The employees of the State Broadcaster are getting bigger than their job . Marr accusing a Home Secretary of smiling . Naga shouting ‘racist’ at the president of America and the queen on newsnight found to be biased by her own organisations’ disciple board. Maybe just small cuts will lead to the death of the Unbritish broadcasting corporation .
Start the week thread 14 October 2019
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Needless to say, R4 leads with racism in football in Bulgaria. Evan Davis is very excited. I presume he didn’t get excited when his former boss, Greg Dyke -who then went on to become THE FA chairman (ironically)- verbally abused ‘hideous whites’? Listening to Evan’s guests holding forth against the ‘far Right’, makes me wonder whether Greg is ‘far Right’?
As late as 2013- 2016 he was director and chairman of various football clubs in the UK
Evan’s guests from Oxford Uni (no surprise there) praise Raheem Sterling for ostracising racists. Any ostracism of Greg Dyke? Nope. And we know that Dyke is only the tip of the anti-white iceberg. But this gets no publicity, is never identified as racism, and is apparently OK.
I’m not saying two wrongs make it right- far from it. But the apoplexy Beeb and others display for one kind of racism needs to apply across the board, to have any effect.
Otherwise we will doubt their sincerity, and all the shouting won’t impress. Same situation as with ‘Islamophobia’ – which is terrible- but it’s apparently OK to insult Christians?
FNW — R5 discussion now predictably morphing from endless commentary on Bulgarian racism to the need to tackle it in the UK before we cast stones abroad.
‘Across the board’ treatment would be welcome but as you know things are tipped always in favour of the marginalised. Although obviously that doesn’t apply in all cases e.g. London where white people are marginalised, at least demographically. That’s where you get to invoke structural, institutional and systemic racism as your preferred benchmarks in order to avoid the glaring inconsistency.
It’s a confused mess for sure
Moraine- Its confusing because it’s complex.
It’s complex because things are happening on various layers and on various scales. Of both time and philosophy. And human memory is short.
Disgusting as it was, the behaviour of a few football hooligans in Bulgaria is only one level. It’s obvious and easy for the media to latch on to and display outrage- an easy feelgood.
Lets have a look at a layer beneath that. Let’s go to recent leadership, where the power to change millions of lives resides. Take only two ‘local’ examples, Blair and Merkel. Both decide, for a mixture of political and economic reasons to change/socially engineer the racial make-up of the countries they govern. This is on a far, far larger scale than Bulgaria last night. This appears not even to be recognised as racism at all. Far from any outrage, the media (in the main) are complicit in welcoming it.
A layer beneath that are more distant historic events linked to other ideologies. Hitler and Nazism, and Rhodes and Colonialism for instance. These ‘ideologies’ are two quite different beasts, but are often lumped together these days for propagandistic purposes. They can be linked to ‘racism’ , which appears to join them, and is the current big no-no. Forgotten are even bigger monsters like Stalin and Mao, and an ideology like Marxism-Leninism, and its variants. Far, far more casualties, but no apparent link to ‘racism’ (when superficially viewed). It is convenient to remember only one holocaust.
So now you have to think about whose purpose is served by this?
Suddenly there is a time shift in the layers: Nazi salutes in Bulgaria.
Here, there is an obvious link to historic ideology: it’s probably meant to be provocative. No obvious link to the Merkel or Blair layer; nothing there for media to latch on to. A layer further back, deeper?
We are in Eastern Europe now, where -for various reasons, the resistance to imposed social engineering and race replacement is strong. Unlike Western Europe, countries like the Visegrad nations and various others, like Bulgaria, are not keen to be ‘multiculturalised’ by mass migration. There is no colonial or war guilt, because these countries are themselves oft colonised and brutalised nations.(If in doubt, study e.g. a little Bulgarian history.)
But if you only look at the immediate layer, all you will see -and all the Western MSM will show you- are a few unpleasant football hooligans. (Back here though, there is an entire industry eager to exploit the event for their own purposes.)
I think there will always be reprehensible behaviour by individuals.
You will find it in all races and nations, and it has to be dealt with.
But that is the easy part. Beneath that lie complex layers, where history is brewed up by reprehensible individuals with a lot more power than football thugs: the politicians and their entourages.
