Start the week thread 14 October 2019

The employees of the State Broadcaster are getting bigger than their job . Marr accusing a Home Secretary of smiling . Naga shouting ‘racist’ at the president of America and the queen on newsnight found to be biased by her own organisations’ disciple board. Maybe just small cuts will lead to the death of the Unbritish broadcasting corporation .

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317 Responses to Start the week thread 14 October 2019

  1. taffman says:

    “Catalonia leaders jailed for sedition by Spanish court”
    Remainers need to take note !


  2. taffman says:

    “Brexit talks continue in Brussels ahead of crunch summit”

    Mere theatrics.
    IMHO, Parliament is a disgrace, it has turned its weasel back on democracy.
    The Benn Act prevents the UK leaving the EU without a ‘Deal’, so the all the EU has to do is to make the most terrible deal they could ever offer. Also the opposition parties will continue to vote any deal, good or bad, down. End of?

    If Boris was a true Brexiteer he would have made a pact with the The Brexit Party thus ensuring a win in any forthcoming election and a certain Brexit.
    Boris has been acting, Boris is finished and the Tory Party with him. Three wasted years !
    Its the Brexit Party for me.
    There is a long haul ahead for the biggest party in the European Parliament.


    • john in cheshire says:

      There is speculation that because, while we remain in the EU, EU law continues to take precedence over UK law and because the EU law says we are leaving on 31st. October therefore the so-called Benn surrender act does not apply.

      JRM alluded to it today in his appearance on the racist far-left bbc but left the interviewer guessing, lol.


      • G.W.F. says:

        john in cheshire

        It’s a credible argument, so why is Boris not indicating that he will go that way?
        I am beginning to think that like May, Boris is trying to remain as much as possible within the EU after a so called Brexit is achieved.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Maybe the traitors in Parliament realise that a Tory/BP pact means a proper Brexit.
      In that case it makes sense that Boris is saying “no pact”

      When we eventually get the GE they will then make a pact and we get our freedom.

      Is anyone else out there fed up with the masses of remoaners given all the time on all the tv stations, not only the bbbc where we expect it.
      It’s so depressing having them all tell us we didn’t understand or know what we were voting for and all their other crap.
      Also, what compromise(s) have the eu actually made to match the total surrender by our crap politicians.


  3. StewGreen says:

    Coincidence : Boris talks about introducing compulsory voter-ID
    .. and Tottenham Labour accidentally deleted a page on their website that tells their own members to bring their own membership-ID , photo-ID card to Labour meetings
    Luckily the page was saved on the internet archive
    So I am sure they will quickly put it back up*/

    Not a photoshop
    cos setting a dated Twitter Search shows lots of people in the past tweeted screenshots


    • StewGreen says:

      A pic of that deleted Labour page now


  4. StewGreen says:

    September last year a Syrian refugee ran into two banks in Hull armed with a meat cleaver and a can of petrol he poured around the bank and set light to it
    .. All on video
    Today BBC : \\ At Hull Crown Court, a judge described it as “a severe case of schizophrenia”.
    In court, a doctor appeared by videolink confirming Mohammed had “paranoia psychosis”.
    … He has been given an indefinite hospital order. //


  5. StewGreen says:

    Lincolnshire FireBrigade axe sexist Fireman Sam
    .. Essex Police move in on local man who has sent MALICIOUS COMMUNICATION re the matter
    Check this video


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC reported Police probe messages to fire chief in Fireman Sam row
      Police are investigating messages sent to Lincolnshire’s Chief Fire officer over his decision to drop Fireman Sam as a mascot.
      Lincolnshire Police said no arrests had been made, but confirmed officers had interviewed a 55-year-old man at a police station in Essex on Friday relating to a suspected offence of malicious communication.


      Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue said it would no longer use Fireman Sam to promote the service after local residents complained that he was not “inclusive” enough.
      Instead, staff were advised to use two fire extinguisher mascots named Freddie and Filbert.


    • Non Snowflake says:

      The remake – “Fireman Delroy” – should be on our screens next year…….


