Dec 9th. or 12th.
They (remoaners) want the 9th. because of all the students. They want to get them to block vote and win places where they would otherwise lose. (And if they then go home and vote again all the better)
Consider Durham (University City)
The students vote could easily get a Lib Dem installed as MP and this would leave the people who actually live there permanently with an MP none of them want.
Students should vote in their home constituency and not somewhere they will only be for a short while.
Regarding the possible ‘votz for kidz’
I wonder what bribes labour would give to get the children’s vote.
Free sweets?
A dolly for the little girl voters and an action man for the little boys?
It’s very satisfying watching the remoaner mp’s squirming and complaining about the election.
They know what’s coming.
These mp’s saying an election will probably give the same parliament are in for a shock, about 450 shocks I would estimate.l
I wonder if the state broadcaster gets the irony of doing a story about narcissists being ‘ happy ‘ on the same day that traitor MPs are planning to keep their very one speaker in the chair again .
For his character – he must be the happiest man in the country …
Listening to Radio 4 Extra last night I was treated to a 2015 programme by ‘feminist’ Bridget Christie. Part of her ‘comedy’ was making fun of those that complain that the BBC only does left-wing comedy. She then went on to work Margaret Thatcher into a piece about ‘turning’ women. Pretty topical eh? 25 years after Mrs T ceased to be PM!
She made some mention of left-wing women, she didn’t have an instance of them saying anything about ‘turning’. I do sympathise with her though, no ‘left-wing’ woman has ever said anything memorable ever.
In passing, isn’t it remarkable how Major, Blair, Brown and Cameron just seemed to have disappeared from BBC history? Perhaps Mrs T was the last Conservative PM that we have had?
One very small puddle in the swamp one Heidi Allen MP has announced she is standing down as an MP . This traitor was a Tory – then change – now anti democrat .
Apparently the traitor is worn out by the abuse she has received ( for promising to honour a democratic vote and then doing everything possible to destroy it )
Apparently there is a campaign on Twitter for people to cancel their TV license ‘ on mass’ on 2 November . We ll know it’s a success if there are adverts to become licencing Stasi .
Tens of thousands have already signed-up to cancel their TV licenses on the 2nd November in protest of relentless taxpayer-funded anti-Brexit bias. Details on how to cancel (it takes 2 minutes) will be out shortly. Will send a strong message and mighty headache to the BBC.
There is no way the Government are going to get an election through (on their terms) – the Opposition is so scared of losing they WILL decide to allow 16 year olds and EUR citizens to vote …
I’m exploding here, Corbyn is lying: EU citizens CANNOT vote in German elections, in European elections yes but not in German ones. ONLY once you have taken on German nationality are you allowed to vote.
They are talking absolute rubbish with Bercow as usual letting the screaming and yelling continue while PM or Government MPs are talking but as soon as Corbyn takes the stand Government MPs are told to behave.
The fat Scottish slob is now blathering on so I may be forced to switch off “we were told Scotland was going to be respected“ … OK off switch …
Call him Scotch, Frusty. Historically and grammatically accurate – the childish paranoia about whisky is a very recent aberration – in common use for centuries, and it winds people like Blackbum up very nicely.
The BBC were happy to pass on to my ears (and those of hundreds of thousands of other listeners) attacks on Dominic Cummings, the PM’s Chief of Staff. Funny thing, but back in the days of Theresa May in No.10 the BBC were happy to do the opposite and, in fact, lionised Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy.
The Labour Party (and others) fear Dominic Cummings. I can’t think why. He’s been a bit of a disaster in his current job and he cannot claim that he was responsible for the Leave Campaign winning the EU Referendum. Nevertheless, The Montacutie did ask about him – twice – and on one of those occasions pressed James Cleverly, current Conservative Party Chairman, about him.
Cleverly was up to the task and scored another win against the BBC.
Hey, Tony, your boys are taking a hell of a beating!
Former Tory MP Heidi Allen who left to join Change UK and has since mover to the Not So Liberal undemocrats, has announced that she intends to stand down as an MP at the next election because of people shouting abuse in the street and on-line
Nothing to do with the fact that the people who elected her are now telling her to foxtrox Oscar
President Trump announces the death of al-Baghdadi’s ‘number one replacement’
Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s number one replacement has been terminated by American troops. Most likely would have taken the top spot – Now he is also Dead!
Unlike O’Barmy who took out nothing-to-do-with-islam Bin-Laden through gritted teeth to boost his poll ratings, the Don is clearly enjoying taking out the senior echelons of IS, and insulting them to boot.
