At last there may be change ( or a hung parliament with more madness). We must record the far left bias of the BBC with or without restrictions imposed by law on broadcasters to be
‘fair ‘. We all know how the BBC interprets fairness . Let’s drain the swamp .
44 days of election bias thread
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Bristol University think it’s important to deal with aspects of slavery in their past.
And appoints a black woman historian to do this.
Did this non sexist, non-racist university consider some white males for the position ?
I assume part of the syllabus will be the recent enslavement to the EU and the non emancipation brought about by the slave masters and overseers aka Parliament and the Law (Supreme of course).
Well, that would be fair and balanced so obviously it wont happen.
I wonder if she’s related to all those Nigerian people who keep sending me emails telling me I have a lottery prize and if I give them my bank details they’ll forward it ? Maybe not .
Times long letter about Having a national transatlantic slavery memorial.
Not it is not a general anti slavery memorial
Its only about black slaves
Most of the famous race baiters have signed it
The monument will feature the Anti Slavery Society, William Wilberforce – the most well known member, and the Royal Navy,
So, the election has been called and I don’t trust Boris. Thankfully I don’t watch the BBC or any terrestial TV so won’t have to endure the anti British, pro remain propaganda in the run up to the election who might swing onto his side because they know that what he is promising, isn’t actually Brexit.
I’ve volunteered to help the Brexit Party as I feel it a worthy cause and something needing to be done.
When I watched Walking with Destiny about Churchill, they had footage of the public taking to the streets and campaigning for Churchill to replace Chamberlain. The Tories then appointed him PM in a response to the public mood.
What if the public hadn’t been motivated to push for Churchill and the ever reliable morons running the the Conservative party had chosen someone else? I shudder to think how the war and the world might have turned out.
Hence, I owe those folks who went out of their comfort zone to push for Churchill to do the same for the Brexit Party. Yes, people might be wanting to second guess tactical voting and what the Brexit party will do after a win. But all of that is fluff and bluster.
Just as we knew that we need Churchill to help us win the war, we now need the Brexit party to win, we need a No Deal and we need to get out of the mess that is the EU.
I was hoping to contact TBP and ask about local activists to contact to help in some way. I am a member. Searching their website there’s no way of telephoning them. Like most organisations these days, they do not feel comfortable with human contact but seek your cross on a form.
“Please Click on The Donate Button Below To Suport Us” (sic).
That’s all that’s available it seems. Cash only.
Here’s the freephone number from their website
Freephone 0800 414 8525
and there was a volunteer section here
I think in the first part, you submit your details and I guess they’ll contact you if and when they need you. I work different shift patterns, so I may or may not be able to help but I feel passionate enough about this that I want to help if I can.
Thanks very much.
Payne – I always thought Mr Churchill got the top job because of Lord Halifax having a belly ache —too much ‘ yesterday ‘ documentaries …
My understanding was that he was popular with the public and the military and had been warning about the dangers of an evil power endlessly gaining power and needing to be checked.
BBC offices are to install Electric Car charging points in their car parks ,
– which will be unsubsidised
– and at “little or no cost to the licence payer”
Really who will pay for the installation ? Unicorns ?
The only zero cost way is to charge a huge premium for charging to pay for the installation of the charging station.
Nope the licence payer will pay , and never get their money backm
Interesting to note State Broadcaster headline Corbyn attacking on NHS and the economy.
After yesterday’s report that Labour planned a negative campaign (their business person iirc) it really is business as usual so far as kicking the ball into the long grass is concerned.
Leaving the EU is too difficult so there is no plan, other than the May plan, presumably with added workers’ rights?
You are right. The NHS is all Labour have got to campaign on, which is why Worzel was bigging it up in PMQs today.
I did not watch the Channel 4 “expose” of the “secret meetings” between the Americans (boo, hiss!) and the NHS. Apparently it went like this:
Americans: “If you want a trade deal we will have to charge you seven times more for medicines.”
British: “That sounds good, we will do anything for a trade deal with the orange man.”
Anyone who believes this rubbish needs to get on medication whilst we can still afford it.
can anyone actually tell me what these mythical workers rights the EU has created are , that are superior to the ones we have over here??
“Professor Davis reminds us too that the Working Time Directive (2003) which established a 48-hour maximum week does not match protections secured here decades ago. ‘Most negotiated collective agreements in the UK give workers a much better deal: a maximum 40-hour week, a demand championed by the labour movement since the 1880s.’”