  6. StewGreen says:

    7:30pm Time for Woke and some history on your local BBC1
    Southeast – Not enough female chefs in Indian restaurants
    Yorks- We meet disabled people who say the new benefits system is putting them through hell
    + the woman who brings over hundreds of stray dogs from Romania, a practise which causes deep concern to animal welfare organisations.

    South west


  7. taffman says:

    “Voting: Could ID checks affect who participates in elections?”
    Of course it would!
    It would affect those committing fraudulent voting .


    • Thoughtful says:

      How would it affect them?

      This is just the cowardly usless incompetent Tories doing what they always do – screwing up.

      When Mr Ahktar or Bradford registers as Mr Akhtar (note subtle spelling there) from Blackburn as well do you think anyone is going to know?

      When an Eastern European is being paid £20 to vote Labour how is anyone going to know based on his showing ID?

      The only fraud this might possibly stop is personation, where someone pretends to be someone else, but then with the stupidity of some people failing to destroy their personal mail, getting some ID isn’t that difficult.

      The reality is that it will hardly stop any fraud at all.


      • JimS says:

        There was a time when one could pop along to the nearest main post office or public library and inspect the electoral roll.

        Now they keep them in the basement of some remote council office where you can only look at your own name under supervision, just in case you are looking up an ex-partner to abuse**.

        Bring back the Community Charge! No vote without taxation!

        [** Easier to go on Facebook where your ‘ex’ will be telling the world what they are up to]


  8. Dystopian says:

    Is anyone watching the England v Bulgaria football match on ITV. All I’ve heard from the commentators for the last 20mins is “waycism, waycism, waycism”. Apparently there have been jeers when Sterling gets the ball. The referee might stop the match if it continues.
    Whatever happened to “sticks and stones….”?


    • Non Snowflake says:

      My thoughts exactly.

      You can guarantee AlBeeb will be all over this like a rash.

      It really is a sign of the pathetic times that we live in, where some self-important multi-millionaires are called a few names, then threaten to walk off in a strop. FFS just play the game then go home and count your millions of pounds. And if someone calls you a name then boo hoo mwah mwah.


  9. theleftwilleatitself says:

    I don’t watch or listen to al beeb since cancelling the licence fee in April but watch YouTube a lot since.
    I have noticed on here a man called James O’Brien mentioned quite a few times and saw a video of him interviewing JRM from a few months back, yesterday.
    What an absolute tosser! He’s like Kevin the Teenager from Harry Enfield huffing and puffing into his microphone when he’s not happy!
    A joke of an interviewer that wouldn’t last 5 minutes on tv ✌????


    • JimS says:

      James O’Brien is like an update of Monty Python’s argument sketch.

      “Did you phone in for the five-minute rant or the ten-minute rant?”
      “You mean you’re not Domino’s Pizza?”


  10. TrueToo says:

    Just watched Priti Patel calmly demolishing Andrew Marr for 14minutes on YouTube.

    She reminds me of Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the UN a while back. She’s also Indian, straightforward, bright and attractive.

    Andrew Marr, meanwhile, looks jaded and his voice comes across as if he’s smoking 50 cigarettes a day. He probably is.

    I won’t say what I’d compare him to as I’d have to censor my own comment. (Hat tip to Fedup2.)

    Patel handled that nasty “laughing” jibe from Marr really well by just not responding to the insult and continuing to make her case. She often spoke over Marr, treatment he richly deserves.

    Listening to the lady gave me hope that Brexit may actually be achieved.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    According to Google Naga Munchetty is worth a jaw dropping estimated $12 million.

    It would appear that Most of Munchetty’s working career has been at the BBC, is that really the kind of money these leftist idiots are squandering on pretty ordinary reporters these days?


  12. Dover Sentry says:

    Strange that most EU countries have Voter ID Requirements.

    The same EU that Labour and Lib Dems want us to Remain in.

    And the same Parties that object to Voter ID Requirements.

    Mad?? 🙂


  13. MarkyMark says:

    To create the SOCIALIST UTOPIA TODAY – If all Labour Members including Owen ‘£0.5 million in book sales’ Jones, Gary ‘£1.75m Gender Pay Gap Leader’ Lineker and Keith ‘5 Homes’ Vaz all give Jeremy Corbyn their money, then Jeremy can distribute it equally to create a fair society!


