Vicky Morgan is actually Nicky Morgan who was do questions in parliament yesterday . She is I/c DEpt culture and media and other stuff – from memory .
She mused about whether one day the state broadcaster could be put on a Netflix type funding . The charter isn’t due for renewal until about 2026 so they’ve plenty of time .
“Erdogan threatens to flood Europe with 3.6 million refugees as Syria offensive forces tens of thousands to flee”
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
All the more reason for the UK to shut its borders tightly with no extenuating circumstances offered. irespective of the size of Turky’s 3.6 million refugees, there are millions of immigrants moving towards the North African Coast line in anticipation of crossing the Med Sea to Europe. How can Europe hold this invasion back? By making those immigrants lives better where they are? Almost impossible as they are ruled by despots and corrupt officlas in their countries of origin, and where they are mostly used as slaves for whatever pupose. A very poor outlook now faces Europe in this direction, pailing the duplicitous effrots of the EU to give the UK any kind of a sensible deal, to leave into insignificants. To add to the conflict is the fact that the majority of these immigrants will be un-skilled and only mderately educated to mostly a basic degree, which does not prepare them well for integration into a European society. Moreover it will cost the Europeans upteen £millions to offer support of any kind. Already in the UK’s population, stretching as it now does to 70 million+ is quite insustainable-Medical services, provision of schools, roads unable to carry the quantity of transport, social welfare under funded under staffed, National Grid moving rapidly to full stretch ( Electric Cars! no chance), infrastructure under siege, massive housing problem really unsolvable unless the countryside is ravaged to a point of no return. Yes Europe does have a problem and so does the UK-one hell of a mess.
If Boris says he has a deal lets give him the benefit of doubt (for now)
Lets also remember that the traitors and remoaners in the house of commons are going to do everything possible to bring the deal down
One section will demand a second referendum with the deal, and no deal and remain on the ballot paper (probably not no deal, but treason mays deal)
One section will demand an election (but only after extension of article 50)
And Miss Fandabbidozy in Jockland will demand Indyref2, because she needs to distract scrutiny of her awful government
I cannot wait to vote conservative and dump the current Labour MP
Agree. The DUP objections may be exclusive to the NI interest and whist these are very important they ought not to stand in the way of a deal which may be OK in other respects. If this were to be the case then hopefully the NI issues can be straightened out sufficiently for the DUP to feel it can accept the deal. However, I feel it unlikely that a deal agreed by Brussels will be sufficiently UK friendly to be greeted warmly by the ERG but there may be enough for them to accept it.
If the deal isn’t voted through on Saturday then what, more delay or a GNU and the eventual cancellation of Brexit altogether. You can see Remainers like that option with a couple of years before a GE is required by law . Rock and a hard place doesn’t do justice to where Boris finds himself. More like balls in a vise.
So, there’s “a great new deal” according to Boris. I really want him to be right, however…
The DUP has cast doubt on its success and say they still can’t support it.
Jean Claude Junker says “this is a fair and balanced agreement…” Uh-oh!
I find that I’m beginning to have unpleasant twinges of misgivings…
And I’ve heard that Miss Piggy has just started applying her make-up…
Its all just farcical .. all these Remoaners will NEVER be happy with ANY deal. If this is voted down again, or a second ref granted, this will be the straw that broke the camels back, you can sense we are on a knife edge now, one more Remoaner forced delay and i firmly believe there will be civil unrest.
Already we have this from the BBC
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the deal sounded “even worse” than what was negotiated by the PM’s predecessor, Theresa May, and “should be rejected” by MPs.
and this
There are a lot of MPs who will be unhappy that he is rushing Parliament into a vote when they haven’t had the text to study what they’re voting for.
There’s another emerging battle too as we learnt the Labour Party is increasingly likely to back a so-called confirmatory referendum – meaning they would only approve the deal if it was put to a referendum
i think Boris knows they wont sign off on any deal. like Lib leader Jo Swagson said, any deal is worse then the deal we have right now.
so they wont sign any deal let alone Boris’s Deal.
So NO DEAL it is. if boris gets the EU to sign off on a deal before the 19th, he doesnt have to ask for exstension im sure of it. if parliament dont sign off on it, then its a NO DEAL as he’s met the obligations of the BEN ACT by getting an agreed deal with the EU.
OK we don’t know all the details of what might be given to us, but we know some and we have a pretty good idea of the outline. The main reason we know this is because we understand the sclerotic, anti-democratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, open-bordered, empiricist, protectionist, hypocritical, autocratic, and ideological nightmare that is the EU. From the EU Commission President’s instant reaction on 24 June 2016 that “This will not be an amicable divorce” to the EU Council President’s assertion this year that “There will be a special place in hell” for those who campaigned to leave – these things cannot be unsaid, and nor should they be forgotten. The EU would never agree a sensible, normal deal with the UK. The economics suggested they would, but we all knew this was always going to be about politics. And politics – and manipulation and indoctrination of the entire geo-political and social landscape of a large part of Europe – has always been what the EU has been about from its earliest days.