Much to the horror of Hollywood snowflakes like one-time actress Jamie Lee Curtis who tweeted: “He may have died a coward @realDonaldTrump but ALL living things suffer when they are blown up. Anyone who has experienced warfare, unlike yourself, would know that. War is brutal. Dogs are brave, bold, loyal, loving and healing”.
Thereby completely failing to understand there’s a reason Trump compared him to a dog, which is that in islam dogs are considered unclean at best, demons at worst, especially black ones.
Failing to understand along with pretty much the entire media. They can’t ALL be unaware of it, so it has to be deliberate, brought on by terminal cases of TDS.
8pm R4 Manosphere
Follow men’s rights activist Phillip Tanzer on a guided tour of the online community fighting feminism.
..The blurb talks about the producer being surprised that so many women are active in the men’s rights movement.
Oh Look! – a @BBCRadio4 Programme for all those inadequate, insecure, #misogynistic men who feel threatened by equal opportunities for women, & the bonfire of the #Patriarchy – which has been a curse on the World since the beginning of the Human species – ‘Into the #Manosphere’
— #ChiUniOneSmallPoliticalVoice- Rob BW (@RobB_W1) October 29, 2019
I commented on this earlier and this post just exemplifies the F**ing idiots out there.
Why is it that all men misogynistic and no women misanderistic Why is it that on Hairy Bikers they came across 3 separate groups run by matriarchies if patriarchy is the norm..
these people just can’t accept that equality doesn’t mean positive discrimination…and I as for inadequate or insecure – just the normal name calling of anyone who challenges the Lib mob views
@JamesArthur At arounf d 8:22pm The presenter Alvaro Alvarez Ricciardelli said the highlight speaker of the conference was a CB whom he said “is widely seen as black, even a *b$gger*”, and informed us that this guy had *raped a British MP*, he’s been banned from Patron… ” Why did he need to spend minutes framing this guy , before he played a clip of this guy actually so much shorter than the framing ?
He then brought on Tracie Farrell a feminist activist who hadn’t been at the conference but had some views
She said “The connection with the *b$ggers* has been observed by members.. they feel the *b$gger* have taken over
I say you need to observe your bedfellows
*b$ggers*, *b$ggers*..that is a reflection point for those communities ”
Did you see what happened Mr CB is so toxic that the presenter sandwiched him between a framing and a warning from an authority figure.
What I would say is wrong is using labels like *b$gger* to dehumanise them
and misrepresenting them to say they have done bad things like rape when they haven’t is entirely wrong
It is wrong to use smear word labels on people and misrepresent them in an attempt to exclude them.
Do you get what I am saying ? Of course the word *b$gger* was not used ..rather “far right” was the toxic label used
And CB is Carl Benjamin
… and the presenter misrepresented him by saying CB had made a joke about “raping a British MP”
..when he certainly did not.
Also the presenter chose not to mention that CB identifies as ” a classical liberal”
These pseudoliberals just dehumanise people just as black people used to get dehumanised.
I wonder if that BBC presenter Alvaro Alvarez Ricciardelli was himself kicked off Twitter ?
His account @aaricciardelli has been deactivated in the last year
Either by Twitter or by him
Here is another example of a someone throwing the dehumanising label Far-Right on a comedian
A comedian who actually created lib parody character TitaniaMcGrath
.(though that fact is over the head of the complainer)
#digihuman on @BBCRadio4 – Andrew Doyle is an active part of the far Right organisation #Spiked (the cult formerly known as the #RCP), not simply a 'comedian'. In the interests of transparency, he should have been introduced as such by Aleks Krotoski.
Now this same BBC presenter Alvaro Alvarez Ricciardelli
was responsible for a recent BbcNews fake cickbait headline
“Black women ‘five times more likely to die in childbirth’
,,do they ? what do you reckon
Are lots of dead black women being wheeled out of the delivery room ?
Nope ..His stat is not is not for the delivery day..It’s that some women (very few) die in between conceiving and 1 year after birth
this doesn’t happen to 99% of black women, but it happens to even less white women
BBC More Or Less debunked his meme
If you tune into the parliament channel after a few minutes you might notice a strong strange smell arising in your home . It is the stink of decay which pervades the traitor parliament and the particularly strong smell of corruption coming from Bercow .
Will bad weather stop people voting? – Asks BBC
This is an enduring idea which instinctively feels right. In the cold and damp December weather, surely people will be less inclined to turn out and vote.
However, experts say there is no evidence from the UK to suggest that bad weather stops people from voting.
Ha ha. Wrong. Everyone knows, our little children know, that we are in a climate emergency, the science is settled, and it is going to be as hot and dry as hell this December.
