Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly have announced plans for a new TV show, Street Car Showdown, on BBC Two.
It will be aired on BBC2, Sunday evenings at 9pm. Straight after another BBC new show, “A parent’s guide to choosing the right childcare”, which will be hosted by Rolf Harris.
“The future of Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal hangs in the balance as EU officials say the outcome of talks should be known by the end of the day. “
Here’s the way I see things going? ……….
Bo Jo delivers us with a ‘Tweezer’s pig with lipstick’, only this time it will be ‘Boris’s pig with a lipstick’.
He will then go for a snap general election using Corbyn the bogeyman to frighten us all if we don’t vote Tory. The Brexit Party will be our nation’s only salvation for Freedom, Independence and the extinction of Al Beeb, but I could be wrong?
A vote for the Brexit Party would be significant. Suppose they do not get a majority but rather get a block of MPs in a hung Parliament to stick a rod up Boris’s back
If Boris wants to emulate “Churchill” and be the PM, he will have to form a pact with The Brexit Party . If he truly wanted us to leave the EU he would have done it by now. The Tory party were quite happy to jump into bed with the Lefty Limpdems . But things may change?
Taffman, he has no intention of delivering the Brexit we voted for. It’ll be Mays deal warmed up. He is busy polishing the turd as we type.
I’d rather he didn’t make a pact and then fails to deliver.
The Brexit Party will clean up as no one will vote for the failed Tories. It’s the only way IMHO, to prevent the Brexit vote being split. The only sure way to secure Brexit is to vote in the Brexit Party. The clues in the name people!
I have got to be honest – when Boris was elected I never trusted him but he made all the right noises – die in a ditch blah , blah, blah.
In this current climate of political madness with Bercow making up the rules as he goes along and the “Supreme” Court making up new laws as they go along, in these extrodonairy times if Boris had , had any real spine he would have called these corrupt bastards out and challenged them to jail him.
If they had did that there would have been real support out there for our PM who wants to be a British Bulldog called Churchill (in his dreams) . Instead we seem to be saddled with a Yorkshire Terrier called Boris, all mouth and trousers who has been snapping aggressively, but since his EU master has raised his hand, discretion has become the better part of valour and he now decided instead to lick the fingers of the hand that once frightened him so.
taffman, also hard to find was the sentencing yesterday of five female jihadists (or in BBCspeak, “five French women”) for a total of 100 years for a plot to blow up Notre Dame cathedral by detonating a car bomb in 2016.
Here’s a little game: try finding that story without using the above url. Click on Europe all you like, you won’t find it.
Al-beeb REALLY don’t want anyone to read that story, so I think it behooves us to remedy their little oversight.
“Notre-Dame plot: Five women jailed over foiled car bomb attack
Five French women have been sentenced to between five and 30 years in jail for trying to detonate a car bomb near Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris in 2016.
The case is said to be the first to involve a group of women attempting to stage an Islamist attack in France.
They failed to ignite half a dozen gas canisters placed in the vehicle.
Inès Madani, Ornella Gilligmann, Sarah Hervouët, Amel Sakaou and Samia Chalel, now aged between 22 and 42, are all converts to Islam.”
And while we’re on the subject of hard-to-find news of islamic terror attacks, here’s another one. Remember that lone wolf with mental problems who killed 4 policemen earlier this month?
Well French police have arrested 5 people connected with him.
So maybe not so ‘lone’ and maybe not so mad. Starting to sound like a proper terrorist plot.
Try finding that on the Islamic Cover-up Corporation.
belated TOADY Watch #3 – smirk in the face of adversity or laugh at the failing advertising
One of the first items in my hearing on Toady this a.m. was another BBC Project Fear Operation not from Andrew Marr this time with pretty Priti to look at but Nick or Justin to listen to instead. 🙁
Project Fear for TOADY was shortages of food and medicine after a No-Deal-Brexit if we Crash Out over a Cliff Edge in order to get out of the EU on 31 October 2019. Especially medicine.
Looks like that amnesia or early on-set dementia (must be the pollution going round and round inside Broadcasting House adding decades to the brains of the staff) is really affecting Nick & Justin. A shortage of medicine was the Fear Item for Today.
Funny thing: I clearly remember two recent shortages of medicine in the UK – reported to me by BBC Radio4 – and we are still in the EU.
It’s the other state broadcaster C4 news – taking project fear to the ultimate – giving the oxygen of publicity to some bloke in a hood purporting to be the new IRA saying and border will be a target and they are ready to bring back republican terrorism .
We live in a country where a few northern Irish terrorists can influence the brexit sell out . C4 were obviously over the moon being able to broadcast threats by enemies of the UK .
Just generally – I cant see the DUP supporting any sellout which treats NI different to the rest of the UK .
If they do – it can only mean some sort of secret protocol to keep the DUP ‘onboard ‘…
Secretary of State Nicky Morgan has just told me in @CommonsCMS that she is "open minded" when it comes to the BBC moving to a subscription service, thereby effectively ditching the licence fee!
I got the impression that Jeremy Vine had been told that Naomi Klein was a visionary and that he was fully signed up, but to what?
Her arguments were all over the place. Clearly the ‘white patriarchy’ was to blame for raping the planet, even if she didn’t say that explicitly. I say that because she appeared to argue that humans were just one life-form among many and had no special claim on the Earth, but in the next breath the noble ‘First Nation’ people were having ‘their’ lands stolen. (First Nation being the term for the last people to claim North America before the arrival of Europeans. Nowadays they show us how to live by getting drunk and running casinos).
She tossed in ‘no such thing as society’ but I wasn’t sure that she meant that in the way that Margaret Thatcher did or in the way her critics bent the quote. I think what Klein meant was ‘community’. That starts with family and then builds into nation, (like those ‘First Nation’ people again!).
Who is in the vanguard of destroying the family, uprooting people and scattering them around the world? The BBC!
Who pushes the latest iPad, Disney film and consumer fad? The BBC!
I don’t understand why these supposedly intelligent would-be ‘citizens of the world’ can figure out that the things that ‘make us human’, the foods, the ceremonies, the music exist because most people stayed in the same village. Their globalist approach will eventually result in everyone washing down their Macburger with a ‘coke’ on their way to the identikit Mosque.
Last week, we heard on all BBC R4 major News programmes, including Today, about a couple of UK tourists visiting Canada with their baby, driving in a vehicle with friends and their children that they are visiting and ‘accidentally’ straying into the USA whereupon they are arrested by Border Security.
I thought it was a little strange (alarm bells rang) and a good journalist with knowledge of how the USA & Canada border relationship works would have asked some tough questions and/or put a very different slant on the news item. Instead, the BBC presented the British couple and their baby, who were transfered to an Illegal Migrant Detention Facility, as victims and dropped hints about how awful the US migration control, Border Service – and by extension, President Trump – and the detention facility is. I could feel a Compensation Claim coming on.
Canadian residents, even if expat Brits, know they need to have their Passports with them if they go anywhere near the US border. The UK tourists I would have expected to be carrying their Passports and other travel documents with them (it is advisable at all times) but I guess that they left them where they were staying. Four adults plus children, no documentation.
Had the adults had their Passports and the tourists their return flight tickets as well the problem might have been avoided or easily solved.
R4 8:45pm yet again presented by Special Victim
a woman immigrant from Mosul, who says
“I would not be here if not for repeated military invasions”
… FFS it was an Iraqi Saddam who invaded Kuwait
So some people may know how strongly I feel about Wales, and how strongly I feel we can lead when we truly decolonise, which we will. I shared some thoughts about these things on the radio today @BBCRadio4#DiggingDeep
Cardiff is neither Welsh or English, more like foreign . The Assembly in Cardiff is out of touch and alien to the people of Wales.
The “separatism” that the Welsh want is separate from the EU.
Al Beeb would love to see the UK broken up and to be swallowed up by the great dictatorship.
Al Beeb is anti-British.
Stew – was it just me, or was there a wee bit of a lecture about colonialism and racism going on here, largely disguised, of course?
Kind of: “the Welsh are bad, the English are worse, but I’m staying put here anyway, so there!”
So intent were the bbbc in attempting to show how nasty the American authorities had been to the poor downtrodden family, who just didn’t know they had done anything wrong, they neglected to look at the details.
I love the bit about the family driving through a ditch to find a way across the border. Perfectly innocent manoeuvre of course. Who hasn’t driven slowly through a ditch to get into another country before? I mean, come on!
Last question first; probably quite a lot of people but the date was 1944, the countries were European and the ‘vehicles’ were tanks, jeeps and maybe also trucks.
I find it bizarre that at the BBC, presenting the TOADY Programme, you have a former North America Editor – Justin Webb – and he didn’t spot the flaws in the story or draw it to the attention of the Day Editors nor the Editor in Chief.
You can clearly see where this is going. Whilst the Traitors have control, they will vote for a deal with the proviso of a second referendum for the no doubt BRINO deal that Boris is working on or Remain. This will be well before any GE.
This vote will go through and then, during the time between announcing a referendum and it being held, the deal will gently be pulled apart by Remoaners. Remain will win the referendum and the Coup will be complete.