From a comment: The revised surrender treaty will be diabolical. It will be Brino. Even bojo doesn’t have the minerals to do everything possible to properly leave with a clean break.
I have had an angry almost hopeless feeling for ages, As I’m sure many of us have. Where will that take us. This is our only opportunity to remove ourselves from the EU monster. A free Britain is exactly what the EU and their colluders in the UK don’t want! Remember one thing to ‘conquer’ Europe the EU needs only to defeat Britain, once that is done, the EU has the won the ‘war’. It’s taken 47 years, but these people like the communists play the long game. Anything other than a clean ‘break leave’ is a disgrace to our country. Yesterday the Brexit Secretary meekly confirmed to Hilary Benn’s parliamentary select committee that the Prime Minister will submit the letter scheduled to the 2019 Withdrawal Act.
It’s exactly what a democrat would do, and that’s the problem. I’m surprised he didn’t offer to shine Benn’s shoes while he was there.
Ben act is a joke when one considers as his father Tony Benn always was very anti Europe and just for the record the labour party did not want to join in the European Union in first place.
This response on HYS is EXACTLY why we cannot have a second vote. Remain want to rig it. We all know it should be
A – Boris Deal
B – No deal.
But heres a remoaner idea,
46. Posted byTheCynicalOneon
48 minutes ago
Right, give us the details and let us vote on it. This deal or revoke article 50. Then a GE so we can have a proper government to get on with sorting the real issues facing this country.
am I right in thinking all Boris has to do to get around this is get the EU to sign off on a deal and the obligation of getting deal before the 19th is met? therefore he doesn’t have to ask for an extension? the true test of wit & skill is getting a deal that the EU like but MP’s won’t sign off on?
so we leave on the 31st (Deal or No Deal) BEN ACT is useless.
“Certain Assembly decisions require cross-community support, not just majority support but the support of a certain percentage of nationalists and unionists. These decisions include:
– election of the Speaker and Deputy Speakers;
– changes to the rules of the Assembly, known as Standing Orders;
– budget allocations and other financial votes;
– determination of the number of Ministers and their responsibilities;
– exclusion of ministers or members of political parties from holding office; and
– petitions of concern (30 MLAs can request that any decision be taken on a cross-community basis)”
The last one is particularly significant because there are 40 Unionist MLAs
Netherlands farmers tractor riots
– The Dutch government tries to manage its own country
– Someone doing lawfare takes them to court based on EU laws
– Court rules against government
– so gov implements clampdown on farmers re nitrates
– Meanwhile over the border farmers have laxer rules
– Farmers stage series of tractor protests
– And when they try to drive the tractor into the local assembly building Dutch police bring in German police
– Austria, Croatia, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain all reported higher-than-permitted emissions levels in 2017,
– next the ego-activists will be taking a case in the German courts
I see that the Extinction lot nearly got exterminated this morning. Interesting on the videos when everyone is laying into the “protestor” a BME lady steps in to protect him.
So the question is “How long before the BBC identify the lady who helped” ?
Nasty XR stopped LBC James O’Brien getting to work
I used to fly by gold-plated, diesel-powered helicopter which I would park on the LBC roof, and leave running unnecessarily during the course of my 3 hour broadcast. But Greta Thunberg told me off, so I now get the tube. – But this is too much!!!
The pound has enjoyed its biggest jump versus the euro in over six months, as a whole range of equities also basked in the good news surrounding Brexit today.
Something seems odd about Borises ‘deal’. He calls a very unusual sitting on a Saturday prior to getting a deal?
It appears to indicate that he had prior knowledge of this agreement in advance.
Unless he is a complete idiot he would have also known that the deal which is more or less Mays deal reheated, had little or no chance of getting through parliament.
Is there some kind of plan here to spin time out until the deadline has passed and then Boris doesn’t have to ask for an extention and we leave with a clean break.
Shush! The enemy might be reading this, Thoughtful.
Seriously, I hope so. The only proper Brexit is a clean break Brexit.
They can negotiate deals afterwards.
Does anyone know what are the terms of the surrender act?
If Boris has brought a deal to Parliament and the deadline for the Benn act passes during their deliberations, is he still required to seek an extension according to the law?
If so it would literally be ‘deal or no deal’ but be warned they might not give up so easily.
They being the remainers of course but it is still early yet so no idea what is going on or what will go on but if an extension is to be rejected by the EU if the deal is not voted on then we are out with no deal.
Did Boris already know this? Who knows but if so he would have been wise to keep it quiet.
Like I said they, the remainers are not going to give up just yet.
Dyst. I thought that too – that it was only ‘certain’ communities who are not too well versed in the basics of hygiene, and my little bitch dog, who squatted.
And anyway, sod the sit or squat debate, I just want a public toilet for my own gender, not a one size fits all where allcomers are welcome. I walk into a female toilet and expect to see other ladies, not some halfwit blokes dressed in female clothing adjusting their John Collins as they walk out of a cubicle !