Read more at The Conservative Woman
Only NHS?
Don’t forget orsterrittee
and Tory kutz
And of course, the real winner – Student Debt.
Lets hope that the BBC shout down anyone who dares bring that up this time!
Ding dong the witch is gone
If ever an example were needed of MPs from all sides utter contempt for the people they represent and their total lack of understanding of the word ‘democracy’, the nauseous eulogies for this bumptious little narcissist during PMQs did the job rather better than well.
Most frequent words of praise were to confirm how competently he has done his job and how much his diligence and impartiality have improved the workings of ‘this house.’ Sad but true. Listen and weep.
Centuries ago thousands of white Europeans were kidnapped by black and Arab pirates to be sold into slavery in the middle east, including the whole village of Baltimore in Ireland; what about reparations for the relatives of these people?
No? What about reparations for white people who have been victims of murders, violent theft and sexual assaults in recent years by black people?
It does beg the question; if the UK is so bad, why are black people eager to risk their lives to get here by illegal and life threatening means, or to remain here like the people who arrived here on The Windrush?
I refuse to be made to feel guilty for being white or for what happened in the distant past, events that I had no control over.
Lenny Henry is no longer funny, in my opinion he never was. I might be cynical but this ‘Right On’ race hustling face that he now wears is perhaps the only way he can stay in the public (and The Luvvies) spotlight.
Henry doesn’t always disapprove of white people. His ex-wife Dawn French was white, the women he cheated on her with were white and his current Luvvy girlfriend is white.
Don’t tell anyone but I think deep down he really does like white people. After all, he has been richly rewarded over the years for his mediocre talent with money that he has received, mainly from white people.
Perhaps they should now consider being compensated for what he has done to them in the past.
Oh well, Henry’s face will soon be everywhere. The angry scowl will be replaced with a beaming smile because if you didn’t know, it’s BBC Children in Need and he knows who will be contributing the most money.
I also hope Lammy tells off the white luvvies who were filmed in Africa like he did last time. I believe he cost the charity over seven million for his comments about white people helping Africans.
So, no Chile for Winter jollification?
Harrabin and Shuckman will be livid.
Not sure what the word from Greta and XR Santiago is.
There is a certain, perverse, amusing irony that this all stems from a show the BBC stuck where few could see it, to pretend to care what the licence fee payer thinks.
The same licence fee payer who will be covering the fallout costs this latest executive exercise in show how not worth it they all are.
So Jeremy vine gets £3000 for doing ‘points of view ‘ but poor ms Ahmed only got £440 for doing that ‘ review’ show where the state broadcaster tells people they are always wrong .
The employment tribunal will at least perform a function of showing how over paid they all are …
Fedup2, I hope you have recovered from PMQs!
I’ve been out of the loop a bit and have no idea how it came to be that there will be a general election on December 12th. Is it possible that there was some awakening of conscience among the self-serving traitors who sit in parliament? Did they actually realise after all these years that they are accountable to the people?
I am gob smacked by this uncharacteristic acknowledgement of democracy from parliament.
I’m not sure how Labour came to vote for the election either . I suppose the other alt was to muck about with the sell out deal until January -but I think the EU has signalled no further A50 extensions – really
Twitter is suggesting that the brexit party will engage in an informal non combat arrangement with the Tories in key seats . BoJo isn’t man enough to make it formal
Fortunately because it’s the run up to Christmas people will be doing more important stuff than politics so the campaigns won’t move the polls much unless something ‘ unusual ‘ happens .
As I wrote yesterday special rules come in about ‘ fairness’ and ‘ balance ‘ from dissolution next week
Apparently Bercow had a blub on his last day . There is only one word to describe him and that is banned from this site .
Watch for the banned trolls rejoining under new IDs . They get a bit obsessive .
I suppose there are a number of Labour MPs who loath Corbyn enough to want to see him defeated in a GE, even though it’s their own party that will lose out. Just a thought.
Here’s hoping there’s a limit to how many fake identities the trolls can assume.
Mystery Chemical spill in Knightsbridge, London .
Nowt on Al Beeb ? A Flying Gas Main ?
Noxious Substance spilt at restaurant one man taken
to hospital
Police reacted as if it was novichok and close Brompton Road
But then back down
Say it’s not terror.
No clear explanation
The next six weeks is going to be horrible but the end result could be either brilliant or the worst imaginable depending on if people believe the bias that will be spouted from the BBC
Here is the Go-to phrase that Al Beeb will use in the weeks leading up to the general elections…………………………….
