I’m old enough to remember when this song by Peter Paul and Mary was riding high in the hit parade, Scroblene:
Apparently it was about a very laid back Dragon and hey man, there was this chick with kaleidoscope eyes and rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies…. no I think I’m getting this confused with The Mash Report.
As an owner of that very vinyl single, I must report that it was NOT a success in the UK Cassandra and never charted. But to be fair, very big in the US.
I saw that Sluff but Stewpot played it regularly on Junior Choice and kids my age had to sing it in every school assembly. Next you’ll be denying that Max Bygraves didn’t sing this song!
Any news about riots in Barcelona yet Beeb?
Or Paris come to that? Seems we have to rely on the Russians and their RT Channel to hear anything the worlds most trusted broadcaster deems to be ‘anti EU’.
Antoinette Sandbach, Tory MP deselected by her Branch. No surprising following this report from last year.
The Sun Newspaper. 9th June 2018:
” ‘LIVING IN FEAR’ Pensioner fears police raid after Tory MP Antoinette Sandbach reported her to cops for grumbling email.”
” Retired Linda Banahan wrote to her local MP over what she saw as her Brexit betrayal for voting against the Government but Antoinette Sandbach responded by saying she had reported her to the cops. ”
Thanks for that good news – I see her constituency voted 52% to leave – that he is a barrister and for Welsh AM . She should get on great with the rest of the traitors in the non liberal non democrats….
Instead of black rod in that den of traitors we need Dyna rod to get rid of the blockage caused by about 500 remainers voted in on a promise of leaving.
Flush them away.
Fedup2, this isn’t directly related to anything today about the racist far-left bbc but it is relevant to the part they are playing in the marxist game plan for destroying our nation. It’s a book by American analyst Stephen Coughlin, of whom you have probably heard.
The book is free to down load from the link in the article. I’ve started to read it and it provides a refreshing insight into the lefties’ agenda and perhaps some tips on how to fight back against them. You might find it an interesting read:
I have reduced my BBC interaction to a bare minimum – but driving yesterday – did anyone notice how much they were going on about the racism in Bulgaria…which they very quickly switched to racism in the UK and proceeded to push in the listeners ears throughout the day.. why can’t they just accept it was few people (and it looked pre planned) in the whole crowd ..and not as most of their selected interviewees maintained due to far right far right… does this mean the left are immune from being racists ?
AND the BBC would never highlight anti Semitic rascism . This is the reality today.. Just an eg of young Jews being seriously verbally abused in Hertfordshire and NW London . Both reported to the police. One was bombarded with Heil Hitler salutes and other nasty anti semitic comments while walking to the local park, the other surrounded by girls on a bus taunting him about his inadequacies was downgraded by the police from an anti semitic incident to social misbehaviour despite he fact that the boy’s Jewish identity was highly visible by his Jewish school jacket.
These sort of incidents may not seem serious for some but today’s children are tommorrow’s adults and the dangers are there. With the spread of incitement to hatred and no positive news being credited to the Jewish State it will only get worse. eg Israel is rarely credited for its life saving medicines and medical innovations. (see http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com and http://www.israelactive.com )
Read on the DM website of a primary school in Radlett where a teacher threatened children that if they didn’t do their homework they would be sent to the gas chambers. Radlett is an area with a sizeable Jewish population and apparently 11 Jewish children in the class. Now how, even in error could a teacher say such a thing? I can only think that the teacher is mixing in the sort of circles where mention of sending people to the gas chambers is common parlance. Labour Party meetings or Momentum meetings perhaps? The teacher was sacked but it is scary that anyone could even think it an acceptable threat.
One rather suspects that there was a degree of pre-planning on behalf of the offended English players and officials. Well, we know that UEFA have a defined protocol to handle such incidents, but the suspicion is that the officials were primed to be ‘extra sensitive’ to any provocations (of course, you could argue that there should be zero tolerance). Anybody watching the match on television would have been hard pressed to hear any racist chanting either in Engish or Bulgarian and hence blissfully unaware, nor were the stiff-armed salutes shown.
Coming soon on the BBC: Should Britain remain in the EU now we know there are racist football supporters in some member countries?
That really is an issue as big as Brexit . They make a big thing of manifestos – but now we know that they really can be ignored without shame . They can lie continuously to get elected and then say they never meant it .
I know we always say politicians can’t be trusted but brexit has provided a crystal clear example of just how untrustworthy they all are .
The irony is that people who make pre election promises and keep them – President Trump – are vilified by the bubble which won’t even compliment -him- on carrying through on promises .
‘Where do we go from here ?”
I don’t know – but I don’t think the traitors will want any election any time soon as they know what voters will do to them – if they can be bothered to vote any more .
Are you with Dominic Grieve and Anna Soubry and Tony Blair? Are you with the anti-Democratic Remainer Establishment, who will smile queasily as they patronise you and neutralise your vote?
@Up2snuff Really , surely if you click on it it opens up a fresh window ?
If I go to Youtube and type ‘Question Time elites’ I get that same video here
Stew, thanks for the link. I have a very grumpy browser or PC or both and the vid just wouldn’t play. I would have searched on YT but without a day & month to aim for, it would have meant quite a task.
A new day and which Remoaner are the MSM platforming
to spit your face ?
Kevin Maguire ..again
#GMB Look who’s on ???????????? Kevin Maguire ???????? ???? first Remoaner bore of the day. On to slag off Boris Johnson & Brexit. Says the same rubbish on TV everytime he’s on. Be back on Sky News tonight say the same stuff all over again. Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, Yawn pic.twitter.com/j1cErYtan3
— ASKdes ????????????????????????????♂️ (@ASK_des) October 16, 2019
Its an utter tragedy what happened to Harry Dunn, and all credit to his parents for persevering for justice in their son’s death.
BUT, – and was I the only one thinking this ?, on seeing his parents enter the gates of the White House for an unprecedented meeting with the President – the most powerful man in the world, – Mr Dunn arrived wearing an oversized T shirt exposing his armful of tattoos, and jeans, and Harry’s stepfather also wore jeans and a cardi. Whatever happened to decorum and good manners, has the shirt/tie and jacket been abandoned and replaced with slovenliness ? I know we live in a world where anything goes, – contestants on quiz shows are proof of that, but honest to God, there’s a time and place.
The BBC have for some time used any opportunity they can to sour the relationship between the UK and the USA, this is just another example. The abuse of a bereaved family in order to further their political aims falls beneath normal contempt. When the inevitable UK General Election happens (if Corbyn allows) the next government should ensure that the BBC cannot indulge itself in this political game play by severely or completely closing off its income source.
We should as ever be reluctant to judge people
They are travelling hurriedly across from the UK to New York to Washington to the White House all the time pestered by the scumbag British media .
And then for a 15 minute meeting with Trump
I guess they weren’t carrying much clothes and had no time o change. Plus nigh have been advised against photo-opportunity trickery from the Americans.
They do look a bit chav with face piercings and his arm/hand tattoos
but actually the Sky video shows straight after spoke very well & intelligently
It is clear that they were impressed by Trump
although quite narked at attempt to ambush them into a meeting with the driver against their express wishes.
The press of course choose to concentrate on that last bit.