Featuring Jeremy Corbyn – to the tune of “Grandad” c1970
I’ve been sitting here all day, thinking
Same old thing ten years away, thinking
Now my days are nearly gone, Momentum lingers on
Thoughts of when I was a Leaver
Penny farthings on the street riding
McDonnell’s economic ideas are funny things, frightning
Tax and Spend and Nationalisation
Open Borders, free NHS lollipops
Comic cuts, all different things
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn
IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah are all my friends, I‘ve said so
Israelis, Zionists and Jews, less so
There’s Lady Nugee, Hilary Benn, Diane Abbott made us laugh
Silently falling apart
Familiar things I keep around, near me
Memories of my younger days, clearly
Seems like I’ve lost my mind
Everyday I find, Marxist thoughts of when I was a boy
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn
Laura (impartial BBC) wants us all to know exactly what all at the BBC are thinking ..
Important to know it is not up to Juncker to give an extension or not – but this is clear sign eu leaders willing to pile pressure on MPs to avoid one
“Brexit: What happens now?”
OK lets have another referendum but this time lets call it a General Election.
I am for voting for The Brexit Party.
Another MP shows he doesn’t understand actual real world climate and science
Barry Sherman a Labour MP a remainer in Huddersfield a Leave voting area writes in the Yorkshire Post
: We must wake up to climate Science
we are exporting some of the worst chemicals for people all over the world to put on their land.
we must prove to the Brazilians that we are concerned about climate change worldwide.
I am inspired because young people get it. Greta Thunberg has galvanised the level of activity and interest
My other inspiration is Professor Steve Jones of University College London, who has produced the real science, he is a Reith lecturer and one of the leading experts in the world a book that I have just finished reviewing called Here Comes the Sun.
it tells the unvarnished truth about how we are destroying the climate.
,… about the fact that the Amazon rainforest helps to regulate the weather globally. When are people going to wake up to the fact that these changes – these fires, these droughts, these floods – are related to climate change?
(IPCC actually say the weather is not weirder these days)
I think the YP have just repeated what he said in parliament and exited it
Stew, I wonder if Barry Sherman actually understood Steve Jones’ book. I’d be very surprised if Steve backed all this AGW/CC/C-E stuff. His previous writings, IIRC, have veered away from the ‘settled science’ in any sphere.
Have to confess I’m a bit of a fan. Steve is an extremely honest atheist and has interesting things to say about the Theory of Evolution.
@Up2snuff Steve Jones is a True Believer that is why the bBC chose him to do its independent report into Climate Reporting
that concluded there should be “no false balance so stop airing skeptics”
His wife has made a number of catastrophe docs for Horizon
This hasn’t got anything directly related to the state broadcaster – and I’m away from ‘ the news’ ….but
I’m really confused now . BoJo presents the sellout to parliament on Saturday . The traitors bounce it. That means the surrender clause has been dealt with . The EU indicates that it declines to extend a50 again … because it recognises that the DUP isn’t going to change / approve NI being treated differently . Meaning the border issue remains unresolved …. but the EU won’t allow that …. I’m confused …
Which leads to a ‘ no deal brexit ‘ – or more likely – the traitors pass an act withdrawing a50
They, the undemocratic parliament could go for a ‘heads they win, tails we loose’ referendum.
General Election on the way?
I am voting for The Brexit Party, how about you ‘dyed in the wool’ Tory voters ?
Not BBC bias, but perhaps someone might explain why the medja has never asked why Kate Windsor currently on tour in Pakistan has to dress in the Pakistani national dress, yet when Pakistanis visit the UK they continue to dress in the Pakistani national dress?
“Not BBC bias, but perhaps someone might explain why the medja has never asked why Kate Windsor currently on tour in Pakistan has to dress in the Pakistani national dress, yet when Pakistanis visit the UK they continue to dress in the Pakistani national dress?”
Does “Islam ” mean “Peace” or “submission”?
Lesser educated Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic.
But the truth is different.
An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.
Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, “Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law.”
Why do Muslims try to mislead the word with their stories of “islam means peace”?
Is it a deliberate lie on their part or they do not know the true meaning of the word – definition of their own religion?
Getting a straight answer at the moment is tricky and I guess it depends on whether Boris is playing a clever game to get us eventually out with no deal or he is trying to shaft the country with BRINO.
Either way, do we know if we have to still stump up £39 billion for this new piece of paper?
Apparently we do. And I think there’s a year transition period, so we won’t actually be out on the first of November.
There is also uncertainty about what access these foreigners will have to our fishing grounds
And we will still be tied into the EU so-called Defence Force.
If it was my decision, I’d reject the thing called a deal.
But, if it means that we can in most ways, Leave the EU and then we can use, say, the Brexit party to force through legislation to regain control of our fishing grounds, regain control of our defence capabilities and secret services, and stop adding VAT to everything we buy, then perhaps it’s the best we can hope for, given that the Grieve rats are still plotting.