And they generally get away with it.
Were I to try to remember one who didn’t, I should think of Nicolai Ceausescu, (adherent of Marxism-Leninism).
And now we’re back in Eastern Europe, where things are complex.
FNW, your historical knowledge is much better than mine.
Your point that we don’t have the same experience of conflict as eastern European nations I think is relevant, and explains some of the naivety when it comes to our short term memory of human affairs. Add to that the ‘one world / one humanity’ ideology which has been the dominant mantra for some time now and which feeds the sense of righteousness.
It is a potent mix.
Subject Brexit, not BBC bias.
Why is the Hoc sitting on Saturday?
My guess is that Boris will have numerous senior Remainiacs arrested as they turn up for “work”.
Suspected of sedition or another serious crime.
Held for the maximum time possible, then re-arrested on release.
Rinse and repeat until November.
By numerous I mean enough so that Boris can win votes in the HoC.
No deal Brexit, job done.
Comments please.
I don’t hold your optimism, I am afraid Boris is going to give us Tweezer’s Brino Pig with lipstick on.
I am not that optimistic myself.
I tried to invent something that would cause apoplexy in all Remainiacs reading it.
If Boris offers anything other than a clean break with the EU he will look exactly like the failed charlatan he
has been accused of being.
I suspect Boris would not like that one bit, his place in history depends upon the UK leaving the UK on 31st October.
I also believe Dominic Cummings is in this to win and would have left immediately if Boris was proposing the May pottage again.
I also believe Cummings has many enemies in Parliament and would greatly enjoy rubbing their smug noses in it, I would enjoy it myself.
Many suggestions have been made showing how the surrender bill and other parliamentary obstructions might be evaded, I cannot believe that #10 has not looked at every one through an electron microscope and received the best legal advice availaible.
The EU has not negotiated in good faith, except with the Remain traitors, both are our mortal enemies.
Both are also overdue for a fall, a genuine Brexit, especially achieved against those convinced of their own intelligence and superiority, is irresistable.
I hope that all this “hurry” to do a deal with EU, making “concessions” to the ROI, is being done merely for enjoyment.
I hope that Boris will pull the rug from under the feet of our enemies.
Duke Boris of Whereever should be his reward.
In any event we will not be accepting the result of a rigged second referendum, we are leaving the EU.
Line 6 should say “.. UK leaving the EU”
1000 likes, I will not get my head through the door.
A few dozen hippies at the door of Broadcasting House might be the least of their worries.
Over to you Tony.
And compounding.
BBC News
“Beating, abusing and punishment. That is what they did to us here.”
67 men and boys have been freed from an Islamic boarding school in northern Nigeria after police found them shackled.
Warning: Contains upsetting scenes
Muslims and Communists, the worst human rights records in history.
They have walls to keep people in.
The West needs walls to keep people out, and we are not doing it successfully, thanks to Muslims and Communists.
Having a bunker inside might not help much given what happened at the staff hog roast.
“Poll tracker: How popular are the Westminster political parties?”
Do any of you believe these polls when The Brexit Party has just become the biggest party in the EU?
Or has there been more cooking going on here than in the Great British Bake Off ?
I watched politics live today.
I usually watch because they often have a leaver on the panel of 4.
Today they had Claire Fox from TBP.
They were discussing Brexit and after the tory girl and labours bloke had a good long talk about it you could see that Claire wanted to put TBP’s case forward as opposed to the rubbish being spouted.
Coburn looked at her then said “let’s move on” or words to that effect, giving TBP no say at all.
Remember, TBP, our biggest party in the eu, winners of the UK eu vote. Given NO right to reply or even to comment on the Brexit discussion.
They then followed it with a load of rubbish about the snp which was where I gave up and switched off.
The BBC have put up a clip from the show in which Claire Fox says the problem is postal votes so both Tory and Labour are wrong in their hyperbole
On Twitter the LabourMachine-of-hate posted masses of tweets against Fox saying she is an evil-denier so shouldn’t be allowed on the BBC…
There is this Tweet also
“IMF warns world growth slowest since financial crisis”
I see that they sneaked “Brexit” in at least four times.
“Brexit: Narrow path to deal at EU summit, says Barnier”
Can someone tell us what concessions if any, have the EU made ?
