At last there may be change ( or a hung parliament with more madness). We must record the far left bias of the BBC with or without restrictions imposed by law on broadcasters to be
‘fair ‘. We all know how the BBC interprets fairness . Let’s drain the swamp .
44 days of election bias thread
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The BBC repeating ad nauseam clips of Boris and his “come what may” and “dead in a ditch” comments thus revealing themselves as the playground school bullies they are.
What they hope to achieve is to show him as a failure, whereas to everyone who wants the see the end of the Occupation of the UK by the EU it underlines the anti-UK actions of all the leaver MP’s, enforcing the fact that to regain democracy these people need to go.
Roll on the election and all speed to the two people who really hold the UK dear and refuse to throw it in the garbage, Johnson and Farage….
Up here in Sunderland the bbc (radio) are repeating many clips praising their hero Bercow.
Their adoration of the Bercow knows no bounds.
Caught the 7am headlines on BBC Breakfast.
First piece, starts off with Corbyn will do this, Corbyn promises that, Corbyn, Corbyn, Corbyn the good guy, next sentence, and today should have also been Brexit day, Boris promised it and failed to deliver, therfore Boris is bad, Boris is a liar !!!
The narrative is clearly set for this election at the BBC … Boris is a liar and thats that, and any opportunity at all, the BBC will ram that down our throats whilst Corbyn gets a free pass.
Corbyn always gets it easy. The left wing media will back him all the way ignoring the fact that he is actually against the EU but too weak to stand up to his own remainers.
Expect Labour to get some easy interviews while they bleat on about the NHS being in danger and how only Labour can unite our country. The Lib Dems will get a fair hearing as well but if the ‘other two’ parties step forwards with their plans to leave the EU expect interruptions and impossible to answer on the spot questions.
Funny how a new wave of Opinion polls today have given Johnson his highest lead yet of 17 points while Labour continue to be stuck in their dormant position
Cassandra (IIRC) put up a spoof movie Poster (IIRC) on this Thread but it appears to have disappeared, perhaps removed for copyright reasons. Oh well.
I was going to post this underneath in reply:
Any excuse for linking to this, I think, is a good one –
I wish I knew how it would feel to be free of the EU
Give me a brief description of what it looked like Up2 and I’ll see if I can retrieve it.
Cassie, it was the movie poster for the disaster epic ‘Independence Day’ with some added text at the foot. 😉 It was this morning that it went up, wasn’t it? Or is Snuffy getting confused in old age? 🙂
I found this Snuffy…
I also found this but I’m not sure if it’s pro or anti-Brexit…
Nope, none of those, although that middle one is horribly scary!
It was the film poster but with ‘Cancelled’ across the foot.
Are we a free and independent nation again?
What ever happened to “strong and stable”, “we have voted to leave”, “we are leaving”, “respect the wishes of the people”, “article 50”, “die in a ditch”, and ”we are leaving on 31 October do or die“?
The fundamental rock of British democracy is at stake.
Readers, there is much more than a swamp to drain, start with Al Beeb and the Tory Party by voting and supporting The Brexit Party.
Here is one of the U.K. broadcast MSM showing why they are so trusted…
BREAKING (out the popcorn):
The good lady is a favourite of Ems and the squad, I do believe.
Marks & Spencer make progress ?
AFAIK the RSPCA don’t protest against halal slaughter
RSPCA is only interested in collecting money.
Never forget the underDOG bit.
Halal is slow torture. I was going to post a picture but it’s too gory.
On the plus side, it’s good practice for slitting human throats.
Pandering to the followers of Islam-strange when one consider Marks and Spencer were Jews.
so another reason not to go to M&S…..will we see rampant animal rights people invading – hmm I doubt it..
Daily Mirror campaigning for Labour
Tweeted by slippery Starmer from his safer than safe seat
@Keir_Starmer 2h2 hours ago
Boris Johnson is prepared to sell off our NHS to Donald Trump’s America. At this election we can stop him.
A vote for Labour is a vote for our NHS.
How can a newspaper just make lies up? It astounds me that nothing is done. Sure American companies can bid for contracts – they already run MRI services and it is a lot better than it used to be..More project fear – can we have acount of how many time Labour will use the phrase ‘sell off NHS’ over next few weeks
Sources state that Trump is against an NHS trade deal. The Mirror are actually lying!
There is one group of MPs who are buckling down and getting on with implementing Brexit.
There is a group of 50 female MPs who are running away from office, saying
.. ‘ I can’t cope I get nasty tweets’
Woman’s Hour is bigging up this saying a female MP got a msg saying quote “you stupid fat bitch.”