BBC London news give generous time interviewing one of the ER anarchist nutters. Today they tried to stop a tube train and eventually the public had had enough and took matters into their own hands and things got a little ugly.
But what Rizla Teeth fails to mention is that those put upon commuters have rights too, under article 11 of the Human Rights Act.
So why do the authorities and the cuddly right-on BBC continue to treat ER with kid gloves and refuse to protect the Human Rights of the rest of us?
I’ve had the BBC inflicted on me for the better part of two decades. I’ve watched and listened to them moaning and groaning at everyone from born-again Christians to Israelis, from climate change ‘deniers’ to anti-abortion groups.
On the other hand, BBC hacks are deeply and hopelessly in love with the comrades of the left, both living and departed, from Barack Obama to Che Guevara. And the hacks never saw an Islamic terrorist they didn’t adore.
So what would it take for the hacks to stop adoring Extinction Rebellion? Well, if XR make a habit of blockading BBC headquarters when the hacks are trying to get to work in order to moan and groan at anyone to the right of Jeremy Corbyn, that might do the trick.
The BBC might even find itself in ideological opposition to XR. After all, society has to function in an orderly fashion to enable the BBC propaganda machine to continue to spew its noxious fumes.
Had a moment at Victoria Station this morning. Took time to look at the unofficial memorial to those little children killed by a Muslim bomber. I don’t mind saying that It brought a tear to my eye. The killing was a result of failed multiculturalism the BBC are still pushing it pushing it and never bothering to report on it ….under the carpet it goes…..If I had my way the shrine to those beautiful kids should be the BBC screen saver…..lest we forget.
“The killing was a result of failed multiculturalism the BBC are still pushing it pushing it and never bothering to report on it ….under the carpet it goes”
shame on the bbc and all others that peddle the crap you refer to!
I wonder if the BBC can remove its lefty blinkers long enough to understand that it is only being used by Islamic fundamentalists. The clash between the left and Islam must surely come and the left will surely lose.
“…why do the authorities and the cuddly right-on BBC continue to treat ER with kid gloves and refuse to protect the Human Rights of the rest of us?..”
I did catch a bit of ITV this morning and to be fair they did confront the XR woman with tales of missed hospital appointments and similar tales of what passes as the sole purpose of XR – to disrupt our lives.
Compare and contrast the campaign to leave the EU tackled through the ballot box.
I’ve always thought “human rights” were what criminals had.
“Brexit: EU and UK reach deal but DUP refuses support”
Now that the “deal” is done just how is Boris going to put Farage and The Brexit Party “back in the box”?
“Brexit: Johnson ‘very confident’ MPs will back deal”
IMHO, at the end of the day Boris is Toast and The Tory Party is Toast.
We still pay £ 39 billion to the EU so they can sell their goods to us ?
They get our armed forces .
We voted to leave , end of .
Drain Parliament , drain the swamp.
Its still the Brexit Party for me.
The Guardian reports this morning that the cowardly useless incompetent Tory club (it’s not a political party) in keeping with doing as little as it possibly can are not going to do anything about the TV tax, and would only consider a subscription service if it would produce similar revenues to the TV tax.
It seems that the cowardly useless incompetents are comitted to the preservation of the BBC at any cost.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008} In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..?
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
Vicky Morgan announced she is going to look at the Telly Tax
All the bed wetting hand wringing cockwombles are going to be spitting out there Hummus
If you are going to post such news, then at least include a link, who is Vicky Morgan, and what importance do they have in this issue?
Vicky Morgan is actually Nicky Morgan who was do questions in parliament yesterday . She is I/c DEpt culture and media and other stuff – from memory .
She mused about whether one day the state broadcaster could be put on a Netflix type funding . The charter isn’t due for renewal until about 2026 so they’ve plenty of time .
Erdogan should be tried for attempting genocide …
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
All the more reason for the UK to shut its borders tightly with no extenuating circumstances offered. irespective of the size of Turky’s 3.6 million refugees, there are millions of immigrants moving towards the North African Coast line in anticipation of crossing the Med Sea to Europe. How can Europe hold this invasion back? By making those immigrants lives better where they are? Almost impossible as they are ruled by despots and corrupt officlas in their countries of origin, and where they are mostly used as slaves for whatever pupose. A very poor outlook now faces Europe in this direction, pailing the duplicitous effrots of the EU to give the UK any kind of a sensible deal, to leave into insignificants. To add to the conflict is the fact that the majority of these immigrants will be un-skilled and only mderately educated to mostly a basic degree, which does not prepare them well for integration into a European society. Moreover it will cost the Europeans upteen £millions to offer support of any kind. Already in the UK’s population, stretching as it now does to 70 million+ is quite insustainable-Medical services, provision of schools, roads unable to carry the quantity of transport, social welfare under funded under staffed, National Grid moving rapidly to full stretch ( Electric Cars! no chance), infrastructure under siege, massive housing problem really unsolvable unless the countryside is ravaged to a point of no return. Yes Europe does have a problem and so does the UK-one hell of a mess.
