The state of affairs with Brexit really is a sad and pathetic joke.
We’ve been offered a deal that is an utter shit show, tying our hands into the EU and leaving us beholden to their every whim.
It isn’t a deal, it’s capitulation. And yet some seem to be advocating that we should take the deal and then re-negotiate once we are out.
Wake up people, we won’t ever be out and once the dust has settled, there won’t be the public appetite to re-open this disgusting sellout. The media and establishment will bury any talk of renegotiation, ascertaining how treasonous the new deal is and what our obligations our will become virtually impossible and we’ll be stuck in a permanent limbo bled dry by the parasitic leeches of the EU while we distract ourselves with pointless talk about Corbyn, Greta and Trans rights.
If we don’t get out with a No Deal, we aren’t ever getting out and any faith or confidence people have in Boris is frankly delusional. We’re getting f***ed and the world is watching and laughing.
It feels like Custer’s last stand doesn’t it?
Only Custer has turned on the cavalry and is fighting on the side of the Indians to help finish off his own people.
Lucy – It really does. We’ve been so infiltrated that we’ve formed an infantry box with our rifles pointing inwards at each other. It’s just so hopeless.
BoJo’s deal is terrible and if it gets approved, the media and establishment will proclaim him a hero even though he has sold us out.
If it doesn’t, the circus continues, we extend, keep paying them and keep making ourselves look more and more ridiculous.
The disgust that I have for the politicians, media and establishment is rich and acidic in my throat.
Up2Snuff – Yep, perfect summation. I can’t understand the logic. May came in and screwed it all up and pissed off the nation, so you’d assume the path would be clear – go in the opposite direction and at least try to retain the Leave voters.
But no, he’s trying to appease everyone by delivering a deal that isn’t Brexit. The remainers won’t like it and the Leavers won’t like it. Is he and his advisors really that stupid?
More Green-tele-evangelism
The BBC has a weekly Saturday radio show from the US Boston
today’s podcast is already up
It’s titled : Consciously green
The entire 27 mins is Green-tele-evangelism
.. Greta, the plastic free family etc.
melting Alpine glaciers,
China ” emissions-free electric buses” …(word trickery cos there are much more emissions from manufacturing and their daily power will be from coal/hydro)
Radio 4 : In Feedback this week, has BBC Radio given
*enough coverage* to the issues being raised by the Extinction Rebellion protesters?
Some listeners think not.
This Radio 3 show has 2 Muslim guest segments
One of of which is the editor of a magazine called Critical Muslim
… which could be a good or bad thing
BBC Trending always promotes its progs on Twitter
but the didn’t last week when they did a prog about Greek anarchists trying to EXCLUDE foreign tourists from their Athens suburb
Toady has a female Sikh Professor Jalal, to promote Feminism (because the Sikh deity is female, she says) on R4 ‘Thought for the day’.
I suggest she hastens back to India, where she says, a female baby was found buried alive. Lotsa work to do there, whereas here we are drowning in Female supremacy tales, and there is no discrimination – on the contrary.
After the News, Nick interviews Phil Hammond, who -unsurprisingly- says he will vote for the Letwin amendment. Both Letwin and Hammond are specialists in delay and derail tactits. Why can’t they be honest enough to tell us what they really are: anti-democratic Remainers.
R4 plays the same role in spades.
Part-time is brought on prior to the ‘prime slot’ interview with Phil Hammond. She uses lots of rugby phrases. The BBC are currently big on ruggerbee, when they are not being big on wimmins foobah. Ho ho, how clever.
Phil Hammond wants to tie us to the EUNation for his friends in business, not the nation as a whole. That’s revealing, Phil.
Phil thinks the UK is divided. Oh no, Phil, we are increasingly united against Remainers, against our disgraceful politicians like you. I have an uncomfortable feeling that the UK is being ‘stitched up’ by our political representatives and Civil Servants.
TOADY Watch #2 – Ruggerbeee tackled by predictive text or lack of spectacles.
8.30am sports and after ten minutes we are told there is no score England v Australia in the World Cup. Hilarious moment when we are told “Australia kicked off and put together a sequence of 18 phases but England’s defence held.”
In rugby there are phases of play.Rugby is a bit stop start with lineouts,penalty’s.scrums etc and each bit of play inbetween is a phase.I’m no expert but believe that they may have been correct.I feel a bit unclean agreeing with the enemy but this dog likes to see fair play.
The World Service has a religion prog Heart and Soul
This weeks edition
100 Women: Chely Wright the gay, Christian country star
You have to wonder at some people. What motivates them?
What motivates the BBC to keep the Naughty Naughtie at the BBC. Incompetent presenter. Poor interviewer. Or have I got the words ‘incompetent’ and ‘poor’ in the wrong places? He is also wordy with a tendency to be hyperbolic, overly dramatic at the wrong moments. A complete bletherer. He’s on the programme again this morning, wittering on about 1982, having expended some CO2 at Licence Fee payer expense to get to Westminster from BH, perhaps after travelling down from Scotland.
What hold does Jim Naughtie have over the BBC and its Executive & management?
And what is motivating Bojo to bring forward a worse departure deal from the EU?
Is it that he just wants to be loved? Always dangerous in a politician. Or has he been promised something by his new pals in Brussels?
Naughtie – the false gravity – trying to sound like a british Walter kronkite ….
The state broadcaster was trying to get us to be sympathetic to the poor exhausted bubble which has gone through so much in the last three and more years . Poor dears . I wonder who was responsible for that ?
As for working Saturday – apparently one Tory mp asked if the ‘facilities ‘ would be open – which is shorthand for the subsidised Bars and somewhere to watch the rugby …. then a Labour mp asked if they’d be getting additional expenses for kiddie care and the like .
I’ve put a fiver on boris failing today – probably by one vote delivered by a traitor speaker or someone on bail .
How sweet the shadenfreude this morning to see the Tory club who have dedicated their existence to the preservation of jobs for the sons of gentlemen at odds again.
This time a pair of ex rotten school left wing liberals one who has some kind of a BRINO plan and the other a marplot who believes the plebs are all idiots and shouldn’t even be allowed a vote in the first place!
This is a problem which appear unique to the rotten school. The very ‘woke’ Prince Harry attend the rotten school, no surprise then to see his elitist liberal mindset inculcated into him.
No surprise either to see the number of ex rotten school alumni expelled from the Tory club because they simply couldn’t stomach the end of rule from Berlin.
And on that note we see yet again the truth of that rule, as Junker Micron and other European leader lining up to say that there will be no extention, and then along comes der Fuhrer and says there will be, and Lo! There will be another extension!
Boris has done a good job in kicking out so many rotten school liberals, but it won’t be finished until the party excludes them all and bans any from entering politics again.
There was an interesting interview on Talk Radio a couple of days ago.
Piers Corbyn, Jezza’s brother, isn’t only a climate scientist and a “denier” of man made climate change, he’s also a Brexiteer.
I rather liked the bloke!
“The biggest fear” he said “that the Remain lobby have about Brexit is that nothing dramatic or untoward will happen. It will be fine. And then they’ll be found out”
I’ve never said this before and it’s unlikely I’ll ever say it again, but…
I agree with Corbyn!