I hope for Boris and the Tory’s sake there is a Plan B.
One option is to start a big campaign to Vote “Spoil” at this referendum. All spoilt ballot papers MUST be counted and accounted for. A win for “Spoil” would wholly undermine the referendum result. What do you think?
Just in case anyone who’s interested in the John Sweeney scandal, hasn’t seen this 12 minute report on the Politico YouTube channel, I think you’ll be surprised and disgusted by this:
Lidl is to invest a record £15 billion in British suppliers over the next five years. It`s committed to source 100% of fresh poultry, meat and poultry from UK farms. #DespiteBrexit Lidl makes £15 billion pledge to British food industry
I think we are coming to peak Remain psychosis. Votes about referendums to have a general election or a general election to decide if there should be a referendum .
Then there is MPs working on Saturday . They’ll need to have a vote about working Saturday and vote to get time and a half for weekend overtime .
And then there’s the speaker . If the A50 extension is extended will he stay in the chair to ‘ see through brexit’? Or give it up to that paragon of neutrality – Hattie Harmon – who will become the first woman speaker – they’ll declare Bettie wasn’t one ?
Can you imagine the Dromey-Harmon household ? I guess they have 2 separate houses for expenses purposes …
I have made the truly agonising decision to leave the Labour Party after 55 years. I can no longer advocate voting Labour when it risks Corbyn becoming PM. I will continue to serve the people of Liverpool Riverside as I have had the honour to do since 1997.
It’s a sad thing that as a Jewish woman she can see and speak out about the anti Semitism, but not the anti White race hate which she presumably agrees with.
It’s not enough to regard these people as harmless loonys with extremist ideas, they are enormously dangerous, and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are incapable of doing anything to stop this danger. Once Corbyn has implemented his plans the cowardly useless incompetent Tories will do nothing to undo the damage – they certainly haven’t following the BLiar years.
Reichsfuhrer Corbyn WILL win the coming election, for various reasons most of which are entirely the fault of Tory idiocy, getting bigger majorities in safe seats while losing the marginals is a sure way to opposition.
But then we shouldn’t view the Tories as a serious political party – they are all about preserving jobs for the sons of Gentlemen, and very little else.
There’s sure to be a hard left Momentum supporter ready to replace Ms. Ellman. Just as they hope to do with Frank Field.
The more sensible, traditional Labour members leave, the more we need to hope that ordinary voters will see what is happening. But I feel the tribal voting patterns will endure and many far left candidates will get in, courtesy of unthinking traditionalists and the new marxists.
Not strictly biased bbc but featured on their website, possibly because we are supposed to feel something…..
A woman died when she leaned out of the window of a train travelling at 75 mph and hit her head against a tree branch.
The investigators have decided that the warning sign by the window was inadequate and that the trees along the route had not been inspected.
At no stage does it seem to occur to anyone that a modicum of personal responsibility should be required and sticking your head out of a fast moving train might just be a teensy weensy bit stupid and dangerous.
The dead woman was, we are informed, the chair person of Young Socialists, Cardiff. The BBC certainly picks them.
Socialist – tick
Female – tick
Supporter of migrants – tick
Something to do with Wales – tick
The only thing they forgot to mention was that she tragically lost her life in a train that was probably DESIGNED BY MEN.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Deceased Bethan Roper, a Muslim.
Best to have all the signs in 814 languages.
“Her father, Adrian Roper, released a statement after her death saying his daughter “enjoyed life to the full whilst working tirelessly for a better world”.
He said the Bethan Roper Trust for Refugees has been set up in her memory”
I hereby award that tree “Tree of the month”.
New signs required, “please stick your dim Lefty head as far as possible out of the window”.
Sluff, putting your head out of a train window, whether stationary or not, was commonplace over thirty, forty or more years ago. I’ve seen many others do it. I’ve done it. Last time was on a train approaching Ribblehead about 20 years back. (Not many trees there. It needed to be done with care, even back then. A sparrow hitting your head at 40mph is going to do some damage. A pigeon hitting your head at a similar speed may well kill you.)
I think what has changed is electrification and privatisation and nature.
The latter is more abundant and trees grow and grow at ever faster pace, especially young trees. The first means more trackside superstructures. In between we have executives with high earnings and bonuses to protect.
Passengers want trains to run reliably and on time. Trees that have become mature cause problems in doing that. Managing line-side nature is expensive. In addition, threaten just a single tree and a local environmentalist will have hundreds of fellow demonstrators out in a flash to object and protest.
Easier to take the money and run. And run the trains come what may.
I once foolishly stuck my head out of the window of a moving train. It was the night sleeper between Innsbruck and Venice, dawn was breaking and all of my fellow passengers stuck their heads out of the train windows too, as it glided seemingly at walking pace over the lagoon, the warm breeze kissed our cheeks and the amazing sight of Venice itself hove into view.
I just thought I’d put this out there, there’s a time and a place for everything.
I’ve just read the comments on Twitter, as one would expect they could be going better.
“It appears” that this happened just before Christmas (not sure if it was last Christmas or the one before), she was twice over the drink drive limit (she wasn’t driving but it does suggest a level of drunkenness), and she was “peer pressured” which I’m guessing means a game of Russian Roulettes was being undertaken. And yet the article is purely about the blame laid at GWRs feet. Absolute BBC bias by omission. Some commenters also had interesting things to say about the language of the article such as, killed as she was hit be a tree, should be BECAUSE SHE hit a tree. Tragic loss of life, the BBC unashamedly playing the blame game.
Switch on bingo : Just switched on R4
“who filled your fridge ?”
“that nice man from the mosque”
.. it’s an alleged comedy programme featuring Mirriam Margoyles
I have no in depth knowledge of Miriam Margoyles but having seen her on a programme called The Real Marigold Hotel in which a group of celebrity pensioners went on BBC funded jollies to foreign countries to see how pensioners live and are treated she came across as a particularly sour and nasty piece of work. So unsurprising that we’re continuing to pay her via the BBC Tax.
Ah yes Ms Margoyles. Could that by any chance be the same Ms Margoyles who appeared on TV to refer to President Trump as “A piece of shit?” Is not that kind of statement considered to be politically incorrect? Is that not considered hate speech? Has the President received an apology yet? Answers on a postcard please.
Another delightful insight to the mind of Ms Margoyles was her explanation for the need to ‘pick my girlfriend’s pubes from my teeth’ prior to her making some meaningful statement, or not.
“The majority of British people support leaving the EU, according to the largest Brexit poll taken since the referendum three years ago.
The study revealed 54% would be happy if the country exited the European bloc.
Those people backed Brexit whether they voted yes or no in 2016, according to the ComRes/Channel 5 poll.
The study, which collected information from 26,000 voters, showed 50% were in favour of Brexit, while 42% wanted to remain.
The number changed to 54% in favour of Brexit when you excluded people who answered “don’t know”.
The four possible answers to the question of “preferred outcome” were “the UK remaining in the EU”, “the UK leaving the EU with a withdrawal deal’, “the UK leaving the EU on a No Deal basis” and “don’t know”.
Was there some Golden Age when the South Wales Valleys were covered in little towns with their happy inhabitants passing the time sucking on straws as they watched the woolly lambs gamboling in the fields?
Or did some farmer discover an outcrop of coal and start to sink a shaft. Then his neighbours joined in and before long farm workers came from far and wide to work in the new pits for more money than back on the farm. The wives no doubt followed and a town was born.
That is the typical story of industry in the UK, workers moving to make more money. Unfortunately their offspring have lost the pioneering spirit and expect the ghost of ‘Thatcher’ to bring new work to them.
Of course it is wasteful to abandon developed towns so how to fix the problem? How about dishing out knighthoods to anyone who sets up viable and sustainable jobs in these communities? Surely better than the present system that rewards those that have already done well for themselves?
probably covered in above comments by now – ttps://
“Nancy Pelosi presents John Bercow with LGBT rights award
Commons Speaker given PinkNews ‘Special Award’ by US House of Representatives counterpart”
“The awards ceremony was held at Church House, the headquarters of the Church of England, and was attended by senior politicians including Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, Sir Keir Starmer and Ian Blackford.”
he will go far in the EU, they love award winners in the ranks.
Watched some Welsh MP have a fit last night on tv. telling everyone No deal is off the table.
Also in same breath, saying if NI can have an In/Out choice on the customs union / single market, then wales & Scotland should have that choice too.
then followed that up with, whatever Deal is negotiated, it should go back to people…..with REMAIN on the ballot paper.
this will never end.
The interviewer quite rightly said, but what about the first referendum…..”MP looks as though someone has just given him a master’s level Mathematics questions…
These MPs only know 1 version of democracy and that’s there own.
Watched some Welsh MP have a fit last night on tv. telling everyone No deal is off the table.
Also in same breath, saying if NI can have an In/Out choice on the customs union / single market, then wales & Scotland should have that choice too.
then followed that up with, whatever Deal is negotiated, it should go back to people…..with REMAIN on the ballot paper.
this will never end.
The interviewer quite rightly said, but what about the first referendum…..”MP looks as though someone has just given him a master’s level Mathematics questions…
These MPs only know 1 version of democracy and that’s there own.