“MPs debate bill paving way for 12 December election”
Beware, the traitor remainers want to ‘cook the books’ by giving 16 and 17-year olds and EU nationals the vote.
Also, since when did general elections depend on student holiday breaks ?
How many British politicians have been colluding with the EU leaders ?
The EU’s tentacles do not let go easily. Neither does Al Beeb and the MSM.
Thanks for that I will share it around all the Taffs in Taffland, the true Brexiteers . That blue duster is not a patch on the Red Dragon.
Cymru Am Byth !
Where did they dig up some of those Opposition MPs?
Cat Smith (Labour, currently speaking – and putting forward an amendment!) looks (and sounds) as if she’s about 12?!
They can’t possibly introduce children/foreigners voting into law in a rush … (surely they can see where the fixed term Parliament has got us?)
The whole country/nation will come to regret a decision like this and they (presumably) can’t just take it back in the future … what complete utter rubbish!
As someone here said earlier – they weren’t prepared to deal with Brexit in a couple of weeks but want to pass such a wide-reaching law in a week!!??
Good grief – I can hardly watch …
Wouldn’t have thought it could have got any more chaotic.
I think the blatant attempt to gerrymander the election has failed for now,
if I wasn’t already furious to the point of boiling over, I would be now at this attempt to diminish the value of my vote and make sure my voice is never heard again.
Am seriously looking forward to the canvassers knocking on my door
Kaiser.. yes I’m looking forward to a knock on my door and the labour party candidate standing there. She will be sorry she came. She will not have a welcome
The Deputy Speaker has ruled out votes for 16 and 17 year olds, and also votes for European citizens — thank God. We ought to be thankful for small mercies.
Thank you – I’m actually shocked that they even contemplated such treachery as allowing 3 million EU people and kids to vote without any legitimacy at all .
It really shows how corrupt the traitor parliament is
Rumour has it some of the hardened rebels are blacklisted. Letwin and Clarke are standing down anyway.
On a side note I heard that Soubry has been kicking up a fuss. My guess is she knows this she is now pretty much out of a job and her 0% party will be forgotten about not that anyone remembers them anyway
“Heidi Allen to Stand Down as South Cambridgeshire MP” How many more MP’s will jump before being pushed ?
More importantly, how many Tory MPS will BoJo let back in to the fold to re stand as Conservative MPs?
Whatever Al Beeb or BoJo says or does, I will be voting for The Brexit Party.
If Tory party members cant see the Tory MPs for what they are, then they are deluded .
Are 90% of giraffes gay – or have their loving looks been misunderstood?
Dawn Butler’s claims regarding animal sexuality have been called ‘offensive’ and ‘homophobic’ by one of Jeremy Corbyn’s advisers. But what’s the scientific verdict?
Next item “litter fines”
… “over 18’s can be fined £100”
Hangon if you are now an adult at 16, then you should pay the same as other adults
Somehow I don’t the 16 year olds are going to be giving up their discount privileges
Oh wouldn’t that be lovely, it’s my birthday on Friday and I was looking forward to a Brexit as a present, I was going to treat myself to a meal out to celebrate so I was very dissapointed this week.
DS, then tomorrow is the day when papers need to be filed and pressure put on for a quick hearing. Who will do it, I wonder? Mr Tilbrook, this would have been the right moment to choose. Instead like Bojo, you went off bang – too soon – and got burned.
Whereas on the UK main page the article title is ‘Do voters want a referendum or an election?’
I can’t be bothered to read the whole biased crap – you know what Al Beeb want the answer to be, but all polls are showing 40%+ saying they support a general election…but according to Al Beeb and the author of the article
‘These figures hardly suggest widespread enthusiasm for an election.’
I’m not actually sure which way I’d vote, but considering I didn’t get my postal vote for the Euro elections in time, I’m not getting too excited.
Student vote might be tamed by this. Wise move so lets hope it stays that way. Labour and Lib Dems might be annoyed about this but let them fight each over and split their votes
I reckon any new government with a majority would keep the fixed term parliament act . It is a weapon of tyranny as we’ve seen in the last few months .
I’ve put up the midweek thread after counting the number of days to the election – which I think is 44 . If the country votes for a Remain coalition – with a sizeable majority in both seats and voters then the dream of leaving the EU will become just that and we brexiters will have to go back to square one …..
….but I thing people have had enough of Brussells abuse and visit the sword of revenge on a lot of traitors on all sides .
The Fixed Term Parliament Act was imposed on Cameron by The Lib Dems to try to protect their fear that their should the polls indicate the Conservatives were becoming more popular with the voters during the term of the coalition, Cameron would call a snap election and turf them out. ( as eventually proved to be the case after the full term in 2015 ).