If Boris says he has a deal lets give him the benefit of doubt (for now)
Lets also remember that the traitors and remoaners in the house of commons are going to do everything possible to bring the deal down
One section will demand a second referendum with the deal, and no deal and remain on the ballot paper (probably not no deal, but treason mays deal)
One section will demand an election (but only after extension of article 50)
And Miss Fandabbidozy in Jockland will demand Indyref2, because she needs to distract scrutiny of her awful government
I cannot wait to vote conservative and dump the current Labour MP
????Let’s see what the ERG’s stance on the deal is as a barometer ????
Agree. The DUP objections may be exclusive to the NI interest and whist these are very important they ought not to stand in the way of a deal which may be OK in other respects. If this were to be the case then hopefully the NI issues can be straightened out sufficiently for the DUP to feel it can accept the deal. However, I feel it unlikely that a deal agreed by Brussels will be sufficiently UK friendly to be greeted warmly by the ERG but there may be enough for them to accept it.
If the deal isn’t voted through on Saturday then what, more delay or a GNU and the eventual cancellation of Brexit altogether. You can see Remainers like that option with a couple of years before a GE is required by law . Rock and a hard place doesn’t do justice to where Boris finds himself. More like balls in a vise.
My barometer is Sourbitch, if she likes it I’m against it.
So, there’s “a great new deal” according to Boris. I really want him to be right, however…
The DUP has cast doubt on its success and say they still can’t support it.
Jean Claude Junker says “this is a fair and balanced agreement…” Uh-oh!
I find that I’m beginning to have unpleasant twinges of misgivings…
And I’ve heard that Miss Piggy has just started applying her make-up…
Its all just farcical .. all these Remoaners will NEVER be happy with ANY deal. If this is voted down again, or a second ref granted, this will be the straw that broke the camels back, you can sense we are on a knife edge now, one more Remoaner forced delay and i firmly believe there will be civil unrest.
Already we have this from the BBC
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the deal sounded “even worse” than what was negotiated by the PM’s predecessor, Theresa May, and “should be rejected” by MPs.
and this
There are a lot of MPs who will be unhappy that he is rushing Parliament into a vote when they haven’t had the text to study what they’re voting for.
There’s another emerging battle too as we learnt the Labour Party is increasingly likely to back a so-called confirmatory referendum – meaning they would only approve the deal if it was put to a referendum
I dont care how its done, get us out NO DEAL.
i think Boris knows they wont sign off on any deal. like Lib leader Jo Swagson said, any deal is worse then the deal we have right now.
so they wont sign any deal let alone Boris’s Deal.
So NO DEAL it is. if boris gets the EU to sign off on a deal before the 19th, he doesnt have to ask for exstension im sure of it. if parliament dont sign off on it, then its a NO DEAL as he’s met the obligations of the BEN ACT by getting an agreed deal with the EU.
I guess that would depend on the wording of the Benn act.
Does he not have to request an extension if the deal is not acceptable to Parliament?
OK we don’t know all the details of what might be given to us, but we know some and we have a pretty good idea of the outline. The main reason we know this is because we understand the sclerotic, anti-democratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, open-bordered, empiricist, protectionist, hypocritical, autocratic, and ideological nightmare that is the EU. From the EU Commission President’s instant reaction on 24 June 2016 that “This will not be an amicable divorce” to the EU Council President’s assertion this year that “There will be a special place in hell” for those who campaigned to leave – these things cannot be unsaid, and nor should they be forgotten. The EU would never agree a sensible, normal deal with the UK. The economics suggested they would, but we all knew this was always going to be about politics. And politics – and manipulation and indoctrination of the entire geo-political and social landscape of a large part of Europe – has always been what the EU has been about from its earliest days.
From a comment: The revised surrender treaty will be diabolical. It will be Brino. Even bojo doesn’t have the minerals to do everything possible to properly leave with a clean break.
I have had an angry almost hopeless feeling for ages, As I’m sure many of us have. Where will that take us. This is our only opportunity to remove ourselves from the EU monster. A free Britain is exactly what the EU and their colluders in the UK don’t want! Remember one thing to ‘conquer’ Europe the EU needs only to defeat Britain, once that is done, the EU has the won the ‘war’. It’s taken 47 years, but these people like the communists play the long game. Anything other than a clean ‘break leave’ is a disgrace to our country. Yesterday the Brexit Secretary meekly confirmed to Hilary Benn’s parliamentary select committee that the Prime Minister will submit the letter scheduled to the 2019 Withdrawal Act.
It’s exactly what a democrat would do, and that’s the problem. I’m surprised he didn’t offer to shine Benn’s shoes while he was there.
Ben act is a joke when one considers as his father Tony Benn always was very anti Europe and just for the record the labour party did not want to join in the European Union in first place.
This response on HYS is EXACTLY why we cannot have a second vote. Remain want to rig it. We all know it should be
A – Boris Deal
B – No deal.