  14. Roland Deschain says:

    Bulgaria v England: Euro 2020 qualifier temporarily halted due to racist behaviour from fans

    A group of Bulgaria supporters wearing black hooded tops – some wearing bandanas covering their faces – started to leave the stadium after the game was halted for a second time. BBC Radio 5 Live reported that some made right-wing and racist gestures while heading towards the exits.

    What exactly do they mean by “right-wing” gestures? Did they exhibit some support for the Tory Party? I suspect not. This is just a rather crude attempt to link anyone to the right of the Liberal Democrats with racism.


    • chancygardner says:

      It was a strange game all round. Boring, of course, because it involved England. However, it reached the second of three stages where racist chants and/or behaviour would have led to the abandonment of the match.

      What I couldn’t figure out was what could possibly have been said by the announcer over the tannoy system that encouraged the ‘offenders’ to walk sheepishly out of the ground (albeit using some signals indicating they weren’t too pleased about it).

      “Excuse me,..tap tap…’esting. Could the group of thugs to the right of the goalmouth, who have been chanting racial abuse please leave the ground immediately. Yes know who you are. Go on. Be off with you, there’s a good bunch of chaps.”

      Well, whatever was said. They left. You see they are alright with the chants but when someone with a tannoy stands up to them, they just cave in.


  15. StewGreen says:

    #ExposeCNN We are trying to get the full 16 minute video uploaded to YouTube showing the all CNN footage
    — YouTube is not allowing the upload. (update it’s there now)
    We are uploading to Bitchute and are uploading in small segments via Twitter.


  16. vlad says:

    Squirreled away under Regions where hopefully Joe Public won’t see it is this story:

    “Westminster car crash driver Salih Khater jailed for life.”

    A more truthful and accurate headline might have been:

    Islamic terrorist and asylum seeker jailed for life for attempted murder.

    But then we know Truth and Accuracy aren’t Al-beeb’s strong points.

    PS. Before the attack he had emailed Jeremy Corbyn, perhaps correctly seeing in him a friend and ally of all terrorists.

    PPS. You have to admire his ‘defence’: The defendant claimed he had driven to London to find the Sudanese embassy to get a visa but “got lost” around Westminster and panicked.



    • BRISSLES says:

      Life was always 20 years, so he’ll be out in less than 10, then its straight to central casting for any advert that requires a non-white family – which means he’ll never be out of work.


  17. Guest Who says:

    It takes wicked skills to make The Mash Report, in relative terms, almost satirically relevant in comparison.


    • vlad says:

      Many decades ago HIGNFY was a) radical and b) funny.

      It is now predictable, unfunny and of the same Far Liberal-leftie orientation as all the other news and ‘comedy’ programmes on al-beeb.

      Will no-one rid us of this troublesome Corporation?


  18. Celtic_Mist says:

    How will the BBC spin this?


  19. Celtic_Mist says:

    Writer – ROBIN AITKEN

    “The Today presenter, speaking at a literary festival at the weekend, took aim at the Prime Minister’s use of Facebook to answer questions from the public. According to Robinson, Boris Johnson’s “people’s PMQs” sessions on Facebook, in which he is able to “broadcast directly” to the public, are nothing less than “a form of propaganda used by dictators down the ages”. Which is quite a serious charge when you come to think of it, and one worth unpicking.”

    “No, what is really behind Robinson’s jibe is pique. Johnson has found a way to communicate with voters without subjecting himself to interrogation by the likes of Robinson and his ilk and they can’t stand it.”


    • vlad says:

      Excellent news: Boris is doing a Trump and cutting the parasitic press and BBC out of the loop by communicating directly with the people.

      BBC, your reign of control, manipulation, bias and deceit is coming to an end.

      Scrap the Tax!


      • Fedup2 says:

        This is the way the cabinet should work now – instead of the home sec going on the Marr show – just do some internet thing at the same time his programme is on . Same with radio . Do important stuff at 0810 when the ‘big’ toady interview is on .

        People will say ‘where’s the accountability ?’

        When has there ever been accountability – and there’s even less now – can’t even get a government to resign because that idiot clegg/Cameron came up with an act to stop it .