“All you need to know about the political parties”. Which we all know really means ……………..What we want you to know.
The Grenfell report finds that fire chief Dany Cotton wasn’t up to the job, and victims’ families are calling for her resignation. I can’t say I’ve followed her stellar career closely, but I suspect she was fast-tracked to the top as a pc box-ticking exercise. Female, tick; lesbian, tick.
A bit like her counterpart Cressida Dick-less at the head of the Met.
It’s doubtful that women in those most physical of jobs made it to the top on merit alone.
However Cotton-bud’s time in the Fire service was not completely wasted.
“In October 2017 she highlighted Fireman Sam in a campaign fighting sexism and promoting the gender-neutral term firefighter. She proposed that the children’s character should be renamed Firefighter Sam.[14] Cotton said that research showed that women are put off a career in the fire service because it is seen as a job for men, and that as Fireman Sam is seen by children from an early age, the name reinforces this stereotype.”
In the interest of quotas perhaps they should be lesbians and trannies too.
I imagine most men join the fire brigade because they like rushing about in fire appliances and experiencing the thrill and risks of working in dangerous situations.
They probably don’t join to go on ‘diversity’ training courses, courses designed, taught and examined by women.
Consequently when it comes to selecting candidates for promotion all of the applicants will meet the (reduced) physical fitness standard, all will have attended a fire (only one needed) but only the female candidates will have those vital certificates that the feminised-management deems essential. All fair and above board!
ITV local news now into a long sisterhood puff piece
‘Local MP gets phone call from Meghan Markle, cos she had organised a letter in solidarity with Meghan signed by 60 female MPs’
Is she the Duchess of Sussex or Meghan Markle?
Therein lies the problem.
I saw that yesterday. The poor little rich princess.
I’d be more impressed if they could be bothered to show some serious concern over the little girls of Rochdale & Rotherham. Modern feminism is such a sham.
On Twitter 3 or 4 people did call them out
saying “Rotherham children are not even on their radar”
They are ClubMarieAntoinette
saying #Save
The ChildrenThePowerful
@LucyPevensey Isn’t this ‘sisterhood rally round to defend Meghan’ SEXIST ?
Like if if MALE MPs rallied round to defend a MAN, and only asked MALE MPs to sign , wouldn’t that be wrong ?
That’s what gets me about kneejerk anti-sexism/ anti-racism people , the first thing they do is divide the world by sex/race
so they themselves are inherently sexist and racist.
Yep, hypocrisy reigns.
Two men arrested in Salford. Terrorism ?
Come on Al Beeb catch up .
Not terrorism – austere religious scholarship
Austerity? Then it must be the Tories’ fault. (#ToryCuts)
Our local newsreader Peter Levy is wearing a very small metal poppy badge. Is he saving the world’s resources and perhaps the money in his pocket? I hope if he wears it again next year he gives another donation to the British Legion.
It’s small, so he’s top being over the top.
The item on refugee doctors was all very jolly difficult questions asked.
The local health chief saying “These doctors are already fully qualified in their home countries, so there is no reason why they can’t quickly work here”
Hangon is it that easy ?
Can someone who did well in a corrupt backward country come straight into working in a UK hospital ?
Some might be great, some might be blackmailed by ISIS to steal NHS drugs etc
Are we not adding to pull factor.
Pulling doctors out of countries where they more needed.
etc. etc.
si he’s NOT being over the top
TWatO Watch #1 – faulty Grenfell correspondent replaced
It was noticeable today that Martin had gone to be replaced by Tom and the tone was rather different. Less strident and emphatic and more nuanced about the role of the cladding.
I’m firmly in Indiana Jones territory over this Moore-Bick Inquiry: “I have a bad feeling about this.”
I think it is going to be a whitewash with none of the questions that some/many people have and want answered ignored or omitted. The focus is on the cladding all the time, I think as a distraction.
TWatO Watch #2 – Faulty Mayor definitely needs replacing
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, was brought on to TWatO to discuss Grenfell and London Fire Brigade and Sarah showed a little steel for a change. A little. Very little. But some steel – no doubt we should be grateful for what little we get – and she persistently reminded the Mayor and listeners that he is responsible for LFB and their financing & budget but Sarah did not mention that last bit.