Of course from one angle it does look like she pulls privilege and avoided the normal judicial process.
My guess is that she knows American intelligence secrets so cannot be just left in a UK prison… where she could be used to leverage her husband , but the US could have done it more tidily saying that they would cooperate and she would serve whatever sentence in the US
I saw that and thought exactly the same thing.
I’m a working class bloke. I’m a Cockney and I’ve no reason… and indeed nothing to be snobbish about, but bloody hell…
I absolutely respect and fully appreciate the dreadful trauma of losing a son.
However, you’re in the United States, you’ve been given access to their president and you mooch along like you’re about to do your weekly shopping in Lidl’s.
One of the blokes was smothered in tattoos and one of the women had a face of rings.
Would it really have hurt to put a suit and tie on?
I agree with you and thought exactly the same. I can’t help thinking that if you look like a scruff you will get treated like one.
They knew they were going to be in the public eye in America, even if they did not know they were going to meet the president, yet they were dressed as if they were just off to put the bins out. These days even a tie isn’t expected, but a shirt and jacket should not pose a problem to anyone. It’s just basic politeness.
Is that what they would have worn to meet the Queen? Perhaps it is.
why fly to the states & then not at least meet with this woman (what was the point?)
can’t help think the UK & US MSM are using this tragedy/accident as another Trump bashing excuse.
sadly accidents on the road happen every day in the UK.
will every grieving parent be give this level of media attention?
ps – anymore news on the cop killed/run over? 3 youths arrested is the only titbit of news heard so far from our BEEB.
JustRemainIn Webb has a chat with Sweater Swinson. He points out, more than once, – with an interruption, also – her intellectually incredible position of wanting a so-called ‘Peoples Vote’ (second EU Referendum) when she does not accept the result of the first EU Referendum and wishes to overturn it. He was quite persistent and stated the truth apparent for all listeners.
It was Sweater’s turn to talk over JustRemainIn toward the end of the point he was making with her trying to wriggle out of her contradictory position: “It’s in the Party Manifesto.”. Prior to that the interview had the usual very polite, gentle, non-hectoring stance that is usually accorded by the BBC to Anti-Brexiteers and Remainers.
“Have UK voters changed their minds on Brexit?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-50043549
Of course, there is no mention of the landslide victory achieved by The Brexit Party in the recent Euro Elections, the largest party in the European Union?
More Propaganda from Al Beeb and the MSM . Are they they are softening us up ready for a ‘so called’ confirmatory referendum ? Hobson’s Choice?
Nor do they mention that most of those surveyed want to leave and only a minority wish to remain. In the first table, 46% say they wish to leave (with or without a deal), but only 34% explicitly support the BBC’s policy of remaining or revoking Article 50. In the second table, the figure wishing to leave is 49% and those wishing to hold a referendum or revoke Article 50 is 40%. In other words, it’s a false and misleading narrative akin to Heath’s “There’s been a fall in the rate of growth of inflation” or Wilson’s “Of course the pound in your pocket is still worth the same”.
Did I hear correctly? Talk Radio news this morning.
Lewis Hamilton who has made his millions driving a high performance car, around and around and around at speed, now complaining about those not listening to the climate change bs!
Apparently we should all be vegans and he’s going to jack it all in.
The state broadcaster website has a piece by jonny kertice the stats man – which goes on a bit but basically says there’s not much change about voter intentions over brexit
There is no testimony as to the staunch support brexiting retains despite the daily project fear , the treachery of parliament and judiciary as well as the constant polluting propaganda coming from the MSM .
The nice bit of trickery in his survey is a question about a second referendum . He doesn’t say what the options would be . We all know that another referendum really would be fixed to prevent a full no deal brexit thus being able to treat the EU as an enemy – which is how I see it .
#Brexit What’s going on Dominic Grieve, David Lammy, Vince Cable & Caroline Lucas. Are in Brussels meeting Guy Verhofstadt trying do all they can to stop Brexit bloody TRAITORS all of them. Get it through your thick skulls 17.4 million people voted leave EU all want out.???????????????? pic.twitter.com/jgCgRqdUm2
— ASKdes ????????????????????????????♂️ (@ASK_des) October 16, 2019
Perhaps Andrew Lloyd Webber could turn their antics into a musical – Rats.
Messrs Grieve and Hammond wouldn’t need any makeup or prosthetics, that should save a few bob on costumes.
Radio 5 really scraping the barrel this morning by inviting Peter Mandelson on to give us his wisdom on our withdrawal from the EU. I had forgotten just how slimy, patronising and full of self importance this odious creature was, and I must thank the BBC for refreshing my memory. The up-side of the interview was that even the “woke” Emma Barnett seemed to be uncomfortable in his presence. A truly evil piece of rats dung.
Lord Mandelslime of Fondlebum, chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University. What were they thinking of when, not only that he was chosen but that someone thought he’d be a suitable candidate?
Dimitri gets a free BBC advert for his expert web-site on international trade on which he is a so-called ‘expert’. He doesn’t say “So” a lot at the start of his sentences so I assume he is a true expert. If anyone spots anything wrong in my post below, maxi included, please advise and correct. Here*, especially.
Had the BBC Presenter (Nick or Justin, can’t remember) been really neutral, a curious journalist and well-informed, he would have asked a question when Dimitri spoke about tariffs being reclaimed. The EU States, as part of the EUNation Protectionist scam, charge tariffs on certain goods coming into EU member states. These are charged on import, rolled into the pricing of the good for the customer within the EU to pay. If the good is re-exported ie. to the UK when outside the EU, the questions Nick or Justin should have been asking is “Is the tariff really reclaimable?” (* I have my doubts. To best of my knowledge tariffs are not like VAT.) and “Does not the tariff merely form part of the price by the importing company which they then pass on to their customer?”
What this is really about is the importation of foodstuffs from all over the world and goods, principally from Japan, Far East and the USA, which come into the EU at a single point, in a country which will continue to be a member of the EU. If the UK gets out and fully away from the EUNation and escapes its iron grip, it would be an advantage, for example for a Japanese hi-fi manufacturer, to by-pass the EU based importer/distributor, in say Holland, and set up a base in the UK, employ some UK people and take advantage of a more generous tariff arrangement (if one was on offer) from the UK Government and export direct into the UK.
There would be an obvious potential boost to the UK economy after we leave the EU.
“Organised criminals could exploit gaps in the UK’s border preparations in the event of a no-deal Brexit, a government spending watchdog has warned.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50058589
Could ?
Tom Pride has got a gotcha
He’s found a *2004 quote* from Boris saying that it is outrageous for authorities to ask for an ID card
and he tweets an image of the quote with quotation marks
..except he has cropped a whole phase in the middle
that shows Boris is talking about when you are walking down the street more
You have to read the Mail in Scotland to get facts on the total incompetence of the SNP over its 10 + years of Government.
Incompetence right across the board….at a very high cost in write offs, higher taxes and service level deficiencies.
Surely this should be the job of the state broadcaster to report ? but having nailed its colours to the Remain mast it is unable to report truthfully on this dire bunch of SNP rebels.
And that bunch of oddballs the SNP have sent to Westminster…..