Sub-headed, ‘The Public: Bound hand foot and finger’ (just joking, but you get the point).
‘Integration’ within mixed communities? Reading through this so-called, “Guidance” why do I get the total feeling that to go about your life normally and to avoid any risk of breaching the ‘Hate Crime’ laws, the only safe way is to avoid any contact with any of the categories stated in the Guidance and, anyone who is likely to go behind your back and report what you have said to the authorities. If you ask me, the Hate Crime law is just a ‘taster’ from the State who now welcome any form of Stasi communism with open arms.
G… Wow reading that Goebbels would be so proud that his work is alive and going from strength to strength. It is a green light for any person who has a grudge against anyone to just report it and cause trouble. What has this country come to. We will have children being asked about their friends and parents next. I can guarantee there won’t be the same rules applied to certain diverse groups.
When will people accept that revisionism is a real thing and realise that they have been lied to.
This is NOT the Stasi who were an arm of Communism, this is the Gestapo who were an arm of Fascism.
I know it’s confusing and that two leftist ideologies are difficult to tell the difference between, but Communism and Fascism are different.
Todays Fascist have massive race HATE towards white people – Communists do not have this hatred of themselves, in fact they are quite patriotic. Fascists do not per se have a huge antipathy towards Jews, that is a Nazi trait.
To find Nazism resurgent in the UK after so many years is truly repulsive, and to find the Conservative club failing to call it out for what it is, is I’m afraid only to be expected.
I notice that on page 39 there is a big separate section relating to so called muslim hate crime – since this document is designed to divide every one into recognisable types and groups I’m surprised others – such as Christians – to be equally treated – along with demon worshippers , Star Wars followers , the ones who dress up in black , druids and people who believe the state broadcaster is biased .
It’s what some people would see as Utopia……………
Got to agree with Macron et al. Don’t need more countries sucking on the teat of the EU money tree which, if our current BRINO agreement is entered, we would help support.
Jesus Christ…Brexit debate – some Scottish MP almost crying that they have been ignored nobody cares about them…pathetic..not a single point made about the actual WDA…pathetic whinger
If Boris’s brino deal gets through would a future Parliament be able to dump it all and leave the eu properly, as we voted for in 2016?
I’m reading that this brino deal, where Boris has merely polished Theresa May’s turd, will lock us in to their rules and all other sorts of controls which we cannot escape from.
When enough people realise they have been conned and we eventually get a real leave government (TBP plus genuine Tories) can they simply say “we’re leaving, end of” to the eu and
then we get our ‘out’ vote fulfilled.
Surely we can’t be stuck in this awful eu (or brino’d in the awful eu) forever…..can we?
To your question: ‘fraid don’t know but others’ minds will surely turn to that issue in due course.
Highly unfashionable I know but in my little world 2 + 2 is still 4. But I now see the reason why Boris was not prepared to enter a pact with TBP. Boris was only ever on the path of Treason May’s ‘deal’ MK.2 i.e. BRINO. To have invited Nigel into the tent and discuss support for a clean break would not have worked for Boris – Nigel would have realised the BRINO that was afoot and made it public causing even more problems for Boris. Unlike the DUP, there would be no way of bribing the TBP with taxpayers money to go along with Boris’ facade.
The EU are laughing themselves silly at this so called deal. Get to affect our regulations, our trade, our exposure to bad credit in the EU bank, get to write themselves a fat settlement cheque, get to tinker with our taxation, still control our fishing waters and even allow us to visit Brussels to see what new rules of theirs that we have to implement.
Saying, and promoting to others, that this is a good deal is playing right into the hands of Barnier, Tusk, Juncker and ultimately Merkel. We’re being handed a spiked gun and then clapping that we’ve done well. We’re being made fools of.
I have brought this point up previously but I’ll say it again, the oratory skills of some of the female MP’s generally is absolutely awful considering it should be one of their foremost skills.
I give you Luciana Berger and Jess Phillips!
Shouty, no absolute conviction and the emphasis on the wrong words!
Norman Smith, around 10am: (Please supply your own protracted nasal whine)
‘No one knows quite when the decisive vote will be taken. It might even draaag on to the early evening. Who knows?’
BBC program listings: 17.45 BBC2. Brexit vote.
It might be beyond BBBC guidelines, but ‘arsehole’ does seem to suit the situation rather neatly.
Trying to watch the people’s march. Most newspapers cannot get their act together with live streaming, they need to use you tube. BBC nothing much, but Ruptly is covering it. Saw Mayor Khan walking along looking a bit scared. His London is a dangerous place, thanks to him
Looking at comments My favourite is ‘Baaaaa we are middle class and we lost Baaaaa’
Ireland v NZ just over half way through, NZ 29 Ireland 0.
I thought Ireland started as one of the WC favourites? Perhaps they wasted too much time creating artificial EU inspired backstops?
Very revealing little habit Blackford has, of continually and pointlessly straightening the top left-hand corner of his paperwork while pontificating. Gordon Brown used an identical stratagem, and it didn’t help him either.
Considering mr blackford was talking for 1.6 million Scots voters and never mentions Scottish brexiters – he does have a lot of wind . 1.6 million is about 10 London constituencies .
It wouldn’t have been too bad if he had a sense of humour but the SNP don’t seem to have one at all . If they ever get independence at least we can build a wall and treat Scotland as a fully foreign country ….
Older white lady exercises her privilege
to stop black guy and Muslim lady from using the DLR
.. a 100% Electric railway
… They both ask her “Well how did you get here, so you are hypocrite ?”
It’s worth pointing out, of course, that the DLR is fully electric.
But I guess this isn’t about any particular mode of transport. The protestors would no doubt claim they are trying to “raise awareness” of a critically important issue.
Pakistan another man punished for blasphemy on Facebook
..this is different to the Pakistani lecturer Junaid Hafeez case
Sajid Ali just got 5 years
The special court for #cybercrime sentenced Sajid Ali, an active member of the Shia sect, after he was charged for posting sacrilegious, blasphemous and derogatory material on Facebook in 2017.#blasphemy#Pakistan
I wonder what he actually posted? I sincerely hope he didn’t say the prophet was a paedophile, misogynist, polygamist, racist, antisemitic, murderous, torturing, caravan-looting bandit and warlord, slave owner, trader and rapist.
That would be truly blasphemous and deserving of the harshest of punishments.
Medieval Sharia law: coming to a town near you soon. (Probably already there.)
Listening the ‘honourables’ all spouting off their views on Brexit today I’m wondering why bother having this ‘debate’.
Their minds are all made up already.
Some Tory backbencher is not going to change Abbott’s mind with some good reasons for leaving.
All that’s happening is a bunch of self serving narcissists are grandstanding and are all full of self importance (and also full of what May’s deal is)
What a shower of s**t they are.
I don’t want any of the options available. None of them are what we voted for.
I hope that somehow this pile of excrement mess this up and we get a no deal (wto) by default. That or the eu kick us out although that will never happen. They will grant an infinite number of extensions, each one a ‘final’ chance.
They don’t like it up em
Someone made a joke about Corbyn
BBC Comedy constantly pins dehumanising labels on Trump/Farage/TR “racist” “sexist”
but then as soon as someone pins the antiSemite label on Corbyn ..they have a bloody fit.