Source claims that Farage might not field candidates for every seat to prevent taking votes off a Tory Brexiteer and handing votes to Labour or Lib Dems.
I think that their main focus could be in Labour leave seats where they stand a high chance of winning. It would be a huge humiliation to Labour to lose their heartlands and gave add some hard Brexit balance into parliament.
The Lib Dems look like the party to watch out for as they seem to be doing well in local elections and this might be their ‘best election yet’ but the chance of them not winning overall is huge but they are pushing revoke so a vote for the LDs is a vote against Brexit.
My area is safe Conservative (Conor Burns, hard Brexit supporter) and was a casual leave but with a history of Lib Dem support and on the councils. Two Universities as well so a danger of a small LD gain. The South West might be an area at risk.
Not sure how things could be played in Scotland due to the Unionist/ Nationalist divide but Scotland independence/ EU remain is hogged by the Lib Dems. Will the LDs do a pact with the SNP to stand in Unionist/ remain areas? Brexit Party support seems smaller than in England & Wales and only limit UKIP history. Tories might need to get a strong replacement of Ruth Davidson who represents Unionist/ Brexit support to keep their seats or make gains. Labour set for defeat in Scotland.
Wales looks the same as England but with Plaid thrown in the mix. I expect a pact with LDs to get remain over but Brexit Party could do well in the valleys and cities. Tory support never strong but the Tories have lead in the past two Welsh Assembly opinion polls at the expense of Labour.
By the looks of things Labour are in for a rough rise and by going into an election with no confidence in themselves of their leader and no clue of Brexit on the hardend Marxists will support them (the same ones who have been convinced that Corbyn is about to enter Downing Street for two years now)
Now who will the BBC support? Will they be like the Guardian split on support for Labour or Lib Dems while pushing remain? The Tories will be sneered at while TBP will be ignored completely unless the BBC want to encourage split votes?
The BBC will break the rules. It was bad enough in the last GE but over the past two years they have really got ahead of themselves and will spout any old bias just to give remain a vote
Yay! Nicki Morgan the woman who refused to privatise the BBC has announced she is leaving politics – for good! Well good for us, and the people who believe in free market economics !
The fact that Lizzie Antifa Dearden put up a report very early at 6:35pm makes it seem unlikely to be 2 Muslims
Twitter says a guy called police at 2:30pm to say he thought 2 guys in a black Range Rover were acting suspiciously..
two men were arrested under the Terrorism Act.
Bomb disposal officers were called out this afternoon after suspicious items were found in a Range Rover on Deansgate. The items have now been declared safe.
but the men remain in custody.
Sorry if already posted but just saw this: Croydon tram crash driver Alfred Dorris will not be prosecuted on the Beeb. I’m pretty sure if I fell asleep behind the wheel of my car and crashed it killing a number of people I would be prosecuted. What are the extenuating circumstances that see this guy get off?
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
As the BBC gears up for ‘reporting’… cough… ‘impartially’, remember their form with those they don’t like…
OT, but the BBC is getting close too…
Dec 9th. or 12th.
They (remoaners) want the 9th. because of all the students. They want to get them to block vote and win places where they would otherwise lose. (And if they then go home and vote again all the better)
Consider Durham (University City)
The students vote could easily get a Lib Dem installed as MP and this would leave the people who actually live there permanently with an MP none of them want.
Students should vote in their home constituency and not somewhere they will only be for a short while.
Regarding the possible ‘votz for kidz’
I wonder what bribes labour would give to get the children’s vote.
Free sweets?
A dolly for the little girl voters and an action man for the little boys?
It’s very satisfying watching the remoaner mp’s squirming and complaining about the election.
They know what’s coming.
These mp’s saying an election will probably give the same parliament are in for a shock, about 450 shocks I would estimate.l
Looks like December the 12th is still on. Lets hope that pushes the student vote out a bit to even things out.
By even things out I mean keep out the ones who are more likely to fall for BBC bias
I wonder if the state broadcaster gets the irony of doing a story about narcissists being ‘ happy ‘ on the same day that traitor MPs are planning to keep their very one speaker in the chair again .
For his character – he must be the happiest man in the country …
Listening to Radio 4 Extra last night I was treated to a 2015 programme by ‘feminist’ Bridget Christie. Part of her ‘comedy’ was making fun of those that complain that the BBC only does left-wing comedy. She then went on to work Margaret Thatcher into a piece about ‘turning’ women. Pretty topical eh? 25 years after Mrs T ceased to be PM!
She made some mention of left-wing women, she didn’t have an instance of them saying anything about ‘turning’. I do sympathise with her though, no ‘left-wing’ woman has ever said anything memorable ever.