Sadiq Khan kept trying to blame the Government for cuts. He is as dishonest as that BBC correspondent bloke, Martin, who was on TWatO yesterday.
Remoaners discuss election pact.
I can see a surprise election result. Lib Dem and Labour have equal seats and enough together to defeat the Tories.
Corbyn is not considered PM material and the needle points at tight sweater. And, despite mockery, her prediction comes true.
Not that impossible. She has the BBC and MSM on her side, plus secret help and support from the EU. A weak Tory Party with Boris yielding to any opposition. The yoony vote is hers. Tory and TBP speakers will be no platformed in our tax subsidised yoonies.,
It’s possible.
And we deserve it for tolerating this Tory Party for so long
In case anyone is interested, I’ve just been notified that Richard Braine has resigned as leader of UKIP.
No explanation given.
It’s an interesting time to resign, just as a General Election is about to take place.
I think this must mark the end of UKIP. I’ll probably let my membership expire and not renew it.
Plenty to traitors announcing they are not trying to keep their seats . Nicky Morgan – culture Secretary is going too ….
More space for The Brexit Party MPs.
The swamp has become ‘self draining’ .
I think the resignation is a route to sacking the rogue governing council
Now the local groups are free to start a vote of no confidence in it. and it can be booted out ..and Braine or someone can come back.
I doubt that there will be any membership left after this latest move by Richard Braine. He was a really good leader, the best for a long while.
To those who don’t know what is going on I tell you. Ukip is being destroyed from within by a group that don’t believe in democracy. They do control the administration though.
Sounds familiar?
I finished mine when Gerard Batten was barred from the position.
Day one. BBC are making sure they fact check anything Boris says !!! Looking forward to all the fact checking of Corbyn and Swinson in the coming days !!!!!!
Won’t hold my breath. Bias ? What Bias ??
Unless we get a proper Brexit, moving the so-called exit day will also involve moving the end of the transition period, so Boris is right and ‘Fact Check’ is wrong.
Quentin Letts, always worth a read – has a piece in The Times today about Antony Seldon’s book on the traitor Teresa May – and her responsibility for completely screwing the country through brexit . Apparently made Gordon Brown look ok . That took something .
Bill Cash in Parliament tonight.
“It’s not a case
of the rats
LEAVING a sinking ship
…. but of the rats
trying to sink the LEAVING ship”
Oh you spoilt that one Rachel
Her next tweet
Personally I’ll be voting for @ChukaUmunna
OK the Express like all print media don’t pretend to be impartial
especially in headline writing
… but it’s interesting the way that SkyNews is running this Express story on their own website
especially as Sky is such an anti-Brexit network.
Chile Cancels Annual Talk-Fest For Climate Activists
“COP25 was orig. supposed to be hosted by Brazil.
But [last Nov], just 2 months after being announced as the summit’s host nation, then Pres.-elect Bolsonaro pulled out
..recently chosen a foreign minister who claimed “climate alarmism” was just a plot by “cultural Marxists”
Where’s Greta going to be journeying to instead ?
These days bigots throw around the FR word not the N-word
Why do I sense there is a particular BBC slant here?
BBC News
“There are so many different platforms to meet people…but it was the real possibility of being able to meet people in real life and have authentic connection.”
Three minutes to find a soulmate, who shares your faith. (BBC Asian Network)
“Muslim speed dating: Three minutes to find a soulmate who shares your…”
..emm by the law of Kowhat it is illegal for a woman to be alone with a man unless a chaperone is present.
For there’s also Muslim fundamentalist speed dating
You turn up, you are introduced to a stranger, you marry him, or your family shoot you.
Still a bit confused by all the references on this site to Jo Swinson as “The Sweater.”
I was always told by an old Londoner friend of mine that anybody like her would have been called “The Sweaty.” (Sweaty Sock/Jock)
Or am I missing something?
@TC, Search for ‘Jo Swinson Sweater’ on Twitter
aka JOSS from now on then TC – “Jo Sweaty Sweater”
Trick – I thought it was just casual sexism because she wears over tight clothing which make her breasts stick out . It’s one of those physical characteristic things which certain people use as a weapon to gain the moral high ground . Same goes if one refers to Diane Abbott as ‘thick’ – this will be proceeded with allegations of racism .
If you heard her on Toady this morning being interviewed by the token girl she couldn’t explain why certain named rich people were bad employers who will be dealt with when labour get power .