I was in two minds about the deal nuy Oliver Leftwing’s amendment has passed. And that is definitely not good for democracy. The evil extremists have won again.
Parliament watch
On the Parliament channel as soon as the vote went through the whole government bench walked out . I don’t know if this was shown on the main channel but it was a bit of a ‘Cromwell ‘ moment .
Bojo said he won’t be asking for a brexit extension extension ( repeated on purpose ) . So it’s time to get more popcorn .
It will be great fun if the ReichEU sticks with the line of not agreeing an A50 extension . So there’s still a chance of a ‘no deal’ Brexit – which is as much as the traitors deserve .
Oh jeeze, listening to the aftermath in Parliament after the blasted Letwin Amendment was passed, did I just understand Cherry’s suggestion correctly?
She’s basically asked Bercow to sign the letter to EU. And power-greedy Bercow will do all he can to delay: He has just agreed that if the Scottish Court on Monday SHOULD ask him to sign the letter to EU to demand a delay (and the House should support this) – he will??
Whilst claiming he has no interest in this role – it’s perfectly obvious that that is exactly what he wants …
Boris seemed to look as if he had something up his sleeve (and was certainly NOT planning on writing a letter requesting a delay). Suppose we’ll have to wait and see what happens on Monday?
That was the point went I went off to the footy and the government bench walked out . I suppose technically bojo could comply with the law and write to the ReichEU begging for another extension but then stick a note on it saying ‘please ignore this i don’t mean it “ and unless the Reich caves in over NI then its a full brexit – unless the opposition finally agree to a general election and we can flush the whole lot away .
Ignoring any Cummings rabbit out of a hat.
My understanding is that the Benn act is of a type which specifically prohibits the Government spending any money on it.
If this is correct anybody can sign the extension letter, the EU can accept it. How legal this would be I do not know.
Boris can then just turn the tap off, telling the EU sorry but there will be no money until the UK has left on WTO terms.
I would have turned the tap off the second it became apparent that Tusk and Co were trying to stop us leaving.
Time to send the EU some large invoices, tell them we do not accept Ponzi Euros either.
LCS, would not the House have to appoint Bercow or another as PM in order for them to be able to sign the letter? Would a letter just signed by anyone be acceptable in the EU under the Benn Act? I have my doubts.
There might be some other procedural pitfalls that create enough delay for a No Deal departure on 31 October.
I’m guessing they’d need to be a vote of confidence ( lost ) then the 2 week new PM process – then they’d vote for a new government – led by the (now ) ex speaker …..
By the looks of it the Reich will have to extend A50 again until next year in order to avoid a full brexit and lose all that cash ….
I think the majority of them actually walked out en masse when Joanna Cherry stood up to make some blathering point.
Boris looked thoroughly dejected at the end there, I wonder if his mum told him there’d be days like these
I bet the footy result didn’t cheer you up Fed, it annoyed the hell out of me and left me wondering whether I should’ve bothered getting out of bed this morning after the HoC shambles…
I’m afraid my accumulator failed to make me millions again ….
…..on the state broadcaster – I wonder if any Brexit politicians will bother with Marr and the rest tomorrow – I don’t think any of them will be smiling .
Boris loses Letwin vote.
Then says “I will not negotiate a delay with the EU and neither does the law compel me to do so”
No deal now the only deal in town I hope, tell the Hoc and the EU to stick it where the sun does not shine.
I expect they will be dragging spider woman out of her coffin again.
Extra pleasure if Boris tells her where to stick her judgement.
Yes I agree that the so called ‘supreme court ‘ will be dusted off again next week and they’ll have to get the AG out of his box again .
The fixed term parliament act – which is the source of the recent madness – was apparently a child of nick clegg and that truly mad letwin .
The state broadcaster can now get back to full on Project Fear again – perhaps with one of those ‘billions wiped of share prices ‘ again ….
LCS, strange thing about that Letwin vote: the DUP were in favour and Arlene Foster was nowhere to be found – or the Tellers or the BBC made a mistake.
I’ve just checked the Parliamentary timetable. It appears that an extra day has been added – next Saturday – to make 9 in total before midnight on 31 October. Maybe that is to allow Bercow to stage a coup on his behalf or another.
The fun thing would be guessing who. Corbyn appears to be a no-no. So that leaves Clarke or Beckett or Bercow. Could there be a procedural rumpus kicked up by Corbyn because technically, the largest Party is entitled to send someone to see the Queen. If there is no Conservative acceptable (I could see a lot of Conservative MPs being reluctant to vote for Clarke in a House vote) then Labour is the next largest Party and Corbyn by right as its Leader has next dibs.
But if Bojo has not resigned is there some legal conflict between two PMs and possible further delay. Am afraid the two hundred year old documents may just come into their own and need some poring over.
And what if they go for Bercow? Maybe another Speaker would be required first, taking up yet more Parliamentary time.
Ah when of “their mates” breaks the law they are called defiant
This time its “defiant”: Nadia Ali
And @BBCNews calls Nadia Ali, a "defiant head" who "vows to keep unregistered school open" in #UK where inspectors found texts that say a "wife had no right to deny her husband" and beating children is permissible for parents "if they didn't pray".????
So Boris reuses to write the letter, disobeys the law. Spider lady is asked to make him write it or go to jail. But Boris is not Tommy Robinson and any legal action against Boris will take at least two years. Time for an election and sacking the Supreme court.
“Makes me sick seeing Gina Miller smarming up to Bercow
at the PinkNews awards”
A photograph (in today’s Times) that says it all – odious would-be Brexit wrecker Gina Miller and the “impartial” Speaker John Bercow……devious, unprincipled plotters.
‘the Prime Minister to seek an extension to the Article 50 negotiating period if no deal is reached with the EU, AND approved by Parliament, by Saturday 19 October.
Aah, thanks Celtic, think I get it now. Smart thinking on his feet, and probably in advance too, for a change from Bojo. Clever.
If I recall correctly, the Government are entitled to pull Bills they think will fail and re-consider their content: hence sending everyone home after the Letwin Bill passed. They are entitled to say: “We need to re-work the proposed Bill for the deal we agreed in Brussels, the EU Deal Bill. We will bring it back next week.”
That may be why most of the DUP voted for the Letwin Bill and Arlene absented herself.
Well said Piers…. The opinion polls on monday will be interesting. The country is turning against this ridiculous parliament. All indications were that the deal would have passed, the numbers were there. Parliament, the people expected much more from you..shameful.
This was spoken by his father Tony in 1991 just before the Maastricht Treaty was signed. The full speech is well worth a read.
” No nation – not even the great United States which could, for all I know, be destroyed by a nuclear weapon from a third-world country – has the power to impose its will on other countries. We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou [a European Commissioner] than from Madame Thatcher.”
“………….My next job therefore is to explain to the people of Chesterfield what we have decided. I will say first, ‘My dear constituents, in future you will be governed by people whom you do not elect and cannot remove. I am sorry about it. They may give you better creches and shorter working hours but you cannot remove them.’
Clearly his son has not taken his father’s beliefs on board.
But surely we want the MP’s to vote against Boris’s deal, just as we wanted them to vote against May’s horrific deal.