Early this morning, Toady ran a story about an illegal unregistered school that refuses to close down after OFSTED found extreme problems.
The Toady report did not mention the words ‘islam’ or ‘muslim’ although the BBC News site quotes the headteacher as saying, “the school has an islamic ethos.”
The head teacher….or is it? Who can actually tell.
“The head teacher of an unregistered school, prosecuted for operating it illegally, has said it has a “unique” approach and will remain open.”
“Inspectors found six out of 11 teachers had not had Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or criminal-record checks.”
In 2018, inspectors found texts in the staffroom that:
“Encouraged parents to hit their children if they did not pray.”
“Said a wife had no right to deny her husband,”
Neither of these findings were mentioned in the Toady report.
The bottom line is, the government can’t close schools like these down but there is no surprise how at how the BBC manipulated and omitted key facts of the story though.
The radio 4 Today program reported on this, this morning. It was an appalling piece in which the woman pictured was referred to by her Christian name throughout. It was not stated that she wore the niqab, and excuses were made to explain the findings of the inspectors, they were apparantly in books which were given to them and were stored in a locked room the kids had no access to.
The BBC accepts this without question, and without questioning the woman as to whether she believes the content of these books.
But the one thing which is screamingly obvious is never address, the fact that many of the Pakistani Muslims in the area are paying to send their kids to this school because they hate the UK so much.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories are more likely to support this rather than do anything about it, a competent couragous government would be giving these people a choice, integrate or leave.
Did you hear that the children get two hours of religious indoctrination at the mosque every day? Every day!
Two hours a day learning that a murdering rapist paedophile is the perfect role model for all men. I’m only surprised that more of them don’t turn into jihadists.
“Govt can’t close schools like these down..”
Now, I do wonder whether, if laws are being broken, govt should not be able to close schools down, the same as it would any other establishment operating outside the law?
I always thought the phrase “a law unto themselves” should not be taken literally.
Thank you for the post . I think if the state authorities fail to control these people more incidents like this will happen – and worse . I’m guessing the chap got a bit of a kicking on his descent from the tube which will be par for the course .
As regular users of the tube might testify – it’s a hostile place at the best of times with pages of unwritten protocols about personal conduct …
This chap broke the ultimate one . Perhaps if he is prosecuted he can be banned from the tube for a while …
Our Justin in his spiritual home – Brussels . There was a bit of premature mourning over the loss of the gravy train .
Personally I fear that A50 is going to be extended again using the DUP as an excuse .
How are they ever going to change ? It is fundamental to them to be treated the same as the rest of the UK .
Ah but can you imagine the reaction of the BBC had any other White guy kicked a black guy in the face? There are times when aggression is necessary and this was certainly it. Alas the video doesn’t show what happened when he vanished into the crowd, but I can’t imagine he got a sympathetic reception!
It does however show the violence these anarchist / Fascists are prepared to employ against the public, which would carry on if they ever came to power.
How the bbc react to the police off overseeing a spelling bee rather than tube station security will be… probably in the same vein.
"He's exercising his democratic right…" says BBC fake news hack jumping to the defence of the pro-EU idiot with both alacrity and impartiality. I mean who actually knew?#bbcfakenews
Why of all times, does the media allow / choose, such a backdrop and such a background noise when interviewing ? It never used to happen before Brexit?
Did the mad hatter get a tip-off from Al Beeb that Francois would be interviewed ?
These mushy brained climate loons have given me an idea with regard to our traitorous rats in the HOP. Superglue them all to the top of a Eurostar train and send them all to Brussels.
It’s a modern day equivalent of the American method of getting rid of troublesome individuals in the wild wild west.
A gaga Young Mr. Bercow relishing being in the media again.
These young people are sick of the "dehumanising language" and "nastiness" seen recently in #parliament
Their #petition for a new parliamentary Code of Conduct has been signed more than 65,000 times…and now they're taking it to the Speaker of the House of Commons
What is it with this bloody fascination with the view of ‘young’ people?
I think pretty much the whole countries thin ks the MPs are a disgrace and the view of young people is no more valid than mine…BBC won’t get any young viewers by being ‘woke’
An astonishing report on Radio 4 this morning concerning the worlds most expensive painting which is ‘Salvator Mundi’ (Saviour of the world) by Leonardo Da Vinci currently owned by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salaman.
The BBC incredibly described the figure of Christ as simple a prominent figure of historical importance without naming the painting or using the words ‘Jesus Christ’ !
WTF…but they probably didn’t know ..let’s face it most of them are ignorant or maybe they thought they had better follow the Muslim path and not mention that we have pictures of our Lord?
The point is that in their massive ignorance of Islam and their crawling deference to it, they almost certainly do not realise that Jesus Christ is the second most important figure to the Muslims. The fact that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia bought the artwork might have been a clue but to the thicko BBC types it’s completely lost on them with the anti White anti Christian race hate taking a far more important place in their ‘thinking’.
\\Cairngorms loch dropped to lowest level in ‘750 years’//
Question: what caused it to drop 750 years ago ?
Small print : “The water level has since returned to normal.”
taffman, interesting that item. Pure propaganda and the photos rather give the game away.
Add in last summers dry, hot weather, trees right down to the shoreline and not many hills close by to provide snow melt into the loch in the event of any winter snow and that’s the explanation for a low water level in May. Add to that a blockage in the spring that feeds that little loch and there’s the answer for concerned environmentalists at the BBC.
I let out an involuntary “whoop” this morning…and that doesn’t happen often these days…
I was doing my morning calisthenics and catching up on the news when I saw what I thought was a fabulous scene.
A bunch of Extinction Rebellion activists being dragged from the top of tube trains. Frustrated commuters were taking the law into their own hands; and who can blame them?
One bloke was clearly being given a very stiff talking to (ahem) by the understandably irate commuters. It was bound to happen.
We’ve had the best part of a fortnight of these privileged posers holding up buses, cars and even ambulances and by and large our media have acted as uncritical cheerleaders for them.
London’s incompetent Muslim mayor has been utterly useless…well, what’s new?
The police have acted like a bunch of complete pussies. One geezer decided to spend the night sleeping on top of a lorry. It got a little chilly, as it does in October, and the police brought him some blankets; FFS! And we’ve all heard the pathetic story of delivery drivers, trying to off load their cargoes in the early hours, being hushed by the law so as not to disturb the sleeping demonstrators. My blood was boiling.
So, a little bit of good news to cheer the heart of every decent Englishman. I’ve actually got a smile on my grizzled old mush.
And after this who knows what might happen next?
Dozens of angry commuters were seen pulling two Extinction Rebellion protesters from the top of a Tube train at Canning Town station in east London
Extinction Rebellion spokesperson Fergal McEntee tells @LBC
this morning’s demonstrations at London Underground and DLR stations were a “huge own goal.”
If Jesus had wanted women to be disciples and apostles, he’d have had a few of them in his following. He didn’t. So, the women who call themselves vicars or priests and the beta males who support them can believe what they like but it doesn’t make it true.
“Dozens of angry commuters were seen pulling two Extinction Rebellion protesters from the top of a Tube train at Canning Town station in east London”
The early signs of that inevitability. The populations are slowly but surely working out that they, ultimately, have to deal with all the nonsense left by the Marxists.
Can you imagine “taking your areas back” occurring in the Former UK? You’d all be nicked, whilst the “gang members” are give a pound from the poor box at the local magistrates court, and allowed to continue.
“…by and large our media have acted as uncritical cheerleaders for them. London’s incompetent Muslim mayor has been utterly useless…well, what’s new?..The police have acted like a bunch of complete pussies…”
Great summing up! I’d quibble with “by and large” as have no personal knowledge of an XR critical MSM. Also I can well understand why The Bill go, oh so easy, with a ‘liberal’ justice system ready to slap down any perceived excess on their part.
ITV were on the side of the commuters..din’t see BBC but suspect not same attitude….problem for BBC is that protesters were all white and much of crowd BAME…now is it okay if BAME beats S..te out of white protester ( there is no evidence they did, just a thought) because we know if it were around other way it wouldn’t be
The BBC have recetly started “My Money” blog where some person, who no one cares about, talks about how they have spent all their money last week.
It is nothing more than a way to advertise certain products very clearly. None of the journalist are brave enough to put their name to the article probably because they are receiving a kickback from the manufacturers of the products.
The BBC “technology” page has been like this for years.
BBC staff showing some enterprise.
Instead of BBC advertising, revenue from which goes, one would hope, into BBC funds and enables the licence fee to be kept as low as possible (I do not believe one word of this).
The BBC staff take bribes, almost certainly in cash or other untraceable, untaxable form. The BBC then runs the adverts anyway.
There is also a special department, where all the “EU advertising” on the BBC is planned.
Funded by European taxpayers, every Euro of which is recorded in EU accounts.
Described by auditors as “missing billions”.