        As for the Priti Patel thing on Marr – perhaps she wanted to have increased screen time as her application for a potential coming vacancy of Tory leader ….


    • Guest Who says:

      Especially given the litany of crooked techniques Toenails and his ilk deploy to inflict damage rather than shine more light.

      Sources who say, ‘quotes’, editted “quotes”, “while I have got you here” ambushes, ‘so what you are saying is’ redirection and, if caught in an effective counter, “that’s all we have time for” to get rid of them long enough to then sneak out a few snarks when they have no opportunity to reply.

      You are a creep, Robinson.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Ah come on, give Robinson a break – he is only obeying orders. The message went out from Liberal Left Global Headquarters to the media several months ago that they were to draw parallels between dictators and modern politicians trying to avoid the controlled media communicate with the public using social media. Here was the obedient response from the Independent (sic) newspaper:


    • G says:

      “….subjecting himself to interrogation…….”. More like a hatchet assassination job.
      Whether Facebook/Twitter will step in to help their beleaguered global co-conspirators is another thing.


    • Dave S says:

      He reminds me of Sergeant Bilko without the style .


  20. ScottishCalvin says:

    Doodle I scribbled on the state opening of parliament.


  21. Guest Who says:

    Jez doing a Mishal ‘not enough dead’ Husain?

    Good look, bbc.


  22. Guest Who says:

    Always impressed with BBC editorial integrity, as illustrated by the priorities in the morning emole.


    Sir Elton John: I still want my dad’s approval

    He may have started out singing cover versions on cheap compilation albums, but Elton John went on to become the fifth-highest-selling recording artist of all time. He was the first musician to enter the US album charts at number one. He has won a Brit award for outstanding achievement three times. And his tribute single for Princess Diana, Candle In The Wind, has sold 33 million copies worldwide.

    None of this, however, impressed his father. Stanley Dwight, a flight lieutenant in the Royal Air Force, never attended one of Elton’s shows, and never expressed pride in his son’s success. Their relationship was strained until his death from heart disease in 1991.


    They going to organise a sceance? Bit awks if they get Jimmy on the line.


  23. AsISeeIt says:

    They think it’s all over (the racism), it is now (apparently)…

    Those preachy scolds of our liberal media are cock-a-hoop this morning. Their virtue signalling goes into overdrive as they actually find some actual racism. They had to go all the way to Uncle Bulgaria to find it but mission accomplished. Don’t get too alarmed, they didn’t discover an EU member involved in Balkan Apartheid. Nothing so dull. It was full blown chanting and gesticulating on the terraces of a football match. One had to smile when one aghast journo this morning, whilst insisting ‘something must be done’, joyously declared:

    “you can’t fight salutes with a hash tag”

    – what, one immature gesture can’t be met with another lame gesture?

    Of course as soon as the favourite debate is opened it gives the opportunity for the voicing of the favourite notion: of course WE can’t be said to be innocent because WE have this problem in OUR society.

    Some people are on the virge of swithching off the mainstream media, they have now!


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Sopel in full flow over Johnnie Turk and the Kurds – it’s bad – it’s really bad . Send in the troops – the EU army /weimacht – this is then classically followed by a democrat senator given full rein to give POTUS a kicking over his policy of not getting American kids killed for other people’s wars.

    The state broadcaster must be ready to do some ‘appeal’ to get a million more Kurds imported to Blighty ‘temporarily ‘ of course …


    • vlad says:

      The Middle East is a teeming mass of unsolvable disputes between fanatical muslims of one cult or other – in which the West should only get involved if there is a clear and achievable benefit (or threat) to ourselves. Well-intentioned interventions on woolly humanitarian grounds invariably make the situation worse.


      • G.W.F. says:


        Here are 20,000 heroes in London ready to fight for the Kurds. I am sure that if they went off to fight they would not be missed here in the UK. It might be a good idea to crowd fund them for their journey.