The longer this lunacy continues, the longer public anger will grow. The longer that bubbles over, the more chance there is for something dramatic to happen and Boris to really seize the day.
If they vote this deal through, we’re screwed. The wind of outrage will go out of our sails, the media will claim it a victory and the UK will have been stitched up good and proper by their own Prime Minister.
Boris’s hands might be tied but when the smoke clears, people will deliberately forget (aided by the media) the pressure he was under and all we’ll be left with is a stinking, treacherous deal. And that will be on Boris.
Could it be that Bojo’s bungled prorogation forced the rebels in the Conservative Party to show their hand? It was designed to smoke them out? In addition, for them to then – with others – take up so much Parliamentary (and negotiating) time getting the Benn Act through that it now puts the clock back in Bojo’s hands?
Agree wholeheartedly with your third para. Bojo would be claiming ‘job done’ if there was a GE. Not sure what Labour would do but am sure there would be plenty of outrage over it. The IllibNonDems & SNP would also be foaming at the mouth but all they could do was pledge to take the UK back into the EU.
Have a feeling that might not be a big vote winner. And many in the public would believe Bojo.
Can Bojo run out the clock for No Deal now? I hope so.
I can foresee one of Cassandra’s photo-manips coming back with Corby, The Sweater and The Wee Hen all superimposed, in turn, on the head of that unfortunate schoolboy who tried to play rugby with Bojo.
Up2snuff – well said fella. That’s pretty much how a GE would go. Boris has ‘delivered’ Brexit, indignant fire dissipates and only later on do people slowly begin to realise what a clusterf**k of a deal we are in. But by then, it’s too late and public outrage has subsided.
Leadsom’s right, our country is becoming a frightening place and the BBC must take much of the blame.
Andrea Leadsom MP
Follow @andrealeadsom
‘Thank goodness for our superb police. Just walked home safely from HoC with their protection – why do the so called ‘People’s Vote’ protesters think it’s ok to abuse, intimidate and scream in the face of someone they don’t agree with? So frightening, and so grateful to the police’
A moment away from Brexit issues.
Not strictly biased BBC but then again not totally unrelated either.
A certain Benedict Cumberbatch was wearing a flat cap on the Extinction Rebellion demo earlier this week.
A faux working class look I dare say.
Less working class is his appearance in today’s special ‘Lux’ edition of the Times. He’s wearing a watch. And you can have a Master Thin Tourbillon Enamel too. For only $88,500 !!!!!
Such busy lives, these BBC ‘stars’ lead.
And such contrasts.
Sluff, I was given an Evening Standard freebie and having read it, it really should be on its way to the recycling sack. But it contains a priceless article about a ‘popstar’/’rockstar’ who the BBC would go gooey over in the past, if not now. Said lad is now living off his millions in Islington (there’s a thing) and as a good Socialist as the magazine article makes plain, he happily wears £8000 and other £multithousand £multihundred clothes for the photo shoot. Which he is no doubt given at the end of the shoot.
Communism, Fascism, Socialism: for the many to fund but for the benefit of the few. Espoused by and promoted by the ES (Ed in Chief: George Osborne) and the MSM, including the BBC.
Beckham and his offspring have taken to wearing Peaky Blinders type clothing. (well, something is needed to make this girls blouse more manly), I digress, – it appears to be a ‘thing’ with the wealthy, that they need to feel and show, that they have a socialist side to them. When we all know its a load of bollocks.
An IQ test: (1) Insert £39 billion for vassalage with a Tory Deal. Or (2) Pay more for puppet state status and preservation of a trade deficit within the Customs Union with a Labour Deal. Or (3) Be Independent by NOT paying and instead, extend the trade surplus on WTO rules with a Brexit No Deal.
If you have to throw yourself off a cliff then (1) Remainers should all commit suicide, and (2) Brexiteers should use a hang-glider, and fly to freedom.
Is it me or do the arch Remoaners protesting outside parliament and spitting their bile at Brexit-supporting MPs as they walk out requiring police protection not look remarkably the same as the Extinction Rebellion anarchists?
And getting the same cuddly treatment from the BBC, if the absolute love-fest on the 1730 tv news is anything to go by.
Two world cup rugby quarter finals today. Highlights are shownon the early evening news. The BBC allocate the same time for both matches, and show (I think) the same number of tries. The exception being that that a short interview is shown with a losing captain.
But the truly appalling thing is that one match was England v Australia, the other was New Zealand v Ireland !!!!!! And it was the Irish captain in the interview. Yes, winning England rate the same coverage as losing Ireland.
Equal coverage on the news? Why does the BBC hate England? There’s a hate crime that Should be investigated.
The hatred is seasoned with spite. If it’s on ITV (World Cup Rugby), Formula 1 (Ch4) or cricket (Ch5) the coverage is minimal, in the hope that viewers will forget that all (and others) were once BBC regulars.
BBC Moral: It’s far more important to pay ourselves what we risibly term ‘the going rate’ than cater for our licence-fee paying customers.
Where were all these amendments when we signed Lisbon or Maastricht !? We have remainiac parliamentarians who dare not ask the EU for amendments but demands the gov't to adhere to all their brexit wrecking legislation.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 China rapes UK in more ways than one. Barry Gardiner says his 500K will go far.
BRISSLESMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 I wonder how many English (white) living in Europe speak regularly on tv channels there – in Athens in particular…
JohnCMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 Zelensky says UK and US volunteers survived Russian attack on hotel that killed four A complete non-story in the…
tomoMar 6, 09:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 The likelihood that similar is going on here is a slam dunk certainty….
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img][/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
The state of affairs with Brexit really is a sad and pathetic joke.
We’ve been offered a deal that is an utter shit show, tying our hands into the EU and leaving us beholden to their every whim.
It isn’t a deal, it’s capitulation. And yet some seem to be advocating that we should take the deal and then re-negotiate once we are out.
Wake up people, we won’t ever be out and once the dust has settled, there won’t be the public appetite to re-open this disgusting sellout. The media and establishment will bury any talk of renegotiation, ascertaining how treasonous the new deal is and what our obligations our will become virtually impossible and we’ll be stuck in a permanent limbo bled dry by the parasitic leeches of the EU while we distract ourselves with pointless talk about Corbyn, Greta and Trans rights.
If we don’t get out with a No Deal, we aren’t ever getting out and any faith or confidence people have in Boris is frankly delusional. We’re getting f***ed and the world is watching and laughing.
It feels like Custer’s last stand doesn’t it?
Only Custer has turned on the cavalry and is fighting on the side of the Indians to help finish off his own people.
Lucy – It really does. We’ve been so infiltrated that we’ve formed an infantry box with our rifles pointing inwards at each other. It’s just so hopeless.
BoJo’s deal is terrible and if it gets approved, the media and establishment will proclaim him a hero even though he has sold us out.
If it doesn’t, the circus continues, we extend, keep paying them and keep making ourselves look more and more ridiculous.
The disgust that I have for the politicians, media and establishment is rich and acidic in my throat.
Payne, I agree. No deal, no more money, no more servitude. Those should be the guiding principles for Bojo and his negotiators.