A reminder when the police investigated threats against Caroline Criado-Perez in 2013 they didn’t prosecute a load of men
but rather a 12 year old girl, a 23 year old woman in Newcastle and ONE man from down south.
The point is a lot of abuse on social media comes from people with a low mental age… you can’t really stop it.
and how did Caroline Criado-Perez end up getting “rape threats” from teenage girls ?
Well she *fed the trolls*.
Instead of seeing the first mild tweets and thinking “nutter” and ignoring or blocking them ..she vowed she would fight them
And tweeted incessantly and thus started a war.
If being on “social media” is so upsetting why don’t they just stop joining in or looking at Twitter, etc? People can post nasty messages but the intended victims don’t even need to know about them. Am I missing something?
I don’t quite follow this fear of social media thing, particularly Twitter. Just don’t have a Twitter account and you won’t get the abuse! It’s bad enough watching MP’s in parliament tapping away on phones while a ‘debate’ is in progress, let alone them complaining about a means of communication that allows simplistic messages to be hurled across the ether. It’s like a having a million people all waiting to tap in the next famous Oscar Wilde one-liner.
Not only that but Twitter users are mainly from a younger age group. The quality of the comments is thus age-related.
I’d love to know what online abuse has been received from MP’s who refused to toe the party line and instead voted for Brexit-related Bills to match the leanings of their constituents. I’ll wager, very little.
Let us not forget that only around 3 Labour MP’s consistently stood up for their constituents and not the Corbyn direction. A good number of the remaining 241 (less today’s white-flaggers) must be bricking it.
Finally, one fifth of Lib Dems voted to leave. How nice of their party to completely ignore them. I wonder if they are happy to ‘sit on the fence’, abuse-wise?
Sorry, I posted before reading your comment, so I partly duplicated what you wrote.
Funny – equality. Is it really that Women can’t seem to deal with online abuse as well as men – how did they get to be an MP?
All wimmin shortlists.
Now that the election campaigning is starting I believe that the bbc has to be impartial.
Can anyone actually see this happening?
Will the number of leavers on QT be the same as remainers.
Will the newsreaders be phrasing any adverse news in way that implies leaving the eu is the root cause without actually saying because of Brexit/despite Brexit as they usually do.
Will they continue to let remainers talk freely and feed them easy questions designed to get a very remain message across while continuously interrupting the occasional leaver they get onto their shows.
Will their outside ‘Vox pop’ broadcasts still seek out any intelligent sounding, reasonable well dressed and usually good looking remainer point of view whilst putting on some extreme shaven headed heavily tattooed far right person with views that all would disagree with to show the leave views.
We are used to these types of tactics but they work on some people.
We will not get the same parliament elected as many remainers would have you believe.
The 51 who no longer represent the party they were elected to represent will (or should) all be booted out. The UKIP pair, Carswell and Reckless were the last MP’s to hold a by election when changing parties. All the honourables since then have refused a by election.
I would guess 300 plus would go.
Boris MUST have an agreement withTBP.
Then, when we have finally left the eu the honourables can get back to their expense claiming and virtue signalling. Back to normal.
Emmanuel Goldstein
“Boris MUST have an agreement with TBP.”
Could be wishful thinking ?
I gather NF will announce how many candidates TBP are fielding tomorrow. John Longworth thinks they should concentrate on 20-30 seats.
The Tories are not perfect by a long way but for once there is no alternative. A Labour government led by Corbyn would destroy this country. The USA would become a hostile power overnight given the real hatred the labour party of today has for it. Israel would be faced with a new enemy in Europe of all places and given the close US Israel alliance would put pressure on the USA to cut ties with us in military matters.
The country cannot afford Corbyn.
Corbyn is dangerous without a doubt but the thing is the mask has long since slipped.
Back in 2017 a lot of ordinary or middle ground people who do not take much notice of politics which is likely a huge number of people saw him as the ‘nice guy’ who gets a bit of stick from ‘media tycoons’
The events of the past two years have crippled Labour with resignations and defections and of course Antisemitism has been a serious issue that is still not resolved. Only the other week Labour lost another MP over the issue so there problem is still there (she has been with Labour 30 years but was still classed as a Tory by Corbyn cultists)
The Tories might have had a lot of issues especially since Theresa May but things have moved on a lot since Boris. He has won back a lot of lost support and has appeal from groups who might not normally vote Tory. Some sources claim that he is more popular amongst youngsters than May was. Of course the Brexit deal is not universally popular but we can thank the likes of Benn and the remainers for taking No Deal off the table for us and weakening our negotiating position. The remainers are bigger in number so it was almost impossible to get around them and of course Bercow was a big ring leader. The blame lies with them and Letwin with his last minute amendment. A Johnson majority should hopfully bring a better Brexit deal.