        Photo from Socialist Worker



      • Beltane says:

        It’s important to recognise that Turkey is very much a part of that ‘teeming mass’ vlad. Their fanatical hatred of the Kurds is only a continuation of the state-sponsored genocide they committed against the Armenians in WW1, based as is so much of Middle-Eastern policy on militant anti-Christian islam. ISIS is simply a larger, better funded version of the PIRA with the same code of ethics, replacing the Black&Decker drill with a butcher’s knife.
        The extent to which they have supported and funded ISIS is the reality behind their ‘democratic’ aspirations.


  25. Sluff says:

    OMG. Porn radio comes to Toady.

    The Booker prize was judged by four WOMEN and one man. It has been jointly won by two WOMEN and one of them is BLACK. And they were jointly interviewed by Mischal Hussein. Who is a woman and black !!! Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

    The joint multiple orgasms from the three of them during the love-in in the studio were clearly audible.

    Put the boot on the other foot. A male judging panel award the prize to a man writing positively about masculinity. Can you see the Toady interview in the terms above ? Nope, neither can I.


    • G.W.F. says:

      One of thee wimmin , Margaret Atwood, sees her book as relevant to the background of Trump’s America. Easy peasy, get a prize and recognition from Token Mishail for knocking Trump.


    • vlad says:

      In the Beeb credo, ‘stale pale and male’ = boring and bad.

      If you think about it, that derogatory expression manages to be simultaneously ageist, racist and sexist.

      Well done beeb, you must be proud.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        vlad – really, what is needed is that they are taken to court, if we have the evidence. You can’t have double standards in operation. Racism etc are either bad, or they’re not. Beeb have been getting away with this hypocricy for far too long.
        A white, stale, pale and male pressure group needs to get off the ground to pursue this, raise funds and take the Dykes and the Halls etc. to court. They think they’re above the law. This assumption needs to be put to the test.
        There may well be some ‘affirmative action’ legislation they hide behind. That too, needs to be tested in court.
        We allow ourselves to be intimidated because of our own reticence to stand up for ourselves and make a noise. All those ‘RESPECT’ labels and posters that flourish out there are apparently selective and don’t protect us.
        How much longer will we stand and watch passively??


  26. Sluff says:

    The England football team and in particular certain players suffered verbal racial abuse at the Bulgaria match last night from certain sections of the home crowd. Our multiracial team, picked solely on ability, replied in the best way possible by thrashing them 6-0. And hit the woodwork twice.

    I thought I’d just mention it in case anyone listening to both Toady and watching Breakfast TV hadn’t picked it up,

    On Toady you could take your choice from
    a. The headline news
    b. Commentary by the ‘presenters’
    c. The sports report
    d. The newspaper review.

    One can almost hear the glee in the BBC ‘news’ room that one of their favourite agendas can be presented ad infinitum.

    Oh, and just to make absolutely sure you get the message, at the time of writing they are running a ‘live reaction’ feed on the front page of the webshite, some 12 hours after the match.

    If I may misquote Boris Becker, ‘we won a football match. No-one died’.
    The lack of proportion from the bBBC is telling.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Bulgaria is in the EU! Why on earth do the wokists want to stay in an organisation with such racist members?


  27. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I think a good analogy for this rubbish lot at cessminster is when your laptop gets corrupted and you need to switch off, reset and start over.
    When you type something in and get a meaningless or nonsense result it is like that shower of s***s blocking the U pipe who cannot function and keep coming out with crap.
    Flush them away.

    The reset is of course a GE which would get rid of a good 300-400 of the liars and traitors and get a more representative government.


  28. Guest Who says:

    Radio 4 Today:

    “My husband the vegetarian Maasai…”

    What is it like for a vegetarian living in a culture dominated by meat?


    I think it is quoting a woman (these days, who knows?). So missing a trick there, bbc.


  29. StewGreen says:

    Irony from the #BBCnews website
    GOOD : Corbyn is against enforcing Voter ID to vote
    BAD : ID checks are NOT enforced against youths buying e-cigs


  30. Guest Who says:

    Daily Mail breaking has a story of a crime and image of le perp du jour.

    If the BBC goes near, guessing… ‘man’ at best?


  31. TrueToo says:

    Thanks to StewGreen for the link to the CNN shaming.