In passing, isn’t it remarkable how Major, Blair, Brown and Cameron just seemed to have disappeared from BBC history? Perhaps Mrs T was the last Conservative PM that we have had?
One very small puddle in the swamp one Heidi Allen MP has announced she is standing down as an MP . This traitor was a Tory – then change – now anti democrat .
Apparently the traitor is worn out by the abuse she has received ( for promising to honour a democratic vote and then doing everything possible to destroy it )
One less
Apparently there is a campaign on Twitter for people to cancel their TV license ‘ on mass’ on 2 November . We ll know it’s a success if there are adverts to become licencing Stasi .
Jay Beecher’s tweet popped up
There is no way the Government are going to get an election through (on their terms) – the Opposition is so scared of losing they WILL decide to allow 16 year olds and EUR citizens to vote …
I’m exploding here, Corbyn is lying: EU citizens CANNOT vote in German elections, in European elections yes but not in German ones. ONLY once you have taken on German nationality are you allowed to vote.
They are talking absolute rubbish with Bercow as usual letting the screaming and yelling continue while PM or Government MPs are talking but as soon as Corbyn takes the stand Government MPs are told to behave.
The fat Scottish slob is now blathering on so I may be forced to switch off “we were told Scotland was going to be respected“ … OK off switch …
Gees, they talk about not rushing Brexit yet talk of suddenly imposing a voting age of 16 and giving EU citizens the vote.
No , not on.
Call him Scotch, Frusty. Historically and grammatically accurate – the childish paranoia about whisky is a very recent aberration – in common use for centuries, and it winds people like Blackbum up very nicely.
“fat Scottish slob”: can’t think who you mean. Bring me my machine gun of burning gold!
Frustrated, Jeremy Corbyn will do anything, use anyone, to get through the door of No.10 as Prime Minister.
He is desperate to be PM.
TWatO Watch #2 – Dissing Dominic
The BBC were happy to pass on to my ears (and those of hundreds of thousands of other listeners) attacks on Dominic Cummings, the PM’s Chief of Staff. Funny thing, but back in the days of Theresa May in No.10 the BBC were happy to do the opposite and, in fact, lionised Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy.
The Labour Party (and others) fear Dominic Cummings. I can’t think why. He’s been a bit of a disaster in his current job and he cannot claim that he was responsible for the Leave Campaign winning the EU Referendum. Nevertheless, The Montacutie did ask about him – twice – and on one of those occasions pressed James Cleverly, current Conservative Party Chairman, about him.
Cleverly was up to the task and scored another win against the BBC.
Hey, Tony, your boys are taking a hell of a beating!
Former Tory MP Heidi Allen who left to join Change UK and has since mover to the Not So Liberal undemocrats, has announced that she intends to stand down as an MP at the next election because of people shouting abuse in the street and on-line
Nothing to do with the fact that the people who elected her are now telling her to foxtrox Oscar
President Trump announces the death of al-Baghdadi’s ‘number one replacement’
That tweet has 100K likes already
Premiums for life insurance if you put down – occupation : ISIS leader – must be getting pretty high these days .
I was musing why the name of the special forces dog the US used to kill one of our enemies has been kept secret .
Is it because he is called “ Obama”
the dog’s a dog then..not a bitch?..I haven’t studied the pix available too carefully.
Two down, two billion to go?
Somehow I don’t think we have seen the end of this evil.
Unlike O’Barmy who took out nothing-to-do-with-islam Bin-Laden through gritted teeth to boost his poll ratings, the Don is clearly enjoying taking out the senior echelons of IS, and insulting them to boot.
Much to the horror of Hollywood snowflakes like one-time actress Jamie Lee Curtis who tweeted: “He may have died a coward @realDonaldTrump but ALL living things suffer when they are blown up. Anyone who has experienced warfare, unlike yourself, would know that. War is brutal. Dogs are brave, bold, loyal, loving and healing”.
Thereby completely failing to understand there’s a reason Trump compared him to a dog, which is that in islam dogs are considered unclean at best, demons at worst, especially black ones.
Failing to understand along with pretty much the entire media. They can’t ALL be unaware of it, so it has to be deliberate, brought on by terminal cases of TDS.
8pm R4 Manosphere
Follow men’s rights activist Phillip Tanzer on a guided tour of the online community fighting feminism.
..The blurb talks about the producer being surprised that so many women are active in the men’s rights movement.
I think he is a guy who used to star in gay porn, who then got hatemail when he came out as straight
A couple of R4 libmobbers got triggered
I commented on this earlier and this post just exemplifies the F**ing idiots out there.
