by the people of this country, everything is in ‘OUR’ control; every mode of transport, every mode of communication, every watt of electricity and every mode of essential service, EVERYTHING is in the control of the people and everything can ‘STOP’ at the will of the people.
Who really has control of this country; the government or the people?
We the working people of this country are treated like an unwanted necessity by those who to be honest miss govern us, they don’t want us, but they need us and at a whim we could apply a strangle-hold upon this country, the likes of which have never been seen before and it can be done completely lawfully.
“Who really has control of this country; the government or the people”? I would suggest neither.
All the while that Big Brother has control of the brainwashing apparatus your theory is – well -just a theory.
Lefty, am not so sure. I really must get around to reading that Supreme Court judgement in full but I did hear Lady Hale imply on R4 as part of her summary that Parliament belongs to the people.
(Strictly, I think it belongs to the Monarch who for a century now under universal suffrage, and another century or more before that under entitled suffrage, graciously agrees to meet with the common representatives of the common people and govern (legislate) in line with their consent.)
That Supreme Court judgement though is said to break ‘new’ political ground.
I cannot help but wonder on dreamy days if the people could now petition Her Majesty to empty the House of Commons and for completely new MPs to be elected. Far fetched, I think, in reality but a nice dream for when the Brexit going gets gloomy.
Maybe just now a theory Lefty Wright, but who knows-the article 61 Lawfull Rebellion is till there, under common Law. I wonder if those that started the Extinction Rebellion know of article 61 ?
In case you haven’t seen this from the We Got a Problem website, about 14 minutes long, it shows the fake Englishman and poison dwarf at his most repulsive:
Cassandra: “I make up as I go along, in accordance with my political bias” Bercow has completely stuffed up.
He shouldn’t be getting a knighthood, but I could see uses for that sword they employ. He could even kneel down…
There is a job for Bercow, not in politics, but either as an end of the pier comic – Europeans love him shouting order – or on reality shows eating kangaroo testicles, as suggested.
I would prefer to watch him forced to eat his own.
The convention is that the speaker gets a peerage .
What concerns me is what traitor Bercow was doing in Ireland at all . I’d like to pretend that he was providing some back channel to the EU sell out negotiations on behalf of the real government as opposed to the shadow traitor one .
Another R4 programme we could well do without, after disposing of Wimmin’s Hour, is BH. Paddy o Connell starts off today with an appeal to bring ISIS children in Syrian camps to Britain.
Then he does a long feature on the Rooney/Vardy WAGS conflict, which he sees as a wimmins equality issue. Subtitle: BH goes downmarket.
Currently he is talking to an anti-Trump, anti-Boris American who has a connection to LGBTQetc issues. Armistead Maupin, or someone in the 3rd rank of has-been ‘celebrities’ like that.
And one of the 3 press commentators virtue signals by having Trump on her Loo paper. I think it may be Catherine Newman. He does have 1 serious person, who supports Brexit. There is often a token conservative, with a minute or so in Paddy’s hour of self-indulgence, to show he is ‘impartial’. Sound familiar?
This entire programme is a festering sore on Sunday morning.
Broadcasting House was far more than a festering sore on a Sunday morning . It seemed to be the leading programme that gave the propaganda against Israel an emotional intensity which reinforced falsehoods in a way it was very difficult to combat especially noted from 2004. It incited hatred and anti Semitism and lies became truths as part of its regular agenda at that time .
Lynette- The programme seems to follow the established bbc schedule of favourite issues. Stance on Israel predictable.
What always amuses me is the little press comment thing at the end. Invariably there will be a conservative or slightly conservative voice there somewhere. But, as with R4 QT -and just about everything else- lefties dominate. The presenters always manage to sound as if they’re ever so ‘impartial’, by allowing the odd dissenting voice.
Where R4 have done something useful, for a change, is in exposing the unbelievable truth about the British penal system. I have listened to ‘File on 4’ this eve, and asked myself: what does one have to do to be imprisoned in Britain (other than obviously not paying your TV licence)? Repeat offenders of very serious and horrific crimes commit them again and again, and are still released to walk the streets cos they’ve attended a course or two. Inappropriate early releases abound.