I dont know anyone in Scotland who would behave like that in a neighbouring country or even in this one. What must the people who voted for that be thinking when they watch their antics at Westminster and lately in interference via the Scottish Court system?
It is downright disrespect. It is not natural Scottish behaviour and lacks humour as well as a sense of proportion and positive contribution.
It is plainly NOT SCOTTISH and does not represent the majority here.
The state broadcaster must report on their total failure and mad scheme for a 2nd break-up Britain campaign.
Or it can fold the tents and close down the bBC Scotland operation-
Here’s a documentary idea bBC if you are looking in
With all this talk about ‘racism’, I was amused to read the article by David Bullard on ‘Politicsweb’ (politicsweb.co.za) entitled “Choosing victimhood over victory”. In the comments section, someone observed the relationship between ‘being offended’, victimhood and entitlement, which was most interesting
I look at the SA stuff, as there the whites are in the minority, and the blacks run the political show.
One learns a lot.
Cant understand why I’m not on the ‘list’, because apart from friends and family no-one’s ever heard of me either. (although I am doing a double take on the top right hand corner 🙂 )
TR grounded
He has posted a video of him going to the passport office to ask why after the guaranteed 7 day service they cannot explain why they can neither give him his new passport, nor old passport back .
#1 Yes it does show undercover footage of the office official
but it would be for the purposes of journalism
and that guy is pretty reasonable.
#2 Of course the office would have to check with the judicial system and check their is no block on TR’s passport, but that should be pretty quick
So the delay does look like a form of punishment
TR does have an old conviction for arriving back in the UK on someone elses passport, but such convictions do get spent, and he has travelled on his on passport frequently since
Of course TR could apply for an Irish passport but shouldn’t have to
That is a total and utter disgrace. That bloke reminds me of the sketch where the “computer says no”…..
It’s clear the guy was being down right obstructive.
How can he not know which department is dealing with the application/checks.
These people are operating outside of the law.
Tommy ought to sue.
I think the word is “thick”. But TR did not acquit himself very well there. He was repeating himself over and over with same result to a person who was obviously not very bright and was not in the position to help him. He claimed to be a manager and yet did not know the procedure with which to issue a temporary passport or to determine why that facility was or was not not available to TR. TR should have demanded to see his boss and then someone from the department which was holding his passport and if that person drew a blank keep on escalating to the person above him.
Radio4 big blooper
It has a crossed line now . For 3 mins it broadcast 2 streams the normal prog and then a newsrader in a studio
He began “testing testing, it’s so f*cking cold in this studio, why’s it so F@cking cold ? .. President Erdogan has ”
They switched him off now
The people in the normal studio never knew it was happening.
Twitter noticed , there were 20 tweets each MINUTE
whereas recently few people tweet along to shows .. The rate is 20 tweets per HOUR
Whoops open mic how embarrassing. First lesson I was taught was never swear near a microphone, it might be open (even if it is "fucking cold in here")….@BBCRadio4https://t.co/XoZesdVYIO
Guilty secret –
I saw a bit of morning bbc news channel . The mcvie? One was on college green and lined up the excellent Mark Francious? For interview where up on the mentally challenged “ stop brexit “ man got into full shouty. When said MP commented on it the mcvie woman was sharply back with “ he is exercising his democratic right “ . Said MP didn’t fall for the trap which had been laid for him by the state broadcaster .
The Remainer broadcaster corpse really does try to do every thing to undermine brexit democrats but fortunately failed across these long years to break us.
Up2- being not a fan of hippy pop combos I don’t know many tunes of the fleetwood Mac – but I suppose the one ‘tell me lies “ is most appropriate when it comes to remainer traitors .
I’ve got flu but I was most gladdened that MSM has a ‘melting ‘ story ( my favourite ) with HRH desperately trying to stay alive on his jolly to Pakistan ….
I’ve just watched that too. Followed by the 100 year old ballet teacher who puts his longevity down to becoming a vegetarian 50 years ago.
Getting back to the melting story, when it came on I grumbled to my wife that these stories have become fashionable, go back a few years or maybe even months and there was neither hide nor hair of them.
Interesting poll on the BBC webshite.
They report that if Boris cannot agree anything with the EU in time for Oct 31, then 34% want to leave without a deal. It is by far the most popular single option.
Leaving with the May deal or another delay also get votes so the leave total far exceeds the various Remoan, sorry, remain, or second referendum options.
I look forward to the BBC news output reflecting public opinion.
But I fear we may have a long time to wait.
Good to see though that the best opinion polls reviewed by polling guru John Cutice reveal by inference the BBC remoaner bias.
Guardianlalaland’s Naomi Klein has flown in from Canada/America to lecture us on Climate
– She is on Vine now
– Earlier @NaomiAKlein and @adamboultonSKY had a debate on #ExtinctionRebellion.
– Krishnan Guru-Murthy tweeted Just recorded a brilliant pod with @NaomiAKlein
– this week’s guest on #WaysToChangetheWorld – out tomorrow.
She just tweeted 12:30 TODAY: Mothers & babies call on @Google
to stop funding climate deniers
& tell the truth about the climate crisis,
while XR Youth visit @YouTube
They will be asking Google to follow its motto ‘do the right thing’.
Naomi spoke in favour of Canada’s special First Nation Protections
In Canada : First Nation people are given special status
cos their traditions/culture are damaged by foreign invasions
Well, should British First Nation people not receive protection ?
or should it be the case that recent immigrant culture is given priority over British First Nation culture ?
R5 — Emma Barnett chats with Jackie Malton, the real life DCI who was the inspiration for the character of Jane Tennison in TV’s Prime Suspect.
Of course it turns out that Malton is a gay woman, so on top of toxic masculinity in the police we need to talk about homophobia. Ah and now dildos, because you see Malton received them in numerous quantities in the post. Emma dwells on this anecdote fully in her role as 6th form head girl, seeing how often she can repeat the word ‘dildo’ on air.
So there it is, great family broadcasting at lunchtime.
@wallj10 I’m sorry but I am disgusted at the content of this mornings @Emmabarnett show on @bbc5live For some of our kids it is half term hols & features on sex toys & mirth made at comments like “ had it off with a Great Dane” is distasteful in the extreme.
Did Ms Barnett enquire whether DCI Malton took care to recycle the dildos, and their highly toxic batteries in the case of the electrified variety, in an environmentally sensitive manner ?
So 3 attackers were involved in the first attack
and 2 got away
Then down the road 2 youths in the same age range are stabbed by a woman
That woman could be the same age as the first victims elder sister or aunt etc.
The BBC fails to report on very serious violent crimes in any detail especially those that have been committed predominently by a certain ethnic minority. They divert attention by emphasising less serious crimes and making them out to be the crimes that we should be really concerned about.
I’ve noticed this recently when it comes to crimes against women . Please don’t get me wrong any rape is a terrible thing whether it is a woman who is drunk ( eg long interview on Women’s hour ) or whether the women is a hostess at a club and it is an ex boyfriend who rapes her (eg the drama on radio 4 today) but it simply doesn’t compare to young girls being drugged and raped and then passed on to other men – about these truely really horrendous crimes there seems to be silence.