Why is it that all men misogynistic and no women misanderistic Why is it that on Hairy Bikers they came across 3 separate groups run by matriarchies if patriarchy is the norm..
these people just can’t accept that equality doesn’t mean positive discrimination…and I as for inadequate or insecure – just the normal name calling of anyone who challenges the Lib mob views
Interesting CV
@JamesArthur At arounf d 8:22pm The presenter Alvaro Alvarez Ricciardelli said the highlight speaker of the conference was a CB whom he said “is widely seen as black, even a *b$gger*”, and informed us that this guy had *raped a British MP*, he’s been banned from Patron… ”
Why did he need to spend minutes framing this guy , before he played a clip of this guy actually so much shorter than the framing ?
He then brought on Tracie Farrell a feminist activist who hadn’t been at the conference but had some views
She said “The connection with the *b$ggers* has been observed by members.. they feel the *b$gger* have taken over
I say you need to observe your bedfellows
*b$ggers*, *b$ggers*..that is a reflection point for those communities ”
Did you see what happened Mr CB is so toxic that the presenter sandwiched him between a framing and a warning from an authority figure.
What I would say is wrong is using labels like *b$gger* to dehumanise them
and misrepresenting them to say they have done bad things like rape when they haven’t is entirely wrong
It is wrong to use smear word labels on people and misrepresent them in an attempt to exclude them.
Do you get what I am saying ? Of course the word *b$gger* was not used ..rather “far right” was the toxic label used
And CB is Carl Benjamin
… and the presenter misrepresented him by saying CB had made a joke about “raping a British MP”
..when he certainly did not.
Also the presenter chose not to mention that CB identifies as ” a classical liberal”
These pseudoliberals just dehumanise people just as black people used to get dehumanised.
I wonder if that BBC presenter Alvaro Alvarez Ricciardelli was himself kicked off Twitter ?
His account @aaricciardelli has been deactivated in the last year
Either by Twitter or by him
Here is another example of a someone throwing the dehumanising label Far-Right on a comedian
A comedian who actually created lib parody character TitaniaMcGrath
.(though that fact is over the head of the complainer)
Now this same BBC presenter Alvaro Alvarez Ricciardelli
was responsible for a recent BbcNews fake cickbait headline
“Black women ‘five times more likely to die in childbirth’
,,do they ? what do you reckon
Are lots of dead black women being wheeled out of the delivery room ?
Nope ..His stat is not is not for the delivery day..It’s that some women (very few) die in between conceiving and 1 year after birth
this doesn’t happen to 99% of black women, but it happens to even less white women
BBC More Or Less debunked his meme
If you tune into the parliament channel after a few minutes you might notice a strong strange smell arising in your home . It is the stink of decay which pervades the traitor parliament and the particularly strong smell of corruption coming from Bercow .
Will bad weather stop people voting? – Asks BBC
This is an enduring idea which instinctively feels right. In the cold and damp December weather, surely people will be less inclined to turn out and vote.
However, experts say there is no evidence from the UK to suggest that bad weather stops people from voting.
Ha ha. Wrong. Everyone knows, our little children know, that we are in a climate emergency, the science is settled, and it is going to be as hot and dry as hell this December.
I hope it won’t be so cold that people will not know what they are voting for !
“MPs debate bill paving way for 12 December election”
Beware, the traitor remainers want to ‘cook the books’ by giving 16 and 17-year olds and EU nationals the vote.
Also, since when did general elections depend on student holiday breaks ?
How many British politicians have been colluding with the EU leaders ?
The EU’s tentacles do not let go easily. Neither does Al Beeb and the MSM.
Im out of contact with State Broadcaster TV and Radio but the idea of granting the vote to 16 year olds and EU National ?????
Where is the mandate for that ? what manifesto promises that ???
IT IS INSANITY NOW and people just seem to shrug their shoulders .
Surely – surely – if such an extreme change in voting was to be considered surely surely – there would be need for a …….
….Referendum …….
Call me old fashioned but only British adults should vote in elections, not children or foreigners.
Not “old fashioned” but democratic and fair .
Just for you Taffman…
Thanks for that I will share it around all the Taffs in Taffland, the true Brexiteers . That blue duster is not a patch on the Red Dragon.
Cymru Am Byth !
Well done Taff……….. Enjoy Friday.
Where did they dig up some of those Opposition MPs?
Cat Smith (Labour, currently speaking – and putting forward an amendment!) looks (and sounds) as if she’s about 12?!
They can’t possibly introduce children/foreigners voting into law in a rush … (surely they can see where the fixed term Parliament has got us?)