“Can someone tell us what concessions if any, have the EU made ?”..a rhetorical/pointed question I guess Taff?
like you I suspect, I worry what “we” have given away…it’ll be the end of the Tories if we have a BRINO!!
..the “world” has changed imo!
t – “Narrow path”
Push the EU bastards off the ******* path, Boris.
ITV’s idea of local news on ITV Calendar
– village unlikely to cull peacocks
– Black miners photo exhibition
– Women of the Year Awards
– Soldiers are doing Atlantic Challenge rowing
– 50 years of the 50p piece.
After BBC local news trailer for the BBC Fashion Fix podcast
“Your hairdryer uses 25Kg of CO2/year, can we do better ?”
constant preaching from the Climate-Tele-evangelists
It’s not all about saving the planet
There is the dress like a modest Muslim prog as well.
There is a stench of rotten fish at too many establishment body heads.
Chief executives keeping a low profile, leaving decisions to subordinates and then overruling them when the SHTF just makes what was pathetic dire, and dangerous.
And all this on top of laws that exist, don’t exist, can be imposed, ignored or repealed on whim.
XR wanted anarchy, but the backslash might not create the vacuum they hope to take over.
Craig at ITBB has more in complement.
Is “Zion Lights” her drag name?
Did ‘she’ get it from the options list at a car showroom.
Also, if I’m not mistaken, ‘she’ appears to have an Adam’s apple.
From current Wikipedia article.
“In August 2015, Lights was dubbed ‘Britain’s greenest mother’ ”
No “Original name …” statement”
I agree. She looks as green as she is cabbage looking.
Strange name
and also invisible background
always been described as being “born in the West Midlands”
Who ever says that ?
If you are born in Birmingham you’d say Birmingham
I guess she grew up somewhere small and posh, maybe Leamngton Spa etc.
No indication of her family background
Her early early essay is about class prejudice within the Asian community, about how you must marry the right caste.
It’s possible she is the person she describes as , she married a white man maybe she created her identity then and left her old life behind.
I’m away from UK but have seen on the internet the story of a labour bash where whites are charged £40 and non Whites £30
Please tell me this is getting wall to wall coverage ….
…and I think this is some kind of criminal offence ?
It almost sounds like a made up story – if it’s true – the attitude within the Labour Party is ..shocking .
The Labour party is a Fascist verging on a Nazi party which HATES white people with a passion.
The more people start to talk about Labours anti White hate the better, because if you stay silent it’s tantamount to agreement with them.
2018 Loughbrough Labour party Corbyn rally
They had a special low £30 price for BAME
‘Not racist said police’
..Of course it is
>Fed…& illegal no?.. under Race Discrimination law?
JRM on LBC this morning (YouTube for me) with Nick Ferrari giving an excellent Q & A with callers and saying how he wholeheartedly believes Brexit is going to happen, which is encouraging!
I wish a caller had asked him what odds he would offer on it if he were a bookmaker.
Also a 10 minute speech on YouTube made yesterday in the HoC by Lee Rowley is definitely worth a watch ????
Tweets by Lee4NED
He quoted Tony Benn’s rules of representation:
“ can ask five questions:
• what power do you have;
• where did you get it;
• in whose interests do you exercise it;
• to whom are you accountable;
• how can we get rid of you?
(Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system).”
I hope ‘Surrender’ Benn was duly ashamed.
Yes it surely must be illegal now – I wonder is any prosecuting agency – or even the state broadcaster- will follow it up. ?
A ‘Woman’ goes beserk in Longsight Manchester and stabs two men, this is a major Pakistani Muslim area, and the photos of the ‘Woman’ are just of someone dressed in black with no skin visible.
Given the Arndale incident in which the Fascist Left MEN refused to even print the perpetrator was a Muslim so there’s little chance of them telling the truth about this.
Looks like Manchester is becoming another London. Do they also have a Labour Mayor?
Another one here. Teenager stabbed on a bus by a ‘man’ in a balaclava.
Police are treating it as ‘isolated’ and say there is no threat to the wider public. How do they know that then?