I have also heard claims that the Brexit Party might narrow down the number of seats that they are standing in. This could be an advantage to them as naturally they are not going to win every seat they stand in and most remain seats are no go areas anyway. This will be their first, and possible only election they stand in so being too ambitious could be costly. By channeling their energy into some Labour seats could really pay off. We lose a Labour traitor, humiliate Corbyn and have a hard Brexit power in parliament to provide a much needed tip of balance. By standing against over leavers could just split the vote and allow Labour or Lib Dems to sneak past. The BBC would love that!
Opinion polls are also interesting as Johnson is still ahead despite the Brexit delay. Maybe the public can actually see that the delay is with the remainers and rebels and and not so much with Johnson. It all comes back to the Benn act. It was not meant to just delay Brexit but to ruin Johnson, lead to a split vote and help Labour win. It is all about Corbyn’s route to power and a quick pass to a second referendum that would allow remain to win. It almost seems Marxist in nature. By splitting the votes you are diving your opponents into smaller and weaker groups.
Divide and conquer, that is the left way of doing things and it is disgusting that the BBC are actually pandering to all of that. Shame on them!
The relentless anti Boris, Boris is a liar BBC narrative in full flow now !!!
Impartial …. i mean, come on !! Unreal.
I tried to watch Victoria Derbyshire. I had nothing better to do for a short while. Rubbish on steroids. A near all women panel as usual . Is it Woman’s Hour then?
Biased of course. That goes without saying. Presumably this will go on for weeks. Drain the swamp.
What went wrong?
The rebels
The Lib Dems
Practically all of Labour
Not quite Theresa May but the condition of the party that Johnson took over
Another election really is needed
Excellent comments Tarien, I agree with 100% with everything you have said. I don’t know if you saw this story but this is what the BBC thinks passes for entertainment these days:
‘Does anyone know when the second World War started? And how long did it go on for?’
This is from BBC’s ‘The Apprentice’. I don’t know if I can be too critical about these arrogant and greedy young people considering the history curriculum the government makes schools follow and the way that the BBC twists and distorts British and European history in its programmes for schools in order to promote its diversity and multicultural message:
Hi Cassandra-no not seen the story but can completely subscribe to your comments concerning the contestants in the Apprentice, if I can call them that. And oh yes I have been tearing my hair out, at least what’s left of it, over the appalling teaching of our history as well as that of Europe. Like you no doubt when at school started with early man, moving forward to the Egyptians, the Romans and their invasion of Britain making most of us into slaves. Still they did exercise some excellent engineering feats during their 400 years in Britain-then came the Normans who swept away much of the good things-again making slaves of the indigenous peoples and so on through to today ( 1911/1955)which I didn’t really learn until I was in the upper forms of my school. But it was a mighty surprise to learn in the mid late 1970’s that my son’s were being taught snatches of history from any period-Elizabethan-then back to the Normans and son, absolutely confusing-but at least none of the main characters were depicted as coloured! My grandchildren are also being shot down the wrong road, which means they cannot relate one historical period from the other and how they join up. Watching some of the quiz styled shows, such Eggheads, my wife and I and no doubt like you are shocked at the lack of historical and geographical knowledge. Goodness knows how the BBC is allowed to confuse the young viewer with Friar Tuck’ as a black person-let alone all the other pictures you show. Multiculturalism according to Anglea Merkle does not work-you can say that again-only works for one type and they have more say than we the indigenous people do. Utterly bonkers.
Amazing! And mad.
Disprortionate coverage of certain groups ?
She is in the beauty industry ??? Blimey riley !!! Face for radio that one.
not a pro boxer then?
Achtung! You are ordered to find black women attractive!
Their post prior to that
Below that
“Vegan vlogger Rachel Ama's tips for meat substitutes & tasty **Caribbean** vegan recipes.
A few posts down
“RuPaul’s Drag Race superstars ???? Jinkx Monsoon and BenDeLaCreme spill the T
and reveal their lip syncing tips on Front Row ????”
Post titled Seven Tips for how to make better conversation
Image where every example person is black
A few posts down
Seven times when it’s OK to keep a secret
Corbyn on BBC now telling everyone in the audience what they want to hear. (notice he is in South London which he thinks is the centre of the Universe and will give him an adoring lefty audience.)
Promising Public spending on a massive scale guaranteeing the highest rates of future taxation for the population in history. Everything will be free for everyone in fact!
Massive Nationalisation guaranteeing a return to the worst public services again as they were in the 70’s
Obscure on Brexit… STAY IN = Corbyn Good, LEAVE = Corbyn Good…
Throwing bribes to Students.