Not one question from @BBC4today to scrutinise Dominic Grieve about why he was in Brussels yesterday, when it is obvious that he was working with representatives of foreign governments against his own country’s government to derail a deal. @bbclaurak@BBCPolitics@BrexitCentral
LBC now, Archbishop of Canterbury is the guest
caller #1 ‘You form a trinity with the BBC & Guardian
Ans ‘ We the church council voted in favour if implementing Brexit, but we must respect the 48%’
caller #2 ‘There should be a law requiring Climate Change sermons’
Ans well we do have Nature Week ..Jesus ….
I support XRs aims but not all of their actions’
caller #3 a gay parent ‘ Do you support ending the protest by (Muslim) parents’
fear is a bad thing
‘but we can’t ban anti-gay prejudice.’
hate speech is completely unacceptable
Fact is that the UK ‘citizen’ is terrorised by so much legislation that merely waking up in the morning is probably illegal in some way. The problem then is, the Government in their haste to legislate for and against everything, produces law that trips over itself, if not itself, conflicts with other laws. Labour, with its large muslim following (thanks Bliar! by the way) has an inherent hatred of the Jews and now, that fact conflicts with the claim it is made that it is not anti-Jew. On and on the roundabout goes. Just think how harmonious the country would be less these non-British people. Certainly the Marxist disruption of culture would probably not have taken root.
“The murderer was not just any civil servant: his security clearance allowed him to have access to sensitive files such as the personal details of police officers and individuals monitored by the department, including several individuals suspected of terrorism.”
Come now, it’s all to do with ‘integration’ isn’t it? This above statement passes on the fact that if you employ a muslim, you have only second or third place in his/her/its daily dedication and priorities compared with his/her/its cult values. Not only do you have to put up with incessant ‘praying’, you have to bow down to what drives him/her/it, islamically.
I have often thought that you can only look to the US to see the problem first hand. Chinese, naturalised as US citizens, passing State secrets back to their original masters in China; muslim officers in the armed services shooting, en masse, their ‘colleagues’.
Metropolitan Police, UK armed services and, God forbid, GCHQ: Be prepared.
Forthcoming subscription TV
* BBC-Hyper-liberal-network”
All your favourite liberals on 6 TV channels and 30 radio stations
.. with occasional token non-liberals
Operation Stop Trump
Operation Stop Brexit
Operation Stop the Tories
Operation promote white guilt
Operation promote Green Guilt support XR and the FakeGreens
“Certain Assembly decisions require cross-community support, not just majority support but the support of a certain percentage of nationalists and unionists. These decisions include:
– election of the Speaker and Deputy Speakers;
– changes to the rules of the Assembly, known as Standing Orders;
– budget allocations and other financial votes;
– determination of the number of Ministers and their responsibilities;
– exclusion of ministers or members of political parties from holding office; and
– petitions of concern (30 MLAs can request that any decision be taken on a cross-community basis)”
The last one is particularly significant because there are 40 Unionist MLAs
“Brexit: DUP rejects deal ‘as things stand’ as PM heads to EU summit”
Next ?
Here is what we could see : A confirmatory referendum which will be – Remain, or Mrs Chamberlain’s ‘Pig with Lipstick’.
No general election, no Brexit.
But then, see the clever way I used the word “could” . I am learning from Al Beeb’s so called journalists.
Or …………..
We “could ” get A Boris Deal, and that depends on the DUP?
This “could” be followed by a Confirmatory Referendum whereby the choice would be : Boris’s Deal or Remain.
Of course, we all know that it should be “Leave” or “Boris’s Deal” .
The nation voted to Leave in 2016 and that has never been fulfilled, as yet .
The DUP are irrelevant in the present situation. Teresa May only needed them to give her the illusion of having a majority in parliament. Remain MPs, as we know, vastly outnumber Brexit MPs. Any deal, especially one negotiated by Boris, would not get through the Commons. Thornberry has said that Labour would vote against a deal even if it had been negotiated by them. The Liberals, and the Tory traitors, would also never support any withdrawal treaty. Northern Ireland had a majority to remain, in the referendum, so if it means they have to stay in some alignment with the EU, then so be it. Scotland, too, voted to remain. If they want to leave the UK then let them. England and Wales voted to leave, so leave we must. We cannot let these small groups constantly stand in the way of the majority. It’s not right, it’s not fair and it’s not democratic.
Not the BBC and not really worth watching, but the ‘Brexit Debate’ on Ch5 last night at least provided Jeremy Vine another opportunity for a bit of moonlighting to augment that £7.7k of our money the BBC seem to think he ‘earns’.
Initially hinging around a series of ComRes polls – disputed throughout her stint by the delightful Scotch MSP Ms Cherry – essentially the whole program took one and a half hours from viewers lives without a vestige of tangible benefit.
Nothing new there, of course, but it did allow Jem, in full Son of Shelob mode, the chance to spider his way back and forth across the studio weaving an impenetrable web of confusion behind him. I wonder if he uses a scale of charges in his little mind, computing a single arm wave as a basic, say, £100 and a full-on FunnyWalk with double arm-sweep as a good grands worth? Then again, perhaps he doesn’t feel any need at all to justify his obscene pay packets.
At that exact point in time the Met were putting together a think tank in order to select a working committee to carry out a risk assessment on just how slippy the top of a train is.
The usual monthly release of ONS economic statistics used to be a big thing for the BBC & Steffie (and more recently Pesto & Kamal Ahmed) would Blog on the numbers and there would be a HYS attached to that.
Yesterday there was nothing really on the BBC website about the September inflation figures. There should have been a big debate because the ONS claimed laughably, relayed by BBC R4 in TWatO, that the expected inflation increase had not happened because road fuel prices fell. None that I have seen. I wonder how many fuel stations the ONS visit? I also wonder how often they make mistakes in that important statistic.
The BBC’s new Economics Editor is even more absent than the Business Editor, Simon Jack. Are they worth the Licence Fee? I don’t think so. Opportunity for big salary savings there, Mr DG.
The BBC did have a half-hearted article on the subject of inflation, in the course of which it could be seen what the September figure is. But they appeared to be much more concerned with the death of an actress who long ago appeared in a ‘Soap’ on a rival network and the usual complaints of some aggrieved person or anxiety issues or environment concerns.
Most peculiar. I wonder why this sudden low key approach by the BBC to economics and statistics?
Highly unusual.
Could it be because the inflation rate had not rocketed upward by 0.2% or 0.3% due to Brexit that the BBC did not give it their usual amount of attention?
I remain deeply sceptical that it will be any more than Theresa May’s deal reheated. But let’s first wait for analysis before piling on to Boris and remember the Parliamentary arithmetic he has to work with.
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . .
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
\\’Special relationship’ won’t guarantee UK-US trade//
More anti-Trump anti-Brexit nonsense.
Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly have announced plans for a new TV show, Street Car Showdown, on BBC Two.
It will be aired on BBC2, Sunday evenings at 9pm. Straight after another BBC new show, “A parent’s guide to choosing the right childcare”, which will be hosted by Rolf Harris.
I think there’s also a new series on how to make investigative news programmes.
I think they’ve got John Sweeney to present it.
“The future of Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal hangs in the balance as EU officials say the outcome of talks should be known by the end of the day. “
Here’s the way I see things going? ……….
Bo Jo delivers us with a ‘Tweezer’s pig with lipstick’, only this time it will be ‘Boris’s pig with a lipstick’.
He will then go for a snap general election using Corbyn the bogeyman to frighten us all if we don’t vote Tory. The Brexit Party will be our nation’s only salvation for Freedom, Independence and the extinction of Al Beeb, but I could be wrong?
A vote for the Brexit Party would be significant. Suppose they do not get a majority but rather get a block of MPs in a hung Parliament to stick a rod up Boris’s back
If Boris wants to emulate “Churchill” and be the PM, he will have to form a pact with The Brexit Party . If he truly wanted us to leave the EU he would have done it by now. The Tory party were quite happy to jump into bed with the Lefty Limpdems . But things may change?
Taffman, he has no intention of delivering the Brexit we voted for. It’ll be Mays deal warmed up. He is busy polishing the turd as we type.
I’d rather he didn’t make a pact and then fails to deliver.
The Brexit Party will clean up as no one will vote for the failed Tories. It’s the only way IMHO, to prevent the Brexit vote being split. The only sure way to secure Brexit is to vote in the Brexit Party. The clues in the name people!
I have got to be honest – when Boris was elected I never trusted him but he made all the right noises – die in a ditch blah , blah, blah.
In this current climate of political madness with Bercow making up the rules as he goes along and the “Supreme” Court making up new laws as they go along, in these extrodonairy times if Boris had , had any real spine he would have called these corrupt bastards out and challenged them to jail him.
If they had did that there would have been real support out there for our PM who wants to be a British Bulldog called Churchill (in his dreams) . Instead we seem to be saddled with a Yorkshire Terrier called Boris, all mouth and trousers who has been snapping aggressively, but since his EU master has raised his hand, discretion has become the better part of valour and he now decided instead to lick the fingers of the hand that once frightened him so.
Quelle surprise!
“Woman accused of St Paul’s Cathedral bomb plot”
How many readers spotted that little bit of news ?
taffman, also hard to find was the sentencing yesterday of five female jihadists (or in BBCspeak, “five French women”) for a total of 100 years for a plot to blow up Notre Dame cathedral by detonating a car bomb in 2016.