Britains army? Why not the EU’s? As I understand it, Brexit or not, Treason May signed up to gift our armed services over to the EU’s control including MI5, MI6 and GCHQ Cheltenham. Just another inexorable step toward totally hollowing out the UK. Thanks Conservatives.
The Python team were amazingly prophetic. A revisit of the first hour or so of Life of Brian answers many of the questions that people have about the state of Middle Eastern politics.
4:30pm CNN are on the Radio4 Media show
so they will asked about the #ExposeCNN scandal ?
@ACatherwoodNews tweeted Joining me on today’s Media Show @taniabranigan of @guardian, just back from HK
and @clarissaward of @CNN who was in Syria last week discuss reporting from inside an oppressive regime. 4.30pm
– The global games industry is 3 times the size of the movie business. @hood_vic of @techRadar and @ballmatthew join me on the Media Show to talk #FortniteChapter2
8pm Radio 4 Moral Maze
Are longer prison sentences a just and effective form of punishment?
How grim should life in prison be ?
… None of the lefty guests and lefty panelists are yet named on the website https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0009cfc
The Booker prize has an express rule that judges must choose only one winner not 2
but the judges staged a sit in.
This year’s Booker Prize was won by two women writers — Bernardino Evaristo and Margaret Atwood.
The winners were chosen by an all-women jury chaired by Natalie Haynes, with Afua Hirsch, Liz Calder, Xiaolu Guo, and Joanna MacGregor making up the rest.
So all women panel one of which is the race-baiter Afua Hirsch
and they chose 2 feminists one of whom is black
.. that’s a surprise.
I dedicate my first ever published “poem ” to Dave
There once was a squirrel called fred
who identified as a girl instead
so he went to Tavistock clinic
it took just a minute
to whip off his nuts- now nuff said!
Apparently the surgeon resorted to his teeth rather than a scalpel but judging by the lack of blood after the first attempt had to have at least one more ‘stab at it’.
Personally, I don’t think that the anaesthetist was up to the job, either, judging by the pic. Typical NHS.
Times article : tries to claim that “online hate” drives real world “hate crime”
Well the report is rubbish, no proper definitions or proper stats are presented
Instead its all flakey
Apparently the gov spends our money on something called “Hate Lab” at Cardiff University.
Great reduce crime against everyone, including minorities, but lets not have all this flakiness.
Come join us in the @hate_lab by taking on this fantastic PhD topic looking at the impact of cyberhate, with a particular focus on transgender community. You’ll work with great researchers in Cardiff, the lovely capital of Wales! https://t.co/xAVRVIi91x
Another pervy doctor
· A doctor groped a female colleague a 55 yo nurse because he suffered a “euphoric” reaction to a pet calming spray* a tribunal heard today.
Dr Colin Gelder, 59, claimed he squeezed the nurse’s …
Claims the spray reacted with hayfever meds tp make him feel like Superman.
Ah after 2 months the 3 guys in the Owen Jones incidents have been charged with actual bodily harm* and affray
court on November 6
* “minor injury, such as bruising, inflicted on a person by the deliberate action of another, considered less serious than grievous bodily harm.”
I don’t see any HATE charges there https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-50004794
As my mum would have said, it’s a face that only a mother could love.
Anyway, I could be wrong but I think there are real crimes occurring here in Cheshire that maybe could benefit from her doing her proper job and investigating a few of them.
Think about it. What she is really saying is that the law will enforce or would like to enforce the use of words that many find an affront to reality.
2 plus 2 = 5. And a boot on your face forever.
usual feelgood (PC) statements from the royals, maybe they’ll ask granny to downsize?
have to wonder who they want to “educate then take action” (china maybe)
JohnCMar 6, 04:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘They try to pitch Muslims against Hindus’. Nobody does that more than the BBC. They hate the Hindus. Every report…
JohnCMar 6, 04:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 One day, three crises and Trump’s free-wheeling foreign policy on display https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwyd5xn98yno And another outrageously lop-sided from the BBC’s Zurcher.…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 6, 04:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hear tell that down In deepest Windsor in the hall of the muslim King, that the call to prayer…
vladMar 6, 04:07 Midweek 5th March 2025 Dave Rubin: “Sadiq Khan is a Jihadist in sheep’s clothing and Britain is f*cked.” Here’s weasel Khan celebrating ‘diversity’. That’s…
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3w14gw3wwlo ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
This’ll calm us all down, Cassandra!
Funny that the lyrics seem quite apt today…
I’m old enough to remember when this song by Peter Paul and Mary was riding high in the hit parade, Scroblene:
Apparently it was about a very laid back Dragon and hey man, there was this chick with kaleidoscope eyes and rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies…. no I think I’m getting this confused with The Mash Report.
As an owner of that very vinyl single, I must report that it was NOT a success in the UK Cassandra and never charted. But to be fair, very big in the US.
I saw that Sluff but Stewpot played it regularly on Junior Choice and kids my age had to sing it in every school assembly. Next you’ll be denying that Max Bygraves didn’t sing this song!
This was the 1960s equivalent of Drill Music.
Any news about riots in Barcelona yet Beeb?
Or Paris come to that? Seems we have to rely on the Russians and their RT Channel to hear anything the worlds most trusted broadcaster deems to be ‘anti EU’.
Does the BBC have a Knob Creek Editor yet?
They should. But for once, they won’t.
Try that again leaving out ‘Creek’.
Antoinette Sandbach, Tory MP deselected by her Branch. No surprising following this report from last year.
The Sun Newspaper. 9th June 2018:
” ‘LIVING IN FEAR’ Pensioner fears police raid after Tory MP Antoinette Sandbach reported her to cops for grumbling email.”
” Retired Linda Banahan wrote to her local MP over what she saw as her Brexit betrayal for voting against the Government but Antoinette Sandbach responded by saying she had reported her to the cops. ”
Byeee, Antoinette….
The swamp is draining….
Thanks for that good news – I see her constituency voted 52% to leave – that he is a barrister and for Welsh AM . She should get on great with the rest of the traitors in the non liberal non democrats….
Plenty more traitors to get rid of.
Instead of black rod in that den of traitors we need Dyna rod to get rid of the blockage caused by about 500 remainers voted in on a promise of leaving.
Flush them away.
Fedup2, this isn’t directly related to anything today about the racist far-left bbc but it is relevant to the part they are playing in the marxist game plan for destroying our nation. It’s a book by American analyst Stephen Coughlin, of whom you have probably heard.
The book is free to down load from the link in the article. I’ve started to read it and it provides a refreshing insight into the lefties’ agenda and perhaps some tips on how to fight back against them. You might find it an interesting read:
Thank you comrade – I shall look over it if google hasn’t censored it yet …
The Lot need to go in my eyes, which is a shame for those that had the courage & honour to stand by their constituencies.
Big changes politically are needed & the thing is I cannot trust the MP’s to make those changes.
So where do we go from here…
I have reduced my BBC interaction to a bare minimum – but driving yesterday – did anyone notice how much they were going on about the racism in Bulgaria…which they very quickly switched to racism in the UK and proceeded to push in the listeners ears throughout the day.. why can’t they just accept it was few people (and it looked pre planned) in the whole crowd ..and not as most of their selected interviewees maintained due to far right far right… does this mean the left are immune from being racists ?