Something seriously wrong somewhere…
See, it’s all the beastly folk not agreeing with #bbceditorialintegrity who are the real problem.
Had to cut off my Microsoft MSN newsfeed page again, as it had Jess Phillips, courtesy of the Independent, smiling (if tht’s the right word) down at me. It’s usually David Lammy, or Corbyn.
They think she could be the new Labour leader!
I often have to switch the feed off, as it is heavily overrepresented by news from the Independent (independent?don’t make me laugh!) and the Guardian. The New York Times and Washington Post are often there as well. Telegraph gets a look in on non-political stuff. This tells a story about Microsoft editors.
Sorry! Reported in error.
If Jess Phillips becomes Labour leader then they really are on the rocks. Her recent difference in opinion with the local Muslim community (over the teaching of LGBT) will come back to haunt her.
I disagree – I think Jess would make an excellent leader of the Labour Party – which would hopefully make her the last leader of the Labour Party – unfortunately it would just be replaced by some variation on the ‘illiberal’ party .
She doesnt seem to fond of men either, unless they have committed suicide then its quite funny.
Maybe not these days the question to ask but in view of the tone of voice, and the very unfemale appearance I have to ask, is this individual Phillips male or female?
Don’t believe the hype about the Tories being several points ahead in the opinion polls. We are not the Tory party and hence we don’t need to blinded by optimism – remember that Toxic Tess the Marxist leader of the Tories had a massive opinion poll lead and failed to win a majority – now the situation for Boris is worse that it was for May.
Ruth Davidson who was never really a conservative has resigned as leader and the Tories look like losing half their Scottish seats.
Thanks to the cowardly useless and incompetent Tories idiocy and greed importing cheap Labour at the expense of the British workers, the imported migrants look most likely to vote for Labour and that will mean key marginals will be lost.
The failure of Boris Johnson to accept any kind of reprochment with the Brexit party means he will lose many seats which he might have otherwise won.
The absolute and utter failure to effectively deal with election fraud – nearly always by Pakistani Muslims and nearly always benefitting Labour, again means seats which should have been won won’t be.
So, look forward to Jeremy Corbyn being your next Prime Minister, and the one thing I really hope he does is to soak the rich backers of the Tory party which they so richly deserve, and turns the rotten school into a comprehensive, which will be a benefit for everyone in the country!
Soft leftist centrism produced the hapless incompetent Cameron and Toxic Tess, hard leftist Labour produced Margaret Thatcher.
The only way out of the EU and the extinction of Al Beeb is to vote for the biggest party in the EU , and that party is The Brexit Party .
It’s interesting ,or not to see how those political presenters
at the BBC try and fail to hide their own prejudices . The
liberal bigoted women show it in different ways. Jo Coburn
is arrogant and facetious to anybody she personally disagrees
with. Emily Maitlis gets almost hysterical and doesn’t even care.
Andrew Marr the once Marxist columnist employed by the Daily
Express as a contrast to Peter Hitchens treats his leftist guests
such as the lady shadow minister who looks and sounds as if
she has just come off the set of Hi-de-Hi, with reverence. And
then the Home Secretary with sarcastic scorn.
The only one that is completely balanced is Andrew Neil. Whom
I am afraid doesn’t really tick all the boxes at the BBC.
I must like many others take issue with the statement that Leave lied re the promise on the bus that we could give £350 million to the NHS weekly – this was actually challenged in court and it was proved that when all the maths was worked out – it W AS feasible.
Written by someone with a lot of good sense:
Leaving the EU was NEVER ALL ABOUT GIVING £350 million weekly to the NHS, was it? Remember, remaining is costing us around £1 billion MONTHLY. Leaving is crucially about freedom; the freedom to determine our own destiny, laws, policies, trading and every other aspect of independence from a sclerotic, dysfunctional, corrupt, empire building Federalist dictatorship which has had an inexorable and insidiously pernicious and malign influence on this country of ours and threatens to totally destroy us if we stay, and would squander the priceless legacy bequeathed to us by Churchill and all the brave millions who fought for this freedom. The latest little gem from the EU is that they have proposed a 3 year prison sentence for anyone who criticises the European Union. Sound familiar??