Up2Snuff – Yep, perfect summation. I can’t understand the logic. May came in and screwed it all up and pissed off the nation, so you’d assume the path would be clear – go in the opposite direction and at least try to retain the Leave voters.
But no, he’s trying to appease everyone by delivering a deal that isn’t Brexit. The remainers won’t like it and the Leavers won’t like it. Is he and his advisors really that stupid?
“no more money”
Better late than never?
This was advocated on this site before the referendum.
Telling Cameron to just stop the cheques and the EU would cave in.
Where is the cartoon of Saint Margaret taking ££££££ from the EU and TreasonMay giving £££££ to the EU?
ITBB deftly summarises BBC ‘reporting’ techniques, using Brexit as an example.
Ably complemented by Nick ‘Love In’ Robinson with his main man Sadiq on his podcast.
More Green-tele-evangelism
The BBC has a weekly Saturday radio show from the US Boston
today’s podcast is already up
It’s titled : Consciously green
The entire 27 mins is Green-tele-evangelism
.. Greta, the plastic free family etc.
melting Alpine glaciers,
China ” emissions-free electric buses” …(word trickery cos there are much more emissions from manufacturing and their daily power will be from coal/hydro)
Radio 4 : In Feedback this week, has BBC Radio given
*enough coverage* to the issues being raised by the Extinction Rebellion protesters?
Some listeners think not.
1 balanced interview where Andrew Neil let an XR gob crash and burn.
1 Newsnight panel where Emma could not stop an XR gob digging deeper.
Hundreds of XR puff pieces nationally and locally where an entire BBC crew will follow a lone teen on a trek to green glory painting something.
The BBC has done plenty.
One day they will all be on the roof of W1A.
Meanwhile, the Graun…
R4 The Bottomline
“How can business benefit from the popularity of vegetarian and vegan products in supermarkets and restaurants?”
This Radio 3 show has 2 Muslim guest segments
One of of which is the editor of a magazine called Critical Muslim
… which could be a good or bad thing
BBC Trending always promotes its progs on Twitter
but the didn’t last week when they did a prog about Greek anarchists trying to EXCLUDE foreign tourists from their Athens suburb
Toady has a female Sikh Professor Jalal, to promote Feminism (because the Sikh deity is female, she says) on R4 ‘Thought for the day’.
I suggest she hastens back to India, where she says, a female baby was found buried alive. Lotsa work to do there, whereas here we are drowning in Female supremacy tales, and there is no discrimination – on the contrary.
After the News, Nick interviews Phil Hammond, who -unsurprisingly- says he will vote for the Letwin amendment. Both Letwin and Hammond are specialists in delay and derail tactits. Why can’t they be honest enough to tell us what they really are: anti-democratic Remainers.
R4 plays the same role in spades.
TOADY Watch #1 – Part-time gets trendy
Part-time is brought on prior to the ‘prime slot’ interview with Phil Hammond. She uses lots of rugby phrases. The BBC are currently big on ruggerbee, when they are not being big on wimmins foobah. Ho ho, how clever.
Phil Hammond wants to tie us to the EUNation for his friends in business, not the nation as a whole. That’s revealing, Phil.
Phil thinks the UK is divided. Oh no, Phil, we are increasingly united against Remainers, against our disgraceful politicians like you. I have an uncomfortable feeling that the UK is being ‘stitched up’ by our political representatives and Civil Servants.
Issue pushing in BBC More or Less
latest edition : women in economics
Any driving tips?
TOADY Watch #2 – Ruggerbeee tackled by predictive text or lack of spectacles.
8.30am sports and after ten minutes we are told there is no score England v Australia in the World Cup. Hilarious moment when we are told “Australia kicked off and put together a sequence of 18 phases but England’s defence held.”
Think passes is the word you are looking for.
In rugby there are phases of play.Rugby is a bit stop start with lineouts,penalty’s.scrums etc and each bit of play inbetween is a phase.I’m no expert but believe that they may have been correct.I feel a bit unclean agreeing with the enemy but this dog likes to see fair play.
yes ND they are referring to phases as in:
there could be several passes.. out along the three quarter line for example.. in a single phase.
The World Service has a religion prog Heart and Soul
This weeks edition
100 Women: Chely Wright the gay, Christian country star
TOADY Watch #3 – The Iron Grip
You have to wonder at some people. What motivates them?
What motivates the BBC to keep the Naughty Naughtie at the BBC. Incompetent presenter. Poor interviewer. Or have I got the words ‘incompetent’ and ‘poor’ in the wrong places? He is also wordy with a tendency to be hyperbolic, overly dramatic at the wrong moments. A complete bletherer. He’s on the programme again this morning, wittering on about 1982, having expended some CO2 at Licence Fee payer expense to get to Westminster from BH, perhaps after travelling down from Scotland.
What hold does Jim Naughtie have over the BBC and its Executive & management?
And what is motivating Bojo to bring forward a worse departure deal from the EU?
Is it that he just wants to be loved? Always dangerous in a politician. Or has he been promised something by his new pals in Brussels?
No questions asked by the BBC on TOADY.
A ha! The Naughtie Effect.
Naughtie – the false gravity – trying to sound like a british Walter kronkite ….
The state broadcaster was trying to get us to be sympathetic to the poor exhausted bubble which has gone through so much in the last three and more years . Poor dears . I wonder who was responsible for that ?
As for working Saturday – apparently one Tory mp asked if the ‘facilities ‘ would be open – which is shorthand for the subsidised Bars and somewhere to watch the rugby …. then a Labour mp asked if they’d be getting additional expenses for kiddie care and the like .
I’ve put a fiver on boris failing today – probably by one vote delivered by a traitor speaker or someone on bail .
But we need him to fail because his ‘deal’ is an utter joke. If that shit goes through, we’re screwed.
Triumphalist headlines “yes, we’re leaving” but the realists knowing that we’ve been hogtied, fattened and ready for the fire.
Meanwhile Newsnight appear to have rehired Paul Mason.
How sweet the shadenfreude this morning to see the Tory club who have dedicated their existence to the preservation of jobs for the sons of gentlemen at odds again.
This time a pair of ex rotten school left wing liberals one who has some kind of a BRINO plan and the other a marplot who believes the plebs are all idiots and shouldn’t even be allowed a vote in the first place!
This is a problem which appear unique to the rotten school. The very ‘woke’ Prince Harry attend the rotten school, no surprise then to see his elitist liberal mindset inculcated into him.
No surprise either to see the number of ex rotten school alumni expelled from the Tory club because they simply couldn’t stomach the end of rule from Berlin.
And on that note we see yet again the truth of that rule, as Junker Micron and other European leader lining up to say that there will be no extention, and then along comes der Fuhrer and says there will be, and Lo! There will be another extension!
Boris has done a good job in kicking out so many rotten school liberals, but it won’t be finished until the party excludes them all and bans any from entering politics again.
Is it time for that military coup yet?
There was an interesting interview on Talk Radio a couple of days ago.
Piers Corbyn, Jezza’s brother, isn’t only a climate scientist and a “denier” of man made climate change, he’s also a Brexiteer.
I rather liked the bloke!