AND the BBC would never highlight anti Semitic rascism . This is the reality today.. Just an eg of young Jews being seriously verbally abused in Hertfordshire and NW London . Both reported to the police. One was bombarded with Heil Hitler salutes and other nasty anti semitic comments while walking to the local park, the other surrounded by girls on a bus taunting him about his inadequacies was downgraded by the police from an anti semitic incident to social misbehaviour despite he fact that the boy’s Jewish identity was highly visible by his Jewish school jacket.
These sort of incidents may not seem serious for some but today’s children are tommorrow’s adults and the dangers are there. With the spread of incitement to hatred and no positive news being credited to the Jewish State it will only get worse. eg Israel is rarely credited for its life saving medicines and medical innovations. (see http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com and http://www.israelactive.com )
Read on the DM website of a primary school in Radlett where a teacher threatened children that if they didn’t do their homework they would be sent to the gas chambers. Radlett is an area with a sizeable Jewish population and apparently 11 Jewish children in the class. Now how, even in error could a teacher say such a thing? I can only think that the teacher is mixing in the sort of circles where mention of sending people to the gas chambers is common parlance. Labour Party meetings or Momentum meetings perhaps? The teacher was sacked but it is scary that anyone could even think it an acceptable threat.
One rather suspects that there was a degree of pre-planning on behalf of the offended English players and officials. Well, we know that UEFA have a defined protocol to handle such incidents, but the suspicion is that the officials were primed to be ‘extra sensitive’ to any provocations (of course, you could argue that there should be zero tolerance). Anybody watching the match on television would have been hard pressed to hear any racist chanting either in Engish or Bulgarian and hence blissfully unaware, nor were the stiff-armed salutes shown.
Coming soon on the BBC: Should Britain remain in the EU now we know there are racist football supporters in some member countries?
The beeb are drawn to racism like flies to you know what.
But only if it’s the right sort of racism.
That really is an issue as big as Brexit . They make a big thing of manifestos – but now we know that they really can be ignored without shame . They can lie continuously to get elected and then say they never meant it .
I know we always say politicians can’t be trusted but brexit has provided a crystal clear example of just how untrustworthy they all are .
The irony is that people who make pre election promises and keep them – President Trump – are vilified by the bubble which won’t even compliment -him- on carrying through on promises .
‘Where do we go from here ?”
I don’t know – but I don’t think the traitors will want any election any time soon as they know what voters will do to them – if they can be bothered to vote any more .
New report from the IEA thiktank
Stew, only one problem with that: the BBC is already owned.
By us.
It is unique.
It is the only broadcasting company that is publicly owned and charges its owners.
And just think of all the arrears of dividends that the owners are entitled to right now.
The BBC should be paying us to have a Licence Fee.
Via Kate Hoey
Excellent! Thanks for posting.
Yes seconded – I think even the girls on the panel knew too keep their mouths shut in responding to that good gentlemen .
Stew, any chance that you could you put the vid clip up separately, please? I can’t watch it as embedded there.
@Up2snuff Really , surely if you click on it it opens up a fresh window ?
If I go to Youtube and type ‘Question Time elites’ I get that same video here
Stew, thanks for the link. I have a very grumpy browser or PC or both and the vid just wouldn’t play. I would have searched on YT but without a day & month to aim for, it would have meant quite a task.
A new day and which Remoaner are the MSM platforming
to spit your face ?
Kevin Maguire ..again
Like a lot of other regular columnists/authors/think tank directors, he must be coining it in spouting the same views over and over again.
Do they still call him Toilets Maguire?
Its an utter tragedy what happened to Harry Dunn, and all credit to his parents for persevering for justice in their son’s death.
BUT, – and was I the only one thinking this ?, on seeing his parents enter the gates of the White House for an unprecedented meeting with the President – the most powerful man in the world, – Mr Dunn arrived wearing an oversized T shirt exposing his armful of tattoos, and jeans, and Harry’s stepfather also wore jeans and a cardi. Whatever happened to decorum and good manners, has the shirt/tie and jacket been abandoned and replaced with slovenliness ? I know we live in a world where anything goes, – contestants on quiz shows are proof of that, but honest to God, there’s a time and place.
Rant over.
Here, here! Well said, Brissles.
As a parent my heart goes out to them at this tragic time but who is paying for all this?
Can the BBC not ask this important question when they or their lawyer/spokesman is being interviewed?
The bbc have been pushing this story for weeks. It would not surprise me to discover they’re paying.
The BBC have for some time used any opportunity they can to sour the relationship between the UK and the USA, this is just another example. The abuse of a bereaved family in order to further their political aims falls beneath normal contempt. When the inevitable UK General Election happens (if Corbyn allows) the next government should ensure that the BBC cannot indulge itself in this political game play by severely or completely closing off its income source.
Probably one of Jon Sopel’s #sourcesclosetothebbcwhosay
We should as ever be reluctant to judge people
They are travelling hurriedly across from the UK to New York to Washington to the White House all the time pestered by the scumbag British media .
And then for a 15 minute meeting with Trump
I guess they weren’t carrying much clothes and had no time o change. Plus nigh have been advised against photo-opportunity trickery from the Americans.
They do look a bit chav with face piercings and his arm/hand tattoos
but actually the Sky video shows straight after spoke very well & intelligently
It is clear that they were impressed by Trump
although quite narked at attempt to ambush them into a meeting with the driver against their express wishes.
The press of course choose to concentrate on that last bit.
Of course from one angle it does look like she pulls privilege and avoided the normal judicial process.
My guess is that she knows American intelligence secrets so cannot be just left in a UK prison… where she could be used to leverage her husband , but the US could have done it more tidily saying that they would cooperate and she would serve whatever sentence in the US
The appearance is like this photo
The video I mentioned is here
I saw that and thought exactly the same thing.
I’m a working class bloke. I’m a Cockney and I’ve no reason… and indeed nothing to be snobbish about, but bloody hell…
I absolutely respect and fully appreciate the dreadful trauma of losing a son.
However, you’re in the United States, you’ve been given access to their president and you mooch along like you’re about to do your weekly shopping in Lidl’s.
One of the blokes was smothered in tattoos and one of the women had a face of rings.
Would it really have hurt to put a suit and tie on?
I agree with you and thought exactly the same. I can’t help thinking that if you look like a scruff you will get treated like one.
They knew they were going to be in the public eye in America, even if they did not know they were going to meet the president, yet they were dressed as if they were just off to put the bins out. These days even a tie isn’t expected, but a shirt and jacket should not pose a problem to anyone. It’s just basic politeness.
Is that what they would have worn to meet the Queen? Perhaps it is.
Terrible what happened to their son. As a father of four it makes my blood run cold at the thought. But….what is it they want ?
Agree with the General.
why fly to the states & then not at least meet with this woman (what was the point?)
can’t help think the UK & US MSM are using this tragedy/accident as another Trump bashing excuse.
sadly accidents on the road happen every day in the UK.
will every grieving parent be give this level of media attention?
ps – anymore news on the cop killed/run over? 3 youths arrested is the only titbit of news heard so far from our BEEB.