In fact a speech to entice Students, Teachers, Public Servants, Union Bosses etc. as expected.
All the usual Marxist bollocks which have never worked in the past and will never work in the future.
He really does think he is Che Guevara reborn doesn’t he?
I don’t know about the BBC, but SKY news looks like a party political broadcast for the Labour Party at the moment.
Corbyn is really pushing this “Johnson & Trump secretly plotting to sell out our NHS” narrative.
Corbyn’s speech…all that clapping, shouting, whistling and cheering. How inconsiderate. Whatever happened to jazz hands. Now, where’s that safe space before I melt….
Labour PPC Oxford probably praying the undergrads are all home by the 12th.
Corbyn “Even if the rivers freeze over -we’re going to bring about real change…..”
Better not tell Greta he is trashing her global warming narrative!
Grievous is standing as an Independent in Beaconsfield and the LimpDumbs will not run a candidate against him.
He told the BBC’s Today programme yesterday: ‘I will run as an independent. I’ve made that decision. I have no idea what the outcome will be. Logically, I probably ought to lose. It’s a very safe Conservative seat. And if normal loyalties prevail then a Conservative candidate will be elected against me. But I think my constituents are entitled to a choice.’
and dont forget the £27k you will pick up for losing rather than retiring
There’s a podcast I subscribe to called ‘Media Masters’, whose trails for the BBC types they feature (a lot) I often share here because of the hilarious brown nosing bios.
Their latest is for JHB. Spot the difference.
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Journalist and radio presenter
Julia Hartley-Brewer is a journalist and talk radio presenter. A vocal and high-profile Brexiteer, her appearances on shows such as Question Time often divide opinion and provoke fierce debate on social media. In this in-depth interview, Julia argues that her talkRADIO show speaks to an audience that is “sneered at” by a “largely liberal media elite”, discusses the “terrifying phenomenon” of ‘no platforming’ and its effect on democracy, and defends the charge that opinionated, ‘non-neutral’ radio talk shows have contributed to the increasingly combative tone of political debate.
Reads like a BBC panel show intro.
I might suggest they change the podcast to Media Usual Tripe Talk
Guest Who
But she had no credit for persistent criticism of Trump. That must earn her BBC brownie points
Radio 2 now. Jeremy Vine telling us Boris lied cos we havent left today. Now playing clip after clip after clip of him and other Tories stating dates we will leave by !!! Basically, yet another, Boris is lying piece from the BBC,.
Seems no-one at the BBC can put 2 + 2 together and see the actual reason we have not left. Remainer blocking.
Vine now saying that if he promised to take his daughter out for a burger on saturday then told her he couldnt go, he would be lying and breaking a promise . The BBC are pure scum. Pure unadulterated scum
This is now turning into a Party Political Broadcast for labour , its disgraceful. Really is.
The problem is – as I said here before – until parliament is dissolved next week election rules don’t apply .
After that ‘proper ‘ monitoring is meant to take place . Thinking about it the ‘traditional’ fight for the centre ground which occupies most elections won’t apply this time due to the polarity of the brexit vote
I’m sure the Remainer Broadcasting Corp will target Boris and find various lady friends , school chum and journos who know him and are happy to slag him off because of his ‘ popular ‘ ‘ happy go lucky ‘ image .
They think they are being clever arguing over the finer points, rather like the Brexit bus.
Most voters just took the message from ‘the bus’ that the EU costs us a lot of money and the remainers just kept reminding us.
Many voters will have forgotten how many ‘leave days’ have come and gone, the BBC will remind them, and then they will remember exactly who caused the dates to be missed.
Labour Party carefully deliberate the selection of a candidate in East London.
Police are called. Wimmin intimidated.
“A skirmish almost broke out when a man tried to take his wife’s ballot and fill it out but she opposed.”
Another party member added: “It was a chaotic crowd made up of men arguing with each other and pushing.
“This intimidated women especially. People turned away because they felt they couldn’t deal with the hostile atmosphere. It was total chaos.”
BBC in just the last few minutes:
Ex BBC man doesn’t know anything.
Hardly news.
BBC Bre… vey late Breakfast…
They know when students get up.
The BBC ex-Beeboid Show is quite the spectacle.
Next up, James, Paul, Gavin and Sweeney?
Lewis is a nasty bit of work.
BBC should be interested in the voice of these feminist letterboxes shouldn’t they? I mean surely, being liberated Muslim ladies they deserve their own TV program.
How does a chap find his wife / wives again if he loses her / them in Tescos?
Perhaps they should be connected to remote controls, so that they could be found like cars in the car park.