Surely time for a cuddly article about a Muslim woman who bakes Eccles cakes for her village fete?
They failed to destroy Notre Dame then, but they got it second time round.
Hard to find? Downright impossible!
Here’s a little game: try finding that story without using the above url. Click on Europe all you like, you won’t find it.
Al-beeb REALLY don’t want anyone to read that story, so I think it behooves us to remedy their little oversight.
“Notre-Dame plot: Five women jailed over foiled car bomb attack
Five French women have been sentenced to between five and 30 years in jail for trying to detonate a car bomb near Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris in 2016.
The case is said to be the first to involve a group of women attempting to stage an Islamist attack in France.
They failed to ignite half a dozen gas canisters placed in the vehicle.
Inès Madani, Ornella Gilligmann, Sarah Hervouët, Amel Sakaou and Samia Chalel, now aged between 22 and 42, are all converts to Islam.”
And while we’re on the subject of hard-to-find news of islamic terror attacks, here’s another one. Remember that lone wolf with mental problems who killed 4 policemen earlier this month?
Well French police have arrested 5 people connected with him.
So maybe not so ‘lone’ and maybe not so mad. Starting to sound like a proper terrorist plot.
Try finding that on the Islamic Cover-up Corporation.
As Mark Steyn has said, these terrorists and generally known wolves rather than lone wolves.
Wolves are a pack animal
The BBC clearly haven’t taken heed of DCC Julie Cooke’s warnings!
The correct pronoun is “Islamist”.
Funny that..not heard anything about it….now if it was a far right person (i.e. white anglo saxon) …whhoooooo…all over the news..hypocrites
belated TOADY Watch #3 – smirk in the face of adversity or laugh at the failing advertising
One of the first items in my hearing on Toady this a.m. was another BBC Project Fear Operation not from Andrew Marr this time with pretty Priti to look at but Nick or Justin to listen to instead. 🙁
Project Fear for TOADY was shortages of food and medicine after a No-Deal-Brexit if we Crash Out over a Cliff Edge in order to get out of the EU on 31 October 2019. Especially medicine.
Looks like that amnesia or early on-set dementia (must be the pollution going round and round inside Broadcasting House adding decades to the brains of the staff) is really affecting Nick & Justin. A shortage of medicine was the Fear Item for Today.
Funny thing: I clearly remember two recent shortages of medicine in the UK – reported to me by BBC Radio4 – and we are still in the EU.
How could that have happened?
It’s the other state broadcaster C4 news – taking project fear to the ultimate – giving the oxygen of publicity to some bloke in a hood purporting to be the new IRA saying and border will be a target and they are ready to bring back republican terrorism .
We live in a country where a few northern Irish terrorists can influence the brexit sell out . C4 were obviously over the moon being able to broadcast threats by enemies of the UK .
Just generally – I cant see the DUP supporting any sellout which treats NI different to the rest of the UK .
If they do – it can only mean some sort of secret protocol to keep the DUP ‘onboard ‘…
Nothing would please the IRA more than a ‘hard’ border.
Just think of the money to be made by smuggling via their cross-border farms!
Most of their money would be made with the traffic going South. It could wreck the R O I economy ?
The last thing the IRA want is a united Ireland. They would have no power or money.
Forced subscription probably then.
Drain the swamp.
I got the impression that Jeremy Vine had been told that Naomi Klein was a visionary and that he was fully signed up, but to what?
Her arguments were all over the place. Clearly the ‘white patriarchy’ was to blame for raping the planet, even if she didn’t say that explicitly. I say that because she appeared to argue that humans were just one life-form among many and had no special claim on the Earth, but in the next breath the noble ‘First Nation’ people were having ‘their’ lands stolen. (First Nation being the term for the last people to claim North America before the arrival of Europeans. Nowadays they show us how to live by getting drunk and running casinos).
She tossed in ‘no such thing as society’ but I wasn’t sure that she meant that in the way that Margaret Thatcher did or in the way her critics bent the quote. I think what Klein meant was ‘community’. That starts with family and then builds into nation, (like those ‘First Nation’ people again!).
Who is in the vanguard of destroying the family, uprooting people and scattering them around the world? The BBC!
Who pushes the latest iPad, Disney film and consumer fad? The BBC!
I don’t understand why these supposedly intelligent would-be ‘citizens of the world’ can figure out that the things that ‘make us human’, the foods, the ceremonies, the music exist because most people stayed in the same village. Their globalist approach will eventually result in everyone washing down their Macburger with a ‘coke’ on their way to the identikit Mosque.
Remainers and Europhiles take note, and there’s more yet to be reported ! ……….
I think sooner or later we will also be actually fighting for our independence….
It’s that source again
Brexit: ‘No deal tonight’, UK government source says
“No deal tonight”?
Yes please!
Boris finds a way around the Benn Surrender Act. The letter asking for the extension is posted but the postal workers are on strike.
Royal Mail union votes in favour of strike action
No he doesn’t – that’s Blackford the flipping post man.
a TOADY Watch # Extra
Last week, we heard on all BBC R4 major News programmes, including Today, about a couple of UK tourists visiting Canada with their baby, driving in a vehicle with friends and their children that they are visiting and ‘accidentally’ straying into the USA whereupon they are arrested by Border Security.
I thought it was a little strange (alarm bells rang) and a good journalist with knowledge of how the USA & Canada border relationship works would have asked some tough questions and/or put a very different slant on the news item. Instead, the BBC presented the British couple and their baby, who were transfered to an Illegal Migrant Detention Facility, as victims and dropped hints about how awful the US migration control, Border Service – and by extension, President Trump – and the detention facility is. I could feel a Compensation Claim coming on.
Canadian residents, even if expat Brits, know they need to have their Passports with them if they go anywhere near the US border. The UK tourists I would have expected to be carrying their Passports and other travel documents with them (it is advisable at all times) but I guess that they left them where they were staying. Four adults plus children, no documentation.
Had the adults had their Passports and the tourists their return flight tickets as well the problem might have been avoided or easily solved.
Today, we learn the truth. My alarm bells were jangling correctly.
The BBC were somewhat deficient in pursuing the truth. FakeNews or FalseFacts or both?
R4 8:45pm yet again presented by Special Victim
a woman immigrant from Mosul, who says
“I would not be here if not for repeated military invasions”
… FFS it was an Iraqi Saddam who invaded Kuwait
@Taffman what do you reckon ?
..this Iraqi refugee thinks that Welsh separatism is the best thing
She also seems to think that Cardiff is the epitome of Wales
when surely it’s the most English
Cardiff is neither Welsh or English, more like foreign . The Assembly in Cardiff is out of touch and alien to the people of Wales.
The “separatism” that the Welsh want is separate from the EU.
Al Beeb would love to see the UK broken up and to be swallowed up by the great dictatorship.
Al Beeb is anti-British.
Stew – was it just me, or was there a wee bit of a lecture about colonialism and racism going on here, largely disguised, of course?
Kind of: “the Welsh are bad, the English are worse, but I’m staying put here anyway, so there!”
So intent were the bbbc in attempting to show how nasty the American authorities had been to the poor downtrodden family, who just didn’t know they had done anything wrong, they neglected to look at the details.
I love the bit about the family driving through a ditch to find a way across the border. Perfectly innocent manoeuvre of course. Who hasn’t driven slowly through a ditch to get into another country before? I mean, come on!
Last question first; probably quite a lot of people but the date was 1944, the countries were European and the ‘vehicles’ were tanks, jeeps and maybe also trucks.
I find it bizarre that at the BBC, presenting the TOADY Programme, you have a former North America Editor – Justin Webb – and he didn’t spot the flaws in the story or draw it to the attention of the Day Editors nor the Editor in Chief.
I think the ditch in question is in the ‘median’ between Boundary Road in Canada and Highway 0 in the USA.,-122.4795647,3a,75y,93.5h,73.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4o_g4fUWt4Lde3OVwrIsng!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Trying to really minimise any news at all at moment as my blood has been quite literally, boiling !!!!
A quick peek and this woman puts my blood pressure through the roof !!!!! As per CCBGB
You can clearly see where this is going. Whilst the Traitors have control, they will vote for a deal with the proviso of a second referendum for the no doubt BRINO deal that Boris is working on or Remain. This will be well before any GE.
This vote will go through and then, during the time between announcing a referendum and it being held, the deal will gently be pulled apart by Remoaners. Remain will win the referendum and the Coup will be complete.
I hope for Boris and the Tory’s sake there is a Plan B.
One option is to start a big campaign to Vote “Spoil” at this referendum. All spoilt ballot papers MUST be counted and accounted for. A win for “Spoil” would wholly undermine the referendum result. What do you think?
Just in case anyone who’s interested in the John Sweeney scandal, hasn’t seen this 12 minute report on the Politico YouTube channel, I think you’ll be surprised and disgusted by this:
TRs own debunk is at TR news
John Sweeney – barking, moi?
Kir Royals all round. Hic.