But heres a remoaner idea,
46. Posted byTheCynicalOneon
48 minutes ago
Right, give us the details and let us vote on it. This deal or revoke article 50. Then a GE so we can have a proper government to get on with sorting the real issues facing this country.
Was thinking of the Surrender Bill – BEN ACT
am I right in thinking all Boris has to do to get around this is get the EU to sign off on a deal and the obligation of getting deal before the 19th is met? therefore he doesn’t have to ask for an extension? the true test of wit & skill is getting a deal that the EU like but MP’s won’t sign off on?
so we leave on the 31st (Deal or No Deal) BEN ACT is useless.
Problem is, remoaners act like the 1st Referendum was a test and the next one will be the REAL TRUE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
Most other countries seem’s to understand Parliament is NOT above the people.
What has been agreed to breaks the Good Friday Agreement –
The Good Friday Agreement requires –
“Certain Assembly decisions require cross-community support, not just majority support but the support of a certain percentage of nationalists and unionists. These decisions include:
– election of the Speaker and Deputy Speakers;
– changes to the rules of the Assembly, known as Standing Orders;
– budget allocations and other financial votes;
– determination of the number of Ministers and their responsibilities;
– exclusion of ministers or members of political parties from holding office; and
– petitions of concern (30 MLAs can request that any decision be taken on a cross-community basis)”
The last one is particularly significant because there are 40 Unionist MLAs
DUP not seen to be supporting Boris, maybe they really prefer a no-deal?
You might have a point if Stormont were sitting, but it is not. The Unionist MLAs do not have an assembly to sit in.
Netherlands farmers tractor riots
– The Dutch government tries to manage its own country
– Someone doing lawfare takes them to court based on EU laws
– Court rules against government
– so gov implements clampdown on farmers re nitrates
– Meanwhile over the border farmers have laxer rules
– Farmers stage series of tractor protests
– And when they try to drive the tractor into the local assembly building Dutch police bring in German police
– Austria, Croatia, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain all reported higher-than-permitted emissions levels in 2017,
– next the ego-activists will be taking a case in the German courts
I see that the Extinction lot nearly got exterminated this morning. Interesting on the videos when everyone is laying into the “protestor” a BME lady steps in to protect him.
So the question is “How long before the BBC identify the lady who helped” ?
Nasty XR stopped LBC James O’Brien getting to work
The pound has enjoyed its biggest jump versus the euro in over six months, as a whole range of equities also basked in the good news surrounding Brexit today.
Here it is
Something seems odd about Borises ‘deal’. He calls a very unusual sitting on a Saturday prior to getting a deal?
It appears to indicate that he had prior knowledge of this agreement in advance.
Unless he is a complete idiot he would have also known that the deal which is more or less Mays deal reheated, had little or no chance of getting through parliament.
Is there some kind of plan here to spin time out until the deadline has passed and then Boris doesn’t have to ask for an extention and we leave with a clean break.
Shush! The enemy might be reading this, Thoughtful.
Seriously, I hope so. The only proper Brexit is a clean break Brexit.
They can negotiate deals afterwards.
Does anyone know what are the terms of the surrender act?
If Boris has brought a deal to Parliament and the deadline for the Benn act passes during their deliberations, is he still required to seek an extension according to the law?
Interesting sources coming out at the moment. One from the Guardian says that Junker has stated that he will not grant an extension.
If so it would literally be ‘deal or no deal’ but be warned they might not give up so easily.
They being the remainers of course but it is still early yet so no idea what is going on or what will go on but if an extension is to be rejected by the EU if the deal is not voted on then we are out with no deal.
Did Boris already know this? Who knows but if so he would have been wise to keep it quiet.
Like I said they, the remainers are not going to give up just yet.
This is why we need the TV licence. You won’t get this vital public information from the commercial channels.
Typical BBC their minds in the toilet as always.
Like the toilet they are full of it.
Of course they will advocate standing on the seat and squatting like a certain community.
Dyst. I thought that too – that it was only ‘certain’ communities who are not too well versed in the basics of hygiene, and my little bitch dog, who squatted.
And anyway, sod the sit or squat debate, I just want a public toilet for my own gender, not a one size fits all where allcomers are welcome. I walk into a female toilet and expect to see other ladies, not some halfwit blokes dressed in female clothing adjusting their John Collins as they walk out of a cubicle !
In the name of diversity they should show a black female taking a dump.
Or perhaps they’re above that sort of thing, and never do in beeboids’ minds?
Bring on DCC Julie Cooke. Ask her if we are in breach of toilet etiquette. Must make sure we use the correct toilets too not just male or female.
No surprise there. And now joined by the police, courts….