Can we agree to dump all that crap about wimmin being forced to wear those clothes and submit to Islam by oppressive men. They do it willingly.
Then we have this from the Communist Brat.
No evidence of voting fraud is ever found against The Labour Party. BBC News refuses to report on the allegations it seems, but but but…
No evidence whatsoever…
Twice today I have caught the on the hour news snippets: once on Radio Cambridge, once on Radio 4. Both led with Jeremy Corbyns campaigning today, to challenge corruption and sweep away evil blah blah. The Radio 4 one followed that by briefly saying that Boris Johnson’s topic today was criticising Jeremy Corbyn.
Radio 4 news at 1pm also heavy on how Jeremy can swing it for Labour.
If this is not bias I don’t know what is.
Since ‘him indoors’ is addicted to Radio 4, however bad it is, I will have to buy some noise cancelling headphones to wear for the next six weeks.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain …..
Nice allusion to Blade Runner.
RIP Rutger.
TWatO Watch #1 – The Standard Beeboid Response to the Labour Election Strategy
To Corbyn? No, I think they still quite love him but ……
But, as Sarah so pointedly put it to a Labour Party MP who was having trouble talking properly, mouth full of snacks from a doggy bag from the HoC Tea Room before it closes for Christmas, perhaps? “It’s Labour doing the old Class War thing.” (or words to that effect.)
The MP had already patiently explained that most people will be unaffected by the proposals from the Labour GE launch and for a new Labour Government: “We are only going after the 1%.”
Sarah then misspeaks “But we know the top 1% are already responsible for paying 27% of (all) taxation.” Very revealing, Sarah.
1. That is not true (two lies from TWatO this week! – you can definitely not trust the BBC). It is estimated that 30% of Income Tax comes from the top 1% of earners. There are reasons for that. Anyway, there are a lot of other taxes in the UK paid by very ordinary people.
2. Why should Sarah be worried about that? Or is it that she and her husband, Lord Brooke, and family would be troubled by large tax increases on the 1%? If so, should she not have declared a personal interest? I’ve heard other BBC Presenters make exactly the same argument in the past, also without declaring a personal interest. Very deceptive.
You definitely cannot trust the BBC.
“Sarah then misspeaks “But we know the top 1% are already responsible for paying 27% of (all) taxation.” Very revealing, Sarah.”
Yes, I wonder how Sarah fares in her other hidden role as, Lady Brooke.
I can see why Sweater Swinson didn’t wear a t-shirt like the girl on Verhoffstadt’s left. Hers would have read ‘OSTOPO BREXIT’
Marky – is that worthy of a yellow card as in taking one for the team ?????
You sometimes wonder what actual planet Jeremy Corbyn is on !!
BBC Radio 2, 3pm news
“Jeremy Corbyn says that failure to leave the EU is solely the fault of Boris Johnson”
Answers on a postcard for that one !!! Not sure the electorate will see it like that Jezza .
I did read somewhere that Corbyn would ‘sort it in six months’. I’m still awaiting his proposals some three years and more after the vote to leave?
Perhaps Corbyn will make a big splash about his EU plan nearer polling day?
From State Broadcaster’s front page
“General election 2019: Jeremy Corbyn vows to ‘transform’ UK”
Big headline though virtually no detail it’s all about headline grabbing. State Broadcaster is happy to help.
I wonder how vote validity is being addressed? Somehow Naga and the electoral commission lady must have forgotten to address this issue this morning after seven?
BBC News text pages: Jeremy Corbyn launches Labour campaign ‘to transform Britain’ (Item 1)
Boris in 17-point lead over Corbyn (Item, er… space at the moment. But in the interest of impartiality, we’ll do our best to include it soon. Honest.
Well, when we say ‘honest’ that should not be taken too literally. As ever, it’s a question of interpretation. But anyway, rest assured, we are the best in the business. Mind you, it’s a rotten business even though we pay the going rates. And we are respected the world over. No, really, we are. Honestly, we are.)
The Conservatives cannot be trusted, as shown by BoJo welcoming the traitors back into the fold and proposing a deal that is almost as bad as the original crappy May deal.
Forget tactical voting, a vote for the Brexit Party is the only vote that counts. No one is going to listen to you if you claim to have voted for the Tories because of tactical reasons and then they let you down (again).
Vote with your heart and who you believe in to deliver the goods. That is the purest form of democracy that there is and just because the oily weasels in the HoP might corrupt that, it doesn’t mean that the people shouldn’t do their best to exercise their vote in the purest possible way.