But surely JS’s tactics and actions are only a more blatant (and in this case exposed) example of common agreed practice by our esteemed broadcaster?
The BBC seems impressed.
Are we sure it was Bathhouse Barry and not Mr Trudeau in his black face costume?
Obama endorsing a vote
.. that usually works out well
I think we are coming to peak Remain psychosis. Votes about referendums to have a general election or a general election to decide if there should be a referendum .
Then there is MPs working on Saturday . They’ll need to have a vote about working Saturday and vote to get time and a half for weekend overtime .
And then there’s the speaker . If the A50 extension is extended will he stay in the chair to ‘ see through brexit’? Or give it up to that paragon of neutrality – Hattie Harmon – who will become the first woman speaker – they’ll declare Bettie wasn’t one ?
Can you imagine the Dromey-Harmon household ? I guess they have 2 separate houses for expenses purposes …
Louise Ellman: MP quits Labour over anti-Semitism concerns
“MP Louise Ellman has quit the Labour Party – saying Jeremy Corbyn is “not fit” to become prime minister”
MSM will largely ignore, yet hype any Conservative quits
It’s a sad thing that as a Jewish woman she can see and speak out about the anti Semitism, but not the anti White race hate which she presumably agrees with.
It’s not enough to regard these people as harmless loonys with extremist ideas, they are enormously dangerous, and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are incapable of doing anything to stop this danger. Once Corbyn has implemented his plans the cowardly useless incompetent Tories will do nothing to undo the damage – they certainly haven’t following the BLiar years.
Reichsfuhrer Corbyn WILL win the coming election, for various reasons most of which are entirely the fault of Tory idiocy, getting bigger majorities in safe seats while losing the marginals is a sure way to opposition.
But then we shouldn’t view the Tories as a serious political party – they are all about preserving jobs for the sons of Gentlemen, and very little else.
There’s sure to be a hard left Momentum supporter ready to replace Ms. Ellman. Just as they hope to do with Frank Field.
The more sensible, traditional Labour members leave, the more we need to hope that ordinary voters will see what is happening. But I feel the tribal voting patterns will endure and many far left candidates will get in, courtesy of unthinking traditionalists and the new marxists.
Plenty of mahometans to take her place, and everybody loves them.
No there is no election coming – they’ll wait until 2022- building up those pension years .
Not strictly biased bbc but featured on their website, possibly because we are supposed to feel something…..
A woman died when she leaned out of the window of a train travelling at 75 mph and hit her head against a tree branch.
The investigators have decided that the warning sign by the window was inadequate and that the trees along the route had not been inspected.
At no stage does it seem to occur to anyone that a modicum of personal responsibility should be required and sticking your head out of a fast moving train might just be a teensy weensy bit stupid and dangerous.
The dead woman was, we are informed, the chair person of Young Socialists, Cardiff. The BBC certainly picks them.
Judge for yourselves
Off up the stairs now to Bedfordshire. And if I slip on them, don’t worry. I can always sue the house-builder.
Night night.
On Twitter CCBGB
.. reminds me of Derek & Clive “they should put a label on things”
A neighbour’s son was killed doing that on a train out of Euston 50 years ago.
I thought everyone knew not to put their head out of the window.
Seems a funny time to try it as the train can only just have left Bath and she was going to Newport. Something else must have been going on.
As our mums used to say, “Just because other people are doing it, it doesn’t mean you should too.”
That’s the culture these days, you are not responsible for your own actions Unless the Left says you are.
Socialist – tick
Female – tick
Supporter of migrants – tick
Something to do with Wales – tick
The only thing they forgot to mention was that she tragically lost her life in a train that was probably DESIGNED BY MEN.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Deceased Bethan Roper, a Muslim.
Best to have all the signs in 814 languages.
“Her father, Adrian Roper, released a statement after her death saying his daughter “enjoyed life to the full whilst working tirelessly for a better world”.
He said the Bethan Roper Trust for Refugees has been set up in her memory”
I hereby award that tree “Tree of the month”.
New signs required, “please stick your dim Lefty head as far as possible out of the window”.
Sluff, putting your head out of a train window, whether stationary or not, was commonplace over thirty, forty or more years ago. I’ve seen many others do it. I’ve done it. Last time was on a train approaching Ribblehead about 20 years back. (Not many trees there. It needed to be done with care, even back then. A sparrow hitting your head at 40mph is going to do some damage. A pigeon hitting your head at a similar speed may well kill you.)
I think what has changed is electrification and privatisation and nature.
The latter is more abundant and trees grow and grow at ever faster pace, especially young trees. The first means more trackside superstructures. In between we have executives with high earnings and bonuses to protect.
Passengers want trains to run reliably and on time. Trees that have become mature cause problems in doing that. Managing line-side nature is expensive. In addition, threaten just a single tree and a local environmentalist will have hundreds of fellow demonstrators out in a flash to object and protest.
Easier to take the money and run. And run the trains come what may.
I once foolishly stuck my head out of the window of a moving train. It was the night sleeper between Innsbruck and Venice, dawn was breaking and all of my fellow passengers stuck their heads out of the train windows too, as it glided seemingly at walking pace over the lagoon, the warm breeze kissed our cheeks and the amazing sight of Venice itself hove into view.
I just thought I’d put this out there, there’s a time and a place for everything.
I’ve just read the comments on Twitter, as one would expect they could be going better.
“It appears” that this happened just before Christmas (not sure if it was last Christmas or the one before), she was twice over the drink drive limit (she wasn’t driving but it does suggest a level of drunkenness), and she was “peer pressured” which I’m guessing means a game of Russian Roulettes was being undertaken. And yet the article is purely about the blame laid at GWRs feet. Absolute BBC bias by omission. Some commenters also had interesting things to say about the language of the article such as, killed as she was hit be a tree, should be BECAUSE SHE hit a tree. Tragic loss of life, the BBC unashamedly playing the blame game.
Switch on bingo : Just switched on R4
“who filled your fridge ?”
“that nice man from the mosque”
.. it’s an alleged comedy programme featuring Mirriam Margoyles
Better watch the fridge doesn’t magically explode and set fire to the whole block then!
I have no in depth knowledge of Miriam Margoyles but having seen her on a programme called The Real Marigold Hotel in which a group of celebrity pensioners went on BBC funded jollies to foreign countries to see how pensioners live and are treated she came across as a particularly sour and nasty piece of work. So unsurprising that we’re continuing to pay her via the BBC Tax.
She’s an atheist Jewish lesbian feminist socialist.
Can’t imagine what the BBC sees in her.
I believe she and Jeanette Winterson are “married”.
No, Jeanette Winterson is married to Susie Orbach, who used to be Princess Diana’s therapist. No wonder she was confused.
Ah yes Ms Margoyles. Could that by any chance be the same Ms Margoyles who appeared on TV to refer to President Trump as “A piece of shit?” Is not that kind of statement considered to be politically incorrect? Is that not considered hate speech? Has the President received an apology yet? Answers on a postcard please.
Another delightful insight to the mind of Ms Margoyles was her explanation for the need to ‘pick my girlfriend’s pubes from my teeth’ prior to her making some meaningful statement, or not.
From Yahoo! news:
“The majority of British people support leaving the EU, according to the largest Brexit poll taken since the referendum three years ago.
The study revealed 54% would be happy if the country exited the European bloc.
Those people backed Brexit whether they voted yes or no in 2016, according to the ComRes/Channel 5 poll.
The study, which collected information from 26,000 voters, showed 50% were in favour of Brexit, while 42% wanted to remain.
The number changed to 54% in favour of Brexit when you excluded people who answered “don’t know”.
The four possible answers to the question of “preferred outcome” were “the UK remaining in the EU”, “the UK leaving the EU with a withdrawal deal’, “the UK leaving the EU on a No Deal basis” and “don’t know”.
… … … … …”
Surely miners always were ‘industrial gypsies’?
Was there some Golden Age when the South Wales Valleys were covered in little towns with their happy inhabitants passing the time sucking on straws as they watched the woolly lambs gamboling in the fields?
Or did some farmer discover an outcrop of coal and start to sink a shaft. Then his neighbours joined in and before long farm workers came from far and wide to work in the new pits for more money than back on the farm. The wives no doubt followed and a town was born.
That is the typical story of industry in the UK, workers moving to make more money. Unfortunately their offspring have lost the pioneering spirit and expect the ghost of ‘Thatcher’ to bring new work to them.
Of course it is wasteful to abandon developed towns so how to fix the problem? How about dishing out knighthoods to anyone who sets up viable and sustainable jobs in these communities? Surely better than the present system that rewards those that have already done well for themselves?
probably covered in above comments by now – ttps://
“Nancy Pelosi presents John Bercow with LGBT rights award
Commons Speaker given PinkNews ‘Special Award’ by US House of Representatives counterpart”
“The awards ceremony was held at Church House, the headquarters of the Church of England, and was attended by senior politicians including Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, Sir Keir Starmer and Ian Blackford.”
he will go far in the EU, they love award winners in the ranks.
There’s never a meteorite strike when you need one is there?
John Berk-ow is GAY??
Watched some Welsh MP have a fit last night on tv. telling everyone No deal is off the table.