Also – she surprisingly got the ‘Keith Vaz’ question about buying cocaine for male prostitutes – ‘he should consider his position ‘ quipped Diane – ‘but he still has the Labour whip ‘ says Token interview girl ‘errr’ says Diane ..pray for Diane , pray for ‘Keith ‘ – particularly since his friend and godfather ceases to be speaker today .
How did the joke go?
The Times is read by people who run the country, The Guardian is read by people who want to run the country and The Sun is read by people who don’t care who runs the country, as long as she has big tits.
There is no comedy on the BBC anymore. So see the comedy sketch below for a giggle. It must be comedy. It can’t possibly be serious.
Lucy, I would like to see the huge foot coming out of the sky that they had on Monty Python and crushing this pathetic creature. Followed by the announcement “and now for something completely different”.
Yes, it sure aint the start of, ‘Mr Bean’…………….
I Look forward to his pathetic voice breaking the silence on Classic FM or some other broadcaster equally following a pattern of increased, “News”.
50 MPs are not seeking re-election
On ‘Newsnight’ most thought this was because some, especially women, had been attacked on social media. In one particularly obscure reference, ‘Tommy Robinson’ got mentioned, (his real name wasn’t given}.
That these MPs might have jumped before they are pushed wasn’t considered to be the most plausible reason.
Darn it, I forgot, ‘Newsnight referred to all 50 MPs as moderates
Hope they respect this ruling –
Bbc Moaning Emole:
Twitter to ban all political advertising
Twitter is to ban political advertising worldwide, with chief executive Jack Dorsey saying the reach of such messages “should be earned, not bought”. It represents “yet another attempt by the left to silence Trump and conservatives”, according to the US president’s campaign manager.
However, Democrat Hillary Clinton argues it is “the right thing to do for democracy in America and all over the world”. As BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg points out, many political campaign ads are produced in the hope they will be spread virally. Our round-up offers a taste of the UK parties’ social media campaigning – free and paid for – in the 24 hours after the Commons agreed the election date.
The bbc is keen on this. My twitter timeline was alive with RTs from Beeboids. Zurcher of course.
Thing is, the BBC also allows is staff to have ‘views their own’, which is basically political propaganda by other, albeit ‘unpaid’ means.
And many Beeboids react poorly to being called out on it.
So, censorship too.
Wimmin MPs are leaving the Traitor Parliament . Toady wonders if it’s because of the ‘ abuse’ they’ve received .
But the reason for the abuse isn’t raised . There are various reasons but changing parties without reference to their constituents – which I would suggest is a form of abuse – isn’t raised .
So they put on traitor Sarah wooleston to sob about how nasty things are and how she doesn’t have public contact any more . The interviewer does no challenge about her behaviour – corruption- about promising to support brexit and then fighting it .
There’ll be so much more of this .
Fedup2, I view this as the first revenge by the voters. They now realise that they are on thin ice, so prefer to run from the fight and pretend they have altruistic reasons rather than get humiliated when their ass gets firmly kicked.
Lets see how many try to sneak back in at bye elections in safe seats when the dust has settled.
I’d guess there’s plenty of horse trading going on to get a promise of a gong or quango job for those who ‘stand down’ to spend more time with their MP pension . The final expenses claims and ‘golden goodbyes ‘ will also be being contemplated .
the other day i sat in the hospital waiting room, and the appointment was delayed.. what made it worse they had bbc “news” on in the waiting room!
I never watch bbc propaganda and nearly asked the receptionist to change the channel
Also in the BBC Moaning emole:
How to have an offence-free Halloween
Gone are the days of dressing as a witch or pumpkin, now it’s all about showing off how savvy your pop-culture knowledge is. But we’re also living in a time where outrage is only a click away, and the potential for outfits to offend is higher than ever.
For example, it’s been claimed that Hannibal Lecter costumes mock mental illness, Day of the Dead outfits are cultural appropriation and politically-themed costumes always have the potential to spark arguments. Luckily for you, we’ve come up with some politically sound fancy dress ideas so you don’t have to.
I thought at first was a satirical piece. But no… pure bbc.
The bbc is of course on a full election footing, so every editorial trick in the book will be deployed to get the message the bbc wants across whilst Tony and Fran can still deadpan how ‘impartial’ (more on what I did there later)* they are.
See also: who to invite to say what to “quote”, as in ‘Jo Swinson says “gibber, gibber…”’
Apparently the traitors are going to queue up today to pay homage to this creature .