Just like we weren’t concerned with what was going to happen post war if we won the war when we clamoured for Churchill to be our PM, right now we shouldn’t let remainers or spineless BoJo lovers try to fill our heads with ‘What if’s’ post Brexit.
Brexit is that important and it needs to be delivered – period.
Sorry if already posted but just saw this: Croydon tram crash driver Alfred Dorris will not be prosecuted on the Beeb. I’m pretty sure if I fell asleep behind the wheel of my car and crashed it killing a number of people I would be prosecuted. What are the extenuating circumstances that see this guy get off? Why are the Beeb not raging on behalf of the victims?
Apparently Andrew Bridgen MP has taken on Bercow ( according to guido ) and been promptly struck down .
I wonder is Bercow staff will speak out about him and the bullying allegations , his support for best pal ‘ vas’ and I’m sure other sins hidden behind that Vile demeanour .
And as for the ‘ regulation ‘ peerage – if BoJo has to grant it – perhaps he can delay it – until we’ve left the Reich EU….
It really does seem that Bercow was only a ‘champion ‘ of certain types of back benchers . In other circumstances his attitude would have led him to being ‘decked’.
I can see now why they are not bothered, turns out all those killed were white.
How I was ambushed by Nick Robinson
by Douglas Murray
There is a sound clip here but it doesn’t embed properly. It’s available on the article I’ve linked.
[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]
Nick ‘sources say’ Robinson has nothing left but gotchas.
He’s sad, old, bald, white man who carves the adoration of his peers, and will soon be replaced.
There is a 1m20s clip on YouTube
It was a trap, I was phoned last night by R4Today
“At some inconvenience to myself I rearranged my schedule, got up early and headed to the BBC. Only to discover that I was today’s BBC effort at replaying the recent Rod Liddle – Emily Maitlis exchange”
Robinson tried a gotcha he suddenly started asking about a piece of mine from after the third terrorist attack of 2017 (a context he chose not to provide)
And deceived by only quoting part of the title
“… we need one thing – less Islam.’
The Spectator page opens fine for me
BrianOfLondon also has an 8 min clip
He seems nice.
That said, #CCBGB
Nick must be so proud.
University of Birmingham must be proud
That tweet broke all the irony meters
so has been hugely Ratio-ed : Its 85 likes are only a quarter of the replies which disagree with him
First instead of regarding Murray as an individual, he classifies him by skin colour.
And then insults that entire skin colour twice
calling them “fragile”
and “psychotic”
Then he throws in the word gaslighting, using it wrongly
Gas-lighting is a psychological manipulation trick when you make someone think their entire perception of reality is wrong.
Now Kahinde actually does seem to have a false perception of reality.
And as usual for libmob the labels he throws out seem to apply to himself .. He’s projecting.
Birmingham City University = The polytechnic
Excellent post & analysis, Stew
Kehinde Andrews did speak a bit
but his entire angle was his normal agenda of blackworld
He even claimed that Obama can say this stuff about wokeness stopping debate, cos he is given a special allowance as a black person, whereas a normal liberal couldn’t.
I’ve listen to the whole 8 minutes and the entire interview does seem set up as a gitcha against Murray , with no similar attempt being made against Kehinde Andrews.
Here’s his bookie wookie. Apparently we need more black radicalism.
No doubt he’ll soon be a darling of the beeb.
I bet you are surprised that he’s actually not yet a professor
His inauguration is coming
Thank you for posting this . Unfortunately when Robinson is on my ability to take more than- say – a half hour of toady switched in and I’d switched of by then after using a very very bad word addressed to the digital wireless . I even had to tell my parrot not to listen .
Any staffer from the State Broadcaster woukd immediately switch into the kind of institutional defensive so often seen with large unaccountable institutions instead of asking “ has he got a fair point ?”
I find Robinson more and more repulsive and now that he hasn’t got his dad ( humph ) to keep him on his lead this dog will attack and bark even more .
I think the most powerful point the writer makes is that for many the state broadcaster becomes more irrelevant as discerning people seek to be more fairly informed elsewhere – as well as arguments properly laid out as opposed to tired ‘ some say ‘ ‘it has been said ‘ ambush method to tiresomely used by state broadcaster employees who might have been journalists once upon a time .
The question was why are we still in the EU?
Typical illiberal-left reply to justify their beliefs –
She’s right, she wasn’t equipped to answer the question: for that, you need a brain.
By ‘educating the population’ she means, of course, even more brainwashing.
Interesting to see a new ‘narrative’ emerging with the impending election. It is one that – surprise, surprise – both the BBC and Labour seem to developing in harmony.