Also in same breath, saying if NI can have an In/Out choice on the customs union / single market, then wales & Scotland should have that choice too.
then followed that up with, whatever Deal is negotiated, it should go back to people…..with REMAIN on the ballot paper.
this will never end.
The interviewer quite rightly said, but what about the first referendum…..”MP looks as though someone has just given him a master’s level Mathematics questions…
These MPs only know 1 version of democracy and that’s there own.
Watched some Welsh MP have a fit last night on tv. telling everyone No deal is off the table.
Also in same breath, saying if NI can have an In/Out choice on the customs union / single market, then wales & Scotland should have that choice too.
then followed that up with, whatever Deal is negotiated, it should go back to people…..with REMAIN on the ballot paper.
this will never end.
The interviewer quite rightly said, but what about the first referendum…..”MP looks as though someone has just given him a master’s level Mathematics questions…
These MPs only know 1 version of democracy and that’s there own.
Someone said it brilliantly once, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away…
“This isn’t the Brexit your looking for…..”
on a serious note, Mind tricks aside…can we leave yet?
Early this morning, Toady ran a story about an illegal unregistered school that refuses to close down after OFSTED found extreme problems.
The Toady report did not mention the words ‘islam’ or ‘muslim’ although the BBC News site quotes the headteacher as saying, “the school has an islamic ethos.”
The head teacher….or is it? Who can actually tell.
“The head teacher of an unregistered school, prosecuted for operating it illegally, has said it has a “unique” approach and will remain open.”
“Inspectors found six out of 11 teachers had not had Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or criminal-record checks.”
In 2018, inspectors found texts in the staffroom that:
“Encouraged parents to hit their children if they did not pray.”
“Said a wife had no right to deny her husband,”
Neither of these findings were mentioned in the Toady report.
The bottom line is, the government can’t close schools like these down but there is no surprise how at how the BBC manipulated and omitted key facts of the story though.
The radio 4 Today program reported on this, this morning. It was an appalling piece in which the woman pictured was referred to by her Christian name throughout. It was not stated that she wore the niqab, and excuses were made to explain the findings of the inspectors, they were apparantly in books which were given to them and were stored in a locked room the kids had no access to.
The BBC accepts this without question, and without questioning the woman as to whether she believes the content of these books.
But the one thing which is screamingly obvious is never address, the fact that many of the Pakistani Muslims in the area are paying to send their kids to this school because they hate the UK so much.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories are more likely to support this rather than do anything about it, a competent couragous government would be giving these people a choice, integrate or leave.
Fat chance of that happening though.
“Christian” name?
Did you hear that the children get two hours of religious indoctrination at the mosque every day? Every day!
Two hours a day learning that a murdering rapist paedophile is the perfect role model for all men. I’m only surprised that more of them don’t turn into jihadists.
“Govt can’t close schools like these down..”
Now, I do wonder whether, if laws are being broken, govt should not be able to close schools down, the same as it would any other establishment operating outside the law?
I always thought the phrase “a law unto themselves” should not be taken literally.
The thought occurs that if Tommy Robinson were running a school, they would find a way to close it down sharpish.
Of course, the authorities know that Tommy Robinson wouldn’t kill them if they tried.
TOADY Watch #1 – from the mouths of babes and sucklings
Wonderful moment on Toady @ 7.24 approx. Did you notice? Justin was talking to new LibDem & TBP MEPs.
The LibDem inadvertently dropped a hint that other countries might be thinking of leaving the EU. Oooops!
She mis-spoke, of course, and The Sweater will be sorting her out soon.
I bet we will get zero clarification on it. But it’s pretty clear most European countries are sick of this (“trading bloc” EU) trying to be a country.
Video of XR protesters being dragged off the roof a Jubilee Line tube train by commuters.
Finally the worm has turned. And guess whose side the RBC was on when the video was shown on Breakfast?
Not one word of sympathy for the London commuter.
Thank you for the post . I think if the state authorities fail to control these people more incidents like this will happen – and worse . I’m guessing the chap got a bit of a kicking on his descent from the tube which will be par for the course .
As regular users of the tube might testify – it’s a hostile place at the best of times with pages of unwritten protocols about personal conduct …
This chap broke the ultimate one . Perhaps if he is prosecuted he can be banned from the tube for a while …
Our Justin in his spiritual home – Brussels . There was a bit of premature mourning over the loss of the gravy train .
Personally I fear that A50 is going to be extended again using the DUP as an excuse .
How are they ever going to change ? It is fundamental to them to be treated the same as the rest of the UK .
Ah but can you imagine the reaction of the BBC had any other White guy kicked a black guy in the face? There are times when aggression is necessary and this was certainly it. Alas the video doesn’t show what happened when he vanished into the crowd, but I can’t imagine he got a sympathetic reception!
It does however show the violence these anarchist / Fascists are prepared to employ against the public, which would carry on if they ever came to power.
How the bbc react to the police off overseeing a spelling bee rather than tube station security will be… probably in the same vein.
And lose them another few thousand tvl funders.
Why of all times, does the media allow / choose, such a backdrop and such a background noise when interviewing ? It never used to happen before Brexit?
Did the mad hatter get a tip-off from Al Beeb that Francois would be interviewed ?
Now all we need to do is drag the traitors in Parliament, kicking and screaming, from their EU gravy train.
These mushy brained climate loons have given me an idea with regard to our traitorous rats in the HOP. Superglue them all to the top of a Eurostar train and send them all to Brussels.
It’s a modern day equivalent of the American method of getting rid of troublesome individuals in the wild wild west.
A gaga Young Mr. Bercow relishing being in the media again.
The presentation team seems to have been assembled with utmost care.
With luck correct pronouns were exchanged throughout.
What is it with this bloody fascination with the view of ‘young’ people?
I think pretty much the whole countries thin ks the MPs are a disgrace and the view of young people is no more valid than mine…BBC won’t get any young viewers by being ‘woke’
An astonishing report on Radio 4 this morning concerning the worlds most expensive painting which is ‘Salvator Mundi’ (Saviour of the world) by Leonardo Da Vinci currently owned by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salaman.
The BBC incredibly described the figure of Christ as simple a prominent figure of historical importance without naming the painting or using the words ‘Jesus Christ’ !
WTF…but they probably didn’t know ..let’s face it most of them are ignorant or maybe they thought they had better follow the Muslim path and not mention that we have pictures of our Lord?
The point is that in their massive ignorance of Islam and their crawling deference to it, they almost certainly do not realise that Jesus Christ is the second most important figure to the Muslims. The fact that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia bought the artwork might have been a clue but to the thicko BBC types it’s completely lost on them with the anti White anti Christian race hate taking a far more important place in their ‘thinking’.
\\Cairngorms loch dropped to lowest level in ‘750 years’//
Question: what caused it to drop 750 years ago ?
Small print : “The water level has since returned to normal.”
taffman, interesting that item. Pure propaganda and the photos rather give the game away.
Add in last summers dry, hot weather, trees right down to the shoreline and not many hills close by to provide snow melt into the loch in the event of any winter snow and that’s the explanation for a low water level in May. Add to that a blockage in the spring that feeds that little loch and there’s the answer for concerned environmentalists at the BBC.
I let out an involuntary “whoop” this morning…and that doesn’t happen often these days…
I was doing my morning calisthenics and catching up on the news when I saw what I thought was a fabulous scene.
A bunch of Extinction Rebellion activists being dragged from the top of tube trains. Frustrated commuters were taking the law into their own hands; and who can blame them?
One bloke was clearly being given a very stiff talking to (ahem) by the understandably irate commuters. It was bound to happen.
We’ve had the best part of a fortnight of these privileged posers holding up buses, cars and even ambulances and by and large our media have acted as uncritical cheerleaders for them.
London’s incompetent Muslim mayor has been utterly useless…well, what’s new?
The police have acted like a bunch of complete pussies. One geezer decided to spend the night sleeping on top of a lorry. It got a little chilly, as it does in October, and the police brought him some blankets; FFS! And we’ve all heard the pathetic story of delivery drivers, trying to off load their cargoes in the early hours, being hushed by the law so as not to disturb the sleeping demonstrators. My blood was boiling.
So, a little bit of good news to cheer the heart of every decent Englishman. I’ve actually got a smile on my grizzled old mush.
And after this who knows what might happen next?
Dozens of angry commuters were seen pulling two Extinction Rebellion protesters from the top of a Tube train at Canning Town station in east London
Extinction Rebellion spokesperson Fergal McEntee tells @LBC
this morning’s demonstrations at London Underground and DLR stations were a “huge own goal.”
Revered Sue Parfit arrested
If Jesus had wanted women to be disciples and apostles, he’d have had a few of them in his following. He didn’t. So, the women who call themselves vicars or priests and the beta males who support them can believe what they like but it doesn’t make it true.
“Dozens of angry commuters were seen pulling two Extinction Rebellion protesters from the top of a Tube train at Canning Town station in east London”
The early signs of that inevitability. The populations are slowly but surely working out that they, ultimately, have to deal with all the nonsense left by the Marxists.