Just an eg of young Jews being seriously verbally abused in Hertfordshire and NW London . Both reported to the police. One was bombarded with Heil Hitler salutes and nasty comments while walking to the local park, the other surrounded by girls on a bus taunting him about his inadequacies was downgraded by the police from an anti semitic incident to social misbehaviour despite he fact that the boy’s Jewish identity was highly visible by his Jewish school jacket. These sort of incidents may not seem serious for some but the dangers are there with the spread of incitement to hatred and no positive news being credited to the Jewish State See or
Corbyn is outraged at plans to introduce ID checks at polling stations.
And justifiably so in my opinion: how will Labour-supporting muslims fiddle the votes if they have to show ID?
“Corbyn: Voter ID plans discriminate against ethnic minorities”
The id photo’s of the girls should be interesting.
Just two eyes in a slit and the rest of the picture all black.
I suppose if they wanted to they could take one picture and use it for all of them and nobody would see any difference. Male, Female, young, old.
And isn’t that the truth.
Picking up on the very first post on this thread by Yasser Dasmibehbi.
The BBC rarely uses BC and AD because of its Christian origins.
It now prefers CE and BCE (common era).
It infuriates me but fits very nicely in the BBCs cultural marxism agenda.
Not true
– BBC website stories using BCE in the last year
– BBC website stories using AD in the last year
Aaqil Ahmed is Commissioning Editor Religion , blog 2011
a newspaper story that had made the headlines that day concerning the use of date systems BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). The story, suggesting we had dropped AD (Anno Domini) and BC (Before Christ), was quite simply wrong.
We have issued no editorial guidelines or instructions to suggest that anyone in the BBC should change the terms they use.
The BBC, like most people, use BC and AD as standard terminology.
Just for the record, for our religion and ethics programming on BBC television and radio we generally use AD and BC. It is a shame that people seeking to make mischief should cast a shadow over the wonderful celebration of our Christian religious heritage that is Songs of Praise.
And what a blatant attitude of “we’ll-rub-their-noses-in-it” (‘it’ being diversity) made the beeb choose a muslim as head of Religion.
“Why Aaqil Ahmed shouldn’t run the BBC’s Religion & Ethics Department
But I don’t say that Mr Ahmed shouldn’t have the job because he’s a Muslim. I say that he shouldn’t have the job because I doubt he is up to it.
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m sure Mr Ahmed is a good and devout man, kind to old ladies and small animals. And I don’t say that he has an aggressive attitude to Christianity, though some do. I’m just saying that his work to date seems lightweight and he should be judged accordingly on it.” – DT.
Irish border. Supposedly a big problem with the potential to thwart our independence from the EU.
Scottish border. No problem. Won’t need one, according to Sturgeon……
@GuestWho you posted a Spectator link
Such articles are written in Welsh so you need to post the URL into Google translate …and then you can see the English clearly
without the pop up window that normally blocks the page
That particular article about Sarpong had already been posted 3 times here already
I despise the BBC but I have just sat and watched the story of Leonard Choen and Marian …….wonderful beautiful story about two people who lived and loved together…….told with no agenda or message.
Why can’t we have more like that….well done BBC……….you know you can do it when you try.
If you watch and don’t cry at the end then there is no hope …..
Hi Halifax, when i read “i despise the BBC” – you immediately got a Like from me 🙂 i didn’t need to read the rest of your comment
Modern Britain, BBC style Easy ways to boost baby talk, graphic shows:
White dad, black kid
Black mum, black kid,
White lesbian couple, white kid
Brown Muslim couple, brown kid
White dad with wedding ring on wrong hand, white kid.
Someone takes the time to think these graphics up.
Teach your baby to say “Death to Infidels, Allahu Akbar” before it’s 6 years old.
Unless it’s a girl in which case teach her to say “Yes, husband, whatever pleases you”.
OT, but maybe a hint to Laura, Nick and all the other ‘analysts’ as to why those polls they get so excited about can often lead to disappointment when reality kicks in.
So XR rig polls,
.. as well as paying some of their protesters
Ritula Shah’s R4 news (James Montague) tells me that the Celtic Cross is part of the ‘far-right’/Nazi conspiracy, along with the Swastika, in Eastern Europe. James tells us it’s a ‘dark’ place, all about the ‘Ultras’. A lot of ‘these people’ are in power there, James says. He writes i.a. for The Gruniad, apparently. That speaks for itself.