The lies are, and have always been, predominantly spewed out with ever increasing frenzy from Remainers: (and yes, this includes the treacherous Tory Party and traitorous former Prime Ministers), fake news, lying by omission, lying about the catastrophic consequences that would result in obtaining our precious freedom, unsubstantiated alarmist horror stories from Project Fear, but please note, NO FACTS. No facts from mainstream politicians, apart from a very few, nor from a corrupt MSM /BBC.
However, like you, I am incredibly nervous and suspicious that yet again, we are being betrayed. The odious Treason May has gone very quiet indeed. Could it be because Boris is dancing to her tune and bringing in her ‘deal’ surreptitiously and by the back door? I hope not, because all hell will be let loose if this is so. AND HOW>
We have the weakest and wettest Tory Party since 1939.
But there is an alternative .
’39 or 1936?
“Voters will have to show ID before casting their ballot to prevent electoral fraud, Government to announce”. From The Telegraph .
Is this an admission that there has been electoral fraud, now where could that have been ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet ?
Perhaps someone in government or the party have been reading this website….
On the subject of fraud by certain “communities”…
Are the BBC reporting this one?
When is this odious little arse-grabbing goblin going to be put out to pasture?
I can’t see what he ever got the job or remains in it.
Just another bbc ‘unique’.
Ex-bbc, I believe.
Joining Esler, O’Brien, Mason, Thompson, Sweeney….
Maitlis, Marr, etc still embedded.
Guest, one of the first things I was taught in Primary School was the history of the UK and all the various groups that impacted on our nation and mixed their blood with ours and that included the Germanic peoples.
Gove is right: we do have a lot in common with Germany.
I was just listening to radio 3 which is pretty much the only channel of the BBC’s output I can tolerate. Then the announcer said “our next guest is activist and gay rights campaigner…”
Now I’m sure that their guest had done much laudable work promoting gay rights.
I think there is an issue though with the number of ‘activists’ given platforms on our public broadcaster. The activists we are presented with almost always seem to be those involved in the endless gender, race, feminist industry.
How often have you heard ” or next guest is libertarian free markets activist,” or “activist for individual freedom / low tax etc.”
Not sure I’ve ever heard it on the BBC. It’s yet another example of their narrow minded view of the world which most of my peers consider far from impartial.
Albeeb, aka the RBC are obsessed with Blacks, Homosexuals, Islam and diversity.
They will use any and every opportunity to spread their virtual signalling message and agenda.
Like you, R3 is about all I can stomach these days, but even there it creeps in to many elements of the programmes or discussions. The off button gets trashed very regulary in the west household.
The WestWyvern
Cut off their lifeline stop paying the Tax that robs from the poor to pay the rich.
Simples .
Japan Typhoon Death Toll Climbs: 19 Dead, 16 Missing
Good the rugby is going ahead , but think about the victims.
Here Rob Burley again showing how quickly the bbc can move to try and placate nut jobs they indulge all the time, by listing how often they indulge said nut jobs.
Has it ever occurred to Rob that the non nut-job community might not see this in quite the same light?
Re R4 8am Religion prog
There is a atheist Twitter bloke @MalleusEpiscopo who every week lists all the inconvenient religious news of the week , that the prog omits , in favour of virtue signal spots
He posted this
and pointed they were not covering new revelations about historic 1970s Catholic abuse in Scotland
Scots need not worry about having lost the rugby – the SNP will go to the Supreme Court and get the result overturned .
The R4 religion prog did report on the Yom Kippur synagogue attack
They explained the trouble was
‘ the AfD had being getting people to believe that antiSemitic attacks these days are mostly by Muslim migrants
when in fact most attacks aren’t
but with this attack being by an actual far-right person, this should damage the AfD’
.. Then they went into an item about a Muslim male youth choir
“15 British Pakistani boys”
“Brexit: Boris Johnson updates cabinet on deal talks”
Will Boris come back waving a piece of white paper shouting “peace in our time”.?
IMHO its gonna a be a Tweezr MK2. Or perhaps I may be wrong, having heard Rees-Mogg earlier today .
“UK must be open to Wales quitting union, says Welsh Government”
Wales should be open to a new referendum on the question should the Assembly be abolished .