I like Stefan’s attitude, and his videos.
Can you imagine “taking your areas back” occurring in the Former UK? You’d all be nicked, whilst the “gang members” are give a pound from the poor box at the local magistrates court, and allowed to continue.
“…by and large our media have acted as uncritical cheerleaders for them. London’s incompetent Muslim mayor has been utterly useless…well, what’s new?..The police have acted like a bunch of complete pussies…”
Great summing up! I’d quibble with “by and large” as have no personal knowledge of an XR critical MSM. Also I can well understand why The Bill go, oh so easy, with a ‘liberal’ justice system ready to slap down any perceived excess on their part.
ITV were on the side of the commuters..din’t see BBC but suspect not same attitude….problem for BBC is that protesters were all white and much of crowd BAME…now is it okay if BAME beats S..te out of white protester ( there is no evidence they did, just a thought) because we know if it were around other way it wouldn’t be
“ITV were on the side of the commuters”
Good for them!
Going back a few years the riots in Birmingham appeared to subside once there was talk of local militias being formed.
As argued before I can’t quell my delight that the (commuter) worm has turned.
The DUP are not accepting the purported betrayal, good for them.
The comments are currently divided.
c50% Boris has sold out.
c50% It is all part of the Cummings master plan, I hope they are right.
The BBC have recetly started “My Money” blog where some person, who no one cares about, talks about how they have spent all their money last week.
It is nothing more than a way to advertise certain products very clearly. None of the journalist are brave enough to put their name to the article probably because they are receiving a kickback from the manufacturers of the products.
The BBC “technology” page has been like this for years.
BBC staff showing some enterprise.
Instead of BBC advertising, revenue from which goes, one would hope, into BBC funds and enables the licence fee to be kept as low as possible (I do not believe one word of this).
The BBC staff take bribes, almost certainly in cash or other untraceable, untaxable form. The BBC then runs the adverts anyway.
There is also a special department, where all the “EU advertising” on the BBC is planned.
Funded by European taxpayers, every Euro of which is recorded in EU accounts.
Described by auditors as “missing billions”.
Remainer BBC again –
LBC now, Archbishop of Canterbury is the guest
caller #1 ‘You form a trinity with the BBC & Guardian
Ans ‘ We the church council voted in favour if implementing Brexit, but we must respect the 48%’
caller #2 ‘There should be a law requiring Climate Change sermons’
Ans well we do have Nature Week ..Jesus ….
I support XRs aims but not all of their actions’
caller #3 a gay parent ‘ Do you support ending the protest by (Muslim) parents’
fear is a bad thing
‘but we can’t ban anti-gay prejudice.’
hate speech is completely unacceptable
Fact is that the UK ‘citizen’ is terrorised by so much legislation that merely waking up in the morning is probably illegal in some way. The problem then is, the Government in their haste to legislate for and against everything, produces law that trips over itself, if not itself, conflicts with other laws. Labour, with its large muslim following (thanks Bliar! by the way) has an inherent hatred of the Jews and now, that fact conflicts with the claim it is made that it is not anti-Jew. On and on the roundabout goes. Just think how harmonious the country would be less these non-British people. Certainly the Marxist disruption of culture would probably not have taken root.
“Terror Attacks in France: A Culture of Denial”
“The murderer was not just any civil servant: his security clearance allowed him to have access to sensitive files such as the personal details of police officers and individuals monitored by the department, including several individuals suspected of terrorism.”
Come now, it’s all to do with ‘integration’ isn’t it? This above statement passes on the fact that if you employ a muslim, you have only second or third place in his/her/its daily dedication and priorities compared with his/her/its cult values. Not only do you have to put up with incessant ‘praying’, you have to bow down to what drives him/her/it, islamically.
I have often thought that you can only look to the US to see the problem first hand. Chinese, naturalised as US citizens, passing State secrets back to their original masters in China; muslim officers in the armed services shooting, en masse, their ‘colleagues’.
Metropolitan Police, UK armed services and, God forbid, GCHQ: Be prepared.
Forthcoming subscription TV
* BBC-Hyper-liberal-network”
All your favourite liberals on 6 TV channels and 30 radio stations
.. with occasional token non-liberals
Operation Stop Trump
Operation Stop Brexit
Operation Stop the Tories
Operation promote white guilt
Operation promote Green Guilt support XR and the FakeGreens
The Good Friday Agreement requires –
“Certain Assembly decisions require cross-community support, not just majority support but the support of a certain percentage of nationalists and unionists. These decisions include:
– election of the Speaker and Deputy Speakers;
– changes to the rules of the Assembly, known as Standing Orders;
– budget allocations and other financial votes;
– determination of the number of Ministers and their responsibilities;
– exclusion of ministers or members of political parties from holding office; and
– petitions of concern (30 MLAs can request that any decision be taken on a cross-community basis)”
The last one is particularly significant because there are 40 Unionist MLAs
DUP not seen to be supporting Boris, maybe they really prefer a no-deal?
“Brexit: DUP rejects deal ‘as things stand’ as PM heads to EU summit”
Next ?
Here is what we could see : A confirmatory referendum which will be – Remain, or Mrs Chamberlain’s ‘Pig with Lipstick’.
No general election, no Brexit.
But then, see the clever way I used the word “could” . I am learning from Al Beeb’s so called journalists.
Or …………..
We “could ” get A Boris Deal, and that depends on the DUP?
This “could” be followed by a Confirmatory Referendum whereby the choice would be : Boris’s Deal or Remain.
Of course, we all know that it should be “Leave” or “Boris’s Deal” .
The nation voted to Leave in 2016 and that has never been fulfilled, as yet .
The DUP are irrelevant in the present situation. Teresa May only needed them to give her the illusion of having a majority in parliament. Remain MPs, as we know, vastly outnumber Brexit MPs. Any deal, especially one negotiated by Boris, would not get through the Commons. Thornberry has said that Labour would vote against a deal even if it had been negotiated by them. The Liberals, and the Tory traitors, would also never support any withdrawal treaty. Northern Ireland had a majority to remain, in the referendum, so if it means they have to stay in some alignment with the EU, then so be it. Scotland, too, voted to remain. If they want to leave the UK then let them. England and Wales voted to leave, so leave we must. We cannot let these small groups constantly stand in the way of the majority. It’s not right, it’s not fair and it’s not democratic.
Up and D,
Remainers WILL not accept ANY Brexit deal!
[Nigel on Sky now]
Not the BBC and not really worth watching, but the ‘Brexit Debate’ on Ch5 last night at least provided Jeremy Vine another opportunity for a bit of moonlighting to augment that £7.7k of our money the BBC seem to think he ‘earns’.
Initially hinging around a series of ComRes polls – disputed throughout her stint by the delightful Scotch MSP Ms Cherry – essentially the whole program took one and a half hours from viewers lives without a vestige of tangible benefit.
Nothing new there, of course, but it did allow Jem, in full Son of Shelob mode, the chance to spider his way back and forth across the studio weaving an impenetrable web of confusion behind him. I wonder if he uses a scale of charges in his little mind, computing a single arm wave as a basic, say, £100 and a full-on FunnyWalk with double arm-sweep as a good grands worth? Then again, perhaps he doesn’t feel any need at all to justify his obscene pay packets.
Sorry for the Abbomaths, that should be £770k – but still worth every penny of course.
Link : long LBC video of protesters being chased off tube roof
At that exact point in time the Met were putting together a think tank in order to select a working committee to carry out a risk assessment on just how slippy the top of a train is.
The usual monthly release of ONS economic statistics used to be a big thing for the BBC & Steffie (and more recently Pesto & Kamal Ahmed) would Blog on the numbers and there would be a HYS attached to that.
Yesterday there was nothing really on the BBC website about the September inflation figures. There should have been a big debate because the ONS claimed laughably, relayed by BBC R4 in TWatO, that the expected inflation increase had not happened because road fuel prices fell. None that I have seen. I wonder how many fuel stations the ONS visit? I also wonder how often they make mistakes in that important statistic.
The BBC’s new Economics Editor is even more absent than the Business Editor, Simon Jack. Are they worth the Licence Fee? I don’t think so. Opportunity for big salary savings there, Mr DG.
The BBC did have a half-hearted article on the subject of inflation, in the course of which it could be seen what the September figure is. But they appeared to be much more concerned with the death of an actress who long ago appeared in a ‘Soap’ on a rival network and the usual complaints of some aggrieved person or anxiety issues or environment concerns.
Most peculiar. I wonder why this sudden low key approach by the BBC to economics and statistics?
Highly unusual.
Could it be because the inflation rate had not rocketed upward by 0.2% or 0.3% due to Brexit that the BBC did not give it their usual amount of attention?
Deal just announced. Special analysis thread required?
I don’t think there’s need for a separate thread but another mod might do
It’s easy to get diverted into the finer points of a sell out but I’d prefer to try and focus directly on State Broadcaster related issues .
I remain deeply sceptical that it will be any more than Theresa May’s deal reheated. But let’s first wait for analysis before piling on to Boris and remember the Parliamentary arithmetic he has to work with.
Done Deal?… I mean Treaty
I’m very concerned