The media obsession of the past 24 hours has to be exploited and developed. R4 is perfect for that purpose.
Apparently there are a lot of baddies around there, whereas we superior beings here in the West, consist only of goodies. We’re so enlightened. Lotsa crime, drugs, alienation, knife killings, murders and suicides daily, but enlightened thanks to beeb. Much too bright for crosses and stuff. James knows.
The Guardian tells us The Home Office is being evil to rich playgirl
Furaha Asani
– She’s ethnic Congolese, but was born in Nigeria to her Congolese father doctor father, who mostly lived and worked in Nigeria
Her mother is a dentist who lives in Nigeria and has official refugee status after her birth country Georgia left the USSR
Since age 20 Furaha Asani left Nigeria has moved between living in South Africa and the UK and visiting Nigeria always on her Congolese passport
In the audio she says it would “be great to have a Nigerian passport”, but Nigeria does recognise residency, so refers to her as Congolese.
She also said her father has now died.
In April her UK visa expired ..and now the Guardian says the Home Office is evil cos it will deport her to her passport country.
‘She’s never been there, she doesn’t speak the language ‘
.. Jeez her father was Congolese he must have taught her something.
And it’s not the UK’s fault she hasn’t left to Nigeria ..she always got visas to go there before.
audio skip to about minute 8
You’d think the BBC would be leading with one of the following stories: China and Hong Kong, Turkey and Syria, Spain and Barcelona. But no. They decide to lead, of course, with the fact that a tiny handful of Bulgarian idiots were in the crowd at the football match against England.
James: The beeb will lead with its main agenda. It has a war to wage.
Real news is of secondary importance.
It will exploit its favourite narrative to the full:
Who cares about little things like real wars, when you can bathe naked in ‘waycism’?
Come on in, the water’s lovely!
Mind you looks like Piers Morgan will lose his own poll
60% say “go” of 475K votes
Stew – Obviously 60% of those who voted didnt know what they were voting for/or were not given enough information.
There are also different types of sacking, there is of course “soft ” sacking where you stay in post but tell everyone you have been sacked and “hard” sacking which means pushing Piers over a cliff edge or crashing a lorry into him at 70 miles an hour – do people realise this?
In view of this lack of clarity I would suggest another pole with fuller information or perhaps with clearer questions
Maybe this
should Piers be sacked but not really ?
should Piers stay ?
£39 Billion for defence, not one penny for tribute.
“Whenever you pay them the Danegeld you never get rid of the Dane.”
“For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!”
“They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
Lords without anger or honour, who dare not carry their swords.
They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes.”
“We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,”
“And a new people takes the land: and still it is not we”
“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding.
Like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”.
That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side
of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself,
is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come.
In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century.
Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now.
Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.”
The great betrayal.
My view is that we fight, our obligation to our ancestors and our descendants makes this compulsory.
Best wishes to you all.
Saloon I share your foreboding.
It would appear that Boris has sprayed glitter on his own turd and will be forcing it down the throat of all of us.
I never expected anything less of this blustering, elitist lightweight.
The elite always look after their own and dam the rest of us.
the bastards.
Apologies for my spelling this morning – I just hit the post button, am rather angry at this slow motion Tory/establishment betrayal we have all been subjected too.
Still I am sure the Daily Mail will approve.
There is no such thing as a fair deal when negotiating with the EU.
If Boris gets a deal/treaty. Then it will be a bad one, with compromises on the UK side and little to none of the EU side.
As you can imagine I’ve wanted No-deal from the beginning. It’s the only fair way to proceed.
Seems the Poison Peroxide Pepperoni Stick follows the career advice of Dr. Greg.
I think the fact that politicians imagine that they can get away with a sell out of monumental proportions (which it will be if the EU agrees) is purely because they know that whatever slop they serve up to us will be be presented as the “best we could get” by the cowards and globalists that inhabit this metropolitan echo chamber, when in truth what we have been sold is betrayal of an entire country and vassalage dressed up as something else.
None of this would have been possible without a complicit and corrupt state broadcaster.
How I hate the BBC and I pray one day for a real reckoning.