The whole country/nation will come to regret a decision like this and they (presumably) can’t just take it back in the future … what complete utter rubbish!
As someone here said earlier – they weren’t prepared to deal with Brexit in a couple of weeks but want to pass such a wide-reaching law in a week!!??
Good grief – I can hardly watch …
Wouldn’t have thought it could have got any more chaotic.
I think the blatant attempt to gerrymander the election has failed for now,
if I wasn’t already furious to the point of boiling over, I would be now at this attempt to diminish the value of my vote and make sure my voice is never heard again.
Am seriously looking forward to the canvassers knocking on my door
Kaiser.. yes I’m looking forward to a knock on my door and the labour party candidate standing there. She will be sorry she came. She will not have a welcome
The Deputy Speaker has ruled out votes for 16 and 17 year olds, and also votes for European citizens — thank God. We ought to be thankful for small mercies.
Im out of contact with State Broadcaster TV and Radio but the idea of granting the vote to 16 year olds and EU National ?????
Where is the mandate for that ? what manifesto promises that ???
IT IS INSANITY NOW and people just seem to shrug their shoulders .
Surely – surely – if such an extreme change in voting was to be considered surely surely – there would be need for a …….
….Referendum …….
Was that Lindsey Hoyle ? one of the few sane ones left ?
Yes it was.
Thank you – I’m actually shocked that they even contemplated such treachery as allowing 3 million EU people and kids to vote without any legitimacy at all .
It really shows how corrupt the traitor parliament is
tories now restoring the whip to the 21 I smell treachery
just 10 at the P Hammond, Gauke nor K I understand it
Rumour has it some of the hardened rebels are blacklisted. Letwin and Clarke are standing down anyway.
On a side note I heard that Soubry has been kicking up a fuss. My guess is she knows this she is now pretty much out of a job and her 0% party will be forgotten about not that anyone remembers them anyway
“Heidi Allen to Stand Down as South Cambridgeshire MP” How many more MP’s will jump before being pushed ?
More importantly, how many Tory MPS will BoJo let back in to the fold to re stand as Conservative MPs?
Whatever Al Beeb or BoJo says or does, I will be voting for The Brexit Party.
If Tory party members cant see the Tory MPs for what they are, then they are deluded .
BBC in crisis management mode.
Female comedians fear this study* could put off women from trying to make it in the industry
*Not, as such, coming up with results to suit.
Local news “We’ll ask if a December 12th election will make it difficult for Lincoln University students to vote”
Tosh look at there term dates
BBC House journal has this:
Are 90% of giraffes gay – or have their loving looks been misunderstood?
Dawn Butler’s claims regarding animal sexuality have been called ‘offensive’ and ‘homophobic’ by one of Jeremy Corbyn’s advisers. But what’s the scientific verdict?
Giraffes… gay giraffes… Dawn Butler… Jez…
How the bbc runs on with this will be AWESOME.
Next item “litter fines”
… “over 18’s can be fined £100”
Hangon if you are now an adult at 16, then you should pay the same as other adults
Somehow I don’t the 16 year olds are going to be giving up their discount privileges
I have a modest bet that we Leave as ‘No Deal’ on Thursday.
Reasons to be cheerful…
Oh wouldn’t that be lovely, it’s my birthday on Friday and I was looking forward to a Brexit as a present, I was going to treat myself to a meal out to celebrate so I was very dissapointed this week.
DS, then tomorrow is the day when papers need to be filed and pressure put on for a quick hearing. Who will do it, I wonder? Mr Tilbrook, this would have been the right moment to choose. Instead like Bojo, you went off bang – too soon – and got burned.
Dream on – I wish it were so….I am not even convinced we won’t end up with another hung parliament
Sir John Curtice: Do voters really want another general election?
Whereas on the UK main page the article title is ‘Do voters want a referendum or an election?’
I can’t be bothered to read the whole biased crap – you know what Al Beeb want the answer to be, but all polls are showing 40%+ saying they support a general election…but according to Al Beeb and the author of the article
‘These figures hardly suggest widespread enthusiasm for an election.’
I’m not actually sure which way I’d vote, but considering I didn’t get my postal vote for the Euro elections in time, I’m not getting too excited.
I wonder if there are any more comments that can describe this vote-winner for kids…
Student vote might be tamed by this. Wise move so lets hope it stays that way. Labour and Lib Dems might be annoyed about this but let them fight each over and split their votes
Just trying to explain to my American friend why our parliament gets to decide when there will be an election.
Why they have so much power.
This country NEEDS electoral reform.
I reckon any new government with a majority would keep the fixed term parliament act . It is a weapon of tyranny as we’ve seen in the last few months .