Apologies to Clive Dunn…
Featuring Jeremy Corbyn – to the tune of “Grandad” c1970
I’ve been sitting here all day, thinking
Same old thing ten years away, thinking
Now my days are nearly gone, Momentum lingers on
Thoughts of when I was a Leaver
Penny farthings on the street riding
McDonnell’s economic ideas are funny things, frightning
Tax and Spend and Nationalisation
Open Borders, free NHS lollipops
Comic cuts, all different things
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn
IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah are all my friends, I‘ve said so
Israelis, Zionists and Jews, less so
There’s Lady Nugee, Hilary Benn, Diane Abbott made us laugh
Silently falling apart
Familiar things I keep around, near me
Memories of my younger days, clearly
Seems like I’ve lost my mind
Everyday I find, Marxist thoughts of when I was a boy
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn, you’re lovely
That’s what we all think of you
Corbyn, Corbyn
Laura (impartial BBC) wants us all to know exactly what all at the BBC are thinking ..
Brexit or not?
Give Jeff Taylor a visit to ascertain Boris’ veracity. Leave it a few hours for Jeff to work on understanding what’s going on.
Jeff Taylor thinks the choice now is BoJo’s deal, no deal (hurray), or revoke art. 50
This guy has a few salient points.
Who he ? Does he ever get interviewed on Al Beeb ?
Nigel’s take
with fishing/territorial waters sold out again (plus the rest)
“Brexit: What happens now?”
OK lets have another referendum but this time lets call it a General Election.
I am for voting for The Brexit Party.
How to deal with XR
Oh dear, XR doesn’t seem to have the unwavering support of the general public as the beeb would have you believe.
A bit like Brexit, it obviously hasn’t been explained to them properly, clearly more propaganda is required from Auntie.
There was the first meeting of a Citizens Assembly in Canning Town this morning
… XR lost the vote
Another MP shows he doesn’t understand actual real world climate and science
Barry Sherman a Labour MP a remainer in Huddersfield a Leave voting area writes in the Yorkshire Post
: We must wake up to climate Science
we are exporting some of the worst chemicals for people all over the world to put on their land.
we must prove to the Brazilians that we are concerned about climate change worldwide.
I am inspired because young people get it. Greta Thunberg has galvanised the level of activity and interest
My other inspiration is Professor Steve Jones of University College London, who has produced the real science, he is a Reith lecturer and one of the leading experts in the world a book that I have just finished reviewing called Here Comes the Sun.
it tells the unvarnished truth about how we are destroying the climate.
,… about the fact that the Amazon rainforest helps to regulate the weather globally. When are people going to wake up to the fact that these changes – these fires, these droughts, these floods – are related to climate change?
(IPCC actually say the weather is not weirder these days)
I think the YP have just repeated what he said in parliament and exited it
Stew, I wonder if Barry Sherman actually understood Steve Jones’ book. I’d be very surprised if Steve backed all this AGW/CC/C-E stuff. His previous writings, IIRC, have veered away from the ‘settled science’ in any sphere.
Have to confess I’m a bit of a fan. Steve is an extremely honest atheist and has interesting things to say about the Theory of Evolution.
Steve Jones is an expert in a certain sort of snail, if I remember rightly.
If I want to know anything about snails, I would trust his judgment. Climate change, not so much.
@Up2snuff Steve Jones is a True Believer that is why the bBC chose him to do its independent report into Climate Reporting
that concluded there should be “no false balance so stop airing skeptics”
His wife has made a number of catastrophe docs for Horizon
Seeing reports that “MPs win bid to vote on second Brexit referendum”
This hasn’t got anything directly related to the state broadcaster – and I’m away from ‘ the news’ ….but
I’m really confused now . BoJo presents the sellout to parliament on Saturday . The traitors bounce it. That means the surrender clause has been dealt with . The EU indicates that it declines to extend a50 again … because it recognises that the DUP isn’t going to change / approve NI being treated differently . Meaning the border issue remains unresolved …. but the EU won’t allow that …. I’m confused …
Which leads to a ‘ no deal brexit ‘ – or more likely – the traitors pass an act withdrawing a50
They, the undemocratic parliament could go for a ‘heads they win, tails we loose’ referendum.
General Election on the way?
I am voting for The Brexit Party, how about you ‘dyed in the wool’ Tory voters ?
Am highly likely to vote TBP, taffman, but I need to know who the local TBP candidate is. I’m in a swing constituency.
Same here .
Today’s kerfuffle is pointing to a Treaty not a deal, that is ‘Boris’s Pig with Lipstick’ .
Leads to a No Deal Brexit. All part of the plan 🙂
Not BBC bias, but perhaps someone might explain why the medja has never asked why Kate Windsor currently on tour in Pakistan has to dress in the Pakistani national dress, yet when Pakistanis visit the UK they continue to dress in the Pakistani national dress?
Cultural appropriation?
October 17, 2019 at 5:55 pm
“Not BBC bias, but perhaps someone might explain why the medja has never asked why Kate Windsor currently on tour in Pakistan has to dress in the Pakistani national dress, yet when Pakistanis visit the UK they continue to dress in the Pakistani national dress?”
Does “Islam ” mean “Peace” or “submission”?
Lesser educated Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic.
But the truth is different.
An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.
Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, “Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law.”
Why do Muslims try to mislead the word with their stories of “islam means peace”?