    Can’t link now but Googling Expose CNN part 1 Veritas YouTube should work and then parts 2 and 3 can be searched for on YouTube. Well worth a look as it exposes CNN for the biased lefty frauds they are.

    Be great if someone could do another Tommy Robinson on the BBC. Get the biased frauds on camera unawares.

    Just had a sudden thought: the gutsy guy who exposed CNN could well have got his idea from Tommy Robinson.


  32. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”UK jobs market ‘shows signs of slowing’ “”

    “”The unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to 3.9% in the June-to-August period from 3.8%, after the number of people in work unexpectedly fell by 56,000, official figures showed.””

    “” … could also be evidence that the uncertainty around Brexit is starting to impact firms’ hiring decisions. The survey evidence is consistent with a further softening in employment and wage growth going forward too.” “”

    So, a rise of 0.1% justifies a doom headline? And all down to Brexit?

    The image shows black and brown women in a shop. A lonely white male can be seen in the background. I’m amazed that he wasn’t airbrushed out.


  33. TrueToo says:


    The link doesn’t work. I get a 404 result.

    I’ll scout for it.


  34. Guest Who says:

    “BBC Food has appointed Polly Weeks as a food writer. Polly, previously duty editor at BBC Three, would like to hear from experts within the food, wellbeing and health industry.”

    Given BBC efforts of late, Polly likely only seeking to hear from overfunded activists, charities and NGOs with press releases for her to cut and paste on why Food Is Bad.


  35. Guest Who says:

    Talking of the plethora of BBC empire outposts, existing and ever-expansionist new ones, given they are under the sword from falling revenues, overstaffing and overpaying and pension commitments, etc… why?

    Too big to fail?


  36. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5 now with Emma Barnett:

    – Racism in football
    – Racism in football
    – Racism in football
    – Racism in football
    – Have you faced racism when travelling abroad?
    – Amber Rudd on the culture around BoJo (agressive politics, macho men… er… ‘willy waving’)

    Bubble? Wot bubble?


    • JimS says:

      A personal insult would be OK – ‘lanky legs’?
      A team insult would be OK – ‘Arsenal A-holes’?
      A national insult would be OK – ‘Welsh W***ers’?
      But a racial one isn’t?


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Jim – Racism is such a sensitive issue / big card now, it’s going to be played endlessly. Of course, the chanting is unpleasant and uncalled for. No question. Nazi salutes could lead to arrest?
        (The Bulgarian manager says there wasn’t any chanting. I didn’t hear any, but I don’t understand Bulgarian.)
        But notice: Rashford doesn’t seem to be a target. Sterling does. So there is a personal issue underlying?
        Sterling generally concentrates on diving in the penalty area. Much of his attacking strategy is to get in there, get ‘fouled’ and drop. People don’t like that, not from whites either. His personality is sometimes aggressive, where Rashford e.g. is not. I wonder whether this plays a role?
        Back home Sterling has put himself out there as a campaigner. That will draw controversy and even trouble, as it would for a politician or climate campaigner or celebrity.


  37. Guest Who says:

    Paywalled, but some may gain access…


  38. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • Dystopian says:

      Is that genuine, Lucy?
      “we, elected representatives”….. [yes elected on a promise to respect the result of the referendum].

      “…representing the majority of the British people who now want to remain in the EU”……[evidence? As Greta would say, how dare they!].

      “Polls indicate that a majority of the UK public is likely to vote remain in such [a second] referendum” [Polls are usually wrong and Remain is not an acceptable option in any second referendum. We already had a referendum. The majority of the U.K public voted to leave!

      What a bunch of disgusting traitors (and that is precisely what they are) trying to deprive us of our freedom. How dare they!

      They do not speak for me Mr Tusk.