“The biggest fear” he said “that the Remain lobby have about Brexit is that nothing dramatic or untoward will happen. It will be fine. And then they’ll be found out”
I’ve never said this before and it’s unlikely I’ll ever say it again, but…
I agree with Corbyn!
The BBC and other Remainer media will see every story through a “Brexit Failed” lens.
Gather round everybody! Up-to-date, ‘Hate Crime’ Guidance for your delectation from the College of Policing.
Click to access Hate-Crime-Operational-Guidance.pdf
Sub-headed, ‘The Public: Bound hand foot and finger’ (just joking, but you get the point).
‘Integration’ within mixed communities? Reading through this so-called, “Guidance” why do I get the total feeling that to go about your life normally and to avoid any risk of breaching the ‘Hate Crime’ laws, the only safe way is to avoid any contact with any of the categories stated in the Guidance and, anyone who is likely to go behind your back and report what you have said to the authorities. If you ask me, the Hate Crime law is just a ‘taster’ from the State who now welcome any form of Stasi communism with open arms.
G… Wow reading that Goebbels would be so proud that his work is alive and going from strength to strength. It is a green light for any person who has a grudge against anyone to just report it and cause trouble. What has this country come to. We will have children being asked about their friends and parents next. I can guarantee there won’t be the same rules applied to certain diverse groups.
Oh dear!
When will people accept that revisionism is a real thing and realise that they have been lied to.
This is NOT the Stasi who were an arm of Communism, this is the Gestapo who were an arm of Fascism.
I know it’s confusing and that two leftist ideologies are difficult to tell the difference between, but Communism and Fascism are different.
Todays Fascist have massive race HATE towards white people – Communists do not have this hatred of themselves, in fact they are quite patriotic. Fascists do not per se have a huge antipathy towards Jews, that is a Nazi trait.
To find Nazism resurgent in the UK after so many years is truly repulsive, and to find the Conservative club failing to call it out for what it is, is I’m afraid only to be expected.
I notice that on page 39 there is a big separate section relating to so called muslim hate crime – since this document is designed to divide every one into recognisable types and groups I’m surprised others – such as Christians – to be equally treated – along with demon worshippers , Star Wars followers , the ones who dress up in black , druids and people who believe the state broadcaster is biased .
Christian’s being treated equally, not a chance.I truly believe in time the term ‘Christian’ will be airbrushed out, ie. Easter worshippers.
“Christian’s being treated equally, not a chance.”
How does he feel about It?
..sorry crom..bloody predictive txt yeah!?
Things are not looking good in Europe …………………
Regardless of what Merkel says can’t help thinking she pushed the button to block and Macrons just the patsy.
It’s what some people would see as Utopia……………
Got to agree with Macron et al. Don’t need more countries sucking on the teat of the EU money tree which, if our current BRINO agreement is entered, we would help support.
Jesus Christ…Brexit debate – some Scottish MP almost crying that they have been ignored nobody cares about them…pathetic..not a single point made about the actual WDA…pathetic whinger
Congarts to England on their recent win !
Thanks Taffman, and I wish Wales a good win tomorrow!
Then it will be congarts all round!
“the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life”!
Thanks Yasser.
Here’s a question.
If Boris’s brino deal gets through would a future Parliament be able to dump it all and leave the eu properly, as we voted for in 2016?
I’m reading that this brino deal, where Boris has merely polished Theresa May’s turd, will lock us in to their rules and all other sorts of controls which we cannot escape from.
When enough people realise they have been conned and we eventually get a real leave government (TBP plus genuine Tories) can they simply say “we’re leaving, end of” to the eu and
then we get our ‘out’ vote fulfilled.
Surely we can’t be stuck in this awful eu (or brino’d in the awful eu) forever…..can we?
To your question: ‘fraid don’t know but others’ minds will surely turn to that issue in due course.
Highly unfashionable I know but in my little world 2 + 2 is still 4. But I now see the reason why Boris was not prepared to enter a pact with TBP. Boris was only ever on the path of Treason May’s ‘deal’ MK.2 i.e. BRINO. To have invited Nigel into the tent and discuss support for a clean break would not have worked for Boris – Nigel would have realised the BRINO that was afoot and made it public causing even more problems for Boris. Unlike the DUP, there would be no way of bribing the TBP with taxpayers money to go along with Boris’ facade.
Emily is doing Newsnight tonight.
Was there ever any doubt?
The EU are laughing themselves silly at this so called deal. Get to affect our regulations, our trade, our exposure to bad credit in the EU bank, get to write themselves a fat settlement cheque, get to tinker with our taxation, still control our fishing waters and even allow us to visit Brussels to see what new rules of theirs that we have to implement.
Saying, and promoting to others, that this is a good deal is playing right into the hands of Barnier, Tusk, Juncker and ultimately Merkel. We’re being handed a spiked gun and then clapping that we’ve done well. We’re being made fools of.
I have brought this point up previously but I’ll say it again, the oratory skills of some of the female MP’s generally is absolutely awful considering it should be one of their foremost skills.
I give you Luciana Berger and Jess Phillips!
Shouty, no absolute conviction and the emphasis on the wrong words!
Norman Smith, around 10am: (Please supply your own protracted nasal whine)
‘No one knows quite when the decisive vote will be taken. It might even draaag on to the early evening. Who knows?’
BBC program listings: 17.45 BBC2. Brexit vote.
It might be beyond BBBC guidelines, but ‘arsehole’ does seem to suit the situation rather neatly.
Trying to watch the people’s march. Most newspapers cannot get their act together with live streaming, they need to use you tube. BBC nothing much, but Ruptly is covering it. Saw Mayor Khan walking along looking a bit scared. His London is a dangerous place, thanks to him
Looking at comments My favourite is ‘Baaaaa we are middle class and we lost Baaaaa’
BBC and Sky doing split screens of parliament and march
Celtic Mist, Thanks will check. From what I have seen the march is mainly white.
Ireland v NZ just over half way through, NZ 29 Ireland 0.
I thought Ireland started as one of the WC favourites? Perhaps they wasted too much time creating artificial EU inspired backstops?
Watching SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford . Long winded, repetitive and boring. Save us from this dreary Scot
Very revealing little habit Blackford has, of continually and pointlessly straightening the top left-hand corner of his paperwork while pontificating. Gordon Brown used an identical stratagem, and it didn’t help him either.
Considering mr blackford was talking for 1.6 million Scots voters and never mentions Scottish brexiters – he does have a lot of wind . 1.6 million is about 10 London constituencies .
It wouldn’t have been too bad if he had a sense of humour but the SNP don’t seem to have one at all . If they ever get independence at least we can build a wall and treat Scotland as a fully foreign country ….
Older white lady exercises her privilege
to stop black guy and Muslim lady from using the DLR
.. a 100% Electric railway
… They both ask her “Well how did you get here, so you are hypocrite ?”
Pakistan another man punished for blasphemy on Facebook
..this is different to the Pakistani lecturer Junaid Hafeez case
Sajid Ali just got 5 years
So our royal family think Trump is intolerant, but are fine with Pakistani justice ?
I wonder what he actually posted? I sincerely hope he didn’t say the prophet was a paedophile, misogynist, polygamist, racist, antisemitic, murderous, torturing, caravan-looting bandit and warlord, slave owner, trader and rapist.