In a more extreme than ever distortion of logic it paints our failure to leave the EU as ‘Boris’s failure’. This seems to have been developing for a while. I ration my entire exposure to the BBC to about 5 mins a day in the form of Toady at 7:00am while I shave (yes this does present a challenge as its easy to cut yourself when you are shouting at the radio).
It started when a whole bunch of different news stories headlined with the phrase “Boris has failed. . .” – i.e. “Boris has failed to secure the vote he requires” etc. These were literally the first spoken words of the top of the hour news reports. I thought it was quite an unpleasant sleight of hand at the time – but par for the course.
However, it was Nick Robinson’s chirpy refrain on Today this morning: “After Boris has failed to secure Brexit, he is now looking around for others to blame for this” that showed the BBC’s 2019 election campaign direction.
As I said to Mrs Kafir this morning – that’s like saying that England had “failed to win the World Cup Rugby final” without mentioning that the BBC had managed to give the whole team food poisoning the day before.
If there was any doubt about the ever emboldened and poisonous spin and distortion the BBC is prepared to give the news, this ‘Boris failed to deliver Brexit’ narrative is the perfect example.
It’s as if State Broadcaster has forgetten days of ‘live reporting’ on it’s front page – the indicative votes when parliament (not government) managed its own order of business – and in a series of votes agreed to nothing.
Johnson took over from May though the players were all the same. We won’t change our minds why should we have expected them to (just because Johnson now wore the captain’s armband)? Bless their little hearts they have their own minds.
The husband of Angela Smith tge LibDem MP has been made to apologise for saying A black MPs story was “just not true’
In Feb 2016 black MP Dawn Butler repeated the story that fellow MPs looked at her in a lift and said “This lift is not for cleaners”
She has never named those MPs.
Now I sure that such things have happened to people in the past, to black people or even working class whites being told they cannot use the officers mess cos posh officers didn’t expect them to be officers.
And such stories will get coopted by more people that it actually happened to.
Butler has been dining out on this story for years
.. yet there’s no proof, and she never names the MPs, so of course people doubt her.
Was she wearing a tabard and carrying a mop, or is she a lying race baiter?
Failed attempt by BBC to make ‘declassified dog’ trending –
One of Nish’s better ones, frankly.
Wowser, the “violent death” of his three children was because he blew them up. The guy to be angry with is the guy that blew up his own children.
The Grenfell judge has made a specific point of talking about Resident #1 and said that the Ethiopian guy was not to blame cos the initial fire was accidental.
“General election 2019: Can snow delay the vote and your questions answered”
Something tells me that Al Beeb do not want a general election?
BBC (VDerbyshire) joined in on the ‘hate trump’ angle –
Celtic Mist
If the BBC reports it as fact then it must be so. Oh Dear. Beam me up Scotty!
“MP Keith Vaz suspended from Commons after drug and sex inquiry”
What on earth is going on in parliament ?
It sounds to me like business as usual in Parliament – except that, this time for some reason, a blind eye has not been turned.
It appears that Vaz is suspended on full pay.
Assume Vaz supports votes for 16 year olds or even younger
I just went to check
and STOP-BREXIT advertising was forced at me.
darn that comment applies to @pugnacious comment below
I don’t know how it got mispositioned
“Soldier has ‘acid thrown in face’ during robbery near barracks”
Story hidden away?
Gees, BBC important stories are like
“A metroliberal has received some comments on Twitter so a bunch of metroliberal women have written her ai letter of support”
Yet real harm to a person who puts his life on the line
.. counts as a non-story !
All afternoon the BBC R4 have been carrying out an all-out assault to back Corbyn and rubbish Johnson. The clear bare-faced left-wing bias is just astounding. They are rolling out every smear and Johnson negative pitch they can get their hands on.
They have dropped all pretence at balance and judging by the sheer volume of the absolute rubbish they are spewing out this must have been ratified, rubber-stamped and possibly even ordered by people at the very top of the BBC.
The sheer and open arrogance is disgusting!
This really needs adjudicating.
It has persuaded me to start a running log of all articles, guests and points of view on the election that they broadcast from this point on to see how it stacks up re fair and balanced reporting.
I may even set up a dedicated website on my web-server to display the data I collect. EG: labour/impartial/tory etc. Watch this space!
I wonder if rubbishing Johnson will fail to draw people towards Corbyn; they may be driven towards Nigel.
I am beginning to see a Boris v Nigel fight as the key to the election
Having tried a Radio 4 fast for a few days, I am seriously considering not listening at all – except for Book of the Week, Book at Bedtime, maybe the Moral Maze, and some R4 Extra for the next forty two days. Now, if I can only drag myself away from the BBC web-site …..
Rationing is the answer . I could write a long list of R4 stuff I used to listen to but now don’t even bother looking at the listings .