Note how HYS “this entry is now closed for comments.”
Closed after only 816 posts ?
Something is not going Al Beeb’s way?
Comments opened 11:30am Friday and closed midnight Saturday
That looks to me like BBC Wales doesn’t pay moderators to work Sunday
But soon they will work Sundays and not Fridays
… inshallah
“Brexit could hit women’s rights, says ex-UN expert”
Another good reason for the following ……………….
Getting out of the EU.
Getting rid of the Welsh Assembly.
Getting rid of the Telly Tax.
Because all institutions are completely out of touch with the people and a complete waste of our hard earned money.
Gerard has a point
Talking of Muslim school choirs
There is also a Nasheed Girls choir at Eden Girls’ School, Coventry
That school name appears to be an ambush name cos The Eden Schools group appears to be almost entirely Muslim,
The brand is opening single sex schools across the country.
BBC Breaking news 3 murdered at a butcher’s in Tottenham. Who has a butcher’s shop open on a Sunday? I couldn’t imagine Mr Jones being open. Oh hang on a minute there is a picture of the shop……Oh it’s a halal butcher’s…..That’s a surprise. Why didn’t they just say “3 stabbed at Halal butchers”……
pic , maybe all butchers in Tottenham are halal ?
You could be right SG, from what I’ve heard, halal butchers are commercially very competitive.
In fact it’s quite a cut throat business.
has Lamey or Khant tweeted yet?!
Sadiq just tweeted
Thomas Evans replied : If only you had we much disdain for the knife and gang crime that has overrun our city.
Better close down certain religions then, Khant – starting with those that spew hatred of infidels maybe?
Lammy the gobby MP for Tottenham isn’t interested in murders on his patch , he’s been tweeting ok, but just his usual anti government tripe
Would a pic of a pillar box count as photo ID?
Or a bank robber?
“All part and parcel” eh? Naturally, it would be ‘all part and parcel’ if you were a pakistani.
Halifax – what is your source for saying “3 murdered “? Please .
Probably my mistake.
I thought the BBC had stopped reporting stabbings in London and now only reported murders…..
Easy to make Hali – the level of stabbings which are not fatal – every day – in London is hard to keep up with . I do because I have a kind of academic interest . . The body count has hit about 115 – 15 short of the total for 2018 – but there are enough feral ‘children ‘ to exceed that number by year end .
It’s funny that there is no inquiry into how children are raised – for instance whether and one tells them the difference between wrong or right .
I don’t think that we know the true numbers of stabbings in London. We certainly can’t expect our public funded news company to reveal the actual data.
Another fatal stabbing Sunday afternoon – bexley .
XR held a #MediaBlackout protest at the BBC
Two days after Sarah Lunnon appeared on Newsnight along side Climate activist geography modeller Myes Allen
And Rupert ‘the Green Boris Johnson*’ Read appeared on Question Time
Sunday : Sarah Lunnon was on LBC Farage show from 11am, but when they broke for news at 11:30am she didn’t come back
She hadn’t done well
She admitted XR are paying some of their protesters cos it’s expensive to give up work and come to London
and that she herself is still spending money/CO2 on her makeup /pets, and she has children/car
but it’s all about people’s assemblies not her giving stuff up,
She refused to join Farage in a tree planting scheme.
I heard Sarah Lunnon on Nigel’s talk and watched the video from your link. It was interesting that Lunnon and the ‘scientist’ guy got quite tough treatment on Newsnight – like the kind of treatment the BBC usually reserves for its political opponents.
I can only think that BBC staff were pissed off at XR for demonstrating outside the BBC and preventing BBC staff from getting in to work.
The subtext was probably thus:
What are you doing blocking the BBC, you idiots. Don’t you know we’re on the same side?
If Brexit gets through
It will be terrible .. you won’t be able to get through London, bridges will be blocked etc.
Islamic dogma is not such a big problem
rather it’s Tommy Robinson and the “far right”
The Yorkshire Post said when it did its story about the Sara Khan report
Well it is interesting that the Telegraph article about the sara Khan report says it says social media firms and other bodies are taking tougher action against Far Right groups than other extremists like Islamists.