TOADY Watch #1 – Chuckle point #1
JustRemainIn Webb has a chat with Sweater Swinson. He points out, more than once, – with an interruption, also – her intellectually incredible position of wanting a so-called ‘Peoples Vote’ (second EU Referendum) when she does not accept the result of the first EU Referendum and wishes to overturn it. He was quite persistent and stated the truth apparent for all listeners.
It was Sweater’s turn to talk over JustRemainIn toward the end of the point he was making with her trying to wriggle out of her contradictory position: “It’s in the Party Manifesto.”. Prior to that the interview had the usual very polite, gentle, non-hectoring stance that is usually accorded by the BBC to Anti-Brexiteers and Remainers.
Whenever the BBC announces its editorial integrity means there is not always staff time or screen space for actual news, just bear this in mind.
Didn’t Putin run through the same similar/stunt some years ago on horseback. Maybe it’s something to do with the effect Communism has on one.
G, can’t wait for Nish’s next hilarious ‘report’ on this.
They are still pushing his painful XR apologia.
Sadly it appeared next to a clip someone posted from ‘Yes, Prime Minister’.
If he has any dignity he will hit GBBO as a compère.
And Chairman Mao swam the length of The Yangtse River in less than three hours…
“Have UK voters changed their minds on Brexit?”
Of course, there is no mention of the landslide victory achieved by The Brexit Party in the recent Euro Elections, the largest party in the European Union?
More Propaganda from Al Beeb and the MSM . Are they they are softening us up ready for a ‘so called’ confirmatory referendum ? Hobson’s Choice?
Nor do they mention that most of those surveyed want to leave and only a minority wish to remain. In the first table, 46% say they wish to leave (with or without a deal), but only 34% explicitly support the BBC’s policy of remaining or revoking Article 50. In the second table, the figure wishing to leave is 49% and those wishing to hold a referendum or revoke Article 50 is 40%. In other words, it’s a false and misleading narrative akin to Heath’s “There’s been a fall in the rate of growth of inflation” or Wilson’s “Of course the pound in your pocket is still worth the same”.
A false headline ?
EG. “when did you last beat your wife ”
Now , just how much does Al Beeb get from the EU?
Did I hear correctly? Talk Radio news this morning.
Lewis Hamilton who has made his millions driving a high performance car, around and around and around at speed, now complaining about those not listening to the climate change bs!
Apparently we should all be vegans and he’s going to jack it all in.
I have a feeling that all those who have adopted the climate religion, have abandoned God.
This isn’t going to end well, for them.
ER , the new religion. Thumbelina, the new messiah.
Welcome to blingboy’s new smellery, Taff!
Ha ha ha. More and more carbon dioxide. It has a new meaning to “Vaping”
😀 😀 😀
Dystopian- guilt does strange things to a man?
\\’Send nudes’ Boohoo ad banned after complaint//
Creeping censorship ?
…as well as complete and utter bollox taffman!
Watch out for crazies out there!
Probably just annoyed that the ‘nude’ garment colour was a tad too white.
The state broadcaster website has a piece by jonny kertice the stats man – which goes on a bit but basically says there’s not much change about voter intentions over brexit
There is no testimony as to the staunch support brexiting retains despite the daily project fear , the treachery of parliament and judiciary as well as the constant polluting propaganda coming from the MSM .
The nice bit of trickery in his survey is a question about a second referendum . He doesn’t say what the options would be . We all know that another referendum really would be fixed to prevent a full no deal brexit thus being able to treat the EU as an enemy – which is how I see it .
The headline should read:
Rat pack pays a visit to the main colony.
Hopefully, the caption should be ‘Rats joining the sinking ship’
Hopefully they all have one way tickets.
How about ‘Rats’.
Perhaps Andrew Lloyd Webber could turn their antics into a musical – Rats.
Messrs Grieve and Hammond wouldn’t need any makeup or prosthetics, that should save a few bob on costumes.
Radio 5 really scraping the barrel this morning by inviting Peter Mandelson on to give us his wisdom on our withdrawal from the EU. I had forgotten just how slimy, patronising and full of self importance this odious creature was, and I must thank the BBC for refreshing my memory. The up-side of the interview was that even the “woke” Emma Barnett seemed to be uncomfortable in his presence. A truly evil piece of rats dung.
Lord Mandelslime of Fondlebum, chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University. What were they thinking of when, not only that he was chosen but that someone thought he’d be a suitable candidate?
A long time ago I seem to remember a vice chancellor there getting done for kerb crawling. Apparently he was asking for directions.
TOADY Watch #2 and Chuckle Point #2
Dimitri gets a free BBC advert for his expert web-site on international trade on which he is a so-called ‘expert’. He doesn’t say “So” a lot at the start of his sentences so I assume he is a true expert. If anyone spots anything wrong in my post below, maxi included, please advise and correct. Here*, especially.
Had the BBC Presenter (Nick or Justin, can’t remember) been really neutral, a curious journalist and well-informed, he would have asked a question when Dimitri spoke about tariffs being reclaimed. The EU States, as part of the EUNation Protectionist scam, charge tariffs on certain goods coming into EU member states. These are charged on import, rolled into the pricing of the good for the customer within the EU to pay. If the good is re-exported ie. to the UK when outside the EU, the questions Nick or Justin should have been asking is “Is the tariff really reclaimable?” (* I have my doubts. To best of my knowledge tariffs are not like VAT.) and “Does not the tariff merely form part of the price by the importing company which they then pass on to their customer?”
What this is really about is the importation of foodstuffs from all over the world and goods, principally from Japan, Far East and the USA, which come into the EU at a single point, in a country which will continue to be a member of the EU. If the UK gets out and fully away from the EUNation and escapes its iron grip, it would be an advantage, for example for a Japanese hi-fi manufacturer, to by-pass the EU based importer/distributor, in say Holland, and set up a base in the UK, employ some UK people and take advantage of a more generous tariff arrangement (if one was on offer) from the UK Government and export direct into the UK.
There would be an obvious potential boost to the UK economy after we leave the EU.
Nick or Justin did not ask about that.
I wonder why?
Wages are outstripping inflation !
Despite Brexit ? Come on Al Beeb, make some ‘eye candy’ headlines .
“Organised criminals could exploit gaps in the UK’s border preparations in the event of a no-deal Brexit, a government spending watchdog has warned.”
Could ?
Tom Pride has got a gotcha
He’s found a *2004 quote* from Boris saying that it is outrageous for authorities to ask for an ID card
and he tweets an image of the quote with quotation marks
..except he has cropped a whole phase in the middle
that shows Boris is talking about when you are walking down the street
You have to read the Mail in Scotland to get facts on the total incompetence of the SNP over its 10 + years of Government.
Incompetence right across the board….at a very high cost in write offs, higher taxes and service level deficiencies.
Surely this should be the job of the state broadcaster to report ? but having nailed its colours to the Remain mast it is unable to report truthfully on this dire bunch of SNP rebels.
And that bunch of oddballs the SNP have sent to Westminster…..
I dont know anyone in Scotland who would behave like that in a neighbouring country or even in this one. What must the people who voted for that be thinking when they watch their antics at Westminster and lately in interference via the Scottish Court system?