  39. Lucy Pevensey says:


  40. Cassandra says:

    What happened in Bulgaria was wrong.
    BBC news reports on crime often often explores the reasons why the stabbers and robbers do what they do, especially in London and after listening to Jeremy Vine and his virtue signalling guests and callers on his radio show today discussing what happened in the football match last well, it set me thinking.
    The criminal attacks and murders that occur in the UK, especially in London don’t just take place unnoticed by the rest of the world.
    The crossings of the Mediterranean by illegal immigrants do not go unnoticed, neither do the the shanty towns that have grown in the streets of Paris, Calais and northern France. People can see what is going on and who is at the root of these problems. Bulgarians may have relatives who live in the UK and France who tell them what is going on.
    I’m not excusing what the small number of Bulgarians did but maybe their actions might be explained partly by the reports they see and hear on their television, radio and social media.
    Maybe what happened last night was one of the unintended consequences of not finding the solution to knife crime and illegal mass migration.
    This might explain some, not all, of the racism seen last night. The behaviour seen in the match may have partly been as a result of European politicians not acting decisively in their own countries to solve problems that don’t seem to be going away.


  41. Guest Who says:

    Norm doing what Norm does best.

    Just like Soapy, Anthony and Nick in the US.

    And as well.


  42. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Muslims generally are opposed to integration and/or cooperation with non-Muslims. Why is this FACT so difficult for the “free” press to report?


    • G says:

      That’s why Turkey would dearly love to be a full member of the EU. But why? All part of islams expansionist plans. (I almost allowed my self to unwittingly quote the Mayor of Londonistan – “All part and parcel” – of a planned greater islamic caliphate…….


    • Thoughtful says:


      Thats it, just money.

      Saudi and other states have so much of it that people in the elites are prepared to turn a blind eye so long as their palms are greased.


  43. Venutius says:

    On the way to School this morning, wracked with environmental guilt (not) in my 1.4d Audi, I had the mis-fortune to tune into Toady R4. I managed to endure around 30 mins before silence and intermittent rain became preferable.

    The 30 min I endured went as follows.

    1. Racism – Bulgaria V England. Just nauseating back slapping of how awful and backward Eastern Europe is compared to our multicultural utopia.
    2. Feminism – M Atwood and Bernice McFadden – Race and equality. How we need to revolutionise the entire judging panel in favour of ‘people with colour’ throughout literature.
    3. Thought police for the day…I honestly drifted off
    4.Trump Bashing – Northern Syria. Some mistake possibly? but fog of war and the international politics of this theatre are incredible complex. I suspect no US decision would be correct.
    5. Elton John – Homosexuality and failed paternal approval. This proved just too much. I went back the the rain.

    It is simply relentless. Identity politics framed through liberalism are endemic to our state broadcaster. It’s particularly noticeable to me as I’m normally in the 3.0D with DAB where I can avoid such propaganda, but events this morning needed a creative compromise.

    What’s fascinating, in a wider sense is, as the western world ‘spasms’ away from these divisive political approaches and ideologies (Brexit, Trump, Lega Nord, PiS etc..) the BBC reflects only this ‘acceptable’ failing narrative through all its output.

    When will the penny drop?


  44. Beltane says:

    Should anyone query quite why Polly Toynbee is such a popular contributor to BBC group-think, her self-indulgent and mean-spirited summation of the Queen’s speech in the Guardian makes all transparent.
    What a truly nasty and spiteful pseudo-socialist old bag she is.


    • StewGreen says:

      Bulgaria : England fan that died in police custody


    • BRISSLES says:

      Many years ago there was a debating programme (plus Poll) on tv as to whether immigration was advantageous to the UK or not. Of course Toynbee was on the “let ’em all in regardless” side, and her performance then would have had the far left jumping for joy. I guarantee she doesn’t live in one of London’s deprived boroughs populated only by immigrants, but in some leafy lane in North London with all the other Emma Thomsons of this world.


    • tarien says:

      Pure evilness, eaten up with hate yet as has been said, lives in a land far removed from real life.


  45. john in cheshire says:

    I don’t suppose the racist far-left bbc collective are interested in David Noakes and Lyn Thyer and their court cases here in the UK and in France because they were advocating a natural substance called GcMaff. They’re probably too white to be bothered with.

    But this report from Ian R Crane outside the court a few days ago is an eye opener. It’s another example of the swamp rats in both the medical industry and the judiciary. It’s about 17 minutes long and with watching to the end. The evil in our midst is palpable:


  46. cromwell says:

    John in Cheshire thanks for posting that.very worrying, he seems a decent man. Do you know the whole story behind this. I was trying to understand his story. Anyone who has info I’d be very interested.