I really really hope someone with a more realistic view tells him the truth about what he is and what he has done . But I think by the nature of politicians they’ll ‘behave’ and stick to the effusive script .
This will be a state broadcaster free day after Toady .
Toady 2
Tourette’s Robinson demanding bojo should apologise for not getting the UK out of the ReichEU. How biased does this character get ? He knew full well that the responsibility lay with the traitor speaker and the traitor MPs . They have no idea of the anger but I think some might get a taste when they campaign and it won’t be long before the ‘jo cox’ line will be rolled out about nonsense ‘kinder politics’ when in fact it’s a war for the soul of Blighty.
Fed, I’m going to listen to these ‘tributes’ with interest. I wonder if Andrea Leadsom will say anything, or Tory backbencher Shailesh Vara who said of Bercow:
….”has “tarnished the role of Speaker with his biasedness” and the rulebook needs to be re-written to curtail his powers.”
He added…
“Recently we have had a lot of debate about the standards of MPs in the Commons, and given that the Speaker Bercow has at times behaved like verbal playground bully in the way that he treats his colleagues…he insults them, he demeans them, I think that he loses all authority to lecture MPs as to how they should behave when his own behaviour in this in question.”
Over on Ferrari’s show on LBC, MPs are queuing up to say that the reason MPs like Nicky Morgan are not standing in the next election is due to the abuse that they are receiving from members of the public.
I note they are all Remainers.
Proof if needed, that actions have consequences.
If I were a Tory whip I’d just say ‘don’t bother turning up today as there are better things to do like campaign ‘ . So with a bit of luck the ‘government ‘ bench will be empty .
As for ‘intimidation’ – I’ll say something controversial and be careful with my words – due to the ever present threat of committing a ‘crime of hate ‘- but I am really really surprised that certain MPs have not come to physical grief as a consequence of their conduct . As you say – sometimes actions have consequences .
I am particularly interested in the ‘list ‘ of MPs who thought they could just enfranchise 16 year olds and EU citizens with the right to vote .
Politicians always revert at this time of year to the lines of british kids buried in foreign cemeteries who died because idiots cared less about them ( I’m referring to the first European Civil War otherwise known as The Great War ) .
But the thinking about enfranchisement shows that they may have died for nothing if that kind of madness gains traction .
I went to Normandy a couple of years ago Fed and visited the IMAX film theatre in Arromanches. It showed in graphic detail what the allies went through to gain that vital foothold in Europe and the sacrifices these men made.
I left the theatre shaking with anger.
In the research I’ve being doing on my family history I discovered that one of my great-uncles died at Gallipoli and is buried in the Commonwealth War Cemetery in Alexandria in Egypt and that another great-uncle died in Passchendaele and is buried in Belgium.
My maternal grandfather fought and survived the war but like thousands of other men, carried the psychological scars for the remainder of his days.
People of my generation may not have agreed with politicians like Francis Pym and Jim Callaghan but you respected them because they did ‘their bit’ and looking back, I believe they wanted to do the best for the country
The bunch that inhabit the HoC now, added by a national broadcaster that seems to me to hate this country, fill me with nothing but cynicism and despair.
Good Day Cassandra, I don’t know about you, but today is the 31st October and as I was to undertsand it was the day that we the British Peoples were finally leaving the EU-Well I left the EU today and what a refreshing feeling it is, don’t you know. On the question of abuse such as claimed by N. Morgan, one can only comment-if you entered such an arena then you must put up intimidation of one kind or another-goodness what are these wet people like, no guts whatsoever-thank goodness as I wouldn’t want of those snowflakes behind me in any military battle. We are at war and don’t let forget it, against the undoubted evil of those that preside in Brussels, against the traitors that dared to strike action against the 17.4 million voters that placed their tick in the leave box. None should expect to be stting on the H O C benches by the end of December. Perhaps many of us saw Boris Jonson as another Churchill, ready to battle for us, but sadly it seems we have been misled. If the Conservatives win the battle in December Boris Johnson will reserect the W/A agreement and expect it to be passed through, then we shall all be back under the influence and control of the evil EU. Anyway I left today as I said. Yes Cassandra I had a father that fought on the beeches of Dunkirk and luckily being a strong swimmer managed to save himself as well as a wounded man he carried on his back-the family also endured the horrendous time fighting the Japs mainly in the jungles, they were far more cruel than the Nazi’s-yet the Japenese through the massive financial injection from the USA are today major world players in everything-every Empire disolves as the British Empire has, nevertheless much of that which is currently enjoyed throughout was as of a consequence of the British. Raise the Union Jack !