It is downright disrespect. It is not natural Scottish behaviour and lacks humour as well as a sense of proportion and positive contribution.
It is plainly NOT SCOTTISH and does not represent the majority here.
The state broadcaster must report on their total failure and mad scheme for a 2nd break-up Britain campaign.
Or it can fold the tents and close down the bBC Scotland operation-
Here’s a documentary idea bBC if you are looking in
“Cults cant Govern”
With all this talk about ‘racism’, I was amused to read the article by David Bullard on ‘Politicsweb’ (politicsweb.co.za) entitled “Choosing victimhood over victory”. In the comments section, someone observed the relationship between ‘being offended’, victimhood and entitlement, which was most interesting
I look at the SA stuff, as there the whites are in the minority, and the blacks run the political show.
One learns a lot.
What do you have to provide
if you want the LibDems to remove your data from their database ?
corrected link here
BBC 100 Women 2019: Who is on the list this year?
Speaking as a man, I don’t fancy any of them. If you know what I mean.
And how many of these wimmin support Brexit? Any of ’em? Have a guess!
It’s Jack Dromey-Harman there, I can’t pick him out from the mob?
Or Abbopotimus, so it can’t be right !
Cant understand why I’m not on the ‘list’, because apart from friends and family no-one’s ever heard of me either. (although I am doing a double take on the top right hand corner 🙂 )
TR grounded
He has posted a video of him going to the passport office to ask why after the guaranteed 7 day service they cannot explain why they can neither give him his new passport, nor old passport back .
#1 Yes it does show undercover footage of the office official
but it would be for the purposes of journalism
and that guy is pretty reasonable.
#2 Of course the office would have to check with the judicial system and check their is no block on TR’s passport, but that should be pretty quick
So the delay does look like a form of punishment
TR does have an old conviction for arriving back in the UK on someone elses passport, but such convictions do get spent, and he has travelled on his on passport frequently since
Of course TR could apply for an Irish passport but shouldn’t have to
That is a total and utter disgrace. That bloke reminds me of the sketch where the “computer says no”…..
It’s clear the guy was being down right obstructive.
How can he not know which department is dealing with the application/checks.
These people are operating outside of the law.
Tommy ought to sue.
I would think that TR’s MP should be involved as a counter to this obvious breakdown in the passport system.
I think the word is “thick”. But TR did not acquit himself very well there. He was repeating himself over and over with same result to a person who was obviously not very bright and was not in the position to help him. He claimed to be a manager and yet did not know the procedure with which to issue a temporary passport or to determine why that facility was or was not not available to TR. TR should have demanded to see his boss and then someone from the department which was holding his passport and if that person drew a blank keep on escalating to the person above him.
Radio4 big blooper
It has a crossed line now . For 3 mins it broadcast 2 streams the normal prog and then a newsrader in a studio
He began “testing testing, it’s so f*cking cold in this studio, why’s it so F@cking cold ? .. President Erdogan has ”
They switched him off now
The people in the normal studio never knew it was happening.
Twitter noticed , there were 20 tweets each MINUTE
whereas recently few people tweet along to shows .. The rate is 20 tweets per HOUR
audio of R4 Open Mike
..The news presenter is either foreign or was doing a mocking imitation of a foreign accent, when he made the cold comment
Bolshy 16 year old in a bar when a bloke is drinking a pint : video
Thanks for that, Stew. You have made me laugh out loud for the first time in ages!
France orders 6 new nuclear reactors to be delivered within 15 years
That’s 10GW of proper electricity
Not the on/off intermittent leccy from wind/solar.
France has 45 smaller aging reactors
Guilty secret –
I saw a bit of morning bbc news channel . The mcvie? One was on college green and lined up the excellent Mark Francious? For interview where up on the mentally challenged “ stop brexit “ man got into full shouty. When said MP commented on it the mcvie woman was sharply back with “ he is exercising his democratic right “ . Said MP didn’t fall for the trap which had been laid for him by the state broadcaster .
The Remainer broadcaster corpse really does try to do every thing to undermine brexit democrats but fortunately failed across these long years to break us.
Fed, Christine? Did she sing?
Up2- being not a fan of hippy pop combos I don’t know many tunes of the fleetwood Mac – but I suppose the one ‘tell me lies “ is most appropriate when it comes to remainer traitors .
I’ve got flu but I was most gladdened that MSM has a ‘melting ‘ story ( my favourite ) with HRH desperately trying to stay alive on his jolly to Pakistan ….
I’ve just watched that too. Followed by the 100 year old ballet teacher who puts his longevity down to becoming a vegetarian 50 years ago.
Getting back to the melting story, when it came on I grumbled to my wife that these stories have become fashionable, go back a few years or maybe even months and there was neither hide nor hair of them.
Fed, “but I suppose the one ‘tell me lies “ is most appropriate when it comes to remainer traitors.” LOL but quite right, too.
Man ‘flu or full on influenza? Whatever, take care and get well soon.
Interesting poll on the BBC webshite.
They report that if Boris cannot agree anything with the EU in time for Oct 31, then 34% want to leave without a deal. It is by far the most popular single option.
Leaving with the May deal or another delay also get votes so the leave total far exceeds the various Remoan, sorry, remain, or second referendum options.
I look forward to the BBC news output reflecting public opinion.
But I fear we may have a long time to wait.
Good to see though that the best opinion polls reviewed by polling guru John Cutice reveal by inference the BBC remoaner bias.
Still a couple of weeks left for the BBC to do their first ever pro-Brexit feature.
It could happen, there are those who say.
To use the Cathy Newman technique:
So what you’re saying is that the racist far-left bbc is strongly Pro-Brexit.
Dover – “Still a couple of weeks left for the BBC to do their first ever pro-Brexit feature.”
Probably be aired on 1st April.
Guardianlalaland’s Naomi Klein has flown in from Canada/America to lecture us on Climate
– She is on Vine now
– Earlier @NaomiAKlein and @adamboultonSKY had a debate on #ExtinctionRebellion.
– Krishnan Guru-Murthy tweeted
Just recorded a brilliant pod with @NaomiAKlein
– this week’s guest on #WaysToChangetheWorld – out tomorrow.
She just tweeted
12:30 TODAY: Mothers & babies call on @Google
to stop funding climate deniers
& tell the truth about the climate crisis,
while XR Youth visit @YouTube
They will be asking Google to follow its motto ‘do the right thing’.
Her Rebellion = zombie-like conformism
Naomi spoke in favour of Canada’s special First Nation Protections
In Canada : First Nation people are given special status
cos their traditions/culture are damaged by foreign invasions
Well, should British First Nation people not receive protection ?
or should it be the case that recent immigrant culture is given priority over British First Nation culture ?
R5 — Emma Barnett chats with Jackie Malton, the real life DCI who was the inspiration for the character of Jane Tennison in TV’s Prime Suspect.
Of course it turns out that Malton is a gay woman, so on top of toxic masculinity in the police we need to talk about homophobia. Ah and now dildos, because you see Malton received them in numerous quantities in the post. Emma dwells on this anecdote fully in her role as 6th form head girl, seeing how often she can repeat the word ‘dildo’ on air.
So there it is, great family broadcasting at lunchtime.