    • john in cheshire says:

      If you Google GcMaff, Ian R Crane, David Noakes there are some articles and on YouTube there are, I suppose they are still there because I haven’t checked for a while, some videos of presentations that David Noakes had given.

      I’m not advocating for GcMaff, rather I’m highlighting the lengths the swamp rats will go to in order to protect their vested interests. What they are doing to these two people is akin to what they did and tried to do to the likes of Tommy Robinson, Kevin Crehan, Jayda Fransen et al.


      • cromwell says:

        Thanks for that I’ll check it out and thanks to stew green for his contribution, I’ll have a read and watch the videos on utube. I was thinking the same thing about Tommy Robinson as I watched it, whether you agree or not the powers that be will destroy you if you step out of line and get in their way.Very worrying, it is getting like eastern Germany everyday.


  47. StewGreen says:

    4pm Radio tech entrepreneur @RuthBarnesMusic is presenting
    I wonder what she tweets ?
    – watching Bonny Greer on Question Time
    Some tears shed in our house last night watching you @Bonn1eGreer you are just so brilliant

    – Chalk & Blade will be on strike tomorrow, 20th September 2019 in support of the Global Climate Strike

    – Her business account @chalkandblade retweeting @Aiannucci Oct 14
    Govt bill in Queen’s Speech to make voters show ID at elections is stolen from US Republicans playbook.
    There’s very little voter fraud in U.K.;
    this measure designed to suppress voting by the least advantaged.
    A hint of what’s to come under an unchecked Johnson Government

    ie all Guardian bubbleworld stuff ie not diversity of thought


  48. Celtic_Mist says:

    R4 Powering Britain

    “Britain urgently needs a zero-carbon source of reliable energy for our homes, industry and the new generation of electric vehicles. This summer’s electricity blackouts suggest that we’re a long way from achieving the goal. Tom Heap and a panel of power experts offer their solutions.

    Tom is joined by Jillian Ambrose, Energy Correspondent of The Guardian, the Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change, Chris Stark and CEO of power company Good Energy, Juliet Davenport.”

    A quick google reveals –

    “IN THE MONEY: Good Energy’s ‘wealthy hippie’ chief exec Juliet Davenport. A green energy fat cat dubbed one of the UK’s wealthiest hippies was paid more than £292,000 last year by the Good Energy Group.”

    Also –

    “An online advert from Good Energy was banned by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The advert claimed that the electricity Good Energy supplies emits no carbon dioxide. The ASA said that the claim ‘had not been substantiated and therefore was misleading’.

    Read more:


    • StewGreen says:

      Juliet’s husband is Mark Shorrock
      She was pushing for a huge huge subsidy for the Swansea barrage, which would use the stone from the mine her husband owns in Cornwall.
      There was also some issue involving Good Energy buying from her husband’s solar biz as well


    • tarien says:

      Where on earth do people expect the electricity to come from to run the expected millions of electric cars, gthe National Grid is already under pressure to supply what we have come to expect -maybe one day when they have mastered the entry of Hydrogen into the mix of power to propell us around at that time, then the entrepreneurial machinery might become real, but not until-let us focus on what can be achieved first with what is possible.


      • popeye says:

        Don’t forget that gas cooking and heating will also have to be replaced by electric (or, perhaps, burning logs and unicorn dung in fires)


        • Guest Who says:

          Ripping up the gas supply infrastructure should be in treating in carbon terms.

          Then there’s the disposal and replacement of all appliances.

          And how folk feel about that.

          I am also intrigued as to what generates all this ‘zero carbon’ electricity.


  49. Thoughtful says:

    This is very much worth a watch, recorded around the time the referendum was announced, it tells a very dark tale of subterfuge about US pulling strings of the EU and how they even had a hand in forming it in the first place.


    • john in cheshire says:

      A book by Eustace Mullens called The World Order gives quite a lot of insight into who’s doing what to us and who’s helping them.

      Two caveats, the book is riddled with typos and it’s maybe talking about the players of about twenty or so years ago. But you can be sure the organisations these wicked people have established are, to use their own word back at them, sustainable.