That would be truly blasphemous and deserving of the harshest of punishments.
Medieval Sharia law: coming to a town near you soon. (Probably already there.)
Listening the ‘honourables’ all spouting off their views on Brexit today I’m wondering why bother having this ‘debate’.
Their minds are all made up already.
Some Tory backbencher is not going to change Abbott’s mind with some good reasons for leaving.
All that’s happening is a bunch of self serving narcissists are grandstanding and are all full of self importance (and also full of what May’s deal is)
What a shower of s**t they are.
I don’t want any of the options available. None of them are what we voted for.
I hope that somehow this pile of excrement mess this up and we get a no deal (wto) by default. That or the eu kick us out although that will never happen. They will grant an infinite number of extensions, each one a ‘final’ chance.
Soubry has just come on so I’m going for a cr@p.
Excellent analogy EG:
Anna Soubry, the enema personified.
They don’t like it up em
Someone made a joke about Corbyn
BBC Comedy constantly pins dehumanising labels on Trump/Farage/TR “racist” “sexist”
but then as soon as someone pins the antiSemite label on Corbyn ..they have a bloody fit.
I was in two minds about the deal nuy Oliver Leftwing’s amendment has passed. And that is definitely not good for democracy. The evil extremists have won again.
nuy shoul read but
More vibrant, colourful and enriching diversity:
“Thief stole from man suffering cardiac arrest at Bury tram stop”
no comment!
BBC seem surprised that Boris has said he will not negotiate an extension
Their fact-checking idiots are convinced he must ask for a (further) delay
Parliament watch
On the Parliament channel as soon as the vote went through the whole government bench walked out . I don’t know if this was shown on the main channel but it was a bit of a ‘Cromwell ‘ moment .
Bojo said he won’t be asking for a brexit extension extension ( repeated on purpose ) . So it’s time to get more popcorn .
It will be great fun if the ReichEU sticks with the line of not agreeing an A50 extension . So there’s still a chance of a ‘no deal’ Brexit – which is as much as the traitors deserve .
Oh jeeze, listening to the aftermath in Parliament after the blasted Letwin Amendment was passed, did I just understand Cherry’s suggestion correctly?
She’s basically asked Bercow to sign the letter to EU. And power-greedy Bercow will do all he can to delay: He has just agreed that if the Scottish Court on Monday SHOULD ask him to sign the letter to EU to demand a delay (and the House should support this) – he will??
Whilst claiming he has no interest in this role – it’s perfectly obvious that that is exactly what he wants …
Boris seemed to look as if he had something up his sleeve (and was certainly NOT planning on writing a letter requesting a delay). Suppose we’ll have to wait and see what happens on Monday?
That was the point went I went off to the footy and the government bench walked out . I suppose technically bojo could comply with the law and write to the ReichEU begging for another extension but then stick a note on it saying ‘please ignore this i don’t mean it “ and unless the Reich caves in over NI then its a full brexit – unless the opposition finally agree to a general election and we can flush the whole lot away .
I fear a general election could become bloody ….
Ignoring any Cummings rabbit out of a hat.
My understanding is that the Benn act is of a type which specifically prohibits the Government spending any money on it.
If this is correct anybody can sign the extension letter, the EU can accept it. How legal this would be I do not know.
Boris can then just turn the tap off, telling the EU sorry but there will be no money until the UK has left on WTO terms.
I would have turned the tap off the second it became apparent that Tusk and Co were trying to stop us leaving.
Time to send the EU some large invoices, tell them we do not accept Ponzi Euros either.
LCS, would not the House have to appoint Bercow or another as PM in order for them to be able to sign the letter? Would a letter just signed by anyone be acceptable in the EU under the Benn Act? I have my doubts.
There might be some other procedural pitfalls that create enough delay for a No Deal departure on 31 October.
U2s- See my reply to your earlier (3:48) post below.
I’m guessing they’d need to be a vote of confidence ( lost ) then the 2 week new PM process – then they’d vote for a new government – led by the (now ) ex speaker …..
By the looks of it the Reich will have to extend A50 again until next year in order to avoid a full brexit and lose all that cash ….
I think the majority of them actually walked out en masse when Joanna Cherry stood up to make some blathering point.
Boris looked thoroughly dejected at the end there, I wonder if his mum told him there’d be days like these
I bet the footy result didn’t cheer you up Fed, it annoyed the hell out of me and left me wondering whether I should’ve bothered getting out of bed this morning after the HoC shambles…
I’m afraid my accumulator failed to make me millions again ….
…..on the state broadcaster – I wonder if any Brexit politicians will bother with Marr and the rest tomorrow – I don’t think any of them will be smiling .
Boris loses Letwin vote.
Then says “I will not negotiate a delay with the EU and neither does the law compel me to do so”
No deal now the only deal in town I hope, tell the Hoc and the EU to stick it where the sun does not shine.
I expect they will be dragging spider woman out of her coffin again.
Extra pleasure if Boris tells her where to stick her judgement.
That is £39 billion saved.
Yes I agree that the so called ‘supreme court ‘ will be dusted off again next week and they’ll have to get the AG out of his box again .
The fixed term parliament act – which is the source of the recent madness – was apparently a child of nick clegg and that truly mad letwin .
The state broadcaster can now get back to full on Project Fear again – perhaps with one of those ‘billions wiped of share prices ‘ again ….
LCS, strange thing about that Letwin vote: the DUP were in favour and Arlene Foster was nowhere to be found – or the Tellers or the BBC made a mistake.
Anyone know what’s going on with that?
Is it as you suggest: Letwin trumps Benn? I hope so; my MP (Lab) keeps voting to make me poorer!
“Letwin trumps Benn”.
My understanding is that the Letwin amendment modifies Benn, as amendment would suggest.
However I rely on other opinions, I do not form my own opinion after reading thousands of two hundred year old legal documents.
So my opinion might be worth what you paid for it.
I’ve just checked the Parliamentary timetable. It appears that an extra day has been added – next Saturday – to make 9 in total before midnight on 31 October. Maybe that is to allow Bercow to stage a coup on his behalf or another.
The fun thing would be guessing who. Corbyn appears to be a no-no. So that leaves Clarke or Beckett or Bercow. Could there be a procedural rumpus kicked up by Corbyn because technically, the largest Party is entitled to send someone to see the Queen. If there is no Conservative acceptable (I could see a lot of Conservative MPs being reluctant to vote for Clarke in a House vote) then Labour is the next largest Party and Corbyn by right as its Leader has next dibs.
But if Bojo has not resigned is there some legal conflict between two PMs and possible further delay. Am afraid the two hundred year old documents may just come into their own and need some poring over.
And what if they go for Bercow? Maybe another Speaker would be required first, taking up yet more Parliamentary time.
Ah when of “their mates” breaks the law they are called defiant
This time its “defiant”: Nadia Ali
So Boris reuses to write the letter, disobeys the law. Spider lady is asked to make him write it or go to jail. But Boris is not Tommy Robinson and any legal action against Boris will take at least two years. Time for an election and sacking the Supreme court.