The fun continues:
Of course Ray is now ex-bbc, still faithfully tweeting bbc approved talking points… ‘impartially’ (I combine two bbc Moaning Emole topics in one there)… as does James O’Brien, Gavin Esler, Paul Mason….
Unique, in so many ways.
BBC website home page runs with the following election headlines….
:: Corbyn in election pitch against ‘corrupt system’
:: Corbyn in TV debate challenge
:: Leaders clash over NHS
It’s Politics page runs with….
:: Corbyn in election pitch against corrupt system
:: Corbyn in TV debate challenge
:: Leaders clash over NHS
:: Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan to step down as MP
:: Remain parties in electoral pact ‘negotiations’
Lots of positive Corbyn stuff, no Tory initiatives, no direct Johnson reference, the narratives are already being set…
Always is pro Corbyn on that page!
TOADY Watch # 1 – Bashing Boris
Before the BBC have to be more neutral, on my switch back on (had been listening earlier) I hear Sir Anthony Seldon answer a set-up question, teed up for him by Nick Robinson about what Theresa May thought of her successor as PM. “Not much.” was Sir’s answer.
Creepy, crawly, sign-off for Sir from Nick. How appropriate!
It’s All Hallow’s Eve.
TOADY Watch #2 – Bashing Brexit, Bashing Boris
Woke late. Radio on at 7a.m.. The glee in the TOADY presenter’s voice as he announces the hour news broadcast is apparent. It is 31 October and we haven’t left the EU. We are still in the EU. If I recall correctly, it was Nick Robinson.
Boris has broken his promise.
TOADY Watch #3 – Bashing Brexit, Bashing Boris, Bashing the BBC
Douglas Murray has just called out Nick Robinson. Nick’s been naughty, diverting the discussion to Islam. Nick’s been upset by the comment of Professor Andrew’s agreement with Douglas Murray that the Democrat Party in the USA are in a ‘circular firing squad’. Douglas is not going to be pushed around by Rick Nobinson. He fights back. He pins Nick in his own half.
Douglas Murray (with help from Professor Kaundai(?) Andrews) 9 : 0 Nick Robinson
Oh, Tony Hall, your boys are taking one hell of a beating!
I’ve just been reading about Bercow’s arrogance and bullying and about all the Uriah Heep like tributes he will shortly be receiving from The Honourable Quislings.
So you’ll understand why I won’t be apologising for this!
BBC News on Facebook:
Seven in every 10 inhalers prescribed in England contain propellants harmful to the environment, researchers say.
BBC uses a photo of a typical planet destroyer, namely a Gretaesque moppet.
Looking at her hand, it is possible that she is also the one doing all the stabby stabby in Khan’s London.
TOADY Watch #4 – Worth listening again
The BBC love squeaky voiced American women as contributors or spokespersons on Radio 4. For a change, they had a squeaky voiced American man, Aaron Choudhry, to talk about the banning of paid or otherwise political advertising on the Internet and social networks.
It did not go well for the BBC.
The BBC wish to be the sole arbiters of what is true and is heard – on any subject but especially politics – by the demos, by the people. Ever since the EU Referendum, the BBC have been telling us (the lie) that the Leave Campaign influenced the result through advertising on social networks.
Mr Choudhry knew his stuff. He put Mishal straight.
Mr Choudhry 4 : 0 Mishal Husain
Oh, Sir Tony, your boys took one hell of a beating today.
Can’t post the FB link from my iPad but here is the story:
Twitter is banning political ads but do you scroll through promoted content on social media?
Digital media expert Arun Chaudhary suggests that they aren’t that effective so banning them won’t help. “It’s not such a big deal to get rid of them”
The BBC tries to operate multiple tracks too often.
I’ve just come across this:
Can anyone help? Who remembers this? I was too young to vote or have a political opinion at the time. I do remember my mum & dad saying they didn’t like the idea of the EEC but I don’t remember a vote. Mum & Dad are both passed away now so I can’t ask them.
Lucy, third date is wrong: should be 1970. The June Election was contested by Labour and Conservative Parties on the basis of re-applying to the EEC. Interestingly, Labour brought forward a Bill to bring the voting age down to 18 from 21 years of age. It did not work out for them as well as expected.