@TM appropriate half-term radio for the family
she did the same back in February
Make some allowances for poor Emma, when your dad runs brothels for a living, your house was probably full of dildos.
Did Ms Barnett enquire whether DCI Malton took care to recycle the dildos, and their highly toxic batteries in the case of the electrified variety, in an environmentally sensitive manner ?
She probably put them where the sun don’t shine.
They could possibly make quite a good truncheon.
… new models to be released in rainbow livery from Pride 2020
Haha yes. Anyone remember that joke?
“I’m in the dustbin!”
Back in the days when actual funny jokes were “allowed”.
After yesterdays report of a stabbing in Manchesters ‘vibrant’ Longsight. A ‘woman’ was arrested and no description or motive has been given.
Another attack occured on the same day on a bus travelling through the ‘vibrant’ area of Rusholme where three ‘Asian’ youths stabbed a 17 year old.
Those Chinese eh? no description of the person stabbed nor any motive given one possible suspect arrested.
So 3 attackers were involved in the first attack
and 2 got away
Then down the road 2 youths in the same age range are stabbed by a woman
That woman could be the same age as the first victims elder sister or aunt etc.
The BBC fails to report on very serious violent crimes in any detail especially those that have been committed predominently by a certain ethnic minority. They divert attention by emphasising less serious crimes and making them out to be the crimes that we should be really concerned about.
I’ve noticed this recently when it comes to crimes against women . Please don’t get me wrong any rape is a terrible thing whether it is a woman who is drunk ( eg long interview on Women’s hour ) or whether the women is a hostess at a club and it is an ex boyfriend who rapes her (eg the drama on radio 4 today) but it simply doesn’t compare to young girls being drugged and raped and then passed on to other men – about these truely really horrendous crimes there seems to be silence.
Al-beeb don’t mention it at all.
Bias by omission.
But they seem quite happy to provide full names and photos of these ne’er do wells.
It looks like Boris’s many lies are going to catch up with him sooner rather than later over the latest Brexit idiocy.
I’d rather be dead in a ditch than ask for an extention
I’m going to ask for an extension
The UK IS leaving the EU on October 31st come what may
I’m going to ask for an extension.
We might as well as had Micky Mouse in charge.
Britains new model equality army undergoing military drill:
The only thing missing is the muslim on his prayer mat in the foreground with his arse in the air.
1969- unexpected and funny comedy sketch
2019- hate crime
Britains army? Why not the EU’s? As I understand it, Brexit or not, Treason May signed up to gift our armed services over to the EU’s control including MI5, MI6 and GCHQ Cheltenham. Just another inexorable step toward totally hollowing out the UK. Thanks Conservatives.
The Python team were amazingly prophetic. A revisit of the first hour or so of Life of Brian answers many of the questions that people have about the state of Middle Eastern politics.
4:30pm CNN are on the Radio4 Media show
so they will asked about the #ExposeCNN scandal ?
@ACatherwoodNews tweeted
Joining me on today’s Media Show @taniabranigan of @guardian, just back from HK
and @clarissaward of @CNN who was in Syria last week discuss reporting from inside an oppressive regime. 4.30pm
– The global games industry is 3 times the size of the movie business. @hood_vic of @techRadar and @ballmatthew join me on the Media Show to talk #FortniteChapter2
8pm Radio 4 Moral Maze
Are longer prison sentences a just and effective form of punishment?
How grim should life in prison be ?
… None of the lefty guests and lefty panelists are yet named on the website
Is this likely to blow up on T’ internet.
Then before you know it there’ll be an explosion of copycats.
The Booker prize has an express rule that judges must choose only one winner not 2
but the judges staged a sit in.
This year’s Booker Prize was won by two women writers — Bernardino Evaristo and Margaret Atwood.
The winners were chosen by an all-women jury chaired by Natalie Haynes, with Afua Hirsch, Liz Calder, Xiaolu Guo, and Joanna MacGregor making up the rest.
So all women panel one of which is the race-baiter Afua Hirsch
and they chose 2 feminists one of whom is black
.. that’s a surprise.
And the other, Margaret Atwood, has written a book against the background of Trump’s America,
This is just another manifestation of the matriarchy that is being imposed on us in Western countries by the collectivists.
Virtually nobody is interested in it. They could choose a nursery rhyme or the life of a squirrel called Fred for all I care.
I dedicate my first ever published “poem ” to Dave
There once was a squirrel called fred
who identified as a girl instead
so he went to Tavistock clinic
it took just a minute
to whip off his nuts- now nuff said!
Do I get a Booker prize for fine literature!
Oak, the BBC have arranged to illustrate it for you.
Apparently the surgeon resorted to his teeth rather than a scalpel but judging by the lack of blood after the first attempt had to have at least one more ‘stab at it’.
Personally, I don’t think that the anaesthetist was up to the job, either, judging by the pic. Typical NHS.
Booker Prize? What about the Nobel one. ?
Times article : tries to claim that “online hate” drives real world “hate crime”
Well the report is rubbish, no proper definitions or proper stats are presented
Instead its all flakey
Apparently the gov spends our money on something called “Hate Lab” at Cardiff University.
Great reduce crime against everyone, including minorities, but lets not have all this flakiness.
Another pervy doctor
· A doctor groped a female colleague a 55 yo nurse because he suffered a “euphoric” reaction to a pet calming spray* a tribunal heard today.
Dr Colin Gelder, 59, claimed he squeezed the nurse’s …
Claims the spray reacted with hayfever meds tp make him feel like Superman.
Maybe doctors often think they are Superman ?
Let’s face it, messing with people’s bodies for a living isn’t normal.
Two Italian phD students arrested for rape in a club in Oxford Street London in 2017
have been found guilty
Ah after 2 months the 3 guys in the Owen Jones incidents have been charged with actual bodily harm* and affray
court on November 6
* “minor injury, such as bruising, inflicted on a person by the deliberate action of another, considered less serious than grievous bodily harm.”
I don’t see any HATE charges there
Hooray, its International pronoun day. Use the correct pronoun or you’r nicked.
She looks… unsurprising.
You mean He/she/it/.
That’s the face you’d see as she waits for the poison to take effect
As my mum would have said, it’s a face that only a mother could love.
Anyway, I could be wrong but I think there are real crimes occurring here in Cheshire that maybe could benefit from her doing her proper job and investigating a few of them.
As you must be aware, the only crime which counts in Cheshire is calling a tranny “he”. Anything else is just a figment of your imagination.
I have learned to love Big Brother, I mean Big Sister…
Think about it. What she is really saying is that the law will enforce or would like to enforce the use of words that many find an affront to reality.
2 plus 2 = 5. And a boot on your face forever.
Glad to see our overstretched police are concentrating their resources on the really important issues.
I’m sure Auntie approves, doesn’t he?
Meanwhile, how about a #Do-Your-Job-And-Catch-Some-Crims Day?
She symbolises everything that is wrong both in the police and the country.
All goes back to Blair.
BBC News
Prince William and Catherine saw the impact of climate change in Pakistan — and called for education and action.
Presumably, Mon-Thu only?
usual feelgood (PC) statements from the royals, maybe they’ll ask granny to downsize?
have to wonder who they want to “educate then take action” (china maybe)