Social media firms are failing to crackdown on Islamist extremists because of fears of being accused of breaching their human rights, an 18-month investigation into extremism has found.
In her first major report, Sara Khan, the Government’s counter-extremism commissioner, says social media firms and other bodies are taking tougher action against Far Right groups than other extremists like Islamists.
The report claims Islamist groups have been “particularly good” at “subverting” the human rights agenda to counter measures to curb their extremist activities.
And the Birmingham Mail gives this example from the Sara Khan report
Islamist extremists exploited LGBT school teaching tensions to fuel hate – report claims
We can’t see that full Telegraph article with guest accounts even though it normally allows us to view ONE premium article
We can see the comments , and in that people complain that the Telegraph has been filtering comments and that’s why there are only 26
.. most comments take the obvious line.
The sun on the meadow is summery warm
The stag in the forest runs free
But gathered together to greet the storm
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
The branch on the linden is leafy and green
The Rhine gives it’s gold to the sea
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee
But soon says a whisper, arise, arise
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
This young chap has a glowing future with the beeb: anti-mature, anti-white and anti-male. Sign him up, pronto.
(Or – depending on your point of view – he’s a racist, sexist and ageist precocious little prig parroting what his moronic parents and teachers have brainwashed him with who deserves a good spanking.)
And at what age is he going to hand over all decision making about his life to the next lot of 11 year olds?
I don’t believe that the American diplomat’s wife should have used ‘immunity’ to escape justice. However, the BBC and the rest, who want to make it all about the government and Trump, didn’t take much if any interest in this –
BBC does two things
– Quietly report
– Or Operation BangingOn
They did quietly report this
but too be be fair this woman didn’t run away
It’s pretty easy for me to find video of a tourist riding on the wrong side of the road in London
She’s a cyclist.
Cyclists can do no wrong!
(Be grateful she is actually on a road).
The courts throughout the UK are far too lenient when it comes to sentencing those guilty of serious driving offences. But then it’s not their loved one(s) who have been killed, maimed or traumatised by the misdeeds of others, is it?
The courts throughout the UK are far too lenient when it comes to sentencing those guilty of serious driving offences. But then it’s not their loved one(s) who have been killed, maimed or traumatised by the misdeeds of others, is it?
It’s 35 mins but proper common sense talked by Piers. If you join in around the 10 minute mark , he makes some really good points about Trump and liberal meltdowns.
Talking about Trump and Liberal meltdowns. I listened to Farage and that XR super moron. An ignoramus fest, without scientists even phoning in. I wonder if scientists are even barred from being put through to Farage. So lets look at my ten year old material for the Carbon Dioxide Hypothesis for the Earth and Mars. Proof from ten years ago that it was a “Hoax”
Earth: The temperature rises from zero to 32 Kelvin due to 0.3 millibars of CO2. Then the temperature rises from 32 Kelvin to 33 Kelvin due to 0.1 millibar of CO2. This is the basis of what went on in all those Computer Models, but instead of the Government giving millions of pounds to Universities, they could have given ten quid to a Maths O’level student with pen, paper and a log table.
Mars: The temperature rises from zero to 3 Kelvin due to 7 millibars of CO2. The Black Body Temperature of Mars is 81.5 percent that of the Earth, so if Mars was the same distance from the Sun as the Earth then Global Warming would be 3.68 Kelvin for a CO2 Atmosphere 16 times or four times doubling that of the Earth.
Mars to Earth: So a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere says that Global Warming on the Earth should be 0.23 Kelvin but is actually 33 Kelvin.
This proves that ten years ago it was possible to prove that the carbon dioxide hypothesis was a false piece of highly convoluted crap based on imagined absorption and radiative forcing calculations that don’t happen in reality.
So that’s why the BBC wont tell you about the Greenhouse Effect based on Atmospheric mass, gravity and air pressure first suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1888, and proved correct in 2011 for all known Planetary Atmospheres by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
If this Theory was mentioned on the BBC, I believe it would cause a Liberal Meltdown so serious that all those Liberal morons would throw themselves off a cliff.
How sad.