I’ve put up the midweek thread after counting the number of days to the election – which I think is 44 . If the country votes for a Remain coalition – with a sizeable majority in both seats and voters then the dream of leaving the EU will become just that and we brexiters will have to go back to square one …..
….but I thing people have had enough of Brussells abuse and visit the sword of revenge on a lot of traitors on all sides .
The Fixed Term Parliament Act was imposed on Cameron by The Lib Dems to try to protect their fear that their should the polls indicate the Conservatives were becoming more popular with the voters during the term of the coalition, Cameron would call a snap election and turf them out. ( as eventually proved to be the case after the full term in 2015 ).
Another demonstration of LibDems treatment of democracy!
Their treatment of Tim Farron shows they don’t do ‘liberal’ either.
Needs to be done but watch the BBC try and defend themselves!
Source claims that Farage might not field candidates for every seat to prevent taking votes off a Tory Brexiteer and handing votes to Labour or Lib Dems.
I think that their main focus could be in Labour leave seats where they stand a high chance of winning. It would be a huge humiliation to Labour to lose their heartlands and gave add some hard Brexit balance into parliament.
The Lib Dems look like the party to watch out for as they seem to be doing well in local elections and this might be their ‘best election yet’ but the chance of them not winning overall is huge but they are pushing revoke so a vote for the LDs is a vote against Brexit.
My area is safe Conservative (Conor Burns, hard Brexit supporter) and was a casual leave but with a history of Lib Dem support and on the councils. Two Universities as well so a danger of a small LD gain. The South West might be an area at risk.
Not sure how things could be played in Scotland due to the Unionist/ Nationalist divide but Scotland independence/ EU remain is hogged by the Lib Dems. Will the LDs do a pact with the SNP to stand in Unionist/ remain areas? Brexit Party support seems smaller than in England & Wales and only limit UKIP history. Tories might need to get a strong replacement of Ruth Davidson who represents Unionist/ Brexit support to keep their seats or make gains. Labour set for defeat in Scotland.
Wales looks the same as England but with Plaid thrown in the mix. I expect a pact with LDs to get remain over but Brexit Party could do well in the valleys and cities. Tory support never strong but the Tories have lead in the past two Welsh Assembly opinion polls at the expense of Labour.
By the looks of things Labour are in for a rough rise and by going into an election with no confidence in themselves of their leader and no clue of Brexit on the hardend Marxists will support them (the same ones who have been convinced that Corbyn is about to enter Downing Street for two years now)
Now who will the BBC support? Will they be like the Guardian split on support for Labour or Lib Dems while pushing remain? The Tories will be sneered at while TBP will be ignored completely unless the BBC want to encourage split votes?
smoogie, IIRC once the GE has been called, broadcasters have to be careful and follow certain rules in their broadcasting.
The BBC will break the rules. It was bad enough in the last GE but over the past two years they have really got ahead of themselves and will spout any old bias just to give remain a vote
The Brexit Party will be full of double agents
.. who are out to sow trouble.
The sneaky Lab/Lib/Con did the same to UKIP
Johnson needs to win 50 seats he doesn’t currently hold to make up for those he will lose in Scotland and to ensure a commons majority.
Many would venture that is an impossible task made worse by his parties cowardice uselessness and incompetence.
He has kids?
“He has kids?”
He probably means all those Twitter Twits who complain to him about ‘right-wing’ bias on the BBC because only 98% of the guests are ‘of the left’!
What a D**k..sorry to resort to Left lib name calling.. but really…was that worth a tweet
The fun is just beginning.
Luckily, the British establishment is all about fair play.
Yay! Nicki Morgan the woman who refused to privatise the BBC has announced she is leaving politics – for good! Well good for us, and the people who believe in free market economics !
Manchester terror arrests after suspicious items found in car
Buried deep on the regional Manchester page only – an arrest for a terrorist incident and it isn’t headline news?
The fact that Lizzie Antifa Dearden put up a report very early at 6:35pm makes it seem unlikely to be 2 Muslims
Twitter says a guy called police at 2:30pm to say he thought 2 guys in a black Range Rover were acting suspiciously..
two men were arrested under the Terrorism Act.
Bomb disposal officers were called out this afternoon after suspicious items were found in a Range Rover on Deansgate. The items have now been declared safe.
but the men remain in custody.
Sorry if already posted but just saw this: Croydon tram crash driver Alfred Dorris will not be prosecuted on the Beeb. I’m pretty sure if I fell asleep behind the wheel of my car and crashed it killing a number of people I would be prosecuted. What are the extenuating circumstances that see this guy get off?