Is the watered down version of Brexit coming ? The biased state broadcaster continues to run out Project Fear each day , the Brexit Party is marginalised and Brexit supporters – if they get onto the State Broadcaster – are outnumbered or shut down .
The crucial time is coming – again . Meanwhile hysterical planet savers get a free pass as they screw up other people’s’ lives .
Weekend Thread 12 October 2019
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Er… wut now?
BBC Future’s Facebook page has a discussion
Thy themselves do a Climate scare story almost every two days .
“Brexit: Boris Johnson says ‘significant’ work still to do on deal”
How the hell did the nation’s of the world get Independence from The British Empire with less fuss than we do to get out of the EU ?
Boris needs to form a pact with the Brexit Party and prepare the nation ready for a general election .
Cameron did it with the Limp Dems, otherwise “he is toast”.
To be honest Taffy – I dont think there is any way that Johnson wants a true Brexit if he did he would have been talking to Farage months ago. All he wants to do is to keep the Tory party in one piece (liberals and all). Even Reece Mogg is talking about compromise (again)
I dont believe we can trust any of them .As ever it is party and class before democracy – b#####d traitors all!
Didn’t Boris say that he would put Nigel back in his box?
I am afraid Boris and what he has left of his Tory Party are finished .
This battle is not over because more and more people are turning to The Brexit Party realising that democracy is at stake. When the snowflake kids and hippy environmentalists realise they will be forced to serve in an undemocratic army they will rebel. All politicians appear to be ignoring the fact that The Brexit Party are awaiting in the sidelines .
Over to you Europe, your move .
It is said that Cummings and Farage ‘have history’ and ‘previous’ and that Dominic carries a grudge.
Must admit, he looks like a guy that would be good at carrying a grudge.
Mind you, it can be argued that if it wasn’t for Nigel, Dominic Cummings would not be where he is now.
Cummings ought to be grateful.
Tafy – Just Boris bluster for the blue rinse army he thinks that will come to his aid to stop Corbyn when he has his “deal” which will include a partial “backstop”, EU boats still fishing in our waters, our army to be gradually be absorbed into the EU and we will still have to cede to the EU courts plus 39 billion quid lighter. But the Mail, Boris and Reece Mogg will still call it a “victory”
I think the blue rinsers may well adopt the same attitude I have. There is very little difference these days between Labour and the Tories just emphasis and speed of destruction of our country and culture. Both put the interests of the elite and globalist bankers before the electorate. I for one will be voting for Farage.
Maybe the significant difference, Taff, was that we were, in the main, happy to see our colonies gain their democratic independence – even though the first of them, Ghana’s president Nkrumah celebrated his country’s freedom by buying a solid gold bed from Harrods. Perhaps he took the previously named Gold Coast too literally.
“SNP formally backs decriminalisation of drugs”
Why ? Is The SNP full of ‘smackheads’ and ‘Spicers’ ?
I’ve always thought of myself as a bit of an ‘Environmentalist’. I did support ‘Greenpeace’ as a subscriber in my hazy daft student youth, but that was before it became infiltrated by the hard left agit-prop crowd. At the same time, the founder (Patrick Moore) – (who I still agree with) left as he because disillusioned by so called ‘Marxist’ policies that he was asked to support and he didn’t. He is now highly critical of the GREEN lobby and its many claim of false crisis and global Alarm-ism…. and its hopeless predictions of DOOM!
If only they ruled the World on Marxists fundamentals. Marx could improve on climate. He could trade Carbon credits and make the BBC carbon neutral. (an impossibility unless all hot air is recycled from Radio 4) and Lord ‘Berk-in-head’ made a Bishop). Attenborough as pope of the apocalypse.
In today’s Sunday Times Dominic Lawson writes:
As for London’s XR protesters: Behind Science’s Mask, Extinction Rebellion Is A Doomsday Cult
When rebels try to seize control of their country, it is traditional to begin by taking over the state broadcaster. Perhaps it is in that context that we should view the siege of New Broadcasting House on Friday by the rebels of Extinction Rebellion (XR). They declared that their motive was to end the BBC’s “silence” on climate change.