I think mr Morgan echoes the difference between what ordinary Americans think and what the media say – what do I know ? Just a common sense guess .theyll be saying ‘well done ‘ for pulling the boys out of Syria – what were they doing there ? I agree – close down US policy to places where there is a benefit and a ‘win’. Same with UK – stop the overseas money giveaways .
I don’t watch the statebroadcaster Politics programmes any more . And have said here a good few times that Conservative ministers /politicians should just avoid the state broadcaster because there is no benefit to their cause .
Today – the Marr show – illustrates the reason . I’ve now seen the 30 second clip of Priti Patel being accused of smiling when she is not – over some project fear nonsense Marr was spouting .
Maybe someone shouted in marrs ‘ ear about the smiling . It’s trivia in the scheme of things but helps build the biased track record of Mr Marr .
Just another swamp dweller .
Rob Burley will be in full ‘not me guv’ mode all week.
An official complaint has been lodged against the Speaker, John Bercow in light of his behaviour in the Commons.
Barrister, Rebecca Butler, has written to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and an investigation into her claims will now follow.
The Daily Mail reports that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are ‘furious’ over Marrs comments about Priti Patel ‘laughing’.
Now those of us here know that a Tories ‘fury’ is about a significant as a mouse fart, and for those who don’t just watch to see what the cowardly useless incompetents do, it’ll be nothing – just watch.
Even more reason to avoid the BBC tomorrow !!
2 x black women for Sally Nugent to fawn over !!! It will no doubt be excruciating , nauseating viewing.
“Sturgeon: Corbyn must back indyref2 for SNP votes”
Questions: Would the EU let Scotland join it , if not , where would Scotland’s financial support come from ?
Who or what would defend Scotland? Would they have a navy, army or air force.
Would the people of Scotland pay the Telly Tax ? Al Beeb beware !
I imagine they think it will come from North Sea Oil, but that is a depleting resource, and anyway the Scots Nazis surely support the climate change myth, and will want to phase out fossil fuels by 2040.
The reality is that Scotland, stripped from the UK, would be one of the most indebted countries in the world. The generous spending funded by the Barnett Formula cannot be sustained by Scotland on its own. So no more free prescriptions or free university tuition. An independent Scotland would be more like Greece with added sleet, run by socialists touched by the economic genius of Hugo Chavez.
In a nutshell, it would make the Darien Project seem like a good idea. As far as I know, Scotland is the only country which ever lost its independence because its ruling class managed to bankrupt it. The Scots Nazis seem to think that’s a plan, not a warning from history. Will England (and Wales) bail them out again? No good turn ever goes unpunished, they still haven’t forgiven us for the last time. More recently, we bailed the Republic of Ireland out, and Mr Varadkar has been just so grateful for that, hasn’t he?
Rob in Cheshire
I am afraid the idiots in the Welsh Assembly and the Welsh Nats. are unaware that Wales gets a share of the Barnet Formula also, but on the plus side would Wales get a boost by getting Scotland’s share ?
taffman, if you should ever think the Irish border is a problem, think of Scotland’s border with England and, in relation to defence, Scotland’s border with the rest of the world.
How much would a Navy cost with the capability to police the Inner Hebrides, let alone the Outer ones, Shetland, The Orkneys and all the other bits’n’bobs that are ‘Scotland’.
The UK doesn’t have a navy capable of policing the Scottish maritime borders, let alone those of the rest of the UK.
For goodness sake tell the Scots of what will happen as a result of their misguided political stance-absolute hell, as my wife a scot says-she is just furious and makes the point that her father and his brother fought in the last war for the United Kingdom not for Scotland alone. If she got the opportunity should wring the neck of Sturgeon who she claims is a traitor to Scotland. Love to see that fight!!
I agree 100%.
And it should be
A – Accept deal offered
B – Leave with no deal
No doubt this idiot will respect the outcome of the 2nd , 3rd, referendum the same as the first – if it accords with her remainer view .
Doobs, if it is to be a true confirmatory referendum then those are the only options that can appear on the ballot paper.
“let the people decide”
.. They did , they voted OUT
“Government faces industry backlash on Brexit plans”
Why do we have to pay Billions to the EU so that they can sell us goods ?
Something wrong there. Something very wrong and the idiotic parliament of ours can’t see it or do MPs get ‘something’ back from the EU ?