Is it a deliberate lie on their part or they do not know the true meaning of the word – definition of their own religion?
BBC 6 o’clock news running a report on how schools are tackling knife crime by taking babies into primary schools.
Backdrop to the studio reporter of course is a massive image of 2 white hands holding knives.
Then cut to the schoolroom with a lady showing a sleeping baby to a classroom of 20+ entirely white 6 year olds….
Coincidence or design or perhaps they feared if they included any other child colour the race card would be out like a flash?
Social engineering BBC style!
Getting a straight answer at the moment is tricky and I guess it depends on whether Boris is playing a clever game to get us eventually out with no deal or he is trying to shaft the country with BRINO.
Either way, do we know if we have to still stump up £39 billion for this new piece of paper?
Apparently we do. And I think there’s a year transition period, so we won’t actually be out on the first of November.
There is also uncertainty about what access these foreigners will have to our fishing grounds
And we will still be tied into the EU so-called Defence Force.
If it was my decision, I’d reject the thing called a deal.
But, if it means that we can in most ways, Leave the EU and then we can use, say, the Brexit party to force through legislation to regain control of our fishing grounds, regain control of our defence capabilities and secret services, and stop adding VAT to everything we buy, then perhaps it’s the best we can hope for, given that the Grieve rats are still plotting.
BBC London news give generous time interviewing one of the ER anarchist nutters. Today they tried to stop a tube train and eventually the public had had enough and took matters into their own hands and things got a little ugly.
But what Rizla Teeth fails to mention is that those put upon commuters have rights too, under article 11 of the Human Rights Act.
So why do the authorities and the cuddly right-on BBC continue to treat ER with kid gloves and refuse to protect the Human Rights of the rest of us?
I’ve had the BBC inflicted on me for the better part of two decades. I’ve watched and listened to them moaning and groaning at everyone from born-again Christians to Israelis, from climate change ‘deniers’ to anti-abortion groups.
On the other hand, BBC hacks are deeply and hopelessly in love with the comrades of the left, both living and departed, from Barack Obama to Che Guevara. And the hacks never saw an Islamic terrorist they didn’t adore.
So what would it take for the hacks to stop adoring Extinction Rebellion? Well, if XR make a habit of blockading BBC headquarters when the hacks are trying to get to work in order to moan and groan at anyone to the right of Jeremy Corbyn, that might do the trick.
The BBC might even find itself in ideological opposition to XR. After all, society has to function in an orderly fashion to enable the BBC propaganda machine to continue to spew its noxious fumes.
Had a moment at Victoria Station this morning. Took time to look at the unofficial memorial to those little children killed by a Muslim bomber. I don’t mind saying that It brought a tear to my eye. The killing was a result of failed multiculturalism the BBC are still pushing it pushing it and never bothering to report on it ….under the carpet it goes…..If I had my way the shrine to those beautiful kids should be the BBC screen saver…..lest we forget.
“The killing was a result of failed multiculturalism the BBC are still pushing it pushing it and never bothering to report on it ….under the carpet it goes”
shame on the bbc and all others that peddle the crap you refer to!
I wonder if the BBC can remove its lefty blinkers long enough to understand that it is only being used by Islamic fundamentalists. The clash between the left and Islam must surely come and the left will surely lose.
TT, will we ‘look the other way’ when that conflict comes or will we be forced to attempt to rescue the Left?
How many Extinction Rebellion protesters are working for Al Beeb?
XR protesters don’t have the time to work for the BBC – or for any other organisation. After all, disruption is a full time occupation.
Indeed, TT, they are being crowd funded by small donors and, maybe, some large ones as well.
It is highly ironic and contradictory that they are protesting about the system that has provided them with the actual means to protest.
“…why do the authorities and the cuddly right-on BBC continue to treat ER with kid gloves and refuse to protect the Human Rights of the rest of us?..”
I did catch a bit of ITV this morning and to be fair they did confront the XR woman with tales of missed hospital appointments and similar tales of what passes as the sole purpose of XR – to disrupt our lives.
Compare and contrast the campaign to leave the EU tackled through the ballot box.
I’ve always thought “human rights” were what criminals had.
“Brexit: EU and UK reach deal but DUP refuses support”
Now that the “deal” is done just how is Boris going to put Farage and The Brexit Party “back in the box”?
“Brexit: Johnson ‘very confident’ MPs will back deal”
IMHO, at the end of the day Boris is Toast and The Tory Party is Toast.
We still pay £ 39 billion to the EU so they can sell their goods to us ?
They get our armed forces .
We voted to leave , end of .
Drain Parliament , drain the swamp.
Its still the Brexit Party for me.
The Guardian reports this morning that the cowardly useless incompetent Tory club (it’s not a political party) in keeping with doing as little as it possibly can are not going to do anything about the TV tax, and would only consider a subscription service if it would produce similar revenues to the TV tax.
It seems that the cowardly useless incompetents are comitted to the preservation of the BBC at any cost.