Honestly, these people are hilarious. The BBC is obsessed with climate change: scarcely a day goes by when it does not have a news story linked to the issue. And its very own Gandalf, the former BBC2 controller Sir David Attenborough, has become almost a full-time campaigner on the subject.
In July, the BBC actually invited one of the founders of XR, Gail Bradbrook, to “advise” its editorial team on how to report on climate change. This is the woman who attributes her insight into the imminent end of life on the planet to the “rewiring” of her brain after the consumption of prodigious amounts of psychedelic drugs.
For the BBC. The Earth is always flat. (Flat = equality). Marx flat Earth Society.
July 19th
“The nature of this hand in glove relationship is made clear, with the news from XR that yesterday they met BBC senior management to discuss the Climate and Ecological Emergency.”
Philip- 2
When rebels try to seize control of their country, it is traditional to begin by taking over the state broadcaster.
Yes, that is the normal way, but my interest in the BBC, how it acts like a government, raising taxes, putting people in jail, creating the kind of woke multicultural society it desires, dictating foreign policy and governing science, leads me to consider the BBC as the rebels who have more or less taken over the state.
The meeting of the BBC and Extinction Rebels suggests collaboration between two state institutions.
What about the BBC weather forecasters, what are they saying about Climate Emergencies? Past evidence is that Meteorologists employed by the BBC are usually not included in these meetings with environmental activists. In fact what seems to happen is that after these meetings, BBC Meteorologists are sent for training by scientifically ignorant environmental activists. So it looks like Met Office trained staff may now be put under a loony Extinction Rebellion training scheme.
“Turkey-Syria offensive: Kurds reach deal with Syrian army”
When is the “European Army” going to sort this out ?
All the media blames President Trump and next they will blame Brexit, but the Turks are the problem.
Aren’t they ?
‘BBC News Channel live’ put out a heavily biased version of this at 23:20
It’s fairly clear what the lady’s views are –
The text on the ‘Leave Ads’ site reads –
“It is shown here, but proving effect should not be necessary. The law was broken multiple times, maximum fines incurred and an ongoing police investigation because 7m of the UK electorate was bombarded with weapons grade psychometric influencing developed for DARPA and some of that was paid for with illegal money. It’s akin to being brainwashed by criminals and you only have to listen to hear their lies still being repeated by Leavers nearly three years after the referendum to know it worked. Even some talk radio hosts are only now realising they were conned.”
The ‘Leave Ads’ site links to ‘Parliament’s DCMS Committee’ final report –
Click to access 1791.pdf
Weekend thread : Jeez @Celtic_Mist is that expert one of Stalin’s impartial experts ?
I thought it was “Project Fear” which works best on Remainers. Remainers then talk about a cliff edge. In fact I haven’t heard anything positive about the EU from a Remainer.
Same with fear about Climate Change. Nothing positive, like it’s a “Hoax” or the fact that Global Warming in the past was always better than an Ice Age.
Children are more vulnerable to this type of negative propaganda from left-wing Teachers. Left-wing politics is almost totally dedicated towards motivating its supporters by instilling the emotion of Fear of problems that do not exist. Driving the Liberals into an emotional meltdown, leading to suicide.
On the other hand, Boris is rather positive about not paying the EU one billion pounds a month to preserve a trade deficit within a customs union with rules set by a foreign power. The evidence contradicts the “Project Fear” dogma that WTO rules are worse than the Customs Union, with Britain on a trade surplus on WTO rules, and we don’t pay one billion pounds a month to trade on WTO rules, and democracies can also set their own rules and tariffs or trade freely with a free trade agreement.
This is why the BBC wont find any evidence showing us that democracy was bad for the economy of a capitalist European nation outside of the EU.
BBC using Russian propaganda to ‘proxy’ opinion.
BBC News (World) Retweeted –