From memory, I think, the first date is also wrong – should be 1964 – but I also recall that de Gaulle* said “Non” twice to the UK’s application to join. I could be wrong on that date. Funny thing, I thought of Sir Alec Douglas Home just the other week.
Here’s one for political geeks, it is interesting to consider de Gaulle’s France:
Would the BBC of today describe de Gaulle’s governance of France as ‘Populist’, ‘Far Right’, ‘Right Wing’ and ‘Fascist’? If I recall correctly, it would sure qualify as such.
1975 Referendum:
“The electorate expressed significant support for EC membership, with 67% in favour on a national turnout of 64%.”
Searching on the internet needs emphasis on the, “Common Market” which was the first manifestation of this socialist/communist Grand Plan.
I was indeed old enough Lucy then in my thirties to recall the events-one thing I can tell you is that we were voting to continue as members of the EEC not as it then turned out to be actual full members of what was to be the European Union which then had only 6-7 member countries. Edward Heath the Prime Minister at the time and one who most aredntly wanted the UK to join used the Queen’s Perogative to push the vote through without having to apply to the MP’s in the H.o.C for their vote. I and my family and friends woud never have given our vote to enter such a monster of control as the EU has become. Further I am of the opinion from much research carried out that, the present operation of the European Union is quickly becomming unfit for purpose, and there are many reasons why, however I will be surprised if it lasts another 10 years. Possibly a small EU may develop but may only comprise of 6 or so countries with much closer ties and cultures. Mass immigration will be and is the major problem now facing Europe as millions now flow towards the north coast of Affrica ready to cross the Med into Europe, that is the biggest danger now facing us all. Anway I lef the EU today 31st October.
Lucy..this sums it up:
“The 1973 enlargement of the European Communities was the first enlargement of the European Communities (EC), now the European Union (EU). Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK) acceded to the EC on 1 January 1973. Gibraltar and Greenland also joined the EC as part of the United Kingdom and Denmark respectively, but the Faroe Islands, the British Overseas Territories and the Crown dependencies of the United Kingdom did not join the EC.
Ireland and Denmark both held referenda in 1972 in May and October respectively, and the UK held a referendum in 1975, on membership of the EC, all which approved membership of the EC. Norway planned to accede, but this was rejected in a referendum held in September 1972. Norway later reapplied to join, but voters again rejected the proposal in a 1994 referendum.
Greenland later withdrew from the EC on 1 January 1985 after a referendum in 1982. This was followed by the UK holding a referendum in 2016 on membership which resulted in the United Kingdom voting to leave the now EU. ”
The 1975 referendum was basically should we remain in ..or leave. We’d not been in for long..and I must admit to voting to stay. In my defence I must say that it was a very different animal in those days though. Perhaps those at the time that had more knowledge of the plans for the future that already existed could have predicted what was to come?
Thank you all for the replies to my question.
I do remember Mum saying that she thought “we should come out of that common market. It could turn in to something repressive like a communist regime”
Lucy, that was (probably) the plan all along. Lure people in (the lie is on record – cannot remember offhand if it was Monnet who said it) but the ever closer political integration is being done by stealth.
Thus 1973, 1975 and then 1992 and 1999 and 2009.
We really should have had a Referendum in 1992 and again in 2009 but both Prime Ministers knew they would lose and were cowards.
When your old vehicle breaks down / won’t start every other week, what must you do?
Message from UKIP:
“Dear Member,
Earlier this morning, Richard Braine resigned as the leader of UKIP.
It is regrettable that our Leader has chosen to resign at such a crucial time. However, UKIP is bigger than any one person and we are the only party that genuinely represents everyday hard-working men and women in the United Kingdom and stands up for the freedom and liberty of those people.
The NEC will do everything we can to provide strong leadership and will update you with regard to an interim leader as soon as possible. We will also now begin the process of electing a new leader to bring those common-sense policies to the electorate.
We will be fielding candidates in the General Election, and we will seek to work with other parties and individuals to ensure that there is a Clean-Break Leave candidate in every seat. We will not do anything to damage the chances of leaving the EU in full, so we will not stand against other Clean-Break LEAVE candidates………”
Have you got the vet’s telephone number?
They are a disaster, G, are they not. A complete accident looking for somewhere to happen. A bit like a Corbyn-led Labour Party and a Sweater-led IllibNonDem Party?
Hopefully! They’ve been wrangling amongst themselves as far back as I can remember. That was probably the ‘plants’ that were installed by the elite.