“Makes me sick seeing Gina Miller smarming up to Bercow
at the PinkNews awards”
The Benn Act requires –
‘the Prime Minister to seek an extension to the Article 50 negotiating period if no deal is reached with the EU, AND approved by Parliament, by Saturday 19 October.
[The ‘AND’ requires both conditions]
Aah, thanks Celtic, think I get it now. Smart thinking on his feet, and probably in advance too, for a change from Bojo. Clever.
If I recall correctly, the Government are entitled to pull Bills they think will fail and re-consider their content: hence sending everyone home after the Letwin Bill passed. They are entitled to say: “We need to re-work the proposed Bill for the deal we agreed in Brussels, the EU Deal Bill. We will bring it back next week.”
That may be why most of the DUP voted for the Letwin Bill and Arlene absented herself.
Both spot on
Ah, the Benn Act by the son Hillary.
This was spoken by his father Tony in 1991 just before the Maastricht Treaty was signed. The full speech is well worth a read.
” No nation – not even the great United States which could, for all I know, be destroyed by a nuclear weapon from a third-world country – has the power to impose its will on other countries. We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou [a European Commissioner] than from Madame Thatcher.”
“………….My next job therefore is to explain to the people of Chesterfield what we have decided. I will say first, ‘My dear constituents, in future you will be governed by people whom you do not elect and cannot remove. I am sorry about it. They may give you better creches and shorter working hours but you cannot remove them.’
Clearly his son has not taken his father’s beliefs on board.
Brissles, I did not agree with much – if any – of Wedgie’s politics but he was above all, a democrat and a (true) Parliamentarian.
But surely we want the MP’s to vote against Boris’s deal, just as we wanted them to vote against May’s horrific deal.
The longer this lunacy continues, the longer public anger will grow. The longer that bubbles over, the more chance there is for something dramatic to happen and Boris to really seize the day.
If they vote this deal through, we’re screwed. The wind of outrage will go out of our sails, the media will claim it a victory and the UK will have been stitched up good and proper by their own Prime Minister.
Boris’s hands might be tied but when the smoke clears, people will deliberately forget (aided by the media) the pressure he was under and all we’ll be left with is a stinking, treacherous deal. And that will be on Boris.
Pbn, speaking of smoke may just be appropriate.
Could it be that Bojo’s bungled prorogation forced the rebels in the Conservative Party to show their hand? It was designed to smoke them out? In addition, for them to then – with others – take up so much Parliamentary (and negotiating) time getting the Benn Act through that it now puts the clock back in Bojo’s hands?
Agree wholeheartedly with your third para. Bojo would be claiming ‘job done’ if there was a GE. Not sure what Labour would do but am sure there would be plenty of outrage over it. The IllibNonDems & SNP would also be foaming at the mouth but all they could do was pledge to take the UK back into the EU.
Have a feeling that might not be a big vote winner. And many in the public would believe Bojo.
Can Bojo run out the clock for No Deal now? I hope so.
I can foresee one of Cassandra’s photo-manips coming back with Corby, The Sweater and The Wee Hen all superimposed, in turn, on the head of that unfortunate schoolboy who tried to play rugby with Bojo.
Up2snuff – well said fella. That’s pretty much how a GE would go. Boris has ‘delivered’ Brexit, indignant fire dissipates and only later on do people slowly begin to realise what a clusterf**k of a deal we are in. But by then, it’s too late and public outrage has subsided.
Leadsom’s right, our country is becoming a frightening place and the BBC must take much of the blame.
Andrea Leadsom MP
Follow @andrealeadsom
‘Thank goodness for our superb police. Just walked home safely from HoC with their protection – why do the so called ‘People’s Vote’ protesters think it’s ok to abuse, intimidate and scream in the face of someone they don’t agree with? So frightening, and so grateful to the police’
And a Leaver shouts abuse at a remainer and they are banged up !!!!!
These lefties are seemingly above the law !!! Untouchable.
A moment away from Brexit issues.
Not strictly biased BBC but then again not totally unrelated either.
A certain Benedict Cumberbatch was wearing a flat cap on the Extinction Rebellion demo earlier this week.
A faux working class look I dare say.
Less working class is his appearance in today’s special ‘Lux’ edition of the Times. He’s wearing a watch. And you can have a Master Thin Tourbillon Enamel too. For only $88,500 !!!!!
Such busy lives, these BBC ‘stars’ lead.
And such contrasts.
Sluff, I was given an Evening Standard freebie and having read it, it really should be on its way to the recycling sack. But it contains a priceless article about a ‘popstar’/’rockstar’ who the BBC would go gooey over in the past, if not now. Said lad is now living off his millions in Islington (there’s a thing) and as a good Socialist as the magazine article makes plain, he happily wears £8000 and other £multithousand £multihundred clothes for the photo shoot. Which he is no doubt given at the end of the shoot.
Communism, Fascism, Socialism: for the many to fund but for the benefit of the few. Espoused by and promoted by the ES (Ed in Chief: George Osborne) and the MSM, including the BBC.
Beckham and his offspring have taken to wearing Peaky Blinders type clothing. (well, something is needed to make this girls blouse more manly), I digress, – it appears to be a ‘thing’ with the wealthy, that they need to feel and show, that they have a socialist side to them. When we all know its a load of bollocks.
he’s always been a bit of a sod they’d say on ‘Allo’Allo!
An IQ test: (1) Insert £39 billion for vassalage with a Tory Deal. Or (2) Pay more for puppet state status and preservation of a trade deficit within the Customs Union with a Labour Deal. Or (3) Be Independent by NOT paying and instead, extend the trade surplus on WTO rules with a Brexit No Deal.
If you have to throw yourself off a cliff then (1) Remainers should all commit suicide, and (2) Brexiteers should use a hang-glider, and fly to freedom.

Is it me or do the arch Remoaners protesting outside parliament and spitting their bile at Brexit-supporting MPs as they walk out requiring police protection not look remarkably the same as the Extinction Rebellion anarchists?
And getting the same cuddly treatment from the BBC, if the absolute love-fest on the 1730 tv news is anything to go by.
The BBC have suddenly come over all impartial.
Two world cup rugby quarter finals today. Highlights are shownon the early evening news. The BBC allocate the same time for both matches, and show (I think) the same number of tries. The exception being that that a short interview is shown with a losing captain.
But the truly appalling thing is that one match was England v Australia, the other was New Zealand v Ireland !!!!!! And it was the Irish captain in the interview. Yes, winning England rate the same coverage as losing Ireland.
Equal coverage on the news? Why does the BBC hate England? There’s a hate crime that Should be investigated.
The hatred is seasoned with spite. If it’s on ITV (World Cup Rugby), Formula 1 (Ch4) or cricket (Ch5) the coverage is minimal, in the hope that viewers will forget that all (and others) were once BBC regulars.
BBC Moral: It’s far more important to pay ourselves what we risibly term ‘the going rate’ than cater for our licence-fee paying customers.
Come on olf thing, Rory Best may have been the Ireland Captain, but he is British & it was his last rugby match!
For those who appreciate woolly sweaters here is Jo Swinson MP demanding that Boris signs the letter.
I was wondering if jo swinson is putting out a calendar for 2020 ?
As my dad used to say – she really has got a face like a well slapped arse!
Or as the Americans might say – the grille on that gal. . .