Sadly the same goes for R4X which was once a secret reserve of decent stuff but has now gone the way of other snowflake trash .
Drama , humour and documentary stuff is now just propaganda . Even the damn books have to have a message .
For instance – having grown up with Elton John – and having no idea what a homosexual was – I thought the recent series about him would be about the music – oh no – gay – drugs – gay – oh poor me – gay . Never got past the 2nd bit .
Fed, “I could write a long list of R4 stuff I used to listen to but now don’t even bother looking at the listings.”
Me, too.
Listened to most of In Our Time today for the first time in ages but that was largely because my favourite atheist and scientist – Prof Steve Jones – was on.
BotW, I check what it’s about in advance and often, I just don’t bother. Same with BaB. Moral Maze I generally enjoy, esp. if Melanie Phillips and Giles Fraser are on the panel.
Yes, I gave EJ’s self indulgent thing a miss. Margaret Atwood, I gave up after about three episodes. The current lunchtime, post-TWatO thing, ‘Tunnel 29’, is over-padded, pedestrianly slow – no, correct that – Three-toed Sloth slow and tarted up beyond the true reality of life behind the Berlin Wall. The material was only worth five doses of 15 minutes each, not ten.
I’m trying to listen to the final series of Tracks but the reason for the programme is not the story, the intrigue, but all about what the FX department can cram in to each episode. The zany effects make it really hard to listen to.
Having to keep signing in just to listen to radio again is driving me away, too.
I think the BBC is completely losing the plot. I hope thousands upon thousands of people all cancelled their TV Licences today.
Maybe that will wake them up and shake them up.
The BBC has a brainwave in it’s “Ideas” section….
Give refugees cash instead of blankets etc. That would of course make it much easier for them to pay their people smuggler I guess!
No prizes for guessing who stumps up the cash……
Are they suggesting that enough cash could physically cover the refugee to protect them from the elements. A covering fabric made of the indestructible material the 5/10/20 notes are made of these days. Sounds about right.
Piers seeing Sopel for the liberal wet wipe he is !!!
Oh dear, it’s rattled our David !! The David who preached about mp’s using less divisive language, but now uses the term “thugs in suits” ! !!!! The left hey !!!
That’s different. Trump is the leader of a foreign country. Verhofstadt, Juncker et al are in effect the heads of our supreme government, and will be until the day, if ever, we leave the EU. So why would they not comment on what is going on in a troublesome province?
Roland Deschain’s opening post on this Thread:
Roland Deschain
October 29, 2019 at 8:38 pm
I am having ever graver doubts about Boris.
Boris has bottled it. Brexiteers across the country were delighted when he booted the Surrender Bill rebels. Now, right before the election, he lets ten of the back into the Party. He needs to reunite the 17.4m, not give these Quislings another chance to thwart Brexit!
— Leave.EU (@LeaveEUOfficial) October 29, 2019
It certainly does look as though Boris’s big gob has got him into trouble. He’s a famous ‘last minute person’ but the High Court has closed for the day and while you can rustle up a Judge outside of Nine to Five, I don’t think they would give a petition from the PM, Cummings or even the great Sir Geoffrey Cox too kindly a thought at this time of night.
What a shame we could not have that last named or a decent Brexiteer as PM.
Bojo has left us in the EU, with a bad deal albatrossling the necks of the UK population and, at present, Jeremy Corbyn is threatening to keep us in until 12 June 2020 and as a vassal State thereafter.
I can’t help thinking that half or more of the 17.4 million who voted Leave are probably Conservative voters who will punish Bojo for this. He may be the third shortest lasting PM in UK history. Not a good record to have chalked up to your name in the history books and at Eton.
I have made this observation here before but I think its worth repeating ……………..
There has been a phase shift in British politics.
Labour = Communist Party
The Liberal Party = Labour Party
Tory Party = The Liberal Party
The Brexit Party is now the true Tory Party.
Hence all the “Liberal MPs” deserting the Tory Party. Tory voters should now look to The Brexit Party.
Sandbach is the latest show to her true colours and to go Limp Dems.
As I have already said, half the Tory Party was full of em . That’s why we never got the Full Brexit.
Vote The Brexit Party next time .
I disagree – bojo won’t get blamed for the commons carve up . Once the DUP went for self interest he was doomed as was his sellout . People will go for bojo just because he isn’t Corbyn . Sweater will do well because the hard core remainers will go there .
The biggest threat is a labour / undemocrat alliance to outnumber a Tory majority and give us more shenanigans presided over by someone selected by Bercow and his snowflake groupies – I e the awful Hattie Harmon .